




If the weather is fine tomorrow,he will take his girlfriend to the beach.


When he was a young fellow,he was very sensitive about what he said and did


He is interested in a particular girl and often goes with her to Shanghai Grand Theater to watch plays


As soon as he finished what he had to say,the guy next to him got all excited and laughed loudly


On that day,the boy was not willing to go to school,so his parents had to push him

1.Pretty soon the guys were all standing around me,making a scene,and saying,“Well,say it,Feynman!”不一会儿,大伙儿都围着我站了一圈,吵吵嚷嚷地对我说:“好的,范曼,说出来啊!”

2.I went home and told my mother about it.She gave me all kinds of instructions on how to do this and that.


3.She was following a tradition:women teach their Sons how to treat the next generation of women well.她遵守这样一个传统:母亲教儿子如何善待下一代女性。

4.She was still upstairs getting ready of course(it's always like that),so her family had me wait for her in the dining room,where they and their friends were eating pie.


5.I told her how,when I was younger,my parents made me learn piano for a period of time,but after six months I was still playing“Dance of the Flowers”and couldn't stand it anymore.




The students were sitting around the classroom and discussing questions when their teacher came in


Last year I bought this house,but I have not paid off the money I owe on it


My friend nodded to me and thought over the questions I put forward


It is not difficult to understand that housing has become a popular subject of conversation these days 5.你渐渐习惯了老房子的这些问题,就像习惯了自己的缺点一样。

You have got used to these problems of your old house,just like your own shortcomings

1、One Saturday night we were sitting around our rather worn living room with some old friends when one of them started trying to remember how long we'd lived there.


2、“To whom is it not as valuable?”I asked him in a voice that was louder than necessary for him to hear what I was saying.


3、Behind the curtain of the window nearest my wife's desk,there is a section of wall which is four inches wide.It has missed the last four coats of paint so that the little chalk marks with dates opposite them

would not be lost.


4、If something doesn't work quite right,the carpet is worn,the toilet or bathroom basin leaks,or you have

a bad neighbor,you get used to them and,like your own shortcomings,you find ways to ignore them.


5、I am welcomed by familiar furniture when I enter and I'm warmed by some feeling,which may merely

be dust,but it is our dust and I like it.




They were eager to know if the room was available for them to spend the night.


The teacher sounded as if he had a cold or a cough when he spoke.


For a long length of time many people in our country believed that the number13was bad luck.


As a hardworking student,he learns by heart every text he has studied.


I haven’t seen Professor Wang since he moved away from the old neighborhood.

1.He nodded,started the motor,and then apologized,“I’m sorry,but I was reading a letter.”


2.Then he spoke again,almost more to himself than to me:“I should have kept in touch.Yes,"he repeated,“I should have kept in touch.”


3.The first sentence reminded me of myself:I’ve been meaning to write for some time,but I've always delayed it.


4.“Where it says,your friendship over the years has really meant a lot to me,more than I can say because

I'm not good at saying things like that.”


5.We had gone several kilometers and were almost at my hotel,so I read the last paragraph,So I thought

you'd like to know that I was thinking of you.




One of the most beautiful and happiest events in one’s life takes place on the day in which one’s wedding is held


Her mother slaved over the task of sewing cotton items


Many people spend a lot of time and money in preparing for their wedding parties


In the past,at her wedding,a girl was expected to bring many things to her husband’s house including quilts,sheets,a large clothes chest and so on


It is a traditional custom that a couple’s marriage takes place one year after they are engaged

1.Every member of the village is invited,and excitement builds up during the days before the wedding.


2.As far as the bride is concerned,her family has been preparing for her wedding ever since she was born.就新娘来说,她的家人从她一出生起就一直在为她的婚礼做准备。

3.Meanwhile her father has been saving money,because it’s the duty of the bride's family to provide a home for the new couple.


4.Catle,goats,money,an ox and cart,a television and nowadays a washing machine too-some,or perhaps all of these can be included,depending on the girl's family income.


5.Outside the church the man and woman receive the guest’s noisy congratulations,before everyone goes to the couple's house to start celebrating.




Every day,when the young man has to make a report to his boss,he struggles with what and how much to tell


Edward and I have become engaged----but please keep it to yourself!


The policeman is just making guesses as to who the murderer is


A host of a television news program was against reporting the news without the official permit


Andrew was very angry in that the report was not true at all

1.The minister is missing.You're the reporter and your story is due.


2.Now,at least in part because the public seems to have a great hunger for famous people's privacy,


https://www.360docs.net/doc/526907443.html,N then reported the story and so did other television news programs,major newspapers and news magazines


4.How many people who see crimes will come forward in the future,knowing what kind of treatment they will probably get?


5.Too much attention may be the price one pays to be famous.




No one believes what he says and his argument is only skin deep.


The little girl is clever and attractive,so she receives more help and is punished less at school


As children,we learn that people are divided into good people who are beautiful and bad people who are ugly


It is very likely that a man with a good education can do better in his work and rise to a higher position faster 5.虽然美貌可以吸引我们的注意力,但我们应当记住它可在瞬间发生变化。

Although beauty may get our attention,we have to remember that it can change in a matter of moments. 1.After all,in most stories the characters are divided into heroes that are handsome,women that are beatftil,and bad people that are ugly.


2.Perhaps it's not surprising that a judge is more likely to give an attractive criminal a shorter sentence.


3.Attractive children get higher scores on tests,probably because their good looks fetch more praise from adults.


4.Mothers hold,kiss,talk to,and play more with their babies if they're pretty.


5.Those who were at least6feet tall did much better-they received more money,were promoted faster, and rose to higher positions.




Going out on Dates

When I was a young fellow,about thirteen,I had a group of friends who were a little older than I was, and more experienced.They knew a lot of different girls,and would often go to the beach with them if the weather was good.

One time we were at the beach,and most of the guys had gone out on some rocks,with the girls.I was interested in a particular girl a little bit,and said to myself:“I think I'd like to take Barbara to the movies..."

That's all I had to say,and the guy next to me got all excited.He marched out onto the rocks and found her.He pushed her back to the beach,all the while saying in a loud voice,"Feynman has something to say to you,Barbaral"It was most embarrassing.

Pretty soon the guys were all standing around me,making a scene,and saying,"Well,say it, Feynman!"So I invited her to the movies.It was my first date.

I went home and told my mother about it.She gave me all kinds of instructions on how to do this and that,For example,if we have to walk in the street,I should walk on the outside.She even told me what kinds of things to say.She was following a tradition:women teach their sons how to treat the next generation of women well.

After dinner,I bathed,got all dressed up,and went to Barbara's house to call for her.It was a big adventure for me,and I was feeling nervous and a little shy.She was still upstairs getting ready of course(it's always like that),so her family had me wait for her in the dining room,Where they and their friends were eating pie-a lot of people.They all had forks in their mouths and were saying things like“Isn’t he sweet!”and all kinds of other stuff.I didn’t feel sweet.It was absolutely terrible!

I remembered everything about the date.As we walked from her house to the theater in town,we talked about playing the piano.I told her how,when I was younger,my parents had made me learn piano for a period of time,but after six months I was still playing"Dance of the Flowers"and couldn't stand it any more.You see,I was bothered by the thought that the other boys would think I was weak,and to be stuck for weeks playing"Dance of the Flowers"was too much for me,so I quit.I was really sensitive about showing any sign of weakness.

After the movie I walked her back to her home.I praised the pink overcoat she was wearing.Then we shook hands and I said goodbye to her.

Barbara said to me,"Thank you for a very lovely evening."

"You're welcome!"I answered.I felt wonderful.

The next time I went out on a date-it was with a different girl-I said goodbye to her,and she said,"Thank you for a very lovely evening.”

I didn't feel quite so wonderful.I was beginning to understand that"thank you for a very lovely evening"might mean,"I don't want to see you again."

When I said goodbye to the third girl I took out,she's got her mouth open,ready to speak,and I said,"Thank you for a very lovely evening!"

She paused and stared at me for a moment,and said,"Thank you-uh-Oh!-Yes-uh,I had a lovely evening,too,thank you!"


























One Saturday night my wife and I were sitting around our rather worn living room with some old friends when one of them started trying to remember how long we'd lived there.

“Since1952,”I Sad.”We paid off the money we,owed on the house eight Years ago.”

“If you don’t owe money on the house,”he said,“the house isn’t as valuable.”

I'm in no way clever with money except when it comes to spending it.These words made me unhappy.

"To whom is it not as valuable?"I asked him in a voice that was louder than necessary for him to hear what I was saying."Not to me,and I'm the one who lives here.As a matter of fact,I like it much more than I did when the bank owned part of it.

"What did you pay for it?"he asked.

My friend nodded and thought a minute.

"I'm sure,"he said,"that you could get$85,000for it today...you should ask for$95,000."

I don't know why this is such a popular subject of conversation these days,but our house is not for sale. Our house is not a temporary investment.It is not a tent in which to spend the night before we rise in the morning to go on to some other place.Our house is our home.We live there.It is the place we go to when we don't feel like going anywhere.

We do not plan to move.

Recent research shows that forty million Americans move every year.One out of every five of the American population packs up his things and goes to live somewhere else.

Where is everyone moving to?Why are they moving there?Is it really better somewhere else?

If people want a better house,why don't they fix the one they have?

If the boss says their job is being moved to a new town,why don't they get another job?Jobs are easier to come by than a home.I can't imagine giving up my home because my job was moving.

I have put up twenty-nine Christmas trees near the window of the living-room,each a little too tall. There are marks on the ceiling to prove it.

Behind the curtain of the window nearest my wife's desk,there is a section of wall which is four inches wide.It has missed the last four coats of paint so that the little chalk marks with dates opposite them would not be lost.If we moved,someone would certainly paint that section of the wall.How would we know how tall our children were when they were four years old?

When you own a house you learn to live with its problems.If something doesn't work quite right,the carpet is worn the toilet or bathroom basin leaks,or you have a bad neighbor,you get used to them and,like your own shortcomings,you find ways to ignore them.

Our house provides me with a simple pleasure every time I come home to it.I am welcomed by familiar furniture when I enter,and I'm warmed by everything in our house which may merely be dust,but it is our dust and I like it.

The talk of moving came up at dinner one night ten years ago.My son was only half listening,but at one point he looked up from his plate,and asked,"We're settled here.Why would we want to move away from home?"

When anyone asks me how much I think our house is worth,I just smile.The house is not for sale.

































The Letter

I had to pound on the taxi to get his attention.

"Is your taxi available?”I asked when he finally looked up at me from behind the wheel.

He nodded,started the motor,and then apologized,“I’m sory,but I was reading a letter."He sounded as if he had a cold or a cough.

“I’m in no hurry,”I told hin.“Go ahead and finish your letter.”

He shook his head."I've read it several times already.I guess I almost know it by heart."He started the taxi's meter.

Estimating that he was60or70years old,I asked:"From a child or maybe a grandchild?"

“This isn't family,"he replied."Although,"he went on,"come to think of it,he might just as well have been a regular member of the family.Old Ed and I grew up together.”

“There aren’t many people who’ve been friends for such a long length of time,”I said.

“Actually.”the driver went on,“I had seen him not more than once or twice a year over the past25or30 years because I moved away from the old neighborhood.He was a great guy.”

“You said‘was'.Does that mean-?”

He nodded."He died a couple of weeks ago."

“I'm sorry,"I said,"his death must be quite a blow to you."

He didn't reply to that,and we rode on in silence for a few minutes.Then he spoke again,almost more to himself than to me:"I should have kept in touch."

“Well,"I agreed,"we should all keep in touch with old friends more than we do.But things come up and we just don't seem to find the time."

“We used to find the time,”he said.”That's even mentioned in the letter.”He handed it over to me.”Take a look.”

“Thanks,”I said,”but I don't want to read your mail.That's pretty personal.”

The driver said,”Old Ed's dead.There's nothing personal now.Go ahead.”He pulled the letter from its plain white envelope and unfolded it。

The first sentence reminded me of myself:I've been meaning to write for some time,but I've always delayed it.It then went on to say that he often thought about the good times they had had together.It referred to many things that had happened when they were young.

“You must have spent a lot of time together,”I said to him.

“We did.But for the last20or30years it's generally just been postcards at Christmas time.”

“This is a good part here,”I said.“Where it says,Your friendship over the years has really meant a lot to me,more than I can say because I'm not good at saying things like that.”I found myself nodding in agreement.

We had gone several kilometers and were almost at my hotel,so I read the last paragraph:So I thought you’d like to know that I was thinking of you.And it was signed,Your Old Friend,Tom.Tom?The letter was signed Tom?

“I thought your friend's name was Ed,”I said.

“I'm Tom,”he explained.“It’s a letter I wrote to Ed before I knew that he'd died.I never put it in the mailbox.It was never delivered.”

His face was pale as he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.“I guess I should have written it sooner.”

When I got to my hotel room I didn't unpack right away.First,I had to write a letter-and post it.
















































Wedding Parties

One of the most beautiful,and certainly the happiest events is the traditional village wedding.Every member of the village is invited,and excitement builds up during the days before the wedding.However,the planning for this day can really be said to have started18to20years earlier.

As far as the bride is concerned,her family has been preparing for her wedding ever since she was born. As she grew up,she herself quite possibly used needle and thread to help her mother and grandmother slave over the task of sewing enough cotton items to fill a large chest,for,at her marriage,she is expected to provide as many as100sheets,table cloths,table runners,etc.The list is without end.

Meanwhile,her father has been saving money,because it's the duty of the bride's family to provide a home for the new couple.Most families buy land and build a cottage as the girl is growing

up.Cattle,goats,money,an ox and cart,a television and nowadays a washing machine too-some,or perhaps all of these can be included depending on the girl’s family income.No wonder boy babies are so popular.

The boy will provide for his wife after marriage,so the girl's family is expected to set the couple up before marriage,even if her father is only a https://www.360docs.net/doc/526907443.html,ually,he boy will provide for his expect the marriage begins like this:the boy chooses a girl and then tells his family that he wants her to be his wife,If they agree, a relative of his approaches the girl's family with the marriage offer,and asks what they will offer in return.

Once an agreement has been reached,everyone shakes hands on it.The next evening all relatives on both sides are invited to a big dinner at the future bride's family home,and the date that the couple will be engaged is decided.

Once the couple is officially engaged it is not unusual for them to live together,to all purposes as husband and wife.They must not break up,if the leaders of the Church do not allow.

On the big day women gather at the bride's house at dawn to start the cooking and baking-which is no small task when the custom is to invite the whole village!Atthe same time the bride is attended by some of her single friends.They wash her hair,make up her face and help button her into her wedding dress.The man,also helped by his single friends,gets cleaned up for the service.Church bells call the couple,and after them,a group of people from the village follows.

At weddings on the island of Cyprus the woman and man enter the church together.When the service is ended the priest takes the couple by the hand and walks them around a table while nearby guests throw rice and corn to wish them a happy life together.

Outside the church the man and woman receive the guest's noisy congratulations,before everyone goes to the couple's house to start celebrating.

This wedding party is but the first of three days of eating,singing and dancing.The couple then has a few days to

recover before the man's village stages its own party in honor of the new couple-a day of fun that usually takes place

on the Sunday after the wedding.

Immediately after the wedding the couple begins to plan a family-hoping for sons...
























What and How Much to Report?

Reporters often struggle with what and how much to tell.

A priest in a small town does not return from a fishing trip.The police find his car stopped on the way to the lake.It is locked and undamaged.In it they find a half eaten sandwich,an open packet of chocolate biscuits,fishing equipment,a gun with one shot fired,and a copy of a magazine that contains dirty pictures. The minister is missing.You’re the reporter and your story is due.

What do you report?Suppose the priest just went for a walk?Do you risk embarrassing him and mention the dirty magazine?Is the gun important?Should you make any guesses about what might have happened?

The reporter who actually faced these decisions decided to mention the gun,the food,the fishing equipment,and the condition of the car,but not the magazine.Nor did the reporter make any guesses.The police eventually received a tip,and the minister's body was found near some railway tracks.He had been killed and the killer had left the magazine in the minister's car.

In the old days,when reporters learned that some movie stars were gay,or that public figures did other things that were held not moral,they just kept the information to themselves.Now,at least in part because the public seems to have a great hunger for famous people's privacy,reporters sometimes cover these parts of famous people's lives more than any other.

Some of the interest can be explained in that sometimes such things affect how people perform their jobs.But what if the information isn’t relevant?For example,does the public need to know if someone in politics is gay?Do we need to know,or just want to know such things?

Once a woman said she had a sexual affair with a certain public figure and sold the story to a ow quality https://www.360docs.net/doc/526907443.html,N then reported the story and so did other television news programs,major newspapers and news magazines.The host of one national television news program was against broadcasting the story without more information,but said,“it was made clear to me...that if you didn’t tape the story,every local television station in the country would look up and say about our program,‘what's going on here?Are they asleep?’”

Too much attention may be the price one pavs to be famous But what about the relatives of famous people?and what about the average person?

When a woman tried to shoot the president,a man in the crowd knocked her hand,turning away the shot.The man,Oliver W.Sipple,became an immediate hero.He was thirty-three years old,and had been a soldier.What else did the public need to know about him?When a reporter said that local gay leaders were proud of Sipple's deeds,other papers began to report that Sipple was gay.Sipple told a judge that the newspaper reports caused him"great mental pain and embarrassment".

Rosa Lopez was a simple cleaning lady until she became a key person in the O.J.Simpson murder case. Suddenly she was followed by reporters everywhere she went.She eventually returned to her native country, only to find that the reporters tailed her there too.

How many people who see crimes will come forward in the future,knowing what kind of treatment they will probably get?Do people who,by accident,find themselves involved in such famous cases have a right to privacy,or do we need to know everything about them?




























Why Does Beauty Matter?

We may pretend that beauty is only skin deep,but the sad truth is that attractive people do better.They do better in school,where they receive more help and are punished less;at work,where they get better pay and higher positions;in love,where they control the relationship;and among strangers,who think them to be more interesting,honest,and successful.

After all in most stories the characters are divided heroes that are handsome women that are beautifiul.and bad people that are ualy.so as children we learn through stories that good people are beautiful and bad people are ugly.Perhaps it's not surprising that a judge is more likely to give an attractive criminal a shorter sentence.

In experiments in businesses,when different photographs were attached to the same iob application.the more attractive person was hired.Pretty babies are treated better than ugly ones,not just by strangers but by the babies'parents as well.Mothers hold,kiss,talk to,and play more with their babies if they're pretty. Attractive children get higher scores on tests,probably because their good looks fetch more praise from adults.

Another study asked people to look at a photo of a man and a woman.If the woman on the man's arm was pretty,the man was thought to be smarter and more successful than if the woman was unattractive.

Shocking as the results of these experiments might be,they tell us just what weve already known for ages:a womans face is a thing of value.A beautiful woman is","ften able to climb up to a higher social class by marrying a man with education,wealth or position.

Handsome men do better as well,but for a man the real advantage is height.One study followed the jobs of17,000men.Those who were at least6feet tall did much better-they received more money,were promoted faster,and rose to higher positions.

But the face has always attracted a person's first glance.

Throughout the ages,people have tried to increase the beauty of their faces with make-up.The Egyptians used make-up made from various plants and minerals,as early as6000BC.Drawings show that the Egyptians drew black lines around their eyes and put green eye shadow above their eyes.They painted their lips blue-black,their cheeks red,and colored their fingers and feet red with juice from a plant.

Roman men loved make-up,and army commanders had their hair brushed and their nails painted before they went into battle.In2000AD,a Roman doctor was the first to make cold cream,which has changed little since then.

What do those of us who aren't beautiful do?We can comfort ourselves with the fact that beauty is relative.Although beauty may get our attention,it can change in a matter of moments.

I remember seeing an actor in a movie and thinking him very handsome.But when I saw him being interviewed on television some months later,and heard him declare that his only interest in life was playing

cards,suddenly he wasn't handsome at all.

I've watched this work the other way,too,when a not-very attractive stranger opened his mouth to speak and became handsome.Thank heavens for the qualities

of one's character.Thank heavens that,whilst good looks may awake one's attention,a true sense of a person's beauty comes out in stages.Thank heavens that,as Shakespeare wrote:“Love looks not with the eyes,but with the mind."























