

学校 班级 考号 姓名_________________

﹍﹍﹍﹍装﹍ ﹍﹍﹍订﹍﹍﹍ ﹍线﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍



(时间:120分钟 满分:100分)


1. 下列说法不正确的是 ( ) A .0既不是正数,也不是负数 B .1是绝对值最小的数 C .一个有理数不是整数就是分数 D .0的绝对值是0.

2. 因为32=9,(-3)2

=9,所以平方得9的数有两个,由此可以推测:平方得16的数是( ).




D.256 3. 下列说法正确的是( )


13x π的系数是13 B.12 xy 2



C.-5x 2

的系数为5 D.-x 2


4. 3x-5=8移项正确的是( )




D.3x=-8-5 5. 如图是“光明超市”中“丝美”洗发水的价格标签,一服务员不小心将墨水滴在标签上,使得原价看不清楚,请你帮助算一

算,该洗发水的原价是 ( )




D.26元 6. 下列图中角的表示方法正确的个数有 ( )










∠AOB 是平角

A .1个

B .2个

C .3个

D .4个 7. 如图,O 是正六边形ABCDEF 的中心,下列图形中

可由△OAB 平移得到的是( )





8.下列垂直相交的说法:①平面内,垂直于同一条直线的两条直线互相平行; ②如果一条直线与两条平行

线中的一条垂直,那么它与另一条也垂直;③平面内, 一条直线不可能与两条相交直线都垂直,其中说法错误个数有( )




D.0个 二、填空题:(每题2分,共20分) 9. 3


10. 近似数2.40×105


11. -x 2

y 的同类项:_______(只要求写一个).

12. 方程042=-+a x 的解是2-=x ,则a 的值为_________.

13. 某种服装以120元/件销售时可以获利25%,设未知数x 后列出的方程是x+25%x=120,其中x?是指___________________________. 14. 如图,是一个简单的数值运算程序当输入x 的值为-1时,则输出的数值为___________.


16.如图,将一副直角三角板叠在一起,使直角顶点重合于点O,则∠AOB+∠DOC = _________°.

7.如图,AB ∥CD,且∠BAP=60°-α,∠APC=45°+α,∠PCD=30°-α,

则角α的度数为______. 18.观察下列图形和所给表样中的数据后回答问题.











三、解答题:(第题19-22每题6分,第23-26题每题8分,第27、28各10分,共64分) 19.计算(6分)

(1) ()()



-?---?+-. (2) 2


-÷?-+-?- ? ?????


20.(4分)先化简,后计算:2(a 2

b+ab 2

)-[2ab 2

-(1-a 2



梯形个数 1 2 3 4 5 ……

图形周长 5 8 11 14 17 ……








21.(6分)某检修小组从A 地出发,在东西向的马路上检修线路,如果规定向东行驶为正,向西行驶为负,一天中七次行驶纪录如下.(单位:km )

(1)求收工时距A 地多远?

(2)在第_____次纪录时距A 地最远;(该小题直接写答案) (3)若每千米耗油0.3升,问共耗油多少升?

22.解下列方程(8分): (1)23(3)43x

x x ; (2)







y y y .

23. (4分)如图,直线AB 、CD 交于O 点,且∠BOC=80°,OE 平分∠BOC,OF 为OE 的反向延长线.

(1)求∠2和∠3的度数. (2)OF 平分∠AOD 吗?为什么?

24.(6分)如图,已知三点A 、B 、C,按要求画图: (1)画直线AB; (2)画射线AC;

(3)连结BC. (4)画∠BAC 的平分线AP;

(5)在AP 上取一点G,作GE ⊥AC 于E,作GF ⊥AB 于F;

(6)比较线段GE 与GF 的大小.







25. (6分)如图, 已知点C 、D 是线段AB 上两点,E 、F 分别是AC 与BD 的中点. (1)若AB=12㎝,CD=4㎝,求AC+BD 和EF 的长. (2)若AB=100,CD=30,求EF 的长.

26.(6分)如图,在△ABC 中,BD ⊥AC 于D, ∠1=∠2, ∠3=∠C. 求证:EF ⊥AC. 证明: ∵∠3=∠C,

∴____∥_____( )

∴∠____=∠____( ) ∵∠1=∠2,

∴∠____=∠____, ∴____∥_____( ) ∵BD ⊥AC,即∠BDC =90°,

∴∠____=90°,即EF ⊥AC ( )

∴ EF ⊥AC ( ).

27.(9分)如图,∠1+∠2=180°,∠A=∠C,DA 平分∠BDF. (1)AE 与FC 会平行吗?说明理由.

(2)AD 与BC 的位置关系如何?为什么?

(3)BC 平分∠DBE 吗?为什么.

28.(9分) 两列火车从相距390千米的甲、乙两地相向开出,甲每小时行54千米,乙每








2017年人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷Class: Name: Marks: 一、单项选择(20分) ( )1. –Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. –Hi, Jim. _______. A. Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you C. Good morning D. How do you do ( )2. –Do you know how to _______this word? –Yes, B-A-L-L. A. spell B. read C. see D. meet ( )3. –Where _______ the socks? --_______ on the bed. A. is; It’s B. are; They C. are; They’re D. is; It ( )4. This is my little sister. _______ name is Jenny, we all like_______. A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her D. Her; she ( )5. Please _______ these books to your school. A. take B. bring C. be D. do ( )6. There is a computer _______ the desk. A. on B. in C. under D. for ( )7. I have a TV. She also _______ a TV. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )8. This song sounds _______ , I like it. A. good B. bad C. well D. badly ( )9. –How many _______do you have?–Let me see, my father has two brothers. A. cousins B. uncles C. sister D. aunts ( )10. –_______ you _______ TV every day?—Yes, I do. A. Can; see B. Do; watch C. Is; watch D. Are; see ( )11. I like apples _______ bananas, but I don’t like pears. A. or B. and C. so D. because ( )12. They have hamburgers _______ lunch. A. at B. on C. in D. for ( )13. He wants _______ a dictionary in the store. A. buy B. and buys C. to buy D. buys ( )14. They like _______ after school. A. play the basketball B. play basketball C. to play the basketball D. to play basketball ( )15. She eats three _______ every day . A. the tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato ( )16. Let’s _______ sports. A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play ( )17. This is _______room. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily’s D. Lucy’s and Lily ( )18. Don’t give me so many hamburger s. My _______ is enough. A. food B. foods C. apples D. vegetables ( )19. --Do you think the English class _______? --No, we all like it. A. interesting B. boring C. lot D. a lot ( )20. –_______? –I like tennis and volleyball best A. What’s your favorite color B. What’s your favorite sport C. Do you like tennis or volleyball D. Can you play volleyball well?


人教版七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案 推荐答案 人教版七年级英语下册期末试题 一. 选择填空:从A、B、C、D中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。(15%) 1. A ______ works in a restaurant. A. reporter B. waiter C. teacher D. doctor 2. Is there ______ fruit shop near here?Yes, there’s one near here. A. a B. the C. an D. / 3. Rick usually ______ up at 5:30 on weekdays. A. get B. gets C. got D. getting. 4. My house is ______ the post office and the bank.. A. on B. in C. between D. over 5. --___________? -- Because they are very cute. A. What is it ? B .Where are they from? C. Why do you like pandas? D. How do you like pandas? 6. Do you want to ______English with me? A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say 7. --Is there a bank over there? -- ___________. A. Yes, there’s B. No, there aren’t C. Yes, there is D .No, it isn’t 8. –How is the weather in Harbin? --It’s _________. A. snow B. snowing C. snows D. to snow 9. Look! Burton is _________ photos of the Eiffel Tower. A. having B. making C. watching D. taking 10. --_________are the children doing now? --They’re playing football on the playground. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 11. –Where is Tokyo? --I know it’s in _______. A. France B. Brazil C. Korea D. Japan 12. –Is that Mr. Smith? --Yes, he ______ a beard. A. is B. has C. takes likes 13. –It’s cold outside. You’d better _______ your gloves. A. wear B. in C. with D. put on 14. Please _______, because this is a reading room.、 A. quiet B. to be quiet C. be quiet D. to quiet 15. Just go straight and ________ left. A. go B. come C. take D. turn 二. 完形填空:从A、B、C、D中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。(15%) I’m Li Fen. I have a pen pal. 16 name is Mary. She is from Canada. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English. She has 17 brother, but she has no sisters. Her favorite 18 is art. Two of my good friends 19 pen pals, too. Lu Yang’s pen pal is from _ 20__. His name is Tony. Tony lives in Paris. He speaks 21 . He has one brother and one 22 . His favorite subject is PE. And he can play soccer


【常考题】七年级数学下期末试题含答案一、选择题 1.已知二元一次方程组 m2n4 2m n3 -= ? ? -= ? ,则m+n的值是() A.1B.0C.-2D.-1 2.如图,将一张长方形纸条折叠,如果∠1=130°,则,∠2=() A.100°B.130°C.150°D.80° 3.不等式组 213 312 x x + ? ? +≥- ? < 的解集在数轴上表示正确的是() A . B . C . D . 4.一副直角三角板如图放置,点C在FD的延长线上,AB//CF,∠F=∠ACB=90°,则∠DBC的度数为( ) A.10°B.15°C.18°D.30° 5.某种商品的进价为800元,出售时标价为1200元,后来由于该商品积压,商店准备打折销售,但要保证利润率不低于5%,则至多可打() A.6折B.7折 C.8折D.9折 6.黄金分割数51 2 是一个很奇妙的数,大量应用于艺术、建筑和统计决策等方面,请 51的值() A.在1.1和1.2之间B.在1.2和1.3之间 C.在1.3和1.4之间D.在1.4和1.5之间 7.小明要从甲地到乙地,两地相距1.8千米.已知他步行的平均速度为90米/分,跑步的平均速度为210米/分,若他要在不超过15分钟的时间内从甲地到达乙地,至少需要跑步多少分钟?设他需要跑步x分钟,则列出的不等式为()

A .210x +90(15﹣x )≥1.8 B .90x +210(15﹣x )≤1800 C .210x +90(15﹣x )≥1800 D .90x +210(15﹣x )≤1.8 8.下列四个说法:①两点之间,线段最短;②连接两点之间的线段叫做这两点间的距离;③经过直线外一点,有且只有一条直线与这条直线平行;④直线外一点与这条直线上各点连接的所有线段中,垂线段最短.其中正确的个数有( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 9.关于x 的不等式x-b>0恰有两个负整数解,则b 的取值范围是 A .32b -≤<- B .32b -<≤- C .32b -≤≤- D .-3


科学七年级期末测试卷题及答案 (时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分) 一、选择题(每题 3 分,共 60 分,每题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.同学们参加了初中毕业体育测试,你认为符合实际的是( ) A .立定跳远成绩为 6 米 C .实心球的质量是 10 千克 B .人体的正常体温为 39 ℃ D .掷实心球成绩为 6.5 米 2.(嘉兴中考)正确规范的操作是实验成功的关键。下列实验操作,符合规范的是( ) A .称取一定量食盐 B .测量液体温度 C .往试管内加粉末药品 D .盖上盖玻片 3.关于细胞与生命活动关

系的描述中,正确的是() A.人体内的每一个细胞均能完成各项生命活动 B.一切生物的生命活动都与细胞有关 C.细胞核能保护和支持细胞 D.草履虫是单细胞原核生物,一个细胞能够完成其所有生命活动 4.在冰箱里冷冻的肉融化后会流出一些液体,造成细胞内营养物质的流失,请根据你所学过的细胞结构与功能的知识判断是细胞的哪一结构受到伤害造成的() A.细胞壁B.细 胞膜 C.细 胞质 D.细胞核 5.(烟台中考)下列水生动物与其他三种不属于一类的是() 6.下列关于种子植物的说法, 错误的是() A.所有的绿 色开花植物都是种子植物


C.无花果在结出果实时,看不到花,但它也是种子植物 D.我们在吃香蕉时,吃不到种子,但它也是种子植物 7.下列关于右图中A、B 两点所在经纬线的叙述,正确的是() A.A、B两点所在经线始终平行 B.A、B 两点所在纬线长度相等 C.A 点所在纬线比B点所在纬线短 D.A 点所在经线比B点所在经线长 8.东汉张衡发明了“浑天仪”,他认为天与地的关系就如同鸡蛋中的蛋清与蛋黄的关系一样,地被包在当中,大地是一个圆球,宇宙以地球为中心。下列对于张衡这一理论的说法,你认为最确切的是() A.这一理论完全错误,应彻底否定 B.这一理论基本符合现代科学的观点


2017新人教版七年级上册英语期末测试卷 学校班级姓名 一、单项选择(20分) ( )1. –Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. –Hi, Jim. _______. A. Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you C. Good morning D. How do you do ( )2. –Do you know how to _______this word –Yes, B -A-L-L. A. spell B. read C. see D. meet ( )3. –Where _______ the socks --_______ on the bed. A. is; It’s B. are; They C. are; They’re D. is; It ( )4. This is my little sister. _______ name is Jenny, we all like_______. A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her D. Her; she ( )5. Please _______ these books to your school. A. take B. bring C. be D. do ( )6. There is a computer _______ the desk. A. on B. in C. under D. for ( )7. I have a TV. She also _______ a TV. A. have B. has C. is D. are ( )8. This song sounds _______ , I like it. A. good B. bad C. well D. badly ( )9. –How many _______do you have ?–Let me see, my father has two brothers. A. cousins B. uncles C. sister D. aunts ( )10. –_______ you _______ TV every day—Yes, I do. A. Can; see B. Do; watch C. Is; watch D. Are; see ( )11. I like apples _______ bananas, but I don’t like pears.A. or B. and C. so D. because ( )12. They have hamburgers _______ lunch. A. at B. on C. in D. for ( )13. He wants _______ a dictionary in the store. A. buy B. and buys C. to buy D. buys ( )14. They like _______ after school. A. play the basketball B. play basketball C. to play the basketball D. to play basketball ( )15. She eats three _______ every day . A. the tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato ( )16. Let’s _______ sports. A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play ( )17. This is _______room. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily’s D. Lucy’s and Lily ( )18. Don’t give me so many hamburgers. My _______ is enough. A. food B. foods C. apples D. vegetables ( )19. --Do you think the English class _______ --No, we all like it. A. interesting B. boring C. lot D. a lot ( )20. –_______ –I like tennis and volleyball best A. What’s your favorite color B. What’s your favorite sport C. Do you like tennis or volleyball D. Can you play volleyball well 二、完形填空(15分) Today is Sunday. Brother and I 1 at home. We 2 to carry two boxes into the room. 3 box is big, but it’s light. My brother’s box is 4 , but heavy. We put 5 on the table. We can see 6 clothes in the boxes, but my 7 aren’t in them. I


人教课标版第二学期终考试 七年级英语试卷(总分120 分共120 分 分) A)根据句意及首字母提示,写出空缺处单词。( 每小题1分,共 5 分) 1. Don 't climb the tall tree. It 's d . 2. His uncle has medium b _____ with black hair. 3. She doesn't mind what young people t ____ of her. 4. The things in the supermarket are very e _________ . 5. She w _____ to the library and read a book about history. B)根据句意用所给单词的正确形式填空. (每小题 1 分,共10分) 1. My grandma ____ (be) in the garden ,You may find her there. 2. I think she can ____ (dance) very well. 3. There are some ______ (tomato) and some beef in the noodles. 4. There ____ (be) no rice and no noodles on the table. 5. It's 7:15 am. It's time ___ (go) to school. 6. Listen !Someone ________ (talk) in the room. 7. She practiced ________ (speak) English last Sunday. 8. Did you go _______ (shop) with her yesterday? 9. Help ________ (you) to some noodles, children. 10. I would like something _________ (eat). II 1 分,共20 分) ( ) 1. There is _____ old hotel next to my house. ___ hotel is very big and clean. A. a; A B. an; A C. an; The D. the; The ( ) 2. Carol ___ some reading and _____ English last weekend.


2020年七年级数学下册期末考试 数学试题 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共36.0分) 1.4的算术平方根是 A. B. 4 C. D. 2 2.二元一次方程有个解. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 无数 3.如图,能判断直线的条件是 A. B. C. D. 4.下列各点中,在第二象限的点是 A. B. C. D. 5.为了了解某校七年级学生的体能情况,随机调查了其中100名学生,测试学生在1分钟内跳绳 的次数,并绘制成如图所示的频数分布直方图请根据图形计算,跳绳次数在范围内人数占抽查学生总人数的百分比为 A. B. C. D.

6.如图,,,则点O到PR所在直线的距离是线段的 长. A. PO B. RO C. OQ D. PQ 7.若,则估计m的值所在的范围是 A. B. C. D. 8.在下列四项调查中,方式正确的是 A. 了解本市中学生每天学习所用的时间,采用全面调查的方式 B. 为保证运载火箭的成功发射,对其所有的零部件采用抽样调查的方式 C. 了解某市每天的流动人口数,采用全面调查的方式 D. 了解全市中学生的视力情况,采用抽样调查的方式 9.如图,M、N分别在a、b上,P为两平行线间一点,那么 A. B. C. D. 10.如图,周董从A处出发沿北偏东方向行走至B处,又沿北偏西方向行走 至C处,则的度数是 A. B. C. D.

11.“鸡兔同笼”是我国民间流传的诗歌形式的数学题:“鸡兔同笼不知数,三十六头笼中露,看来脚 有100只,几多鸡儿几多兔”解决此问题,设鸡为x只,兔为y只,则所列方程组正确的是 A. B. C. D. 12.若满足方程组的x与y互为相反数,则m的值为 A. 1 B. C. 11 D. 二、填空题(本大题共6小题,共18.0分) 13.如图,当剪子口增大时,增大______度 14.将方程变形成用含y的代数式表示x,则______. 15.点在直角坐标系的x轴上,则P点坐标为______. 16.如图,两直线a,b被第三条直线c所截,若,, 则直线a,b的位置关系是______. 17.若不等式的正整数解是1,2,3,则m的取值范围是______. 18.从汽车灯的点O处发出的一束光线经灯的反光罩反射后沿CO方向 平行射出,如入射光线OA的反射光线为AB,在如图中 所示的截面内,若入射光线OD经反光罩反射后沿DE射出,且 则的度数是______. 三、计算题(本大题共1小题,共6.0分) 19.某商场对一种新售的手机进行市场问卷调查,其中一个项目是让每个人按不喜欢、一般、 不比较喜欢、非常喜欢四个等级对该手机进行评价,图和图是该商场采集数据后,


初一英语学年度第一学期期终试卷 (考试时间:100分钟;满分:120分)得分 _________ 1. Please _________ look at the blackboard. A. not B. don’t to C. don’t D. no 2. There _________ any money on the floor. A. are B. is C. isn’t D. aren’t 3. Let me help you _________ the box. A. to finds B. to see C. look D. find 4. I can’t speak _________ English. What’s that _________ English? A. /, of B. in, in C. /, in D. the, / 5. Are Lily and Lucy in _________ class? No, they are in _________ classes. A. the same, the different B. a same, a different C. same, different D. the same, different 6. Jim likes _________ TV after school. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. to see 7. The clothes are green. I want to _________. A. colour it red B. colour it to red C. colour them red D. colour them to red 8. _________ young man in a black shirt is _________ good worker. A. The, the B. The, a C. An, a D. An, the 9. It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time for _________. A. get to school B. go to school C. school D. schools 10. These books are Miss Li’s. Please give _________ A. her tem B. them to her C. it to her D. her it. 11. Mr Smith is forty, but he _________ very old. A. look B. looks like C. looks D. look like 12. This isn’t _________ skirt. _________ is on the clothes line. A. my, My B. his, His C. her……Her D. your……Yours 13. _________ is your bike? The green one. A. Where B. Which C. What D. What colour 14. Who’s the girl _________ green. Is she your sister? A. on B. in C. in the D. in a


人教版英语七年级下学期 期末测试卷 时间:120分钟总分:120分 第I卷 听力部分 第一节:情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择合适的应答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听一遍。 1.No problem. B.Never mind. C.That's right. 2.A.Yes it is. B.Yes.there are. C.No there isn't. 3.A.Yes.he did . B.No.he doesn't. C.Yes.she did. 4.A.He likes reading. B.He is tall. C.He is friendly. 5.I played soccer. B.I'm playing soccer. C.I play soccer. 6.A.Thank you. B.The same to you. C.Not bad. 第二节:对话理解。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听一遍。 7.A.It's sunny. B.It's cloudy. C.It’s windy. 8.A.It's across from a shop. B.It's across from a school. C.It's next to a school. 9.A.She has long curly hair. B.She has short straight hair. C.She has long straight hair. 10.A.In a shop. B.In a restaurant. C.In a zoo. 11.A.Beef and carrot dumplings. B.Fish and carrot dumplings. C.Fish and tomato dumplings 12.A.She rode a horse B.She milked a cow. C.She fed some chickens 第三节:长对话理解。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听两遍。 听第一段长对话,回答第13-14小题 13.Who did Sally visit Chengdu last weekend? A.Her parent. B.Her grandparents. C.Her classmates. 14.What did Frank do in the library last weekend? A.He read interesting books. B.He did homework. C.Both A.and B. 听第二段长对话,回答第15-16小题 15.What is the relationship of the two speakers?


2019年七年级数学下期末试卷(带答案) 距离期末考试越来越近了,大家是不是都在紧张的复习 中呢?查字典数学网编辑了2019年七年级数学下期末试卷,希望对您有所帮助! 一、选择题(共8小题,每小题2分,满分16分) 1.某红外线遥控器发出的红外线波长为0.000 000 94m,用科学记数法表示这个数是() A.9.4×10﹣7m B.9.4×107m C.9.4×10﹣8m D.9.4×108m 2.如图,在10×6的网格中,每个小方格的边长都是1个单位,将△ABC平移到△DEF的位置,下面正确的平移步骤是() A.先把△ABC向左平移5个单位,再向下平移2个单位 B.先把△ABC向右平移5个单位,再向下平移2个单位 C.先把△ABC向左平移5个单位,再向上平移2个单位 D.先把△ABC向右平移5个单位,再向上平移2个单位 3.已知a>b,则下列不等关系中,正确的是() A.ac>bc B.a+c2>b+c2 C.a﹣1>b+1 D.ac2>bc2 4.下列命题是真命题的是() A.如果a2=b2,那么a=b B.如果两个角是同位角,那么这两个角相等 C.相等的两个角是对项角 D.平面内,垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行

5.20位同学在植树节这天共种了52棵树苗,其中男生每人 种3棵,女生每人种2棵.设男生有x人,女生有y人,根 据题意,列方程组正确的是() A. B. C. D. 6.如果三角形的两边长分别为5和7,第三边长为偶数,那 么这个三角形的周长可以是() A.10 B.11 C.16 D.26 7.如图,平面上直线a,b分别过线段OK两端点(数据如图),则a,b相交所成的锐角是() A.20° B.30° C.70° D.80° 8.已知32m=8n,则m、n满足的关系正确的是() A.4m=n B.5m=3n C.3m=5n D.m=4n 二、填空题(共8小题,每小题2分,满分16分) 9.如图是由射线AB、BC、CD、DE、EA组成的图形, ∠1+∠2+∠3+∠4+∠5=. 10.已知是方程2x﹣ay=3的一个解,则a的值是. 11.命题“若a>b,则a2>b2”的逆命题是. 12.由4x﹣3y+6=0,可以得到用y表示x的式子为x=. 13.由方程组,可以得到x+y+z的值是. 14.已知不等式组有解,则n的取值范围是. 15.如图,边长为a、b的矩形,它的周长为14,面积为10,


七年级(上)科学测试卷 考生须知: 1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。满分为160分,考试时间为120分钟。 2.所有答案都必须写在答题卷标定的位置上,务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。 3.考试结束后,只上交答题卷。 一、选择题(本题共有20小题,每小题3分,共60分。每小题只有一个选项是正确的,不选、多选、错选均不给分) 1、我国的古典诗词,不仅隽永典雅,而且寓意深远,常包含一定的生物科学道理。分析下列诗句:“西湖春色归,春水绿于染”,“日出山花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。”使春天江水变 “绿”主要指哪类植物( ) A 、藻类植物 B 、苔藓植物 C 、蕨类植物 D 、种子植物 2.某科学学习小组在讨论生物的基本特征时,出现了下列几种说法,其中正确的是( ) A .需要从外界环境获取食物 B .能快速运动 C .由结构相同的细胞构成 D .对外界刺激能作出一定的反应 3.关于经纬度的说法,正确的是( ) A .以180°经线为界,东经和西经的度数分别向东.向西愈来愈大 B .以0°经线为界,东经和西经的度数分别向东.向西愈来愈大 C .以赤道为界,北纬和南纬的度数分别向北.向南愈来愈大,到北极点和南极点时,纬度为180° D .以赤道为界,北纬和南纬的度数分别向北.向南愈来愈小,到北极点和南极点时,纬度为0° 4.某校科学活动小组的同学,在实习园地种植了经航天飞船搭载的太空番茄种子,在收获的番茄中有的味道较甜,有的味道较酸。控制番茄具有酸或甜等不同味道的遗传物质存在于细胞的 ( ) A .大液泡 B .细胞核 C .叶绿体 D .细胞膜 5.如图,下列实验操作正确的是( ) 6、小明同学从《植物志》检索到白菜、萝卜在生物分类上属于被子植物的十字花科。你认为它们属于被子植物的主要依据是:( ) A .能进行光合作用 B .种子外面有果皮 C .营养方式为自养 D .有根、茎、叶的分化 7、体温计水银面指在37.5℃上,某同学在未甩的情况下,分别量出生病同学的体温,测得的结果第一次为37.5℃,第二次为38.5℃,第三次为38.5℃则( ) A 、只有第一、二次正确 B 、第二次肯定正确,第一、三次一定错误 C 、只有第一、三次正确 D 、第二次肯定正确,第一、三次也可能正确 8. 下列现象中,能表明分子是在不停地运动的是( ) A 、河水的流动 B 、阳光下空气中的尘埃运动 C 、盐在水中溶解 D 、气体比固体容易压缩 9.下列显微镜的物镜和目镜组合中,在目镜中观察到视野最亮的是( ) A 物镜4×、 目镜5× B 物镜10×、目镜5× C 物镜10×、目镜10× D 物镜40×、目镜10× 10.下列关于生物结构的叙述正确的是 ( ) A. 构成生物体的细胞,其结构是相同的 B. 植物都有根、茎、叶等器官构成 C. 人体内功能相近的器官构成系统,再由系统来完成某项生理功能 D. 动物都由消化、循环、呼吸、泌尿、生殖、神经、运动和内分泌八大系统构成 测量水的温度 倾倒液体


2017-2018七年级上册英语期末测试题及答案 一.单选题(15分) ()1.Tom often has ____meat with vegetables and some rice for _____dinner every day. A./ ; / B.a; the C.an; the D.an; the ()2."11:45" means “_________” A.a quarter past twelve B.eleven past forty-five C.a quarter to twelve D.forty-five past eleven ()3. Linda would like ___ the park with her parents today. A. to go to B. going C. goes D. go to ()4. Would you like _________? Yes, a glass of orange juice, please. A. something drink B.anything to drink C. anything drink D. something to drink ()5.Does Tom speak English______? ---Yes, his English is very_______. He always help me with it. A. good; good; B. good; well C. well ; well D. well ; good ()6. How many ________would you like? --- Two, please. A. glasses of milks B. glass of milks C. glasses of milk D. glass of milk ()7. I can speak English and _________Chinese. A. a few B. a little C. many C. a lot ()8. Help ________to some coffee, kids. --Thank you. A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves ()9. Is this your red pen? ---No, it isn’t. The blue one is ________. A. her B. mine C. me D. his ()10 How about ______ a pair of gloves for your mother in winter? A. giving B. to buy C. buying D. showing ()11.______________________?


七年级英语第三次月考试卷 第一部分听力(20) I、听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片(其中有两幅是多余的)。(每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍) II、听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍) ( )6. The girl wants to be a(n) . A. actor B.singer C.ping-pong player ( )7. Jenny has hair now. A. curly B. long straight C. short straight ( )8. Where are they? A. In a restaurant. B. In a clothes store. C. At shcool. ( )9. Where didn’t the girl go last weekend? A. She didn’t go to a new zoo. B. She didn’t go to a new park. C. She didn’t go to the mountains. ( )10. The girl thinks Animal World is . A. boring B. exciting C. interesting III. 听长对话,选择正确答案。(第小题2分,共10分)(听两遍) ( )11. The post office is Red Star Middle School. A. in front of B. next to C. across from ( )12. Alice is from . A. Japan B. China C. the United Kingdom ( )13. Alice came to the school . A. last year B. last month C. last week ( )14. They can’t listen to music . A. in the dining hall B. in the classroom C. in the hallways ( )15. What does Jack think of the school rules? A. He doesn’t mind them. B. He can’t stand them. B. He doesn’t like them. IV. 听短文,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍) ( )16. What does peter do? A. A doctor. B. A guide. C. A reporter. ( )17. What does Peter ollk like? A. He is tall and has blonde hair. B. He is of medium build and has blonde hair. C. He is of medium height and has brown hair. ( )18. When did Peter go to visit Beijing? A. Last winter. B. Last spring. C. Last summer. ( )19. What kind of food does Peter like? A. Peking Duck. B. Noodles. C. Dumplings. ( )20. What does Peter think of lions? A. Big and lazy. B. Big and dirty. C. Dirty and lazy. 第二部分笔试(80) V.单项选择。(10) 21. Please late for school. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don’t be D. not be 22. Bob comes from .He speaks . A. Japan , English B. America , Chinese C. French , France D. Australia, English 23. I want a new house a small garden.
