


1. 遵守规则 (3)

英文全文 (3)

2 老年化 (5)

英文全文 (5)

3 儿童看电视 (7)

英文全文 (7)

4 即抛文化 (9)

英文全文 (9)

5 城乡迁徙 (11)

英文全文 (11)

6 廉价航空 (13)

英文全文 (13)

7 规则法律 (15)

英文全文 (15)

8 远程教育 (17)

英文全文 (17)

9 税收 (18)

英文全文 (18)

10 学校道德教育 (20)

英文全文 (20)

11 艺术投资 (22)

英文全文 (22)

12 志愿工作 (24)

英文全文 (24)

13 刑罚 (26)

英文全文 (26)

14 离家居住 (28)

英文全文 (28)

15 快餐 (30)

英文全文 (30)

16 大学知识 (32)

英文全文 (32)

17 大学学费 (34)

英文全文 (34)

18 禁止广告 (36)

英文全文 (36)

19 商品进口 (39)

英文全文 (39)

20 全球语言 (41)

英文全文 (41)

21 政府指导健康生活 . (43)

英文全文 (43)

22 换工作 (45)

英文全文 (45)


(黄色的题目上课评讲,请大家写句子。绿色的题目只提供资料) Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.社会观念 TYPE: discussion Action: economic success Effect: happiness Action: NA Effect: happiness A 赚钱(earn a fortune) B 提高社会地位(improve social status),获得成就感(a sense of achievement) C 快乐 A 人应该懂得在工作和家庭生活中获得平衡(keep a strict division between work and social or family life ) B 随时获得支持和帮助(provide companionship and emotional support) C 归属感 (a sense of belonging)也能获得快乐 A 做自己喜欢的工作 B 发挥自己的潜能(achieve one’s potential),实现自己的理想(realise one’s vision) C 找到快乐 (find contentment) Some people think the qualities a person needs to become successful in today's world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 教育 Type: opinion Action: study at college Effect: become successful A在学校学习专业技能(specialised training) B 接受全面教育(receive a rounded education) C 职场更有竞争力(increase competitiveness),取得成功 A在大学与同学沟通B培养人际交往能(improve soft skills) C建立关系网(expand social networks),更容易得到帮助,使用人脉(social capital) A 工作 B知道现实世界的残酷(harsh realities),有必胜的态度(attitude to succeed)C 而不是避免问题(sidestep a problem )


目录 1. 遵守规则2 英文全文2 2 老年化4 英文全文4 3 儿童看电视5 英文全文5 4 即抛文化6 英文全文6 5 城乡迁徙7 英文全文7 6 廉价航空8 英文全文8 7 规则法律9 英文全文10 8 远程教育10 英文全文11 9 税收11 英文全文12 10 学校道德教育13 英文全文13 11 艺术投资14 英文全文14 12 志愿工作15 英文全文16 13 刑罚17 英文全文17 14 离家居住18 英文全文19 15 快餐20 英文全文20 16 大学知识21 英文全文21 17 大学学费23

