



1—5 ABABC 6—10 ACBCB 11—15 BCCBA 16—20 CCABA


21—23ACA 24—27DDCA 28—31 CBCD 32—35ACBB 36—40 DFAEG



41—45BDACA 46—50 ABCAB 51—55BDBAC


56.was integrated 57. officially 58.an 59. Knowing 60. what 61. sustainable 62. courses 63. contributing 64. have been/am 65. for 第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分)


One possible version:

Part-time Writers Wanted!

Wowee Magazine is looking for writers for its website. This is a great opportunity to get valuable work experience.


-- Offer English articles to the website.

-- Revise and perfect the works following the advice of editor-in-chief. Requirements:

--Bachelor’s degree or above in English major.

--Eager to learn, open-minded and creative.

--Passion for writing; proficiency in using computers required.

You’ll get paid based on the number of people who read your articles.

Please email Mary at woweemagazine@ gmail. com.

第二节(满分25 分)

One possible version:

Jenny absently read the fortune cookie paper. She suddenly realized something. She grabbed a handful of fortune cookies that they gave out after every meal, but first she tore open a wrapper and cracked a cookie open for herself. She popped a sweet, crunchy piece in her mouth. Then, she put a handful of cookies into a small tray and left the kitchen. Jenny sighed. Mustering up her courage, she approached the table where the twins and their parents were finishing their meal.

She placed the cookies down, and bravely looked the girls in the eyes. “Thank you for coming to our restaurant!” Jenny said with a smile. “Oh, fortune cookies, I love these!”Cried one of the girls, reaching for the tray. The other sister looked at Jennie carefully and her eyes lit up with recognition. Then they introduced themselves to each other. Everyone was very happy and they talked a lot about their school and classmates. Later they made an appointment to hang out together. Jenny tried to downplay the swell of happiness she felt, but she wasn’t succeeding.


Text 1

W: How was your appointment, dear?

M: Well, unfortunately, the doctor thinks I need to start wearing glasses.

W: That’s no surprise. You hold the newspaper right up to your face when you read it. I’ve been saying that you need glasses for years!

Text 2

W: What kind of basketball is that?

M: It’s a Wilson X Connected Basketball. It can track the shots I make. It lasts up to 100,000 shots, and it has training games to help me improve my skills. Basketball tryouts are next month, so I want to get good!

Text 3

W: Can I bring you anything else to drink? Your coffee will be right out.

M: My wife would like a glass of orange juice, please. And my daughter will have lemonade.

Text 4

M: What kind of vitamins are you looking for?

W: I’d just like some vitamin C. My doctor says that I should be taking more vitamins and exercising every day.

M: He’s right. Those can be found at the end of Row 4.

Text 5

M: Ma’am, your dog just attacked me! You need to keep him on a chain. He’s very mean. W: My dog weighs only two pounds. He couldn’t attack you even if he wanted to.

Text 6

W: So, get this. There’s now a Mac Museum.

M: What do you mean?

W: This boy and his father are showing 200 Apple computers in an old library that they turned into the Maine Technology Museum. There’s a computer from 1976 that still


M: I didn’t even know that computers were made before 1980.

W: There are fewer than 70 of those ones left, and they’re selling for around $900,000 on the Internet.

M: What else do they have?

W: Something called an Apple Lisa 2/5. Lisa is the daughter of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. There’s also a PowerBook 100, which is said to be the first laptop.

M: Wow, I’d love to go to see them all.

Text 7

W: Did you hear? Harriet Tubman, the famous African-American woman who helped rescue about 70 slaves, is going to be on the new $20 bill. She’ll replace Andrew Jackson.

M: Wow! That’s fantastic. It’s about time a woman was on the face of our money.

W: I know. It’s really exciting news. Susan B. Anthony, Al ice Paul, and a few other women will also be on the back of the $10 bill, although Alexander Hamilton’s image will still appear on the front.

M: Remind me what those women are known for…

W: Susan B. Anthony began the conversation that women should be allowed to vote, and Alice Paul helped pass the 19th Amendment(修正案) to the U.S. Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.

M: I’m glad that we are able to appreciate women like them by putting them on our money. Text 8

M: This food tastes terrible! I can’t believe this restaurant is so highly recommended on Yelp.

W: I know. We’re going to pay an arm and a leg for this meal, too. I wish we had gone somewhere else. We should have known not to trust a website when picking out a restaurant. My best luck with places to eat has always been from talking to friends. M: Oh, well. Even though the food is bad, we’re here now, so we might as well enjoy ourselves. My drink is pretty good. I think I’ll order another one.

W: We can always just leave our food and grab a piece of pizza on the way home.

M: That’s a good idea. Let’s finish our drinks first.

W: Okay. Hey, did Brian ever pay you back the money he owed you?

M: Yeah, he finally did. He’s a good friend, but he’s very forgetful sometimes. We should invite him and Susan over for dinner soon. I haven’t seen them in ages.

W: I’ll give Susan a call this week.

Text 9

W: This is the admissions office. How can I help you?

M: I’m looking for information about applying to school for the fall semester. When is th e application deadline?

W: Your application should be in no later than May 1st. We review applications in the month of May, and then invite people to have interviews in June. After the interview, you should know within two weeks if you have been accepted. The program start date is September 3rd.

M: Okay. How many people usually apply for the program, and how many are accepted each year?

W: It really depends. Some years, we have a large number of applicants, and some years, we hardly have anyone apply. Last year, we had fifty applicants, and we accepted twenty. Of those twenty, seventeen decided to come to our school.

M: And do you offer financial aid?

W: We do. We have a scholarship program, which you can find out about on our website.

You can also apply for federal student loans. We’re having an open house at the beginning of the month, if you’d like to join us. It’s on January 2nd at 7:30 p.m.

M: I will definitely be there.

Text 10

Good morning. This is Michael Jones here with the 10:00 News Report. Earlier this week, we heard about Milton, the dog that traveled over 3000 miles to reunite with his family. When the Johnson family moved from California to New York, they couldn’t find their dog and they were sad to leave him behind. About a month later, Milton showed up at their doorstep in New York. We cannot believe how far this dog traveled! The family will be doing an interview in the studio tomorrow morning. In other news, there’s been an outbreak of car thefts in Orange County this week. About ten cars have been stolen from outside their owners’ homes since Monday. If you see or hear any thing, please call 911. About ten people found themselves stuck on a roller coaster after it broke down at the Six Flags theme park on Tuesday in Union City. The victims swung upside down for around three minutes as staff worked to restart the roller coaster. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Six Flags has said that they check their rides very seriously, and that this was simply an unfortunate accident. That’s it for the news. When we come back from a commercial break, Michelle Smith will be here with the weather report.
