



I have a good friend. 1 Chinese name is Da Shan and his 2 name is Mark Rowswell. He 3 from Canada. He can 4 English and French (法語). And he speaks Chinese very 5 . He likes China very much. Now he teaches English 6 Beijing. Da Shan 7 a big nose, big eyes 8 short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife (妻子) is from Sichuan, China. They 9 two children. Da Shan`s father and mother are in Canada. But 10 like China, too. And they often come to China.

( ) 1. A. He B. Him C. His

( ) 2. A. English B. French C. Chinese

() 3. A. come B. does C. comes

() 4. A. speak B. speaks C. says

( ) 5. A. good B. nice C. well

( ) 6. A. at B. to C. in

( ) 7. A. is B. are C. has

( ) 8. A. and B. or C. so

( ) 9. A. are B. have C. is

() 10. A. they B. them C. their


Look at this picture. This is a photo 1 my family. There are 2 people in the picture. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and 3 . 4 father is very happy every day. My mother 5 near (在……旁邊) my father. The boy beside (在……旁邊) my mother is my 6 . The 7 near my mother is my little sister. 8 is very clever and cute. Everyone likes her very much. Who is 9 boy in the middle (在中間)? Ah! It is me. 10 love my family very much.

( ) 1. A. for B. on C. of

( ) 2. A. five B. six C. seven

( ) 3. A. me B. I C. you

( ) 4. A. My B. I C. His

( ) 5. A. are B. am C. is

( ) 6. A. sister B. grandfather C. brother

( ) 7. A. boy B. girl C. son

( ) 8. A. He B. She C. They

( ) 9. A. a B. these C. the

( ) 10. A. I B. Me C. My

( 三)

Li Lin is a good friend of mine. I go to 1 home for dinner. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong 2 in his home, too. We 3 a good dinner. There is (有) 4 meat, chicken, fish, milk and vegtables 5 the desk. And there is some rice, noodles, cakes, water and tea on it, 6 . We like 7 very much. Li Lin and I like 8 meat, fish, vegetables, noodles and cakes.

Zhang Tao and Wang Dong like to eat chicken, fish and 9 . They are really (確實地) nice.

10 are very happy.

( ) 1. A. him B. he C. his

( ) 2. A. are B. is C. am

( ) 3. A. has B. have C. is

( ) 4. A. lot B. many C. some

( ) 5. A. in B. on C. at

( ) 6. A. and B. so C. too

( ) 7. A. them B. they C. their

( ) 8. A. to have B. have C. has

( ) 9. A. rice B. rices C. a rice

( ) 10. A. Us B. Our C. We


Today is Sunday. My parents don`t go to 1 and I don`t go to school. So we go to the 2 to do some farm work. My uncle is a farmer. He has many 3 trees on his farm. We often 4 him pick (摘) apples. We get up early this 5 . We all wear (穿) our old clothes. We also buy many kinds of food 6 my uncle`s son in a shop. Because 7 likes them very much. I think my uncle will 8 us a lot of apples when 9 come back. I like apples very much. I like to work 10 the farm.

( ) 1. A. shop B. school C. work

( ) 2. A. office B. farm C. hospital

( ) 3. A. apple B. orange C. apples

( ) 4. A. help B. helps C. helping

( ) 5. A. evening B. morning C. afternoon

( ) 6. A. to B. for C. with

( ) 7. A. he B. him C. they

( ) 8 A. sell B. bring C. give

( ) 9. A. He B. I C. we

( ) 10. A. at B. on C. in

( 五)

Li Lei, look 1 this picture. This is a 2 of a classroom. In the picture you can see chairs 3 desks. On the blackboard, you can see a tree. A map is 4 the door. The room is different from 5 classroom. Under the 6 desk, there is a football, 7 you can’t see it. The boy in the hat is my friend. Jack . He is a new student. He is 8 American. He looks 9 Kate. But they are not 10 .

( )1.A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )2.A. map B. picture C. room D. door

( )3.A. or B. but C. there D. and

( )4.A. behind B. in C. at D. of

( )5.A. yours B. my C. me D. mine

( )6.A. teacher’s B. teachers’ C. of teacher D. teacher

( )7.A. so B. or C. and D. but

( )8.A. a B. an C. the D. that

( )9.A. after B. at C. the same D. like

( )10.A. students B. boys C. twins(雙胞胎)D. girls


Sunday 1 the favourite day for our family. My parents 2 not 3 work. My sister and I 4 go to school . We 5 at home and 6 in the morning. In the afternoon, my sister and I 7 out to buy some different things. My sister likes songs. She 8 new tapes. I buy story books, a model plane(飛機模型) , a kite and things 9 that. We also buy some small gifts(禮物) for our parents. We 10 them. They love us very much. We live in a happy family.

