


















Nancy 3David 2Ben 5Judy 4


Top row :2 4

Bottom row :3 1 5








I think it comes from a newspaper.Because it is reporting something that happened very recently i.e.yesterday)and the whole story is very short.


1、√ 由第二段的第一句“The bus driver,24-year-old Wang Ping,stopped the bus without thinking twice.”可知此句表述正确。

3、√ 由第二段中“She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital.”可知此句表述正确。

5、√ 由第二段的最后一句“Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus.”可知此句表述正确。

6、√ 由第三段的第一句“Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers,the man was saved by the doctors in time.”可知此句表述正确。


1、Because he expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus,but they all agreed to go with him.

2、Yes,they did. We can know it from the last paragraph

3、No,I don't. Because everyone is a member of the society. We should help each other.


1、myself/my arm/my leg/my back,should;should





1、put some medicine on the cut

2、see a dentist


4、lie down and rest My advice:

1、She should run it under water.

2、She should brush her teeth with salt water.

3、They should drink more water.

4、He should go to a doctor. SectionB


Top right:

Run it under water.;

Put some medicine on it.;Put a bandage on it.Middle left:

Go to the hospital. ;

Get an X-ray.;

Rest for a few days.

Bottom right:

Put your head down. ;

Press the sides of your nose.;

Clean your face.


Someone cut his knee.√

Someone had a nosebleed.√

Someone got hit on the head.√


(1)d,a,b,c (2)f (3)e










2、TRUE 由短文中“On April 26,2003,he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.”可知此句表述正确。

3、FALSE 由短文中“...he stayed there for five days...But when his water ran out,he knew...”可知此句表述错误。

4、FALSE 由文中“After losing his arm,he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place.”可知此句表述错误。

5、TRUE 由短文中“His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.”可知此句表述正确。


1、In Utah,U.S.A.

2、Aron's arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock (that fell on him) (when he was climbing by himself in the mountains).

3、He used his knife to cut off half his right arm.

4、He wrote a book called between a Rock and a Hard Place and continued to climb mountains.

5. It means being in a difficult situation in which all of the choices are bad.




One possible version:

Nurse:What happened?

Student:I fell down and broke my knees when I played soccer with my classmates yesterday. What should I do? Nurse:You should get an X-ray and then see the doctor with the report.

Student:Thank you.

Self check



(2)sore back/backache

(3)sore throat



(6)earache;sore eyes




(1)Put a bandage on it.

(2)Lie down and rest.

(3)Go to a doctor.

(4)Go to the hospital and get an X-ray.








1、come up with

2、put off

3、put up


5、call up


Mario volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.Mary works at an after-school reading program once a week to help kids learn to read.


1、Mario volunteers at an animal hospital because he loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He believes his volunteer work can help him get his future dream job and Mary volunteers at an after-school reading program because she loves books and enjoys helping kids learn to read.

2、Mario says volunteering is hard work,but he can get a strong feeling of satisfaction from it. And Mary says volunteering at an after-school reading program is a dream come true for her. She can do what she loves to do and help others at the same time.


1、to be

2、to learn,to care

3、to try out,to help

4、to do


1、put off

2、call up

3、come up with,cheer up

4、put up,hand out;give out


(1)to make

(2)to do

(3)to help

(4)to spend

(5)to visit

(6)to move


1、at the food bank and help to give out food to the homeless people

2、to ask him an important question

3、to paint the house for a few hours tomorrow

4、to visit my grandparents in Hunan

5、not to do that because I am too young and it is not safe SectionB


c a d


run out of money

take after my father

fix up my bike

give away my bike/old clothes (1)I have run out of money.

(2)I fixed up my bike yesterday.(3)I take after my father.

(4)I gave away my bike/old clothes












1、Ben Smith (wrote the letter to Miss Li).

Because he wanted to thank her (for giving money to Animal Helpers and tell her how Animal Helpers helped him).

2、She gave some money to Animal Helpers.


1、group(n.)A group of students are going to Beijing.

2、disabled (adj.)We should help the disabled children

3、difference (n.)There are some differences between my brother and me.

4、imagine (v.)Can you imagine what's in it?

5、difficulties(n.)Are you having any difficuities?

6、normal (adj.)It's normal to feel nervous before an exam.

7、training (n.)They haven't finished training.

8、kindness (n.)Thank you for your kindness.



Dear Sir or Madam,

I'd like to help kids at the after-school program. I'm a middle school student and I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I'm good at singing and drawing. I can sing for the kids and play games with them. In my free time,l like to read. I can help the kids to read. So I think I'd be good at this job.I want to help out as a volunteer in your school because it can help me get my future dream job. I'm free to help on weekends.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

Self check







(1)Ran out

(2)To buy

(3)To cheer

(4)Put up (5)Called up

(6)To tell

(7)Handed out

(8)Set up

(9)Came up

(10)To fix

(11)Give away




Peter’s mother:do the dishes,sweep the floor,clean the living room Peter:take out the rubbish,make the bed,fold the clothes


Go out for dinner.√yes

Go to the movie.√yes

Stay out late.√no

Get a ride.√no


Stay out late.√no-you have a basketball game.

Get a ride.√-i have to do some work.


1.Because Nancy wanted to watch TV first before taking the dog for a walk.Nancy watched TV all the time and never helped out around the house.

2.Yes,the did.(both Nancy and her mother did not do any housework for a week.the house got so messy that Nancy could not even find a clean dish or a clean shirt.she decided to do the housework to make the house clean and tide again.)Nancy said sorry to her mother.she finally understood that they needed to share the housework to have a clean and comfortable home.


1.for one week,she did not do any housework and neither did i.

2.The minute i sat down in front of the TV,my mom came over.

3.I’m just as tired as you are.


2.(noun)-can you show me your new watch?(verb)

3.(verb)-i have a lot of work to do today.(noun)

4.(verb)-he bought a new watch for his son just now.(noun)

5.(noun)-the news surprised everyone.(verb)











(4)Could (5)Fold/wash
















(1)Go to the store,buy some drinks and snacks

(2)Clean her room,use the CD player

(3)Move the big chair to the bedroom,clean the living room.


The letter from https://www.360docs.net/doc/623678695.html,ler disagrees and the letter from MS.Smith agrees. 2c


Doing chores teachers children how to look after themselves.

It helps them to understand the idea of fairness.

It is good for their future.


Children already have enough stress from school.

Children should spend their time on their schoolwork in order to get good grades and get into a good university. When they get older,they will have to do housework so there’s no need for them to do it now.

It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.


1.playing computer games is a waste of time.

2.There is no need for him to come so early.

3.I don’t mind opening the window.

4.She spent much time on collecting stamps.

5.In order to catch the early bus,he got up early.

6.It is not enough to just write the new words.

7.The earlier a child starts learning a new language,the better he will be at it.


Dear sir or madam,

I think doing housework is good for children.i disagree that doing chores at home is a waste or time.doing chores helps to develop children’s independence.and i think it’s fair for children to help their parents to do something at home,because their parents have to work hard all day,just the same as they have stress on study.children these days need to get good grades and take good care of themselves as well.i think children should share some housework with their parents,because it’s a good way to learn how to look after themselves.for example,they should help their parents do some cooking,because when they are alone at home,they can get themselves something to eat.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

Self check


1.do the dishes

2.Clean the room

3.Make the bed

4.Fold the clothes

5.Sweep the floor

6.Take out the rubbish





A:could i watch TV after dinner?i want to watch my favorite program.

B:well,have you finished your homework?

A:ah...no,i’ll do my homework after watching the program.

B:i don’t think that’s a good idea.could you do your homework first?

A:ok,but i’ll miss the first part of the program.














1.He can’t get on with his family.his parents fight a lot.his elder brother is not very nice to him and his brother always refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show.

2.He could talk about these feeling with his family.he can do more jobs around the house so that his parents have more time for proper communication.he can sit down and communicate with his elder brother and explain that he doesn’t mind him watching TV all the time.however,he should let him watch his favorite show.



(2)Parents often find it difficult to communicate with their children.


(4)He refused to take my advice


(6)She felt a bit nervous when she spoke

(7)Get on with

(8)The new teacher is getting on with his students.


1.so that





1.you should practice speaking in front of the class.

2.You should talk to your sister so that you can say you’re sorry.

3.You should explain that you don’t mind her phoning all evening.however,she should let you give your friend a call.

4.You could tell him that this makes you unhappy so that he will return them soon next time.

5.You should communicate with them.



(1)√ (3)√ (5)√






I thinking wei ming should not be angry with his parents.

Because his parents hope that he can get good grades so that he can get into a good university.


1.the common problem for Chinese and American families is that children have to take so many after-school classes.

2.Cathy taylor,linda miller and Dr.Alice Green give their opinions.










1.yes,she does

2.No,she doesn’t.her opinion is that people shouldn’t push their kids so hard they should let their kids be kids.

3.She agrees with linda.she says that after-school activities can cause a lot of stress for children.she also says that kids should have time to relax and think for themselves,and that it’s more important to have happy children than successful children.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I don't really agree with the opinion that children should take after-school

classes,because children have to work hard at school and actually they have taken

enough stress.Although some parents are right about the ideas to make their children

successful,I think children should be respected and they have their own interests and hobbies.

In my opinion,it is important for parents to talk with their children about whether they

are willing to take after-school classes.I believe it is better if parents show their

respect to their kids so that there will be a good result.Perhaps communication

between parents and children is useful both for parents and children.

Yours truly,

Wang xiang

Self check


1.so that


3.So that


5.Although,so that


1.you should write a letter to her so that you can say you’re sorry.

2.Why don’t you tell your friend that your parents don’t allow you to go there?

3.You should tell your brother to study with you.






a.Doing my homework


c.Waiting for the bus

d.Walking home


4 1

5 3 2




(3)Woke (4)Ate

(5)Was waiting



1.the weather was very terrible.strong winds were blowing,and black clouds were making the sky very dark.

2.The neighborhood was in a mess.fallen trees,broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.


1.were blowing

2.Was putting pieces of wood over the windows

3.Was helping his mom make dinner

4.Finally fell asleep,was dying down


While John was playing the piano,Mary left the house.

John was playing the piano when Mary left the house.

While John was cleaning his room,Mary turned on the radio.

John was cleaning his room when Mary turned on the radio.

While John was shopping,Mary took the car to the car wash.

