
I get up at 7 o'clock every morning. Then I crowd into the bus.
Stand v. 站立,矗立,站住
• 火车上非常拥挤,我不得不一路站到伦敦 The train was so crowded that I had to stand all the way to London.
充当beat的宾语的则是比赛、竞争的对手,即指人 或球队的名词或代词。 例如:We played very well,and we beat them.我们 发挥很好,打败了他们。
behind prep. 在……之后
in front of
I put the umbrella behind the door.
• 这里曾经有一棵大树。 A tall tree once stood here.
stand out 突出/显眼/引人注目 outstanding杰出的 stand by 支持;袖手旁观 stand for 代表/象征 stand in 代替;替身演员 stand off 疏远/远离/避开
exciting 令人兴奋的,使人激动的 (修饰物)
interested interesting
说明人等因外部 原因产生某种情 感或状态,以人做 主语
说明事物等本身 的性质与特征, 以物做主语
I‘m interested in sports.我对运动 很感兴趣。
It is an interesting film.这是部有趣 的电影。
crowd n. 人群; v.挤上去
• in the crowd

• at least 至少 • ① 至少 • 这只古花瓶至少价值两万英镑。
• This antique vase is worth at least 20,000. • 至少你应该考虑一下我们的建议。
• At least, you should consider our suggestions. • ② 反正;无论如何;不管怎样 • 他尚未有出国的计划,至少据我所知是这样的。
• The story can’t be true. • have another look 再看一看 • have a look 看一眼 • 让我看一眼那本书。
• Let me have a look at that book.
• I think you’re right! Isn’t he her third husband? • Isn’t he her third husband? • No. He must be her fourth or fifth. • must be 表示推测,有较强肯定意味。 • her fourth or fifth = her fourth husband or fifth
• It is hard to read him.
• Can you recognize that woman, Liz? • can 能 • 她会开车,但不会骑自行车。
• She can drive, but she can’t ride a bicycle. • Can you…. 表示请求 • 你能借我10美元吗?
husband • Doesn’t Karen Marsh look old! • 她看起来健康。
• She looks well. • 她看起来不错。

• CUSTOMER: I bought two expensive dictionaries here half and hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me.
• MANAGER: Who served you, sir? • CUSTOMER: The lady who is standing behind the counter. • MANAGER: Which books did you buy? • CUSTOMER: The books which are on the counter. • MANAGER: Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago,
邮件还没发) • ②I forget sending an email to him.(忘记已经发过
• 3.serve :[sə:v] v. • (1)服务;接待;侍候:
• Are you being served, sir? • 先生,有人为您服务吗?
• A young waiter served them. • 一位年轻的侍者侍候他们进餐。 • (2)供给;摆出(食物或饮料等):
• 2.put it on,戴上它。
• 这里的 it指 a hat,以避免重复。 put on是“戴上”、“穿上”的意思。 假如它的宾语是一个名词,这个名词 可放在 put on之后,也可放在put和on 之间。假如是代词,就必须放在put和 on 之间。如:
• Put on your coat./Put your coat on. 穿 上外衣。但只能说:Put it on. 把它穿 上。
• What time is breakfast served in this hotel? • 这个饭店里什么时候供给早餐?

• The shock waves of the earthquake ['ə:θkweik] were felt in Sichuan.
• 在四川感觉到了地震的震波。
track [træ k]
1)n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道;铁道 • ...the athletics [æθ'letiks] track. • …那条运动员跑道。 • A cow stood on the tracks. • 一头奶牛站在铁轨上。 • The only evidence of pandas was their
overtake [,əuvə'teik]
1)vi. 超车
• to overtake over a police car • 从警车旁超车而过 • Never overtake on a curve. • 在转弯处千万不要超车!
2)vt. 赶上;压倒;突然来袭
• to overtake someone • 追上某人 • Something like panic overtook me in a
dream [dri:m]
1)vt. 梦想;做梦;想到
• As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress.
• 当她是一名女学生的时候,她曾梦想过成 为一名女演员。
• She dreamed about her baby. • 她梦见了她的小宝贝。
• Our radar began tracking the jets. • 我们的雷达开始追踪那些喷气式飞机。
• track and field 田径;田径赛 • on track 走上正轨 • keep track of 记录;与…保持联系 • on the right track 正确地;走对路了;未
• 在四川感觉到了地震的震波。
track [træ k]
1)n. 轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道;铁道 • ...the athletics [æθ'letiks] track. • …那条运动员跑道。 • A cow stood on the tracks. • 一头奶牛站在铁轨上。 • The only evidence of pandas was their
overtake [,əuvə'teik]
1)vi. 超车
• to overtake over a police car • 从警车旁超车而过 • Never overtake on a curve. • 在转弯处千万不要超车!
2)vt. 赶上;压倒;突然来袭
• to overtake someone • 追上某人 • Something like panic overtook me in a
dream [dri:m]
1)vt. 梦想;做梦;想到
• As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress.
• 当她是一名女学生的时候,她曾梦想过成 为一名女演员。
• She dreamed about her baby. • 她梦见了她的小宝贝。
• Our radar began tracking the jets. • 我们的雷达开始追踪那些喷气式飞机。
• track and field 田径;田径赛 • on track 走上正轨 • keep track of 记录;与…保持联系 • on the right track 正确地;走对路了;未

