



1.Hello song 歌词(Lyrics)

Hello, hello, hello how are you?

I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too.

Hello, hello, hello how are you?

I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too

2.Finger Family 歌词Lyrics

Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Mammy finger, Mammy finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

3. 《ABC song》歌词

A B C D , E F G

H I J K , L M N O P

Q R S , T U V


Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me

4.Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 歌词

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

When the blazing sun is gone,

When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!


Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horse

And all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again

6. Ten Little Indian Boys 歌词Lyrics One little, two little, three little Indians, four little, five little, six little Indians, seven little, eight little, nine little Indians, ten little Indian boys.

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians, seven little, six little, five little Indians, four little, three little, two little Indians, one little Indian boy.

7. 《Oh Mr.Sun》歌词Lyrics

Oh, Mr.Sun, Sun, Mr.Golden Sun, Please shine down on me!

Oh Mr.Sun, Sun, Mr.Golden Sun,

Hiding behind a tree.

Little children Are asking you.

Please come out so we can play with you.

Oh Mr.Sun, Sun, Mr.Golden Sun,

Please shine down on me!

8.《The Farmer in the Dell》歌词Lyrics

同样是韩国幼儿英语制作的儿歌,同样的经典。The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farme

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The farmer takes a wife

The wife takes the child

The wife takes the child

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The wife takes the child

The child takes the nurse

The child takes the nurse

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The child takes the nurse

The nurse takes the dog

The nurse takes the dog

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The nurse takes the dog

The dog takes the cat

The dog takes the cat

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The dog takes the cat

The cat takes the rat

The cat takes the rat

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The cat takes the rat

The rat takes the cheese

The rat takes the cheese

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The rat takes the cheese

The cheese stands alone

The cheese stands alone

Hi-ho, the derry-o

The cheese stands alone

9. Bingo 歌词

There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o. (clap)-I-N-G-O



And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o. (clap)-(clap)-N-G-O



And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o.

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-o.




And Bingo was his name-o

10. 《Old MacDonald》歌词

had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

And on that farm he had a chick, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

With a chick-chick here, and a chick-chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick-chick. Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

And on that farm he had a duck, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

With a -quack here, and a quack-quack there,

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack-quack. Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

And on that farm he had a pig, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

With a oink-oink here, and a oink-oink there,

Here a oink, there a oink, everywhere a oink-oink.

Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

And on that farm he had a dog, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

With a bow-bow here, and a bow-bow there,

Here a bow, there a bow, everywhere a bow-bow.

Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

And on that farm he had a cow, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

With a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there,

Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo.

Old MacDonald had a farm, Ee-i,ee-i,oh!

11. Pat-A-cake 歌词(Lyrics)

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man!

Bake me a cake just as fast as you can.

Pat it and prick it and mark it with “B”.

Put it in the oven for baby and me,

For baby and me, for baby and me.

Put it in the oven for baby and me.

12.《Ten Little Indians》歌词Lyrics

One little, two little, three little Indians ,

four little, five little, six little Indians,

seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,

ten little Indian boys .

Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians,

seven little, six little, five little Indians,

four little, three little, two little Indians,

one little Indian boy.

13. 《Wheels on the Bus》歌词Lyrics

The wheels on the bus go

round and round

round and round

round and round

the wheels on the bus go

round and round

all through the town

the horn on the bus goes

beep beep beep

beep beep beep

beep beep beep

the horn on the bus goes

beep beep beep

all through the town

14. 013 Days of the week歌词

Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday 15. Down by the station 歌词(Lyrics)

Down by the station,

early in the morning.

See the little puffer bellies all in a row.

See the engine driver pull the little handle.

"Chug, Chug, Toot, Toot!"

Off we go!

16. If You're Happy 歌词(Lyrics)

If you're happy, and you know it, Clap your hands. (Clap!Clap!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Clap your hands. (Clap!Clap!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Then,your face will surely show it.

If you're happy, and you know it, Clap your hands. (Clap!Clap!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Stomp your feet. (Stomp!Stomp!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Stomp your feet. (Stomp!Stomp!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Then,your face will surely show it.

If you're happy, and you know it, Stomp your feet. (Stomp!Stomp!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Shout "Hurray!" (Hurray!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Shout "Hurray!" (Hurray!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Then,your face will surely show it.

If you're happy, and you know it, Shout "Hurray!" (Hurray!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Do all three. (Clap!Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hurray!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Do all three. (Clap!Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hurray!)

If you're happy, and you know it, Then,your face will surely show it.

If you're happy, and you know it, Do all three. (Clap!Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hurray!)

17. One, Two, Three, Four ,Five 歌词(Lyrics)

One, two, three, four, five

Once I caught a fish alive

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let it go away

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.

One, two, three, four, five

Once I caught a fish alive

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let it go again

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on the right.

18. 《Row, row, row your boat》歌词(Lyrics) Row, row, row your boat,

Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily,

Life is but a dream.

19. 《Ali Baba's Farm》歌词

Ali Ba-ba,he has a little farm,

On his farm he has some little lambs,

"Baa,Baa"cry his little lambs,

On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.

Ali Ba-ba,he has a little farm,

On his farm he has some little cows,

"Moo,Moo"cry his little cows,

On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.

Ali Ba-ba,he has a little farm,

On his farm he has some little pigs,

"Oink,Oink"cry his little pigs,

On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.

20. Angels Watching Over Me 歌词(Lyrics) All night, all day,

Angels watching over me, my Lord.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me.

Sun is a-setting in the west,

Angels watching over me, my Lord.

Sleep my child, take your rest,

Angels watching over me.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me, my Lord.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me.

21. Apple round, Apple red 歌词(Lyrics)

Apple round, Apple red

Apple juicy, Apple sweet

Apple apple I love you

Apple sweet I love to eat

22. 《Autumn Leaves Are A-Falling》歌词Lyrics Autumn leaves are a-falling;

Red and yellow and brown;

Autumn leaves are a-falling,

See them fluttering down.

Autumn leaves from the

Flutter down to the ground,

When the wind blows his trumpet,

See them whirling around.

Autumn leaves when they're tired,

Settle down in a heap,

At the foot of the old tree,

Soon they'll all fall asleep

23. my bonnie is over the ocean,

my bonnie is over the sea.

my bonnie is over the ocean.

oh bring back my bonnie to me.

bring back, bring back,

oh bring back my bonnie to me to me.

bring back, bring back,

oh bring back my bonnie to me.

bring back, bring back,

oh bring back my bonnie to me to me.

bring back, bring back,

oh bring back my bonnie to me

24.《Oh Christmas tree》歌词Lyrics

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

How ever green your branches!

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

How ever green your branches!

They're green when summer days are bright.

They're green when winter snow is white.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,

How ever green your branches!

25. we wish you a merry christmas

we wish you a merry christmas

we wish you a merry christmas

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year we wish you a merry christmas

we wish you a merry christmas

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year good tidings we bring to you and your kin

good tidings for christmas and a happy new year.

we wish you a merry christmas

we wish you a merry christmas

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year 26. 《Round the Clock》歌词Lyrics

Round the clock the hours go,

Sometimes fast and sometimes slow,

Tell me what the two hands say,

They will tell the time of day,

Nine o'clock,it's time for bed.

Come with me,you sleepyhead.

Round the clock the hours go,

Sometimes fast and sometimes slow,

Tell me what the two hands say,

They will tell the time of day,

Twelve o'clock,it's time to eat.

Come with me,we'll have a treat.

27. 《Cuckoo(布谷鸟)》歌词Lyrics

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! Don't try to hide from me,

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! So high up in the tree.

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! It's such a simple song,

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! It's hard to get it wrong.

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! I'd like to sing it,too,

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! May I please sing with you?

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! It's such a simple song,

Cuckoo!Cuckoo! It's hard to get it wrong.

28. My little donkey 歌词Lyrcis

Donkey Donkey I beg you

Please don't sing heehaw

I shall feed you I shall feed you

Please don't sing heehaw heehaw

Heehaw heehaw heehaw Why you sing so loud

I shall feed you I shall feed you

Please don't sing heehaw

29. Yankee Doodle 歌词(Lyrics)

Yankee Doodle went to town

Riding on a pony

Stuck a feather in his hat

And called it macaroni.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up

Yankee Doodle dandy

Mind the music and the steps

And with the girls be handy.

30. 《Twinkle twinkle little star》歌词Lyrics

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star

How I wonder what you are

31. All the Pretty Little Horses

Hush-a-bye,don't you cry. 乖乖地,不哭闹,

Go to sleepy little baby. 小宝宝快睡觉。

When you wake,you shall have, 当你醒来你会拥有

all the pretty little horses. 所有漂亮的小马。

Blacks and bays, dapples and grays, 有黑色的,红褐色的,带斑点coach and six-a-little horses. 的,灰色的还有六只小马的马车。Hush-a-bye,don't you cry. 乖乖地,不哭闹,

Go to sleepy little baby. 小宝宝快快睡

32. 《Did You Ever See a Lassie》歌词Lyrcis

Did you ever see a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?

Did you ever see a lassie go this way and that?

Go this way and that way, go this way and that way. Did you ever see a lassie go this way and that?

Did you ever see a laddie, a laddie, a laddie?

Did you ever see a laddie go this way and that?

Go this way and that way, go this way and that way. Did you ever see a laddie go this way and that? 33. 《London Bridge》歌词Lyrics

London bridge is falling down,

falling down, falling down.

London bridge is falling down,

my fair lady .

Build it up with iron bars,

iron bars, iron bars.

Build it up with iron bars,

my fair lady.

Iron bars will bend and break ,

bend and break, bend and break.

Iron bars will bend and break,

my fair lady.

34. London bridge歌词

London bridge is falling down,

falling down, falling down.

London bridge is falling down,

my fair lady .

Build it up with iron bars,

iron bars, iron bars.

Build it up with iron bars,

my fair lady.

Iron bars will bend and break ,

bend and break, bend and break.

Iron bars will bend and break,

my fair lady.

35. Lullaby(摇篮曲) 歌词Lyrics

Sleepy winds sigh far and near.

Little children tired of playing.

Now their evening prayers are saying.

Then they sleep my baby dear my baby dear. Sleepy winds sigh far and near.

Little children tired of playing.

Now their evening prayers are saying.

Then they sleep my baby dear my baby dear 36. 《Five Little Monkeys》歌词Lyrcis Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

omma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed! Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

One little monkey jumping on the bed

He fell off and bumped his head

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

37. 《OH,Susanna》歌词Lyrics

I comefrom Alabama,With my banjo on my knee.

I’m going to Louisiana there,my ture love for to see.

oh!Susanna,oh,don’t you cry for me,

For I come from Alabama,with my banjo on my knee. It rained all night the day I felt,the weather it was dry. The sun so hot I froze to death,Susanna,don’t you cry. oh!susanna,oh,don’t you cry for me,

For I come Alabama,With my banjo on my knee.

38. 《How is the weather》歌词Lyrics

How is the weather? It's a fine day.

How is the weather? It's a cloudy day.

How is the weather? It's raining.

How is the weather? It's snowing

39. 《Reuben Reuben》歌词Lyrics

Reuben,Reuben,I've been thinking,

What a queer world this would be.

If the men were all transported,

Far beyond the northen sea.

Rachel Rachel,I've been thinking,

What a queer world this would be.

If the girls were all transported,

Far beyond the northen sea.

40. 《Simple Simon》歌词Lyrics

Simple Simon met a pie man going to the fair.

Said Simple Simon to the pie man, "Let me taste your ware" Said the man to Simple Simon, "Do you mean to pay?" Said Simon, "Yes, of course I do." And then he ran away. 41. I'm a little teapot 歌词(Lyrics)

I'm a little teapot,short and stout

Here is my handle,here is my spout

When I get all steamed up, hear me shout

Tip me over and pour me out

42. Five Big Dump Trucks》歌词Lyrics

Five big dump trucks rolling down the road.

Five big dump trucks rolling down the road.

One pulls off to unload,

Four big dump trucks rolling down the road.

Four big dump trucks rolling down the road.

Four big dump trucks rolling down the road.

One pulls off to unload,

Three big dump trucks rolling down the road.

Three big dump trucks rolling down the road.

Three big dump trucks rolling down the road.

One pulls off to unload,

Two big dump trucks rolling down the road.

Two big dump trucks rolling down the road.

Two big dump trucks rolling down the road.

One pulls off to unload,

One big dump trucks rolling down the road.

One big dump trucks rolling down the road.

One big dump trucks rolling down the road.

It pulls off to unload,

No more dump trucks rolling down the road.

43. 《Clementine》歌词Lyrics

In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine.

Lived a miner forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine. Oh my darling, oh my darling,

Oh my darling, Clementine,

You ere lost and gone forever.

Dreadful sorry, Clementine.

44. 韩国Row Row Row Your Boat 歌词Lyrics

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. 45. we wish you a merry christmas;

we wish you a merry christmas;

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. we wish you a merry christmas;

we wish you a merry christmas;

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. good tidings we bring to you and your kin;

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. oh, bring us a figgy pudding;

oh, bring us a figgy pudding;

oh, bring us a figgy pudding and bring it fight here oh, bring us a figgy pudding;

oh, bring us a figgy pudding;

oh, bring us a figgy pudding and bring it fight here good tidings we bring to you and your kin;

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. we won't go until we get some;

we won't go until we get some;

we won't go until we get some, so bring some out here we wish you a merry christmas;

we wish you a merry christmas;

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.

46Where is thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here, I am. Here, I am. How are you today,sir? Very well, thank you. Run away, run away. Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer? Here, I am. Here, I am. How are you today,sir? Very well, thank you. Run away, run away. Where is Tall Man? Where is Tall Man? Here, I am. Here, I am. How are you today,sir? Very well, thank you. Run away, run away. Where is Ring Man? Where is Ring Man? Here, I am. Here, I am. How are you today,sir? Very well, thank you. Run away, run away. Where is Baby? Where is Baby? Here, I am. Here, I am. How are you today,sir? Very well, thank you. Run away, run away.
