新编简明英语语言学 Chapter 5 Semantics 语义学

新编简明英语语言学 Chapter 5 Semantics 语义学
新编简明英语语言学 Chapter 5 Semantics 语义学

Chapter 5 Semantics 语义学


1. semantics语义学: Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning in language. 语义学可以简单地定义为对意义的将研究。


5.2 Different views of meaning意义研究的不同观点

5.2.1 The naming theory命名论(by希腊Scholar Plato)

The naming theory命名论: Words are just names or labels for things.


Eg. desk—a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs.

The limitations of this theory局限性:

1. This theory seems applicable to nouns only.这一理论看起来仅适用于名词

(Some words are definitelynot lables of object: eg. jump, quickly, pretty, and, in, hearted, think, hard, slowly…)

2. There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world: ghost, gragon, unicorn麒麟. 有些名词是指世界中根本就不存在的事物。

3. Nouns that do not refer to physical object, but abstract notions such as joy and impulse. 有些名词并不是指实物性的物体,而是指:joy, impulse刺激,这样的抽象概念。

5.2.2 The conceptualist [k?n'septj??l?st] view概念论(Ogden和Richards提出classic semantic triangle 经典语意三角)

The conceptualist view: The conceptualist view: There is no direct link between language and the real world; rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind..(语言和真实世界之间并没


Semantic triangle语义三角:(p63y英p180-181中)



5.2.3 Contextualism 语境论观点代表人是John Firth,但Bloomfield阐述更有说服力

The contextualist view of meaning is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.意义的语境论基于这样一个假设:人们可以从可观察的语境中推出意义,或者将意义还原至可观察的语境。(语境论认为语言的意义来自语境,取决于语境。)

Two kinds of context are recognized: 1. the situational context 2. the linguistic context


situational context场景语境:Linguistic context语言语境:

The seal could not be found.(海豹、印章)green house (温室)

green hand(生手,没有经验的人)She is at the desk.(在桌子旁边、在读书) green tea (绿茶)

{情景语包括时空环境,交际的参与者,当时的行为活动,环境中的相关物体等。语言语境包括词之间的共现或搭配。这种共现和搭配构成了这个词的语义的一部分。例如在black hair(黑发)和 black coffee (不加牛奶的清咖啡)中,black词义的不同是它的搭配不同所致。语言语境也包括一个特定话语的上下文。}

5.2.4 Behaviorism行为主义论英国Bloomfield提出,使用了Jack和Jill故事阐明

The meaning of a language form 语言形式的定义:as the situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.言着发出该形式的场景和它在听者身上所起的反应。(By Bloomfield 1933)。(Bloomfield以行为主义心理学为基础提出了语义的行为主义论。Bloomfield 认为语义存在于情景中,存在于说话人所说的话在听话人身上引起的反应的情景之中。)

Jill Jack


5.3 lexical meaning词汇意义

5.3.1 distinctions between sense and reference区分意义和指称


1.Sense 意义:It’s concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguist ic form. It’s the collection of all the features of the linguistic form, it’s abstract and de-contextualized. 意义指的是语言形式的内在意义。意义是词汇抽象的、内在的、独立于语境之外而存在的意义。这种意义通常是词典编撰人员所关心的。(例如:"boy"在字典中被定义为" a male child, till puberty or young manhood. "这里,“男孩”并不指任何现实世界中具体的男孩,任何一种具有定义特征的人都可称为“男孩”。)p66英

2.Reference 指称:It means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world, it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience. 指称是词汇在特定的语境中所指称的具体事物。它是关于语言与非语言的客观世界之间的关系。(例如:”The boy is crying.”在这个例子中,”boy”一定是有所指的,特指一个交际活动中交际者都知道的那个“男孩”。这就是在这个特定的交际情景中“男孩”的所指。)p66英


I saw a boy at the gate yesterday.

I saw a man beating a boy in front of the house.

(2)另一种情况是词的所指意义reference可能相同,但是意义sense却不同,例如:morning star(辰星)和evening star(昏星)意义是不同的,但是所指是相同的,都指我们子啊天空中看到的“金星”。

5.3.2 major sense relations 主要的意义关系 Synonymy [s?'n?n?m?]同义现象

Synonymy同义词:It refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning or we can say that words are close in meaning are called synonyms['s?n?n?m].同义现象指意义的相同或极为相近。意义相近的词成为同义词。由于历史的原因,大量的外来词borrowed (loan) words加入本族词native words,使得英语中富含同义词。在任何语


1)Dialectal synonyms——synonyms used in different regional dialects

[,dai?'lekt?l] 方言同义词——用于不同地区方言的同义词。


British English 英式英语 American English 美式英语

Picture Movie

ill Sick

Engine Motor

Post Mail


Eg. gril 女孩在苏格兰方言中:lass/lassie

liquor 烈酒在爱尔兰方言中:whisky

2)Stylistic synonyms---Synonyms differing in style


在文体或使用正式程度上相异的同义词是文体同义词。(更加正式、中性、非正式)例如:start, begin, commence 开始

ask, question, interrogate 疑问

fear, terror, trepidation 恐惧

gee-gee, horse, steed 马

kid, child, offspring 孩子

gratitude,thanks 感谢

inquire:,ask 查询,询问

old man, daddy, father, male parent 父亲

kick the bucket, pop off, die, pass away, decease 死亡

3)Synonyms that different in their emotive or evaluative meaning


有些同义词有着相同的所指意义,但是表达了不同的情感。例如“small” 和“little”是同义词,但是“small”是中性词,不含有情感语义色彩,而“little”


Poor little boy!

* Poor small boy! (不自然)

4)Collocational [,k?l?u'kei??n] synonyms搭配同义词

有些词是同义词,但是搭配不同,如:a flock of, a pack of, a herd of a swarm of , a school of,它们搭配如下:

A flock of sheep 一群绵羊 see a movie

A pack of wolves 一群狼 watch a match

A herd of cows 一群奶牛

A swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂 handsome boy

A school of whales 一群鲸鱼 pretty girl

5)Semantically different synonyms语义上存在差异的同义词

一些同义词在语义上略有差异,例如rage愤怒, fury狂怒, indignation义愤在语义上与anger相近,但是rage暗含“情感的失控”; fury是这几个词中语义强度最强的词,暗含“情感的失控到了几乎疯狂的程度”;indignation暗含“由于道义上的原因引起的愤怒。” Polysemy多义关系

Polysemy 多义词:It refers to different words may have the same or similar meaning, the same one word may have more than one meaning.


(1) a piece of furniture 一件家具

(2) all the people seated at table 所有坐在桌子边的人

(3) the food that is put on a table 放在桌子上的食物

(4) a thin flat piece of stone, metal, wood,etc 一块扁平的石头、金属、木

(5) orderly arrangement of fact, figures,etc 事实、数据等的有序排列

(6) a level area, a plateau 平坦的区域、高原

从历史的角度看,多义现象是词义的增长、发展或变化的结果。 Homonymy[h?'m?n?m?]同音(形)异义

Homonymy同音(形)异义:It refers to the phenomenon that words have different meanings have the same form, i.e, different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both. 同音异义是指某些词的意义不同,但是具有相同形式的现象,即不同的词在发音或拼写上一样,或者发音和拼写都一样。

1)Homophones /’h?m?.f??ns/ 同音异义: It refers to two words are identical完全

相同in sound.

e.g. rain雨/reign统治; night晚上/knight骑士; piece片/peace和平; leak泄露/leek韭菜

2) Homographs/’h?m?.ɡr?f/ 同形异义: It refers to two words are identical in form .

e.g. bow v. 弯腰、鞠躬/ bow n. 弓; tear v. 流泪、撕/ tear n. 眼泪;

lead v. 导致/ lead n. 领导、铅(制品)

3)Completely homonymy [h?'m?n?m?]完全同音同形异义:when two words are identical in both spelling and sound.

e.g. fast adj.快的、牢固的/ fast v. 禁食、斋戒;scale n.铁屑、标志/scale v.测量、把..过秤

ball(英语本族语) :球/ ball(法语):可跳舞的正式社会活动、宴会 Hyponymy [ha?'p?n?m?]:下义关系、上下位关系(词与词之间的)

Hyponymy 上下义关系:It refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. The word which is more general in meaning is called superordinate, and the more specific words are called its hyponyms. 下义关系是指一个更广义、更具有包容性的词与一个更具体的词之间的意义关系。意义更广泛的词叫上坐标,更为具体的词称为下义词。

Hyponymy is a relation of inclusion; in terms of meaning, the superordinate includes all its hyonyms.下义关系是一个包含关系;上坐标词在意义上包括所有的下义词:

e.g. p70英p188中 [?n't?nimi] 反义现象

Antonymy 反义词:It’s the term used for oppositeness of meaning on different


Antonymy 分类:

(1)Gradable antonyms分级反义词(a matter of degree程度有级差)

e.g. Old—middle-aged—young; hot-warm-cold

(2) Complementary antonyms互补反义词(a matter of degree between非彼即此,不存在第三者可能性)

e.g. alive—dead; male—female; boy—girl

innocent无辜的—guilty有罪的; odd奇数—even偶数;hit击中—miss错过;

(3) Relational opposites关系反义词(中间可以加成分,如上、中、下。两者之间关系颠倒)

e.g. father—son; teacher—pupil; doctor—patient; buy—sell; above—below



5.4 sense relations between sentences句子之间的意义关系

1)X is synonymous with Y. (X与Y同义)

2)X is inconsistent with Y . (X与Y不一致)

3)X entails [?n'te?l] Y.(Y is an entailment of X)X蕴含Y(Y是X的一个含义)4)X presupposes [pri?s?'p??z]Y. (Y is a prerequisite of X)X预设Y(Y是X 的先决条件)

5)X is a contradiction [k?ntr?'d?k?(?)n](X是一个矛盾)

6)X is semantically anomalous [?'n?m(?)l?s](X语义反常)

5.5 Analysis of meaning意义的分析

5.5.1Componential analysis—a way to analyze lexical meaning


成分分析法Componential Analysis----分析词汇抽象意义: It’s a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. 成分分析是由结构语义学家提出的分析词义的方法。(This approach is based upon the belief that meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. 这个理论基于这样一个信念:一个词的意义能被分解成被称为语义特征的意义成分。)

Plus and minimums signs are used to indicate whether a certain semantic feature is present or absent, these feature symbols are usually written in capitalized letters. One advantage of componential analysis is that by specifying the semantic features of certain words, it will be possible to show how these words are related in meaning. 加减号用来表示某一语义特征在一个词义中是存在或缺省,这些特征用大写字母来写。

5.5.2 Predication Analysis—a way to analyze sentence meaning

述谓结构分析——分析句子意义的一种方法(由British Linguist G. Leech提出)



2)句子的意义包含两个方面:语法意义(grammatical meaning)和语义(semantic meaning)。一个句子的语法意义是指它的语法性。一个句子的语义是否可接受受选择性限制规则的支配。语法性受语言的语法规则的支配。选择性限制规则是对词的结合或搭配进行限制的规则,以确保语义的可接受性。符合语法的句子并不一定就是语义可接受的句子。例如:

*The brown concept jumps sympathetically.

述谓分析predication analysis是由British linguist G.Leech提出的一种分析句子语义的手段。句子由主语、谓语构成,是语法分析的基本单位。

述谓predication An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal elements in a sentence, a predicate is something said about an argument or it states the logical relation linking the arguments in a sentence. 述谓是句子基本单位,是对句子的抽象化,适用于包括陈述句、祈使句和疑问句。述谓由一个或数个变元和一个谓词组成。


一个谓词是关于论元的陈述,或说明一个句子的论元间的逻辑关系。例如: He jumped. 是由论元He和谓词jump构成,写作:HE(JUMP)。由于句子的语法形式不影响述谓,所以以下句子具有同样的述谓HE( JUMP).:

He jumps.

He is jumping.

He will jump.

He has been jumping.

Did he jump?

它们都可以看作是同一个语义述谓结构HE( JUMP)的不同语法体现。


Children like sweets. ( two-place predication) 写作:CHILDREN, SWEET(LIKE)

John is ill. (one-place predication) 写作:JOHN(BE ILL)

It is hot.(no-place predication) 写作:(BE HOT)

(“It is hot”是关于气象方面的话。由于it没有独立于谓词之外的意义,很难说it表达成分是论元。It的意义很容易预测,人们不会提出一个回答是it的问题,如:

What is hot? * It! 所以,”It is hot.”是空位述谓结构。)



实用标准文案 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.Linguistics:语言学It is generally defined as the scientific study of language. ( Linguistics studies not any particular language ,but it studies language in general) 2.General linguistics:普通语言学The study of language as a whole is called general linguistics. (language is a complicated entity with multiple layers and facets ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/5c11241074.html,nguage:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 4.descriptive (描述性):A linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use. 5.prescriptive(规定性): It aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behaviors. i.e. what they should say and what they should not to say. 6.synchronic(共时语言学): the description of language at some point of time in hiatory 7.diachronic (历时语言学):the description of language as it changes through time 3) speech(口语)Writing(书面语) These the two media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. (speech is prior to writing) https://www.360docs.net/doc/5c11241074.html,ngue(语言): refers to abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of the speech community. It is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by. Such as: In English sentence must have subject and predicate. 9.parole(言语):refers to the realization of langue in actual use. It is concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules. (Saussure ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/5c11241074.html,petence(语言能力): the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language 11.performance(语言应用):the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. (Chomsky) traditional grammar and modern linguistics 1.linguistics is descriptive,while traditional grammar is prescriptive 2.modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary,not the writer. 3. also in that it does not force languages into a latin-based framework. Functions of language. 精彩文档


第8章英语语言的应用(I) I. Fill in the blanks. 1. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the _____ of, or the _____the utterance. (人大2004研) 【答案】consequence, change brought about by 【解析】言外行为指说话的效果。 2. When a teacher says “The exam this year is going to be really difficult”, the sentence would have an _____force. (清华2001研,清华2000研) 【答案】illocutionary 【解析】言外行为,表达说话人的意图。 3. _____ were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable. 【答案】Performatives 【解析】施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假。 II. Multiple Choices. 1. The speech act theory was developed by _____.(对外经贸2006研) A. John Searle B. John Austin

C. Levinson D. G. Leech 【答案】B 【解析】言语行为理论是哲学家约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出的。它从哲学意义上对语言交际的本质进行解释,其目的在于回答”用语言干什么”这个问题。 2. Point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest. (Focus on the type of illocutionary act) (南京大学2007研) A. threaten B. advise C. beseech D. urge 【答案】A 【解析】A为命令性言语行为,而其他三项为指示性言语行为。 3. _____ is using a sentence to perform a function. (西安外国语学院2006研) A. A perlocutionary act B. An illocutionary act C. A locutionary act D. Speech act 【答案】D 【解析】约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出言语行为理论, 此理论对语言交际的


一、课程性质及其设置目的与要求 (一)课程性质和特点 《英语语言学概论》课程是我省高等教育自学考试英语专业(本科段)的一门重要的专业理论课程,其任务是培养应考者系统地学习英语语言学的基本知识,掌握语言系统内部语言学各分支之间的关系和各分支的重要概念和基本理论,了解语言学在其它学科领域的应用,熟悉现代语言学重要的流派及其代表人物;通过该课程的学习,考生可以从不同的角度了解语言(的性质),了解语言学习和语言教学,为日后进一步学习语言学、从事语言教学实践和语言学研究打下扎实基础。本课程的特点是:专业术语多,概念多,内容抽象,所以,考生最好在学习本课程之前先学习提高语言读写能力的课程,如高级英语、泛读(三)、写作等,这样可以减少语言障碍,有利于学好语言学的理论知识。 (二)本课程的基本要求 本课程共分为本书共分四编,计十三章。第一编(一至二章)介绍了语言和语言学;第二编(三至八章)介绍了语言学的主要分支—语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、语义学和语用学;第三编(九至十二章)为跨学科领域与应用—话语分析、社会语言学、心理语言学,以及语言学理论与外语教学;第四编(十三章)介绍了现代语言学流派。通过对本书的学习,要求应考者对英语语言学有一个全面和正确的了解。具体应达到以下要求: 1、掌握语言的性质、功能,以及语言学的研究范围、语言学的分支和重要的语言学概念; 2、掌握语言系统内部语言学各分支之间的关系和各分支的重要概念和基本理论; 3、了解语言学在其它学科领域的应用; 4、熟悉现代语言学重要的流派及其代表人物。 (三)本课程与相关课程的联系 英语语言学概论是一门基础理论课程,其含盖范围很广,既涉及语言系统内部的语音学、音位学、形态学、句法学、语义学和语用学,又涉及许多交叉学科,如话语分析、社会语言学、心理语言学、应用语用学(包括语言学理论与外语教学),以及本教程未涉及的神经认知语言学、计算机语言学、人工智能与机器翻译等。语言学的进一步研究甚至会涉及到哲学、逻辑学等领域。 在自考课程中,词汇学与语言学关系最为密切,词汇学的许多概念、理论和研究方法都来源于语言学。高级英语、泛读(三)、写作、翻译等课程则是学好语言学的基础。文学与语言学并非对立的关系,这两个领域的研究方法可以互相补充、互相借鉴,日后无论从事语言学还是文学研究,这两个领域都必须同时涉猎。 二、课程内容与考核目标


语言学教程笔记 第一章语言学导论 语言的定义特征:从本质上将人类语言与动物语言区分开的人类语言的区别性特点。 1. 任意性:任意性是指语言符号的形式与所表示的意义没有天然的联系,任意性是语言的核 心特征。例如,我们无法解释为什么一本书读作 a /buk/,一支钢笔读作a /pe n/。 任意性具有不同层次:(1)语素音义关系的任意性。(2)句法层面上的任意性。 (3) 任意性和规约性。 2. 二层性:二层性是指拥有两层结构的这种特性,上层结构的单位由底层结构的元素构成, 每层都有自身的组合规则。话语的组成元素是本身不传达意义的语音,语音的唯一作用就是 相互组合构成有意义的单位,比如词。因为底层单位是无意的,而上层单位有明确的意义,所以我们把语音叫做底层单位,与词等上层单位相对。二层性使语言拥有了一种强大的能产 性。 3. 创造性:创造性指语言的能产性,指语言有制造无穷长句的潜力,这来源于语言的二层性 和递归性。利用二重性说话者可以通过组合基本语言单位,无止境地生成句子,大多数都是以前没有过的或没有听过的。 4. 移位性:是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上并不可及的 物体、时间或观点。因此我们可以提及孔子或北极,虽然前者已经去世两千五百五十多年而 后者位置距我们非常之远。语言使我们能够谈及已不存在或还未出现的事物。移位性赋予人 们的概括与抽象能力使人类受益无穷。词在指称具体物体时,并不总是出现在即时、形象化 的语境中。他们通常为了体现指称含义而被使用。 5. 文化传递性:语言不是靠遗传,而是通过文化传递的。 6. 互换性:指人可以是信息的发出者,也可以是信息的接受者,即人作为说话者和听话者的 角色是可以随意更换的。 元语言功能:我们的语言可以用来讨论语言本身。比如说,我可以用“书”指代一本书,也可以用“书这个词”来指代“书”这个词本身。这使语言具有无限的自我反身性:人类可以谈论“说话”,也可以思考“思考"。所以只有人类才能提问:元语言功能对交际、思考及人类的意义是什么?


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版练习题参考答案 Chapter 1 Introduction 1. How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific study of language. 答:Linguistics is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. In order to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system, the linguists has to collect and observe language facts first, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them; then he formulates some hypotheses about the language structure. The hypotheses thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity. In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation, that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things. 2. What are the major branches of linguistics? What does each of them study? 答:The major branches of linguistics are: (1) phonetics: it studies the sounds used in linguistic communication; (2) phonology: it studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication; (3) morphology: it studies the way in which linguistic symbols representing sounds are arranged and combined to form words; (4) syntax: it studies the rules which govern how words are combined to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages;


Chapter Three Morphology形态学 一、定义 1. Morphology形态学:t he study of the internal structure of words (内部研究), and the rules by which words are formed. 对单词的内部结构和单词构成规则的研究。 2. Morpheme 词素:The smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function. 最小的语言单位,携带信息的意义或功能。 二、知识点 3.2 Distinctions between open and close classes word 1. Open class words开放性词类: In English, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs make up the largest part of vocabulary. They are content words of a language.,which are sometimes called open class words, since new words can be added to these classes regularly. 在英语中,名词、动词、 形容词和副词占词汇的绝大部分。他们是一门语言中的实义词,由于我们经常可以在这类词中加入新词,所以他们有时也称开放性词类。 2. Close classes word封闭性词类:Conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns is small and stable since few new words are added , therefore such words have been referred to as closed class words. 构成连词、介词、冠词和代词的词相对较少,通常不添加新词,所以被称为封闭性词类。

27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 4 Phonology

Chapter 4 Phonology(音位学) 4.1 phonetics and phonology:语音学与音位学的区分 Both phonetics and phonology are concerned with speech.语音学和音位学都士对语音的研究。 定义区别 -Phonetics is a study of the production, perception and physical properties of speech sounds. 语音学是研究语音的生产、感知和物理性质的。 -Phonology studies how speech sounds are combined,organized,and convey meanings in particular languages.研究语音如何在在特定的语言中结合、组织和表达含义。 ---Phonology is language-specific.it is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.音位学是特定于语言的。它的研究对象是自然语言中的声音是如何组织和使用的。 ---Phonetics is a study of speech sounds while phonology is a study of the sound syst em of a language.语音学是一个研究语音的然后音位学是研究一种语言的声音系统的学科。 4.2 Phonemes,phones and allophones 音位、音子、音位变体 Different languages have different phonological systems.不同的语言有不同的语音系统。 定义: ①Phones are the smallest identifiable phonetic unit or segment found in a stream of speech. 音子就是在连续的发音中可辨认的最小语音单位或片段。 ②Allophones are the phones which represent a phoneme in a language and cannot change word meaning by substituting any of the set for another.音位变体是指代表语言中音位的音子,即使以一个取代另一个也不改变词义。 ③Phonemes are the minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.音位是语言系统中最小的独特的单位。 Allophones are the realization of a particular phoneme while phones are the realizatio n of phonemes in general.音位变体是一个特定音素的认知而音子则是一般的音素。 4.3Minimal pairs 最小对立体 The phonologist is concerned with what difference are significant or technically speaki ng, distinctive. Minimal pair---a pair of words which differ from each other by one sound. Three conditions(情况): 1)the two froms are different in meaning意义不同 2)the two forms are different in one sound segment声音片段不同 3)the different sounds occur in the same position of the two words.不同声音发生在两个单词的相同位置 Minimal set: a group of words can satisfy(满足)the three conditions . Minimal pairs help determine phonemes. 最小对立体用来定义音位。 4.4 identifying phonemes 识别音素 4.4.1 contrastive distribution,complementary distribution and free variation 对比分布,互补分布和自由变异 The distribution of a sound refers to the collective environments in which the sound concerned may appear.一个声音的分布是指其有关的声音可能出现的集体环境。 1)contrastive distribution对比分布 If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of on


Chapter 5 Semantics ?Semantics----the study of language meaning. ?Semantics is defined as the study of meaning. However, it is not the only linguistic discipline that studies meaning. ?Semantics answers the question “what does this sentence mean”. In other w ords, it is the analysis of conventional meanings in words and sentences out of context. ?Meaning is central to the study of communication. ?Classification of lexical meanings. Here are G. Leech’s seven types of meaning. ( British linguist) ? 1. Conceptual meaning (also called denotative or cognitive meaning) is the essential and inextricable part of what language is, and is widely regarded as the central factor in verbal communication. It means that the meaning of words may be discussed in terms of what they denote or refer to. ? 2. Connotative meaning – the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, embraces the properties of the referent, peripheral ? 3. Social meaning (stylistic meaning) –what is conveyed about the social circumstances of the use of a linguistic expression ? 4. Affective meaning (affected meaning)– what is communicated of the feeling or attitude of the speaker/writer towards what is referred to ? 5. Reflected meaning – what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expression ?Taboos ? 6. Collocative meaning – the associated meaning a word acquires in line with the meaning of words which tend to co-occur with it ?(2, 3, 4, 5, 6 can be together called associative meaning–meaning that hinges on referential meaning, less stable, more culture-specific ) 7. Thematic meaning—what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order ?What is meaning?---- Scholars under different scientific backgrounds have different understandings of language meaning. Some views concerning the study of meaning ?Naming theory (Plato) ?The conceptualist view ?Contextualism (Bloomfield) ?Behaviorism Naming theory (Plato): Words are names or labels for things. The linguistic forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for; words are just names or labels for things ?Limitations: 1) Applicable to nouns only. 2) There are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world, e.g. ghost, dragon, unicorn, phenix… 3) There are nouns that do not refer to physical objects but abstract notions, e.g. joy, impulse, hatred…


Chapter one Introduction 1.1什么是语言学 丄定义 语言学Linguistics Lin guistics is gen erally defi ned as the scientific study of la nguage. 1.1.2The scope of linguistics 语言学分支必考P2 普通语言学General Linguistics The study of Ianguage as a whole is often called General linguistics. The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics.(语音学)The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (咅位学)The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学) The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax (句法学)The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学) The study of mea ning in con text of use is called pragmatics ?(语用学) 1.1.3Some important distinctions in linguistics 成对的概念辨析差异必考P3 (1)Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写 If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive. Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive? The task of linguists is supposed to describe the Ianguage people actually use, whether it is "correct" or not. 规定性Prescriptive It aims to lay down rules for "correct" behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say. 描述性Descriptive A linguistic study describes and analyzes the Ianguage people actually use? (2)Synchronic and diachronic 共时和历时 The description of a Ianguage at some point in time is a synchronic study; the description of a lang uage as it cha nges through time is a diachr onic study .In modern linguistics, syn chr onic study is more important? 历时语言学Diachronic linguistics The study of language change through time? a diachronic study of Ianguage is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time. 共时语言学Synchronical linguistics The study of a given Ianguage at a given time. (3)Speech and writing 口头语与书面语


新编简明英语语言学知识点汇总1 Introduction 1.1 What is linguistics? Scientific study of language.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Characteristics: ①language is system,elements of language are combined according to the rules;

②language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what it stands for, A rose by any other name would smell as well; ③language is vocal because the primary medium for all language is sound; Language is a system which consists of two structures. At the lower level there is a structure of sounds,which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds can grouped or regrouped together into a larger numbers of units of meaning such as morpheme or words,which are found at the higher level of system(carp & park).Then the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite numbers of sentences;


《英语语言学概论》精选试题1 1. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true A. Language is a system B. Language is symbolic C. Animals also have language D. Language is arbitrary 2. Which of the following features is NOT one of the design features of language A. Symbolic B. Duality C. Productive D. Arbitrary 3. What is the most important function of language A. Interpersonal B. Phatic C. Informative D. Metalingual 4. Who put forward the distinction between Langue and Parole A. Saussure B. Chomsky C. Halliday D. Anonymous 5. According to Chomsky, which is the ideal user's internalized knowledge of his language A. competence B. parole C. performance D. langue 6. The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it" is . A. informative B. phatic C. directive D. performative 7. Articulatory phonetics mainly studies . A. the physical properties of the sounds produced in speech B. the perception of sounds C. the combination of sounds D. the production of sounds 8. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in . A. the place of articulation B. the obstruction of airstream C. the position of the tongue D. the shape of the lips 9. Which is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription A. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Semantics D. Pragmatics 10. Which studies the sound systems in a certain language A. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Semantics D. Pragmatics 11. Minimal pairs are used to . A. find the distinctive features of a language B.find the phonemes of a language C. compare two words D. find the allophones of language 12. Usually, suprasegmental features include ___ ,length and pitch. A. phoneme B. speech sounds C. syllables D. stress 13. Which is an indispensable part of a syllable A. Coda B. Onset C. Stem D. Peak 三、判断


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版第4章练习题 参考答案 Chapter 4 Syntax 1. What is syntax? Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. 2. What is phrase structure rule? The grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements (i.e. specifiers, heads, and complements) that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule. The phrase structural rule for NP, VP, AP, and PP can be written as follows: NP →(Det) N (PP) ... VP →(Qual) V (NP) ... AP →(Deg) A (PP) ... PP →(Deg) P (NP) ... We can formulate a single general phrasal structural rule in which X stands for the head N, V, A or P. 3. What is category? How to determine a word's category? Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. To determine a word's category, three criteria are usually employed, namely meaning, inflection and distribution. 若详细回答,则要加上: Word categories often bear some relationship with its meaning. The meanings associated with nouns and verbs can be elaborated in various ways. The property or attribute of the entities denoted by nouns can be elaborated by adjectives. For example, when we say that pretty lady, we are attributing the property ‘pretty’ to the lady designated by the noun. Similarly, the propertie s and attributes of the actions, sensations and states designated by verbs can typically be denoted by adverbs. For example, in Jenny left quietly the adverb quietly indicates the manner of Jenny's leaving. The second criterion to determine a word's category is inflection. Words of different categories take different inflections. Such nouns as boy and desk take the plural affix -s. Verbs such as work and help take past tense affix -ed and progressive affix -ing. And adjectives like quiet and clever take comparative affix -er and superlative affix -est. Although inflection is very helpful in determining a word's category, it does not always suffice. Some words do not take inflections. For example, nouns like moisture, fog, do not usually take plural suffix -s and adjectives like frequent, intelligent do not take comparative and superlative affixes -er and -est. The last and more reliable criterion of determining a word's category is its distribution. That is what type of elements can co-occur with a certain word. For example, nouns can typically appear with a determiner like the girl and a card, verbs with an auxiliary such as should stay and will go, and
