


— Unit 2 Robots



satisfaction elegant fiction favor desire declare affair scan

accompany divorce junior talent obey state envy sympathy imagination assessment


turn around test out ring up leave …alone set aside be bound to do in all 其它词汇

household fingernail makeup haircut absurd bonus alarm pile

overweight necklace cushion armchair counter cuisine awful clerk biography theoretical mailbox receiver grand staff navy holy transfusion part-time framework thinking chapter empire digital



Part 1 重点词汇(Ⅰ)

1. At this age, teenagers, especially girls, have a strong ________ for friendship. A. expectation B. wish C. hope

D. desire

● 近义词辨析

(1)desire 正式用于,可替代wish 与want,主要用来强调主观愿望的热切性,含有“强烈希望做某事”的含义,其

宾语从句谓语动词一般用should do 形式;

(2)wish 语气弱于desire ,一般表示难以实现或不可能实现的愿望,可译为“希望,愿,想”等含义; (3)hope 表示有较大可能性能实现的一种愿望; (4)expect 侧重“期待、预期、预料、期望”的含义;

2. We had a __________ meal together last Sunday. All the guests are very _________.

A. satisfied; satisfied

B. satisfying; satisfied

C. satisfying; satisfying

D. satisfied; satisfying

3. It ’s not enough to have _________ for the disabled. We should learn to respect them and help them show their valuable role in society. A. talent B. satisfaction

C. sympathy

D. support



4. Tomorrow the mayor is to __________ a group of Canadian businessmen to our city.

A. coordinate

B. cooperate

C. accompany

D. associate

5. The accused man ________ that he was not guilty in the court.

A. announced

B. declared

C. broadcast

D. advertised

6. The Smiths bought a new house, which was the ________ of the neighbors.

A. envy

B. admire

C. respect

D. pride

7. —Would you please do me the ________ to phone my parents about the accident?

— With pleasure.

A. patience

B. favor

C. reaction

D. bond

8. Rose said that she was willing to ________ the rules if she was accepted as a club member.

A. obey

B. treat

C. reject

D. adopt

9. The book published by the government ________ the case of the women’s rights and responsibilities of last year.

A. states

B. desires

C. assess

D. obeys

10. The power of church in national _________ has lessened.

A. matters

B. events

C. business

D. affairs





(5)business指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动等,常用的短语:in business经商,on business有事、因公等。

Part 2 重点词汇(Ⅱ)

11. I feel sympathy for him. His parents have _____________________(离婚).

12. He made a careful _____________________(评价,评定)of the present situation.

13. The mother found that her son had a musical _____________________(天才,才干).

14. I’m too busy to read the whole newspaper , so I just _____________________(浏览,扫描)the headlines.

Part 3 重点短语

1. As he walked towards the hotel, he suddenly ___________________(转向)and found an old lady following him. (1)turn on (2)turn off (3)turn up

(4)turn down (5)turn to (6)turn around

(7)turn in (8)turn out (9)turn out to be

2. Would you please __________________(放在一边,节省)some time to listen to my real idea?

(1)set up (2)a set of (3)set off

(4)set down (5)set aside (6)set out

(7)set down (8)set fire to sth. (9)set sth. on fire

3. Why are you so anxious? It isn’t your fault, _________________(毕竟,终究).

(1)in all (2)all in all (3)first of all

(4)above all (5)after all

4. This new switch hasn’t been fully _____________________(试验,考验).

5. Don’t ___________ her _______(不管,别惹,让……一个人待着)to sweep up after the party.

A friend of mine, a mother with a son serving our country in special operations shared with me her son ’s recent experiences.

She described a situation where her son while 1 attack, was with comrades, moving toward their objective. 2 , he stepped over a mine (地雷). He was fortunate, however, his friend was not so 3 . The impact was immediate — his 4 was more severe than anything he could describe. All he knew was that he was in a different place, wondering to himself, “Is this what 5 feels like?” The next thing he 6 was hearing a slight groan (呻吟)coming from nearby. Looking over his 7 he noticed it was his friend, 8 on the ground. It seemed at the time as though lower half of his body was missing. “Am I still 9 ?” he thought, rubbing his eyes, checking with every sense he could 10 . Yes, it is my partner, then sudden reflects kicked in. Getting up quickly, he made his way to what he now 11 was only a bad dream. Unfortunately, his friend was 12 ; it was not a dream. As he bent over to help, he knew he was his friend ’s only 13 . This dying soldier needed his full 14 . His legs were gone; his blood was rushing out of his body everywhere. It would be only minutes, maybe seconds and his 15 would be over.

