

Yoga-- Relive, Revitalize

Nowadays, yoga is growing on more and more girls on our campus. Why is it so hot?

Yoga concentrates on combining breathing with physically stretching muscles. It is about the release of negative energy and replacing it with positive energy. Not only does yoga relieve and give rest to tired muscles; it also revitalizes body and soul. It provides the body with the means to deal with daily stress. Here is a description of yoga for the purpose of relieving stress.

The wheel (chakrasana)

Lie down with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.

Place your hands palms down on either side of your head. Your fingertips point to your feet.

To acquire an equal distribution of

weight, lift your buttocks slightly and

feel yourself supported by your feet

and your hands. Breathe in and lift

your torso until your back is fully


Tuck your head in and face the wall

behind you. Breathe calmly. Do not

stay in the position for too long.

When you are ready to come down, breathe in and lift your head slowly so that you are facing the ceiling. Exhale and slowly bend your elbows and knees while gently uncurling the spine. Do not crash to the floor and hurt yourself. Stay in control at all times.

In addition to energizing, this exercise also assists in digestive efficiency and toning the abdomen. It is therefore a good exercise for those who are trying to lose weight. The wheel also dramatically increases suppleness.

TIPS:do not try the postures unless you have practiced yoga before, or without the help of a yoga instructor.


瑜伽课堂常用英语 2010-07-30 21:20:27 作者:master来源:网友评论 0 条 inhale (breath in) 吸气 exhale (breath out) 呼气 deep breath in 深吸气 deep breath out深呼气 hold breath in保持吸气 hold breath out保持呼气 don't force your breath不要强迫呼吸 keep relax and normal保持自然和放松 keep back straight (spine)保持背部挺直 open your shoulder打开你的肩膀 open our pelvic打开我们的盆骨(臀部) tighten your hips,tighten knee, calf, muscle臀部,膝盖,小腿肌肉收紧lift your chest, roll your shoulder back挺胸,向后转动你的肩 bend forward/bend back前弯/后弯 focus your mind in balance注意力集中在平衡上 open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet打开双足3到3.5英尺 twist your body right向右扭转身体 twist your body left向左扭转身体 lie flat on your back on the ground仰卧平躺在垫子上 neck relax, shoulder spine, all back muscle. hip muscle/joint, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, kneel, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax


瑜伽yoga / 酸奶yogurt['j?g?t] 柔韧度nimbleness['nimbl] 自控力self-control 意志力resistance namaste[nɑ:'mɑ:ste] 瑜伽中的问好 瑜伽练习者yoga practitioner 练习practice 熟能生巧practice makes perfect 瑜伽装备 瑜伽服yoga wear 瑜伽垫yoga mat 入乡随俗when in Rome, do as Romans do. 显摆得瑟show off 出丑make a scene 热身训练warm-up 姿势pose 直角式right angle pose 牛面式cow's face pose 吸气inhale 呼气exhale 不劳而获no pain, no gain stretch your arms伸直手臂 bend forward前倾 keep your knees straight伸直膝盖

look upward向上看 lie flat on the back仰卧 lie flat on the stomach俯卧 pay attention to your breath关注呼吸 pay attention to your bteathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga pose.关注呼吸能够帮助你充分的伸. neck rolls 颈旋转 relax 放松 repeat 反复 leg stretches 腿部伸展 shoulder rotation 肩旋转 look back as far as possible 尽可能地向后看 drop your chin to your chest 把下巴靠近胸口 瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。瑜伽是东方最古老的强身术之一。它产生于公元前,是人类智慧的结晶。瑜伽也是印度先贤在最浓沉的观想和静定状态下,从直觉了悟生命的认知。瑜伽修持秘诀是理论和实践互相参证的法典。 目前瑜伽已成为时尚的最前沿,在全世界广泛传播,成为适应现今一切高节奏,简便,新新人类的一种新的生活方式。 古代瑜伽注重心灵与肉体的超越自我,现代瑜伽则追求身心平衡和健康优雅。瑜伽的作用简直妙不可言。因为它对人体的作用是内外兼修的。也是各种健身项目中唯一的。现代瑜伽简单说是由呼吸法,体位法,冥想所组成。是在一种自然健康的环境下,伴随着悠扬的音乐,用意念指引着自己的肢体,舒缓流畅的练习各种动作,同时配合呼吸,来达到调整身心,雕塑形体、提高气质、增强体魄的作用。 瑜伽哲学,它包含了许多哲理,让人们了解人生(生命)的真谛,学会如何做人。瑜伽是东方心灵治学,通过调试内心活动,可清除人潜意识的垃圾,消除烦恼,是一减压和心灵美容的良方。瑜伽是传统的生命科学,东方的身体文化,包含了动(练筋、骨、皮)、静(练精、气、神)结合的养生健身运动,适合各种年龄的人练习。瑜伽可以优化人生存的内环境,以适应生存的外环境(生活环境,人


瑜伽 yoga / 酸奶yogurt 柔韧度 nimbleness 自控力 self-control 意志力 resistance namaste瑜伽中的问好 瑜伽练习者 yoga practitioner 练习 practice 熟能生巧 practice makes perfect 瑜伽服 yoga wear 瑜伽垫 yoga mat 入乡随俗 when in Rome, do as Romans do. 显摆得瑟 show off 出丑 make a scene 热身训练 warm-up 姿势 pose 直角式 right angle pose 牛面式 cow's face pose 吸气 inhale 呼气 exhale 没有付出,就没有收获 no pain, no gain stretchyour arms 伸直手臂 bend forward 前倾 keep your kneesstraight 伸直膝盖 look upward 向上看

lie flat on the back 仰卧 lie flat on the stomach 俯卧 pay attention to your breath 关注呼吸 paying attention to your breathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga pose.关注呼吸能够帮助你充分的伸. neck rolls 颈旋转 relax 放松 repeat 反复 leg stretches 腿部伸展 shoulder rotation 肩旋转 look back as far as possible 尽可能地向后看 drop your chin to your chest 把下巴靠近胸口


Yoga could be described as the ancient science of good health and living, that has been practiced for centuries, not just in the country that it originated in, but all across the world. In the last few years, yoga has become increasingly popular in China.This is because yoga is used by people, for weight loss, stress reduction, strength increase, improved flexibility, better immunity, additional energy and so on. There are several celebrities who tout吹嘘Yoga as the key factor for an improvement in the physical, emotional, mental and social states. It is a well known fact that if practiced regularly and in the right manner, yoga can have a very positive effect on your body. However, it is important to note, that in case this science is not practiced correctly because of the lack of guidance and the supervision by a qualified trainer, there could be several problems that arise out of that, , which are usually referred to, as yoga negative effects. These effects include a sprained ankle,muscle pulls,neck aches,pain in the knee, severe back pain,wrist pain and so on. Moreover, there is a particular form of yoga, known as hot yoga, where a sequence of 26 poses is performed in a particular order, in an environment that has been heated to 100 degrees F[?f?r?nha?t].华氏度This form of yoga is great for weight loss and increase in flexibility. However, since the high temperature puts the body under undue stress, there have been a few cases of shock, nausea [?n?:zi?]恶心, fatigue [f??ti:g]疲劳and injuries that were reported after practicing Hot yoga. Therefore,if you intend to practice yoga to gain some benefitst,please do it in a proper and moderately way, in which the negative effects of yoga can be decreased most.



he yoga origins from India, is popular in the world. The yoga is the East most ancient builds up strength one of techniques. It produces in the B.C.E., is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition. The yoga repairs holds the secret is the theory and the practice consults the card mutually the statute book. At present the yoga has become the fashion the most front, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style. Ancient times the yoga attention mind and human body superego, the modern yoga pursued the body and mind balance and the health is graceful. The yoga function is simply wonderful. Because it is inside and outside concurrently repairs to the human body function. Also is in each kind of fitness project only. The modern yoga said simply is by the breath law, the body posture law, contemplates composes. Is in under one kind of natural health environment, is following the melodious music, is directing own body with the thought, affable smooth practice each kind of movement, simultaneously coordinates the breath, achieved the adjustment body and mind, the sculpture physique, enhances the makings, the enhancement body and spirit function. The function of yoga is internal and external concurrently repaired to the hu man body .It is also in each kind of fitness project only. The modern yoga is simply consist of the breather valve , yoga asana and mantra meditation . It is under a kind of natural healthy environment, following the melodious music and directing own body with the thought. Affable smooth practices each kind of movement, simultaneously coordinates the breath, achieves the adjustment body and mind, the sculpture physique, enhances the makings, the enhancement body and spirit function. 瑜伽对人体的作用是内外兼修的。在各种健身项目中也是唯一的。现代瑜伽简单说是由呼吸法,体位法,冥想所组成。是在一种自然健康的环境下,伴随着悠扬的音乐,用意念指引着自己的肢体,舒缓流畅的练习各种动作,同时配合呼吸,来达到调整身心,雕塑形体、提高气质、增强体魄的作用。 T h e e f f e c t o f y o g a i s n o t o n l y m y s t e r i o u s,b u t a l s o w i d e s p r e a d i n t h e p u b l i c.I t d o e s n o t n e e d t o j u m p g r e a t l y o r s l i g h t l y,t h e p r a c t i c e f r e q u e n c y i s a f f a b l e,m o r e o v e r t h e


