

The United Kingdom

What is the geographical position of the uk?

It is marked by latitude 50`N in southern England and by latitude 60’ across the Shetland islands off the northwest coast of Scotland. The distance from the southern coast of England to the most northern point of the Scottish mainland is 995km, and the English east coast and welsh west coast are 483km apart. With an area of 242,524 square km.

Could you give examples of important rivers in the uk? What is the lake district famous for in British literary history.

1.The largest river, the seven, is 338 km in length, beginning in Wales, emptying into the Atlantic Ocean.


The second largest but most important river is the Thames. 3. In Scotland, the Clyde lake and the forth. 4.

in Northern Ireland, the lagan, the Bann, and the foyle. Lake District, located in the cumbrian mountains of northwest England, comprises 15 major beautiful lakes and has become a popular tourist destination. This district is attractive also because of its association with the lake poet s, who settled there in the early 1800s. What influences the climate in the uk? What are its features with respect to temperature rainfall and sunshine?

The moist and mild westerly wind from the Atlantic Ocean. The warm drift of the Gulf Stream around the land. Smallness of the British Isles and its inlet-filled coastal configuration.

Rainfall: is fairly well distributed throughout the year, with February to march being the driest period and October to January, the wettest. Temperature: rarely lower than 0`c in winter or higher than 32`c in summer. July and august are normally the warmest months In England. December to February is often cold, wet and windy. Sunshine: the uk is not a very sunny country. In summer, average daily sunshine varies from 5 hours in northern Scotland to 8 hours on the Isle of Wight in the south. In winter, 1 hour in northern Scotland, 2 hours on the south coast of England.

How does the weather in the uk affect British life.

The uk unique climate pattern inevitably results in a changeable and often unpredictable weather. This provides a constant topic of daily conversation for the Britons and it is believed that this changeability of weather is a conditioning factor of the national character that has helped the British become more adaptable.

Uk is made up of: England (London), Scotland (Edinburgh), Wales (Cardiff), northern Ireland (Belfast). London is located on the bank of the river Thames in southeast England.

The uk cost ling is very long, about 8000km.

What patterns of settlement and immigration has the uk demonstrated in history?

The United Kingdom has a multinational and multi-ethnic society where its people have diverse origins in every continent of the world. Its contemporary population is predominantly of English, welsh, Scottish and northern Irish stock, who have derived from varied settlement internal migration and assimilation in history.

Is it correct to describe contemporary British society as”multi-ethnic” and “multinational” if so, why?

The British are often regarded as a “mixed”people, meaning that they are products of waves of invasion and immigration from different ethnic groups in the course of history. Their ethnic origins have been complicated by intermarriage and relocation.

They are: 1. Neolithic Iberians (in the Bronze Age) 2. Celtic tribes (between 600 bc and 43 ad, bringing in an iron age civilization and two languages that became the later Gaelic and welsh) 3. Romans (55 bc,) 4. Germanic (5th to 7th century, come to constitute Britain’s present predominant stock, their language became the foundation of the basic, short, everyday words in modern English) 5. Scandinavians(Vikings, 8th to 9th , subdued and integrated by the Anglo-Saxon agricultural and Christian culture.) 6. French Normans.( in 1066) meaning: Celtic languages are still used to some extent and Celtic culture is still celebrated. Affected the developing fabric of British life and

formed the first foundations of the modern state. This mixture, increased by later immigration, has produced the present ethnic and national diversity in Britain.

Immigrations: Jewish moneylenders, 1330, Dutch and Flemish, helping build the textile trade in England. Others, including gypsies, enslaved blacks and a further wave of Jews. In 16th and 17th, refutes from Europe, such as Dutch Protestants and French Huguenots that added to Britain’s agricultural population. 19th, countryside to urban centres, from Wales, Scotland and Ireland to England. 1840s, Irish people moved to Britain because of potato famine. Meaning: in history, the multicultural communities have helped build today’s vibrant uk and contributed to its economic and social development. With its range and unique mix of cultural identities and heritages, is seen to have defined and added cultural value to the contemporary uk. But, inequality and discrimination do exist in Britain society because of the differences in religion, race, and cultural habits, particularly at times of economic stagnation. As a consequence, it seems that ethnic divisions and tensions will have increasing rather than diminishing significance for British life.

How has English language evolved in history? Why is it said that it is important to the uk`s class structure? Class structure: 1. upper-middle class 2. Middle class 3. lower middle class 4. Skilled working class 5. Semi-skilled and unskilled working class 6. Those at the lowest level of subsistence.

Who were the main foreign invaders of Britain at different times in British history? What contributions have they respectively made to the British culture, or what impacts have they had?

1.Early Settlers (5000BC-55BC)early man came from the European continent, stone circles and tools appeared all over the British Isles in the Neolithic Age from around 4400 bc. Famous sites of Stonehenge and silbury hill.

2.the celts invaded from central Europe by 500 BC. They introduced 2 important changes: the beginning of the Iron Age and the building of hill forts.

II. Roman Britain (55BC-410AD)


1.British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. In 55BC and 54BC, Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice.

2. Roman's influence on Britain.

The Roman built many towns, road, baths, temples and buildings. They make good use of Britain's natural resources. They also brought the new religion, Christianity, to Britain.


III. The Anglo-Saxons (446-871)


1.Basis of Modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons.


In the mid-5th century a new wave of invaders, Jutes, Saxons, and Angles came to Britain. They were three Teutonic tribes. In the 7 century, they developed 7 separate kingdoms known as England, and established the English language now refered to as Old English.

The Anglo-Saxons brought their own Teutonic religion to Britain. Christianity soon disappeared, 3.The Early Anglo-Saxons make the contributions to the English state.


The Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state. Firstly, they divided the country into shires, with shire courts and shire reeves, or sheriffs, responsible for administering law. Secondly, they devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system which continued to the 18th century.

Thirdly, they also established the manorial system. Finally, they created the Witan(council or meeting of the wisemen)to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人为英国国家的形成打下了基础。首先,他们把国家划分为郡,郡法庭和郡法官、或行政司法长官负责执法。其次,他们设计的窄条三圃田农耕制延用至18世纪。此外,他们还建立了领地制。最后,他们还创立了议会(贤人会议),向国王提供建议,这就成为了今天仍存在的枢密院的基础。

IV.Viking and Danish invasions


1.The invaders were the Norwegians and the Danes. They attacked various parts of England from the end of the 8th century.

2.King Alfred (849-899) and his contributions


Alfred was a king of Wessex. He defeated the Danes and reached a friendly agreement with them in 879. The Danes gained control of the north and east, while he ruled the rest. He also converted some leading Danes into Christians.阿尔弗雷德是威塞克斯的国王。他打败了丹麦人,并于公元879年与他们达成了友好协议。协议规定丹麦人控制英格兰北部和西部(丹麦法区),而他统治其他地区。他还劝服一些丹麦首领成为基督教徒。

V.The Norman Conquest (1066)


1.The Norman Conquest and its consequences


The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. the feudal system was completely established in England. Relations with the Continent were opened, and the civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners and architecture were introduced. The Church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.


How did feudalism emerge and decline in medieval Britain?

Feudalism, a concept often used to describe the medieval society, had existed under the Anglo-Saxon, to consolidate his power.

The Black Death, a fierce and widespread outbreak of plague that ravaged the whole of Europe. killed perhaps up to one-third of the British population. As a result, in 1381, wat Tyler led a band of Kentish rebels to stage a revolt, but was subdued with force. It inspired other public demonstrations and rebellions against the feudal power throughout the later medieval period. the hundred years` war (1337-1453), a series of dynastic civil wars for the English between French, The war destroyed the feudal nobility and therefore brought about a new social order. Internationally, by ending England’s status as a power on the continent, it led the English to expand their power at sea. After, wars of the roses, a series of dynastic civil wars for the English throne were staged from 1422 onwards between the houses of Lancaster and York. With Henry Tudor’s accession as Henry vii, the central authority of the crown was soon to be resumed, bringing England’s turbulent medieval period to an end and, most importantly, ushering in a mew age.

In 1215, the Magna carta大宪章to impose legal limits on the king’s personal powers in raising money from his subjects. In 1265, Simon de Montfort summoned the first elected parliament.

Enclosure movement圈地运动,helped accumulate enough capital for capitalism to develop in Britain. British civil war: 1642-1651, took place between parliamentarians and royalists, was a constitutional issue between a king who claimed to rule by divine right and represented the feudal nobility.内战in 1865, James took the throne.

Th e industrial revolution: started in age-old wool textile industry. James watt.

The seven years` war(英法,殖民地掠夺): e nd with the treaty of Paris, firmly establishing the British in India and Canada.

Victorian Britain: from 1837 to 1901, queen Victoria had the longest reign in British history, presiding over, first, a kingdom and then an empire.

两党演变:civil war(roundhead, royalist) 17th century (Whigs, Tory) 工革(liberal party, conser vative party) 1922(labour party, conser party)

What was the social background for the reformation to take place in England ? what major achievements did the Elizabethan era witness?

1.Henry iii failed to get the papal approval for divorcing his wife, he initiated a revolution in 1533, separating

the English church from roman and establishing himself head of the church.2. king Henry desired to make the pope and all church officers of England acknowledge his superior jurisdiction over the church in England. 2.she succeeded in putting to rest religious issue; her government was effective in reducing the power of the old

nobility, expanding the power of her government, and effecting common law and administration throughout England; she also witnessed the English renaissance.

British history entered the reign of Elizabeth I in 1558, an age of glory.

The Civil Wars and their consequences

Because of the absolute rule of Charles, the confrontation between Charles I and the parliament developed into the civil war. The war began on August 22,1642 and ended in 1651. Charles I was condemned to death.

The English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution. It has been seen as a conflict between the parliament and the King, and a conflict between economic interests of the Crown. The economic interests of the urban middle classed coincided with their religious ( Puritan) ideology while the Crown's traditional economic interests correspondingly allied with Anglican religious belief. The English Civil War not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.

The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830)

1.The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.


Consequences of the industrial Revolution工业革命的结果

(1)Britain was by 1830 the "workshop of the world";

(2)Towns grew rapidly and became the source of the nation's wealth.

(3)Mechanization destroyed the livelihood of those who could not invest in it . The working men worked and lived in a appalling conditions.

(4)The industrial revolution created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later led to trade unionism.

What are the characteristics of the British constitution? 1. Constitutional monarchy 2.parliamentary sovereignty 3.representative democracy 4.the rule of law. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is a king or a queen. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty's Government. The System of parliamentary government is not based on a written constitution, the British constitution is not set out in any single document. It is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interprets statutes.

What are the functions of the parliament? The UK parliament is one of the oldest representative assemblies in the world, having its origins in the mid-thirteenth-century great councils. It comprises three elements: the Crown, the non-elected House of Lords, and the elected House of Commons. The main function of parliament is to legislate, that is, to create, abolish or amend new laws for the entire nation. But, in practice, it normally passes bills that are often proposed by the government. It also votes the taxation and expenditures of the government; examine government policies and administration, and debates major political issues of the day.

Queen: is not only the sovereign of the United Kingdom, but also the head of state of 15 other realms and head of the commonwealth. (declare war, dissolve parliament, dismiss the prime, minister, appoint a new, prime minister) Parliament comprises three elements: the crown, the non-elected House of Lords, and the elected House of Commons.

House of Lords: initiate legislation, debating the issues of the day and improving certain non-tax bills inadequately. It serves as the highest court of appeal in the uk, hearing appeals with the exception of criminal cases in Scotland. The Prime Minster: is the leader of the party that holds the most seats in the house of commons, his responsibilities include presiding over the cabinet, allocating functions among ministers and meeting with the queen regularly to inform her of the general business of the government.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher第一女首

How does the UK differ from other countries like the United States in the division of powers of the state? The judicial system of the UK is among the oldest and most traditional of British institutions. 4 places zx/have separate legal system, with marked differences in law, court names and procedures. The British law and politics are closely intertwined. There is no ministry of justice in the uk, various government departments and agencies are also responsible for administering the legal system, including the department for constitutional affairs and the home office.

What are the main sources of British laws?

The three main sources of English and Welsh law are common law, statute law and European Union law. ①Common law: decided by Judhes, their decisions in cases being arrived at after considering the customs and practices of the people involved. This kind of law has envolved long before parliament became the main law-making body.②Statute law: made by parliament.③European Union law became part of British law when the UK entered the European Economic Communnity in1973, it is confined mainly to economic and social matters

T he principle court system is divided into criminal law and civil law.

Criminal law:mostly involves the rules laid down by the state for citizens and acts punishable by the state, such as theft and murder.

Civil law:governs the relationships and transactions between private parties, individuals, organizations, or companies, dealing with disputes about issues such as compensation for loss or damage.

Criminal Courts刑事法庭(一级法庭)Magistrates’ Courts二级法院Crown Court皇家法庭(三级法院)Keynesian demand management—the economic theories of English economist john Maynard Keynes, that advocate government monetary and fiscal programmes, designed to increase employment and stimulate business activity. , Using fiscal policy to control the level of aggregate demand. Consequently, it nationalized railways, road transport, water, gas, electricity, coal, iron and steel industries, airlines, the health service, the post office and

telecommunications. This resulted in two million workers transferring from the private to the public sector.

Why is the British social security system said to take care of the people “from the cradle to the grave”? Today, the national insurance act expands coverage, there are family allowances for children up to the age of 16(18, if the child is still in school, full time), as well as allowance for guardians and widows. Pensions for the elderly, or retirement benefits, begin at the age of 65 for men and 60 for woman. Almost two million people who receive incapacity benefits and severe disablement allowance for being unable to work.

What was the 1994 education act intended for?The education act divided state schools in the UK into three different types: grammar, secondary modern and technical to cater for the different academic levels and other aptitudes of children.

State schools: Scotland has an ancient independent LEA educational system. In Northern Ireland, the state schools are mostly divided on religious grounds into catholic and protestant and are often single-sex. The Department for Education and Skills initiates policy and the Local Education Authorities.

Oxford and Cambridge

Why has there been an increasing tendency for contemporary Britons to spend leisure time within the home? What are the popular home activities for leisure? There has been an increasing tendency for the Britons to spend leisure time within the home. It is not only that people participate less in public events such as religious festivals, professions, fairs and carnival; it is also that there is relatively less involvement in leisure activities outside the home such as visits to the pub or cinema in favor of more drinking at home and a greater dedication to watching television.//therefore, they spent most of their time of the day at home, pursuing activities including sleeping, leisure, housework. Among the 5 hours for leisure, nearly half was spent in watching tv/videos/dvd and listening to music, with the remaining time shared by four other activities, including social life and entertainment, hobbies and games, sports, and reading.,

The United States of American

1.What is the most pronounced feature of the United States in terms of its geography?

Physical Feature of The USA has two fundamental dimensions①geological determine the main pattern of landforms drainage(排水系统) and minerals, the fertility of soil to a considerable degree②meteorological which dictate the nature of weather and climate

2.What does the statement “American is a nation with an abundance of geography, but a shortage of

history” mean?

There is some true in the statement, for the United States took over the bulk of their national domain within the last century and a half. Even today, much of the United States remains only thinly populated and hardly tamed by civilization.

3.What makes the northeast stand out as a unique cultural region?

This area was one of the two earliest settlement by British colonists, Americans tend to trace many of the nation’s core values to the region. The region still thought to hold the greatest concentration of instutions of higher learning and advanced research. The region has also enjoyed a long history of booming tourism industry.

4.The great lakes—these are the most important lakes in America, extending about 1600 kilometers and

forming a section of the boundary between the United States and Canada. The great lakes include Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

5.Mississippi river: one of the largest navigable river systems in the world is not merely a useful river; is also

serves as a potent geographic symbol-the traditional dividing line in American between “east” and “west”.

6.The Appalachians: on the east stretch almost unbroken from Alabama to the Canadian border and beyond.

7.Cordillera: a collective term for all the high rough country of the western third of the united states.

8.in sum, as far as geography is concerned, there are four recognizable and definable topographic regions in the

united states, they are, from east to west, 1, the Atlantic and gulf coastal plain, 2, the cordillera, which includes both main mountain ranges and a variety of intermontane valleys, basins, and plateaus.

9.climate: the humid east, (drought is rare occurrence); the arid west, (dry and arid);the human-arid

transition, (offers fine farmland , with deep black prairie soil formed of humus and loess.); the humid pacific coast, (western united states)

10.the southern region南部联邦refers to the eleven states that left the union to form the confederacy during

the civil war period.

11.the plantation system 种植园体系

12.Middle Western states: the largest industrial and commercial center of the area.

13.The west: made up of three major parts: the southwest, the mountain states, and the pacific coast (gold rush,

the discovery of gold).

14.how did the south and the north differ from each other in their economic development before the civil


15.what were the main reasons that made the united states the world’s leading industrial power in the late

19th and early 20th centuries.

16.what were the chief causes of the great depression? Did the new deal solve the problem brought about

by the depression? Why and why not?

the boom was fueled be an inflated stock market, which later led to a crash on October 29th, 1929. the great depression led to government effort to restart the economy and help its victims with Franklin d. Roosevelt’s new deal. The recovery was rapid in all areas except unemployment, which remained fairly high until 1940.

17.Post-world-war-ii Americas said to have created an affluent society for its people. To what extent can

such a statement be justified?

二战对美国的意义:①enormous military forces were raised and sent to fight on land,on sea,and in the air around the globe.②The most productive economy the world had ever seen sustained America's large civilian population and simultaneously supplied its and its allies' military forces fighting the Axis powers.③War enhanced the power and reach of the US federal government.④War transformed the nation's social structure ⑤War opened up unprecedented economic opportunities for women.

18.the cold war: following wwii, the united states emerged as one of the two dominant superpowers. The

post-war era in the united states was defined internationally by the beginning of the cold war, in which the united states and the soviet union attempted to expand their influence at the expense of the other, and checked by each side’s massive nuclear arsenal and the doctrine of mutual assured destruction. The result was a series of conflicts during this period including the Korean war and the tense nuclear showdown of the Cuban missile crisi s’

19.the united nations联合国:on 25 April, 1945,representatives of 50 nations met in san Francisco to create a

world organization . Meaning: this action marked the end of the spirit of isolationism as a dominating element in American foreign policy, signaling to the world that the United States was now ready to play a major role in international affairs.

20.The founding of the NATO: on April 4th, the north Atlantic treaty was signed.

21.Iron curtain: in 1946, symbolized by Winston church’s, marked by the tearing-down of the Berlin wall in


22.W ASP: white Anglo-Saxon protestant—as a term, it refers to people of English descent who believe in

Protestantism. Although there are many denominations within Protestantism in the united states, all of then

share a common heritage that has been a powerful force in shaping the values and beliefs of Americans. One of the self-improvement. Protestant Christianity, like Roman Catholic Christianity, often emphasizes the natural sinfulness of their sins, individuals are left alone before god to improve themselves or suffer eternal punishment by god for their sinful acts. For this reason, Protestantism encourages a strong and restless desire for self-improvement. Today, in the context of cultural pluralism, this term is often used derogatively in the United States.

23.Why is the United States called a nation of immigrants?

The county was settled, built, and developed by generations of immigrants and their children. Even today, American continues to take in more immigrants than any other country in the world.

24.from what parts of Europe did immigrants mainly come in the 17th, 18th and much of the 19th centuries?

25.The constitution of the USA is the world’s oldest one in force.

26.General principles: 1. federalism 2. a vigorous executive 3. a supreme national court 4. Checks and balances

5. limited government

6. a mixed government. This 6 priciples represented basic choices made by the

framers. Over the years since these choices were made, vast changes in the nature of the American nation have forced Americans to modify these principles in various ways.

27.Separation of powers: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.

28.两党代表:democrats—labor, minority groups and the poor.

The republicans--- business, Anglo-Americans and the rich.

Westward movement西进运动: government was actively involved., spurred by an explosion of new discoveries and inventions of the era, American achieved amazing progress in its economic development .

How are welfare programmes in the United States administered?

It started to provide a variety of programmes, such as financial assistance for the needy, job training for the unemployed, rehabilitation for drug addicts, health care for the sick without financial provisions, housing for homeless, and food stamps for people living below the official poverty line. Federal funds are distributed to the states, which are expected to commit an equal amount of funds to jointly finance them. Providing such assistance as income support, cash grants, aid for housing, school meals, and supplemental security income for the elderly poor.

What are the main purposes of voluntary service and how do they function?

In rendering help to people in need of assistance. These organizations and volunteers provide a mixture of professional and non-professional aid, supply services for the sick and the elderly, operate care centers and clinics, run retirement homes and shelters for the homeless, and visit elderly, disabled, and needy people in the community. In doing all this, they supplement the public services by offering assistance and comfort to people, when public help is either unavailable or insufficient.

The us has a three-tiered national court system. How does it function?

Include district courts (are courts of original jurisdiction, are only national courts that use grand juries and petit juries.), courts of appeals (in one of eleven judicial circuits in the country. Have only appellate jurisdiction), and one Supreme Court (whose jurisdiction is both original and appellate.).

Trial jury: consists of six to twelce ordinary citizens, where actual number depends on the level of the court involved. Based on the facts presented before them, the jury makes its own decision. As a rule, a unanimous decision is needed in federal criminal cases and in most criminal cases in all states, though occasionally majority verdicts may be allowed in some cases as well.

The stand out as being the most common and most controversial school system are: t he charter school movement and the school voucher.


How many provinces and territories is Canada composed of? What are they?

Canada is composed of ten provinces and three territories. The ten provinces are Alberta, british Columbia, Manitoba, new Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, nova Scotia, Ontario, prince Edward island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. The 3 territories are Yukon Territory, Northwest Territory and Nunavut.

What are the major mountains in Canada? Which peak is the highest in Canada?

Western cordillera, it’s part of a chain of mountains that runs from the tip of south American to Alaska, it’s often called the “Rockies” in the east is the Appalachian mountain. In northern is torngat mountains.

How many lakes are there in Canada? What are the major lakes in Canada?

31 lakes. Lakes superior and Huron are the two largest lakes in Canada. The largest lakes entirely within Canada are great bear.

How many geographical regions can Canada be divided into? What are they?

6.the Appalachian mountains, the great lakes and St. Lawrence lowlands, the Canadian shield, the Canadian interior plains, the western cordillera, and the Canadian arctic.

Who were the first inhabitants in Canada? What is the meaning of the name “Kanata’?

The first are believed to have come to Canada from asia about 12,000 years ago. It meaning a village or settlement. Which country first established colonies in Canada? When and where was the colony established?

French 1608, Quebec

How did the seven years` war break out? What was the result of the war?

The war was ended under the treaty of pairs. France officially ceded new France to Britain.

What is the significance of the Quebec act, the constitution act of 1791, and the British north American act? In 1774, the British passed a law that guaranteed the French protection of their language and region.

The British north American act contains the following major provisions: federalism is to be implemented in Canada; the British king is also the king of Canada with governor general as his representative.

The Canadian pacific railway was completed in 1885.

Writers: jack London and Robert service.

The gold rush : the unpopulated prairie lands were further explored and cultivated. Led to the discovery of other minerals in the Canadian wilds.

Canada national flag: red and white maple-leaf flag. National anthem: “ o Canada.”

What are the components of the present Canadian constitution?

Is governed under a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. Queen Elizabeth 2, the monarch of Britain, is recognized as the queen of Canada. Under the British North America act, the government of Canada is divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches.

The most important components include the British North America act of 1867.

What is the Canadian parliament composed of?

Parliament of Canada is made up of 3 branches: the governor general, the elected House of Commons (most powerful), an appointed senate.

How does the senate in Canada function?

To balance the power of the elected House of Commons, supposed to protect the interests of Canada’s regions, the senate can delay the passage of a bill or suggest changes.

What are the major political parties in Canada?

Progressive conservatives and the liberals and the new democratic party. The NDP chaims to represent ordinary people. Canada’s system of political parties is characterized by one-party rule. It means that one major party usually can win many elections and dominate Canadian politics for so long that it becomes the main ruling party. Australia

What are the most prominent physical features of the Australian continent?

The continent can be divided into 3 physically distinct regions: the western plateau, the central lowlands, the eastern highlands. 1, is a vast desert and semi-desert region that covers about 60 per cent of the land area. Located on it are the country’s 4 major deserts: the Gibson, great sandy, great Victoria and Simpson. The world’s largest rock, ayers rock. 2. one fourth of Australia. Lake Eyre, the lowest point in aus, lies 16 meters below sea level. Land can be divided into 3 geographical regions—Carpentaria plain in the south, Eyre basin in the central, Murray-darling basin in the south. 3. covers about 15 per cent of aus, consist mainly of high plateaus with many gorges, hills, and low mountain ranges. Are also called “great dividing range”

How is Australia geographically divided?

Politically, Australia is divided into 7 states and territories, each of which has its own physical and cultural features. They are, from the west coast to the east coast, Western Australia, northern territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Australia capital territory, Victoria and Tasmania.

What are the major characteristics of these geographical regions?

Western Australia: It is known as “the state of excitement”, partly for its vast expanse of red dust and desert which contains most of the country’s mineral wealth. Capital: Perth.

The northern territory: forms the essence of the Australia outback. 1/6 of the Australia land. Divided into 2 parts: the top end, the red centre. Known as “the land of aborigines” capital: Darwin

South Australia : the country’s driest state, known as the reputation of “Australian vineyard”. Capital: Adelaide Queensland: 2nd largest state. Known as the “sunshine state.” 75hours sunshine daily. Premier tourist destination. In clued the god coast, the sunshine coast. Capital: Brisbane, 3rd largest city.

New South Wales: the fist white settlement in Australia and is known as the “premier state”, lead the country in industry, shipping and agriculture. Capital, Sydney. It is the largest and most cosmopolitan city, the country’s largest seaport and major international gateway. Landmarks: the harbor bridge, the Sydney open house.

The Australia capital territory: capital: Canberra. Includes production of sophisticated scientific and communications equipment, and computer software.

The federation of Australia联邦: was the process by which the 6 separate, self-governing British colonies of new south Wales, Queensland, south Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and western Australia formed the commonwealth of Australia as a federation.

New Zealand:

Geographical features: on the map, it looks like a boot upside down

Mount ruapehu: the highest mountain. An active cone volcano.

Among its populations, 10 per cent are Maori. The original inhabitants of New Zealand. Are the largest non-European group.

History; the first European explorer came to New Zealand in 1642. the first Englishman to visit new Zealand was captain James cook of the British royal navy. In 1840, the first official governor, treaty of Waitangi was signed between the British crown and various Maoris chiefs, bringing it into the British empire and giving Maori equal rights with British citizens.


Unit 1 UK 著名景点 Big Ben 大本钟2、Tower Bridge(crosses the River Thames; close to the Tower of London; symbol of London ) 3、Westminster Abbey ( Gothic church in the City of Westminster,London; Coronation and burial site for British monarchs.) 4、Red Double Decker Bus (mass transit) 英国基本知识 1、constituent parts ? England/ Scotland/ Northern Ireland/ Wales(国旗) 2、the national anthem(国歌)? God save the queen 3、The national Emblem? 4、National flower? Rose (Wars of the Roses - civil wars (1455-1485) between the royal house of Lancaster ( red rose) and the royal house of York (white rose).) 5、地理位置 6、Full name?The "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".(The British Isles不列颠岛; Great Britain; UK ; Commonwealth) 7、Three political divisions(行政区域): England, Scotland, and Wales. 8、Commonwealth? A free association of sovereign states comprising Great Britain and a number of its former dependencies ; united as ?free and equal members‘. 9、Capital England(London); Scotland(Edinburgh); Wales(Cardiff); Northern Ireland(Belfast) 10、Backbone of England? Pennine 11、Ben Nevis? the highest mountain in UK. 1343m 12、North Ireland? National flower: Irish clover (三叶草);Lough Neagh (the largest lake in UK) ; industrious; agricultural 13、Rivers and lakes?1. The Severn River(longest river; from the mountain of Wales to the Bristol Channel) 2. The Thames River (Main source of London‘s water supply;Second longest river in Britain; Costwold Hills--North Sea)3. The Clyde River (The most important river in Scotland)4. Lake District 5. Lough Neagh(The largest lake in Britain (396 square kilometers), Northern Ireland.) 14、The climate in Britain?pea souper 超级浓雾 Unit2 UK 1、the first settler? The Iberian(伊比利亚人) 2、Stonehenge(巨石阵)?was a place of healing center;The most important monument left by Iberian;There are about 80 stones, and each is five meters tall. 3、The Celtic language? the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic(盖尔语) (Irish,Scotish). 4、Hadrian ‘s Wall 5、7th century Heptarchy(七国联盟)?(Wessex; Sussex; Kent; Essex; East Anglia; Mercia; Northumbria) 6、Viking pirates(维京海盗) ? Vikings from Denmark;established some small kingdoms;Northern and eastern England 7、The Norman Conquest(1066)? The Normans that invaded England in 1066 came from Normandy in Northern France.


英语国家概况考试题型如下: 1.选择题(30 X 1’) 2.填空题(20 X 1’) 3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子 4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子 总分100 分 主要内容包括: 一.U.S. Geography 1.Full name of U.S.. 2.Number of States: 50 states. 3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. 4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries. 5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S.. 6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. 7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in south California. 二.U.S. People 1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans). 2.The “first Americans” were the Indians. 3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. 4.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today’s V erginia in the year of 1607. 5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to: ?Protestan ?Catholic ?Jewish 6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequally distributed among the population. 8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


英语国家概况(阅读) 1、Which of the following statements is NOT true? C.The Social Democratic and Labour Party is a very important political party in Britain 2、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? D.Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution. 3、To get a bachelor’s degree, an American undergraduate student is required to do the following except ____. C.taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophy 4、Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes? B.The legislative. 5、Which one of the following is NOT particularly British Christmas tradition? C.Eating chocolate eggs on Easter Day. 6、Which of the following statements is NOT true about blacks after the 1960s? A.Blacks felt that they could be fully integrated into the mainstream of American life. 7、The New Deal was started by ___. A.Franklin Roosevelt. 8、Which of the following is NOT based on the fact? A.Members of Parliament elect the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. 9、Three of the following are characteristics of London, Which of the four is the EXCEPTION? C.London is not only the largest city in Britain, but also the largest in the world 10、In order to go to university, secondary school students in the US must meet the following requirements except that ___. D.They pass the college entrance examinations 11、Which of the following statements is NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, ___. D.the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined. 12、Which of the following about the tabloids is not true? A.They are big format newspapers. 13、In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland, because ____. A.they wanted to increase its control over Ireland 14、The largest religion in the US is ___. B.Christianity 15、Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords? C.The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public.


英语国家概况教学大纲 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

《英语国家概况》课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语国家概况计划学分:2学分 计划学时:32学时课程性质:选修课 课程类型:专业课面向专业:商务英语、应用英语专业 编制单位:外语系编制时间:2012年8月 一、课程的性质、地位和作用 随着我国对外交往的日益频繁和涉外工作的需要,大学生不仅要学好英语,提高语言应用能力,还应加深对英语国家社会与文化生活基本情况的了解,从而在工作和生活中更好地进行跨文化交流。本课程就是根据此需要,根据《大学英语课程教学要求》而开设的选修课,体现了英语教学必须实行语言教学与文化知识课程紧密相结合的原则,有利于基础阶段语言教学与文化知识教学的相互促进。 二、教学目的及要求 本课程涉及了英语国家的地理、历史、语言发展、文化、社会等方面,目的在于扩大学生视野、对于英语国家的理解不仅从经济、政治的角度,而且要从社会、文化的角度来看问题。 1.提供了一个对于英语国家的中立的、恰当的、多角度的、贴近实际 的调查。 2.提高学生思维能力、分析和解决问题的能力。 3.培养学生对于人类和社会的客观的、健康的、科学的人生观、价值 观。

4.培养能把英语的语言基础知识和广阔的文化背景知识结合在一起的 优秀英语人才,即复合型人才。 5.帮助学生对于英语文学、报纸、杂志、脱口秀、英语笑话等的理 解。 三、课程的章节、具有的深度、广度、难点、重点 Chapter 1 Geography, People and Language 通过对本章的学习,了解英语国家的地理、气候、主要城市、人民、英语语言的发展。 重点:地理、人口特点 难点:英语语言发展的三个阶段 Chapter 2 History 从国家的建立、进入封建社会、到现代社会的转化,全面地了解英语国家的历史。 重点:历史转折性事件、关键人物、工业革命、现代社会 难点:两次世界大战以及其对英语国家的影响 Chapter 3 Government 了解英语国家的宪法、政府、政党、选举等。 重点:英语国家的立法机关、行政机关、司法机关 难点:不同政治体制下这三者的关系、作用 Chapter 4 Economy 了解英语国家的近代经济、现代经济。 重点:英语国家的近现代经济 难点:在国家经济中起重要作用的产业


2011英语国家概况期末考 1 of 100 Whose speech is closest to BBC English? A Cockney Southerners in England northerners in England A Welsh 2 of 100 The two newest states which joined the United States are _____. Alaska and Hawaii California and New Mexico Alaska and Florida Hawaii and Oregon 3 of 100

Which of the following is NOT one of the general standards for admission into an institution of higher learning in the U. S. A.? ACTP GPA MBA SAT 4 of 100 Britain's longest rivers are _____. the Severn and the Thames the Thames and the Clyde the Clyde and the Humber the Severn and the Clyde 5 of 100 New Englanders were originally known as _______. Yankees German farmers

Fishermen from Scandinavia English Puritans 6 of 100 The Constitution of the United States provides that _____ shall be President of the Senate. the Chief Justice the Secretary of State the Vice President the President 7 of 100 Which of the following is NOT one of the clauses in Magna Carta? There should be the same weights and measures throughout the country. The principle of parliamentary supremacy should be confirmed and free speech in Parliament should be guaranteed.


英语国家概况复习要点 Part One UK The Country 1.Different Names for Britain and its Parts Name:England Britain Great Britain (GB/G.B.) British Isles British Empire The Commonwealth The United Kingdom(The UK) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Parts:England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland 2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geographically, the British Isles includes Great Britain, the whole of Ireland, and all the offshore islands Politically, the British Isles is made up of U.K. and Republic of Ireland. 3. the highest mountain in Britain:Ben Nevis(本尼维斯山) the largest mountain range in Britain:the Grampians(格兰扁山脉) 4.the longest river:The Severn River (塞文河) The most important river in Britain and the second longest river: Thames(泰晤士河) 5. the largest lake in Britain:Lough Neagh(内伊湖)( Northern Ireland) 6. Backbone of England:the Pennies(奔宁山脉) The people 7.The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians. 人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比利来人。 8.Basis of Modern English race? The earlist people known in Britain were nomads(游牧者)from mainland Europe in the Old Stone Age(旧石器时代),followed by Neolithic(新石器时代)Iberians (伊比利亚人) and the Beaker Folk(比克人)in the Bronze Age(青铜器时代) 9.the contributions made by Anglo-Saxons to the English state? ①.established 'Old English' ②.laid the foundations of the English state ③. divided the country into shires ④. created the 'Witan' to advise the King(the basis of the Cabinet) 10.different invaders? First invasion—In 55 BC, Julius Caesar Second—Caesar's second raid in 54 BC Third and final—In 43 AD, Emperor Claudius, final and successful Roman invasion of Britain (recorded) Left—In 410, Germanic barbarian attack Rome, forcing Roman troops to leave Britain, and thus ending its occupation of the island History 9.Who is known as “ the father of the British navy” ? Sir Francis Drake 10. The Norman Conquest and its consequences The Norman Conquest (1066-1071) Fuse: Edward ruled for 24 years and died in January, 1066. Harold was chosen to be king. William, Duke of Normandy, heard the news of Harold’s coronation, he got very angry and claimed that he had the sole right to be king of England because


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6213338142.html, 《英语国家概况》的教学反思 作者:童方吟 来源:《读与写·上旬刊》2017年第11期 摘要:《英语国家概况》是每所大学英语专业都会开设的课程,这一学科对于经济全球化的今天来说至关重要,因此,对于这门学科的教学,教师应该认真反思,如何高效的提高教学质量。 关键词:国概;教学方法;存在问题 中图分类号:G648 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1578(2017)11-0001-01 英语教育专业的专业课程大致包括三种类型:英语语言课程、英语文学课程、英汉与汉英翻译课程。英语国家概况则属于英语语言课程中的一门专业必修课,其总体目标是:比较系统的介绍英、美、加、澳、新等主要英语国家在历史、地理、社会、政治、经济、教育等方面的情况以及其文化传统,让学生了解这些主要英语国家的背景知识,以扩大学生知识面,增强学生对英语国家文化的识别力、理解力,培养和提高学生观察、分析和解决问题的能力,使学生的在了解英语国家文化的过程中理解和运用英语进行有效的交际和成功的沟通。 进入新世纪以来,《基础教育课程改革纲要》的颁布,标志着我国的英语教育进入了一个崭新的大好时机。作为英语专业知识类课程,英语国家概况具有自身显著的特点,如果不改进与完善该课程的教学理论和方法,该课程就很难适应新的教学要求。 1.课程教学现状以及问题 1.1 教材及教学资料。《概况》课程的一大缺陷就是教材及教学资料很不完整,给老师的备课无形中增加了难度。目前市场上使用较普遍的是周叔麟主编的新版《英美概况教程》、王恩铭主编的《英语国家概况》、来安方编著的《英美概况》等,虽然看起来版本很多,但是每个版本都有自己的缺陷所在,体系并不很完整合理,并且,配套教学资料相当匮乏,这也严重的影响了学生学习的自主性。 1.2 课时安排。现今很多大学都在大二开设《概况》课程,通常为36个学时,并且是作为考查课程。要想学生在短短的36个课时里面掌握五个国家的历史、文化、政治、社会、经济等各方面内容,这对于教师的教学和学生的学习来说都比较困难,很容易造成学习上囫囵吞枣的现象。 1.3 学生的主观能动性。《国概》课程由于知识面广,生词量大,阅读量也大,这就导致学生在接触这本教材的时候就会产生畏惧心理,不知如何开始。将国概课程试卷与英语专业其


湖州职业技术学院2012---2013学年第二学期 商务英语12级《英语国家概况》期末考查试卷(答案) 特别提示: 诚信是一个学生的良好品德,本次考试保证不以任何形式作弊,你如确认, 请在下面内□打“√”。□同意□不同意 (1)__The White House____ (2)____ Sydney Opera House_____ (3)__The Statue of Liberty_ (4)__bald eagle __ (5)___William Shakespear___ (6)___Stonehenge ___ Ⅱ. Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F) (20%,2 points for each one) 1.In Britain, all children enjoy a nine-year compulsory education. ____F___ 2.In the USA, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is the entrance examination to college. ___T___ 3.Britain’s most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge. ___T____ 4.The author of the Harry Potter books is an American. ___F____ 5. The great 19th-century novelist Sir Walter named this period as the Battle of Naseby, which lasted for about 30 years. ___F____ 6. By an Act of 1791 Upper Canada (French) and Lower Canada (British) were created. ___F____ 7. The federal system of the USA consists of three branches: parliament, president and the Supreme Court. ____F___ 8. The American president is elected every four years to a four-year term, and no more than two full terms are allowed. ____T____ 9. In the UK, Oxford is the oldest university in the high education system. ____T____ 10. New Zealand has a parliamentary system of government closely patterned on that of the United Kingdom and is a fully independent member of the Commonwealth. It has a written constitution. ____F___ Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks.(12%,1 point for each blank) 1.The full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain__and ___Northern Ireland__. 2.The US currency is __American dollar____. 3.The previous party in power of the USA is ______Democratic Party___. 4.The government of the UK is constitutional monarch, in which the Queen is regarded as __the Head of State_, and the __Prime Minister__is the head of government. 5.The biggest religion in the USA is ___Christianity__. 6.Known as the “__melting pot__”, the United States is another typical multi-racial country, with a population of 303 million, about 13.3% of which are African Americans, 12.5% Hispanics… 7.__Governor-General ___is officially the representative of Queen Elizabeth II, and acts only on the advice of the Canadian prime minister. 8.In Canada, the Bill, which need three times reading and discuss, is sent to the Senate and becomes the law. 9.In British high education, students always ask themselves “What do you think?” or “What do you know?” They respectively represent the educational idea of _Oxford_ and __Cambridge_.


英语国家概况期末重点(必考) 1 How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they ? The development of the English language can be divided into three periods:Old English, Middle English and Modern English. 2 What are the two components of the British Parliament ? They are the House of Commons and the House of Lords. 3 What were some of Queen Victoria’s major achievements? Queen Victoria made tremendous achievements in almost every aspect. She promoted further industrial revolution, the building of railways and the growing of trade and commerce. By the end of her reign, britain had developed to an empire including a quarter of the global population and nearly a quarter of the world’s landmass. 4 What are the three functions of the House of Commons ? The three functions are: to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy. 5 What kind of subjects do British comprehensive schools provide ? British comprehensive schools provide a general education, offering both academic subjects like literatuure and science,and practical subjects like cooking and carpentry. 6 How do students in the Open University receive their education ?


英语国家概况复习 The Republic of Ireland Geography and History 本章概论: 1. 爱尔兰共和国的地理特征 --- the Emerald Isle --- The Central Lowland --- bogs --- the Shannon River 2. 爱尔兰共和国的气候 --- mild, moist and changeable --- excessive rainfall 3. 爱尔兰共和国的人口和宗教 --- the Great Famine --- one of the most Catholic countries of Europe 4. 爱尔兰共和国历史 --- The arrival of St. Patrick in AD 432 5. 爱尔兰共和国的外交政策 --- neutrality and nonalignment 1. 简答题: Why Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle? ----- Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because of its rich green countryside. 爱尔兰也因其乡村绿荫葱葱而被称为绿宝石岛 第一部分:Geographical Features 1. 识记要点: Why Ireland has been geographically compared to a basin? ----- Ireland has been compared to a basin in which a limestone plateau is rimmed by coastal highlands. 2. 识记要点: The central plain area is characterized by many lakes, bogs (wet areas) and low ridges. Variety is the main feature of the lowlands. The Central Lowland is the heart of Ireland. 3. 简答题: What is the largest river in Ireland? Why is it very important? ----- The largest river in Ireland is the Shannon River. It is very important because it

00522 英语国家概况自考大纲

附件: 《英语国家概况自学考试大纲》的考核目标Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and People I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts Chapter 2 The Origins of a Nation I.Early Settlers 3.The Celts II.Roman Britain III.The Anglo-Saxons Ⅳ.The Viking and Danish Invasions V.The Norman Conquest Chapter 3 The Shaping of the Nation Ⅰ.Norman Rule 1. William’s Rule Ⅱ.The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament 1. The Great Charter Ⅲ.The Hundred Years’ War with France Ⅳ.The Black Death and the Peasant Uprising Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age Ⅰ.Transition to the Modern Age Ⅱ.The English Reformation Ⅲ.Elizabeth I 1. Elizabeth and Parliament 2. Elizabeth’s Religious Reform 3. Elizabeth’s Foreign Policy Ⅳ.The English Renaissance VII. The Civil Wars VIII. The Commonwealth IX. The Restoration and the Glorious Revolution of 1688 Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Ⅰ.Whigs and Tories Ⅱ.Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th Century


广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 《英语国家概况》第一套复习题 I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False . ( 1.5 points each , 30 points in total ) 1.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. 2.People from different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. 3.In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of the United Kingdom. 4.Because of political troubles, Northern Ireland has been quite significant among the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom. 5.The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons. 6.The Celtic people are the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. 7.English changed into what is described as Modern English from the late 16th century. 8.The British history before 55 BC is basically undocumented. 9.The Celts became the dominant group in Britain between the 8th and 5th centuries BC. 10.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe – the Britons. 11.The Anglo –Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. 12.The Vikings began to attack the English coasts in the 8th century. 13.Henry II built up a large empire which included England and most of France. 14.The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople. 15.The Hundred Years’War was a series of wars fought between England and Normans for trade and territory. 16.In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen Elizabeth I actually defended the fruit of the Religious Reformation. 17.In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers. 18.British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations. 19.The members in the House of Commons in Britain are appointed rather than elected. 20.Britain was the first industrialized nation in the world. Answer keys: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. T 11.T 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F 16. T 17. F 18. F 19. F 20. T II. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. (2 points each, 40 points in total) 1. ___B_____ is the capitall city of Scotland. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 2. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, ____D_____ is the smallest. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 3. Almost a quarter of the British population lives in ____B_______ England. A. northeastern B.southeastern C. northwestern D. southwestern
