







1. How is the weather now?

A. Rainy.

B. Cloudy.

C. Sunny.

2. What is Mary’s hobby?

A. Taking photos.

B. Listening to music.

C. Collecting stamps.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a museum.

B. At a hospital.

C. At a park.

4. When will Lisa go to bed?

A. At 9:40.

B. At 10:00.

C. At 10:20.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Chinese sky lanterns.

B. Chinese clay art.

C. Chinese paper cutting.


6. What will Mum do today?

A. Do some cleaning.

B. Make some cookies.

C. Buy some eggs.

7. How will Grandma get to Mike’s home?

A. By bus.

B. By car.

C. By taxi.

(2017浙江台州)听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10 三个小题。

8. What is Jason’s favorite subject in his new school?

A. Math.

B. Science.

C. History.

9. Who is going to learn Chinese?

A. Marisa.

B. Jean.

C. Jason.

10. How does Tony like history?

A. Boring.

B. Difficult.

C. Interesting


12. A. 1,000 B. 1,500 C. 2,000

13. A. Mr. Black B. Mr. King C. Mr. Smith

14. A. New Stories B. New Writers C. Young Writers

15. A. September B. October C. November




1. M:Sally,would you like to go to the movie?

W:I’d love to,but I don’t want to go out on rainy days,you know.


2. M:What do you like to do in your spare time,Mary?

W:Well,I spend most of my free time listening to pop and rock music.


3. M:Doctor,I fell at school today while playing football. My leg hurts.

W:Let me have a look. Umm … You’d better take an X-ray.


4. M:It’s time for bed,Lisa. It’s already ten o’clock.

W:Dad,just a minute. I’m watching a talk show. I’ll be in bed in twenty minutes.


5. M:Maria,have your heard of Chinese paper cutting?

W:Yes,it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.





W:Mike,can you do some shopping for me?I need some eggs.

M:Why?Are you making a cake,Mum?

W:No. I need them to make some cookies. Oh,Grandma’s coming this afternoon.

M:Great. Do I need to pick her up?

W:No. She said she would take a taxi herself.

M:OK. I’ll go now.





W:I hear you’re enjoying life at your new school,Jason. What’s your favorite subject?

M:I still like math,Aunt Jean,but now my favorite subject is science.

W:Really?What about your friends?

M:Hmm. Let me see. Well,Marisa likes French best,and now she’s going to learn Chinese. W:And your friend Tony?

M:He likes history most. He thinks it’s so interesting.

W:Does he?I always found that boring when I was at school.

M:But he really enjoys learning about people’s life in ancient times.







Attention,please. We have exciting news for you today. Our yearly Short Story Competition for teenagers is now open.

The regular subjects“friendship”and “hobbies”are still choices,but this year we have a new subject“travel”. Your stories should be fewer than 2,000 words. You can send your stories to the organizer,Mr. Smith in Room 209. There is an amazing prize for you. the best story will printed in the magazine,New Writers. Don’t forget to hand in your stories before September 30th. And you will know the results on October 15th.

So get your thinking hats on. For more information,visit our school website.









1. A

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. A 10. C

11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A



When things went wrong, Freddy always had something nice to say.

When Dad forget about the pizza and it burned. Freddy said “Don’t worry. It’ll still taste good.” And he was 16 . The pizza edges were dark, but the middle wasn’t half bad.

When his teacher Mr. Hall knocked into a bookshelf in the 17 , Freddy said, “Don’t worry. Mrs. Bog won’t be upset.” The librarian just laughed and helped 18 the books.

Freddy looked on the bright side. And everyone liked that about 19 .

Everyone, that is, except Hazel.

Hazel was the 20 kid in class. On her first day, Freddy said “Nice to meet you, Hazel. I think you’ll like it here.”

“I 21 it,” she talked back. Freddy had never met anyone like her.

When Mr. Hall said they’d have a br eak inside 22 it was raining. Freddy said, “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

“A silver lining?”Hazel shook her head. “Bad things come in 23 .”

Greta was carrying paints in 24 class. She fell over, and paints went flying.

“That was the second bad thing. What will the third thing be?” Hazel seemed so 25 about the Rule of Three Bad Things.

“It’s beautiful!” Emma picked up Freddy’s painting, not realizing she had paint on her fingers.

