



II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

You know that business of business is making money. What you may not realize is: __21__ simple that business is. You need two fundamental ingredients -- a good product that customers want to own, and bright, charismatic people who will __22__ sell it and, if necessary, defend it. And of the two __23__ (desire) product and competent people -- good people are, in the long run, more important than good products.

You can‘t expect to produce one popular product after another. You can, however, cover your bets by staffing your enterprise with superb employees who will continue to reflect the company‘s strengths __24__ ______ the products are weak. It is your responsibility to keep those employees __25__ (perform) as well as they can. They won‘t remain superb __26__ reliable leadership and, in fact, there is a perfect time to address this issue. Most successful companies have a defining moment ____27______profits are skyrocketing, and business __28__ not be better. That is precisely the time to look closely at your customer service. That you are earning more money than ever before __29__ (indicate) your product is terrific, but it doesn‘t necessarily mean the same about your customer service. It is the ideal time to examine your reputation and expand the success you are earning from your product to include customer service.

Every business wants to be known for its customer service. Although even a slow but steady giant such as Radio Shack Corporation will often come up with a hot product, it is its customer service __30__ keeps it in business year after year.

Section B

Throughout history, people have fought bitter wars over political ideology, national sovereignty and religious expression. How much more __31__ will these conflicts be when people fight over the Earth‘s most indispensable resource water? We may find out in the not-too-distant future if projections about the __32__ of water in the Middle East and other regions prove correct.

Less than three percent of the planet‘s __33__ is fresh water, and almost two-thirds of this amount is __34__ in ice caps, glaciers, and underground aquifers too deep or too remote to access. In her book, Pillars of Sand-Can the Irrigation Miracle Last, Sandra Postel outlines three forces that __35__ tension and conflict over freshwater. Using up the water ―resource pie‖. In India, the world‘s second-most populous nation, with over 1 billion inhabitants, the rate of groundwater __36__ is twice that of recharge, a deficit higher than in any other country. Although water is a renewable resource, it is not a(n) __37__ one. The freshwater available today for more than 6 billion people is no greater than it was 2,000 years ago, when global population was approximately 200 million. (The current U.S. population is 287 million.) Global __38__ accounts for about 70% of all freshwater use. In five of the world‘s most water-stressed, controversial areas the Aral Sea region, the Ganges, the Jordan, the Nileland and

Tigris-Euphrates population increases of up to 75% are projected by 2025. With the fastest rate of growth in the world, the population of Palestinian territory will more than __39__ over the next generation. Most experts agree that, because of geography, population __40__ and politics, water wars are most likely to break out in the Middle East, a region where the amount of available freshwater per capita will decrease by about 50% over the next generation.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

In an ideal world, people would not perform experiments on animals. For the people, they are expensive. For the animals, they are stressful and often painful. That ideal world, __41__, is still some way away. People need new drugs and vaccines. They want __42__ from the toxicity(毒性)of chemicals. The search for basic scientific answers goes on. __43__, the European Commission is moving ahead with proposals that will __44__ the number of animal experiments carried out in the European Union, by requiring toxicity tests on every chemical __45__ for use within the union‘s borders in the past 25 years.

Already, the commission has __46__ 140,000 chemicals that have not yet been tested. It wants 30,000 of these to be examined right away, and plans to spend between $4 billion — $8 billion doing so. The number of animals used for toxicity testing in Europe will thus, experts reckon, quintuple (翻五倍) from just over l million a year to about 5, unless they are saved by some dramatic __47__ in non-animal testing technology. Animal experimentation will therefore be around for some time yet. But the search for substitutes continues.

A good place to start finding __48__ for toxicity tests is the liver--the organ responsible for breaking toxic chemicals down into safer molecules that can then be eliminated from body. Two firms, one large and one small, told the meeting how they were using human liver cells removed incidentally during surgery to test various substances for long-term toxic effects.

PrimeCyte, the small firm, grows its cells in cultures(士音养基)over a few weeks and doses them regularly with the substance under __49__. The characteristics of the cells are carefully __50__, to look for changes in their microanatomy(组织学). Pfizer, the big firm, also doses its cultures regularly, but rather than studying __51__ cells in detail, it counts cell numbers. If the number of cells in a culture changes after a sample is added, that suggests the chemical __52__ is bad for the liver.

Other tissues, too, can be tested __53__ of animals. Epithelix, a small firm in Geneva, has developed an __54__ version of the lining of the lungs. According to Huang Song, one of Epithelix‘s researchers, the firm‘s cultured cells have similar microanatomy to those found in natural lung linings, and __55__ in the same way to various chemical messengers. Dr. Huang says that they could be used in long-term toxicity tests of airborne chemicals and could also help identify treatments for lung diseases.

All this suggests that though there is still some way to go before drugs, vaccines and other substances can be tested routinely on cells rather than live animals, useful progress is being made.

41. A. fortunately B. sadly C. ironically D. technically

42. A. protection B. identification C. isolation D. interaction

43. A. However B. Indeed C. Instead D. Furthermore

44. A. increase B. decrease C. prohibit D. specify

45. A. tested B. created C. assessed D. approved

46. A. outlined B. imposed C. identified D. released

47. A. diagnoses B. advances C. proofs D. appearances

48. A. alternatives B. breakthroughs C. possibilities D. implications

49. A. suspicion B. control C. way D. investigation

50. A. monitored B. studied C. analyzed D. classified

51. A. relevant B. numerous C. individual D. measurable

52. A. in question B. in principle C. in practice D. in reality

53. A. successfully B. independently C. oecassionally D. collectively

54. A. useful B. constant C. mature D. artificial

55. A. operate B. function C. respond D. enhance

Section B


Personality may play only a small part in leadership effectiveness but there is no doubt that some leaders have a certain magic that leaves peers envious and followers entranced. If you could bottle this leadership X-factor – charisma- the queue of interested executives would be a long-one. But what qualities can these often highly successful leaders be said to possess?

As individuals, charismatic leaders have highly developed communication skills, including the ability to convey emotions easily and naturally to others, says Ronald Riggio, professor of leadership and organizational psychology. ―They are able to inspire and arouse the emotions of followers through their emotional expressiveness and verbal skills.‖

―They, connect with followers because they seem to truly understand others‘ feelings and concerns.‖―And they are great role models because they have the ability to engage others socially and display appropriate role-playing skills th at allow them to walk the talk,‖ Professor Riggio says.

―One quality we like in our leaders is if they are seen to really represent us. We think someone is more charismatic, the more they represent our collective identity,‖ Professor Van Knippenberg says.In this way, a charismatic leader is somehow a larger-than-life version of ourselves.

Academics say that charismatic lenders also manage to stand out from the crowd. They might do this by being unconventional or by thinking a different approach to problem-solving, for example.

―They are up for new things, and they are not stuck in the status quo. They are open-to out-of-the-box thinking, etc. An optimistic, energetic quality helps us to see leadership qualities in them and makes us open to their influenc e,‖ he says.

―A lot of charismatic leadership, and leadership in general, is very contextual. It‘s really entreprencurial firms. It‘s also good for turnarounds if the organization is in a bad state because it Kai Peters, the chief executive of Ashridge Bu siness School.‖

But not every organization needs a charismatic leader. Leaders loaded with the narcissistic(自恋的), self-glorifying, exploitative and authoritarian(专制的). As Peters says: ―Where it is a problem is where you have look at me, I‘m a star.‖

56. Which word is closest in meaning to charisma in the first paragraph?

A. charm

B. character

C. gratitude

D. optimism

57. The charismatic leaders become great role models due to their ________

A. proper role-playing skills

B. subtle emotional expressiveness

C. marvelous problem-solving ability

D. unconventionality in the crowds

58. According to Professor Knippenberg, what kind of leaders would be welcomed by us?

A. The one who has a heroical image.

B. The one who can speak for us.

C. The one who is a collective version of us.

D. The one who resembles us in characteristic.

59. What‘s Peters‘ attitude towards the contextual feature of charismatic leadership?

A. Critical

B. Approved

C. Neutral

D. Suspicious

56-59 AACC


4 Hotels That Will Make Your Life Easier

By John Brandon

For the business traveler who‘s all about efficiency: check out these hotels that will get you in and out with a minimum of trouble.

When you‘re pressed for time on a business trip, nothing can infuriate you more than a slow hotel check-in process. On your next trip, try these hotels that offer a speedier check-in process.

1. Yotel New York

The self-service kiosks at this high-tech New York hotel are open 24x7 and work just like the ones you‘d see at an airport.There are just five-steps to register and obtain your card key. There is even a robotic luggage bellboy. You tap in the number of bags you‘re carrying and sizes, then wait for a robot arm to swing down and store your luggage in a locker (say, for a day trip). This also speeds up the check-in process if the first thing you need to do, like me, is head to a series of meetings.

2. Marriott Detroit Airport

Another option for business travelers in a hurry: Marriott is rolling out its mobile check-in app to 325 hotels this year, including the Marriott Detroit Airport hotel. (I‘ve tested the app itself but not for a real visit quite yet.) Here is the basic idea: you download the iPhone or Android app. The night before, you can ―check-in‖ virtually. When you arriv e, you get an alert that the room is ready and your key, which is already tied to your reservation, is waiting for you at the desk.

3. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

I happened to stay at this hotel recently and liked how fast the kiosk check-in works. Like the Yotel, the kiosk asks you to insert your credit card, similar to an airport terminal. The whole process took about three minutes, when I left, I was equally impressed with the fast check-out. An agent meets you in the lobby with, an iPad and asks for an email to use for a receipt. The big advantage: you never have to wait in line.

4. Radisson: LaCrosse

The Radisson is trying to make the kiosk process even faster. At a few select hotels like the Radisson Lacrosse in Wisconsin, you use a mobile app to register and then receive a barcode by email or text. When you get the kiosk, you scan the barcode to get your key witho ut any other steps required. It‘s super fast. You can find this new check-in system at the Radisson hotels in Salt Lake City, Seattle, and Phoenix as well.

60. What does the word ?infuriate‘, in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A. annoy

B. remind

C. amuse

D. impress

61. Which two hotels offer a mobile app for customers to check in?

A. Yotel New York and Marriott Detroit Airport

B. Marriott Detroit Airport and Radisson LaCrosse

C. Marriott Detroit Airport and Hyatt Regency Minneapolis

D. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis and Radisson LaCrosse

62. Which hotel will send you a receipt by email?

A. Yotel New York

B. Marriott Detroit Airport

C. Radisson LaCrosse

D. Hyatt Regency Minneapolis


Increasingly, over the past few decades, people especially young people, have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, especially processed food, is not good for the health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods. Foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today.

Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount—but not the quality of foods grown in commercial farming area.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures(牧场). Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food, they also lay eggs which lack important vitamins. There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a non-essential food! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if it is necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be addictive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last two centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is to provide us with energy, in the form, of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and no fiber.

It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantifies of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of wholemeal bread and more vegetables by m odem experts on ―healthy eating‖.

