E H电磁流量计选型样本
E H电磁流量计选型样本1. 引言本文档旨在提供 E H 电磁流量计的选型样本,以帮助用户选择适合自己需求的电磁流量计。
本样本将介绍 E H 公司提供的几款电磁流量计的特点、优势和适用范围。
2. E H 电磁流量计概述E H 公司是一家专业生产电磁流量计的企业,产品经过多年市场验证,性能稳定可靠。
E H 电磁流量计采用先进的电磁感应原理进行流量测量,具有高精度、高可靠性和多功能的特点。
以下将介绍几款常用的 E H 电磁流量计。
3. E H 电磁流量计型号一3.1 特点•采用全数字化设计,具有高精度和稳定性。
3.2 优势•高灵敏度和快速响应,能对流速变化实时监测。
3.3 适用范围•工业自动化领域,如化工、石油、冶金等。
4. E H 电磁流量计型号二4.1 特点•采用先进的数字修正技术,具有高精度的测量性能。
4.2 优势•体积小、重量轻,便于安装和维护。
4.3 适用范围•化学工业,如酸碱液体的流量测量。
5. 总结本文档介绍了 E H 公司提供的两款电磁流量计的特点、优势和适用范围。
“5”代表20-28VAC / 11-40VDC; 2-行,按键
“4”代表85-250VAC; 2-行,按键
“A”代表4-20mA HART +脉冲无源。
其中IP67:防护灰尘吸入(整体防止接触,防护灰尘渗透);防护短暂浸泡(防浸)。目前在布线行业最高实现的是IP67级别;4X:水封、尘封、防腐蚀、室内或室外用外壳(IP 66)。第8个符号表示电缆,分离型
2、认证.............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1仪表设计............................................................................................................................. 4
天工组态软件支持的操作系统包括:Windows 98、Windows NT4.0、Windows 2000、WinXP(提示:当前市面上流行的PC机均能满足天工组态软件的要求。
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E,H压力变送器选型手册各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟!篇一:关于E+H产品选型方法与型号说明重要内容,请看第2页1、登录德国E+H(全称:Endress+Hauser,中文:恩德斯豪斯)网站/ 2、点击“Asia”(亚洲)3、点击“China”(中国)4、点击“产品” 5、选择你需要了解或购买的产品,如我需要了解订货号10H1H-UF0A1AG4A5AA 与10H1H-1F0A1AG4A4AA的区别,则按照以下“流量——电磁流量计——Promag H——Promag 10H——产品比较(同一系列不一样型号的信息)或者产品选型(同一型号不同订货号的信息)”,详细请看下面的截图。
详解如下:第1个符号表示传感器过程连接“U”代表焊接螺纹接套DIN11850, 316L/1.4404“1”代表Tri-Clamp, 316L/1.4404 关于Tri-Clamp:即TC快速接头(Tri-clamps)常用于啤酒、乳业、饮料、制药等领域接头,材质一般为不锈钢,同时Tri-Clamp 也是Alfa-Laval 集团Tri-Clover 有限公司的注册商标,也称卫生级接头,卫生级管道在食品、医药等生产中洁净要求高的场合广泛采用,生产工艺要求无死角连接,且易清洗,一般情况下压力都不高,也就是俗称的“卡箍”连接,常用的TC接头有焊接端头(2个),垫圈和快装卡箍四个零件组成.市场上很容易买到。
TC 接头详细规格可以参考DIN 32676-2001 饮食业、化工业和医药业用配件.不锈钢管夹具接头.焊接式,德国的标准,看看接头和卡箍的图片,连接好后的样子标准中给出了。
德力西电气 DEH辅材产品样本 说明书
HH1 电气材料268-311快速选型--------------------------------------------------------268-270工业插头插座(DEP2S系列)--------------------------------------271工业插头插座(DEPU系列)----------------------------------------274工业插头插座(DEP2系列)----------------------------------------278航空插头 --------------------------------------------------------280移动电缆盘 ------------------------------------------------------281铜接线端子 ------------------------------------------------------281冷压端子 --------------------------------------------------------285汇流排 ----------------------------------------------------------291零地排 ----------------------------------------------------------293穿刺线夹 --------------------------------------------------------293压线帽 ----------------------------------------------------------294导轨 -------------------------------------------------------------294塑料叶轴流风机 -------------------------------------------------295塑料叶直流轴流风机 --------------------------------------------296轴流风机安装附件 -----------------------------------------------297电线 -------------------------------------------------------------299扎带 -------------------------------------------------------------302自粘式定位片(自粘式扎带固定座)------------------------------303马鞍形扎带固定座 -----------------------------------------------304塑料膨胀管 -----------------------------------------------------304优质PVC配线槽 --------------------------------------------------304缠绕管(卷式结束保护带)----------------------------------------306波纹管 ----------------------------------------------------------306梅花号码管 ------------------------------------------------------307电缆标牌 --------------------------------------------------------307有机双层标字框 -------------------------------------------------308低压环保型热缩套管 --------------------------------------------3081KV热缩电缆附件 -----------------------------------------------309SM型优质绝缘子-------------------------------------------------309PVC电气胶带 ----------------------------------------------------310透明封箱胶带 ---------------------------------------------------311生料带 ----------------------------------------------------------311H H3 电动工具326-328快速选型 --------------------------------------------------------32616V无刷锂电钻 --------------------------------------------------327角磨机 ----------------------------------------------------------328云石机 ----------------------------------------------------------328H2 手动工具312-325快速选型 --------------------------------------------------------312-314液压钳 ----------------------------------------------------------315压线钳 ----------------------------------------------------------315网线钳 ----------------------------------------------------------317电缆剪 ----------------------------------------------------------317剥线钳 ----------------------------------------------------------317测电笔 ----------------------------------------------------------318电烙铁 ----------------------------------------------------------318热风枪 ----------------------------------------------------------318工具套装 --------------------------------------------------------319鱼雷柄螺丝批 ---------------------------------------------------320九件套公制内六角扳手 ------------------------------------------320美工刀 ---------------------------------------------------------321游标卡尺 -------------------------------------------------------321工具包 ---------------------------------------------------------321羊角锤 ---------------------------------------------------------322螺丝刀套装 ----------------------------------------------------322扳手 ---------------------------------------------------------322果枝剪 ---------------------------------------------------------323热熔胶枪 -------------------------------------------------------323工具箱 ---------------------------------------------------------323汽修套装 -------------------------------------------------------324扎带收束工具 --------------------------------------------------324钢丝钳 ---------------------------------------------------------324尖嘴钳 ---------------------------------------------------------325斜嘴钳 ---------------------------------------------------------325卷尺 -----------------------------------------------------------325H H5 仪器仪表334-337快速选型 --------------------------------------------------------334万用表 ----------------------------------------------------------335钳形表 ----------------------------------------------------------336非接触式测电笔 -------------------------------------------------337电源检测仪 ------------------------------------------------------337激光水平仪 ------------------------------------------------------337红外测温仪 ------------------------------------------------------337H6 气动元件338-340快速选型 --------------------------------------------------------338吹尘枪 ----------------------------------------------------------339电磁阀 ----------------------------------------------------------339排水阀 ----------------------------------------------------------340常闭水阀 --------------------------------------------------------340H4 水电居家329-333快速选型 --------------------------------------------------------329底盒 ------------------------------------------------------------330CDK 插排 -------------------------------------------------------330PDU 机柜插座 ---------------------------------------------------331CDK 无线排插 ---------------------------------------------------332灯头灯座 -------------------------------------------------------- 332漏电保护开关插座 ----------------------------------------------333硅酮胶 ----------------------------------------------------------333免钉胶 ----------------------------------------------------------333选型指南268接线端子/ 端子排穿刺刀片材质: 紫铜介电强度: >12KV外壳材质:尼龙内部材质:紫铜插头插座系列:PT 系列汇流排、DF 系列汇流排电流:32A~100A 长度:1米材质:紫铜+阻燃PVC系列:IP44、IP67IP44: 16A、32AIP67: 16A、32A、63A、125A芯数:三芯、四芯、五芯;插头、插座、连接器系列:GX12、GX16、GX20外径:12~19mm 芯数:2~14芯接触体材料:铜镀金系列:便携型、钢壳型、塑壳型电压:220V、380V 电流:10A、16A绕线长度:30m、50m、不带线、定制长度系列:DT、OT、DTG、DTL、GT、JG、SC、C45型材质:紫铜、铝工艺:镀锡、酸洗系列:圆形、叉形、管形、插簧材质:紫铜、黄铜工艺:镀锡、镀银螺丝:内六角、十字位数:5位、7位、10位材质:黄铜工艺:螺丝:镀彩锌 铜件:镀镍导轨系列:C45、G 型材质:铁/铝工艺:镀彩锌配套专利型导轨切断器选型指南269电线/扎带/ 固定类材质: 铜芯/聚氯乙烯长度: 100m材质: 尼龙66防火等级: UL94V-2材质:尼龙66防火等级:UL94V-2自粘式定位片/扎带固定座材质:PA66防火等级:UL94V-2材质:PE轴流风机材质特性:外框材质:铝合金叶片材质:PBT 塑料塑料叶直流轴流风机296页材质特性:外框材质:PBT 塑料叶片材质:PBT 塑料金属防护网风扇过滤网组三合一防尘网安装螺丝及压线帽(可与风机组装配套供货)PA、PE、PP 波纹管(有对应波纹管快速接头、波纹管支架配套选用)线槽/线管/线缆保护材质:南亚硬质PVC 防火等级:UL94V-0工作温度:-40℃~+70℃材质:PE 塑料参考使用温度范围:-30℃~+100℃颜色:自然色、黑色选型指南270线缆标识及电气标识材质:白色部分:尼龙透明片部分:聚碳酸脂线缆标识及电气标识材质:PVC 硬塑料外观:硬方形材质:优质PVC 颜色:白色重量:1KG/桶(含纸轴)绝缘材料系列:1KV、10KV 额定电压:600V适用温度范围:-55℃~+125℃起始收缩温度:70℃收缩比率:横向收缩率≥50%,纵向收缩率≤8%绝缘子309页SM 型DMC 树脂可单独选购绝缘子连接杆1kV 热缩电缆附件10kV 热缩电缆附件透明封箱胶带基材材质: BOPP 透明膜胶水材质: 进口压敏胶水电工胶带10米、20米普通型/无铅加粘型J20高压防水胶带生料带基材材质: 聚四氟乙烯温度范围: -180℃~250℃选型指南271工业插头插座(DEP2S 系列)材料特性:外壳PA 阻燃尼龙+实心铜/IP67铜镀镍外观及电压:220V-250V (蓝色)380V-415V (红色)电流:16A/32A/63A/125A 防护等级:IP44/IP67认证: CQC符合环保种类:RoHS工业插头DEP2S-013蓝200-250V ~16A 3芯2P+E~6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S013U 工业插头DEP2S-014红380-415V~16A 4芯3P+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S014R 工业插头DEP2S-015红220/380V-240/415V~16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S015R 工业插头DEP2S-023蓝200-250V ~32A 3芯2P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S023U 工业插头DEP2S-024红380-415V~32A 4芯3P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S024R 工业插头DEP2S-025红220/380V-240/415V~32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S025R 工业插头DEP2S-033蓝200-250V ~63A 3芯2P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S033U 工业插头DEP2S-034红380-415V~63A 4芯3P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S034R 工业插头DEP2S-035红220/380V-240/415V~63A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S035R 工业连接器DEP2S-213蓝200-250V ~16A 3芯2P+E 6h 1. 5-2.5DHADEP2S213U 工业连接器DEP2S-214红380-415V~16A 4芯3P+E 6h 1. 5-2.5DHADEP2S214R 工业连接器DEP2S-215红220/380V-240/415V~16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S215R 工业连接器DEP2S-223蓝200-250V ~32A 3芯2P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S223U 工业连接器DEP2S-224红380-415V~32A 4芯3P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S224R 工业连接器DEP2S-225红220/380V-240/415V~32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S225R 工业连接器DEP2S-233蓝200-250V ~63A 3芯2P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S233U 工业连接器DEP2S-234红380-415V~63A4芯3P+E6h10-16DHADEP2S234R选型指南272工业连接器DEP2S-235红220/380V-240/415V~63A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S235R 工业明装插座DEP2S-U3蓝200-250V ~16A 3芯2P+E 6h 1.5-2.5DHADEP2S113U 工业明装插座DEP2S-114红380-415V~16A 4芯3P+E 6h 1.5-2.5DHADEP2S114R 工业明装插座DEP2S-115红220/380V-240/415V~16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2.5DHADEP2S115R 工业明装插座DEP2S-123蓝200-250V ~32A 3芯2P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S123U 工业明装插座DEP2S-124红380-415V~32A 4芯3P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S124R 工业明装插座DEP2S-125红220/380V-240/415V~32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S125R 工业明装插座DEP2S-123蓝200-250V ~63A 3芯2P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S123U 工业明装插座DEP2S-124红380-415V~63A 4芯3P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S124R 工业明装插座DEP2S-125红220/380V-240/415V~63A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S125R工业暗装插座DEP2S-313蓝200-250V ~16A 3芯2P+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S313U 工业暗装插座DEP2S-314红380-415V~16A 4芯3P+E 6h 1. 5-2.5DHADEP2S314R 工业暗装插座DEP2S-315红220/380V-240/415V~16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2.5DHADEP2S315R 工业暗装插座DEP2S-323蓝200-250V ~32A 3芯2P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S323U 工业暗装插座DEP2S-324红380-415V~32A 4芯3P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S324R 工业暗装插座DEP2S-325红220/380V-240/415V~32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S325R 工业暗装插座DEP2S-333蓝200-250V ~63A 3芯2P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S333U 工业暗装插座DEP2S-334红380-415V~63A 4芯3P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S334R 工业暗装插座DEP2S-335红220/380V-240/415V~63A5芯3P+N+E6h10-16DHADEP2S335R■ IP67插头DEP2S-0132蓝200-250V 〜16A 3芯2P+E 6h 1.5-2.5DHADEP2S0132U 插头DEP2S-0142红380-415V 〜16A 4芯3P+E 6h 1.5-2.5DHADEP2S0142R 插头DEP2S-0152红220/380V-240/415V 〜16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S0152R 插头DEP2S-0232蓝200-250V 〜32A 3芯2P-E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S0232U 插头DEP2S-0242红380-415V 〜32A 4芯3P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S0242R 插头DEP2S-0252红220/380V-240/415V 〜32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S0252R 插头DEP2S-0332蓝200-250V 〜63A 3芯2P-E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S0332U 插头DEP2S-0342红380-415V 〜63A 4芯3P-E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S0342R 插头DEP2S-0352红220/380V-240/415V 〜63A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S0352R 插头DEP2S-0432蓝200-250V 〜125A 3芯2P-E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S0432U 插头DEP2S-0442红380-415V 〜125A 4芯3P-E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S0442R 插头DEP2S-0452红220/380V-240/415V 〜125A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S0452R 连接器DEP2S-2132蓝200-250V 〜16A3芯2P+E6h1.5-2.5DHADEP2S2132U选型指南273连接器DEP2S-2142红380-415V 〜16A 4芯3P-E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S2142R 连接器DEP2S-2152红220/380V-240/415V 〜16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S2152R 连接器DEP2S-2232蓝200-250V 〜32A 3芯2P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S2232U 连接器DEP2S-2242红380-415V 〜32A 4芯3P-E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S2242R 连接器DEP2S-2252红220/380V-240/415V 〜32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S2252R 连接器DEP2S-2332蓝200-250V 〜63A 3芯2P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S2332U 连接器DEP2S-2342红380-415V 〜63A 4芯3P-E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S2342R 连接器DEP2S-2352红220/380V-240/415V 〜63A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S2352R 连接器DEP2S-2432蓝200-250V 〜125A 3芯2P+E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S2432U 连接器DEP2S-2442红380-415V 〜125A 4芯3P-E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S2442R 连接器DEP2S-2452红220/380V-240/415V 〜125A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S2452R 明装插座DEP2S-1132蓝200-250V 〜16A 3芯2P+E 6h 1.5-2.5DHADEP2S1132U 明装插座DEP2S-1142红380-415V 〜16A 4芯3P-E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S1142R 明装插座DEP2S-1152红220/380V-240/415V 〜16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S1152R 明装插座DEP2S-1232蓝200-250V 〜32A 3芯2P+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S1232U 明装插座DEP2S-1242红380-415V 〜32A 4芯3P-E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S1242R 明装插座DEP2S-1252红220/380V-240/415V 〜32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S1252R 明装插座DEP2S-1332蓝200-250V 〜63A 3芯2P-E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S1332U 明装插座DEP2S-1342红380-415V 〜63A 4芯3P+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S1342R 明装插座DEP2S-1352红220/380V-240/415V 〜63A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S1352R 暗装插座DEP2S-3132蓝200-250V 〜16A 3芯2P-E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S3132U 暗装插座DEP2S-3142红380-415V 〜16A 4芯3P-E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S3142R 暗装插座DEP2S-3152红220/380V-240/415V 〜16A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 1.5-2. 5DHADEP2S3152R 暗装插座DEP2S-3232蓝200-250V 〜32A 3芯2P-E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S3232U 暗装插座DEP2S-3242红380-415V 〜32A 4芯3P-E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S3242R 暗装插座DEP2S-3252红220/380V-240/415V 〜32A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 4-6DHADEP2S3252R 暗装插座DEP2S-3332蓝200-250V 〜63A 3芯2P-E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S3332U 暗装插座DEP2S-3342红380-415V 〜63A 4芯3P-E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S3342R 暗装插座DEP2S-3352红220/380V-240/415V 〜63A 5芯3P+N+E 6h 10-16DHADEP2S3352R 暗装插座DEP2S-3432蓝200-250V 〜125A 3芯2P-E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S3432U 暗装插座DEP2S-3442红380-415V 〜125A 4芯3P-E 6h 25-35DHADEP2S3442R 暗装插座DEP2S-3452红220/380V-240/415V 〜125A5芯3P+N+E6h25-35DHADEP2S3452R选型指南274工业插头插座(DEPU 系列)■ 产品特性新型一体式紧凑型设计,密封性及防护性更佳安全可靠的材质和结构,防撞等级IK07, 最高可抗2J 机械碰撞全系列材料符合RoHS2.0标准,绝缘体可达UL94V0阻燃等级IP67全系列铜件镀镍,耐候耐腐蚀,尾部设计带来更稳固的连接保护适用于对功能和安全有更高要求的临时用电场景。
技术资料I 345FEN/00/en智能雷达料位变送器,非接触式连续物位测量仪表。
成本效益的4…20 mA 2线技术,适用于防爆区。
TMicropilot M FMR230/231/240/244/245的料位。
此外,它的准确度是±3 mm,导波管为水平圆柱形储罐提供方案。
优•、浮子测量方案,双线技术减使仪表容易与现有系统• 非接触测量:测量与产品的特性几乎无关。
• MR231)的频率。
PROFIBUS/PA、FOUNDATION•线• 度的杆状天线:• 护安全应用,最高可达到IEC 61508/IEC 61511-1 的 SIL 2 功能安全要求。
应用Micropilot M 用于非接触连续测量液体、浆状物质和泥浆测量不受介质改变、温度变化、气膜或蒸• FMR 230特别适合缓冲器和过程储罐的测量。
• FMR 231在要求化学相容性高时有它自身的优点。
FMR 240 的小型喇叭天线(1 ½″)特别适用于小的容器了解决点:价格低廉的双线技术:取代差压少了接线费用并结合。
• 容易通过菜单驱动的文字数字显示器进行现场操作。
• 借助 ToF Tool 操作软件容易试车、文件化和诊断。
两个频率范围 - 约(6FMR230/F和26GHz (FMR240/244/245),每种应用有恰当的,互不相关• HART或Fieldbus协议通信。
高温:适用的过程温度最高 200℃,高温天的最高温度可达 400℃。
系统的溢出保Micropilot M目录. . . . . .功能和系统设计 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3运行条件:过程. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33测量原理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 过程温度范围 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Equipment architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 过程温度极限. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33介电常数. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33输入. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9测量变量. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9机械结构. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34测量范围. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 设计,尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34测量条件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13重量. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04工作频率. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13材料. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40过程连接. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..40输出 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14密封. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40输出信号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14天线. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40报警信号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 14线性化 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 14人机接口 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41操作concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14辅助电源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14显示元件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41电气连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14操作元件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42端子排列 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15现场操作. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43负载HART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16远方操作. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44电源电压 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16电缆套管 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16认证和批准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47功率消耗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61CE 认可. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47电流消耗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Ex 认证. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Ripple HART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16卫生相容性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47最大噪音HART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16溢出保护. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74过压保护器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16船级证书. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47外来标准和指令 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47性能特点 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17射频认可. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .471压力测量设备指令 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47参考运行条件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7最大测量误差 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17分辨率 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 17定货信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Reaction time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Micropilot M FMR230 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84环境温度的影响. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 17Micropilot M FMR231 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Micropilot M FMR240 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54运行条件:安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Micropilo t M FMR244 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57安装instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Micropilot M FMR245 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59波束角 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19FMR230 在储罐中的安装(自由空间). . . . . . . . . . . . .20附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62有隔热层的FMR230安装. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23防雨罩 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 FMR231在储罐的安装(自由空间). . . . . . . . . . . . . .42FMR230 的天线延长段FAR10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 FMR240,FMR244,FMR245在储罐的安装(自由空间)25远方显示器FHX40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 FMR230, FMR240,FMR244, FMR245在导波管的安装27HART Commubox FXA191 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 FMR230, FMR240, FMR245在旁路管的安装 . . . . . . .29维修接口FXA193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Installation 有导波天线FMR240的安装. . . . . . . . . . .31文件化 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65运行条件:环境. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32系统信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65天线温度范围 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32专用文件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65贮存温度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32技术资料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65气象等级 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 32操作手册 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65防护等级 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32证书. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66抗振 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32安全手册 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67天线的清洗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Micropilot M Micropilot M 是一种“下探式” 测量系统,是基于传播时间方法运行的。
TI00461C/28/zh/14.12技术资料Turbimax CUS51D浊度和悬浮固体浓度传感器浸入式安装,用于低、中、高浊度和悬浮固体浓度测量应用Turbimax CUS51D 传感器适用于各种污水处理场合。
已经针对用户的具体订购信息(例如:活性污泥)进行出厂预标定,调试快速、简便•采用标准信号传输(Memosens 技术)方式,传感器“即插即用”•智能型传感器-传感器中储存所有特征参数和标定值•用户可以自行进行传感器标定,有多达五点的安全可靠实验室标定或现场标定Turbimax CUS51D2Endress+Hauser功能与系统设计测量原理在浊度测量过程中,射向介质的光束遇到不透光颗粒时,例如:固体颗粒,光束将改变原来的传播方向。
散射光向各个方向传播,以下两个角度上的散射光对浊度测量的影响较大:•90°散射光受颗粒大小的影响较小•颗粒浓度较高时,135°散射光能提供充分的浊度测量信息浊度传感器的测量原理示意图1光源2135° 散射光接收器390° 散射光接收器介质中固体颗粒浓度较低时,大部分光线沿90°方向散射,135°方向上的散射光较少。
不同颗粒浓度下的信号分布曲线图Ir相对光强光的散射原理示意图1234光源光束颗粒散射光Turbimax CUS51D传感器设计CUS51D浊度传感器内置两套并排放置、独立工作的传感单元。
高工:022-********E+H仪表技术指标说明书A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送过程检测介质的PH值信号形式:玻璃复合电极(测量电极、参比电极和Pt100温度电极复合一体)组合:测量、变送、元件及全部安装附件B.性能:测量范围:1~12PH测量精度:0.5%信号输出精度:0.75%重复性:0.2%指示器:LCD数字显示,可现场操作,可同时输出温度信号4~20mA防护等级:IP65C.变送器隔离输出信号:两路4~20mA HART协议电源:220VAC,50Hz断电自动储存系统数据故障报警:开关量输出自身报警220VAC,5A(2路)安装方式:墙挂式D.检测方式:浸没式或流通式(取样式)E.电缆:型号:由制造厂提供长度:由承包商确定A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送过程检测介质中的浊度形式:90度散射光原理组成:测量、变送元件及全部安装附件和清洗装置B.性能测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:1%信号输出精度:1%重复性:1%防护等级:IP65指示器:LCD数字并有现场操作,带温度补偿,并可同时输出温度信号4~20mA气泡:要求具备气泡消除系统清洗装置:机械(电刷)自清洗,C.变送器隔离输出信号:两路4~20mA HART协议电源:220VAC,50Hz断电自动储存系统数据故障报警:开关量输出自身报警220VAC,5A(2路)安装方式:墙挂式D.检测方式:流通式(取样式)E.电缆型号:仪表厂家确定长度:承包商确定污泥浓度测量传感器、变送器A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送过程检测介质中的浊度形式:90度散射光组成:测量、变送、元件及附件安装附件和清洗装置B.性能测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:1%信号输出精度:1%重复性:1%防护等级:IP65指示器:LCD数字并有现场操作,带温度补偿,并可输出4~ 20mA温度信号清洗装置:机械(电刷)自清洗C.变送器隔离输出信号:两路4~20mA HART协议电源:220VAC,50Hz断电自动储存系统数据故障报警:开关量输出自身报警220VAC,5A(2路)安装方式:墙挂式D.检测方式:浸没式,浸没深度2米E.电缆:型号:仪表厂家确定长度:承包商确定A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送过程检测介质中的溶解氧信号形式:覆膜式组成:测量、变送元件及全部安装附件和清洗装置B.性能测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.5%信号输出精度:0.75%重复性:0.2%防护等级:IP65指示器:LCD数字并有现场操作,带温度补偿,并可输出温度值4~20mAC.变送器隔离信号输出:两路4-20mA HART 协议电源:220VAC、50HZ断电自动储存系统数据故障报警:开关量输出自身报警220VAC,5A (2路)安装方式:墙挂式D.检测方式:浸没式E.电缆:型号:仪表厂家确定长度:承包商确定A. 概述功能:测量、指示和传送过程检测介质中的电导率信号形式:电感式组成:测量、变送元件及全部安装附件B. 性能测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.5%信号输出精度:0.75%重复性:0.2%防护等级:IP65指示器:LCD数字并有现场操作,带温度补偿,并可输出温度值4~20mAC.变送器隔离输出信号:两路4~20mA HART协议电源:220VAC、50HZ断电自动储存系统数据故障报警:开关量输出自身报警220VAC,5A (2路)安装方式:墙挂式D.检测方式:浸没式E.电缆:型号:仪表厂家确定长度:承包商确定余氯测量传感器、变送器A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送过程检测介质中的余氯信号形式:极化法组成:测量、变送元件及全部安装附件B.性能测量范围: 0~5mg/l测量精度:0.5%信号输出精度:0.75%重复性:0.2%防护等级:IP65指示器:LCD数字并有现场操作信号补偿:带PH和温度补偿C.变送器隔离输出信号:两路4~20mA HART协议电源:220VAC,50Hz断电自动储存系统数据故障报警:开关量输出自身报警220VAC,5A(2路)安装方式:墙挂式D.检测方式:流通式E.电缆:型号:仪表厂家确定长度:承包商确定自动采样站A.概述功能:定时自动取出过程介质样品,供化验分析形式:真空法组成:定时及控制装置和样品容器B.特点取样距离:30m取样高度:6m带12个3升容器和样品分配器可自动取样带温度调节,可在现场运行断电自动储存系统数据C.技术参数环境温度:-15°C~+40°C防护等级:IP55电源:220VAC、50Hz /60HzD.尺寸(HXWXD):800 x 1300 x 700mmA.概述功能:测量、指示和传送压力信号形式:干式陶瓷传感器,两线制变送器B.性能测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.2%环境温度:-20°C~60°C稳定性:十二个月0.1%量程比:10:1零点迁移:满量程90%防护等级:IP65C.特点安装位置:任选、带现场显示线性度:>=0.1%结构:变送器、测量元件一体安装D.变送器隔离输出信号:4~20mA, DC 带HART协议电源:12.5~30VDC安装方式:直接安装或柱装或墙装A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送差压信号形式:干式陶瓷或扩散硅传感器,两线制变送器B.性能测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.2%环境温度:-20°C~60°C稳定性:十二个月0.1%量程比:20 : 1零点迁移:满量程90%防护等级:IP65C.特点安装位置:任选、带现场显示线性度:>=0.1%结构:变送器、测量元件一体安装D.变送器隔离输出信号:4~20mA,DC 带HART协议电源:12.5~30VDC安装方式:墙装或柱装数字显示表A.概述功能:接收一个过程变量并以工程单位显示其数值形式:盘装式LCD数字显示器B.性能测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.05%输出精度:0.04%环境温度:-10°C ~+ 50°C保护等级:IP65显示:5位LED数字显示C.信号界面:输入:4~20mA.DC、1~5V.DC或Pt100输出:4~20mA.DC / 0~10V接点输出信号:2个继电器接点输出用于上下限报警,接点容量为220VAC,3AD. 电源:220VAC,50Hz或24VDCE. 外形尺寸:48 X 96mmF. 数字显示表的数量和安装位置:见仪表设备清单电磁流量测量传感器、变送器(分体型)A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送管道内导电液体的流量形式:利用法拉第电磁感应测量原理组成:传感器、变送器,全部安装附件和电缆B.性能:测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.2%重复性:0.1%环境温度:-20~+60°C介质温度:0~ +80°C保护等级:传感器:IP68 变送器:IP67C.特点:指示器:LCD数字指示,可现场操作、设置变送单元:微处理器、积分自动校零、自诊断、故障报警和小信号切除D.测量传感器衬里材料:硬橡胶4电极测量系统:测量电极、参比电极、空管检测电极电极材料:1.4435不锈钢E.隔离输出信号:4~20mA, HART和频率信号输出F.电源:220VAC,50HzG.安装方式:管道法兰安装涡街流量测量传感器、变送器A. 概述功能:测量、指示和传送管道内液体或气体的流量形式:利用卡门涡街原理组成:一体化传感器及变送器B. 性能:测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:1%(气体),0.75%(液体)重复性:0.2%环境温度:-40~+80°C介质温度:-200~+400°C保护等级:IP65C. 特点:指示器:LCD数字指示,可现场操作、设置变送单元:微处理器、自诊断、故障报警和小信号切除抗振性:各方向1g/500Hz 振动D. 测量传感器材料:316L不锈钢形式:差动电容E. 隔离输出信号:4~20mADC,HART及频率信号输出F. 电源:24VDCG.安装方式:管道法兰安装热式气体质量流量计A. 概述功能:测量,指示传送管道内气体的质量流量形式:利用热式原理组成:一体化传感器、变送器及安装附件(带切断球阀)B. 性能:测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.5%重复性:0.25%环境温度:-30~+80°C介质温度:-10~+100°C保护等级:IP65C. 特点:指示器:LCD数字指示,可现场操作、设置变送单元:微处理器、自诊断、故障报警和小信号切除量程比:100 : 1D. 接液部分材料:316L不锈钢(哈氏合金可选)E. 隔离输出信号:4~20mADC,HART协议F. 电源:20~30VDCG.安装方式:插入式管道安装超声波流量测量传感器、变送器(分体型)A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送管道内液体的流量和声速形式:时差法组成:传感器、变送器,全部安装附件和电缆B.性能:测量范围:见仪表清单测量精度:0.5%重复性:+/-0.4%环境温度:-20~+60°C介质温度:-40~+170°C保护等级:传感器:IP68 变送器:IP67C.变送器显示:两行背光LC指示,可现场操作、设置变送单元:微处理器、自诊断、故障报警和小信号切除输入:双通道4~20mA信号输出:隔离4~20mA及继电器接点信号电源:86~260VAC(50~60Hz)或16~62VDC安装方式:墙装或柱装D.测量传感器材料:304不锈钢及塑料安装方式:管道夹装E.电缆型号:仪表厂家确定长度:由承包商确定(长度可达30米)Pitot管流量计A.概述功能:测量、指示和传送管道内气体,蒸汽及液体的流量值形式:Pitot管差压法组成:一体化Pitot管,差压变送器及连接附件B.性能:测量范围:0.5~150 m/s(气体),0.025~40 m/s(液体)测量精度:1.5%FS重复性:0.1%FS过程温度:-20~+300°C过程压力:0~420bar环境温度:-20~+60°C量程比:3 : 1材料:316Ti不锈钢C.特点可带一体化温度探头进行补偿管道直接安装,可测量圆形及方形管道中介质流量管道口径范围为DN25~DN12000流量计算机A. 概述功能:对来自流量、压力、温度及密度传感器的信号应用内置公式计算质量或体积流量等重要参数并显示其数值。
Solid-state Timer H3DE DIN Track Mounted, Standard 22.5-mm Width Timer RangeA wide AC/DC power supply range (24 to 230 VAC/DC) reduces the number of timer models kept in stock.(except for H3DE-H)12-VDC model available for a specific application. (H3DE-M2)Nameplate provided for easy timer identification and management.Terminal clamp left open when delivered.Finger protection terminal block to meet VDE0106/P100.Enables easy sequence checks through instantaneous outputs for a zero set value at any time range.Incorporates environment-friendly, cadmium-free contacts. (except for H3DE-H)High immunity to inverter noise.Approved by UL and CSA.Conforms to EN61812-1 and IEC60664-1 (VDE0110) 4 kV/2 for Low Voltage and EMC Directives.H3DEStandard TimerH3DE-MH3DE-STwin TimerH3DE-FStar-delta TimerH3DE-GPower OFF-delay TimerH3DE-H H3DE-M/S H3DE-F H3DE-G H3DE-HContentsSolid-state TimerH3DE-M/S5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H3DE-F14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H3DE-G20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H3DE-H26. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Common to ALL TimersAccessories32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Precautions33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Solid-state Multi-functional Timer H3DE-M/-S Eight operating modes (H3DE-M) and fouroperating modes (H3DE-S) cover a wide range ofapplications.Programmable contact enables the building of aself-holding relay circuit (-j2 models).A wide time setting range of 0.10 s to 120 h.Note:Can be mounted to 35-mm DIN track with a plate thickness of 1 to 2.5 mm.Note:When the main dial is set to “0” for all settings, the output will operate instantaneously.RatingsNote: 1.DC ripple rate: 20% max.2.Since an inrush current of 0.25 A will occur when using the power supply voltage at 24 VDC, pay careful attention when turning on oroff the power supply to the T imer with a solid-state output such as a sensor.3.The power consumption is for mode A after the T imer counts the time-up time and for the AC input at 50 Hz. The power consumptionof the H3DE-M j includes the input circuit with the B1 and A1 terminals short-circuited.CharacteristicsNote: 1.With the H3DE-M j, if the voltage exceeds 26.4 V AC/DC, the following hold at signal OFF for C, D, and G modes: Accuracy of operating time: ±1% ±50 ms max. at 1.2-s rangeSetting error: ±10% +100/–50 ms max.Signal input time: 100 ms min.2.For reference : A maximum current of 0.15 A can be switched at 125 VDC (cosφ=1).A maximum current of 0.1 A can be switched if L/R is 7 ms.In both cases, a life of 100,000 operations can be expected.The minimum applicable load is 10 mA at 5 VDC (failure level: P).Output type selector switch for H3DE-M2/-S2 (default setting is time-limit output)Setting Output typeTime-limit output (terminal numbers 25, 26 and28) (default setting)Instantaneous output(terminal numbers 21, 22 and 24)Output Type Selector Switch Settings(Bottom View)H3DE-S1/-S2I/O FunctionsNote:When the output type selector switch on the bottom of the T imer is set to the instantaneous side, the relay R2 (terminal numbers 21/25,22/26, and 24/28) becomes an instantaneous contact and turns ON/OFF in synchronization with the changes in the power supply .Setting of SelectorThe selectors can be turned clockwise and counterclockwise to se -lect the desired time unit, time scale, or operating mode.Each selector has a snap mechanism that secures the selector at a given position. Set the selector at a position at which it is secured.Do not set it midway between two securing positions or a malfunc -tion could result from improper setting.Operating mode selectorOperating mode display windowSelection of Operating ModeThe H3DE-M/-S can be set to any one of the operating modes A to J.Turn the operating mode selector with a screwdriver until the de-sired operating mode (A, B, C, B2, D, E, J, or G for the H3DE-M and A, E, J, or B2for the H3DE-S) appears in the operating mode display window located below the selector .Selection of T ime Unit and T ime ScaleThe desired time unit (s, m, h, or 10h) can be displayed in the time unit display window above the time setting dial by turning the time unit selector located at the upper right corner of the front panel. T ime scale (0.1 or 1) is selected with the time scale selector at the upper left corner of the front panel, it appears in the time scale display win -dow above the selector .T ime unit selectorNote: 1.The minimum power reset time is 0.1 s and the minimum signal input time is 0.05 s.2.The letter “t” in the timing charts stands for the set time and “t–a” means that the period is less than the time set.tFor power-on operation, impose voltage to theStart input. The Timer starts operating at themoment the power is turned on.Start input is invalid while the Timer is in opera-tion.**Basic operationt t t tFor power-on operation, impose voltage to theStart input. The Timer starts operating at themoment the power is turned on.Start input is invalid while the Timer is in opera-tion.**Basic operationOutputt t t tFor power-on operation, impose voltage to theStart input. The Timer starts operating at themoment the power is turned on.Start input is invalid while the Timer is in opera-tion.**Basic operationOutputtt t tStart input is invalid while the Timer is in opera-tion.*Note:The start input of the H3DE-M1 or H3DE-M2 model is activated by applying a voltage to B1 and A2 terminals.The voltage can be applied by turning on the contact between B1 and A1 (Refer to T erminal Arrangement).tStart input is valid and re-triggerable while theTimer is in operation.*tBasic operationFor power-on operation, impose voltage to theStart input. The Timer starts operating at themoment the power is turned on.Start input is valid and re-triggerable while theTimer is in operation.**Basic operationt t t t*t t tt–a t–aApprox. 1±0.6 s (fixed)Approx.1±0.6 s(fixed) Approx.1±0.6 s(fixed)Note:The start input of the H3DE-M1 or H3DE-M2 model is activated by applying a voltage to B1 and A2 terminals.The voltage can be applied by turning on the contact between B1 and A1 (Refer to T erminal Arrangement).H3DE-M/-STerminal block (black)Surface color:Light gray 5Y7/1 (OMRON)Output type selector switch (default setting: Time-limit output) 15R118161816A2B1A115(see note 2)(see note 2)(see note 2)(see note 2)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: 1.The relay R2 can be set to either instantaneous or time-limit contact using the switch located on the bottom of the T imer.2.DC supply voltage does not require the designation of polarity.3.The contact symbol for the H3DE is indicated withThe inputs of the H3DE-M1/-M2 are voltage (voltage imposition or open) inputs.No-contact Input(Connection to PNP output sensor .)Contact InputV oltage Input Signal LevelsNo-contact inputContact input1. T ransistor ONResidual voltage: 1 V max.(V oltage between terminals B 1 and A 2 must be more than the rated “H-level” voltage (20.4 VDC min.).)2. T ransistor OFFLeakage current: 0.01 mA max.(V oltage between terminals B 1 and A 2 must be less than the rated “L-level” voltage (2.4 VDC max.).)Use contacts that can adequately switch 0.1 mA at each voltage to be imposed. (When the contacts are ON orOFF , voltage between terminals B 1 and A 2 must be within the following ranges:When contacts are ON:20.4 to 253 V AC/DC When contacts are OFF:0 to 2.4 V AC/DCOperates with PNP transistor ONOperates with relay ONNo-contact Input(Connection to NPN output sensor .)SensorA 1B 1A 224 VDC (+)(–)Operates with NPN transistor ONTimerSolid-state Twin Timer H3DE-F Operates in flicker-OFF or flicker-ON start modewith one Unit.Independent ON- and OFF-time settings.Combinations of long ON- or OFF-time and shortOFF- or ON-time setting are possible.Long time range from 0.1 s to 12 h for both ON andOFF time settings.H3DE -11.F:Twin timersNote:Can be mounted to 35-mm DIN track with a plate thickness of 1 to 2.5 mm.Note: 1.T ime scale display is applied commonly for ON and OFF time.2.When the main dial is set to “0” for all settings, the output will operate instantaneously. RatingsNote:DC ripple rate: 20% max.CharacteristicsNote:For reference:A maximum current of 0.15 A can be switched at 125 VDC (cosφ=1).A maximum current of 0.1 A can be switched if L/R is 7 ms.In both cases, a life of 100,000 operations can be expected.The minimum applicable load is 10 mA at 5 VDC (failure level: P).Time scale display windowTime scale selector (select 0.1 or 1)Output ON indicator (orange)Output OFF indicator (green)Nameplate for user use (20 x 5.4 mm white panel)ON-time unit display windowTime unit selector(select one from s, 10s, min, or h for output ON)ON-time setting dial OFF-time setting dialOFF-time unit display windowON/OFF start selector(default is flicker-OFF start)OFF-time unit selector(select one from s, 10s, min, or h)Time Unit SelectionThe time unit display window for output ON is located on the upper-right side of the front panel above the corresponding time unit selec -tor.The time unit display window for output OFF is located on the lower-right side of the front panel belowthe corresponding time unit selec -tor.According to the setting of each time unit selector , “sec” for seconds,“10s” for 10 seconds, “min” for minutes, or “hrs” for hours will appear in the corresponding time unit display window .ON-time unit display window ON-time unit selector (select one from s, 10s, min, or h)OFF-time unit selector (select one from s, 10s, min, or h)OFF-time unit display windowTime Scale SelectionThe time scale selector on the upper-left side of the front panel can be set to 0.1 or 1 as a magnification coef ficient.Time scale display window Time scale selectorON-time setting dialOFF-time setting dialTime SettingUse the ON/OFF-time setting dial to set the ON/OFF time.t ON : ON set time t OFF : OFF set time0.1 s min.t ON : ON set time t OFF : OFF set time0.1 s min.Note: 1.The reset time requires a minimum of 0.1 s.2.When power is supplied in flicker-ON start mode, the OFF indicator lights momentarily . This, however , has no ef fect on the perfor -mance of the T imer.Terminal block (black)Surface color:Light gray 5Y7/1(OMRON)Terminal block (black)Note:DC supply voltage does not require the designation of polarity.Solid-state Star-delta Timer H3DE-G A wide star-time range (up to 120 seconds) andstar-delta transfer time range (up to 0.5 seconds)H3DE -11.G:Star-delta timerNote:Can be mounted to 35-mm DIN track with a plate thickness of 1 to 2.5 mm.RatingsNote:DC ripple rate: 20% max.CharacteristicsNote:For reference:A maximum current of 0.15 A can be switched at 125 VDC (cosφ=1).A maximum current of 0.1 A can be switched if L/R is 7 ms.In both cases, a life of 100,000 operations can be expected.The minimum applicable load is 10 mA at 5 VDC (failure level: P).Star operation indicator (green)Delta operation indicator (orange)Time setting dial (for setting star operation time)Star-delta transfer time selectorStar-delta transfer time display windowTime scale display window Star operation time scale selector (select 1 or 10)Nameplate for user use (20 x 5.4 mm white panel)(Front View)AC (DC) inputPower supply circuitStar operation indicator Delta operation indicatorIndicator circuitOutput circuitStar opera-tion time counting circuitStar-delta transfer timeselectionStar-delta transfer time oscilla-tion circuitStar-delta transfer time countingcircuitStar operationDelta operationStar opera-tion time oscillation circuit Staroperation time scale selectorTime Unit SettingThe star-delta transfer time is set to 0.05, 0.1, 0.25 or 0.5 with the star-delta transfer time selector on the lower-right side of the front panel and the set value appears in the star-delta transfer time dis -play window below the selector .Star-delta transfer time selectorStar-delta transfer time dis-play windowTime Scale SelectionThe star operation time scale selector on the upper-left side of the front panel can be set to 1 or 10 as a magnification.Star operation time scale display window Star operation time scale selectorTime setting dialTime SettingThe operation time of the T imer is set with the time setting dial.t 1: Star operation time setting t 2: Star-delta transfer time0.5 sNote:The reset time requires a maximum of 0.5 s.H3DE-GTerminal block (black)Surface color: Light gray 5Y7/1(OMRON)Terminal block (black)Note:DC supply voltage does not require the designation of polarity .Solid-state Power OFF-delay Timer H3DE-H Two delay-time models available.0.1 to 12 seconds (S Series)1 to 120 seconds (L Series)Covers wide range of supply voltage.Conforms to EMC Standard (EN50081-2 andEN50082-2).Note:Specify both the model number and supply voltage when ordering.Example: H3DE-H 24 V AC/DC ST ime span codeSupply voltageH3DE -11.H:Power OFF-delay timerNote:Can be mounted to 35-mm DIN track with a plate thickness of 1 to 2.5 mm.Note:The Timer will not operate if the specified power-on time is not kept. Be sure to supply power for at least the period specified. RatingsNote:The ripple in DC power supply must be 20% max. A single-phase, full-wave rectifying power supply can be connected if the ripple output of the power supply is a maximum of 20% of the whole output.CharacteristicsNote:For reference:A maximum current of 0.15 A can be switched at 125 VDC (cosφ=1).A maximum current of 0.1 A can be switched if L/R is 7 ms.In both cases, a life of 100,000 operations can be expected.The minimum applicable load is 100 mA at 5 VDC (failure level: P).Time scaledisplay window Time scale selectorS Series: Set to 0.1 or 1L Series: Set to 1 or 10Power indicator (green)Lit when the Timer is turned ON.Time setting dial (for setting power OFF-delay time)Nameplate for user use (20 x 5.4 mm white panel)(Front View)AC (DC) inputPower supply circuit Indicator circuit Output circuitPower failure detection circuitOscillation circuit Counting circuit Time scale selectorTime Scale SelectionThe time scale selector on the upper left-hand side of the front panel of the S Series can be set to 0.1 or 1 and that of the L Series can be set to 1 or 10 as magnification coef ficients.Time scale display windowTime scale selectorTime setting dialTime SettingThe operating time of the T imer is set with the time setting dial.Rt: Minimum power-on time (S-series: 0.1 s min.; L-series: 0.3 s min.)(The output may never turn ON if this time or more is not ensured.)H3DE-H Terminal block (black)Surface color:Light gray 5Y7/1(OMRON)Terminal block (black)Note:DC supply voltage does not require the designation of polarity.Note:All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.Mounting TrackPFP-100N, PFP-50N PFP-100N2L: Length1 m PFP-100N50 cm PFP-50N1 m PFP-100N2End Plate PFP-M Spacer PFP-S4.51525252525*1010L 7.3±0.1535±0.327±0.1514.51525252525151010L35±0.327241629.21 1.55011.5M4 x 8pan headscrew 106.21.8135.535. Do not change the time unit, time scale, operating mode,or output type selector switch while the T imer is in opera -tion or malfunction could result.The H3DE should be mounted as horizontally as possible.When mounting the H3DE on a socket mounting track, hook portion (A) of the Timer to an edge of the track first, and then depress the T imer in the direction of (B).(B)When dismounting the H3DE, pull out portion (C) with a flat-blade screwdriver and remove the T imer from the mounting track.Rail stopperThe H3DE can be mounted and dismounted with ease if a distance of 30 mm or more is kept between the H3DE and the top surface of other equipment located below the H3DE.The H3DE Series is provided with a transformerless power supply system. An electric shock may be received if the input terminal or the output type selector switch is touched while power is being sup -plied.Use the bar terminal for wiring the H3DE. Using a stranded-wire ter -minal may cause a short-circuit due to a stray wire entering into the Timer.Both AC and DC power supplies can be connected to the power in -put terminals without regarding polarity .With the H3DE only, a DC power supply must be connected to the power input terminals as designated according to the polarity of the terminals.A DC power supply can be connected if its ripple factor is 20% or less and the mean voltage is within the rated operating voltage range of the T imer.Connect the power supply voltage through a relay or switch in such a way that the voltage reaches a fixed value at once or the Timer may not be reset or a timer error could result.For the power supply of an input device, use an isolating transform -er, of which the primary and secondary windings are mutually iso-lated and the secondary winding is not grounded.Power supplyThe H3DE-H has a large inrush current; provide sufficient power supply capacity. If the power supply capacity is too small, there may be delays in turning ON the output.If the load current is continuously being supplied to the T imer for a long period of time, be sure to provide the mounting clearance as shown in the figure below. If used under the conditions other than those specified below , the life of internal components may be short -ened due to an excessive rise in the internal temperature.DIN trackt: Mounting clearance (mm)34Switching Current vs. Ambient T emperature(When Mounting T wo or More H3DE Units Side-by-Side)A m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e ( C )(Measurement Condition: Input voltage of 230 V AC)0123457060504030200 mmMaximum range of operating ambient temperature°Relationship between Input and Power Supply CircuitsSince the input circuit and the power supply circuit are configured independently, the input circuit can be turned on or of f irrespective of the on/of f state of the power supply .It must be noted that a voltage equivalent to the power supply volt -age is applied to the input circuit.When connecting a relay or a transistor as an external signal input device, pay attention to the following points to prevent short-circuit -ing due to a sneak current to the transformerless power supply .If a relay or transistor is connected to two or more T imers, the input terminals of those T imers must be wired properly so that they will not be different in phase or the terminals will be short-circuited to one another (refer to the figures below).IncorrectContact or transistor forCorrectPower supplycurrentContact or transistor for Power supplycurrentThe H3DE Series is provided with a transformerless power supply system.The input wires must be as short as possible. If the floating capacity of wires exceeds 2,000 pF (approx. 17 m for cables with 120 pF/m),the operation will be affected. Pay particular attention when using shielded cables.The H3DE has a high impedance circuit. Therefore, the H3DE may not be reset if the H3DE is influenced by inductive voltage. In order to eliminate any influence of inductive voltage, the wires connected to the H3DE must be as short as possible and should not be installed alongside power lines. If the H3DE is influenced by induc -tive voltage that is 30% or more of the rated voltage, connect a CR filter with a capacitance of approximately 0.1 µF and a resistance of approximately 120 Ω or a bleeder resistor between the power sup -ply terminals. If there is any residual voltage due to current leakage,connect a bleeder resistor between the power supply terminals.35An interval of 3 s minimum is required to turn on the H3DE after the H3DE is turned of f. If the H3DE is turned on and of f repeatedly with an interval of shorter than 3 s, the internal parts of the H3DE may deteriorate and the H3DE may malfunction.PowerOutput state 1Output state 2If it is required that the output be turned on repeatedly with an inter -val of shorter than 3 s, consider use of the H3DE-M2/-M1 in mode D (signal OFF-delay).The H3DE as a built-in timer conforms to VDE 0435/P2021 provided that the following conditions are satisfied:The output section of the H3DE is provided only with basic isolation.To ensure reinforced isolation required by the VDE standards, pro -vide supplementary basic isolation on the load side connected to the output.The H3DE itself is designed according to the following:•Overvoltage category III •Pollution degree 2On the above basis:Operation parts on the front and bottom: Reinforced isolation–With clearance of 5.5 mm and creepage distance of 5.5 mm at 230 V ACOutput: Basic isolation–With clearance of 3 mm and creepage distance of 3 mm at 230 V ACWhen using the T imer in an area with excess electronic noise, sepa -rate the T imer , wiring, and the equipment which generates the input signals as far as possible from the noise sources. It is also recom -mended to shield the input signal wiring to prevent electronic inter -ference.Organic solvents (such as paint thinner), as well as very acidic or basic solutions can damage the outer casing of the T imer.Do not use the T imer in places where it is exposed to dust, corrosive gas, or direct sunlight.When storing the Timer, make sure that the ambient temperature and humidity are within the rated values. Leave the T imer at room temperature for at least three hours before using the T imer if it has been stored at an ambient temperature of –10°C or below .If the T imer is mounted on a control board, dismount the T imer from the control board or short-circuit the circuitry of the power board be -fore carrying out a voltage withstand test between the electric cir-cuitry and non current-carrying metal part of the Timer, in order to prevent the internal circuitry of the T imer from damage.It must be noted that although the electrical life expectancy of the H3DE T imer shown in the catalog is the same as the H3DR T imer shown in the catalog, the actual performance varies because the built-in relays are different as follows:Built-in relay for the H3DR:G2R; 100,000 operations min.(10 A for SPDT and 5 A for DPDT at 250 VAC, resistive load at 1,800 operations/h.)Built-in relay for the H3DE:G6RN; 50,000 operations min.(8 A at 250 VAC, resistive load at 360 operations/h.)36OMRON CorporationIndustrial Automation CompanyMeasuring and Supervisory Controls Department Shiokoji Horikawa, Shimogyo-ku,Kyoto, 600-8530 JapanTel: (81)75-344-7108/Fax: (81)75-344-7189ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.To convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.Cat. No. L092-E1-4In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.Printed in Japan 0301-1.5M (A)。
TI256T/02/en 71073145Technical InformationOmnigrad M TR10Modular RTD assemblyprotection tube and neck tube, threadApplication •Universal range of application•Measuring range: -200...600 °C (-328...1112 °F)•Pressure range up to 50 bar (725 psi)•Degree of protection: up to IP 68Head transmittersAll Endress+Hauser transmitters are available with enhanced accuracy, reliability and cost effectiveness compared to directly wired sensors. Easy customizing by choosing one of the following outputs and protocols:•Analog output 4...20 mA •HART ®•PROFIBUS ® PA•FOUNDATION Fieldbus™Your benefits•High flexibility due to modular assembly with standard terminal heads and customized immersion length •Highest possible compatibility with a design according to DIN 43772•Neck tube for heat protection of head transmitter •Fast response time with reduced/tapered tip form •Types of protection for use in hazardous locations:Intrinsic Safety (Ex ia)Non-Sparking (Ex nA)4 0TR102Endress+HauserFunction and system designMeasuring principleThe Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) element has an electrical resistance with a value of 100 Ω at 0 °C (32 °F). It is commonly known as Pt100 and complies with IEC 60751. This resistance value increases at higher temperatures according to the characteristics of the resistor material (platinum). These kind of sensors are called Positive Temperature Coefficient elements (PTC).The coefficient is fixed with α = 0.00385 °C -1, calculated between 0 and 100 °C (32 and 212 °F), according to ITS90 (International Temperature Scale 1990).Wire wound platinum resistance thermometers (WW) consist of hair thin highly purified platinum wire double wound inside a ceramic carrier. This is then sealed top and bottom with a ceramic protective layer. Themeasurements achieved by these resistance thermometers are not only highly reproducible, but also show long term resistance/temperature characteristic stability within temperature ranges up to 600 °C (1112 °F). This sensor type is relatively large in its dimensions and is also not very resistant to vibration.Thin film platinum resistance thermometers (TF) consist of a precise amount of platinum which is vaporized under vacuum onto a ceramic substrate to a thickness of 1 μm. This is then protected by a glass layer. The advantages are: smaller dimensions than wire wound and greatly improved vibration resistance. Thin film resistances (TF) are flat, microscopic versions of the wire wound types (WW) with a measurement relevant difference:The temperature expansion behavior of the different layers of this structure leads to minimal mechanical stress. Temperature changes in thin film resistances (TF) cause the desired temperature relevant changes of the resistance as well as minimal tension stress related resistance changes. Through this the resistance/temperature characteristic of most thin film platinum resistance thermometers (TF) differs considerably from the standard characteristics at higher temperatures. Thin film resistances are therefore used for temperature measurement in ranges below 500 °C (932 °F).Measuring systemExample of an applicationA Built-in RTD assembly TR10 with head transmitter BRIA261 Field display–The display measures an analog measurement signal and indicates this on the display. The display is connected in a 4 to 20mA current loop and also derives its supply from the loop. The voltage drop is almost negligible (<2.5V). The dynamic internal resistance (load) makes sure that independently from the loop current, the maximum voltage drop is never exceeded. The analog signal at the input is digitalized, analyzed, and shown in the rear illuminated display. For details see Technical Information (see chapter "Documentation").CActive barrier RN221N–The RN221N active barrier (24 V DC, 30 mA) has a galvanically isolated output for supplying voltage to loop powered transmitters. The power supply has a wide-range input for mains power, 20 to 250V DC/AC,50/60Hz to be used in any electrical circuit. For details see Technical Information (see chapter "Documentation").TR10Endress+Hauser 3Equipment architectureEquipment architecture of the Omnigrad M TR10The Omnigrad M TR10 RTD assemblies are modular. The terminal head serves as a connection module for the protection armature in the process as well as for the mechanical and electrical connection of the measuring insert. The actual RTD sensor element is fitted in and mechanically protected within the insert. The insert can be exchanged and calibrated even during the process. Either ceramic terminal blocks or transmitters can be fitted to the internal base washer. Where required, threads or compression fittings can be fixed onto the protection armature.Measurement range-200 ... 600 °C (-328...1112 °F) according to IEC 60751Performance characteristicsOperating conditionsAmbient temperature12Insert (∅ 3 mm, 0.12 in) with mounted head transmitter, for exampleInsert (∅ 6 mm, 0.24 in) with mounted ceramic terminal block, for example 66a 6b Various tip shapes - detailed information see chapter ’tip shape’:Reduced or tapered for inserts with ∅ 3 mm (0.12 in)Straight or tapered for inserts with ∅ 6 mm (0.24 in)3Terminal headE Neck tube4Protection armatureL Immersion length5Threads as process connectionIL Insertion length = E + L + 10 mm (0.4 in)Terminal headTemperature in °C (°F)Without mounted head transmitter •Housing, material aluminum -40 to 100 ºC (-40 to 212 °F)•Housing, material polyamide -40 to 85 °C (-40 to 185 °F)With mounted head transmitter-40 to 85 °C (-40 to 185 °F)With mounted head transmitter and display -20 to 70 °C (-4 to 158 °F)TR10Process pressureThe pressure values to which the protection tube can be subjected at the various temperatures are illustratedby the figures below.Maximum permitted process pressure for tube diameter–Tube diameter 9 x 1 mm (0.35 in) -----------–Tube diameter 12 x 2.5 mm (0.47 in) - - - - - -A Medium water at T = 50 °C (122 °F)L Immersion lengthB Medium superheated steam at T = 400 °C (752 °F)P Process pressureMaximum flow velocityThe highest flow velocity tolerated by the protection tube diminishes with increasing immersion lengthexposed to the stream of the fluid. Detailed information may be taken from the figures below.Flow velocity depending on the immersion length–Tube diameter 9 x 1 mm (0.35 in) -----------–Tube diameter 12 x 2.5 mm (0.47 in) - - - - - -A Medium water at T = 50 °C (122 °F)L Immersion lengthB Medium superheated steam at T = 400 °C (752 °F)v Flow velocityShock and vibration resistance4g / 2 to 150 Hz as per IEC 60068-2-64Endress+HauserTR10Endress+Hauser 5AccuracyRTD corresponding to IEC 60751!Note!For measurement errors in °F, calculate using equations above in °C, then multiply the outcome by 1.8.Response timeTests in water at 0.4 m/s (1.3 ft/s), according to IEC 60751; 10 K temperature step changes:!Note!Response time for the sensor assembly without transmitter.Insulation resistanceInsulation resistance ≥100 M Ω at ambient temperature.Insulation resistance between each terminal and the sheath is tested with a voltage of 100 V DC.1)|t| = absolute value °CProtection tube DiameterResponse time Reduced tip ∅ 5.3 mm (0.2 in)Tapered tip∅ 6.6 mm (0.26 in) or ∅ 9 mm (0.35 in)Straight tip9 x 1 mm (0.35 in)t 50t 907.5 s21 s 11 s 37 s 18 s 55 s 11 x 2 mm (0.43 in)t 50t 907.5 s 21 s not available not available 18 s 55 s 12 x 2.5 mm (0.47 in)t 50t 90not available not available11 s 37 s38 s 125 sTR106Endress+HauserSelf heatingRTD elements are not self-powered and require a small current be passed through the device to provide a voltage that can be measured. Self-heating is the rise of temperature within the element itself, caused by the current flowing through the element. This self-heating appears as a measurement error and is affected by the thermal conductivity and velocity of the process being measured; it is negligible when an Endress+Hauser iTEMP ® temperature transmitter is connected.Calibration specificationsThe manufacturer provides comparison temperature calibration from -80 to +600 °C (-110 °F to 1112 °F) based on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS90). Calibrations are traceable to national and international standards. The calibration report is referenced to the serial number of the thermometer.MaterialTransmitter specificationsInsert-Ø:6 mm (0.24 in) and 3 mm (0.12 in)Minimum insertion length IL in mm (inch)Temperature rangewithout head transmitterwith head transmitter -80 °C to -40 °C (-110 °F to -40 °F)200 (7.87)-40 °C to 0 °C (-40 °F to 32 °F)160 (6.3)0 °C to 250 °C (32 °F to 480 °F)120 (4.72)150 (5.9)250 °C to 550 °C (480 °F to 1020 °F)300 (11.81)550 °C to 650 °C (1020 °F to 1202 °F)400 (15.75)Material Short description max. application temperature Features and benefits SS 316L/1.4404X2CrNiMo 17 13 2800 °C (1472 °F)•Austenitic, stainless steel •High corrosion resistance•High resistance at low temperatures•Optimal corrosion resistance in an acid, non oxydizing environment(e.g. phosphorous and sulphuric acids in low concentration and at low temperatures)•Not resistant to chloride at high temperatures SS 316Ti/1.4571X6CrNiMoTi 17 12 2800 °C (1472 °F)•Austenitic, stainless steel •High corrosion resistance•High resistance at low temperatures•Optimal corrosion resistance in an acid, non oxydizing environment (e.g. phosphorous and sulphuric acids in low concentration and at low temperatures)•Not resistant to chloride at high temperaturesHastelloy ® C276/2.4819NiMo 16 Cr 15 W 600 °C (1112 °F)•Specially high resistance against aggressive oxydizing and reducing media, even at high tempe-ratures.•Especially resistant against: sulphuric acid, high chloride contents, hot concentrated acetic acid chloride, chrome acetic acids, copper chloride, metal chloride TMT180PCP Pt100TMT181PCP Pt100, TC, Ω, mVTMT182HART ®Pt100, TC, Ω, mVTMT84 PA / TMT85 FF Pt100, TC, Ω, mVMeasurement accuracy0.2 °C (0.36 °F), optional 0.1 °C (0.18 °F) or 0.08%0.2 °C (0.36 °F) or 0.08%0.1 °C (0.18 °F)% is related to the adjusted measurement range (the larger value applies)Sensor current Ι ≤ 0.6 mAΙ ≤ 0.2 mAΙ ≤ 0.3 mAGalvanic isolation (input/output)-Û = 3.75 kV ACU = 2 kV ACTR10Endress+Hauser 7Transmitter long-term stability ≤ 0.1 °C/year (≤ 0.18 °F / year) or ≤ 0.05% / yearData under reference conditions; % relates to the set span. The larger value applies.System componentsFamily of temperature transmittersMeasurement assemblies with iTEMP ® transmitters are an installation ready solution to improve thefunctionality of temperature measurement by increasing accuracy and reliability when compared to direct wired sensors. Overall installation costs are lower than with direct wired sensors, since an inexpensive pair of signal (4 to 20 mA) wires can be run over long distances.PC programmable devices TMT180 and TMT181PC programmable head transmitters offer you extreme flexibility and help control costs with the ability to stock one device and program it for your needs. Regardless of your choice of output, all iTEMP ® transmitters can be configured quickly and easily with a PC. To help you with this task, Endress+Hauser offers free software ReadWin ® 2000 which can be downloaded from our website. Go to to download ReadWin ® 2000 today. Details see Technical Information (see chapter ’Documentation’).HART ® TMT182 head transmitterHART ® communication is all about easy, reliable data access and getting better information moreinexpensively. iTEMP ® transmitters integrate seamlessly into your existing control system and provide painless access to preventative diagnostic information.Configuration with a DXR275 or 375 hand-held or a PC with configuration program (FieldCare, ReadWin ® 2000) or configure with AMS or PDM. Details see Technical Information (see chapter ’Documentation’).PROFIBUS ® PA TMT84 head transmitterUniversally programmable head transmitter with PROFIBUS ® PA communication. Converting various input signals into a digital output signal. High accuracy over the complete ambient temperature range. Swift and easy operation, visualization and maintenance using a PC directly from the control panel, e. g. using operating software such as FieldCare, Simatic PDM or AMS. DIP switch for address setting, makes start up and maintenance safe and reliable.Benefits are: dual sensor input, highest reliability in harsh industrial environments, mathematic functions, thermometer drift monitoring, sensor back-up functionality, sensor diagnosis functions and sensor-transmitter matching using Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients. Details see Technical Information (see chapter ’Documentation’).!Note!The previous model PROFIBUS ® PA TMT184 head transmitter will be available for a transition time.FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ TMT85 head transmitterUniversally programmable head transmitter with FOUNDATION fieldbus™ communication. Converting various input signals into a digital output signal. High accuracy over the complete ambient temperature range. Swift and easy operation, visualization and maintenance using a PC directly from the control panel, e. g. using operating software such as ControlCare from Endress+Hauser or the NI Configurator from National Instruments.TR10Benefits are: dual sensor input, highest reliability in harsh industrial environments, mathematic functions,thermometer drift monitoring, sensor back-up functionality, sensor diagnosis functions and sensor-transmittermatching using Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients. Details see Technical Information (see chapter’Documentation’).Terminal heads All terminal heads have internal geometry according to DIN 43729, form B and thermometer connectionM24x1.5.All dimensions in mm (inch). All cable gland dimensions in the graphics are based on SKINTOP ST M20x1.58Endress+HauserTR10Endress+Hauser9TR1010Endress+HauserEndress+Hauser 11Protection tube All dimensions in mm (inches).Dimensions of the Omnigrad M TR10Tip shapeAvailable versions of protection tube tips (reduced, straight or tapered)AModel with terminal block mounted ∅ ID Insert diameterB Model with head transmitter mounted IL Insertion length = E + L + 10 mm (0.4 in)C Model with flying leads L Immersion lengthE Neck tube length ∅ X Protection tube diameterPos. No.Tip shape, L = Immersion length Insert Diameter M Reduced, L ≥ 70 mm (2.76 in)∅ 3 mm (0.12 in)R Reduced, L ≥ 50 mm (1.97 in)1)1)not with material Hastelloy ® C276/2.4819∅ 3 mm (0.12 in)S Straight∅ 6 mm (0.24 in)T Tapered, L≥ 90 mm (3.54 in)∅ 3 mm (0.12 in)W Tapered DIN43772-3G, L ≥ 115 mm (4.53 in)∅ 6 mm (0.24 in)12Endress+HauserWeightFrom 0.5 to 2.5 kg (1 to 5.5 lbs) for standard options.Process connectionSpare parts•A thermowell is available as spare part TW10 (see Technical Information in chapter ’Documentation’).•The RTD insert is available as spare part TPR100 (see Technical Information in chapter ’Documentation’).If spare parts are required, refer to the following equation: Insertion length IL = E + L + 10 mm (0.4 in)WiringWiring diagramsType of sensor connectionSpare partMaterial-No.Gasket M21-G½", copper 60001328Gasket M27-G¾", copper 60001344Gasket M33-G1", copper60001346Gasket set M24x1.5, aramid+NBR (10 pieces)60001329Endress+Hauser 13Installation conditionsOrientationNo restrictions.Installation instructionsInstallation examplesA - B: In pipes with a small cross section the sensor tip should reach or extend slightly past the center line of the pipe (= L).C - D:Tilted installation.The immersion length of the thermometer influences the accuracy. If the immersion length is too small then errors in the measurement are caused by heat conduction via the process connection and the container wall. If installing into a pipe then the immersion length must be at least half of the pipe diameter.•Installation possibilities: Pipes, tanks or other plant components•Minimum immersion length = 80 to 100 mm (3.15 to 3.94 in)The immersion length must be at least 8 times the protection tube diameter. Example: Protection tubediameter 12 mm (0.47 in) x 8 = 96 mm (3.8 in). Recommended standard immersion length according toDIN 43772: 120 mm (4.72 in)•ATEX certification: Always take note of the installation regulations!!Note!When operating in small nominal bore pipes it must be guaranteed that the protection tube tip is long enoughto extend past the pipe center line (see Pos. A and B). A further solution could be an angled (tilted) installation(see Pos. C and D). When determining the immersion length all thermometer parameters and the process tobe measured must be taken into account (e.g. flow velocity, process pressure).Neck tube length The neck tube is the part between the process connection and the housing. It is normally made of a tube withdimensional and physical characteristics (diameter and material) which are the same as of the tube in contactwith the medium.The connection situated in the upper part of the neck allows for orientation of the terminal head.As illustrated in the following figure, the neck tube length may influence the temperature in the terminal head.It is necessary that this temperature is kept within the limit values defined in the chapter "Operatingconditions".Heating of the terminal head consequent to the process temperature14Endress+HauserCertificates and approvalsCE Mark The device meets the legal requirements of the EC directives if applicable. Endress+Hauser confirms that thedevice has been successfully tested by applying the CE mark.Hazardous area approvals For further details on the available Ex versions (ATEX, CSA, FM, etc.), please contact your Endress+Hausersales organization. All relevant data for hazardous areas can be found in separate Ex documentation. If required,please request copies from us or your Endress+Hauser sales organization.Other standards and guidelines •IEC 60529:Degrees of protection by housing (IP-Code).•IEC 61010-1:Safety requirements for electrical measurement, control and laboratory instrumentation.•IEC 60751:Industrial platinum resistance thermometer•DIN43772:Protection tubes•EN 50014/18, DIN 47229:Terminal heads•IEC 61326-1:Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC requirements)PED approval The Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/CE) is respected. As paragraph 2.1 of article 1 is not applicable tothese types of instruments, the CE mark is not requested for the RTD assembly destined for general use. Material certification The material certificate 3.1 (according to standard EN 10204) can be directly selected from the sales structureof the product and refers to the parts of the sensor in contact with the process fluid. Other types of certificatesrelated to materials can be requested separately. The "short form" certificate includes a simplified declarationwith no enclosures of documents related to the materials used in the construction of the single sensor andguarantees the traceability of the materials through the identification number of the thermometer. The datarelated to the origin of the materials can subsequently be requested by the client if necessary.Test on protection tube The pressure tests are carried out at ambient temperature in order to verify the resistance of the protection tubeto the specifications indicated by the norm DIN 43772. With regards to the protection tubes that do not complywith this norm (with a reduced tip, a tapered tip on a 9 mm (0.35") tube, special dimensions, ...), the pressureof the corresponding straight tube with similar dimensions is verified. The sensors certified for use in Ex Zones,are always tested to pressure according to the same criterions. Tests at different pressures can be carried outupon request. The liquid penetrant test verifies the absence of crevices on the weldings of the protection tube. Test report and calibration With regards to the tests and calibration, the "Inspection Report" consists of a compliance declaration for theessential points of the standard IEC 60751.The "Factory calibration" is carried out in an EA (European Accreditation) authorized laboratory ofEndress+Hauser according to an internal procedure. A calibration may be requested separately according to anEA accredited procedure (SIT calibration). Calibration is carried out on the thermometer insert.Endress+Hauser15Ordering informationProduct structure RTD thermometer TR10Approval:A Non-hazardous areaB ATEX II 1 GD EEx ia IICE ATEX II 1/2 GD EEx ia IICG ATEX II 1 G EEx ia IICH ATEX II 3 GD EEx nA IIK TIIS Ex ia IIC T4L TIIS Ex ia IIC T6Head; Cable Entry:B TA30A Alu, IP66/IP68; M20C TA30A Alu, IP66/IP68; NPT ½"D TA30A Alu, IP66/IP67; M12 plug PAE TA21E Alu, screw cap IP65; M12 plug PAF TA30A Alu+display, IP66/IP68; M20G TA30A Alu+display, IP66/IP68; NPT ½"H TA30A Alu+display, IP66/IP67; M12 plug PAJ TA20J 316L, IP66/IP67; M20K TA20J 316L, + display, IP66/IP67; M20M TA20J 316L, IP66/IP67; M12 plug PAN TA20R 316L, screw cap IP66/IP67; M20 silicone freeO TA30D Alu, high cover, IP66/IP68; M20P TA30D Alu, high cover, IP66/IP68; NPT ½"Q TA30D Alu, IP66/IP67; M12 plug PAR TA20R 316L screw cap IP66/IP67; M20S TA20R 316L screw cap IP66; M12 plugT TA30A Alu, IP66/IP67; 7/8" plug FFU TA30A Alu+display, IP66/IP67; 7/8" plug FFV TA30D Alu, IP66/IP67; 7/8" plug FF7TA20B PA black, IP65; M20Pipe Diameter; Material:A9 mm; 316L, DIN43772-2GB11 mm; 316L, DIN43772-2GD9 mm; 316Ti, DIN43772-2GE11 mm; 316Ti, DIN43772-2GF12 mm; 316Ti, DIN43772-2G/3GG9 mm; Alloy C276, DIN43772-2GH11 mm; Alloy C276, DIN43772-2GNeck Length E:180 mm, DIN43772-2G282 mm, DIN43772-3G3145 mm, DIN43772-2G4147 mm, DIN43772-3G8... mm9..... mm, as specifiedProcess Connection:BG Thread M20; 316TiBH Thread G ½" A; 316TiBJ Thread G 1" A; 316TiCA Thread G ½"; 316LCB Thread G ¾"; 316LCC Thread G 1"; 316LCD Thread NPT ½"; 316LCE Thread NPT ¾"; 316LHD Thread NPT ½"; Alloy C276HH Thread G ½" A; Alloy C276JA Thread R ½"; JIS B 0203, 316LJB Thread R ¾"; JIS B 0203, 316L16Endress+HauserTip Shape:M Reduced, L ≥ 70 mmR Reduced, L ≥ 50 mmS StraightT Tapered, L ≥ 90 mmW Tapered DIN43772-3G, L ≥ 115 mmImmersion Length L:A70 mmC120 mmD160 mmE220 mmF250 mmG280 mmH310 mmJ400 mmK580 mmX... mmY..... mm, as specified150 mm260 mm480 mm5100 mmHead Transmitter; Range:B TMT84 PAC Terminal blockD TMT85 FFF Flying leadsG TMT181 (PCP); temp. range to be specifiedH TMT182 (HART); temp. range to be specified2TMT180-A21 fix; 0.2 K, temp. range to be specified, Span limit -200/650 °C3TMT180-A22 fix; 0.1 K, temp. range to be specified, Span limit -50/250 °C4TMT180-A11 PCP; 0.2 K, temp. range to be specified, Span limit -200/650 °C5TMT180-A12 PCP; 0.1 K, temp. range to be specified, Span limit -50/250 °CRTD; wire; meas. range; class; validity:A1x Pt100 WW; 3; -200/600 °C; A: -200/600 °CB2x Pt100 WW; 3; -200/600 °C; A: -200/600 °CC1x Pt100 WW; 4; -200/600 °C; A: -200/600 °CF2x Pt100 WW; 3; -200/600 °C; 1/3B; 0/250 °CG1x Pt100 WW; 3; -200/600 °C; 1/3B; 0/250 °CY Special version, to be specified21x Pt100 TF; 3; -50/400 °C; A; -50/250 °C increas. vibr. resistance31x Pt100 TF; 4; -50/400 °C; A; -50/250 °C increas. vibr. resistance61x Pt100 TF; 3; -50/400 °C; 1/3B; 0/150 °C increas. vibr. resistance71x Pt100 TF; 4; -50/400 °C; 1/3B; 0/150 °C increas. vibr. resistanceMaterial Certificate:0Not needed1EN10204-3.1 Material2EN10204-3.1 Material, shortformTest Report:A Internal hydrost. pressure testB External hydrost. pressure testC Dye penetrant test, TW welding0Not neededTest/Calibration:A0, 100 °C, RTD-SignalB0, 100 °C, RTD-Signal, 4-20 mA/loopC0, 100 °C, RTD-Signal, 2 SensorsE0, 100, 150 °C, RTD-SignalF0, 100, 150 °C, RTD-Signal, 4-20 mA/loopG0, 100, 150 °C, RTD-Signal, 2 Sensors0Not neededTR10-← Order code (complete)This ordering information can give an overview about the available order options. The Endress+Hauser salesorganization can provide detailed ordering information and information on the order code.Endress+Hauser17DocumentationTechnical Information:•RTD Insert for Temperature Sensor Omniset TPR100 (TI268t/02/en)•Thermowell for temperature sensors Omnigrad M TW10 (TI261t/02/en)•Temperature head transmitter iTEMP® PCP TMT181 (TI070r/09/en)•Temperature head transmitter iTEMP® Pt TMT180 (TI088r/09/en)•Temperature head transmitter iTEMP® HART® TMT182 (TI078r/09/en)•Temperature head transmitter iTEMP® TMT84 PA (TI138r/09/en)•Temperature head transmitter iTEMP® TMT85 FF (TI134r/09/en)Hazardous area supplementary documentation:•Omnigrad TRxx RTD Thermometer ATEX II1GDor II 1/2GD (XA072r/09/a3)•Omnigrad TRxx, Omniset TPR100, TET10x, TPC100, TEC10x ATEX II 3GD EEx nA (XA044r/09/a3) Application example Technical information:•Field display RIA261 (TI083r/09/en)•Active barrier with power supply RN221N (TI073R/09/en)Instruments InternationalEndress+HauserInstruments International AGKaegenstrasse 24153 ReinachSwitzerlandTel.+41 61 715 81 00Fax+41 61 715 25 00info@TI256T/02/en/08.0871073145FM+SGML 6.0 ProMoDo。
E+H 一体式孔板流量计
LevelPressureFlowTemperatureLiquid AnalysisRegistrationSystem ComponentsServicesSolutions技 术 资料Deltatop DO61W、DO62C、DO63C、DO64P、DO65F孔 板 差压 流 量 测 量及De ltabar差压 变 送器 蒸 汽 、气 体 和 液 体的 通 用差 压 流量 测 量 系 统应用·气体、蒸汽和液体的流量测量 ·公称直径:DN 10(3/8")...DN 1000(40") ·介质温度:-200℃… +1000℃ ·压力可达420 bar(6300 psi) ·符合DGRL 97/23/EC设计标准 ·NACE材料认证Deltabar差压变送器·防爆认证:ATEX、FM、CSA、NEPSI ·安全标准:SIL ·与所有通用过程控制系统的连接接口: PROFIBUS、HART、基金会现场总线优点·可根据具体应用场合选择不同类型的仪表: — 一体化型:降低安装成本 — 分离型:适用于用户实际过程条件(高温、高压)及恶 劣安装条件 ·压损最小,测量精度最高、测量动态性最优 ·预设量程的Deltabar差压变送器 ·测量方法符合ISO 5167国际标准 ·孔板结构对称,可用于双向测量 ·仪表结构坚固;无可移动部件TI 422P/28/zh/10.07/(02.08)Deltat op DO61W,DO62C ,DO6 3C,DO64P,DO65F功能与系统设计测量原理当流体流经管道内的节流件(孔板)时,流速将在节流件处形成局部收缩,导致流速增 加。
根据伯努利能量 方程,此时的静压力将降低,在节流件前后产生压力差。
差压变送 器用于测量此压力差。
E+H pH测量电极选型样本
适用范围 水/废 水测 量 过程 应用, 蒸汽 消毒
请注意过程操 作条件!
测量 范围 0...12 pH,-15...80℃ 0...14 pH,0 ...13 5℃
环 境温 度 储 存温 度 防 护等 级
注 意:霜冻会 损害 电极 ,请 不要在 低于-15℃ 的温 度下使 用电 极
0 . ..5 0℃
TI 079 C/28/ zh/03. 05/(10 .08) 8
Endress + Hauser
Orbisint CPS41和CPS41D
测 量系 统
一 个完整的测 量系 统包 括: ·CPS41 pH电 极或CPS41D数 字 电极 · 变 送 器 ,如Liqu isys M CPM2 23/253(带Memosens 技 术CPS4 1D) · 特 殊 的 测量 电缆 ,如CP K9 或Memosens 数 据电 缆 用 于CPS4 1D · 浸 入 式 ,流 通式 或可 伸 缩 过程 支 架, 如UnifitHC P A4 41
Temperature Liquid Analysis
pH测 量电 极
Orbisint CPS11和CPS11D Orbisint CPS41和CPS41D Cerage l CPS71和CPS71D Orbipa c CPF81和CPF81D
安 装指 南
Orbisint CPS11、CPS11D
安 装 时 不 要将 电极 颠倒 。 倾 度角 至 少与 水平 方 向 呈1 5°, 因 为较 水平 的 倾 度 角 会 在玻 璃 半 球 中 形 成气 泡层 。这 样 会 降低 内 部电 极pH膜 的 湿 度 。
E H电磁流量计的选择与安装技术资料
[标签:标题]篇一:E+H压力变送器操作说明书cerabar S压力变送器操作手册目录1、安全手册 (4)1.1 设计用途 (4)1.2 安装、调试和操作 (4)1.3 操作安全性 (4)1.4 安全惯例和图标的注释 (4)2、认证 (5)2.1 仪表设计 (5)2.2 供货范围 (6)2.3 CE标志 (6)2.4 注册商标 (6)3、安装 (7)3.1 接收和存储仪表 (7)3.2 安装条件 (7)3.3 安装手册 (7)3.4 安装后的检查 (10)4.接线 (10)4.1 仪表的接线 (10)4.2 电子腔室的接线 (11)4.3 等电势 (13)4.4 接线后检查 (13)5.操作 (13)5.1 现场显示模块(可选) (14)5.2 操作按钮 (15)5.3 现场操作-不带就地现场显示 (17)5.4 现场操作-带现场显示 (18)5.5 HistoROM (可选) (19)5.6 TOF TOOL操作程序 (21)5.7 通过手持终端HART手操器操作 (21)5.8 Commuwin II操作程序 (22)5.9 锁定/解锁操作 (22)5.10 工厂设定(重置) (23)6 调试 (24)6.1 功能检测 (24)6.2 语言选择与测量模式选择 (24)6.3 位置调节 (25)6.4 压力测量 (26)6.5 液位测量 (28)7 维护 (30)7.1 表面清洁 (30)8.故障排除 (30)8.1 错误信息 (30)8.2 输出响应错误 (36)8.3 确认错误信息 (37)8.4 维修 (37)8.5 带防爆认证的仪表维修 (38)8.6 备件 (38)8.7 返修仪表 (38)8.8 存储 (39)8.9 软件 (39)9.技术数据 (40)10 附件 (40)10.1现场显示,TOF TOOL和现场手操器的操作菜单 (40)10.2 HART Commuwin II操作矩阵 (40)10.3 专利 (41)索引1、安全手册1.1 设计用途Cerabar S 是一种测量压力和液位的压力变送器。
与 通用 过程 控制 系统 的接 口: ·HART、PROFIBUS PA/DP、基金会现场总线
测 量系 统的 安全 性: ·符合 压力设备 指令 和SIL-2安 全规 范 · 可选 充气 连接 或爆 破片
在不 同过 程条 件下,Promass系列流 量计 均可
在测 量过 程中 同时 完成多过程变量(质量 、密 度、 温度)的测量。
Proline系 列变 送器 具有下列优点: ·采 用模 块化 结构 设计和操作方式的仪 表, 具
有 更高 的测 量效 率 ·仪 表的 扩展 软件 包可为提供批量控制 和浓 度
测 量功 能, 扩大 了仪 表的使 用范 围 ·仪 表自 带的 故障 诊断和数据备份功能 有效 地
性能参数 .................................................................15
参 考操作条件....................................................................15 最 大测量误差....................................................................15 重 复性 ..............................................................................17 介 质温度的影响 ...............................................................17 介 质压力的影响 ...............................................................17 设 计准则...........................................................................17
/V / VS
266VAC50Hz / VR /Z /C -SRD
强制冷风扇3×380-415VAC50Hz 底脚-法兰安装强制冷风扇1×220-
底脚-法兰安装强制冷风扇1×24VDC 高惯量飞轮风扇 风扇防护罩 SEW辊道电机
➢ 电机接线盒连接附件
/ IS
/ AMA1
/ AMD1
/ ASA1 接
/ ASD1 接]
➢ 编码器安装附件
集成插头连接 接线盒双卡封HAN模块插接 接线盒单卡封HAN模块插接 接线盒双卡封HAN 10ES模块插
KAZ·· B14法兰安装,空心轴
KHZ·· B14法兰安装,带锁紧盘空心轴
KVZ·· B14法兰安装,带花键(DIN5480)空心轴
➢ 斜齿轮-蜗轮蜗杆减速器(S系列)
S·· SF·· SAF·· SHF·· SA·· SH·· SAZ·· SHZ··
FAF·· B5法兰安,空心轴
FHF·· B5法兰安,带锁紧盘空心轴
FVF·· B5法兰安装,带花键(DIN5480)空心轴
FA·· 空心轴安装
FH·· 带锁紧盘空心轴安装
FV·· 带花键(DIN5480)空心轴安装
FAZ·· B14法兰安装,空心轴
FHZ·· B14法兰安装,带锁紧盘空心轴
FVZ·· B14法兰安装,带花键(DIN5480)空心轴
选型要求:工作机实际产生的径向力小于 样本提供的许用径向力 如何改善出轴受力情况 :力作用点尽量靠近轴肩
(4) 径向力的校核(当作用点偏离出轴中点时径向力的校核) 正确安装齿轮、链轮和皮带轮有助于改善减速机输出轴所承受的径向力
Turbimax CUS51D
浊度和悬浮固体浓度传感器 浸入式安装,用于低、中、高浊度和悬浮固体浓度测量
应用 Turbimax CUS51D 传感器适用于各种污水处理场合。 • 出水口浊度测量 • 活性污泥池和回流污泥中的悬浮固体浓度测量 • 污泥处理过程中的悬浮固体浓度测量 • 出水口的过滤性固体浓度测量 优势 • 传感器基于多种测量原理工作 (90° 散射光测量原理、
传感器的工厂标定为 “ 福马肼 ” 标定,并由此确定过滤性固体的 “ 高岭土 ” 标定。 其他类型的预先标定将根据相应介质进行优化。 多达五点标定。
出厂福马肼标定 出厂高岭土标定 二氧化硅 ( SiO2) 模式 二氧化钛 ( TiO2) 模式 活性污泥模式 回流污泥模式 消化污泥 / 淤泥模式
安装角度为 90°。
通过 CYA251 流通式安装支架安装
Turbimax CUS51D 管道安装
环境温度 储存温度 防护等级 过程温度 过程压力 最小流量
135° 散射光测量原理和四脉冲光束测量原理 ),可以根 据实际测量任务择优选择 • 传感器已进行工厂标定 ( 基本福马肼 )。已经针对用户 的具体订购信息 ( 例如:活性污泥 ) 进行出厂预标定, 调试快速、简便 • 采用标准信号传输 (Memosens 技术 ) 方式,传感器 “ 即 插即用 ” • 智能型传感器 - 传感器中储存所有特征参数和标定值 • 用户可以自行进行传感器标定,有多达五点的安全可 靠实验室标定或现场标定
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科氏力质量流量计 液体和气体的质量流量测量 介
质质量的控制和监测 密度测量 不受环境振动影响 免维护
涡街流量计 用来测量气体 蒸气和液体的流 量 安装成本低 压损小 长时间 稳定性 及宽动态测量范围
热式质量流量计 用来测量气体的流量 操作简
便 无压损 及宽动态测量范围
明渠式 用超声波传感器配合卡发基文丘里 水槽 用于水 渠及废水处理厂体积 流量测量 高精度记录流量 耐酸 碱性强
温度传感器 DIN形式传感器 适用于危险场
合 有铂电阻温度计 热敏元件等 多种类传感器
系统和罐区管理 满足库存控制 罐区和终端监测及 控制 航空加油和航海加油需要的 罐区仪表 软件 物位和温度测量 仪表及通讯装备
数据采集 记录仪表 采样器 记录仪 机 触点输出 显示仪表 器 计数器 软件
打印 隔离
过程解决方案 通 讯 HART, Profibus,
接触式物位开关 低成本限位测量
方法之一 适用于粉状和粒状介
质 耐 温 达 80
结构坚固 尤其适用于高的容器
高达70m) 不受灰尘影响 耐 温
流量测量 电磁流量计 PROLINE系列产品提供了高量程 比的高精度测量 可用于严格的卫 生场合 并提供适用于危险场合的 安全认证
温度 TST/C 140 RTD或TC带一个可 替换芯子 且为焊接型过程连 接的温度计 尤其适用于蒸汽 和恶劣工况的温度测量 且能 带一体化变送器
适用于电厂的测量仪表和过程 解决方案 对于电厂 需评价的主要因素 是可靠性和低成本 另外 环 境保护和电力的合理利用也同 样至关重要 所有这些都离不 开先进的自动化测量技术
LiquiphantM-音叉物位开 关 参见第24和25页连续及 限位物位测量产品选型指 南
水与污水 采用Endress+Hauser分析技术 使它变得像水晶般清澈
适用于水与污水的 Endress+Hauser测量产品
Endress+Hauser提供污水及源 水处理测量技术 包括
物位 流量 压力和差压 水分析 pH 氧化还原 电
导 溶氧 浊度 采样 温度 记录
利用智能接口 这些测量仪表 能与污水处理工业的自动化过 程控制系统集成 这样获得的 所有过程控制参数可以集中显 示
Liquisys S - 变 送 器 采用模块化结构 可 测量pH 氧化还原 溶氧和余氯等参数 参见第27页的分析仪 表选型指南
Endress+Hauser提供从燃料供 给到能量管理的适用于电厂的 最先进的全套测量及控制仪 表 并将它们并入先进的数字 网络和最新的现场总线 Endress+Hauser仪 表 覆 盖 物 位 流量 压力 分析和温度 等领域 提供即使是最复杂电 厂测量需要的解决方案 对有 效和低成本的电厂管理有着重 大贡献
pH氧化还原 各种pH玻璃电极传感器
余氯 传感器和变送器可测量余氯和二
电导率 测量系统适用于纯水 酸液或碱
溶氧 浊度及固体含量 溶氧及浊度仪可提供监测/优化工
业和市政用水等污水处理厂的基本 参数
组件 对各种应用提供组合式最佳解决
方案 如可伸缩式支架
采样站 移动及固定采样站应用于典型采
最为重要的是选用正确合适的材料- Endress+Hauser使用具有最佳质 量的SS316L不锈钢 另外 所有 Endress+Hauser聚合物密封件及 涂层都依据最高的质量标准制成 在药品工业中 凡与过程介质接触 的材质表面均达到制药行业要求 Endress+Hauser所选用的聚合物 材质及不锈钢具有很强的耐所有典 型的酸性和碱性清洗剂的性能 且 大多数传感器有一个不锈钢外壳适 用于在超纯空间环境清洗外部 无 菌过程连接 如三夹式或制造商指 定的连接方式 同样遵循各种严格 的卫生指标
样点的取样 例如 废水处理厂 分析组件单元由浊度 pH 电导 或以上传感器任意两种组合以及显 示和数据采集模块组成
压力测量 表压和绝压的测量 陶瓷或扩散硅膜片 抗过载 宽 动态负载范围 易调整 高精度和 长时间的稳定性
差压测量 适用于流量和物位应用
温度测量 变送器 智能型变送器 位系统通讯
物位 超声波传感器Prosonic T在 敞口场合进行物位测量 2线 制一体化变送器
压力 D e l t a p i l o t S和 Waterpilot可解决所有水槽 和深井管理问题 绝对密封的 杆式和缆式两种类型 内含坚 固及稳定的陶瓷膜片
提高源水和废水处理能力 今天 对安全饮用水有着巨大 的需求 同时 为了避免污 染 污水处理技术也必须提 高 而通过先进的测量和自动 化技术能使相关处理的水的质 量得到显著改善 Endress+Hauser提供当今最先 进且特别适用于水处理行业的 测量仪表包括pH 溶氧 浊度 余氯 磷酸盐和硝酸盐 在饮 用水处理及污水处理中使用准 确 耐用 制造精良的 Endress+Hauser测量仪表可获 取引人注目的经济效益 这些 效益能很快抵消仪表费用 例 如 正确的中和控制可减少昂 贵的化学剂消耗 仍然可以在 污水处理过程中保持极佳的效 果
物位 雷达Micropilot 非接触式物 位测量 适用于食品储藏 缓 冲及储罐里的腐蚀性介质及极 限工况
流量 电磁流量计Promag 35 S可应 用于恶劣的工况 例如 固体 含量较高的导电液体
造纸工业过程控制 对于当今的造纸工业来说 纸张的质量依赖于生产过程 中使用的过程控制技术 而Endress+Hauser设计制造 的仪表在恶劣的造纸环境 中 如含有固体和粘性液体 及腐蚀性和磨损性介质的环 境中也能可靠地使用 Endress+Hauser数字化微处 理器技术能与目前频繁使用 在造纸过程控制中的原有的 模拟技术相结合 且我们提 供适用于纸浆处理 纸张成 型 涂层 包装及污水处理 的一整套仪表
采样站 CE35-进行在线测量的监测 站 并可对所需参数进行数据 采集 例如 pH 温度 电 导 氧化还原 溶氧 浊度 流量 和余氯
压力 Cerebar S/Deltabar S结构 坚固 能进行自监测 长时间 的稳定性确保最佳的使用效 果
分析 CPA477可伸缩的pH探头支架 适用于被污染的液体 在恶劣 的过程条件下也可进行清洗 标定或替换
矿产工业 信任Endress+Hauser物位测量技术
适用于矿产工业的 Endress+Hauser测量产品
物位 Gamma测量 外部安装 用 于 管内密度测量 管内堵塞探 测 气堵探测及高压容器内物 位测量
流量 电磁流量计Promag 35 适用 于工况苛刻的应用场合 例 如 固体含量高的导电液体
制药工业 各个环节都离不开Endress+Hauser 物位测量仪表
适用于制药工业的 Endress+Hauser测量产品
物位 音叉Liquiphant M 可用于所有高 达 150 /60bar及 粘 度 小 于 10000CST的液体的限位监测
温度 TST14RTD是带卫生型过程连接及标 准粗糙度<=1.5um或<=0.8um的一种 选择面很宽的温度计 矿物材料绝 缘 可更换芯子 能选配一体化变送 器
采样 ASP2000-精确的真空采样装 置 可靠地对具有典型的液 体进行采样 ASP2000的技 术已被证明是安全且可靠 的
温度 TST 1 3 R T D 温 度 计 带 可 更 换 芯 子 能提供适用于侵蚀型媒介 的PTFE涂层 或根据需要提供 钽材 可带一体化或根据变送 器
流量 PROline Promag W根据 饮 用 水应用需要 带硬橡胶或 聚氨酯衬里
能源 享用Endress+Hauser完美的数据采集技术
适用于能源工业的 Endress+Hauser测量产品
数据采集 Memograph-触键便可得 到可靠的记录及信息 监测及限位报警 免维 护
物位 Levelflex 缆式导波微波式物 位测量 适用于料位高达20m且 有飞尘的应用场合 耐温达 120
流量 新的Proline P r o m a g H 适 用于绝对卫生的场合 它 最重要的特点是包括一个 不锈钢外壳和特殊卫生型 设计及利用FDA和BGA认证的 材料制成的无间隙垫圈连 接
压力 CerebarM 不锈钢外壳和一些齐平式过程连 接构成一个完整的卫生型设计
确保制药工业卓越的加工过程 设计卫生型装置在制药工业中非常 重要 尤其是严格的制造过程 (GMP) 必须通过最优质的生产设 备和测量系统来实现 由于在药品 生产行业应用中积累了丰富的经 验 Endress+Hauser 遵循所有卫 生和无菌设计的国际药品规章 研制 出了很多非常优秀的仪表
超声波流量计 外部安装 非接触测量 安装简 便 不干扰工艺过程 适用于腐蚀 性介质 高压 卫生场合
分析测量 对分析化学参数领域的pH值 氧化还 原 电导率 溶氧 余氯和溶解氯 浊度和悬浮固体颗粒含量进行测量及 处理 多种型号的传感器 组件及变 送器可在各种工况下使用 满足用户 的各种需要 包括电极监测 测量和 控制 过程显示及操作选择等
Ecograph 参见第30页的数 据采集仪表的 选型指南
纸浆及造纸 质量保证源于Endress+Hauser温度测量技术
适用于造纸工业的 Endress+Hauser测量产品
温度 TST 10 RTDS 温度计带可更 换芯子 螺纹过程连接 可带 一体化变送器