
2023—2024学年第二学期三市联合期末检测高二英语参考答案选择题答案第一部分 听力1.B2.A3.C4.A5.C6.C7.A8.B9.A10.A11.C12.B13.B14.B15.A16.B17.A18.A19.C20.C第二部分 阅读理解第一节21.A22.D23.B24.D25.B26.B27.C28.C29.B30.A31.B32.D33.D34.B35.C第二节36.F37.A38.C39.B40.G第三部分 语言知识运用第一节41.D42.A43.D44.A45.C46.B47.D48.A49.B50.B51.C52.D53.A54.C55.B非选择题答案第三部分 语言知识运用第二节56.Situated57.tourists58.an59.appealing60.eighth61.especially62.hasworked/hasbeenworking63.whom64.to65.todevelop第四部分 写作第一节DearJack, KnowingyouarefondofChineseculturalrelics,IamwritingtoinviteyoutopayavisittoanewexhibitioninourcitymuseumdisplayingthepillowrelicsofChinesedynasties. Theexhibitionshowsavarietyofpillowrelicswithuniquedesignsandculturalsignificance,fromwhichwecanlearnaboutthehistoryandcultureofdifferenteras.Howaboutmeetingattheschoolgateat9amnextSundayandgoingtherebybusifyouareavailable? Lookingforwardtoyourearlyreply.Yours,LiHua第二节 续写Mrs.Leonard,thepretty,fragrantteacherIadored,saidsoftly,“Iwishyouweremylittlegirl.”IwascompletelyastonishedbywhatIheard.Tearswelledupinmyeyesandtrickleddownmycheeks.Icouldn tbelievethatsomeoneaswonderfulasMrs.Leonardwouldactuallysaythattome.Shedidn ttreatmeasifIweredifferent,andwithherwords,shemademeforgetwhoIwas.Inthatmoment,allmyinsecuritiesandfearsdisappeared,replacedbyafeelingofbeingtrulylovedandaccepted.Fromthatdayon,Ihadanewfoundconfidence.Iwalkedtallandproud,withmyheadheldhigh.Inolongerfeltlikeanoutcastbecauseofmycleftpalate.Mrs.Leonard skindwordshadaprofoundimpactonme,andImadeapromisetomyselftoneverletanyone sjudgmentholdmebackagain.Istartedtoembracemydifferencesandrealizedthattheymademeunique.AndIwillalwaysbegratefultoMrs.Leonardforgivingmethestrengthtodoso. 页(共8页)高二英语参考答案 第1录音原文Text1M:I dliketobuythesefourgreetingcards.Aretheytenyuaneach?W:Threeofthemare.Thesmalleronecostsonlyhalfthepriceofthebigones.Text2M:Studyingliteratureistoodifficultforme.IfIcan tstartdoingbettersoon,Ihavetodropthecourse.W:Whydon tyougetsomehelpfromourgraduateassistant?That swhathe stherefor.Text3W:Isupposeyou veboughtNewYear sgifts.M:Well,Iboughtashirtformyfatherandtwobooksformysister.ButIhaven tdecidedwhattobuyformymother,probablysomejewels.Text4W:Hey,George,areyouinterestedingoingtoacarshow?M:Yeah,Ilikeit.Whenisit?W:ItopensfromFridaytoSundaythisweek.M:I mbusyontheweekend.Soitseemsthatwehavenootherchoice.Text5M:What sthat?Itlookslikearobot.W:It sanalarmclock.It sgotabuilt invoicerecognitionsystem.M:Whatdoesitdo,then?W:Itpicksuphumanvoices.Listen,I llshowyouhowitworks.Text6W:Hey,youhavethreeclocksinyourbedroom.M:Yeah,IwanttomakesureIcanwakeupinthemorning.W:Butistheresomethingwrongwithyourclocks?Noneofthemhasthesametime.M:Idoitonpurpose.Isetthisclockaheadtenminutes,andthisonebacktenminutes,andIalwayssetthatonetotherighttime.W:Whydoyoudothat?Itsoundsstrange.M:Yousee.Idon twakeupeasilyandcansleepthroughthenoise.Text7W:Doyouwearaseatbelteverytimeyoudriveorrideinacar?M:DoIhaveto?I madriverwith3yearsofdrivingexperience.W:Thechancesofbeinginjuredinacaraccidentthisyearare1in75.Ithinkyouneedtotakethisseriously.M:Haveyoueverbeeninvolvedinanautomobileaccidentbefore?W:Once.Mycarwentofftheroadonarainynight.Fortunately,Iwaswearingmyseatbeltandonlygotaslightinjury.M:Sorrytohearthat.W:Mybrotherwasnotasluckyasme.LastDecemberhewasalmostkilledinanaccident.Hewasn twearingaseatbelt.M:That sterrible.Iwilllearnyourlesson.Text8W:Simon,doyoustillcollectmenusinyoursparetime?M:Oh,yes.AndI vejustgotaspecialScottishmenufromMexicoCity.W:OK.Whataboutthisone?M:It sabeautifuldesign,isn tit?Well,IboughtitbackfromarestaurantwhichoffersIndiandishes.Infact,it smyfavoriterestaurant.W:Inoticeyouhavemenusfromplacesyouhaven tactuallybeento.Wheredidyougetthem? 页(共8页)高二英语参考答案 第2M:ForyearsI vebeengoingtoshopsthatsellcollectors things.That swhereIgotmostofthem.It smuchmorefunthanlookingforadsinmagazinesorvisitingwebsites.W:Oh,right.Arecollectors thingstradedontheInternet?M:Surely.Andtheycanbeprettyvaluable.I vegotsomefromfamoussingers.Buttheywouldsellforalotlessthanthisonehere.ThismenuisfromaHollywoodrestaurantonsalewithapriceof$4,400.W:Itsoundsridiculousformetopaythathugeamountofmoneyforamenu.Text9W:Iwanttotalkaboutmyfuturework.I mgoingtograduatesoonandI mnotsurewhattodo.M:OK,letmeaskyouafewquestions.First,tellmeaboutyourworkpreference.Doyoulikeworkingwithpeople?Ordoyouprefertoworkalone?W:Iamasocialperson.IthinkI mreallygoodwithpeopleandIlikehelpingothers.Also,I morganizedbutnotcompetitive.M:OK,wouldyousayyouareartisticorpractical?W:Hmmm,IguessImaybemorepractical.M:Andyourinterest?W:Well,Ienjoydoingvolunteerwork.IvolunteerataPlayGroupforchildrenonSaturdays.M:Soyoulikechildren,too.I mstartingtogetthepicture.Well,itseemstomethatyoulikeaworkenvironmentthatinvolvesworkingwithpeople,especiallychildren.Personally,I dadviseyoutoconsiderteachingormaybesocialwork.W:Iamkindofthinkingaboutteaching,actually.M:Thenyoushouldcheckoutourjobdatabanktogetmoreinformation.W:OK.Thanks.Text10 Welcometoourprogram!TodayI dliketointroduceGrandpaNice,whoserealnameisMichaelRosen.IfyouuseWeChat,you llbefamiliarwithanoldmansmilingandsaying“Nice”.ThatisMichaelRosen.Infact,heisafamouschildren swriter. Influencedbyhisfamily,Rosenwasinterestedinliteratureatayoungage.In1968,whenhewasastudent,hestartedhiscareerasawriterofaplay,Backbone.Healsowrotepoetryandjournalismduringhistimeatuniversity. From1969to1972,heworkedatBBC,writingforchildren sprogrammes.Thenhepublishedhisfirstbookofpoetry,MindYourOwnBusiness,in1974.Thisbookwasnotoriginallywrittenforchildren,butappearedonGermanchildren sbooklist.Fromthatpointon,hiscareerwasset. Rosenhaswrittenmorethan200booksforchildrenandadults.Hehasbeenawardedthe2023PENPinterPrize.Thejudgessaidhealwayshastheabilitytodescribethemostseriousmattersoflifeinaspiritofjoy,humorandhope.第二部分 阅读理解第一节A本文是一篇应用文。