63. People have become more interested in natural foods because ________.

A. they are more health conscious

B. they want to taste all kinds of foods

C. natural foods are more delicious than processed foods

D. they want to return to nature

64. Soil that is rich in organic matter ________.

A. has had chemicals and fertilizer added to it

B. contains vegetable matter that has not been consumed

C. has been nourished by fertilizer

D. already, contains large quantities of vitamins and minerals

65. According to the passage, ________.

A. people need sugar to give them energy

B. sugar is bad for health

C. the addiction of eating sugar makes people depend on it

D. sugar only sweetens food, but provides us with nothing useful

66. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. People‘s Growing Interest in Natural Foods

B. Natural Foods and Health Diet

C. Harmful Effects of Sugar

D. The Importance of Fibre in Foods

This Way to Dreamland

Daydreaming means people think, about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing. Daydreamers have a bad reputation for being unaware of what‘s happening around them. They can seem forgetful and clumsy. __67__ They annoy us because they seem to be ignoring us and missing the important things.

But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history. __68__ Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and inventions?

So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool?

First, understand that some opportunities for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams. __69__ And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you‘re daydreaming, try to do it while you are involved in another task—preferably something simple, like taking a shower or walking, or even making meaningless drawings.

It‘s also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really need to concerntrate. ―Mindfulness‖, being focused, is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep. __70__ Finally, you never know what wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away. Therefore, it‘s a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you‘re in the daydream zone.

Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds.

IV. Summary

Stress for a teenager is as real as stress for an adult. Therefore, it‘s important to understand the causes of stress in teenagers.

When parents change their jobs or if the family decides to move to a different place, the child has to change schools, find new friends, adapt to the new social circle and fit into new groups. It is always difficult for children to adapt to such changes, which can be a serious cause of stress in their life.

Academic difficulties, such as inability to understand a certain subject can cause stress. Not every child has the ability to understand every subject. Some kids need extra help besides school work to grasp a few concepts. Poor academic performance is often laughed at and is looked down upon by both teachers and peers. In such cases, it can make the child feel isolated, neglected and hurt. All of this, put together, can add to stress, which many times worsen grades.

Extra curricular (课外活动) such as playing a sport, or attending art classes can weigh heavily on your child‘s mind. Balancing school and extra curricular activities does seem like a burden when you have to be outstanding at both. When the pressures from both the ends get unmanageable, teenagers tend to get tired and annoyed. Tiredness sets in, leading to stress related issues such as lack of concentration in school.

These are the common causes of stress in teenagers, which can be noticed through signs such as poor memory, anxiety, negative and pessimistic attitude. If the signs of teenage stress go unrecognized for a long time, it can make the child emotionally out of balance. And next step, if this happens, it is necessary for parents to know how to deal with stress.

V. Translation

71. 各国科学家正加强合作,寻求节能的有效方法。(in search of)

72. 养狗的居民常被告诫要看管好他们的宠物,以防发生意外伤人情况。(in case)

73. 参加了军训我们才懂得一个道理:毅力、纪律、团队精神都是导致成功的关键因素。(Not…until)

74. 智能手机给我们带来如此多的益处,如强大的电子书库,便捷的上网等,以致如果没有手机很多人都会感到怅然若失。(so…that)

VI. Guided writing




21. how 22. both 23. desired 24. when 25. performing 26. without 27.when 28. could 29. indicates 30. that

31-35 BHDFI 36-40 GJEAC

41-45 BABAD 46-50 CBADA 51-55 CABDC

56-59 AACC

60-62 A B D

63-66 A B D A

67-70 BCE A

71. Scientists from different countries are strengthening cooperation in search of effective ways to save energy.

72. Residents who raise dogs are often warned to take good care of their pets in case they should hurt people by accident.

73. Not until we took part in the military training , did we learn a lesson that perseverance, discipline and team spirits are all key factors leading to success.

74. Smart phones have brought so many benefits , like strong electronic library , convenient surfing and so on , that if we don‘t them, most of us will feel lost.


炎德?英才大联考长沙市一中2017届高三月考试卷(三) 命题人:欧鹏举成特立蓝黄审校:周玉龙黎奕娜本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分,时量150分钟,满分150分 第Ⅰ卷(阅读题,共70分) 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) (一)论述类文本阅读(本题共3小题,共9分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 近几年网络文艺异军突起,网络小说、网络自制剧、网络大电影、网络综艺、网络游戏、网络动漫的呈现巨大的市场生命力,正抢占传统文艺市场。。 然而,相对于发展了几十年甚至上百年的传统文艺,网络文艺还是一个新概念,无论是业界还是学界仍未给出一个权威的统一清晰的界定,更别提系统科学的研究了。有学者从广义上归纳网络文艺的内涵,认为网络文艺是指具有网络精神的文艺作品,因此只要具备一定互联网因素的文艺作品都可以称为网络文艺,其中包括在互联网上传播的传统文艺作品;也有学者把网络文艺狭义地理解为以数字化形式进行生产创作,并在互联网上进行传播的文学和艺术作品。对于网络文艺与传统文艺之间的关联更是仁者见仁,智者见智。一种说法认为,网络文艺是传统文艺在网络上的延伸,旨在强调传统文艺与网络文艺都为文艺,即文艺本质论;另一种说法认为,网络文艺是传统文艺的补充,旨在强调网络文艺能够传达传统文艺之外的内容,丰富文艺的表现方式;还有一种说法认为,网络文艺完全独立于传统文艺之外,旨在强调网络文艺是一种基于网络技术语言的多媒介因素相互渗透而形成的新型文艺,与传统文艺有着天然的鸿沟。这些观点尽管具有一定合理性,但仍有失偏颇。因为网络文艺和传统文艺之间既存在天然的有机联系,又具有本质区别。 网络文艺既不是传统文艺在网络上的延伸,也不仅仅是传统文艺的补充。网络文艺与传统文艺就像两个有交集的集合,既有藩篱也有突破,既交融又交汇。从本质看,网络文艺与传统文艺只是媒介载体不同而已,那些经历过无数前辈提炼和检验的传统文艺创作和传播的基本规律、审美价值和文艺理论依然适用于网络文艺。由于技术带来的文艺内在特征和审美方式的质变,网络文艺突破了传统文艺内容和形式的限制,拥有传统文艺无法比拟的优势,隐含符合新媒体时代要求的内在规律。但必须承认的是,网络文艺尚处于发展初级阶段,形态和特征并未完全展现,很难完全厘清与传统文艺之间的内在关联。因此,对两者关系的认知和把握应采取辩证的、长远的眼光和态度:一方面肯定两者的天然联系,但又不能将两者混为一谈;一方面承认两者的本质区别,但又不能将网络文艺视为独立的文艺类型;一方面