4. Paul went(go) out with Jane after he had made(make) a phone call.
5. They had learned(learn) over 2000 words by the end of last term.
6. I have a lot of work to do(do).
(D)3. She said she ___the principle already.
A .has seen
B. saw
C. will see D.had seen
(D)4.A friend of ___ is a doctor. A.me B.my C.I D.mine
(C)5. She had written a number of books ______ the end of last year. A.for B.in C.by D.on
4.当安下楼时,小偷已走开了。 When Ann came downstairs,the theif ___ already ____.
1.我要给你讲一个真实的故事。 I want to tell you a true story.
2.当他到达车站时,火车已离开了。 When he got to the station,the train had already gone.
1.When did two thieves climb into the kitchen?
2.How is Henry?
1.A car accident happened to her
this morning.
2.What happened to you? 3.What happened to Helen last night? 4.I am very sorry for all happened to

New words and expressions:
• card [kɑ:d] n. 明信片,卡片 • post card 明信片
credit card 信用卡
ID card 身份证
ID=identity / identification
Birthday Card
New Year card
write [rait] v. 写 •请你把姓名,地址写在这里。 •ite your name and address here, please. •用英文写 •write in English •write to sb. 给某人写信 •我一个月给我家人写两封信。 •I write to my family twice a month. •once- twice-three times
Lesson 101
A card from Jimmy
by Lynn
版权所有 违版必究
Dear Lynn,
I have just arrived in Beijing. I will come back in a week.
Love, Emma
What does Lucy say in the letter?
•2) [ U ]the time of life when a person is young •他少年时代在美国度过 •He spent his youth in the U.S.A.
•他年轻时学过意大利语。 •He studied Italian in his youth.
•3)[ U ] the state of being young
直接引语: 直接引用说话人的话,并且加上双引号的。

绩 ,
• How do you _s_p_e_ll_______ ‘intelligent’, please?
– i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t.
• Can you help me to _t__________ this letter, please?
– No problem.
Lesson 105 Full of mistakes
• Why do you want to buy a necklace? I want to give it to Mary as a birthday _p_r_e_se_n_t_____ .
• This book is full of new words. I think I must use a _d__________ .
1. We should look at the title (题目)and the pictures( 插图).
2. Read the passage (文章)and try to(试着)understand (理解)the meanings of the new words(生单词).
3.Read carefully (细读) and try to understand (理解) the whole passage (全文).
office at once. Then he gave Sandra a dictionary as a present. Do you
Why? think it is a present ? Is Sandra happy ?

-oken -orn -own
speak wear grow(种,生长), know, throw, draw
swim, drink,
sing, rite
Lesson87 A car crash
New words and expressions
1.What's the number of Mr. Wood's car? It's LFZ 312 G. 2.When did he bright it to the garage? He broght it there three days ago. 3. How did he have a crash? He drove it into the lamp-post. 4.Can the mechanics repair Mr. Wood’s car? No, they can't.
I drove it into a lamp-post, 我把汽车撞在电线杆上了。 drove: drive 的过去式,表示开车 drive into: 撞倒……
To tell you the truth 告诉你实话吧!
Well, they’re trying to repair it, sir. 啊,他们正设法修呢。

I have cities but no houses, I have forests but no trees, I have rivers without water. What am I?
New Concept English ----- Lesson 57-58
Lesson57 An unusual day
It is four o’clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually _d_ri_n_k_s tea in the living-room, but t_h_is_ afternoon, she_is_ drinking tea_in_t_h_e_g_a_r_de_n.
It is e_i_g_h_t o'clock. The children _u_s_u_al_ly__g_o_t_o_s_c_h_o_o_lby car every day, but today, they are _g_o_i_n_g_ to school on _f_o_o_t_.
It is _t_e_n__o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually _s_ta_y_s_a_t_h_o_m_e_in the morning, __b_u_t__this morning, she is g_o_i_n_g__to_the shops.
It is six o’clock. In the evening, the children usually d_o__th_e_ir_h_o_m__ew__o,rk but this evening, they are _n_o_t_ doing their homework. At the m__o_m__e_n_t, they are _p_la__y_in_g_ in the garden.
I have cities but no houses, I have forests but no trees, I have rivers without water. What am I?
New Concept English ----- Lesson 57-58
Lesson57 An unusual day
It is four o’clock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually _d_ri_n_k_s tea in the living-room, but t_h_is_ afternoon, she_is_ drinking tea_in_t_h_e_g_a_r_de_n.
It is e_i_g_h_t o'clock. The children _u_s_u_al_ly__g_o_t_o_s_c_h_o_o_lby car every day, but today, they are _g_o_i_n_g_ to school on _f_o_o_t_.
It is _t_e_n__o'clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually _s_ta_y_s_a_t_h_o_m_e_in the morning, __b_u_t__this morning, she is g_o_i_n_g__to_the shops.
It is six o’clock. In the evening, the children usually d_o__th_e_ir_h_o_m__ew__o,rk but this evening, they are _n_o_t_ doing their homework. At the m__o_m__e_n_t, they are _p_la__y_in_g_ in the garden.

an exciting book 非常有趣的书 他听到那消息很激动
He was excited to hear the news. 他们等待激动人心的事情发生
They waited for something exciting to happen.
• get on • 1) 登上(火车,公共汽车,飞机),骑上*(自
adj. 兴奋的 登上
adj. 中年的 prep.在……对面 adv.好奇地 adj. 可笑的,滑稽的 n. 香粉 n. 带镜的化妆盒 adv. 和蔼地 adj. 丑陋的 adj. 有趣的 v. 微笑 adj. 尴尬
excited adj. 兴奋的(修饰人) excited people 激动的人们 exciting adj. 使人兴奋的,刺激的 (修饰物)
Passive Voice 被动语态
English spoken
English is spoken by the most people in the world.
The Great Wall was built by Chinese people.
The trees were planted by students.
• ask questions about 对…提出问题 • everything she saw 她所看到的一切 • =everything that she saw
• Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.
行车,马) • 反义词get off • 那位老太太上车后,一位年轻人立刻站了起来给
He was excited to hear the news. 他们等待激动人心的事情发生
They waited for something exciting to happen.
• get on • 1) 登上(火车,公共汽车,飞机),骑上*(自
adj. 兴奋的 登上
adj. 中年的 prep.在……对面 adv.好奇地 adj. 可笑的,滑稽的 n. 香粉 n. 带镜的化妆盒 adv. 和蔼地 adj. 丑陋的 adj. 有趣的 v. 微笑 adj. 尴尬
excited adj. 兴奋的(修饰人) excited people 激动的人们 exciting adj. 使人兴奋的,刺激的 (修饰物)
Passive Voice 被动语态
English spoken
English is spoken by the most people in the world.
The Great Wall was built by Chinese people.
The trees were planted by students.
• ask questions about 对…提出问题 • everything she saw 她所看到的一切 • =everything that she saw
• Suddenly, a middle-aged lady got on the train and sat opposite Sally.
行车,马) • 反义词get off • 那位老太太上车后,一位年轻人立刻站了起来给

形式及否定形式) answer the phone! • Did (do的适当形式) he telephone again last night? (并做肯定回答)
• Yes, he did.
• He telephoned (telephone的适当形式) at nine o'clock.
• What did (do的适当形式) you say to him?
• He‘s awful!
• Then I arrived home at six o'clock
• 他讨厌透了!
• What's Ron Marston like, Pauline? • 朗·马斯顿是怎样一个人?
• He telephoned me four times yesterday,
• 前天打了3次。
• He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.
• 他昨天上午和下午把电话打到了我的办 公室,
• My boss answered the telephone • 是我的老板接的。
• He said,‘Pauline is typing letters. • 他说:“波琳正在打信,
• What did she do yesterday? • She aired the room yesterday.
• 1 they/ clean their shoes/ yesterday • 2 he/ open the box/ last night • 3 they/ sharpen their pencils/ this morning • 4 she /turn on the television/this evening
• Yes, he did.
• He telephoned (telephone的适当形式) at nine o'clock.
• What did (do的适当形式) you say to him?
• He‘s awful!
• Then I arrived home at six o'clock
• 他讨厌透了!
• What's Ron Marston like, Pauline? • 朗·马斯顿是怎样一个人?
• He telephoned me four times yesterday,
• 前天打了3次。
• He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.
• 他昨天上午和下午把电话打到了我的办 公室,
• My boss answered the telephone • 是我的老板接的。
• He said,‘Pauline is typing letters. • 他说:“波琳正在打信,
• What did she do yesterday? • She aired the room yesterday.
• 1 they/ clean their shoes/ yesterday • 2 he/ open the box/ last night • 3 they/ sharpen their pencils/ this morning • 4 she /turn on the television/this evening

• apply for a job / hunt for a job • 失业
• lose one’s job • 辞职
• quit a job • 2. n. 份内事 • 洗盘子是你份内的事。
• It’s your job to do the dishes.
• guess v. 猜 • 你猜得出它花了多少钱吗?
• during prep. 在…期间 • 休假期间,我到海里游了两次泳。
• I went swimming in the sea twice during the vacation.
• 下了一整夜的雨。
• It rained during the night. • 整个用餐时间她讲个不停。 • She kept on talking during the meal。
• Let me see it, Mike.
• =Let me have a look at it.
• This is a good photograph. Who are these people?
• They’re people I met during the trip. • 由于先行词people在从句中是作动词met 的宾
因此不可以省略。 • offer sb sth 为某人提供… • 他们为我在那家公司提供一个职位。 • They offered me a position in that company.
• Who's this? • Guess! • It’s not you, is it? • 反意疑问句,前面一句用肯定句,后面一句用
• That’s the ship we traveled on. • ship作从句中travelled on的宾语,因此省略了
• lose one’s job • 辞职
• quit a job • 2. n. 份内事 • 洗盘子是你份内的事。
• It’s your job to do the dishes.
• guess v. 猜 • 你猜得出它花了多少钱吗?
• during prep. 在…期间 • 休假期间,我到海里游了两次泳。
• I went swimming in the sea twice during the vacation.
• 下了一整夜的雨。
• It rained during the night. • 整个用餐时间她讲个不停。 • She kept on talking during the meal。
• Let me see it, Mike.
• =Let me have a look at it.
• This is a good photograph. Who are these people?
• They’re people I met during the trip. • 由于先行词people在从句中是作动词met 的宾
因此不可以省略。 • offer sb sth 为某人提供… • 他们为我在那家公司提供一个职位。 • They offered me a position in that company.
• Who's this? • Guess! • It’s not you, is it? • 反意疑问句,前面一句用肯定句,后面一句用
• That’s the ship we traveled on. • ship作从句中travelled on的宾语,因此省略了

• 前半句话意义完整,后半句话承前省略。
• 前半句话是一般过去时(...ago),后半句话是一 般现在时(now)。
• 前半句话是肯定句(some),后半句话是否定 句(any)。
• 举例:Long long ago, there lived a monk.... 很久很 久以前,有一个和尚。。。
8、Can you get a pair for me, please?
• 这里的them代指the shoes pair here?
• 6、No, she bought them in the U.S. 省略句。
• 补全:No, she didn’t buy them here. She bought them in the U.S.
• get本义是得到、获得,在这里是取、拿的意思 (口语)。
• 前半句话是一般过去时(...ago),后半句话是一般现在时 (now)。
• 前半句话是肯定句(some),后半句话是否定句 (any)。
• 举例:Long long ago, there lived a monk.... 很久很久以前, 有一个和尚。。。
• 7、We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don’t have any (shoes like those) now.
Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes
1. ago adv. 以前
• ago 用于一般过去时; long ago很久以前 long long ago 很久很久以前 not long ago 不久之前
• three days ago • 我三天前去的伦敦。
I went to London three days ago.
• 前半句话是一般过去时(...ago),后半句话是一 般现在时(now)。
• 前半句话是肯定句(some),后半句话是否定 句(any)。
• 举例:Long long ago, there lived a monk.... 很久很 久以前,有一个和尚。。。
8、Can you get a pair for me, please?
• 这里的them代指the shoes pair here?
• 6、No, she bought them in the U.S. 省略句。
• 补全:No, she didn’t buy them here. She bought them in the U.S.
• get本义是得到、获得,在这里是取、拿的意思 (口语)。
• 前半句话是一般过去时(...ago),后半句话是一般现在时 (now)。
• 前半句话是肯定句(some),后半句话是否定句 (any)。
• 举例:Long long ago, there lived a monk.... 很久很久以前, 有一个和尚。。。
• 7、We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don’t have any (shoes like those) now.
Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes
1. ago adv. 以前
• ago 用于一般过去时; long ago很久以前 long long ago 很久很久以前 not long ago 不久之前
• three days ago • 我三天前去的伦敦。
I went to London three days ago.
新概念英语第一册精品课件PPT NCE1_Lesson103-104(共48页)

paper cups
mark n.记号, 分数
The highest mark was a A+. 最高分数为A+.
好成绩 好分数 good marks
高分数 high marks
低分数 low marks
low adj.低的, 少的
a low mark 分数(成绩)低 【反】high 高的
【反】 loud (声音)高的
top n. 顶;上部
at the top of 在…的顶端
Write your name at the top of the paper. 把你的名字写在纸的上端。
He stood at the top of the mountain.
New words and expressions:
fail v. /feil/ 失败; 不及格
我数学及格, 但英语不及格. I passed in math but failed in English.
/mæ өə`mætiks/ n.数学
缩写 [Uk] maths [Us] math
His mathematics is strong. 他的计算能力很 强。
enough /i`nΔf/ adv.足够地,充分地
good enough 足够好 big enough 足够大
adj. + enough 足够….
This room is big enough for us to live .
enough 足够地,副词,修饰形容词,用在形容词之后: easy enough

不定代词 everything,
something, nothing, anything
Let’s try the back door. Look! _E_v_e_r_y_o_n_e_’s____in the garden.
Hello, Helen. Hello, Tom. E_v_e_r_y_b_o_d_y_wants to have lunch in the garden. It’s_n_i_c_e_a_n_d__w_a_r_m__o.ut
Can you see_a_n_y_t_h_in_g___? _N_o_t_h_in_g___at all.
Everything is very quiet. Can you see anything? Nothing at all. Come and have something to drink.
Look through the window.
Can you see anything? ['eniθiŋ]
Nothing at all. ['nʌθiŋ]
Look! Everyone’s in the garden. ['evriwʌn]
Everyone wants to have lunch in the garden.
Isn’t there _a_n_y_o_n_e_at home?
I’ll knock it again, Helen.
_E_v_e_ry_t_h_in_g_____is quiet.
I’m sure there’s _n_o__o_n_e__at home.
Isn’t there anyone at home? I’m sure there’s no one at home. Look! Everyone is in the garden. There’s someone in the classroom.

We are going to have a class.
Let ’s take
. 否定no句te:s 主语+ be动词 + not+going to do sth. We are not going to have a class.
一般疑问句: Be动词 + 主语+ going to do sth.?
5. Send a card! (we; next month) _W_e__a_re__g_o_in_g__to__s_e_n_d_a__ca_r_d__n_e_xt_m__o_n_th_.
What are you going to do? I am going to open the door.
make bookcase hammer paint pink work hard
/meɪk/ /'bʊkkeɪs/
/'hæmə(r)/ /peɪnt/ /pɪŋk/
/wɜ:k/ /hɑ:d/ /'feɪvərɪt/ /'həʊmwɜ:k/ /'lɪsn/ /dɪʃ/
v. 做
n. 书橱,书架 n. 锤子 v. 上漆,涂 n.& adj. 粉红色 v. 工作 adv. 努力地
make a bookcase
hammer paint
work hard
He is going to shave. Now he is shaving.
He is going to wait Now he is waiting
for a bus.
_H_e_i_s_g_o_i_n_g_t_o_p_u_t_o_n__h_is_h_a_t_s_o_o_n_.____ 2. Turn on the tap! (she; tomorrow)
Let ’s take
. 否定no句te:s 主语+ be动词 + not+going to do sth. We are not going to have a class.
一般疑问句: Be动词 + 主语+ going to do sth.?
5. Send a card! (we; next month) _W_e__a_re__g_o_in_g__to__s_e_n_d_a__ca_r_d__n_e_xt_m__o_n_th_.
What are you going to do? I am going to open the door.
make bookcase hammer paint pink work hard
/meɪk/ /'bʊkkeɪs/
/'hæmə(r)/ /peɪnt/ /pɪŋk/
/wɜ:k/ /hɑ:d/ /'feɪvərɪt/ /'həʊmwɜ:k/ /'lɪsn/ /dɪʃ/
v. 做
n. 书橱,书架 n. 锤子 v. 上漆,涂 n.& adj. 粉红色 v. 工作 adv. 努力地
make a bookcase
hammer paint
work hard
He is going to shave. Now he is shaving.
He is going to wait Now he is waiting
for a bus.
_H_e_i_s_g_o_i_n_g_t_o_p_u_t_o_n__h_is_h_a_t_s_o_o_n_.____ 2. Turn on the tap! (she; tomorrow)

5 I don't know. Are they going fishing?
1. B
2.I don’t know when I’ll finish. 3.I don’t know what you are talking about. 4.1 这些句子是___________从句。 5.2 在句中引导词分别为___________。 6.3 这些引导词分别引导什么类型的句子? 7.4 将下列句子变成宾语从句。
1 He wants to know. Are you a teacher?
2 Is Sally American? Our teacher wants to know.
3 My parents told me. You can play computer on Sundays?
4 Mike said. I’m very busy now.
1 Is Graham Turner speaking to John Smith? 2 What does Graham Turner ask John Smith to tell Mary? 3 What time did he say he would be at their house? 4 Why does he say he’ll be late? 5 When will he finish? 6 What does the speaker’s wife want to know? 7 What doesn’t John Smith understand? 8 Is he John Smith, the engineer? 9 Is he from the Overseas Engineering Company?
1. B
2.I don’t know when I’ll finish. 3.I don’t know what you are talking about. 4.1 这些句子是___________从句。 5.2 在句中引导词分别为___________。 6.3 这些引导词分别引导什么类型的句子? 7.4 将下列句子变成宾语从句。
1 He wants to know. Are you a teacher?
2 Is Sally American? Our teacher wants to know.
3 My parents told me. You can play computer on Sundays?
4 Mike said. I’m very busy now.
1 Is Graham Turner speaking to John Smith? 2 What does Graham Turner ask John Smith to tell Mary? 3 What time did he say he would be at their house? 4 Why does he say he’ll be late? 5 When will he finish? 6 What does the speaker’s wife want to know? 7 What doesn’t John Smith understand? 8 Is he John Smith, the engineer? 9 Is he from the Overseas Engineering Company?

You made my day!
throw the rubbish everywhere
Company Logo
Last Wednesday, I went for a walkБайду номын сангаас
in the woods.
Company Logo
tWhrhoawt Ithseawrumbbaidshe emveervyerwyhsearde.
Company Logo
The bird covered the distance in three minutes.
n. 盖子 封皮
v. 覆盖 走(多少路 看(几页书) 报道(新闻)
• among • prep. • 在……之间
• between
• ★prosecute 依法处置 • ① v. 起诉,检举;依法处置 • They prosecuted him for stealing. • ② v.(书面语)彻底进行;执行 • We are going to prosecute the
1. Snow covers the mountain. =The mountain is covered by/with snow.
2. Red leaves cover the bank. =The bank is covered with/by red leaves.
3. The bird covered five miles in three minutes.
*7 *3
I counted...
Company Logo
The ground was covered with...
You made my day!
throw the rubbish everywhere
Company Logo
Last Wednesday, I went for a walkБайду номын сангаас
in the woods.
Company Logo
tWhrhoawt Ithseawrumbbaidshe emveervyerwyhsearde.
Company Logo
The bird covered the distance in three minutes.
n. 盖子 封皮
v. 覆盖 走(多少路 看(几页书) 报道(新闻)
• among • prep. • 在……之间
• between
• ★prosecute 依法处置 • ① v. 起诉,检举;依法处置 • They prosecuted him for stealing. • ② v.(书面语)彻底进行;执行 • We are going to prosecute the
1. Snow covers the mountain. =The mountain is covered by/with snow.
2. Red leaves cover the bank. =The bank is covered with/by red leaves.
3. The bird covered five miles in three minutes.
*7 *3
I counted...
Company Logo
The ground was covered with...