


16. The outer layer of the heart, called the pericardium, forms a sac in what the heart lies.

17. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to steam.

18. The ability to talk is one of the skill that make humans different from the rest of the animal


19. In plane geometry, the sum of the internal angles of any triangle has always equal to 180


20. Polar bears are bowlegged and pigeon-toed, adaptations that enable this massive animals

to maintain their balance as they walk.

21. Caves are formed by the chemical or action mechanical of water on soluble rock, by

volcanic activity, and by earthquakes.

22. Celery, an edible plant is having long stalks topped with feathery leaves, grows best in cool


23. The first fiction writer in the United States to achieve international fame was Washington

Irving, who wrote many stories, included “ Rip Van Winkle” and“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”.

24. Three fundamental aspects of forest conversation are the protection of immature trees, the

use of proper harvesting methods, and provide for anenvironment that supports


25. For each enzyme reaction there is an optimum temperature which maximum efficiency is


26. Adolescence is a transitional stage in human development from the beginning of puberty to

the attainment of the emotion, social, and physical maturity ofadulthood.

27. The people native to the northwest coast of North American have long be knownfor wood

carvings of stunning beauty and extraordinary quality.

28. Colonial efforts to manufacture glass at Jamestown---- and later attempts near

Philadelphia and Boston---failed despite the abundant of fuel and good rawmaterials.

29. The orbit of a celestial body is usually in the shape of ellipse.

30. Chicago is the third largest publishingcenter in the United States, exceeding only by New

York City and San Francisco.

31. North American bison differ fromdomestic cattle in have 14 rather than 13 pairs of ribs.

32. Female sea turtles, before laying her eggs, swim as much as 2,000 kilometers to return to

the beaches where they themselves were hatched.

33. Water is the only substance that occur at ordinary temperatures in all three states of matter:

solid, liquid and gas.

34.Despite the growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state of

Texas has remained heavily dependence on oil and gas.

35. Lyndon B. Johnson was the only United States President who oath of office was

administered by a woman Judge Sarah Tilghman Hughes.

36. It took more than fourteen years to carve the faces of four United States Presidents into the

granite cliffs to Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.

37.Charles Bullfinch was the architect who design the original red brick core of the State

House in Boston.

38.Rarely has a technological development had as great an impact on as much aspects of

social, economic, and cultural development as the growth ofelectronics.

39. Lowell, Massachusetts, known as the “Spindle City” since 1822 when its first textile mills

were built, attracted worldwide attention as textile center.

40.Strange Victory, Sara Teas dale’s smallest and most perfect collection of poems, appear in

print in 1933.


16.More and 90 percent of the calcium in the human body is in the skeleton.

17. Perhaps the most popular film in movie history, Star Wars was written and directionby

George Lucas.

18. Some animal activities, such as mating, migration, and hibernate, have a yearly cycle.

19. Geographers were once concerned largely with exploring areas unknown to them andfrom

describing distinctive features of individual places.

20. In his animated films, Walt Disney created animals that talk and act like people

whileretaining its animal traits.

21. The first city in the United States that put into effect major plan for the clustering

ofgovernment buildings was Washington, D.C.

22. In a microwave oven, radiation penetrates food and is then absorbed primarily by

watermolecules, caused heat to spread through the food.

23.The cultures early of the genus Homo were generally distinguished by regular use ofstone

tools and by a hunting and gathering economy.

24. Dolphins are sleek and powerful swimmers that found in all seas and unlike porpoiseshave

well defined, beaklike snouts and conical teeth.

25. The velocity of a river is controlled by the slope, the depth, and the tough of the riverbed.

26. The phonograph record was the first successful medium for capturing, preservation

andreproducing sound.

27. Generally, the pattern of open space in urban areas has shaped by commercial

systems,governmental actions, and cultural traditions.

28. A liquid that might be a poor conductor when pure is often used to make solutions

thatreadily transmits electricity.

29.The initial discovery by humans almost 10,000 years ago that they could exploit metallic

mineral deposits was an important milestone in the development civilization.

30. In 1989 Tillie Fowler a Republican, became the first member of her party to

servingaspresident of the city council of Jacksonville, Florida.

31. General anesthesia, which is usually used for major surgery, involves a complete loss

ofconsciousness and a relaxed of the muscles.

32. After first establishment subsistence farms along the Atlantic seaboard, Europeansettlers

in North America developed a maritime and shipbuilding industry.

33.The legs of a roadrunner are enough strong that it can runup to 24 kilometers per hourto

catch lizards and small rodents.

34. For the immune system of a newborn mammal to develop properly, the presence ofthe

thymus gland is essentially.

