


s o f B o d y L a n g u a g e 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]


A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all. This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, or


In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets.

This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message

— Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around…

Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words.

93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.— Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the

significance on 7% for words. We shouldn’t have really been doing that.

Beyond the words lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication, the secret world of body language. We are about

to watch our one of the world leaders, our sports stars.—

Good morning. —We’ll revisit famous figures from recent history.

—Did you kill the President

— Because people have got to know whether or not their

president is a crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earned everything I’ve got.

We’ll view our celebrities with fresh eyes. We are going to show how people in the public eye try to control the way we perceive them, and how sometimes, despite their best efforts,

the truth leaks out.

— Whomever it might be, if the truth is told, then my name

will be cleared and I can move on with my life.

If you know what to look for.

—It’s not what you are seeing. It’s what you are not seeing. And you are not seeing an, an anger response.

We are going to equip you with the tools to read those body language giveaway.


You’re getting a hidden peek, a peek into the world of what’s really going on there. When you can read body language, every moment you spend with others, you can make it valuable, and if you are in business, you can make it profitable. Body language

is crucial.

For those who study nonverbal communication, one of the first indicators they look out for is the way someone’s body moves.

At this Camp David Summit, President Bush is the host to

visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin knows the world is watching him on American soil and he also knows that his people are watching, so he must show strength.

Here though, both leaders are making a strong body language statement.

Now here we are, two powerful world leaders in a sort of

striding contest, because of course, the faster you stride, the more strong, powerful and fit you are.

But it’s not just the speed of walking that sends out messages. Vladimir Putin and George Bush, both of whom are fantastically powerful men, have two completely different kinds of power and it, evidences itself through body language.

I thank you all for coming.

Vladimir Putin has, what I would call, a very animal power, a strong man power. And he walks by having his shoulders that are actually bouncing back and, back and forth. And he walks. He also makes gestures. He is very active. I would almost call it a kind of sexy power. George Bush, on the other hand, has a more traditional, and I would say, American power. There is a very little movement above the shoulders. He’s trying to look like he’s controlled. There is no extra wasted energy.

I thank you all for coming.

Perceiving the body language message of these two powerful Presidents is straightforward. But body language is often complex and easily misunderstood.

Here President Clinton leads Israeli and Palestinian leaders Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat out before the press during peace negotiations. It’s all smiles for the cameras. But behind the facade of bonhomie, there is a power struggle going on. Clinton jokingly explains that none of them will take any questions. We pledged to each other that we would answer no questions and offer no comments. So, I have to set a good example.

The body language then revealed just why that was.


Oh, my!


Wow, almost a physical fight.

Many view this apparently light-hearted tussle as a sign that Arafat and Barak were getting on well. Think again.

There is a, a great meaning behind who goes through the door first. Now, of course, see that here in the West, letting someone through the door first that doesn’t really matter, polite maybe. But in the Middle East, it has significant cultural impact.

The host, the power person says I’m in control, I’ll help you throug h the door, I’ll show you the way.

Thank you.

Throwing the fear and tension presented in most Middle East negotiations, and suddenly the desire of both Arafat and Barak not to go through that door before the other starts to make sense.

This is a classic example in an extreme way of how the last man through the door is the winner. So Barak reaches for Yasser Arafat. Arafat literally grabs this on, moves around and starts waggling his finger at Barak who then, Barak then uses it as an

opportunity like a wrestling match to move around, to actually

be behind Arafat and then literally grabs Arafat, to hold him

by the arm and shoves him through the door boldly.

So you’ve got fear and power struggle showing in big, big, big, big, bold body language movements.

Arafat and Barak are not the only ones to appreciate the significance of the last man through the door move. Even when friends and allies meet, subtle cues reveal who’s top dog. 2003, British Prime Minister Tony Blair plays host to President Bush.

In this particular example, we are looking at No.10 Downing Street and one would expect Tony Blair to be very territorial. It’s his territory. He should be host. He should be in charge and the boss in terms of who at least goes through the door.

And yet, Tony Blair the Prime Minister accepts that the

seniority in place here is the President. So President Bush

says photo job is over, gives him a little nod, and so they

start getting in. The…


The president is in charge of the choreography.

He goes through the door last. He uses his left hand and taps Blair forward, not shoving Blair through the door, but helping him through the door, meaning Bush is in charge.

As they go in, the president being in charge and wanting him to be clear that he is in charge, not only displays the ownership symbol of putting his hand on Tony Blair's back, but then he displays a further bit of dominance—gives him three little taps, just to let him know that actually he is a good little boy and that George W. Bush is boss.

A pat on the back is one way to demonstrate power. Getting the upper hand is another, quite literally.

When body language savvy world leaders get together, they know there's one sure fire moment to demonstrate dominance, the handshake photo while.

If you're looking at the left of the picture, they always wanna be standing on the left of the picture. Let me demonstrate. If I'm shaking hands here, what's gonna happen I'm at the bottom of the handshake. My palm is facing up. That's a very vulnerable position. If I'm shaking hands here, and I've got my arm around the person I'm shaking hands, who is in, who’s got the upper hand I've got the upper hand.

If someone's coming in to shake your hand like this, here's the nice solid handshake. It should be straight and firm. If it's not...

Janine Driver teaches body language evening classes.

It’s kind of hard to dominate. You are a powerful boy...

She believes the visual impact of important handshakes was

first appreciated in 1970 when Elvis Presley famously paid a visit to President Nixon at the White House.

We see a picture of Nixon and he’s shaking hands with Elvis Presley. Nixon's got the upper hand. That's where the expression comes from—I've got the upper hand here. So now

that people know about this in politics, you see them jogging for position when it comes time to take the picture.

At this Summit in 2006 hosted by Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader was on full handshake alert.

He’s strategically placed himself in a position where when they're coming forward, he's gonna get the dominant position. They are coming out of cars, this way they're coming up to him. The cameras are here. Every single picture, who gets the upper hand Putin.

Then up strides Tony Blair.

We see that Tony Blair is going to actually grab onto Vladimir Putin's hands that, this classic thing of grabbing somebody by the elbow to show who is actually the leader.

Score one for Blair.





get the upper hand:处于有利地位


Next, it’s President Bush’s turn.

George Bush, on the other hand, then comes in and realizes

he’s on the wrong side of the photo.

Good morning.

