

Translation of Literary Texts

Short Assignment #3



Song Lian, the third concubine, was sent into the garden of Mr. Chen by sedan chair when she was 19 years old. It was at dusk when she was sent through the western backdoor of the garden by four countryside bearers. The servants saw the sedan chair squeezing through the moon-shape Gate where got off a woman student in white blouse and black skirt, while they were washing the old wool by the well. They thought that she was the eldest daughter who had been studying in Beiping(the former name of Beijing) and went up to greet, but only to find a fatigue woman student with a dusted face. At that time she was wearing short hair, just covering her ears, which was bound by a sky-blue silk ribbon. Her face was in round shape and a little bit pale without any make-up. She stepped out off the sedan chair and looked around blankly with a rattan suitcase just lying horizontally beside her. In the autumn sunshine, her thin and slim figure gave off a sense of stiffness like a piece of paper man. When she raised her arm to wipe the sweater off her face without handkerchief but her sleeve, the move did leave a deep impression on the servants.


B. September is more than a month, really; it is a season, an achievement in itself. It begins with August's leftovers and it ends with October's preparations, but along the way it achieves special satisfactions. After summer's heat and haste, the year consolidates itself. Deliberate September - in its own time and tempo -- begins to sum up another summer.

With September comes a sense of autumn. It creeps it on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves , then rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. It sits on a hilltop and hoots like an October owl in the dusk. It plays a tag with the wind. September is a changeling busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. It is summer’s ripeness and richness fulfilled.

Some of the rarest days of the year come in the September season-days when it is comfortably cold but pulsing with life, when the sky is clear and clean, the air crisp, the wind free of dust .

--- Hal Borlnd from “Sweet September”





(单选)1:She does not photograph well. A:她不上镜。 B:他不爱照相。 正确答案:A (单选)2:随着人数的增加,他们力量也增加了。 A:As the increse of the number, their power is increased B: Their power increased with their number. 正确答案:B (单选)3:We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally fair. A:我们站在两条路的岔路口,但是不像罗伯特熟悉的诗里那样,并不是同样的公平 B:我们正处在两条路的分岔口。但是并不像我们所熟悉的罗伯特的诗中所说的,这两条路是同样的好 正确答案:B (单选)4:I don't know how far I didn't run. A:我不知道跑了多远 B:我不知道还有多远我没有跑。 正确答案:A (单选)5:质量服务月 A:Quality Service Month B:Quantity Service Month 正确答案:A (单选)6:无事不登三宝殿。 A:I wouldn’t come to you if I hadn’t something to ask of you. B:I wouldn’t come to you if I hadn’t something for you. 正确答案:A (单选)7:Little remains to be said. A:简直没有什么可说的了 B:还能说一点。 正确答案:A (单选)8:ginger beer A:姜汁啤酒 B:姜汁汽水 正确答案:A (单选)9:走马观花 A:to appreciate flowers on a running horse


英文翻译练习(一) The status of Philosophy in Chinese culture has always been regarded as a comparison with that of religion in other cultures. In China, Philosophy is the concerned field by each educated one. Long time ago in China, a person would firstly accept enlightened education in Philosophy if he could be given education. Children should read the Analects, Mencius, The great Learning, The Doctrine of mean once they entered school. The Four Books were regarded as the most important documents after Song(regarded as “new Confucianism”in west).When children began to learn words, the commonly used textbook is Three Words, in which every three words a group, every six words one sentence, and the even sentence rhyme has rhyme, easy to read aloud and easy to remember. In fact, this book is used to learn words for Chinese children. The first sentence of Three Words “Man’s nature is good at birth.” Is the basic idea of philosophy of Mencius.


