

铁路术语专用英语Revised on November 25, 2020



线路工程 railway line engineering

铁路勘测 ;铁道勘测 railway reconnaissance

铁路选线 ;铁道选线 railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection

经济勘察 economic investigation

地质调查 geological survey;geologic survey

方案比较 project comparison

铁路勘探 ;铁道勘探 railway exploration

铁路测量 ;铁道测量 railway survey

线路测量 route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey

曲线测量 curve survey

既有线测量 survey of existing line;survey of existing railway

铁路线路图 ;铁道线路图 railway map

定线 location of line

铁路设计 ;铁道设计 railway design

线路设计 track design

平面设计 plane design

纵断面设计 longitudinal section design

横断面设计 transverse section design

曲线设计 curve design

车站设计 station design

站场设计 design of stations and yards

标准设计 standard design

线路等级 line grade

铁路限界 ;铁道限界 railway clearance

建筑限界 construction clearance

设计规范 code of design

设计标准 design standard

铁路线路 ;铁道线路 railway line

铁路曲线 ;铁道曲线 railway curve

缓和曲线 transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve

小半径曲线 small-radius curve

曲线半径 curve radius

曲线超高 superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve

欠超高 inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation

未被平衡加速度 unbalanced acceleration

竖曲线 vertical curve

坡道 gradient

坡度 grade;gradient;slope

限制坡度 ruling grade;limiting grade

坡度折减 grade compensation;compensation of gradient;gradient compensation

避难线 refuge siding;catch siding

双线插入段 double track interpolation

铁路连接线 ;铁道连接线 railway connecting line

隧道内线路 line in tunnel

桥头引线 bridge approach

站线 siding

站线长度 length of station line

铁路标志 ;铁道标志 railway sign

警冲标 fouling point indicator;fouling post

线路中心线 track center line;central lines of track

线间距离 ;线间距 distance between centres of lines;distance between centers of tracks;midway between tracks

线路试验 ;线路实验 track test;road test;running test

路基 subgrade

铁路路基 ;路基;铁道路基 railway subgrade;subgrade

软土路基 soft soil subgrade

沙漠路基 desert subgrade

冻土路基 permafrost subgrade

膨胀土路基 subgrade in swelling soil zone

路基基床 subgrade bed

路堤 embankment;fill

高路堤 high-fill embankment

路堑 cut;road cutting

深路堑 deep cutting

路肩 road shoulder;subgrade shoulder

边坡 side slope

护坡 revetment;slope protection;pitching

路基滑动 subgrade slip

滑坡防治 landslide preventive treatment

路基排水 subgrade drainage

塑料排水板 plastic drainage board

路基加固 subgrade strengthening

土工织物 geotextile

挡土墙 ;挡墙 retaining walls

锚定板 anchor plate

锚杆 anchor bolt

抗滑桩 antiskid pile;anti-slide pile;counter-sliding pile

加筋土 reinforced earth

植被 vegetation

路基防护 subgrade protection

防护工程 protective engineering

防护林 protection forest

防沙 sand proof

固沙 stabilization of sand

输导砂 sediment transport

路侧建筑物 roadside structure

排水沟 weeper drain;weep drain;drainage ditch;drain ditch

挡风墙 wind-shield wall;wind-break wall

隔声墙 sound-proof wall

防雪栅 snow fence;snow guard

轨道理论 track theory

轨道设计 track design

轨道参数 track parameter

轨距 track gauge;rail gage;rail gauge

轨距加宽 track gauge widening

轨底坡 cant of rail;rail cant

轨道力学 track dynamics;track mechanics

轨道强度 track strength

轨道阻力 track resistance

道床阻力 trackbed resistance;ballast resistance 扣固力 fastening force

钢轨应力 rail stress

轨道承载力 track bearing capacity

轨道稳定性 track stability;stability of track

轨道试验 ;轨道实验 track test

轮轨关系 wheel-rail interaction;wheel-rail relation 轮轨动力学 wheel-rail dynamics

轮轨作用力 wheel-rail force

轮轨接触 wheel-rail contact

接触应力 contact stress

轨道结构 track structure

轨道 track

铁路轨道 ;轨道;铁道轨道 railway track;track

线路上部建筑 ;轨道 track superstructure;track

重型轨道 heavy track

宽轨枕轨道 broad sleeper track

板式轨道 slab track;slab-track

整体道床轨道 monolithic roadbed track

防振轨道 anti-vibration track

高架轨道 elevated track

无缝线路 jointless line;continuously welded rail track;jointless track

桥上轨道结构 bridge deck track structure

隧道内轨道结构 track structure in tunnel

钢轨 steel rail

重型钢轨 heavy rail

长钢轨 long rail

焊接长钢轨 long welded rail

缩短轨 shortened rail;standard shortened rail;fabricated short rail used on curves;standard curtailed rail 热处理钢轨 heat-treated rail

合金钢轨 alloy steels rail

旧钢轨 used rail

钢轨钢 rail steel

钢轨螺栓孔 rail bolt hole

轨缝 rail gap;joint gap

钢轨焊缝 rail welding seam

钢轨接头 rail joint

异型接头 compromise joint

伸缩接头 expansion joint

焊接接头 welding joint;welded joint

绝缘接头 track section insulator;insulated joint

胶接接头 adhesive joint

鱼尾板 fish plate

鱼尾螺栓 fish bolt

扣件 fastening;rail fastening

弹性扣件 elastic fastening;elastic rail fastening

弹条式扣件 elastic rod type fastening

分开式扣件 separated fastening;separated rail fastening;indirect holding fastening

扣板式扣件 clip fastening

刚性扣件 rigid fastening

垫圈 ring

道钉 spike;track spike;rail spike;dog spike

螺纹道钉 threading spike;screw spike

垫板 tie-plate;tie plate

橡胶垫板 rubber tie-plate;rubber tie plate

防爬器 anticreeper;anti-creeper;rail anchor

轨距拉杆 gauge tie rod

轨下基础 underrail foundation;sub-rail foundation;sub-rail track bed

轨枕 sleeper;tie;cross tie

木枕 wooden sleeper;wooden tie

混凝土枕 ;砼枕 concrete sleeper;concrete tie

轨枕板 ;宽轨枕 sleeper slab;broad sleeper

钢枕 steel sleeper;steel tie

合成轨枕 composite sleeper

纵向轨枕 longitudinal tie

岔枕 points sleeper;switch tie;turnout tie

桥枕 bridge tie;bridge sleeper

轨排 track panel;track skeleton

枕下胶垫 rubber pad under sleeper

道床 track bed;ballast bed

碎石道床 ballast bed

整体道床 monolithic track bed;solid bed;integrated ballast bed;monolithic concrete bed 沥青道床 bituminous raodbed;asphalt roadbed;asphalt cemented ballast bed

石棉道床 asbestos ballast

道碴 ballast

道床覆盖 ballast cover

轨道附属设备 track auxiliary equipment

钢轨涂油器 rail lubricator

融雪器 snow melter

复轨器 replacer;re-railer;rerailing device

脱轨器 derailer

车挡 bumper;bumper post

道岔 switch;point;turnout;switches and crossings

单开道岔 single point;simple turnout;lateral turnout

双开道岔 double turnout

三开道岔 three-throw turnout;symmetrical three throw turnout;three-way turnout 交分道岔 slip switch

高速道岔 high-speed switch

切线型道岔 tangent turnout

道岔设计 turnout design

过岔速度 switch crossing speed

辙叉 frog;crossing

整铸辙叉 integrated cast frog

锰钢辙叉 manganese steel frog crossing

焊接辙叉 welding frog crossing

组合辙叉 combined frog;assembled frog

可动心轨辙叉 movable point frog;movable-point frog

可动翼轨辙叉 movable wing rails;movable-wing frog

尖轨 switch point;point tongue;switch rail;tongue rail;blade

滑床板 slide chair;slide plate;switch plate

基本轨 stock rail

翼轨 wing rail

护轮轨 guard rail

导曲线 curve of turnout;lead curve

道岔附带曲线 curve following turnout branch line

交叉 crossing

渡线 track cross-over;crossover

通过道岔 passing switch

铁路道口 ;铁道道口 railway crossing

平交道口 level crossing

道口板 crossing slab

道口路面 crossing road surface

立体交叉 ;立交 grade separation

线路施工 track construction

石方工程 rock excavation

土方工程 earthwork

填方 filling

挖方 cutting

土方调拨 mass dispatching

线路施工机械 track construction machinery and equipment 轨道施工 track construction

轨道工程 track construction

轨道铺设 track laying

铺碴 ballasting

轨枕铺设 sleeper laying

铺轨 rail-laying

轨排组装 track panel assembling

轨排装运 track panel loading

轨排基地 track panel base

钢轨焊接 rail welding

钢轨热处理 rail heat treatment

钢轨铺设 rail laying

钢轨锁定 rail locking

道岔铺设 switch laying

轨道施工机械 track construction machinery

铺轨列车 tracklaying train;track laying train

铺轨机 rail-laying machine;track laying machine

钢轨焊接车 rail welding car

焊轨机 steel rails weldeding mill;rail welding machine

轨排组装机 track panel assembling machine

轨排运送车 track panel transport car

铺枕机 sleeper-laying machine

铺碴车 ballasting car

铺碴机 ballasting machine

铺道岔机 turnout-laying machine

焊接长钢轨运送车 welding long rails transport car

动力稳定车 dynamic track stabilizer

线路状态 track state

路基病害 subgrade defect

沉降 settlement

坍方落石 ;危石 collapse rock

翻浆冒泥 frost boiling;mud-pumping

路基壅水 subgrade water damming

路基渗流 subgrade seepage flow

路基冲刷 subgrade erosion

振动液化 vibration liquifaction

冻融 freezing and thawing

冻胀 frost heaving

冻害 freezing damage;frost heaving

雪害 snow damage;snow blockade;snow drift

沙害 sand damage

轨道状态 track condition

轨道变形 track deformation;track disorder;track distortion 轨道不平顺 track irregularity

低接头 depression of joint

三角坑 warp;twist

钢轨爬行 rail creeping

涨轨跑道 ;钢轨鼓曲 buckled track;rail buckle

钢轨疲劳 rail fatigue

钢轨伤损 rail failure;rail defects and failures

钢轨断裂 rail fracture

钢轨裂纹 rail crack;rail crackes

轨头剥离 rail head shelling;gage line shelly cracks

钢轨锈蚀 rail bubble;rail corrosion

钢轨磨耗 rail wearing

波形磨耗 ;波浪磨耗 undulatory wear

螺孔裂纹 bolt hole crack

辙叉伤损 ;辙叉损伤 frog failure

木枕开裂 wooden sleeper cracking

轨枕伤损 ;轨枕伤损 sleeper damage

道床脏污 ballast contamination

线路养护 track maintenance

线路维修 track maintenance;maintenance of track

日常维修 routine maintenance;current maintenance

状态修 repairing on condition;repair according to condition 巡回检查 inspection tour

轨道检测机具 track detection equipment

道尺 track gauge

轨道检测 track detection

灾害检测装置 disaster detector

超声波探伤仪 ultrasonic flaw detector

钢轨探伤车 rail detecting car;rail flaw detection car

轨道检查车 ;轨检车 track inspection car;track recording car 高速轨道检查车 ;高速轨检车 high-speed track inspection car 养路作业 track maintenance operation

起道 track lifting;raising of track

垫碴起道 ballast filling track lifting

改道 track realigning;gage correction;gaging of track

拨道 track lining

捣固 tamping

除草 weeding

除草剂 herbicide

除雪 snow clearing

防冻 anti-freezing

融雪 snow melt

融雪剂 snow melt agent

钢轨加热 rail heating

钢轨打磨 rail grinding

钢轨矫直 straightening of kinked rail 钢轨更换 rail replace

钢轨探伤 rail detecting

钢轨焊补 rail repairing welding

轨缝调整 rail gap adjusting

应力放散 stress-relieving

钢轨温度 rail temperature

钢轨涂油 rail lubrication

轨枕更换 sleeper replacement

扣件作业 fastening operation

轨枕修补 sleeper mending

枕木防腐 timber sleeper treating

道岔养护 switch maintenance

道岔更换 switch replacement

辙叉焊补 frog welding and repairing 道床作业 ballast operation

道碴清筛 ballast screening

道碴更换 ballast replacement

道床整形 ballast trimming

曲线养护 curved track maintenance

线路管理系统 track management system

养路组织 track maintenance organization

养路计划 track maintenance planning

维修天窗 maintenance time

维修周期 maintenance period

养路安全 track maintenance safety

列车接近警报器 ;列车接近报警器;列车接近报警装置 train approach warning device

养路质量 track maintenance quality

养路机械化 track maintenance machinization

线路中修 intermediate repair of track

起道修 ;线路中修 track raising repair;track intermediate overhaul

线路大修 major repair of track

线路更新 ;线路大修 track renewal;track overhauling

线路修复 track restoration

铁路抢修 ;铁道抢修 railway emergency maintenance

养路机械 track maintenance machine

起道机 track lifting machine

拨道机 track lining machine

起拨道机 track lifting and lining machine

捣固机 tamping machine

捣固车 tamping wagon

道床夯拍机 ballast compactor

配碴整形机 ballast distributing and trimming machine;ballast distributing and regulating machine 道碴清筛机 ballast cleaner

扒碴机 crib ballast raker;crib ballast removers

道碴更换机 ballast replacement eqnipment

道床清扫机 ballast cleaning machine

轨枕更换机 sleeper replacement equipment

钢轨更换机 rail replacement equipment

钢轨打磨机 rail grinding machine

钢轨打磨车 rail grinding wagon

直轨器 rail straightening tool;rail straightener

锯轨机 rail saw;rail cutting machine;rail sawing machine

钢轨钻孔机 rail drilling machine

钢轨加热器 rail heater

轨缝调整器 rail gap adjuster;rail puller

道钉机 spike driver

除雪机 snowbreaker;snow removing machine;snow remover

除雪车 snow-fighting vehicle;snow plow;snow plough

除草机 weeder;weed cutting machine;weed cutter

清沟机 ditcher

碎冰机 ice crusher

养路机具 track maintenance implements

液压机具 hydraulic tool

轨道车 track car

上下道装置 up and down track device

发电车 mobile power plant car;generator car

综合养路机械 comprehensive track maintenance machine

机械化养路基地 mechanized maintenance base

工务部门 maintenance of way branch

大修队 capital repair brigade

工务段 engineering district;maintenance of way section;track division;track district;track maintenance division

养路员工 track maintenance worker

工务修配厂 maintenance of way shop

焊轨厂 rail welding plant

枕木防腐厂 timber sleeper treating plant

采石场 quarry;stonepit



elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路mine railway 矿区铁路

funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路

light railway line 轻便铁道

urban railway 市区铁路

railway network 铁路网

railway transport 铁路运输

trial run 试车

open to traffic 通车

porter 搬运工人

ticket inspector 查票员

ticket 车票

single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票

return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票

platform ticket 站台票

railway station 车站

station hall 车站大厅

information desk 服务台

waiting room 候车室

passenger station 客车站

time-table 时刻表

arrival time-table到站时刻表

departure time-table 发车时刻表

ticket-collector, gateman 收票员

ticket office, booking office售票处


rail and water terminal水陆联运站

platform bridge天桥

luggage barrow 推行李车

enquiry office, information desk 问讯处

way station 小站

label 行李标签

luggage office 行李房

left-luggage office 行李暂存处

platform-ticket 验票口

barrier 栅栏门

platform 站台

(electric) platform truck站台车

platform tunnel站台地道

platform roofing 站台顶棚

station-master 站长

terminal; terminus 终点站


The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站to have one's ticket punched(给检票员)检票

10 minutes behind schedule晚点十分钟

to change trains at... 在(某地)换车

The train is due at... 在(某时)到达

to break the journey 中途下车

dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车

pantry 餐车食品室

open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车

carriage, coach, car 车厢


concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷

step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板

gangway (车厢的)通道

lidded ashtray带盖烟灰盒

tank wagon罐车

mixed train 混合列车

freight train, goods train 货物列车

engine, locomotive 机车

window seat 靠窗座位

coach, passenger train客车

express train, express 快车

refrigerator wagon 冷藏车

car attendant; train attendant 列车员

guard, conductor 列车长

slow train, way train 慢车

covered wagon van, box car 棚车

ordinary train 普通列车

sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车

up train 上行车

livestock wagon牲畜车

sleeping car, sleeper 卧车

down train 下行车

luggage van, baggage car 行李车

rack, baggage rack 行李架

sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车

ordinary seat 硬席

carriage with semicushioned seats硬座车

mail car 邮政车

mail and luggage van 邮政行李车

through train直达车

special train 专车

pointsman, switchman 道岔工人

signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号

semaphore signal, home signal臂板信号

warehouse 仓库

siding, sidetrack侧线,旁轨

turnout 岔道

weighing machine 秤重机

derailing (火车)出轨

single line (track) rail 单线

points, switches 道岔

switch lock, point lock 道岔锁

wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)

marshalling yard, shunting yard调车场

dispatching 调度

dispatcher 调度员 crossover 渡线,转线轨道

rail 钢轨 track轨道

sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕 rail chair轨座

buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩

goods shed, freight depot货棚

goods station 货运站,货站 container 集装箱locomotive (engine) shed 机车库

station warning sign 进站预告标 clearance 净空(signal) gantry (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥

barrier (道口)拦路木 section 路段reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)

bell and whistle sign, whistle sign鸣笛预告标

platform car, flat car 平车

grade crossing, level crossing(道路与铁路的)平面交叉

track-laying machine, tracklayer铺轨机

double line (track) rail 双线

volume of railway freight 铁路货运量

railway connections 铁路交叉点,铁路联络线

railway warning sign 铁路警告标志

railway clearance铁路净空

railroad bed 铁路路基

railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)

railway tunnel 铁路隧道

railway line, railroad line 铁路线

stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)

danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)

unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口

signal light (lamp) 信号灯

signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房

signalman 信号员 wing rail (of frog) 翼轨distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机

back-turning section 折返段 frog 辙叉,岔心turn-table 车台,旋车盘

point (box), switch (box) 转辙器

switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号


洛基提醒:英语学习已经进入互联网时代elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路 mine railway 矿区铁路 funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路 light railway line 轻便铁道 urban railway 市区铁路 railway network 铁路网 railway transport 铁路运输 trial run 试车 open to traffic 通车 porter 搬运工人 ticket inspector 查票员 ticket 车票 single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票 return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票 platform ticket 站台票 railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅 information desk 服务台 waiting room 候车室 passenger station 客车站 time-table 时刻表

arrival time-table到站时刻表departure time-table 发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 ticket office, booking office售票处junction枢纽站 rail and water terminal水陆联运站platform bridge天桥 luggage barrow 推行李车 enquiry office, information desk 问讯处way station 小站 label 行李标签 luggage office 行李房 left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票口 barrier 栅栏门 platform 站台 (electric) platform truck站台车platform tunnel站台地道 platform roofing 站台顶棚 station-master 站长 terminal; terminus 终点站 escalator自动扶梯


物理: absolute acceleration 绝对加速度 absolute error 绝对误差absolute motion 绝对运动absolute temperature 绝对温度 absolute velocity 绝对速度absolute zero 绝对零度absorption 吸收absorptivity 吸收率accelerated motion 加速运动 acceleration of gravity 重力加速度 acceleration 加速度accidental error 偶然误差acoustics 声学 acting force 作用力adjustment 调节 aether 以太 air pump 抽气机 air table 气垫桌 air track 气垫导轨alternating current circuit 交流电路 alternating current generator 交流发电机alternating current 交流电altimeter 测高仪 ammeter 安培计amperemeter 电流计ampere 安培 Ampere's experiment 安培实验 Ampere's force 安培力Ampere's law 安培定律amperemeter 安培计amplitude 振幅 angle of rotation 自转角,转动角 angular acceleration 角加 速度 angular displacement 角位 移 angular velocity 角速度 anion 负离子 anisotropy 各向异性 annihilation 湮没 anode 阳极 antenna 天线 applied physics 应用物理学 Archimedes principle 阿基 米德原理 area 面积 argumentation 论证 argument 辐角 astigmatoscope 散光镜 atomic nucleus 原子核 atomic physics 原子物理学 atomic spectrum 原子光谱 atomic structure 原子结构 atom 原子 Atwood ' s machine 阿特伍 德机 average power 平均功率 average velocity 平均速度 Avogadro constant 阿伏加 德罗常数 Avogadro law 阿伏加德罗定 律 balance 天平 ballistic galvanometer 冲击 电流计 band spectrum 带状谱 barometer 气压计 basic quantity 基本量 basic units 基本单位 battery charger 电池充电器 battery,accumulator 蓄电 池 battery 电池组 beam 光束 betatron 电子感应加速器 Bohr atom model 玻尔原子 模型 boiling point 沸点 boiling 沸腾 bounce 反弹 bound charge 束缚电荷 bound electron 束缚电子 branch circuit 支路 breakdown 击穿 brightness 亮度 buoyancy force 浮力 calorifics 热学 camera 照相机 capacitance 电容 capacitor 电容器 capillarity 毛细现象 cathode ray 阴极射线 cathode-ray tube 阴极射线 管 cathode 阴极 cation 正离子 cell 电池 Celsius scale 摄氏温标 centre of gravity 重心 centre of mass 质心 centrifugal force 离心力 centripetal acceleration 向 心加速度 centripetal force 向心力 chain reaction 链式反应 chaos 混沌 characteristic spectrum 特 征光谱 charged body 带电体 charged particle 带电粒子 charge 充电 circular hole diffraction 圆 孔衍射 circular motion 圆周运动 classical mechanics 经典力 学 classical physics 经典物理 学 cloud chamber 云室 coefficient of maximum static friction 最大静摩摩系 数 coefficient of restitution 恢 复系数 coefficient of sliding friction 滑动摩擦系数 coefficient 系数 coherent light 相干光源 coil 线圈 collision 碰撞 component force 分力 component velocity 分速度 composition of forces 力的 合成 composition of velocities 速度的合成 compression 压缩 concave lens 凹透镜 concave mirror 凹面镜 concurrent force 共点力 condensation 凝结 condenser 电容器 conducting medium 导电介 质 conductor 导体 conservative force field 保 守力场 conservative force 保守力 constant force 恒力 constant 常量 continuous spectrum 连续 谱 convergent lens 会聚透镜 convex lens 凸透镜 convex mirror 凸面镜 coordinate system 坐标系 coplanar force 共面力 Corolis force 科里奥利力 corpuscular property 粒子 性 corpuscular theory 微粒说 Coulomb force 库仑力 coulomb 库仑


铁路专业词汇 一、铁路;铁道 railway railroad 铁路线 railway line; railroad line 铁路网 railway network; railroad network 铁道科学 railway science 铁路技术 railway technology 铁路等级 railway classification 国有铁路 national railway; state railway 地方铁路 local railway; regional railway 私有铁路 private railway 合资铁路 joint investment railway; jointly owned railway 标准轨铁路 standard-gage railway 窄轨铁路 narrow-gage railway 米轨铁路 meter-gage railway 宽轨铁路 broad-gage railway 单线铁路 single track railway 双线铁路 double track railway 多线铁路 multiple track railway 重载铁路 heavy haul railway 高速铁路 high speed railway 电气化铁路;电力铁路 electrified railway;electric railway 干线铁路 main line railway; trunk railway 市郊铁路 suburban railway 地下铁道;地铁 subway; metro; underground railway 工业企业铁路 industry railway 矿山铁路 mine railway 轻轨铁路 light railway; light rail 高架铁路 elevated railway 单轨铁路;独轨铁路monorail;monorail railway 磁浮铁路magnetic levitation railway;maglev 森林铁路 forest railway 山区铁路 mountain railway 既有铁路 existing railway 新建铁路 newly-built railway 改建铁路 reconstructed railway 运营铁路 railway in operation; operation;operating railway 专用铁路 special purpose railway 干线 trunk line; main line 支线 branch line 铁路专用线 railway special line 货运专线 railway line for freight traffic;freight special line; freight traffic only line 客运专线 railway line for passenger traffic;passenger special line; passenger traffic only line 客货运混合铁路railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic 铁路运营长度;运营里程 operation length of railway; operating distance; revenue length 列车运行图 train diagram 铁路建筑长度 construction length of railway 区间 section 区段 district 轨距 rail gage; rail gauge 轮重 wheel load 轴重 axle load 最大轴重 maximum allowable axle load 限制轴重 axle load limited 限界 clearance; gauge 限界图 clearance diagram 铁路建筑限界railway construction clearance; structure clearance for railway;


铁路运输常用术语表 索引 一、综合 (11) 1. 铁路行车组织 (11) 2. 铁路技术管理规程 (11) 3. 铁路行车组织规则 (11) 4. 车站行车工作细则 (11) 5. 列车 (11) 6. 车组 (11) 7. 车列 (11) 8. 旅客列车 (12) 9. 混合列车 (12) 10. 客运列车 (12) 11. 军用列车 (12) 12. 货物列车 (12) 13. 快运货物列车 (12) 14. 直达列车 (12) 15. 始发直达列车 (12) 16. 阶梯直达列车 (12) 17. 空车直达列车 (12) 18. 循环直达列车 (13) 19. 技术直达列车 (13) 20. 直通列车 (13) 21. 区段列车 (13) 22. 摘挂列车 (13) 23. 小运转列车 (13) 24. 超限列车 (13) 25. 重载列车 (13) 26. 组合列车 (13) 27. 路用列车 (13) 28. 特殊用途列车 (14) 29. 列车牵引重量标准(列车牵引定数) (14) 30. 换算长度 (14) 31. 超重、超长与欠轴 (14) 32. 分界点 (14) 33. 车站 (14) 34. 线路所 (14) 35. 客运站 (15) 36. 货运站 (15) 37. 客货运站 (15)

39. 区段站 (15) 40. 技术站 (15) 41. 中间站 (15) 42. 站界 (15) 43. 车站等级 (16) 44. 中转车 (16) 45. 无调中转车 (16) 46. 有调中转车 (16) 47. 货物作业车 (16) 48. 一资货物作业车 (16) 49. 双重货物作业车 (16) 二、行车 (17) 50. 接发列车工作 (17) 51. 行车闭塞法 (17) 52. 空间间隔法 (17) 53. 站间区间 (17) 54. 所间区间 (17) 55. 闭塞分区 (17) 56. 区间状态 (17) 57. 区间空闲 (18) 58. 区间占用 (18) 59. 区间封锁 (18) 60. 书面联络法 (18) 61. 时间间隔法 (18) 62. 行车凭证 (18) 63. 接发列车作业程序 (18) 64. 办理闭塞 (18) 65. 发车预告 (18) 66. 准备进路 (18) 67. 接车进路 (19) 68. 发车进路 (19) 69. 通过进路 (19) 70. 布置进路 (19) 71. 开闭信号 (19) 72. 引导接车 (19) 73. 交付行车凭证 (19) 74. 接送列车 (19) 75. 列车接近 (20) 76. 列车到达 (20) 77. 列车出发 (20) 78. 列车通过 (20) 79. 指示发车 (20)


铁路运输railway transportation;railway traffic 铁路运输管理railway transport administration 铁路运营railway operation 铁路运输组织railway traffic organization 铁路运输质量管理quality control of railway transportation 铁路旅客运输规程regulations for railway passenger traffic 铁路货物运输规程regulations for railway freight traffic 铁路重载运输railway heavy haul traffic 铁路高速运输railway high speed traffic 铁路保险运输insured rail traffic 铁路保价运输value insured rail traffic 铁路军事运输railway military service 铁路旅客运输railway passenger traffic 铁路客运组织railway passenger traffic organization 行luggage;baggage 包裹parcel 广厅public hall;concourse 行房luggage office;baggage office 售票处booking office;ticket;office 候车室waiting room;waiting hall 高架火车厅overhead waiting hall 问讯处information office;inquiry office 客流passenger flow 直通客流through passenger flow 管客流local passenger flow 市郊客流suburban passenger flow 客流量passenger flow volume 客流调查passenger flow investigation 客流图passenger flow diagram 旅客发送人数number of passenger despatched;number of passengers originated 旅客到达人数number of passengers arrived 旅客运送人数number of passengers transported 旅客最高聚集人数maximum number of passengers in peak hours 车票ticket 客票passenger ticket 加快票fast extra ticket 特快加快票express extra ticket 卧铺票berth ticket 站台票platform ticket 减价票reduced-fare ticket 学生票student ticket 小孩票child ticket 残废军人票disabled army man ticket 国际联运旅客车票passenger ticket for international through traffic


物理学英语专业词汇 日期:2005-12-11 0:00:45 来源:来自网络 查看:[大 中 小] 作者:椴木杉 热度: 600 BET公式 BET formula DLVO理论 DLVO theory HLB法 hydrophile-lipophile balance method pVT性质 pVT property ζ电势 zeta potential 阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro’number 阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law 阿累尼乌斯电离理论 Arrhenius ionization theory 阿累尼乌斯方程 Arrhenius equation 阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy 阿马格定律 Amagat law 艾林方程 Erying equation 爱因斯坦光化当量定律 Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence 爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation 安托万常数 Antoine constant 安托万方程 Antoine equation 盎萨格电导理论 Onsager’s theory of conductance 半电池 half cell 半衰期 half time period 饱和液体 saturated liquids 饱和蒸气 saturated vapor 饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption 饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure 爆炸界限 explosion limits 比表面功 specific surface work 比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function 比浓粘度 reduced viscosity 标准电动势 standard electromotive force 标准电极电势 standard electrode potential 标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy 标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction 标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy 标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function 标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energy function 标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy 标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy 标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy 标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function 标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant


铁路术语专用英语 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

铁路专用英语? 专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇线路工程 railway line engineering 铁路勘测 ;铁道勘测 railway reconnaissance 铁路选线 ;铁道选线 railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 经济勘察economic investigation 地质调查 geological survey;geologic survey 方案比较 project comparison 铁路勘探 ;铁道勘探 railway exploration 铁路测量 ;铁道测量 railway survey 线路测量 route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲线测量 curve survey 既有线测量 survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 铁路线路图 ;铁道线路图 railway map 定线 location of line 铁路设计 ;铁道设计 railway design 线路设计 track design 平面设计 plane design 纵断面设计 longitudinal section design 横断面设计transverse section design 曲线设计 curve design 车站设计 station design 站场设计 design of stations and yards 标准设计standard design 线路等级 line grade 铁路限界 ;铁道限界 railway clearance 建筑限界 construction clearance 设计规范 code of design 设计标准 design standard 铁路线路 ;铁道线路 railway line 铁路曲线 ;铁道曲线 railway curve 缓和曲线 transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve 小半径曲线 small-radius curve 曲线半径 curve radius 曲线超高 superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve 欠超高 inadequate


常用铁路运输英语词汇: elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路mine railway 矿区铁路 funicular (railway) 缆索铁路, 登山铁路 light railway line 轻便铁道 urban railway 市区铁路 railway network 铁路网 railway transport 铁路运输 trial run 试车 open to traffic 通车 porter 搬运工人 ticket inspector 查票员 ticket 车票 single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票 return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票 platform ticket 站台票 railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅 information desk 服务台 waiting room 候车室 passenger station 客车站 time-table 时刻表 arrival time-table 到站时刻表 departure time-table 发车时刻表 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 ticket office, booking office 售票处 junction 枢纽站 rail and water terminal 水陆联运站 platform bridge 天桥 luggage barrow 推行李车 enquiry office, information desk 问讯处 way station 小站 label 行李标签 luggage office 行李房 left-luggage office 行李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票口 barrier 栅栏门 platform 站台 (electric) platform truck 站台车 platform tunnel 站台地道 platform roofing 站台顶棚



大学物理下册常用英文单词及短语Mechanical Oscillation( vibration)机械振动 Electromagnetic Oscillation 电磁振荡 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) simple harmonic oscillator 简谐振动Superposition 合成、叠加 Spring 弹簧 Period 周期 frequency Angular frequency 频率、角频率 Phase initial phase 相位、初相 rotating vector 旋转矢量 vertical directions 垂直方向 Mechanical Wave 机械波 Plane Harmonic Waves 平面简谐波 Propagation 传播 Huygen’s Principle惠更斯原理 Interference of Waves 波的干涉 Standing Wave (Stationary Waves) 驻波 traveling wave Doppler Effect 多普勒效应 Medium 介质 Transverse waves 横波 Longitudinal waves 纵波: Wave Front:(波前) Wavelength 波长 Crest 波峰 trough 波谷 Wave speed 波速 Randomly 随机 Position 位置 Displacement 位移 wave equation 波动方程 oscillating curve 振动曲线 kinetic, potential and total energy 动能、势能和总能量 energy flow density 能流密度 spherical waves 球面波 Principle of Independent Propagation 波的独立传播原理 Principle of Superposition of Waves 波的叠加原理 Coherent wave 相干波 phase difference 相位差wave path difference 波程差 constructive 干涉相长 destructive 干涉相消 interface draft(干涉图样) Node 波节 Antinode 波幅 important features:重要性质


分类词汇:英语国家铁路运输常见词汇(英汉对照)发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2010-09-26 11:59 共11人浏览[大] [中] [小] 导读:关于一个国家铁路运输的词汇你到底知道多少呢?我们一起来看看吧! elevated railway,overhead railway,aerial railway高架铁路 mine railway矿区铁路 funicular (railway)缆索铁路,登山铁路 light railway line轻便铁道 urban railway市区铁路 railway network铁路网 railway transport铁路运输 trial run试车 open to traffic通车 porter搬运工人 ticket inspector查票员 ticket车票 single ticket,oneway ticket单程票 return ticket,roundtrip ticket来回票 platform ticket站台票 railway station车站 station hall车站大厅 information desk服务台 waiting room候车室 passenger station客车站 time-table时刻表 arrival time-table到站时刻表 departure time-table发车时刻表 ticket-collector,gateman收票员 ticket office,booking office售票处 junction枢纽站 rail and water terminal水陆联运站 platform bridge天桥 luggage barrow推行李车 enquiry office,information desk问讯处 way station小站 label行李标签 luggage office行李房 left-luggage office行李暂存处


常用物流英语专业英语词汇 一、常用物流英语50句 1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world. 现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。 2.Logistics is part of a supply chain. 物流是供应链的整体组成部分。 3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby. 物流不是新鲜事。 4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”. 物流是独特的全球通道。 5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information. 物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。 6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc. 物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。 7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution and logistics information.



常用物理单词的中英文对照表 Ⅰ、测量(measurement) 物理学 physics 测量 measure (vt.) 测量工具 measuring tool 测量范围 measuring range 最小刻度 division value 实验 experiment 实验室 laboratory 误差 error 刻度尺 meter ruler 零刻度线 zero graduation line 长度 length 单位 unit 面积 area 千米 kilometer 米 meter 平方米 square meter 立方米 cubic meter 分米 decimeter 厘米 centimeter 毫米 millimeter 微米 micron 纳米 nanometer 时间 time 小时 hour 分钟 minute 秒 second 毫秒 millisecond 体积 volume 升 Liter 毫升 Milliliter 天平 balance 砝码 weights 游码 rider 质量 mass 吨 ton 千克 kilogram 克 gram 毫克 milligram 停表 stop watch 力 force 牛顿 Newton 测力计 dynamometer 弹簧秤 spring balance Ⅱ、运动(simple motion) 相对运动 relative motion 方向 direction 位置 position 路程 path 静止 rest 参照物 reference 2


铁路专用英语 专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇 线路工程railway line engineering 铁路勘测;铁道勘测railway reconnaissance 铁路选线;铁道选线railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 经济勘察economic investigation 地质调查geological survey;geologic survey 方案比较project comparison 铁路勘探;铁道勘探railway exploration 铁路测量;铁道测量railway survey 线路测量route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲线测量curve survey 既有线测量survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 铁路线路图;铁道线路图railway map 定线location of line 铁路设计;铁道设计railway design 线路设计track design 平面设计plane design 纵断面设计longitudinal section design 横断面设计transverse section design 曲线设计curve design 车站设计station design 站场设计design of stations and yards 标准设计standard design 线路等级line grade 铁路限界;铁道限界railway clearance 建筑限界construction clearance 设计规范code of design 设计标准design standard 铁路线路;铁道线路railway line 铁路曲线;铁道曲线railway curve 缓和曲线transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve 小半径曲线small-radius curve 曲线半径curve radius 曲线超高superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve 欠超高inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation


elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路 mine railway 矿区铁路 funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路 light railway line 轻便铁道 urban railway 市区铁路 railway network 铁路网 railway transport 铁路运输 trial run 试车 open to traffic 通车 porter 搬运工人 ticket inspector 查票员 ticket 车票 single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票 return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票 platform ticket 站台票 railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅 information desk 服务台 waiting room 候车室 passenger station 客车站 time-table 时刻表 arrival time-table到站时刻表 departure time-table 发车时刻表 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 ticket office, booking office售票处 junction枢纽站 rail and water terminal水陆联运站 platform bridge天桥 luggage barrow 推行李车 enquiry office, information desk 问讯处 way station 小站 label 行李标签 luggage office 行李房 left-luggage office 行李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票口 barrier 栅栏门 platform 站台 (electric) platform truck站台车 platform tunnel站台地道 platform roofing 站台顶棚 station-master 站长 terminal; terminus 终点站 escalator自动扶梯 The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站



数学: add,plus加 subtract减 difference差 multiply,times乘 product积 divide除 divisible可被整除的 dividedevenly被整除 dividend被除数 divisor因子,除数 quotient商 remainder余数 factorial阶乘 power乘方 radicalsign,rootsign根号 roundto四舍五入 tothenearest四舍五入 2.有关集合 union并集 proper subset真子集 solution set解集 有关代数式、方程和不等式 algebraic term代数项 like terms,similar terms同类项numerical coefficient数字系数 literal coefficient字母系数 inequality不等式 triangle inequality三角不等式 range值域 original equation原方程 equivalent equation同解方程等价方程linear equation线性方程 有关分数和小数 proper fraction真分数 improper fraction假分数

mixed number带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数simple fraction简分数 complex fraction繁分数 numerator分子 denominator分母 (least)common denominator(最小)公分母quarter四分之一 decimal fraction纯小数 infinite decimal无穷小数 recurring decimal循环小数 tenthsunit十分位 5.基本数学概念 arithmetic mean算术平均值 weighted average加权平均值 geometric mean几何平均数 exponent指数,幂 base乘幂的底数,底边 cube立方数,立方体 square root平方根 cube root立方根 common logarithm常用对数 digit数字 constant常数 variable变量 inversefunction反函数 complementary function余函数 linear一次的,线性的 factorization因式分解 absolute value绝对值,e.g.|-32|=32 round off四舍五入 有关数论 natural number自然数 positive number正数 negative number负数 odd integer,odd number奇数 even integer,even number偶数 integer,whole number整数 positive whole number正整数 negative whole number负整数
