


Qixiamountain (pronounced as Kitsya), called She Mountain in ancient times, is named because the QiXia Temple is located on the west side of its highest peak. There are three peaks along the mountain: Feng Xiang (Phoenix Flying) Peak,Long(dragon) Peak and Hu(Tiger) Peak.

The QiXia Temple is the biggest one in the Nanjing Area. It is the cradle of the Buddhism School of The Three Sastras. It is one of the earliest established monasteries and is still currently in use. Here you can visit some typical Buddhist structures and learn about the history of Buddhism. QiXia Temple is famous not only for the structure, the stone sculptures and the pagoda, but also for the clear spring, luxuriant plant life; especially the red leaves of maple trees. These are in full bloom in spring and autumn making these times very popular.

Lying 22 km northeast of Nanjing City, Qixia Mountain (SheMountain) is dubbed “the most beautiful mountain in Nanjing”. The mountain is 286 meters high and has three peaks - Dragon Peak, Tiger Peak and Fengxiang Peak. The well-known Buddhist temple, Qixia Temple, is located on the mountain. This temple was erected in 489 BC and was enlarged in the Tang Dynasty. It was once recognized as one of the Four Largest Temples in history. The temple was destroyed by fire during Qing Dynasty and reconstructed years later. The temple has a number of critical historic relics such as the Thousand Buddha Cliff, the Royal Stele and the Sheli Pagoda. The Qixia Temple Restaurant offers vegetarian foods for travelers. Recently, Chinese archeologists have found numerous ancient stone inscriptions carved on the cliffs of the Mountain. The cliff inscriptions were found during a research project for cultural relics and they could be dated back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties (960-1279). The archaeologists have also unearthed four grottoes and dozens of Buddhist sculptures in the grottoes. The mountain is popular for its maple trees. Each year, when the autumn arrives, thousands of local residents and visitors rush to the mountain to camp and to see the red and golden maple leaves, which covers the whole mountain.

2.Tangshan Hot Spring

Tangshan is located in about 28 kilometers east of Nanjing Zhongshan gate. Tangshan spring water comes from 380 meters underground and Tangshan hot springs has been in a constant temperature. Whether in winter or summer, there is always little difference in temperature. It is in everywhere which has five mouth of all the spings.It is the east China's largest open-air hot spring base, tangshan is still the hot spring resort.

3.Confucius Temple

Confucius, China's legendary sage, has lost. The advocate of respect, restraint and order is now associated in Nanjingers' minds with one thing--shopping!

Centered around the ancient Confucius Temple (Fuzi Miao), this neighborhood in southern Nanjing is the place to be on weekends and holidays. Clothing shops and

restaurants dominate the main streets (closed to vehicular traffic) while street stalls in the alleyways sell stuffed animals, plants, CDs and even more clothes. The daily night market brings these stalls out onto Gongyuan Lu, the main drag between the Confucius Temple and Pingjiang Fu Lu, a lively scene even if most of the goods on sale are simple household items. Try the yuanxiao, jelly-filled dumplings whose round shape and sweet taste symbolize happiness and harmony.

Tourists not interested in bringing a cactus and cheap hangers back home as reminders of their trip to Nanjing can load up on souvenirs at shops clustered closer to the Confucius Temple complex. In addition to the usual selection of jade goodies, teapots and paintings, vendors display yuhuashi, multicolored rocks special to Nanjing. Although some believe the colors come from Chinese blood spilled during the upheavals of Nanjing's tumultuous history that then seeped into the local rock, the more commonly accepted (and nicer) story goes that a Buddhist scholar who preached in the hills of southern Nanjing so moved the gods that they showered flowers down from the heavens in praise. Upon touching the ground, these heavenly flowers transformed into the multicolored pebbles.

With all the garish consumerism on display outside, it's little wonder that the actual Confucius Temple is the quietest place in the neighborhood. The temple was first constructed in 1034 during the Song Dynasty to complement the Jiangnan Examination School (see below), where the imperial examinations were administered. Scholars came to the temple to pray for success and demonstrate their humble respect for Confucius. Burnt down and rebuilt several times, the current structure dates from after World War Two. Its traditional sweeping eaves give the architecture a Ming and Qing flavor.

The temple's most outstanding feature is a beautiful collection of 36 jade panels detailing the Sage's life (551-479 BC)hanging on the walls of the main hall. Based on the famous set of Ming period paintings titled "Pictures of the Sage's Traces," each panel measures about two meters in height and one meter in width. These panels, however, are new, donated by a local company in 1998.

Fuzi Miao is perhaps at its best around the time of the Lantern Festival (fifteen days after the Lunar New Year), when a special exhibit of multi-sized and multi-colored lanterns themed around the twelve animals of the lunar cycle lend a festive air to the temple.

If you think that your long, cramped flight to China was some form of torture, a visit to the Exhibition of the History of the Jiangnan Examination School (JiangnanGongyuan), should set your mind at ease. Founded in 1168 (the Song Dynasty), the school was used to administer the rigorous civil service exams used to choose officials during China's imperial age. At the height of its prosperity, the complex contained 20,644 examination cells, each just one square meter in area.

Candidates spent a total of nine days in their cell--the wooden desk plank turned into a bed at night--without the freedom to leave. Success was rare as only 200 of the 20,000 candidates passed.

The modern exhibit contains forty examination cells plus a small museum that claims to be the only specialized museum in China dedicated to the imperial examination system. Unfortunately, all the explanations are in Chinese. The exhibit is a short walk east of the Confucius Temple at 1 Jinling Lu.

3.1The Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) was originally built during the Song Dynasty

and is situated on the north bank of the Qinhuai River. Today, the entire area around the Temple consists of a series of tourist shops, snack bars, restaurants and entertainment arcades all done up in "Ming" and "Qing" style architecture. There is a vaguely kitsch feeling about the area and the Temple itself is a bit of a disappointment but the area is great fun and a very pleasant part of the city to walk around (the only pedestrianised area in the city). Absorb the relaxed atmosphere, have something to eat and take part in the fun! It is particularly interesting in the evenings when a lively street market sets up in the district, and locals and tourists take part in the bargain hunting!


The Qinhuai River (秦淮河) is a river that runs through central Nanjing. It's also the birthplace of the age-old Nanjing culture. As such, it's called "Nanjing's mother river". It is the "life blood" of the city. The Qinhuai River is divided into inner and outer rivers.

Today, the scenic belt along the Qinhuai River develops with the Confucius Temple at the center and the river serving as a bond. The belt featuring attractions like Zhanyuan Garden, the Confucius Temple, Egret Islet, China Gate as well as the sailing boats in the river and pavilions and towers on the riverbanks is a blend of historic sites, gardens, barges, streets, pavilions, towers and folk culture and customs.

The Qinhuai River, a branch of the mighty Yangtze River has nursed the rich civilization of the region. The inner river of the river once was the red-light district famous throughout the nation in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Painted boats with red lanterns once shuttled to and from, heavily made-up, gifted alms all became historical things. A busy colorful bazaar has gradually taken shape here. Now the flourishing riverside area can be compared to the Nanjing Road of Shanghai and some do call it the "Mini Nanjing Road". Small shops, stores, restaurants and bars cluster the area. One can find everything here ranging from colorful trinkets to local specialties. At night the whole area is lit up with colorful lights thus creating a very impressive scene.

A lively street market is set up in the area and both locals and tourists take part in the bargain hunt. Taking a leisurely stroll along the riverside, seeing the Chinese vendors doing their business or boarding colorfully decorated boats on the ancient river could be a memorable experience.

The most prominent part of Qinhuai River Scenic area in history is famous as a residential area of Qin Huai Ba Yan,(秦淮八艳, Eight beauties of

QinhuaiRiver),actually eight beautiful ladies with a lower social status but a great patriotic sense. They were firstly written into a book named BanqiaoZaji(板桥杂记) by Yu Huai(余怀). They respectively were GuHengbo(顾横波), Dong Xiaowan(董小宛), BianYujing(卞玉京), Li Xiangjun(李香君), Kou Baimen(寇白门), Ma Xianglan(马湘兰), Liu Rushi(柳如是) and Chen Yuanyuan(陈圆圆). Most of them experienced the transition of dynasties and the turmoil of society. They lived in the lowest class of society with the strongest sense of patriotism. They were quite talented in painting and poem composition, but most of their works were lost. Straightforwardly, they were prostitutes and singers, but their heart and spirit were pure absolutely. Their love stories were also romantic and historically influential. In folk china, they were respected widely.

南京英语导游词 2

南京英语导游词 注意表达能力和仪容仪表,切忌死记硬背 外语现场考试分四大项:语言与仪态30%、景点讲解30%、外语阅读复述10%、综合能力30% 城市概况(市情简介)、景点介绍、导游规范》=2、应变能力》=2、5A景点知识》=2、综合知识》=1、旅游相关中级水平外文短文阅读和复述 一、欢迎词 Ladies and gentleman:Good morning .Welcome to the captical city of Jiangsu Province——Nanjing.I’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.May I introduce my colleagues to you?This is Mr.Li,our driver,his bus number is SuA36099,please remember it.My name is Sally,I’m from the branch company of China International Travel Service in Nanjing.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in Nanjing.Now I’ll give you some tips during your stay in Nanjing:Firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.Secondly,when you come back to the restaurant,don’t go out https://www.360docs.net/doc/5910230811.html,st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some other valued things.If you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in Nanjing a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,Wish you enjoy these days you stay here.Thank you. 二、简介南京 When you come to Jiangsu province,of course you can’t miss the capital city——Nanjing.She is one of the political,economic and cultural center over the Yangzi Delta region.And she was been called China’s southern capital. There are about 8 million people here and Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.She was one of the 6 famous ancient cities in China.For almost 2000 years,there has been 10 dynasties which eatabished their capitals here,they are Wu,Eastern Jin,Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,South Tang,Ming,Taiping Kingdom,and Republic of China subsequently. For tourists,Nanjing is one of China’s most attractive cities.In octorber 2010,there comes a research among foreigners from more than 100 countries,Nanjing is the 3rd popular city in China,just next to Shanghai and Beijing,I think wo must work harder together for it. I think all the pretty scenic in Nanjing will make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to eyes when you are lingering among them. 三、景点(8个) ㈠中山陵 Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum Among all the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing,the most favored highlight is Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain in the eastern suburb of the city.It took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum. Dr.Sun Yatsen is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution,the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution. On October 12, 1866, Mr. Sun was born in a farmer's family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan City), Guangdong Province. He put forward the famous guiding principle- "driving the invaders out, restoring the


北京旅游景点的中英文介绍 天安门广场Tian' an Men Square 故宫Former Imperial Palace 天坛Temple of Heave n 地坛The Temple of Earth 长城the Great Wall 颐和园the Summer Palace 十三陵the Ming Tombs 雍和宫Yon gheg ong Lamasery 卢沟桥Lugou Bridge 碧云寺Biy un Temple 潭柘寺Tan zhe Temple 卧佛寺Wofo Temple 戒台寺Jietai Temple 法海寺Fahai Temple 云居寺Y unju Temple 白云寺Baiy un Temple 白云观the White Cloud Taoist Temple 恭王府Prince Gong' s Mansion 清东陵Easter n Royal Tombs of the Qi ng Dyn asty 乾清宫Palace of Heave nly Purity

香山公园Xia ngsha n Park 世界公园Beijing World Park 圆明园遗址the Ruins of Yuanmin gyua n 北京动物园Beiji ng Zoo 中华世纪坛China Cen tury Altar 故宫博物院the Palace Museum 人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People 民族文化宫the Cultural Palace for Nati on alities 劳动人民文化宫Worki ng People's Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆Beiji ng Worker's Stadium 革命历史博物馆the Museum of Revoluti onary History


