

1.寄存处depository, storage

2.会议室meeting room

3.咖啡厅coffee hall

4.书店book shop, book store

5.餐厅dining room, restaurant

6.厕所toilet, W.C.

7.电梯lift, elevator


9.展厅exhibition hall

10.早上好Good morning! 下午好Good afternoon!

11.晚上好Good evening! 晚安Good night! 日安Good day!

12.非常感谢Thank you very much!

13.不客气Y ou are welcome. 没关系No problom. Not at all

14.这边请This way, please.

15.见到你很高兴I am glad to meet you. Nice to meet you.

16.我也是So am I.

17.咨询处Inquires, Consulting, Informations


19.楼下upstair 楼上downstair

20.北楼north building 西楼west building

21.东east 西west 南south 北north

22.左left 右right 前in front of 后behind of 新new 旧old

23.馆长director 经理manager 班长monitor 领班foreman

24.主管be in charge of

25.入口extrance 出口exit 紧急出口emergency exit

26.给您添麻烦了I am sorry to trouble you.

27.请左拐turn left 请右拐turn right

28.请一直走Please go straight ahead.

29.您别着急Don’t worry about it.

30.谢谢您的帮助thanks for your help.

31.禁止拍照No photo. Here is not allow to photo.

32.禁止吸烟No smoking. Here is not allow to smoke.

33.请不要大声喧哗Be quiet. Here is not allow to speak loudly.

34.禁止用闪光灯Here is not allow to use the photoflash.

35.禁止喝水No drinking. Here is not allow to drink.

36.打扰一下Excuse me.

37.明天见see you tomorrow.

38.一会见see you later.

39.麻烦您重复一遍I beg your pardon. Please pardon.

40.步行on foot 骑自行车by bike

41.坐出租车by taxi 坐公交车by bus 坐小汽车by car

乘飞机by plane 乘地铁by subway 乘轮船by ship

42.乐意为您效劳I am glad to help you.

43.请问书店在哪里?Where is the book shop?

44.请问厕所在哪里?Where is the toilet?

45.请问餐厅怎么走?Where is the dining room?

46.请问小卖部怎么走?Where is the snack / gorcery store?

47.请问贵宾厅怎么走?Where is the VIP room?

48.请问研讨厅怎么走?Where is the academic room / seminor hall?

49.请问接待室怎么走?Where is the reception room?

50.一秒a second 一分钟a minite 一小时an hour 半小时half hour

一刻钟a quarter of an hour, 15 minutes

51.哪里有卖画册的?Where sell the painting album, picture album?

52.X号展厅No. X hall

53.谢谢您的光临Thanks for your coming.

54.请问几点了?What time is it? What is the time?

55.请问几号了?What date is it today?

56.今天谁值日?Who is on duty today?

57.我恐怕要迟到了I am afraid I will be late.

58.恐怕我要离开了I am afraid I must be going now.

59.关门/闭馆时间到了It’s closing time.

60.下课了Class is over.

61.这本书多少钱?How much is this book?

62.你来自何方?Where are you come from?

63.我来自中国I come from China.

64.红色red 橙色orange 黄色yellow 绿色green 青/蓝色blue 紫色

purple 棕色brown 灰色gray 白色white 黑色black

65.非常高兴和你交谈Nice talking with you.

66.对不起,这里不寄存食品I am sorry, the food couldn’t be deposit


67.请问我能为您做点什么?Can I help you? What can I do for you?

68.您真漂亮Y ou are so beautiful.

69.干得好Well done.

70.祝您好运Good luck.


72.倒霉!Bad luck!

73.您真帅气Y ou are handsome.

74.顺便问一下By the way.

75.停用out of service. Stop using.

76.给您Here you are.

77.请自便Help yourself. 请自律Please self-discipline

78.光阴似箭How time flys.

79.可能是我没讲清楚Maybe I didn’t speak clearly.

80.您怎么了?What’s wrong with you?

81.加油Come on.

82.我在这里抽烟您介意吗?Do you mind I smoking here?

83.这主意不错That is a good idea.

84.生日快乐Happy birthday.

85.新年快乐Happy New Y ear.

86.大家请排队Everyone to stand in line. Be queue.

87.让我想一想Let me see.

88.一点也不介意don’t mind

89.好久不见了It’s a long time I didn’t see you.

90.请稍等片刻Please wait a moment.

91.真遗憾It’s a big pity. What a pity.

92.我不舒服I feel not well.


提高小学生英语口语水平的几个小方法 现在我们的学生大多是在非外语环境中学习外语的,说的时间少,实践机会有限,从而严重影响了学生的说的能力的提高。因此,如何改进和加强英语口语能力的教学已越来越为人们所关注,并成为当前英语教学的一个重要课题。 一、在小学英语口语教学中存在的几个问题 1、教师忽略了对学生“说”的能力的培养。有些学生能写不能说,有些学生成绩很好,在平常的默写和练习中成绩都不错,可到了“free talk”的时候就慌慌张张,不知所云。读书时也是吞吞吐吐,不流利。有很多老师为了让学生的考试成绩有所提高,就怕学生不懂不会,拼命地把自己的知识教授给学生,可是却忽略了对学生“说”的能力的培养,尤其到了高年级,老师们更是注重语法的讲解,“说”那就更加被忽略了。 2 、教师忽略了对学生“说”的信心的培养。现在的小学是从三年级开始教英语的,这些学生都活泼可爱,刚刚开始学习英语时信心十足,自信满满。当一两节课后他突然不喜欢上英语课了,上课了也不开口说了,原来在上课时,抢着说被老师批评了,或者是说错了被同学嘲笑了。接着他也就不高兴,不愿意说了。所以老师在学生的“说”出现问题的时候应该注意引导。 3、教师忽略了对学生“说”的兴趣的培养。俗话说“良好的开端是成功的一半”,培养学生的学习兴趣是至关重要的。有了兴趣学生才愿意去学,才愿意开口去说。现在,三年级的英语就要进行笔试,背单词,背课文,让学生认为学习英语是非常枯燥无味的,学生没了兴趣哪个还愿意去开口说呢? 4、教师忽略了对学生“说”的环境的创造。在现代的教学环境中,学生开口说英语的机会是很少的,英语的应用范围也只是在英语课堂上。所以英语教师对英语环境的创造就要格外费心,语言环境的创造对激发学生的学习兴趣也是有帮助的,二者相辅相成。 二、解决问题的方法。既然发现了问题,就要去解决,下面是几个小方法愿与大家分享。 (一)营造良好英语氛围,培养学生的语言运用能力 布鲁姆说:"成功的外语课堂教学应当在课内创设更多的情境,让学生有机会


英语口语学习资料大全 一、打招呼Greetings1、Welcome to Chongqing. 欢迎来到重庆2、We welcome you to China. 欢迎您来到中国3、Thank you for coming. 感谢您的光临4、Welcome to take Chongqing light rail. 欢迎乘坐重庆轻轨5、Can I help you?我能为你服务吗?6、Can I be your assistant?我可以帮你的忙吗?7、May I help you?我能帮你吗?8、What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么呢?9、Have you been waited on?已经有人为你服务了吗?10、Good morning (afternoon,evening). 早上(下午、晚上)好。 11、How are you?你好吗?12、It’s been a long time/Long time no see 好久不见。 13、It’s really nice to see you again.再次见到您真好!14、How do you do? I’m pleased to meet you.你好!很高兴跟你见面。 二、售票服务1、Don’t worry. 别着急。 2、Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。 3、Sorry,wait a moment. 对不起,请稍候。 4、The ticket office it’s over there. 售票处在那边。 5、Where are you going? 您去哪里?What’s your destination, please.请问你去哪里? 6、You can take light rail Line Two. 你可以乘轻轨2号线。 7、It’s not far from here. 那儿离这里不远。 8、It’s takes you five minutes by foot. 步行要5分钟。 9、This way, please. 请这边走。


马上就要进行大学英语四六级口语考试了,很多同学问到该怎样备考,其实口语考试真的不难,当然要考很好的成绩(A,A-)也不是那么容易,经过一个月的有针对性的练习,是完全可以在自己已有的水平上提高一个档次的。不过需要记住的是,口语是需要进行练习的,只有通过大量的训练,才能切实提高语言水平! 现在把我以前上辅导课时准备的一些相关的材料陆续发上来,希望对将要考试的同学有帮助。 首先,掌握必要的语言功能,其中,最重要的是 1.“友好往来”中的介绍: 1) Ladies and gentlemen. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Tao. I'm from Hunan Medical University. My major is plastic surgery. 2) Good morning, everyone. May I take the liberty to introduce myself? I'm Fang Min. I'm an English major from Hunan University. 3) Hello, everybody. I'd like to introduce myself first. 4) Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Peter Johnson from the United States. 5) It's an honor to be here. Please allow me to introduce myself. 6) It’s my great honor to introduc e myself here. 7) It's indeed my pleasure to be here. I would like to introduce myself. 2.“相互交流”中的开始交谈,继续交谈,改变话题,停止交谈: Initiating a conversation 开始交谈 1) Oh, Mr. Wang, there's something I'd like to talk to you about.


1.Traveling alone Please talk about traveling alone according to the following hints 1) Describing traveling alone 2) Advantages of traveling alone 3) How to prepare for a solo travel Nowadays,traveling alone is not uncommon, most people love traveling alone becaus e of the feeling on their roads.Traveling alone can open you up to unique personal ex perience in new place. If you love freedom,Traveling alone is your best choice.When you are traveling alone, your time and budget(预 算) are your own! It's all up to you how much time to spend someplace, what your daily modes(方 式) of travelwill be! And it's easier to make friends with the locals. Solo travel can be a great opportunity for reflection and moving at an individual pace. Traveling by y ourself, you only have to please yourself. But you should prepare for your solo travel ,too.Without a thoughtful preparation,your traveling won’t be so successfully. You ha ve to prepare all your need before setting off.Like medicine,ID card,passport,camera and so on.A solo travel means you may be lonely and bored,so bring some interesting magizines to make your travel more funny. And the last,do what you want! Teacher’s Questions: 1)Would you like to travel in a group or alone? (Why or Why not?) Yes.Because it’s an unusual experience for me to learn how to be more independent,and I also enj oy the unconstraint. 2) What places are your ideal destinations if you are traveling solo? Why do you t hink so? HaiNan island.Because the scenery there is very charming and I can eat bananas and coconut as many as I can. 2. Staying Healthy The following are ways some people try to stay healthy. Please offer your comments. 1) Regular exercise 2) Balanced diet 3) Good living habit Health is the most precious(珍贵 的) wealth we have,so it is important to take good care of our health,here are some advice to help you to stay healthy. There is an old saying says:An apple a day keep doctor away.A balance diet is import


小学英语口语教学探析 【摘要】国家颁布的《全日制义务教育英语课程标准》在口语方面对五级的要求是:能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见,能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务,口头表达中进行适当的自我修正,有效地询问信息和请求帮助,根据话题进行情景对话,用英语表演短剧,语音、语调自然,语气适当。目前在英语课堂上,学生口语训练常常被忽视,学生在课堂中使用英语进行口头表达的机会少,即使说出一两句,也是错漏百出,不能适当地自我修正。因此,有必要明确小学英语口试的目的;掌握小学英语口试的原则;明确小学英语口试的主要题型、类型及操作方法,以便教师在教学中更好地贯彻新课标精神。 【关键词】小学;英语;口语教学 “面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础”是新课程改革的核心思想。根据这一核心思想,英语课程改革明确了英语课程在基础教育发展战略中的地位,把它列为义务教育阶段的必修课程。这是因为学习英语有利于开发学生的智力、使学生形成良好的性格、高尚的品格和坚强的意志。随着素质教育的深入开展,小学英语教学中对于听说能力的要求有了明显的提高,培养“说”的能力已成为英

语学习初始阶段的主要教学目标之一。而如何科学、全面地测试、评价学生“说”的实际水平是非常重要的。因此,有必要探索一种既有一定可行性,便于教师操作,又能发挥测试应有的功能,体现培养素质人才的口语测试方法。以下是我的观点和做法: 一、明确小学英语口试的目的 帮助学生掌握一定的基础知识(语音、词汇、功能、话题、语法),建立初步的语感,是小学英语教学的主要教学目标之一,并且小学英语教学是以听说为主要的训练项目。而小学英语口试的目的就是检查学生是否具备了一定的口头表达能力,看他们是否能就某些交际性主题进行正确的表述,并帮助学生进行自我分析、诊断,以利于他们后继学习。 二、遵循小学英语口试的原则 1.同步性原则。小学英语教学是基础性的教学,学生所学的词汇、句型、功能是有限的,他们的语言输出的范围不可能超越他们的学习内容,因此在口语命题时一定要注意口试试题要与学生所学教材内容相关,这样我们才能如实客观的评价学生。例如,译林版小学英语第三册有Mr King自述“My Family”一文。在口语测试题中就可设计一题自述“My Family”。这类试题源于教材,体现了同步性,又高于教材,体现了创造性,并且试题内容贴近学生的实际生活,


The Importance of Self-confidence Confidence, in a broad sense, comprises self-trust, self-esteem and courage .This d efinition is not sufficient. But it is able to describe the real meaning of it. As we known, self-confidence is accompanied by will, and as a twin, offers hope. Those who do not have a strong will often think themselves unable to carry out any dif ficult tasks, In fact, when our heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone,. For instance, according to experts, every year in the entrance examinations of all kinds, fu lly-prepared candidates lose nearly 5%to 10%of the full scores, and consequently me et their fail simply because they underestimate their own abilities, and overestimate the difficulties. As a result, their fear to meet new challenge leads to failure in the examin ation. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work harder than before. Set your own goal and trace on it, make a small progress one day, a month later it will be a big difference. People fail not because the task is difficult, but for they give up themselves in the half way. Self-confidence can be improved by building faith in yourself .we all know that what ever you do, you will encounter hardships. The success will come to you if you are co urageous enough to strive for it. What is success? When we are talking about success, mostly the first image comes into our mind is the man with high social status, and a lot of property. Most people believe that is succ ess and all that they do is only for this purpose. What is real success? Different people have different opinions on this question. Is i t fortune success? Is it fame success? Is it high social status success? My answer is not. To be clear about what is success must be the first step to achieving success. To be a football player,scoring on the field is success. To be a soldier, killing the enemy is success. for us, during the exam, getting a high score is success. So far, the best definition I have concluded that Success is achieving something int ended. In other words success is accomplish what you planned to do. As you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. When you fail, you should never lose heart. On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work harder than before. Set your own goal and trace on it, make a small progress one day, a month later it will be a big difference. People fail not because the task is difficult, but for they give up themselves in the half way. There is a saying goes like "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what kee


1.What are the main features of smart cars? What kind of cars will we be driving in the future? I have three ideas about this topic. First of all, driving is a dangerous thing. The new functions of the future automobile can ensure the safety of drivers. Second, the future car will have more comfortable space, and the car will become a mobile office. Third, the future car has voice control system to ensure that drivers can concentrate on driving. In the future, cars will provide more services. If we are hungry, the car will provide simple food. If we are tired, the car will turn the seat into a bed and so on. In the future, cars will be self-driving, drunk driving and unlicensed driving will not exist I believe that smart cars can be what we imagine. 2.What preparations should we make before taking part in a job interview? First, we need to have a thorough understanding of the company and position of the interview. Second, we need to know why we are suitable for this job. Third, have a clear understanding of yourself and know your strengths and weaknesses. Fourth, clean clothes and etiquette are also important in the interview. Fifth, think ahead of the questions raised by the interviewer and think about how to answer them. That’s all, thank you. 3.what’s your dream job? Why do you like it? My dream job is to be a photographer.I can travel around the world and take lots of photos I like. Why do I like this job?Because I like free work and life. First of all, I like taking pictures. I want to use camera to record all the experiences. Second, I have a curiosity to explore the world. I want to see all the novelty in the world. Third, I don't like a monotonous life, and I want to look forward to life every day. So the photographer is my dream job. 4.What item s of technology couldn’t you live without? Why? In modern society, science and technology have made rapid progress, technology has changed our lives, and many inventions have provided us with many conveniences.Like most people, if there is no cell phone, it will have a great impact on my life.Why do I say that?Because in addition to calling the phone, it has a lot of functions. First, WeChat makes it easier for us to chat. We can send messages to our friends for free. Second, the mobile phone can help us to learn.Third, mobile payment needs to be carried out by mobile phone. The mobile phone really changed our life. 5.How do you like to stay in touch with your friends? Has modern technology helped you to communicate better? Why? I like making friends. I think it is a happy thing to share my stories with friends.On the other hand, if we have unhappy things, our friends will help us to share them.With the progress of science and technology, we have more and more chatting. We chatted with people more and more simply.But I think technology has not helped us better. We spend more time on mobile phones and less time to chat face to face with friends.There are more opportunities for chatting, but we say less.Internet chat can not feel the mood of a friend, it is easy to cause misunderstanding.So in my opinion, technology has not helped us communicate with friends very well.


小学英语口语教学 英语作为一门语言,“说“是一个很重要的组成部分,甚至在日常生活中“说”的比重远远大于“写”,所以,在新理念下的课堂,如何加强英语口语的教学成为了我们众多英语老师一直在思考的一个问题。 《小学英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》规定:根据小学生的生理和心理特点以及发展需求,小学阶段英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使他们形成初步用英语进行简单交流的能力,为进一步学习打下基础。因此,在英语口语的教学中,我们应该从始至终将这个要求贯穿在整个教学过程中,将传统“哑巴英语”教学转化为一种“新理念英语”教学,让学生在新课堂中用英语“畅所欲言”。 首先、采用情境练习,激发学生练说兴趣 我们要教学生说英语,更要让学生说标准的英语,这么一来适当的口语练习不可避免,俗话说的好“熟能生巧”,但是,单一枯燥的练习很容易让学生丧失学习英语的兴趣,而难度不当的练习更是会打压学生参与口语练说的积极性,因此,我们应该分类分阶设计练习方法。 1、分角色演读 在小学阶段英语学习中,大多的口语内容都是以问答形式出现的,特别是每个单元都有一个E(Read and act)部分专门是设计来让学生表演的,一般都会出现2-3个人物,有时甚至多到4个人物。因此,在学生个人练习外,应该鼓励他们参与到对话的情境中来,扮演其中的角色,这也是情境教学法的运用之一。在演读的训练上,一开始注重的可能是配合的默契性,而最终教师应该鼓励学生不但要读准读顺,更要读出感情,演出故事来,因为分角色演读的关键不但是要让学生读出角色的对白,更要投入到角色情感中去。 2、小小演说家 低年级一方面可以鼓励学生充分运用学过的英语日常交际用语,另一方面,将学过的单词穿插到中文里去说,这不但增加了语言的趣味性,也让学生更好地记住单词,避免遗忘。比如我有一次在低年级上口语课时一个学生这样说道:“今天我早晨从bed起来,然后去穿好clothes,因为天气很cold,所以my mother让我多穿件clothes。我刷完teeth洗完face


英语口语考核话题材料 以下对话内容可供参考,请认真准备周一周二进行的口语考查, 由其它班老师来考查我们班级, 请认真对待! 注意:评价标准是,话题的内容是否齐全, 对话要流畅, 要顺利完成任务! 1、话题:看电影 条件:周末你打算邀请你的好朋友去看电影,你想看动作片,由成龙主演的,你们约好在周六下午2点在学校碰面。 -What are you going to do this weekend? -I have no idea. Do you have any good ideas? -What about going to the movies? -That sounds fun. What kind of movies do you like? -I like action movies. -Whose action movies do you like? -I really like Jackie Chan’s movies. I think he is a great actor. -Yes, I like him, too. -Great. Then let’s go to the movies this Saturday, OK? -Pretty good. -When shall we meet? -What about 2 p.m? -Then where shall we meet? -Let’s meet at school. 2、话题:购物

条件:到商店去买一件4号的男式蓝色衬衫,最后以100元的价钱买了下来。-Can I help you, Sir? -Yes, I’d like a shirt. -What color would you like? -I like a blue one. -What size? -Size 4. -Yes, oh, how about this one. It’s size 4 and blue. -Good. How much is it? -120 yuan. -I think it’s a little expensive. How about 100 yuan. -OK. Here you are. -Yes, here is the money. Thank you! 3、话题:参加俱乐部 任务:你想参加音乐俱乐部,你会唱歌和弹吉他,但你不会跳舞。 -Excuse me? Are you the organizer of clubs? -Yes, what club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club. -Why? Do you like music? -Yes, I like music. And I want to learn something more about music. -Good. Can you dance? -No. But I can do other things.