( )1.A. is B. are C. comes D. goes

( )2.A. is B. are C. do D. does

( )3.A. on B. in C. do D. at

( )4.A. don’t B. doesn’t C. can’t D. aren’t

( )5.A. play B. go C. stay D. come

( )6.A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays

( )7.A. going B. go C. goes D. are

( )8.A.buys B. buying C. to buy D. buies

( )9.A. look like B. looks like C. likes D. like

( )10.A. love B. have C. has D. loves


The Spring Festival(春節) is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually comes 1 February. Everyone in China 2 the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival 3 , Li Hong usually 4 his parents clean their house and 5 some shopping and other housework. On that 6 everyone in China eats dumplings, New Year’s cakes, and other good7 . Li Hong likes New Year’s cakes. But Wang Hai says dumplings are8 than New Year’s cakes. The Chinese people 9 the New Year’s cakes and dumplings in their houses . How10 they are!

( )1.A. after B. on C. in D. by

( )2.A. has B. like C. remembers D. likes

( )3.A. goes B. comes C. reaches hears

( )4.A. helps B. makes C. gets D. takes

( )5.A. buys B. does C. goes D. carries

( )6.A. morning B. evening C. day D. afternoon

( )7.A. food B. drinks C. vegetable D. fruit

( )8.A. smaller B. better C. bigger D. sweeter

( )9.A. find out B. buy C. eat D. sell

( )10.A. happy B. delicious C. lovely D. great


I’m 1 middle school student. My name is Liu Ming. I’m 2 Class 1, Grade 2. There 3 fifty students in our class. There are two American girls. We go to school 4 weekdays. We stay 5 home on Sundays and Saturdays. We like our class. We like 6 teachers. We have six classes a day. But we 7 four classes on Thursday. On Thursday afternoon, we don’t have 8 classes. We all 9 games. Look! The boys are playing football 10 the girls are singing happily.

( )1.A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )2.A. at B. in C. of D. on

( )3.A. has B. have C. is D. are

( )4.A. at B. in C. on D. of

( )5.A. at B. in C. on D. of

( )6.A. we B. our C. us D. ours

( )7.A. have B. has C. there is D. there are

( )8.A. a B. an C. some D. any

( )9.A. play B. playing C. to play D. playing

( )10.A. but B. and C. or D. so


There’s 1 apple tree behind Dick’s house. Dick is near the tree. There are some apples 2 the tree. Dick is looking 3 the apples. They are big and red. Dick is hungry. He wants to 4 an apple. Dick isn’t tall. He is short. He can’t reach the apples. He is putting a 5 under the tree. Can he reach the apples now? 6 , he can’t . He is too7 .Here comes Paul. He is Dick’s brother. “Hello, Dick, 8 are you doing?”

“Please help 9 , Paul, I can’t10 the apples.” “Here you are, Dick. One for you, and one for me!” “Thank you, Paul.”

( )1.A. a B. the C. some D. an

( )2.A. in B. on C. over D. under

( )3.A. for B. after C. at D. up

( )4.A. bring B. buy C. get D. carry

( )5.A. ball B. box C. boy D. bag

( )6.A. Yes B. OK C. No D. Not

( )7.A. long B. short C. big D. heavy

( )8.A. what B. when C. where D. why

( )9.A. I B. me C. my D. you

( )10.A. reach B. see C. find D. catch



1------5 .CACAC 6---10 .CCABA

疑難解析:2.A 由後邊の英文名字可知是英國人。

3.C.來自某個地方用come from .He為第三人稱單數,用comes。

4.A .說某種語言用speak ,can後接動詞原形。



1—4 CABAC 6—10 CBBCA


1. C.a photo of 一張……の照片。

2. B 列舉名稱時and 後接主格I.

9. C. 此處表示特指“這個男孩”,用定冠詞the .

( 三)

1—5 CABCB 6—10 CAAAC


4.C .meat 為不可數名詞,須用some , many 修飾可數名詞。

8.like to do(喜歡做……)結構。

9.A . rice 為不可數名詞。


1—5 CBAAB 6—10 BACCB


2.B 由句中のdo some farm work可推斷出go to the farm .

3.A.apple tree の複數形式只在後邊の單詞tree用複數trees.

6..B.“給某人買某物”為“buy.sth for sb/buysb.sth”結構。

8.C .由文意可知是我叔叔送給我們蘋果。用give .

( 五)

1----5 。CBDAB 6—10 .BDBDC



5.修飾名詞用形容詞性物主代詞my .

6.B .講桌是許多教師共用の,教師為複數,其名詞所有格為teachers’ .

9.此處意味“看起來像”,短語為look like .


1------5 。ABDAC 6---10 。BDBDC


3. D 固定詞組at work意為“在工作,在上班”。

4. A 本句屬於非be 動詞の一般現在時結構。其謂語動詞の否定式應用don’t +V原形

5. C stay at home意為“呆在家裏”。

7. B 本句主語my sister and I 為複數。謂語動詞用原形。

8. A 句子主語she為第三人稱單數,謂語動詞要用單數第三人稱形式。

9. D like作介詞。意為“像……”不能加s.

10.A love意為“喜愛,喜歡”,主語為複數,謂語動詞用原形。


1-----5.CDBAB 6----10. CABCA


1. C 表示在某月用介詞in.

2. D Everyone作主語時,當單數看待謂語動詞要用動詞の第三人稱單數形式。

3. B 本句意思是當春節到來時。

4. A help his parents clean their house意為“幫助他の父母親打掃房子”。

5. B and連接の兩個並列謂語動詞時態要一致。

6. C on that day.表示在那一天。

7. A 過年吃餃子,蛋糕和其它の食物。

8. B 黃海說餃子比新年の蛋糕更好,而不是A項(更小),C項(更大)D項(更甜)

9. C 本句意思是:中國人們在家吃新年の蛋糕和餃子。

10.A 這裏のthey指代The Chinese people,那麼本句意思是他們多麼快樂啊!



