Smooth muscle tumors of soft tissue and

Smooth muscle tumors of soft tissue and non-uterine viscera:biology and prognosis Markku Miettinen

National Cancer Institute,Laboratory of Pathology,Bethesda,MD,USA

Smooth muscle tumors are here considered an essentially dichotomous group composed of benign leiomyomas and malignant leiomyosarcomas.Soft tissue smooth muscle tumors with both atypia and mitotic activity are generally diagnosed leiomyosarcomas acknowledging potential for metastasis.However,lesions exist that cannot be comfortably placed in either category,and in such cases the designation‘smooth muscle tumor of uncertain biologic potential’is appropriate.The use of this category is often necessary with limited sampling,such as needle core biopsies.Benign smooth muscle tumors include smooth muscle hamartoma and angioleiomyoma.A specific category of leiomyomas are estrogen-receptor positive ones in women.These are similar to uterine leiomyomas and can occur anywhere in the abdomen and abdominal wall.Leiomyosarcomas can occur at any site,although are more frequent in the retroperitoneum and proximal extremities.They are recognized by likeness to smooth muscle cells but can undergo pleomorphic evolution(‘dedifferentiation’).

Presence of smooth muscle actin is nearly uniform and desmin-positivity usual.This and the lack of KIT expression separate leiomyosarcoma from GIST,an important problem in abdominal soft tissues.EBV-associated smooth muscle tumors are a specific subcategory occurring in AIDS or post-transplant patients.

These tumors can have incomplete smooth muscle differentiation but show nuclear EBER as a diagnostic feature.In contrast to many other soft tissue tumors,genetics of smooth muscle tumors are poorly understood and such diagnostic testing is not yet generally applicable in this histogenetic group.Leiomyosarcomas are known to be genetically complex,often showing‘chaotic’karyotypes including aneuploidy or polyploidy,and no recurrent tumor-specific translocations have been detected.

Modern Pathology(2014)27,S17–S29;doi:10.1038/modpathol.2013.178

Keywords:bone and soft tissue;leiomyoma;leiomyosarcoma

Smooth muscle hamartoma

There are(at least)two separate lesion types:one cutaneous and the other in the breast.Cutaneous smooth muscle hamartoma forms a small plaque-like,pigmented,sometimes hairy cutaneous lesion in young children,and the lesion is probably conge-nital in most cases.There is overlap with Becker’s nevus.Histologically there is a band-like infiltrate of mature pilar smooth muscle extending from dermis to the superficial subcutis(Figure1).1–9Smooth muscle hamartoma of the breast parenchyma entails bundles of non-atypical smooth muscle present within the breast parenchyma between the lobules, often along with fibrous stroma and scattered fat cells.10Pilar(cutaneous)leiomyoma

This is a relatively rare skin tumor,which is often clinically painful.It occurs in adults of all ages with a wide site distribution.The most common sites of biopsies seem to be skin of upper extremities and trunk.

Pilar leiomyoma forms a poorly circumscribed, multinodular,or trabecular smooth muscle prolifera-tion emanating from the arrector pili smooth muscle apparatus in the dermis(Figure2).Multiple lesions are more common than solitary,except that solitary lesions seem to be more common in the genital and nipple area.11,12Histologically pilar leiomyomas may contain nuclear atypia but mitotic activity is exceptional.Mitotically active tumors with atypia have been traditionally classified as leiomyosar-comas.However,there is some tendency to‘down-grade’them as atypical smooth muscle tumors when purely dermally located,as such lesions do not have metastatic potential.13

Most cases with multiple lesions are associated with hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC)syndrome,which is caused by a fumarate

Correspondence:Dr M Miettinen,MD,National Cancer Institute, Laboratory of Pathology,9000Rockville Pike,Building10,Room 2B50,Bethesda,MD20892,USA.


Received24June2013;revised27June2013;accepted27June 2013Modern Pathology(2014)27,S17–S29

&2014USCAP,Inc.All rights reserved0893-3952/14$32.00,

hydratase (FH )gene loss-of-function germline muta-tion.This is coupled with a somatic loss of the other allele of FH in the tumor cells,and therefore FH

behaves as a classic tumor suppressor gene,with bi-allelic inactivation causing the disease.14–16

Most HLRCC patients develop coalescent clusters and streaks of multiple pilar leiomyomas in the extremities or trunk at a relatively young age.Some tumors have atypical features by the presence of nuclear atypia and even some mitotic activity,but truly malignant behavior does not seem to be a clinical problem.However,these tumors can be troublesome as they are painful.Therefore,some patients are treated with experimental agents,such as botulinum toxin.17

Women with HLRCC syndrome typically develop multiple uterine leiomyomas of early onset,and this was already clinically observed much before the discovery of the HLRCC syndrome.18HLRCC syndrome carries an estimated 15%lifetime risk for an aggressive renal cell carcinoma histologically corresponding to type 2papillary carcinoma characterized by papillary or pseudorosette-forming architecture with variably eosinophilic cells with prominent nucleoli (Figure 3).19,20These tumors are notable for common nodal,abdominal,and distant visceral


Figure 2Pilar leiomyoma (here seen in the context of HLRCC syndrome)consist of dermal smooth muscle proliferation originating from pilar smooth muscle and forming coalescent nodules,often without much


Figure 1Cutaneous smooth muscle hamartoma contains a continuous streak of pilar smooth muscle involving mid to deep dermis and subcutis.

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This is the most common peripheral soft tissue leiomyoma typically occurring in the subcutis of extremities (especially lower leg),trunk wall,and less commonly head and neck.Some authors indicate that angioleiomyomas in the lower leg have a predilection to women.21Angioleiomyoma is also clinically notable for often being painful.

Angioleiomyoma forms usually a small 1–2cm homogeneous and well-circumscribed rubbery no-dule.Histologically it is composed of eosinophilic smooth muscle cells intimately associated with the vein wall.The recognized variants are solid (very small lumens),venous (medium-size lumens),and cavernous (large lumens and thin smooth muscle elements in-between).20The latter two variants may overlap with myopericytoma showing less complete

smooth muscle differentiation.22,23

Unusual morphologic patterns include fat infiltration (some-times incorrectly designated angiomyolipoma),and focal calcification (Figure 4).24

Typical angioleiomyoma is positive for smooth muscle actin and desmin and negative for S100protein.25Some examples are positive for CD34,and this is especially true for those that are classified as myopericytomas.23

Differential diagnosis includes nerve sheath tu-mors and fibromas,with which angioleiomyomas are sometimes confused.Another pitfall is meta-static leiomyosarcoma,which can form well-demar-cated subcutaneous nodules superficially resemb-ling angioleiomyoma.Clues in identification of a metastatic tumor include multiplicity and presence of atypia and mitotic activity.A peculiar angioleio-myoma-like lesion can occur in the lymph node hilum,and this has been designated as angiomyo-matous hamartoma of lymph node.These lesions

have usually occurred in the inguinal area and occasionally in the neck.26,27

Estrogen receptor-positive (Mullerian)leiomyomas in women

This is a special subcategory of histologically non-atypical smooth muscle tumors supposedly of Mullerian derivation that specifically occurs in women and is closely related to uterine leiom-yoma,including the morphologic patterns.These tumors occur relatively commonly in the pelvis and parametria and were long ago likened to uterine leiomyomas and sometimes referred to as ‘parasitic leiomyomas’under the assumption that they once were located in the uterus and subsequently became separated and reattached to adjacent structures.However,this is probably not the case,but rather their occurrence is a manifestation of peritoneal origination of smooth muscle tumors.

Reports of uterine type-leiomyomas elsewhere in the retroperitoneum date back 410years.28,29Although specifically reported in the retro-peritoneum,these tumors can also occur elsewhere in the abdomen in locations such as omentum,peritoneal surfaces,mesenteries,and in peri-intestinal or even in intestinal location.In the ingui-nal region,such leiomyomas may arise from the round ligament.30Ocurrence in the abdominal wall is also possible.Retroperitoneal leomyomas can reach a very large size (several kilograms),whereas some present as small nodules.Similar tumors are also known in the external female genitalia.31,32The significance of the specific identification of this group includes the assumption that prognostic criteria for uterine smooth muscle tumors can be applied to this group.28,29,33Retroperitoneal leiomyomas typically have mitoses o 5/50HPFs.Although higher counts are allowed in uterine smooth muscle tumors,there is no specific data on such tumors so that they should be approached with caution.

The histologic patterns of estrogen receptor-positive leiomyomas include those encountered in the uterus:solid,macro-and microtrabecular,and hyalinized.Lipoleiomyoma histology with focal mature adipose tissue component may also be encountered.Nuclear atypia is absent,and mitotic activity is very low,usually o 5/50HPFs,with general difficulty to find mitoses (Figure 5).

Immunohistochemical studies are positive for SMA,desmin,heavy caldesmon,and estrogen and usually also progesterone receptor (Figure 6),and contain nuclear WT1-immunoreactivity.

A special clinicopathologic variant of estrogen receptor-positive leiomyoma is peritoneal leiomyo-matosis,in which innumerable small nodules of a few millimeters are present in the omentum or elsewhere on the peritoneal surfaces.This is


Figure 3Kidney cancer in hereditary leiomyomatosis shows an esosinophilic cells in a papillary pattern with large nuclei and prominent nuceoli (so-called renal papillary carcinoma type 2).

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clinically indolent condition,which is sometimes associated with peritoneal endometriosis,some-times coexisting in the same lesions.These tumors are often histologically composed of solid smooth muscle nodules without atypia,and mitotic figures are rare (Figure 7).Immunohistochemical features are similar to those of ER-positive leiomyomas (see below).34,35

The differential diagnosis of ER-positive smooth muscle tumors includes PEComa and aggressive angiomyxoma.The former is at least focally HMB45-positive and the latter forms a dominant pelvic mass typically composed of oval cells that are positive for desmin and ER but often only focally if at all SMA-positive.Also,abdominal metastases of uterine leiomyosarcomas have to be considered.These usually display nuclear atypia and greater mitotic activity,and not infrequently,presence of multiple tumors as opposed to one.ER-positive primary retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma is a rare possibility,and this is also recognized by atypia and mitotic activity.

Leiomyosarcoma of peripheral soft tissue

Smooth muscle tumors that contain both nuclear atypia and mitotic activity are generally desig-nated leiomyosarcomas to denote their malignant (metastatic)potential.An exception to this rule is purely cutaneous (dermal)leiomyosarcoma that does not have significant metastatic poten-tial.13,36–38Some authors more recently have designated such tumors ‘atypical smooth muscle tumors’noting that they had a 30%local recurrence rate but developed no metastases.13However,subcutaneous extension should not be accepted for these cutaneous tumors,as this is already known to introduce metastatic potential.At any rate,complete excision with negative margins is necessary also for the dermal tumors,as they may otherwise progress into metastasizing tumors.There has been sometimes a quest for more accurate prediction (eg,plotting mitotic rate with recurrences/metastases),but very small sample size in most series of soft tissue leiomyosarcomas has


Figure 4Angioleiomyoma.(a )A solid pattern.(b )Example originating from vein wall.(c )Focal atypia.(d )Examples with lipomatous components should not be confused with angiomyolipoma.

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that effort.A great majority of soft tissue leiomyo-sarcomas are high or intermediate grade,and low-grade tumors are rare.Series of peripheral soft tissue leiomyosarcomas have noted that subcutaneous leiomyosarcomas have a metastatic rate varying from 0to 39%.


Figure 5Mullerian leiomyoma of soft tissues shows patterns similar to uterine leiomyoma.(a )Macrotrabecular.(b )Microtrabecular.(c )Example with mildly myxoid stroma.(d )Lipoleiomyoma with a mature fatty


Figure 6Mullerian leiomyomas are characterized by nuclear estrogen receptor-positivity,as seen in uterine leiomyomas.These tumors show similar


Figure 7Peritoneal leiomyomatosis can form numerous smooth muscle nodules on the peritoneal surfaces.

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The largest recent series from the Scandinavian Sarcoma Group showed a metastatic rate of 20%for subcutaneous and 60%for deep intramuscular leiomyosarcomas.42Tumors with lower mitotic rates may show longer recurrence-free survivals.Disruption of tumor (previous partial surgery)was found an adverse factor in one series.41It is likely that many peripheral (non-cutaneous,non-retroperi-toneal)leiomyosarcomas arise from vascular smooth muscle,although it is difficult to observe vascular origin in practice.Gross origin of tumor from a vein wall has been noted two small series.43,44One series detected venous origin microscopically in 90%of cases.41

Histologically,leiomyosarcoma shows a smooth muscle-like appearance,being composed of irregu-larly intersecting fascicles of spindled cells with variably eosinophilic cytoplasm and variable mito-tic activity (Figure 8a).Focal pleomorphism is common even in low-grade tumors with low mitotic activity (Figure 8b).In some cases,this eosinophilic cytoplasm is clumped to form so-called contraction

bands.45Nuclei are typically blunt-ended,‘cigar-shaped’.These histologic features are sufficient for the recognition of most leiomyosarcomas.In rare cases,leiomyosarcoma can undergo pleomorphic evolution (‘dedifferentiation’)so that specific diagnosis can be difficult unless differentiated component is also recognized (Figure 8c and d).This evolution is more common in retroperitoneal tumors that typically reach a larger size than the peripheral examples.40,46

Immunohistochemically,leiomyosarcomas are al-most invariably and strongly positive for a -smooth muscle actin,but SMA-positivity alone is not sufficient as myofibroblastic tumors (nodular fascii-tis,myofibroblastic sarcomas)are also positive.A good majority (70–80%)are also positive for desmin.Most cases are positive for heavy-caldesmon and smooth muscle myosin.The latter two markers can be useful in the differential diagnosis of leiomyo-sarcoma and myofibroblastic sarcomas,because the latter are negative for heavy caldesmon and smooth muscle myosin.47,48Occurrence of keratin-


Figure 8Examples of leiomyosarcoma.(a )Example composed of uniform cells with blunt-ended nuclei with mild general atypia and high mitotic activity.(b )Focal nuclear pleomorphism is a common feature even in low-grade tumors.(c )Example with transition into a pleomorphic sarcoma (‘dedfifferentiated leiomyosarcoma’).(d )Extensively pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma,which would be difficult to recognize unless for differentiated areas elsewhere in the tumor.

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EMA-positive cells should not lead into the diagnosis of carcinoma;two studies have found these in40–60%of leiomyosarcomas.49,50 Genetically,leiomyosarcomas are complex with no recurrent translocations and have large numbers of copy number alterations in comparative genomic hybridization studies.51A common finding is loss of retinoblastoma protein.52There is also an association between retinoblastoma syndrome and leiomyosarcoma,which seems to be the most common sarcoma in retinoblastoma survivors.53 Similarly,leiomyosarcomas often show loss of functional p53and are associated with TP53/p53 germline mutations(Li-Fraumeni syndrome).

Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma

Being pathologically essentially similar to periph-eral leiomyosarcoma,retroperitoneal tumors are

clinically distinctive but have been frequently intermixed with GISTs in the older series so that only few pure series exist.54Our AFIP experience showed that there are more GISTs in the retro-peritoneum than true leiomyosarcomas.In general, immunohistochemical presence of KIT and Ano-1/ DOG1and absence of desmin help to identify GIST, but SMA and h-caldesmon can be present in both smooth muscle tumors and GIST.

Retroperitoneal leiomyosarcoma often arises from larger veins,most commonly inferior vena cava and sometimes from the renal or iliac veins.Tumors with intraluminal involvement of middle segment of inferior vena cava are often complicated by vascular compromise of liver(Budd-Chiari syndrome)and have a worse prognosis.In addition,large tumor size is also an adverse prognostic factor.In general,the prognosis of leiomyosarcomas of inferior vena cava55–59and other retroperitoneum is poor.54 Tumors with lower mitotic rates(1-2/10HPFs)may have longer survivals(10tyears in some cases)but in our experience often develop late metastases, nevertheless.

Smooth muscle tumors of soft tissue of uncertain biologic potential

This is a practical designation and not a biologic entity reflecting situations where definitive deter-mination of biologic potential cannot be made. Usually,this is due to limited sampling with insufficient opportunity to detect diagnostic criteria such as atypia or mitotic activity,and therefore malignancy cannot be excluded in the context.In some cases,soft tissue smooth muscle tumors can have conflicting diagnostic features that lead to similar conclusion(eg,tumors with no or low atypia with significant mitotic activity).As there are far fewer such soft tissue tumors than uterine ones,the diagnostic criteria predictive for malignancy are not equally developed.Similar rationale applies to other visceral smooth muscle tumors.

Gastrointestinal smooth muscle tumors

Although most mesenchymal tumors in the GI tract

are now classified as GISTs rather than smooth muscle tumors,true leiomyoma occurs in all segments of the GI tract in two forms:mural and muscularis mucosae.

Mural leiomyoma involves gut wall and is most common in the esophagus,where it is five times or

more common than GIST.These tumors vary from

small nodules to large masses410–15cm.Mural leiomyomas are rare in the stomach and small intestine(1for every50GISTs).GI leiomyomas

occur in all ages but often in younger patients than GISTs.60–62Most of them are sporadic but they occur

in connection with two rare familial syndromes.

Alport syndrome is a basement membrane defect (mutated collagen type4),also associated with hearing loss and renal disease.Alport syndrome-associated esophageal leiomyomas may already manifest in childhood and occur in siblings.63–65 Interestingly,similar somatic changes involving collagen4gene have also been detected in sporadic esophageal leiomyomas indicating that disruption of basement membrane collagen may be

related their pathogenesis.66

Even rarer syndrome associated with GI mural leiomyoma is multiple endocrine neoplasia type1

(also known as Werner syndrome,with pituitary, parathyroid,and pancreatic/duodenal neuroendo-

crine tumors,with mutated MEN1tumor-suppressor gene).In addition,these MEN-1patients can have multiple cutaneous fibromas(somewhat reminis-

cent but distinctive from usual dermatofibromas).67 Histologically,GI leiomyomas are composed ran-

domly oriented or fascicularly organized eosinophi-

lic smooth muscle cells.These often


Figure9Esophageal leiomyoma is composed of bland smooth

muscle cells,some of which contain eosinophilic inclusions that

are typically desmin-positive.

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cytoplasmic globoid inclusions that are positive for desmin (Figure 9).Focal atypia may occur,but mitoses are exceptional if they occur.If both nuclear atypia and mitoses occur,it is appropriate to designate these tumors either smooth muscle tumors of uncertain biologic potential or low-grade leio-myosarcomas.

Immunohistochemically,typical is the presence of full complement of smooth muscle cell antigens (SMA,desmin,and h-caldesmon).The tumor cells are negative for KIT,but caveat in differential diagnosis from GISTs is that some GI leiomyomas are colonized by KIT-positive Cajal cells that can be moderately numerous,although always as a minor-ity population among the smooth muscle compo-nent (Figure 10).

Muscularis mucosae leiomyomas usually occur in the colon and rectum,where these tumors are far more common than GISTs.They exceptionally occur in the small intestine but almost never in the stomach.These leiomyomas form small,usually o 1cm,polypoid mucosal lesions that can rarely approach 2cm in diameter.Histologically they are composed of mature smooth muscle and have continuity with muscular mucosae layer (Figure 11).The immunohistochemical profile is similar to that of soft tissue leiomyomas.68

GI leiomyosarcoma is far less common than GIST.These tumors occur in all segments of the GI tract,although they are extremely rare in the esophagus and stomach.In the small intestine,their frequency seems to be 1for every 30GISTs,although in the colon and rectum their relative frequency to GIST is higher 1:10.Most GI leiomyomas form polypoid intraluminal masses of a few cm in diameter.Some form extensive transmural masses.69–71

Most GI leiomyosarcomas are high-grade tumors with mitotic rate frequently ranging 50–100/50HPFs.Nevertheless,smaller tumors have a relatively good prognosis,better than GISTs with similar mitotic rates.Tumors with low mitotic rates are rare

so that there are limited data on their behavior.However,such tumors have at least potential to recur,although distant metastases have not been reported.71

GIST is the first differential diagnosis.Eosinophi-lic cytoplasm,immunohistochemical presence of smooth muscle markers,and absence of KIT and Ano1-/DOG1are a good diagnostic help in problem cases to support a smooth muscle tumor.When multiple leiomyosarcomas are present,then the possibility of metastasis from another source has to be considered.EBV-associated tumor has to be kept in mind in AIDS and post-transplant patients (these are EBER-positive).

Other visceral smooth muscle tumors

Leiomyomas can occur in a wide variety of internal locations,although they are rare.One of them is bronchial leiomyoma,which is usually a small,clinically indolent well-demarcated smooth muscle nodule originating from the smooth muscle compo-nents of the bronchial wall.72

Benign metastasizing leiomyoma is a term for often multiple,clinically indolent pulmonary tu-mors that occur in women with previous uterine or extrauterine ER/PR-dependent smooth muscle tu-mors.They are histologically generally similar to cellular uterine leiomyomas and are immunohisto-chemically positive for desmin,SMA,and estrogen receptor.Their genetic profile seems to be similar to uterine leiomyomas in that they often contain rearrangements of the HMGA1locus (at 6p21)and have losses in chromosome 7q.73,74

In the urinary bladder,both benign smooth muscle tumors (leiomyomas)and leiomyo-sarcomas occur,and these are distinguished by the presence of atypia and any mitotic activity in the latter.Leiomyosarcomas seem to be almost twice more common than leiomyomas.Lower mitotic activity (and lower grade)of leiomyosarcomas correlate with a less aggressive behavior.75

Leiomyosarcomas have been reported in almost all visceral sites although in small numbers.They may arise from vessel (vein)walls of practically any organ-based location.For example,renal parenchy-mal leiomyosarcomas may be of renal vein origin and clinicopathologically these tumors are probably closely related to retroperitoneal leiomyosarcomas.Criteria for identifying malignant potential are similar to those applied for smooth muscle tumors of soft tissues.

Visceral (especially liver,lung also and also osseous)occurrence of a smooth muscle tumor should prompt consideration of metastasis from another source.In women,history of uterine tumor may be a diagnostic clue,and some metastases retain ER expression supporting uterine origin.The possibility of EBV-associated smooth muscle tumor has to be considered especially in post-transplant and AIDS


Figure 10KIT-positive Cajal may colonize gastrointestinal leio-myomas,and this should not lead into confusion with a GIST.

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EBV-associated smooth muscle tumors

This is a special,rare subset of smooth muscle tumors that occur in immunosuppressed indivi-

duals.Traditionally,the condition has been more common in AIDS patients,and a minority of patients has been solid organ transplant recipients (liver,kidney,heart).Many of the AIDS patients


Figure 11Muscularis mucosae leiomyoma forms a polypoid colonic lesion immediately adjacent to the mucosa.(a )Low magnification.(b )High


Figure 12EBV-associated smooth muscle tumor.(a )This tumor forms an eccentric intramural appendiceal mass.(b )These smooth muscle tumors are often composed of oval cells that appear less mature than typical smooth muscle cells.The tumor cells are positive for SMA but only variably positive for desmin.Nuclear positivity for Epstein–Barr virus RNA is a typical finding.

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young,including children,whereas the organ trans-plant recipients are usually middle-aged adults.The smooth muscle tumors can occur in peripheral soft tissue,intracranial space,or visceral sites,and tumor multiplicity is common.76–85Molecular genetic analysis has shown that multiple tumor represent independent clones rather than dissemination of a single neoplastic clone.85In multiple tumor cases, tumors arising in the transplant are of donor cell origin,whereas those at the other sites arise from recipient cells,which also points to polyclonal origin of multiple tumors.82

Although these tumors were originally divided into EBV-associated leiomyomas and leiomyo-sarcomas,current classification holds them all collectively as smooth muscle tumors as they are usually indolent although somewhat unpredictable in behavior.True metastatic behavior is rare, and was observed only in4of51AIDS-associated (8%)77and1of19cases(5%)in a mixed AIDS and transplantation-associated series.85Based on a large survey of AIDS-associated cases,mitotic rate does not seem to distinguish cases with malignant outcome.77

Histologically,the EBV-associated smooth muscle tumors have a spectrum from a well-differentiated conventional-appearing spindle cell smooth muscle tumors to those composed of ovoid cells with incomplete smooth muscle differentiation (Figure12).Intratumoral T lymphocytes may be present and even be prominent,but this is not a uniform feature.These tumors are smooth muscle actin positive but often desmin negative.Some have also been classified as myoperi-cytomas reflecting differentiation intermediate to smooth muscle cell and pericyte.86A diagnostic test is demonstration of EBV RNA by in situ hybridization,which highlights the tumor cell nuclei(Figure12).