35. Physicians working in the field of public health are mainly concerned with the

environmental causes of ill and how to eliminate them.

36.By 1850, immigration from distance shores, as well as migration from the countryside,had

caused New York City’s population to swell.

37.By identifying similar words or structures in different languages, we find evidencethat those

languages are related and may be derived from same ancestor.

38. Astronomers use photography and sighting telescopes to study the motions of all ofthe

bright stars and many of the faint one.

39.In the nineteenth century a number of Native American tribe,such as the Comanche,lived a

nomadic existence hunting buffalo.

40. The averageelevation of West Virginia is about 1,500 foot above sea level.


16.Painters of the early twentieth century who were known primarily for they colorful

landscapes, the Group of Seven changed is name to the Canadian Group of Painters in 1933.

17.Most animals have nervous systems, sense organs, and specialized modes of locomotion,

and are capable of securing, ingesting, and to digest food.

18.The cork oak tree has a layer of cork several inches thickness that can be stripped every

ten years.

19.Inflation, interest rates, and overall economic active can be governed by the United States

Federal Reserve’s decision to adjust the supply of money tothe economy.

20.Free radicals of oxygen, which common by-products of metabolic processes in the body,

are capable of causing tissue damage.

21.By 1830 the glass industry in the United States had become too well established that the

country no longer needed to depend on imported glass.

22.Free land, cheaply transportation, and powerfully persuasive railroad advertising all helped

flood the western part of the United States with farmersin the nineteenth century.

23.Coral formations have known as fringing reefs are located close to shore, separated from

land only by shallow water.

24.For a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels, the clipper ship was remarkablyfast.

25.Visibly only through large telescopes, Pluto has a yellowish color, which indicates that there

is very little atmosphere.

26.Diamond is the hardest known substance, so diamonds can be cut only by another


27.The International Monetary Fund was created in a effort to stabilize exchange rates without

interfering with the healthy growth of trade.

28.Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis, them changingfrom caterpillar to

adult via one intermediate stage, the pupa.

29.Thousands of meteorite hit Earth each year, but most fall into the sea or in remote areas

and are never recovered.

30.Alaska become the forty-ninth state in 1959,and Hawaii became the fiftieth state lately that


31.A sponge feeds itself by drawing water through tiny pores on its surface, filtering out food

particles, and then expel the water through larger vents.

32.Toward the end of his life, John Singer Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes and

the use of watercolors, of which he excelled.

33.Pythons differ than most other snakes by having two well developed lungs rather than a

much smaller left lung or no left lung at all.

34.Weighingamong two to five kilograms in adults, the skin is the largest organ of the human


35.Rodents dwell in various habitat, some species being aquatic, some terrestrial.

36.The nectar of flowers are ingested by worker bees and converted to honey in special sacs

in their digestive systems.

37.Lucid dreaming, the ability dreamers to become aware of and to control their dreams while

dreaming, is the focus of some current psychological research.

38.The sensation of sound is produced how vibrations transmitted through the air strike the


39.The musical tone of an electric guitar is created not by the resonance of the body of the

guitar but by electronically amplification.

40.Considered one of the most beautiful of the fine art, ballet is a combination of dance and

mime performed to music.


16.The pear tree has simple, oval leaves that are smoother and shinier than them of the apple.

17.In the orbit of a planet around the Sun, the point closest to the Sun is called it the perihelion.

18.In the early 1900’s, Roy Harris created and promoted a distinctly American style of classical music and greatly influenced a number of composer in the United States. 19.The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of North American ports, particular Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, as major commercial centers within theBritish


20.Guitarlike instruments have exist since ancient times, but the first written mention of the guitar itself is from the fourteenth century.

21.The law of biogenesis is the principle what all living organisms are derived from a parent or parents.

22.Onyx is a mineral that can be recognized its regular and straight parallel bands of white, black, or brown.

23.There are as many as 200 million insects for every human beings, and in fact their total number exceeds that of all other animals taken together.

24.Native to South America and cultivated there for thousands of years, the peanut is said to have introduced to North America by early explorers.

25.Originally canoes were made by the hollowing out of logs and used were for combat as well as transport.

26.Among the symptoms of measles, which takes about twelve days to incubate, are a highfever, swelling of glands in the neck, a cough, and sensitive to light.

27.Ice crystals in a glacier tends to melt and recrystallize within a brief moment of travelon a downhill glide.

28.Photograph was revolutionized in 1851 by the introduction of the collodion process for making glass negatives.

29.The piano is a stringed musical instrument in which the strings are strike by felt-covered hammers controlled by a board.

30.The sounds used in human languages to create meaning consist of small variation in air pressure canbe sensed by the ear.

31.The mountains, especially the Rocky Mountains, formerly constituted a seriously barrier to east-west trade in British Columbia.