英文全文23 18 禁止广告24 英文全文24 19 商品进口25 英文全文26 20 全球语言26 英文全文27 21 政府指导健康生活28 英文全文28 22 换工作29 英文全文29 1. 遵守规则 全文翻译1:遵守规则论述类题目写作要点 Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think children controlled too much cannot deal with problem themselves in adulthood. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. 孩子们要在家里或学校遵守不同的规定。严格的纪律有时很重要,但我认为这会对孩子的问题解决能力产生不利的影响。 有些人坚决主张强加规则,因为规则可以让孩子对自己的行为负责,帮助他们从小就发展良好的行为模式。与成年人不同,儿童通常不了解不良行为的后果,制定规则可以帮助他们认识到如何以社会接受的方式行事。例如,如果大人要求,他们可以学习如何打招呼,提出礼貌的请求,并表示礼貌。另外,规则也可以禁止不当的行为,如欺凌,亵渎,考试作弊,在课堂上打断教师。 然而反对者认为,规则可以限制问题解决技能的发展,如果那些建立严格规则的父母优先考虑孩子的服从。孩子将严重依赖规则,可能无法独立解决问题。例如,一些规则可能决定孩子每天应该做什么,但是当孩子进入劳动力队伍时,他们可能不知道如何在没有父母指示的情况下管理时间,也不能应付自己的工作要求。他们不可能在事业上取得成功。 我认为严格的规定会扼杀孩子的创造力,不能以不同的方式解决问题。他们不敢将自己的想法付诸实践,怕违背规则就受到惩罚。例如,一些教师要求学生遵守严格的散文写作规则,其结果是孩子不会以其他方式表达自己想法的结果。现实世界中的问题是复杂的,不能用想象力去解决这些问题。 英文全文 Children are expected to obey different rules either at home or at school. Strict discipline is sometimes important, but I would argue that it would have an adverse impact on children's problem-solving abilities. age. Unlike adults, children are normally not aware of the consequences of bad behaviour, and setting rules can help them realise how to behave in a socially acceptable way. For example, they can learn how to greet others, make polite request s and show table manners,

雅思备考之工作党7 5的进阶之路

雅思备考之工作党7 5的进阶之路 没时间学雅思?来看看工作党7.5的进阶之路,今天给大家带来雅思备考之工作党7.5的进阶之路,希望能够帮助到大家在雅思考试中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 准备工作及注意事项: 首先按照惯例交待下背景。我四六级裸考500+,考研英语80+。作为一个工科生,工作几年已经没有英语环境了,只剩下点老底儿...所以各位比我可能更有优势,因为本身就在学习的环境里,对英语的生疏程度总要比我好一点。 我想强调下词汇量的重要性,这是我最后走向7.5的关键,我认为,也是每一个烤鸭走向高分的关键。词汇是每种语言的根本,否则再多的技巧也都是碰运气。词汇量达到了听力阅读才能没有障碍。工作了几年,虽然我早已不碰英语了,但是因为词汇量还在,所以才能很快拾起来,同样地搞定雅思。作为一个上班党,只有周六日有时间静下心来复习,这更让我心累。因为时间有限,这几次考试之前我都没有单独复习过阅读,自己只练过两篇作文,时间都用来听力练耳朵,作文积累素材和准备口语了(没办法我是一个口语渣)。所以时间有限的工作党,或许也可以参考我的复习模式;时间更多的学生党,你们肯定比我更有胜算啦!

列举一下我的备考材料(按照时间顺序),大家可以参考: 剑4-11 口语某十天(看完觉得对自己没用,对于我这种口语渣还是背素材来得短平快) 七悠雅思APP(短平快的好帮手) 顾家北手把手 simon的大作文写作方法(电子材料) simon的各话题points(电子材料) 喜马拉雅里的雅思口语9天高分之路及其pdf(电子材料) 何琼听力考点词(电子材料) 可可英语

下面就开始按照各个小项来介绍我的备考经验~ Listening 说实话,几年不碰英语,一开始也是懵B的,第一次做剑4第一篇听力,错了一半(所以小伙伴们千万不要气馁,世上无难事)后来多做了几套题,大概了解了听力都有什么类型的题,也熟悉了语速,渐渐好了起来。当时直接报了两场,觉得两场可以搞定,于是首战半裸考去的,听力写作都出现了提笔忘词的现象,追悔莫及。 后面的考试我把4-11所有写错的易混的词都总结下来,连同何琼的那个听力考点词,考前重点看一两遍,听力再没出现拼错的问题了。因为我需要小分单项加分,阅读已经加满,考了两次后发现口语小分提升无望的情况下只能提升听力了,可是7.5好像成为了瓶颈。第三次考试已经有点急于求成,听力频繁出现漏听,这战之后我开始把4-11里的5、6做完,并且二刷891011,我也试过加速听,但是感觉失真比较严重,就放弃了。我觉得,听力做多了不但会习惯语速,也会对考试套路很熟悉,其实听力考试的套路无非就是同义替换和重点词的抓听(再次体现了词汇量的重要性)基础弱一点的小伙伴,真题遇到的这些一定要积累好,做到听到反应到。读题也很重要,我一开始不重视读题,每部分按照语音提示才读,做起来就会很慌,心里没底,也影响听。后来都是section1前开始放