1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What will the man do?A. Drink coffee.B. Add some water.C. Wash cups.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】When will the man finish studying?A. At 1:00 a. m.B. At 9:00 p. m.C. At 11:00 p. m.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What will the woman probably do next?A. Go to check on her mother.B. Send her mother to hospital.C. Answer her mother’ s phone.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Co-workers.B. Husband and wife.C. Sales clerk and customer.5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What food has been sold out?A. Chips.B. Nuts.C. Chocolate.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。

山东省潍坊市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试中职英语试题第一部分:选择题1.The new technology has greatly improved the efficiency of our work,_______us more time to relax.A.leavingB.leftC.to leaveD.leave2.By the time he finished his homework,the last bus_______ already.A.had leftB.leftC.has leftD.would leave3.He pretended_______his book when the teacher came in.A.to readB.readingC.readD.having read4.Not only_______interested in the book,but also he found it very useful.A.was heB.he wasC.is heD.he is5.The book is well worth_______a second time.A.readingB.to readC.being readD.read6.It is the first time that I_______the Great Wall.A.visitB.have visitedC.visitedD.am visiting7.The book is_______easy that even a child can understand it.A.soB.suchC.tooD.very8.The doctor advised him_______more water and take some medicine.A.to drinkB.drinkingC.drinkD.drank9.The reason_______he was late was that he got stuck in a traffic jam.A.whyB.for whichC.thatD.because10.Although he is very busy,he still_______some time to do sports every day.A.sets asideB.puts awayC.takes awayD.gives up11.The novel,which was written by a young author,_______ millions of readers worldwide.A.attractsB.attractedC.has attractedD.will attract12.She is so kind that she always_______her seat to those in need on the bus.A.offersB.offeredC.is offeringD.has offered13.If it_______tomorrow,we would cancel the outdoor activity.A.rainsB.will rainC.is rainingD.rained14.The teacher asked the students to stop_______and listen to her carefully.A.to talkB.talkingC.talkD.talked15.He has been studying English for five years and now he can speak it_______a native speaker.A.likeB.asC.like aD.as a16.The bookstore is closed now.You_______have come earlier.A.shouldB.mightC.couldD.would17.It was not until he failed the exam_______he realized the importance of studying hard.A.whenB.thatC.beforeD.after18.He is always the first one_______to school every morning.A.to arriveB.arrivingC.arrivedD.arrive19.The Internet has made it possible for people_______with each other easily all over the world.municatemunicatingC.to communicatemunicated20.I don't know if he_______here tomorrow.If he_______,I'll tell him about it.es;comesB.will come;comeses;will comeD.will come;will come第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
江西省南昌市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试 英语含答案

1.What color is the sofa?A.White.B.Brown.C.Blue.2.What will the man do?A.Lock the doors.B.Repair the speakers.rm the customers.3.What are the speakers mainly discussing?A.The woman’s garden.B.The woman’s cooking.C.Their grandma’s health.4.Who is Nicole?A.The man’s daughter.B.The man’s sister.C.The man’s niece.5.What happened to the man?A.He lost an English report.B.He broke his USB memory.C.He sent a file to a wrong person.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What job would Millie prefer?A.To create soaps.B.To do beauty treatments.C.To do research on science.7.What is more important to Millie?A.A high salary.B.A high social status.C.Job satisfaction.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。

山东省滨州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题一、听力选择题1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a drugstore.B.In the doctor’s office.C.At a grocery store. 2.What does the woman decide to do this weekend?A.Read a book.B.Have a haircut.C.Listen to music. 3.What does the woman want to do?A.Change money.B.Save money.C.Borrow money. 4.What does the woman think of Mike?A.He’s lucky.B.He’s wise.C.He’s hardworking. 5.How many students are there in the girl’s class?A.24.B.36.C.48.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.Where did the man put his phone?A.In the bedroom.B.In the bathroom.C.In the study.7.What will the speakers do next?A.Call a number.B.Make a meal.C.Do some cleaning.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.Why does the woman feel upset?A.She was taken in online.B.Her credit card was lost.C.Her health was declining. 9.What does Jamie mean in the end?A.The woman should go to school.B.The woman should learn a lesson.C.The woman should send emails again.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

