

(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?



话题:Can you play the guitar?




1、句型:Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I can‘t. What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club. What can you do? I can play the piano.

2、复习已学词汇:basketball volleyball

复习已学句型:Do you like…? I like…. I don‘t like….

Let‘s ….

3、新词汇:Verbs of activity such as dance, swim, sing

Names of musical instruments such as guitar, drums, piano, drums, trumpet,

4、Grammar focus: Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I can‘t.

Can . No, ‘t.

Can she speak English? Y es, she can. No, she can‘t.

Can you speak English? Yes, we can. No, we can‘t.

What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.

I want to join the basketball club. (二)单元教学目标:





(2)要知道play +球、棋、牌

play +the +乐器













第一课时Section A

第二课时Section A

第三课时Section B


二、Teaching Procedures

Period 1:Section A1a –1c

Additional materials to bring to class

Harmonica and guitar or other two musical instruments to use in the language goal section

PowerPoint with pictures of basketball, volleyball and some music instruments.

Step 1 Revision and lead in

The teacher says I like basketball. Then asks: Do you like basketball volleyball? Do you want to join a basketball club?

Step 2 Presentation

Ask the students to look at the pictures of , there are some clubs in it. Let‘s look at the clubs. What are they? They are art club, English club, chess club, swimming club and music club. What club do you want to join? Help the students to answer I want to join the art club and so on.

If the school ask the students: What clubs do we our school?

The teacher writes What club do you want to join? I want to join… on the blackboard. Ask the students to practice it.

Then introduces the key vocabularies and the words can and can‘t.

The teacher says to the students who say the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the students say Y es, I can. No, I can‘t. Then repeat with other actions or pictures, such as play volleyball.

Show the students the activities the people in each club can do with the same step. Then repeat with dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English and play the guitar with the . Or we can use the PowerPoint to do. The teacher can ask the students to practice the following dialogues with can.

Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I can‘t.

Can . No, ‘t.

Can she speak English? Yes, she can. No, she can‘t.

Can you speak English? Yes, we can. No, we can‘t.

Can you play it well? Yes, I can. No, I can‘t.

Do the action and read the new words and phrases.

Ask the students to practice can and can‘t. Ask the students to practice can you play it well?

At the same time, the teacher write down sing, dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English, and play the guitar on the blackboard. Ask the students to read after the teacher.

Step 3 A game

To be more familiar with the words and phrases, the teacher can organize a game like this:

Write the words and phrases on pieces of paper. Ask one of the students come to the front and choose one of the paper, then do the action. Ask other students to guess what do. Then exchange.

Step 4 Exercise

Task 1:

Look at the pictures 1a. Points to the activities the people in each club are doing. Say something about each club‘s activity clearly. For example, This is a chess club. See the chess? They are playing chess.

Ask the students to match each club activity in the picture with a word from the list. For example: A can dance, so we can write ―a‖ beside dance.

The answers are: 1.dance a 2. swim e 3. sing f 4. play chess b 5. paint d 6. speak English c 7.play the guitar g

Task 2.

Say each conversation with a student in Part 1a. After doing this, play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to listen to the conversations and write a number 1 next to the first conversation they ask students to practice the conversations in pairs. Ask them to use the vocabulary from 1a. As students work, listen in on various pairs so that you can check progress and as needed.

After students the form. Write down three things you can do and three things you

The second period: 2c-4

Step1 Revision

Task 1:Ask the students to revise the names of the clubs they you do? What can‘t you do? Can you play chess? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing? What club do you want to join? Can you play it well? If time permits, ask the student who says do it to show something do.

Step 2 Presentation:

Task1: (Listening practice)

2a. Ask the students to read the context in 2a . Ask one student to read the clubs in the box. And ask another two students to read the dialogue. Ask all of them to listen to the recording carefully, circle the clubs they . Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to circle the club they ask the students to repeat the dialogue.

Task 2(Listening practice)

2b. Ask the students to look at the dialogues of 2b on the right. Ask them if they can fill in the blanks directly. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to fill in the blanks with the words they ‘t. Then ask the students to listen and repeat the dialogue.

