

Rhetorical devices: P53 P63 P132 P150 P175

1 the concern of stylistic

Stylistics is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used;it is a discipline that studies the styles of language in use. Two subdivisions : general stylistics(concentrating solely on unique features of various literary works) , literary stylistic s(on the general features of various types of language use). Partly overlap: variety features, genre features ,literary text style.

Style may refers to a person's distinctive language habits, or the set of individual characteristics of language use.(shakespear's style, hemingway's style); a set of collective characteristics of language use(by a group of people, in a given place, amidst a given occasion, for a literary genre);the effectiveness of a mode of expression;and so on. We shall regard style as the language habits of a person or group of persons in a given situation. Style may be seen as the various characteristic uses of language that aperson or group of persons make in a social contexts.

2 the need for stylistic study

Deviation : the breaking of normal rules of linguistics structure

Repetition : the overuse of a particular linguistic feature

Both deviation and repetition produce a psychological effect on the mind of the reader_ they make a feature stand out. This highlighting of a linguistic feature against the background of the normal set of rules for the English language is what we call foreground.

Stylistic study helps achieve adaptation in translation. The translator should know the conventional ways of writing these things(notices, rules and regulations , receipts...) in the target language.

3varieties of language

Dialectal varieties, commonly called dialect s , are language variations that are associated with different users of the language. There are individual , temporal, regional , social and standard varieties respectively.

Individual dialect-----Idiolect

A specific person will display his or her own features of speech or writing habits. Each speaker or writer will have his or her own particular voice quality, pitch and stress patterns,favourite lexical items, and even grammatical structures. These traits of speech or writing often points to a person's individuality which leads to a person's style. (Conrad, Hemingway)

Temporal dialect

Language changes over time, and so description of the language at a given point of time is likely to give rise to a historical variety.(old ,E lizabethan). A variety which

correlates with the various periods of the development of language is called temporal dialect.

Regional dialect

Language varies from region to region. Owing to the physical boundaries of oceans and mountains, people who live in different places tend to develop different speech patterns. There are British English and other international varieties. A variety like this we call regional dialect.

Social dialect

A variety associated with certain social group is referred to as social dialect .

1)socioeconomic status varieties Different socioeconomic status groups tend to show different patterns of speech characteristics.

2)Ethnic varieties Ethnic groups tend to develop and maintain distinctive speech ways of their own. (black English)

3)Gender varieties Men and women do not speak identically.

4)Age varieties Language evolves with age.

Standard dialect

There remains another type of dialect distinction, the distinction betweeen a standard and a nonstandard dialect.Standard dialect is the variety of a language based on the speech and writing of educated native speakers of that language which enables speakers of the language throughout the world to communicate intelligibly with each other, irrespective of their social standing or regional background. Diatypic varieties, commonly called register s, are language variations that are associated with the different use to which they are put. Registers may be distinguished according to field of discourse语场, mode of discourse 语式and tenor of discourse语旨.

Field of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the purposive role of the language user,----the type of social activity the language user is engaged in the situation in which the text has occurred. That is to say, the language the user uses will show that his/her language is ' about ' , what experience he/she is verbalizing , what is ' going on ' in the speech event.

Mode of discourse is associated with discourse-forming or is the linguistic reflection of the relationship that the language user has to the medium of communication. Tenor of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the personal relationships between speaker/writer and hearer/reader----called personal tenor, and of what the user is trying to do with language for/to his or her addressee(s)----called functional tenor. The notion of register: as contextual categories, fields, mode, and tenors of discourse are interrelated.

4 linguistic description

Levels of language

1)The level of phonology/graphology/phonetics. Phonology is the study of the rules for the organization of the sound systems of a language. Graphology is the study of the writing system of a language.

2)The level of lexis and grammar : Grammar is the central part part of a linguistic statement. It studies the structure of units called sentences in a language, and the way these function in sequences. G ramma r is divided into morphology词形学which studies the internal structure of words and of rules governing their formation, and syntax句法which studies their external relationships in a sentence. Lexicology 词汇学studies the choice of specific lexical items(units of vocabulary) in a text, their distribution in relation to one another, and their meanings.

3)The level of semantics语义学

Semantics, studies the overall meaning of a text, the meaning derived not from the formal properties of words and structures but from the way sentences/utterances are used and the way they are related to the context in which they are used/uttered. Stylistic features

First level1)Phonological features: Segmental----sounds broken into smallest units, called phonemes, including consonants and vowels;

Onomatopoeia 象声sound symbolism声音象征assimilation同化elision元音省略alliteration押头韵super-segmental(prosodic features)----sounds that extend over longer stretches of spoken text, co-existing with the segmentals that occupy those stretches, such as syllable stress, rhythm, and intonation音调; pitch height and pitch range音速; pause and tempo语速. 2)Graphological features:the graphological level concerns the use of alphabet, the number system, punctuation, capitalization, headlining, italicizing, bracketing, diagramming, paragraphing, spacing, etc. Second level 1)Grammatical features: Sentences type treats various kinds of sentences discussed in traditional terms: declarative陈述, interrogative疑问, imperative祈使or exclamatory感叹; simple, compound, complex or compound-complex,complete or elliptical省略. Dependent clauses preceding the main clause called periodic sentence which is characteristic of writing other than speech and of formal kinds of prose散文, as contrasted with loose sentence----a complex sentence in which the main clause comes first, often found in speech or informal kinds of prose. Parallelism: there is any repetition of the same structural pattern. Antithesis : the best, the worse, the age...love without marriage... Rhetorical question: does not expect an answer. Sentence length: Shorter sentences are often found in speech or in other informal occasions, such as advertising, news headlines, slogans, whereas longer sentences are used in writing or on other formal occasions such as science theses, official documents, formal speeches. Clause type小句deals

with main kinds of clauses: independent clauses, or dependent clauses; non-finite structures; clause elements:S subject, P predicator, O object, C complement, A adverbial. Group type refers to various types of nominal groups and verbal groups. Nominal groups consist of a noun, or pronoun, numeral, some non-finite or nominal structures operating as head with or without modification. There are two types of such groups: premodified nominal groups(head with premodification called modifier , as these six rough men), postmodified nominal groups(head followed by postmodification called qualifier, as scholars from the west who arrived on Sunday). Verbal groups consist of a lexical verb operating as head, with or without one or more auxiliaries preceding it, as in I shall have to go. Word type is concerned with the word formation and is discussable in terms of traditional morphology: root, prefix and suffix. 2)Lexical features: general wording inclination:we would note weather the vocabulary or a text is simple or complex, descriptive or evaluative, general or specific; weather there is any use of rare or specialized or Latinate vocabulary; weather there are any idiomatic expressions associated with certain dialects or registers; weather the nouns are abstract or concrete; weather the verbs are stative or dynamic; weather the adjectives and adverbs are frequent. Connotative meaning refers to all kinds of association words may evoke, particularly in certain emotional, situational contexts, over and above the basic or central referential meaning of words----the latter called denotative meaning. Collocation refers to the habitual or expected co-ocurrence of words. The meaning of a word depends on its immediate context----its nearby words which are its collocates. This context will permit some of the possible denotations and connotations, but rule out others, or make them less probable.

Third level1)text as a semantic unit: A text is a stretch of language which forms a unity by reasons of its linguistic cohesion and semantic coherence. 2)cohesion, there are three types of connectives: the first type refers to transitional words/phrases, showing time, place, and causal relation.; the second type refers to grammatical devices, ellipsis, substitution and co-reference; the third type refers to lexical reiteration(lexical reiteration is a means of cohesion achieved through the repetition of key words, or through the use of synonyms, near-synonyms, hyponyms and general words, so that the theme of the text is highlighted).

3)paragraphing: the division of a text into paragraphs helps bring out a clear picture of the organization of the thematic development. 4)discourse pattern: Discourse, in its broad sense, refers not only to ordinary conversation and its context but also to written communications between writer and reader. In this sense, it is often used synonymously with text. 5)Rhetorical devices:...

5 formal vs informal language

Degrees of formality

Formality refers to the way in which the style of language will vary in appropriateness according to the social context: the occasion and the relationship between addresser(soeaker) and addressee(listener). The address forms people use are probably the most direct and obvious means to indicate roles and relationships. The address forms in the English language present three most frequently used patterns: 1)the reciprocal exchange of Title plus Last Name(TLN, difference and distance); 2)the reciprocal exchange of First Name(FN, condescension and intimacy);

3) the non-reciprocal pattern in which one person uses FN and the other TLN. The use of the non-reciprocal pattern indicates that the roles to be played by the participants are not the same: one is higher in status than the other.

Martin Joo's (classification) describes the range of formality as having

five levels: frozen, formal, consultative, casual, and intimate, which is believed that every speaker has access to. The frozen level is used for written legal documents or highly solemn speech which consists of memorized sentences that must be repeated verbatim. The formal level is used for public addresses such as lectures or speeches where the audience is not known to the speaker personally or where person acquaintance is not acknowledged. The consultative level is used at less formal gatherings such as committee meetings where status is still fairly clearly designated, but where participants interact. The casual level is used among friends, or peers who know each other well enough that little elaboration is necessary. The intimate level is used between people who see each other daily and share the majority of their daily life experiences.

Formality and linguistic features

Formal vs informal in terms of vocabulary. Generally speaking, formal style is characterised by the use of formal words, mainly learned words and technical terms. Learned words are mostly loan words of Greek and Latin origin which may find their synonyms in common words. Colloquialisms r\are usually simple words, active phrasal verbs, words of backformation or abbreviation, and also emphatics. Slang expressions and vulgarism. Formal vs informal in terms of phonology. Elisions省音, represented by contractions in writing are another marker of informal speech. Assimilation occurs extremely frequently in informal speech. Formal vs informal in terms of syntax. Varieties of formal English have their own unique use of syntax, such as longer sentences, complex sentence structure, impersonal constructions, nominalization, complex nominal groups with heavy modification. Informal varieties are marked by shorter sentences, simple sentence structure, use of sentence relatives, participial and absolute structures replaced by clauses, elliptical sentences, tag questions, involved construction, etc. Formal vs informal in terms of semantics.

Semantically formal style differs from informal in terms of cohesion. Informal texts are inclined toward the frequent use of anaphora and ellipsis, and the informal kind of transitional words/phrases such as and, so, to start with, for another thing, whereas formal texts rely on frequent lexical reiteration and the formal kind of transitional words/phrases such as however, consequently, firstly, furthermore, in conclusion, etc. Informal texts are loosely organized, showing lack of planning, while formal texts are compact and well-knit.

6 spoken vs written language

Striking differences: 1) difference in hearer/reader involvement Generally most speeches assume the presence of the hearer. This poses great necessity for the speaker to constantly monitor his message to hold the hearers' attention and to invite the hearer's participation by using questions or commands. A written text, in the other hand, normally presumes the absence of the reader, and direct feedback from the reader is not possible. So there is no urgent need on the part of the author to monitor his message. However, sometimes, he may anticipate potential feedback and build it into the text. 2) difference in linguistic explicitness In speech, the participants rely heavily on their common background knowledge and the immediate context for much of their information. Writing, generally, does not rely on the immediate context for understanding. Nor can the writer normally hope that his readers share with him much of the personal background knowledge needed for the understanding of the written text. On the contrary, he must give great explicitness to whatever he is trying to say on paper. 3)difference in preparedness Writing is on the whole more 'careful' than speaking. With skill and planning, written texts are usually compact and self-contained. Speech, on the other hand, especially conversation is often spontaneous. The participants do not concentrate one subject only----there are often random shifts of topic. Such spoken texts often show a general lack of conscious planning.

Stylistic differences: 1) difference in terms of grammar Grammatically in spontaneous spoken texts, sentences tend to be short, characterised by a large number of loosely connected clauses. Elliptical sentences are frequent and many sentences are incomplete. Clause structure is simple. Nouns are not frequently used as subject. In their place are personal pronouns, especially I and You. Verbal groups are also simple in structure. In written language, sentences are usually complete and tend to be longer than the average spoken sentences. Clauses are closely connected. One of the striking traits of written language is that the subject position is often filled in by a noun. The structure of the nominal group can be complex. Contractions are not so frequent as in spoken texts. 2)difference in terms of vocabulary Speech tends to be:simple words and idioms, a large number of phrasal verbs, vague terms,

a great deal of lexical hyperbole, and slang. In writing, vocabulary tends to be carefully weighed and accurate in meaning. There can be many learnedwords and technical terms occurring in written texts. 3)difference in terms of phonology/graphology In terms of phonology and graphology, speech makes full use of phonological features, while writing of graphological features. In places of these prosodic and paralinguistic features in spoken texts, writing makes use of graphological devices such as punctuation, paragraphing, capitalizing, italics, and so on. Distinctions among speech : Speech can be spontaneous or non-spontaneous. Within spontaneous speech, there is conversing versus monologuing. Non-spontaneous speech can be sub-categorized as reciting and as the speaking of what is written.

Distinctions among writing : Texts written to be spoken as if not written such as the lines in a drama, sound like real speech. Texts written to be spoken with no effort to conceal their written origin such as scrips for sermons, speeches, lectures, commentaries, can be really the reading of an article or essay but the hearer is not in the same situation as the reader where he can turn back a page to check his understanding. T exts written not necessarily to be spoken with no relation to the spoken mode such as a telephone book or a dictionary may be described as written to be read. Texts written not necessarily to be spoken but with a relationship with the spoken mode such as dialogue in a novel, may be categorized as written to be read as speech; and the interior monologue related to such texts may be categorized as written to be read as if thought.

Speaking writing Spontaneously non-spontaneously

Conversing monologuing 'reciting' the speaking of

What is written

To be spoken to be spoken not necessarily

As if not written to be spoken

To be read as if: to be read

(a)heard(to be read as speech)

(b)overheard(to be read as if thought)

7 the English of conversation

General features: First, it shows inexplicitness of language. Second, it shows randomness of subject-matter and lack of planning. Third, there is the phenomenon of normal non-fluency, as hesitation, slips of tongue, overlapping or simultaneous speech.

Stylistic features in terms of levels of language: 1) grammatical features : a. Preference for short and loose sentences. There is a high proportion of parenthetic compound types of sentences such as you know, I mean, that is. b. High incidence of elliptical and incomplete sentences. In order to be brief, and informal/intimate, participants in casual conversation tend to omit parts/elements of an utterance which in formal context are not ellipted. c. Frequency of interrogative sentences. As a verbal transaction between two people conversing, questions and answers are the basic form. d.Simple nominal and verbal group structure. Nominal groups in conversation tend to be the type "Derminer+()Adjective)+Noun; witn not much postmodification or adjective sequence. 2) lexical features: Most noticeable also is the vocabulary of casual conversation, which, in keeping with the need to be simple and direct in expression, tends to be plain and colloquial, rich in vague terms and slangy expressions. a. Preference for short words and vague expressions. b. Frequent use of colloquial items and idioms and a great many phrasal verbs. c. Use of lexical hyperbole and of slang. 3) Phonological features: a.frequent use of some basic prosodic patterns. There is a high proportion of simple falling tones. b. Prosodic variation within the tone-unit c.Frequency of pause and uneven tempo.

d.Free occurrence of paralinguistic effects(body language ). 4) semantic features : Semantically the most important feature of this variety is randomness of subject matter and general lack of planning. Cohesive device is very marked in the sample by frequent use of personal pronoun reference, cross-reference using articles and determines and use of coordinating conjunction.