“Freddy’s picture is 26 !” Haze l pointed, “There’s number three.”

Emma looked sad. “I’m sorry, Freddy.”

“It’s OK...If you add 27 , the fingerprints could look like butterflies(蝴蝶),” said Freddy.

28 refused to put a finger on Freddy’s paper. Only Hazel did.

“Want to add one?” Freddy asked.

Hazel thought about it, then nodded. She put her finger into paint, gently(温柔地) pressed it o nto Freddy’s painting and 29 added wings.

“It looks great,” said Freddy.

Hazel 30 . “You know, I don’t really think there’s a Rule of Three Bad Things.”

Sometimes, there are good things hiding where you don’t expect them.

16. A. clever B. right C. active D. famous

17. A. shop B. gym C. library D. museum

18. A. pick up B. look after C. go through D. throw away

19. A. me B. her C. you D. him

20. A. lucky B. new C. excellent D. smart

21. A. expect B. believe C. doubt D. understand

22. A. although B. unless C. until D. because

23. A. twos B. Threes C. fours D. fives

24. A. science B. music C. art D. history

25. A. happy B. worried C. sorry D. sure

26. A. in a mess B. on show C. in fashion D. on sale

27. A. wings B. eyes C. legs D. bodies

28. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody

29. A. angrily B. quickly C. carefully D. secretly

30. A. smiled B. promised C. warned D. shouted


16-20 BCADB 21-25 CDBCD 26-30 AADCA


16. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他是_________的。披萨的边缘是黑色的,但是中间没有一半是坏的。clever聪明的;right对的;active有活力的;famous著名的。根据披萨的边缘黑了,但里面还不坏,可知他是对的。故选B。

17. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当他的老师霍尔撞上一个书架时,……。shop商店;gym体育馆;library图书室;museum博物馆。根据上下文可知撞到书架应该是在图书室里。故选B。

18. A【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:图书馆员只是笑着,帮助_____这本书。根据前面撞上书架,推测出书掉到地下,图书管理员是帮着捡起书。pick up捡起;look after照顾,照看;look through浏览;throw away扔掉。选A。

19. B 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意:每个人都喜欢他这一点。根据句意可知此处指代Freddy,根据第三段“When his teacher Mr. Hall…”可知Freddy是男孩,所以要用he的宾格him。故选B。

20. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:榛子是班上的______孩子。lucky幸运的;new 新的;excellent极好的;smart聪明的。根据下文中,当他第一次来到学校,可知她在班里是新生。故选B。

21. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我要________它。expect希望;believe相信,doubt 怀疑;understand理解。结合后文,“Freddy had never met anyone like her.”(Freddy从来没遇到像她这样的人)可知Hazel不像一般逻辑上的人,会赞同Freddy的说法,而相反她不同意Freddy的观点,故推测句意应是“我怀疑这一点”。故选C。

22. D 【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意:因为天下雨,霍尔先生说他们将在里面休息一下。although尽管……但是;unless除非;until直到……才;because因为。本句是一个because 引导的原因状语从句。故选D。

23. B【解析】考查数词词义辨析。句意:根据后面的Hazel认为the Rule of Three Bad Things 的规则,可知坏事有三,后面应该是threes,故选B。

24. C 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在________课上,Greta正搬绘画作品。science 科学;music音乐;art美术;history历史由绘画作品可知是在上美术课。故选C。

25. D 【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Hazel对于坏事有三的看法似乎是如此______。happy高兴的;worried担心的;sorry难过的;sure确信的。根据上文Hazel说这是第二件坏事情,第三件坏事情会是什么呢?可知Hazel确信坏事有三这一说法,这里考查的是sure about的用法,确信。故选D。

26. A 【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:in a mess一团糟;on show在展览;in fashion 时尚的;on sale在甩卖。根据前面的“Emma picked up Freddy’s painting, not realizing she had paint on her fingers.”可知Emma把燃料弄到了Freddy的画上。故选A。

27. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“没关系,如果你添加______,指纹可能看起来像蝴蝶,”弗雷迪说。wings翅膀;eyes眼睛;legs腿;bodies身体。根据后面的“the fingerprints could look like butterflies(蝴蝶)”可推知,前句应是如果你加上翅膀。故选A。

28. D 【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意:_______拒绝把手指放在Freddy的纸上。只有Hazel没放。everybody每个人; somebody某人;anybody任何人;nobody没有人。根据后文只有Hazel没放,可知没有人拒绝把手指放到Freddy的画上。应是否定意义的Nobody。故选D。

29. C 【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:她把手指放在燃料中,温柔地按压在弗雷迪的画上,_______另加了翅膀。angrily生气地;quickly快速地;carefully仔细地,小心地;secretly 秘密地。根据前一句“She put her finger into paint gently(温柔地).”可推知,Hazel小心地在画上加上了翅膀。故选C。

30. A 【解析】考查名词词义辨析。smiled微笑;promised许诺;warned警告;shouted喊叫。根据最后一句“You know, I don’t really think there’s a Rule of Three Bad Things.”及上下文内容可知,Hazel在同学们的影响下,发生了改变,她笑着承认了她也不相信坏事有三的规则。故选A。



A: 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

31. What’s Haddie’s problem according to the passage?

A. She can’t begin a fantasy book.

B. She doesn’t want to grow up.

C. She can’t run fast in her class.

D. She is laughed at by many kids.

32. Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?

A. Most adults hope to stay kids forever.

B. The gym teacher can help Tiona run faster.

C. Kids who are teasing others want to get help.

D. There’re five ideas to help write fantasy books.

33. Which column(栏目) of a magazine is the passage probably from?

A. Cultural Thinking.

B. Sports Club.

C. Fantastic Discovery.

D. Growing Pains



31. B 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:根据短文内容,Haddie的问题是什么?A项意为“他

不会如何开始写奇幻书”;B项意为“她不想长大”;C项意为“在班里她跑得快”;D项意为“她被许多孩子嘲笑”。根据文章第一栏“I want to stay a kid forever. I love my birthdays, but I don’t want to be older. —Haddie, Washington”(我想永远保持孩子的状态。我喜欢我的生日,但是我不想变老。来自华盛顿的Haddie)可知Haddie的问题是“她不想长大”。故选B。

32. B 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:根据短文,下列哪一项是正确的?A项意为“大部分成年人想永远保持孩子的状态”;B项意为“体育老师能帮助Tiona跑得更快”;C项意为“取笑别人的孩子想得到帮助”;D项意为“帮助写奇幻书有五种办法”。根据文章第三栏“If improving your running speed is something you’d like to work on, you could also ask your gym teacher for advice.”(如果提高跑步速度是你想要做的,你也可以向体育老师请求建议。)可知本题选B。

33. D 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:这篇短文很可能来自杂志的哪个栏目?A项意为“文化思想”;B项意为“体育俱乐部”;C项意为“奇特的发现”;D项意为“成长痛苦”。根据文章第一栏上面“Do you like to solve problems for children? Listed below are probably three of the best answers.”(你喜欢解决孩子的问题吗?下面罗列的或许是最好的回答)结合三个栏目中的内容都是关于孩子成长的问题及解决的办法,所以选D。


At just 17 years old, Pakistan's Malala is the youngest ever winner of the

Nobel Peace Prize.

Malala came to international attention when she spoke up for the rights of all children to have an education. Malala's father was a teacher who ran a

school. For her early life, her family lived in the school so she was used to

sitting in the classrooms before her school age. Now, she can speak three

languages and loves learning.

She grew up in Pakistan. The living conditions in her area were very poor and unsafe. Many people were hurt and many schools were closed. Especially girls were not allowed to go to school.

Reporters from Britain told the world what was happening with the help of Malala. In 2009, 12-year-old Malala wrote 35 diaries on the Internet. She wrote about the difficulties of her life, and about her strong hope for education. Soon after that, Malals's family was chosen to be in a TV program to show ordinary children's education because both father and daughter spoke good English, and they cared about children getting an education.

From then on, a few people hated her and hurt her. Though terribly wounded, Malala became a courageous fighter for the education rights of millions of girls worldwide. “I don't want to be remembered as the girl who was hurt. I want to be remembered as the girl who stood up.” she said.

She has now written a book about her life called I am Malala. The book shows that one person's voice has the power to inspire change in the world. In her speech, she spoke warmly about her aims for education and peace. One sentence she said one day became famous: One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can greatly change the world.

34. Many people around the world began to know Malala because ______.

A. she could speak three languages in all

B. her father ran a school for the young

C. she fought for all children's education

D. she got an education when she was young

35. It can be inferred that Malala is a ______ girl from Paragraph Five.

A. brave

B. lively

C. clever

D. careful

36. The underlined word “inspire”in the last paragraph might mean “_______”.

A. describe

B. compare

C. celebrate

D. encourage

37. The purpose of this passage is mainly to _______.

A. introduce people's living conditions in Pakistan

B. suggest more news reporters pay attention to the girl Malala

C. let people realize the importance of all children's education

D. tell more people to give opinions on kids' education in Pakistan



34. C【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Malala came to international attention when she spoke up for the rights of all children to have an education.可知全世界的人开始知道Malala 是因为她为所有孩子的教育权力而斗争,故选C。

35. A【解析】推理判断题。文章第五段告诉大家面对很多人的憎恶和伤害,Malala依然为了世界范围的成百万女孩的教育权而斗争,这体现了她的“勇敢”,故选A。

36. D【解析】词义猜测题。根据本段最后一句One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can greatly change the world.可知在书中Malala想表达的是“一个的声音有鼓励改变世界的力量”,故选D。

37. C【解析】主旨大意题。本文讲述了巴基斯坦的Malala为了孩子们的教育权而奋争的故事,旨在让人家意识到所有孩子的教育的重要性。


But they can try to make you believe that you want something. Keep your eyes open for these marketing tricks(策略).

Showing Famous Faces

Why is Simone Biles's picture on your breakfast box? Why does Taylor Swift drink Diet Coke?They may love those products. But they're also paid by those companies. Companies invite stars, and even cartoon characters to stand up for the products.

Forcing FOMO

FOMO stands for Fear of Missing Out. If you think you won't be able to get a product because it's selling quickly, you're more likely to rush to buy it. That's why you see “limited edition(限量版)” products. Apple, for example, uses this rule when it gives out limited numbers of new phones to create shopping excitement.

Creating Collections

Think Shopkins. The company creates groups of products, like ice cream balls and teacups.

Then it tries to advise you to buy them all to complete your collection. Many products have found success this way. Then they ended up in a box in your house. Ask yourself: Do I want this because I like it? Or am I just trying to collect more than my friends?

Playing Mind Games

Marketers want you to think that buying their product will change you in some way. They want you to think “buying this brand (品牌) is going to make you cool, happy, or popular,” says Professor Ahern. Marketers try to control your view of the brand by using a story, imagery, music, or people. Then, whenever you're about to buy something, they hope that image will pop into your mind, making you choose their product over another.

So now you know. This Black Friday, be sure to shop smart.

38. How many brands are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

D. Six.

39. What does the underlined sentence “Then they ended up in a box in your house.” mean?

A. Then the products were found no use to you.

B. Then something was wrong with the products.

C. Then the products were found necessary to buy.

D. Then people were proud of getting the products.

40. The passage is probably a ______.

A. business story

B. marketing report

C. scientific research

D. product introduction

41. The best title for the passage may be _____.

A. Top Three Toys

B. Hot Companies

C. Shopping Smarter

D. Creating Excitement

C 题材:科普常识


38. A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第一句Here are three toys on the 2016 US hot toy list.以及图片的展示,可知介绍了三个著名的品牌:自拍杆、遥控无人机和暴风突击队。

39. A【解析】词义猜测题。划线句子意为“然后它们就终结在你家的一个盒子里”;结合本段最后一句Ask yourself: Do I want this because I like it? Or am I just trying to collect more than my friends?可知这些产品最终是没有什么用处的,故选A。

40. B【解析】推理判断题。由第二段最后一句Keep your eyes open for these marketing tricks(策略).以及接下来介绍的几种营销策略:Showing Famous Faces、Forcing FOMO、Creating Collections、Playing Mind Games可知本文可能是一个“营销报告”,故选B。

41. C【解析】标题归纳题。通读全文可知本文从三个重要的品牌讲起,主要介绍了四种不同的营销策略,以告诉人们要聪明购物,所以Shopping Smarter可以概括文章主旨,可做为最好的标题。故选C。


The way we spend our time can be divided into three “bottles”. These are the necessary tasks bottle, the voluntary(自愿的)tasks bottle and the happiness bottle.

Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks bottles with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills. We then fill another bottle with voluntary tasks. These are things that we do for others, but we may not enjoy them. This bottle gets filled with tasks like taking children to activities, cooking family meals, and doing laundry. Those bottles are very important. If we don't fill them each day, our family won’t run properly.

However, we often forget to fill the third bottle—the happiness bottle that we fill with activities that make us happy. Is your happiness bottle sometimes empty at the end of the day? Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks, time flies by, and before we know it, it is time for bed. We all have days like that.

That is why each day we have to make an effort to fill our happiness bottle. I fill mine by going to the dance class. And I always leave classes more happily than when I enter. This week, I had the pleasure of taking part in a guitar practice in my neighborhood. We show our musical talent and practice music for charity. It was a time of fun, friendship and music-making. At the end of the evening, my happiness bottle was filled to top.

▲Will your activities bring joy to your life? Or are the other two tasks eating up all your time? Try to find ways to achieve a balance between how you fill your three bottles. At the end of the day, hopefully we’ve done all we can to make sure that our happiness bottle is filled.

42. Which activity belongs to necessary task according to the passage?

A. Going to work though it is raining heavily.

B. Buying a birthday gift for your good friend.

C. Having a yard sale to raise money for sick kids.

D. Sending your son to a piano lesson on Sunday.

43. What does the underlined word “it” mean in the third paragraph?

A. We require enough time to fill the necessary tasks bottle.

B. Necessary and voluntary tasks are less important.

C. All the three bottles are filled to top at the end of the day.

D. We need time to do something to make ourselves happy.

44. How did the writer fill the happiness “bottle” this week?

A. By cooking meals for family.

B. By going to the dance class.

C. By practicing music for charity.

D. By listening to some nice music.

45. W hich of the following is the best for “ ▲” in the last paragraph?

A. Make sure to fill all the three bottles.

B. So consider how your time will be spent.

C. People will have more happy activities.

D. It's not enough to fill the happiness bottle.



42. A【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:根据短文哪项活动属于必要任务?A项意为“虽然下大雨也去上班”;B项意为“为好朋友买生日礼物”;C项意为“进行庭院拍卖会为生病的孩子筹钱”;D项意为“星期天送你儿子去上钢琴课”。根据文章第二段中Every day, we spend time filling the necessary tasks bottles with useful things, like making money, doing housework, buying food and paying bills.(我们每天花费时间用如赚钱、做家务、买食物、付账等有用的事情填满必要任务瓶,)可推知,“虽然下大雨也去上班”是必要任务。故选A。

43. D 【解析】词义猜测题。题干意为:第三段中划线单词“it”是什么意思?A项意为“我们要求足够的时间填满任务瓶”;B项意为“必要任务和自愿任务不那么重要”;C项意为“在一天结束的时候三个瓶子都填满了”;D项意为“我们需要时间做让自己快乐的事情”。根据文章第三段中Is your happiness bottle sometimes empty at the end of the day? Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks, time flies by...(在一天结束的时候,你那快乐瓶还空着吗?在做所有必要任务和自愿任务之间,时间飞逝了……)可知,当我们意识到我们的快乐


44. C 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:这一周作者是怎样装满快乐瓶的?A项意为“通过为家人做饭”;B项意为“通过上舞蹈课”;C项意为“通过为慈善机构练习音乐”;D项意为“通过听优美的音乐”。根据文章第四段中This week, I had the pleasure of taking part in a guitar practice in my neighborhood. We show our musical talent and practice music for charity. (这周我得到了参加我们小区的音乐练习的快乐。我们为慈善机构展示我们的音乐才能练习音乐。)可知,作者这周的快乐是通过“为慈善机构练习音乐”而获得的。故选C。

45. B 【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:下列哪一项是填入最后一段▲处的最佳选项?A 项意为“确保填满三个瓶子”;B项意为“所以考虑你的时间怎样度过”;C项意为“人们将会有更多快乐的活动”;D项意为“填满快乐瓶是不够的”。根据文章最后一段中Try to find ways to achieve a balance between how you fill your three bottles.(尽力找到怎样实现填满三个瓶子之间的平衡。)可推知,“所以考虑你的时间怎样度过”符合语境。故选B。