虽然是在网站上找的,但是还是费了不少的力,希望对你有帮助那我的辛苦也就没有白费了! 1.自由女神像介绍: Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream; indeed there is probably no more immediately recognizable profile in existence. It's worth remembering that the statue is - for Americans at least - a potent reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants: it was New York Harbor where the first big waves of European immigrants arrived, their ships entering through the Verrazano Narrows to round the bend of the bay and catch a first glimpse of "Liberty Enlightening the World" - an end of their journey into the unknown, and the symbolic beginning of a new life. These days, although only the very wealthy can afford to arrive here by sea, and a would-be immigrant's first (and possibly last) view of the States is more likely to be the customs check at JFK Airport, Liberty remains a stirring sight, with Emma Lazarus's poem, The New Colossus, written originally to raise funds for the statue's base, no less quotable than when it was written……Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips."Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse to your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." The statue, which depicts Liberty throwing off her shackles and holding a beacon to light the world, was the creation of the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who crafted it a hundred years after the American Revolution in recognition of solidarity between the French and American people (though it's fair to add that Bartholdi originally intended the statue for Alexandria in Egypt). Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a terracotta model and enlarging it through four successive versions to its present size, a construction of thin copper sheets bolted together and supported by an iron framework designed by Gustave Eiffel. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in Madison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasn't officially accepted on behalf of the American people until 1884, after which it was taken apart, crated up and shipped to New York.


Nanjing Presidential Residence Members tourists: now we will visit the famous tourist site in Nanjing ——the Presidential Palace and understand its history. The Presidential Palace is located at 292 Changjiang Road. Up to now it is over six hundred years old. It was constructed as the Marquis Guide 's Residence and then Prince Han s Residence in early years of the Ming Dynasty. It successively became the Official residences of Liangjiang Viceroys in the Qing Dynasty. The Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong often used here as their temporary Dwelling Palace when they made inspection tours of South China. During the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan erected a large-scale Heavenly King ' s Palace in the compound of the Liangjiang viceroy Residence'. s Official On 1 January 1912, Dr Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as the Provisional President here. It successively became the Official Residence of the Jiangsu Military Governors, the Vice- President ' s Office and so forth in the following fifteen years. In 1927, the Nanjing Nationalist Government was established and here became the offices of it. After the occupation of Nanjing by Japanese troops in December 1937, the offices of the Nationalist Government served in turn as the Headquarters of the 16th Division of Japanese Troop. On 23 April 1949, Nanjing was liberated. The People ' s Liberation Army occupied the Presidential Palace on 24 April. The scenic area of the Presidential Palace covers a space of 80000 square meters. The Presidential Palace It comprises three pieces of scenery: the former Nationalist Government and the Presidential Government in the center; the former Provisional President Sun Yat-sen's Office Building, the Office of the Secretary General, the West Garden and the General Staff Headquarters in the west; the Executive Yuan, the Tao Shu and Lin Zexu Memorial Temple, Stable and the Exhibition of the Material on the Liangjiang Viceroy's Official Residence in the east. The presidential Palace has a heave historical culture, unique historical materials and beautiful natural environment with classical constructions. Now it was opened to the world as the Nanjing Museum of Modern Chinese History. Now, please follow me to visit the Presidential Palace. Opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the Screen Wall. Built in 1930, the Gate Tower is a two-storeyed building with three arch-gates in an imitation of ancient Rome style. It used to be the guardroom during the period of the Republic of China. The Palace of Heavenly King, surrounded by the two walls, is found right at the entrance of the gate. The area within the outer wall was called “ The City of Sun ”,while that within the main inner wall was called “ The city of the Golden Dragon ”.There were many grand buildings within the two walls. On both sides of the main hall were gardens. The palace is newly restored, including the study, throne and imperial harem. In addition, the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is on exhibition here. The complex in the east of the count was the yamen of Governor general of Multi-province. Yamen is the government office in feudal China. The building is the Presidential Palace. The first floor was the office of secretariat. The second


南京明孝陵导游词英文 篇二:南京明孝陵导游词英文 Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty Hello, everybody! Welcome to Xiaoling Tomb of the Ming Dynasty. It is the first world cultural heritage site in Nanjing. Xiaoling Tomb is situated at the southern foot of Zijin Mountain in the east part of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It is the burial place of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and his wife empress Ma. As one of the largest imperial tombs existent in China, Xiaoling became a major historic and cultural site under state protection in 1961. On July 3, 2003, together with the 13 Ming Tombs in Beijing, it was accepted into the World Heritage List as an associated site of “the imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties”. Ming Dynasty was the penult feudal regime in China’s history. Its founder, Zhu Yuanzhang, was often referred to as a “beggar emperor” for his miserable childhood. Zhu was born into a poor peasant family in 1328 in Anhui Province neighboring Jiangsu. In 1344, a serious drought and plague swept the north of the Huaihe River. All his family

[关于南京导游词介绍5篇] 介绍南京的导游词

[关于南京导游词介绍5篇] 介绍南京的导游词 关于南京导游词介绍5篇关于南京导游词介绍(1) 旅客:你们好!接待列位到华东线的第一站南京旅行旅游。初来乍到,各人必然很想相识这座都市。下面请应承我向列位先容一下。南京,简称宁,地处富足的长江三角洲,北接广漠的江淮平原,是江苏省的省会。全市面积为6597平方公里,辖4县11区,生齿545万。个中市区面积约881平方千米,生齿270多万,为中国十多半会之一。南京是一座地理位置良好,地形奇异的都市。它三面环山,一面对水,依钟山而扼长江。东面和南面是以紫金山(又叫钟山)为主体的宁镇山脉为屏蔽,紫金山之西有繁西岳、五台山及石头山(清冷山)等。西北面的长江奔流而过。城表里多低丘,广州出发西欧专线,河湖相连,可谓山环水绕,阵势险峻,素来为兵家必争之地,素有“钟山龙蟠,石城虎踞”之称。南京又是一座汗青久长的文假名城,我国七大古都之一,建城已有2400多年。最早的城池为越城,是越王勾践灭吴往后,于公元前472年所建的。约公元前356年,楚国灭越,楚威王在石头山上筑城。传说楚威王看到南京地理形式险峻,怕今后有人在此称王,就在狮子山北边的江边埋下黄金,以弹压王气,称为“金陵”,以后南京又有了“金陵”之称。三国时的东吴,两晋时的东晋,南北朝时的宋、齐、梁、陈前后在南京建都,这就是“六朝古都”。其后,五代时的南唐、明初、平静天堂和中华民国也定都南京,这又使南京成了“十朝城市”。南京曾有很多名称,汗青上传播下来的有金陵、建业、建康、秫陵、白下、升州、江宁、集庆、应天、天京等,像金陵、建康至今仍被用作南京的代称。至于南京的得名源于明代初年,明太祖朱元津于1368年定都南京,其时南京叫应天府。朱元漳曾规划把国都迁到开封,将开封定名为北京,应天府称为南京,其后京城虽未迁成,但“南京”一位就沿用下来了。旅客们:南京的汗青就先容到这里,下面向各人讲讲南京的天气。因为南京地处长江下流,亚热带向暖温带过渡的天气带中,每当夏日光降,高空遭到副热带高压的影响,气流不绝下沉,气温慢慢上升。烈日似火,天天地面最高温度均匀值可达50”C以上,发烫的大地成了这座都市的热源。加上南京奇异的阵势,它处于长江沿岸的河谷傍边,海拔较低,升沉的山峦,如同自然屏蔽,盖住了氛围的勾当,榨取热量向外发散;来自海洋上的潮湿春风和熏风被东郊紫金山和东南一带山体遮挡,使南京始终处于炎热的高温节制下。以是南京的盛夏炎热难得,素有“火炉”之称。可是本日我们看到的南首都,绿树成荫,出格是东郊的中山陵景区,更是树木葱宪,均匀每一小我私人占有10棵以上的树木,成为中国闻名的绿色都市,北京地接报价。这在必然水平上对南京夏日炎热的天气起到了调剂浸染。南京的交通也异常便利。航空有禄口国际机场和大校场机场,天天稀有百架次飞机在这两大机场起降。铁路有京沪线和宁铜线在此接轨,出格是1968年南京长江大桥的建成,直接雷同了长江南北的铁路、公路交通,从而使”天堑变通途”。其它,沪宁高速公路、绕城公路已成为南京的首要交通动脉。因为南京地处华东地域水陆交通要冲,同时照旧闻名的内河口岸都市,明代郑和下西洋的复杂船队就是从南京港起程,颠末中国的南海诸岛,超越亚、非两洲的。此刻的南京港,颠末不绝地扩建改革,年吞吐量达3000多万吨,成为长江沿岸的第一大港。最后再向各人简要先容一下南京的旅游资源。南京已组成了以城中为焦点,辐射东南西北的五条旅游线。城东旅游线以钟山风光区为主,以中山陵为中心,有明孝陵、灵谷寺、美龄宫、紫金山天文台等50多个旅游景点。城南线以秦淮风物带为主,以夫子庙构筑为中心,东起东水关,西止西水关,有乌衣巷、李香君故宅、瞻园等事业,另外尚有中华门城堡、雨花台义士陵园等风光点。城西有清冷山、石头城、莫愁湖等景观,组成山、水、城、林融合一体的景观特点。城北的珍珠泉度假区,距市区11千米,是南京地域独一的省级旅游度假区,南京长江大桥也在城北。城中景区有闻名的玄武湖,山城环绕,碧波激荡,风光异常娟秀,其它尚有富厚的人文景观。我们可以把南京这座都市特点作一归纳综合,那就是“古、大、重、绿”四个字。“古”,是指南京是中国的七大古都之一;“大”,旅游黄页,南京是中国的十多半会之一,有中国最大的河道——长江,尚有中国现存最大、

西安旅游景点英文介绍 带图片

西安旅游景点英文介绍(带图片) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 鼓楼The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang ’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 黄帝陵The Huangdi Tomb 华清池The Huaqing Pond 乾陵The Qian Tomb 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 1. Xi'an city wall 西安城墙景区 地址:西安市南门里 Xi'an city wall is located in the center of the city---- Total perimeter 11.9 kilometers. The existing walls were built during the seven years to eleven years (1374 hongwu--- 1378 hongwu) , it’s the oldest shape in the world, the most spectacular and best-preserved ancient buildings. Ticket: 40 yuan Card discount: Open-times free admission tours, excluding Mid-Autumn Festival, Oct.1st holiday, Chinese New Year Lantern Festival Phone :029 -84057153, 87235239 By car: take the city bus to arrive at the South Gate , North Gate, West Gate, or East Gate bus stop 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty


南京中山陵英文导游词 篇一:南京中山陵导游词 南京中山陵导游词 中山陵各位朋友,来到一座历史文化名城,你们一定想去看看当地最有名气、最具特色的景点吧。到了南京,如果没去中山陵,可以说你只看到了半个南京城。尽管南京素有”六朝古都”之称,拥有”金陵四十景”等众多名胜古迹,但中山陵无疑是其中最具吸引力、最有知名度的一个。 说起中山陵,当然要提到它的主人--伟大的中国民主革命先行者孙中山先生。孙先生本名孙文,字逸仙。外国友人都称呼他为”孙逸仙博士”。因为他在日本从事革命活动时曾用过”中山樵”的化名,所以他在国内被尊称为孙中山先生。孙中山1866年11月12日出生于广东香山县(今中山市)翠亨村的一个农民家庭。他少有大志,先后求学于檀香山、香港等地,毕业后在广州、澳门等地行医。后来他弃医从政,并于1905年在日本组织中国同盟会,被推举为总理,提出了”驱除按虏,恢复中华,建立民国,平均地权”的著名纲领,及”民族、民权、民生”的三民主义学说。1911年10月10日武昌起义爆发后,孙先生被十七省代表推举为中华民国临时大总统,并于次年元旦在南京宣誓就职。此后,经历了”袁世凯窃国”“二次革命”“护国运动”“护法运动”等风风雨雨,1921年他在广州就任中华民国

非常大总统。在1924年1月广州召开的中国国民党第一次全国代表大会上,他将旧三民主义发展为新三民主义,提出了”联俄联共扶助农工”的三大政策。同年11月他应冯玉祥之邀抱病北上讨论国家大计,终因积劳成疾,于1925年3月12日在北京逝世。 中山陵的墓址是孙先生生前选定的。这里视野开阔,气象雄伟,的确是建造陵墓的好地方。你们也许会问;孙先生出生于广东,逝世在北京,毕生为革命奔波于各地,为什么要选择南京作为自己的长眠之地呢? 据说,早在1912年孙先生就任临时大总统时,灵谷寺的住持和尚就曾向他推荐过这块”前临平川,后拥青嶂”的风水宝地。当年3月31日,中山先生为求南北和平统一,毅然辞去总统之职。4月初的一天,他与胡汉民等人到明孝陵一带打猎,来到现陵墓所在地休息。孙先生环顾四周,对左右说,我将来死后,想向国民求得这块土地以安葬(待我他日辞世后,愿向国民乞一抔土以安置躯壳尔)。当然,紫金山的气势风水还不是孙先生作此决定的根本原因。孙先生临终前嘱咐:”吾死之后,可葬于南京紫金山麓,因南京为临时政府成立之地,所以不忘辛亥革命也。”因此,尽管孙先生在南京停留时间并不长,但南京对于孙先生是具有特殊意义的。他选择南京紫金山为墓址,从根本上说,是为了纪念辛亥革命,激励革命同仁。 为尊重孙先生的遗愿,由孙夫人宋庆龄、孙科等人组成的孙中山葬事筹备处实地察看,选好陵址,划地2000亩修墓,又登报悬奖,征集陵墓设计方案。在众多应征者中,青年建筑师吕彦直设计的钟形图


南京英语经典导游词 导语:南京市地处中国长江下游的宁镇丘陵地区,东望大海,西达荆楚,南接皖浙,北联江淮,总面积6597平方公里。 Nanjing is one of the seven ancient capitals of China. The excavation of the skull of the eastern suburb of tangshan has revealed that the footsteps of Nanking ape have been in place 350,000 years ago. Since the beginning of nanjing in 229, nanjing has been the city of Kyoto ten times, leaving a rich historical and cultural heritage. Located in the golden triangle region of the Yangtze river, nanjing has a superior geographical location and abundant resources. It is an important city in China s regional economy. Nanjing s foreign transportation system has formed a three-dimensional transportation system and network of aviation, expressways, railways and Yangtze river. Nanjing, the mountain ring water, the spring onion cage yuxiu, the mountains and rivers are integrated, the natural scenery is famous. The natural world is given to the dragon in


西安几大著名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five stories.The original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator.Xuanzang is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”.


中国著名旅游景点英文介绍 1. The Great wall The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7th century to 14th century AD. The wall has b ecome a symbol of both China’s proud history and its present strength. 2. The Palace Museum The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there. 3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago,


南京夫子庙英文导游词 【篇一:南京夫子庙英文导游词】 dear visitors, welcome to the fuzi miao the fuzi miao in nanjing was originally constructed in the year of 1034 in the song dynasty. it was a place to worship and consecrate confucius, the great philosopher and educator of ancient china. this temple suffered repeated damage and has been rebuilt on several occasions since that time. 1937 was the most destruction when it was burnt to ruin by japanese aggressors. in 1984 the temple was rebuilt under the support of the local government. during the long process, the original building expanded to be a complex building in the architectural style of the ming (1368-1644) and qing (1644-1911) dynasties, including the fuzi miao itself, the jiangnan gongyuan(江南贡院)(the place of imperial examinations) and the xue gong (the imperial(帝王) academy). the complex is still called the fuzi miao out of habit by locals and visitors. in front of the fuzi miao, the qin huai river is flowing. on the south bank of the river, there is the longest screen wall in china which is 110-meter-long (about 120 yards) and piled(堆砌) with bricks(砖). the dacheng hall(大成殿) is recommended(推荐) on your trip. it is 16.22 meters high (about 53 feet) and 28.1 meters (about 30 yards) wide featuring a 1.5-meter-high (about 5 feet) pedestal. there are two worthwhile attractions found in the inner hall. one is the largest figure of confucius in china. the other one is the beautiful collection of 38 vivid panels which are made by various jade, gold and silver, detailing the life of confucius. out of the hall, you will see the bronze(青铜) statue of confucius as well as the white marble (大理石)statues of his eight disciples.(门生) a fantastic insight into how ancient chinese governments choose officials(行政官员) can be gained from visiting the jiangnan gongyuan. it is a sight not to be missed. the development of gongyuan began in the southern song dynasty (420-589), expanding into the ming and qing dynasties, until in