8 the English of public speech

General features: most persuasive speeches are the speaking of what is written to be spoken to an audience, usually on a formal occasion. But public speaking is also different from daily conversation in that it concentrates on one topic with highly structured format and more formal language, and makes a more effective way of delivery. Public speaking shows the characteristics of the written mode with its highly logical organization of thoughts, closely-knit structure and formal language. Stylistic features: 1) grammatical features: a. variations in sentence length. b. Various sentence type. Most sentences are statements and occasional questions are used. Vocatives of a general type such as 'my fellow citizens','my friends', are used to

add a touch of intimacy to the addresser-addressee relationship. C. more complex-looking group structures. Nominal groups in this variety can sometimes be complex-looking, but more with postmodification than with premodification. What is noteworthy in items of verbal groups in the total lack of contractions in the most persuasive speeches. 2) lexical features:a. Using accurate and clear words. Compared with daily coversation, public speech is careful about its choice of words. Successful speakers tend to choose concrete, familiar words over abstract, unfamiliar ones. b. Adaptation of wording to particular audience. c. Less use of phrasal verbs.

3) phonological features: a. Appropriate volume and pitch variation. b. Varying tempo and rightly timed pause. 92,145. c. Rhythmic effect. Speakers often seek to exploit the rhythm of language by their choice and arrangement of words. d. Distinct articulation. e. Full use of non-verbal communication. Perhaps more than in any other varieties, public speech makes full use of non-verbal communication. 4) semantic features: a. Effective ways of organization. Clear organization is vital to speech-making. Persuasive speeches, especially policy speeches often fall into problem-solution order, sometimes a problem-cause-solution order. Most striking about the connectives in public speaking is: The use of pairs of transitional phrases stating both the idea the speaker is leaving and the one he is coming up. The use of internal previews and summaries. The use of signposts to help the audience keep track of where the speaker is in the speech, or focus their attention on key ideas. b. Effective ways of delivery. The most prominent of the rhetorical devices in speech-making is the use of parallelism. The parallel structure makes the statement clear, consistent and compelling. Antithesis对照contrasts ideas in a formal structure of parallelism. Antithesis lends extra impact to the statement. Repetition helps create a strong emotional effect. Some speakers use alliteration押头韵to catch the attention of the audience and make ideas easier to remember. Alliteration is a marvellous way to spruce up修饰speeches. Figurative比喻use of language is also very marked in public speeches.

9 the English of advertising

The function of advertising: marketing role, helping companies sell their products or services; educational role, helping people learn about new products or services; economic role, encourage competition in product/service improvements and lower price; social role, helping increase productivity and raise the standard of living.

The functional tenor of advertising language is mainly persuasive(as consumer advertising) or mainly informative(as business advertising).

Stylistic features of display advertising: 1) graphological features: Full use of graphologuical contrasts. Prominent use of pictures. Clear identification of the

advertiser. 2)grammatical features: A display advertising tends to be grammatically simple. a.Preference for short sentences. b. Combined use of various types of sentences. c. Use of simple verbal groups. d. Use of heavily modified nominal groups. In order to pack more information into a limited space, many ads have heavily modified nominal groups. 3) lexical features: So far as the lexis is concerned, advertising is characteristic of its richly suggestive and descriptive language. a. Wide use of affirmative and commendatory words and expressions. Comparisons are many in advertising, usually to affirm the improvement made to a product or service. Most prominent is the use of a large number of adjectives. b. Frequent use of personal pronouns. c. Extensive use of neologisms新词. 4) semantic features : Semantically, newspaper or other print advertising is distinctive in its heavy reliance on the overall layout, its adaptation to the target audience and marketing objective(high attention to positioning and theme), its rhetorical devices, etc. Rhetorical devices: Repetition is striking in some ads. Parallel structure is often seen. Various metaphorical uses of language are common. Allusions暗指and puns 双关are thought-provoking and humorous. Sound effects are embodied in alliteration or metrical韵律的rhythm.

Conspicuous features of business-to-business advertising: business-to-business advertising is designed to sell products and service not to general consumers but to other business. First, the target audience in business advertising is much smaller. Second, most of the products or services that are advertised tend to be technical, complicated, and high priced. Third, the buyer will be professionals.

Conspicuous features of classified advertising: classified advertising is compact and brief, and supplies abundant information about help wanted, used furniture and automobile for sale, apartment for rent, instruction offer, film and theatre,etc. Radio advertising is written to be spoken as if not written. Radio advertisements draw their hearers' attention by phonological contrasts and effects, (while newspaper display advertisements draw the readers' attention by graphological contrasts and pictures).

10 the English of news reporting

General features: Owing to the limitation of space, and pressure for time on the part of the reader, reporters have to compress their information while making it clear and interesting. The need to be compact, and clear,and interesting poses particular on the demand on the graphological design of headlines' on the peculiar arrangement of events, and on the clarity, directness and vividness of language.

Stylistic features:1)graphological features:dddddd 2)grammatical features: a. Alternating use of long and short statement-type sentences. Actually in news

reporting, there is often an alternating use of long and short or elliptical, even incomplete sentences, especially in feature articles, so as to give variety to the rhythm of the article. Other types of sentences are possible. Occasional questions are used, especially in feature news items, to direct the reader's attention to what is to fellow and keep the pace of the news from dragging, or to simply assert something that is obviously hard to deny. Commands are few, but they do sometimes occur.

b. Frequent use of inverted sentence structure and expanded simple sentences. What is distinctive of this variety of English is the use of inverted sentence structure, especially when the source of authority is used at the end of the sentence(stress,attention). Simple sentences expanded by subordinating structures following the main clause.

c. Use of heavily modified nominal groups. Highly noteworthy is the presence of much complex pre-and post- modification of the nominal group in this variety of English.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/621220823.html,e of simple verbal groups. The verbal group in the sample is simple in structure, mostly composed of one or two elements. There is an obvious bias toward the use of certain tense form: the dominant simple past tense and some present tense form in the same text. 3) lexical features: a. Preference for journalistic words and set expressions. b. Wide use of neologisms新词. Words with extended meaning, nonce-words临时造词, coinages, words borrowed extensively from sports, military,commerce, science and technology, gambling,etc. c. Extensive use of abbreviation. Govt (government),auto(automobile), coke(coca cola), Jap(Japanese), nukes(nuclear wepon),Viets(Vietnamese), telecast(broadcast on TV), poliburo(political bureau), ABC(American Broadcasting Corporation), BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation), EEC(European Economic Community), UN(United Nations), UPI(United Press International), J.F.K(John F Kennedy), NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization), UNESCO(the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations), IMF(International Monetary Fund ). d. Avoidance of superlatives最高级and tarnished晦涩words ornaments. Superlatives are usually inaccurate, and tarnished word ornaments are not vivid. So they are often avoided in news reporting.

e. Aavoidance of unobjective wording. The writer does not use I, me, my, us, or our in a news story except when quoting someone. 4) semantic features: Semantically, newspaper reporting is distinctive for its discourse pattern, its simple way of transition and its headlining skill. Distinctive discourse pattern: In news reporting, the events are arranged in the order of their 'newsworthiness'. This way of writing is often referred to as inverted pyramid, and the order in which newsworthy facts are organized is referred to as 'logical order'. The order of importance is measured by reader appeal.

Simple way of transition. Though the news story is split up into separate units, there is yet unity. This is achieved through the obvious relatedness between sentences, or with the use of such common connectives as also, on the other hand, or meanwhile, etc. Skillful headlining. Headlines play a vital part in drawing the reader's attention to the news story. Grammatically, headlines are most noted for their wide use of ellipsis with frequent omissin of articles, possessives所有格, verb be, even content words, so as to shorten the length and to be more concise and comprehensive. Stylistic features of radio and television news: So far as sentence structure is concerned, newscast news tend to be even simpler compared with newspaper news. Inverted sentence structure is usually not followed in newscast. Familiar words are preferred. Complex words and phrases are avoided lest they should cause any misunderstanding when heard on the air.

11 the English of science and technology

EST includes in its category many fields of discourse: the English of mathematic, the English of physics, the English of chemistry, the English of biology, the English of linguistic, etc. On the whole, the language of all the scientific fields have such features in common that we can take them all as a single variety of English which comprises two subvarieties: the English of specialized science and technology(ESST) and the English of common science and technology(ECST).

Stylistic features of EST: 1)grammatical features: a.More use of longer and statement-type sentences. b. Preference for impersonal sentences patterns. Most highly distinctive is the frequent use of impersonal sentences, as it is important to stress the fact that experimental results will be the same as long as the experiment are replicated exactly, no matter who performs them. This is shown: ○a in the use of sentences introduced by an anticipatory It○b in the use of passive

structure(to keep objective) in narrating. The person agent is normally not mentioned, though occurrence of other agents are possible in EST(by). c. Wide use of non-finite structure and prepositional phrases. d. Use of expanded premodification. e. Tendency to nominalization. Nominalization(chiefly of predicate transitive verbs) is another way of making sentences compact, impersonal and formal.

f. Wide use of the simple present tense.

g. Incidence of subjunctive mood. In EST, scientists and engineers are often engaged in supposition and inference when explaining a problem or phenomenon. Hence the high incidenceof the subjunctive mood in this variety: ○a to indicate the results of a possible or imagined course of action, or○b to refer to the possible results of something which did not happen but might have happened. 2) lexical features: Most EST texts are distinctive in their unique vocabulary and use of common words with accurate and dispassioned meaning. a. Specific use of highly-technical words. This is clearly typical of the

English of specialized science and technology, which is meant for professionals. b. Wide use of semi-technical words. c. Unique use of non-technical words and expressions. d. Frequent use of abbreviations,symbols, formulae, and charts. (sq, square; ltd, limited; cf, compare; ff, following) 3) semantic features: Semantically, EST is distinctive in its wide use logical-grammatical connectives and scarcity of rhetorical devices. a. Wide use of connectives(cohesion ties). EST aims at close and logical reasoning. Hence its dependence on strong meaning relations in content and clear explicit connectivity显性连接性. Most noticeable is the frequent use of the formal kind of transitional words/phrases and lexical repetition. ○a Backward reference with use of pronoun it, the definite article the and the demonstrative this.

○b Noun repetition.○c Summarizing nouns or this. ○d Transitional words/phrases. b. Scarcity of rhetorical devices. EST writings aim at an impersonal, objective way of exposition. So clarity and accuracy(highlighting) is most important of their quality, and avoidance of ornamental or ambiguous expressions is a must.

Features of spoken EST: spoken EST refers to a conversation, a lecture, a radio or television programme, or a film, concerning a scientific or technical subject. What is most striking about spoken EST is its similarity with its corresponding written form. Comparatively, the spoken form is less formal and it is often endowed with features common to spoken varieties of all fields.

12 the English of legal documents

As a variety: The field of legal documents covers a wide range: statutes, decrees, legal provisions, economic contracts, commodity warranty, deeds of trust, insurance policies, wills and testaments, leases and instalment plans, etc. All of these are concerned with imposing of obligations and conferring of rights. And their personal tenor is the same----very formal, even dignified. In terms of mode, all of them are recorded in a written form meant to be scrutinized in silence.

Stylistic features of legal English:1)graphological features: a. Use of different types. A first glance at the legal document reveals that it is printed in different shapes of type. b. Particular arrangement of blocks. c. Limited range of punctuation.

2) grammatical features: a. Tendency to long sentences. Legal English tends to put all sequences into the form of very complex sentences capable of standing alone, by means of an array of subordinating devices. b. Wide use of statement-type sentences. As is the nature of legal documents, most of the sentences are statements with no questions and only an occasional command as is used at the end of a document. A large number of sentences are of the structure S P O (C)A or A S P O C. Within each of the two infinitive structures, there is an adverbial introduced by because of and even if respectively. Conditional clause introduced by if, provided that, in the event of, etc are many in this variety. In legal English adverbials

often come before the object. c. Preference for complex postmodification in the nominal group. Legal English is highly nominal. There is a marked preference for heavy postmodification. Participial 分词phrases are frequently used as postmodification. Heavy use of postmodification is an effort to suit the need for exactness of expression so as to rule out any possible misinterpretation. d. Use of simpler verbal groups. Compared with nominal groups, verbal groups in legal documents are structurally simple. In insurance policies and contracts quite a number of verbs are of the type ' modal auxiliary(often shall or may)+be or do '.

3)lexical features: a. Frequent employment of archaic words and phrases. In order to render the legal documents highly formal and dignified, lawyers often employ words and phrases that are unique to this variety. Words like herein, hereof, hereinafter, thereunder, whereby; phrases like forever in fee simple, in witness whereof, legally seized and possessed of, of sound and disposing mind, upon his official bond, etc. They are either unique to legal English or are endowed with a strong legal flavour. b. More use of Romance than Germanic words. Owing to the extensive borrowing of French legal terminology after the Conquest, the French element in legal vocabulary is extremely large. What is particularly distinctive is the use of French and Latin legal terms. The large proportion of Romance words help raise the formality of the text. c. Special use of common words. Lawyers also have a set of technical terms at their own disposal. And a number of common words have been inverted into technical terms with only one of their meaning kept in the legal text. Common words used in such a special way in legal documents, helps mark out a text as belonging to the field of legal English. 4) semantic features: a. Preference for lexical repetition to pronoun reference. In order to achieve exactness of reference, leaving no loopholes whatsoever, legal documents tend to use lexical repetition as the formal device to link their long and self-contained sentences. Repetition of the same exact word or words not only occurs between sentences, but also between different parts within the same sentence. As a result, pronoun reference is scarce. Repetition within the same sentence is remarkably unique in this variety. Verbal groups are also repeated. b.Wide use of conjunctional phrases and parallel structure. Coordinating of words and phrases are another remarkable feature of legal texts. The most frequently seen are: last will and testament遗嘱, children and issue子女或后嗣, heirs and devisees继承人, provisions and stipulations条款, full force and effect效力,and so on. Parallel structure is prominent in enumerating concrete terms and conditions of a policy or contract.

c.Tendency to meticulous way of expression. Another way to achieve exactness of reference and to evade any possible misinterpretation is to be extremely detailed in expression lest there should arise anything disputable concerning the stipulations on

rights or obligations.

13 the English of literature----general remarks

Literature is the art of language. It uses language to create images to reflect social life and the mind and feelings of the author. It can mimic all aspects of human experience----both linguistic and non-linguistic experience. Thus in a literary text, pieces of different varieties such as daily conversation, political speech, news reporting, legal procedure

14 the English of literature----the language of fiction

Manipulation of semantic roles:The concept of semantic roles(such as Agent, Patient, Instrument etc) is of interest and value in the analysis of narratives. Narrators and characters can be seen to be active instigators as ' Agent ', or passive receivers of an action as ' Patients '. One of the ways writers present a particular view of the world is by consistently choosing particular kinds of role structures over others. So examination of these role structures can reveal a lot about how narrators/characters perceive the world.

Creation of and symbols:

Employment of various points of view: In the basic aesthetic sense, point of view refers to angle of vision----the point from which the people, events and other details in a story are viewed and told in the novel. Traditionally, there have been two kinds of variations in point of view: first person, and third person. The third-person point of view has a narrator outside the story who refers to all characters in the story proper by name, or as ' he ', ' she ', ' they '. Such a point of view may be extremely broad----called the omniscient全知point of view as when the author decides to reveal the inner world of his/her characters. The third-person point of view can be limited, called the limited point of view. The narrator tells the story in the third person but confines him-/herself to what is experienced, thought and felt by a single character, or at most by a very limited number of characters, within the story.

The subtle workings of authorial tone:Authorial tone is the implied stance or attitude of the author----light or serious, bitter or enthusiastic, straightforward or ironic, towards the characters and events.

语言学概论 复习总结

英语语言学概论 期中作业 专业:英语(翻译)学号:20131311202 姓名:汤汪

第七章语言、文化与社会 1、语言与文化 (1)语言 语言有广义和狭义之分。 狭义的语言包括口头语言、书面语言和书面语的物质载体——文字。最狭义的语言不包括文字,只包括口语和书面语,口语和书面语是人类社会用来进行交际和思维的最重要、最常用、最发达、最严密的符号体系。 广义的语言不仅包括狭义语言,而且还包括准语言。准语言又称副语言、类语言,根据诉诸感官的不同,准语言又可分为听觉的(伴随声音、音乐语言、其他声响符号)、视觉的(表情、体态等;图表、公式等;绘画语言;舞蹈语言;蒙太奇语言;符号、标识语言;其他视觉符号)、触觉的(盲文等)三类。 广义的语言其实包括了人类用于交际的所有手段,因此可以将广义的语言定义为“人类使用的一切符号”。 (2)文化 文化是社会成员共同拥有的生活方式和为满足这些方式而共同创造的事事物物,以及基于这些方式而形成的心理和行为。 广义的文化可以分为物质文化、制度文化和心理文化三个层次。物质文化是一种可见的显性文化。制度文化和心理文化是不可见的隐性文化或曰潜在文化。 物质文化是指人类创造的种种物质文明。诸如生产和交通工具,武器,日用器具,服饰,居住、饮食和其他人类行为所需要的物品等等。 制度文化是指种种制度和理论体系。诸如饮食习惯、建筑工艺、卫生管理、娱乐方式等生活制度,婚姻形式、亲属关系、家庭财产分配等家庭制度,劳动管理、艺术生产、教育、道德、风俗、宗教、利益、法律、政治、警察、军队等社会制度,以及有关这些制度的各种理论体系。 心理文化包括思维方式、审美情趣、宗教信仰、价值观念等等,比之物质文化和制度文化,心理文化处于更深的层次上。 (3)语言与文化的关系 语言与文化相互依赖、相互影响.语言是文化的重要载体;文化对语言有制约作用.本文对语言的内在系统,从语言的形式和结构上作了分析,并对语言的社会功能和其它外在因素进行了探讨。 语言在人类的一切活动中都起着十分重要的作用,是人类社会生活不可缺少的一个部分。自古以来,语言学家们都试图从多方面对语言进行探讨,形成了许多语言学流派。归纳起来,现代语言学主要来源于两大传统:语文学传统和人类学传统。语文学传统从比较语言学和历史语言学开始,根据文学作品和书面文献的研究对语言进行分析和比较。19世纪语文学家的工作为现代语言学的独立研究奠定了基础,后来发展到布龙菲尔德的结构主义和乔姆斯基的转换生成语法。这一传统的继承者强调语言的自然属性,把语言看成是一个封闭的,独立的系统,把语言学看成是一门横跨人文科学和自然科学的独立的边缘科学。人类学传统指运用人类学方法去研究没有书写系统和文字传统的社会集团的语言。自20世纪初


文体学发展史 文体学首先来自于古代的修辞学,来自于亚里斯多德的修辞论。现代文体学创始人是法国文体学家巴利(索绪尔的学生),文体学的性质是一门结合文学和语言学的交叉学科,适宜于对文学和语言学很感兴趣的学生学习的一门课程。简单地说,文体学就是运用语言学的理论去阐释文学内容和写作风格的一门学科。帮助学生理解作品的深刻内涵和写作技巧。同时,激发学生开展批评性阅读,尝试建立自己的见解。 发展历程 西方文体学的研究可上溯到古希腊、罗马的修辞学研究,早在公元100年就出现了德米特里厄斯的《论文体》这样集中探讨文体问题的论著。但在20世纪之前,对文体地讨论一般不外乎主观印象式的评论,而且通常出现在修辞学研究、文学研究或语法分析之中,文体研究没有自己相对的地位。20世纪初以来,在采用现代语言方法之后,文体分析方法摆脱了传统印象式直觉分析的局限,逐渐深入和系统化、科学化。欧洲历史语言学和普通语言学在20世纪初发展成为较有影响的独立学科,与语言学相结合的文体学也逐渐成为一门具有一定独立地位的交叉学科。

现代文体学创始人是法国文体学家巴利(Bally,1865-1974)(索绪尔的学生),他借用索绪尔的结构主义语言学反思传统修辞学,力图将文体学作为语言学的一个分支建立起来,使文体分析更为科学化和系统化。巴依的研究对象是口语体的文体。他认为一个人说话时除了客观地表达思想外,还常常带有各种感情色彩。文体学的任务是探讨表达这些感情特征的种种语言手段,以及它们之间的相互关系,并由此入手,分析语言的整个表达方式系统。虽然巴依没有特别关注文学文本,但他们的普通文体学对于文学文体学的形成有直接的推动作用。稍晚于巴利的德国文体学家斯皮泽(Spitzer, 1887-1960)被普遍尊为文学文体学之父,斯皮泽的研究对象不是口语,而是文学作品。斯皮泽认为文学作品的价值主要体现在语言上,因此他详细分析具体语言细节所产生的效果,从而有别于传统印象式批评。此外,他提出了一种适用于分析长篇小说的被称为“语文圈”的研究方法,即寻找作品中频繁出现的偏离常规的语言特征。然后,对其作出作者心理根源上的解释,接着再回到作品细节中,通过考察相关因素予以证实或修正。受到德国学术思想的影响,斯皮泽将文体学视为连接语言学与文学史的桥梁,旨在通过文体特征的研究来考察作者心灵以及民族文化和思想澶变的历史。 学科历史 50年代末以前


17 文体阅读(一) 班级__________ 姓名__________ 得分__________ 时间:40分钟满分:100分 一、古诗阅读。(39分) 元日 爆竹声中一岁除,____________入屠苏。 千门万户曈曈日,总把______________。 1.补充诗句。(8分) 2.《元日》的作者是______代诗人________,诗中描写的节日是__________,即农历____________,俗称“_______ _”。 (10分) 3.诗中写了__________、__________、____________、___ _________等一系列的仪式,加之太阳灿烂,春风送暖, 渲染了一种____________的节日气氛。(10分) 4.给诗句中加点的字词选择正确的解释。(填字母,6分) (1)爆竹声中一岁除.( ) A.去掉。 B.过去。 C.表示不计算在内。 (2)千门万户曈曈日 ( ) A.形容太阳出来后天色渐亮的样子。 B.形容太阳落山后天色渐暗的样子。

5.“总把新桃换旧符”,在今天也就是更换春联。请你写一副对联,愿新的一年会给农民带来吉祥和好运。(5分) _______________________________________________ ____ _______________________________________________ ____ 二、说明类文章阅读。(27分) 动物的语言 动物也有自己的语言。有些动物是以动作作为联系信号的。 在某一个海滩上,有一种蟹,雄的只有一只大螯,在寻求配偶时,便高举这只大螯,频频挥动,一旦发觉雌蟹走来,就更加起劲地挥舞着大螯,直到雌蟹伴随着一同回到大海。 有一种鹿是靠尾巴报信的。平安无事时,它的尾巴就垂下不动;尾巴半抬起来,表示正处于警戒状态;如果发现有危险,尾巴便完全竖直。 蜜蜂的________可算是登峰造极的了,它能用独特的舞蹈动作向自己的伙伴报告食物(蜜源)的方向和距离。蜜源的距离不同,在一定时间内完成的舞蹈次数也不一样。有人在此提出了一个诱人的设想:派人造的电子蜂打入蜜蜂之中,指挥蜜蜂活动。这样,不但可以按人的需要收获不同的蜂蜜,还可以帮助植物传粉,真是一举两得。 1.填入文中横线上的词语最恰当的一项是( )(5分)


12年12月新闻文体学作业 及答案 -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

《新闻文体学》作业 本课程作业由两部分组成。第一部分为“客观题部分”,由15个选择题组成,每题1分,共15分。第二部分为“主观题部分”,由简答题和论述题组成,共15分。作业总分30分,将作为平时成绩记入课程总成绩。 客观题部分: 一、选择题(每题1 分,共15题) 1. 选择下面说法正确的() A、狭义的新闻,是指未在报刊上发表的新闻。 B、狭义的新闻,是指不包括新闻评论的新闻报道。 C、狭义的新闻,即等于消息这一文体。 2. 选择下面说法正确的() A、简讯,是不大重要的简单的新闻消息。 B、简讯,是与消息、通讯等同的新闻报道的典型体裁。 C、简讯不是新闻报道的典型体裁。 3. 选择下面说法正确的() A、运用某些属性相同的例子,推论出其他事物也可能有相同的属性的论证方法,叫例证法。 B、运用某些属性不同的例子,推论出其他事物也可能有相同的属性的论证方法,叫对比法。 C、运用某些属性相同的例子,推论出其他事物也可能有相同的属性的论证方法,叫类比法。 4.以下正确的是() A、新闻标题是在一篇文章前,将新闻的内容或主题加以概括以后单独出的简短文字。 B、新闻标题是在一篇或一组新闻本文前面,将新闻的内容或主题加以概括以后单独标出的简短文字。

C、新闻标题是在一篇或一组新闻的较前面,将新闻的内容加以概括以后单独标出的简短文字。 5.以下正确的是() A、新闻,是广大群众欲知、应知而未知的事实。 B、新闻,是新近发生的事实的报道。 C、新闻,是报道或评述最新的重要事实以影响舆论的特殊行为。 6.以下正确的是 ( ) A、“日本朋友×××见义勇为烟台挽救落水儿童”,是目的关系 B、“日本朋友×××见义勇为烟台挽救落水儿童”,是后续关系。 C、“日本朋友×××见义勇为烟台挽救落水儿童”,是因果关系。 7.以下正确的是() A、消息写作滞后的原因是没有向散文学习。 B、消息写作滞后的原因是消息不真实、不典型、审美性差。 C、消息写作滞后的原因是消息写得不及时、不够真实、不客观。 8.大众传播应具备的三要素不包括的是() A、传者(信息源) B、媒介(通道) C、受者(发布者) 9.以下正确的是() A、解释性报道,就是揭丑性或揭漏性报道。 B、解释性报道,就是分析性报道,回答为什么,关心“为何”。 C、解释性报道,就是大量提供背景材料,作者不带倾向,让受众自己去思考并得出结论。 10.选择下面说法正确的() A.我国最早的电视台叫北京电视台,1958年9月2日开播。 B.我国最早的电视台叫中央电视台,1958年9月2日开播。 C.我国最早的电视台叫北京电视台,1958年10月1日开播。 11. 选择下面说法正确的() A.新闻主体的人文修养,包括政治觉悟、道德水准、忧患意识。 B.新闻主体的人文修养,包括政治觉悟、道德水准、广博知识。


Chapter One: Brief Introduction to Stylistics Part 1: What is Stylistics about? 1.A Glance at Style Sample 1: The Year's at the Spring ! 一年之计在于春 ~Robert Browning The year's at the spring 正值一年之春, And day's at the morn; 又逢一日之晨; Morning's at seven; 晨光走到了七点; The hill-side's dew-pearled; 山腰挂着露珠; The lark's on the wing; 云雀展翅高飞; The snail's on the thorn: 蜗牛爬上了荆棘: God's in his Heaven -- 上帝在自己的天堂里—— All's right with the world! 尘世间一派井然! Sample 2: The Regulation is enacted in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations and in light of the concrete conditions of this Municipality, with the purpose of strengthening the administration of cityscape and environmental sanitation, creating and maintaining a clean, beautiful cityscape and environment, protecting people's health, promoting economic growth, civilization and progress of society. 为了加强市容和环境卫生的管理,保持干净美观的市容环境,保护人民群众的健康,推动经济发展和社会文明进步,根据相关法规和本市的具体情况特此制定本规定。 Sample 3: Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony (alliteration) (高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼)


第三章语言学对象的文体学功能 一、语音的文体学功能 尽管有的学者一直认为语音没有任何意义,但是不同的语音确实能表现出说话者想要强调的意图并且具有不同的文体学功能。在口语的交际中,语音、重音、停顿、语调等都能表现说话者的情感态度以及暗示的一些内容。 重音 重音就是语音的重读。a)表现强调。b)表现吃惊、生气、怀疑等。c)区分同一词的不同意义。(以suspect为例,动词重音在pe而作名词时重音在sus)。 停顿 停顿是在连续的语言单元间的短暂中断的分节过程。英语中有三种停顿:浊音停顿、插声停顿和无声停顿。 音调 我们在听别人说话时,可以辨别出说话人某些音相对调值较高或较低,这就是音调的区分。a)降调b)升调c)降升调d)升降调e)平调f)降+升调 语速 语速就是说话的速度。快的语速反映出兴奋、气愤,慢的语速表现出疑惑、犹豫、悲伤、劳累。 二、笔迹的文体学功能 标点 a)破折号:①表示句中的突然中断或者没表达完毕。②引出总结或同位语。③附加说明。 b)冒号:①在复杂正式的引用前。②介绍一系列项目。 c)感叹号:用在强有力的感叹和命令之后。 大写 大写使用在如下场合:a)句首单词首字母b)诗行首单词首字母c)引用的第一个单词d)神的名字e)语言的名字f)国家e)货币f)地名

斜体 斜体使用在以下场合a)书名、杂志、电影、飞机、船名。b)强调一个句子中某个单词。c)标明不能用英语书写的词汇。 分段 分段有两种分法:a)长段用来谈论完整、正式的事项。b)短段用来衔接、总结。新闻工作者喜欢用短段,因为读者可以在短时间内了解新闻;律师、科学家通常喜用长段用来阐述说明。 三、词汇的文体学功能 概括与详细 详细词的使用更加生动、可以给读者直观感受;在没有必要详细的时候使用概括词即可。 词源 安格鲁萨克逊词源:基本词汇,有“非正式感” 拉丁词源:科学、宗教、官方交流,正式感强。 其他 四、语法的文体学功能 从句类型: a)限定分句b)非限定分句c)无动词分句d)独立分句e)从句 句子类型: a)依据句子的复杂程度或成分数量,可以分为简单句、多子句、复合句、复杂句、复合复杂句。 b)从语法角度分析,可以分为主要句和不完全句。不完全句主语或谓语不齐全。c)功能角度分析,可以分为陈述句、疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反义疑问句),命令句和感叹句。 d)从橘子的长短,可以分为长句和短句。 e)从结构或强调的美感分析,分为圆周句和结构平行句。


Chapter1 1, what is style in your opinion according to what we have studied in this chapter? Anwser1 , from the perspective of the content, the events and activities described ,style is saying different things in different ways ;from the perspective of the ways of expression used ,styled is same thing in different ways; from the perspective of the users of language ,style is different speakers using language in different ways; and from the perspective of the text ,style is the functions of texts for different purposes. Anwser2, the definition of style is the concept of style as choice .this definition can have at least too interpretations .one is that first we have a pre-existing thought ,and then we choice the appropriate type of expression to express it in language. The chosen expression is the style .another is that the choice refers to the choice of meaning. The choice of language is at the same time a choice of meaning and a choice of style . 2,what is the significance of studying the style of language in learning and teaching English? Anwser, the answer is that if we want to use language appropriately in different situations , we need to study style .as foreign language learners, if we disregard the rules of using what variety of language in what occasion , or fail to obey them through ignorance , language can become instead a barrier to successful communication . Therefore its necessary to have a clear awareness of how language should be used in different types of situations especially in unfamiliar situations. 3, what factors can result in differences in style ? Answer , 1, the different types of vocabulary create different images of the events in the rea der’s mind, so they can result in different styles.2,people living in different periods of time in history will also speak differently ,and that will result in a different style. Chapter2 1, explain the following terms 1),foregrounding: the stylistically significant features have to be prominent and motivated ,that is ,foregrounded. 2),incongruity: the linguistic features depart from the normal use of language ,breaking the rules grammar ,spelling ,pronunciation. 3)deflection : the linguistic features don’t depart from the established grammatical, lexical and logical rules and principles ,but have an unexpected high frequency of occurrence. 4),field; its concerned with what is happening ,including the subject matter,the events happenings,going-ons, the content ,etc 5)tenor: its concerned with who is taking part in the exchange of meaning ----the relationship between the speaker and the listener ,their relative status,their attitude,and their role relations . 6)mode: its concerned with how the interaction is conducted ,that is whether it is written or spoken ,or whether it is expressed by phonic substance or graphic substance. 2,question for discussion 2)in rhetorical series,the number of items can influence the stylistic effect.try to analyze the causes on the basis of social culture. Answer :different numbers of words can produce different stylistic effects in the appropriate contexts. Two items express assertion ,that is ,it is just this ,not that .In appropriate situations three items can produce ethic ,persuasive, and representative effect. Four or more items in a series


