


来源:外研社官方博客日期: 2011-08-23


1. He waved with a big cheesy grin.


Grin 是露齿笑的意思。Cheesy除了表示cheese的形容词外还有“简陋的、廉价的”意思,接近shabby和mean的意思。引申一下,Cheesy grin是“假笑,随随便便敷衍的笑”的意思。

2. Stop being a chicken and try the rollercoaster ride!



3. You have to drive all the way uptown to get him? Man, that's a drag.


Drag作动词是“拖,拉,缓慢前进”的意思。引申为名词,则有“累赘”之意。在《韦氏大学词典》里的解释其与burden, encumbrance接近。

4. A: Where did you buy that pen?

B: Oh this? It's a freebie I got at the carnival.

A: 你在哪买的那支笔?

B: 这支啊?这是我在嘉年华得的免费赠品。

Freebie 一看就是从free而来,是不是很形象呢?这是个美国俚语词。还有个同义形近词freeby,也许是同一个词的两种不同拼法吧。

5. I'm going to study full-on for this next exam.


Full-on在《韦氏大学词典》里的解释是:complete, full-fledged。这个组合词应该也很容易意会的吧。

6. Love is making you go bananas.


我们用banana一般作“香蕉”意。但加上“s”后“bananas”可以作形容词,是美俚,意为crazy。常见的用法有“drives me bananas”,“The crowd went bananas”。在这个句子里就是这个用法啦~根据《美国传统词典》,banana 还可以表示“crazy or worthless person”。

7. Dude, stop drinking, you are already hammered.


Hammer既可作名词又可以作动词,都与“锤”有关。“Hammered”除了可以表示“成形的,锤制过的”以外,在美语里可以表示“喝醉的”,与drunk 同义。有些人喝醉后就一倒不醒,是不是像被敲了一锤子一样呢?

8. A: Why are you so hyper?

B: I think it's because I ate a lot of candy this morning. Sugar makes me hyper.

A: 你怎么这么亢奋?

B: 可能是因为我今天早上吃糖吃多了,糖能让人亢奋。


9. Wow, nice kicks!

I did it just for kicks

. 哇哦,好靓的鞋!


Kick这个词,我们都知道是“踢”的意思,如在口语中和美剧中都经常听到的“kick one’s ass”的用法。Kick作名词可以表示有趣事物。For kicks 则为“为了好玩,寻求刺激”的意思。

10. Why are you so laid back? The exam is in 30 minutes!


这里的laid 是lay的过去式,laid back 是“懒散、闲适、镇定自若”的意思。

11. I hate all of that touchy-feely stuff!


touchy-feely是非正式的词,有公开表露情感,过于情绪化,卿卿我我的意思。《韦氏大学词典》的解释为:characterized by or encouraging interpersonal touching especially in the free expression of emotions, also : openly or excessively emotional and personal

12. Kate Perry portrayed a dorky girl in her music video for the song 'Last Friday Night.'



13. Man, that English test was a doozy. I think I failed.


Doozy在《韦氏大学词典》里的解释是:an extraordinary one of its kind,用时下流行的词解释就是:极品。在这句话的语境里就是“难题中的极品——太难了”的意思。这个词还可以用来形容人。

14. I can't hang out with Brian anymore, he's become the jack of all tirades, nothing but negativity, a real bummer.


Jack除了表示人名外,有干体力活的男人之意,与各种词组合表示职业如lumberjack等等。Jack of all tirades是个固定用法,表示万事通却万事不精的人。Bummer则是表示扫兴的,失败的人。也可表示失败的事。


老外经常说的 50个俚语 Be in the air 将要发生的事情 Clear the air 消除误会 Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵 A bad egg 缺乏道德的人 In the bag 稳操胜券 In the balance 未知的,不可预测的 Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价 Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉

Tighten one’s belt 节衣缩食 Kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 Be in a black mood 情绪极差 New blood 新成员 Feeling blue 感到无精打采 Get to the bottom of something 弄清真相 A piece of cake 轻松的事 Pay a call 拜访 By chance 偶然, 意外的