A . {1,4} B . {2, 3,4 } C . {2,3} D . {4} ⒉ 已知函数 f ( x ) = ??log x A . 9 B . C . 3 D . 1 3 A . B . 5 C . 6 D . 7 ⒎ 把函数 y = A s in(ωx + φ)(ω > 0,| φ |< ) 的图象向左平移 个单位得到 y = f (x ) 的图象 6 B . C . - D . ⒏ Direchlet 函数定义为: D(t ) = ? 0 t ∈ e Q ? ... ⒐ 函数 f (x)=lg x - cos ? x ? 的零点个数是( ) 池 州 一 中 2016-2017 学年度高三月考 数 学 试 卷 ( 文科 ) 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共 50 分) 一、选择题:本大题共 10 小题,每小题 5 分,共 50 分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出 符合题目要求的一项. ⒈ 已知 U = {2,3,4} ,集合 A = {x | ( x - 1)(x - 4) < 0, x ∈ Z } ,则 e A = ( ) U ? 3x 4 x > 0 x ≤ 0 ,则 f [ f ( 1 )] = ( ) 16 1 9 3 ⒊ 设 [ x ] 为表示不超过 x 的最大整数,则函数 y = lg[x] 的定义域为 ( ) A . (0, +∞) B . [1,+∞) C . (1,+∞) D . (1,2) ⒋ 设 a = 30.5 , b = log 2, c = cos 2π ,则( ) 3 A . c < b < a B . a < b < c C . c < a < b D . b < c < a ⒌ 已知函数 y = a x 2( a ≠ 0, n ∈ N * )的图象在 x = 1 处的切线斜率为 2a n n n -1 + 1( n ≥ 2, n ∈ N * ) , 且当 n = 1 时,其图象经过 (2,8 ) ,则 a = ( ) 7 1 2 ⒍ 命题“函数 y = f ( x )(x ∈ M ) 是奇函数”的否定是( ) A . ?x ∈ M , f (- x ) ≠ - f ( x ) B . ?x ∈ M , f (- x ) ≠ - f ( x ) C . ?x ∈ M , f (- x ) = - f ( x ) D . ?x ∈ M , f (- x ) = - f ( x ) π π 2 3 (如图),则 2 A - ω + ? = ( ) A . - π π π π 6 3 3 ?1 t ∈ Q R ,关于函数 D(t ) 的 性质叙述不正确的是( ) A . D(t ) 的值域为 {0,1} B . D(t ) 为偶函数 C . D(t ) 不是单调函数 D . D(t ) 不是周期函数 π ? ? 2 ?


北京市2017届高三综合练练习 英语 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案写在答题卡和答题纸上, 在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷、答题卡、答题纸一并交回。 第I卷(共115分) 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Jack had feeling of excitement when hearing his article had been published in school magazine. A.the;a B.a;the C./;the D the;/ 22.The 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou from November 12 to November 27,2010.A.was held B.was holding C.will be held D.will be holding 23.—It’s reported that the new underground line has been completed.—Yes but it hasn’t been made clear it’s to be opened to traffic. A.that B.who C.what D.when 24.The soccer team has been doing well this season,so they win the championship. A. should B.might C.would D.could 25.—Why didn’t you come to the cinema with us last Saturday? —Oh,sorry.But I the film. A.see B.saw C.have seen D.had seen 26.A few days after the interview.I received a letter me admission to the university. A.offering B.offered C.having offered D.to be offered 27.—Our women athletes achieved great success in the Vancouver Olympic Winter Games.—Yes No one could perform , I think. A.well B.better C.best D.the best 28.Thousands of Haitians cheered as the Chinese medical team arrived,many of even cried with joy. A.those B.them C.whom D.who 29.If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the fiver so seriously now. A.is not polluted B.would not be polluted C.had not been polluted D.would not have been polluted 30. a diary every day and you’ll improve your writing.


满分100分时间90分钟 可能用对的相对原子质量:H:1 C12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Mg:24 Al:27 S:32 Fe:56 Cu:64 一、选择题(本大题共16小题,共48分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.生产、生活离不开各种化学物质,下列说法不正确的是() ①二氧化硅是电子工业中常用的半导体材料 ②氢氧化铝可用于治疗胃酸过多 ③氯气与烧碱溶液或石灰乳反应都能得到含氯消毒剂 ④天然气、石油和煤均属于不可再生能源 ⑤用食醋清洗热水瓶中的水垢 ⑥用纯碱溶液洗涤餐具上的油污 ⑦用米汤检验含碘盐中的碘酸钾 ⑧医疗上可用碳酸钡作x射线透视肠胃的内服药,是因为碳酸钡不溶于水 ⑨某雨水样品放置一段时间后pH由4.68变为4.00,是因为水中溶解的CO2增多 ⑩加碘食盐中添加碘酸钾而不用碘化钾,是因为碘酸钾能溶于水而碘化钾不溶于水 A.①③④⑦⑩B.②③④⑤⑥C.①⑦⑧⑨⑩D.①②④⑦⑨⑩ 2. 下列实验现象预测正确的是() A.实验I:振荡后静置,上层溶液颜色保持不变 B.实验II:酸性KMnO4溶液中出现气泡,且颜色逐渐褪去 C.实验III:微热稀HNO3片刻,溶液中有气泡产生,广口瓶内始终保持无色 D.实验IV:继续煮沸溶液至红褐色沉淀,停止加热,当光束通过体系时一定不可产生丁达尔效应 3. NA表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法中正确的是() A.常温常压下7.8gNa2S固体和7.8 gNa2O2固体中含有的阴离子数目均为0.1NA B.标准状况下,2.24L Cl2和HCl的混合气体中含有的分子总数为2×6.02×1023 C.含1molFeCl3的饱和溶液滴入沸水中得到胶体数目为NA D.标准状况下,Na2O2与足量的CO2反应生成2.24LO2,转移电子数为0.4 NA 4.下列图象能正确表示相关反应中产物物质的量的变化的是(横、纵坐标单位:mol)() A.图1:n(O2)=1mol时,高温下C和O2在密闭容器中的反应产物 B.图2:n(NaOH)=1mol时,CO2和NaOH溶液反应生成的盐 C.图3:n(HCl)=1mol时,K2CO3逐步加入到HCl溶液中在敞口容器反应生成的气体D.图4:n(HNO3)=1mol时,Fe和稀HNO3反应生成的氧化产物(还原产物为NO)5. 化学方程式是一种重要的化学用语。所写的化学方程式不能用来正确解释化学过程或事实的是() A.熔融烧碱时不能使用石英坩埚:SiO2 +2NaOH Na2SiO3 + H2O


银川市地理高三上学期第三次月考试卷D卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单项选择题 (共19题;共60分) 1. (2分) (2013高一上·高阳月考) 近地面大气的热量主要来自() A . 太阳辐射 B . 地面辐射 C . 大气辐射 D . 大气逆辐射 2. (6分) (2018高三下·龙泉驿模拟) 全膜双垄沟播种技术是一种集覆盖抑蒸,垄沟集雨、垄沟种植为一体的新型地膜覆盖技术。甘肃省利用该技术使农作物产量大大提高,图3示意“全膜双垄沟播种技术”,据此完成下列各题。 (1)甘肃省利用全膜双垄沟播种技术能大幅度提高农作物产量,主要是充分利用了() A . 降水 B . 热量 C . 光照 D . 土壤 (2)在甘肃省降水量相对较小的地区,为最大限度的起到减少水分流失的作用,最佳的覆膜时间是() A . 春季

C . 秋季 D . 冬季 (3)下列不属于该技术对农作物生长产生的有利影响的是() A . 拦截降水径流 B . 减少水分蒸发 C . 防止大风掀膜 D . 增强昼夜温差 3. (2分) (2018高一下·河北开学考) 下图是“北京、东京、伊尔库茨克和火奴鲁鲁气压年变化曲线图”,按以上顺序排列的气压年变化曲线是() A . abcd B . bcad C . dcba D . cabd 4. (2分)下列地理现象与太阳辐射关系较密切的是() ①生物的生长②大气的运动③火山的爆发④煤、石油的形成 A . ①②③

C . ①②④ D . ①③④ 5. (4分) (2019高一上·绍兴期中) 特朗勃墙是一种依靠墙体独特的构造设计,无机械动力、无传统能源消耗,仅仅依靠被动式收集太阳能为建筑供暖的集热墙体,某冬季白天工作原理如下图所示。据此完成第下列小题。 (1)冬季白天特朗勃墙向室内供暖的原理是() A . 地面的直接热源是太阳辐射 B . 空气隔层的温室效应 C . 室内空气的直接热源是地面辐射 D . 不同物体的比热容差异 (2)下列说法正确的是() A . 集热墙可能为白色 B . 乙气流为下沉气流 C . 甲气流为冷气流,流出空气隔层 D . 丙气流为暖气流,流进空气隔层

高三数学上学期第三次月考试题 文

宁夏育才中学2016~2017学年第一学期高三年级第三次月考文科数学试卷 (试卷满分150 分,考试时间为120 分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) ?选择题(本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1、已知集合,,则() A、B、C、D、 2、已知函数,若,则() A、B、C、D、 3、在中,“”是“”的() A、充分而不必要条件 B、必要而不充分条件 C、充分必要条件 D、既不充分也不必要条件 4、已知向量,,,若为实数,,则() A、B、C、1 D、2 5、若曲线在点处的切线与平行,则() A、-1 B、0 C、1 D、2 6、在中,角的对边分别是,已知,则,则的面积为() A、B、C、D、

7、在数列中,,则() A、-3 B、 C、 D、2 8、已知函数,则要得到其导函数的图象,只需将函数的图象() A、向右平移个单位 B、左平移个单位 C、向右平移个单位 D、向左平移个单位 9、设的三内角A、B、C成等差数列,、、成等比数列,则这个三角形的形状是() A、直角三角形 B、钝角三角形 C、等边三角形 D、等腰直角三角形 10、若一个圆柱的侧面积展开图是一个正方形,则这个圆柱的全面积与侧面积的比为() A、B、C、D、 11、平面截球的球面所得圆的半径为,球心到平面的距离为,则此球的体积为() A、B、C、D、 12、能够把圆:的周长和面积同时分为相等的两部分的函数称为圆的“和谐函数”, 下列函数不是圆的“和谐函数”的是() A、B、C、D、 第Ⅱ卷(共90分)

?填空题(共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,把答案填写在答题卡中横线上.) 13、在复平面内,复数对应的点的坐标为 14、一个空间几何体的三视图(单位:) 如图所示,则该几何体的表面积为. 15)正项等比数列满足:, 若存在,使得, 则的最小值为______ 16、设变量满足约束条件,则目标函数的最大值为; 三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明,演算步骤或证明过程.) 17、(12分)在中,角,,的对边分别为,,,且满足向量 . (1)求角的大小; (2)若,求面积的最大值. 18、(12分)设数列满足当时,. (1)求证:数列为等差数列; (2)试问是否是数列中的项?如果是,是第几项;如果不是,说明理由. 19、(12分)设数列是公差大于0的等差数列,为数列的前项和.已知,且, ,构成等比数列. (1)求数列的通项公式;


基础训练(10) 一.单词拼写。(Book four Unit 5) 1.The plane crashed in the tropical _________(丛林)and a few passengers miraculously survived. 2. What ________ (品牌)of cellphone do you use? Moto. 3. The __________(主题)of his lecture is to encourage young people to set goals in their life and try to achieve them with all efforts. 4. As humans, we should show respect for all living ___________(生物). 5. This library is fitted with modern __________(设备); it offers us a pleasant place to read and study. 6. We were __________(逗乐) by his funny stories at the party. 7. Are there any ___________(志愿者)clean the classroom? 8. Father bought me a pair of world famous __________(运动鞋). 9. You can see __________(种类) of animals in the zoo. 10. As a __________(翻译), you should know both Chinese and English quite well. 11. China is a country with a total of 55 __________(少数民族). 12. We take the ________ to and from work every day. It is very convenient 13. She likes to make a dress herself with the ________ (布料)she chooses. 14. Stop daydreaming a nd don’t live in a world of __________(幻想). 15. How much do you _________(要价) me for a single room per night? 16. For kids under 6, no ____________(入场费)is needed to the park. 17. The scientist is _____________(实验) with mice to test how well the new medicine works. 18. The new athlete’s ___________(技术) has improved a lot in the past season(赛季). 19. The company doubled its __________(利润) in the year of 2006. 20. While visiting a scenic spot people often buy some ___________(纪念品). 21. ___________(先进的)ways of management must brought in to improve the efficiency(效率). 22. I work out at the gym to build up an ________ (体格健壮的) build(体格). 二.代词专项训练。 1. No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of_________. A. others B. the other C. either D. another 2. I'm moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than________ in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D. those 3. I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, ______ of them answered it. A. either B. none C. neither D. nobody 4. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from _______. A. everyone else B. the other C. someone else D. the rest 5. You will find as you read this book that you just can't keep some of these stories to


个旧一中2010届高三第三次月考试卷 语文试卷命题人:娄金昌审阅:李昭萍 本卷分第Ι卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷两部分。共150分。考试时间150分钟。考生将试题答案做在答题卷上。 第Ι卷(选择题,10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 一、(12分) 1.下列各组词语中,字形和加点字读音全都正确 ....的是 A.胡同.(tong)症.结(zhang)翘.首(qiáo)前仆后继 B.擘.画(bò)上.声(shǎng)差.生(chà)为虎作伥 C.歃.血(shà)奴婢.(bì)粗犷.(kuàng)拣级而上 D.蛊.惑(ɡǔ)隽.永(juàn)恣.肆(cì)权顷一时 2.下列依次填入横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 对于全体人民,对于广大的农村贫民,孩子上学不花钱,是生活中的一件意义及其重大的事情。我们的政府很清楚,让所有孩子上学不花钱,老百姓不再像现在这样没有文化,不再完全没有文化。 A.尤其只有才能至少 B.尤其如果就甚至 C.特别如果就甚至 D.特别只有才能至少 3.下列句子,加点成语使用恰当的一句是 A.有关部门指出,非法开采导致的一起起耸人听闻 ....的生产安全事故,使中国的采矿业已经成为世界上最具危险性的生产行业。 B.我们虽然缺乏管理经验,但可以“请进来,走出去”,向先进企业学习,起初可能是邯郸 .. 学步 ..,但终究会走出自己的路来。 C.省质量技术监督局组织的一次抽检结果显示,正在市场上火暴销售的这些羽绒服质量良. 莠不齐 ...。 D.今年原油价格高涨的事实说明,以往的石油危机,首先打击的是西方工业国家,但下一 次石油危机,中国可能首当其冲 ....。 4.下列句子,没有语病的一句是 A.历史证明,无论西方或东方,一个大国的崛起过程,必然是国民意识的复苏过程,更是民族自信心、自豪感和凝聚力空前增强的时代。 B.各地中小学校,应注重创建满足学生充分发展需求的教育环境,构建学生充分参与学校教育活动,开发学生自主发展的课程,充分体现学生的主体性。 C.袁隆平的研究成果不仅使中国在世界上率先实现“超级稻”目标,而且在很大程度上缓解了中国乃至全世界的粮食压力。 D.中央电视台在今年春节联欢晚会上,为了扩大观众的参与面,地震灾区的几个代表来到现场,与全国人民一起辞旧迎新。 二、阅读下面的文字,完成5-7题。(9分) 现在“3G通信”快要成为人们嘴上的口头禅了,那么到底什么是3G通信呢? 所谓3G,其实它的全称为3rd Generation,中文含义就是指第三代数字通信。1995年问世的第一代数字手机只能进行语音通话,1996—1997年出现的第二代数字手机在语音通话的基础上增加了接收数据的功能,如接收电子邮件或网页。第三代数字通信与前两代相比,主要区别是第三代在传输声音和数据的速度上得到了提升,能够处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。 为了实现3G提供的这些服务,无线网络必须能够支持不同的数据传输速度。相对第一代模拟制式手机(1G)和第二代GSM、CDMA等数字手机(2G),3G通信的名称繁多,国际电信联盟规定为“IMT-2000”(国际移动电话2000)标准,欧洲的电信业巨头们则称其为“UMTS”通用移动通信系统。该标准规定,移动终端以车速移动时,其传转数据速率为144kbps,室外静止或步行时速率为384kbps,而室内为2Mbps。但这些要求并不意味着用户可用速率就可以达到2Mbps,因为室内速率还将依赖于建筑物内详细的频率规范以及物管组织与通信运营商协作的紧密程度。 国际电信联盟确定3G通信的三大主流无线接口标准分别是W-CDMA(宽频分码多重存取)、CDMA2000(多载波分复用扩频调制)和TD-SCDMA(时分同步码分多址接入)。其中W-CDMA标准主要起源于欧洲和日本的早期第三代无线研究活动,该系统在现有的GSM网络上进行使用,这一点对于通信系统提供商而言是颇具吸引力的,因为它可以较容易地实现由2G向3G的过度。该标准的主要支持者有欧洲、日本和韩国。去年底,美国的AT&T移动业务分公司也宣布选取W-CDMA为自己的第三代业务平台。CDMA2000系统主要是由美国高通北美公司为主导提出的,它的建设成本相对比较低廉,主要支持者包括日本、韩国和北美等国家和地区。TD-SCDMA标准是由中国率先提出的,并在此无线传输技术的基础上与国际合作。完成了TD-SCDMA标准,是中国移动通信界的一次创举,也是中国对第三代移动通信发展的贡献。通过与欧洲、美国各自提出的3G标准的激烈竞争,中国提出的TD-SCDMA现正式成为全球3G标准之一,这标志着中国在移动通信领域已经进入世界领先之列。 3G手机完全是通信业和计算机工业相融合的产物,和此前的手机相比差别实在是太大了,因此越来越多的人开始称呼这类新的移动通信产品为“个人通信终端”。即使是对通信业最外行的


集宁一中2015-2016学年第一学期第三次月考 高三年级理科数学试题 本试卷满分为150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1. 已知集合{ } {} 2 220,(1)1P x x x Q x log x =--≤=-≤,则P Q =( ) A. (-1,3) B. [)1,3- C. (]1,2 D. [1,2] 2. 设复数121,3z i z i =-=+,其中i 为虚数单位,则 1 2 z z 的虚部为( ) A. 134i + B. 13 4 + C. 31 4i - D. 31 4 - 3.《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》规定:车辆 驾驶员血液酒精浓度在20一80 mg/l00mL(不含80)之间,属于酒后驾车;血液酒精浓度在80mg/l00mL(含80)以上时,属醉酒驾车.据有关调查,在一周内,某地区查处酒后驾车和醉酒驾车共300人.如图是对这300人血液中酒精含量进行检测所得结果的频率分布 直方图,则属于醉酒驾车的人数约为( ) A. 50 B. 45 C .25 D. 15 4.若直线)0,(022>=-+b a by ax 始终平分圆08242 2 =---+y x y x 的周长,则 b a 1 21+的最小值为( ) A . 2 1 B . 2 5 C .23 D . 2 2 23+ 5.已知命题p:”12 a ?- ”是“函数3()()1f x log x a =-+的图象经过第二象限”的充分不必要条件,命题q:a,b 是任意实数,若a>b ,则1111 a b ?++.则( ) A.“p 且q ”为真 B.“p 或q ”为真 C.p 假q 真 D.p ,q 均为假命题 6.已知M={(x ,y)|x 2+2y 2=3},N={(x ,y)|y=mx+b}.若对于所有的m ∈R ,均有 M ∩N


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Men have always believed that they are smarter than women. Now, a study has found that while this is certainly true, men also have to deal with the fact that they are also more stupid than the fairer sex. In the study, scientists measured the IQ of 2500 brothers and sisters and they found an uneven number of men not only in the top two percent, but also in the bottom two percent. The study's participants were tested on science, maths, English and mechanical abilities. Though there were twice as many men as women in the smartest group, there were also twice as many men among the dolts. The aggregate scores of men and women were similar. One of the study's authors, psychology professor Timothy Bates, said that the phenomenon may be because men have always been expected to be high achievers and women have been restricted to spend more time taking care of their home. "The female developmental program may be tilted more towards ensuring survival and the safety of the middle ground.," the Daily Mail quoted Professor Bates, of Edinburgh University, as saying. The research tallies with past results that men were more likely than women to receive first class University degrees or thirds and women secured the seconds. It has been said that men are more ready to take risk when it comes to academics. Women have always found to be steadier in their learning. A past study has shown that women are securing more firsts and seconds, while men are continuing to receive more thirds. The argument for the change is that the increase of coursework at the cost of exams favors women's steady approach. 1. The purpose of the passage is to tell us that ________. A. man are smarter then women B. man are more stupid the women C. a new fact about the IQ of men and women has been found D. men are more likely to receive first class university degrees 2. According to Timothy Bates, less women are in the smartest group because _________. A. they are born stupid B. they have to spend more time to tale care of their home than men C. they don’t like to take risk D. they are not expected to be high achievers 3. The underlined word tallies with in the eighth paragraph means________. A. agree with B. deal with C. go against D. go with 4. It can be inferred from the passage that______. A. Women are steadier in their learning. B. men are more ready to take risk in everything C. women are securing more firsts and seconds D. women are doing much better in academy 5. Which of the following questions has NOT been discussed in the passage? A. Why are men smarter than women?


