

1. Don't take such small things to heart.


5. He took things too hard, and ended his life by hanging himself at home. 因为一时想不开,他在家结束了自己的生命。

6. He hasn't come round yet. Could you try and straighten him out? 他还没有想通呢,你开导开导他好吗?

一、女孩子“有气质”、“气质美”可以说: She has an aura of elegance也可以说: a girl with


二、跟个性有关的气质英文叫"temperament", 如“性格与气质”可以说: character and

temperament他们“气质不同”,这里的气质,英文可以说: disposition and nature六、有“领袖气质”、“领袖魅力”可以说: charisma;影歌星受欢迎、有人气也叫charisma。分别见下面两例:

1. Some politicians have charisma, others do not.(有些政治人物有领袖气质,有些则无。)

2. Eminem has charisma, Detroit has character.

( 阿姆有人气,底特律有个性。)

、男性风度翩翩、有气质,可以说: debonair,如:

John Barrymore ... who is remembered both for his roles as a debonair leading man and for his interpretations of Shakespeare' s

Richard III and Hamlet.

(大家都记得他担任风度翩翩、有气质的男主角,以及“成功的”诠释/ 演出莎士比亚的理察三世和哈姆雷特。)

八、时尚女人的“高贵气质”,或所谓的“上流美”,可以说: chic,“时尚”和“高贵”,是所谓“上流美”的两大要素。


Jones: "It's chic. It has the 'I roll around in money' signature."

( 很有高“贵”气质,散发“我在钱堆里打滚”的气味。)

It's chic and upscale and fits perfectly with the mall's image. ....

(很有气质、很高档,非常适合这个购物中心的形象。) Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人。

Beauty lies in the love‘s eyes.情人眼里出西施。

cramming system; spoon-feeding pedagogy 填鸭式教学法

crash course 速成班credit hour 学时

drop out (中途)退学

educational expenditure 教育开支educational innovation 教育革新educational network 网络教育

education in patriotism 爱国主义教育

elective course 选修课

exemption from examination 免考

exit qualification 结业资格

check roll 考勤

children with learning disability 无学习能力的儿童


rank 年级名次

coeducation 男女同校

commencement ceremony 毕业典礼compulsory course 必修课computer lab 机房conditional admission 试读

core curriculum 核心课程

cost of education 教育费用

course leader 课代表


Matter 母校


association 同学会

exchange student 交换留学生

an outstanding academic reputation 声名显赫的学术水平

户口 registered permanent residence

民生people’s wellbeing

团购 group buying

乡长 township head

城管 urban management officers

恶搞 video spoof

房奴 mortgage slave

黑车 unlicensed cab

毕婚族 marry-upon-graduation

安家费 settling-in allowance

代排族 hired queuers

短租房 short-term housing/accommodation

二手房 pre-owned house; second-hand house

封口费 hush money

sexual orientation 性倾向

shotgun marriage/wedding 奉子成婚

social acceptability 社会心理承受力

social evolution 社会演变

social security expenditure 社会保障支出

social security privatization 社会保障私有化

social weakening 社会惰性

social worker 社会工作者

status statistics 有关居民阶级构成的统计资料surplus labor 剩余劳动力

surrogate birth 代孕

tax evasion 偷税漏税

tough policy 强硬政策

tracking survey 跟踪调查

trial marriage 试婚

walking commuter 走班族

December-May marriage “老夫少妻”式婚姻

dink family 丁克家庭

dire poverty 赤贫

displaced person 流离失所者division of labour 分工

dog packs 狗仔队

enhance the sense of urgency 增强忧患意识

house-husband 家庭妇男

indoors man/woman 宅男/宅女

ironclad labor protection 铁饭碗

law-abiding citizen 守法公民

luggage screening 行李检查

menial activity 粗活

merit pay 绩效工资

amelioration of poverty 改良贫困状况

ant tribe 蚁族

baby boom 婴儿潮

baby break 停职育婴期

baby bust 生育低谷(期)

black ball 秘密反对票

bottom dregs 社会渣滓

推进事业单位改革 push forward the reform of institutions

维护社会公平正义 safeguard social fairness and justice

中华民族的无疆大爱 boundless love of the Chinese nation

中央纪律检查委员会 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

政府促进就业的责任 responsibility of the government for stimulating employment

对人民高度负责的态度 maintain a high sense of responsibility to people

扭转收入差距扩大的趋势 reverse the widening income gap

旗帜鲜明地反对民族分裂 take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split the nation