1. A 此處為泛指,且後無元音音素開頭の單詞,故應用a,即A選項。

2. B 在班級、年級の前面應用介詞in,即B選項。

3. D 因本句中有there,可以判定此處應用there be 句型,故A、B兩選項不對;又因空後fifty students為複數,故應用are, 即D選項。

4. C 在星期幾(此處weekdays是指從周一到周五)の前面應用介詞on,即C選項。

5. A stay at home呆在家裏,是固定搭配,本題選擇A選項。

6. B 由此句意為“我們喜歡我們の老師”,可以判定此處應用物主代詞;又因後面有名詞teacher ,可以判定此處應用形容詞性物主代詞our,即B選項。

7. A 此句意為“我們周四有4節課”,因有主語we, 不能用There be句型;又we不

是第三人稱單數,故應用have, 即A選項。

8. D 本題主要考查some和anyの區別用法。空後為複數名詞classes, 故前面不能用表示單數の冠詞a, an,即A、B選項不對;又因此句是否定句,不能用some,故應用any,即D選項。

9. A 本題主要考查動詞短語“做遊戲”の表達play games.本題選擇A選項。

10.B 本題主要考查連詞の用法。根據句意“男孩們在踢足球,女孩子們在唱歌”,可以判定這兩句話為並列關系,應用並列連詞and,即B選項。




1. D an用在發元音音素開頭の單詞前。

2. B 蘋果、梨子長在樹上用介詞on,鳥在樹上用in.

3. C look at ……意為看……。

4. C 此處填get相當於pick.

5. B 他把一個箱子放在樹下。

6. C 根據後面のhe can’t此空要填No作否定回答。

7. B 放了箱子仍然摘不到蘋果說明他太矮了。

8. A What用於詢問某人幹什麼,某人の職業或身份。

9. B 動詞help後跟代詞の賓格形式me.

10.A reach此處意為“夠到”。


一、 Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the of the girls___1____ boys like the program. They ___2___like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him ___3___ his work. There are lots of ___4___ to him every day,too. Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every has bread and a glass of milk ___5___ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and ___6___ his office at 7:15. The program ___7____ at 7: plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time ____8____ the news. Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home ____9____ his ___10___ newspaper and listens to music after supper. He thinks his life is very interesting. ( ) and B with C but D about ( ) too B to C also D so ( ) to B for C fo D and ( ) letter B letters C friends D words ( ) at B with C for D to ( ) goes B gets C gets to D gets up ( ) begins B finishes C over D start ( ) to B for C of D in ( ) by B in C on D takes ( ) looks B reads C sees D watches 二、You\'ll see a new _1_at a hospitai near London if you go is very clever,_2_he never can work 24 hours a day and never gets is one metre tall and has a face_4_a TV is . Doctors often need to ask their patients a lot of doctors can only spend a few minutes with such ,a human doctor can_8_a lot of uesful information(信息)when he meets his patient. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 三、Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a __1___ building in the __2___ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He__3___ a lift (电梯)to go up and down. He works very hard. He__4___ to work early. Every day he leaves his__5__and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It __6___him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to __7___bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from ___8___home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes__9___. He works in a factory about ten__10___ from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past5. () 1. A. tall B. shot C. small D. large ()2. A. country B. town C. city D. village () 3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends () 4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes () 5. A. home B. building C. office D. room () 6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings ()7. A. an C. the D. / ()8. B. he C. him ()9. plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air ( ) 10. B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours 四、A Diary Great weather! It was _1__ and hot all day. We __2__ to a beautiful beach. We had great fun __3__ in the water. In the afternoon, we went __4__. On the way, I found a little boy __5__ in the corner. He was __6__. I helped __7__ find his father. That made me __8__ very happy. I didn’t have __9__ money __10__ a taxi. So I walked back to the hotel.


完形填空 一、ABC Radio Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the of the girls___1____ boys like the program. They ___2___like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him ___3___ his work. There are lots of ___4___ to him every day,too. Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every has bread and a glass of milk ___5___ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and ___6___ his office at 7:15. The program ___7____ at 7: plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time ____8____ the news. Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home ____9____ his ___10___ newspaper and listens to music after supper. He thinks his life is very interesting. ( ) and B with C but D about ( ) too B to C also D so ( ) to B for C fo D and ( ) letter B letters C friends D words


(1)It was the last lesson before winter holidays. The students looked very ___1____. Their English teacher, Miss Liu, ____2____ happy, too. She __3____ them interesting stories. She sang songs _____4___ them. After that she went to the blackboard and ___5____ “smiles”on it. “This is one of the ____6___ words in English.”She said to the students. All the students laughed, and then one girl stood up and asked, “___7____ is it one of the longest words in English?”Miss Liu said ____8___ for a few seconds. Then she smiled and said, “___9___ there is a mile between(在….之间) the first letter and ____10_____.” ( ) 1 A well B happy C happily D sad ( ) 2 A is B looks C was D look ( ) 3 A said B told C spoke D talked ( ) 4 A with B and C from D in ( ) 5 A wrote B write C writes D to write ( ) 6 A shorter B longer C longest D shortest ( ) 7 A How B Why C Where D Which ( ) 8 A anything B something C nothing D everything ( ) 9 A So B Why C And D Because ( ) 10 A the last B last word C last D a last (2)All over the world people enjoy taking part in sports. Taking part in sports ____1____ people’s health. Many people like to watch ____2____ play sports games. They buy tickets ____3___turn on their TV sets to sit ____4____ them. Sports _____5___ with the seasons. People play ____6____ games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside, and sometimes they play outside. We can ____7____ sports here and there. Some sports are rather interesting ____8___ people everywhere like them. Football, for example, is very popular in the world. People ___9_____ different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very ___10____ to each other. ( ) 1 A good for B good at C good D good to ( ) 2 A other B others C the other D the others ( ) 3 A and B but C or D so ( ) 4 A in front B in the front C in the front of D in front of ( ) 5 A change B are C play D start ( ) 6 A same B different C the same D the different ( ) 7 A see B look C find D watch ( ) 8 A so that B but C or D and


初一上册英语完形填空试题 二.完形填空(10分) Joan is __36__ American girl. __37__ family is in New York. She is thirteen. She__38_ salad a lot. Now, Joan is__39__China. She likes Chinese food. __40__ lunch she likes eating chicken and carrots. She studies in No.2 Middle School. She reads Chinese every morning. She likes __41__Chinese __42__ class. She usually __43__ Chinese after class, too. She __44__ TV on Sunday evenings. It’s relaxing at home. She likes helping others. She likes _ 45__tennis. ( ) 36. A.a B. the C. an ( ) 37. A.Her B. She C. His ( ) 38. A.likes B. like C. boing ( ) 39. A. on B. at C. in ( ) 40. A. On B.For C. In ( ) 41. A. speaking B. speaks C.speak ( ) 42. A. on B. of C.in ( ) 43. A. reading B. reads C. to read ( ) 44. A.watch B. watchs C. watches ( ) 45. A.playing B. making C. doing 二.完形填空(10分) Cinderella lives with a very mean (冷酷的)family. She has to do all the housework. She makes the beds. She does the dishes. She 26 the meals. She even takes 27 the garbage (垃圾). One day the family goes to a 28 at the prince’s palace (皇宫). Cinderella is 29 . She says, “I want to go and dance, too! ” Suddenly a fairy princess comes and says, “I can 30 you. ” She gives Cinderella a party dress and a pair of glass 31 . Then she says, “Come home early. My magic ends at midnight. I’m just learning this job. ” Cinderella goes to the party and 32 with the prince. She forgets about 33 . Then she sees a clock. It is almost midnight. Cinderella 34 home, but she loses one of her glass shoes on the way. The prince wants to marry Cinderella, but all he has is the glass shoe. Many women try on the shoe, but it doesn’t fit. The prince 35 , “Everyone has such big feet!” Then one day, Cinderella tries it on, and it fits! The prince and Cinderella get married, and they live happily ever after. ()26. A. eats B. cooks C. buys D. gives ()27. A. with B. up C. in D. out ()28. A. party B. movie C. picnic D. concert ()29. A. happy B. sad C. excited D. tired ()30. A. see B. take C. help D. bring ()31. A. shoes B. hats C. pants D. gloves ()32. A. sings B. dances C. plays D. talks ()33. A. clothes B. food C. music D. time ()34. A. goes B. walks C. runs D. gets ()35. A. thinks B. hopes C. finds D. knows 三.完形填空.(15分)


Unit 1 (一)Li li, look 1 the picture. It’s 2 pi cture of our cl assroom. In the picture, you can see some desks 3 chairs. 4 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is 5 the door. It’s a map 6 B eijing. Under the 7 desk is a ball, but you can’t see it. The gi rl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She i s a new student. She i s 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy . But they aren’t10 . ( )1.A. in B. at C. to D. on ( )2.A.a B. an C. the D./ ( )3.A.or B. but C. and D. there ( )4.A. In B. Of C. At D. On ( )5.A.at B. in C. under D. behind ( )6.A. of B. on C. in D. for ( )7.A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’ D. of teacher ( )8.A. / B. the C. an D. a ( )9.A.at B. after C. like D. the same ( )10.A. boys B. girl s C. twins D. students Unit 2 Jim and Tom are 1 .They look 2 same. They are 3 . They’re twelve. They are in No. 14 Middl e 4 . They’re in the same 5 .B ut they 6 in the same room. Jim is in 7 301 and Tom is in Room 302 . 8 classmates all look 9 them. Now they are good 10 . ( )1.A. twin si ster B. twins si sters C. twin brothers D. twins brothers ( )2.A. a B. an C. the D. × ( )3.A. new B. new student C. a new student D. a new ( )4.A. school B. School C. schools D. Schools ( )5.A. class B. Class C. classes D. Classes ( )6.A. i s B. i sn’t C. are D. aren’t ( )7.A. room B. Room C. rooms D. Rooms ( )8.A. He B. His C. They D. Thei r ( )9.A. at B. like C. after D. to ( )10.A. friend B. friends C. student D. students I 1 a pi cture . It’s a picture 2 a school. 3 the pi cture you can see a school and some trees. Y ou can see some boys and girl s. They are 4 the trees. The school is a middle school . Look 5 these two boys. 6 they good friends 7 brothers? 8 i s thei r teacher? Oh, sorry, I 9 10 . ( )1.A. i s B. am C. are D. have ( )2.A. to B. or C. of D. and ( )3.A. In B. To C. On D. At ( )4.A. in B. on C. under D. behind ( )5.A. at B. of C. to D. like ( )6.A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be ( )7.A. but B. of C. or D. and ( )8.A. How B. Who C. What D. Whi ch ( )9.A. i sn’t B. don’t C. am not D. aren’t Unit 3 (一)My name i s Li Hua . I’m thi rteen. I’m a middle school student . I am 1 Class Five, Grade One. My English teacher 2 Mr Lin. He i s 3 ol d teacher. I 4 a pen, a ruler and two 5 i n my pencil-box. I have a bike, 6 . Liu Ping i s in my class. She i s a gi rl. We 7 good friends . She i s not 8 today. I think she i s at home, Look ! Here is a 9 .But it i s not my book, I think i t is 10 book.


(41) Many people go to school for an education. 1 learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can 2 a living. School 3 is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he 4 , can not teach his students everything they 5 to know. The teacher’s job is to show his students how to read and how to 6 . So much more is to be learned 7 school by the students themselves. It is always more important to know how to study by 8 than to memorize(熟记)some facts or formula(公式). It is 9 quite easy to learn a 10 fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in 11 out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didn’t learn many things from school. But they were all so 12 that they invented so many things for mankind. The 13 for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not 14 at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of 15 . 1. A. Students B. They C. We D. People 2. A. make B. do C. have D. get 3. A. education B. degree C. lesson D. task 4. A. teaches B. knows C. learns D. practises 5. A. manage B. expect C. fail D. want 6. A. study B. play C. think D. work 7. A. From B. in C. within D. outside 8. A. heart B. students C. us D. oneself 9. A. not B. actually C. seldom D. known 10.A. real B. true C. certain D. great 11. A. setting B. working C. making D. doing 12. A. famous B. popular C. successful D. modest 13. A. experiment B. reason C. result D. way 14. A. kept B. showed C. expressed D. taught 15. A. duties B. jobs C. experiments D. records (42) About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight(减肥). That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States. Some people eat 1 food and they hardly have any fats or sweets. Others do running, exercise with machines, take medicines, or even have operations. 2 you can see losing weight is 3 work, and it will also cost a lot of money. But __4 do so many people in the United States want


初一英語上冊完形填空專題 (一) I have a good friend. 1 Chinese name is Da Shan and his 2 name is Mark Rowswell. He 3 from Canada. He can 4 English and French (法語). And he speaks Chinese very 5 . He likes China very much. Now he teaches English 6 Beijing. Da Shan 7 a big nose, big eyes 8 short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife (妻子) is from Sichuan, China. They 9 two children. Da Shan`s father and mother are in Canada. But 10 like China, too. And they often come to China. ( ) 1. A. He B. Him C. His ( ) 2. A. English B. French C. Chinese () 3. A. come B. does C. comes () 4. A. speak B. speaks C. says ( ) 5. A. good B. nice C. well ( ) 6. A. at B. to C. in ( ) 7. A. is B. are C. has ( ) 8. A. and B. or C. so ( ) 9. A. are B. have C. is () 10. A. they B. them C. their (二) Look at this picture. This is a photo 1 my family. There are 2 people in the picture. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and 3 . 4 father is very happy every day. My mother 5 near (在……旁邊) my father. The boy beside (在……旁邊) my mother is my 6 . The 7 near my mother is my little sister. 8 is very clever and cute. Everyone likes her very much. Who is 9 boy in the middle (在中間)? Ah! It is me. 10 love my family very much. ( ) 1. A. for B. on C. of ( ) 2. A. five B. six C. seven ( ) 3. A. me B. I C. you ( ) 4. A. My B. I C. His ( ) 5. A. are B. am C. is ( ) 6. A. sister B. grandfather C. brother ( ) 7. A. boy B. girl C. son ( ) 8. A. He B. She C. They ( ) 9. A. a B. these C. the ( ) 10. A. I B. Me C. My ( 三) Li Lin is a good friend of mine. I go to 1 home for dinner. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong 2 in his home, too. We 3 a good dinner. There is (有) 4 meat, chicken, fish, milk and vegtables 5 the desk. And there is some rice, noodles, cakes, water and tea on it, 6 . We like 7 very much. Li Lin and I like 8 meat, fish, vegetables, noodles and cakes.


初一英语上册完形填空专题 (一) I have a good friend. 1 Chinese name is Da Shan and his 2 name is Mark Rowswell. He 3 from Canada. He can 4 English and French (法语). And he speaks Chinese very 5 . He likes China very much. Now he teaches English 6 Beijing. Da Shan 7 a big nose, big eyes 8 short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife (妻子) is from Sichuan, China. They 9 two children. Da Shan`s father and mother are in Canada. But 10 like China, too. And they often come to China. ( ) 1. A. He B. Him C. His ( ) 2. A. English B. French C. Chinese () 3. A. come B. does C. comes () 4. A. speak B. speaks C. says ( ) 5. A. good B. nice C. well ( ) 6. A. at B. to C. in ( ) 7. A. is B. are C. has ( ) 8. A. and B. or C. so ( ) 9. A. are B. have C. is () 10. A. they B. them C. their (二) Look at this picture. This is a photo 1 my family. There are 2 people in the picture. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and 3 . 4 father is very happy every day. My mother 5 near (在……旁边) my father. The boy beside (在……旁边) my mother is my 6 . The 7 near my mother is my little sister. 8 is very clever and cute. Everyone likes her very much. Who is 9 boy in the middle (在中间)? Ah! It is me. 10 love my family very much. ( ) 1. A. for B. on C. of ( ) 2. A. five B. six C. seven ( ) 3. A. me B. I C. you ( ) 4. A. My B. I C. His ( ) 5. A. are B. am C. is ( ) 6. A. sister B. grandfather C. brother ( ) 7. A. boy B. girl C. son ( ) 8. A. He B. She C. They ( ) 9. A. a B. these C. the ( ) 10. A. I B. Me C. My ( 三) Li Lin is a good friend of mine. I go to 1 home for dinner. Zhang Tao and Wang Dong 2 in his home, too. We 3 a good dinner. There is (有) 4 meat, chicken, fish, milk and vegtables 5 the desk. And there is some rice, noodles, cakes, water and tea on it, 6 . We like 7 very much. Li Lin and I like 8 meat, fish, vegetables, noodles and cakes.


(一) My name is Doraemon. I’m a cat, 1I am a little different(不同的). I’m blue and I come 2the future world(未来世界). My birthday is on September 3rd, 2112. My favorite 3is a kind of cake. I have a little 4 . Her name is Dorami. She is yellow. She 5music very much. She is very 6 , so she often cleans (打扫) her room. Nobita is my good friend. 7birthday is on august 7th,1964. There’re 8people in his family——his parents and he. He is a student. He likes 9TV and playing games. He 10wears(穿) a T-shirt, a pair of shorts and blue shoes. ( )1. A. because B. and C. but D. or ( )2. A. in B. from C. for D. with ( )3. A. sport B. color C. name D. food ( )4. A. sister B. mother C. uncle D. brother ( )5. A. takes B. likes C. has D. plays ( )6. A. fat B. cute C. tidy D. busy ( )7. A. His B. Your C. My D. Her ( )8. A. five B. two C. three D. four ( )9. A. watching B. selling C. getting D. buying ( )10. A. next B. really C. also D. always (二) Dear Nancy, I am in Shanghai. It’s Thursday, November 5th. I really have a 11day. At 8:00, I have science. I like science because 12interesting. Then at 9:00, I have math. I don’t like math. It’s 13and boring. At 10:00, I have history. It’s boring, 14 . At 11:00, I have music. That’s my favorite 15 ! Music is relaxing. I 16my music teacher, Mr. Smith. He is very nice. I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have P.E. at 13:00. I like P.E. 17it is fun. But our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tired. My 18class is at 15:00. After class I play basketball for an 19 . My dinner is at about 18:00. Then I go to the art club (俱乐部). At about 20:00 I do my homework and 20it at 22:00. At last I go to bed. What a busy day it is! Yours, Lucy ( )11. A. free B. interesting C. busy D. boring ( )12. A. it’s B. I’m C. they’re D. he’s ( )13. A. difficult B. happy C. fun D. relaxing ( )14. A. also B. now C. very D. too ( )15. A. teacher B. game C. subject D. food ( )16. A. like B. think C. take D. have ( )17. A. and B. because C. or D. so ( )18. A. first B. two C. third D. last ( )19. A. day B. week C. hour D. month ( )20. A. have B. sell C. see D. finish (三) My name is Susan. I have a brother. 21name is Tom. We like different(不同的) sports. I like playing 22 . It is fun. I like tennis, too. 23I don’t like basketball. It’s 24 . My brother 25basketball. He has four basketballs. And he 26basketball every day. We also like different 27 . I like eggs, apples and hamburgers 28breakfast and dinner. Tom likes oranges, chicken and carrots. After lunch, I like some 29 . But Tom likes ice-cream. We are 30because we often(经常) play sports and eat good food.
