


political:communist Birthdate:1987-5-5

Address:Roomxxx,No.xx building,west block,Guangdong

University of Technology, Higher Education Mega



Mobile:xxxxxxxxxx E-mail:xxxxxx1@https://www.360docs.net/doc/462846344.html,



2006.9-2010.7 Guangdong University of Technology

Major: Automation Engineering Degree: Bachelor

Specialized courses:Automatic Control Theory;Theory of Circuitry;Signal& Linear System; Principle of Microcomputer; C Language; Analogical Electronics; Digital Electronics; Pro- cedure Control and Auro-Measurement Technique ; Principle of Single-Chip Computer; Power Electronics Technology; Computer Control Technology; Electric Drive Control System; Electrical and Programmable Logic Controller Applied Technology(PLC);Motor Theory and Drive;Power Supply and Distribution Technology;Datebase(SQL) and so on. Personal expertise

?Master automatic control,computer control and process control,power technology;

?Skilled in the use of PLC ,SCM,C,assembler,matlab;

?Good use of Protel ,CAD,Photoshop,Word ,powerpoint and Excel;

?Master motor control,power electronics technology;good understanding of mechanical design principles,and mechanical analysis;

?Good rational thinking ability,Optimistic attitude towards life,adaptable;with good team spirit;responsible and honest;have a harmonious interpersonal relations with others.

?Language ability:Passed CET-4 446;Master automation professional English.

Project Experience And Activities

?Two week of 2009/ 5 Temperature Control System Design

Project Description: Design circuits, write procedures and control the temperature of

Furnace at the required temperature which allow 1 to 2 C o error with SCM;This system

must has the ability of refecting disturbance.

?2008/4 Attending Physics experiment Skills Competition of GDUT Project Description:I participate in the oscilloscope Group in this competition; The main requirement of the competition is to master the operation of oscilloscope and abilities to cope with some unexpected problems

2008.6-2009.6 Guangzhou ZhouHong Educational and Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

Responsibilities: Part-time;The main task is making the courseware with PPT.


Reading,singing,outdoor activities,football,basketball,watching football games fishing and so on.


计算机专业个人简历【五篇】 【导语】成功的简历就是一件营销武器,它向未来的雇主证明自己能够解决他的问题或者满足他的特定需要,因此确保能够得到会使自己成功的面试。以下是整理的计算机专业个人简历,欢迎阅读! 姓名:张先生性别:男出生日期:1988-02-24 民族:汉族身高:183Cm 体重:65Kg 籍贯:湖北省目前所 在地:浙江省学历:大专 政治面貌:其它毕业院校:武汉** 学院 毕业时间:在读所学专业类别:管理类专业名称:计 算机教育背景/ 培训经历20XX 年9 月至20XX年 6 月湖北省孝感市初环中学 20XX年9 月至20XX 年 6 月湖北省孝感市黄陂路高级中学获计算机一级证 20XX 年9 月至今湖北省武汉市** 学院专业情况及特长: 外语语种:英语外语水平:一般计算机能力:省一级普通话程度:优秀专业介绍及其他专长主修“工商管理”,选修“珠宝设计”。本人在校成绩良好,积极参加学院组织的活动及文娱活动,多次受到导师以及校领导表扬。 特长:篮球及足球等体育项目。高中时期曾代表学院参

加过市高中联赛,获得第 2 的良好成绩,大学期间代表班级参加学院篮球联赛,获得冠军。 在职期间, 一直保持学习的工作态度,良好的用户拜访经验及执行能力,具有充沛的工作激情, 强烈的自我激励意识和结果导向意识,具备在高压力下锲而不舍的工作精神,团队合作意识强。 个人实践、工作经验 20XX年 3 月至20XX 年7 月于浙江省衢州市“星光钻石有限公司”实习 20XX年7 月至20XX年10 月于浙江衢州市“智恒网络公司”担任业务员 20XX 年10 月至今于浙江衢州市“巨人网络公司”担任游戏推广员 求职意向求职类型:全职月薪要求:面议希望应聘的岗位:市场/ 行销策划应聘的其它岗位:请在以下列表中选择 希望工作地点: 广东省其它工作地点: 自我介绍 真诚`自信`充满亲和力的我相信一定会给公司带来不少冲劲. 学习能力强。喜欢与人沟通` 热情开朗` 热爱交际也为我做销售行业带来了很大优势. 我相信机遇对每个人来说都是平等的, 只要肯用心就一


毕业生设计师英文简历模板 中文简历大家写得多了,但是英文简历大家会写吗今天我们就一起来看看英文简历应该如何拟写吧! 毕业生设计师英文简历模板Job objective: Graphic DesignerDouban: (+86) 1380013xxxPortfolio: EDUCATIONJobs UniversityBachelor of Art Design?Jobs University Scholarship(top 20% students of Art Institute in XX, XX and XX)?Majors: Introduction to Art Design, Graphic Composition and Design, Color Composition and DesignSKILLS?Image Manipulation Software: Photoshop, Illustrator?Website Production Software: DreamWeaver, Fireworks?English Ability: CET4PERSONAL WORKS (SEE DETAILS IN ATTACHMENT)Poster Design: Zhongcui 25th Anniversary poster ()Poster Design: Recruiting poster for Seven Leaves Anime Club, recruiting poster with the anime characters in the background ()Logo Design: Jingyuan Hall Jinling Restaurant Logo ()Logo Design: Happy Drink Tea Shop Logo ()VI Design: Jasmine Fairy VI ()Handdrawn Comic: Story of Adai, the description of Adai's life (XXXX)PRACTICE/INTERNBeijing Zhishang Media Co., Ltd.Graphic design internXX Taobao ShopArt


个人简历 姓名:性别: 出生日期: 就读院校: 联系方式:手机: 电子邮箱: 地址: 自我定位:爱岗敬业,乐于奉献;工作认真投入,执行力强;生活中兴趣广泛,善于交际。 大学期间参加活动 所受奖励 个人奖项: 集体奖项: 外语水平 校内主修课程包括高级英语,英汉翻译,汉英翻译,高级口译,公共演讲,英语国家文化,语言学,二外西班牙语等; 选修课程包括西方经济学基础,外贸函电,美学,中外民俗等; 已获得大学英语等级考试六级(CET-6);英语专业等级考试四级(TEM-4);托业考试(TOEIC)905分;职业英语等级二级。 其他技能 获得天津市普通话资格证(二级甲等); 熟练运用Office办公软件,视频和电子杂志制作软件。 机动车驾驶证C1牌照。

Resume Name: Gender: Birth: Education: Connect me: Mobile: E-mail: Address: Activities Participated during University Honors ●Individual Awards: ●Collective Awards: Language skills Required courses: Advanced English, English-Chinese Translation, Chinese-English Translation,Interpretation, Public Speech, Linguistics, and Spanish Elective courses: Western Economics, Business Correspondence, Esthetics, Chinese and Foreign Customs Received CET-6 and TEM-4 certification, TOEIC(Score:905) Other skills Received Mandarin certification (2A) Microsoft Office application Good command of video and E-magazine software Drive license(C1)


计算机专业英文简历带翻译 下面是一篇计算机专业英文简历,一起来学习吧。 Vine No.67, Lane123, Hope Road Gender: Male Ethnicity: Han Job District, Shanghai, China (+86) 138-xxxx-xxxx service@hujiang Position: computer software 职位:计算机软件 Education Experience: 教育经历: July 20XX,Graduated with an Associates Degree in Computer Science from Chinese Computer Science University ExtensionVine 20XX年七月,毕业于中国计算机科学大学计算机科学与技术学院计算机科学专业 Vice president Skilled in communicating with team members 副主席善于与团队成员沟通

Current project:MMO game server design,using Java & IBM DB2,on IBM AIX system in IBM Tech.Center,TJU 目前项目:MMO游戏服务器的设计,使用java和IBM DB2,在IBM技术中心IBM AIX系统,TJU Work Experience: 工作经历: April 2012 to March 2013,Technician of xx xx Mechanical and Electrical Ltd 2012年4月到2013年3月××××机电有限公司技术员 - Oct 2013,Appointment to the Assistant Engineer and the Buyer for computer related equipments 2013年10月担任助理工程师和计算机相关设备的采购员 Smart Car Tracting Match 智能车牵引匹配 Chief Programmer 首席程序员 Presented papers on computer science topics specifically focusing on online scheduling problems 计算机科学专题论文,特别是专注于在线调度问题 Assisted with writing a program to simulate the random effect on a pre-published algorithm协助编写一个程序来模拟预先公布的算法的随机效应


计算机专业英文简历范文 Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx Computer Science Dept. of Computer College, Northeast Normal University. Courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of piling, principle of puters, operating systems, C , Java, puter architecture, puter works, VB., photoshop Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx No.1 Middle School of Qingyuan City, Guangdong A good understanding and working knowledge of puters. Have hands-on experience in PC operation. Database programming and (working knowledge)or (knowledge of works.) Good at puter operation of Windows. =? ("puter operation of windows"=? Guess: Good at puters operating with Windows.) Knowledge of php and asp programming.

Have a good mand on both spoken and written English; passed CET-4. xxxx-6 won the third place in Jilin's in "challenge cup " petition of scientifical and technological works ( petition between universities/university students, or what?) ...e.g. Jilin's "Challenge cup" for science and technology petition among university students. (Not clear as to what the "works" are. What is the name of that petition in Chinese ?) xxxx-5 won the title of Excellent League Member in the university. xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent president in the dept. xxxx-9 won the first place in Jilin in college student in national of math model pentition (If this is a national petition, it cannot be a "Jilian prize") --> won first place in the National Math Model petition as the college student representative from Jilin. xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent Leader in dept.


计算机程序员英文简历 在求职中,一份好的简历往往能为自己在面试的时候加不少分。由此可见,求职不单单是你有能力,有才华就能横行霸道的地方。往往,那些能力那么好,才华没那么出众,但在简历上下了不少功夫的人机会更大。 Name:jianli-sky Age:23 South Xianli South China Computer Company Guangzhou 510060 Tel: (+86)135****0971 Position Sought: Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Dalian Qualifications: Four years‘ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation. Professional Experience: Computer Programmer, Sough China Computer Company, Guangzhou, from 1990 to date. Operate flow-charts, collect business infromation fro management, update methods of operation. Adept at operating IBM-PC and Compact computers.

Educational Background: South China University of Technology. B.S. in Computer Science, July 1990. Courses included: Computer Science, Systems Design and Analysis, PASCAL Programming, Operating Systems, COBOL Programming, D-BASE Programming, FORTRAN Programming, Systems Management Dalian No.34 Middle School, 1981-1986 English Proficiency: Fluent in speaking, reading and writing. Hobbies: Bridge, computer games, boating, swimming. Personal Data: Born: November 29, 1970 in Dalian; Health: Excellent; Marital Status: Single; Height: 175cm; Weight: 68kg References: will be supplied upon request.


动画设计师英文简历模板精选动画设计师的英文简历该怎么写下面为大家带来英文简历,以供阅读和参考!希望对你们有帮助! 动画设计师英文简历模板精选 https://www.360docs.net/doc/462846344.html, (+86) 123456789 Portfolio: x Job objective: Animation EDUCATION Jobs University Bachelor of Animation Major courses: Basis of Design, Animation Art Design, Animation Techniques, Comic Techniques Longterm Perfect Power film and television animation production classes Animation Production Practice Used Maya and 3Dmax to produce a variety of simple molds PROFESSIONAL SKILLS 3D Design Software: 3DMax, Maya, LightWave Effects Composition Software: AE, Fusion Image Manipulation Software: Photoshop,

Illustrator English Skill: CET4 ANIMATION DESIGN EXPERIENCE Qingdao Phoenix Island Film and Television Animation Creative Ltd. 3D Design Assisted designers to draw effect and dealt with renderings Designed the core concept and overall framework of the whole project in accordance with requirements of creative director and clients Housekeeping Rabbit Animation Project Project members Development Tools: Maya, After Effects Responsible for the multiple lenses Layout, animation production, lighting and rendering test Responsible for the animation OP PERSONAL WORKS (SEE DETAILS IN ATTACHMENT) Happy Yunqi Flight Chess, a casual puzzle game which won the first prize Animation Demo: Animated scenes collection for original anime characters XXXX


Word文档仅供参考 Word文档仅供参考计算机专业英文简历模板 Richard Anderson1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741,(123)-456 7890.Employer Job-content Compose type correspondence. Maintain record of incoming outgoing correspondence. Make reports, receive, take dictation, check files, records, all the correspondence. Submission of various statements related to reporting and monitoring after compilation of data on MS office. All accounting work. ABC Software Pvt. Ltd., Aug 2001 - Dec 2004Computer Operator/Office assistant Receive visitors, place calls and answers telephone enquiries. Maintains records, files other references materials and perform related clerical duties. Search files, documents and maintain library for information. Drafting of letters Noting for approval of proposal. Report preparation Some sort of Data Entry related work. All Company work in Word, Outlook Express, Excel, Photoshop, Scanning and Internet.


平面设计师岗位英文简历模板求职者在书写英文简历也是有一定的要求,首先就是要保证你阐述的是自己的真实情况,其次是要简洁明了,该简略的要简略,该省的就省,不能过于复杂。下面带来平面设计师岗位英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 平面设计师岗位英文简历模板 Job objective: Graphic Designer (+86) 123456789 EDUCATION Jobs University Bachelor of Art Design ?Jobs University Scholarship(top 20% students of Art Institute in XX, XX and XX) ?Majors: Introduction to Art Design, Graphic Composition and Design, Color Composition and Desig SKILLS ?Image Manipulation Software: Photoshop, Illustrator ?Website Production Software: DreamWeaver, Fireworks ?English Ability: CET4 PERSONAL WORKS (SEE DETAILS IN ATTACHMENT)

Poster Design: Zhongcui 25th Anniversary poster () Poster Design: Recruiting poster for Seven Leaves Anime Club, recruiting poster with the anime characters in the background () Logo Design: Jingyuan Hall Jinling Restaurant Logo () Logo Design: Happy Drink Tea Shop Logo () VI Design: Jasmine Fairy VI () Handdrawn Comic: Story of Adai, the description of Adai's life (XXXX) PRACTICE/INTERN Beijing Zhishang Media Co., Ltd. Graphic design intern XX Taobao Shop Art designer Seven Leaves Anime Club HOBBIES ?Drawn comics since primary school ?Swimming Traveling 如何制作一流个人简历


英语专业英文简历模板范文 ng> objective Hope is engaged in the occupation: customer service of foreign trade, foreign trade assistant, clerk, translation, English teacher Expected salary: 2000-3000 Expect work areas: liancheng county Expect nature of work: full-time The fastest arrive time: arrive at any time Must provide housing: no need Education/training Education background: School name: fuqing branch of fujian normal university (September 2011 - June 2015) Professional title: English major education: bachelor degree Location: certificates: national computer level of colleges and universities, and professional English four, six level of certificate, tem 8 certificate, English majors at xiamen university English translation secondary qualification certificate


计算机专业英文简历范文(一) 计算机英文简历 (一) sep.xxxx—jul.xxxx puter science dept. of puter college, northeast normal university. courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of piling, principle of puters, operating systems, c++, java, puter architecture, puter works, vb., photoshop sep.xxxx—jul.xxxx no.1 middle school of qingyuan city, guangdong puter abilities a good understanding and working knowledge of puters. have hands-on experience in pc operation. database programming and (working knowledge)or (knowledge of works.)

good at puter operation of windows. =? ("puter operation of windows"=? guess: good at puters operating with windows.) knowledge of php and asp programming. english skills have a good mand on both spoken and written english; passed cet-4. scholarship and rewards xxxx-6 won the third place in jilin''s in "challenge cup " petition of scientifical and technological works ( petition between universities/university students, or what?) ...e.g. jilin''s "challenge cup" for science and technology petition among university students. (not clear as to what the "works" are. what is the name of that petition in chinese ?) xxxx-5 won the title of excellent league member in the university.


艺术设计个人英文简历范文 BasicCV NameMissHuang NationalHan Age22yearsold CurrentlocationGuangzhou ExitandEntryHunan Size157cm50kg Maritalstatusunmarried Jobintentions Talenttypegraduates Positionadvertisingproduction/graphicdesignandproductiondesigner,packagi ngdesigners,secondaryschoolteachers WorkExperience0TitleNoTitle JobtypeFull-time ReportedfordutytodateatanytimeHopethattheworkingareaGuangzhou,Hunan

WorkexperienceCompanynaturetheprivatesectorintheirrespectiveprofessionsa dvertising,planning,marketing Positionsdesigner JobDescriptionThegraphicdesigncompany,advertising,VI,packagingdesign Companynaturetheprivatesectorintheirrespectiveprofessionsadvertising,pla nning,marketing Positionsdesigner JobDescriptionThegraphicdesigncompany,imageprocessing Educationalbackground GraduateinstitutionsInstituteofSichuanProvince,Yibin Highestlevelofeducationundergraduate Degreebachelor'sdegree GraduationDate2009-07-01 SpecialtiesVisualArtsCommunicationDesign CertificateofAward2005-092009- 07graduationcertificate106411200905000468 School2005-092005-12yibinthirdsecondprizeessaycompetitionwithprizes Third-classscholarshipcertificate2005-092006-05 2005-092008-11CertificateofQualityDevelopmentofCollegeStudents2005-092008-12vocationalteacherscertificates08030373Third-


NAME Address: Telephone: E-mail:Objective : Education system categories: dos, windows, nt server, server 2000and 2003. software categories: office, photoshop, dreamweaver, firework, and flash network security: firewalls, ciw. language categories: basic, c, visual c + +, database class: powerbuilder, sql server advantage: server security and management, cms (web site management system) systems development, share point development and maintenance. software: proficient in mis, erp, cms, and other related oa systems, and accumulated nearly ten complete source code and development experience. Work experience 2013.3-At present xxxxxxx Project Engineer Plan the project 1, Define the scope of the project in collaboration with senior management 2, Create a detailed work plan which identifies and sequences the activities nee ded to successfully complete the project 3, Determine the resources (time, money, equipment, etc) required to complete the project 4, Develop a schedule for project completion that effectively allocates the reso urces to the activities 5, Review the project schedule with senior management and all other staff that will be affected by the project activities; revise the schedule as required 6, Determine the objectives and measures upon which the project will be evalu ated at its completion Skills familiar with the various software and hardware installation, configuration and maintenance; sql server database design, management and maintenance. familiar with the iis asp + + sql server web site design and maintenance. familiar with the tcp / ip, netbios network protocol and subnet division. familiar with wins 、dns 、 dhcp 、 exchange 、 proxy and network server configuration, management and maintenance. good at learning new knowledge and has a certain language skills and management experience and strong computer professional english reading ability. Self evaluation ● Familiar with high quality standard of homehold products from Europe and America; ● With a few of supplier resources, good at communicating with the suppliers. ● Hard - working, energetic,adapt to long-term business, in particular, can work overtime. ● Have wide knowledge of various fields of home products, especially familiar with the production process of hardware and plastic. ● Hard - working, energetic,adapt to long-term business, in particular, can work overtime. ● Have wide knowledge of various fields of home products, especially familiar with the production process of hardware and plastic.


XX英语专业英文简历范文 什么才算是简历的良好效果呢回答是简历应该方便阅读。简历之所以应该有不同的材料组织样式,原因就是要方便招聘方在适当的地方了解到你想让他了解的内容。 XX英语专业英文简历范文 English Resume: Name: Grace Sex: female Native Place: HuNan Date of Birth: ,1979 Marital Status: Single WORKING EXPERIENCE: 3/XX To Lidar Enterprise Ltd Guangzhou Office _____ Sourcing Logistics Specialist Seach the competitive price high quality products and reliant suppliers for our overseas company through the Google,Alibaba, Globalsources,MadeinChina webisite etc. Responsible for the coordination of order execution on the whole process of supply chain: verification and transfer,quality process,inspection and on time shipment. Making commercial invoice and packing list according to L/C or shipping’s requirement,then contacting the forwarder for booking space,checking


计算机专业毕业生个人简历【三篇】 【导语】简历是有针对性的自我介绍的一种规范化、逻辑化的书面表达。对应聘者来说,简历是求职的"敲门砖"。以下是整理的计算机专业毕业生个人简历,欢迎阅读! 男39岁湖南人(十年网维经验求技...) 学历:大专 工作年限:10年 以上期望薪资:5000-8000元 工作地点:广州-不限 求职意向:项目主管/经理|技术经理/总监 工作经验(工作了11年,做了3份工作) 广州海图网络服务中心 工作时间:20XX年7月至20XX年3月[8年8个月] 职位名称:技术主管 工作内容:服务器系统,WIN7无盘服务器,SQL数据库、光纤网络等规划、设计、组建及维护。20XX年为广州移动网吧事业部光纤网络提供测试,并提出合理的网络解决方案。 熟悉网吧、企业的网络管理。有可靠的信息安全管理方案。 在网吧维护和事务管理中,针对网吧二手烟污染严重的问题,提出网吧二手烟净化方案。解决密闭空调环境中的二

手烟污染问题。 广州行知职业技术学校 工作时间:20XX年4月至20XX年3月[1年11个月] 职位名称:技术主管 工作内容:负责学校机房及校园网络管理. 杭州某连锁网咖 工作时间:20XX年8月至今[5个月] 职位名称:技术经理 工作内容:负责连锁网咖3家直营店的服务器、路由器、客户机的组建、维护。对运营中遇到的问题提出解决方案,并予以实施。 教育经历 20XX年2月毕业零陵学院计算机科学与技术 项目/培训经验 20XX年3月-20XX年9月广州移动网吧项目项目/ 培训内容:广州移动成立网吧事业部,与网宿科技、广州迅猛网络科技有限公司合作,在梅花园机房共同分配移动电信光纤资源,为网吧提供光纤服务。 专业技能Windows:精通 经验:15年 语言技能 英语:一般


平面设计师英文简历 Richard Anderson 1234, West 67 Street, Carlisle, MA 01741, (123)-456 7890. Objective Position as a senior creative graphics designer in an advertising agency. Notable Achievements 1997:Third place Graphics division award at Downtown Jacksonville Fine Arts. 1999: ADDY award for Direct Marketing along with Specialty Advertising Design. Managed three multi-million dollar advertising campaigns. Commissioned to design the front page of People's Year in Special Edition, XX. Employment History 7/98 - Present Art Director Neon Corporation, Atlanta, GA Chiefly responsible for design of collateral, direct art freelancers and photo shoots. Select clients included Springwood Psychiatric Institute, Winchester Medical Center, M & T National Bank and Pepsi. 7/94-7/98 Graphic Artist Planet Rio Design, Atlanta, GA Responsibilities included layout/paste-up, illustration. Computer document files support service and output to RC paper and https://www.360docs.net/doc/462846344.html,puter and design consulting. Program tutoring. Electronic