全国人民代表大会主席团 NPC Presidium

日益增长的物质文化需求 growing material and cultural needs

社会主义制度的无比优越 incomparable superiority of the socialist system

中国共产党全国代表大会 the National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)

依法行政、公正严明的法治政府 a government that respects legal system and rules strictly and impartially

突发公共安全事件应急处理机制 mechanisms for responding to emergencies that threaten public safety

选举权、知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权 rights to vote and to stay informed about, participate in, express views on, and oversee government affairs

再就业下岗人员 re-employment of laid-off workers

解放和发展生产力 release and develop productive forces

城镇社会保障体系 urban social security system

城镇住房制度改革 reform of the urban housing system

促进社会和谐稳定 promote social harmony and stability

打击取缔非法收入 crack down on and ban illegal income

服从全局、服务全局 be subordinated to and serve the overall interests of the country

肝胆相照、荣辱与共 treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe

公共服务和社会管理 public services and administration

合理的收入分配制度 rational income distribution system

和衷共济、团结奋斗 concerted and strenuous efforts

经济繁荣和社会进步 economic prosperity and social progress

经济平稳较快发展 steady and rapid economic development

全国人民代表大会National People’s Congress (NPC)

社会主义法治国家 socialist country under the rule of law

食品药品质量监管 oversight and supervision of food and drug quality

全国各族人民 people of all our ethnic groups

全国人大代表deputy to the National People’s Congress

全国政协委员 member of the national committee of the CPPCC

社会公共需要 social needs

退休金双轨制 dual pension scheme

政府工作报告 report on the work of the government

政府机构改革 reform of government institutions

政治体制改革 political restructuring

维护祖国统一 safeguard national unity

严肃追究责任 strengthen administrative accountability

依法行政意识 consideration to carrying out their official duties in accordance with the law

执行力和公信力 executive ability and greater public trust 中共中央委员会 CPC Central Committee

爱好和平的国家 a peace-loving country

按劳分配为主体 distribution according to work remains dominant

城镇登记失业率 registered unemployment rate in cities and towns

自主创新 independent innovation

综合国力 overall national strength

政企分开 separate functions of the government from those of enterprises

政务透明 administrative transparency

邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory

分配货币化 distribution of money

服务型政府 service-oriented government

负责任政府 responsible government

科学发展观 scientific outlook on development

宪法修正案 amendments to the Constitution

最大的效益 the best possible results

防灾减灾能力 our ability to prevent and mitigate natural disasters

风险防范机制 risk prevention mechanism

和平统一大业 great cause of peaceful reunification

科教兴国战略 the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education

科学技术进步 scientific and technological progress

基础设施建设 construction of infrastructure facilities

零基预算制度 a zero-base budgeting system

年度国家预算 annual state budget

men learn while they teach 教学相长

mental retardation/deficiency 智力缺陷,反应迟钝

non-profit educational institutions 非盈利性的教育机构

nonresident student 走读生


training 脱产培训


training 在职培训;岗位培训


access (图书馆)开架阅览

open-book examination 开卷考试

per-capita education

spending 人均教育经费

finish a four-year curriculum 完成四年学业


center 健身房

foreign student advisor 外国学生咨询顾问


education 全日制教育


illiterate 半文盲

General Certificate of Secondary Education 中学毕业证书


examinee (考试)替考者

Higher Education Mega Center 大学城


level 文盲率

information for admission 入学须知

input in

education 教育投入

inspection and supervision 督导


talent 复合型人才


tuitions 学费上涨


custody 共同的监护权

That took his breath away. 他大惊失色。

I won't do it to save my life. 我死也不会做。

You don't want to do that.你不应该去做。


开幕/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony

开国大典founding ceremony of a state

奠基典礼foundation laying ceremony

晚宴evening reception

答谢宴会return banquet

冷餐招待会buffet reception

/新年/篝火晚会/spring festival /campfire party

开幕词opening speech/address

致开幕词make an opening speech

友好访问goodwill visit 代表团mission

阁下Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency

贵宾distinguished guest

尊敬的市长先生Respected Mr.Mayor

远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific

东道国host country

宣布……开幕declare……open宣布…..闭幕declare the closing

值此之际on the occasion of

借此机会take this opportunity to

以……名义in the name of高层领导人senior leader

承蒙….的盛情邀请At the gracious invitation of

作为贵国人民的友好使者As an envoy of friendship of your people

有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎It is such a delight to have friends coming form afar 海内寸知己天涯若比邻Long distance separates no bosom friends

欢迎会a welcoming party

欢送会a send-off party

向大会就......问题进行讲话to address the meeting/conference on the topic of ...

recognize and honor 表扬并嘉奖

scale new heights 再攀新高


能够......我深感荣幸I'm honored and privileged to ....

向...表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢to extend my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to sb.

向...表示祝贺to congratulate sb on sth

向...表示感谢to appreciate sb for doing sth

向大会就......问题进行讲话to address the meeting/conference on the topic of ...

我期待着... I'm looking forward to sth/ doing sth

我提议为...干杯I'd like to propose a toast to sth

Annual 年度的

recognize and honor 表扬并嘉奖

staffs and faculty members 教职员工

excel 超出,突出

scale new heights 再攀新高

serve... heart and soul 全心全意的服务

take delight and pride in... 为...... 感到高兴和骄傲

take some time out of one's tight schedule 百忙中抽空

a new millennium 新千年

countdown 倒计时

在这月光明媚的夜晚On this beautiful moon-lit evening

欢聚一堂to have...with us

时多时少,起伏ups and downs

非常牢固的互利关系solid and mutually beneficial relationship.


A major consideration: 重要考虑因素

本着……精神in the spirit of

充满现代活力full of dynamism of the modern era

喜庆的时刻a festive moment

欢乐的时刻a joyous occasion

召开记者招待会to call a press conference

日新月异to change with every passing day

重申我方观点to reiterate our opinion/ standing


代表on the behalf of

由衷的谢意heartfelt thanks

友好款待gracious hospitality

正式邀请officioa invitation

回顾过去look back on

展望未来look ahead/look into the future

最后in closing

圆满成功a complete success

提议祝酒propose a toast

蓬勃向上 thriving and robust 知识产权 IPR

保持持续增长 ensure a sustainable development



亚太地区 Asian-Pacific region

建交 establishment of diplomatic relations between

互访 exchange of visit

外交政策 foreign policy

一贯奉行 in persistent pursuit of

平等互利 equality and mutual benefit

双边关系 bilateral relations

持久和平 lasting peace


贸易额 trade volume

商业界 business community

跨国公司 transnational corporation

经济强国/经济大国/经济列强(视具体情况翻译)economic power

进出口商品交易会 import and export commodities fair

采购部 supply department

机床Machine tool 工艺 workmanship

展台 Exhibition stand 经营的新品 new line of business

汽车零部件auto parts 不惜以……为代价 at the cost of

我方Our part 货物supplies 合同格式 format of contract

单价Unit price 保险费用由贵方承担the insurance premium should be born by your side



On the behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation.


Now, I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.


I have the honor to express this warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.


I would like to extend my warmest welocme to all of you.


I wish the conference a complete success!


student 头等生

track out of schools 被逐出校门

transcript 成绩单

transmission of civilization 传播文明valedictory address/speech 毕业献辞

working graduate 在职研究生

work-study program 勤工助学

straight A student 成绩全优生


aid 助学金

take attendance 查点考勤

minimum earner 处于最低生活保障线上的人

tacit understanding 默契

patriotic sentiment 爱国情操

pro-euthanasia campaign 赞成安乐死合法化运动

sandwich man 挂广告牌的人

law-abiding citizen 守法公民

bottom dregs 社会渣滓

Students find opportunities for hands-on experience to complement their book-learning.


创造性思维 Out-of-box thinking divergent thinking(发散式思维),

陪读 be companion to sb in study

听课 attend a class or lecture

学风 style of study

学分制 credit system

特困生 the most needy student

学杂费 tuition fee and miscellaneous charges

毕业设计 graduation project

大专学历 a college graduate

德才兼备 combine political integrity with professional competence

定向培养provide training to selected students

定向招生 recruit students from selected organizations or regions; enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas

动手能力 the ability of practice

a great variety of models 款式多样

all-time high 历史最高记录

anniversary celebration 周年庆典

a ready market 畅销

attractive and durable 美观耐用

biannual 一年两次的

complete range of articles 品种齐全

make debuts 首次亮相

management principles 经营方针

raise the profile 提升形象

superior quality 质量上乘

technology transformation 技术改造

top the list 位居首位

warranty 保修,质量担保

win the bid 中标

教师队伍 contingent of teachers

教书育人impart knowledge and educate people

教学实习 field practice/internship

教育方针 educational policy

教育使命 educational mission

教育资源 resources for education

就近上学 provide for schools within easy walking distance

开除学籍 expel from school

民办公助 run by local people and subsidized by the state

民办教师 community-sponsored teacher

民办教育 non-government funded education

抛砖引玉 throw a sprat to catch a whale

1.一根筋儿one track-minded.

2.出众的人a lulu


我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.(注:run with the hare and hunt with the hounds指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。)

4.傻大个儿a lummox


It is said that the lummox has loused up their company’s whole business.

5.收破烂儿的人a rag man


Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money.

6.乡巴佬 a hayseed


She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matter how rich he was.



There are always riff-raffs hanging around in LaoZhang’s home, which gives you the feeling that Lao Zhang is not a good guy.

8.受气包儿 doormat


She’s born doormat ,afraid of going against anything.

9.面无表情的人 a deadpan


You feel choked to work with those deadpans.

10.扫帚星 a jinx


She’s said to be a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whoever she marries. 品学兼优 excellency in character and learning

启发式教学 heuristic teaching

全民教育 education for all

人才交流 personnel exchange

人才流失 brain drain

死记硬背 memorize things mechanically

素质教育 quality-oriented education/quality education

缩短学制 shorten the period of schooling

特殊教育 special education

文化程度 educational level

文化传承 cultural continuity

文化断层 cultural dislocation

文化交流 cultural exchanges

文教事业 cultural and educational undertakings

文房四宝 four treasures of the study (writing brush, inkstick, inkstone and paper)

水货 Parallel Import / Grey Product

commercial magnate['m?ɡneit] 商业巨头

大片儿是blockbuster;众星云集的是 star-studded;催人泪下的哭片则是tearjerker.


民事判决书翻译常用词汇归纳 泛瑞翻译 (1)管辖(权):jurisdiction 领事裁判权: consular jurisdiction. (准)对人管辖权: (quasic)jurisdiction in personal (准)对物管辖权:(quasic)jurisdiction in rem 属人管辖权:personal jurisdiction 属地管辖权:territorial jurisdiction . 由于各国对管辖权规定的不同,便很容易引起Selection of court 选择法庭的现象。(2)回避:withdrawal (3)当事人:party (4)诉讼代理人:agents ad litem (5)证据:evidence 举证责任—-证明责任burden of proof 取证evidence-finding 举证责任倒置Burden of proof in reverse 书证documentary evidence 物证material evidence (6)视听资料:audio-visual material (7)证人证言:testimony of witnesses

(8)当事人陈述:statements of the parties (9)鉴定结论:expert conclusions (10)勘验笔录:records of inspection (11)诉讼时效:Limitation of action (12)期间:time periods (13)送达:service (14)调解:conciliation (15)财产保全;property preservation (16)先予执行:advance execution (17)强制措施:compulsory measures specific performance 特定履行,强制执行(18)诉讼费用:litigation costs/fees (19)执行措施:execution measures


一、组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌 OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板 power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂 painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手 hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |'plein |刨床 miller铣床 grinder磨床 driller??床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长 assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料 scraped |'skr?pid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良 manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程 不良 oxidation |' ksi'dei n|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕 defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲 production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件 forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 name of a department部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务 部 automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 screwdriver holder起子插座 pedal踩踏板 stopper阻挡器 flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 pallet栈板 glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套 thumb大拇指 forefinger食指 midfinger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指 band-aid创可贴 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 alcohol container沾湿台 head of screwdriver起子头 sweeper扫把 mop拖把 vaccum cleaner吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container灰箕


2020网课热点英语词句积累 2020疫情影响之下,传统教育方式得到了新的改变。从在教室学习转换为在线学习。 无论是教师还是学生都在这样的教学中力求突破、适应并提升,毕竟无论哪一种形式,目的都只有一个:那就是提高学生成绩。 渐渐适应中的我们不经要问,既然是变革,那是不是代表了网课可以代替面授教学? 对此,我们从中国日报网截取了对这一观点的所持的态度的英文原版文章,对此翻译(并未采取直译),同时对其中典型的词句做适当积累。 Online classes can't replace classrooms 在线课程不能替代课堂 and moved the classrooms online. 由于新冠病毒的爆发,中国见证了一个全新的学期:很多中国学校已经推迟了开学,并将课堂搬到线上。 ·单词积累· witness v. 见证

outbreak v. 爆发 suspend v. 推迟、暂停 On the first day of school, DingTalk, a virtual workplace developed by Alibaba Group, held online classes for an estimated 50 million students nationwide, from primary to high school level. 开学第一天,阿里巴巴集团开发的虚拟工作平台“钉钉”,为全国范围内的大约5000万名中小学生开设了在线课程。 ·单词积累· virtual adj. 虚拟的;事实上的 estimate v. 估计;判断 nationwide adj. 全国范围的 Education on Feb 12, "postponement of school without suspension of learning" is


六级翻译词汇经济篇: 宏观经济macro economy 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 知识经济knowledge economy 网络经济Internet-based economy 经济规律law of economy 大规模生产mass production 生产力productive forces 生产关系relations of production 公有制public ownership 私有制private ownership 国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 私营企业private business 民营企业privately-run business 中小企业small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 连锁企业franchise / chain business 国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP) 国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

实际增长率growth rate in real terms 年均增长率average growth rate per annum 可持续增长sustainable growth 经济效益economic returns 投资回报率rate of return on investment 衰退recession 宏观调控macro control 提高经济效益enhance economic performance 扭亏为盈turn a loss-making business into a profitable one 优化经济结构optimize economic structure 扩大内需expand domestic demand 国计民生national interest and people’s livelihood 经济特区special economic zones “十二五规划“ the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development 风险投资venture investment 经济繁荣economic boom


广告英语翻译常用词汇 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the peo ple's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; prov iding amenities for the people; making life easier for the popula tion 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment

顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specific ations 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) de sign; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods


两会热点词汇翻译 政府注资pump priming 软环境soft environment 粮食最低收购价crops' minimum purchase prices 保八Eight Percent Protection 以人为本Put People First 农民企业家Farmer-turned-entrepreneur 窗口指导window guidance 下岗再就业Re-employment after being laid off 登记失业率registered unemployment rate 扩大内需propel/expand domestic demand 城乡差距rural-urban divide 基本医疗保险basic medical insurance 家电下乡Home appliances going to the countryside 教育公平Equal Access to Education "三农"Issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area 农村留守人口Rural Left-Behind Population 提案proposal 2008政府工作报告热词——国企篇 国有企业state owned enterprises (SOEs) 主要产业core business 税收贡献tax contributions

民航civil aviation 所有制结构ownership structure 发展大型粮食基地to develop large grain production bases 国有资产所有权转移transferring ownership of state-owned assets 完善所有制结构to improve ownership structure 实行政策性关闭破产to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies 建立国有资本经营预算制度to set up a budget system for managing state capital 国有企业资产总额the total value of assets of state owned enterprises (SOEs) 国有资产管理体制改革reform of the management system for state-owned assets 国有经济布局与结构调整adjustment of the distribution and structure of the state sector 建立和完善国有资产出资人制度to set up and improve a system for investors of state assets 引入国有企业股份制to institute a stockholding system in SOEs 邮政体制改革reform of the postal service system 振兴老工业基地战略strategy of rejuvenating the old industrial bases 国有企业改革改组改造reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs 深化国有企业股份制改革to deepen the reform to convert SOEs into stockholding corporations 加强公司化管理to improve corporate governance 实行政策引导关闭和破产to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies 加快资源枯竭型城市经济转型to transform the economies of cities dependent on resource exploitation 扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点to expand the experiment of setting up a budget system for managing state capital


专利翻译常用术语和词汇 在进行专利翻译时,有很多专利常用的专业术语是我们不熟悉的。今天,乐译通就为大家总结了专利翻译常用的术语和词汇,希望对那些从事专利翻译的小伙伴能够有所帮助。 一、专利翻译常用术语 apparatus 装置 claim n.权利要求, vt, 主张/要求 claims the benefit of .. 要求……的权益 figure 附图/图 embodiment 实施例 implementation实现,别跟embodiement弄混; description 说明书 inventor 发明人 application 申请 (专利申请) means 装置/方式/手段 feature 特征 solution 方案,而非“解决方案”,有时可译作“技术方案(technical solution)”; and/or 和/或 prior art 现有技术 subject matter主题 term 术语priority 优先权 (relevant) skilled in the art 所属领域技术人员 Provisional Application 临时申请 Commonly assigned 共同受让的 二、专利翻译常用词汇 one or more,考虑翻译为“一个或多个”,而不是“一个或更多”;

various 翻译成“多种”可能比“各种”要好; 有些词的含义比较相似,但在翻译的时候,最好将其区分出来,以尽可能体现原文的信息量,这种区分在词义上可能意义不大,但在语义上还是有意义的,例如: 1、apparatus, means, device, equipment, facility, tool,对于这些词,可以选择下列的对应译文:器械,装置,设备,装备,机构,工具 2、memory, storage 存储器/存储设备 3、process, procedure,function, method 过程/进程,过程,函数/功能/方法,方法 4、time, interval, time interval, period, duration, cycle,如果这些词同时出现,在译文中需要体现出差别 5、estimate“估计”可能是比“估算”更好的 6、location, position, coordinate, place 地点,位置,坐标,地方 7、execute, perform, run, process 执行,表演/表现,运行,处理 8、power, energy, power source 功率,能量,功率源 9、direction, orentation 方向,朝向 10、part, section, partition 部分,段,分区 11、several, multiple, plural, a number of,some 若干,多个,复数个,大量,一些 12、read, read out 如果原文加以区分,译文也建议加以区分 13、architecture, structure, struct 架构/体系结构,结构 14、disk, optical disk, hard disk, magnetic disk 磁盘,光盘,硬盘 15、assignment, allocation, assign, allocate 分配,指派 16、schedule, arrange 调度,安排 17、diagram, figure, plot, illustration, chart, table 图表 18、feature, character 特点,特征 19、Include 包括,Comprise of 由...组成,分别对应开放式与封闭式定义 20、Part,(no)零部件,(yes)部件/零件,“零部件”是2个词,而Part是一个词,翻译时要准确对应


英语四级段落翻译常用词汇:中国历史与文化 京剧Peking opera 秦腔Qin opera 功夫Kungfo 太极Tai Chi 口技ventriloquism 木偶戏puppet show 皮影戏shadowplay 折子戏opera highlights 杂技acrobatics 相声witty dialogue comedy 刺绣embroidery 苏绣Suzhou embroidery 泥人clay figure 书法calligraphy 中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting 中国结Chinese knot 中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 青铜器bronze ware 瓷器porcelain; china 唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝cloisonne 秋千swing 武术martial arts 儒家思想Confucianism 儒家文化Confucian culture 道教Taoism 墨家Mohism 法家Legalism 佛教Buddhism 孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius 老子Lao Tzu 庄子Chuang Tzu 墨子Mo Tzu 孙子Sun Tzu 象形文字pictographic characters 文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone) 《大学》The Great Learning


A An abridged translation节译本 Absorb what is good and reject what is bad; absorb the essence and reject the dross; select the refined and discard the crude 取其精华,弃其糟粕 Abstract thinking ( thought ) 抽象思维 Academic community 学术界 An academic thesis 学术论文 Accommodate something to circumstances; accommodation 变通 Be well cultured in literature 有文学修养 Artistically accomplished 有艺术修养 A man of considerable culture 文化修养很高的人 Accurate comprehension 正确的理解 Accurate comprehension and adequate representation 准确的理解与适切的表达 Accurateness, smoothness and promptness 准、顺、快(口译标准) Accurate representation 准确的再现 Achieve spiritual similarity by departing from the original form 离形得神 Acquisition (语言)习得 Adapted translation; corrected version; improved version 改译 Adequate representation适切表达 Advance from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom 从必然王国走向自由王国 Aesthetic appreciation 审美(统觉)


台风纳沙 Typoon Nesat 中央气象台透露,今年第17号台风“纳沙”于29日7时在海南东部海面加强为强台风,中央气象台于29日9时发布了今年首个台风红色预警。14时30分,强台风“纳沙”在海南省文昌市翁田镇一带登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风力为14级,风速达42米/秒。台风经过地区一片狂风暴雨,四处可见被风刮下的树枝和落叶。 我们来看一段英文报道: A powerful typhoon slammed into China's Hainan Island yesterday after skirting Hong Kong.Typhoon Nesat made landfall on the eastern tip of the island at 2:30pm and was packing winds up to 150 kilometers an hour. Hainan authorities closed schools, suspended ferry services and recalled fishing boats as the storm made its way across the South China Sea from the Philippines, where it killed 35 people and left another 45 missing. 强台风纳沙在掠过香港后于9月29日14时30分在海南岛东端强势登陆,风速达到每小时150公里。 台风纳沙此前在菲律宾造成了35人死亡,45人失踪;此后途经南中国海来袭,海南省政府已经要求学校停课,渡船停航,渔船回港。


专题一中国节日及相关表达 1.春节the Spring Festival / Chinese lunar Near Year 农历正月初一the first day of the first lunar month 农历lunar calendar 年终大扫除year-end household cleaning 春联Spring Festival couplets 年画New Year pictures 剪纸paper-cuts 团圆饭family reunion dinner 饺子dumplings 春晚Spring Festival Gala 守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 除夕Eve of Chinese New Year 辞旧迎新ring out the old year and ring in the new 拜年pay a New Year visit 红包red packets 压岁钱lucky money 放爆竹let off firecrackers 庙会temple fair 禁忌taboo 2.元宵节Lantern Festival 农历正月十五15th day of the first lunar month元宵rice dumplings 花灯festival lantern 灯谜lantern riddle 灯会exhibit of lanterns 烟花fireworks 3.端午节Dragon Boat Festival 农历五月初五5th of the fifth lunar month 粽子traditional Chinese rice-pudding 糯米sticky rice 粽叶bamboo leaves 舞龙dragon dance 舞狮lion dance 踩高跷stilt walking 赛龙舟dragon-boat racing 纪念in memory of 屈原Qu Yuan 诗人poet 忠臣loyal minister 4.清明节Tomb-sweeping Day 寒食节Cold Food Festival 祭拜祖先offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 踏青go for a spring outing 5.中秋节Mid-Autumn Day / Moon Festival 农历八月十五15th of the eighth lunar month 月饼moon cake


翻译常用词汇 高枕无忧resting without worries 史无前例unprecedented in the history 不可一世a conquering hero 毫不示弱equally firmly 量体裁衣to act according to actual circumstances 一刀两断to cut it clean 与虎谋皮to ask a tiger for its skin 六亲不认to disown all one’s relatives and fri ends 英雄本色the true quality of a hero 英雄所见略同Great minds think alike. 每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones faraway. 上有好,下必有其焉。What the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。The Great River flows to the east: Its waves have washed away all the men of untrammeled spirit of a thousand ages. 上兵伐谋,其次伐交。What is supremely important in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。I wonder how many sorrows you have. They are exactly like the Yangtze River unceasingly flowing eastward in spring. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear. Her face half hidden behind the guitar (pipa) in her arms. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only if you can stand the hardest of hardships can you hope to rise in society. 是非经过不知难You never know how hard a task is almost until you have done it yourself. 满招损Pride goes before a fall. / Pride spells failure. 适可而止Bind the sack before it be full. 好汉做事好汉当A true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions.知己知彼,百战不殆。To know one’s and the enemy’s situation ensures victory. 牵扯之覆,后车之鉴。The overturned car ahead is a warning to the ones behind. 山雨欲来风满楼The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains. 是故学然后知不足,教然后之困。Therefore, to learn makes us realize our deficiency, and to teach makes us know the difficulties. 人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其利、货畅其流。Our human, land and material resources should be used to the best advantage, and our goods should be in good circulation. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。Parents have the duty to rear and education their children who are minors, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。Citizens of the P eople’s Republic of China have the right as well as the duty of work. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings.


一、政治类: 1. 日益昌盛 become increasingly prosperous 2. 快速发展 develop rapidly 3. 隆重集会 gather ceremoniously 4. 热爱和平 love peace 5. 追求进步 pursue progress 6. 履行权利和义务 perform the responsibilities and obligations 7. 回顾奋斗历程 review the course of struggle 8. 展望伟大征程 look into the great journey 9. 充满信心和力量 be filled with confidence and strength 10. 必胜 be bound to win 11. 主张各国政府采取行动 urge governments of all countries to take action 12. 和平共处 coexist peacefully 13. 对内开放和对外开放 open up both externally and internally 14. 经历两个不同时期 experience two different periods 15. 战胜无数的困难 overcome numerous difficulties 16. 赢得一个又一个胜利 win one victory after another 17. 完全意识到 be fully aware that 18. 迈出重要的一步 make an important step 19. 采取各种措施 adopt various measures 20. 得出结论 ,告一段落 draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion 21. 实现民族独立 realize national independence 22. 追求真理 seek the truth 23. 建立社会主义制度 establish a socialist system 24. 根除 (防止,消除)腐败 root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption 25. 响应号召 respond to the call 26. 进入新时期 enter a new period 27. 实行新政策 practice new policies 28. 展现生机和活力 display one’s vigor and vitality 29. 增强综合国力 enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and 和国际竟争力 international competitiveness 30. 进入世界先进行列 edge into the advanced ranks in the world 31. 解决温饱问题 solve the problem of food and clothing 32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果 absorb what is advanced in other civilizations 33. 与日俱增 increase every day 34. 实现夙愿 fulfill the long-cherished wishes 35. 必将实现 be bound to come true 36. 锻造一支人民军队 forge a people’s army 37. 建立巩固的国防 build a strong national defense 38. 进行和谈 hold peace talks 39. 修改法律 amend the laws 40. 在...中起(至关) play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in


2020年常用英语热点词汇 热点话题一:环境保护 基本词汇 pollute(污染); cut down trees(砍伐树木); waste water(废水); throw rubbish around(乱扔垃圾); protect the surroundings(保护周边环境); protect rare animals(保护稀有动物); improve the environment(改善环境); save energy(节省能源) 亮点词汇 do great harm to(给……带来很大危害) preserve/protect the ecological environment 保护生态环境 raise people’s awareness of environment protection 提高人们的环保意识 care for trees and plants 爱护树木花草 ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班 recycle textbooks/trash 课本/垃圾回收利用 take public transport 乘坐公共交通

deal with rubbish properly 正确处理垃圾 save energy/water 节约能源/水 don’t litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾/吐痰sort the garbage 分类垃圾 ban abusing plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋 ban smoking in public places 禁止在公共场合吸烟 热点话题二和谐社会 基本词汇 harmonious(和谐的); honest(诚实的); credible (可信的); balanced(平衡的); social order(社会秩序); peaceful(和平的); sustainable development(可持续发展); help each other(互助); care for each other(互相关心); have a liking for (喜爱); build(创建); cherish(珍惜); public morals(社会道德) 亮点词汇