32.Telescope are frequently used in astronomy to collect light from a celestial object, bring the light into focus, and producing a magnified image.

33.Diamond is the hardest known substance, so diamond can be cut only by another diamonds.

34.There are about 350 species and subspecies of birds in danger of become extinct, with a large number of them, 117 in all, found on oceanic islands.

35.The nineteenth-century romantic movement in art was partially a reaction to what was perceived as overemphasis on reasonable and order in neoclassicism.

36.Like triglycerides, cholesterol is a type of fat that is both consumed in the diet but manufactured by the body.

37.Both the United States silver dollar and half-dollar, first minted in 1794, had a figure of Liberty on one side and a eagle on the reverse side.

38.For an advertisement to be effective, its production and placement must to be based on a knowledge of human nature and a skilled use of the media.

39.While photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

40.The Democratic Party, the most oldest existing political party in the United States, has played a vital role in the nation’s history.


16. A variation of collodion photography was the tintype, which captured images on a black or

dark brown metal plate instead from on glass.

17. In cases of minor injury to the brain. Amnesia is likely to be a temporarily condition.

18. The system of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800. gives a concise andinstantly

recognizable description of a element or compound.

19.The fact that white light is light composed of various wavelengths may be demonstrating by

dispersing a beam of such light through a prism.

20. Over the course of history, much civilizations developed their own Number systems.

21. In the United States during the Second World War, each trade unions and employers

avoided federal limits on wages by offering employeesNontaxable medical benefits.

22. Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality, knowledge, existent, and ethicsby means of

rational inquiry.

23. Poems vary in lengthfrom brief lyric poems to narrative or epic poems, which can be as

broad in scope than a novel.

24. The population of California more than doubled during the period 1940-1960, creating

problems in road-building and provide water for its arid southern section.

25. Although based it on feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania developed areputation for

a progressive political and social outlook.

26.Hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting and is the

material used widely most for metal sculpture.

27. The Appalachian Mountains formation a natural barrier between the eastern seaboard and

the vast lowlands of the continental interior of North America.

28. The United States census for 1970 showed that the French-speaking residents of

Louisiana were one of the country’s most compact regional linguistic minority.

29. When used as food additives, antioxidants prevent fats and oils from become rancid when

exposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life.

30.liquid will flow and take the shape of theircontainer.

31. Copper was the first metallic used by humans and is second only to iron in its utility through

the ages.

32. Despite the fact that lemurs are general nocturnal, the ring-tailed lemurtravels by day in

bands of four to twelve individuals.

33. The Western world is beset with the range of problem that characterize mature,

postindustrial societies.

34. Acrylic paints are either applied using a knife or diluted and spreading witha paintbrush.

35. Some marine invertebrates, such as the sea urchin and the starfish, migrates from deep

water to shallow during spring and early summer to spawn.

36. Marshes, wetland areas characterized by plant grassy growth, are distinguished from

swamps, wetlands where trees grow.

37. Wampum, beads used as a form of exchange by some Native Americans, was made of

bits of seashells cut, drill, and strung into belts.

38. Kangaroos use their long and powerful tails for balance themselves when sitting upright or


39. Proper city planning provides for the distribution of public utilities, public buildings, parks,

and recreation centers, and for adequate and theinexpensive housing.

40.Most traditional dances are made up of a prearranged series of steps andmovements, but

modern dancers are generally free to move as they choice.


16. A gene is a biological unit of information who directs the activity of a cell or organism during

its lifetime.

17. The flowering of African American talent in literature, music, and art in the 1920’s in New

York City became to know as the HarlemRenaissance.

18. The symptoms of neumonia, a lung infection, include high fever, chest pain, breathing

difficult, and coughing.

19. The rapid grow of Boston during the mid-nineteenth century coincided with a large influx of

European immigrants.

20. In 1908 Olive Campbell started writing down folk songs by rural people in the southern

Appalachian mountains near hers home.

21.The thirteen stripes of the United States flag represent the original thirteen states of the

Union, which they all were once colonies of Britain.

22.In 1860, more as 90 percent of the people of Indiana lived rural areas, with only a few cities

having a population exceeding 10,000.


1995年01月语法题 1. An underlying assumption of most market research is that people are continually _____ financial decisions based on their desire for goods that give them the most satisfaction. (A) making (B) and make (C) being made (D) having made 答案:A 测试点:谓语。 分析:that从句中有主语但谓语不全,选择(A)making与系词and组成进行时。 解题要点:continully和always等词常与进行时连用,表示“一贯如此”。 2. _____ tempera paint, the artist mixes dry pigments with water until the mixture resembles a stiff paste. (A) In preparation (B) The preparing of (C) To prepare (D) Prepared 答案:C 测试点:状语/不定式。 分析:逗号后为句子,逗号前为状语。动词不定式(C)作目的状语。 3. When two straight lines meet, _____ an angle. (A) it is formed (B) formed (C) they form (D) to form 答案:C 测试点:主谓结构。 分析:逗号前为when引导的从句,逗号后应是主句。主句主、谓语俱缺,应在答案 中选择主语+动词的形式,即(A)或(C)。(A)用了形式主语n,但空格后并无真正的主语部分。故选(C) 4. Madge Macklin promoted the expansion of medical training to include genetics _____ supported the founding of genetics departments in North American medical schools. (A) nor (B) and (C) while (D) if 答案:B 测试点:连词。 分析:空格前为主谓语完整的句子,空格后又出现一谓语动词,即全句有一个主语,两个谓语。这两个谓语动词之间应用and连接,故选(B)。(A)用于否定句;(C)后接句子或现在分词短语;(D)接从句。 5. _____ mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is present only before birth. (A) Most (B) The most (C) Most of which (D) In most of the 答案:A 测试点:定语。


更多试卷下载请访问:https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7977967.html,/ 2005年01月托福语法全真题及答案 2005年01月语法题【改错部分】 1-15、选择部分省略 16. In the eighteenth century, quilting became a common technique in the American colonies for make of coverlets sewed in floral and geometric designs. 答案:C->改为making 测试点:介词+宾语 分析:for doing sth 为了作某事,介词for后面不能接动词原型make,需要改成doing。 参考译文:在18世纪的时候,在被子上面绣花变成了一种常见的技术,用来在床罩上面绣花和几何图案。 除外。 18. Centrifuges are widely use to separate liquids having different densities or to separate solids from 参考译文:分液漏斗广泛用于吧不同密度的液体分开或者把固体和液体分开。 19. There is ample evidence of that about 700 million years ago, glaciers reached well into what are now tropical regions. 答案:B->改为that 测试点:定语从句 分析:定语从句的连接词that前面多了of,of只能出现在which前面

参考译文:有足够的证据表明,在7亿年前,冰山深入到达过现在的热带地区。 20. Mathematics is a tool that can help solve problems and lead to new developments in other fields, such as space flight, medical, and architecture. 答案:D->改为medicine 测试点:词性 分析:such as 后面接并列的形式,flight, architecture都是名次,medical是形容词,错误,改为medicine 参考译文:数学是用来帮助解决问题的工具,在其他领域可以带来新发展,比如飞行,医药和建筑。 21. The meter of the English poetry is determined by accented syllables rather by the quantities of vowels. 答案:C->改为rather than by 测试点:固定搭配 分析:并列结构by sth rather than by sth,后面的by可以省 参考译文:英语诗歌的节拍是由重读的音节决定的而不是由元音的数量决定的。 22. In the nineteenth-century United States, it was assumed that growth, change, and progressive derived mainly from individual effort and competition. 答案:B->改为progress 测试点:词性 分析:groth, change and______三个名次才能并列,progressive是形容词,词性不对 参考译文:在19世纪的美国,成长,改变和发展被认为是主要来源于个人的努力和竞争。 23. Swelling of the mucous membranes, cause by irritants, allergies, or infections, may block the nasal passages, making breathing difficult. 答案:A->改为caused 测试点:过去分词修饰 分析:句子的主谓分别是swell may block,中间的部分cause没有和may block用连词连接,说明是修饰成分,再看到by说明是被动,所以修改为caused by;making 是现在分词结构修饰动词谓语,没有错误。 参考译文:由刺激、过敏、或者感染带来的粘膜的肿大,可能阻塞鼻子内部的通道,带来呼吸困难。

新SAT小说阅读 把准“脉络”最关键

新SAT阅读篇幅较长,时间紧张。想要对SAT阅读进行突破,增加阅读量、增强自身阅读能力势在必行。那么如何夯实基础的阅读能力呢? 每种不同的阅读文体有其独特的“脉络”。把准“脉络”,阅读就可以事半功倍,不会再有读完后“水过鸭背—不留一点痕迹”的感觉。 新东方集团目前正在研发的“美国高考核心阅读课”,旨在帮助学生夯实基础,把握阅读文章时的“脉络”。该课程涵盖文学、社会科学、自然科学、重要政治文献、演讲五大部分。我所负责的课程研发部分包括文学和社会科学。 本文就以小说为例,解读如何把握阅读文章时的“脉络”。 新SAT阅读考试中第一篇文章就是节选的小说。小说的“脉络”是plot(情节)的发展。我们将以美国著名短篇小说家O. Henry最知名的一篇短篇小说“The Furnished Room”(中译名:带家具出租的房间)为例(后附原文),解读“情节发展”如何帮助阅读时厘清思路、深入理解文章。 首先,小说的情节发展通常指的是一篇作品中不同情节的安排或顺序,是小说中故事的基础。情节发展大致由以下五个要素组成:exposition,rising action,climax,falling action,resolution/denouement(中文分别对应:情节交代、起始行动、高潮、下降行动、冲突解开/结尾)。情节发展就如同一个人在登山要经历的过程,见下图。 新SAT小说阅读把准“脉络”最关键 Exposition指故事的开始。在这部分,学生要看作者必要的背景交代和铺陈,例如setting, situation, characters(背景、情景、人物)等,相当于为登山做准备。也要注意conflict

TOEFL Junior语法题小托福语言形式与含义

TJ时态题 官方指南 1. He ___ one of his other classes on a field trip to the aquarium this Saturday. A. take B. to take C. is taking D. was taken TJ语态题 1. A man’s wristwatch ___ in the lobby of Liugi’s Pizza Restaurant on Tuesday, February 16.A. findsB. findingC. has foundD. was found 2.Givennewtechnologiesandadvancedtrainingtechniques,skijumpingrecordswills urelycontinue ___ A. are broken B. to be broken C. breaking them D. have been breaking 3. They ___ to provide a lot of living spaces, not for long, dangerous voyages. A. build B. are built C. have built D. are building TJ连词/介词/副词 1. _____ you were at basketball practice today, your teacher, Mr. Morris, called on the phone totalk with you. A.So B. While C. Because D. Although 2._____theconstruction,thefrontentrancetothesciencebuildingwillbeclosed.____ ,allstudents will have to use the doors on the north side to enter the building. A. At B. On C. Over D. During A. As a result B. Even though C. All of a sudden D. On the other hand 3. Cuckoos, cowbirds, and widowbirds are three examples ___ birds that are brood parasites.A. ofB. byC. forD. from


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 1.The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring (B) bringing (C) is brought (D) brings 答案: A 测试点:不定式。 分析: allow+sb .十不定式为固定结构。4 个答案中只有( A) to bring 是不定式。 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider (B) when sweet cider is served (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served 答案: D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即( D)。(A)、(C)不通,( B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案: C 测试点:倒装句。 分析: Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of,短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即( C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在 4 个答案中寻找以系动词( be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society


托福阅读长难句解决方法解析 托福阅读长难句解决方法 首先:长句子。 A few art collectors Tames Bowdoin of Boston, William Byrd of Virginia, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries,especially aspiring artists,and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement. A few art collectors introduced European art traditions to those colonistsand established in their respective communities the idea and the need. 对于这样一个句子,大家要做的就是找到这个句子的核心主干(即主谓宾)注意后半部分嵌入了倒装句established in their respective communities the idea and the need,establish是及物动词,后面却加了介词in,说明此处有倒装,还原正常语序应是established the idea and the need in their respective communities。倒装出现的意义在于idea和need在原句中的后置定语(即蓝色划线部分)太长,为了防止头重脚轻。 在原句中,是有人名是并列的不知道大家有没有发现,也是本句主语art collectors的同位语。其中还有一部分是colonists的非谓语动词后置定语,还一个部分是插入语用来进一步解释art collectors。 综上所述,本句运用了多种语法结构(并列,倒装,同位语,后置定语,插入语)把主干部分分割得支离破碎,如果对这些语法结构不熟悉的同学肯定会一下子摸不着头脑。而如果能够尽最大努力把握其用法,那么对阅读的速度和正确率的提升都有很大帮助。 以上这个句子我们就可以这样翻译:几位艺术收藏家(此处省略几位艺术家名字)将欧洲艺术传统介绍给那些被特许参观他们画廊的殖民者,尤其是有抱负的艺术家们,并在他们各自的社区建立了艺术具有价值的观念和致力于鼓励其发展的机构的需要。 其次:长文章 新托福阅读的文章篇幅一般都是在700字以上,而这么长的文章主要就是由简单句和一些复杂的长难句组成,除了句子理解外,为了更好的解题考生还应该了解文章段落和文章结构。面对比较长的段落和文章,要在短时间内快速抓住重点信息,做对题目,那么对文章的行文套路要有非常清晰的把握。下面以一篇OG真题文章Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States的段落为例来讲解。



2011年托福考试:语法模拟试题及答案详解 1. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body. A. in disease B. that disease C. of disease D. about disease 答案:B分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that 引导的宾语从句。这里that为连接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句。 参考译文:大多数殖民时期的医生认为疾病来源人体内不平衡的体液。 2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. A. she was the first woman to conduct B. the first woman conductor C. the woman was first conducting D. the woman conducts first 答案:B分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对。

参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家 补充:常考the first/second/… one to do sth 3. On January 7,1955,Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a major role at New York City's Metropolitan Opera House. A. the first African American B. the first African American was C. she was the first African American D. when the first African American 答案:A分析:缺宾语,C,D都不能作宾语。一句话中只能有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错。 参考译文:1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House担任主唱的美籍黑人。 4. Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United


适合托福写作语法的书籍推荐 很多学生基本上一写文章,就知道自己犯了一堆语法错误,所以在书籍的选择上,一定要找一本体系性强的书。今天文都国际教育小编就给大家介绍下适合托福写作语法的书籍推荐,一起来看看下面的介绍吧。 对于写作来说,最重要的就是要有语法的支撑,否则就如前文所说,写作练习就变成了重复错误的练习,然而一个非常残酷的真相是,在学校中以考试为导向的语法学习(做对单选题),对于写作的帮助极其有限,即学生并不能将它们运用于写作中,所以大部分学生自然不适合上来就开始做输出性练习了。所以想要学会写作首先要学会语法。 一、学语法有两个关键作用: 1.建立一个语言正误判断系统,有了这个系统的支持,就能够知道自己是否出错,以后就可以进行自我检查与提升了。 2.建立英语构句系统,这点对于写作尤为重要,常犯语法错误的学生有个最大的特点就是写文章完全是凭感觉,而感觉往往是最不靠谱的。建立构句系统之后,才算基本建立了语法框架,写作中能够依照语法结构进行输出,而不是以单词为单位进行,在笔者的语法课中最核心的部分就是帮助学生搭建构句系统并运用于写作中。 对于中国学生来说,在学校里学了一堆零碎的知识点,正误系统基本都建立了一点,基本上一写文章,就知道自己犯了一堆语法错误;而对于构句系统,几乎没什么概念,就像上文所说,写文章全凭感觉,美名其曰语感,实则错误百出;究其原因,就在于掌握的语法知识过于零碎松散,没有一个体系将所有知识点串联起来,从而真正融会贯通,所以在书籍的选择上,一定要找一本体系性强的书。 二、那么那些书比较适合基础阶段自学呢,笔者主要推荐以下3本: 《语法俱乐部》:这本书最大的特点就是帮助你迅速建立框架,细枝末节的东西很少,而且完全不需要死记硬背,阅读过程中仿佛在与作者面对面交谈,基础中等及以上的同学一周内就能够通读完一遍,效果如同在一面仅用砖块堆砌的墙中加入了钢筋和水泥,对于觉得语法无从下手的学生来说,这本书是一个非常好的开始,同时也非常适用本身基础不错的学生,书中部分术语和之前接触过的略有不同,但是总体不影响阅读。 《赖氏经典英语语法》:在读完《语法俱乐部》之后,除了在语法体系上更加完善之外,对于学好语法的信心也会增加几分,这个时候可以开始慢慢接触一下带有细节的语法书了;赖世雄老师的这本《赖氏经典英语语法》就是一个不错的选择,这本书的主线也比较明确,特别是前4章能够解决很多同学语法学习中的痛点,比如从句和非谓语动词;另外,这本书还附带了作者的讲解录音,对于


托福(TOEFL)考试语法指导:托福语法攻略(2) 这些小细节一定要掌握。 而更重要的是,很多人对过去分词是否是谓语的搞不清楚。如: dedicated to raising 和dedicated raising,你能告诉我哪个过分是谓语,而哪个不是吗? dedicated to raising 就是非谓语 dedicated raising就是谓语 请你记住以下的总结: Vt.ed+宾语谓语 Vt.ed 非谓语 Be+ Vt.ed 谓语 Be+ Vt.ed+宾语非谓语 所谓的Vted就是过去分词,是及物动词,dedicated to raising为什么是非谓语?因为我说过,及物动词必有宾语,dedicated后没有宾语,如果加了宾语,就象这个dedicated raising,此时它就是谓语动词了。 By 1872 the US had 70 engineering colleges, ( ) astonishing expansion credited largely to the MA of 1862. A because B an C to which D was我想你没有选对肯定是credited 这个过去分词你没有搞清楚它是谓语还是非谓语。实际上,它是个非谓语,逗号后是个过分修饰的名词短语。前面是个完整的句子,好了,A because连词,而没有与之相配的谓语,不对。C to which也没有与之相配的谓语,错。D没有连词却有个谓语,错。 如果你不能分析出credited的是非谓语,你肯定永远做不对。 一定要记住上面的总结,真的很重要。 还有就是一些小知识点了,比如固定搭配,副词可修饰副词,形容词,句子,但不能修饰名词。among放在句首后面的谓语与主语要倒装,so 放于句首要倒装,介词引导的表地点,方位的状语提前到句首要倒装等。How在TOEFL中只作连词。单个形容词修饰名词放在名词前,而形容词短语修饰名词放在名词后。如:beautiful girl, stage bare of scenery,其中bare of scenery为形容词短语后置作 stage的定语。过去分词要想作名词的定语必须后置。 总之,做语法题一定要分析句子结构,95%题不用读句意都能做出来。所谓句子结构,就是找主谓宾,定状补都是修饰成分。其次就是了解什么成分能做定状补。下次做题时就按这种方法,肯定对你有益处。 【