宁夏银川市兴庆区2017届高三理综上学期第三次月考试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。 第Ⅰ卷(共126分) 相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Al:27 S:32 Cl:35.5 Cu:64 Fe:56 一、选择题(本题包括13小题。每小题6分,共78分,每小题只有一个选项符合题 1. 关于核酸的叙述,错误的是( ) A. 细胞核中发生的转录过程有RNA聚合酶的参与 B. 植物细胞的线粒体和叶绿体中均可发生DNA的复制 C. 双链DNA分子中一条链上的磷酸和核糖是通过氢键连接的 D. 用甲基绿和吡罗红染色可观察DNA和RNA在细胞中的分布 2.下列关于线粒体的叙述,正确的是( ) A. 线粒体外膜上的蛋白质含量比内膜的高 B. 成人心肌细胞中的线粒体数量比腹肌细胞的多 C. 葡萄糖分解为丙酮酸的过程发生在线粒体基质中 D. 哺乳动物精子中的线粒体聚集在其头部和尾的基部 3.关于生物膜的流动性和选择透过性之间的关系,下列说法错误的是( ) A. 生物膜的结构特点是流动性,而其功能特性是选择透过性 B. 死细胞的细胞膜会失去流动性和选择透过性 C. 生物膜的选择透过性是其流动性的基础 D. 二者的关系体现了“结构和功能相适应”的生物学思想 4.如图为细胞膜结构及物质跨膜运输过程图,下列有关说法错误的是( ) A. 人体成熟红细胞吸收葡萄糖的过程为图中过程b

B. 物质B在细胞膜上分布均匀,物质A只参与物质运输 C. 物质A和C结合形成的结构具有识别、免疫等功能 D. 图中过程c的运输速率受O2浓度、温度等条件影响 5.下列有关酶的说法中,正确的是 A. 酶由活细胞产生并在活细胞内起作用 B. 酶是具有催化作用的有机物,所有酶在温度较高条件下都会失活 C. 在条件适宜时,酶在离开细胞后也能发挥作用 D. 所有的酶在蛋白酶的作用下都会失去活性 6.为了比较甲、乙两种酶对温度和pH的耐受程度(即保持活性的范围)的差异,科研人员作了相关的研究,结果如下图。下列说法正确的是( ) A. 甲酶对温度的耐受程度比乙酶大 B. 在pH为6~7的环境下,几乎测不到甲酶活性 C. 甲酶活性在任何环境中都比乙酶高 D. 测定pH对酶活性影响时温度应设为20 ℃ 7、下列事实能用同一原理解释的是() A.Cl2与Fe、Cu反应均生成高价氯化物 B.NH4HCO3晶体、固体I2受热均能变成气体 C.SO2、Cl2均能使品红溶液褪色


江西省九江市第一中学2019届高三英语上学期第三次月考试题 考试时间:120分钟总分:150分 第一卷(三部分,共115分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man mean? A. Tim will come. B. Tim won’t come. C. Tim is busy 2. How much does a shirt cost today? A. $20 B. $30 C. $40 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. An accident. B. Traffic rules. C. Driving skills 4. What is the conversation mainly about? A. A famous painter. B. The blue sky. C. A beautiful picture 5. What does Jessie like doing? A. Reading. B. Dancing C. Singing 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the woman show the man last? A. Mars B. Jupiter C. The North Star 7. What is the woman? A. A photographer B. A scientist. C. An artist. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8.What does the woman like about herself? A. Her nose. B. Her eyes. C. Her hair.


南阳一中2016年秋高三第三次月考 数学试题 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中.只 有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.函数22 ln x x y x --+= 的定义域为 A .(一2,1) B .[一2,1] C .(0,1) D .(0,1] 2.已知复数z= 133i i ++(i 为虚数单位),则复数z 的共扼复数为 A . 3122i - B .3122i + C.3i - D.3i + 3. 已知0a >,函数2 ()f x ax bx c =++,若0x 满足关于x 的方程20ax b +=,则下列选 项的命题中为假命题的是 A .0,()() x R f x f x ?∈≤ B .0,()()x R f x f x ?∈≥ C .0,()()x R f x f x ?∈≤ D .0,()()x R f x f x ?∈≥ 4.设25a b m ==,且 11 2a b +=,则m = A .10 B .10 C .20 D .100 5.已知点A (4 3,1),将OA 绕坐标原点O 逆时针旋转 6 π 至OB ,设C (1,0),∠COB=α,则tan α= A . 312 B .33 C .103 11 D . 5311 6. 平面向量a ,b 共线的充要条件是 A .a ,b 方向相同 B .a ,b 两向量中至少有一个为零向量 C .,R ∈?λ使a b λ= D .存在不全为零的实数2,1λλ,使021=+b a λλ

7. 已知关于x 的不等式 21 <++a x x 的解集为P ,若P ?1,则实数a 的取值范围为 A .),0[]1,(+∞--∞ B .]0,1[- C .),0()1,(+∞--∞ D .]0,1(- 8.已知数列}{n a 是等差数列,其前n 项和为n S ,若,15321=a a a 且 5 35153155331=++S S S S S S ,则=2a .A 2 . B 21 .C 3 . D 3 1 9.设x ,y 满足约束条件0204x y x y x -≥?? +-≥??≤? ,当且仅当x =y =4时,z =ax 一y 取得最小值, 则实数a 的取值范围是 A .[1,1]- B .(,1)-∞ C .(0,1) D .(,1) (1,)-∞-+∞ 10.已知函数f (x )=cos (sin 3)(x x x ωωωω+>0),如果存在实数x 0,使得对任 意的实数x ,都有f (x 0)≤f(x )≤f(x 0+2016π)成立,则ω的最小值为 A . 1 2016π B . 1 4032π C . 1 2016 D . 1 4032 11.若函数f (x )=3 log (2)(0a x x a ->且1a ≠2,一1)内恒有f (x ) >0,则f (x )的单调递减区间为 A .6(,-∞,6 )+∞ B .(2-6 ,2,+∞) C .6(2,)-,6 )+∞ D .66 12.已知函数f (x )=|| x e x ,关于x 的方程2 ()(1)()40f x m f x m ++++=(m ∈R )有四 个相异的实数根,则m 的取值范围是 A .4(4,)1e e --- + B .(4,3)-- C .4(,3)1e e ---+ D .4(,)1e e ---∞+ 第Ⅱ卷