46. A true friend always ______ you whenever you are in trouble.

47. Steve seemed so interested in drawing that he ______ got tired of it.

48. Many people rushed to Tiantai Mountain at the height of this tourist _______.

49. The nice little dog waved _______ tail happily, welcoming the owner back home.

50. China is over 5,000 years old which has a much _______ history than the US.

46. supports 【解析】分析句子结构可知,本句缺少谓语动词,故用support的适当形式,句子主语a true friend是第三人称单数,故填supports。句意为“一个真正的朋友无论你什么时候遇到困难都支持你。”

47. hardly 【解析】分析从句结构可知,本句主谓宾齐全,空格处应填修饰动词的副词,故填hardly。句意为“斯蒂文似乎如此喜欢画画以至于他几乎不感到厌烦。”

48. season 【解析】分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入一个表示时间的名词,故填season。句意为“很多人在这个旅游旺季涌向天台山。”

49. its 【解析】分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入形容词作tail的定语,根据dog可知,应填its。句意为“那只漂亮的小狗摇着它的尾巴,欢迎主人回家。”

50. longer 【解析】分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入形容词作history的定语,根据than 可知,空格处应用比较级形式longer。句意为“中国有5,000多年的历史,比美国的历史长得多。”

B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

A neighborhood party is a great way to raise money for a charity. You can also celebrate a

51 (假期)or get to know each other in your neighborhood.

Before you begin,you first need to work out where to have the party. Community centers or 52 (教堂)are often available for it. If the weather is nice, many people 53 (更喜欢)

to have the party outside. It could be a 54 (公共的)place like a park or a street.

Next, ask your friends and neighbors who are 55 (有耐心的)to help. V olunteers are important for making sure the party runs successfully. Get plenty of people to help tell others about the party, set up the party, and 56 (最后)clean up after the party.

57 (在……期间)the party,many activities are organized for kids so that they can enjoy

58 (他们自己). At most parties, food and drinks are served. The best parties are when everyone brings something to 59 (分享). There’s no better way to bring the community together and 60 (传播)love and joy than to throw a party! After all,that's what being part of a neighborhood is about.

B. 生活类


51. holiday/ vacation 【解析】“假期”为holiday或vacation,根据不定冠词a可知,应用单数形式。

52. churches 【解析】“教堂”为church,根据or之前的centers可知,此处也应使用复数形式,故填churches。

53. prefer 【解析】“更喜欢”为prefer,主语为many people,故填动词原形prefer。

54. public 【解析】“公共的”为public,形容词修饰名词place。

55. patient 【解析】“有耐心的”为patient,形容词作表语。

56. finally 【解析】“最后”为final和finally,此处修饰动词短语clean up,要用副词。

57. During 【解析】“在……期间”为during,在句子开头,首字母应大写。

58. themselves 【解析】“他们自己”为themselves,enjoy oneself意为“玩得开心”。

59. share 【解析】“分享”为share,动词不定式符号to之后应用动词原形,故填share。

60. spread 【解析】“传播”为spread,两个动词不定式连用时,后一个动词前的动词不定式符号to省略,故填spread。


Two simple words “thank you” have made a big difference to thousands of firemen in New York City.

Savannah is 61 girl from Texas. “I was trying to think 62 I could help them out,”she says. After hearing about sacrifices (牺牲) made by firemen, she 63 (move) by the risks they face. 64 Savannah made 200 thank-you cards for them. “I want to show how much I care about them.”

“I told the firemen thank you,”Savannah recalls. “They’re always there to help you.”Savannah decided 65 (keep) making cards. For the next seven months, she woke up early to paint and color and cut. In that time, she 66 (send) 1,600 cards with bite-sized candy while meeting her 67 (hero). Soon, fire stations started thanking her.

Once too shy to give a speech at school, 68 is now easy for Savannah to speak regularly to firemen and school students. She is quite different 69 what she used to be.

“She’s saying how 70 (thank) she is for them!”Savannah’s mom, Debbie, says, “Savannah sees that stepping out and doing something can really make difference.”

五、【主旨大意】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了两个简单的单词“谢谢你”已经对纽约数以千计的消防员产生了重要的影响。一个女孩受到消防队员的影响并且表达对他们的感谢。61. a 【解析】考查不定冠词。句意:Savannah是一位来自德州的女孩。Savannah是一个人,girl是可数名词单数形式,其前要用不定冠词a。

62. how 【解析】考查连接副词。句意:我正在考虑我能如何帮助他们脱身。分析句子成分可知,本句是含有宾语从句的复合句,缺少连接副词。根据句意可知填how。

63. was moved 【解析】考查被动语态。句意:听到关于消防队员的牺牲,她被他们面对的冒险感动了。分析句子成分可知主语是动作的承受者,应用被动语态,记叙过去的事情用一般过去时。女孩是第三人称单数形式。故填was moved。

64. so 【解析】考查连词用法。句意:因此,Savannah为他们制作了200张感谢卡。“被感动”,所以“制作感谢卡”,前后表因果关系。故填so。

65. to keep 【解析】考查固定结构。根据语法decide to do sth,决定做某事。可知填to keep。

66. sent【解析】考查动词时态。根据前面动词的时态是一般过去时,所以这里也是一般过去时。故填sent。

67. heroes【解析】考查名词复数。根据前面送1,600张卡片,肯定时给许多英雄。注意hero 的复数加-es。

68. it【解析】考查固定句型。it is +adj。+ for sb to do sth。做某事对某人来说是……的。

69. from 【解析】考查固定短语。固定短语be different from与……不同。

70. thankful【解析】考查形容词的用法。分析句子成分可知本句的宾语从句是一个感叹句,how感叹形容词或副词,由于后面是is,用形容词。


假如你是Maple Knoll High School Library的学生志愿者,请根据你校图书馆指南,把图书馆设施分布说明填写完整并介绍给中方友好学校交流团新生。

The map below helps you become familiar with the library’s resources:

·Fiction and nonfiction titles for all subjects ·Current newspapers and magazines ·Computers accessible with your student ID number ·Helpful library staff

Welcome,new students,to Maple Knoll High School Library!Here is an introduction of our school library. The 71 on the left of the map helps you best understand it.

The computer lab is just on the 72 of the main entrance. You can enter computers by putting into the 73 of your student ID card. There are 74 copy machines in the library. The circulation desk on the left of the main entrance is a place to borrow and return books from general stacks. The reading area is in the middle of the library. A water fountain is between the 75 and the cellphone area. They’re all on the right.

If you want to ask for more help,you can go to the librarian’s office.


【主旨大意】短文根据地图为新生介绍Maple Knoll高中图书馆各个功能室的位置。

71. key【解析】细节理解题。由句意“地图左边的线索帮你更好地理解”可知,这里填图表中左边表示“线索”的key。

72. right【解析】细节理解题。由图表可知,“电脑实验室”就在入口(Main Entrance)的右边,故填right。

73. number【解析】推理判断题。分析句子可以得知“你可以通过输入你的学生证号码进入电脑”,也就是电脑的密码就是你的学生证号。

74. two / 2 【解析】细节理解题。题干意为“在图书馆有多少个复印机”,仔细观察图表不


75. restrooms【解析】细节理解题。仔细观察图表不难看出,饮水机在厕所和电话亭之间;由左边的线索提示可知,“厕所”为restrooms。


76. 假如你叫张华,以下是你友好结对的学校Maple Knoll High School 的好友Andrew发的一封电子邮件,请你根据该邮件内容给Andrew回复并提出






Hi, Andrew, I’m glad to hear from you. It’s important for us to prepare for senior high school.

___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Zhang Hua


Possible version 1:

Hi, Andrew, I’m glad to hear from you. It’s important for us to prepare for senior high school. First, I will go somewhere fantastic with my friends to relax myself during summer vacation. We can learn about the outside world and open up our mind. The new life may be harder, so we should read more books to increase knowledge. Also, I want to spend some time improving my English. Health is really important, too. It’s a good idea to do sports to keep healthy. However, I’m a little worried about how to communicate with my new classmates. Can you give me advice?

Looking forward to your reply. (92 words)


Zhang Hua

Possible version 2:

Hi, Andrew, the best we can relax and open our mind is to enjoy every moment.

First, if we are having fun travelling, appreciate the details: the color of the nature, the laughter of

our friends and so on. Then it's good to get into the habit of keeping healthy. But it requires patience and plans. We might start by running and eating healthily. Knowledge plays an important role in our life. If we study with a good attitude and do the best we can, the learning experience will be more enjoyable. One problem always troubles me. I talk so much that my friends tell me to be quiet. What should I do?

Looking forward to your reply. (118 words)


Zhang Hua
