


With the development of______________ (现象或问题出现的背景), ___________ (现象或问题) has aroused great concern. Some people consider it to be __________ (对现象或问题出现的看法) , while others think it in a different/ opposite way. This subject requires further analysis.

There are many reasons involved. Among them, _____(原因1) plays a very important role, that is to say, ______ (原因1的主题词) becomes _______ (原因1的状态) thanks to ______ (前述状态的原由). What is more, it is because of ________ (原因2) to some degree. The similar reasons are too numerous to mention one by one.

Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first measure is to ______ (观点或方法1). Immediately after that, we should _________ (观点或方法2). Only in this way can we _______(重申主题).


With the development of society,the high frequency of traffic accidents has aroused great concern. Some people consider it to be an inevitable problem,while others think it in an opposite way. This subject requires further analysis

There are many reasons involved. Among them, lack of safety awareness plays a very important role, that is to say, many people become negligent in driving thanks to theirconceit. What is more, it is because of the heavy traffic to some degree. The similar reasons are too numerous to mention one by one.

Therefore, many measures must be taken on this matter. The first measure is to strengthen driving education. Immediately after that, we should put focus on lessening traffic jams to improve the conditions. Only in the way can we decrease the frequency of traffic accidents.


现象解释型 模板一套用: According to the chart , it is clear that student use of computers has grown rapidly in recent years. As is demonstrated in the chart, from 1990 to 1995, the average hours that students spent in computers each week were doubled, while in 2000, the number grew to 20 hours, which is five times as large as that of 1995. Many reasons contribute to this tremendous growth. First of all,the low price of computer allows many students to have one in their dormitories. So the students can often use their computers to do the assignments, play games and chat with their friends. What is more, many net bars provide students with convenient access to computers. In addition, Internet provides people an amazing world to explore, resulting in more student use of computers. Hence computers have an


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/4917779013.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 现象解释型作文模板: Recently, ____What amazes us most is_____.It is true that _____.There are many reasons explaining ______.The main reason is_____,What is more, _____,Thirdly, _____.As a result, _____. Considering all these, _____.For one thing, ____For another, ____.In conclusion, ____. As is shown above, the bar chart clearly demonstrates the relationship between the education level and earning in 2010. It is obvious that well-educated persons such as owning Doctoral degree and Master's degree have a high salary than those who have relatively low degree. Isolated as the figure seems to be, as a matter of fact, we can observe that the higher level of education you receive, the higher income you get. People’s opinions about investment in education differ from person to person. Some people say that knowledge could no longer change destiny. To them, it is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of time. Others deem that education is worthy of investment. As for me it is no doubt that education offers favorable working opportunity and handsome income, which enable us to buy what we want ,please what we love, and fulfill what we dream, and correspondingly we are able to build an ideal paradise where life can be enjoyed to the uttermost. In conclusion, we should realize significance of education, which plays a crucial role in personal growth of career. In addition, it is convinced that education is the prospect of a nation. 四级作文范文:Education Pays From the chart above, we can definitely get a conclusion that the more you learned, the higher your salary would be. The figures in the chart denied the claim that knowledge is useless. However quite a few people still hold the opinion that a higher education does no good to a better job since that there are many university students who can not get an ideal job.

考研英语作文模板 社会热点类模板

社会热点类模板1: The two pictures illustrate1vividly2……. In the left picture ……, while in the right ……. From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of ……. Aside from ……, another telling example is ……, which was so successful in that ……. The pictures also make it obvious that we should ……. Admittedly, it is natural that ……. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of our government and society to ……. In my opinion, what’s t he more important is to ……. In short, ……. 社会热点类模板2: It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem……. It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of ……. Though the drawing is a little exagger ating, it is not rare for us to find in ……. If we let this situation of continues, it not only harms ……, but also prevents ……. Accordingly, we urgently call for ……. Though the government has already taken pains to implement3regulations, it still failz to ……. In my opinion, this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits. I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.


问题解决型 一、第一段框架构造 1、引出话题写法: (1)不容否认的是: There is no denying the fact that... No one can have failed to notice the fact that... (2)某事成为一个显着的问题: Sth has/have become a grave/marked problem with which Sb. is/are confronted. Sth is/are becoming increasingly grave in our current society. 2、举例说明:两种写法 (1)写法一:Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list/ too many to enumerate. *例: Topic: Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese. No one can have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Chinese nowadays. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to enumerate: some play truant from Chinese classes, some read few Chinese classics and some rarely write articles in Chinese. (2)写法二:Reports are often heard upon…The most striking instances/ones might be (that+句子)… *例: Topic: Food Safety


现象解释型作文模板 1.现象解释型模板一

2.现象解释型模板二 We have witnessed that college students vary in reading preference. According to the table of the percentage of book circulation in an American university library, the circulation of popular fictions and general nonfictions accounts for 65.9% and 18.2% respectively. And the table shows that the circulation of science/technology/education books and art/ literature/poetry books is 10.8%and 5.1% respectively. Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. To begin with, popular fictions usually possess more appealing plot than the other types of books do, so many readers are attracted by popular fictions. Moreover, popular fictions and general nonfictions are easier to be understood. In addition, science and art books demand certain knowledge in special field of study.As a result, more students tend to choose popular fictions and general nonfictions. As to me, I’m in favor of books of science and technology. First of all, in order to deepen what I’m lea rning, I need read more books relevant to my major and observe the new development in science and technology circles. Besides, there books can also broaden my vision. To conclude, college students should choose books according to their interests and needs. Drunk Driving


申论热点范文社会类申 论写作万能 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022

申论热点范文:社会类申论写作万能模板导读:本文申论热点范文:社会类申论写作万能模板,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 1、当前,我国既处于发展的重要战略机遇期,又处于社会矛盾凸显期,各种人民内部矛盾和社会矛盾多发,影响社会和谐的不稳定因素增多。 2、“落后就要挨打”、“发展是硬道理”、“稳定压倒一切”、“改革是动力、发展是目标、稳定是前提”、“发展是当执政兴国的第一要务”。我们要坚持把改革的力度、发展的速度和社会可承受的程度统一起来,把不断改善人民生活作为处理三者关系的重要结合点,在社会稳定中推进改革发展,通过改革发展促进社会稳定。 3、社会管理本质是对人的管理和服务,我们在开展社会管理创新实践中牢牢把握这一本质要求,把管理和服务有机统一起来,寓管理于服务之中,在服务中实施管理,在管理中体现服务,坚持以群众呼声作为第一信号,以群众需要作为第一选择,以群众满意作为第一标准,通过推动社会管理法制化、科学化和人性化,积极解决与人民群众利益密切相关的就业、就医、就学、交通、治安等民生问题,最大限度维护人民群众根本利益,最大限度减少社会改革中的利益调整障碍,最大限度激发社会活力。 4、优化公共资源配置,创新公共服务体制,提高公共服务质量。把城乡社区建设成为管理有序、服务完善、文明祥和的社会生活共同体。努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步、劳动报酬增长和劳动生产率提高同步。加大收入分配调节力度,坚定不移走共同富裕道路。

5、在民生、幸福、稳定成为“十二五”热词的语境里,在全面建设小康社会、加速实现现代化的进程中,从社会活力、和谐稳定的战略高度审视社会管理,这是对马克思主义社会管理理论的丰富深化,也是对我们党新时期群众工作的一大创新。一些国家的发展历程表明,国民收入从中等收入向高收入提升的时期,往往是经济最容易失调、社会最容易失序、人们心理最容易失衡的时期。在我国改革发展的关键时期,如何避免落入所谓“中等收入陷阱”,是我们面临的重大挑战。也正是在这个意义上,社会凝聚力就显得尤其重要。它不仅是经济社会协调发展的重要体现,实现社会稳定的关键因素,也是我国现代化顺利推进的必要保证。 6、人是生产力中最活跃的因素,也是增强社会凝聚力的主体。社会管理,主要是对人的服务和管理。一切社会管理工作都是为群众谋利益的工作,一切社会管理部门都是为群众服务的部门,一切社会管理的过程都是做群众工作的过程。如今,面对人民群众的不同利益诉求和多元思想文化,通过加强和改进社会管理,协调社会关系、规范社会行为、解决社会问题、化解社会矛盾、促进社会公正、应对社会风险、保持社会稳定,形成科学有效的利益协调机制、矛盾调处机制、诉求表达机制、权益保障机制,统筹协调各方面利益关系,就能够不断实现人民群众最关心最直接最现实的利益,充分调动人民群众积极性、主动性、创造性,最大程度地增强社会凝聚力。 7、多年来,我国积极实施可持续发展战略,将环境保护放在重要的战略位置,不断加大解决环境问题的力度,取得了明显成效。但由于产


英语六级作文万能模板:问题解决型 1. 模板一 1. With the development/improvement of ——,——. 2. It is necessary that——. 3. On the one hand, ——. 4. On the other hand, ——. 5. Therefore, how to —— is worthpaying attention. 6. Firstly—— 7. Secondly—— 8. For example,—— 9. Thirdly, ——. 10. In other words,—— 11. In fact, ways to —— arecountless. 12. It's time that —— 1.空格一处铺垫,空格二处填写某一问题。 2. 注解决现象引出的问题很必要。 3.解决问题很必要的理由一。 4.解决问题很必要的理由二。 5.承上启下,填要解决的问题。 6. 解决办法一。

7. 解决办法二。 8. 举例解释解决办法二。 9. 解决办法三。 10. 阐明解决办法三。 11. 出解决问题的办法多种多样。 12. 强调解决问题时不可待。 2. 模板二 1. There has been a discussionrecently abouot——. 2. It is obvious that——. 3. Additionally, ——. 4. So it is high time, —— 5. First of all, —— 6.The reason is—— 7.Secondly—— 8.That is to say,—— 9. Thirdly, ——. 10. In fact, more than three wayscan be adopted,—— 11. As for me, —— 12. All in all, —— 1.提出现存的问题。 2.解决问题很必要的理由一 3.解决问题很必要的理由二。



现象解释型英语作文模板 【篇一:现象解释类作文模板】 现象解释类作文模板 第一段阐述现象 1. recently/in recent years/nowadays/at present, the phenomenon of … has caused public attention/has been brought into focus/aroused great concern. 2. nowadays,…has become a problem we have to face. 3. nowadays, an increasing/growing number of people are concerned about the problem… 4. in this day and age, …receives decreasing attention in …第二段说明原因或分析现象 1. the following reasons can account for … among them, …in addition, … besides…. 2. many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. to start with, …what’s more , …last but not the least, … 3. the reasons why ….lie in several aspects. first and foremost,…what’s more, …, finally,… 4. this phenomenon involves several complicated factors. in the first place,…in the second/next place,... firstly…,secondly… for one thing…, for another…


英语作文模板 社会问题(现象)式 A.一个社会问题或者现象 B.产生的原因 C.对社会和我们生活的影响 D.如何杜绝。(如果是问题的话) E.前景的预测。 Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious social/economic/environmental problem. (X has increasingly become a common concern of the public). According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情况。(或者是一个例子)。There are a couple of reasons booming this problem/phenomenon.下面参照辩论式议论文写法。X has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life, which has been articulated in the following aspects. 参照辩论式议论文的写法。A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm. 同上Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will…… 辩论式议论文模版(一) Some people believe (argue, recognize, think)that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all, 论据1.More importantly, 论据2.Most important of all, 论据3. In summary, 总结观点。As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心。或From above, we can predict that 预测。 辩论式议论文模版(二) People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 观点1. While others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing,论据1. For another, 论据2. Last but not the least, 论据3. To conclude, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心。或From above, we can predict that 预测。 辩论式议论文模版(三) There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1. While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious. First of all, 论据1. Furthermore, 论据2. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 论据3. A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that 总结观点。As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心。或From above, we can predict that 预测。


所谓问题解决题型是指题目要求大家对社会上存在的某个问题提出解决方法;其常见形式是:一、目前存在某个问题;二、这种问题的危害或产生原因;三、给出解决方法。 Nowadays, tuition and fees for college education are much higher than ever before. How to finance college education has become a matter of concern for many students. Different people have different ways to solve this problem. Some get all of the money from their parents. Some apply for a loan especially set up for college students. Some acquire the money completely by themselves, doing a full-time job in summer or winter holiday. Some other students may ask their parents for most of it and earn the rest in their spare time in college, by doing a part-time job. As far as I’m concerned, I prefer the last way.Having acquired most of the tuition and fees from my parents, I needn’t worry too much about the money and can concentrate on my study. On the other hand, a part-time job in my spare time makes my campus-life colorful. I can make a lot of friends, improve my abilities and learn lots of knowledge. So, I choose this way to cover my tuition and fees. 写作要领:此类作文的重点在于如何解决问题,因此在简单地提出问题和分析问题之后,应该将文章的中心定为于解决问题方法上。其次考生在列举对策时,不仅要使问题的原因和问题的解决对应起来,而且要通过firstly, secondly, what’s more, finally等连接词的使用来确保文章的连贯性和条理性,从而使结构紧凑有序、论证有理有据。(二)基本提纲模式:第一部分:开篇。提出问题,即对现状、形势或者困难的描述第二部分:主体。分析问题和解决问题,即列举做某一件事情或是解决某一问题的几种方法第三部分:总结。评价或选择,即对


申论热点范文:社会类申论写作万能模板导读:本文申论热点范文:社会类申论写作万能模板,仅供参考,如果能帮助到您,欢迎点评和分享。 1、当前,我国既处于发展的重要战略机遇期,又处于社会矛盾凸显期,各种人民内部矛盾和社会矛盾多发,影响社会和谐的不稳定因素增多。 2、“落后就要挨打”、“发展是硬道理”、“稳定压倒一切”、“改革是动力、发展是目标、稳定是前提”、“发展是当执政兴国的第一要务”。我们要坚持把改革的力度、发展的速度和社会可承受的程度统一起来,把不断改善人民生活作为处理三者关系的重要结合点,在社会稳定中推进改革发展,通过改革发展促进社会稳定。 3、社会管理本质是对人的管理和服务,我们在开展社会管理创新实践中牢牢把握这一本质要求,把管理和服务有机统一起来,寓管理于服务之中,在服务中实施管理,在管理中体现服务,坚持以群众呼声作为第一信号,以群众需要作为第一选择,以群众满意作为第一标准,通过推动社会管理法制化、科学化和人性化,积极解决与人民群众利益密切相关的就业、就医、就学、交通、治安等民生问题,最大限度维护人民群众根本利益,最大限度减少社会改革中的利益调整障碍,最大限度激发社会活力。 4、优化公共资源配置,创新公共服务体制,提高公共服务质量。把城乡社区建设成为管理有序、服务完善、文明祥和的社会生活共同

体。努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步、劳动报酬增长和劳动生产率提高同步。加大收入分配调节力度,坚定不移走共同富裕道路。 5、在民生、幸福、稳定成为“十二五”热词的语境里,在全面建设小康社会、加速实现现代化的进程中,从社会活力、和谐稳定的战略高度审视社会管理,这是对马克思主义社会管理理论的丰富深化,也是对我们党新时期群众工作的一大创新。一些国家的发展历程表明,国民收入从中等收入向高收入提升的时期,往往是经济最容易失调、社会最容易失序、人们心理最容易失衡的时期。在我国改革发展的关键时期,如何避免落入所谓“中等收入陷阱”,是我们面临的重大挑战。也正是在这个意义上,社会凝聚力就显得尤其重要。它不仅是经济社会协调发展的重要体现,实现社会稳定的关键因素,也是我国现代化顺利推进的必要保证。 6、人是生产力中最活跃的因素,也是增强社会凝聚力的主体。社会管理,主要是对人的服务和管理。一切社会管理工作都是为群众谋利益的工作,一切社会管理部门都是为群众服务的部门,一切社会管理的过程都是做群众工作的过程。如今,面对人民群众的不同利益诉求和多元思想文化,通过加强和改进社会管理,协调社会关系、规范社会行为、解决社会问题、化解社会矛盾、促进社会公正、应对社会风险、保持社会稳定,形成科学有效的利益协调机制、矛盾调处机制、诉求表达机制、权益保障机制,统筹协调各方面利益关系,就能够不断实现人民群众最关心最直接最现实的利益,充分调动人民群众积极性、主动性、创造性,最大程度地增强社会凝聚力。


英语六级作文:问题解决型题目写作模板 导读:2013年12月四六级考试改革以来,大学英语六级的听力和阅读题型和分值都有一些变化,唯独写作的题型、分值和解题时间没有发生任何变化,依旧是30分钟时间要求考生写一篇200字左右的命题作文,占总分的15%,评分主要采用总体评分方法,阅卷老师从语言和内容两个方面就对文章的整体印象给出奖励分,所以考生要充分利用这30分钟写出一篇文理通顺、准确连贯的文章,才能取得比较好的成绩。建议考生先用3分钟左右时间审题并构思文章整体写作思路,用2分钟写一个简要的提纲,然后用20分钟左右写全文,最后留两分钟时间检查全文,改正一些明显的语言错误如单词拼写错误、主谓不一致等。文都英语辅导老师在本文中为考生提供了六级作文常考的问题解决型题目模板,帮助考生备考。 一、问题解决型文章结构 这类题目要求考生就题干中提出的问题进行阐述,并提出相应的解决方案或应对措施,全文可以用三段式结构呈现: 第一段:引入话题,描述问题 第二段:阐述问题原因,提出解决方案 第三段:总结全文

二、问题解决型文章模板 文章标题 In recent years, it has bee n immensely reported that …(题干中提及的现象或问题). This demonstrates that …(问题) has become a serious problem affecting our daily life, so it is high time that we took effective measures to address the issue. We could control the issue from the following three aspects. First and foremost, corresponding regulations and rules should be adopted and enforced to …(限制或减少文中提及的问题), which could …(具体阐述这些规则如何对解决问题产生影响). Further, the public should …(公众应该做什么), which would …(具体阐述该措施带来的好处). In addition, we should …(具体阐述个人应该怎么做)to …(以达到什么效果). In conclusion, everyone should put in their efforts in dealing with …(要解决的问题). Only through the measures mentioned above can we eventually tackle the problem. 从以上模板可以看出,大学英语六级作文问题解决型题目的写作方式——首段引入需要解决的问题,并简要阐述解决该问题的必要性;第二段首句为主题句,概述解决该问题需要从几个方面入手,之后有三、四句话分别阐述各方面具体应该怎么做以及各措施会对解决该问题有些帮助;最后一段再次总结上文,并说明


大学英语六级作文万能模板:现象解释型Tojpic sentence ①——has become a common part ofpeople's life. ②And——has always aroused thegreatest concern. ③what impresses us most is ——. ④The reasons——are varied. 信息提示 1. 空格内用概括性的词语填出最近出现的总体现象。 2. 空格内填题目要去讨论的具体现象 3. 现象的具体表现 4. 过度句,填现象或现象带来的后果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫。 5. Amongthe various reasons,——plays an important role. 6. Thatis to say,—— 7. Whatis more,—— 8. Forexample,—— 5. 原因之一。 6. 具体说明原因一。 7. 原因二。 8. 举例说明原因二 9. When talking about——,——,

10. On the one hand—— 11. On the other hand,—— 12. In brief,—— 9. 空格一填作者要讨论的现象,空格二填作者的看法。 10. 支持看法的理由一或说明看法的第一个方面。 11. 理由二或第二个方面。 12. 总结。 2. 现象解释型模板二 1. We have witnessed —— 2. According to ——,—— 3. And —— 4. Many reasons contribute to—— 1. 空格内填最近出现的总体现象。 2. 空格一根据题目填thechart,thereport等,空格二内填现象的具体表现一。 3. 现象的具体表现二 4. 过度句,填现象或现象带来的后果,为下文分析产生的原因做铺垫。 5. Tobegin with ,——. 6. Moreover,—— 7. Inaddition ,—— 8. As aresult ,——


作文范文7 尼康退出中国居安思危方能不败 【作文原题】 阅读下面的材料,根据自己的感悟和联想,写一篇不少于800字的文章。 尼康退出中国并不是被同行打败,居然是毫不相关的行业:智能手机。康师傅和统一方便面销量直线下滑,并不是因为其它品牌方便面崛起,而是因为美团、饿了吗等外卖。打败卖单车店铺或修自行车铺的也不是同行,而是共享单车。有人曾开玩笑说:“打败小偷的是移动支付。”这一切都很像科幻小说《三体》中所说的:“我消灭你,与你无关。”“敌人”在哪里?你想过吗? 要求:①自选角度,自拟标题;②文体自选(诗歌除外),文体特征鲜明;③不得抄袭,不 得套作。 【点睛】 材料作文应先辨清材料的表达方式,是叙事类、说明类,还是描写类;然后针对不同 类型的材料采取不同的应对策略进行立意。特别要抓住关键句进行分析。本材料阅读 理解起来比较简答,有明确具体的写作指向。 材料作文的审题很重要: 第一步,读懂材料,抓住主旨。首先要注意材料的特点:单则材料要从整体上把握其 主旨;多则材料应弄清它们的异同,从而把握中心;比喻性材料要理解其比喻意义;含哲 理性寓言材料,要把握其寓意。所谓抓住主旨(即材料的意向倾向和感情倾向)。 第二步,选择角度,准确立意。主旨单一的材料据材料立意即可。蕴涵丰富的材料, 可从多角度立意,即发散思维多向立意。

一般说来,一则材料至少可从肯定与否定两个角度审视:“一事多人”的材料,有几个“人”往往就有几个审视角度;“一事多因”的材料,有几个“因”往往就有几个审视角度。一个事件,针对其背景、写作目的的不同,就产生了几个不同的审视角度。如本题,在解读上面材料的基础上,我们可以看出,真正的对手并不存在。每一个在新时代的个体要有足够开阔的视野,关注社会发生的变化,真正打败你的可能不是某个个体,而是时代发展,只有这样才能不被社会打败。同时,这篇文章也可以写任何一个人要有居安思危的意识,了解自身所处的环境,才能立于不败之地。也可以引申谈如何面对社会的变革,在变革之中寻求发展。 【优秀范文】 居安思危方能不败 康可能从没想过它们会在时代的潮流中被智能手机打败,方便面巨头也可能没想过越来越懒散的人会有一天竟然拒绝它们。时代并没有给这些处在鼎盛时期的企业任何提醒就抛弃了它们,它们也没能在时代之中看到自己的发展方向而走向下坡。所以,任何人都应该站在时代的潮流之上,居安思危方能立于不败之地。 代打败你,可能并不是你违背了历史潮流,而只是因为你只是在时代潮流之中不能立于潮头。每一个“弄涛儿”只能向涛头而立,方能“手把红旗旗不湿”。 马从不曾忘记奔跑,因为它知道只有跑得快才能逃避敌害,获得生存;蚂蚁一入秋就开始不停忙碌,因为它知道只有积累得多才能穿越寒冬;小树在还是苗的时候就不停地向深处扎根,因为它知道只有根扎得牢才能顶得住暴雨狂风。动植物尚且知道在安逸的条件下为以后的艰难做准备,我们人类呢,不是更应该懂得,居安思危方能立于不败之地吗? 经济发展迅猛、生活环境不断改善、生活水平不断提高的今天,人们往往会过度沉浸于自我的优越感之中,而忽视了来自周围的危机和挑战。要知道,糖衣炮弹有时比冷兵器的杀伤力来得更为强大。你的对手可能是“智能手机”“外卖”等你意想不到的对象。而作为一个人,一个社会,甚至一个民族,一个国家,如果失去了赖以生存的精神家园,失去了前进的精神动力、智力支持和思想保证,又怎么能够脚踏实地地向未来发起挑战,又怎么能够如初生的朝阳般充满生机和活力,不断向上攀登,直至达


2020年大学英语六级作文万能模板:问题解决型模板问题解决型作文模板 1.模板一 1. With thedevelopment/improvement of ——,——. 2. It is necessary that——. 3. On the one hand, ——. 4. On the other hand, —— 5. Therefore, how to —— is worthpaying attention. 6.Firstly—— 7.Secondly—— 8.For example,——9. Thirdly, ——. 10.In other words,—— 11.In fact, ways to —— arecountless. 12.It’s time that —— 1.空格一处铺垫,空格二处填写某一问题。 2.注重解决现象引出的问题很必要。 3.解决问题很必要的理由一。 4.解决问题很必要的理由二。 5.承上启下,填要解决的问题。 6. 解决办法一。 7 解决办法二。

8. 举例解释解决办法二。 9. 解决办法三。 10. 阐明解决办法三。 11. 指出解决问题的办法多种多样。 12. 强调解决问题时不可待。 2.模板二 1. There has been a discussionrecently abouot——. 2. It is obvious that——. 3. Additionally, ——. 4. So it is high time, —— 5. First of all, —— 6.The reason is—— 7.Secondly—— 8.That is to say,—— 9. Thirdly, ——. 10.In fact, more than three wayscan be adopted,—— 11.As for me, —— 12.All in all, —— 1.提出现存的问题。 2.解决问题很必要的理由一 3.解决问题很必要的理由二。 4.承上启下,说明解决问题的必要性。
