

小学英语资源与评价五年级下参考答案Module1 Unit 1


2. C B A BC

3. ① She was young in this picture.

② My father was a doctor before.

③ What does Daming do?

④ He played Chinese music.

⑤ I can play the flute.

4. was teaches did play is drive Chinese

Unit 2

1. A B A

2. D A C


4. B A A A A

5. ① What was he before?

② What did he do?

③ What is he now?

④ Where did she work?

⑤ What did he play?

Module2 Unit 1

1.① Daming.

②No, it isn’t.

③It’s about English food.

④ She had eggs and sausages.

⑤ She had sandwiches.

⑥ She had fish and chips.

2 . B C C A B B

3. ①What does it say?

②She had eggs and sausages.

③What did she have for lunch?

④It’s a traditional English dinner.

⑤I’ve got an email from Lingling.

4. an about does had have for sandwiches English like Unit 2

1. sausage breakfast lunch fish delicious potatoes

2. c d a f e b

3. (略)


5. ①England---English ② had---has ③ had----have

④ Do-----Does ⑤ has-----have ⑥ has----had

⑦ eats----eat / have ⑧want----wants

Module 3 Unit1

1 .B D D A D C

2 .248179356

3 . A C B D A C B

4 . ① Have you got the Harry Potter videos?

②We haven’t got the videos.

③ We like Harry Potter in China.

④ Please return the books in two weeks.

⑤ But we have got the books.

5 . got on return lots has an sweets borrow do

Unit 2

1. has haven’t libraries videos near old

2. library bookshop supermarket park zoo

3.libraries where return can’t lots

4. B B C D

5. ①get---got ② lot----lots ③ has----have ④in----to

⑤hasn’t----haven’t ⑥ week-----weeks ⑦you----your ⑧borrows---borrow Module 4 Unit 1


2.chocolate delicious read fine them sent

3.rode read were sent got did played listened wore

4. them it it them it them


6. ①美国的美国②英国的英国③中国的中国

7.①I’ve got a bike. I rode it last week.

②I’ve got a basketball. I played it last week.

③I’ve got a shirt. I wore it last week.

④I’ve got a cake. I ate it last week.

8.①me I ②them ③him He ④We us ⑤She her

Unit 2

1.F T F F T F

2. ①summer autumn winter ②shorts shirt gloves

③warm cool cold ④plane bus bike ⑤pen pencil eraser

3. ①autumn ②swim或go swimming

③see the baby ducks ④cold play with the snow

4. c d a f e b

5. ①There are four seasons in a year.

②She can fly kites and plant the trees.

③It’s cool and warm.

④Yes, it is.

⑤Because the sky is very blue and the leaves are green.

6. My favourite season is summer. It’s hot and sunny. I can swim in the sea. I can eat an ice cream. I can wear my dress and sunglasses, too.

Module 5 Unit 1

1. ①broken new ②nice big ③heavy light ④really ⑤wheels

2. ①light ②broken ③small ④thin ⑤fat ⑥heavy ⑦old

3. buy to really has for nice

4. old small old heavy black happy short easy thin

5. ①This black bag has got wheels ②Look at this green one.

③This bag is nice. ④I really like the black one.

⑤I will buy you a new one. ⑥Your bag is broken.

6. ①These shoes are dirty. These are dirty shoes.

②These bags are heavy. These are heavy bags.

③This kite is light. This is a light kite.

④This boy is good. This is a good boy.


Unit 2

1. ①red blue on back ②pink over shoulder

③brown with hand ④broken at all

2. his Her Its My Hers our

3. ①It’s ②It its ③it it’s ④It’s Its ⑤Its

4. ①My I my ②Mine I ③I my

④mine Mine ⑤My I my

5. ①C on ② A has ③ A carries ④ C at

6. it us they yours mine my them him


1. ④②③⑥⑤①

2. CDs hospital sandwiches


4. teacher sandwiches sent hot

5. C B B A A A B A

6. to be over winter legs broken borrow books hungry

7. do played potatoes eating is does

8. ①Did you eat them? ② Please return the books in two weeks.

③ Dinner is usually at half past six. ④ You can use a computer.

⑤ Your bag is broken.

9. b d e c a 10. F T T F F 11.(略)


1. ①My mother works in a zoo.

②I ate hamburgers and chips yesterday.

③Have you got Snow White? Yes,I have.

④I had rice for lunch.

⑤My sister is a nurse. She works in a hospital.

⑥Winter is cold.

2. ①I have got some CDs.

②Dongdong’s father works in a hospital.

③He had sandwiches for lunch yesterday.

Module 6 Unit 1

1.T F T T F T

2. ①an a ②a an ③/ / ④a ⑤an

3. B A C B A

4. ①will write②does③didn’t play ④is reading ⑤see



Unit 2

1. F T T T T


3. 略。

4.call have say think see go take is/am are

5. F T F F T


Module 7 Unit 1

1.①6 ②3 ③5 ④1 ⑤2 ⑥4

2. ①B ②A ③C ④C ⑤A


4.①Now click on “Write”. ②It is a computer message.③I can send emails now. ④What is an email?

⑤The message will go to Dad’s computer at work.


6.①making ②to ③to ④How

⑤o n ⑥send

Unit 2

1.①F ②F ③T ④T ⑤F

2.①B ②A ③B ④B ⑤A

3. ①Thank you for your letter.

②I am working very hard at the office today.

③I will be home at seven o’clock.

④It was a surprise.

⑤Eat two apples at four o’clock.

4.①a—an ②in—at ③of—for ④is—be


5. 范文:I usually get up at half past six in the morning. I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.

I go to school at half past seven. In the morning I have English and Maths. I play basketball at 3o’clock in the afternoon. I go to bed at 9 o’clock.

Module 8 Unit 1

1.①going; to ②make ③be; windy ④Of course ⑤for

2.①A ②C ③B ④C ⑤A ⑥B ⑦B ⑧C

3. ①a ②e ③c ④d ⑤b

4.①Will you wear a coat tomorrow? Yes, I will.

②Will you take a kite tomorrow? No, I won’t.

③Will you take a book tomorrow? Yes, I will.

④Will you take a violin tomorrow? No, I won’t.

5.①visit ②are ③help ④got ⑤be

6. ①Simon. ②He lives in the USA.

③No, he won’t. ④He will take a kite.⑤Yes, he will.

Unit 2

1.①F ②T ③F ④T ⑤T

2.①A ②B ③A ④B ⑤B ⑥A ⑦B ⑧B

3.①make—made ②drawed—drew ③piece—piece of

④paint—painted ⑤to—with ⑥putted—put ⑦flied--fly

4. 3421

Module 9 Unit 1

1.①in ②women’s ③actors ④laughed ⑤show ⑥ready

2.①A ②B ③C ④A ⑤B ⑥A ⑦A ⑧B ⑨C ⑩B

3.①jokes ②photos ③women ④men ⑤scissors

⑥books ⑦cats ⑧buses

4.①The men wore women’s clothes.

②We went to a children’s theatre last week.

③We laughed a lot.

④We all ate hamburgers and chips.

⑤Are you ready for your trip to America?

5. ①finish—finished ②get—gets ③ate—eat ④plays—play

⑤on—by ⑥bought—buy ⑦studyed—studied


Unit 2

1.①getting②put ③for ④borrowed ⑤fun

2.①got ②went ③laughed ④told ⑤ate ⑥did

3.①ready ②put ③bought ④history ⑤be

4.①We are getting ready for your visit.

②He ate a hamburger yesterday.

③I’ve got a letter from a friend.

④Dad bought a new toy for you.

⑤He is going to ask you questions!

5.①get—got ②tells—told ③taking—take ④do—does


Module 10 Unit 1

1. B A A B A B

2. ① what ② where ③ when ④ who

3. B A A A B

4. b c a f d e

5. ① I’ll go to the airport. ② When will you leave tomorrow?

③ What did you put in your bag?

④ Who is going to go to America?

6. ① where; What; Who

② where will you go tomorrow? Canada; What will you do there? sing

7. ① I did my homework. ② He went to Guilin.

③ She will go in October. ④ She will meet grandpa.

Unit 2

1. F T T F

2. climbed; made; had; on

3. beach海滩;building 建筑; met 遇见;picnic 野餐

4. I’m not going by plane-我不是乘飞机去。

I don’t know-我不知道。

What is she doing?-她正在做什么?

I’m getting ready for my trip. 我正为我的旅行做准备。

5. am; is; is; are

6. to; Who; climbed; met

7. B A B 聚沙成塔. b e a c d

Review Module

1. C B C C A C

2. get; put; smoke; help; got

3. now-before; on-in; broke-broken; have-had; in-on;

4. mine; an; for; has; lots; thousand; watched; eat; got; on

5. ② Tingting was a fireman before. Now he is a policeman.

③ Xiaotao was a farmer before. Now he is a driver.

④ Wangfei was a doctor before. Now she is a teacher.

6. I sent you a Maths game. What can you do in spring? I will be home at five o’clock. We’ll see lots of very big stones. She had fish and chips. This black bag has got wheels.

7. F H G J A I E B D

8. She get s up in the morning. Yes, she does. She has some milk. Because she doesn’t want Kim to have ice cream.

9. A B C A B A C D A C


1. toothbrush sausage ticket

2. delicious different fish chips teacher summer message

3. thought libraries us heavy drove windy drew answer

4. A C B A B

5. to with play for lots of Who in wants for

6. readed-read broke-broken on-over a-an woman -women

7. play takes working take visit

8. ① How will we get there?

② You can’t take it to China.

③ We’ll see lots of very big stones.

④ Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?

⑤I carry it on my back.

⑥Let’s send an email to Dad.

9. live her by playing stories

10. (略) 11. ①T F F F T ② (略)

新北京课改版五年级下册小学英语 Unit 1 单元知识点小结

UNIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING? 一、核心词汇 1.动词 practice 练习read读,阅读talk谈话,交谈have有,享受 2.名词 textbook教科书,课本TV电视chess国际象棋photo相片,照片 picture照片;图片 二、了解词汇 常见动词短语 drawapicture画画docrafts做工艺品playbasketball打篮球playfootball 踢足球washclothes洗衣服makea model做模型practice KungFu练功夫putcandlesonthecake往蛋糕上插蜡烛playhide-and-seek玩捉迷藏 三、核心句型 1. — What are you doing? 你在干什么? — I’m practicing my English. 我在练习英语。 解读:这是询问某人在做某事的句子。 举一反三: — What are you doing? 你在干什么? — I’m reading a book. 我在看书。 2. — What is Mike doing? 迈克在干什么? — He is watching a basketball game. 他在看篮球比赛。 解读:这是询问他人在做某事的句子。 举一反三: — What is Jenny doing? 詹妮在干什么? — She is watching TV. 她在看电视。 3. There are so many people in this picture. 照片里有很多人。

解读:这是介绍某处有某物的句子。 举一反三: There are three lights in the room. 房间里有三盏灯。 4. They are putting candles on the cake. 他们在往蛋糕上插蜡烛。 解读:这是描述某人在做某事的句子。 举一反三: She is dancing. 她在跳舞。 四、了解句型 1. — Are you reading your textbook? 你在读课本吗? — Yes. 是的。 解读:这是现在进行时的一般疑问句形式,肯定回答用“Yes, ….”否定回答用“No, ….”。 举一反三: — Are you dancing? 你在跳舞吗? — No, I am not. 不,我没有。 — Are you making handwork? 你在做手工吗? — Yes, I am. 是的,我在做。 2. Reading aloud is important. 大声朗读很重要。 解读:这是讲某事很重要的句子。 举一反三: Eating breakfast is important. 吃早饭很重要。


英语教学工作计划 一. 学生知识能力习惯态度分析 五年级学生人数相对较多,但学生程度层次分明,一部分学生对英语有较强的学习兴趣,有了自己的一套学习英语方法,但还有一些学生在英语学习上由于遇到各种阻力,如没有很好的听力环境或由于基础不扎实导致学习困难等,减弱了他们对英语学习的兴趣。所以本学期将继续以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,分层次、全方位培养学生英语听、说、读、写能力! 二.教材分析 教学中尽量让学生保持对英语学习的兴趣,照顾点面,努力调动学生学习的积极性,在不加重学生负担的基础上教学中重渗透、重拓展,帮助学生积累。 三.教学目标 1.养成听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯,认真模仿语音、语调,逐步培养语感。 2.教学时,将单词与句子、语篇结合起来,努力做到:“词不离句,句不离文”。 3.要根据“由易到难,循序渐进”的原则,让学生在熟练地读、说的基础上表演对话。 四.教学措施 1.加强词汇教学,包括单词拼写、词义记忆,在平常的教学中一定要常抓不懈。

2.每天背诵课文中的对话,目的:要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感。 3.每天听写单词、句子,保证效果并坚持下去。 4.对后进生进行专门辅导,布置单独的作业,让他们在小进步、小转变中体味学习的快乐,树立学习的自信,尽快成长起来。 5.关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。 在教学课余,我计划不断进取和自我更新,努力提高个人综合素质,为学生能持续接受高质量的教育教学而努力! 五.培优辅差 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助后进生取得适当进步,让后进生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。因而我们要做到以下几点:1、围绕提高平均分,合格率和优秀率的目标,制定切实可行的培优和辅差计划,严格按照计划实施,注重过程,注重效率,注重效果。2、进一步培养学生良好的学习习惯,教会学生如何去学英语。 3、做到“堂堂清”,“月月清”:要求学生每天做好“预习—听课—复习”三步,并积极检查,把当天的功课在当天解决。在考试中检查出学生未能掌握的知识再及时把进行讲解和解决。 4、利用早读和上课期间,对学生进行口语练习。要求教会学生一个日常英语的主题,并


人教版小学英语·五年级下册·单词表Unit 1 do morning exercises ['eks?saiz](晨练) eat breakfast(吃早饭) have English class(上英语课) play sports(进行体育运动) eat dinner(吃晚饭) when(什么时候) about [?'baut] 关于;大约 policeman [p?'li:sm?n]警察 work [w?:k]工作 evening(夜晚;晚上) get up(起床) at(在……点钟) usually(通常;一般) noon(中午) tell 告诉;说 climb mountains ['mauntin](爬山) go shopping ['??pi?](购物;买东西) play the piano [pi'?n?u, pi'ɑ:-](弹钢琴) visit ['vizit] grandparents ['ɡr?nd,pε?r?nt](看望祖父母) go hiking[haiking](去远足) weekend[,wi:k'end, 'wi:kend](周末)

often['?f?n, '?ft?n, '?:-](经常)sometimes['s?mtaimz](有时候)rain [rein]下雨 either['aie?, 'i:-] 也 next[nekst] 下一个 Unit 2 spring[spri?](春天) summer['s?m?](夏天) fall[f?:l](秋天) winter['wint?](冬天) season['si:z?n](季节) which[hwit?](哪一个) best[best](最;极) always['?:lweiz, -wiz] 总是 play with 玩… snow [sn?u]雪 leaf[li:f](复数 leaves)叶子 up[?p] 至北方或北方城市 north 北方;向北方 Halloween [,h?l?u'i:n]万圣节之前夕 Thanksgiving ['θ??ks,ɡivi?; ,θ??ks'ɡ-]感恩节


人教版英语小学知识点总结 五年级英语上册期末总复习知识点 一.重点单词(能听,说,读,写的单词) Unit 1 old年老的young年轻的funny 滑稽的kind和蔼的strict严格的polite 礼貌的helpful乐于助人的 shy害羞的hard-working勤奋的clever聪明的 Unit 2 Monday(Mon.) 周一Tuesday(Tue.) 周二Wednesday(Wed.)周三Thursday(Thu.) 星期四Friday(Fri.) 周五Saturday(Sat.) 周六Sunday (Sun.)周日weekend 周末wash my clothes 洗我的衣服do homework 做作业watch TV 看电视read books 读书play football 踢足球 Unit 3 sandwiches三明治salad沙拉hamburger汉堡ice cream 冰淇淋tea茶fresh新鲜的healthy健康的delicious美味的hot辣的sweet 甜的Unit 4 sing 唱;唱歌song 歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa 弹琵琶kung fu 功夫;武术do kung fu 练武术dance 跳舞draw 画cartoon 漫画draw cartoons 画漫画cook 烹调;烹饪swim 游泳play basketball 打篮球play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语 Unit 5 clock 时钟;钟plant 植物bottle 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike 自行车photo照片;相片front 正面in front of 在……前面between 在……中间above 在(或向)……上面beside 在旁边(附近)behind 在(或向)后面Unit 6 forest 森林;林区river 河;江lake 湖;湖泊mountain 高山;山岳hill 山丘;小山tree 树;树木;乔木


北京版小学五年级英语下册(一年级起点)知识点梳理 教材共8个单元(6个学习单元,2个复习单元): Unit one What are you doing?(第一单元你正在做什么事?) 单元目标:1. 能够询问、回答或表述自己或他人正在做的事情并发表简单的看法。 2. 能听懂、认读本单元以现在分词的形式呈现的12个动词及动词短语,并能在相应情景中运用。 3. 能根据字母qu 在单词中发音为/kw/ (类似发音“扩”)的规律拼读单词。 4. 能理解Listen and say的对话内容,并能朗读对话。 5. 能读懂Now I can read板块中转述主课文的语段,并尝试复述。 Unit two What do flowers do? (第二单元花是能做什么?) 单元目标:1. 能听懂、指认并说出植物各部分名称以及它们的作用的词汇,能在情景 中运用。 2. 能听懂、表达植物各部分的作业及做不同事物所需条件的功能句型: What do ... flowers do? They ... . What do ... need to ...? They need ... . 3. 能听懂、理解并朗读对话。 4. 能够体会辅音字母r及与r 组合的字母在单词中的发音,并根据规律尝试拼读单词。 5. 能够读懂Now I can read转述课文的小语篇,并尝试复述。 Unit three How do seeds travel? (第三单元种子如何传播?) 单元目标:1. 围绕有关植物的相关知识进行交流,如简单介绍树的作用、种子的传播等。 2. 能听懂、会说、认读get fruits from trees, make p aper caps, potatoes, in water等词汇或词组,并能在相应的情景中应用。 3. 能用How do ... travel? 就出行方式进行询问,并用some..., and others... .句型结构表达不同的人会有不同的方式。 4. 能感知字母s在单词中的不同发音/s/, /z/,并能够拼读单词,朗读句子。 5. 能够借助插图理解对话内容,并能正确朗读对话。 6. 能读懂转述课文的语段,并尝试复述。 Unit four Revision (第四单元复习单元) 单元目标:1. 将一至三单元的知识点进行复习和操练。 2. 能够结合自身实际,写一写周末活动、日常交通、日常饮食等。 Unit five Who’s that baby boy? (第五单元那个男婴是谁?) 单元目标:1. 能够听懂、会说关于询问对方家人情况的交际用语,并能在情景中进行 交流。 2. 能够理解并运用比较级结构... years older than ... 来介绍家人年龄。