多选: 比较文学学科形成标志:(1)名称提出;(2)讲座、课程开设;(3)创办杂志;(4)出版专著 比较文学法国学派成员:代表人物(三位奠基人:维尔曼“比较文学之父”、安培“创建比较文学史”、圣伯夫“理论上的肯定”);三个第一(第一位比文化成因较文学教授(戴克斯特)、第一本比较文学刊物(梅茨尔)、第一本理论专著(波斯奈特));四大代表人物:巴尔登斯伯格、梵·第根、卡雷、基亚。 比较文学的可比性:同源性、变异性、类同性、异质性与互补性 媒介学的个体媒介包括方面:作家、学者、翻译家、外交人员、文化使者等。 文类学:文体学、 单选 影响郭沫若的美国诗人:朗费洛 比较文学的作用:加强世界文学的相互了解和整合,推动世界文学的发展。 法国学派的特点:比较文学是国际关系史,不主张比较“影响研究”。 文类学研究的问题:文类的历时研究和文类的共时比较、缺类研究 文化翻译中文化意义增加的情况: 宗教对文化的影响:加速了各文明之间的文化融合和发展 中国的第一部比较文学著作卢康华、孙景尧《比较文学导论》 钱钟书的比较文学著作《谈艺录》 中国的狄更斯:老舍 对卡夫卡产生影响的俄国作家:陀斯妥耶夫斯基 鲁迅的长篇论文《摩罗诗力说》是比较文学的重要论文 每一篇艺术作品都有主题,但都不一定纳入母题之中。 名词解释 比较文学:以世界性眼光和胸怀来从事不同国家、不同文明和不同学科之间的跨越式文学比较研究。它主要研究各种跨越中文学的同源性、变异性、类同性、异质性和互补性,以实证性影响研究、文学变异研究、平行研究和总体文学研究为基本方法论,其目的在于以世界性眼光来总结文学规律和文学审美特征,加强文学的相互了解和相互整合,推动世界文学的发展。 译介学:是研究语言层面的变异的学科,它关注的是跨语际翻译过程中的种种变异现象,探讨产生这种变异的社会、历史和文化根源。它不是语言研究,而是文学或文化研究,关心的是原文在转换过程中信息的失落、变形、增删、扩伸等问题,是翻译在文化交流过程中的独特价值和意义。 形象学:是作家及集体对作为他者的异国、异民族是想象物。形象学是对一部作品、一种文学中异国形象的研究。一国文学中对异国形象的塑造通常并不是异国现实的客观呈现,而是具有乌托邦或意识形态色彩。 文类学:是专门研究文学类型在不同国家的发展历史和理论的分支学科。在比较文学未涉足文类这一领域之前,文类研究主要限于一国文学范围内。通常的做法是按一定的标准对本国文学加以分类,或从历史的角度梳理某种文学类型产生、发展和演变的过程。前者如按语言的韵散区分诗和文,后者如对中国小说、诗歌历史的编年研究。 渊源学:就是以文学接受为出发点,去探寻放松者的影响,也就是揭示某一文学现象或作家的主题、题材、人物形象、情节、风格、语言、物品等的外来因素。 操控学:比利时学者勒菲弗尔的翻译操控理论:谁决定什么文本将被翻译?谁翻译?为什么翻译?怎样翻译?勒认为意识形态、赞助人、诗学、话语体系、翻译与语言教育、翻译策


语 言理论研究 odern chineseM 2007.12 一、引言 功能文体学是以韩礼德的系统功能语法理论为基础的文体学理论(韩礼德,2005:9)。韩礼德的功能文体学理论强调语言功能与文学研究文体之间的相关性问题。他主张利用三大元功能——概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能在语言中的体现来剖析文本。1969年,韩礼德在意大利召开的“文学文体讨论会”(Symposium on Literary Style)上宣读了《语言功能与文学文体》(Language Functions and LiteraryStyle)(Halliday,1973)一文,至此功能文体学诞生。在这篇文章中,韩礼德利用体现概念功能的及物性系统对戈尔丁(Golding)的小说《继承者》(The Inheritors)进行了文体分析,并成为典范。在三大系统中,人际功能中的语气和情态系统、语篇功能中的主位结构在文本分析中也同样起了很大作用。国内学者任绍曾对密勒(N.Mailer)《夜幕下的军队》(The Armies of the Night)和毛姆(S.Mangham)《午餐》(The Luncheon)等文学著作做过研究。翻阅近年来有关功能文体学的论文我们发现,从上世纪末至今,功能文体学研究的成就显著,但有一个问题不容忽视,即盲目注重语言形式三大功能的分析而忽略了文学作品本身在主题层面的社会意义,把语篇中的语言特征与风格看作是孤立的现象。本文在借鉴前人研究的基础上,尝试利用功能文体学的理论分析20世纪美国著名小说家奥康纳(Flannery o’connor)的代表作《好人难寻》(A Good Man Is Hard to Find),希望再次验证功能文体学在文学分析中的重要贡献,同时也希望换一个新角度,重新解读这部经典短篇小说。 二、功能文体学的三大元功能 “功能思想”是韩礼德文体学理论的核心。正是功能思想把语言形式和情境语境联系起来,并通过分析三大功能来解释语言结构。功能语言学把语言的功能归纳为三大元功能:概念功能(Ideational Function)、人际功能(Interpersonal Function)和语篇功能(Textual Function)。三大元功能分别由以下三大系统体现:及物性系统、语气和情态系统及主位结构和信息结构。与语言的三大元功能相对应,韩礼德概括出情景语境的三个组成部分:语场(field ofdiscourse)、语旨(tenor of discourse)和语式(mode ofdiscourse)。受情景语境的三个组成部分制约,语篇被看作是由概念意义、人际意义和语篇意义组成的语义单位。本文主要从语境及三大意义的角度来分析小说《好人难寻》。 (一)小说的情景语境 语场:对话发生在一个刚从美国联邦监狱中越狱的歹徒和一位南方普通祖母之间,祖母希望通过对话挽救一家人。 语旨:对话的双方社会地位悬殊:一个是高贵优雅的老妇人;一个是处在社会下层的逃犯。但老妇人的生命掌握在逃犯手中。歹徒并没有明确的交谈目的,而祖母希望唤起歹徒的良知,不要杀人灭口。 语式:对话以口语形式进行,并随着形势的变化而发展。(二)概念意义中的经验意义及其表现形式—及物性系统在功能语言学中,韩礼德认为及物性(Transitivity)由六大过程组成,分别是物质过程(Material Process)、心理过程(Mental Process)、行为过程(Behavioral Process)、关系过程(Relational Process)、言语过程(Verbal Process)和存在过程(Existential Process)。为了便于分析,笔者把祖母和The Misfit之间的情节发展分为三个阶段,各阶段的物质过程、心理过程、行为过程的句子数量参见下表。其中六大过程中的言语过程描写最多,其分析将放在人际意义中详细讨论,另外关系过程和存在过程并没有出现,笔者暂不予以考虑。 物质过程 行为过程心理过程祖母 2 7 7The Misfit 6 4 0 从总体上看,The Misfit手里有枪,在整个事件中占主动,他可以在他的两个帮凶的配合下为所欲为。The Misfit非常明白自己占据主宰的地位。因此,即使拿着枪,他也可以非常随意地做其他动作,这就使得及物性系统中的物质过程占大多数,而行为过程是在不经意间流露出来的内心世界的体现。与The Misfit 相反,作者在描写祖母的表现时主要用了心理过程,其次才是行为过程,她很少做出带有目的性并对别人产生影响的动作。具体来说,祖母和The Misfit之间的情节发展可分为以下三个部分:第一部分是偶遇到她的儿子和孙子被带到树林里杀掉;第二部分是她的儿媳和另外两个孩子被枪杀;最后一部分是祖母被杀。 第一部分:祖母在回忆起The Misfit 的真实身份之后,She scrambled to her feet and stood staring。这一个本能行为表现了祖母的震惊,而这个歹徒似乎并不在意被人认出:The man said smiling lightly as if he were pleasedin spite of himself to be known。从这一行为过程中,可以看出歹徒在逍遥法外之后,仍旧蔑视法律、胆大妄为的内心世界。同时也嘲弄了美国的法律制度,我们不禁要问,在这样一个自恃法律制度非常完备的社会,法律制度在美国人心目中到底占多重地位?在The Misfit向祖母一家摊牌之后,祖母在这一部分中的唯一一个物质过程的动作,充分体现了她的无助:The grandmother said and removed a cleanhandkerchief from her cuff and began to slap at hereyes with it。手无缚鸡之力的祖母只能拿出手绢来拭眼泪。 《好人难寻》的功能文体学分析 □杜丽霞