Americans are much more likely than citizens of other nations to believe that they live in a meritocracy, i.e. Government by people selected according to merit. But this self-image is a fantasy: America actually stands out as an advanced country in which it matters most who your parents were, the country in which those born on one of society’s lower rungs have the least chance of climbing to the top or even to the middle. And if you ask why America is more class-bound in practice than the rest of the Western world, a large part of the reason is that our government falls down on the job of creating equal opportunity. The failure starts early: in America, the holes in the social safety net mean that both low-income mothers and their children are all too likely to suffer from poor nutrition and receive inadequate health care. It continues once children reach school age, where they encounter a system in which the affluent send their kids to good, well-financed public schools or, if they choose, to private schools, while less-advantaged children get a far worse education. 美国人可能比任何其他国家的人都更相信他们生活在一个精英制度之下,人们推选的政府也是据其优势。然而,这个自我形象是一种幻想:作为先进国家,实际上美国的突出特点是出身至关重要,在这个国度里,来自社会底层的人几乎没有机会爬到社会中层,更不用说社会顶层。 如果你要问为什么实际上美国比其他西方国家都要阶级分明,主要原因就是我们的政府在创造公平机会方面的失败。 这种不公平很早以前就开始了:在美国,由于社会安全网存在漏洞,这就意味着低收入的母亲和他们的孩子完全有可能存在营养不良,得不到足够的医疗服务。孩子到了上学年龄这种情况也不会得到改观,他们所遇到的体制是富人可以送自己的孩子到资金充足的好的公立学校上学,如果愿意,还可以从送到私立学校上学,而穷人孩子接受的教育却非常差。


《翻译(一)》作业参考答案 I. 1.打破记录 2.武装到牙齿 3.酸葡萄 4.君子协定 5.开放政策 6.冷战 7.低声 8.文火 9.占 10.原因 11.消灭 12.交待清楚13.和风 14.软水 15.添煤 16.捏造 17.修好 18.收拾一下 19.软水 20.呢帽 21.好 22.正好 23.右 24.申冤。 II. 1.“一定会把他造就成一个堂堂男子汉”,杰克说“就是应该上大学嘛!” 2.重建家园和保卫家园是我们的职责。 3.这些问题显然使得这位头脑迟钝的发言人感到意外,他立刻显得张口结舌。 4.我的回答并不躲躲躲闪闪。 5.外面一团漆黑,大雨倾盆。 6.他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 7.在走过市区的时候,他们看见了一座宏伟的酒店。 8.他经常来。 9.他对这个城市完全陌生。 10.这完全是胡说。 11.那个园会真是圆满极了。 12.淡淡的太阳从海上升起。 13.“我知道, 这是在抓救命稻草”, 他无可奈何地说. 14.他的靴子时常闪闪发光. 15.他开了眼界,并懂得了一些名堂. 16.他满脸皱纹, 皮肤很黑,头发灰白稀疏. 17.他们之间存在着种种非常尖锐的问题. 18.我们应学会如何分析问题和解决问题. 19.我们深信,社会主义制度终究会代替资本主动义制度。 20.他回来时,收音机仍然开着。 21.他们将为盲人和聋人修建一所学校。 22.我们感到,解决这个复杂的问题是困难的。 23.我们高度珍视同发展中国家的友好关系。 24.他们在关键时刻的行为给他留下了深刻的印象。 III. A 这是一个最好的历史时期,这又是一个最坏的历史时期; 这是一个充满智慧的年代,这又是一个不乏愚蠢的年代; 这是一个富有信仰的时代,这又是一个轻易怀疑的时代; 这是一个光明普照的季节,这又是一个黑暗笼罩的季节;


20春《英汉/汉英翻译》作业1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共15 道试题,共75 分) 1.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes. A.只有聪明的人才不会范错误 B.再聪明的人也会范错误。 答案:B 2.I'm not a little afraid of snakes. A.我一点也不怕蛇 B.我非常怕蛇。 答案:B 3.He is a Napoleon of finance. A.他是金融界的拿破仑 B.他是金融界的巨头。 答案:B 4.I don't know how far I didn't run. A.我不知道跑了多远 B.我不知道还有多远我没有跑。 答案:A 5.中国政府决定,要用3年左右时间使大多数国有企业走出困境。 A.The Chinese government has decided to take about three years to extricate most state-owned enterprises from their difficulties B.Chinese government decides to help most national enterprises going out obstacle with about 3 years. 答案:A 6.You can never be too careful about English-Chinese translation A.作英译汉时,不能太仔细 B.作英译汉时,越仔细越好。 答案:B 7.在这个紧要关头,我们尤其不该为了已经无法挽回的事情相互埋怨。 A.At a critical time we especially should not blame one for what has already happened B.The last thing we should do at this crucial moment is blaming one another for what can not be undone. 答案:B 8.The burning question of my childhood had been richly answered. A.我小时候梦寐以求想得到答案的问题,终于得到了圆满的回答 B.我儿童时代在心中燃烧的问题,终于得到了充分的回答。


西班牙公司在全球范围内取得的惊人成功证明旧式联网的价值。 —Mauro F. Guillén ,Esteban García-Canal 不计其数的来自新兴经济体的公司对于打入国际市场还十分犹豫,尤其是那些来自发展中国家的公司。因为他们认为自己的缺陷是无法弥补的。还有一些公司和传统的跨国公司一样小心,以盈利为中心。他们痛苦的认识到自己没有前沿的技术,占优势的品牌以及新颖的产品,而建立这些优势的过程将是漫长而又令人畏惧的,即便是对于拥有所必需资金的公司也是如此。所以他们只停留在国内。虽然可以盈利但是不能充分发挥自身的潜力。而且也难以与来自国外的竞争相抗衡。是的,这些公司只站在全球竞争的边缘是没有道理的。我们的研究表明即使一个公司没有先进的技术和品牌资产,它同样能运用其他技能在海外市场获得成功,比如说人际技能和操作技能,这些在国内已经磨砺多年的技能。我们来看一看一些西班牙的跨国公司就知道了。虽然西班牙经济在全球大萧条时期处于困境,他的国内生产总值和失业率飙升到大约20﹪。 怎样才能用旧式的技艺来占领新的市场 全球最大的新娘装制造商。普洛诺维斯(Pronovias)是西班牙两千多个跨国公司之一,它每年卖出480,000套衣服并在75个国家拥有分公司。即便没有技术和品牌优势,这个国家的大约2000个跨国公司中的许多公司在国外蓬勃发展。通过观察西班牙公司在过去25年的全球扩张,我们发现领导者通过兼并来扩大范围,但是只集中发展几个产业和地区。然后他们运用在其国内成长起来的政治联网技能,项目实施知识以及纵向整合技能---这些在其他新兴市场中的公司同样拥有的技能---来强化地位。在这个过程中西班牙公司能绕过跨国公司一直崇尚的缓慢,逐步增长的传统扩张战略。正如我们所要看到的,速度是一些西班牙公司在国际上取得成功的关键因素。这一点是别的公司走入全球市场需要牢牢记住的。 昔日的起步者成为全球巨头 在1986年以前,西班牙在海外并没有大量的投资。西班牙融入欧洲经济共同体后开始打破了其与欧洲其他国家贸易与竞争的壁垒。在此时,西班牙公司开始在电力,水力,石油,天然气,交通,通信及银行业进行大规模的跨国兼并。西班牙在20世纪90年代末期采用了欧元,这使得西班牙公司更容易获得在世界其他地区进行风险投资的资本。从而极大地促进了兼并的步伐。一些现在著名的西班牙跨国公司就是全球化第一次爆发的分流。2009年,就收入而言,Telefónica是全球第五大电信供应商,桑塔德银行(santander)是全球第四大银行。四家西班牙公司(ACS, FCC, Ferrovial, Abertis)在全球最大的交通基础设施开发商和管理商中跃居榜首。伊维尔德罗拉(Iberdrola)是最大的风能生产商,能源北美公司(acciona)是最大的风力田开发商,Sol Meliá是最大的度假酒店连锁商。更深一步的观察,你会发现西班牙公司在食品加工和服装工业居于领先地位。Viscofan是向肉类加工业提供人工肠衣最大生产商,Freixenet是20多年来全球最大的汽酒生产商。在纺织和服装行业,西班牙是牛仔裤引领者Tavex和全球最大的婚纱设计商制造商Pronovias的故乡。虽然西班牙在资金密集型产业如:化工,金属材料,电子,汽车等行业还没有全球争夺者,但少数几个西班牙公司在与这些行业相关联的利基市场是极其强大的竞争者。比如说汽车零部件生产商Grupo Antolin,无锈钢生产商Acerinox,风力涡轮机生产商Gamesa。随着它们走向全球化,西班牙公司不愿开昂贵而有风险的独资公司,取而代之,他们更青睐结盟,合资企业和兼并。例如,Banco Santander通过兼并在拉丁美洲建立起最大的零售银行,然后收购了英国修道院银行和其他一些欧美大的机构。在欧洲、亚洲和美洲的兼并使得Grupo SOS成为全球最大的橄榄油公司。Ebro Puleva也是通过兼并成为全球最大的稻米生产商和第二大的面条生产者。西班牙公司也倾向于在地理上集中它们在国外的扩张。大约90℅的西班牙外向直接投资集中在拉丁美洲和欧洲。这种目标指向性的扩长方式使得公司能够在全球延伸的欲望和不断更新技能的需要方面找到平衡。这是新兴经济体竞争者现在要面临的双重挑战。在拉美西班牙公司有着天然的优势,比如文化的类似性,语言的共同性,相互联系性,以及邻近的其他欧洲市场给予的销售增长和开发新潜能的机遇。在这里建立滩头堡之后,西班牙公司就有选择性的投资别的发达国家,如美国,来提升他们的技术和市场机能。贯穿其扩张的每一阶段,西班牙公司都采用老式的,历史悠久的技艺。 用政治专长来赌增长


He stopped traffic on Fifth Avenue like the Beatles or Marilyn Monroe. He could've been president of Israel or played violin at Carnegie Hall, but he was too busy thinking. His musings on God, love and the meaning of life grace our greeting cards and day-timers. Fifty years after his death, his shock of white hair and droopy mustache still symbolize genius. Einstein remains the foremost scientist of the modern era. Looking back 2,400 years, only Newton, Galileo and Aristotle were his equals. Around the world, universities and academies are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Einstein's "miracle year" when he published five scientific papers in 1905 that fundamentally changed our grasp of space, time, light and matter. Only he could top himself about a decade later with his theory of general relativity. Born in the era of horse-drawn carriages, his ideas launched a dazzling technological revolution that has generated more change in a century than in the previous two millennia. Computers, satellites, telecommunication, lasers, television and nuclear power all owe their invention to ways in which Einstein peeled back the veneer of the observable world to expose a stranger and more complicated reality underneath. Yet there is more, and it is why Einstein transcends mere genius and has become our culture's grandfatherly icon. He escaped Hitler's Germany and devoted the rest of his life to humanitarian and pacifist causes with an authority unmatched by any scientist today, or even most politicians and religious leaders. He used his celebrity to speak out against fascism, racial prejudice and the McCarthy hearings. His FBI file ran 1,400 pages. His letters reveal a tumultuous personal life -- married twice and indifferent toward his children while obsessed with physics. Yet he charmed lovers and admirers with poetry and sailboat outings. Friends and neighbors fiercely protected his privacy 他曾像披头士和玛莉莲-梦露一样让第五大道交通阻塞, 他本可以成为以色列总统,或在卡内基音乐厅演奏小提琴,但他却把时间都用来思考。他对上帝、爱和对人生意义的思考经常出现在贺卡和台历上。 在他去世五十年后,他一头浓密的白发和下垂的胡须仍是天才的象征。 爱因斯坦仍然是现代最伟大的科学家。看过去的2400年里也只有牛顿、伽利略和亚里士多德才能与之相较。 世界各地的大学和学院都在庆祝爱因斯坦的“奇迹年”100周年纪念。就是他1905年发表五篇科学论文。从根本上改变了我们对空间、时间、光和物质的认识。只有他自己能在数十年之后超越他的广义相对论。 爱因斯坦出生在马车盛行的年代,但他的理论和思想却引发了一场令人眼花缭乱的科学技术革命。在短短的数百年中,这场科技革命带来的的变化远比以往2000年来变化的总和还要多。 计算机、人造卫星、电子通讯、激光、电视和核能的创造发明都归功于爱因斯坦提出的研究方法:......揭露一个陌生人和更复杂的现实。 当然爱因斯坦意味的并不仅仅是这些,他已经超越了科学天才的范畴,成为人类文明中德高望重的偶像。 他逃离了希特勒统治下的德国并把他的余生都献给了人道主义与和平主义事业。他的威望是当今任何科学家和大多数的政治或宗教领袖不能相比的。 作为公众人物,爱因斯坦常常站出来抨击法西斯主义、种族歧视以及当时美国当权者提出的“麦卡锡主义”。他提供给联邦调查局的文件达1400页。 爱因斯坦的书信揭示了他不寻常的个人生活:他结过两次婚;每当专注思考物理问题时,他就会忽略身边的子女。但是,他也会用诗歌和帆船出游来吸引他的爱人和仰慕者。他的朋友和邻居们都极力保护他的隐私。

英汉翻译作业(5) 参考译文

邀请名人做广告,只要商品确实是货真价实,名人又愿意,这应该是广告技巧的上策,会产生很强的名人效应。但是商品质量差,广告又言过其实,又请名人做广告,这种广告一时也会产生一些好的影响,但最终是砸了自己的牌子,也塌了名人台,影响名人的信誉,因此名人在接受时要慎之又慎。请名人做广告,付给的报酬高得惊人,而一些名人尤其是政界和科学界的名流往往不肯抛头露面。这样西方国家的一些广告商便在平民中千方百计物色酷似名流的人来做广告,甚至被弄去参加开业典礼或者开张剪裁以招徕生意。局外人往往不明真相而受蒙骗。正因为真假难分,名人替身常遭不测。 To invite those eminent persons to help make advertisements should be regarded as one of the best ad strategies and could of course, produce a spectacular VIP effect, provided that those eminent persons are perfectly willing to accept the invitation and, more importantly, the commodities to be advertised are genuine and their prices fair. Sometimes, while a commodity is of inferior quality, the ad is full of words lavishing praise on it. If, under such a circumstance, an eminent person comes to help make the ad, the ad could, if anything, be temporarily successful before it turns the brand of the commodity in question notorious and more disastrously, ruins the reputation of the eminent person thereafter. It is precisely for this reason that the eminent persons are well advised to think more than twice before agreeing to appear on a commercial. Despite the fact that an eminent person could be paid a staggering sum of money after he or she helps make a commercial ad, some eminent persons, those in political and scientific circles in particular, are averse to public exposures. As a result, some advertisers in Western countries have had to try every means possible to scout among the populace at large men or women that are very copies of the eminent persons they are after. Once recruited, an eminent person’s substitute, apart from appearing on an ad, is often made to show up on certain high profile occasions, such as opening ceremonies or ribbon cutting ceremonies, with a view to soliciting customers. Outsiders, unable to distinguish a real eminent person from his substitute, are usually taken in. However, not every hired substitute is lucky. Some of them may become victims of unexpected attacks aimed at the real eminent persons and suffer unfortunately, for them. Work Produced against the grain and in marginality by George Steiner in After Babel: This book was written under somewhat difficult circumstances .I was at the time increasingly marginalized and indeed isolated within the academic community. This is not ,necessarily, a handicap. Tenure in the academy today ,the approval of one’s professional peers, the assistance and laurels in their giving, are not infrequently symptoms of opportunism and mediocre conventionality. A degree of exclusion, of compelled apartness, may be one of the conditions of valid work. In the humanities,in the disciplines of intuitive discourse, committees, colloquia, the conference circuit are the bane. Nothing is more ludicrous than the roll-call of academic colleagues and sponsors set out in grateful footnotes at the bottom of trivia. In poetics ,in philosophy, in hermeneutics, work worth doing will more often than not be produced against the grain and in marginality.


一、改译 宰客slaughter customers(cheating customers) 自学self learn(study on one’s self) 彩票colorful tickets(lottery) 救火save a fire(Firefighting) (电脑)死机systerm dead(computer crash) 吃食堂eat the canteen(eat in the canteen) 风凉话cold word(sarcastic remark) 太平门safe door(emergency exit) 三角债triangle debts(chain debts) 扣帽子put a hat on(put a label on) 文化程度cultural degree(education level) 抓紧时间grasp time firmly(hurry up) 来信写道the latter writes(the letter reads) 提高英语水平raise the level of one’s English(Improve one’s English) 胸有成竹have a bamboo in one’s stomach(have a well-thought-out plan) 二、直译 大海捞针Look for a needle in the ocean 猫哭耗子假慈悲Cat cry for mouse 嫁鸡随鸡嫁狗随狗Marry a chicken with chicken married dog follows dog 挥金如土Spend money like water 易如反掌As easy as to turn one's hand 打草惊蛇To beat the grass and frighten away the snake 呆若木鸡Dumb as a wooden chicken 千里之行始于足下Every journey begins with the first step 瑞雪兆丰年A timely heavy snow promises a good harvest . 跑得了和尚跑不了庙Run a monk can not run the temple 三、重点翻译 她经常在邻里之间搬弄是非 She always makes mischief between neighbors. 她毛遂自荐来这所学校当老师 She recommending herself to be a teacher in this school. 正真的好朋友应该是雪中送炭 True friend is who provides you timely help. 我要有个三长两短,你给我娘捎个话 If something happens to me, please give my mother a massage. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧 As long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood. 你这人真的是狗嘴里吐不出象牙 他对你的许诺不过是个空头支票而已 His promise to you just a blank check. 我喜欢那套房子,但美中不足的是离上班的地方太远 I like that house,but the fly in the ointment is too far away from the work place.


AC500kV Substation Design In China Transmission and Substation Department,CPECC Abstract:Some brief informations about AC500kV substations in China,historical data of their design and essential design principles are presented in this paper.Some technical and engineering problems of AC500kV substation design and construction are discussed.It is emphasized to introduce the500kV substation scales,main electrical connections,selection of equipment and apparatus,insulation coordination,distribution switchyard,control and protection etc.Here we also discuss the policy of project cost control at present time and a prospective view of China AC substations in future. 1.Introduction The research and design of500kV substations in China were started in1977,and the first substation was put into operation in1981.From that time,because of the rapid development of electricity demand in China,design and construction of500kV substations have a great development.Especially in recent years,due to the increase of capital investment for power system construction from the State Government,500kV power system has developed even faster.Till1998about55substations(500kV)were already put into operation,in which217transformers were installed,and the total capacity reached60410 MVA.At present,there are30substations(total capacity26500MVA)under construction.In addition,it has been planned to construction/extends30substations(33transformers,24750 MVA)in accordance with the power delivery from Three Gorges Power Plant. A complete design system of AC500kV substation in China has been gradually established based on the past design and construction experiences and the use of new technologies.This system includes design procedures,design standards,rules and regulations, design management and so on. The essential design principles are safe and reliable,technically advanced,economical and reasonable,and good quality. 2.Size of Substations China is a developing country with broad territory.The economic development is very different from one region to another.In accordance with this fact,the500kV substation size is different at different time and for different region.


(单选题)1: 有关英语词类的说法中,下列选项中正确的一项是。 A: 动词和名词在英语里是非常活跃的词类 B: 动词和副词在英语里是非常活跃的词类 C: 名词和形容词在英语里是非常活跃的词类 D: 形容词和副词在英语里是非常活跃的词类 正确答案: D (单选题)2: A translator has to know everything 0f something and something 0f everything. A: 一个翻译人员对一些事情要什么都懂,对什么事情又要懂一些。 B: 翻译人员对有些事情要无所不晓,对什么事情又要略知一二。 C: 翻译人员对于知识既要精深,又要渊博。 D: 译者要知之为知之,不知为不知。 正确答案: C (单选题)3: 你什么时候方便就过来玩。 A: Come and play when you are convenient. B: Come here to play if you are convenient. C: Drop in whenever it’s convenient. D: Drop in whenever you have convenience. 正确答案: C (单选题)4: I would draw a further conclusion, which I believe is central to assessing China’s future place in the world economy. A: 我将得出进一步的结论,这个结论我相信在评估中国在未来世界经济中的位置中是中心问题。 B: 我还想得出进一步的结论,我认为这对于估价中国今后在世界经济中的地位是中心问题。C: 我还有一个想法,我认为这对于估价中国今后在世界经济中的地位是至关重要的。 D: 我还有一个想法,这个结论我相信是评估中国的未来在世界经济中的位置是中心问题。正确答案: C (单选题)5: 就科技英语与汉语的表达特点而言,下列选项中不正确的一项是。 A: 汉语词汇含义相对单一并且固定,而英语的词汇含义内涵大,一词多义。 B: 汉语中用被动语态表达的句子不多,而科技英语中被动语态使用广泛。 C: 汉语趋向于用多重复合句子表达,而英语多用单句表达。 D: 科技英语中介词短词及各类非限定动词短语使用频繁。 正确答案: C (单选题)6: 第一次世界大战后,帝国主义对中国加紧侵略,北洋军阀政府对外妥协投降,对内残酷压迫人民,给中国带来了深重的民族危机。 A: After World WarⅠ, the imperialists stepped up their aggression against China while the Northern Warlord Government resorted to compromise and capitulation externally and to ruthless oppression of the people internally, thus landing China in a grave national crisis.