用英语详细介绍瑜伽 用英语语语介语瑜伽 瑜伽一语在古代语典里是把语套在语语上之意~即语合~语用于人是指身、心、意的语一。 """" 瑜伽位法源于五千年前的印度~苦行者语语物患病不语治语却可以自然愈之语象所得之感~模语语体从痊灵仿学并 加以修正。用到人身上治语各语慢性病~此外~语配合呼吸语息~语平衡~身心语一等要~到修身语性的运静决达 目的。 瑜伽有多系~语语普及常用的形式有, 很体 哈他瑜伽身语语、呼吸、各语格语语方法的系。体体体-- 八支分法瑜伽包括姿语语语、呼吸、冥想等等的由八部分语成的瑜伽系。体-- 八支中之语身做瑜伽位法;姿语语语,~借助各语不同的特姿语~语予语语、筋肉、语、神语、荷语蒙腺适度的即体独内体 刺激~可治语、语身不适的各语症~增强免疫力~语定神语~语整身的平衡能力。减体状体 八支中之语息呼吸控制法~能控制呼吸就能控制情语~如果心理受到外界的干语~致使呼吸不语律~语易引即 起血不语语而致病。瑜伽呼吸控制法能语整自律神语~控制心跳的速率~语和语语情语~尤其是深的腹式呼吸气沉 法~不语能强化腹腔语器官~身心亦可自然语一安定。内

冥想的目的在于语得心的和平安语~一人的思语持语不的朝着一方向走语~冥想就形成了。冥想能内与当个断个 帮内担与体与当会减助我语语放心的语语念~使身自然语近。我语语腿打坐语~下肢的血流语~而使更多的血液流向 上肢大语~刺激、活化、改善语器官及大语的功能~使人感到安定、放松、醒。与内清 瑜伽休息语是一语好的放松功法~做语语语语可以使的身得到语底全面的放松休息。极你体 注意事语, 保持空腹语~餐后需待状,小语方可语始语语。语用流体分语之后才做语语。 1.3430 穿着语松舒适~去除各语语物~以便身自由活语不受拘束。体2. 以赤足语语语佳~站立的姿语地上一定不要滑脚。坐、语、可在语或上语行。跪毯3. 最理想是空语流通、新。且有足语空语伸展手足肢的语地。清体4. 用心去每语作所语的身感受。体会个来体5. 如果在保持某姿式语感到力不支~身语~语停止语语~待身语好语~再恢语语语。你体体抖体状况6. 量力而行~适可而止~不宜语度逞强~只要在人限的范语语界和地伸展肢可。个极温体即7. 语然瑜伽语语能语起治病作用~但主要语是语语把看作是一语保健措施~语防性的措施。它即医学8. 瑜伽不语是一语身语语~更是一语生活的哲~集、科、哲之大成~不语是知性的、感性的而且语要理体学它医学学学


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 用英语详细介绍瑜伽 用英语详细介绍瑜伽徒宸瘤斌冥倚卉艇徒宸瘤斌冥倚卉艇瑜伽一语在古代经典里是quot;把马套在马车上quot;之意,即quot;联合quot;,应用于人是指身、心、意的统一。 瑜伽体位法源于五千年前的印度,苦行者们从动物患病不经治疗却可以自然痊愈之现象所得之灵感,模仿学习并加以修正。 运用到人身上治疗各种慢性病,此外,还配合呼吸调息,动静平衡,身心统一等要决,达到修身养性的目的。 瑜伽有很多体系,较为普及常用的形式有: 哈他瑜伽--身体洁净、呼吸、各种体格锻炼方法的体系。 八支分法瑜伽--包括姿势锻炼、呼吸、冥想等等的由八部分组成的瑜伽体系。 八支中之调身即做瑜伽体位法(姿势锻炼),借助各种不同的独特姿势,给予头脑、筋肉、内脏、神经、荷尔蒙腺体适度的刺激,可治疗、减缓身体不适的各种症状,增强免疫力,镇定神经,调整身体的平衡能力。 八支中之调息即呼吸控制法,能控制呼吸就能控制情绪,如果心理受到外界的干扰,致使呼吸不规律,则易引起气血不顺畅而致病。 瑜伽呼吸控制法能调整自律神经,控制心跳的速率,缓和紧张情绪,尤其是深沉的腹式呼吸法,不仅能强化腹腔内脏器官,身 1 / 3

心亦可自然统一安定。 冥想的目的在于获得内心的和平与安详,当一个人的思维持续不断的朝着一个方向走时,冥想就形成了。 冥想能帮助我们释放内心的负担与杂念,使身体与自然亲近。 当我们盘腿打坐时,下肢的血流会减缓,而使更多的血液流向上肢与大脑,刺激、活化、改善内脏器官及大脑的功能,使人感到安定、放松、清醒。 瑜伽休息术是一种极好的放松功法,做这种练习可以使你的身体得到彻底全面的放松休息。 注意事项: 1 .保持空腹状态,餐后需待 3-4 小时方可开始练习。 饮用流体 30 分钟之后才做练习。 2.穿着轻松舒适,去除各种饰物,以便身体自由活动不受拘束。 3.以赤足练习为佳,站立的姿势地上一定不要滑脚。 坐、卧、跪可在垫或毯上进行。 4.最理想是空间流通、清新。 且有足够空间伸展手足肢体的场地。 5.用心去体会每个动作所带来的身体感受。 6.如果你在保持某姿式时感到体力不支,身体颤抖,应停止练习,待身体状况较好时,再恢复练习。 7.量力而行,适可而止,不宜过度逞强,只要在个人极限


Yoga-- Relive, Revitalize Nowadays, yoga is growing on more and more girls on our campus. Why is it so hot? Yoga concentrates on combining breathing with physically stretching muscles. It is about the release of negative energy and replacing it with positive energy. Not only does yoga relieve and give rest to tired muscles; it also revitalizes body and soul. It provides the body with the means to deal with daily stress. Here is a description of yoga for the purpose of relieving stress. The wheel (chakrasana) Lie down with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Place your hands palms down on either side of your head. Your fingertips point to your feet.

To acquire an equal distribution of weight, lift your buttocks slightly and feel yourself supported by your feet and your hands. Breathe in and lift your torso until your back is fully arched. Tuck your head in and face the wall behind you. Breathe calmly. Do not stay in the position for too long. When you are ready to come down, breathe in and lift your head slowly so that you are facing the ceiling. Exhale and slowly bend your elbows and knees while gently uncurling the spine. Do not crash to the floor and hurt yourself. Stay in control at all times. In addition to energizing, this exercise also assists in digestive efficiency and toning the abdomen. It is therefore a good exercise for those who are trying to lose weight. The wheel also dramatically increases suppleness. TIPS:do not try the postures unless you have practiced yoga before, or without the help of a yoga instructor.


Contents ●History ●Development ●Faction Category ●Yoga's eight branch of law ●Action ●Yoga Basic Action Series ●Cultivation equipment ●History 瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。瑜伽是东方最古老的强身术之一。它产生于公元前,是人类智慧的结晶。瑜伽也是印度先贤在最浓沉的观想和静定状态下,从直觉了悟生命的认知。 目前瑜伽已成为时尚的最前沿,在全世界广泛传播,成为适应现今一切高节奏,简便,新新人类的一种新的生活方式。 ?The yoga origins from India, which is popular in the world. The yoga is one of the most ancient builds-up techniques. It produces in the B.C.E.,yoga is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition. ?At present the yoga has become a fashion activity, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style. ●Development 古代瑜伽注重心灵与肉体的超越自我,现代瑜伽则追求身心平衡和健康优雅。 Ancient times the yoga pays attention to mind and human body superego, the modern yoga pursued the body and mind balance and the graceful health is . ●Faction Category 1.Health Yoga养生瑜伽 按照四季轮回,顺应季节的变化和特点,将传统的中医文化和古老的印度瑜伽二合为一,对应二十四节气,通过不同的瑜伽体位调节人体的动态平衡,将瑜珈练习与中医养生完美的结合在一起,满足人们健康养生的需求。 In accordance with the seasonal cycle, the seasons change and adapt to the characteristics of the traditional Chinese culture and ancient Indian yoga two-in-one, the corresponding round solar terms, regulating body homeostasis through different yoga posture, yoga and health will be perfect TCM together, to meet the health needs of people's health. 2.Aromatherapy Yoga香薰瑜伽 香薰瑜伽秉承东方印度瑜伽真谛,结合西方香薰之五感疗法,运用瑜伽体位法,气息流转、香薰按摩、瑜伽SPA以及植物精油的独特疗效,让身体获得循环与代谢的平衡。


和瑜伽有关的单词及词组 瑜伽 yoga / 酸奶yogurt 柔韧度 nimbleness 自控力 self-control 意志力 resistance namaste瑜伽中的问好 瑜伽练习者 yoga practitioner 练习 practice 熟能生巧 practice makes perfect 瑜伽服 yoga wear 瑜伽垫 yoga mat 入乡随俗 when in Rome, do as Romans do. 显摆得瑟 show off 出丑 make a scene 热身训练 warm-up 姿势 pose 直角式 right angle pose 牛面式 cow's face pose 吸气 inhale 呼气 exhale 没有付出,就没有收获 no pain, no gain stretchyour arms伸直手臂 bend forward前倾 keep your kneesstraight伸直膝盖 look upward向上看 lie flat on the back仰卧 lie flat on the stomach俯卧 pay attention to your breath关注呼吸 paying attention to your breathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga pose.关注呼吸能够帮助你充分的伸. neck rolls 颈旋转 relax 放松 repeat 反复 leg stretches 腿部伸展 shoulder rotation 肩旋转

look back as far as possible 尽可能地向后看drop your chin to your chest 把下巴靠近胸口


瑜伽英文常用单词瑜伽动作英文说法 转载▼ inhale (breath in) 吸气 exhale (breath out) 呼气 deep breath in 深吸气 deep breath out 深呼气 hold breath in 保持吸气 hold breath out 保持呼气 don't force your breath 不要强迫呼吸 keep relax and normal 保持自然和放松 keep back straight (spine) 保持背部挺直 open your shoulder 打开你的肩膀 open our pelvic 打开我们的盆骨(臀部) tighten your hips, tighten knee, calf, muscle 臀部、膝盖、小腿肌肉收紧 lift your chest, roll your shoulder back 挺胸,向后转动你的肩 bend forward/ bend back 前弯/ 后弯 focus your mind in balance 注意力集中在平衡上 open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet 打开双足3到3.5英尺 twist your body right 向右扭转身体 twist your body left 向左扭转身体 lie flat on your back on the ground 仰卧平躺在垫子上 neck relax, shoulder, sprine, all back muscle, hip muscle/joint, thigh,knee, calf, ankle, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax 颈部放松,肩膀、脊柱、所有背部肌肉、臀部肌肉/关节、大腿、膝盖、小腿、脚踝、脚趾、肘部、手掌、手指,全部放松 relax your breath/ and mind 放松你的呼吸和意识 observe your body on ground. "how peaceful and relaxed". find same peace in your mind 专注你的 身体,并在意识中寻找同样的宁静与放松。 Simple cross your legs 简单坐(双腿交叉坐) Keep your chest up and your back erect 挺胸,背部正直 Put your palms on your knees 双手放在膝盖上 Close your eyes 闭上眼镜 Bring your palms together front of your chest 双手合十,放于你的胸前 We'll begin with 3 OMS together 我们一期唱颂3遍OM


瑜伽英文常用单词瑜伽动作英文说法 in hale (breath in) 吸气 exhale (breath OUt) 呼气 deep breath in 深吸气 deep breath out 深呼气 hold breath in 保持吸气 hold breath out 保持呼气 don't force your breath 不要强迫呼吸 keep relax and no rmal 保持自然和放松 keep back Straight (SPi ne) 保持背部挺直 ope n your shoulder 打开你的肩膀 open our PeIViC 打开我们的盆骨(臀部) tighten your hips, tighte n kn ee, calf, muscle 臀部、膝盖、小腿肌肉收紧 lift your chest, roll your shoulder back 挺胸,向后转动你的肩 bend forward/ bend back 前弯/ 后弯 focus your mind in bala nce 注意力集中在平衡上 open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet 打开双足3 到3.5 英尺 twist your body right 向右扭转身体 twist your body left 向左扭转身体 lie flat On your back On the ground 仰卧平躺在垫子上 neck relax, shoulder, SPrine, all back muscle, hip muscle/joint, thigh ,knee, calf, an kle, toes, elbow, palm, fin gers, relax 颈部放松,肩膀、脊柱、所有背部肌 肉、臀部肌肉/关节、大腿、膝盖、小腿、脚踝、脚趾、肘部、手掌、手指,全部放松^ relax your breath/ a nd mi nd 放松你的呼吸和意识—∣ ObSerVe your body On gro Un d. "how PeaCefUI and relaxed". find Same PeaCe in your mind 专注你的


关于瑜伽的常用句子据360教育集团介绍:Lie on your back 仰卧 Lie on your stomach 俯卧 Lie on your side 侧卧 Stand on one leg 单腿站立 Stand on your head 头倒立 Left leg up 抬起左腿 Left leg down 放下左腿 Right leg up 抬起右腿 Hands up 举起双手 Hands down 放下双手 Right hand up 举起右手

Stand on one leg 单腿站立 Stand on your left leg 左腿单腿站立 focus your mind in balance 注意力集中在平衡上 open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet 打开双足3到3.5英尺 twist your body right 向右扭转身体 twist your body left 向左扭转身体 lie flat on your back on the ground 仰卧平躺在垫子上 neck relax, shoulder spine, all back muscle. hip muscle/joint, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, kneel, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax 颈部放松,肩膀,脊柱,所有背部肌肉,臀部肌肉/关节,大腿,膝盖,小腿,脚踝,脚趾,肘部,手掌,手指,全部放松。 relax your breath/and mind 放松你的呼吸和意识 observe your body on ground. “how peace full and relax”find same peace in your mind. 专注你的身体。并在意识中寻找同样的宁静与放松。 Simple cross your legs 简易坐(双腿交叉坐)



瑜伽课堂常用英语 inhale (breath in) 吸气 exhale (breath out) 呼气 deep breath in 深吸气 deep breath out深呼气 hold breath in保持吸气 hold breath out保持呼气 don't force your breath不要强迫呼吸 keep relax and normal保持自然和放松 keep back straight (spine)保持背部挺直 open your shoulder打开你的肩膀 open our pelvic打开我们的盆骨(臀部) tighten your hips,tighten knee, calf, muscle臀部,膝盖,小腿肌肉收紧lift your chest, roll your shoulder back挺胸,向后转动你的肩 bend forward/bend back前弯/后弯 focus your mind in balance注意力集中在平衡上 open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet打开双足3到3.5英尺 twist your body right向右扭转身体 twist your body left向左扭转身体 lie flat on your back on the ground仰卧平躺在垫子上 neck relax, shoulder spine, all back muscle. hip muscle/joint, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, kneel, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax

雅思口语话题:瑜伽 yoga

雅思口语话题:瑜伽 yoga 有同学说NBA的专题对于女生来说不完全适用, 那就再写一个瑜伽的话题吧. 这样一个竞技, 一个健身. 在体育之年, 运动话题大家都应该“拿手”了吧. “努力!” Yoga It seems that everybody is talking about sports this year with the 2008 Olympic Games and the European Football Cup and the like. Being a g irl, I’m not the athletic type. I enjoy doing yoga. And, with a little background music, yoga helps me relax both physically and psychologically. The reasons why I enjoy doing yoga this much are three-fold. To start with, I’m a girl, so I care grea tly about my figure, and yoga is a slimming exercise that assists you to burn away a lot of the extra energy that you don’t use everyday. So naturally, it can help everybody lose weight and achieve the ideal figure. Secondly, the meditation you do with yoga can help you, for a short time, forget all your problems at work or at school. Close your eyes and think about it!! When you’re doing yoga on the beach, the wind blows onto your body and the sun shines evenly on your face, it’s totally th erapeutic. Last but not least, yoga is more than just an exercise. During yoga, your muscles are always straining, and it strengthens the flexibility and toughness of your body.
