




Ⅰ、Single-choice question

Select the best answer for each of the questions, and there is only one correct answer to each question.

A.Literature review

B. Questionnaire

C. Action research

D. Classroom observation

2. ___________ relates to the truthfulness of the data.

A. Validity

B. Reliability

C. Subject

D. Object

3. Which one is not the area of the institution ___________.

A. restrictions

B. time, length, frequency

C. classroom management skills

D. syllabus

4. In the following, which method is not appropriate when you try to act against the students’ indiscipline ___________.

A. deal with it quietly

B. giving lines

C. don’t take things personally

D. don’t use threats

5. When you are reading an article, your purpose is to find the general idea of the article. Then which reading strategy will you employ ? ___________

A. scanning

B. skimming

C. identifying attitudes and making inferences

D. identifying and understanding argument

6. Among the following activities, which belongs to the listening activity? ___________

A. describing and arranging

B. skimming for the main idea

C. picture dictation

D. brainstorming

7. Factors that have an impact on students’ second language learning include all the options listed below except ___________.

A. the country’s language policy

B. society’ attitudes toward the target language

C. social-cultural factors

D. students’ cooking skills

8. English is described as foreign language in all of the countries except ___________.

A. France

B. Japan

C. China

D. Australia

9. As the use of the Internet becomes more and more widespread, it is accessible to more and more EFL learners who communicate with different people on a ___________ level.


B. low

C. global

D. certain

10. Learners will discover on the Internet that they can use ___________ as a means of learning about and communicating with people around the world, including those who are not native speakers.


B. English

C. German

D. French

11. Intralingual errors originate with the structure of ___________.

A. the target language

B. the native language

C. the foreign language

D. the second language

12. Interference errors are caused by the influence of the ___________.

A. native language

B. the target language

C. the foreign language

D. the second language

13. When a teacher chooses the model for students to imitate the pronunciation, which of the following options

is not mentioned that teacher should consider ___________.


B. genre

C. style

D. context

14. What is the function of the sentence “Give me that book”? ___________


B. instruction

C. order

D. invitation

15. What should not teacher do in the class about individual student’s own purposes? ___________

A. Help to discover the purposes.

B. Help to formulate the purposes.

C. Help to clarify the purposes.

D. Help to set the purposes.

16. Which opinion of using English in the classroom is wrong? ___________

A. Students will be practicing unconsciously a number of language skills.

B. Students will learning how to pick out key words.

C. Students will increase the interference from their mother tongue.

D. Students will begin to think in English for themselves.

17. For most people the term “curriculum” includ es those activities that educators have devised for

___________, which are represented in the form of a written document.

A. teachers

B. designers

C. learners

D. students

18. In L2 learning the established understanding is typified by___________ syllabus.

A. Formal and functional

B. structural and functional

C. formal and structural

D. type A and type B

19. L2 learners construct a linguistic system that draws, in part, on the learners L1 but is also different from it

and also from the target language. This linguistic system is referred to as ______.

A. Interlanguage

B. Mother tongue

C. Target language

D. Native language

20. Repeating, imitating and recitation are considered to be ______ learning activities.

A. Structuralist

B. Cognitive

C. Communicative

D. Behaviorist

Ⅱ、Multiple-choice question

Select the best answer for each of the questions, and there are more than one correct answers to each question.


A. A. interviews

B. examination of texts

C. collection of data

D. ethnographic observations

1. 2. What are the major areas of the profession ___________.

A. the aids available for the level

B. the language for the level

C. physical conditions

D. a repertoire of activities

E. who the students are

F. stages and techniques in teaching

G. the skills for the level

2. 3. In the following, which are the differences between oral and written communication? ___________

3. A. Range of expressive possibilities

B. Clearness of expression

C. Feedback

D. Need for accuracy

4. Teaching can be defined as ___________.

A. giving instructions

B. guiding in the study of something

C. providing with knowledge

D. causing to understand

5. Some Internet activities give students ___________and ___________ feedback by automatically correcting

their on-line exercises.

A. neutral

B. positive

C. negative

D. no

6. For elicitation technique, teachers can ask questions like ___________.

A. How do we say that in English?

B. It’s a....

C. Say that again

D. yes/no response

7. Which of the following sayings are right according to this chapter? ___________

A.Students should learn both the form and the meaning of a language item.

B.Meaning has no relation with the context

C.both the teacher and students need to be aware of the fact that form does not equal meaning and vice versa

D.students don’t need to learn how t o use the language

8. What are the ways to maximize interaction? ___________

A. Encourage a friendly, relaxed learning environment

B. Ask questions rather than giving explanation.

C. Create competitive interaction.

D. Allow students to finish their own sentences

9. Curriculum is an educational program which states the following___________.

A. the educational purpose of the program

B. the content, teaching procedures and learning experience which will be necessary to achieve this purpose.

C. Some means for assessing whether or not the educational ends have been achieved.

D. The educational purpose of the vocabulary

10. Sensory Modality Strength categorizes learners as ?

A. Visual

B. Auditory

C. Tactile-kinesthetic

D. Analytical

E. Thinking

III. True or False


1. Qualitative method is a research method that relies less on numbers and statistics but more on interviews,

observations, small numbers of questionnaires.

2. Goal usually refers to the overall purpose or aim that a teacher will attempt to accomplish by the end of the class period.

3. It is often true that one skill can be performed without another.

4. The extent and type of prior knowledge isn’t an essential consideration in planning instruct ion.

5. The World Wide Web makes it possible for students to experience a lot of situations which would be impossible in the traditional classroom.

6. Minute paper is a simple way to collect written feedback on student learning.

7. One single letter is pronounced differently in different words.

8. If teachers do not have enough time, they could finish abruptly or run on after bell.

9. Curriculum and syllabus can represent the same theory of learning and can be realized in various ways.

10. Introverts seek out company actively and enjoy the company of other people.

Ⅳ、Short answer questions(每题15分,共30分)

1. Please list the possible formative assessment activities.

Tips: 1) list at least three ways.

2) How are they used in college?

Three modules, students’ portfolios, teachers’ observation records and assessment ar chives of learning effects, shown as below:

2. Why is interaction so important in language-learning situations?

Through interaction, students can increase their language store as they listen to or read authentic linguistic material, or even the output of their fellow students in discussion, skits, joint problem-solving tasks, or dialogue journal. In interaction, students can use all they possess of the language – all they have learned or casually absorbed in real life – to exchange their meaning. They thus have experience in creating messages from what they have heard, since comprehension is a process of creation, and in creating discourse they can convey their intensions.