Grabbing anything he could find that could be used as a bandage, he 16 stopped the bleeding. After waiting for the gunfire to 17 , he picked his friend up off the ground and carried him off to 18 . I ask you, “Who gives more when it comes to 19 our country ?” The brave men and women are willingly giving the final sacrifice. We 20 those who serve our country. We pray for their safety and well-being. We know with certainty, it is our freedom they protect. 1. A. on

B. at

C. in

D. under

2. A. Mistakenly B. Eagerly C. Totally D. Nervously

3. A. mad

B. patient

C. lucky

D. quick 4. A. emotion B . pain

C. reaction

D. scream 5. A. floating B. dreaming C. dying D. suffering 6. A. thought B. imagined

C. forgot

D. remembered 7. A. shoulder B. arm C. head

D. hand

8. A. sitting B. lying C. kneeling D. standing 9. A. awake B. asleep C. alive

D. alone

10. A. make B. lose

C. recognize

D. gather 11. A. hoped B. realized C. impressed D. regretted 12. A. sick B. real C. anxious

D. stubborn 13. A. friend B. doctor C. help D. love

14. A. attention B. courage C. power

D. energy 15. A. attack B. battle

C. journey

D. life 16. A. closely B. mysteriously C. tightly

D. certainly

17. A. start B. continue C. end D. break 18. A. safety B. frontier C. ground D. hospital 19. A. running B. serving C. building

D. leaving

20. A. support B. encourage C. congratulate

D. honor

Part 1单词拼写(周一、周二完成)



1. The government is (使警觉,使惊恐;警报)by the dramatic increase in the violent crime.

2. We all wonder how you always look so young, beautiful and (优雅,高雅).

3. How much do you charge for a (发型,理发)?

4. The mother covered the (软垫,靠垫,垫子)with new materials.

5. The servant placed the money on the (柜台,计数器).

6. Most of the computers used are (数字的,数码的)computers.

7. I feel much (同情,同情心)for the blind.

8. I’ve read a (传记)of Abraham Lincoln.

9. I’ve booked you in at the (大的,豪华的,雄伟的)Hotel.

10. There are many (家庭的,家用的)appliances in this shop.

11. When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a (手杖,全体员工).

12. The workers sort the mail from the (邮筒,信箱).

13. The injured man has lost a lot of blood and has to be given a (输血).

14. I (浏览,扫描)the newspaper when I was waiting for the bus.

15. Do you plan to find a (兼职的)job in the summer?

16. The singer was (陪伴,伴奏)at the piano by his pupils.

17. She got a (离婚,断绝关系)after years of unhappiness.

18. Real life is sometimes stranger than (小说,虚构或想象的事).

19. You’re (一定的)to feel tired after a day’s work.

20. It was (荒唐的,可笑的)of you to suggest such a thing.

21. Each member of the cabinet (陈述;状态,国家,州)his views on the question.

22. Your (满足,满意,令人满意的事物)is guaranteed. (包你满意)

23. Soldiers must (服从,顺从)orders.

24. It would be (极坏的,极讨厌的)if he found out the truth.

25. This parcel is (超重的)by two kilos.

26. This was the (框架,结构)of Ann’s life.

27. I value the (项链)at $ 5000.

28. His new house was the (嫉妒,羡慕)of his friends.

29. Everyone (渴望,欲望,渴求)to live in a world without worries and pains.

30. Britain has always had a large (海军,海军部队).

31. The suspect (正式宣布,声明,表明,宣称)that she was innocent.

32. The naught boy has neither (天才,才干,特殊能力)nor the desire to learn.

33. Would you please do me a (喜爱,恩惠;喜爱,偏袒), Ben?

34. He is studying at a (较年幼的,资历浅的,地位低的;年少者,晚辈)middle school.

35. The premier is busy with important (事务,事情,暧昧关系)of state.

36. Why does she always paint that one (手指甲)blue?

37. Chinese (烹饪,菜肴)is very different from European.

38. She is very dissatisfied at not getting a (额外津贴,奖金,红利).

39. The opening (章,篇,回)only gives a general overview of the subject.

40. The (售货员,职员,旅馆接待员)helped me find what I wanted.

Part 2 完形填空(周三完成)