Round the clock 夜以继日的 Keep one’s cool 保持冷静 In a tight corner 处于困境 Keep in the dark 隐瞒 Fall on deaf ears 不加理睬的, 不听取 Take things easy 放轻松 Eat like a horse 吃得很多 Have an eye for something 对事了解得清楚 Catch one’s eye 吸引某人注意 Turn a blind eye 熟视无睹 Keep eyes on 照看 Lose face 丢脸 Lead the field 处于领头地位 Give a hand 提供帮助


美国硕士预科:如何边看美剧边学英语 一、不是所有的美剧都适合学英语 如果喜欢看《24小时》这样的动作片,那你基本会讲一口流利的“呯……轰……啊”之类的开枪爆炸声英语。如果你喜欢看《豪斯医生》这种专业性很强的片子,那你基本会讲一些如MRI,CT,Tumor之类的连自己都不明白的江湖郎中英语。如果看的是《越狱》,基本不用举手,别人就知道你是黑手党的了。不是所有剧集都适合模仿的,用来学习的是要有一定对话量、生活化的、平民化的片子。 二、开着字幕看是没有前途的 很多人喜欢开着字幕看,觉得会有参照更有帮助,其实这是在拖你的后腿。中文是母语,对我们的眼球来说有无比强大的吸引力,只要在那里,你一定会看,就像放个美女在眼前,男人一定会看。一般人永远会不自觉地通过中文字幕理解英语,而不是通过听懂-理解-记忆-重复,这样的过程学到英语。 三、看一遍是不够的 看一遍根本不能叫学英语,充其量只能叫娱乐。如果是抱着学习的目的,必须反复看,精听,理解句子词语的意思,为我所用才行。如果看一遍,基本你就被情节彻底打败了,或哭或笑,反复思考自己该拥有HEROES里的哪种超能力,担心下集可以下载前的日子该怎么过,哪还有心思管学英语这码事,哪怕讲的是柬埔寨语都无所谓。所以先看个几遍,基本达到对剧情已经免疫的程度,如看《老友记》看到已经笑不出来的时候,差不多可以洗干净耳朵仔细听了。 四、给大家推荐几部适合用来正常学英语的美剧 1.初级:Friends Friends也就是《老友记》,是经典中的经典,对于英语初级水平的朋友来说,是突破发音和对话交流最好的美剧。整个剧都是人物间谈话,而且都很简短,没有长句,词汇非常简单,基本是plain english的典范。我发觉自己的英文有明显的提升,就是在看这部剧多达十遍后。 2.中级:Desperate Housewives 这部剧讲述的是美国中产阶级的故事,所以用词和语言非常标准,相对于Friends有更多的长句和表达,非常适合中级水平的朋友学习。 3.高级:The West Wing


看美剧学英语:跟《摩登家庭》学地道口语 同性婚姻合法化问题一直备受美国社会各界关注,此争论在美国已持续数十年。在支持者与反对者的争论中,美国官方在这一问题上的态度逐渐从反对转为认同。6月26日,美国成为世界上第21个在全国范围内允许同性伴侣结婚的国家。 看过《摩登家庭》的同学们一定对Cam和Mitch这对儿lovable couple印象深刻,今天让我们跟随着剧情,图文结合来看看为什么Cam和Mitch是最棒的情侣!有共鸣的话就点赞转发吧! 1.They have a cute"How we met"story.他们有个萌萌的初次相遇。

2.They"hate"each other,and they fight a lot over silly little things whch is soooo adorable.他们“讨厌”对方,经常因可笑的小事吵架。 3.They give full support to each other.他们全力支持彼此。

4.They are always super romantic.他们总是特别浪漫。 5.They know who they are and they dare to be themselves.他们清楚自己的特性并勇敢地做自己。

6.They are insanely hilarious,dramas just follow them everywhere.他们特别搞笑,生活如戏剧般狗血。 7.They are fantastic parents.他们是非常优秀的家长。

8.They love their families.And they get well along with each other's friends and families.他们热爱家人,与对方的朋友和家人相处融洽。


美剧中50句经典俚语完美解析 1.Clear the air 消除误会 To settle a dispute and restore good relations Example: We had a meeting with the workers, and I think we’ve cleared the air now。 2.Be in the air 将要发生的事情 The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change。 Example: From the arguments going on at the meeting, it seems that a change in pol-icy is in the air。 3.A bad egg 缺乏道德的人 Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoided Example: You mustn’t lend Tim money, he’s a bad egg. You’ll never see him or your money again! 4.Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵 To be very expensive Example: I love that fur coat. However, I don’t think I’m going to buy it be-cause it costs an arm and a leg。 5.In the balance 未知的,不可预测的 Said when the outcome of a situation is unknown or unpredictable Example: His career as a pilot is in the balance, as his eyesight does not seem good enough。 6.In the Bag 稳操胜券 Said of an achievement which is secure Example: We have the deal in the bag. The client came in this morning to sign the agreement。 7.Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价 To have the negotiating strength and skills to get the most advantageous price and conditions Example: Amanda is negotiating the best price from the suppliers. She drives a hard bargain。 8.Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉 To look, sound or seem familiar Example: That face rings a bell, where have I seen him before? 9.Tighten one’s belt 节衣缩食 To cut down on spending because there is less income than before Example: Now you are out of work, you’ll have to tighten your belt and give up buying new clothes and going out so often。 10.Kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 To complete two tasks together, with less effort than doing them separately


看美剧中最常用十句英文对白 2011年01月14日08:48腾讯教育论坛我要评论(1) 字号:T|T 1. What the hell is going on? (到底怎么回事?) 说此话之人身份通常为上级,且相处较久。 2. All rise! (全体起立!) 从小学到高中英语(论坛)课代表在老师宣布“上课”后一直喊的是Stand up! 这当然没什么不可以,但似乎这个说法更标准一些。 3. It's bullshit! (胡说八道!屁话!) 这句话用途太广泛啦! 4. Damn it! (太可恶!) 此句往往从某个孤胆英雄的嘴中冒出,发音要轻,然口气要重! 此英雄往往正面临生死抉择,例如是先剪蓝线还是先剪红线等。 说时要有壮士一去不复返的气势! 5. It`s none of your business! (关你屁事!) 此句已接近经典!估计没几个人不会吧。 6. Come on! 此句因拥有太多含义,所以就不提供中文注释了。 这句话可用的场合实在太多了,大家自己琢磨着用吧。 7. Ditto! (我也是!) 这个说法并不是常用语,不过看过《人鬼情未了》一片的人应该都知道吧。 男主角从来不说I love you,总是以“ditto"回应。 实际上你也可以说"Me too!"或"Me also!",不过总是不够文艺腔!

差了那么一点点味道和情调。 8. How can I forget such a beautiful girl/sexy boy? (我怎么能忘了你这个大美女/大帅哥呢?) 基本是寒暄类的套话,可以趁这句话的时候想想面前这人的名字。 9. I had no choice! (我也是被逼无奈啊!) 做了很多坏事的家伙死到临头都会用这句话来开脱。 10. Leave me alone! (别理我!) 主角遇到烦心事不想有人打扰的时候总会听到这句话


美剧生活大爆炸中的俚 语总结 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

1.r e a c h a n i m p a s s e:遭遇窘境 2.childhood issues:童年的问题 3.be a natural at sth.:擅长做某事 4.roll the dice:滚筛子 5.be pedantic:迂腐的 6.look on the bright side:从积极的一面看问题 7.choke on sth:吃。。噎到 8.have?a?little spat:口水战 9.take your mind off those things:不要再想这些问题 10.back off:让开 11.be itching to do sth:渴望做某事 12.have the guts to do:有勇气做某事(eg.Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls.) 13.pick up on all her little hints:领会她的某些暗示 14.be a little peeved:耍脾气 15.build an empire with sb from the ground:与某人一起白手起家 16.It's a sign:这是注定的 17.drift out:开小差(字面意思:汽车移滑 =half-listening/half-minded) 18.blend in:融入圈子 19.put yourself down:摆平自己(=swallow your pride) 20.I‘m a little on edge:我刚有点激动,不耐烦 21.It baffles me:。。让我不解 22.miss speaking for the couple now:妻管严 23.obnoxious and insufferable:又讨厌又难以忍受 24.expel sb from the country:把某人从国家驱逐出去 25.Be deported:被驱逐 26.on trial:在实验中或者受审 27.lose my cool:哥不淡定了


老外最常说的40句俚语,学完就能愉快地看美剧了~ 看美剧的时候,是不是经常get不到老外的笑点!因为有很多俚语,你都听不懂。今天来教你老外最常用的俚语。赶紧背起来。 1In the nick of time 紧要关头 分割线,星形 You gave me that main idea help in the nick of time –my teacher just gave us a quiz on that reading skill and I passed it! 你在紧要关头帮我找到了主旨——我的老师刚刚安排了一场关于阅读技巧的测验,我通过了! 2Let the cat out of the bag 说出秘密 分割线,星形 Brady’s surprise party is going to be great if you don’t let the cat out of the bag. 如果你保守秘密的话,布雷迪的惊喜派对会非常棒的! 3Let the chips fall where they may 让某事发生,不管是好是坏

分割线,星形 I'm going to just try out for the cheerleading squad and let the chips fall where they may. 不管结果怎样,我都会去试着参加啦啦队。 4Lose your marbles 变得疯狂 分割线,星形 Mom has really lost her marbles; she's making me practice writing the Enhanced ACT Essay seven times this week! 我妈妈真是要疯了;这个星期她让我写了七遍ACT的作文! 5Once in a blue moon 罕见的 分割线,星形 In Florida, the temperature drops below freezing only once in a blue moon. 在弗罗里达,气温降到零度以下是非常罕见的。 6Plain as day 显而易见的 分割线,星形

智慧树看美剧 学口语网络章节测试答案及解析

智慧树“看美剧-学口语”网络章节测试答案 (2017/12/7) 第一章 1. 表示接电话的短语是pick up 2. QR code指的是:二维码 3. Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思:有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫 4. 表示挂电话的短语是hang up 5. on cloud nine 这个短语的意思是:心情舒畅 弹幕题一一 ①短语slip my mind 的意思是:忘了 ②表示接电话的短语是pick up have ③和You would have a ball表达相近意思的句子是:You will a great time ④在句子I ' m your rock中,rock的意思是:坚实的支持 第二章 1. Espresso 是指:意式浓缩咖啡

3. 在调制鸡尾酒时需要加的基酒通常是指某一种烈酒,下面哪一种不是六大基酒(D) A. Gin B. Rum C. Whiskey D. Liqueur 4. 图中的运动对应下面的:Push-up 5.图中的付款方式可以用下面哪个来表达:Credit Card 弹幕题一一 ①有的咖啡在上面会有一层全脂奶打出来的泡沫,奶泡对应的英语单词是:Foam ②百加得朗姆酒瓶身的图案是哪一种动物:蝙蝠 2. 下图是什么样的奶:脱脂奶

③图中的运动对应下面的:Barbell ④图中表示的意思是:打75折

⑤图中的DFS指的是:免税店 第三章 1. 图中的红烧肉可以用下面哪个来表达:Braised Pork in Brown Sauce 2. 这款甜点对应的英语是:Waffle 3. 3~4熟的牛排对应的英语是:Medium rare 4. 意大利面分为红酱面、青酱面、白酱面和黑酱面,其中白酱面指的是:奶油面 WINES & SPIRITS LHS


美剧中经常出现很多俚语 看美剧中经常出现很多俚语,如果不看字幕自己真的是翻译不出来呢。。。。 a bird in the hand is worth two the bush一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林 a blank slate干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始) a bone to pick可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满) a cat nap打个盹儿 a chip off the old block大木头上砍下来的小木片(子肖其父) a chip on one"s shoulder肩头的木片(自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅) a ouch potato躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼) a cake walk走去吃糕(易事) a headache头痛(麻烦事) a knock out击倒(美得让人倾倒) a load off my mind心头大石落地 a nut傻子,疯子 a pain in the neck脖子疼(苦事) a piece of cake一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件) a pig猪猡 a shot in the dark盲目射击(瞎猜) a short fuse引线短(脾气火爆) a sinking ship正在下沉的船 a slam dunk灌篮(轻而易举的事) a slap in the face脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a smoke screen烟幕 a social butterfly社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人) a stick in the mud烂泥中的树枝 a thick skin厚脸皮 a thorn in someone"s side腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背) a turn coat反穿皮袄的人(叛徒) an uphill battle上坡作战(在逆境中求胜) a weight off my shoulders放下肩头重担 ace得满分(得到完美的结果) all ears全是耳朵(洗耳恭听) all thumbs满手都是大拇指(笨手笨脚) an ace up my sleeve袖里的王牌 an open and shut case明显的事件 ants in one"s pants裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安) back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓) back on track重上轨道(改过自新) backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反)


外教一对一https://www.360docs.net/doc/5810857340.html, 美剧最常说的8句俚语 1.LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY 放飞自我 to let others see your uniqueness 让别人看到你的不同(放飞自我,张扬个性) 例: My colleagues were surprised at the Christmas party- I let my freak flag fly and showed them a break dance routine. 我的同事都很惊讶我在圣诞舞会上的表现——放飞自我,展示了霹雳舞。 2.GET OUT OF HAND 失控 when you lose control of things, they get out of hand 当你是对事情失去控制了,就叫失控 例: The party got out of hand and the guests started to throw bottles at each other. 当宾客们开始朝对方互扔瓶子时,这个派队就失去控制了。

外教一对一https://www.360docs.net/doc/5810857340.html, 3.GET YOUR HEAD AROUND IT 理解,相信 to understand something 知道,了解 例: I just can't get my head around the fact that Joe is leaving us. 我只是难以相信Joe已经离开我们这个事实罢了。 4.POUND THE PAVEMENT 徘徊街头找工作 to walk the streets looking for a job 穿梭街头找工作 例: I'd been pounding the pavement for months before I found a job in a fast food restaurant. 我已经在街头徘徊数月了,终于在一家快餐店找到了一份工作。 5.PULL A RABBIT OUT OF A HAT


Good and evil grow up together and are bound in an equilibrium that cannot be sundered. The most we can do is try to tilt the equilibrium toward the good. -Eric Hoffer, philosopher and author (1902-1983) We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. . Rowling, author (b. 1965) Time changes all things: there is no reason why language should escape this universal law. -Ferdinand de Saussure, linguist, (1857-1913) 电影中的地道英语口语句在说英语的时候,我们会遇到一些难以表达的词语或句子,通常会卡在那里或不知所云,而最好的办法就是仔细想想你所要表达的内在含义,而不局限于个别字词,然后用简单词汇将你想说的表达出来。 下面是我在新东方课堂上讲解电影时总结的授课内容的句型摘录,均来自于原版电影,大家可以做一下这方面的思维操练。 1你同他鬼混在一起肯定是不会得到好结果的Your hanging around with him is going to end up in a big trouble.


英文电影和美剧中总结出来的超级实用英文 在看了一些英文电影和美剧之后,我想自己可以做这样一个工作:把影片或剧里出现的有意思的常用表达收集起来,然后放在博客里。一方面是好东西要大家分享,另一方面在整理的过程中无疑自己也会加深印象,可谓一举两得。我收集整理的这些表达一般在教科书中不容易见到,而却又是英美人士日常生活中最鲜活的语言,对于学英语或对英语感兴趣的朋友,我想这会很有帮助。今天先列出一部分,往后会不断增加。另外,大部分的表达是从电视剧中得来,而下载的剧没有英文的字幕,仅靠耳朵去听,所以可能会有疏漏之处,望朋友们见谅、指正。 1、“我请客”:觉得我们常用pay这个词,如Let me pay it for you。这里列举三种说法:I am buying;This is on me;This is all my bill。 2、one-time thing:帅哥跟一美女过了一夜,回来后室友问帅哥:Do you really love her?帅哥回答:Oh, it was just a one-time thing!那么one-time thing是什么呢?我就不罗嗦喽! 3、“向前看!”:我们会说Look forward!而美语里有个更贴切的说法是Eyes front!“眼睛朝前”,是不是很生动? 4、“头等大事”:你会怎么翻译呢?The most important thing吗?看这个吧“It's on the top of my list”。 5、“停电”:No electricity?恩,够直白!其实提到“电”,老外更多是用power,停电就可以是Ther is a power failure或Power goes out。 6、“我不是傻子!”:I am not a fool?对,语法完全正确。但再看这个I am no fool。比上面的只少两个字母,但是不是感觉不一样?同样的道理,我们常说I have no idea,而不常说I dont have any idea。 7、short hairs:是说“短头发”吗?呵呵,它就是我们说的“小辫子”!