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 ) 1.The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring … (B) bringing (C) is brought 】 (D) brings 答案: A ^ 测试点:不定式。 < 分析: allow+sb .十不定式为固定结构。 4 个答案中只有( A) to bring 是不定式。 【 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider … (B) when sweet cider is served ? (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served

答案: D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即( D)。(A)、(C)不通,( B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________,or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案: C 测试点:倒装句。 分析: Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of,短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即( C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在 4 个答案中寻找以系动词( be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society


托福语法辅导解析题精选篇 语法在托福考试中一直都是一些同学的痛点,整理了一些托福语法解析题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福语法辅导解析题1 1. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body. A. in disease B. that disease C. of disease D. about disease 答案:B 分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句。这里that为连接adv.,在句中不作任何成分,其后接完整句。 参考译文:大多数殖民时期的医生认为疾病来源人体内不平衡的体液。 2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. A. she was the first woman to conduct B. the first woman conductor C. the woman was first conducting

D. the woman conducts first 答案:B 分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对。 参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家。 补充:常考the f irst/second/… one to do sth 3. On January 7,1955,Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a major role at New York Citys Metropolitan Opera House. A. the first African American B. the first African American was C. she was the first African American D. when the first African American 答案:A 分析:缺宾语,C,D都不能作宾语。一句话中只能有一个谓语,而B中有was,句中出现两个谓语,一定错。 参考译文:1955年1月7号,Marian Anderson成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House担任主唱的美籍黑人。 4. Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the United States,_________ when massive


0310托福真题 0310听力 1A She is younger than her sister . B she does not spend much time with her sister’s children. C she does not get along well with her sister D she no longer resembles her sister. 2A Paper plates are cheaper than dishes. B Dishes break more easily than paper plates. C There is no need to wash any dishes now. D The woman’s roommate will return soon. 3A She has not applied to any universities yet, B She will begin university classes in a few weeks. C She does not know yet if a university will accept her. D She is too busy to contact the university right now. 4A Reconsider his position later B Allow the student to miss class C Lower the student’s grade D Suggest that the student try to reschedule the operation 5A He does not have enough money for the trip yet. B He is planning to work during spring break . C The trip is too far off in the future to think about. D He has changed his mind about going to Canada. 6A The photograph is not good enough to send. B The photograph was not taken at the Grand Canyon. C They already sent Mary a photograph of their vacation. D Sending pictures through the mail is too expensive. 7A She should have asked to be excused from the trip. B She deserves the zero. C She is right to be angry. D She should have gone on the field trip. 8A He wants to live off campus. B There are advantages and disadvantages to living off campus. C Living space in the dorm is crowded. D There are only a few apartments available off campus. 9A Turn down the volume of the music


托福考试之历年托福语法真题全面解析 1. The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring (B) bringing (C) is brought (D) brings 答案:A 测试点:不定式。 分析:allow+sb.十不定式为固定结构。4个答案中只有(A)to bring是不定式。 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider (B) when sweet cider is served (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served 答案:D

测试点:主谓结构。 分析:原句主、谓俱缺,应选一完整的主语+谓语的结构,即(D)。(A)、(C)不通,(B)则是从句,不适合此句。 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________,or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案:C 测试点:倒装句。 分析:Typical of放在句首的句子,要用倒装句。Typical of…短语是表语,应在答案中选择“系动词+主语”的结构,即(C)。 解题要点:遇倒装句在4个答案中寻找以系动词(be)开始的结构。 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society


托福听力如何突破25分继续提升 托福听力如何突破25分继续提升?2大冲刺高分备考要点解读,今天给大家带来了托福听力如何突破25分继续提升,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力如何突破25分继续提升?2大冲刺高分备考要点解读 托福听力25-30分备考任务介绍 听力从25分到30分可以说是听力部分备考的最后一个阶段。而这个阶段的核心任务是:清楚的划分*层次,并圈出预判的考点位置。其实听力能够考到25分的同学,一般来说基础都相当扎实练得很好,想要得到满分也不是不可能的事情了,而要讲解的备考任务更像是一道保险,帮大家最大可能的接近满分。 备考任务:划分*层次 我们先看第一个任务:划分*层次。这个主要是针对听力考试的形式,因为它毕竟不像阅读那样将已经分好段落的*呈现在我们面前,而且题干还直接指明该去哪段去找答案,听力就惨一点,从哪到哪是一段需要我们边听边判断。而且这对于选题是至关重要的。所以除了总结段内的核心内容,我们还要注意*层次之间的转换。熟悉常见*框架可以帮大家减轻不少负担。

备考任务:预判考点位置 第二个任务:预判考点位置。这点主要是针对考点提示的,经过考点提示的学习和做题实践,大家对什么地方会出题应该多少会有点感觉。这个任务就是要不断强化这种感觉,最后做到听完就知道至少4题的考点都在哪,甚至以什么形式考察。剩下的选题过程简直不要太容易。具体练习方式是听第一遍时尝试边听边标注考点,做完题后再改正标错的,补上遗漏的,然后再听 2-3遍反复优化笔记并感受考点特征。 托福听力题目:学生和保安 托福听力考试日期:20XX年12月16日 学生被保安处叫去了,说你打了三个电话你都干啥了你居然都打了三个emergency calls你要负责巴拉巴拉的。学生开始解释说他key忘房间了打电话,工作人员说你应该打另一个电话,他们还没下班(有题:暗示学生不应该找他们),但是ok,fine,之后呢?学生说安保让我进去了但是我在房间里又没有,我 blabla(这点没听清),于是我找了maintain office给我换锁,但是他们换了之后给我的钥匙居然不对,这就不是我的错了你不能怪我。然后工作人员说,OK,那你应该写一个report说这个事情,email不行你得写纸上他们需要备案。 八大托福听力题型


托福考试语法题口诀汇编(2) 口诀二去掉独立成分,答案自然现身 这一口诀主要是用来解“填空”题的.我们所遇到的情况更多是题干的句子较长而且关系复杂, 如按传统的方法先搞清楚句子内部关系,分辨出句子的基本意思,再找出相应缺少的成分------不但耗时很多,而且把握不大.这里,我们介绍的方法则简便了许多:将具有"独立"意义的句子 成分去掉------如果这时主句不缺少成分的化,也不予以考虑------只考虑剩下,不“独立”的成分。这样,关系简单了,正确答案也就容易找到了.而且绝大部分情况下,在"语法"层次-----即不弄懂句义的情况下-----即可选出正确答案. 那么,都有哪些成分时“独立成分”呢?主要有以下几种: 1.副词和不是用作前置定语的分词; 2.不定式,介词,分词,同位语等短语; 3.所有的从句. 这种方式究竟有多大的作用呢?下面我们来看几个例句: (7) Geophysicists have collaborated with archaeologists and anthropologists to study the magnetic properties of pottery and fireplaces at sites ------ by early humans. A. occupied B. occupying C. which D. were occupied 如果按照上面提到的标准去衡量,这个句子的题干就应该时这样的: (Geophysicists have collaborated主句)(with archaeologists and anthropologists 介词短语)(to study the magnetic properties不定式短语)(of pottery and fireplaces 介词短语)(at sites介词短语)------(by early humans.介词短语) 将这些“独立成分”都去掉后就只剩下 "Geophysicists have collaborated" .由于题干的主句及其它部分都不缺少成分,作为答案的选项也必须是一个“独立成分”.在不考虑词义的情况下,A,B,C3个选项似乎都可以.但是,如果B项可以的话,C也一定可以.反面证明两个选项都不行,答案自然是A了. (8) During the late fifteenth century, ------ of the native societies for America had professions in the fields of arts and crafts. A. only a few B. a few but C. few, but only D. a few only 还是按照前面提到的标准去衡量,这个句子的题干部分就会变成下面这样: (During the late fifteenth century介词短语),-----(of the native societies fo America介词短语)had professions (in the fields介词短语)(of arts and crafts介词短语). 把独立成分去掉后就只剩下 "------ had professions".一眼即可看出,句子缺少主语.答案自然就是A了. 【


1989年01月语法题 1. The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring (B) bringing (C) is brought (D) brings 2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider (B) when sweet cider is served (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served 3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867. (A) reforming society (B) social reformer (C) who reformed society (D) her social reform 5. Copper sulfate, spread in judicious amounts, kills algae __________ harming fish or aquatic invert-ebrates. (A) does not (B) but does no (C) except (D) without 6. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people __________long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. (A) will they live (B) they will be living (C) will live