So when he reaches into grab, he immediately crowds Putin. So instead of just grabbing and letting Putin grab his arm, George Bush puts his shoulder against Putin so that Putin’s left arm is in no way in the position to grab hold of Bush’s right arm. Then as soon as Bush turns out, he immediately goes for a

little tap but still on Putin’s back to actually give him a push. And Putin, making sure not to be outdone, puts his right arm out and gives Bush a little tap as well.

We’ll call that a draw. Even seated, the bodies of world leaders can speak volumes. Here is a master class from FDR.

With President Roosevelt presiding, the historic conference began.

February 1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill famously meet at the Yalta conference.

Big three, surrounded by the Chiefs of Staff, with their staffs and civilian officials, pose for the cameras in the patio of Livadiya Palace.

The allies had worked together for 3 years, but now with the end of the war in sight, Roosevelt knew all that was set to change.

We see three powerful men all wanting to dominate. Visually Roosevelt is in the center, and the central figure always appears to us to be the most important.

And even when he, he’s taking to Stalin, he turns the other way and Stalin leans in. Stalin is actually, if you like, following Roosevelt. Roosevelt is the real leader of the two. Meanwhile Ch urchill’s body language is conveying Britain's diminishing status.

It doesn’t look as though Churchill is a fully equal participant. Not only is his posture hunched up, but Roosevelt

barely ever talks to him and Stalin doesn’t really meet him except to shake his hand.

Churchill has both elbows out. But detail is that he's holding his hat in his lap to cover up his private parts, which felt kind of vulnerable in this situation.

You can see how each of these men, each, if you like, a master in their own country, how they interact with one another, what their relationship is in the world stage.


chief of staff:(陆海空军的)参谋长,〈美〉(陆空军)司令

civilian official:文官

in sight:在望



Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States.

A politician’s body language can easily give him away, especially when he is under pressure.

-Ladies and gentleman, I welcome this opportunity tonight to meet with the managing editors of the nation’s newspapers. Eh, I want...

It’s the night of November 13th, 1973. Watergate is at a tide. President Nixon holds a live televised question-and-answer session with the nation’s newspaper editors.

-And 8 years of 45,000…

His body language says it all. Nixon knew it was not going to be an easy evening.

-Mr. Quint.

-Mr. President, this morning, governor asked you at Florida addressed this group…

Stop. Right there we see Nixon’s standing with his hands behind his back, which gives the indication that he has nothing to hide, he's got this open front. However, he is holding his wrist like this behind his back, and he is touching himself

like this. It’s called the self-touch gesture. He is basically saying: OK. Here we go. I can get through this.

His words are combative, but his body language betrays anxiety. -As far as money is concerned, how was it possible for you to have this kind of investment when all you earned was 800,000 dollars as President Well, I should point out I wasn’t a pauper when I became president. I wasn’t very rich as President’s goal.

You can see in his body as he is trying to defend himself against the sensory the press called that he's acting like a pack of wolves. He is holding himself away from that podium like he is going to be attacked from it.

In this case, Nixon is trying to protect himself from some searching questions.

-That I welcome this kind of examination. Because people have got to know whether or not their president’s crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earned everything I’ve got.

He says I am not a crook, and immediately goes to retreat. His body backs away, really clear detail. When somebody makes a statement, a definitive statement and immediately retreats, we know they don’t think they've told the truth. They know they didn’t tell the truth. They were escaping that lie.

Nixon also, suddenly crosses his arms.

He goes immediately from that quick arm-cross to protect himself. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I've just said something. I've just said something.

-And also, to the best of my ability...


Right there shaking his head. No.

Time and again throughout this exchange.

Bang, right away.

Nixon displays tellingly defensive body language.

Stop. Look at this.

Everyone’s body language is different. Each person has his own quirks. To unlock the secrets of body language, the experts

rely on an analytical process they call norming.

When it comes to deciphering body language, norming is crucial. Reading body language, you are looking for what’s normal for that situation and you are looking for what’s normal for that particular person.

Using the 24/7 coverage of politicians and celebrities, the experts constructed a template of what’s normal for that person.

See what they do when they are under no press. See what the person in front of you is doing, when you ask them regular questions about life. Then you have a norm.

But even without the chance to get this norm, experts can still read someone’s body language with accuracy.

If you don’t know what’s normal for that person, you go back to the context again and say, “OK, wha t would be normal in

that situation” So if I am asked to look at a suspect in a crime, I’m thinking what would be a normal response for a

husband whose wife is missing, what would be a normal response for parents if their children are missing, and how far from normal is this behavior.

When someone’s body language departs from the norm, it can often be a sign that all is not well.

Britney Spears makes a perfect body language case study, because of her love-hate relationship with living in the public eye. Spears was in a hate mode here.

In terms of how we protect ourselves when we are in trouble, the first thing you have to do, of course especially if you are a celebrity, is you got to cover your eyes. If people can see your eyes, they can see your soul. So she puts on dark glasses whether it’s night or day irrelevant the dark glasses go on. These signs of distress are in marked contrast to the Britney of earlier times.

Wake up, Australia!

Everything was spontaneous and relaxed and look at me. Glossary:




Taking me.

Now, she’s messed up and her body language shows that lack of control over herself.

Her body language is very defensive whereas it used to be very welcoming. She’s closing down and looking panicky while she used to absolutely adoring the limelight.

Under this kind of intense scrutiny a celebrity’s body language needs a helping hand.

We can only guess if a sort of coaching or advice that someone in her position is getting. But I’m sure she has been advised all the time.

She’s not alone. Take Paris Hilton. She rarely has a night in. So how would she behave on a night out of jail

When Paris Hilton is released from jail, as she emerges into the night, she knows the world is watching.

She knows, or at least has been told, that she’s got to demonstrate that she has learned her lesson. After all, she has actually been to jail. So she can’t come out and be her normal playful self and jump on the table and start lap dancing, because this mo ment doesn’t warrant such behavior.

Her body language has been carefully planned in advance.

And as she walks along, she straightens herself a little bit, because she knows she’s on.

She does a very unusual gesture.

Little kind of prim pose when she gets her hands she crosses her fingers she holds in front of herself like a very good girl. I’ve never seen her do that gesture in any other situation.

In the same way some people arrive fashionably late. She’s leaving prison fashionably punished.

Paris Hilton’s calculated little girl performance was her way of dealing with the inevitable media frenzy surrounding her release from jail. Politicians like celebrities are always in the media’s spotlight. But one world leader has a unique way

of using body language to slide through any situation however embarrassing, George W. Bush.



lap dancing:膝上艳舞



The thing about Bush, no matter he says something wrong or he does some silly mistake, what happens with him is he gets, like a kid. He becomes this little secure kid like, "See, I made a mistake." He gets his little shoulder shrug and he won't even


A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all. This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, or micro-expressions. In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets. This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message? —Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around… Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words. 93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.— Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the significance on 7% for words. We shouldn’t have really been doing that. Beyond the words lies a fascinating world of non-verbal communication, the secret world of body language. We are about to watch our one of the world leaders, our sports stars.— Good morning. —We’ll revisit famous figures from recent history. —Did you kill the President? — Because people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook, well, but I am not a crook. I've earned everything I’ve got.


身体语言的含义 一、身体语言沟通的重要性 在沟通过程中,仅仅靠语言是远远不够的,我们还必须借助于自己的目光、面部表情、手势、身体动作等身体语言,以增强口头表达效果。身体语言沟通可以起到支持、修饰或否定语言行为的作用,有时可以直接代替语言行为,甚至表达出语言难以表达的情感内容,它是非常重要的沟通技能。 1.身体语言沟通是一种普遍的沟通方式 有人研究发现,人们每天的讲话时间平均仅占与人交往时间的 10%,而与人交往的其他时间,都在有意无意地进行着身体语言的沟通。 2.身体语言能够增强沟通的有效性 身体语言具有形象、生动、直观、个性化的特点。在沟通中,将身体语言和语言结合起来使用,能够使表达的含义更精彩、更准确。根据对方身体语言所表达的信息,我们也能够更准确地理解对方。 3.在有些情境中,身体语言比文字和言语更有影响力 据英国心理学家阿盖依尔等人的研究,当语言信号与非语言(体态语)信号所代表的意义不一致时,人们相信的是非语言信号所代表的意义,而且非语言交际的影响是语言的43倍。 4.身体语言在表达人类感情上起着重要作用 缕缕相思,点点离愁,满腔爱意,即使用千言万语也难以形容;然而,一个眼神,一个举动,或是相视一笑,便可将种种情感表达得淋漓尽致。 二、几种常见的身体语言 1.目光的作用 目光是人际沟通中重要的信息来源。在人际沟通过程中,与沟通对象保护目光的接触是十分必要的。 (1)目光接触表示对对方的注意。语言沟通是信息发送和信息接收的过程。信息接收方应注意向信息发送方提供有效的反馈。与对方保持一定的目光接触,就是一种重要的反馈方式,它表示你对对方的注意。 (2)目光接触可以实现多种情感交流。目光能准确地表达友爱和敌意、幸福和痛苦、快乐和悲伤以及惊奇、恐惧、厌恶等人类情感。有敏锐观察力的人可以从一个人的目光中感知其情绪、情感和态度的变化。 (3)目光接触可以表示彼此的距离。一般来说,沟通双方的关系越密切接纳程度越高,目光接触的次数就越多,每次接触保持的时间也就越长。目光还可以表现出对他人的不屑一顾,显示自己的优越感。有人用目光来“拒人千里之外”,表示自己与他人之间的社会距离。 2.面部表情 面部表情不仅可以展示自己良好的人格,还可以掩饰自己的一些缺点。善于利用自己丰富多彩的表情,可以在人际沟通的过程中给人留下良好的印象。 下面介绍一些常见的面部表情: (1)嘴部表情:张嘴露齿表示愉快;咬牙切齿表示愤怒;撇撇嘴表示藐视…… (2)鼻部表情:“嗤之以鼻”表示轻蔑;屏住呼吸是紧张小心;愤怒则张大鼻孔;奉承则“仰人鼻息”…… (3)眉毛:扬眉表示得意;皱眉表示愁苦;竖眉表示愤怒;眉毛完全抬高表示难以置信;半抬高表示大吃一惊;半放低表示大惑不解…… (4)微笑:微笑是最有益于人际沟通的面部表情。微笑表明你对人的尊重、友善、欣赏和赞同,也表明你心地善良,表明你有一个好心情。自然的微笑可打破僵局;轻松的微笑可淡化矛盾;坦然的微笑可消除误解;真诚的微笑会使你成为沟通中的常胜将军。


论主持人肢体语言的重要性 l前沿思考 .论主持人肢体语言的重要性 广南宁屯视台李军 电视节目主持人传情达意,不仅要运用有声语言,还要运 用主持人的主体形象和体态语言.体态语,是一种以主持人面 部表情,身体动作,空间距离及服饰等为手段传播信息,交流 感情并诉诸观众的无声语言,又称副语言. 一 ,肢体语言已经成为电视节目主持语言中不可缺少的一 部分 节目主持人的工作,从本质上说也是与受众之间的一种 审美对话.优美而富有个性的主持人形象和得体而富有表现 力的体态语,能增强受众的信任感,能帮助观众更好地理解主 持人所要表达的内容,也是给受众提供了一种审美的享受.虽 然主持人以有声语言为主要传播手段,但其屏幕形象作为图 像信息的重要组成部分,也越来越受到关注甚至挑刺.电视是 声像传播媒体,这就决定了电视节目主持人与广播节目主持 人根本的差异点,即除了用有声语言进行大众传播活动外,还 要通过无声语言传达信息,与受众进行交流.电视节目主持人 的语言,不管是有声语言还是无声语言,都是来源于生活,却 又高于生活的.正如我们在日常生活当中用语言进行交流的 时候,往往都会不自觉的配上手势,动作和表情等,这样就使 得我们的说话变得既有声,又有色,变得更加容易理解,而这 些肢体语言大多是来源于我们的真实思想活动,即便是在没 有任何准备的前提下所作出的下意识的肢体动作,都能够与

有声语言相对应,真实的反映出我们的心理活动. 二,肢体语言在电视主持中发挥着更积极的作用 有声语言是直接通过声音向受众传达内容,而一个电视 节目要求必须有单一的有声语言(过多的有声语言会使得节目变得嘈杂无序)和固定的节目时间,所以有声语言在电视节目的交流传达中就不可避免的具有一定的局限性.当今社会, 人们的认知欲望增强,这就需要增加信息含量.这时,肢体语 言的辅助是不可或缺的.有时候并不需要主持人喋喋不休的话语来进行表述,一个简单的肢体语言就可以囊括所有,同时,肢体语言可以与有声语言同时进行,对有声语言进行生动的解释说明,这样就使主持人的话可以变得更加简洁而不用担心表意不清.另外,肢体语言还可以解决一些有声语言的"难点",有时候有些内容不宜用言语表达或难以直接表达,肢体语言就可以凭借其可视性,模糊性来达到一些特殊的语境效果.肢体语言的这些特性如果脱离有声语言就毫无意义可言,但是与有声语言协作的时候,其产生的积极作用就表露无疑.也正是有了肢体语言在直接交际中的这些积极作用,才使得电视这门艺术在视听相结合这方面表现的更加淋漓尽致. 三,肢体语言蕴含着强烈的情感信息 人与人的交流当中,情感交流首当其冲.同样,在电视节目 主持中,与受众的情感交流也是极其重要的.而情感交流的一教育观察16 个主要手段就是肢体语言.心理学家弗洛伊德曾经说过凡人皆无法隐藏私情,他的嘴可以保持沉默,他的手脚却会"多嘴多舌".的确,人高兴的时候会手舞足蹈,人悲伤的时候会垂头丧气,人难过的时候会捶胸顿足,人慌张的时候会手忙脚乱,人狂喜的时候会手舞足蹈,这些肢体语言都蕴含着强烈的情感信息.情感交流在电视节目主持当中是一个重头戏,所以情感信息的传递方式就显得尤为重要.电视节目主持中的有声语言要

FBI教你破解身体语言-图解版_第一章 FBI告诉你身体语言的秘密

1.身体语言比有声语言更真实 拿起此书,许多人心中一定存在诸多疑问。什么是身体语言?它具有哪些特征?学会解读身体语言对我们有哪些好处?现在,我们就先从解答这些疑问入手,来看一看身体语言都具有哪些特点。 在生活中,我们判断一个人诚不诚实,往往是看他所说过的话与事实是否相符。但是像这样去验证话语的真实性往往都需要一定的时间。这就会让我们变得很被动,甚至会给我们带来许多不必要的麻烦。比如,如果你的商业合作伙伴向你撒谎,而你相信了他的话,与他进行了合作,等到你知道对方不诚实时,你可能已经遭受到了一定的经济损失。但是,如果在他跟你谈合作的当口儿,你就能捕捉到对方不诚实的信息的话,那么你就可以避免这样的结果产生。 但是,我们怎么才能判断对方是否诚实可靠呢?FBI告诉我们,非语言交流往往能够反映一个人真正的思想、感觉和意图。只是,人们常常会忽略自己的非语言交流行为。发生在亚利桑那州的一起强奸案就很好地说明了这一点: 当人在撒谎的时候,肢体语言往往与有声语言难以一致。 一名年轻的犯罪嫌疑人被抓来审讯,他的供词十分有说服力,而他的故事也非常合理。他声明,自己从未见过受害者,并曾沿一排棉花地前行,然后左转,最后径直走回家。审讯中,一名探员快速地记下了嫌疑人的供词,而另一位则一直在注意着嫌疑人的一举一动。那位审讯人员发现,当嫌疑人说到左转和回家时,他的手打了个向右的手势,而这个方向正好指向犯罪现场。如果那位审讯员不是一直在观察嫌疑人,他不可能抓住嫌疑人的这一破绽——即言语(左转)和非语言行为(向右的手势)的不一致。看到这个手势后,他立刻确定这个嫌疑人在说谎。于是,过了一会儿,审讯人员再次与嫌疑人展开了较量,最终嫌疑人承认了自己的罪行。 从上面的案例中,我们可以看出:身体语言比起任何有声的话语都诚实。在日常的人际交往中,人们通过身体语言所进行的信息沟通占了半数以上,美国有一位传播学家就曾提出了这样一个信息表达公式:信息的全部表达=55%表情+38%语调+7%语言。 显然,在人际交往中,身体语言作为人体的非语言行为也和有声语言一样是传递信息的一种方式。有时候即便你的有声语言说得无比动听,可以完全蒙蔽对方,但是你的身体语言却会“出卖”你。比如,一位女孩去找她的一位好友借钱,那位好友在答应借钱给她的同时却下意识地摇了摇头,那位女孩立刻想到,她的好友并不是真心愿意借钱给她,而只是因为抹不开面子才没有拒绝。事实上她的好友也的确如此。 可见,在许多情况下,仅通过有声语言我们并不能真正了解表达者内心的真实想法,必须把对方的有声语言同身体语言结合起来。正所谓“听其言而观其行”,既要认真倾听一个人说话,还要仔细观察他说话时流露出来的神色、举止,并且还要留心他说话的环境。如果能做到这一点,一般来说,就能由此及彼、由表及里、去伪存真,了解他的情感状态和内心想法。 在人际交往中,我们身体所表达的话语虽然是无声的,但是却是鲜明而准确的,我们千万不可忽视。在与人交流时,如果你要想真正了解交谈对象的话语本意,在认真倾听其述说的同


第1章肢体语言分析理论溯源(1) “如果一个人用眼睛去看,耳朵去听,他确信没有一个凡人能保持住秘密。如果他的双唇紧闭,他会用指尖交谈,背叛无孔不入。” --西格蒙德·弗洛伊德 在人类几百万年的漫长进化过程中,已经形成了一种特殊的深藏于内心的先天性倾向,这种倾向就是人们都想比他人获得更多的资源,对他人拥有相对的支配权和控制权,从而使自己处在一种更为优越的地位。 这种心理倾向表现在工作中,我们可以看到人们都在努力上进,追求卓越;表现在生活中,我们可以看到人人都在比拼赶超,追求幸福;而表现在沟通交流中,我们可以看到人人都想知道比他人更多的信息,知道他人是否在欺骗自己。众所周知,人是一种社会性动物,与他人交流沟通是人们生存的基本手段和重要内容,仅凭语言获得信息是极其有限的,而且可能会上当受骗,只有巧妙地洞察到对方内心的秘密,才能保证自己在交流中始终处在优势地位。那么,如何才能不动声色地洞察到对方内心的想法,在交流沟通中获得信息上的绝对优势呢?秘密就隐藏在无声的肢体语言当中,而要读懂肢体语言所要表达的真实意思,就必须深入研究人类的肢体语言。 )一、撩开肢体语言神秘的面纱 什么是肢体语言呢?肢体语言,又称身体语言,是指由身体的各种动作代替语言本身来表情达意的一种特殊语言。肢体语言有广义和狭义之分。狭义的肢体语言是指通过头、眼、颈、手、肘、臂、身、胯、腿、足等人体部位的协调活动来向交流对象传达信息,借以表情达意的一种沟通方式;而广义的肢体语言除了包括身体与四肢传递的信息之外,还包括了面部表情所表达的意义。本书以广义肢体语言为标准,来分析各种肢体语言在不同情况下所传达的不同心理意义。 法国著名的精神分析学家雅克·拉康曾经说过:“语言是可以用来欺骗它的倾听者的。”假如人类没有进化出语言,人与人之间将永远不会有欺骗。 语言的产生起初不是为了欺骗,而是为了提高沟通和交流的效率,但是,语言却在人类沟通的过程中最终成为人们相互欺骗的便捷工具。1967年,美国著名心理学家、传播学家艾伯特·梅拉比安等人经过大量的实验,提出了一个著名的公式:人类在沟通中全部的表达信息=7%的语言信息+38%的声音信息+55%的肢体语言信息。这个用于表示人类沟通时信息传播比率的公式至少告诉我们一条重要的信息,人类在交流和沟通时,肢体语言传递的信息是最为丰富和重要的。 比如说,在人们日常的沟通和交流当中,常常用鼓掌表示同意、欢迎,用顿足代表生气、愤怒,用搓手表示焦虑、担心,用垂头代表沮丧、消沉,用摊手表示无奈、无助,用捶胸代表痛苦、难过,等等。人类在很早就已经知道了如何用语言来欺骗别人,却从来没有进化出用肢体语言欺骗别人的机能。因此,分析解读肢体语言的意义非常重要,我们既可以从肢体语言的特征和变化中获得对方内心真实和隐藏的信息,又可以依据肢体语言来判断对方在交流过程中是否在说谎。 其实,早在1644 年,约翰·布尔沃就曾在肢体语言研究方面做过一些尝试,并出版了专著《手势研究:手部的自然语言》,这本书被视为人们对肢体语言研究的开创性研究;直到1790 年,朱利叶斯·法斯特完成了一本著名的专著《体态语言》,才真正使得人们注意到肢体语言的重要性,从此打开了人们研究肢体语言的大门;19世纪70年代末期,达尔文在其专著《人类和动物的表情》一书中,用科学的方法对人类和动物的表情进行了细致的研究,从此,将肢体语言的研究引入了科学的殿堂。 进入20世纪后,人们对肢体语言的研究达到了前所未有的**,开始将现代科技发展成果引入到对肢体语言的研究当中,对人类的肢体语言及相关领域进行了深入的研究和探讨,


2012年高考英语全国卷1完形填空翻译和精析2012年高考英语全国卷1完形填空为读者解释了肢体语言的重要性。这个经常被人们忽视却占据了人们表意的50%的强大语言会在不同文化之间交流时,给人们带来极大的帮助。提醒读者,在生活中要善于利用肢体语言,善于发现肢体语言的作用。 Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks 36 than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more 37 than we realize. In fact, non-verbal(非语言)communication takes up about 50% of what we really 38 . And body language is particularly 39 when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed, what is called body language is so 40 a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. 41 , different societies treat the 42 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having 43 contact(接触)even with friends, and certainly not with 44 . People from Latin American countries 45 touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in 46 , it may look like a Latino is 47 a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving 48 . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep 49 - which the Latino will in return regard as 50 . Clearly, a great deal is going on when people 51 . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from 52 cultures, there's a strong possibility of 53 . But whatever the situation, the best 54 is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be 55 . 2012年高考英语全国卷1完形填空翻译: 肢体语言是安静的,秘密的,也是所有语言中最强大的。它远远胜过说出的语言。专家指出,我们的身体发出的信息比我们所了解的更多。事实上,非语言交流占据了我们真正意思的50%。当我们试图跨文化交流时,肢体语言尤为重要。确实,所谓的肢体语言是我们如此大的一部分,而事实上它却经常被忽视。误解也就由此而来。例如,不同的社会对待人与人之间的距离就截然不同。北欧人通常不喜欢身体接触,即便是朋友,所以更不可能跟陌生人。另一方面,拉丁美洲的人身体接触却比较多。因此,在谈话中有可能时一个拉丁人跟着一个挪威人在房间里走动。为了表达友好的拉丁人会一直靠近。而挪威人有可能觉得这种行为非常粗鲁,所以他会一直后退,保持距离—拉丁人会认为这是一种冷漠。 诚然,当人们在交谈时很多事情都在发生。但是,只有很少一部分在语言本身当中。当交谈双方来自不同文化时,误解是极有可能发生的。但是,不管是什么样的情形,最好的建议是遵守这个黄金法则:像你希望被对待的那样对待别人。


肢体语言在教学中的重要性 肢体语言(body language)又称身体语言,是指经由身体的各种动作,从而代替语言藉以达到表情达意的沟通目的。广义言之,肢体语言也包括前述之面部表情在内;狭义言之,肢体语言只包括身体与四肢所表达的意义。在小学教学中充分使用肢体语言,能充分调动学生的积极性,让课堂活起来,让学生的思维随身体动起来。 (一)激发学生兴趣。 兴趣是最好的老师,只有让学生产生了兴趣,学生才会积极探索,成为学习的主人。肢体语言的恰当运用,能使学生对所学知识更感兴趣。肢体语言包含的内容很丰富。简而言之,包括动作、手势、眼神、表情、讲话语气等。活泼的肢体语言可以赢得学生的心,如老师说话的语气响亮、富有朝气,学生也会受到感染。当学生有好的表现时,可以握手、拥抱孩子,让学生感受到成功的喜悦。一个赏识的眼神、一个爱抚的动作都会为学生带去暖流,使其在快乐的海洋中健康成长。所以,教师在教学中如能根据课堂中的不同情况,准确适当地运用激励性眼神,赞扬性动作就可能将问题由难化易,有效调节课堂气氛,激发学生兴趣,提高教学效果。

(二)利于学生记忆 记忆在学习中有着十分重要的位置。儿童天性好动,喜欢运动,教师运用肢体语言带领学生边做边学,使学生释放部分体力,增加学生兴趣。另外儿童一般来说属于形象思维,运用肢体语言的教学是通过内化理解,行为反应、听说练习,促使学生在语言环境中对字、词、句达到顺乎自然的记忆。他们感觉轻松自然,没有压力,在身心愉快的同时自然学会了知识。这种记忆是愉快的,牢靠的,遗忘率低。 (三)沟通师生感情 在小学课堂中,教师用肢体语言教学,学生会主动投入到课堂中来,从而拉近了师生间的距离,有利于沟通师生间的感情。教师作为学生学习的指导者,一个眼神,一个手势,都会引起学生的无意注意,从而对教学产生一定的影响。教师和学生打成一片,和学生一起在学中玩,唱,跳,做动作,平时注意多摸摸孩子的头,拉拉孩子的手,多和孩子进行肢体接触发挥肢体语言的作用是很有必要的。当孩子表现好时抚摩他的头说“你真棒”,他们会受到莫大的鼓舞。当孩子回答对他认为较难的问题时说“老师相信你一定行!”和他们一起击掌欢呼,通过手掌传递内心的喜悦,同时增进了师生之间的感情。学生一旦喜欢上老师,就自然会喜欢老师所教的科目。 (四)提高教学效果


一、身体语言沟通的重要性在沟通过程中,仅仅靠语言是远远不够的,我们还必须借助于自己的目光、面部表情、手势、身体动作等身体语言,以增强口头表达效果。身体语言沟通可以起到支持、修饰或否定语言行为的作用,有时可以直接代替语言行为,甚至表达出语言难以表达的情感内容,它是非常重要的沟通技能。1.身体语言沟通是一种普遍的沟通方式有人研究发现,人们每天的讲话时间平均仅占与人交往时间的 10%,而与人交往的其他时间,都在有意无意地进行着身体语言的沟通。2.身体语言能够增强沟通的有效性身体语言具有形象、生动、直观、个性化的特点。在沟通中,将身体语言和语言结合起来使用,能够使表达的含义更精彩、更准确。根据对方身体语言所表达的信息,我们也能够更准确地理解对方。3.在有些情境中,身体语言比文字和言语更有影响力据英国心理学家阿盖依尔等人的研究,当语言信号与非语言(体态语)信号所代表的意义不一致时,人们相信的是非语言信号所代表的意义,而且非语言交际的影响是语言的43倍。4.身体语言在表达人类感情上起着重要作用缕缕相思,点点离愁,满腔爱意,即使用千言万语也难以形容;然而,一个眼神,一个举动,或是相视一笑,便可将种种情感表达得淋漓尽致。 二、几种常见的身体语言1.目光的作用目光是人际沟通中重要的信息来源。在人际沟通过程中,与沟通对象保护目光的接触是十分必要的。(1)目光接触表示对对方的注意。语言沟通是信息发送和信息接收的过程。信息接收方应注意向信息发送方提供有效的反馈。与对方保持一定的目光接触,就是一种重要的反馈方式,它表示你对对方的注意。(2)目光接触可以实现多种情感交流。目光能准确地表达友爱和敌意、幸福和痛苦、快乐和悲伤以及惊奇、恐惧、厌恶等人类情感。有敏锐观察力的人可以从一个人的目光中感知其情绪、情感和态度的变化。(3)目光接触可以表示彼此的距离。一般来说,沟通双方的关系越密切接纳程度越高,目光接触的次数就越多,每次接触保持的时间也就越长。目光还可以表现出对他人的不屑一顾,显示自己的优越感。有人用目光来“拒人千里之外”,表示自己与他人之间的社会距离。 2.面部表情面部表情不仅可以展示自己良好的人格,还可以掩饰自己的一些缺点。善于利用自己丰富多彩的表情,可以在人际沟通的过程中给人留下良好的印象。下面介绍一些常见的面部表情:(1)嘴部表情:张嘴露齿表示愉快;咬牙切齿表示愤怒;撇撇嘴表示藐视……(2)鼻部表情:“嗤之以鼻”表示轻蔑;屏住呼吸是紧张小心;愤怒则张大鼻孔;奉承则“仰人鼻息”……(3)眉毛:扬眉表示得意;皱眉表示愁苦;竖眉表示愤怒;眉毛完全抬高表示难以置信;半抬高表示大吃一惊;半放低表示大惑不解…… 1 2


●肢体语言的重要性 一位心理学家曾指出:无声语言所显示的意义要比有声语言多得多,而且深刻。 他还对此列出了一个公式=信息的传递:7%言语+38%语音+55%表情。 ●肢体语言的作用 在某种特殊情况下,肢体语言不但可以单独使用,甚至还可以表达出自然有声语言难以表达的思想感情,直接代替自然有声语言。 第一个特点:使用的广泛性 肢体语言的使用简便快捷、灵活自由。只要人们张口说话,都会有意或无意地运用肢体语 言来传情达意,交流信息。有时肢体语言甚至先于自然有声语言在口才表达接受者的心目中形 成第一视觉形象,直接影响自然有声语言的表达效果;有时说话人在不开口的情况下,单纯运 用肢体语言,也能传达一定的信息。在人类的交谈活动中,没有只运用自然有声语言而不运用 肢体语言的。它总是与自然有声语言配合默契,协调一致,相辅相成,相得益彰。 第二个特点:表达的直观性 有声语言直接诉诸于人的听觉器官,不具有视觉的形象可感性;而肢体语言则不同,它以 灵活多变的表情、动作、体姿构成一定的人体图像来表情达意,交流信息.直接诉诸于人的视觉 器官,具有形象直观的特点。如形容物体的大小,用手势来比划,对某二事物表示赞成或反 对,采用点头或摇头的方式等,就具有鲜明的形象直观性。 第三个特点:交谈中的对应性 肢体语言不但要与有声语言协调配合,而且交谈双方,要协调配合,双向交流,才能达到 交谈的目的。美国著名人类学家霍尔曾指出这种人类交际的常见现象:一个人倾听别人说话 时,总会望着对方的脸,尤其是他的眼睛;为了表示注意,听话者会轻轻地点头,或者说“嗯”、 是的,如果哪句话他深表赞同,点头就点得很深;如果感到怀疑,他就会扬起或皱起眉头来, 或者嘴角向下拉;要是不想再听下去,就会将身子挪一挪,把腿伸一伸,或者移开视线,不再注。视说话人等等。以上说的种种现象,正是对应性的表现。如果某人在说话时运用了各种肢体语 第四个特点:对有声语言的依赖性 肢体语言对有声语言和具体言语环境的依存性决定了它表意的多义性。离开了自然有声 语言,离开了一定的言语环境,肢体语言在当时特定的含义就不明确,就难于辨析和领会。 ●通过你的身体全方位表态 我们与人交谈时,每个人都会自觉或不自觉地用眼睛、面孔、身体和态度来表达自己的真正感觉,这就是肢体语言。 握手是一种肢体语言 一个人的身体语言反映一个人的感觉,而恰到好处地用力握手对交谈也至关重要。握手 的方式往往在不知不觉向别人透露不少你自身的秘密。


《身体语言的秘密观后感》 《身体语言的秘密》这个纪录片里,使用了包括奥巴马在内的多位美国总统的录像片段详加剖析,熟知非语言讯息的专家们,将对人们在过去和现在那些历史标志性时刻的录像片段作出解析,揭示他们真正要说的是什么。了解一下他们是怎样在用不知不觉中做出微妙动作来说服平民大众,确立权势,并推动事业发展的吧——而对这些体态语言,在多数情况下是无人知晓的。 看完这个纪录片后,我的第一感想是,这些上层人士的套路真深。 虽然,以前看过香港的刑侦电视剧,对于一些微表情或者肢体语言还是有一定的了解的,特别是那个总统辩解自己与另一个女士没有性关系的例子,我事先是知道的。并且,我有预感会出现在这段影片之中,果然如此。 看完了这段影片,我有几点感想: 首先,我们祖先就说过察言观色这个词语,我们了解别人真正的想法不止要通过别人说的话,还要通过别人的表情和肢体语言,以免出现尴尬不利于自己的情况。 第二,一个人的身体语言也是可以通过训练之后表演出来的,尤其是那些政客,尤其是希拉里,这个在这个纪录片里不断出现的女人,她的身体语言一直在改变。而这么多年来,她不断地强调自己没有通过私人邮件收发关于工作上的信件,无论是表情还是肢体语言,已经让大家相信了她的清白,但是在最近才被黑客披露出来,她撒谎了。所以,肢体语言也是可以骗人的。 最后,这类纪录片里的身体语言,目前并不完全适用于我们中国的领导,毕竟他们大多表情严肃,手势较少,这不只是让他们看起来稳重让人安心,现在看来,也减少了被外国人看穿的危险。 《肢体语言的秘密》里,让我学到了一个不错的知识,那便是作为推销员面对顾客的时候,一定要显得真诚与热心,这样才能抓住更多的客户!


精心整理 主题活动:身体的秘密 时间:2013年9月2日——31日班级:爱弥儿执教:唐晴黄婧劼 主题由来和预成意图: 我们的身体对于孩子们来说是既熟悉又神秘。大班幼儿的身体和心智发生了较大的变化。伴随着这种变化,幼儿有一种“我长大了”的自豪感。对“身体的秘密”的探索是幼儿对“长大”最直观的感知和体验。幼儿对“身体”的经验已经从小班的“指认、初步了解”等笼统认知,逐步分化,对 主题活动预成目标:

1、认识身体主要部分的外部特征,体验它们的作用。 2、对探索人体产生兴趣。初步认识人体内脏器官。 3、探索身体上会动的部位,对身体的部位感兴趣。 产生用身体的动作来表现自己想象的愿望。 4、熟悉自己身体的各个部分,以及对有些部分的用途有所了解。 5、通过语言活动,激发幼儿乐意表达爱的愿望,学习爱的不同表达方式 6、通过了解残疾人,学习残疾人坚强勇敢,身残志坚的精神。懂得感恩,知道珍惜美好的生活, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3、和家长共同为肥胖儿、体弱儿制定合理的食谱,并鼓励他们在家中积极参与体育锻炼。 4、能与孩子一起开展一些手影游戏,激发孩子对手影的兴趣。 主要活动内容:

主题活动规划 1.活动进程 (1)对自己有一个初步的了解。知道自己的五官特征。 (2)知道自己的喜好。用自己喜欢的方式表现出来。 (3)正确评价自己,知道自己的优缺点,在大家面前进行较准确的全面的自我介绍。 (4)讨论活动:发现了自己的缺点后应该怎么办? (5)制作个人名片,并与家长进行分享交流活动。 (6 (7 (8 (9 (8 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 3 (1 (2 (3)鼓励幼儿相互交谈讨论,大胆发表意见 (4)引导幼儿与同伴交流。 (5)支持和帮助幼儿创设环境



浅谈肢体在商务谈判中的作用 写作提纲 一、绪论 由于当前经济全球化,人们越来越频繁地参与到商务谈判中,商务谈判是市场经济条件下最普通的活动之一。成功的商务谈判不仅要求谈判人员熟知谈判原则、相关法律及商务业务,而且要掌握谈判技巧。肢体语言作为一种语言交际策略,在国际商务谈判中也有着重要的作用。本文从肢体语言的特点着手,旨在突出肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用。 二、本论 (一)肢体语言的概念及特点 1.肢体语言的概念 2.肢体语言的特点 (二)肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用 1.增强有声语言的表达力 2.具有暗示性 3.能迅速传递、反馈信息,增加互动性 (三)肢体语言在商务谈判中的运用 1.上肢动作语言信息 2.下肢动作语言信息 3.腹部动作语言信息 三、结论


浅谈肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用 饶慕容 【内容摘要】近年来,我国与世界各国的国际商务关系不断地发展变化,商务谈判在跨国商务和国际经济活动中日益频繁。肢体语言作为商务谈判中重要的一部分,其作用也是非常重要的。本文就肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用提出了在商务谈判中上肢动作、下肢动作和腹部动作三大肢体的语言信息,力求把握好肢体语言技巧,让商务谈判更好更顺利的进行。 【关键词】肢体语言商务谈判作用 由于当前经济全球化,人们越来越频繁地参与到商务谈判中,商务谈判是市场经济条件下最普通的活动之一。成功的商务谈判要求谈判人员不仅要熟知谈判原则、相关法律和商务业务,而且要掌握谈判技巧。肢体语言作为商务谈判中重要的一部分,在商务谈判中也有着重要的作用。本文就肢体语言的特点着手,旨在突出肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用。 一、肢体语言的概念及特点 (一)肢体语言的概念 肢体语言又称身体语言,是指非语言性的身体符号,包括眼神与面部表情、身体运动与触摸、姿势、身体间的空间距离等,是除语言表达外另一种重要的沟通方式广义言之,肢体语言也包括前述之面部表情在内;狭义言之,肢体语言只包括身体与四肢所表达的意义。 一般在面对面的交流中,语言所传递的信息量在总信息量中所占的份额还不到35%,剩下的超过65% 的信息都是通过非语言交流方式完成的。人们说话时总会运用一系列的动作来配合自己的谈话,相比语言的有意识,这些动作是无


身体语言的秘密 s o f B o d y L a n g u a g e 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

1 A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all. This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, or micro-expressions. In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets. This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message — Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around… Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words. 93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.— Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the


大班学习活动《我的身体》活动实录 活动目标: 1、激发幼儿探索人体奥妙的兴趣。 2、帮助幼儿了解养成良好的卫生习惯有利于身体健康的道理,并初步了解人体内部主要器官的名称及其主要用途。 课堂实录: 老师:我们先来做个小游戏,游戏的名字叫:“说哪儿动哪儿”,老师说身体的一个器官,小朋友们让它动起来,明白吗? 幼儿:明白了。 老师:小朋友们动起来,动小手,动小脚,动眼睛,动动腿,动动舌头,扭扭屁股,转一圈儿,请坐。 老师:在游戏中,我们动了身体的那些器官? 幼儿:我们动了小手、小脚。 幼儿:还动了眼睛、舌头、腿、屁股。 老师:哪些器官我们没有动呢? 幼儿:还有胳膊没动,耳朵和肩膀也没动。 幼儿:肚子、牙齿、膝盖没有动。 幼儿:头发没动,眉毛也没动。 老师:好的,你们说的这些器官都是我们用眼睛能看见的,在身体里面还有许多看不见的器官,谁知道有哪些? 幼儿:我知道有心脏,还有肝脏。 幼儿:还有肠和胃,还有骨骼。 幼儿:有血管、气管还有大脑。 老师:太棒了,小朋友知道的真多。谁知道,人体可以分为几部分? 幼儿:一、二、三、四,四部分。 老师:我们给每一部分都取个名字。 幼儿:第一部分叫头,第二部分叫颈,第三部分叫躯干,第四部分叫四肢。 老师:刚才我们做游戏的时候,有的器官动了,有的没动,所以他们不高兴了。现在咱们让他们都动起来吧!(和幼儿一起舞蹈) 幼儿:真高兴,有点累了。 老师:咱们先坐下休息一会儿,你和旁边的小朋友讨论一下,跳舞时都用了哪些器官,怎样用的? (幼儿讨论) 老师:现在谁来告诉大家? 幼儿:我用到胳膊和腿了,我用胳膊做动作,用腿跳了。

老师:你用到四肢了,你知道他们还有什么用处吗? 幼儿:腿和脚可以走路、骑车,手和胳膊可以拿东西。 幼儿:我用到头了,我摆头了,还扭屁股了。 幼儿:我用眼睛看小朋友跳舞了,用耳朵听音乐了。 幼儿:我刚才扭脖子了。 老师:哦,原来脖子可以扭呀,他还可以干什么? 幼儿:脖子可以帮我们仰头、低头、转头。 老师:小朋友们说的真不错,除了你们说的这些,我们的内脏也动了,小朋友知道谁动了吗? 幼儿:心脏动了,心脏跳动就是有生命的,心脏不动就没生命了。 幼儿:肺也动了,肺在呼吸。 幼儿:肠和胃也动了。 老师:你们知道的太多了,真棒。小朋友舞跳的这么好,知道是谁在指挥我们吗? 幼儿:是大脑。 老师:对了,大脑可是我们的总指挥官,我们想跳舞,大脑就指挥我们的耳朵听音乐,眼睛看老师,四肢就活动起来了。 幼儿:真神奇呀! 老师:就是这么神奇,小朋友说我们身体的用处多不多? 幼儿:太多了。 老师:怎样能让身体变的健康强壮呢? 幼儿:我锻炼身体,多吃饭。 幼儿:我不吃脏东西,讲卫生。 幼儿:我不挑食,不乱吃零食。 老师:挑食吃零食有那些坏处? 幼儿:长不高,没有营养。 幼儿:对肠胃不好。 老师:增加肠胃的负担。 老师:刚才脑袋悄悄地问我:“我既然有这么多的用处,小朋友要怎样保护我呢?” 幼儿:不躺着看书、看电视。 幼儿:不要挖鼻孔,挖耳朵,天天刷牙。 幼儿:不能碰头,要保护大脑。 老师:你们说的太棒了,脑袋听了真高兴。四肢跳出来问:“小朋友怎样保护我呢?” 幼儿:走路要小心,不要碰到他们。 幼儿:不要拿危险的东西玩,不到危险的地方去。 幼儿:勤洗澡,讲卫生。 老师:小朋友说的办法都很好,颈部说话了,我占身体的比例最少,小朋友可不要忘了保护我呀!

身体语言在交流中的重要性 英文

The Importance of Body Language in Communication 身体语言在交流中的重要性 When working with other people, verbal communication is only one way that you show others emotion, approval, disappointment and confidence. How you walk, how you position yourself when talking and how you use your facial expression are all cues that other people rely on when making assessments about your abilities and current state of mind. Using Body Language in the Workplace The more you understand body language and its affect on others, the better you will be in communicating with co-workers, bosses, clients, vendors and others you encounter during the day. By making simple adjustments to your posture, facial expressions and mannerisms, you can improve the way others view you. Assessing how people view you is necessary in order to make changes. Ask those around you whose opinion you can trust to determine where improvements need to be made. Adjustments can include the following: * Maintaining a relaxed posture while walking or during a meeting. Relaxed posture indicates you're comfortable in your surroundings and not under stress. Even if you experience stress while working on a project, when you reduce the appearance of stress, those around you will feel more comfortable and will have more faith in your abilities to lead, delegate responsibility and manage the project. * Mannerisms such as fidgeting, moving around a room while talking, breaking eye contact with others frequently and other bodily quirks you have can be seen as a