常用俚语大集合 1. a bird in the hand is worth two the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林 2. a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始) a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满) a cat nap 打个盹儿 a chip off the old block 大木头上砍下来的小木片(子肖其父) a chip on one's shoulder 肩头的木片(自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅) a couch potato 躺椅上的马铃薯(懒鬼) a cake walk 走去吃糕(易事) a headache 头痛(麻烦事) a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒) a load off my mind 心头大石落地 a nut 傻子,疯子 a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事) a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件) a pig 猪猡 a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜 a short fuse 引线短(脾气火爆) a sinking ship 正在下沉的船 a slam dunk 灌篮(轻而易举的事) a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a smoke screen 烟幕 a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人) a stick in the mud 烂泥中的树枝 a thick skin 厚脸皮 a thorn in someone's side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背) a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒) an uphill battle 上坡作战(在逆境中求胜) a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担 ace 得满分(得到完美的结果) all ears 全是耳朵(洗耳恭听) all thumbs 满手都是大拇指(笨手笨脚) an open and shut case明显的事件 ants in one's pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安) back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓) back on track重上轨道(改过自新) backfire逆火(弄巧成拙,适得其反) ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆) beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳) beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看) beggar can't be choosers 讨饭的谈不上挑三拣四


英语口语句子学习知识点(精华) 【篇一】 I guess he won't come. 我猜他不会来了。 I guess she'll come to the party. 我猜她会来参加宴会。 I guess you can come over. 我猜你能过来。 I guess I'll pay for dinner. 我想,晚餐有我付吧。 I guess she will forgive you . 我想她会原谅你的。 I guess she is wrong. 我想是她错了。 I'm hungry. I guess I'll have a hamburger. 我饿了。我想我得要个汉堡。 I guess it's OK with me. 我想这个对我来说是合适的。 I guess she will be OK. 我想她会没事的。 I guess Jim did this. 我猜这是吉姆干的。 美国习惯用语:毫不出色相当平庸(音频) 例如,在今天要学的第一个习惯用语里shakes就是名词,而且根据习惯这个短语里的shake还带有复数词尾-s。这个习惯用语是:no great shakes。No great shakes这个习惯用语听来意思是没引起多大的震动。换句话说也就是平凡普通、中不溜秋的东西或者事情。 我们来听个例子。说话的人在对朋友评论自己昨晚看的一场电影。我们听听他是否欣赏这部片子。 例句-1:Well, it was no great shakes. The story was mediocre and the acting was just so-so. I was bored except for that new actress - she can’t act but she’s a beautiful woman. 他说:嗯,这片子毫不出色。故事情节一般,演技也不过如此。除了里面的一位新的女



o经典俚语解析 1.Clear the air 消除误会 To settle a dispute and restore good relations. Example: We had a meeting with the workers, and I think we’ve cleared the air now. 2.Be in the air 将要发生的事情 The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change. Example: From the arguments going on at the meeting, it seems that a change in policy is in the air. 3.A bad egg 缺乏道德的人 Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoided. Example: You mustn't lend Tim money, he's a bad egg. You'll never see him or your money again! 4.Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵 To be very expensive Example: I love that fur coat. However, I don’t think I’m going to buy i t because it costs an arm and a leg. 5.In the balance 未知的,不可预测的 Said when the outcome of a situation is unknown or unpredictable Example: His career as a pilot is in the balance, as his eyesight does not seem good enough. 6.In the Bag 稳操胜券 Said of an achievement which is secure Example: We have the deal in the bag. The client came in this morning to sign the agreement. 7.Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价 To have the negotiating strength and skills to get the most advantageous price and conditions Example: Amanda is negotiating the best price from the suppliers. She drives a hard bargain. 8.Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉 To look, sound or seem familiar Example: That face rings a bell, where have I seen him before? 9.Tighten one’s belt 节衣缩食 To cut down on spending because there is less income than before


生活大爆炸第一季第1集 What’s your point? 你到底想说什么? We’ll be right back. 马上就好 I know, I do yearn for faster downloads. 我知道我的确渴望更快的下载速度 pin one’s hope on 寄希望于,把希望寄托在… wind up with 最后得到的却是wind up..最后却成为,沦落为 What’s the protocol for leaving? renege on 反悔,出尔反尔renege on one’s promise 食言 proffer n&vt 提供,贡献 be mad about sth 为某事而生气,对什么痴迷 be mad at sb 生某人的气 trip 绊倒trip over sth 被绊倒 transvestite 异装癖 we need widen our circle 我们得扩大下我们朋友的圈子 That’s the beauty of it. 这正是其美妙之处 I know that moving can be stressful. And I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. 我知道搬家可能会很累,并且我发现当我身心俱疲时,美食和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦。Also, curry is a natural laxative…还有,咖喱本身有通便功效laxative 泻药,通便的 spoof n&v 欺骗,恶搞,讽刺 Holy smokes! 我的妈啊,天啊,上帝啊 You’re lactose-intolerant乳糖不耐受,不能吃乳糖 You? No, you’ll only make it worse. 你?算了,你只会越帮越忙。 On top of everything else, …. 最(糟)的是… On top of that 除此以外,另外 Alzheimer's disease 老年痴呆症 carnal 肉体的carnal relationship This isn’t a good time. 现在不是时候 hit on sb 勾引 get lost 走开,滚开


o经典俚语解析 1.Clear the air 消除误会 To settle a dispute and restore good relations. Example: We had a meeting with the workers, and I think we’ve cleared the air now. 2.Be in the air 将要发生的事情 The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change. Example: From the arguments going on at the meeting, it seems that a change in policy is in the air. 3.A bad egg 缺乏道德的人 Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoided. Example: You mustn't lend Tim money, he's a bad egg. You'll never see him or your money again! 4.Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵 To be very expensive Example: I love that fur coat. However, I don’t think I’m going to buy it because it costs an arm and a leg. 5.In the balance 未知的,不可预测的 Said when the outcome of a situation is unknown or unpredictable Example: His career as a pilot is in the balance, as his eyesight does not seem good enough. 6.In the Bag 稳操胜券 Said of an achievement which is secure Example: We have the deal in the bag. The client came in this morning to sign the agreement. 7.Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价 To have the negotiating strength and skills to get the most advantageous price and conditions Example: Amanda is negotiating the best price from the suppliers. She drives a hard bargain. 8.Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉 To look, sound or seem familiar Example: That face rings a bell, where have I seen him before? 9.Tighten one’s belt 节衣缩食 To cut down on spending because there is less income than before Example: Now you are out of work, you'll have to tighten your belt and give up buying new clothes and going out so often.


十四个美剧中常见的有趣俚语 来源:外研社官方博客日期: 2011-08-23 导读:在看美剧的时候,经常会发现年轻人们喜欢用一些俏皮的俚语,跟我们在书中学的表达很不一样,今天我们一起来学习一下吧! 1. He waved with a big cheesy grin. 他朝我挥了挥手,脸上带着那种假假的笑容。 Grin 是露齿笑的意思。Cheesy除了表示cheese的形容词外还有“简陋的、廉价的”意思,接近shabby和mean的意思。引申一下,Cheesy grin是“假笑,随随便便敷衍的笑”的意思。 2. Stop being a chicken and try the rollercoaster ride! 别那么胆小,来玩过山车啊! 我们熟知的chicken是“鸡、鸡肉”的意思,但这个词在口语里还有“少女、小妞”的意思,当然这是不正式的用法。在这个句子里,chicken是“胆小者”的意思,作名词。但它也可以作形容词,意思为“胆小的”。 3. You have to drive all the way uptown to get him? Man, that's a drag. 你要开车到郊区接他?那真不容易。 Drag作动词是“拖,拉,缓慢前进”的意思。引申为名词,则有“累赘”之意。在《韦氏大学词典》里的解释其与burden, encumbrance接近。 4. A: Where did you buy that pen? B: Oh this? It's a freebie I got at the carnival. A: 你在哪买的那支笔? B: 这支啊?这是我在嘉年华得的免费赠品。 Freebie 一看就是从free而来,是不是很形象呢?这是个美国俚语词。还有个同义形近词freeby,也许是同一个词的两种不同拼法吧。 5. I'm going to study full-on for this next exam.