高二下学期英语期末考试试题(附答案)一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)(共4题;共30分)1.阅读理解On 29 May last year, I was doing my swim training for a half Ironman race in the bay near my home.I was finishing my first loop (圈) when I felt jaws coming around my body and a sharp pain. The water was dark, so I couldn't see anything. It just came out of nowhere and then it was gone in a flash. I knew it was something really big and assumed it was a shark. I panicked, but knew I needed to get out of the water. I was kicking wildly in case it came back. There was a lifeguard boat close by, so I waved my arms in the air and screamed for help. It got to me within 20 seconds. At that point I didn't feel anything; adrenaline (肾上腺素) had taken over. The lifeguards held me under the arms and pulled me up out of the water. Then the pain kicked in and it was pretty hard to bear. Some muscle had been bitten off my right arm. I felt a lot of warm, gushing blood.My chest felt heavy, as if someone had put their foot on it, and I was having trouble breathing. It was extremely painful. When I got to the hospital, I told the nurses to put me to sleep because of the pain. I just wanted them to fix me.I woke up after surgery four hours later. My doctor was amazed when I managed to move my fingers: the bite just missed a major nerve. My right lung had been damaged; I had several broken bones and a nerve in my leg was cut, so I have reduced feeling at the top of my leg. The shark also bit through my upper back muscle.Local experts determined that the shark was probably 9-10 feet long. It was young, about seven years old. It just attacked me, left and didn't come back because it figured I wasn't food.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将选定答案的字母标号填在题前括号内。

1.How much should the man pay if he buys two pens?A.$ 12.B.$ 14.C.$ 10.2.Where is the man’s brother now ?A.In London .B.In New York .C. In Sydney3.What did Grace think about the town ?A.She liked it in the winter .B.She liked it all year round.C.She liked it most of the time.4.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers ?A.Doctor and patient.B.Husband and wifeiC.Mother and son.5.How will the women go downtown?A.By t bus.B.By car.C.By taxi第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What’s the conversation about?A.The man’s story.B.The man’s daughter .C. A flim star .7. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers ?A.Friends .B.Husband and wife.C.Teacher and student.8.What does the woman tell the man to do ?A.Talk to his daughter .B.Not to push his daughter.C.Tell his daughter to study hard. 听第下面一段段对话,回答第9~11三个小题。

湛江市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末调研测试英语试卷(满分:150 分;考试时间:120 分钟)班级姓名座号第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
例:How much is the shirtA. 19.15.B. 9.18.C. 9.15. 答案是C。
1. When did Jim wish the speakers to be at his houseA. Before six o’clock.B. After five o’clock.C. Any time before five thirty.2. Why does the woman call the manA. To know more information about the house.B. To make an appointment with the man.C. To ask the man for more advice.3. What does the woman meanA. She do esn’t understand the question.B. She will not go to watch the match.C. She will not lend him the money.4. What will the man doA. Wear the shirt.B. Find a chance to buy a shirt.C. Change the shirt for a new one.5. Who will leave for Hong KongA. The woman.B. Bob.C. Tom.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. What does the woman think of her vacationA. Exciting.B. Tiring.C. Disappointing.2. What are the speakers talking aboutA. A concert.B. A restaurant.C. A photo show.3. How will the speakers go to the zooA. By bike.B. By bus.C. By taxi.4. When does the cooking lesson startA. At 2:30.B. At 3:30C. At 4:00.5. What does the man ask Kate to doA. Do her homework.B. Help her sister.C. Turn down the TV.第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)听下面几段材料,每段材料后有几个小题。
从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6. What is Richard's favorite subjectA. Biology.B. Math.C. Literature.7. Where does Alexandra's mother workA. In Leeds.B. In London C、In New York.8. Why does Alexandra visit the womanA. To send Richard's bag.B. To have some pasta.C. To meet Richard. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至11三个小题。

What are the two speakers probably going to do?
A. Invite some friends to dinner.
B. Listen to the weather report.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
M: How about horror movies?
W: No. I know they’re not real so there is nothing to be afraid of. How about you?
M: I get scared pretty easily. I’m actually frightened of bees.
How will the woman get to London?
A. By car.B. By train.C. By plane.
【原文】M: I hear you are going to drive to London this weekend.
W: Oh, I have changed my mind.
W: Where do you often have lunch now?
M: In a restaurant near the company.

AAre you looking for destinations of your summer trips? Let’s check it out!SingaporeSingapore is an energetic multicultural city-state in Southeast Asia. It offers a unique mix of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western cultures. The city has an impressive skyline and is a center for business, shopping, and dining. Visitors can explore the busy markets of Chinatown, Little India, and Arab Street, as well as the Gardens by the Bay and the Marina Bay Sands.IstanbulIstanbul is a city where two continents meet, Europe and Asia. It is a cultural melting pot with influences from Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman empires. The city features amazing architecture, such as the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque, and a rich cooking scene with traditional Turkish delights. Visitors can also take a boat ride across the Bosphorus Strait to explore the Asian side of the city.Hong KongHong Kong is a busy international city in China that combines Eastern and Western cultures. The city is famous for its skyscrapers, street markets, and delicious snacks. Visitors can explore the city's historic streets in Central, take a cable car(缆车) up to Victoria Peak for fascinating views, or visit the giant Buddha statue on Lantau Island.TorontoToronto is Canada’s largest city and is known for its multiculturalism and diversity. The city is home to over 140 languages, and over half of its population was born outside of Canada. Toronto’s cultural scene reflects this diversity, with numerous festivals celebrating different cultures, such as Caribana, the Toronto International Film Festival, and the Taste of the Danforth Greek festivalClick here for more information about the attractive destinations in the world!1.Where can tourists experience a mix of ancient European and Asian cultures?A.Toronto.B.Hong Kong C.Istanbul.D.Singapore.2.What is special about Toronto?A.It covers the largest area of the four.B.The native people are in the majority.C.I towns a range of street markets.D.It offers chances to experience festivals.3.What do the four destinations have in common?A.Cultural diversity.B.Unique architecture.C.Convenient transport.D.Distinctive languages.BA woman in a cap wanders calmly along. Except for the lava (熔岩) erupting behind her, she could be walking in the park. The woman turns to watch the molten rock flow for a moment then walks calmly toward the camera. The footage(镜头) is from Werner Herzog’s book to volcanoes and volcano hunters, Into the Inferno, and the woman pictured is perhaps one of the most important volcanologists of all time, Katia Krafft.Born in France, in 1942, Katia developed an interest in volcanoes at an early age. Later, she met Maurice Krafft. The pair bonded over their shared love of volcanoes before marrying in 1970. The Kraffts wrote about 20 books on volcanoes across the globe.Katia and her husband made great progress in educating the general public in volcanology. Their footage had more than scientific value. For instance, when Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines began to show signs of an eruption in 1991, the Kraffts were able to present Philippine President Cory Aquino with video footage of the effects of the 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia, asking him to call for an evacuation of those in the danger zone.In 1969, Katia was awarded the prize of the Vocation Foundation for her work on active volcanic sites.The couple lost their lives, along with more than 40 others during the eruption of Mount Unzen in Japan onJune 3.1991. when they were caught in a flow of rock, gas and ash moving at speeds of over 100 miles per hour, with temperatures of more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Katia was 49; Maurice, 45.Katia’s impact on volcanology has reached far beyond her death and has encouraged many young women to study our restless planet. “Katia Krafft is definitely the reason why I’m doing this job,” says Carla Tiraboschi, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minster, Germany. Carla first saw Katia in a documentary when she was just six or seven years old and has been crazy about volcanoes ever since.4.What can we infer from the book Into the Inferno?A.Its author is Katia Krafft.B.It’s a biography of Katia Krafft.C.It calls on protecting the environment.D.It focuses on volcanoes and their explorers.5.What do we know about the couple?A.They prevented a natural disaster.B.They served as a warning in Japan.C.They helped spread volcano science.D.They covered Mount Pinatubo’s eruption.6.Which can replace the underlined word “evacuation” in paragraph 3?A.Substance.B.Departure.C.Occupation.D.Intervention.7.How did Katia influence Carla Tiraboschi?A.Katia’s death made her restless.B.Katia helped her with her research.C.Katia taught her to make a documentary.D.Katia’s deeds inspired her career choice.CIn ancient Maya civilization, cacao — which chocolate is made from — wasn’t just for the elites (精英). Traces of the sacred plant show up in antiques from all types of neighborhoods and in and around a former Maya city, researchers report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The finding suggests that, contrary to previous thinking, cacao was consumed at every social level of Maya society.“Now we know that the ceremonies with cacao were likely played out by everyone,” says AnabelFord, an archaeologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Cacao was sacred to the ancient Maya, consumed in ceremonies and used as a currency. The cacao tree itself was linked to Hun Hunahpu, a Mayan god. Previous research found cacao in burials (墓地), suggesting that its use was restricted to those at the top.To explore the extent to which cacao was used in broader Maya society, Ford and colleagues examined 54 antiques dating from A.D.600 to 900. The antiques come from jars, mixing bowls, serving plates and vases thought to be drinking vessels. All the pieces were found in residential and ceremonial civic areas of varying size and status from city centers, foothills, upland areas and the valley around the former Maya city of El Pilar, on the present-day border of Guatemala and Belize.To identify cacao, the researchers searched for theophylline, a compound found in trace amounts in the plant. The team found the compound on more than half of the samples, on all types of antiques and distributed throughout social contexts.Future research will move beyond who consumed cacao and explore the role of farmers in managing the critical resource. “A better question is to understand who grew it,” Ford says, because those people probably had greater access to the valuable commodity.8.What do traces of cacao found in Mayan antiques indicate?A.Cacao was once unique to Maya society.B.Cacao was only available to wealthy Mayan people.C.Cacao was accessible to Mayan ordinary people.D.Cacao left more traces in the Mayan city center.9.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A.There is no need to do further research on cacao.B.Mayan people liked eating chocolate very much.C.Mayan festivals were the same as those of the modern times.D.There were some limitations in previous research about cacao.10.Why did Ford and his colleagues examine 54 antiques?A.To make copies of Mayan antiques.B.To learn about the Mayan eating habits.C.To find out cacao’s relationship with the religion.D.To know about Mayan social groups of cacao use.11.Which of the following will be the focus of the research about cacao?A.The varieties of cacao.B.Ways cacao was spread out.C.Cacao tree growers.D.The cacao’s value.DElectric vehicles (EVs) now are not practical for long-distance travel due to the need for repeated or lengthystops at charging stations. But what if they could — like planes being refueled in the air from another aircraft — get a charge-on-the-go?The idea sounds impossible, but there are already technologies in use that would help charge specialized vehicles. With rural electric charging stations almost non-existent, Swarup Bhunia and engineers at the University of Florida, Gainesville, are suggesting that “car-to-car charging” and “mobile charging stations” could likely solve this problem faster than the sudden increase of charging points or battery advancements.Along with mobile charging stations idea, Bhunia believes that if more and more people buy electric cars, it would be super-efficient if all cars on road could share charge with one another. What Bhunia and his team are describing is a cloud system that examines all of the EV drivers on the road, where they are going, and how much charge each vehicle has. The cloud then determines, for example, that EV-A has an 89% battery charge, but requires only 4% to reach its destination, while EV-B has a 22% battery charge, yet requires 31% to reach its destination. If the two EVs are going in the same direction, the system would instruct them to carry out the charge transfer. The system would then link the provider with the receiver, and a credit system would ensure that everyone is paying for the charge they use.Inside the given traffic network, every vehicled charge could be examined against each vehicle’s demand, and “mobile charging stations,’’ which would be large automated trucks with onboard charging equipment to fill in the demand gaps.“We imagine a safe and firm telescopic arm (伸缩臂) carrying the charging cable,’’ said Bhunia, describing how to get one charge into another car while running down the freeway, much like to aircraft during mid-air refueling. After two EVs lock speed and are in range for charge sharing, they will extend their charging arms. 12.To realize long-distance travel for EVs faster, Bhunia agrees with .A.stops at charging stations B.mobile charging stations.C.increase of charging points D.battery advancements13.According to the text, the cloud system can .A.determine where EVs are going and how EVs will be chargedB.figure out how much charge a car need to reach its destinationC.work out the problems drivers meet when a charge transfer occursD.guarantee that all the drivers are paying for the charge they get14.What are mobile charging stations?A.Power plants for the charge transfer.B.Charging equipment to fill in the charge gaps.C.Vehicles providing charge for other cars.D.Trucks getting charges from other vehicles.15.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Can we charge EVs with car-to-car mobile charging?B.Can charging points be a possible way to charge EVs?C.How does a cloud system make charging EVs easier?D.How do we charge EVs with mobile charging stations?第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
广东省东莞市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试 英语试题(含解析)

1. Where does Tom come from?A. Australia.B. Canada.C. New Zealand.2. Who will Tom go to the beach and camp with?A. His families.B. His friends.C. His pets.听第2段对话,回答第3~5题。
3. What kind of movie does Jane prefer?A. Comedies.B. Romantic movies.C. Science fiction movies.4. Which movie does Jack recommend?A. A rival.B. Dune: Part Two.C. Beyond the Stars.5. When did the recommended movie hit the theater?A. On March 8th.B. On March 6th.C. On May 8th.第二节听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)听下面一段独白。
Artificial Intelligence第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分37. 5分)第一节(共10小题:每小题2. 5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

高二下学期英语期末考试试卷(附答案)一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(共4题;共30分)1.阅读理解We produce 500 billion of plastic bags in a year worldwide and they are thrown away polluting oceans, killing wildlife and getting dumped in landfills where they take up to 1,000 years to decompose. Researchers have been unsuccessfully looking for a solution.The 16-year-old Canadian high school student, Daniel Burd, from Waterloo Collegiate Institute, has discovered a way to make plastic bags degrade(降解) in as few as 3 months, a finding that won him first prize at the Canada Wide Science Fair, a $10,000 prize, a $20,000 scholarship, and a chance to revolutionize a major environmental issue.Burd's strategy was simple: Since plastic does eventually degrade, it must be eaten by microorganisms(微生物).If those microorganisms could be identified, we could put them to work eating the plastic much faster than under normal conditions.With this goal in mind, he grounded plastic bags into a powder and concocted(调制) a solution of household chemicals, yeast(酵母) and tap water to encourage microbes growth.Then he added the plastic powder and let the microbes work their magic for 3 months.Finally, he tested the resulting bacterial culture on plastic bags, exposing one plastic sample to dead bacteria as a control.Sure enough, the plastic exposed(暴露) to the live bacteria was 17% lighter than the control after six weeks.The inputs are cheap, maintaining the required temperature takes little energy because microbes produce heat as they work, and the only outputs are water and tiny levels of carbon dioxide.“Almost every week I have to do chores and when I open the closet door, I have piles of plastic bags falling on top of me.One day, I got tired of it and I wanted to know what other people are doing with these plastic bags.The answer: not much.So I decided to do something myself.” Said Daniel Burd.(1)Daniel Burd won first prize at the Canada-Wide Science Fair because ________.A.he found a way to degrade plastics in shorter timeB.he contributed much to environmental protectionC.he found a new kind of microorganismD.he could encourage microbe growth in an easier way(2)Daniel Burd exposed one plastic sample to dead bacteria to ________.A.make the live bacteria work betterB.know which bacteria worked fasterC.test how effective his method wasD.control the temperature in the process(3)Maintaining the required temperature takes little energy because ________.A.plastics can get hot easilyB.microbes can produce heat themselvesC.much carbon dioxide is producedD.the temperature can be controlled(4)Daniel Burd got his idea from ________.A.his school textbookB.the failure of researchersC.his everyday workD.the practice of other people2.阅读理解For hours after their boat sank, Ken Henderson and Coen trod(踏) water in the Gulf of Mexico, talking about life and death while struggling to survive. For more than 30 hours, it worked.Then Henderson was forced to make a decision. “I'm going to go for help or you're not going to make it,” Henderson told Coen, just before cutting the strap(带子) that connected them in the deep, cold waters. “I understand,”Coen responded, giving Henderson a last set of instructions, “Kiss my babies for me.”Days after the fishing trip ended in tragedy, Henderson told the story for The Associated Press.They had been fishing for a few hours when suddenly Coen noticed the boat was filling with water. Henderson got both motors roaring, only to have the saltwater that had leaked in break them straight away…Coen jumped to the right, his sunglasses and cap flying off. The two grabbed extra life jackets and other floating items, including a half full bottle of Diet Coke.“The water was so cold and it took your breath away,” Henderson said. They immediately began to tremble.The pair prepared for a long wait. And they talked.“We discussed things and discussed life. We discussed families. We just tried to keep occupied,” Henderson said.Eventually Coen started hallucinating(有幻觉). Henderson tried to keep Coen's arms and legs moving. But as morning came, Coen's situation worsened. And so Henderson decided to cut the strap.He swam for two hours, tired, frustrated and depressed. Then he saw an oil rig(钻探平台) in the distance. He swam, seeing ice and crystal trees in the water. He reminded himself constantly there were no trees.His legs was so weak that he could barely lift them. Henderson slowly pulled himself up the rig's ladder.It was over 50 miles from where they had gone in the water.All he could think of was Coen. Convinced his friend would survive, he told the coast guard where they had parted.Two hours later, a fisherman found a body in a life jacket.Later, in the hospital, Henderson saw his friend. He apologized and asked for forgiveness. He promised to realize his wishes and look after his girls.“I felt like a part of me had died out there,” Henderson said.(1)Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?A.It was Henderson who first noticed something was wrong with the boat.B.Everything the men did to get the boat to work made matters worse.C.Henderson alone did what he could but it had little effect.D.The men's long discussion about life and death filled them with sadness.(2)After Henderson cut the strap and swam away, .A.he regretted his decision to leave his friendB.he knew he had a good chance of being savedC.he had to fight against exhaustion and hallucinationsD.he got encouraged by remembering the talk with Coen(3)What can we conclude from the article?A.Henderson tried to rescue both of them.B.They kept talking because they felt excited.C.Coen would have survived if he had believed in his friend.D.Coen was unwilling to be left alone but he eventually agreed.(4)What kind of person is Henderson?A.Strong-willed and loyal.B.Selfish but decisive.C.Smart and creative.D.Experienced but indifferent.3.阅读理解By now, you've probably been warned that a robot is coming for your job. But rather than repeat the warning, I've decided to throw down a challenge: man against machine.Start with the task we're doing right now: communicating in fluent human. We're sharing abstract ideas through words that we choose with an understanding of their slight difference and impact. We don't just speakin human; we speak as humans. A robot who says that science is fun is delivering a line (念一句话). A human who says that science is fun is telling you something important about being alive.Here's another inbuilt advantage we take for granted: as humans we are limited by design. We are bound in time: we die. We are bound in space: we can't be in more than one place at a time. That means when I speak to an audience, I am giving them something special. It's a custom-made, one-off, 100% robot-free delivery, from today's one-and-only Australian Chief Scientist.True, I now come in digital versions, through Twitter and Facebook and other platforms, but the availability of those tools hasn't stopped people from inviting me to speak in person. Digital Alan seems to increase the appetite for human Alan, just as Spotify (a digital music service) can increase the demand for a musician's live performances.Thanks to technology, many goods and services are cheaper, better and more accessible than ever before. We like our mass-produced bread, and our on-tap lectures and our automated FitBit advice. But automation hasn't killed the artisan bakery (面包店). Online courses haven't killed the booming, alongside their machine equivalents.Here's a third argument for the win. We humans have learned the habit of civilization. Let me explain this point by a story. A few years go, some researchers set out to study the way the people interact with robots. They sent out a small robot to patrol (巡逻) the local mall. That robot had a terrible time, and the villains of the story were children. They kicked him, bullied him, and smacked (掌击) him in the head.The point is not that the children were violent. The point is that the adults were not. They restrained whatever primitive impulse (冲动) they might have felt in childhood to smack something smaller and weaker in the head, because they had absorbed the habit of living together. We call it civilization. If we want artificial intelligence for the people, we'll need every bit of that civilizing instinct.Together, these points suggest to me that humanity has a powerful competitive edge. We can coexist with our increasingly capable machines and we can make space for the full breadth of human talents to flourish. (1)What's humans' second advantage according to the author?A.Our special personality.B.Our super intelligence.C.Our unique existence.D.Our language ability.(2)What's the author's attitude towards Spotify and FitBit?A.Negative.B.Doubtful.C.Grateful.D.Reserved.(3)Why does the author tell the story of a small robot?A.To prove humans are well-educated.B.To show children are naughty in nature.C.To suggest machines will become violent.D.To indicate machines can serve humans well.(4)What's the author's final conclusion about humans and machines?A.Both sides would be losers in the fight.B.Humans will completely defeat machines.C.Machines will replace humans in many fields.D.Humans and machines will live in harmony with each other.4.阅读理解One of the most firmly established idea of manliness is that a real man doesn't cry. Although he might shed a tear at a funeral, he is expected to quickly regain control. Sobbing openly is for girls. One study found that women cry significantly more than men do—five times as often, on average, and almost twice as long per period.Historically, however, men routinely wept, and no one saw it as shameful. For example, in the Middle Ages, knights cried purely because they missed their girlfriends. In The Knight of the Cart, no less a hero than Lancelotweeps at a brief separation from Guinevere. There's no mention of the men in these stories trying to restrain or hide their tears. They cry in a crowded hall with their heads held high. Nor do their companions make fun of this public crying; it's universally regarded as an admirable expression of feeling.So where did all the male tears go? The most obvious possibility is that this shift is the result of changes as we moved from an agricultural society to one that was urban(城市的) and industrial. In the Middle Ages, most people spent their lives among those they had known since birth. If men cried, they did so with people who would sympathize. But from the 18th to 20th centuries, the population became increasingly urbanize, and people were living in the midst of thousands of strangers. Furthermore, changes in the economy required men to work together in factories and offices where emotional expressions and even private conversations were discouraged as time wasting.Yet human beings weren't designed to swallow their emotions, and there's reason to believe that holding back tears can be harmful to your well-being. Research from the 1980s has suggested a relationship between stress-related illnesses and inadequate crying. Weeping is also, somewhat related with happiness and wealth. Countries where people cry the most tend to be richer and more confident.(1)In history, people considered it ________ for men to cry in public.A.manlyB.acceptableC.shamefulD.ridiculous(2)How does the author answer the question raised in paragraph 3?A.By making comparisons.B.By explaining effects.C.By offering descriptions.D.By giving definitions (定义).(3)Who is likely to be healthier according to the passage?A.Tony who lives alone and seldom expresses himself.B.Emily who is outgoing but sometimes sobs in public.C.Arthur who is under great stress but never shed a tear.D.Rebecca who sometimes cries but quickly regain control.二、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(共1题;共10分)5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

齐齐哈尔市2024-2025学年度高二下学期期末考试参考答案听力部分1-5 CBBAA 6-10 CABCB 11-15 BAACB 16-20 ACBAB阅读理解21-24 ADCA 25-27 CAC 28-31 DACB 32-35ADBA36-40 EFCGA完型填空41-45 DBACD 46-50 BACBD 51-55 CABDB 56-60 CABDC语法填空61. protecting 62. of 63. when 64. construction 65. were taken 66. Its 67. a 68. to help 69. However 70. natural短文改错71. since—before 72. student—students 73. that—who 74. including —included75. will —would 76. misunderstand—misunderstood 77. firm—firml y 78. act后加as79. much—m ore 80. 去掉what参考作文;Dear Dr. Brandon,How is it go ing? Now I’m faced with a problem and need your help.I ha ve been chosen by the school to take part in the English contest which is going to be h eld in our city next week. It makes me excited but at the same time a little bit nervous because I have never had an experience of speaking Eng lish in public. As a result, I’m suffering from stage fright and I can’t sleep well these days .Would you mind introducing some good ways to help me deal with the present situation?I would be very grateful if you could give me a hand.Yours,Li Hua。

14. When is Rose leaving for London?
A. In about one month. B. In about half a month. C. In about one week.
15. What does Rose decide to do?
6. What did Mary do last night?
A. She saw an old film. B. She watched a match. C. She worked overtime.
7. What did Peter’s wife think of the film?
1. What kind of animals did the woman fail to see in the zoo?
A. Interesting. B. Inspiring. C. Disappointing.
8. Why was Daniel angry with Tom?
A. Tom lied to him again.
B. Tom didn’t accept his apology.
C. Tom misunderstood him badly.
9. What will Daniel do next?

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1.What is the man going to do today?A.See a doctor.B.Take a holiday.C.Go swimming.2.What does Charlie mean?A.The shirt might be too tight.B.He doesn't like the shirt.C.He isn't fond of the colour.3.Who is most probably Esther?A.A director.B.A reporter.C.A ballet dancer.4.What did Sarah emphasize just now?A.Teamwork.B.Responsibility.C.Creative thinking. 5.What does the man want to do?A.Take photos.B.Buy a camera.C.Help the woman.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

1.How often does the dentist want the man to come for cleaning?A.Every six weeks.B.Every six months.C.Every twelve months.2.Why does the man make the call?A.To ask for information.B.To make an appointment.C.To send out an invitation.3.Why did Anna move out?A.She missed her parents.B.She was tired of sharing a flat.C.She wanted to live near the school.4.How does the woman go to work?A.By car.B.On foot.C.By bike.5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates.B.Teacher and student.C.Doctor and patient.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
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高二下学期期末考试英语试题及答案第一卷(选择题,满分115分)第二部分英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)was on ____Sunday in____May of 2012 that the famous expert in phonetics,passed away., the B./, / C./, the , a22.——I hear that Charlie is absent from school because of his being ill.——_____,let's go to see him.ever so any necessary.'t ___the speaker now;he will answer the questions later.the same mistake again made his parents unhappy; ___ by his parents, he left _____ .A. His being made; criticizing; disappointedB. He has made; criticized; disappointedC. He had made; criticized; disappointingD. His making; criticized; disappointedwasn't the first time he ____ think it's high time we _____ strong actions against him. A.betrayed; take B.had betrayed; tookC.has betrayed; took D.has betrayed; takeboy looked at his mother in________,not daring to believe it's true.A.amazement B.absence C.surprised D.astonishedLang is my favorite regard him as________other pianists.A.superior to B.more superior toC.superior than D.more superior than28.Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to _____since the flood hit the area last Friday.been missing got lost missing lostlaw requires equal treatment for all, ____race, religion and sex.spite of terms of C. In addition to of30.The project aims to ensure that poorer people are not____from the benefit of computer technology.out off down up31.The origin of Chinese culture________more than 5,000 years ago.A.is dated back to B.dates back to C.was dated from D.dated back tocan't bear ________,so I hope you can come on time.A.to keep waiting B.to keep to waitC.being kept waiting D.being kept to wait!There are ________ grazing over there.A.two herds of cattles B.two head of cattleC.two head of cattles D.two herd of cattle34.——If she had taken the entrance exam,she would be a student of our school now.——I think so .would have a try. B. Why not have a tryhas to try it. shouldn't have given up.35.________________this possible effect may put us in a dilemma.A. Overlooked overlooked D. To overlook第二节完形填空(共20小题,每小题分,满分30分)Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village in Germany, lived a family with eighteen children.Eighteen! In order 36 to keep food on the table, the father, a goldsmith by profession worked almost eighteen hours____37__ day at his trade.Despite their seemingly 38 condition, two of the eldest children had a dream.They both wanted to pursue their talent for art. 39 , they knew well that their father would never be able to 40 either of them to study at the Academy.After many long discussions at night in their 41 bed, the two boys finally worked out a pact.They would toss (掷)a coin.The 42 would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings, 43 his winning brother for the academy.Then, in four years, he would support the other one.Then Albrecht Durer won the toss and 44 Nuremberg.Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, 45 his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate the time he graduated, he was beginning to 46 considerable fees for himself.When the young artist 47 home and said to his brother, "And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your 48 . Now you can go to the Academy to pursue your dream, and I will49 you."Albert rose and wiped the 50 from his cheeks."No, brother.I cannot go to Nuremberg.It is too 51 for me.Look…look what four years in the mines have done to my 52 ! I cannot even hold a glass, much less make delicate lines on canvas 53 a pen or a brush."More than 450 years have 54 .By now, among Albrecht Durer's hundreds of masterful portraits, "The Praying Hands" is one 55 creation that can catch the world's hearts..fully B.merely C.completely D.entirely.a B.every C.one D.each .demanding B.promising C .careless .ThereforeB.And D.But.study B.give C.send D.offer .separated B.messy C.crowded D.unusual.loser C.old D.younger .advertise C.expect D.require.flew away to behind C.left from D.went off to .deserved C.desired D.envied.earn C.draw D.spend.arrived C.reached D.got.fate C.top D.turn.take charge of up for C.take care of D.make use of .smiles C.tears D.hints.latter C.later D.late.hands C.pictures D.mines.with C.through D.in .remembered C.passed D.changed .mysterious C.skillful D.touching第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
ALong bus rides are like television shows. They have a beginning,a middle,and an endwith commercials (商业广告)thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window. "Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.""Drink Good Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with PacificGas."Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of "You Need It! Buy It Now!"The beginning of the ride is comfortable a nd somewhat exciting,even if you’ve traveled that way before. Usually some things have changednew houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it’s fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless (鲁莽的)or daring,the ride can be as thrilling (惊心动魄的)as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time Will the driver move into the right or the left hand lane After a while,of course,the excitement dies down. Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you’ve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat of course,has become harder as the hours have passed. By now you’ve sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on th e armrest with your hands crossed behind your head. The end comes just at no more ways to sit.to the passage,what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus tripon the road. on television.C. Gas stations..D. .Advertisements on the billboards.is the purpose of this passageA. To persuade you to take a long bus trip.B. To give the writer’s opinion about long bus trips.explain how bus trips and television shows differ.describe the billboards along the road.writer of this passage would probably favor ______.drivers who aren’t reckless billboards along the roadtelevision set on the bus D. driving alonewriter feels long bus rides are like TV shows because ______.both have a beginning,a middle,and an end,with commercials in betweencommercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fundrivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on busestraveling and watching TV are not exciting.writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are_____.BLife comes in a package.This package includes happiness and sorrow,failure and success,hope and despair.Life is a learning process.Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person.With each passing day we learn to handle various situations.LoveLove plays a pivotal role on out life.Love makes you feel wanted.Without love a person could go Hayward(不归路)and also become cruel and ferocious.In the early stage of our life,our parents are the ones who show us with unconditional love and care,they teach us about what is right and wrong,good and bad.But we always tend to take this for granted.It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings.Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better.Happiness and SorrowMaterialistic happiness is short-lived,but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment.Peace of mind is the main link to happiness.No mind is happy without peace.We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow.Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one,failure and despair.But these things are temporary and pass away.Failure and SuccessFailure is the path to success.It helps us to touch the sky,teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way.Success brings in money,fame,pride and self-respect.Here it becomes veryimportant to keep our head on our shoulder.The only way to show our gratitude to God for bestowing success on us is by being humble,modest,courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones.Hope and DespairHope is what keeps life going.Parents always hope their children will do well.Hope makes us dream.Hope builds in patience.Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour,because after every night there is a day.Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep moving on in life and be hopeful.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday,for it has passed and is beyond our control.Tomorrow is unknown,for it could either be bright or dull.So the only alternative is work hard today,so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.the passage,the author compares life to .A.package B.joy and sorrow C.failure and success D.hope and despair which section can readers probably read the passageA.Opinions B.Education C.Lifestyles D.Politicsis the passage organizedA.In order of rules.B.In order of frequency.C.By making comparison D.In order of importance.’s the general meaning of the last sentence of the whole passageA.What you only can choose is to work hard today rather than tomorrowB.If you work hard,you’ll have a bett er life in the future.C.when ch oosing between “today” and “tomorrow”,you’d better enjoy tomorrow better. D.Enjoying a better tomorrow is your only choice.’s the purpose of the passageA.To encourage people to love each other.B.To tell people how to deal with happiness and sorrow.C.To remind people of keeping having a beautiful dream.D.To give readers some information about life.CIf cars had wings,they could fly and that just might happen, beginning incompany Terrafugia, based in Woburn, Massachusetts, says it plans to deliver itscar-plane, the Transition, to customers by the end of 2012.“It’s the next ‘wow’ vehicle,”said Terrafugia vice president RichardGersh. “Anybody can buy a Ferrari, but as we say, Ferraris don’t fly.”The car plane has wings that unfold for flying—a process the company saystakes one minute—and fold back up for driving. A runway is still required to take off and land.The Transition is being marketed more as a plane that drives than a car that flies, although it is both. The company has been working with FAA to meet aircraft regulations, and with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to meet vehicle safety regulations.The company is aiming to sell the Transition to private pilots as a more convenient and cheaper way to fly. They say it saves you the trouble of trying to find another mode of transportation to get to and from airports: You drive the car to the airport and then you’re good to go. When you lan d, you fold up the wings and hit the road. There are no expensive parking fees because you don’t have to store it at an airport—you park it in the garage at home.The car-plane is designed to fly primarily under 10,000 feet. It has a maximum takeoff weight of 1,430 pounds, including fuel and passengers. Terrafugia says the Transition reduces the potential for an accident by allowing pilots to drive under bad weather instead of flying into marginal(临界)conditions.The Transition’s price tag: $194,000. But there may be additional charges for options like a radio, transponder or GPS. Another option is a full-plane parachute.“If you get into a very awful situation, it is the necessary safety option,” Gersh far, the company has more than 70 orders wi th deposits. “We’re working very closely with them, but there are still some remaining steps,” Brown said.can learn from the first paragraph that________.A.people might drive a car-plane in 2012 will be popular in 2012C.both Transition and Ferrari can take off and landD.Richard Gersh is the vice president of Massachusettstakes the car-plane one minute to________.A.fold and unfold its wings B meet flying safety regulationsC.land in the airport D.unfold wings for flyingto the passage, which of the following is NOT trueA.The car-plane needs a runway to take off and land.B.The car-plane may fly as high as normal planes.C.To meet aircraft regulations, the company has been working with FAA.D.People can park the car-plane in the garage at their home.underlined word “it” in the last but one paragraph refers to________.A.the radio B.the transponder C.the full-plane parachute D.the GPS’s the best title for the passageA .Cars With Wings Can Fly As Fast As PlaneTo Choose: A Ferrari Or A Car-PlaneMore Convenient And Cheaper Way To FlyWith Wings May Be Just Around The CornerDAfter moving to the United States, immigrant groups trying to fit in tend to choose high calorie fatty foods in an attempt to appear more American,a new study finds.That's one reason why immigrants approach US levels of obesity within 15 years of moving to America.The researchers also did an experiment that measured whether or not the threat of appearing un-American influenced respondents' food choices.After being questioned about their ability to speak English,75 percent of Asian-Americans identified a typical American food as their favorite. Only 25 percent of Asian-Americans who had not been asked if they spoke English did the same.When their American identity was called into question during a follow-up study, Asian-American participants also tended to choose typical American dishes,such as hamburgers and cheese sandwiches.In that experiment, 55 Asian-Americans were asked to choose a meal from a local Asian or American restaurant. Some participants were told that only Americans could participate in the study. Those who chose the more typical American fare ended up consuming an extra 182 calories,including 12 grams of fat and 7 grams of saturated fat(饱和脂肪)."People who feel like they need to prove they belong to a culture will change their habits in an attempt to fit in,"said Sauna Cheryan,an author of the study and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Washington." If immigrants and their children choose unhealthy American foods over healthier traditional foods across their lives,this process of fitting in could lead to poorer health." Cheryan added.Social pressures,the study concluded, are at the heart of the problem."In American society today, being American is associated with being white.Americans,who don't fit this image even if they were born here and speak English,feel that pressure to prove that they're American," said Cheryan.71. The author wants to show that __________.A. immigrants tend to eat American junk food to fit inB. more and more Asians enjoy high-calorie snacksC. most Americans are at the risk of heart diseaseD. all the American people have a bad eating habit72. According to the survey, __________.A. Asian-Americans care less about their healthB. 25 percent of Americans like junk foodC. immigrants are forced to eat junk foodD. choosing food is related to Asian-Americans' situation73. The underlined word "fare" in Paragraph 3 most probably means" __________".A. a person taking a taxiB. food offered as a mealC. money spent on foodD. an arranged thing to do74. According to Sauna Cheryan, __________.A. what immigrants have done is ridiculousB. immigrants risk their health in order to fit inC. American traditional foods are healthierD. American culture affects immigrants deeply75. Which of the following should take the blame for the bad eating habitA. The pressures from society.B. The traditional culture.C. The American government.D. The situation of employment.第四部分:书面表达(满分25分)古人云:“笑福开来。