There was a lovely sprite(小精灵)living in a magic lamp. He loved to help people 1 their wishes. Unfortunately, he always made things 2 . Whenever people came to the magic lamp, he would 3 and say, “What’s your wish?” But a great cloud of smoke would also 4 and the dust would fly in the air, which made it hard for people to 5 .

His tricks were always so 6 that no one wanted him again. His lamp ended up being used only to throw at people. The sprite didn’t come out of it for years, unhappy and 7 .

One day a girl heard the 8 of the sprite, so she stopped and decided to become his best 9 . Her wish was able to enter and leave the lamp 10 they could spend time together. To her 11 , the sprite agreed immediately. Then the girl entered the lamp, and she found that it was really 12 and everything was pushed into it. 13 , whenever the sprite tried to get something, a cloud of dust would fly up.

The sprite explained that he had no time for 14 . But the girl told him that the 15 he was, the more important it was that he should have kept all his things 16 . In the end, they decided to give the place a good clean.

It took them quite a few days, but when they 17 , everything was in its correct place. Now, with no 18 , the sprite was able to find whatever gift was asked for. So he began to be 19 once more.

He learned that nothing great can be 20 without order and cleanliness.

1. A. realize B. change C. express D. respect

2. A. terrible B. exciting C. dangerous D. wonderful

3. A. go back B. hand out C. jump out D. pick up

4. A. burn B. rise C. clear D. break

5. A. work B. sleep C. stand D. breathe

6. A. stupid B. clever C. simple D. attractive

7. A. useless B. unknown C. helpless D. uncertain

8. A. jokes B. cries C. puzzles D. warnings

9. A. teacher B. doctor C. neighbor D. friend

10. A. so that B. as if

C. even though

D. Ever since

11. A. shame B. delight

C. surprise

D. disappointed

12. A. hot B. huge C. crowded D. noisy

13. A. After all B. At least

C. At the beginning

D. As a result

14. A. writing B. cleaning C. drawing D. exercising

15. A. poorer B. quieter C. hungrier D. busier

16. A. in order B. in public C. in shape D. in secret

17. A. stopped B. failed C. finished D. continued

18. A. purpose B. difficulty C. possibility D. permission

19. A. charged B. educated C. challenged D. respected

20. A. judged B. matched

C. achieved

D. require

Part 3 单项选择(周五完成)

1. —Can I use the computer now? — Sorry. It needs out first.

A. to test

B. being tested

C. testing

D. to being tested

2. Thousands of people to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.

A. turned to

B. turned in

C. turned around

D. turned out

3. Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he his own work and translated it into German.

A. set off

B. set down

C. set about

D. set aside

4. Now that you are in charge of the department, you are to carry out the plan.

A. eager

B. anxious

C. interested

D. bound

5. After a whole afternoon’s heated discussion, they finally to us what had been decided.

A. told

B. declared

C. stated

D. made

6. He said that , for I had got a better grade than him.

A. out of order

B. out of envy

C. out of sympathy

D. out of respect

7. Those students who show a special talent using computers can be encouraged to learn programming.

A. of

B. for

C. with

D. in

8. She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she all her work at home.

A. do

B. does

C. must do

D. would do

9. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was it.