近年来基于2010中国国家血压参考文献的中国儿童和青少年高血压患病率研究 儿童高血压是一种严重的公共卫生问题在世界范围内,尤其是在中国。流行病学研究表明,儿童高血压可以追踪到成年。此外,儿童高血压与成年发病率和死亡率的增加是密切相关的。2010年以前,在中国没有共识定义儿童高血压,这阻碍了中国不同的地区高血压患病率的比较。2010年,Mi 等人通过研究112227名3-18岁儿童和青少年的血压,获得了血压(BP)参考年龄和性别使用的参考文献。根据这个国家的定义,童年高血压定义为收缩压(SBP)和/或舒张压(菲律宾) 年龄和性别的百分比95以上。在本研究中,我们目的是执行使用系统回顾描述2010年中国的不同地区儿童和青少年高血压的患病率的应用。 PubMed和Wanfang数据库寻找合格的文献。搜索条件是(“高血压”或“高血压”)和(“孩子”或“青少年”或“学生”)和(“中国”或“中国人”)。从2010年1月(2010年后出版的, Mi 等人研究的中国国家血压引用文献.[5]),到2014年4月出版的刊物,语言仅限于英语和汉语。入选标准是:(1) 3-18岁的中国儿童和青少年;(2)使用2010中国血压参考标准;(3)测量收缩压和舒张压值至少在同一情况下三次;(3)自2008年以来进行的调查;(4)如果出版包括在不同年份的调查,只包括最近的调查。文献检索后,共有11项研究,(参与者总数是444214)(1、2、6-14)都包含在本研究中。纳入研究的特点总结在表1。高血压患病率在中国不同的区域有显著的不同, (图1)。中国北方城市包括北京(18.2%)或山东高血压患病率(23.3%)高于南部城市包括上海、湖南长沙、和海南(从3.1%升至11.2%)和农村地区。高血压患病率的升高可能很大程度上归因于中国北方饮食盐摄入量。例如,在山东农村成年人的每日摄取食盐约13 g,高于世界卫生组织(少于5克/天)推荐的两倍。 此外,在中国北方高血压高发病率中,肥胖是另一个重要的危险因素。在山东,大约16%的男生和8%的女生肥胖[16],而在湖南省长沙市相应的数据分别是7%和3%。我们还发现,基于中国健康和营养调查的数据和中国全国学生体质与健康调查,整体的高血压患病率14%。我们的研究有两个优点,首先,所有研究包括之后研究都采用相同的标准,即中国国家高血压参考文献。第二,所有调查研究在相似的时期,即从2008年到2010年,因此,流行是最新的,具有可比性。然而,应该注意研究中几个限制。首先,所有高血压患病率的研究仅为同一情况,除了孟等人[6] 在三个不同的时期提供的变化患病率。因此, 我们现在报告中的发病会高估了中国儿童和青少年的高血压真正的发病率。孟等人[6]表明, 在中国北京,3-18岁儿童和青少年高血压的患病率分别是三次分别是18.2%,5.1%,和3.1%。第二, 虽然我们列举了中国几个有限地区对肥胖患病率和消费的盐摄入量,但是中国不同地区高血压发病率不同,我们没有数据表明流行的原因是什么。第三,我们只研究几个儿童高血压高发地区, 需要进一步全面研究中国其他地区高血压患病率。第四,我们只报道汉族中国儿童高血压的患病率,而他少数民族没有类似报告。中国是一个多民族的国家有56个民族,但汉族占中国人口总数的92%左右。目前的研究表明,调查儿童和青少年高血压患病率和区域分布是很重要的,应该建立特定的干预策略来对抗高血压流行。主要措施应该建议控制体重,减少盐的摄入量,特别是在中国北方,以降低中国不同地区儿童高血压患病率。