本文档配合《顾家北手把手教你雅思写作(剑10)》版使用使用方法:每句话下面预留两行空格, 第一行写自己的翻译,第二行写顾家北的翻译与批阅。 全文翻译1:遵守规则论述类题目写作要点 Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think children controlled too much cannot deal with problem themselves in adulthood. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

全文翻译2:老龄化社会+观点类( advantage/disadvantage ) +段落的数量In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have positive or negative effects on society?

全文翻译3:看电视学习+观点类( agree/disagree ) +写作要点

Some people believe that children can learn effectively by watching TV and they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


《顾家北网课课前必读》目录 I 顾家北作文精品班资料清单 (2) II 上课的形式和内容 (2) A 语法 (3) B 练习和批改 (4) C <手把手>的使用 (4) D 上课的纪律和课前注意事项 (5) E 学号和密码 (5) F助教的工作安排 (6) III 上课的核心概念 (7) 1 关于ABC (非常重要) (7) 2 ABC思考的方向(AC确定法) (8) 3 顾氏8步(非常重要) (9) 4一些模版和套句的典型例子 (10) 5 作文中经常使用从句的几个地方 (11) 6 雅思大作文的结构和问题方式 (11) 7 观点类题目和论述类文章的主要区别 (12) 8 大作文写作的提分要项 (13)

I 顾家北作文精品班资料清单 ?语法压缩包 ?写作资料压缩包 ?教程压缩包 ?开课当天下载材料 ?小作文.zip ?每节课后,小班长会上传公屏和录音(注意:我们的课程不提供录屏的)大家可以根据公屏自己整理好内容 =========================================================================== 欢迎大家参加顾家北的YY作文培训!希望大家通过这个班,能够提高语法,句子结构,文章结构,论述逻辑和作文的写作和方法。 资料阅读和学习次序 无论你是提前报班,参加了课前语法培训,还是中间插班,都需要做两个事情: A .每天关注群邮件,完成每一个作业,每个作业按照邮件名称的序号来做,完成一个打一个勾,这样就不会乱。 B .关注上课时间表(包括正课、加课、QQ群练习),准时上课,哪怕是基础差,很困难,都要坚持上课,随堂练习,能写多少是多少,听不懂下课重复听录音 无论基础如何,目标分数多少,语法是作文的第一要素(按照以下步骤复习) 1.报班后,在上第一节正课前,不断做100句翻译,语法老师讲解的100句录音会在 群收藏里找到 2.不断做课前每个班额外发的翻译练习(开课后会集中发,方便插班的同学学习) 3.语法压缩包和写作压缩包里的资料要不断学习巩固 4.参加语法老师主持的语法讲座 那么如何评判自己语法提高了? A .能够分析句子,说出句子成分,并且掌握单词词性 B .能够迅速识别“顾家北”微博上每次改错练习的所有错误,并且改正


目录 1. 遵守规则 (3) 英文全文 (3) 2 老年化 (5) 英文全文 (5) 3 儿童看电视 (7) 英文全文 (7) 4 即抛文化 (9) 英文全文 (9) 5 城乡迁徙 (11) 英文全文 (11) 6 廉价航空 (13) 英文全文 (13) 7 规则法律 (15) 英文全文 (15) 8 远程教育 (17) 英文全文 (17) 9 税收 (18) 英文全文 (19) 10 学校道德教育 (21) 英文全文 (21) 11 艺术投资 (23) 英文全文 (23) 12 志愿工作 (25) 英文全文 (25) 13 刑罚 (27)

英文全文 (27) 14 离家居住 (30) 英文全文 (30) 15 快餐 (32) 英文全文 (32) 16 大学知识 (34) 英文全文 (34) 17 大学学费 (37) 英文全文 (37) 18 禁止广告 (39) 英文全文 (39) 19 商品进口 (42) 英文全文 (42) 20 全球语言 (44) 英文全文 (44) 21 政府指导健康生活 (46) 英文全文 (46) 22 换工作 (48) 英文全文 (48)

1. 遵守规则 全文翻译1:遵守规则论述类题目写作要点 Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think children controlled too much cannot deal with problem themselves in adulthood. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. 孩子们要在家里或学校遵守不同的规定。严格的纪律有时很重要,但我认为这会对孩子的问题解决能力产生不利的影响。 有些人坚决主张强加规则,因为规则可以让孩子对自己的行为负责,帮助他们从小就发展良好的行为模式。与成年人不同,儿童通常不了解不良行为的后果,制定规则可以帮助他们认识到如何以社会接受的方式行事。例如,如果大人要求,他们可以学习如何打招呼,提出礼貌的请求,并表示礼貌。另外,规则也可以禁止不当的行为,如欺凌,亵渎,考试作弊,在课堂上打断教师。 然而反对者认为,规则可以限制问题解决技能的发展,如果那些建立严格规则的父母优先考虑孩子的服从。孩子将严重依赖规则,可能无法独立解决问题。例如,一些规则可能决定孩子每天应该做什么,但是当孩子进入劳动力队伍时,他们可能不知道如何在没有父母指示的情况下管理时间,也不能应付自己的工作要求。他们不可能在事业上取得成功。 我认为严格的规定会扼杀孩子的创造力,不能以不同的方式解决问题。他们不敢将自己的想法付诸实践,怕违背规则就受到惩罚。例如,一些教师要求学生遵守严格的散文写作规则,其结果是孩子不会以其他方式表达自己想法的结果。现实世界中的问题是复杂的,不能用想象力去解决这些问题。 英文全文 Children are expected to obey different rules either at home or at school. Strict discipline is sometimes important, but I would argue that it would have an adverse impact on children's problem-solving abilities. age. Unlike adults, children are not aware of the consequences of bad behaviour, and setting rules can help them realise how to behave in a socially acceptable way. For example, they can learn how to greet others, make polite request s and show table manners, if they are required by adults to do so. In addition, rules can also forbid inappropriate behaviours, such as bullying, using profanity, cheating in exams and interrupting teachers during a lesson.



目录 1. 遵守规则 (4) 英文全文 (4) 2 老年化 (6) 英文全文 (6) 3 儿童看电视 (8) 英文全文 (8) 4 即抛文化 (10) 英文全文 (10) 5 城乡迁徙 (12) 英文全文 (12) 6 廉价航空 (14) 英文全文 (14) 7 规则法律 (16) 英文全文 (16) 8 远程教育 (18) 英文全文 (18) 9 税收 (19) 英文全文 (19) 10 学校道德教育 (21) 英文全文 (21) 11 艺术投资 (23) 英文全文 (23) 12 志愿工作 (25) 英文全文 (25) 13 刑罚 (27) 英文全文 (27) 14 离家居住 (29) 英文全文 (29) 15 快餐 (31) 英文全文 (31) 16 大学知识 (33) 英文全文 (33)

17 大学学费 (35) 英文全文 (35) 18 禁止广告 (37) 英文全文 (37) 19 商品进口 (40) 英文全文 (40) 20 全球语言 (42) 英文全文 (42) 21 政府指导健康生活 (44) 英文全文 (44) 22 换工作 (46) 英文全文 (46)

1. 遵守规则 全文翻译1:遵守规则论述类题目写作要点 Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think children controlled too much cannot deal with problem themselves in adulthood. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. 孩子们要在家里或学校遵守不同的规定。严格的纪律有时很重要,但我认为这会对孩子的问题解决能力产生不利的影响。 有些人坚决主张强加规则,因为规则可以让孩子对自己的行为负责,帮助他们从小就发展良好的行为模式。与成年人不同,儿童通常不了解不良行为的后果,制定规则可以帮助他们认识到如何以社会接受的方式行事。例如,如果大人要求,他们可以学习如何打招呼,提出礼貌的请求,并表示礼貌。另外,规则也可以禁止不当的行为,如欺凌,亵渎,考试作弊,在课堂上打断教师。 然而反对者认为,规则可以限制问题解决技能的发展,如果那些建立严格规则的父母优先考虑孩子的服从。孩子将严重依赖规则,可能无法独立解决问题。例如,一些规则可能决定孩子每天应该做什么,但是当孩子进入劳动力队伍时,他们可能不知道如何在没有父母指示的情况下管理时间,也不能应付自己的工作要求。他们不可能在事业上取得成功。 我认为严格的规定会扼杀孩子的创造力,不能以不同的方式解决问题。他们不敢将自己的想法付诸实践,怕违背规则就受到惩罚。例如,一些教师要求学生遵守严格的散文写作规则,其结果是孩子不会以其他方式表达自己想法的结果。现实世界中的问题是复杂的,不能用想象力去解决这些问题。 英文全文 Children are expected to obey different rules either at home or at school. Strict discipline is sometimes important, but I would argue that it would have an adverse impact on children's problem-solving abilities. Some people are strong advocate s of imposing rules because rules can hold children accountable for their behaviou r and help them develop good behaviour patterns from an early age. Unlike adults, children are normally not aware of the consequences of bad behaviour, and setting rules can help them realise how to behave in a socially acceptable way. For example, they can learn how to greet others, make polite request s and show table manners, if they are required by adults to do so. In addition, rules can also forbid inappropriate behaviours, such as bullying, using profanity, cheating in exams and interrupting teachers during a lesson. Oppon e nts, however, argue that rules can limit the development of problem-solving skills, if those parents who establish strict rules give priority to children's obedience. Children will rely heavily on rules and may not be able to solve problems independently. For instance, some rules may dictate what children should do every day, but when children enter the workforce, they may not know how to manage time without the instruction s of their parents and cope with the demand s of work themselves. They are unlikely to achieve success in their career s. In my view, strict rules can stifle children's creativity and they are not able to solve problems in different ways. They dare not put their ideas into practice, since they are afraid of being punished if they disobey rules. Some teachers, for example, require students to abide by strict essay writing rules, and the consequence is that children will not the outcome of expressing their


177个词伙祝大家下次考试都上7!!!!!!!! 词伙来源于北北微信: 1.low-cost flights 经济航班 2.no frills airlines 廉价航空公司 3.carbon dioxide emissions 温室气体排放 4.meet its targets(for) 实现目标 5.reduce gas emissions 减排 6.reduce carbon emissions 减少碳排放 7.the aviation industry 航空业 8.the absence of fuel duty 没有燃油税 9.subsidy 补助 10.the vast majority of flights 大部分航班 11.domestic flights 国内航班 12.emit carbon dioxide 二氧化碳排放 13.assess different countries'responsibilities 评估不同国家的责任 14.the issue will be addressed 问题得到解决 15.be regarded as a form of environmental compensation 作为对环境补偿的一种形式 16.civil aviation pollution 民航污染 17.environmentally friendly aircraft 环保飞机 18.household and industrial rubbish 工业生活垃圾 19.living organisms 活体,生物体 20.litter on the ground 地面的垃圾 https://www.360docs.net/doc/573113486.html,ndfill sites 垃圾填埋场 22.household items 家居用品 23.toxic chemicals 有毒化学物质 24.industrial waste is also discharged 工业废料也被排出 25.be washed from the land into rivers 从地面冲入河流 26.oil spills 石油泄漏 27.harmful substances 有害物质 28.aquatic invertebrate animals 水生无脊椎动物 29.aquatic ecosystems 水生生态系统 30.harm hunman health 危害人们健康 31.escape the sounds and stresses of modern life 远离现代生活的压力和噪音 32.heavy traffic 拥挤的交通 33.noisy leisure activities 闹哄哄的休闲活动 34.a tranquil environment 一个安静的环境 35.a motorway's roar 高速公路的轰鸣 36.background music 背景音乐 37.peaceful retreat 和平撤退 38.attract boisterous crowds 吸引噪杂的人群

顾家北100 句翻译 (纯中文版)

100句翻译(纯中文版) 作者:顾家北 手把手教育公司

请打印本材料,方便100句翻译练习做笔记。注意:100句每句话翻译的时候,请遵循以下步骤: 1 思考可能使用的词伙 2 思考可能使用的句子 3 对照自己的句子和正确的句子,写出语法错误 简单的主谓宾结构 翻译1:经常做运动会提高人的自信。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译2:教学质量对学生成绩有很大的影响。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译3:家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译4:经济的下滑导致失业率的上升。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译5:经济的发展需要年轻的劳动者。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比:

翻译6:工作很多的人没有时间去休息。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译7: 在中国,很多学生晚上都要自习。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译8: 文化遗址因为城市发展而受到威胁。1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译9:我们不能够忽视面对面的交流。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译:10:有些公共服务很难做到收支平衡。1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译11:我们需要考虑社会和经济的环境。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译12:密度种植对生物多样性造成了威胁。1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比:

翻译13:平等接受教育的机会能够帮助学生解决成绩不好的问题。1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译14:接触不同的文化可以促进创新。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译15:政府应该重视社会福利,尤其是医疗服务。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译16:教育或许决定了人的工作前景。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译17:使用化石资源会对环境会造成破坏。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译18:建造住宅楼有助于解决城市的拥堵问题。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比: 翻译19:贫穷的人可以通过努力工作来提高其社会地位。 1词伙: 2句子结构: 3 对比:


更长时间的刑罚对犯法的人不想其他方法一样好。同意多少 观点: 长期判刑的好处和坏处。 Putting criminals into prison is regarded as a way to punish those who broke laws, sometimes it also is seen as a revolution method. This method may have some advantages while we have to develop other ways to educate criminals. Imposing sentences is widely accepted as a method to punish those who commit serious offence and sometimes as a correctional method. This approach may be effective, but we should also consider other ways to reform offenders. There is no doubt that a longer prison will put pressure on those potential criminals or ordinary criminals. It means a loss of freedom in a long time, which is unacceptable for wise people. On another hand, it will also have an adverse impact on their careers in the future. Due to the afraid of these consequences, people may not be likely to commit a crime. The supporters of stiff sentences believe that this kind of punishment has a deterrent effect on either prospective offenders or habitual offenders. A long prison means that those who violate laws will lose freedom for a prolonged period of time, a consequence that no rational person is willing to take. The criminal record can have a lasting impact on their lives including their career. They will not commit crimes when they realize the problems that ensue; instead, they will choose to find work or run a small business to earn a living. This can help create a peaceful and safe community. while I agree that a long prison punishment is conducive, other methods to penalty those who break laws can be considered, such as community services. Through these services, those people who are not very guilty can gain a sense of responsibility, which could help improve their performance. In addition, society could use the training of education and skills to improve criminals’ personal ability and job skills. Some teenagers may break the law due to their lack of social experience or low social status. If they could get opportunities to relearn social rules rather than a longer prison, they may be likely to return to society more soon. While I agree that a long prison term may sometimes help us fight crime, we can consider community services as an alternative. This form of punishment can make some offenders, especially those who committed minor crimes, law-abiding citizens. If they are sentenced to prison, they are likely to reoffender after being released, which can pose a threat to other members of society. We can also provide educational and vocational training for them, improving their interpersonal skills and job skills. It is worth noting that many juvenile offenders or first-time offenders broke the law because of social experience or low socio-economic status. crime is no longer an option, if find work and understand legal responsibilities. The prison can isolate criminals from society, preventing them acquiring practical skills and reintegrating into society. To sum up, I argue that a longer prison has a threated effect, but it is not the best solution. We could educate criminals through others way which is more educational and effective. Overall, I agree that the harsh penalty can deter crime, but it is not the best approach. Through other rehabilitation programs, we can build a happy and stable society. The focus should be on changing the behavior of offenders and helping them function as productive members of society.


06.01 Cambridge-BRAIN development 今天推送的是剑10的G类题目的主体部分第一段分析。 Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number of toys? 开头段 It is true that many parents purchase a multitude of playthings for their offspring. Whether or not this is a good thing for the child, is a moot point. On the face of it the advantages seem most apparent, but could there be a downside of this phenomenon of devoted parenting as well? 学习点1:a multitude of playthings 去替换题目的a large number of toys 学习点2:学习一些词伙 a moot point 人们不置可否的观点 On the face of it 表面上来看 Devoted parenting 溺爱型的教育方式 注意:第二句话的逗号应该是打错了,因为whether or no t引导的主语从句不需要加逗号 06.02 Cambridge-BRAIN development 今天推送的是剑10的G类题目的主体部分第一段分析。 主体部分第一段 Most people would consider children who have many toys to be the fortunate ones. Interesting things to play with stimulate many positives in the young boy or girl, such as optimum brain development, hand-eye coordination and colour recognition, apart from the simple joy of playing. Modern toys are designed to be educational as well as fun, and concerned parents carefully select products which might speed their children’s acquisition of numbers or the alphabet. 观点:玩具可以对小孩的大脑发育和其他发展有帮助,也有教育的意义,譬如说教小孩数字和字母。


雅思备考经验 一、剑桥官方评分标准(可在雅思中文报名官网上找到视频介绍) 1.口语:发音、语法多样性及准确性、词汇多样性、流利性与连贯性。 2.写作:TR(写作任务完成情况)CC(连贯与衔接)LR (词汇丰富度)GRA (语法多样性及准确性) 3.听力和阅读为客观题,评分标准如下图: 二、备考资料推荐 1.全套剑桥雅思真题4-14(正版900+ 可在某宝购买100+ 200+不等的盗版内容无差别)

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(1)阅读时间为60分钟,共三篇文章,一般P1最简单,P3最难,注意分配好时间。 (2)填空题基本功:拼写不出错、语法不出错、注意单复数。 (3)注意答案要求的字数。 (4)没有时间誊抄答案,大部分人也没有时间检查,记得边做边填答题卡。(5)T F NG 题一定要从文本出发,找同义替换,有一些在事实是正确的,但文章没有提到的表述,依然属于NG。 (6)遇到难题不要纠结,不要在每道题上花太多时间。先做标记然后跳过,也可以先蒙一个。 (7)个人强烈推荐刘洪波雅思阅读真经+总纲,所有题型的针对性方法很全面、很实用。 C、口语(15min左右) (1)口语考试与笔试是分开进行的,可提前在官网上预约口试时间,口语考试预订于每场考试报名截止日期前2天开放,同报名截止时间结束。 (2)口语分为三个部分,P1相当于和考官聊聊天,问些简单问题;P2是考生就一个话题谈2min;P3是就P2的话题进行更加深入的问答。 (3)推荐雅思哥APP,可以刷口语题库,录下自己的答案,上面还有一些免费公开课可以听,也可根据自己的情况购买一些网课或一对一口语服务。 (4)口语话题常常可以进行合并,如我尊敬的人/我喜欢的职业/我的理想等等都可以编成一个故事。 (5)口语考试的时候不要紧张,自然地发挥就好了,遇到听不懂的单词也可以问,这也是沟通的一部分,尽量不要停顿和卡壳就好了。