《叙述学与小说文体学研究》阅读笔记 中文系97级黄海涛指导老师:艾晓明教授 叙述学与小说文体学是当代小说批评理论中的重要学说。二者均采用语言学模式来研究文学作品,着重在形式技巧层面上对小说的结构规律、叙述机制和文体技巧进行研究和探讨。二者运用于小说批评实践,有利于突破小说传统批评仅偏重于作品的思想内容和社会功能的局限,使小说结构和形式技巧的分析更趋科学化和系统化,从而开拓了文学批评的广度和深度。在叙述学与文体学研究的发展过程中,产生了不同的派别和理论。这些理论各具侧重点和长处,也均有其盲点和排斥面。北京大学申丹教授新近出版的《叙述学与小说文体学研究》一书,有别于国内早先出版的一些西方叙事学理论的介绍性论著,将叙述学与文体学相结合,对二者的主要观点进行系统评析,补充修正有关理论和分析模式。特别对两个学派之间的关系进行了梳理和探讨。 全书约30万字,分为上中下三篇。上、中篇幅分别对叙述学和小说文体学理论进行了系统评析,下篇讨论了叙述学与文体学的辩证关系,对二者的重合面:“叙事视角”、“表达人物话语的不同方式”作了重点论述,是一部对叙述学与文体学理论同时展开研究的学术专著。一 在前言里,作者首先从学术背景和基本立场两方面探讨了叙述学与文体学之间的关系。以此作为全书的逻辑起点。一般来说,索绪尔的结构主义语言学和俄国形式主义被认为是二者的共同源头。结构主义将文学视为一个具有内在规律、自成一体的自足的符号系统,注重其内部各组成成分之间的关系。叙述学与文体学或受结构主义影响,或直接采用结构主义方法来研究叙事作品。与传统批评理论形成鲜明对照,结构主义叙述学与文体学将注意力文本的外部转向文本的内部,二者同属形式批评范畴。 与此同时,作者也指出了叙述学与小说文体学之间的一些本质差异:叙述学的目的不在于诠释作品,而是找出叙事文学的普遍框架和特性。叙述学家注重理论模式的建立,注重探研叙事文本的共有构成成分、结构原则和动作规律,忽视创作主体的作用。小说文体学家旨在探讨具体作品中语言特征的主题意义和美学价值,因而关注作者所作的特定的语言选择。作者还借助美国叙述学家普林斯(G.Prince)对叙述学家的分类,以说明在叙述学研究中,也有部分叙述学家关注具体作品在“话语”层次上表达事件的各种方法,从而与文体学在“文体”层面上发生重合,这是人们经常把属于文体学的理论和分析模式归于叙述学范畴而产生各种错误的原因。阐明了二者同中存异,又互为补充的关系,作者在下面的论述中才好将叙述学与文体学相结合进行研究,发现以往研究中出现的各种谬误与疏露,引出自己的观点和思考。这一特色始终贯穿全书,在本书的正文部分读者可较为明显地感觉到这一点。 二 著名的法国结构主义批评家罗朗·巴特(R.Bothes)在其《叙事作品结构分析导论》(见《西方文艺理论名著选编》下卷北京大学出版社1987年版)一文中,建议把叙事作品分为三个描述层:“功能”层、“行动”层和“叙述”层。前二个层次均属于故事范畴,后一层次大体相当”话语“层。透过巴特的三分法可以看到叙述学通常涉及的三个对象:(故事范畴内的)情节、人物和(与故事相对照的)叙述话语。本书上篇“叙述学理论评析”,作者沿用巴特这一思路,首先对叙述学有关“故事”与“话语”区分的相关理论进行了回顾,然后对叙述学所关注的属于“故事”范畴的人物、情节进行了探讨。 故事·话语 叙事作品的意义很大程度上源于“故事”与“话语”两个层次之间的相互作用。西方传统文学批评中,对叙事作品层次的划分均采用两分法,即用“故事”与“话语”这两个概念来区分叙事作


文体学答案 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

文体学课后题 1、2单元 1Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in the following examples. 1)Words and phrases shilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper = rhyme high and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhyme kith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhyme part and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or by crook = rhyme 2)Pride and Prejudice = alliteration The Love’s labour Lost = alliteration Of Mice and Man = alliteration Bill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliteration Father in a Fix = alliteration Witch Watch = alliteration The Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration 3)Advertisements --Drinka Pinta Milka Day = sound elision --Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision --Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment, but still economise. Be bold and be beautiful—but don’t break the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration; reverse rhyme; alliteration 2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following examples 1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes that man has a language learning device in the mind, which enables the child to learn the language however badly it is taught. This makes man different from animal, which does not have such a device. That is why chimpanzee (who is considered to be the most intelligent animal) can never learn the language however hard it is taught. 2)Romeow is a word imitating the sound made by a cat and shares the same pronunciation with the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Romeo has deep love for Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affection for the master. 3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a huge shop of its kind, for it reminds one of the Moby Dick, a book which depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick. 3 1)phonological devices in the following extract. A creak of hinges...aisle. In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heeled, assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is more conspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak, booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the different kinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such words help the reader share the same experience of the writer and make the description vivid and believable. 2)Read the following extract from the novel Adventures of Tom 3)Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms. “TOM!” No answer. ...--Mark Twai This is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer, depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty and hiding under the bed. The different form of letters with punctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we read it, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play. For example, “TOM!” is said louder than “Tom!”. “Y-o-u-u, Tom!” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusual loudness so as to be heard far away. The exclamation marks “!” show her emotion, and the dash “— “ impl ies her sudden stop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with “over” and “under”, humorously implying her glasses are intended for ornament rather than practical use. In the whole passage, we see the only character Granny, who is speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. After reading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through. 3单元 1 What are thethree ways of clause classification classification according to constituents, verb phrase and functions. By constituents clauses can be grouped into SV(A), SVO(A), SVC, SVOO, SVOC. By verb phrase we have finite clause, non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clauses can be categorized either as independent clause or dependent clause. 2 how do we distinguish situation types By according to meaning or sense of the verb. 3 Name the participant roles in action types The participant roles in action types are: agentive role (doer of the action), external force (causer of the action), intrumental role (tool to do the action with), recipient role (receiver of the action) and objective role (the affected or the result of the action). 4 What is a simple sentence What is a multiple sentence Directly/indirectly A simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structure SV(O) (C) (A). A multiple sentence consists of more than one clause. It may be either a compound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence. D :nominal clauses function as S O C .I:relative clauses function as modified in NP and comparative c f as m in NP ADJP 5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence
