
1、Politics hot words

Cram: 塞满、拥挤

10月9日举行的阿富汗首次总统大选吸引着全球的目光。尽管塔利班威胁对投票点进行攻击,但这丝毫没有减少阿富汗人民投票的积极性。外电报道如下:Afghans crammed polling stations for their country's first-ever direct election Saturday, defying the threat of Taliban violence in the hope of bringing peace and some economic prosperity after more than two decades of war. Cram的意思是“塞满、拥挤”。例如:It's dangerous for too many people to be crammed into a bus.(公共汽车超载人员是危险的)。This encyclopedia is crammed with information about everything under the sun.(这部百科全书拥有世上一切知识)。


Argumentative: 爱争论的

当地时间10月8日晚,美国总统布什和民主党总统候选人克里进行了第二次面对面的激烈辩论。布什对伊拉克战争进行了辩护,攻击克里立场不一,克里则指责布什善用欺骗技俩。外电报道如下:President Bush and John Kerry sprinted back to the campaign trail, trying to build on their performances in an argumentative second debate that saw the presidential candidates colliding over war, jobs, education, health care, abortion, the environment and preion drugs. Argumentative的意思是“爱争论的、好争吵的;论证的”,常含贬义。例如:He is an intelligent but argumentative child.(他是一个聪明但爱争论的孩子。)

Green Belt Movement: 绿带运动

10月8日,挪威诺贝尔委员会宣布,将2004年诺贝尔和平奖授予肯尼亚环境和自然资源部副部长旺加里·马塔伊,以表彰她在“可持续发展、民主与和平”方面所作出的贡献。这名启动了非洲种树运动的女性成为第一位获得诺贝尔和平奖的非洲女性。外电报道如下:Kenyan environmental activist Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for her work as leader of the Green Belt Movement, which has sought to empower women, better the environment and fight corruption in Africa for almost 30 years. Green Belt Movement表示“绿带运动”,green belt多指“城市绿化区,森林地带”。和belt有关的词语还有很多。例如:hurricane belt(热带气旋地带);life belt(生物带);magnetic belt(磁带);marine belt(领海);belt of weathering(风化地带)等。


Blast: 爆炸,冲击波

埃及西奈半岛靠近以色列的度假区7日晚连续发生3起爆炸事件,至少19人丧生。与埃以边境通道仅有数米之隔的塔巴希尔顿饭店首先发生强烈爆炸,部分建筑坍塌。两小时后,位于塔巴以南的两个度假区分别发生规模较小的爆炸。这两个度假区也是大批以色列旅游者经常光顾的地方。爆炸事件发生后,一个自称“世界伊斯兰团”的组织声称,这样做是为在巴勒斯坦和伊拉克受害的阿拉伯人复仇。外电报道如下:Blasts from a car bomb and a suicide bomber tore through a resort

hotel in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula where Israelis were vacationing at the end of a Jewish holiday Thursday night, officials said. There were at least 19 dead and the toll was likely to rise. Blast的意思是“爆炸引起的强烈气浪(尤指核爆炸引起的冲击波)”。例如:Enormous numbers of people would be killed by blast.(核爆炸冲击波会使很多很多人死亡)。

Denuclearization: 非核化


从7日起,来自亚洲13个国家及欧洲25国的政府与企业界代表就促进双方贸易、金融、投资及旅游业展开了讨论,同时关于禁止朝鲜半岛核试验一事也是重要议题之一。外电报道如下:The fifth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) will open in Hanoi, Vietnam with the participation of 39 leaders, including the President Roh Moo-hyun. Holding summit talks three times on Friday and Saturday, the leaders will announce the results in the form of a "chairman's declaration." In the declaration is expected to be included the support of participating nations for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue. Denuclearization 是denuclearize的名词形式,表示“使非核武器化;禁止核武器生成或试验;撤除核武器”。

Confidence vote: 信任票


米利肯没有说错,10月7日,新执政党就面临了一次“信任危机”,只得通过推迟对某项修正案的投票活动来避免很可能的落败。外电报道如下:Canada's minority Liberal government narrowly avoided facing possible defeat on Thursday by staving off a confidence vote which had threatened to trigger a second general election this year. Confidence vote 又写作vote of confidence,表示“信任票”,与vote of non-confidence(不信任票)相对应。

Atomic nucleus: 原子核

瑞典皇家科学院10月5日宣布,将2004年诺贝尔物理学奖授予美国科学家戴维·格罗斯、戴维·波利策和弗兰克·维尔切克,以表彰他们发现了粒子物理的强相互作用理论中的“渐近自由”现象。外电报道如下:Americans David J. Gross, H. David Politzer and Frank Wilczek won the 2004 Nobel Prize in physics on Tuesday for their explanation of the force that binds particles inside the atomic nucleus. Atomic nucleus表示“原子核”,nucleus是nuclear的复数。nuclear除了“原子核”的含义外,还表示“细胞核,核心”,例如:a nuclear membrane(细胞核膜);nuclear family(核心家庭)。



Kidnapper: 拐子、绑匪

广受媒体关注的英国人质比格利29日出现在卡塔尔半岛电视台播放的画面上,他再次呼吁英国首相布莱尔满足绑架者的要求,释放被关押的伊拉克女囚犯。英国外交大臣承认救人希望渺茫。外电报道如下:Kenneth Bigley, 62, appeared on the tape chained and squatting in a cage, pleading to the prime minister for help while accusing him of lying over the hostage crisis.Blair has said repeatedly he will not negotiate with the kidnappers, who demand release of women prisoners held in Iraq. kidnapper的意思是“拐子、绑匪”。例如:The boy's kidnappers demanded an enormous ransom.(绑架男孩的歹徒索要一大笔赎金)。它的动词形式是kidnap,其近义词是abduct。

Ordeal: 严峻的考验

9月28日, 本月初在伊拉克境内遭绑架的两名意大利籍女职员在伊拉克获释,乘飞机返回意大利。消息传开以后,意大利举国欢腾,以意大利总理贝卢斯科尼为首的欢迎团到机场迎接。两人俨然成为意大利的民族英雄。外电报道如下:Simona Pari and Simona Torretta were freed by their Iraqi captors earlier in the day and were immediately whisked by plane back to Italy, where they have unwittingly become national heroines thanks to their ordeal. ordeal的意思是“严峻的考验、苦难的经历”。例如:The parents went through a terrible ordeal when their child was kidnapped.(那孩子被绑架后,他的父母经受了一场痛苦的折磨)。

Ballistic Missile Test: 弹道导弹试验

据韩国《朝鲜日报》消息,有关朝鲜准备进行导弹试验的事项至今仍然是扑朔迷离,尚未水落石出。韩国情报机构认为在朝鲜发现了异常活跃的部队调动,地点就在被认为是导弹基地的地区,而朝鲜政府则指责说报告是完全没有依据的。新华社报道如下:The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is capable for Ballistic Missile Test (BMT) fly, but allegations for its test plan are nothing but rumors, a top DPRK official said here Monday. Ballistic Missile Test (BMT)表示“(洲际)弹道导弹试验”。


Run-up: 预备阶段

9月26日,英国首相托尼·布莱尔公开表示承认英国在对伊战争前宣布伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器的情报存在失误,这令美英发动这场战争的主要理由产生动摇,但布莱尔仍拒绝完全道歉。新华社报道如下:British Prime Minister on Sunday admitted mistakes in the run-up to the US-led war against Iraq, but refused to bow calls for a full apology. Run-up在这里表示“事件的前奏曲,预备阶段”,常和to连

用。例如:the run-up to the election(选举的准备阶段)。在美语中,run-up 还有“急剧上升”的含义,通常指突然的增长。例如:a run-up in interest rates/ house values(利率的急剧上升;房价的急剧增长)。

Coup plot: 政变阴谋

苏丹内政部24日宣布,苏丹当天挫败了一起政变图谋。除政变领导人外,其他参与者几乎全被逮捕。新华社报道如下:Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir announced Sunday that a coup plot by the opposition Popular Congress party has been completely aborted. Coup plot表示“政变阴谋”,coup除了表示“出乎意料的行动;策略、妙计”以外,还有“政变”的含义。例如:The party staged a bloodless coup.(该政党发动了一起不流血的政变。)


Armed wing: 武装派别

9月26日上午,巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动(哈马斯)一名下属军事派别领导人在叙利亚首都大马士革遭遇炸弹袭击身亡。以色列一些安全官员承认以与这次暗杀有关。新华社报道如下: Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas, vowed on Sunday to hit Israeli targets abroad after one of its leaders was assassinated in Damascus earlier in the day. The group said in a leaflet that Israel has opened a new gate of conflict. Armed wing表示“武装派别,军事派别”,因为wing有“(政党中的)翼,派别”的意思。例如:the right wing of the Labour party(工党右翼);conservative wing(保守派);the left wing writers(左翼作家)。


Abduct: 诱拐,绑架

9月22日,一家伊斯兰网站播放的录像画面显示,上周在伊拉克被绑架的英国人质比格利还活着,他流着眼泪向首相布莱尔求救,请求他不要错过最后的机会,要尽力帮助挽救他的生命。但是路透社表示,英国政府看来不会向绑架者让步。英国外交大臣斯特劳说,如果英国向绑架者让步,那将使伊拉克和世界任何地方都不安全。外电报道如下:"I think this is possibly my last chance to speak to somebody who will listen. . . . I don't want to die in Iraq I don't deserve that," Kenneth Bigley, a contractor abducted with two American colleagues last week, said on a video posted on the Internet.Abduct的意思是“诱拐, 绑架”。例如:The police think the boy has been abducted.(警方认为这个男孩被人拐跑了)。

Preemptive: 先发制人的


救”出来,美国领导的联盟落实了世界的“正义要求”。布什政府仍在为其先发制人的军事战略辩护。外电报道如下:The doctrine of "preemptive war" -- attacking a potential enemy before the United States is attacked -- is now official US policy reserving and this has left Washington further at odds with some allies. Preemptive的意思是“先发制人的、抢先的”。例如:a preemptive offer for the property our competitors wanted to buy(对我们的竞争对手想购买的房地产抢先提出的报价)。The army launched a preemptive strike against the enemy.(军队对敌人发起了先发制人的攻击)。

Footage: 电影胶片



的“统一和圣战”组织的标志。该组织威胁说,如果美国当局不在在24小时内释放关押在阿布格莱布和乌姆盖斯尔监狱的伊拉克女囚犯,他们将杀死另两名人质。外电报道如下:The video footage shows U.S. contractor Eugene Armstrong sitting blindfolded on the floor in an orange jumpsuit, with black-clad hooded gunmen standing behind him. Armstrong rocks back and forth as a militant reads a statement. The video footage的意思是“录像”。Footage的意思是“电影胶片,连续镜头,英尺数”。例如:They screened some interesting old footage of the first flight across the Atlas Mountains.(他们放映了一段首次飞越阿特拉斯山脉的有趣的旧影片)。Incumbent: 现任者,在职者

9月20日,印度尼西亚总统大选活动达到了高潮,超过1.53亿选民参加了第二轮投票。据悉,前政治、社会和安全事务统筹部长苏西洛赢得了59%的选票,以绝对优势击败了现任总统梅加瓦蒂夫人。外电有这样的报道:An urbane former general who promises to fight terror and clean up government headed for an overwhelming victory against incumbent Megawati Sukarnoputri in Indonesia's first direct presidential election Monday.Incumbent 常与on连用,表示“负有职责的;负有义务的”。这里用的是它的另一层含义“在职的;(从政的)在职者,现任者”。例如:defeated the incumbent in a close election.(在一场势均力敌的选举中击败在职者)


Landslide: 压倒性胜利

9月20日,印度尼西亚总统大选活动达到了高潮,超过1.53亿选民参加了第二轮投票。据非官方消息称,前政治、社会和安全事务统筹部长苏西洛赢得了超过60%的选票,以绝对优势击败了现任总统梅加瓦蒂夫人。外电有这样的报道:Two polling organizations are projecting a landslide victory for Mr. Yudhoyono, who resigned as Ms. Megawati's security minister earlier this year to run against her. The retired army general ran as a new face and campaigned on a platform of change to

address such problems as security, economic stagnation and corruption. Landslide的本意是“山崩,塌方”,这里用的是其引申义“压倒性的胜利,占绝对优势的选举”。例如:The railroad was blocked by a landslide.(塌方把铁路堵塞了。)Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide(民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可能。)


Military chief: 军事最高统帅

中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第四次全体会议9月16日至19日在北京举行。全会审议通过了《中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第四次全体会议关于同意***同志辞去中共中央军事委员会主席职务的决定》和《中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第四次全体会议关于调整充实中共中央军事委员会组成人员的决定》,决定***任中共中央军事委员会主席、徐才厚任中共中央军事委员会副主席。新华社报道如下:The 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded its Fourth Plenum here Sunday after approving Hu Jintao to succeed Jiang Zemin as the Party's military chief and adopting a decision on enhancing the Party's "ruling capabilities."

Military chief的意思是“军事最高统帅”,在这里代指“军委主席(Chairman of Chinese Military Committee)”。关于chief的词组还有:line chief(机场保养组组长);pad chief(发射台台长);supply chief(司务长);chief of judges(裁判长)。State visit: 国事访问

在对哈萨克斯坦进行了为期两天的国事访问后,韩国总统卢武铉将于9月20日到23日期间出访俄罗斯,与俄领导人讨论朝鲜半岛局势等问题。新华社报道如下:South Korean President Roh Moo-hyunon Sunday left here(China) for a belated visit to Kazakhstan and Russia as part of his itinerary to neighboring countries which had already taken him to Japan and China. After a two-day state visit to Kazakhstan, Roh will fly to Moscow for his first ever official visit to Russia from Sept. 20 to Sept.

23. State visit表示“国事访问,国家元首对其他国家的官方访问”。

俄罗斯外交部发言人雅科文科17日表示,俄韩双方将优先讨论在双边和多边基础上推进该地区合作进程的可能性及朝鲜半岛无核化问题,以推动有关朝核问题的六方谈判取得进展。他强调,六方谈判是解决朝核问题的最佳方法。Permanent member: 常任理事国


As a non-permanent member, Germany has earned a reputation as a constructive and reliable partner. What's more, Germany is the third largest contributor to the UN


India's bid for a permanent seat relates primarily to the country's size, its population, its position in Asia, and its growing military clout.

As the second largest contributor to UN funds, Japan is also scrambling for a permanent place at the table.

Although all three countries have shown their willingness to play a crucial role in the UN, winning a permanent seat on the Security Council will not be easy. Any reform to the Council needs the approval of two thirds of member countries.

Permanent member表示“常任理事国”,而non-permanent member就表示“非常任理事国”了。



9月14日,第59届联合国大会在纽约联合国总部开幕。联合国秘书长安南以及来自191个成员国的代表出席了开幕式。本届联大将从21日开始为期两周的一般性辩论。预计97个国家的元首或政府首脑将在辩论中发言,就多边主义、联合国作用及其改革、千年发展目标的落实情况、打击国际恐怖主义、裁军与防扩散等重大国际问题阐述各自政府的立场。外电报道如下:The United Nations General Assembly's 59th session opens this week with questions about the world body's role and relevance in the 21st century. Since it was founded in 1945, the United Nations has grown from 51 to 191 member states. Relevance在这里表示“重大关系,意义,实用性”,例如:She spoke of the religion of Islam and its relevance to Black people in the U.S..(她谈到伊斯兰教以及伊斯兰教对美国黑人的重要意义。);Give relevance to college courses(使大学课程具有实用性)。此外,relevance还有“切题,确当,中肯,适宜,相关(性),相称(性)”的含义。


Uranium enrichment: 铀浓缩

一名伊朗高级官员13日表示,伊朗可能会在“数月内”恢复铀浓缩活动。伊朗常驻国际原子能机构代表侯赛因·穆萨维安说,伊朗在离心机技术上已经实现自给。离心机技术是铀浓缩的关键技术,它通过产生一种铀气体,确保提炼高纯度浓缩铀。美国去年指责伊朗秘密制造核武器,国际原子能机构随即对伊朗进行核查。作为建立信任的措施,伊朗去年10月暂停铀浓缩活动。新华社报道如下:Iran's top diplomat to the United Nations nuclear watchdog meeting said on Monday in Vienna that Tehran would resume uranium enrichment despite the European Union's

urge to halt it permanently, the official IRNA news agency reported. Uranium enrichment的意思是“铀浓缩”。


Power plant: 发电站

9月9日上午11时左右,朝鲜北部地区发生剧烈爆炸,腾起一朵直径足足有3.5至4公里的巨大蘑菇云。爆炸地点距离朝鲜人民军“罗洞1”和“罗洞2”导弹阵地10公里左右,距离中国边境不过30公里。但朝鲜外务相白南舜在13日的讲话中称,该爆炸事件是为修建水电站进行的炸山体工程,并非外界推测的核试爆。新华社报道如下:An official of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) confirmed Monday that last week's explosion in the country's northern region was part of a power plant project. Power plant表示“发电厂,发电站”,相当于powerhouse。Powerhouse还有“(影响等的)源泉,权力大的人,有实力的运动队(员),强壮的男子”等意思。

相关的词汇还有:poweractuated(电力驱动的,机动的);powerblock(机械绞车);powerboat(动力艇,汽艇);powerbrake(机闸);power-controller(功率调节器);power-lifter(动力起落装置);power-making(产生动力的,发电的);powerman (发电机专业人员)等。

Evacuate: 撤退、疏散

当地时间9月12日,飓风“伊万”的风速达到了每小时240公里,在加勒比海的开曼群岛肆虐,造成一些房屋被淹,屋顶被掀翻,还有一些树木被连根拔起。据美联社报道,“伊万”的强大威力给加勒比海地区带来了灾难性的破坏,目前已造成60多人死亡。外电报道如下:The hurricane, one of the strongest on record in the region, has killed at least 65 people across the Caribbean. About 1.3 million Cubans were evacuated from their homes, most taking refuge in the sturdier homes of relatives or neighbors ahead of its expected arrival on Monday. Evacuate的意思是“撤退、疏散”。The village was evacuated because of the danger of a flood.(由于洪水的威胁,村里人都已撤走了)。In the war many children were evacuated from the cities to the countryside.(在战争中许多孩子从城市被疏散到农村)。

Bayard: 骑士,勇武异常者

在9·11事件3周年之际,一条以在这场浩劫中为抢救伤员而英勇献身的华人英雄曾喆的名字命名的街道在纽约华埠诞生。“曾喆街(Zhe "Zack" Zeng Way)”命名挂牌仪式11日下午在纽约华埠的摆也街和巴士打街的交叉路口处举行。外电报道如下:The New York City Council has passed a bill to posthumously honor Zhe 'Zack" Zeng by renaming Bayard Street between Mulberry Street and Baxter Street in the Chinatown area of Manhattan after the fallen hero. Zack died while using his Emergency Medical Technician training he learned at Brighton V olunteer Ambulance. Bayard Street(贝阿德街)中的Bayard本来就表示“勇武异常的人”,源于法国16世纪“无畏无瑕骑士”Seigneur de Bayard的姓氏,正好与曾喆的英勇



Constituency: 选区,选民

9月13日早晨,港府选举管理委员会正式公布了香港第三届立法会选举的投票结果。这次选举是历来最多候选人参选的一次,而且竞争也是历届最激烈,可以说是泛民主派和亲北京阵营的一次对决,选举结果也将影响香港未来四年的施政。新华社报道如下:Final results of the election of Hong Kong's third term Legislative Council began to be announced by the Electoral Affairs Commission here Monday morning. On Sunday, a total of 1.784 million electors, or 55.6 percent, from the geographical constituencies cast their votes, the commission said. Constituency 常用作复数,表示“全体选民,选区,选区居民”。例如:nurse a constituency(笼络一批选民);sweep a constituency(在选区中获得压倒多数的选票)。此外,constituency还有“(一批)顾客,期刊订户,支持者,赞助者”的意思。

Preset orbit: 预定轨道

9月9日下午7:14分,中国太原卫星发射中心用“长征”四号乙运载火箭,同时将两颗国产“实践”六号空间环境探测卫星成功地送入了太空。测控机构传来的数据表明,两颗卫星均成功进入预定轨道。新华社报道如下:China launched two scientific experiment satellites into preset orbits from a north China space center atop a Long March 4-B rocket carrier earlier Thursday. Preset orbit表示“预定轨道”,preset表示“事先定置,事先调整”,例如:Please finish the work in preset-time(请规定时间内完成任务)。而orbit除了表示“(天体、人造卫星的)轨道”, 还有“势力范围,生活常规,眼眶”的意思。


Milestone: 里程碑,转折点

根据美联社9月7日公布的最新统计,由于当天又有7名美军士兵在同伊拉克逊尼派和什叶派武装发生的激战中死亡,美军自伊拉克战争爆发以来在伊死亡的人数已突破1000人。其中998人是美军士兵,3人是五角大楼的文职人员。美国白宫发言人麦克莱伦同日也证实,美军在伊死亡人数达到1000人。外电报道如下:U.S. military deaths in the Iraq campaign passed the 1,000 milestone Tuesday, with more than 800 of them during the stubborn insurgency that flared after the Americans brought down Saddam Hussein and President Bush declared major combat over. Milestone的意思是“里程碑、里程标、重要事件、转折点”。例如:The invention of the computer was a milestone in the history of man.(计算机的发明是人


Ballistic missile: 弹道导弹

据俄塔社报道,9月8日,俄罗斯海军北方舰队“叶卡捷琳堡”号和“鲍里索格列布斯克”号核潜艇先后从巴伦支海水下成功试射两枚洲际弹道导弹。这两枚导弹的弹头都在预定时间内准确击中位于俄远东堪察加半岛库拉试验场上的目标。新华社报道如下:Russia's Northern Fleet test-launched two ballistic missiles on Wednesday, Russian news agencies reported. Ballistic missile表示“弹道导弹”,相关的词汇还有很多,例如:ballistic rocket(弹道火箭),antiballistic missile(反弹道导弹),aerodynamic missile(巡航导弹),air-to-ship missile(空对舰导弹),air-to-ground missile(空对地导弹)。

NASA: 美国国家宇航局

9月份以来一直猖狂的“弗朗西丝(Frances)”飓风昨天又给美国肯尼迪航天中心带来前所未有的重创,航天中心的标志性建筑、525英尺高的巨大发射塔外层至少有1000块嵌板被吹落,在发射塔外层造成了4万平方英尺的空洞。新华社报道如下:Monday marked the first time anyone from NASA had seen the damage from the storm because the agency completely evacuated the space center, the first time NASA made such a move.NASA是National Aeronautics and Space Administration 的缩写,代表“美国国家宇航局”。


Heart bypass surgery: 心脏搭桥手术

美国前总统克林顿于9月6日在纽约的一家医院接受了心脏搭桥手术。经过5个小时手术后,医院和克林顿的发言人发表联合声明表示手术非常成功,克林顿目前的情况很好。现年58岁的克林顿身体健康,没有心脏病史,但他酷爱油炸食品,这可能对心脏有一定影响。外电报道如下:Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was recovering on Monday after successful heart bypass surgery at a New York hospital. Heart bypass surgery的意思是“心脏搭桥手术”。Bypass在医学中的意思是“导管外科手术中用于使血液或其它体液绕过某一阻塞或病变了的器官的替换管”。例如:a gastric bypass(胃替代管)。Bypass还有“忽视、不留意”的意思。例如:bypass standard office procedures(忽视办公室的工作规定)。

Wail: 大哭

9月1日上午,不明身份的武装分子闯入俄南部北奥塞梯共和国别斯兰市第一中学,将1000多名参加开学典礼的学生、家长和教师劫为人质。3日下午,在恐怖分子向外逃人质开枪后,俄特种部队随即展开行动,解救了大部分人质。截止到9月5日,在别斯兰市第一中学人质事件中死亡的人质总数已上升至338人。外电报道如下:Flags flew at half-mast across Russia on Monday at the start of national mourning for 338 people killed when Chechen rebels seized a school.Wailing mothers mourned and half of those killed were children. wail的意思是“嚎啕大哭、大声哭叫、呼啸”。例如:Stop weeping and wailing!(别那么哭天哭地的了!)The

wind wailed in the chimney all night.(风整夜在烟囱里呼叫着)。

Island chain: 列岛

9月2日,“弗朗西丝(Frances)”飓风从位于美国迈阿密东南部约443公里处,人烟稀少的巴哈马群岛登陆,并引发了15英尺高的海浪,随后风势略有减弱,继续向西北方向移动,直逼美国的佛罗里达州沿岸地区。外电报道如下:Hurricane Frances raged through the sparsely populated southeastern Bahamas on Thursday, unleashing ferocious winds and kicking up 15-foot waves before it weakened slightly as it headed for the island chain's main towns and on toward Florida. Island chain表示“列岛”,例如:island arc chain(弧形列岛)。而archipelago也表示“群岛,列岛,多岛海区”。

Hard line: 强硬路线

近日,美国新任中情局局长戈斯(Porter Goss)表示,参议院在调查美军虐囚丑闻的公开听证会上的表现有失公平,并认为那些被指与虐囚事件有间接关系的军事将领们不应该逃脱法律指控。外电报道如下:Goss took a hard line on interrogations in interviews with The Associated Press earlier this year, saying "Gee you're breaking my heart" to complaints that Arab men found it abusive to have women guards at the Guantanamo Bay terror camp - statements that could draw scrutiny during his Senate confirmation hearing, possibly next week. Hard line表示“强硬路线,强硬政策”,例如:socialist hardliner(社会主义者中的强硬派)。

Cordon: 设置警戒线围起

俄罗斯联邦安全局官员8月31日称,一名女性自杀袭击者当天在莫斯科和平大街沿线里加地铁站外引爆了炸弹,导致至少10人(包括恐怖分子在內)丧生,51人受伤。随后警方立即封锁了现场,里加地铁站也随即关闭。新华社报道如下:The death toll of the Tuesday explosion near a metro station in northeast Moscow has reached ten. Dozens of law enforcement officials are cordoning the site of the blast and the metro station has been temporarily closed to passengers. Policemen accompanied by sniff dogs are searching for evidence at the scene. Cordon的意思是“设置警戒线围起”。例如:The demonstrators could not reach the embassy because the whole area was cordoned off.(由于整个地区围起了警戒线,示威者无法靠近大使馆)。

GOP: 美国共和党

美国共和党全国代表大会30日通过了该党纲领,支持布什对恐怖主义进行“先发制人”的打击,并称没有一个国际组织能够替代美国的领导地位。纲领还赞扬了布什2001年1月就任总统以来的行动,明确表示反恐战争是布什争取竞选连任的一个中心议题。外电报道如下:Republicans are turning to conditions at home after saluting President Bush as a wartime president whose leadership is "rock solid". The GOP extends its outreach to moderate Democrats and independents. GOP(Grand Old Party)的意思是“大老党(美国共和党的别称)”。

Denunciation: 谴责、指责


附近,警方逮捕了部分激进的示威者。当天中午,数以万计的人们冒着酷暑走上纽约曼哈顿街头,抗议布什政府发动伊拉克战争及其内外政策,要求美国从伊拉克撤回军队。据运动组织者估计,约有来自全美各地的25万民众参加了这次反战游行。保守的估计数字也在10万以上。外电报道如下:More than 100,000 demonstrators marched past a heavily fortified Republican convention hall on Sunday, chanting denunciations of the administration and the war in Iraq as delegates flocked to the city to nominate President Bush for four more years in the White House. Denunciation的意思是“谴责、指责”。它的动词形式是denounce。例如:The minister's action was denounced in all the newspapers.(这个部长的行为在各报上遭到强烈的谴责)。She was denounced as a traitor.(她被告发为叛徒)。

Hole up: 藏匿

伊拉克什叶派精神领袖西斯塔尼的助手哈菲夫在8月26日举行的新闻发布会上宣布,什叶派穆斯林反美派别领导人萨德尔已经接受了西斯塔尼提出的一项旨在结束纳杰夫战事的和平协议。协议内容主要包括萨德尔的私人武装“迈赫迪军”撤出纳杰夫城内的宗教圣地伊玛目阿里清真寺、驻伊美军撤出纳杰夫、伊拉克警察负责当地的安全事务等。外电报道如下:Sadr's fighters, who have been holed up in the Imam Ali mosque and battling U.S. and Iraqi forces in the alleys outside, agreed to all points of Sistani's peace plan to end fighting that has killed hundreds, driven oil prices to record highs and undermined Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's authority. Hole up的意思是“藏匿”。例如:After the bank robbery, the criminals holed up in a disused factory.(那些罪犯在抢劫银行之后,躲进一个废弃的工厂里)。


Char: 烧成炭,烧焦

8月24日晚,俄罗斯两架民航客机从莫斯科的多莫杰多沃机场起飞后,几乎在同一时间分别在图拉州和罗斯托夫州坠毁。俄官方25日证实,两架飞机上的89名乘客和机组人员已全部遇难,失事飞机的黑匣子都已找到并被送到莫斯科,但调查人员在坠机现场尚未发现恐怖活动的证据。外电中有这样的报道:A government commission searching for the cause of the near-simultaneous crashes of two airliners began work at one of the charred wreckage sites Thursday after workers finished combing over the shattered plane. No clues to clear up the mystery, or indicate terrorism, were immediately reported. Charred wreckage的意思是“被烧成灰碳的残骸”。Char表示“烧成炭,烧焦;打杂,打扫卫生”等意思。例如:There was nothing left of the house but a few charred remains.(除了一些烧焦的残物,那房子已焚烧殆尽)。8月26日,国家主席***向俄罗斯总统普京致慰问电,对罹难者表示深切哀悼,并向他们的亲属表示诚挚慰问。

Sniper: 狙击手


外电有这样的报道:At least five loud explosions on Thursday echoed from near holy sites in the Iraqi city of Najaf where a radical Shi'ite cleric has remained holed up despite earlier agreeing to leave a sacred shrine.Reuters witnesses said intermittent sniper fire could also be heard coming from the area. sniper的意思是“狙击手”。sniper的动词形式是snipe,意思是“伏击、狙击、诽谤、中伤”。

Business hot words

Strategic petroleum reserve: 战略石油储备

由于飓风“伊万”的影响,石油消耗大国美国减少了石油进口数量,再加上墨西哥湾石油生产基本停止,美国不得不动用战略石油储备,向巧妇难为无米之炊的炼油厂提供“石油借贷”。外电报道如下:U.S. oil prices slipped below $48 on Thursday on expectations that the United States might loan some crude to U.S. refiners from its strategic petroleum reserve after weather-related disruptions led to a big dip in supplies. Strategic petroleum reserve的意思是“战略性石油储备”。和reserve连用的词组还有:uranium reserve(铀储量);flexible reserve(弹性准备);war reserve (军需储备品);workable reserves(可采储量)。

Back tax: 退缴税

美俄罗斯石油生产巨头尤科斯表示,将从9月28日起暂停对中国石油天然气集团公司(China National Petroleum Corporation., 简称CNPC)日10万桶的石油供应,相当于中国原油日进口量的 6.5%左右。据悉,两家公司之间的石油运输主要通过铁路实现,成本相对高昂。尤科斯表示,此次暂停运输的原因是公司无力预付运费及出口关税。由于拖欠税款70亿美元,尤科斯的多数银行帐户及资产已被冻结。新华社报道如下:Yukos faces billions of dollars in back tax claims and company officials say it is "close to bankruptcy." Most of its bank accounts and assets have been frozen by the Russian government. Back tax 表示“退缴税”。相关词汇有free of tax(免税);tax-dodger/tax evader(偷税人);tax-payer(纳税人)accessions tax(财产增益税);additional tax(附加税);business tax(营业税);business income tax(工商所得税);business profit tax(营业利润税)等等。


Semiconductor: 半导体

9月20日,全球第二大半导体制造商三星电子公司预测芯片产业明年增长速度将趋缓。据三星芯片业务总裁Hwang Chang-Gyu预计,整个业界的增长率大约为10%,低于今年预测的20%的增长幅度。新华社外电报道如下:Samsung Electronics Co, the world's second-largest semiconductor maker, said it expects global chip sales next year to grow at half of this year's pace on increased supply from new plants coming online. Semiconductor表示“半导体”,由semi-和conductor两部分组成。前缀semi-表示“一半”,例如:semi-colony(半殖民地);semi-tropical(亚热

带的)。Conductor表示“导体;导线”,例如:Metal is a good conductor of electricity.(金属是很好的导电体。)此外,conductor还有“领导者,经理,乐队指挥,公车售票员”等含义。


Market share: 市场份额

世界上最大的饮料生产商可口可乐公司目前的销售额呈明显下滑趋势。在纽约股票交易市场上,其股票跌幅5.8%,创16个月以来的最低记录。可口可乐公司承认其市场份额正在流向它的主要对手百事可乐。外电报道如下:Coca-Cola Co. amid signs that is it losing market share to arch rival Pepsi, on Wednesday warned that profit would lag Wall Street expectations for the rest of the year because of weakness in key markets and said there was no quick fix for its problems. Market share的意思是“市场份额,市场占有率”。和share搭配的词还有:sharebroker(股票经纪人);sharecapital(股份资本)。

Crude output: 原油生产

破坏力极强的飓风“伊万”在古巴西部肆虐后,又咆哮着进入了墨西哥海湾。由于飓风的威胁,墨西哥湾地区的一些石油公司停止了海上石油生产,导致全世界石油价格上涨。外电报道如下:Oil prices headed up toward $45 a barrel on Wednesday as Hurricane Ivan shut 60 percent of crude output in the Gulf of Mexico and at least five refiners along the U.S. coast planned to close as a precaution. Crude output的意思是“原油生产”。Crude的意思是“天然物质,处于未加工状态的物质,尤指原油”。例如:crude rubber(天然橡胶);crude salt(粗制盐);petroleum crude或crude oil (原油)。Crude还有“粗糙的、未加修饰的、简陋的”的意思。例如:a crude shelter in the forest(森林中简陋的栖身之处)。The painting was a crude forgery.(这幅画是一件拙劣的赝品)。

Log on: 进入系统

美国微软公司最近推出了一套键盘和鼠标,可利用“指纹读出装置”来识别用户,这样就使用户在使用个人电脑和上网时变得更加容易。外电报道如下:Microsoft Corp. unveiled a new array of keyboard and mice, with some featuring built-in fingerprint readers to make it easier for users to log on to personal computers and Web sites. Log on的意思是“进入系统”,等于log in. 例如:In order to log in to the system, you have to type in a special password.(为了进入该系统,必须键入特殊的通行密码)。Log off/out的意思则是“退出系统”。


cursor(光标);interface(界面);password(口令);Browser(浏览器)double click (双击);page setup(页面设置);CPU(Center Processor Unit)(中央处理单元)等。

Lag behind: 落在后面


排行榜”。上榜前10名分别是杭州、宁波、大连、上海、温州、北京、苏州、无锡、绍兴和深圳,而广州名列第14位。新华社报道如下:Which is the most vibrant business city in China? Forbes Magazine has for the first time answered the question by releasing a 2004 mainland's best business city ranking, and surprisingly Beijing and Shanghai lag behind in Forbes' list. Lag behind表示“落在后面”,例如:Let not a single classmate lag behind.(不要让一个同学掉队。)Lag一词含义丰富,名词lag 有“落后,迟延”的意思,还表示“犯人,前科犯,长期徒刑,流放期”。


Team up: 合作,协作

从8月31日开始,中国移动和民生银行联合宣布,在全国范围内正式推出“手机钱包业务”,民生银行卡用户可以申请将自己的银行账号与中国移动的手机号进行捆绑,从而实现手机支付功能。新华网报道如下:China Mobile has teamed up with Minsheng Banking Corporation to offer a mobile phone financial service. It alows users to pay phone fees through mobile phone, China Radio Internaitonal reported Wednesday. team up表示“(使)结成一队,合作,协作”,例如:The two companies have teamed up to develop a new racing car.(那两个公司已经合作研制新型赛车)。


Audience rating: 收视率

据报道,2004雅典奥运会仅靠出售电视转播权一项,就为国际奥委会带来了15亿美元的收益,几乎是1984年洛杉矶奥运会的5倍。外电报道如下:The National Broadcasting Company in the US purchased the television rights for 793 million US dollars, the highest price paid for an event of this kind. But the company still earned net profits of over 200 million US dollars due to high audience ratings and advertising revenues of around 1 billion US dollars. audience rating表示“收视率”,因为rating 除了“等级; 级别; 估价”等常见含义外,还表示“(电台、电视台调查后确定的)节目受欢迎的程度”。


Pull off: 努力实现

8月24日,本田汽车的执行总裁福井威夫亲自下场试车,对公司开发的新赛车292 千米的时速进行了测试。外电有这样的报道:On Tuesday, Takeo Fukui, president and chief executive of Japan's third-biggest car maker, pulled off a publicity stunt that had spectators applauding as he squeezed out of Honda's BARf-1 racing car

after doing laps around the test track. Pull off除了“脱掉(衣服等)”的意思外,还表示“努力实现,赢得”。例如:pull off a coup(做成一件漂亮事),pull off a scoop (抢先获得独家新闻)。

Play down: 对……不太重视

据报道,美国思科公司8月10日发布了最新的财务报告,由于企业客户对其网络设备的需求在不断增长,在于7月31日结束的第四财季中,思科的季度收益比上个季度上涨了41%,净利润为14亿美元。第三财季,曾有投资者对思科的库存大幅增长表示不安。但思科高层在5月份表示这不是什么大问题。外电有这样的报道:The firm's shares lost more than 5% during after-hours electronic trading in New York. But chief executive John Chambers played down the concerns over future prospects. "In the things we can control, I feel good," he said. Play down表示“对……不太重视;降低重要性;贬低”例如:The doctor played down the serious nature of the poor man's illness.(医生把这个可怜人的病情讲得轻些。)

Light crude: 轻原油

据报道,由于动荡中的伊拉克宣布暂停石油生产,美国市场上原油价格继续攀升。分析家认为,原油供应已经相当紧俏,任何小小的停顿都意味着会出现供不应求的局面。外电有这样的报道:US light crude rose to $44.99 in Asian trading. Prices have climbed for the past eight days to 21-year highs. Light crude表示“轻原油、石蜡基原油”。一般来说,轻原油大多具有高度挥发性、燃点低、一旦泄漏不会长时间残留在海面上,而且比较容易清除。相反,heavy crude oil(重原油)及heavy fuel oil(重燃油)含有很多非挥发性物质,燃点黏度均高,泄漏后可能会长时间残留在海面上,进而造成大范围的海岸污染,清除费用高昂。

Export subsidy: 出口补贴

据报道,WTO最近发现欧盟对食糖生产者的津贴违反了全球贸易条例,从而招致了巴西、泰国和澳大利亚等国的不满。外电有这样的报道:A preliminary ruling by the Geneva-based trade body found that the EU has violated limits on export subsidies, which developing countries say undercut their producers' prices, said Brazilian foreign minister Celso Amorim. export subsidy的意思是“出口补贴”,指一国政府为了降低出口商品的价格,加强其在国际市场上的竞争能力,对出口的商品给予出口商直接或间接的补贴。

Floor trader: 场内交易人

8月2日,纽约证券交易所(NYSE)宣布计划打破它在电子化交易方面的限制,大力发展网上定单,这标志着NYSE 改变了两个世纪以来传统的公开报价体制(open-outcry auction system)的绝对统治地位。外电有这样的报道:The proposal would create a "unique hybrid market" that maintains the traditional system of floor traders, but would also increase the use of the exchange's swifter electronic trading platform, called "NYSE Direct+." Floor trader的意思是“场内交易人、自营交易商”,指在交易所场内主要为自己或自己占有份额的帐户进行交易的交易所成员,也叫做floor dealer或registered trader。

A package of proposals: 一揽子建议

7月31日,WTO的147个成员国在日内瓦召开会议,就新的全球贸易条约中的削减补贴和进口关税等问题达成一致意见。尽管在关键的农业领域,穷国和富国、出口国和进口国之间分歧较大,但经过艰难的谈判一揽子建议即将达成。外电有这样的报道:Following an all-night negotiating marathon, key countries agreed on a package of proposals for future reform of global farm trade. A package of proposals 的意思是“一揽子建议”,也可以说成package proposal,相关的短语还有package deal(一揽子交易),package investment(一揽子投资)等。

Charge card: 记帐卡,签帐卡

7月26日,美国万国宝通银行公布了其第二季度的收益情况。由于面向消费者和企业的信用卡和签帐卡用户数量上升,该行第二季度的利润增加了15%。外电是这样报道的:American Express Co. on Monday posted a 15 percent rise in second-quarter profit, thanks to a pickup in the use of credit cards and charge cards by consumers and businesses. charge card表示“(可赊购货物的)记帐卡,签帐卡”,它和credit card的区别在于:credit card通常都有信用额度,使用信用卡消费时可以不必存款,银行会先行替你付款,并给你一段时间来还账;而charge card 需要每个月将所欠的款项付清,灵活性远低于信用卡。

Operating margin: 营运利润率

7月22日,亚马逊公布了其2004年第二季度的收益状况。尽管公司的季度收益低于华尔街专业人士的预测值,但这个网上最大的零售商仍坚称要继续实行免费送货的激励机制,消息传出后公司股票在几小时内狂跌。外电有这样的报道:The company's forecasts for the third quarter were weaker than analysts expected. "The outlook for the near term, in the September quarter, implies a fairly significant drop in operating margins," Mark Mahaney, an analyst with American Technology Research said. operating margin的意思是“营运利润率”,指公司扣除非现金支出因素前的利润率。计算方法是用利息、税项、折旧、摊销前收益除以收入,然后乘以百分之百。该比率是衡量企业运营效率的指标。

Hedge-fund: 对冲基金

最近美元走势一直不好,而金融大鳄索罗斯更是往美元的伤口上撒了把盐,说美元与欧元、加拿大元、澳元、新西兰元和黄金的比价将贬值。外电报道:George Soros, the hedge-fund manager who earned his place in trading history by betting successfully against the British pound in 1992, disclosed that the dollar would decline in value "against the euro, against the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar and gold." 文中的hedge-fund就是对冲基金的意思。对冲基金起源于50年代的美国。经过几十年的演变,己成为一种新的投资模式的代名词。即基于最新的投资理论和极其复杂的金融市场操作技巧,充分利用各种金融衍生产品的杠杆效用,承担高风险。追求高收益的投资模式。当年索罗斯就是利用对冲基金掀起了亚洲金融风暴。

Initial public offering: 公开募股


可能会在其首次公开募股(IPO)的最新文件中透露其对竞标者出价的期望值。外电是这样报道的:Google is expected to give an indication of how much it expects bidders to pay for its shares in an updated initial public offering filing as soon as this week, according to potential investors. initial public offering (IPO)的意思是“公开募股”。据悉,Google的IPO预计要募集27亿美元,其首次公开募股交易的发行价和股票的分配将通过拍卖方式确定。

Shortfall: 不足、差额、赤字

7月15日,IT业巨头IBM公司公布了2004年第二季度的收益情况,报告显示,由于硬件设备销售状况良好,IBM实现了季度收益的第六次持续增长。外电有这样的报道:IBM on Thursday reported its sixth consecutive quarterly rise in profit, as strength in computer hardware and services largely shielded it from the shortfalls that hit other technology companies. Shortfall表示“不足、差额、赤字”的意思,例如:There will be a shortfall in the wheat supplies this year.(今年的小麦供应将不足。)短语trade shortfall表示“贸易赤字”。

Anti-trust: 反托拉斯

7月14日,在就微软利用其影响力签署特权合同一事进行了调查之后,日本公平贸易委员会(FTC)正式对软件业巨头微软提出不得违反反垄断法的警告。外电有这样的报道:Software giant Microsoft Corp. received a warning from Japan's anti-trust regulators about unfair business practices on Tuesday, but the decision did not carry the heavy fines the U.S. firm was given in Europe. trust作为可数名词时,可以解释为“托拉斯”,即企业间为减少竞争和操纵价格而成立的组合,anti-是一个表示"反对"意义的前缀,因此上文中anti-trust的意思就是“反垄断、反托拉斯”,例如:A tying arrangement violates antitrust laws.(搭配销售安排违反了反垄断法律。)

Full swing: 达到活动的高潮

由于油价上涨,上周美国股市持续走低,而周五闭市时出现了小幅上升,这主要是因为通用电气的盈利好于预期,使得买客纷纷返回市场,但其他数家公司发出盈利预警,导致大市升势受到抑制。外电中有这样的报道:Quarterly results from widely watched companies such as Intel Corp. and Johnson & Johnson will get the earnings season into full swing over the coming days. 其中full swing表示“全力进行中,达到活动的高潮”。例如:The city's free market is in full swing.(这个城市的自由市场十分兴旺。)

Claw back: 夺回,费力收回

英国连锁超级市场圣斯伯里公司(J Sainsbury)的股票重跌5.7%,这主要是由于稍早时候公司宣布2004至05年的税前盈利将低于市场预期,而且董事会主席彼特·戴维斯(Peter Davis) 被迫辞职。由于股东对彼特·戴维斯的奖金方案和继任人选不满,该公司于7月8日宣布收回给予戴维斯的奖金。外电中有这样的报道:The company said the decision to claw back every penny of the bonus was made when the board realized the true scale of Sainsbury's problems. 其中claw back表示to get back with great difficulty or effort,即“夺回,费力收回”,例如:Through

aggressive advertising the company managed to claw back its share of the market.(公司通过大作广告,成功地夺回了它的部分市场。)

Balance sheet: 资产负债表

7月8日,因涉嫌公司财务丑闻被起诉的安然前首席执行官肯尼斯·莱在法庭上坚称自己无罪,并表示前首席财务官安德鲁·法斯托才是真正应该受到谴责的人。他表示: At our core, regrettably, we had a chief financial officer and a few other people who, in fact, mismanaged the company's balance sheet and finances and enriched themselves in a way that once we got into a stressful environment in the marketplace, the company collapsed. Balance sheet是会计学术语“资产负债表”,是反映公司在一定日期全部资产、负债和所有者权益信息的会计报表。它表明公司在某一特定日期所拥有的经济资源、所承担的经济义务和公司所有者对净资产的要求权。

Sweet spot: 最佳位置,最佳时机

经济问题是美国总统大选中的重要因素。7月6日,美联社发表一篇报道分析说,美国经济将要进入显著增长的一年。美联社原引芝加哥某银行首席经济学家的话说:We are moving into a sweet spot for the economy with interest rates not too high, jobs coming back and business investment providing strength. sweet spot的原意是指高尔夫球中的“最有效击球点”,在上文中sweet spot引申为“最佳位置,最佳时机”的意思。

Inventory: 货存、库存量

尽管美国原油库存增加,油价下跌,石油输出国组织(OPEC)仍将如期执行从8月份开始每日增产50万桶原油的计划。外电中有这样的报道:OPEC needs to stick to its pledge to raise daily crude oil output by half a million barrels on Aug. 1, even though U.S. oil prices are lower and inventories are higher. Inventory除了“详细目录、财产清单”的意思外,还表示“存货、库存量”。例如下面这句关于清仓处理的广告语:We are liquidating some inventory and offering 10% off our regular prices for the following parts.(我们正在清理一些存货,对于以下的零件提供低于平常价格10%的折扣。)

Mutual fund: 共同基金

美国第六大银行美一银行(Bank One) 的共同基金子公司被指控在进行择时交易业务时有不法行为。6月29日,美一银行为解决此事同意支付9,000万美元,与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)和纽约州司法部长斯皮策(Eliot Spitzer)达成和解。受指控的共同基金子公司One Group Funds前总裁Mark Beeson被处以10万美元罚款,并且2年内禁止他在基金行业就职。外电中有这样的报道:Bank One Corp. agreed Tuesday on the eve of its final day as an independent company to settle regulators' allegations that it allowed a hedge fund to make improper mutual fund trades. 其中mutual fund 就是“共同基金”的意思。Mutual意为joint(联合),fund 有holding(控制)之意,即把许多人的钱集中起来进行专业化投资的运作。共同基金其实就是一类投资公司。

Loan guarantee: 借款保函

6月28日,美国政府拒绝了美国联合航空公司的第三次(也是最后一次)对借款保函的申请,迫使这个全球第二大航空公司凭自身的力量获取资金,摆脱破产困境。外电是这样报道的:The U.S. government on Monday rejected United Airlines' third and final bid for a loan guarantee, forcing the carrier to move forward with its efforts to secure financing on its own to exit bankruptcy. 其中loan guarantee表示“借款保函”,指应借款人要求,向贷款行或贷款人所出具的对借款偿还的保证。据悉,早在2002年底,美国联合航空公司已正式向联邦破产法庭提出破产保护申请,紧随安然、世通入围美国历史上规模最大的十大破产案。

Class action: 集体诉讼

近日,世界最大的零售商沃尔玛公司的性别歧视案被确定为集体诉讼。这起集体诉讼的原告方为沃尔玛自1998年以来的所有女性员工,总人数达到160万。这是美国历史上涉案人数最多的一起集体诉讼案。外电的报道这样说:A federal judge in the United States ruled that a sex discrimination case against Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, can be pursued as a class action lawsuit. The suit could involve 1.6 million American women. class action是个法律名词,就是“集体诉讼”的意思。原告方面认定,历年来沃尔玛在薪资和升迁两个方面歧视女性,消息传出后,沃尔玛股价大跌。

Antidumping: 反倾销

近日,美国商务部公布了对中国出口美国的木制卧室家具初步裁定的结果,认定中国木制卧室家具在美国市场以低于公平价格进行销售,反倾销关税在 4.9%到198.08%之间。外电中有这样的报道:The wooden furniture ruling is one of 17 U.S. antidumping orders placed on Chinese products, and the largest of the 26 cases initiated by the Commerce Department. antidumping就是“反倾销”的意思。据美方统计,中国木制卧室家具对美出口额从1999年的1.7亿美元猛增至2003年的12亿美元,这是迄今为止美国对中国的100多起反倾销案中涉案金额最大的。

Accounting fraud: 财务欺诈

近日来,美国的公司丑闻被炒的沸沸扬扬。美国第二大长途电话公司Worldcom 在过去的5个季度中虚报38亿美元利润,成为美国历史上最大的公司财务欺诈案。外电原文是这样说的:WorldCom Inc may have taken a giant leap toward bankruptcy in disclosing what appears to be one of the largest cases of accounting fraud ever - nearly $3.8 billion in disguised expenses. Accounting fraud 在这里指财务欺诈,实际上就是作假帐。

Confetti: 五彩纸屑

6月16日,NBA本赛季盟主产生。底特律活塞队主场以100-87掀翻洛杉矶湖人队,自1990年之后再圆总冠军之梦。外电有这样的报道:As the final buzzer sounded and confetti began dropping, Pistons coach Larry Brown received an affectionate handshake and smile at midcourt from Lakers coach Phil Jackson and a hug from Kobe Bryant. 句中的confetti是“(婚礼、狂欢节中抛撒的)五彩纸屑”的意思。如:When they came out of the church, the bride and groom were showered