Task 3

3a. Ask the students to put the conversation in order. The first one is given. The right order is 2,3, 1, 4.

Step3 Survey

After finishing task 2 in step1.the teacher can ask: Can ‘t know.


Ask the students to practice the dialogues by asking: What can you do? Can you dance? Can you play the guitar? Can you play it well? What club do you want to join? etc. the teacher goes round the classroom , gives they got from their friends. Help the students with the music club.

Example: I am Lisa, I can sing, but I cannot sing well. I can swim. I think it is the swimming club. My friend Tom can play the guitar but ‘t play it well. And ‘t play chess. He wants to join the chess club. He thinks it is interesting. He wants to learn it. If the students can do the report like this with the much knowledge.

Step 4: Homework:

Task 1:

4 group work:

Suppose you are a boss, you want to get some good workers. How to write an advertisement.

Focus students on the advertisement. Elicit the kind of personal qualities that would be good for the job, eg. A good teacher, a good swimmer, and write them on the board. Then elicit questions from the qualities on the board. eg. Can you teach children? Can you you to the things after ―with‖. Eg

Can you they do? Why not? What can‘t they do?

Homework: Workbook Part 3, 4.

The third period: Section B 1a-3b.

Step 1 Revision

Task 1.Ask some questions about can you …? What club do you want to join?

Task 2: ask the students to give the ad. Four students a group. Ask one of them to be the boss. And others are the interviewees. Guide them to use kids, can you

1a Ask the students to guess the music instrument by listening the music one by one.(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)

The music instruments are guitar, trumpet, drums, violin and piano.

Ask the students to read after the teacher when they are looking at the pictures on PowerPoint.

Ask the students to match the words with the pictures of the book.

The right answers are 3, 1, 4, 5, 2

Step 3 Practice

1b. ask the students to ask and answer questions about the instruments with the you play the guitar B.)

They can ask and answer the questions like this. The teacher goes round the class and gives you play the guitar? Yes, I can.

Can you play it well? No, I can‘t.

Can ? Sorry, I don‘t know.

Can she play the drums? Yes, she can . She can play it well.

After the practice, the teacher can ask some pairs to act it out in the front. And the students answer the questions of the teacher after listening to the dialogue.

Ask the students to practice more dialogues with the picture of playing chess, singing,

dancing, swimming, painting, speaking English. Mix with playing the guitar, playing the violin, playing the drums. Tell the students there are something differences between playing chess and playing the guitar. Ask them to pay attention to it. (PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)

Then ask more pairs to act the dialogues out in front of the class.

Step 3 Listening Practice

2a and 2b. Ask the students to read the words in the box first and ask them to listen to the recording for the first time. And play it for the second time and ask the students to circle the words they you play the guitar B.)

With the same step, ask the students to do the exercise of 2b. Fill in the chart with the words in the box. Before doing this, tell the students to write down what can Bill do ,

Step 4 Pair work

2c. Ask the students to read the information in the box. And do the pair work to tell what Bill, Jennifer and Victor can and can‘t do.

They can practice it like this:

A: Can Bill play chess?

B: No, ‘t. But play the guitar. And play it well.

A: Can Bill dance?

B: No, ‘t. But sing. And sing very well.

Ask the students to work in groups. Ask and answer like this:

-What can you do?

-I can…,but I can‘t…

(I can…and…, but I can‘t…or…)(PowerPoint Can you play the guitar B.)Then act it out in front. If you can ,you must show(展示)it for your classmates.

3a. Ask the students to read the ad from the school magazine. The teacher can teach the students you play the guitar B.)Ask the students to underline the things they want people to do for the school music festival. Ask the students to read once more and think about whether be the musician.

3b. ask the students to complete the following poster with the words in the box. They can use 3a for you play the guitar B.)

The answers are: play, guitar, Can, sing, Can, play, drums.


Task 1:

3c. Ask the students to write their own poster for a sports day. The teacher can give some information to the students: play basketball, play volleyball, swim, jump, and so on. New and more information can be given to the students and they can also look up in the dictionary. They can also demonstrate their poster.

Task 2:


The four period:Self –Check

Step1 Revision

Ask several students to read the poster out. Let‘s see whose poster is the best one? Who can read it the most loudly and freely? The teacher asks the students to collect their own poster.

Ask the students to say something about their friends. Let‘s see what their friends can do for the school show.

Step2 Words check

1 and 2

Ask the students to see if they know the words on Part 1.

Ask students to check all the words they know. You may wish to ‘t know.

Ask students to find out the meaning of any words they don‘t know. They can do this by reviewing the lesson, asking you, asking classmates or using a learner‘s dictionary or bilingual dictionary.

They can also add some new words that they learn from the teacher or the dictionary such as flute and . Ask them who is asking the conversation(a student and the teacher on charge of the art club)

Ask the students to fill in the card individually.

The answers are: Cindy Jones, 12, I can draw a little. I want to learn about art. Step 4 Check the !

Ask a student to read what the man is asking the drummer. Ask students: can they play the drums? Guide them to answer: No, ‘t. Then ask, can . No, ‘t.

Step 5 Group work

4. There is a school show in the music room on Sunday. The time is 6:00. What can you do? What can your friends do? Ask one of the students to read the chart. Ask another students to read the example in the speech bubbles. Explain that students

music show. My friend Wang Ming can….

Culture note

Kung Fu . The term Kung Fu can be used for the many martial arts native to China. More than 300 styles are registered with the Chinese government. Different spellings are Gung Fu and Gong Fu. In everyday language, gong fu is excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor. A more correct word for describing Chinese martial arts is Wushu. Using Kung Fu to describe Chinese martial arts is more common outside China. Chinese martial arts movie. The films of Bruce Lee popularized martial arts in the west and actors like Jet Li and Jackie Chan many western films. Their movies are often called Kung Fu movies.


Task 1:Workbook Part 7 Writing

Task2: make an interview. What can your father do? What can your mother do? What can‘t your mother do ? What can‘t your father do? Make a list and prepare a report for the next class.

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

(The 1st period Section A 1a-1c)

Teaching aims(教学目标)




Language points(语言点)


(1)-What time is it?(将3b中的语言点前移)


(2)-What time do you usually…?

-Iwe usually…

2. 要求掌握以下词汇:

(1)名词:time, shower

(2)动词短语:go to school, get up, take a shower,

(3)副词:usually o'clock

(4)疑问代词:what time

Key points(重点):


―What time do you usually…?IWe usually…‖这个句型

Teaching difficulties(难点):


Teaching steps (教学步骤):

1.Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)





S1:two (T (呈现新知识)


I groups.


Ss: What time is it?

Ss: It's…



T:Ok. The whole class, please write down time on the paper.

Are you ready ?

Ss: Yes

T: Well. Practise it in pairs. What time is it?


T:act (三四组)


Play a game and practise more on the pattern“What time is it? It‘s…”

T:(每大组选一个代表,分别用What time is it ?向教师发问,教师便用以下句子启发):

You can ①(呈现新知识)

T:(总结上述游戏)Now let's look at the clock .(将时钟调整到六点钟)

What time is it?

Ss: It's six o'clock

T: o'clock(板书). Read after me.

Ss: o‘clock.

T:We will……(做“起床”的动作,并提供一男孩起床的照片)

Ss: get up(T 1a (完成P651a)

T: Ok. Please open your book.

Look at 1a, listen and match the words and the pictures.

7、Work on 1b (完成P651b)

T: Now let's listen to the tape, match the times and actions.

T: Well, let's check the answers.


T:(当答案校对到九点钟时)But I often take a shower at ten o'clock.(一边说一边高举自己洗澡的图片,此图片上课前画好)I usually(突出usually)take a shower at ten o'clock

T:Read after me: usually

T:Please 1c(完成P651c)

(1)T:(针对最后一个发言的学生说的句子,问其它同学What time do you usually…?)

S1:I usually…at…(T pairs.

T: What time do you usually take a shower?

S1: I usually tak e a shower at …


(1)Make a similar dialogue with the person you like.


11、Listen and repeat(听音跟读)

T:Now let's listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape.


Interviewer: What time do you usually get up, Rick?

Rick: Um, I usually get up at five o‘clock.

Interviewer: Five o‘clock. Wow! And what time do you run?

Rick: Um. At six o‘clock.

Interviewer: Hmm. And breakfast?

Rick: Seven o‘clock.

Interviewer: What time do you usually shower?

]Rick: Uh, eight o‘clock.

Interviewer: What time do you usually go to school?

Rick: I usually go to school at nine o‘clock.

12、Follow up (进一步扩展)

(1)T:Now it's your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please work with your partner.


①I do sport at 6:30

②I take a shower at 7:00

③I ask Justin some questions.

First, I will try. What time do you usually take a shower?(然后点击声音②)Come on!

S1:What time do you usually do sport?



T: Please open your workbook. Look and write sentences.


T: Ok, please tell a story about Justin.




Oral work:

(1)Read and recite the listening tapescript.

(2)Go on making up your dialogues with the partner and polish it(继续和小组成员编对话,并完善对话)

Written work

(1)Copy the phrases in 1a twice (抄写1a的词组两遍)

(2)Finish Ex.1 of the workbook.



(The 2nd period Section A 2a-2c)

Teaching aims (教学目标)



Language points(语言点)


——What time does sb. verb?

——Sb. verbs at …

Key points(重点):


What time does (课堂热身和复习)

(1)Student chant:

What time do you usually get up?

I usually get up at 6:30.

What time do you usually go to school?

I usually go to school at 7:10.

What time do you usually go 2a.(完成2a)

T:But my friend Rick does the same thing with


T:Listen again and fill in the blanks.

3、Work on 2b.(完成2b)

T: What time do they take a shower? Listen again and complete the shower schedule. T:(校对答案)

4、Work on 2c.(完成2c)

T:××,When does Alicia take a shower?

S1: She takes a shower at 8:00

T : (Read after me)

When does Alicia take a shower?

She takes a shower at 8:00.

Read it in groups.

T:××,when does Jerry take a shower?


T: Look at 2b and make a dialogue like this.

5、Listen and repeat (听音跟读)

T: Now let's listen to the tape and repeat . Please try to read like the tape.


Interviewer: Y ou ‘t you, Rick?

Rick: Yes. I my sister Mary takes a shower at 6:00. Next my brother Jerry takes a shower at 7:00,then my sister Alicia at 8:00.

6、Follow up(进一步扩展)

(1)T:Now it's your turn to make up your own dialogues like this. Please work with your partner.

(2)T:And now say something about Rick. Four people make a group and try. You may begin it like this, “My friend Rick English. Then give a pairs first. And then choose some best groups to speak in the front.

(你认为Lu lilu周末生活好吗?请你看图与同伴一起为Lu lilu设计一个更有益健康的周末安排)

7、Grammar focus.


(1)T:这两天,我们学习了以What time引导的一般现在时的特殊疑问句形式。它的结构式是:What time do sb. Verb(原形)?


Sb. Verb at …(板书)

What time does sb. Verb(原形)?


Sb.verb s at…



②verb后有时也要加es。当此verb以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾时加es. watches ,does.

Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.

①——What time (do)they .

(get up)?

——They (get up)at five o‘clock.

②——What time (do)Tom .

(take a shower)?

——He (take a shower)at 19:15

③——What time (do)making up your dialogues with group members and polish it (继续和小组成员编对话,并完善对话)

Written work

1.Finish Ex.2and Ex.3 of the workbook

2.Design a better schedule for your family at the weekends and write it down in your exercise book.

(The 3rd period SectionA3a~Part4)

Teaching aims (教学目标)



Language points (语言点)


——When do you usually …?

——Iwe … prep…


(1)名词:work,,go to work,get to,go to bed


Key points(重点):

1、一般现在时的特殊疑问句,即掌握:When do you usually …?

2、频度副词usually 的熟练运用

Teaching difficulties(难点)


Teaching steps(教学步骤):

1、Warming - up and revision (课堂热身和复习)

(1)Watch a video clip about Mickey Mouse's Day.(观看一段米老鼠一天活动的录像剪辑)


T:What time does the mouse get up (呈现新知识)


What time does Mickey Mouse usually get up?

What time does Mickey Mouse usually get up? We can also say,

“When does Mickey Mouse usually get up?‖

Follow me: When does Mickey Mouse usually get up ? (板书)

S1:He usually gets up at six.

T: at six am or pm?

Ss: am(板书)

T:6 am is in the…?

Ss: In the morning (T the morning.

T:In the morning I usually do sport. What about you?

S1: In the morning I us ually…

S2: In the morning I usually…


T: But 6 pm is in the …?

Ss: evening (T the evening(为section B 作准备)

T:And when does Mickey Mouse leave school?

S1:He usually leaves school at 5 o'clock

T: Then what does the morning and goes the afternoon Right?

Ss: Yes.

T: How many a day?

From eight to nine is an a day?


S1: 8 the ……

Ss: in the evening.

T: In the evening. we often say at night.

T: Follow me :night

T: At night, I usually watch Tv. What about you?

S1: At night, I usu ally…

S2:At night, I usually…

S3:At night I usually……

T: Suppose we get to Beijing at night, where can we stay?


T:After you get to the 3a(完成3a).

(1)Read through the passage and tell me

(2)Read it again and match the pictures.

(3)Answer questions:

What does foot?

What does ?

4、Follow up (进一步扩展)

T:My friend Da Bao likes Scott's work, so in the part4.(完成P67第四部分)T:Now six people make a group, and ask the other students when they usually go to bed . The leader lines up from the earliest to the latest bedtime.

T:(活动以后)Let's listen Group1…Group2…

6、Work on part 3 of self –check

T: Now I want to know something about what you do on weekends. You can go, ask your class mates and fill in the forms. Then you it like this "Ma Li gets up at …"

7、Work on Ex.5 of the workbook(完成workbook 44页第5题)

T: Please open your workbook and finish Part 5


Oral work:

(1)Read 3a and recite it.(读背课文3a)

(2)Go on making a survey to find out what your classmates do on weekends.(继续作一个有关你同班学生所做的调查)

Written work:

(1)Copy the new words and phrases in 3a twice(抄写3a的新词和词组两遍)(2)Write down the survey about what your classmates do on weekends in your exercise book. You can do it like the reporters in class.

(The 4th period Section B 1a~2c)

Teaching aims(教学目标)

1. 用When询问时间

2. 表示频率的副词

Language Points(语法点)

1. 要求掌握以下句式:

—When does sb(第三人称单数) usually verb?

—Sb(第三人称单数) verbs p rep….

2. 要求掌握以下词汇

(1)名词:afternoon evening does sb(第三人称单数). usually verb?

2.频度副词usually 的熟练运用

Teaching difficulties(难点):

助动词does 在一般现在时的特殊疑问句中的用法:

Teaching Steps (教学步骤)

1、Warming - up and revision (课堂热身和复习)

A game: quick responses.

T:Let‘s play a game. Please give me a word of each sentence and spell it. The first one who finishes the sentence will get a star.(Divide the students into several groups and draw stars on the blackboard to encourage the students.)

(1).Tom goes to ______ on weekdays, and works all _____,because(因为) a night club(夜总会).


(1)work (2)After (3) get (4) listen (5) takes (6) night

2. Work on 1a(完成1a)

T:(Point to the stars on the blackboard and make brief comments on the results of the game)people usually do things, too (指着Section 1B 1a)Let's look and match 3. Work on 1b(完成1b)

T: Please check the answers with another student


T: (对答案以后,指着那个小男孩)

What's the boy doing?

Ss: He is doing do you usually do your my friend Rick does and tell me ?

Ss: Yes.

T:(学生听完)Who can?


4. Work on 2a(完成2a)

T: Well, Listen again and circle the activities you 2b(完成2b)

T: Then look at 2b,listen and write.

6. Listen and repeat(听音跟读)

T: Now let's listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape


Interviewer: Thanks for the interview, Rick.

We want to know about your day.

Rick: OK

Interviewer: When do you get up?

Rick: When do I get up? Hmm. Usually around five o‘clock. Then I run around six.

Interviewer: Y ou run at six in the morning?

Rick: Uh-. And then I usually go to school around eight o‘clock.

Interviewer: Wow! And you go in the afternoon.

Interviewer: And what do you do in the evening?

Rick: I do my -fifteen. And I go to bed at nine o‘clock.

Interviewer: That‘s early! But then you get up early.

Rick: Uh- 2C(完成P68 2c)


Let's look at the dialogue.

When does Rick usually get up?

Ss: He usually gets up at …(T does Rick usually get up? He usually gets up at …(板书)

T: Read it in groups

(2) T: Look at the dialogue carefully and memorize it for two minutes. Then we‘ll . T: Ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Well. In our class, there are two a day. I‘ll give you a time(5:306:007:30…)Please say a sentence like,“Beckham gets up at 5:30.”


Oral work:

(1)Listen to 2a,read and recite it(听读背诵2a中的对话)

(2)Go on making up your dialogue with your partner and polish it


Written work:

(1)Finish Ex.6 of the workbook.

(2)Make a routine for your dream(梦想)day

(The 5th period Section A 3a~self-check)

Teaching aims:(教学目标)



Language points:(语言点)


letter, around, start, write, tell, me, best, wish, soon, Saturday, survey, late

B、Review the key words presented in this unit.

Key points and teaching difficulties:(重难点)

巩固以When ,What time引导的特殊疑问句形式。

Teaching steps(教学步骤)

1、Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

A game

T:Let's play a game. Six people make a group. Every group will get a piece of

paper. There are some pictures on it. Listen and fill in the time. Then put them in the right order. Let's see which group can finish most quickly and best?

The right order:_____________________________________

附:I takes a shower at 6:20. He Part4(完成P69第四部分)

Pairwork:Imagine you are a famous movie star . Fill in the timetable with the things you usually do. Then share the information with your partner.

T: Well done ! Well, Let's see who wins the game.

T: Now, imagine you are a movie star. Please fill in the time table with the things you usually do.

T: Please look for your friend in our class. You can ask questions like“What time do you usually…?”

T: Now please make a report. Y ou can do it like this: …is a movie star. HeShe usually…


T: Thank you .And I want to know more about you. You can write(手势) a letter(拿出信纸) to me about it. It is for your 3a(完成3a)

T: Here is a letter from Jane to Mona. Would you like to read it ?

Ss: Yes.

T: Please read it quickly and write down what she does at these times

5、Work on 3b(完成3b)

T: Now Mona wants to answer the letter. But Part1、2

Make a list.


7.Enjoy just for fun on P70.(欣赏Just for fun)



8.Grammar test.


1.He u draws at six o in the morning.

2.Tom w for long goes friend and

t China.

Unit 3 How do you go to school?

Part 1:Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)


●To learn to use How questions, affirmative and negative statements

●Lean to talk about


Warming up by talking

Hello, everyone! What‘s the weather like today? It‘s a sunny day with a gentle breeze. It‘s comfortable. So this morning I come to school by bike. It took me nearly 50 minutes. You know I live far from school. I often take buses to come an two places. 1a Looking and writing

Open your book. Look at the picture carefully and read the dialogue. Then please

1b Listening and writing

Look at the picture again. How do students get to school? Let‘s listen to a conversation between two people talking about this. Listen carefully and write the number of the name in the white box next to the student. Please do it individually. Then let‘s check the answer.


1. Bob takes the train.

2. Mary takes the subway.

3. John takes the bus.

4. Paul walks.

5. Yang Lan walks.

about the picture get to school with their partner. Then I‘ll ask some pairs to say

Listen to these numbers and repeat. Please pay attention to the pronunciation. Tapescript

32, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

2c Listening and checking

Now please look at the five transportation pictures. And we‘ll listen to two conversations. The people are talking about carefully and put a checkmark to show the kinds of transportation they talk about. Check your answer.

Listen carefully again and match the time with the kinds of