A. in favor of

B. in memory of

C. in honor of

D. in search of

10. This morning I , but the line was busy, so I didn’t get .

A. rang him up; through

B. called him; over

C. telephoned him; up

D. gave him a call; off


— Unit 2 Robots



satisfaction elegant fiction favor desire declare affair scan

accompany divorce junior talent obey state envy sympathy imagination assessment


turn around test out ring up leave …alone set aside be bound to do in all 其它词汇

household fingernail makeup haircut absurd bonus alarm pile

overweight necklace cushion armchair counter cuisine awful clerk biography theoretical mailbox receiver grand staff navy holy transfusion part-time framework thinking chapter empire digital



Part 1 重点词汇(Ⅰ)

1. At this age, teenagers, especially girls, have a strong ____D____ for friendship. A. expectation B. wish C. hope

D. desire

● 近义词辨析

(1)desire 正式用于,可替代wish 与want,主要用来强调主观愿望的热切性,含有“强烈希望做某事”的含义,其

宾语从句谓语动词一般用should do 形式;

(2)wish 语气弱于desire ,一般表示难以实现或不可能实现的愿望,可译为“希望,愿,想”等含义; (3)hope 表示有较大可能性能实现的一种愿望; (4)expect 侧重“期待、预期、预料、期望”的含义;

2. We had a __________ meal together last Sunday. All the guests are very _________.

A. satisfied; satisfied

B. satisfying; satisfied

C. satisfying; satisfying

D. satisfied; satisfying 答案:B

3. It ’s not enough to have _________ for the disabled. We should learn to respect them and help them show their valuable role in society. A. talent B. satisfaction

C. sympathy

D. support




4. Tomorrow the mayor is to __________ a group of Canadian businessmen to our city.

A. coordinate

B. cooperate

C. accompany

D. associate


5. The accused man ________ that he was not guilty in the court.

A. announced

B. declared

C. broadcast

D. advertised


6. The Smiths bought a new house, which was the ________ of the neighbors.

A. envy

B. admire

C. respect

D. pride


7. —Would you please do me the ________ to phone my parents about the accident?

— With pleasure.

A. patience

B. favor

C. reaction

D. bond


8. Rose said that she was willing to ________ the rules if she was accepted as a club member.

A. obey

B. treat

C. reject

D. adopt


9. The book published by the government ________ the case of the women’s rights and responsibilities of last year.

A. states

B. desires

C. assess

D. obeys


10. The power of church in national _____D____ has lessened.

A. matters

B. events

C. business

D. affairs





(5)business指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动等,常用的短语:in business经商,on business有事、因公等。Part 2 重点词汇(Ⅱ)

11. I feel sympathy for him. His parents have _____________________(离婚).


12. He made a careful _____________________(评价,评定)of the present situation.


13. The mother found that her son had a musical _____________________(天才,才干).


14. I’m too busy to read the whole newspaper , so I just _____________________(浏览,扫描)the headlines.


Part 3 重点短语

1. As he walked towards the hotel, he suddenly turned around (转向)and found an old lady following him.

(1)turn on (2)turn off (3)turn up

(4)turn down (5)turn to (6)turn around

(7)turn in (8)turn out (9)turn out to be

2. Would you please set aside (放在一边,节省)some time to listen to my real idea?

(1)set up (2)a set of (3)set off

(4)set down (5)set aside (6)set out

(7)set down (8)set fire to sth. (9)set sth. on fire

3. Why are you so anxious? It isn’t your fault, after all (毕竟,终究).

(1)in all (2)all in all (3)first of all

(4)above all (5)after all

4. This new switch hasn’t been fully tested out (试验,考验).

5. Don’t leave her alone (不管,别惹,让……一个人待着)to sweep up after the party.


A friend of mine, a mother with a son serving our country in special operations shared with me her son’s recent experiences.

She described a situation where her son while 1D attack, was with comrades, moving toward their

objective. 2A , he stepped over a mine(地雷). He was fortunate, however, his friend was not so 3C .

The impact was immediate — his 4B was more severe than anything he could describe. All he knew was that he was in a different place, wondering to himself, “Is this what 5C feels like?” The next thing he 6D was hearing a slight groan(呻吟)coming from nearby. Looking over his 7A he noticed it was his friend, 8B on the ground. It seemed at the time as though lower half of his body was missing. “Am I still 9C ?” he thought, rubbing his eyes, checking with every sense he could 10D . Yes, it is my partner, then sudden reflects kicked in.

Getting up quickly, he made his way to what he now 11A was only a bad dream. Unfortunately, his friend was 12B ; it was not a dream. As he bent over to help, he knew he was his friend’s only 13C . This dying soldier needed his full 14A . His legs were gone; his blood was rushing out of his body everywhere. It would be only minutes, maybe seconds and his 15D would be over.

Grabbing anything he could find that could be used as a bandage, he 16B stopped the bleeding. After waiting for the gunfire to 17C , he picked his friend up off the ground and carried him off to 18A .

I ask you, “Who gives more when it comes to 19B our country?”The brave men and women are willingly giving the final sacrifice. We 20D those who serve our country. We pray for their safety and well-being. We know with certainty, it is our freedom they protect.

1. A. on B. at C. in D. under

2. A. Mistakenly B. Eagerly

C. Totally

D. Nervously

3. A. mad B. patient C. lucky D. quick

4. A. emotion B. pain C. reaction D. scream

5. A. floating B. dreaming C. dying D. suffering

6. A. thought B. imagined

C. forgot

D. remembered

7. A. shoulder B. arm C. head D. hand

8. A. sitting B. lying C. kneeling D. standing

9. A. awake B. asleep C. alive D. alone

10. A. make B. lose C. recognize D. gather

11. A. hoped B. realized C. impressed D. regretted 12. A. sick B. real

C. anxious

D. stubborn

13. A. friend B. doctor C. help D. love

14. A. attention B. courage

C. power

D. energy

15. A. attack B. battle C. journey D. life

16. A. closely B. mysteriously

C. tightly

D. certainly

17. A. start B. continue C. end D. break

18. A. safety B. frontier C. ground D. hospital

19. A. running B. serving C. building D. leaving

20. A. support B. encourage

C. congratulate

D. honor

Part 1单词拼写(周一、周二完成)

1. The government is alarmed (使警觉,使惊恐;警报)by the dramatic increase in the violent crime.

2. We all wonder how you always look so young, beautiful and elegant (优雅,高雅).

3. How much do you charge for a haircut (发型,理发)?

4. The mother covered the cushion (软垫,靠垫,垫子)with new materials.

5. The servant placed the money on the counter (柜台,计数器).

6. Most of the computers used are digital (数字的,数码的)computers.

7. I feel much sympathy (同情,同情心)for the blind.

8. I’ve read a biography (传记)of Abraham Lincoln.

9. I’ve booked you in at the grand (大的,豪华的,雄伟的)Hotel.


10. There are many household (家庭的,家用的)appliances in this shop.

11. When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff (手杖,全体员工).

12. The workers sort the mail from the mailbox (邮筒,信箱).

13. The injured man has lost a lot of blood and has to be given a transfusion (输血).

14. I scanned (浏览,扫描)the newspaper when I was waiting for the bus.

15. Do you plan to find a part-time (兼职的)job in the summer?

16. The singer was accompanied (陪伴,伴奏)at the piano by his pupils.

17. She got a divorce (离婚,断绝关系)after years of unhappiness.

18. Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction (小说,虚构或想象的事).

19. You’re bound (一定的)to feel tired after a day’s work.

20. It was absurd (荒唐的,可笑的)of you to suggest such a thing.

21. Each member of the cabinet stated (陈述;状态,国家,州)his views on the question.

22. Your satisfaction (满足,满意,令人满意的事物)is guaranteed. (包你满意)

23. Soldiers must obey (服从,顺从)orders.

24. It would be awful (极坏的,极讨厌的)if he found out the truth.

25. This parcel is overweight (超重的)by two kilos.

26. This was the framework (框架,结构)of Ann’s life.

27. I value the necklace (项链)at $ 5000.

28. His new house was the envy (嫉妒,羡慕)of his friends.

29. Everyone desires (渴望,欲望,渴求)to live in a world without worries and pains.

30. Britain has always had a large navy (海军,海军部队).

31. The suspect declared (正式宣布,声明,表明,宣称)that she was innocent.

32. The naught boy has neither talent (天才,才干,特殊能力)nor the desire to learn.

33. Would you please do me a favor (喜爱,恩惠;喜爱,偏袒), Ben?

34. He is studying at a junior (较年幼的,资历浅的,地位低的;年少者,晚辈)middle school.

35. The premier is busy with important affairs (事务,事情,暧昧关系)of state.

36. Why does she always paint that one fingernail (手指甲)blue?

37. Chinese cuisine (烹饪,菜肴)is very different from European.

38. She is very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus (额外津贴,奖金,红利).

39. The opening chapter (章,篇,回)only gives a general overview of the subject.

40. The clerk (售货员,职员,旅馆接待员)helped me find what I wanted.

Part 2 完形填空(周三完成)

There was a lovely sprite(小精灵)living in a magic lamp. He loved to help people 1A their wishes. Unfortunately, he always made things 2A . Whenever people came to the magic lamp, he would 3C and say, “What’s your wish?” But a great cloud of smoke would also 4B and the dust would fly in the air, which made it hard for people to 5D .

His tricks were always so 6A that no one wanted him again. His lamp ended up being used only to throw at people. The sprite didn’t come out of it for years, unhappy and 7C .

One day a girl heard the 8B of the sprite, so she stopped and decided to become his best 9D . Her wish was able to enter and leave the lamp 10A they could spend time together. To her 11B , the

sprite agreed immediately. Then the girl entered the lamp, and she found that it was really 12C and everything was pushed into it. 13D , whenever the sprite tried to get something, a cloud of dust would fly up.

The sprite explained that he had no time for 14B . But the girl told him that the 15D he was, the more important it was that he should have kept all his things 16A . In the end, they decided to give the place a good clean.

It took them quite a few days, but when they 17C , everything was in its correct place. Now, with no 18B , the sprite was able to find whatever gift was asked for. So he began to be 19D once more.

He learned that nothing great can be 20C without order and cleanliness.

1. A. realize B. change C. express D. respect

2. A. terrible B. exciting C. dangerous D. wonderful

3. A. go back B. hand out C. jump out D. pick up

4. A. burn B. rise C. clear D. break

5. A. work B. sleep C. stand D. breathe

6. A. stupid B. clever C. simple D. attractive

7. A. useless B. unknown C. helpless D. uncertain

8. A. jokes B. cries C. puzzles D. warnings

9. A. teacher B. doctor C. neighbor D. friend

10. A. so that B. as if

C. even though

D. Ever since

11. A. shame B. delight

C. surprise

D. disappointed

12. A. hot B. huge C. crowded D. noisy

13. A. After all B. At least

C. At the beginning

D. As a result

14. A. writing B. cleaning C. drawing D. exercising

15. A. poorer B. quieter C. hungrier D. busier

16. A. in order B. in public C. in shape D. in secret

17. A. stopped B. failed C. finished D. continued

18. A. purpose B. difficulty C. possibility D. permission

19. A. charged B. educated C. challenged D. respected

20. A. judged B. matched

C. achieved

D. required

Part 3 单项选择(周五完成)

1. —Can I use the computer now? — Sorry. It needs ____C____ out first.

A. to test

B. being tested

C. testing

D. to being tested

2. Thousands of people _____D____ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.

A. turned to

B. turned in

C. turned around

D. turned out

3. Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he ____D____ his own work and translated it into German.

A. set off

B. set down

C. set about

D. set aside

4. Now that you are in charge of the department, you are _____D___ to carry out the plan.

A. eager

B. anxious

C. interested

D. bound

5. After a whole afternoon’s heated discussion, they finally ____B_____ to us what had been decided.

A. told

B. declared

C. stated

D. made

6. He said that _____B___, for I had got a better grade than him.

A. out of order

B. out of envy

C. out of sympathy

D. out of respect

7. Those students who show a special talent ____B___ using computers can be encouraged to learn programming.

A. of

B. for

C. with

D. in

8. She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she ____A____ all her work at home.

A. do

B. does

C. must do

D. would do

9. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ____A____it.

A. in favor of

B. in memory of

C. in honor of

D. in search of

10. This morning I ____A____, but the line was busy, so I didn’t get __________.

A. rang him up; through

B. called him; over

C. telephoned him; up

D. gave him a call; off