高考英语口试材料 12 套、广东高考英语口语考试题型分析及备考策略、提高高考英语听力的 六大关键及高考英语听力应试注意事项 Test One Part One People do get hurt in "adventure sports" and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious which activities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hanggliding accidents, but the same number are killed by badminiton, whereas six people a year die in fishing accidents! So "exciting" isn't always the same as "dangerous". This is even more true when you consider the activities of every day life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports of any king. Part Two 1.It's nice of you to show me around your school. 2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station? 3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus. 4.How did you enjoy the concert last night? 5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone. Part Three (1-2)Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend two questions about it. (3-4)You have a toothache and want to make a appointment to see Dr Brown. The nurse asks you two questions. Part Four What do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai? Part Five The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday... Test Two Part One Teenagers who don't get up in the morning are brighter and more successful. A study of students' sleep by reserarchers in the USA found that teenagers who get up early are often tired and can't concentrate in class. "Young children love to get up early but teenagers have a different biological clock," says a professor of Brown University. Her reserach showed that teenagers naturally go to sleep and wake up later than normal-for good biological reasons. Now many American schools have changed the start of their morning classes from 7.30 to 8.30 or even 9.00. Part Two 1.(Telephone rings) Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith? 2.I'm sorry that I forgot to bring the book here. 3.I'd love you to come to my birthday party. 4.Why not have another cup of tea? 5.You're busy. Is there anything I can do for you? Part Three (1-2)You are in your Rnglish teacher's office, asking the teacher two questions about English learning.


小学英语口语教学设计 教学内容 Let’s learn—old, young。Let’s talk—Is she a…? 功能目标 学会如何用英语old, young来描述他人。 语言目标 了解掌握一般疑问句Is she a …? 的运用及相应的回答Yes./No. 情感目标 结合学生的语言水平和学习能力,对教材内容作适当的补充。让学生了解或初步掌握本课时的重点句型Is she a…?的回答:Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. 教学过程 Pre-task Activities Step 1 屏幕中出现各种职业人物的剪影,让学生猜猜他们的职业并用He is a… / She is a…来进行表述。老师再将剪影转化为真实图片,问:Is he /she a …? 学 生回答:Yes. /No. Step 2 教师将画有不同面部特征及职业的人物图片一齐展示给学生,通过口头描述,让 学生找出于描述内容相对应的人物,用He/She is a…说出他们的职业。如:She is tall. She is young. She has two big eyes and a small nose. What is she? 学生回答:She is a nurse. Step 3 在内容上加入诸如衣服的颜色,面部表情,体态特征等信息。如:She is happy. She is thin. She is in white. What is she? Step 4 学生在老师的带领下先对老师出示的图片进行有节奏的描述。如:I can see a cook, a cook. She is tall. She is young. She is tall and young. 请学生将其余的图片进行有节奏的描述,形式可以是先小组后个人。 While-task Activities Step 1


初级口语教程,英语口语入门学习材料 篇一:英语口语(一) 江西省南昌市20XX-20XX学年度第一学期期末试卷 (江西师大附中使用)高三理科数学分析 试卷紧扣教材和考试说明,从考生熟悉的基础知识入手,多角度、多层次地考查了学生的数学理性思维能力及对数学本质的理解能力,立足基础,先易后难,难易适中,强调应用,不偏不怪,达到了“考基础、考能力、考素质”的目标。试卷所涉及的知识内容都在考试大纲的范围内,几乎覆盖了高中所学知识的全部重要内容,体现了“重点知识重点考查”的原则。1.回归教材,注重基础 试卷遵循了考查基础知识为主体的原则,尤其是考试说明中的大部分知识点均有涉及,其中应用题与抗战胜利70周年为背景,把爱国主义教育渗透到试题当中,使学生感受到了数学的育才价值,所有这些题目的设计都回归教材和中学教学实际,操作性强。2.适当设置题目难度与区分度 选择题第12题和填空题第16题以及解答题的第21题,都是综合性问题,难度较大,学生不仅要有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及扎实深厚的数学基本功,而且还要掌握必须的数学思想与方法,否则在有限的时间内,很难完成。3.布局合理,考查全面,着重数学方法和数学思想的考察

在选择题,填空题,解答题和三选一问题中,试卷均对高中数学中的重点内容进行了反复考查。包括函数,三角函数,数列、立体几何、概率统计、解析几何、导数等几大版块问题。这些问题都是以知识为载体,立意于能力,让数学思想方法和数学思维方式贯穿于整个试题的解答过程之中。 二、亮点试题分析 1.【试卷原题】11.已知A,b,c是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足Ab?Ac,则AbAc?的最小值为() ? ? ?? 1 41b.? 23c.? 4D.?1 A.? 【考查方向】本题主要考查了平面向量的线性运算及向量的数量积等知识,是向量与三角的典型综合题。解法较多,属于较难题,得分率较低。 ??? 【易错点】1.不能正确用oA,ob,oc表示其它向量。 ????


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.