John was shopping when Mary took the car to the car wash.





(4)While (5)When




SectionB 1b

1.The school basketball competition


3.John’s team


4 2 6 1

5 3


The passage is about events that happened in the past.


1.One is that Dr.Martin Luther King was killed.The other is that the World Trade

Center in New York was taken down by terrorists.

2.The first event happened on April4,1968.The second happened on September 11,2001.


1.F由文中"Although some people may not remember who killed him.."可知此句表述错误。

2.F由文中"We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio.The news reporter said,'Dr.King died just10minutes ago.'”可知此句表述错误。

3.T由文中"My parents were completely shocked!"可知此句表述正确。

4.F由文中"She remembers working in her office near the two towers."可知此句表述错误。

5.T由文中"I didn't believe him at first,but then I looked out of the window and realized that it was true."可知凯特的朋友在讲述这件事时,她是不相信的,故此句表述正确。


1.Although some people may not remember who killed him,they remember what

they were doing when they heard the news.

2.My parents did not talk after that,and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence.

3.Even the date- September11,2001-has meaning to most Americans.

4.I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.

Self check











(6)Arrived (7)Was




(11)Was playing




(15)Was beating




SectionA 1a

b-a-d-c 1b

√ √

Anna and Wang Ming are talking about Yu Gong Moves a Mountain


3 2 1 4








1.The traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.

由第一-段最后一句"The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West."可知,此篇文章谈论的是<西游记>这本书。

2.The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character.

由第一-段最后一句"The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West."可知,故事的主人公是美猴王或孙悟空。

3.(He can change his shape and size,but he cannot turn himself into a man unless he

can hide his tail.)He keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.


(1)He can make72changes to his shape and size,turning himself into different animals

and objects.He can make his magic stick so small that he can keep it in his ear,or make his magic stick big and long.由短文第二段中的"This is because he can make72changes to his shape and size,turning himself into different animals and objects."知,他能做出72种变化,将自己变化成不同的动物和物体。

由短文第二段最后的"Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.At other times,he is able to make it big and long."知,有时他能让金箍棒变小,以至于可以放在耳朵里。有时,他能让它变得又大又长。

(2)He cannot turn himself into a man(unless he can hide his tail).由短文第二段中的"But unless he can hide his tail,he cannot turn himself in to a man,"可知,他无法将自己变成人,除非将尾巴隐藏起来。



2.Came out,because interested in

3.Make 72 changes,turn himself into

4.Can/is able to


1.as soon as



4.As soon as







(5)Sees (6)Turn






d.emperor a underwear 1b

4 5 3 2 1





4)Wearing 5)Give






1.Because she wants the children to die in the forest./Unless he leaves the children to

die in the forest,the whole family will die because they don't have enough food.由第一段中"One year,the weather was so dry that no food would grow."及The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest,the whole family would die."可知答案。

2.He goes out to get some white stones.由场景三中"I’m dropping white stones along the way."可知,他出去捡了一一些白色的石头。

3.Because when the moon is shining bright,they'll be able to see the stones.由场景三中..when the moon is shining bright,we'll be able to see the stones."可知,只有在月光照耀时,他们才能看见这些白色的石头。

4.They followed the white stones home.根据场最一“韩塞尔出去捡东西”;场最三“沿路扔白色的石头”及场厦四"孩子们安全到家”可知答案。

5.They can't find any bread they dropped on the ground.

由场最六中的I can't see any bread on the ground.Maybe it was the birds."可知答案。




Scene3:drop,white stones,unless,lost,shine,bright

Scene4:sleep,forest,wake up,moon,go out

Scene5:drop,pieces of bread,moon,rise,follow,instead

Scene6:keep walking,unless,find one's way out







<5>forest <6>dropped









Self check 2





(5)Give (6)Were












4 2 1 3


6300 5456 5000 300


Paragraph1- -Facts and dangers

Paragraph2- Achievements of climbers

Paragraph3- Spirit of climbers


<1>very high;freezing weather conditions;it can snow hard;heavy storms;very hard to take in air as you get near the top

<2>1960 -the first Chinese team reached the top.

1975- -Junko Tabei from Japan was the first woman to reach the top.

<3>most popular place;highest;most famous;stronger than the forces of nature


1.The Himalayas run along the sou western part of China.

2.it is 8844.43meters high.

3.Because they want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.

4.it tells us that we should never give up tying to achieve our dreams and humans can

sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.







2.What is the busiest subway station in our city?

3.What is the largest shopping mall in our city?

4.Which is the biggest park in our city?

5.Which is the longest road in our city?



√100 √20 √0.1 √0.2 √150







10 -Adult pandas eat about10kilos of bamboo daily.

12- Adult pandas spend more than12hours a day eating.

300- About300pandas live in zoos or research centers in China and other countries. 2,000 -Scientists say there are now fewer than2,000pandas living in the forests.


1.A panda keeper.


3.Humans cut down bamboo forests.Pandas don't have many babies and baby pandas often die from illnesses and don't live very long.

4.It teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals.

5.They are doing research to better understand the habits of pandas.




3. often,illnesses

4. children,endangered

5. save,understand


<1>Some kinds have teeth;Huge

<2>Live in the sea

<3>Eat small fish and other sea life

<4>Jump high out of the water;Sing songs

<5>Humans catch whales for meat,fat and oil;Whale parts sold to make things like

candles and soap;Water pollution

<6>Rules on whale protection;Stop putting rubbish into the sea;Learn more about


Whales are huge animals.They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life.One interesting fact is that whales can jump high out of the water.Another interesting fact

is that they can sing songs.Some kinds of whales are in danger because humans catch

them for meat,fat and oil,and use whale parts to make candles and soap.We should

protect whales from water pollution.I think people should stop putting rubbish in to the sea,make rules on whales protection and learn more about whales.

Self check



3.More dangerous

4.Most dangerous



7.More popular

8.Most popular


B c a

a.my family

b.The post office

c.Good results










2.Mark tina

3.Mark tina



F t t f


1.Robinson Crusoe waits for another ship.由文章第一段中的"So I will not give up an(I will wait for another ship."可知,鲁滨逊没有放弃,并且- -直在等待另一艘船的出现。

2.Because Robinson Crusoe meets him on a Friday.由文章倒数第二句"I named him Friday because that was the day I met him."可知,鲁滨逊叫这个人星期五,是因为在那天遇到的他。








1.Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with nothing.由文章第段的第句When I first arrived on this island I had nothing."可知,鲁滨逊到达这个马上时,一无所有。

2.Robinson made as mall boat由文第段中"But I’ve found the ship and made as mall boat."可知,是鲁沈迟制造了一提小船,而不是星期五。

3、Robinson had nothing when he first arrived on the island.由文章第段的第一

句When first arrived on this island,I had nothing."可知,当鲁滨迎最初来到这个马上时,他无所有。

4.Robinson cut down trees to loud his house.由文第段中i have already cut down trees and built a house."可知,鲁滨逊是政树建房子,而不是用船建房子。

5、Robinson saw some marks of another man's feet on the beach由文章第二段中"A few weeks ago.l found the marks of another man's feet on the sand."可知,鲁滨进在沙酒上发现了另一个人的足迹,而不是星期五发现的。

6.Some cannibals tried to kill the two men.由文章第二段中.saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.可知,是食人肉者试图杀死那两个人,而不是鲁滨逊。


2.have you found it yet

3.Tom/he has already left;did he leave

4.She has already seen the film

5.Have not/haven’t told them yet





(4)Will be


(6)Will write

(7)Has not/hasn’t read



D d a d


1.The toms

2.The united states


4.Pop,but sounds more like rock

5.Their music is loud and full of energy.he fee;s excited when he listens to their music

6.He thinks that listening to their music every morning will wake him up and make him happy for the rest of the



<1>the southern states of America,such as Nashville,Tennessee

<2>traditional kind of music about belonging to a group,people being kind to each other and trusting one another

<3>Country Music Hall of Fame Museum

<4>Garth Brooks

<5>more than120million


Underlined sentences:

When Sarah was a teenager,she used to fight over almost everything with her family.It made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US,

Ever since then,she has been a ian of American country music.

Country is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.

However,country music brings us back to the"good old days"when people were

kind to each other and trusted one another,

Sarah hasn't been to Nashville yet,but it is her dream to go there one day.

There are also always a lot of great country music concerts with famous musicians and singers,like Garth Brooks. He's sold more than120million records.

First paragraph

Sarah is an American girl who used to fight over almost everything with her family.The US.

American country music.

Second paragraph

Country music is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.It is about belonging to a group and reminds us of a time when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.

Third paragraph

Her dream is to go to Nashville one day.

One of the most successful musicians in American history.2d 8596

Sarah is an American girl who used to fight over almost everything with her family.While she was studying in England, she heard a country music song which made her think of her family and friends. she became a fan of country music. Country music is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America I is about belonging to a group and reminds us of a time when people were kind to each other and trusted one another. Sarah's dream is to visit Nashville, and she hopes to see Garth Brooks sing live one day.

Self check








1.joined,have read

2.Started,have learn/learned

3.Bought,hasn’t/has not listened

4.Have listened,sing

5.Saw,hasn’t/has not had




Claudia:art museum Nature museum

Space museum Sarah:science museum Art museum Nature museum


Space museum,subway,amusement park,green street,zoo,water park,rive park,center street






1.They talk about the American Computer Museum,the International Museum of

Toilets and the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.

2.I think the most interesting thing in the American Computer Museum is the special

computer that can play chess even better than humans,the most interesting thing in

the International Museum of Toilets is that it has so many different kinds of toilets

there and in the Hangzhou National Tea Museum,the most interesting thing is the tea art performances. 3b

1.It's the most interesting museum he's ever been to.It has information about

different computers and who invented them,and he has learned that there was a

special computer that could play chess better than humans.

2.We can learn about the history and development of toilets.

3.It is a nice place to enjoy tea because it is located in a relaxing and peaceful place

near a lake.Watching tea art performances is also enjoyable.


make(something)better- -improve

become better- progressed






1.to come,been


3.Spend,been,to go

4.Going,to go



(1)Have seen




(5)See (6)Heard





SectionB 1a



(1) √ (2)√ (5)√


1. Peter

2. Australia

3. Two weeks

4. The palace museum,the great wall,the bird’s nest(in Beijing),the terracotta army(in Xi’an)

5. Beijing duck


I can find eight reasons for visiting Singapore.

1. a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday

2. can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time

3.a good place to practice your English

4.will find a lot of food from China

5.an excellent place to try new food

6.the Night Safari

7.the temperature is almost the same all year round,so you can visit it at any time ofthe year

8.not too far from China


1.Most people in Singapore speak English as well as Putonghua.

2.It's easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore.

3.it is better to see lions and tigers at night because they will probably be awake.

4.You can visit Singapore at any time of the year/in any season.





<4>Southeast <5>speak








Self check 2

1. What

2. Have

3. Yes

4. Went

5. Was

6. Have

7. Have

8. Been

9. Mind

10. d id


SectionA 1b


八年级英语(下)第一单元检测题 (1) 班级_____ 姓名_____________ 学号_______ 等级_______ 一、词汇考查。 A.选择正确的词语填空。 1. Tom has __________ (few; fewer) Christmas cards than I. 2. They believe that there will be __________ (less; fewer) green trees in fifty years. 3. He is ill and he can eat _________ (more; less) food, so he gets quite weak. 4. The ________ (more; much) we get together, the ________ (happy; happier) we’ll be. 5. David has _______ (less; fewer) money than Anna has. B.把括号中的汉语翻译成英语。 6.—Do you have a little _______________(空闲时间)? —Yes, I do. Why? —I want to talk about something with you. 7.I think I will be in a high school _________________(四年以后). 8.—What do you think about in the future? —I think students will all study at home ________________(用电脑). 9.Which movies will _____________________(得奖) next year? 10.—Can you _________________(吹喇叭)? —A little. —Then join us, please. C.理解句意,填补所缺部分。 11.Thursday is the f ___ day of a week. 12. Yesterday it rained very h_______ , so I didn’t go out. 13. My parents enjoy l in the countryside very much. 14. Do you have any l time? I want your help. 15. The computer is an important i . 16. There will be less p in 100 years. 17. We will have a long v after a few days. 18. Do you have a c card? 19. The other students kept their eyes c right away. 20. Their lives will be a lot b than it is now. 二、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 21. She wants to be a _________ (science) when she grows up.


Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:foot, knee, neck, stomach, throat... 2) 能掌握以下句型What’s the matter?I have a headache. You should drink some tea. That sounds a like a good idea. I have a sore back. 二、教学重难点:1) Talk about your health. 2) Make suggestions. 三、教学方法:Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading. 四、教学辅助:Tape-recorder and Lattern. 五、课时:Six periods 六、教学过程: Period 1(Section A1a-2d) I. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects. Body names. Illness.What’s the matter? I have a cold. 2. Ability Objects. Listening skill. Recognizing skill. 3. Moral Objects. Exercise every day and keep healthy and strong. II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty What’s the matter?I have a cold. III. Teaching Methods Recognizing method Listening method. Discover method. Pairwork. IV. Teaching Aids A tape recorder. A doll for teaching the names of the body. A Projector. V. Teaching Procedures Lead-in Name the parts of the body by pictures. Step 1 Read a chant about the body. Step 2 Enjoy a song. Step 3 Play a game. Say and draw the part of body. Step 4 Activity 1a. Let Ss to look at the picture and write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body. Step 5 Judge their problems based on every picture. Step 6 Activity 1b. Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5]. Step 7 Act it out with their partner. Step 8 Listen again and complete the table. Step 9 Activity 1c. Pair works. Make conversations according to pictures.


2014年春新人教版八年级下册英语全册短语Unit 1 What’s the m atter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12. see a dentist 看牙医 13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片 14. take one’ s temperature 量体温15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. feel very hot 感到很热 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着……走22. on the side of the road 在马路边 23. shout for help 大声呼救 24. without th inking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车 26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one’ s surprise 使....... [京讶的 28. thanks to 多亏了;由于 29. in time 及时 30. save a life 挽救生命 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上 33. because of 由于 34. get out of 离开;从……出萍 35. hurt oneself 受伤 36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎 37. fa ll down 摔倒 38. feel sick 感到恶心 39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰 42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难 43. mountain climbing 登山运动 44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 45. run out (of) 用完;用尽


Unit 1:Where did you go on vacation? Section A 2d:Role-play the conversation. Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. Helen:Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Grammar Focus: 1. Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. 2. Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 3. Did you buy anything special? Yes,Ibought something for my father./ No, I bought nothing. 4. How was the food? Everything tasted really good! 5.Did everyone have a good time? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Section B 2b阅读理解 Monday, July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I


八年级英语下册仁爱版参考答案 Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces? Section I. 1. invite sb. to do sth. 2. go to the movies 3. spend the evening 4. prepare…for 5. say thanks to 6. the smiling faces II. 1—6 BABCAB III.1. invited 2. taste 3. none 4. cruel 5. smile IV. 1. How does, sound 2. Where are 3. When are, going 4. What will 5. Did, feel Section B I. 1. be proud of 2. be pleased with 3. like…a lot 4. set the table 5. ring up sb. 6. feel sorry for II. 1—6 ABABCB III. 1. seems 2. smells 3. proud 4. film/movie 5. surprised IV. 1. cloudy 2. boring 3. really 4. unhappy 5. pleased V. 1. invite, to 2. is preparing, for 3. one of, favorite subjects 4. spend the evening Section C I. 1. care for 2. because of 3. cheer up 4. on one’s way to 5. in the end 6. fall into 7. at fist 8. think of II. 1—4 CAAC 5—8 CBCA III. 1. players 2. worried 3. funny 4. were 5. happily IV. 1. lonely 2. America 3. cry 4. lively V. 1. What’s wrong with 2. What did, teach, do 3. Did, live 4. at last 5. here and there Section D I. 1—5 ABCBA II. 1. pleased 2. worried 3. smiling 4. laugh 5. collecting III. 1. What did, go, for 2. When did, come 3. Did, use to be 4. doesn’t taste 5. do they IV. 1. More and more 2. is popular with 3. is full of 4. came into being 5. make peace with V. 1—5 FTFFT VI. 1—5 BACBC 6—10 CBABA VII.略 Topic 2 I feel better now. Section A I. 1—5 ABCAA II. 1. better 2. telling 3. badly 4. excited 5. yourself III. 1. Is there anything 2. Why is 3. don’t need 4. Don’t be 5. How does, feel IV. 1. be strict with ourselves 2. talk with 3. fell down 4. Take it easy 5. do badly in Section B I. 1—5 CACBB


英语知识点 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶12. see a dentist 看牙医13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片14. take one’ s temperature 量体温15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药16. feel very hot 感到很热17. sound like 听起来像18. all weekend 整个周末19. in the same way ? 以同样的方式20. go to a doctor 看医生21. go along 沿着……走22. on the side of the road 在马路边23. shout for help 大声呼救24. without th inking twice 没有多想25. get off 下车26. have a heart problem 有心脏病27. to one’ s surprise 使....... [京讶的28. thanks to 多亏了;由于29. in time 及时30. save a life 挽救生命31. get into trouble 造成麻烦32. right away 立刻;马上33. because of 由于34. get out of 离开;从……出萍35. hurt oneself 受伤36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎37. fa ll down 摔倒38. feel sick 感到恶心39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难43. mountain climbing 登山运动44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事45. run out (of) 用完;用尽46. so that 以便47. so. . . that 如此……以至于…48. be in control of 掌管;管理49. in a d iffic u lt situation 在闲境屮50. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事51. make a decision 做出决定52. take risks 冒险53. give up 放弃 二、重点句型 1. What’ s the matter? What’ s the matter with you? = What’s the trouble with you? = What’ s wrong with you?你怎么了 2. W hat should she do?她该怎么办呢? Should I take my temperature?我应该量一下体温吗?主语+ should/shouldn’t + 动词原形. ..①You should lie down and rest.你应该躺下休息一会儿。② You shouldn’ t go out at night. 你晚上不应该出去。 3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or abook? 你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢? 4. I think I sat in the same way for too long withoutmoving. 我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。 5. She said that the man had a heart problem andshould go to the hospital Unit 2 I ’ll help to clean up the city parks. 一、重点短语 1. Clean-Up Day 清洁日 2. an old people’s home 养老院 3. help out with sth. 帮助解决困难 4. used to 曾经……;过去_ 5. care for 关心;照顾 6. the look of joy 快乐的表情 7. at the age of 在......岁时8clean up 打扫(或清除)干净9. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振雀10. give out 分发;散发11. come up w ith 想出;提出12. make a plan 制订计


Unit 1 Section A I.1. buildings 2. Everything 3. fewer 4. robots 5. less 6. pollution II. 1~6 BBCACC III. 1. went to college 2. will be 3. There will be 4. live to ; don’t agree 5. big and crowded IV. 1.Will there be; Yes;will 2. won’t be 3. Will ; read 4. Where will 5.didn’t play 6. Was she Section B I.1. space 2. fly 3. alone 4. myself 5. probably II. 1~5 ACBAC 6~7 CB III. 1. gets 2. trying 3. Shall; go 4. will phone 5. will be 6. took IV. 1. fell in love with 2. with a garden 3. are able to 4. go swimming 5. in ten years Self Check I. 1~ 5 CBBAA 6-7 AB II. 1. was 2. will be 3. to keep 4. myself 5. will fly III. 1.came true 2. predict the future 3. no sound 4. wear suits 5. for vacation IV. 1. on 2. won’t 3. have 4. take 5. more Reading I.1~ 5 BACBC 6-8 BAA II. 1. unpleasant 2. scientist 3. impossible 4. everywhere 5. simple III. 1. hundreds 2. bored 3. scientists 4. disagree 5. impossible Ⅳ. 1. don’t think; will 2. will come 3. What will;be 4. It’s; to predict 5. What do Ⅴ. 1~ 5 ACABA 6-10BAABA Ⅵ. 1~ 6 TFTFFT Ⅶ. One possible version My future In twenty years, I think I will be a police officer. I will be a tall and strong man with short hair. I will live in Shanghai, because I think it is a beautiful city and I like it very much. I will live in a big apartment with my family. I will have two children, and I will play with them on


最新人教版八年级英语下册教案全册 Unit 1What's the matter? Period 5 Self Check 本单元教材以“What's the matter?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“身体状况”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache./What's the matter with Ben? He has a sore back./Do you have

a fever?No,I don't./What should I do? You should take your temperature./ Should I put some medicine on it? Yes,you should.等。让学生知道怎样表达身体的不适及正确地处理生活中的一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。Section A 主要学习怎样表达身体的不适并给出合理性的建议。应掌握句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache.What should I do?等。短文“Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man”介绍了一位公共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人的故事,增加了学生的阅读量。Section B 安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: matter,throat,foot,stomach,toothache,headache,have a stomachache,have a cold,lie down,take one's temperature,have a fever,go to a doctor Target language: 1.What's the matter? I have a stomachache. 2.What should I do? Should I take my temperature? 3.I think you should lie down and rest. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Use the target language above to talk about health problems and give advice. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Preview and perception【预习感知】 Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.—What's the matter with her? —She has a very sore t______ now. 2.He ate too much,so he had a s______. 3.If you feel tired,you should l______ down and rest. 4.If you ______(咳嗽),drink some hot tea with honey. 5.He wants to see a dentist,because he has a ______(牙疼). ★Step 2Consociation and exploration【合作探究】 Let the students read the book by themselves in order to find out the answers.They can discuss the questions in groups or ask the teacher for help.When they finish the questions,ask some students to check the answers. ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】 Ask a student to act something is wrong with his/ her head… And T:What's the matter? Help the students to answer:I have a… Have the students repeat. ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】 Page 1,1a &1b


人教版八年级下册英语课文翻译 第一单元 UNIT 1 2d 莉萨,你好吗?我头痛,并且脖子不能动。我该怎么办?我应该量体温吗?不,听起来不像是你发烧。周末你做什么了?我整个周末都在玩电脑游戏。那很可能就是原因。你需要离开电脑休息几次。是的,我想我是一个姿势坐得太久没有移动。我认为你应该躺下休息。如果明天你的头和脖子还痛的话,就去看医生。好的。谢谢,曼迪。 3a 昨天上午九点,26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人躺在路边。在他旁边的一位妇女在喊救命。公交车司机,24岁的王平,没有多想就停下了公交车。他下了车并且问那个妇女发生了什么事。她说那个人有心脏病,应该去医院。王先生知道他必须快点行动。他告诉乘客他必须送老人去医院。他希望大部分或全部乘客下车去等下一辆班车。但出乎他的意料,他们都同意和他一起去。一些乘客帮助王先生把那个老人移到公交车上。 多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命。“许多人因为不想有麻烦而不想帮助别人,这令人难受,”一位乘客说。“但是这位司机没有考虑自己。他只考虑挽救一条生命。”

2b 他失去了手臂但还在爬山 阿伦?罗尔斯顿是一个对爬山感兴趣的美国人。作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。这是关于做危险运动的令人兴奋的事情之一。有许多次,阿伦因为(意外)事故几乎失去生命。在2003年4月26日,在犹他州登山时他发现自己在非常危险的处境。 在那天,当阿伦独自登山时,他的手臂被压在落在他身上的一块2000千克的岩石下。因为他的手臂不能自由活动,他在那儿待了五天,希望有人会发现他。但当时他的水喝完了,他知道他将不得不采取措施来挽救自己的生命了。他不愿那天就死去。因此他用刀子切除了他的一半右臂。然后,他用左臂给自己打上绷带以至于他不会失去太多的血。这之后,他爬下山寻求帮助。 在他失去手臂之后,他写了一本名为《生死抉择》(又译作《生死两难》)的书。他的意思是“处于一个你似乎无法摆脱的困境之中。”在这本书中,阿伦讲述了关于做出明智抉择和掌握自己生命的重要性。他对登山如此酷爱以至于即使这次经历之后他还继续爬山。 我们有和阿伦一样的勇气吗?在我们发现自己处于进退两难的处境之 前以及在我们不得不做出生死抉择之前,让我们来想想它。


新人教版初中英语八年级英语下册重点句型·短语归纳整理全册 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12. see a dentist 看牙医 13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片 14. take one’s temperature 量体温 15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. feel very hot 感到很热 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着……走 22. on the side of the road 在马路边 23. shout for help 大声呼救 24. without thinking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车 26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one’s surprise 使....... [京讶的 28. thanks to 多亏了;由于 29. in time 及时 30. save a life 挽救生命 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上 33. because of 由于 34. get out of 离开;从……出萍 35. hurt oneself 受伤 36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎 37. fall down 摔倒 38. feel sick 感到恶心 39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰 42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难 43. mountain climbing 登山运动44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 45. run out (of) 用完;用尽 46. so that 以便 47. so. . . that 如此……以至于… 48. be in control of 掌管;管理 49. in a difficult situation 在闲境屮 50. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事 51. make a decision 做出决定 52. take risks 冒险 53. give up 放弃 二、重点句型 1. What’ s the matter? What’ s the matter with you? = What’s the trouble with you? = What’ s wrong with you? 你怎么了? 2. What should she do? 她该怎么办呢? Should I take my temperature? 我应该量一下体温吗? 主语+ should/shouldn’t + 动词原形. .. ①You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息一会儿。 ②You shouldn’t go out at night. 你晚上不应该出去。 3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book?你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢? 4. I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。 5. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 一、重点短语 1. Clean-Up Day 清洁日 2. an old people’s home 养老院 3. help out with sth. 帮助解决困难 4. used to 曾经…过去_ 5. care for 关心;照顾 6. the look of joy 快乐的表情 7. at the age of 在......岁时 8.clean up 打扫(或清除)干净 9. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振雀 10. give out 分发;散发 11. come up with 想出;提出 12. make a plan 制订计划

最新人教版新目标 初二英语下册学案及答案

八年级下册学案 Unit 1 Will people have robots? Section A 一、教师寄语:Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 二、学习目标: Knowledge goals(知识目标) .Words : robot, paper, less, fewer, will, pollution, astronaut ,space, fly, alone Sentences:- - Will there be less pollution? -No, there won’t. There will be more pollution. -Will there be fewer trees? --Yes, there will. Kids won’t go to school. 三、教学重难点 ◆重点由will构成的一般将来时态的句式。 ◆难点1.more,less,fewer的用法2.there be 句式的一般将来时态there will be 四、学习过程 1、预习导学及自测 A.英汉互译 1.污染________ _ 2.空闲时间_____________ _ 3.on computers___________ 4.study at home______ 5.in 100 years____________ 6. be free_________ B.用more,less,fewer填空: 1.There will be ________________(更多的建筑)in 50 years. 2.The students will have _______________(更少的家庭作业)to do. 3.There will be ________________(更少的污染)here. 4.Kids will have ________________(更少的计算机)in their classroom. 5.There will be ________________(更多的图书馆)in this city. 6.There will be ________________(更少的树)in the park. 2、语法小结:there be 结构 ①构成:肯定句:There be+某人/某物+地点/否定句:There be +not, some改any,(not any可 以换成no)/ 一般疑问句;be提前,some改any ② there be 接词要运用就近原则. a. There____ a book and two rulers on the desk. b. There ____ two rulers and a book on the desk. ③ There be 句型有时态的变化 a. 一般现在时:There is/are… b. 一般过去时:There was/were… c. 一般将来时:There will be…/ There is/are going to be… ④there be句型的一般将来时


新人教版八年级下册英语短语全册 Unit 1 What’s the matter? 一、重点短语 1. have a fever 发烧 2. have a cough 咳嗽 3. have a toothache 牙疼 4. talk too much 说得太多 5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 6. have a cold 受凉;感冒 7. have a stomachache 胃疼 8. have a sore back 背疼 9. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息 11. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12. see a dentist 看牙医 13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片 14. take one’s temperature 量体温 15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. feel very hot 感到很热 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着……走 22. on the side of the road 在马路边 23. shout for help 大声呼救 24. without thinking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车 26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one’s surprise 使....... [京讶的 28. thanks to 多亏了;由于 29. in time 及时 30. save a life 挽救生命


最新英语八年级英语下册阅读理解及答案 一、八年级英语下册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (1)Which book can be kept in the kitchen and teach children facts about the food? A. Fun with Food. B. Kids Cooking Lessons E-Book. C. Food Facts E-Book. D. Kids Food Science Experiments. (2)Kids can ________ by reading Fun with Food. A. do science experiments B. do sports well C. learn to take photos D. play some riddle games (3)These four e-books are about ________. A. fishing B. cooking C. shopping D. playing 【答案】(1)C

(2)D (3)B 【解析】【分析】大意:短文介绍了四本关于食物的电子书。 (1)细节理解题。根据Food Facts E-Book中:You can keep it in the kitchen and teach kids facts about the food.可知,你可以把《食物事实》这本书放在厨房,然后教孩子一些关于食物的事实。故选C。 (2)细节理解题。根据Fun with Food中:photo tests,word exams,riddle games等,可知孩子们通过看这本书,可以玩谜语游戏。故选D。 (3)细节理解题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了四本关于食物,也即关于烹饪的书。故选B。 【点评】考查阅读理解。细节题要注意从文中寻找答案。 2.阅读理解 If you love reading books, you must know about the book The Little Prince. It's a famous novel written by a French writer. As one of the best-selling books in history, it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects(方言). Now, around seventy years after the birth of the book, an American director has found a way to make it into a 3-D animated film. The book tells the story of a pilot, called The Aviator, who crashes into the desert and meets a young prince there. However, in the film, the story starts years after the crash when The Aviator is much older. He has got a new neighbor called The Little Girl, whose mother wants her to get ready to enter the grown-up world. Slowly, The Aviator shares his story with The Little Girl by writing it down and sending her a page at a time. The pages are complete with the pictures in the book, speaking about his time in the desert and taking The Little Girl to an amazing world where anything is possible. China is the first country in the world to see the film in two versions(版本)—in Chinese and English. The film shows The Little Girl's life and tells The Little Prince's story at the same time in a beautiful way. Huang Lei, a famous Chinese actor, says the film is like a childhood dream which is lost by most adults in this stressed-out society. "The most touching(感人的) part is that every one of us was a good-natured kid like The Little Prince, and it's a pity that this good characteristic(品质) goes away as time flies," he says. (1)The novel The Little Prince was written in the _________. A. 1900s B. 1940s C. 1990s D. 2010s (2)The book The Little Prince is one of the best sellers in history because ________. A. you must know about it if you love reading books B. it tells the story of The Little Prince's story C. it has been sold as many as 200 million copies in 253 languages and dialects D. the director has made it into a 3D animated film (3)How does The Little Girl get to know the story of The Little Prince? A. She reads the pages that The Aviator writes and sends to her.