Smooth muscle tumors of soft tissues and non-uterine visceral organs can be largely separated into leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas.The latter group refers to tumors with both nuclear atypia and mitotic activity denoting potential for metastasis (purely cutaneous tumors may be exceptions in lacking metastatic potential).The designation ‘smooth muscle tumor of uncertain biologic poten-tial’is appropriate in small specimens and when facing conflicting criteria.Estrogen receptor-positive (Mullerian-type)non-atypical smooth muscle tu-mors can occur in women anywhere in the abdomen and abdominal wall and generally behave in a benign manner even if the tumor is large.Epstein–Barr virus-associated smooth muscle tumors are a special group of neoplasms associated with immunosuppression(AIDS,post-transplant immunosuppression).These tumors generally have a low biologic potential and involve both peripheral soft tissues and viscera,sometimes forming multiple independent tumors and often showing incomplete smooth muscle differentiation.Demon-stration of EBV-RNA(EBER)is their typical diag-nostic feature.


This work has been supported as a part of NCI’s intramural research program.

Disclosure/conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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许用材料的屈服强度(刚度)与各种应力的关系 一 拉伸 钢材的屈服强度与许用拉伸应力的关系 [δ ]= δu/n n为安全系数 轧、锻件 n=1.2—2.2 起重机械 n=1.7 人力钢丝绳 n=4.5 土建工程 n=1.5 载人用的钢丝绳 n=9 螺纹连 N=1.2-1.7 铸件 n=1.6—2.5 一般钢材 n=1.6—2.5 二 剪切 许用剪应力与许用拉应力的关系 1 对于塑性材料 [τ]=0.6—0.8[δ] 2 对于脆性材料 [τ]=0.8--1.0[δ] 三 挤压 许用挤压应力与许用拉应力的关系 1 对于塑性材料 [δj]=1.5—2.5[δ] 2 对于脆性材料 [δj]=0.9—1.5[δ] 四 扭转 许用扭转应力与许用拉应力的关系: 1 对于塑性材料 [δn]=0.5—0.6[δ] 2 对于脆性材料 [δn]=0.8—1.0[δ] kisssoft销连接分为四个类型的计算,取决于使用它的地方。与其它连接相比(花键、平键)可以做到零侧隙传动。The bolt/pin connections are divided into four types of calculation depending on where they are used:这个螺栓/销连接分为四个类型的计算取决于使用它的地方。 2.2 横向销 轴与轴套之间径向穿销连接。横穿销结构加工方便,不受轴与轴套材料硬度不同的影响。注意它不适合轴与轴套间大的间隙配合,以免销承受剪切以外的其他类型的外力。 例:交替作用扭矩20Nm,轻微冲击,轴与轴套配合半径30mm,轴套直径50mm,求配销最小配销直径? 解:T=20Nm,载荷类型=alternating,KA=1.25,dw=30,S=(50-30)/2=10。使用GB119.2


1、不能读取条码的几种原因? 1)没有打开识读这种条码的功能。 2)条码不符合规范,例如缺少必须的空白区,条和空的对比度过低,条和空的宽窄比例不合适。 3)阳光直射,感光器件进入饱和区。 4)条码表面复盖有透明材料,反光度太高,虽然眼睛可以看到条码,但是采集器识读条件严格,不能识读。 5)硬件故障,和你的经销商联系进行维修。 2、为什么读取一个条码后,扫描器死机? 由于扫描器的保护功能,如果读取的条码数据传输错误,会自动进入保护状态,从而防止数据丢失。如果把没有传输成功的数据读取后,扫描器可以从新使用。如果发生这种现象,请仔细检查连线、协议。确认无误后,关掉扫描器,在打开就可以从新正常使用。 3、应该使用哪种扫描器? CCD一般用于资金比较紧张,适用要求不高的场合,如一般超市。枪式激光扫描器价格适中,扫描速度较快,准确性较高,用于要求较高的场合。平台激光扫描器价格稍高,使用方便,用于要求速度、准确度的场合,例如高档超市。吊顶平台价格高,一般用于工业领域。 4、设备不能上电?

1)电源连接不好 2)保险丝熔断 3)扫描器电源电路故障 5、应该送修的故障 1)指示灯异常,设备不能工作 2)有异常声音 3)没有激光线 4)扫描距离变得很近 6、开机后指示灯不亮? (1)请检查电源是否有接上。 (a)请确认使用本公司随机出货之标准电源。 (b)请确认正确使用AC110V或AC220V电源。 (c)请检查电源来源是否有电或供电正常。 (d)电源线是否两端都插好。 (2)将机器关机后等待5秒, 才再次开机。 (a)将纸张/碳带依照操作手册安装后, 指示灯应为绿灯。 (b)按住走纸键(FEED),机器可将纸张送出即为正常。 7、下命令后打印机无反应? (1)请检查计算机与打印机之间的连接线是否正确连接。 (2)请检查指示灯是否为正常绿灯。 (a)如为红灯, 请检查纸张或碳带是否依照操作手册安装;正确安装后指示灯应为绿灯。


引言 伴随着全世界范围内机械加工技术的发展和计算机技术的进步,模具工业已是高新技术产业化的重要领域。例如,在电子产品生产中,制造集成电路的引线框架的精密级进冲模和精密的集成电路塑封模,计算机的机壳、插件和许多元件器件的制造中的精密塑料模具、精密冲压模具等,都是产品生产不可或缺的工具装备。精密模具已使模具行业成为一个与高新技术产品互为依托的产业。1996年至2002年间,我国模具制造业的产值年平均增长14%左右,2003年增长25%左右,沿海一带城市的增长在25%以上。而近几年来,我国模具技术有了很大发展,模具技术有了很大的提高。生产的模具有些已接近或达到国际水平。大型、精密、复杂、高效和长寿命模具又上了新台阶。 虽然在很多方面我国的模具有了很大的发展,但仍有很比较突的问题。目前模具设计及模具制造大都依靠设计的经验进行设计。模具的好坏完全由个人的平时累计的经验控制。这样使得模具设计的周期长,效率低且模具的质量也难以保证。模具工业除需要“高技艺”的从业人员外,还需要更多的“高技术”来保证。本文就是以提高模具设计效率,缩短设计周期,降低模具成本,保证模具质量为目的,试探性的研究三维技术在冲压模具中的应用与开发。 1

2 绪论 2.1模具概述 塑料,Plastic,是以高分子合成树脂为主要成分,在一定的温度和压力下,可塑成一定形状且在常温下保持形状不变的材料。 模具,mould,是利用其特定形状去成型具有一定形状和尺寸的制品的工具。 成型塑料制品的模具叫做塑料模具。对塑料模具的全面要求是:能生产出在尺寸精度、外观、物理性能等各方面均能满足使用要求的优质制品。从模具使用的角度,要求高效率、自动化、操作简便;从模具制造的角度,要求结构合理、制造容易、成本低廉。 注射成型生产中使用的模具称为注射成型模具,简称注射模,也称为注塑模。注射模主要适用于热塑性塑料的成型加工,近年来也逐渐用于加工部分热固性塑料塑料制件。注射模具有很多优点,如对塑料的适应性较广,塑料制件的外观质量较好,生产效率特别高,易于实现自动化生产等,广泛用于塑料制件的生产中。 注射模具的结构由塑件的复杂程度及注射机的结构形式等因素决定。注射模具可分为动模和定模两大部分,定模部分安装在注射机的固定模板上,动模部分安装在注射机的移动模板上,注射时动模与定模闭合构成浇注系统和型腔,开模时动模与定模分离,由推出机构推出塑品。 根据模具上各个零部件所起的作用注塑模具一般有以下几部分组成:定模机构、动模机构、浇注系统、导向装置、顶出机构、抽芯机构、冷却和加热装置、排气系统等。 注塑成型全过程分为:塑化过程、充模过程、冷却凝固过程、脱模过程,由这四个过程就形成了一个循环,完成了一次成型一个乃至数十个塑件的过程。 1.1.1我国模具业存在的问题 1、模具水平落后 在模具制造水平上,虽然我国有些设备已达到或接近世界先进水平,但总体上要比德、美、日、法、意等,发达国家落后许多。国内模具的使用寿命只有国外发达国家的1/2至1/10,甚至更短。模具生产周期却比国际先进水平长许多。此外,开发


1 引言 行星齿轮传动在我国已有了许多年的发展史,很早就有了应用。然而,自20世纪60年代以来,我国才开始对行星齿轮传动进行了较深入、系统的研究和试制工作。无论是在设计理论方面,还是在试制和应用实践方面,均取得了较大的成就,并获得了许多的研究成果。近20多年来,尤其是我国改革开放以来,随着我国科学技术水平的进步和发展,我国已从世界上许多工业发达国家引进了大量先进的机械设备和技术,经过我国机械科技人员不断积极的吸收和消化,与时俱进,开拓创新地努力奋进,使我国的行星传动技术有了迅速的发展[1] 。 2 设计背景 试为某水泥机械装置设计所需配用的行星齿轮减速器,已知该行星齿轮减速器的要求输入功率为 1 740KW p =,输入转速11000rpm n = ,传动比为35.5p i =,允许传动 比偏差0.1P i ?=,每天要求工作16小时,要求寿命为2年;且要求该行星齿轮减速器传动结构紧凑,外廓尺寸较小和传动效率高。 3 设计计算 3.1选取行星齿轮减速器的传动类型和传动简图 根据上述设计要求可知,该行星齿轮减速器传递功率高、传动比较大、工作环境恶劣等特点。故采用双级行星齿轮传动。2X-A 型结构简单,制造方便,适用于任何工况下的大小功率的传动。选用由两个2X-A 型行星齿轮传动串联而成的双级行星齿轮减速器较为合理,名义传动比可分为17.1p i =,25p i =进行传动。传动简图如图1所示:

图1 3.2 配齿计算 根据2X-A 型行星齿轮传动比 p i 的值和按其配齿计算公式,可得第一级传动的内 齿轮1b ,行星齿轮1c 的齿数。现考虑到该行星齿轮传动的外廓尺寸,故选取第一级中心齿轮1a 数为17和行星齿轮数为3p n =。根据内齿轮()11 1 1 b a p i z z =- ()17.1117103.7103b z =-=≈ 对内齿轮齿数进行圆整后,此时实际的P 值与给定的P 值稍有变化,但是必须控制在其传动比误差范围内。实际传动比为 i =1+=7.0588 其传动比误差i ?= ip i ip -= 7.17.0588 7.1 -=5℅ 根据同心条件可求得行星齿轮c1的齿数为 ()1 11243c b a z z z =-= 所求得的1ZC 适用于非变位或高度变位的行星齿轮传动。再考虑到其安装条件为: 11 2 za zb += C =40 ()整数


3. 强度计算 输入你自己的材料数据 在Kisssoft的数据库中已经包含了一些塑料的数据,如果你想在kisssoft中储存你的一些关于塑料齿轮的数据,你可以使用以下方法: 这里我们用已经做好的POM表 首先点击“Extras”->“Data base tool”,选择相应的数据然后进行计算,如图3-1。或者输入自己的数据,点击“material basic base”并在对话框的底部点击“+”,就会出现一个对话框,在这个对话框中就可以输入数据。如图3-2 (图3-1)

(图3-2) 结合有效的齿型计算强度 在KISSsoft系统中如何激活“graphical method(图解法)”。当你输入强度时,在对话框的右下方点击“Details”按钮,然后在“Form factor Yf and Ys”的下拉菜单中选择“using graphical method”如图所示

现在,计算时首先计算出的是齿轮的齿形系数Yf和它的应力修整系数Ys. 你也可以在KISSsoft系统中显示齿根应变系数,点击“Path of contact”输入你所需的设置参数,并进行运算。如下图: “Path of contact”的设置版面 然后你点击“Graphics”->“Path of contact”, 选择你所需要的图表,例如选择应力强度曲线(stress curve)的2D形式。

Tooth root stresses and Hertzian pressure

Tooth root stresses, progression in the tooth root


目录 一、技术指标 (1) 二、仪表外形 (2) 三、接线图 (4) 四、参数设定 (7) 五、选型 (16) 六、通讯协议 (23)

HR系列交流电工测量显示控制仪采用全隔离技术。直接采集电压和电流互感器信号,计算频率,电压和电流,以及它们间相位差和单相有功功率 P=或三相有功功率P有=√3×U×I×COS(φ+30),无功功率计算公式:无功功率=视在功率-有功功率。 HR系列交流电工测量显示控制仪可随意改变仪表的输入信号量程。采用最新无跳线技术,只需设定仪表内部参数,即可适应现场要求。 HR系列交流电工测量显示控制仪可带有一路模拟量变送输出或继电器报警输出。适用于各种测量控制。 HR系列交流电工测量显示控制仪可带串行通信输出,可与各种带串行输入/输出的设备进行双向通信,组成网络控制系统。 一、技术指标:

显示方式 控制/报警方式参数设定0~9999字测量值显示 0~9999字设定值显示 高亮度LED数码显示 发光二极管工作状态显示 二组数码管测量值同屏显示(电压,电流,功率,周波或功率因数)可选择2限控制或报警输出,带LED指示 控制(或报警)方式为继电器ON/OFF带回差 面板轻触式按键数字设定 参数设定值断电后永久保存 使用环境使用环境 相对湿度 供电电压 环境温度 0~50℃ ≤85RH 避免强腐蚀气体 常规型 AC 220V%(50Hz±2Hz)

功耗特殊型 AC 90~260V——开关电源 ≤ 5W(AC 220V线性电源供电) ≤ 4W(AC 90~265V开关电源供电)二、仪表外形: 型号系列 系列 系列 HR-WP-AC-C90系列 HR-WP-Cos-C90系列 HR-WP-Hz-C90系列 系列 系列 系列 开孔尺寸 单位:mm单位:mm单位:mm


第二章 原始数据及系统组成框图 (一)有关原始数据 课题: 一种行星轮系减速器的设计 原始数据及工作条件: 使用地点:减速离合器内部减速装置; 传动比:p i =5.2 输入转速:n=2600r/min 输入功率:P=150w 行星轮个数:w n =3 内齿圈齿数b z =63 第五章 行星齿轮传动设计 (一)行星齿轮传动的传动比和效率计算 行星齿轮传动比符号及角标含义为: 123i 1—固定件、2—主动件、3—从动件 1、齿轮b 固定时(图1—1),2K —H (NGW )型传动的传动比b aH i 为 b aH i =1-H ab i =1+b z /a z 可得 H ab i =1-b aH i =1-p i =1-5.2=-4.2 a z =b z /b aH i -1=63*5/21=15 输出转速: H n =a n /p i =n/p i =2600/5.2=500r/min 2、行星齿轮传动的效率计算: η=1-|a n -H n /(H ab i -1)* H n |*H ψ H ψ=*H H H a b B ψψψ+ H a ψ为a —g 啮合的损失系数,H b ψ为b —g 啮合的损失系数,H B ψ为轴承的损失系数,H ψ 为总的损失系数,一般取H ψ=0.025 按a n =2600 r/min 、H n =500r/min 、H ab i =-21/5可得

η=1-|a n -H n /(H ab i -1)* H n |*H ψ=1-|2600-500/(-4.2-1)*500|*0.025=97.98% (二) 行星齿轮传动的配齿计算 1、传动比的要求——传动比条件 即 b aH i =1+b z /a z 可得 1+b z /a z =63/5=21/5=4.2 =b aH i 所以中心轮a 和内齿轮b 的齿数满足给定传动比的要求。 2、保证中心轮、内齿轮和行星架轴线重合——同轴条件 为保证行星轮g z 与两个中心轮a z 、b z 同时正确啮合,要求外啮合齿轮a —g 的中心距等于内啮合齿轮b —g 的中心距,即 w (a )a g - =()w b g a - 称为同轴条件。 对于非变位或高度变位传动,有 m/2(a z +g z )=m/2(b z -g z ) 得 g z =b z -a z /2=63-15/2=24 3、保证多个行星轮均布装入两个中心轮的齿间——装配条件 想邻两个行星轮所夹的中心角H ?=2π/w n 中心轮a 相应转过1?角,1?角必须等于中心轮a 转过γ个(整数)齿所对的中心角, 即 1?=γ*2π/a z 式中2π/a z 为中心轮a 转过一个齿(周节)所对的中心角。 p i =n/H n =1?/H ?=1+b z /a z 将1?和H ?代入上式,有 2π*γ/a z /2π/w n =1+b z /a z 经整理后γ=a z +b z =(15+63)/2=24 满足两中心轮的齿数和应为行星轮数目的整数倍的装配条件。 4、保证相邻两行星轮的齿顶不相碰——邻接条件 在行星传动中,为保证两相邻行星轮的齿顶不致相碰,相邻两行星轮的中心距应大于两轮齿顶圆半径之和,如图1—2所示


1 绪论 行星齿轮传动与普通定轴齿轮传动相比较,具有质量小、体积小、传动比大、承载能力大以及传动平稳和传动效率高等优点,这些已被我国越来越多的机械工程技术人员所了解和重视。由于在各种类型的行星齿轮传动中均有效的利用了功率分流性和输入、输出的同轴性以及合理地采用了内啮合,才使得其具有了上述的许多独特的优点。行星齿轮传动不仅适用于高速、大功率而且可用于低速、大转矩的机械传动装置上。它可以用作减速、增速和变速传动,运动的合成和分解,以及其特殊的应用中;这些功用对于现代机械传动发展有着重要意义。因此,行星齿轮传动在起重运输、工程机械、冶金矿山、石油化工、建筑机械、轻工纺织、医疗器械、仪器仪表、汽车、船舶、兵器、和航空航天等工业部门均获得了广泛的应用[1-2]。 1.1 发展概况 世界上一些工业发达国家,如日本、德国、英国、美国和俄罗斯等,对行星齿轮传动的应用、生产和研究都十分重视,在结构优化、传动性能,传动功率、转矩和速度等方面均处于领先地位,并出现一些新型的行星传动技术,如封闭行星齿轮传动、行星齿轮变速传动和微型行星齿轮传动等早已在现代化的机械传动设备中获得了成功的应用。行星齿轮传动在我国已有了许多年的发展史,很早就有了应用。然而,自20世纪60年代以来,我国才开始对行星齿轮传动进行了较深入、系统的研究和试制工作。无论是在设计理论方面,还是在试制和应用实践方面,均取得了较大的成就,并获得了许多的研究成果。近20多年来,尤其是我国改革开放以来,随着我国科学技术水平的进步和发展,我国已从世界上许多工业发达国家引进了大量先进的机械设备和技术,经过我国机械科技人员不断积极的吸收和消化,与时俱进,开拓创新地努力奋进,使我国的行星传动技术有了迅速的发展[1-8]。 1.2 3K型行星齿轮传动 在图4所示的3K型行星齿轮传动中,其基本构件是三个中心轮a、b和e,故其传动类型代号为3K[10]。在3K型行星传动中,由于其转臂H不承受外力矩的作用,所以,它不是基本构件,而只是用于支承行星轮心轴所必需的结构元件,


验证圆柱齿轮的KISSsoft中文基础教程KISSsoft教程系列圆柱齿轮的计算 1. 设计任务本系列教程将介绍如何对已 知数据的齿轮通过KISSsoft软件进行详细的分析和计算从而得出一系列的结果。因此 圆柱齿轮完整计算需要规定以下几个方面 1 所需原始的数据输入KISSsoft重 新计算 2 按照DIN3990标准规范 3 根据实际要求创建文档的级别标准。 1.1 输 入原始数据对于随后进行的数据输入说明请参阅本教程系列的第二章内容 1.1.1 载荷参数性能功率P 3.5 kw 驱主动速度n 2500 1/min 小齿轮 1 应用系数KA 1.35 寿命周期 750 h 1.1.2 几何法面模数mn 1.5 mm 斜齿螺旋角β 25 ? 度 法面压力角 20 ? 度齿数 16/43 中心距a 48.9 mm 变位系数x 小齿轮1 0.3215 齿宽b 齿1/齿2 14/14.5 mm 1.1.3分度齿廓齿根高系数hfP 齿根半径系数齿 顶高系数haP 齿1 主动轮 1.25 0.3 1.0 齿2 1.25 0.3 1.0 1.1.4附加数据材 料 ? 材料硬度弯曲疲劳强度极限齿面接触疲劳极限齿1 主动轮 15 CrNi 6 表面硬化 HRC 60 430N/mm2 1500N/mm2 齿2 15 CrNi 6 表面硬化 HRC 60 430N/mm2 1500N/mm2 润滑脂润滑微量润滑油 GB00 80?C 基圆正切长度公差范围: 齿 1 小齿轮 3 数最大基圆正切长度 Wkmax 最小基圆正切长度 Wkmin 齿 11.782mm 11.758mm 齿2 6 25.214mm 25.183mm 质量Q DIN3961 8/8 2主要轮 齿修形方法轮齿齿面轮廓修形线性和抛物线形接触方式正常不发生改变或不正确啮合小齿轮轴的性质图1.1 小齿轮轴的应变图 ISO 6336 图片13a I53mm S5.9mm dsh14mm 2. 解决方式 2.1 启动程序通常在注册以及安装之后通常的步骤有开始gt程序gtKISSsoft 04-2010gtKISSsoft才可以启动KISSsoft软件

CS8 网络版安装指南(东方捷码), CS8.5网络版安装指南 出于对保护用户成本的考虑,CODESOFT ENTERPRISE 推出了网络版,以基于工作站的数量计算LICENSE ,目前常见的有CODESOFT NETWORK 3 USERS ,CODESOFT NETWORK 5 USERS , CODESOFT NETWORKD 10 USERS 和CODESOFT 25 USERS 等。 1、 什么是网络版? CODESOFT 网络版是对CODESOFT 企业版的版本扩展,是企业版的网络版。 具体来说,就是在局域网内找一台电脑作为LICENSE 服务器,将网络版的加宽狗插在服务器上,局域网内其他安装了CODESOFT 企业版的电脑(客户端)通过与服务器建立的通信来获取CODESOFT 企业版的LICENSE 。 2、 网络版使用环境 2.1如图,在服务器端插加密狗,关在服务器端安装NETWORK UTILITIES -网络管理器。 在客户端安装CODESOFT 企业版,通过路由器,客户端从服务器获取CODESOFT 企业版LICENSE 。最大能获取多少LICENSE 由加密狗决定。 2.1图 2.2如图,在服务上安装了NETWORK UTILITIES ,又安装了CODESOFT 企业版,这样,此电脑拥有了双重角色——服务器端和客房端其他没有变化,和上面的拓扑结构是一样的。, 3、 CODESOFT 网络版组成部分 CODESOFT 基于常见的C/S 架构,分为客户端和服务器端。将硬件加密狗插在作为服务器端的电脑上,客户端集中向服务器端获取LICENSE 认证。 4、 CODESOFT 网络版的安装及设置过程 A . 在局域网内找一台电脑(WINDOWS 2000、XP 、2003 SERVER )作为服务器,插入CODESOFT 安装光盘 到作为服务器电脑的CD ROM 中,点击NETWORK AND USERS UTILITIES 进行服务器端的安装。 B . 如是是硬件加密狗,那么就在此界面选择第二项。 C . 在WINDOWS 系统“服务”里,确保 LICENSE 服务为启动状态。 D . 找到并完全共享下面的文件夹TkDongle 。 对于WINDOWS 2000、XP 、2003 SERVER 系统 “C:\Documents and Setting \ All Users \ Application Data \ TKI \ LicenseManager \ TkDongle ” 对于VISTA 系统 “C:\ ProgramData \ TKI \ LicenseManager \ TkDongle ” 注意:一定要让客户端的每台电脑都能够对SERVER 上共享出来的TkDongle 文件夹 进行读写操作。 E . 点击上图中的“权限”按钮。按下图设置权限。


简易智能精神状态检查量表(MMSE)操作说明 Ⅰ.定向力(最高分:10分) 1.每答对一题得1分 星期几?几号?几月?什么季节?哪一年? 2.请依次提问,每答对一题得1分 省?市?医院?科室?第几层楼 Ⅱ.记忆力(最高分:3分) 告诉被测试者您将问几个问题来检查他的记忆力,然后清楚、缓慢的说出3个相互无关的东西的名称(大约1秒钟说1个),说完所有的3个名称后,要求被测试者重复它们。被测试者的得分取决于他们首次重复的答案。(答对1个得1分,最多得3分)。如果他们没能完全记住,你可以重复,但你重复的次数不能超过5次。如果5次后他们仍然未记住所有的3个名称,那么对于回忆能力的检查就没有意义了。 “皮球”“国旗”“树木” Ⅲ.注意力和计算力(最高分:5分) 要求病人从100开始减7,之后再减7,一直减5次(即93,86,79,72,65)。每答对一个得1分,如果前次错了,但下一个答案是对的,也得1分。 正确的次数: Ⅳ.回忆能力(最高分:3分) 如果前次被测试者完全记住了3个名称,现在就让他们再重复一遍。每正确重复一个得1分,最高3分。 “皮球”“国旗”“树木” Ⅴ.语言能力(最高分:9分) 1.命名能力(0-2分):拿出你的手表给测试者看,要求他们说出这是什么?之后拿出钢笔问他们同样的问题 2.复述能力(0-1分):要求被测试者注意你说的话并重复一次,注意只允许重复一次。这句话是“四十四只石狮子”,只有正确、咬字清楚的才记1分

3.三步命令(0-3分):给被测试者一张空白平纸,要求对方按你的命令去做,注意不要重复或示范。只有按正确顺序做的动作才算正确,每个正确动作记1分。 右手拿纸两手对折放在大腿上 4.阅读能力(0-1分):在一张白纸上印有一行字“闭上您的眼睛”。要求被测试者读它并按要求做。只有他们确实闭上了眼睛才能得分。 5.书写能力(0-1分):给测试者一张白纸,让他们自发的写出一个完整的句子。句子必须主语、谓语、宾语,并有意义。注意你不能给任何提示。 6.复写能力(0-1分):在一张白纸上画有交叉的两个五边形,要求被测试者照样准确的画出来。评分标准:五边形需画出5个清楚的角和5个边。同时,两个五边形交叉处形成四边形。线条的抖动和图形的旋转可以忽略。 简易智能精神状态检查量表(MMSE)


1引言 行星齿轮传动在我国已有了许多年的发展史,很早就有了应用。然而,自20 世纪60年代以来,我国才开始对行星齿轮传动进行了较深入、系统的研究和试制工作。无论是在设计理论方面,还是在试制和应用实践方面,均取得了较大的成就, 并获得了许多的研究成果。近20 多年来,尤其是我国改革开放以来,随着我国科学技术水平的进步和发展,我国已从世界上许多工业发达国家引进了大量先进的机械设备和技术,经过我国机械科技人员不断积极的吸收和消化,与时俱进,开拓创新地努力奋进,使我国的行星传动技术有了迅速的发展[1]。 2设计背景 试为某水泥机械装置设计所需配用的行星齿轮减速器,已知该行星齿轮减速器的要求输入功率为p1740KW ,输入转速n1 1000rpm , 传动比为i p 35.5, 允许传动比偏差iP0.1, 每天要求工作16小时,要求寿命为2 年;且要求该行星齿轮减速器传动结构紧凑,外廓尺寸较小和传动效率高。 3设计计算 3.1选取行星齿轮减速器的传动类型和传动简图 根据上述设计要求可知,该行星齿轮减速器传递功率高、传动比较大、工作环境恶劣等特点。故采用双级行星齿轮传动。2X-A 型结构简单,制造方便,适用于任何工况下的大小功率的传动。选用由两个2X-A 型行星齿轮传动串联而成的双级行星齿轮减速器较为合理,名义传动比可分为i p1 7.1, i p2 5进行传动。传动简图如图1所示:

图1 3.2 配齿计算 根据 2X-A 型行星齿轮传动比 i p 的值和按其配齿计算公式,可得第一级传动的内 齿轮 b1, 行星齿轮 c1 的齿数。现考虑到该行星齿轮传动的外廓尺寸,故选取第一级中 心齿轮 a1数为 17 和行星齿轮数为 np 3 。根据内齿轮 z b1 i p1 1 z a1 zb1 7.1 1 17 103.7 103 对内齿轮齿数进行圆整后,此时实际的 P 值与给定的 P 值稍有变化,但是必须控 制在其传动比误差范围内。实际传动比为 i = 1+ za 1 =7.0588 zb 1 其传动比误差 i = ip i = 7.1 7.0588 =5℅ ip 7.1 根据同心条件可求得行星齿轮 c1 的齿数为 所求得的 ZC1适用于非变位或高度变位的行星齿轮传动。再考虑到其安装条件为: 第二级传动比 i p2为 5,选择中心齿轮数为 23 和行星齿轮数目为 3,根据内齿轮 zb1 z c1 z b1 z a1 2 43 za1 zb1 2 C = 40 整数


CodeSoft6.0 中文说明手册

标签设置:设置标签的大小,边距插入对象:条码:条码种类,高度等信息数据库的导入计数器的设置 选择打印机 按F5键或在工具栏上点击如图 如果打印列表中没有您对应的打印机,点击在右边的“添加”按钮,弹出对话 框:在左边“安装”列表中选择对应打印机类型,(下面以Zebra Z4M打印机为例)接口选择LPT1(即为串口接口):如图所示: 选择完毕后,点击“完成”按钮。 接着回到上层对话框,选择“完成”即完成打印机的选择。标签的设置 上点击如图按钮 按钮,弹出对话框:

一共有五个项目:备料、标签、页、页边空、 RFTag 标签: “标签”栏中可以设置标签的大小(宽度、高度、圆角弧度) -标签布局(每行,每列) El ws ) S I F I 择。 页:(注意:必须在自动调整大小前面打勾) 备料、RFTag 保留默认即可。 插入对象制作条码 打印机和标签设置好以后,该制作条码了。 选择好位置,单击鼠标左键, 弹出条形码的对话框(如下图): 一共四个项目:编码、选项、人工识别、字符、数据源。 这里只需要设置编码,其他选项默认即可。编码设置如下图: (这里以Z4M 和39码为例) 注意:必须选择“图形”而不是“打印机” 点 击 完 成 ,弹出对话 -支持有三个选项如图: ,根据标签需要选 页边空:是设置左边和顶部的标签页边距。默认值是: 0,0 在制作对象工具栏点击入图按钮: T Il _ni 0三 l"U 1旧 3 [盲id 涉丽巨 ,把鼠标移动到主窗口区,

按钮,在主窗口区点击输入文字。 数据库的导入 在左边的数据源导航栏中选择数据库,在其上面点鼠标右键 : 再点击“创建或更改ODBC 数据库”,弹出对话框: 在“选择数据源”里面点击看下拉列表中是否有所需数据源,点击其后的…工 具按钮,可以在本机上选择数据源(数据库文件), 点击添加 点击添加” ADD 按钮,弹出以下对话框: 选择入图(这里以 Microsoft Access Driver (*mdb ) 为例):弹出Access 安装 对话框: LL 20 二 30 一 L JL 要修改条码属性,在其上面双击 输入文字:请在制作对象工具栏中选择入图 JILL


目录 产品说明 产品组成-------------------------------------------------5 外观及按键----------------------------------------------6 产品特征-------------------------------------------------9 使用前的准备 电池充电--------------------------------------------10 安装SIM卡-----------------------------------------11 开通移动网络服务--------------------------------12 开通平台服务-----------------------------------13 使用说明 时间显示------------------------------------------------ 15 电话------------------------------------------------------16 脉搏测量-------------------------------------------------17 计步管理-------------------------------------------------18 GPS定位--------------------------------------------------19 设置------------------------------------------------- ------20 跌倒报警------------------------------------------------ 21 SOS一键拨号------------------------------------------22 亲情号码一键拨号-----------------------------------23 产品规格------------------------------------------------ 33 注意事项------------------------------------------------ 35 质量保证书/保修卡------------------------------ ---40 产品的组成 1 手表本体2 充电器&充电线 3 USB耳机4 使用说明书 5 合格证6 内置锂电池一块 外观及按键



2K-H型双极(负号机构)行星齿轮减速器设计 作者朱万胜 指导教师 左家圣 摘要: 本文完成了对一个2K-H型双级负号机构(NW型)的行星齿轮减速器的结构设计和传动设计。此减速器的传动比是15,而且,它具有体积小、重量轻、结构紧凑、外阔尺寸小及传动功率范围大等优点。首先简要介绍了课题的背景以及对齿轮减速器的概述,减速器是一种动力传达机构,利用齿轮的速度转换器,将马达的回转数减速到所要的回转数,并得到较大转矩的机构。然后根据原始数据及给定的系统传动方案图计算其传动效率 并选择电动机的功效,再然后就是对减速器的核心部分行星齿轮的设计,包括其各个齿轮的齿数、几何参数和配齿计算,最后根据强度理论校核齿轮的强度。然后对各齿轮进行受力分析并进行计算,然后设计计算输出轴输入轴并进行对其强度校核。最后在所有理论尺寸都算出来后绘制其总装配图。

关键字:减速器、行星齿轮、 NW型行星传动2K-H bipolar (negative body) design of planetary gear reducer Abstract: The completion of a two-stage negative bodies (NW-type) structure of the planetary gear reducer design and transmission design. This gear transmission ratio is 15, but it also has a small size, light weight, compact structure, small size and wide outside the scope of the advantages of large transmission power. Subjects were briefly introduced the background and an overview of the gear reducer, speed reducer is a dynamic communication agencies, using the gear, the speed converter, the motor's rotational speed decelerated to the desired rotational speed and get more torque institutions. Then the original data and drive a given system to calculate the transmission efficiency of the program graph and select the motor effect, and then that is a core part of the planetary gear reducer design, including all the gear teeth, with tooth geometry parameters and calculated Finally, according to the intensity of strength theory checking gear. Then the force analysis of each gear and calculated, and then design calculations and the input shaft and output shaft to check its strength. Finally, all theories are calculated size of the total assembly drawing after drawing. Keywords: reducer, planetary gear, NW planetary transmission 目录


封闭式行星齿轮减速器的设计毕业论文 目录 毕业论文设计任务书......................................................... I 开题报告 (Ⅱ) 指导教师审查意见 (Ⅲ) 评阅教师评语 (Ⅳ) 答辩会议记录 (Ⅴ) 中文摘要 (Ⅵ) 英文摘要 (Ⅶ) 1 前言 (1) 1.1设计的目的 (1) 1.2研究本课题的意义 (1) 1.3本课题研究的围 (1) 2 选题背景 (2) 2.1题目来源 (2) 2.2研究目的和意义 (2) 2.3国外现状和发展趋势 (2) 2.4应解决的主要问题 (5) 3 方案论证 (6) 3.1设计要求 (6) 3.2方案得拟定 (6) 3.3行星排级数得选择 (6) 3.4最终方案 (7) 4 设计论述 (9) 4.1总体传动比设计 (9) 4.2封闭式行星齿轮减速器各行星排配齿计算配齿计算 (10) 4.3扭矩的计算 (11) 4.4初步计算齿轮的主要参数 (12) 4.5几何尺寸的计算 (15) 4.6装配条件的验算 (15)

4.7齿轮强度验算 (16) 4.8效率的计算 (30) 4.9输入轴的强度校核 (31) 5 结果分析 (32) 5.1计算结果 (32) 5.2结果分析 (33) 6 有限元分析 (34) 6.1有限元简介 (34) 6.2二级行星架的有限元分析过程 (34) 6.3二级行星架有限元分析结果总结 (34) 7 总结 (37) 参考文献 (37) 致谢 (39)

1 前言 1.1 设计的目的 机械毕业设计是学生学习机械专业进行的一项综合训练,其主要目的是通过毕业设计使学生巩固、加深在四年机械课程学习中学到的知识,提高学生综合运用这些知识去分析和解决问题的能力。同时学习机械设计的一般方法,了解和掌握常用机械零部件、机械传动装置和简单机械的设计方法与步骤。 本课题研究的主要问题是电动葫芦中行星齿轮该减速器的设计,针对行星齿轮的结构设计,从而达到优化电动葫芦的结构。研究本课题的目的是使电动葫芦达到体积小,自重轻,结构紧凑,承载能力强,传动效率高,减速器得传动比较大和使用寿命长的目的。 1.2 研究本课题的意义 电动葫芦是工厂、矿山、港口、仓库、货场、商店等常用的起重设备之一,是提高劳动效率,改善劳动条件,实现工业自动化,提高效率,减轻劳动强度的重要工具。因而研究电动葫芦对减轻工人劳动强度、提高劳动效率、提高企业自动化程度、降低生产成本等具有重要的意义。 1.3 本课题研究的围 本次设计主要研究的围是钢丝绳电动葫芦。本次设计的封闭式行星齿轮减速器主要应用于钢丝绳电动葫芦。


目录 一.绪论 (3) 1.引言 (3) 2.本文的主要内容 (3) 二.拟定传动方案及相关参数 (4) 1.机构简图的确定 (4) 2.齿形与精度 (4) 3.齿轮材料及其性能 (5) 三.设计计算 (5) 1.配齿数 (5) 2.初步计算齿轮主要参数 (6) (1)按齿面接触强度计算太阳轮分度圆直径 (6) (2)按弯曲强度初算模数 (7) 3.几何尺寸计算 (8) 4.重合度计算 (9) 5.啮合效率计算 (10) 四.行星轮的的强度计算及强度校核 (11) 1.强度计算 (11) 2.疲劳强度校核 (15) 1.外啮合 (15) 2.内啮合 (19) 3.安全系数校核 (20)

五.零件图及装配图 (24) 六.参考文献 (25)

一.绪论 1.引言 渐开线行星齿轮减速器是一种至少有一个齿轮绕着位置固定的几何轴线作圆周运动的齿轮传动,这种传动通常用内啮合且多采用几个行星轮同时传递载荷,以使功率分流。渐开线行星齿轮传动具有以下优点:传动比范围大、结构紧凑、体积和质量小、效率普遍较高、噪音低以及运转平稳等,因此被广泛应用于起重、冶金、工程机械、运输、航空、机床、电工机械以及国防工业等部门作为减速、变速或增速齿轮传动装置。 渐开线行星齿轮减速器所用的行星齿轮传动类型很多,按传动机构中齿轮的啮合方式分为:NGW、NW、NN、NGWN、ZU飞VGW、W.W等,其中的字母表示:N—内啮合,W—外啮合,G—内外啮合公用行星齿轮,ZU—锥齿轮。 NGW型行星齿轮传动机构的主要特点有: 重量轻、体积小。在相同条件下比硬齿面渐开线圆柱齿轮减速机重量减速轻1/2以上,体积缩小1/2—1/3; 传动效率高; 传动功率范围大,可由小于1千瓦到上万千瓦,且功率越大优点越突出,经济效益越高; 装配型式多样,适用性广,运转平稳,噪音小; 外齿轮为6级精度,内齿轮为7级精度,使用寿命一般均在十年以上。 因此NGW型渐开线行星齿轮传动已成为传动中应用最多、传递功率最大的一种行星齿轮传动。 2.本文的主要内容 NGW型行星齿轮传动机构的传动原理:当高速轴由电动机驱动时,带动太阳轮回转,再带动行星轮转动,由于内齿圈固定不动,便驱动行星架作输出运动,行星轮在行星架上既作自转又作公转,以此同样的结构组成二级、三级或多级传动。NGW型行星齿轮传动机构主要由太阳轮、行星轮、内齿圈及行星架所组成,


Codesoft使用手册 一.软件的安装 1.首先到安装文件夹下面点击运行setup文件按确定开始安装 确定后会看到如下界面 点击下一步

再点下一步 点击下一步

安装完成。 2.然后安装补丁,在安装文件夹中找到补丁软件并安装 选择安装文件目标文件夹,然后单击安装。

安装随即完成。 二.软件的使用。 1.进入软件界面,将会出现空白标签如下图右侧所示: 2.按左上角的按钮创建新的文件; 3.按键选择正在如用的打印机,如图选择正确的型号然后完成。

单击属性按钮弹出如下对话框,其中包括页面设置,图形,卷,选项,关于;在卷中设置打印方式和打印模式,选项中设置打印深度和打印速度,完成之后确定。 4.单击按钮进入标签设置界面,如下图所示: 在标签中设置标签的长和宽以及标签布局,在页中把自动调整大小勾上,在页边空中选择左侧(按实际纸张设定)的页边空,然后点完成。 5.标签内容的制作。 A.单击图标然后将鼠标光标移动到右侧标签中并点击鼠标左键,及添加文本成功,如下图 选中文本可以拖动,或选择拉长,缩短。 B.单击图标然后将鼠标光标移动到右侧标签中并点击鼠标左键,

会弹出如下对话框,其中包含编码,人工识别,字符,数据源。在编码中选择条码种类,高度,宽度,比例;人工识别中选择字符的位置,在字符中选择字体,高度,宽的等等;点击确定及条形码添加成功。 生成的条形码如下图所示: 在软件界面的上方中间位置有4个按钮,可以分别调整条形码的长和高;双击条形码即可进入条形码的设置界面。 C.单击按钮并将图标拖入标签界面单击鼠标则会弹出图片选择界面,选择要插入图片位置并单击打开即可插入图片,如下图:
