

Part One

Manuscript Form

As you are learning to write, you should have a clear idea of what is good manuscript form. You should do everything - writing the title, leaving margins, indenting, capitalizing, and dividing words - according to generally accepted rules. Whenever you write something, work carefully, write neatly and clearly, and try to make as few mistakes as possible. Before handing in your essay or exercise, proofread it once or twice, because you may need to make some final corrections and changes. Ⅰ. Arrangement排版

Leave a margin on each side of the paper - about two centimeters at the top and a centimeter and a half at the left, the right and the bottom. In an exercise book the top and bottom margins are already there, so you need only to draw a vertical line to mark the left margin.

You cannot make the right margin very straight, but you must not write to the edge of the paper. When there is not enough space left for a word, write it on the next line if it cannot be divided. In other words, there must be some blank space on the right side of the paper.

Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words(including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles冠词, coordinating conjunctions并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for), prepositions介词, and the to in infinitives不定式。

No period is used at the end of a title. Use a question mark if the title is a direct question, but do not use one if it is an indirect question. Use quotation marks with quotes or titles of articles; and underline names of books.

Indent缩写the first line of every paragraph, leaving a space of about four or five letters.

Do not begin a line with a comma, a period, a semicolon, a colon, a question mark or an exclamation mark. Do not end a line with the first half of a pair of brackets, quotation marks, or parentheses. The hyphen that indicates a divided word is put at the end, not at the beginning, of a line.

Ⅱ. Word Division移行

When you write near the edge of the paper, take a look at the space left. If it is not enough for the word you are going to write, you have to decide whether to divide the word or to write it on the next line. Never squeeze a word into the margin.

The general principle is to divide a word according to its syllables. Pay attention

to the following:

One-syllable words like through, march, brain and pushed cannot be divided.

Do not write one letter of a word at the end or at the beginning of a line, even if that one letter makes up a syllable, such as a. lone, trick. y.

Do not put a two-letter syllable at the beginning of a line, like hat. ed, cab. in.

Avoid separating proper names of people or places, like Chi. na, Aus. ten.

Divide hyphenated words only at the hyphen: father-in-law, empty-handed. Do not divide words in a way that may mislead the reader: pea. cock, re. ally.

Do not divide the last word on a page. Instead, write the whole word on the next page.

Divide words with prefixes or suffixes between the prefix or suffix and the base part of the word: re. state. ment, un. relent. ing.

Divide two-syllable words with double consonants between the two consonants: strug. gle, shat. ter.

Dividing words is not always easy. When in doubt, consult a dictionary

Ⅲ. Capitalization大写

Capitals are used mainly at three places: the first words of sentences, key words in titles, and proper names.

Not only a complete sentence, but a sentence fragment treated as a sentence, should begin with a capital letter.

The first word of quoted speech (words put between quotation marks) is capitalized. If a quoted sentence is broken into two parts and put in two pairs of quotation marks, the second part does not begin with a capital letter unless the first word is a proper noun or an adjective derived from a proper noun.

Common nouns that are parts of proper names are capitalized

Words derived from proper names are usually capitalized

But proper names or their derivatives may become common nouns, verbs or adjectives.

Ⅳ. Punctuation标点

How to use different punctuation marks will be discussed in detail in Part Ten. The following are a few basic rules which all students learning to write should remember: Use a period (full stop) at the end of a complete sentence, however short it is.

Do not use a comma to join two coordinate clauses; use a comma and a conjunction, or a semicolon.

Make your commas different from your periods. A comma has a little tail (,); a period is a dot (.), not a tiny circle (。), which is used in written Chinese.

Use a question mark at the end of a direct question; do not use one at the end of an indirect question:

Use the exclamation感叹词mark only after an emphatic interjection or words that express very strong emotion. Do not overuse it.

Put direct speech between quotation marks引号. The subject and verb that introduce a quotation may be put before, after, or in the middle of the quotation.

V. Handwriting书法

Write carefully so that your handwriting can be read easily. Be sure to make your capitals a little bigger and higher than your small letters, make your a' s different from your o' s, and your n's different from your u' s, dot your i' s and j' s, and cross your t' s. Leave a little space (about one letter) after a comma and a slightly bigger space (about two letters) after a period.

When you want to cross out a word, do not use brackets to enclose it, but draw a thick line across it. When you want to add a word, write it above, not below, the line of words you have written with a clear sign showing where it is to be inserted.

There are two common ways of writing the letters: one is to form loops and the other is to print (to write without joining the letters). Both are good, but you had better stick to one of the two styles.

Part Two


Ⅰ. Levels of Words词的类型

The words that are often used may be divided, from a stylistic point of view, into three types: formal, common, and colloquial.

Formal words may also be called learned words, or literary words, or "big" words. They mainly appear in formal writing, such as scholarly or theoretical works, political and legal documents, and formal lectures and addresses. Many such words contain three or more than three syllables; most of them are seldom used in daily conversation, except for special purposes.

Most of the words in the paragraph, however, are those that people use every day, and appear in all kinds of writing. Because of this, they are called common words. There are words which are mainly used in informal or familiar conversation. They seldom appear in formal writing, and in literary works their main use is to record people's thoughts and dialogues. They are usually short words of one or two syllables and most of them are of Saxon origin (i. e., not borrowed from Greek, Latin, or French). We may call them colloquial words, such as guts (meaning courage), guy

(man), and hassle (bother).

Thus there are three levels of words, with the formal or learned at the top, the colloquial at the bottom, and the common in the middle. Common words are good for all kinds of writing; formal words are as a rule seldom used in informal writing, while colloquial words are seldom used in formal writing, unless for some special purpose or effect.

These are all words of standard English, which is used by all educated speakers of the language. There are words which are used only by special groups of people for special effect. Among these are slang words, dialectal words and certain words that are often used by uneducated speakers.

Slang words are highly informal; they may be vivid and interesting, but they may, when used inappropriately, make the writer or speaker sound offensive or funny

Ⅱ. The Meaning of Words词义

The meaning of a word has two aspects: denotative and connotative. A word's denotation is what it literally means, as defined by the dictionary; its connotation is the feeling or idea suggested by it.

Ⅲ. General and Specific Words泛指词和特指词

Although both general and specific words are useful, a student learning to write should make an effort to master and use specific words wherever possible. Specific words help to make writing clear, exact, vivid, and striking, for they are more informative and expressive than general words.

Using specific words should go along with providing details, and then there will be effective and impressive writing.

Ⅳ. Idioms习语

An idiom is a fixed group of words with a special meaning which is different from the meanings of the words that form it.

Idioms are frequently used in speech and writing. They help to make one's language sound natural and idiomatic. But in using them foreign learners of English should remember the following two points:

(1) most idioms are informal or colloquial in style and can be used in conversation; but a few are slang and should be used with care, such as all balled up, meaning troubled or confused, and to cough up, meaning to produce something;

(2) many idioms have become clichés and are no longer fresh or interesting, such as armed to the teeth and as good as gold, and should be used sparingly.

Ⅴ. Figures of Speech修辞

Words used in their original meanings are used literally, while words used in extended meanings for the purpose of making comparisons or calling up pictures in the reader's or listener's mind are used figuratively.

There are various ways of using words figuratively. They are called figures of speech. Among the most common of them are:

1. Simile明喻It is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like.

2. Metaphor暗喻It is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality. It is also a comparison, but the comparison is implied, not expressed with the word as or like.

Metaphors are used not only after verb to be, and not only nouns can be used metaphorically.

A metaphor or a simile has to be fresh to be effective. One that has been frequently used over a long period of time will become dull and stale, and cease to function as a metaphor or simile.

3. Personification拟人It is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities. In poetry personification is very common:

In prose personification is also used, though not so often as in poetry.

4. Metonymy转喻It is substituting the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.Thus the crown can stand for a king, and the White House for the American government.

5. Synecdoche提喻When a part is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for a part, synecdoche is applied

Metonymy and synecdoche are similar as both involve substitution. Sometimes they can hardly be distinguished from metaphor, which in a way is also substitution.

6. Euphemism委婉语It is the substitution of a mild or vague expression for a harsh or unpleasant one.

7. Irony反语It is the use of words which are clearly opposite to what is meant, in order to achieve a special effect.

8. Overstatement and understatement夸大和缩小In overstatement the diction exaggerates the subject, and in understatement the words play down the magnitude or value of the subject. Overstatement is also called hyperbole.

Both aim at the same effect: to make the statement or description impressive or interesting.

9. Transferred Epithet移位修饰An epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase that serves to characterize somebody or something.A transferred epithet is one that is shifted from the noun it logically modifies to a word associated with that noun.

10. Oxymoron矛盾修辞法In oxymoron apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce a special effect.

11. Alliteration押头韵It refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words.

Alliteration is sometimes used in prose for the same effect - to join two or more related words.

Ⅵ. Dictionaries略


必修三古文翻译一、指南录后序 必修三古文翻译一、指南录后序原文: 德佑二年二月十九日,予除右丞相兼枢密使,都督诸路军马。时北兵已迫修门外,战、守、迁皆不及施。缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府,莫知计所出。会使辙交驰,北邀当国者相见,众谓予一行为可以纾祸。国事至此,予不得爱身;意北亦尚可以口舌动也。初,奉使往来,无留北者,予更欲一觇北,归而求救国之策。于是,辞相印不拜,翌日,以资政殿学士行。 初至北营,抗辞慷慨,上下颇惊动,北亦未敢遽轻吾国。不幸吕师孟构恶于前,贾余庆献谄于后,予羁縻不得还,国事遂不可收拾。予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅失信,数吕师孟叔侄为逆,但欲求死,不复顾利害。北虽貌敬,实则愤怒,二贵酋名曰“馆伴”,夜则以兵围所寓舍,而予不得归矣。 未几,贾余庆等以祈请使诣北。北驱予并往,而不在使者之目。予分当引决,然而隐忍以行。昔人云:“将以有为也”。至京口,得间奔真州,即具以北虚实告东西二阃,约以连兵大举。中兴机会,庶几在此。留二日,维扬帅下逐客之令。不得已,变姓名,诡踪迹,草行露宿,日与北骑相出没于长淮间。穷饿无聊,追购又急,天高地迥,号呼靡及。已而得舟,避渚洲,出北海,然后渡扬子江,入苏州洋,展转四明、天台,以至于永嘉。 呜呼!予之及于死者不知其几矣!诋大酋当死;骂逆贼当死;与

贵酋处二十日,争曲直,屡当死;去京口,挟匕首以备不测,几自刭死;经北舰十余里,为巡船所物色,几从鱼腹死;真州逐之城门外,几旁徨死;如扬州,过瓜洲扬子桥,竟使遇哨,无不死;扬州城下,进退不由,殆例送死;坐桂公塘土围中,骑数千过其门,几落贼手死;贾家庄几为巡徼所陵迫死;夜趋高邮,迷失道,几陷死;质明,避哨竹林中,逻者数十骑,几无所救死;至高邮,制府檄下,几以捕系死;行城子河,出入乱尸中,舟与哨相后先,几邂逅死;至海陵,如高沙,常恐无辜死;道海安、如皋,凡三百里,北与寇往来其间,无日而非可死;至通州,几以不纳死;以小舟涉鲸波出,无可奈何,而死固付之度外矣!呜呼!死生,昼夜事也,死而死矣,而境界危恶,层见错出,非人世所堪。痛定思痛,痛何如哉! 予在患难中,间以诗记所遭,今存其本,不忍废,道中手自抄录。使北营,留北关外,为一卷;发北关外,历吴门、毗陵,渡瓜洲,复还京口,为一卷;脱京口,趋真州、扬州、高邮、泰州、通州,为一卷;自海道至永嘉、来三山,为一卷。将藏之于家,使来者读之,悲予志焉。 呜呼!予之生也幸,而幸生也何所为?求乎为臣,主辱,臣死有馀僇;所求乎为子,以父母之遗体行殆,而死有余责。将请罪于君,君不许;请罪于母,母不许;请罪于先人之墓。生无以救国,死犹为厉鬼以击贼,义也;赖天之灵、宗庙之福,修我戈矛,从王于师,以为前驱,雪九庙之耻,复高祖之业,所谓“誓不与贼俱生”,所谓“鞠躬尽力,死而后已”,亦义也。嗟夫!若予者,将无往而不得死所矣。向也,使予委骨于草莽,予虽浩然无所愧怍,然微以自文于君亲,君亲其谓予何?诚不自意返吾衣冠,重见日月,

大学 英语写作手册 课后题

Part 1 1. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, he had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventure, who had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic. 2. When I woke up I saw him asleep in bed, I had not heard him when he came back. Because I had been sleeping soundly. When I woke up I saw him asleep in bed, I did not hear him when he came back. Because I had been sleeping soundly. 3. Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, that was why he got higher pay than others. Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, which was why he got higher pay than others. 4. No student could answer that question, even Xiao Yao, who was usually quick in answering questions, was silent. No student could answer that question, even Xiao Yao who was usually quick in answering questions was silent. 5. Lin looks like Li, however, they are not related. Lin looks like Li, but they are not related. 6. The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes half closed, looking very sleepy. The old man hunched forward. His head tilted at an angle. His eyes half closed, looks very sleepy. 7. The work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, thus, they over fulfilled their quota. The work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, so they over fulfilled their quota. 8. Mark Twain, a well-known American writer, whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer. Mark Twain is a well-known American writer, whose experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer. Part2 1. Xu comes from a working-class family. He enrolled in college last fall. Xu who comes from a working-class family enrolled in college last fall. 2. The dean issued a bulletin. It said the library would remain open on weekends. The dean issued a bulletinwhich said the library would remain open on weekends. 3. Last night was a windy night. The thunder roared. The wind blew a gale. The rain fell in torrents. Last night was a windy night, the thunder roaring, the wind blowing a gale. the rain falling in torrents. 4. There are icicles on the trees. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night for there are icicles on the trees. 5. He returned to his hometown. He had been away for twelve years. He looked in vain for the


指南录后序文言文翻译及注释 《指南录后序》是南宋文天祥为《指南录》所作的一篇序文。该文简略概括地叙述了作者出使元营、面斥敌酋汉奸、被扣押冒死逃脱、颠沛流离、万死南归的冒险经历,反映了民族英雄文天祥坚定不移的战斗意志、忠贞不屈的民族气节和生死不渝的爱国激情。其文被收录在苏教版语文必修三专题三。指南录后序文言文翻译及注释是如何呢?本文是整理的指南录后序文言文翻译及注释资料,仅供参考。 指南录后序文言文原文指南录后序 作者:文天祥 德祐二年二月十九日,予除右丞相兼枢密使,都督诸路军马。时北兵已迫修门外,战、守、迁皆不及施。缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府,莫知计所出。会使辙交驰,北邀当国者相见,众谓予一行为可以纾祸。国事至此,予不得爱身;意北亦尚可以口舌动也。初,奉使往来,无留北者,予更欲一觇北,归而求救国之策。于是,辞相印不拜,翌日,以资政殿学士行。 初至北营,抗辞慷慨,上下颇惊动,北亦未敢遽轻吾国。不幸吕师孟构恶于前,贾余庆献谄于后,予羁縻不得还,国事遂不可收拾。予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅失信,数吕师孟叔侄为逆,但欲求死,不复顾利害。北虽貌敬,实则愤怒,二贵酋名曰“馆伴”,夜则以兵围所寓舍,而予不得归矣。 未几,贾余庆等以祈请使诣北。北驱予并往,而不在使者之目。

予分当引决,然而隐忍以行。昔人云:“将以有为也”。至京口,得间奔真州,即具以北虚实告东西二阃,约以连兵大举。中兴机会,庶几在此。留二日,维扬帅下逐客之令。不得已,变姓名,诡踪迹,草行露宿,日与北骑相出没于长淮间。穷饿无聊,追购又急,天高地迥,号呼靡及。已而得舟,避渚洲,出,然后渡扬子江,入洋,展转四明、天台,以至于永嘉。 呜呼!予之及于死者不知其几矣!诋大酋当死;骂逆贼当死;与贵酋处二十日,争曲直,屡当死;去京口,挟匕首以备不测,几自刭死;经北舰十余里,为巡船所物色,几从鱼腹死;真州逐之城门外,几徬徨死;如,过瓜洲扬子桥,竟使遇哨,无不死;城下,进退不由,殆例送死;坐桂公塘土围中,骑数千过其门,几落贼手死;贾家庄几为巡徼所陵迫死;夜趋高邮,迷失道,几陷死;质明,避哨竹林中,逻者数十骑,几无所救死;至高邮,制府檄下,几以捕系死;行城子河,出入乱尸中,舟与哨相后先,几邂逅死;至海陵,如高沙,常恐无辜死;道海安、如皋,凡三百里,北与寇往来其间,无日而非可死;至通州,几以不纳死;以小舟涉鲸波出,无可奈何,而死固付之度外矣!呜呼!死生,昼夜事也,死而死矣,而境界危恶,层见错出,非人世所堪。痛定思痛,痛何如哉! 予在患难中,间以诗记所遭,今存其本,不忍废,道中手自抄录。使北营,留北关外,为一卷;发北关外,历吴门、毗陵,渡瓜洲,复还京口,为一卷;脱京口,趋真州、、高邮、、通州,为一卷;自海道至永嘉、来三山,为一卷。将藏之于家,使来者读之,悲予志焉。


Part One Manuscript Form You should do everything - writing the title, leaving margins, indenting, capitalizing. Ⅰ. Arrangement排版 Write the title in the middle of the first line. Capitalize the first and last words of the title and all other words(including words following hyphens in compound words) except articles, coordinating conjunctions(and, or, but, nor, for), prepositions, and the to in infinitives. Indent the first line of every paragraph, leaving a space of about four or five letters. Ⅱ. Word Division移行 The general principle is to divide a word according to its syllables. Pay attention to the following: One-syllable words like through, march, brain and pushed cannot be divided. Do not write one letter of a word at the end or at the beginning of a line, even if that one letter makes up a syllable, such as a. lone, trick. y. Do not put a two-letter syllable at the beginning of a line, like hat. ed, cab. in. Avoid separating proper names of people or places, like Chi. na, Aus. ten.


英文写作术语大全(中英文对照) abstract words 抽象词 acknowledgement 致谢 active voice 主动语态 affirmative sentence 肯定句 agent 施动者 alliteration 头韵 ambiguity 歧义 American English 美式英语 analogy 类比 analytic expression 分析型表达 anastrophe 词语倒装法 anticlimax order 突降法 anti-rhetorical 反修辞 antithesis 对照\对偶 antonomasia 换称 antonym 反义词 apostrophe 撇号(即') appositive 同位语 archaic words 古词 argumentation 议论文 argumentative writing 议论文写作 article 冠词 ascending order 递增法 association 联想 attitude 态度 audience 听众 awkwardness 拙劣 balanced sentence 平衡句 base 词根 beginning 开头 beginning paragraph 开头段落 between sentences 句际 bibliography 书目 big words 大词 block contrast 批对比法 body 主体 bookish verbs 学究式动词 brainstorming 头脑风暴法 brevity 简练 British English 英式英语 broken sentence 破碎句 capitalization 用大写 case study 案例分析 casual style 非正式文体 causal analysis 因果分析cause-effect development 由因到果发展法central thought 中心思想 Chinese interference 中文干扰 Chinglish 中国式英语 choice of words 选词 choppy sentence 断续句循环圆周结构circumlocutory 兜圈子的 clarity 明晰 classical rhetoric 古典修辞模式classification 分类发展法 clear reference of pronoun 代词前指明晰clear sentence 意义明晰句 cliché陈词滥调 climax order 递增顺序 clipped words 词省略拼法 closing paragraph 结尾段落 coherence 连贯 coherent 连贯的 cohesion 粘着性 cohesive device 粘着手段 collective noun 集体名词 collocation 搭配 colloquial 口语化的 colloquial context 口语语境colloquialism 口语化 colon 冒号 combination 句子合并组合法 comma 逗号 common words 普通词常用语communication means 交际手段comparison 比较法 Complete essay checklist 作品核查项目单complete sentence 完整句 complex sentence 复杂句complimentary close 结尾套语 compound sentence 复合句复杂复合句conceptual repetition 概念重复法 concise 简洁 conclusion 结论 concrete illustration 具体阐明 concrete words 实义词 confusing sentence 意义混乱句 conjunction 连词 connective 联系词 connotation 内涵 connotative meaning 内涵意义 conscious logic 逻辑意识


英语写作手册考试题目 一、填空。 1.Thewordsthatareoftenusedmaybedivided,fromastylisticpoin tofview,intothree 2. 3.Agrammaticallycompletesentenceisonethatc ontainsatleastanda 4.Accordingtotheiruse,sentencesare 5.Alooses entenceputsthemainideabeforeallsupplementaryinformation;inoth er words,itputsfirstthingsfirst,andletsthereadersknowwhatiti smainlyaboutwhentheyhavereadthefirstfewwords.Thereversearrang ementmakesaperiodicsentence:themainideaisexpressedatornearthe endofit,anditisnotgrammaticallycompleteuntiltheendisreached.(松散句,圆周句P39) 6.7.Inductivereasoning:whenyouuseinduction,youstartwithfa ctsandproceedfrom factstoageneralconclusion.Inotherwords,youmovefromspecifi cexamplestoageneralstatement. Deductivereasoning:Theprocessisjusttheoppositeofinductive reasoning—itmovesfromageneralstatementtosspecificconclusion.Itworksonth emodelofsyllogism—athree-

【2019最新】中考文言文《指南录后序》全文详细翻译-范文模板 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 中考文言文《后序》全文详细翻译 《指南录》后序 作者:文天祥 德祐二年二月十九日,我被任命为右丞相兼枢密使,统一指挥各路兵马。当时元军已迫近都门外,战、守、迁都来不及安排了。大小官员都聚集在左丞相的府中,都想不出办法来。恰巧(双方)使者车马往来频繁,元军方面邀请我方主持国事的人相见,大家认为我走一趟可以解除(国家)祸患。国事到了这个地步,我顾不得爱惜自己的身躯,(而且)我料想元军方面还是可以用言语说服的。过去,我们的使者往来,也没有被扣留在元军里面的,我更想(借此机会)察看一下元军方面的情况,以便回来制定救国的策略。于是,就辞去丞相职位不就任,第二天,用资政殿学士(的身分)前往。 德祐二年二月十九日,予除右丞相兼枢密使,都督诸路军马。时北兵已迫修门外,战、守、迁皆不及施。缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府,莫知计所出。会使辙交驰,北邀当国者相见,众谓予一行为可以纾祸。国事至此,予不得爱身;意北亦尚可以口舌动也。初,奉使往来,无留北者,予更欲一觇北,归而求救国之策。于是辞相印不拜,翌日,以资政殿学士行。 刚到元军军营的时候,我激昂慷慨地说着抗争的话,(元军)上上下下的人都很震惊,元人也不敢一下子轻视我国。不幸的是先有叛将吕师孟与我结仇,后有贾余庆(向对方)讨好献媚,我被软禁起来不能回国,国事也就不可收拾。我估计脱不了身,就理直气壮地骂元军统帅不守信用,谴责吕师孟叔侄的叛国罪行。(我)只想求死,不再顾念(个人)安危。元军方面虽然表面上尊敬我,实际上(对我)很愤怒。(派来)两个高级头目,名义上是招待使臣的人,夜里却用兵包围我的住所,因此我就不能回国了。过了不久,贾余庆等以祈请使的身份到元朝国都去;元人逼我同他们一起走,但我不在使者之列。我按理应当自杀,但还是暗中忍耐着跟随他们出发。古人说:“(忍辱不死)是准备凭借这个有所作为啊!” 初至北营,抗辞慷慨,上下颇惊动,北亦未敢遽轻吾国。不幸吕师孟构恶于前,贾余庆献谄于后,予羁縻不得还,国事遂不可收拾。予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅失信,数吕师孟叔侄为逆。但欲求死,不复顾利害。北虽貌敬,实则愤怒。二贵酋名曰馆伴,夜则以兵围所寓舍,而予不得归矣。未几,贾余庆


词语应用 WORD POWER DEVELPOMENT 1. discount n. Will you please also indicate delivery times, your terms of payment, and details of discount for regular purchases and large orders? 能否能交换时间,你的付款方式,以及对于经常订购和大批量订货所给的折扣的详细情况也告诉我们? However, we would be willing to allow\grant\offer you a special 2.5% discount if you could see your way to increasing your order to $50,000. 尽管如此,如果能将订购增加到5万美元的话,我们将愿意给您一个2.5%的特殊折扣。 We stress, however, that this offer, because of the special discount and limited stocks remaining, is open for only 14 days from the date of this letter. 然而,我们想强调一下,由于这是个特殊折扣、并且库存有限,因此本报盘的有效期仅为写信之日起14天。 The prices quoted are subjected to the usual trade discount. 所报价格均享有通常的同业折扣。 The following items are offered at a discount of 10%. 下列产品以九折报盘。 V. That original price was discounted by 10%. 那个原价被打了10%的折扣。 They discount 10% from the original price. 他们将原价打了10%的折扣。 We are ready to discount all the articles marked with an asterisk. 我们打算将所有标有星号的商品都给予打折。 2. inquire\enquireour a) We were very pleased to receive your letter inquiring about\for electric heater and are happy to enclose a copy of our latest catalogue. 非常高兴收到你方队电热器的询购涵,并自此附上我公司最新的产品目录本一册。We are writing to inquire if it would be possible for you to supply a modified version of your MILFFORD bedroom suite. 兹函询,你公司MILFORD整套卧室家具是否供应定做的产品。 We are now inquiring into the cause of delay and will let you know our findings as soon as possible. 我们正在调查延误的原因,并且会尽快告知我们的调查结果。 b) inquire\enquire Thank you for your inquire about our leisure products range. 感谢您寻购我公司的休闲系列产品。 We have received a number of inquiries for floor covering suitable for use on rough surface. 我们已经收到了一些来函,寻购适用于铺设在粗糙地面上的地板材料。 We now enclose our order No.3241 for the goods mentioned in our original inquire. 兹附我3241号订单,订购我方原寻购函所列的货物。


指南录后序原文及翻译 指南录后序 〔宋〕文天祥 原文: 德佑二年二月十九日,予除右丞相兼枢密使,都督诸路军马。时北兵已迫修门外,战、守、迁皆不及施。缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府,莫知计所出。会使辙交驰,北邀当国者相见,众谓予一行为可以纾祸。国事至此,予不得爱身;意北亦尚可以口舌动也。初,奉使往来,无留北者,予更欲一觇北,归而求救国之策。于是,辞相印不拜,翌日,以资政殿学士行。 初至北营,抗辞慷慨,上下颇惊动,北亦未敢遽轻吾国。不幸吕师孟构恶于前,贾余庆献谄于后,予羁縻不得还,国事遂不可收拾。予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅失信,数吕师孟叔侄为逆,但欲求死,不复顾利害。北虽貌敬,实则愤怒,二贵酋名曰“馆伴”,夜则以兵围所寓舍,而予不得归矣。 未几,贾余庆等以祈请使诣北。北驱予并往,而不在使者之目。予分当引决,然而隐忍以行。昔人云:“将以有为也”。至京口,得间奔真州,即具以北虚实告东西二阃,约以连兵大举。中兴机会,庶几在此。留二日,维扬帅下逐客之令。不得已,变姓名,诡踪迹,草行露宿,日与北骑相出没于长淮间。穷饿无聊,追购又急,天高地迥,号呼靡及。已而得舟,避渚洲,出北海,然后渡扬子江,入苏州洋,展转四明、天台,以至于永嘉。 呜呼~予之及于死者不知其几矣~诋大酋当死;骂逆贼当死;与贵酋处二十日,争曲直,屡当死;去京口,挟匕首以备不测,几自刭死;经北舰十余里,为巡船所物色,几从鱼腹死;真州逐之城门外,几旁徨死;如扬州,过瓜洲扬子桥,竟使遇哨,无不死;扬州城下,进退不由,殆例送死;坐桂公塘土围中,骑数千过其门,几落贼

手死;贾家庄几为巡徼所陵迫死;夜趋高邮,迷失道,几陷死;质明,避哨竹林中,逻者数十骑,几无所救死;至高邮,制府檄下,几以捕系死;行城子河,出入乱尸中,舟与哨相后先,几邂逅死;至海陵,如高沙,常恐无辜死;道海安、如皋,凡三百里,北与寇往来其间,无日而非可死;至通州,几以不纳死;以小舟涉鲸波出,无可奈何,而死固付之度外矣~呜呼~死生,昼夜事也,死而死矣,而境界危恶,层见错出,非人世所堪。痛定思痛,痛何如哉~ 予在患难中,间以诗记所遭,今存其本,不忍废,道中手自抄录。使北营,留北关外,为一卷;发北关外,历吴门、毗陵,渡瓜洲,复还京口,为一卷;脱京口,趋真州、扬州、高邮、泰州、通州,为一卷;自海道至永嘉、来三山,为一卷。将藏之于家,使来者读之,悲予志焉。 呜呼~予之生也幸,而幸生也何所为,求乎为臣,主辱,臣死有馀僇;所求乎为子,以父母之遗体行殆,而死有余责。将请罪于君,君不许;请罪于母,母不许;请罪于先人之墓。生无以救国,死犹为厉鬼以击贼,义也;赖天之灵、宗庙之福,修我戈矛,从王于师,以为前驱,雪九庙之耻,复高祖之业,所谓“誓不与贼俱生”,所谓“鞠躬尽力,死而后已”,亦义也。嗟夫~若予者,将无往而不得死所矣。向也,使予委骨于草莽,予虽浩然无所愧怍,然微以自文于君亲,君亲其谓予何,诚不自意返吾衣冠,重见日月,使旦夕得正丘首,复何憾哉~复何憾哉~是年夏五,改元景炎,庐陵文天祥自序其诗,名曰《指南录》。 ——选自《四部丛刊》本《文山先生全集》 译文: 德佑二年二月十九日,我受任右丞相兼枢密使,统率全国各路兵马。当时元兵已经逼近都城北门外,交战、防守、转移都来不及做了。满朝大小官员会集在左丞相吴坚家里,都不知道该怎么办。正当双方使者的车辆往来频繁,元军邀约宋朝主持国事的人前去相见,大家认为我去一趟就可以解除祸患。国事到了这种地步,我


英语写作常见错误分析 一、不一致(Disagreements) 所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,它还包括了主谓不一致、单复数不一致及代词不一致等。 1、主谓不一致 例1、When one have money, he can do what he want to. 剖析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has;同理,want应改为wants。本句是典型的主谓不一致。 改为:Once one has money, he can do what he wants (to do) 例2、The number of errors were surprising. 剖析:主语是“The number”谓语动词应使用“was”。 改为:The number of errors was surprising. 例3、Either your students or Mr. Wang know this. 剖析:根据“就近原则”,位于动词应使用第三人人称单数形式。改为:Either your students or Mr. Wang knows this. 2、单复数不一致 例1、He has been working so hard recently that he has got good mark in all his subjects. 剖析:从后面的subjects 来看,mark应用复数形式marks,

说的是各科考试中都取得了好分数。 改为:He has been working so hard recently that he has got good marks in all his subjects. 例2、On the way home I took picture since the secretary was so beautiful. I’ll have them developed this afternoon. 剖析:take picture中的picture为可数名词,根据下句中的them可知,此处应为复数形式pictures。 改为:On the way home I took pictures since the secretary was so beautiful. I’ll have them developed this afternoon. 3、时态不一致 这里讲的时态不一致问题,主要是指在某些连词的作用下动词时态的一致性问题。 例1、It’s ten o’clock when I came home last night. 剖析:此处主句和从句时态应保持一致。 改为:It was ten o’clock when I came home last night. 4、代词不一致 例1、There is forty students in our class, and thirty of them are boys. 剖析:从前一分句可看出,本句谈论的是“我们班”的情况,故后一分句应用第一人称us 。


《指南录后序》教材解读 一、高中语文文言文的阅读要求: 高中语文教学大纲对文言文学习的要求是:诵读古典诗词和浅易文言文,背诵一定数量的名篇。掌握文中常见的文言实词、虚词和句式,能理解词句含义,读懂课文,学习用现代观念审视作品的内容和思想倾向。 二、初高中学习要求的变化: 初中的文言文所选篇目较短,文言知识点容量较小,学生多侧重于记忆背诵,能够做简单的翻译。高中阶段文言文阅读篇幅增长,知识点多,要求学生在理解的基础上记忆消化相关的知识,掌握一定的语法知识,能够识辨基本的文言现象,从而准确地翻译,并背诵一定数量的名篇。 三、必修三文言文学习的要求: 如果说高一上期,是学生初高中学习的过渡期。那么,高一下期,学生应该已经完全融入了高中生活。在必修三的文言文篇目比较多,总共有八篇,而《烛之武退秦师》《鸿门宴》《廉颇蔺相如列传》三篇,主要是古代记叙散文。这些文章故事强,人物个性鲜明,能够激发学生阅读的兴趣。在学习这三篇文言文基础上,再学习《指南录后序》这不论是对学生的文言知识还是文言阅读的能力都有很大的帮助。其中文天祥的崇高的民族精神对学生具有很强的感染力,对于传统文化精神和品质的弘扬有着积极的意义和作用。学生可以在学习中通过这种精神的感染,逐渐消除文言文学习中的恐惧感和枯燥感,积累知识,强化理解,提高素养。在必修一的文言文学习,要求学生可以初步了解并辨识文言现象,能够抓住关键词语,概括文章的叙事脉络,初步欣赏和借鉴叙事的技巧和方法。 四、《指南录后序》在教材中的位置: 《指南录后序》是必修三专题二“号角,为你长鸣”中板块一“烈士的抉择”中的第一课。通过对专题四中《烛之武退秦师》、《廉颇蔺相如列传》、《鸿门宴》三课的学习,学生已经回顾并掌握了文言现象的基本规律,且进一步学会了文言阅读的方法,这篇文章篇幅适中,文言现象较《史记》中少,但是文章却没有前面所学的三篇文言文易懂,所以学生在朗诵阅读上,就要注意文言断句以及对文章大意的理解。从疏通文意的角度出发,再熟悉的语言环境中积累文言现象也许会更容易一些。因此,这一课可以看成是文言现象的复习和巩固的过程。 本课记叙中夹杂抒情、议论。文天祥在叙述自己南逃途中的经历时,又不忘抒发自


《指南录后序》练习题 一、选择题(每题3分,共30分) 1.下列注音有误的一项是() A 荟萃.(cuì)缙.(jìn)绅纾.(shū)祸翌.(yì)日 B 遽.(jǜ)然羁縻.(mí)诟.(gòu)病造诣.(yì) C 诋.(dǐ)毁庶几.(jǐ)酋.(qiǘ)长彷.(páng)徨 D 愧怍.(zuò)自刭.(jǐng)巡徼.(jiào)檄.(xí)文 2.下列加点词语意思完全相同的一项是() A 予自度.不得脱何不改乎此度. B 夜则以.兵围所寓所翌日,以.资政殿学士行 C 竟.使遇哨,无不死秦王竟.酒,终不能加胜于赵 D 然微.以自文于君亲微.斯人,吾谁与归 3.对下列句中加点词的解释不正确的一项是() A.予除.右丞相兼枢密使除:解除 B.意.北亦尚可以口舌动也意:料想 C.予更欲一觇.北觇:窥视 D.北亦未敢遽.轻吾国遽:立刻 4.下列句子中含有通假字的一项是() A.归而求救国之策 B.缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府 C.北虽貌敬,实则愤怒 D.日与北骑相出没于长淮间 5.下列加点词语的含义与现代汉语相同的一项是() A 众谓予一行为 ..口舌动也 ..可以纾祸 B 意北亦尚可以 C 以父母之遗体 ..死 ..行殆 D 如高沙,常恐无辜 6.下列加点词在句中的意义和其现代意义相同的一项是( ) A.众谓予一行为 .. ..可以纾祸 B.但欲求死,不复顾利害 C.即具以北虚实 ..告东西二阃 D.穷饿无聊 ..,追购又急 7.下列句子中加点词的意义和用法都相同的一项是() A.①归而.求救国之策②北驱予并往,而.不在使者之目 B.①以.资政殿学士行②贾余庆等以.祈请使诣北 C.①不幸吕师孟构恶于.前②以至于.永嘉 D.①予自度不得脱,则.直前诟虏帅失信②夜则.以兵围所寓舍 8.下列各句加点词语用法与例句相同的一项是() 例:变姓名,诡踪迹,草.行露宿 A.国事至此,予不得爱.身 B.北虽貌.敬,实则愤怒 C.至海陵,如.高沙,常恐无辜死 D.将藏之于家,使来者读之,悲.予志焉 9.以下句子分别编为四组,全都是造成“国事不可收拾”的一组是() ①时北兵已迫修门外②战、守、迁皆不及施③北邀当国者相见④吕师孟构恶于前⑤予羁縻不得还⑥辞相印不拜 A.①③⑤ B.②④⑥ C.①②④ D.③⑤⑥


第三章造句 Ⅰ. 完整句和不完整句 1. 完整句 (1)完整句的语法结构必须完整,即一个完整句必修至少有一个主语和一个谓语动词;如果该谓语动词是及物动词,还得有一个宾语;若是个系动词,则必须有一个表语或补语:He came. She wrote a letter. Dr. Smith is a professor. (2)一个完整的句子以大写字母开始,以句号结束。 2. 不完整句 有时为取得特殊效果可用到不完整的句子。如: It is hard to hear a new voice, as hard as it is to listen to an unknown language... Why? Out of fear. The world fears a new experience more than it fears anything. Because a new experience displaces so many old experiences. And it is like trying to use muscles stiff for ages. It hurts horribly. —D. H. Lawrence He was, I think, very handsome. I gather this from photographs and from my own memories of him, dressed in his Sunday best and on his way to preach a sermon somewhere, when I was little. Handsome, proud, and ingrown, “like a


《指南录后序》文言知识整理 一、通假字 1)具以北虚实告东西二阃(具,通“俱”。全,都,作副词。) 2) 层见错出(见,通“现”。) 3) 缙绅(缙,通“搢”。插) 4) 贾家庄几为巡徼所陵迫死(陵,同“凌”。欺侮) 5) 臣死有余僇(僇,通“戮”。罪) 二、古今异义 1) 穷饿无聊,追购又急(无聊古:没有依托。今:单调,没有价值。) 2) 以至于永嘉(至于古:到达。今:表示达到某种程度) 3) 初至北营,抗辞慷慨(慷慨古:十分激烈。今:大方。) 4) 为巡船所物色(物色古:搜寻。今:寻找需要的人才或东西。) 5) 几彷徨死(彷徨古:走投无路。今:犹豫不定,不知往哪里去好。) 6) 国事遂不可收拾(收拾古:挽回今:整理) 7) 不复顾利害(复古:再今:重复利害古:个人安危今:利益安危) 8) 以父母之遗体行殆(遗古:赐予自己的身体今:尸体) 9) 众谓予一行为可以纾祸(行为古:行动。今:受思想支配而表现在外面的活动。) 10) 意北亦尚可以口舌动也(可以古:可以用。今:表示可能或能够。) 三、词类活用 A.名词作状语: 北虽貌敬(貌:表面上) 予分当引决(分:按职份) 草行露宿(草:在荒草间。露:在露天下。) 日与北骑相出没(日:每天) 道中手自抄录(手:亲手) B.名词作动词 道海安、如皋(道:取道) 则直前诟虏帅失信(前:走上前) 庐陵文天祥自序其诗(序,为……作序) 名曰《指南录》(名:命名) C动词作名词 贾家庄几为巡徼所陵迫死(巡徼:巡徼的人) D形容词作动词 北亦未敢遽轻吾国(轻:轻视) E形容词作名词 争曲直,理当死。(曲直:是非)

四、重点实词 1.予除右丞相兼枢密使( ) 2.时北兵以迫修门外( ) 3.缙绅、大夫、士萃于左丞相府( ) 4.莫知计所出( ) 5.会使辙交驰( ) 6.众谓予一行为可以纾祸( ) 7. 予分当引决( ) 8.意北亦尚可以口舌动也( ) 9.予更欲一觇北( ;) 10.于是辞相印不拜( ) 11.北亦未敢遽轻吾国( ;) 12.吕师孟构恶于前( ) 13.予羁縻不得还( ) 14.则直前诟虏帅失信( ) 15.数吕师孟叔侄为逆( ) 16. 予自度不得脱(估计) 17. 以祈请使诣北(到,往) 18.得间奔真州( ) 19.而不在使者之目( ) 20.即具以北虚实告东西二阃( ) 21. 进退不由,殆例送死( ) 22.穷饿无聊,追购又急( ) 23.天高地迥( ) 24.诋大酋当死( ) 25.质明,避哨竹林中( ) 26..凡三百里,北与寇往来其间( ) 27.舟与哨相后先,几邂逅死( ) 28.至海陵,如高沙( ) 29.非人世所堪( ) 30.间以诗记所遭( ) 31.使来者读之,悲予志焉( ) 32.使旦夕得正丘首( ) 33.以父母之遗体行殆( ) 34.死而后已( ) 35.然微以自文于君亲( ) 36.诚不自意返吾衣冠( ) 37.境界危恶(è)()


第一篇: If I could choose again,I would major in tourism management. Tourism Studies, a modern tourist hotel management, Hotel English, Front Office operation and management, catering management, recreational services and management, hotel operation and management of the Department, Western General, tourism social etiquette.I like traveling with foreigners,so I think If I have a another choice to choose my major,I will choose tourism management as my major,and Put all my efforts into study. 第二篇: How to prepare a New year’s Eve party. First,New Year’s Eve is very important in china.Everyone also pays more attention on this festival.People should prepare this festival within 2 weeks.They will buy some important andd necessary things.People also should prepare some performances before Eve.They will get some presents and other souvenirs.They also can get some pocket money or red pocket in Eve.They all will be very happy on New Year’s Eve. 第三篇: My home village My name is Bruce.I am from Xuzhou.Our village is very beautiful.My hometown has a long history.Except it,our hometown also has may famous people.Around our home town,they are many trees and mountains.I think it is very beautiful and nice.It will give us some fresh air and also can creat a great atmosphere for us .we can breathe some fresh air.So I like my hometown and I am proud of our hometown.