小学五年级人教版英语下册期末考试知识点 Unit 1 This Is My Day 一、知识点归纳 经典对话(一) A: When do you get up ?你什么时候起床啊? B:I usually get up at 6:30.我通常在6:30起床。 A: What about you? / And you? 你呢? B: I usually get up at 7:00.我通常在7:00起床。 必背句型是: 问句:when do you usually +动词(短语) 答句:I usually +动词(短语)+at + 时间. 可以替换(划线)的短语为:do morning exercises(晨练)eat breakfast(吃早饭)have English class(上英语课)play sports(进行体育运动)eat dinner(吃晚饭)climb mountains(爬山)go shopping(购物;买东西)play the piano(弹钢琴) visit grandparents(看望祖父母)go hiking(去远足) 经典对话(二) A: Excuse me .Can I ask you some questions ?打扰了,我能问你几个问题吗? B: Sure.当然可以。A: What do you do ?你是做什么的? B: I am a policeman .我是个警察。A: When do you go to work ?你什么时候去上班?B: I usually go to work at 9:00 in the evening.我通常在晚上九点去上班。 A: When do you go home ?你什么时候回家啊? B: I go home at 5:oo in the morning .我早上五点回家。 A: Thank you for telling me about your day.谢谢你告诉我你的一天。


人教版小学英语五年级 下册单词表 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

人教版小学英语五年级下册单词表 Unit1 do morning exercises晨练[ 'm:ni ] ['ekssaiz] eat breakfast [i:t ] ['brekf?st]吃早饭 have English class上英语课['igli ] [ klɑ:s ] play sports [ plei ] [ sp:ts ] 进行体育活动 eat dinner[ 'din ]吃晚饭 when 什么时候[wen ] about [ 'baut ]关于,大约 policeman警察[ p'li:smn ] work工作[ w: k ] evening 夜晚、晚上[ 'i:vni ] get up起床[ get ] [ p ] at [ t ]在…点钟 usually通常;一般[ 'ju: li ] noon 中午[ nu:n ] tell [ tel ]告诉;说 climbing mountains 爬山 ['klaimi ] ['mauntins ] go shopping['pi ] 购物;买东西 play the piano[pi'nu]弹钢琴 visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母[ 'vizit][,grn'prnts ] go hiking 去远足[ 'haiki ] weekend 周末['wi:kend ] week [wi:k] n.一星期;周 often 经常[':ftn ] sometimes['s?mtaimz]有时候 rain 下雨[ rein ] either 也[ 'aie ]


创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者:别如克* 五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料 Unit 1 My day 1. A Let’s talk Zhang Peng: When do you finish class in the morning? 张鹏:你什么时候上完课? Pedro: We finish class at 1 o’clock.Then we eat lunch at home. 佩德罗:我们一点下课。然后我们在家吃午饭。 Zhang Peng: Wow!When do you go back to school after lunch? 张鹏:哇!午饭后你什么时候回学校? Pedro: At 2:30.Classes start at 3 o’clock. 佩德罗:2:30。三点开始上课。 Zhang Peng: When do you usually eat dinner in Spain? 张鹏:你通常什么时候在西班牙吃晚饭? Pedro: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’clock. 佩德罗:通常在9:30或十点。 Zhang Peng: Wow! That’s too late! 张鹏:哇!太晚了! 2. B Let’s talk SShopkeeper: Why are you shopping today? 店主:你今天为什么购物? Sarah: My mum worked last night.So I’m shopping today. 莎拉:我妈妈昨晚工作了。所以我今天购物。 Shopkeeper: Good girl!So what do you do on the weekend? 店主:好女孩!那么你周末做什么? Sarah: I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 莎拉:我经常看电视,和爸爸打乒乓球。 Shopkeeper: That sounds like a lot of fun. 店主:听起来很有趣。 Sarah: Yes, but I’m also hard-working.I usually wash clothes.Sometimes I cook dinner. 莎拉:是的,但我也很勤奋。我通常洗衣服。有时我做饭。 Shopkeeper: You’re so busy!You need a robot to help you! 店主:你这么忙!你需要一个机器人来帮助你!


一、看一看,写一写。 1__________________ 2___________________ 3__________________ 4_________________ 5__________________ 6___________________ 7__________________ 8_________________ 9__________________ 10___________________ 11__________________ 12_________________ 13__________________ 14___________________ 15__________________ 16._________________________ 17.______________________________ 16.__________________ 17.__ 二、看一看,写出下列的中文。 1.which _________________ 2.better__________________ 3.favourite ___________________ 4.subject ________________ 5.class_________________ 6.like _____________________ 三、看一看,写一写。 1.____________________________ 2.___________________________ 3._____________________________ 4.______________________________ 5.____________________________ 6.________________________________ 北京版小学英语五年级上Unit1(一) 姓名____________________ meat chicken English fish water PE sandwiches hamburgers Chinese donuts Calligraphy cupcakes science milk shake apple juice art maths reading keeping birds growing flowers throwing beanbags drawing jumping rope 数学


小学五年级英语下册单词表Unit 1 quietly ad. 安静地;寂静地 push v. 推 loudly ad. 大声地 carefully ad. 小心地,仔细地,谨慎地 mustn't modal v. 不应 must modal v. 必须,应当 why ad. 为什么 right a. 对,正确的 adventure n. 冒险;奇遇 land n. 陆地;土地 fire n. 火 fire drill 消防演习 help n. 帮助,帮忙 real a. 真实的,确实的 child n. 孩子,儿童 traffic n. 交通,来往车辆 traffic lights 交通指挥灯,红绿灯 crossing n. 十字路口,人行横道 zebra crossing 人行横道线(斑马线) line n. 线,排,行,线路 mean v. 意思是,意指 across prep. 横过,穿过 until prep. 直到……为止 important a. 重要的 sign n. 符号,标记 bicycle n. 自行车 careful a. 小心的,仔细的,谨慎的 drive v. 驾驶,开(车) use v. 利用,使用,应用 people n. 人,人们;人民 Unit 2 lady n. 女士,夫人 drop v. 掉下,落下 pick v. 拾起,采集;挑选 pick up 拾起,捡起,接收 carry v. 拿,搬,带,提,抬,背,抱,运等 smoke n. 烟 shout v. 喊,高声呼喊 someone pron. 某一个人 lose v. 失去,丢失 find v. 找到,发现;感到


五年级下学期(Book 10)Unit 5-6 Writen Part(笔试部分) I.Read and choose.选择填空。 ( ) 1.What ______you do last week? A. are B.did C. do ( ) 2.There________ no tunnels long, long ago A.is B. are C. were D.was ( ) 3.A typhoon is near.It is_______. A. fun B. dangerous C.interesting ( ) 4. Pat is only five years old, but she can dress by __________. A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself ( ) 5.I finished my homework by _________. A. ourselves B.itself C.myself ( ) 6.What should we do when a typhoon comes? We should __________. A. We should go outside. B. Use home phone. C. Put plants inside. D. Open the windows. ( ) 7. Yesterday I ___________ a prize. A. win B.wined C.won. D.winned ( ) 8. We often clean our classroom by ____________. A. myself B.ourself C. ourselves D.yourself II. 根据情景,选出正确的句子或写出句子。 ( ) 1. 你告诉别人,明天有台风,应该说:__________ A. There is typhoon to morrow. B. There was a typhoon tomorrow. C. There will be a typhoon tomorrow. ( ) 2. 不要出去,很危险,应该说:__________ A. Don’t go inside. It’s dangerous. B. Don’t’ go outside. It’s safe. C. Don’t’ go outside. It’s dangerous. ( ) 3. 你问别人上周你干什么了?应该说:__________ A. What do you do last week? B. What did you do last week? C. Where did you do last week? ( ) 4.你告诉你家人,关好门,应该说:__________ A. Open the door, please. B. Don’t close the door, please. C.Close the door, please.


单词复习 Unit 1 do morning exercises()eat breakfast()have English class()play sports() eat dinner()when() evening()get up() at()usually() noon()climb mountains()go shopping()play the piano()visit grandparents()go hiking()weekend()often()

sometimes() Unit 2 spring()summer()fall()winter()season( )which() best()swim()fly kites()skate()make a snowman()plant trees()why()because()sleep()

Unit 3 Jan./January()Feb./February() Mar./March()Apr./April() May()June() July()Aug./Augest() Sept./September()Oct./October() Nov./November()Dec./December() birthday()uncle() her()date() Unit 4 draw pictures()cook dinner()read a book()answer the phone()

listen to music9()clean the room() write a letter()write an e-mail() mom()grandpa() study() Unit5 fly()jump()walk() run()swim()kangaroo()sleep()climb()fight() swing()drink water() Unit 6 take pictures()watch insects() pick up leaves()do an experiment()


小学英语语法要点及习题----现在进行时 1.现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 2.现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+动词ing. 3.现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。 4.现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。 5.现在进行时的特殊疑问的基本结构为: 疑问词不达意 + be + 主语 + 动词ing? 但疑问词当主语时其结构为: 疑问词不达意 + be + 动词ing? 动词加ing的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking 2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting 3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, sto p-stopping 现在进行时专项练习: 一、写出下列动词的现在分词: play________ run__________ swim _________make__________ go_________ like________ write________ _ski___________ read________ have_________ sing ________ dance_________ put_________ see________ buy _________ love____________ live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________ stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________ 二、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:


北京版小学英语五年级上册复习 Lesson 1 重点词 肉类: meat(肉) 甜点类: sandwiches(三明治) fish (鱼) hamburgers(汉堡) chicken(鸡肉) donuts(面包圈) cupcakes(纸杯蛋糕) 主食类:rice(米饭) 饮料类:milk shake(奶昔) noodles(面条)apple juice(苹果汁) hot dog(热狗)milk(牛奶) French fries(薯条)water(水) Fried rice(炒米饭)soup(汤) 重点词组 a bottle of juice(一瓶饮料) a bottle of water(一瓶水) 重点句型 — Chicken or fish, which do you like better? 鸡肉和鱼,你更喜欢哪个? — I like fish better. 我更喜欢鱼。 —Sandwiches or hamburgers, which do you like better? 三明治和汉堡,你更喜欢哪个? — I like sandwiches better. 我更喜欢三明治。 — Donuts or cupcakes ,which do you like better? 面包圈和纸杯蛋糕,你更喜欢哪个? — I like donuts better. 我更喜欢面包圈。 — Milk shake or apple juice, which do you like better? 奶昔和苹果汁,你更喜欢哪个? — I like milk shake better. 我更喜欢奶昔。 我会说 What is your favourite food? What is your favourite drink? My favourite food is sandwiches. My favourite drink is milk shake. Lesson2 重点单词:


一.看图片,选词组,请将序号写在相应括号里。(10分) A. February B.fight C.get up D. summer E.do an experi ment 二.找出不同类的单词。(6分) ( )1.A.morning B.evening C.dinner D.afternoon ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/6817441215.html,ually B.best C.often D.sometimes ( )3.A.drink B.trunk C.swing D.fight ( )4.A.December B.February C.Sunday D.May ( )5.A.second B.eighth C.fifth D.which

( )6.A.swim B.play C.noon D.skate 三.请你为下列图片选择正确的词组,注意书写规范(6分) 四.按要求完成下列各题(10分) 1.September(缩写形式)_________ 2.third(简写形式)____________ 3.one(序数词)_________________ 4.run(现在分词)______________ 5.leaf(复数)___________________ 6.butterfly(复数)______________

7.are not (缩写形式)___________ 8.writing(动词原形)_________ 9.November(缩写形式)_________ 10.spring(同类词)_________ 五.火眼金睛,选出最佳选项。(15分) ()1. ----What"s your favourite season? ---____________ A.I like fall best. B. February is my favourite. C. I swim i n summer. ()2. My parents usually get up ________ 6:40. A.on B. in C. at ()3 . ----What"s the date today? ----____________


最新人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册教案(全册)最新人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册教案(全册) 一、学生情况分析 学生已学过两年多的英语,已有一定的基础。但是教材难度偏大,教学内容与课时不成比例,两极分化较严重。因此,本学期应注重转化后进生,因材施教,基础教学,分层教学,保持学生的学习兴趣。 二、教学目的与要求: 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。 2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯。 3、使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。 4、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。 5、适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 三、教学内容与目标: 1、能听、说、读、写81个短语和单词以及16组句子和11个单句。 2、能听、说、认读21个单词。 3、能听懂、会唱8首歌曲。 4、能完成6个自我评价活动。

5、能理解6个幽默小故事。 6、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 四、教学措施: 1、认真备课,钻研教材,抓紧课堂教学,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、运用各种不同的肢体语言来辅助教学。 3、在课堂上多开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习英语,在生活中学习英语。 4、多为学生营造一引起学习氛围,如:创设英语角等等。 5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。 6、多看英语画报,多读英语故事,多看英语书籍。 7、多与学生交流,进行口语交际训练。 五、学困生教学措施 1、了解学困生心理,建立师生感情。 2、尊重、理解、宽容、善待学困生。 3、借助集体力量感染学困生。 4、给学困生制定适合他们发展的学习目标,充分肯定他们完成教学目标的能力,以达到培养其自信心。 5、家庭的配合是学困生转化的外部条件,通过家长会议、家访等多种形式及时与家长相互沟通,交流信息。 六、学优生教学措施 英语是一门交际工具,是一门实践性很强的课程,大量反复地训


小学五年级英语下册期末考试试题 听力部分 一、听录音,将你听到的单词的序号填入题前的括号内,每小题读2遍。 ( ) 1. A. swinging B. sleeping C. swimming ( ) 2. A. June B. July C. January ( ) 3. A. first B. second C. send ( ) 4. A. talking B. taking C. picking ( )5. A. nine B. ninth C. ninety ( )6、A dinner B lunch C breakfast ( )7、A collect B count C cousin ( )8、A because B count C best ( )9、A October B November C December ( )10、A Watch B walk C Which 二、根据录音内容,选择合适的答语。将正确答案的序号填入题前的括号内。每个问题读2遍。 ( ) 1. A. I can do the dishes. B. I am doing the dishes. C. I often do the dishes. ( ) 2. A. It’s hot. B. It’s Monday. C. It’s July 1st .

( ) 3. A. Yes, I can. B. Sure, hold on , please. C. Thank you. ( )4. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they are. C. Yes, it is. ( )5. A. September 10th. B. June 1st . C. August 1st . 三、录音中有一段短文,短文听3遍,然后根据你听到的短文内容判断。正确写(A),错误写(B)。 ( ) 1. There are four seasons in a year. ( ) 2. In Sydney, summer is from December to February the next year. ( ) 3. When it’s fall in Beijing, it’s winter in Sydney. ( ) 4. There are twenty months in a year in Australia. ( ) 5. In China, spring is from January to March. 笔试部分 四、按要求写单词。 1. September(缩写式)____ 2. butterfly(复数)___ 3. it(复数)______ 4. swim(现在分词)____ 5. see(同音词)______ 6. come(反义词)____ 7. policeman(复数)______8. let’s (完全式)____ 9. day(复数)______10. third(缩写式)____ 二、找出不同类的单词


Unit 1 do morning exercises(晨练)eat breakfast(吃早饭)have english class(上英语课)play sports(进行体育运动)eat dinner(吃晚饭)when(什么时候)evening(夜晚;晚上)get up(起床)at(在……点钟)usually(通常;一般)noon (中午)climb mountains(爬山)go shopping(购物;买东西)play the piano(弹钢琴)visit grandparents(看望祖父母)go hiking(去远足)weekend(周末)often(经常)sometimes(有时候) Unit 2 spring(春天)summer(夏天)fall(秋天)winter(冬天)season季节)which(哪一个)best(最;极)swim(游泳)fly kites(放风筝)skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋)make a snowman (堆雪人)plant trees(种树)why(为什么)because(因为)sleep(睡觉) Unit 3 Jan./January(一月)Feb./February(二月)Mar./March(三

月)Apr./April(四月)May(五月)June(六月)July (七月)Aug./Augest(八月)Sept./September(九月)Oct./October(十月)Nov./November(十一月)Dec./December (十二月)birthday(生日)uncle(叔叔;舅舅)her(她的)date(日期) Unit 4 draw pictures(画画)cook dinner(做饭)read a book(看书)answer the phone(接电话)listen to music9(听音乐)clean the room(打扫房间)write a letter(写信)write an e-mail (写电子邮件)mom(妈妈)grandpa(爷爷;外公)study (书房) 5 fly(飞)jump(跳)walk(走)run(跑)swim(游泳)kangaroo(袋鼠)sleep(睡觉)climb(往上爬)fight(打架)swing(荡;荡秋千)drink water(喝水)


小学英语五年级课程标准 外国语是获取世界科技、文化等信息,提高民族科学文化素质,加强国际交往与合作的重要工具。我国的改革开放政策和21世纪对人才的需要,使外语成为我国学校教学中的一个不可缺少的部分。 小学阶段是儿童可塑性最强的时期,也是儿童发展接近外语本族语语音和语感的最佳时期。小学开设英语课,有利于激发儿童学习英语的兴趣,打好进一步学习英语的基础。学习英语,有利于提高儿童的语言能力,开阔儿童的视野,培养儿童的综合素质。 一教学目的: 小学英语教学的目的是:通过生动活泼的课堂教学活动,对学生进行基本的听、说、读、写训练,使学生打好语音、语调基础,掌握一定的词汇和最基本的语法知识,培养学生基本的日常会话能力以及拼读、拼写能力。同时,注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们喜欢学习英语和使用英语,为他们升入中学继续学习英语奠定初步的基础。在英语教学过程中,培养学生良好的思想品德和行为习惯。 二、教学要求 小学五年级 :4课时,周×70周=280课时.(注:每小课时220分钟;每课时=40分钟)语音、语调输入和读写并行阶段:听、说、读、写全面训练。 (1) 能够听懂课堂用语,基本听懂题材熟悉、难度浅于教材课文、语速为每分钟80词左右的听力材料。 (2) 在能够用正确的语音、语调朗读所学的单词、词组和课文的基础上,掌握 所学重点单词、固定短语和基本句型的基本用法。能够用正确的语音、语调说出所学单词400个左右,能够拼写所学常用单词250个左右。 (3) 能够在所学语言知识范围内进行日常会话。 (4) 能够阅读与教材课文难易程度相当的原版简易图画故事。 (5) 能够书面回答与课文有关的问题,能写便条式的、以双方信息交流为主的英语。 (6) 理解以下时态:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时。掌握所学规则动词的词形变换。能识别所学实义单词的词性。 三,教材分析:
