大学英语六级听力词汇阅读冲刺 词汇语法篇 (2)

大学英语六级听力词汇阅读冲刺  词汇语法篇 (2)
大学英语六级听力词汇阅读冲刺  词汇语法篇 (2)






1.Very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very __.

A) faint B) obscure C)gloomy D)indefinite

2. Fortune-tellers are good at making statements such as "Your sorrows will c hange."

A) philosophical B) ambiguous C) literal D) invalid

3.Europe's earlier industrial growth was by the availability of key resources, ab undant and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc.

A) constrained B) detained C) remained D) sustained

4. Don't let such a matter as this come between us so that we can concentra te on the major issue.

A) trivial B) slight C) partial D) minimal

5. All visitors are requested to with the regulations.

A) comply B) agree C) assist D) consent

6. As visiting scholars, they willingly to the customs of the country they live in.

A)submit B)commit C)conform D)subject

7. Being impatient is with being a good teacher.

A) intrinsic B) ingenious C) incompatible D) inherent

8. Although the colonists to some extent with the Native Americans, the Indian s' influence on American culture and language was not extensive.

A) migrated B) matched C) melted D) mingled

9. Since the two countries couldn't their differences, they decided to stop their negotiations.

A) rectify B) oblige C) reconcile D) obscure

10. It is my hope that everyone in this class should __ their errors before it i s too late.

A) refute B) rectify C)expel D) exclude

11. Many scientists remain about the value of this research program.

A) skeptical B) stationary C) spacious D)specific【skeptical同义词doubtful;非su spicious】

12. The graduate his failure in job hunting to the lack of work experience.

A) imparted B) granted C) ascribed D) acknowledged

13. The work in the office was by a constant stream of visitors.

A) confused B) hampered C) reversed D) perplexed 【hamper同义词hinder】

14. Others viewed the findings with , noting that cause-effect relationship betw een passive smoking and cancer remains to be shown.

A)caution B)passion C)optimism D)deliberation

15. When supply exceeds demand for any product, prices are to fall.

A)timely B)liable C)simultaneous D)subject 【liable还有可靠的含义】

16. The person who this type of approach for doing research deserves our pr aise.

A)generated B)originated C)speculated D)manufactured

【表原创、创新的单词还有original, innovate, innovative】

17. More than 85 percent of French Canada's population speaks French as a mother tongue and _____to the Roman Catholic faith.

A)ascribes B)subscribes C)adheres D)caters 【adhere to同义短语stick to坚持】

18. Many people who revisit China today would notice changes, compared wit

h what they saw a decade ago.

A) cognitive B) rigorous C) conspicuous D) exclusive

19. Parents often faced the between doing what they felt was good for the de velopment of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise an d destructiveness.

A) paradox B) junction C) premise D) dilemma

20. Fiber optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations .

A) homogeneously B) spontaneously C) simultaneously D) ingeniously

21. Excellent films are those which national and cultural barriers.

A) transcend B) traverse C) abolish D) suppress

22. A big problem in lemming English as a foreign language is lack of opport unities for________interaction with proficient speakers of English.

A) instantaneous B) provocative C)dual D) verbal

23. Because of the noise of traffic I couldn't get to sleep last night.

A) prevalent B) perpetual C) provocative D) progressive

24. His successful negotiations with the Americans helped him to his position i n the government.

A) contrive B) consolidate C) heave D)intensify

25. When the farmers visited the city for the first time, they were by its compl icated traffic system.

A) evoked B) undermined C) diverted D) bewildered

26. If Japan its relation with that country it will have to find another supplier o

f raw materials.

A) precludes B) terminates C) partitions D) expires

27. Among all the changes resulting from the entry of women into the work fo rce, the transformation that has occurred in the women has generated great effects on society.

A) massive B) quantitative C) surplus D) formidable

28. Connie was told that if she worked too hard, her health would .

A)decay B)hopped C)darted D)degrade 【deteriorate 恶化】

29. The original elections were declared by the former military ruler.

A) surplus B) empirical C) void D) extravagant

30. Although we tried to concentrate on the lecture, we were by the noise for m the next room.

A) discarded B) displaced C) dispersed D) distracted

31. As we know, computers are used to store and_______information efficientl y.

A) reclaim B) reconcile C) reassure D) retrieve

32. The vulgar rich lady ______ herself like a Christmas tree, with shining jew elry all over.

A) ornaments B) decorated C) exhibited D) complemented

33. I suggest we cancel the scheme, for, given the current situation, it is not .

A) eligible B) sustainable C) probable D) feasible

34. He wouldn't answer the reporters' questions, nor would he for a photograp


A) summon B) highlight C) pose D) marshal

35. The club will new members the first week in September.

A) enroll B) subscribe C) absorb D) register

36. They were in their scientific research, not knowing what happened just out side their lab.

A) submerged B) drowned C)immersed D) dipped

37. They have always regarded a man of and fairness as a reliable friend.

A) robustness B) temperament C) integrity D) compactness

38. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particular ly to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.

A) subjective B) turbulent C) liable D) vulnerable

39. There is a difference in meaning between the words surroundings and env ironment.

A) naive B) subtle C) feeble D) nasty

40. Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom as simple as it is in comm ercials.

A) permeated B) alleged C) depicted D) coincided









But high-tech groups, including the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group and the American Electronics Association, oppose the measures, arguing that fees of up to $30 will drive consumers to online, out-of-state retailers.



The main problem is its prevalence, and the social costs that ensue from the use by everyone of something that would be fairly harmless if, say, only the rich w ere to use it. It is a price we pay for equality.


The study of primitive peoples has discovered such a diversity of customs, val ues, feelings, and thoughts that many anthropologists arrived at the concept that m an is born as a blank sheet of paper on which each culture writes its text.


英语四六级听力常考场景词汇及规律总结 1、词汇总结: 校园: department, school, law school, research paper, term paper, reading list, reading report, lecture, undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, course, credit, tuition, scholarship, cafeteria 公司: interview, post, position, apply for, resume, working experience bank: deposit, draw, interest, check, bankbook, open an account, exchange, money exchange, rate of exchange, currency, deposit savings 邮局: letter, stamp, envelope, postage, ordinary mail, express mail, zip code, money order, package, parcel, registered letter, airmail, mail a letter 火车站: platform, waiting-room, inquiry office, baggage office, ticket office, one-way ticket, return ticket 机场: plane, waiting lounge, information office, duty-free shop, boarding pass/ticket, first class, business class, economy class, air ticket, airfare, direct flight, non-stop flight, stopover, domestic flight, international flight, flight No. 280, air hostess, No Smoking sign, seatbelt, take off, land, gate number, departure, arrival,coach, go through the customs 餐厅: menu, waiter, waitress, main dish, appetizer, dessert, the first course, ready to order, a table for four, underdone, well-done, half-done, over-done, tender, have the bill, reserve a table, beef, mutton, pork, steak, chicken, salad, cabbage, potato, tomato, knife, fork, spoon, tray, sea food, hamburger, drinks, apple pie 旅馆: single room with bath, double room, suite, presidential suite, lobby, check in, check out, room number, receptionist, make a reservation 图书馆: borrow a book, return a book, overdue, renew, catalog, fine, librarian, back issue, current issue, reference book, magazine, journal, bookshelf 医院: prescribe some medicines, run a fever, have a running nose, nose


英语六级听力真题及答案 【篇一:2006-2014历年大学英语六级听力真题及答案 (完整版)】 s=txt>答案集合在全部真题之后(复合式听写中的长句无答案) 200606 1. a) she met with thomas just a few days ago. b) she can help with orientation program. c) she is not sure she can pass on the message. d) she will certainly try to contact thomas. 2. a) set the dinner table.b) change the light bulb. c) clean the dining room. d) hold the ladder for him. 3. a) he’d like a piece of pie.b) he’d like some coffee. c) he’d rather stay in the warm room. d) he’d just had dinner with his friends. 4. a) he has managed to sell a number of cars. b) he is contented with his current position. c) he might get fired. d) he has lost his job. 5. a) tony’s secretary. b) paul’s girlfriend. c) paul’s colleague. d) tony’s wife. 6. a) he was fined for running a red light. b) he was caught speeding on a fast lane. c) he had to run quickly to get the ticket.


英语六级考试听力高频词汇 以下30个词汇都是我的老师精心整理出来的,都是常出现于大学英语六级考试听力题里的高频词汇,希望能对大家的英语学习有所帮助,谢谢大家的支持,希望大家多多提出宝贵意见,以便于我们一起更好的交流与进步。 以下单词均有多种含义,给出的只是最为常见的,未做标注的即为依具体语境而定。 1.schedule 时间表 2.skip 跳,略过 3.make sense 讲得通,有意义 4.fall shorts of one's expectation 出乎某人的意料 5.cater to 迎合,款待 6.supervisor 监督者,管理者 7.speak highly of 评价高 8.a million things to do 许多事情要做 9.discount 折扣

10.coundn't have played worse/couldn't agree more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了 11.I understand the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12.go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出来 13.distractions 分心 14.I wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15.submit 屈从,忍受 16.staff/stuff n.全体职员vt.为...配备人员/材料 17.register 登记,注册 18.deadline 最后期限 19.benefit 受益 20.Are you kidding 你在开玩笑吗 21.credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则 23.budget your money 预算开支


2010年12月大学英语六级考试真题 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前高校排名相当盛行; 2. 对于这种做法人们看法不一; 3. 在我看来…… My Views on University Ranking . . . Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Into the Unknown The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope? Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a “world assembly on ageing” back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old Age Crisis”, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable. For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young vs Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare.


1.校园场景热点词汇 professor教授 teaching fellow 讲师 tutor / mentor / director / super visor 导师 dean 系主任 department 系 president校长 staff全体员工(商店、企业) faculty全体教职员工 freshman大一学生 sophomore大学二年级生, 有二年经验的 junior student大三学生 senior student大四学生,高年级学生 undergraduate student 本科生 graduate student / postgraduate student 研究生 master's degree硕士学位 bachelor's degree学士学位 doctor student / doctor candidate 博士研究生 postdoctor student博士后 alumni / alumnus校友 take the course选课 drop the course 退课 register注册 sign up for the course 选课 selective course / elective course / optional course选修课 requirement / required course / compulsory必修课 lecture讲座 seminar讨论班 credit学分science理科art文科 term / semester 学期 homework / assignment / project作业book report读书报告presentation课堂发言 reading list书单 turn in / hand in hand 上交deadline最后期限 due到期 extension延期 paper论文/ essay小论文 term paper学期报告 thesis毕业论文 proposal开题报告 mid-term exam期中考试 final exam 期末考试 quiz测验 pop quiz不提前通知的考试 grade / score 分数 pass及格 passing grade及格分 failing grade失败 GPA 平均学分积 make up exam补考 cheat作弊 author作者 subject题目 title名字 key words关键字 2.日常生活中的热点词


大学英语六级听力超高频词汇 1)take a rain check回绝一项提议,但答应日后接受 2)lost count 弄不清楚 3)be in another world 精神恍惚;魂不守舍 4)make yourself at home 随意,随便 5)save your breath 省口气吧;别白费口舌了 6)make sense 有意义,理解 7)cost sb. an arm and a leg 非常昂贵 8)burn a hole in one's pocket 很快地被花光 9)fill one's shoes 很好地顶替;令人满意地替代 10)is ice cold 表示理所当然 11)like apples and oranges 用来表示无法相比的事物 12)wait until the last minute 直到最后一刻 13)lose one's train of 忘记14)meet each other half way 相互妥协,让步 15)on the dot 准时;正点 16)once and for all 最后一次;干脆 17)out of earshot 不在听力所及范围 18)out of this world 非常好 19)play by ear 随机应变,视情形而定 20) ring a bell 令人想起某件事;听起来耳熟 21)share a common outlook 有共同的观点 22)six of one and half-a-dozen of the other 半斤八两;没什么区别 23)stick around 在附近逗留或等待 24)stick with 继续做,坚持 25)straighten out 扯平;结清 26)toss and turn (身体)翻来覆


大学英语六级听力的完整训练方法 许多考生经历六级考试尤其是听力部分的失败由一回到N回不等。真题也做了很多遍,规律和方法也掌握的差不多,为何还会出现听不懂,听得模糊,太快,不能边听边看等等问题呢?日常规律和科学的训练将大大解决这些问题。 第一部分:六级题目训练的完整步骤 材料来源:为了更好地突破四、六级考试,我们始终认为四、六级真题是最好的训练材料。2006年12月起六级考试进行试卷改革,所以2006年6月起到现在的题目是最需要训练得滚瓜烂熟的题目。若认为题目不够训练,也可以继续做2005年或以前的题目。但是题目时间越早,难度和实效性就越低。 第一步:预判(3-5分钟) 图一给出了我们在做一道听力题目的流程图,我们不难发现,从第一步到第八步,只有15秒的时间,因此,做题前,一定留出时间看题。正式考试时看题时间约3分钟左右,我们只能高效的看而非全面的看。选项中最需要注意的是:高频词、主语、谓语等。同时注意,相似选项和相反选项要保留,准确答案就在其间。复合式听写部分也需要注意高频词汇。 例(小对话): A.He'd rather not go to the lecture. B. He‘s going to attend the lecture. C. He'll give a lecture on drawing. 2013英语六级考试全攻略考试入门六级词汇六级语法六级听力六级写作六级阅读 D. He doesn't mind if the woman goes to the lecture. 很明显,AB形成对立项。 例(长对话) A. Doubtful B. Reserved C. Indifferent . D. Supportive。


六级听力主要词汇 一、学生生活场景 1. 教育相关 technical school 技校 admissions office 招生办公室 2. 图书馆场景 written permission 书面同意 reference desk 咨询处 reference stacks 书库 library card/admission card 借书卡 date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限 in circulation 在发行中 out of circulation 停止发行 3. 课程作业谈论 polish one’s paper 将论文润色 finishing touches on paper 对论文进行最后的润色 brochure 小册子 lay great emphasis on academic excellence 把重点放在学术成就上tie up with study 忙于学习 brush up on 温习 draw up a plan 作计划 skip the class 逃课 causal attribution 归因理论 reading list 读书清单 TA(teaching assistant) 助教 reference book 参考书 seminar schedule 论文安排 be fed up with 受够了 pull one’s weight 尽本分 come in handy 迟早有用 read it through the way 按章节顺序读 read a book from cover to cover 完整地读完一本书 keep drifting away 一直走神 hold your interest 抓住你的兴趣 take sb. out of sth. 说服某人不做某事 go over 温习 introductory poetry course 诗歌介绍课程 fill up 课程人数已满 information science 信息科学 go over one’s notes 复习某人的笔记 on-line education 网络教育 poll 民意测验


1. 校园场景热点词汇 professor 教授 teaching fellow 讲师 tutor / mentor / director / super visor 导师 dean 系主任 department 系 president 校长 staff 全体员工(商店、企业) faculty 全体教职员工 freshman 大一学生 sophomore 大学二年级生, 有二年经验的 junior student 大三学生 senior student 大四学生,高年级学生 undergraduate student 本科生 graduate student / postgraduate student 研究生 master's degree 硕士学位 bachelor's degree 学士学位 doctor student / doctor candidate 博士研究生 postdoctor student 博士后 alumni / alumnus 校友 take the course 选课 drop the course 退课 register 注册 sign up for the course 选课 selective course / elective course / optional course 选修课 requirement / required course / compulsory 必修课 lecture 讲座 seminar 讨论班 credit 学分 science 理科art 文科term / semester 学期 homework / assignment / project作业book report 读书报告presentation 课堂发言 reading list 书单 turn in / hand in hand 上交deadline 最后期限 due 到期 extension 延期 paper 论文/ essay 小论文 term paper 学期报告 thesis 毕业论文 proposal 开题报告 mid-term exam 期中考试 final exam 期末考试 quiz 测验 pop quiz 不提前通知的考试 grade / score 分数 pass 及格 passing grade 及格分 failing grade 失败 GPA 平均学分积 make up exam 补考 cheat 作弊 author 作者 subject 题目 title 名字 key words 关键字 2. 日常生活中的热点词yoghourt 酸奶 steak 牛排


六级听力场景600词 (来源星火英语) 图书馆 shelf 书架librarian 图书管理员the stacks 书库return 归还fine 罚款magazine 杂志copier 复印机overdue 过期未还的reading room 阅览室reference room 资料室periodical room 期刊阅览室study lounge 自习室catalogue 书目index 索引keyword 关键词volume 卷,宗library card 借书卡book reservation 图书预订periodical 期刊quarterly 季刊back issue 过刊current issue 现刊latest number 最新一期writing permission 书面许可check out 外借put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读 学生 freshman 大一学生sophomore 大二学生junior student 大三学生senior student 大四学生bachelor 学士master 硕士doctoral candidate 博士研究生alumni/alumnus 校友post doctorate 博士后 老师 lecturer 讲师associate professor 副教授supervisor 导师professor 教授dean 系主任teaching assistant 助教 上课及选课 take the course 选课credit 学分register 注册drop the course 退课introductory course 初级课程advanced course 高级课程 rank 排名syllabus 教学大纲curriculum 课程seminar 讨论会 elective/optional course 选修课compulsory course 必修课drop-out 退学makeup exam 补考psychology course 心理学physics 物理学computer course 计算机课computer science 计算机科学 读书


2013年12月大学英语六级考试真题(第1套) Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At theend of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1 上作答。 1. A) The rock band needs more hours of practice. B) The rock band is going to play here for a month. C) Their hard work has resulted in a big success. D) He appreciates the woman’s help with the band. 2. A) Go on a diving tour in Europe. C) Travel overseas on his own. B) Add 300 dollars to his budget. D) Join a package tour to Mexico. 3. A) In case some problem should occur. C) To avoid more work later on. B) Something unexpected has happened. D) To make better preparations. 4. A) The woman asked for a free pass to try out the facilities. B) The man is going to renew his membership in a fitness center. C) The woman can give the man a discount if he joins the club now. D) The man can try out the facilities before he becomes a member. 5. A) He is not afraid of challenge. B) He is not fit to study science. C) He is worried about the test. D) He is going to drop the physics course 6. A) Pay for part of the picnic food. C) Buy something special for Gary. B) Invite Gary’s family to dinner.D) Take some food to the picnic. 7. A) Bus drivers’ working conditions.C)Public transportation. B) A labor dispute at a bus company. D) A corporate takeover. 8. A) The bank statement. C) The payment for an order. B) Their sales overseas. D) The check just deposited. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. A) A hotel receptionist. C) A shop assistant. B) A private secretary. D) A sales manager. 10. A) Voice. C) Appearance. B) Intelligence. D) Manners. 11. A) Arrange one more interview. C) Report the matter to their boss. B) Offer the job to David Wallace. D) Hire Barbara Jones on a trial basis. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A) He invented the refrigerator. C) He got a degree in Mathematics.


【篇一】2020年6月英语六级听力高频词汇waiter/waitress 男/女服务员 pork 猪肉 order 点菜 beef steak 牛排 menu 菜单 raw 生的 medium 半熟的 done 全熟的 snack 快餐 dessert 甜点 burger 汉堡 join sb. for dinner 与某人共进晚餐 cheese 芝士,奶酪 treat 款待,宴请 appetizer 开胃菜 make a reservation 预订 red wine 红酒 cater 提供饮食 toast 烤面包,吐司 cutlery 餐具 loaf (长条)面包 buffet 自助餐 staple 主食 Go Dutch AA制 roast 烤肉 regular dinner 套餐 mutton 羊肉 change 零钱 【篇二】2020年6月英语六级听力高频词汇napkin 餐巾 beverage 饮料 pineapple 凤梨,菠萝 hot pot 火锅 barbecue 烧烤野餐 sandcastle 沙堡 balloon 气球 gardening 园艺 excursion 短途旅行;远足 performance表演 tennis court 网球场 clap 拍掌,鼓掌 computer game 电脑游戏 swing 秋千 figure skating 花样滑冰 gossip 闲话;爱说长道短的人 TV channels 电视频道 horror movie 恐怖片 broadcast 广播节目;播送

live broadcast 现场直播 jukebox 自动点唱机 enthusiastic 热情的 documentary 纪录片 violence movie 暴力片 commercial advertisement 商业广告entertainment industry 娱乐行业 TV theatre 电视剧院 【篇三】2020年6月英语六级听力高频词汇on business 出差 be involved in 参与 appointment 预约 in charge of 负责 client 客户 compromise 妥协,让步 get along with... 与……相处 proposal 建议书 assistance 帮助,协助 branch 分支机构 cooperation 合作 transaction 交易 bid 投标 transfer 调动 attitude 态度 personality 品质,性格 overwork 加班 determined 有决心的 forgetful 健忘的 diligent 勤奋的 wear out 疲劳 perseverance 坚持不懈 complain 抱怨 hang on 坚持 workaholic 工作狂 workload 工作负担 struggle 奋斗 continuous exploration 不断的探索 hard-working 工作努力的


六级听力词汇(全) 一、学生生活场景 1. 教育相关词汇 graduate school 研究生院 higher education 高等教育adult education 成人教育undergraduate 本科生 postgraduate 研究生 universal education 普及教育 technical school 技校 admission office 招生办公室 2. 图书馆场景 written permission 书面同意 online catalogue 网上图书一览表 reference material 参考资料 reference desk 咨询处 catalogue 目录 index 索引 reference stacks 书库 delivery / circulation desk 借书台 check out 登记并借出 library card/admission card 借书卡date slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限 due 应付费 overdue 过期 pay a fine 交罚款 renew 续借 out on loan 借出的reserve/book 预借in circulation 在发行中out of circulation 停止发行 periodical( magazines and journals )定期刊物bibliography 书目(藉者检索目录) paper back 平装 hard back 精装 information desk 咨询处 3. 课程作业谈论

lose one’s voice 某人失声(可比喻某人回忆或上课缺席) lay great emphasis on academic excellence(把重点放在学术成就上) tie up with study 忙于学习 brush up on 温习 draw up a plan 作计划 skip the class 逃课 a case study 案例学习causal attribution 归因理论get through 读完reading list 读书清单TA(teaching assistant ) 助教reference book 参考书seminar schedule 论文安排 be fed up with 受够了 pull one’s weight 尽本分 essay contest 散文竞赛 come in handy 到手 read it through the way 按章节顺序读 read books from cover to cover 完整地读完一本书 keep drifting away 走神 hold your interest 抓住你的兴趣 take sb. out of sth. 说服某人不干某事 make a copy of 复印一份 take the course 选课 go over 略过 narrow …down 缩小…的范围makding public speeches 公众演讲 introductory poetry course 诗歌介绍课程 fill up 课程人数已满 information science 信息科学 go over one’s notes 复习笔记 on-line education 网络教育 term paper 学期论文 research 研究 poll 民意

2012年 6月 六级听力场景核心词汇

饭店场景 eat out 出去吃take away 外带fast food 快餐appetizer 开胃菜main course 主食service charge 服务费change 找零 keep the change 不用找零了;meal card/ticket饭卡/饭票 fried food 油炸食品,apple pie苹果派,Pizza 比萨 Pudding布丁,seasoning调料,dish 菜 delicious/tasty/terrific好吃,horrible/awful/disgusting 难吃, Fork/spoon/knife餐具,restaurant 饭馆,cafeteria 自助餐厅School dining hall学生食堂,full/done 吃饱了Snack bar快餐小吃店,Let’s go Dutch/go 50-50/split the bill AA制be on diet 节食,today's special 今日特餐,specialty 招牌菜French fires 炸薯条,bacon 熏肉,fried egg 煎蛋butter 奶油,beverages 饮料,orange juice 橘子汁soft drink 汽水,mineral water 矿泉水paper towel 纸巾table cloth 桌布,tea set 茶具,plate 盘,chopsticks 筷子soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀,toothpick 牙签,curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭,watermelon 西瓜,pear 梨子 peach 桃子,cherry 樱桃,apple 苹果grape 葡萄,salt 盐,sugar 糖sweet 甜,bitter 苦,dinner 正餐 breakfast 早餐,lunch 午餐,brunch 早午餐 steak 牛排,well done 全熟,medium 五分熟rare 三分熟,brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌meat 肉,chicken 鸡肉,mutton 羊肉,bread 面包noodles 面条,vegetable 蔬菜,sandwich 三明治toast 土司hamburger 汉堡,cake 蛋糕 1.点菜: Order menu wine list (酒单)alcohol steak French Fries (薯条) 2. 买单: Check the bill please!(买单!) Treat (请客)split the bill (分开付) 3.上菜顺序:soup汤——> main course主菜——> salad沙拉(chef salad招牌沙拉)——> dessert甜点(pudding布丁, cheese , fruit 购物场景 supermarket超级市场department store百货商店Chain store 连锁店convenience store 便利店shopping center/ shopping mall购物中心, grocery 杂货店vending machine 自动售货机 supplies生活用品,price tag价格签,vender售货员,cashier收银员 cart手推车,: appliance家用电器, costume服装, floor 层,men’s 男装区 sport’s goods体育用品produce 农产品, product工业产品,production产品(总称) special offer/ on sale打折, for sale 热卖中,待售中,discount/off打折 70% off 三折, Bargain便宜货,Exchange调换receipt收据 style/size/color款式、大小、颜色,large/medium/small大号中号小号 a clearance sale清仓处理complaint投诉in stock 有现货 Out of stock 没货on-line shopping 网上购物sell out 售完 公司场景


大学英语六级CET6听力技巧 大学英语六级CET6考试中,很多同学发现听力部分很难。甚至有很多同学给我写信说自己上个月和这个月错题数目完全相同,对听力已经绝望。其实大可不必。绝望是因为没有清楚分析自己错题的原因,并且没有从错题中汲取经验和知识,结果每逢考试,总是犯同样的错误。那么六级听力部分的难点究竟有哪些呢? 除去技巧部分,大多数同学的问题基本集中在三点:1. 生词多;2. 速度快;3. 音变频繁。 那么应该如何解决呢? 1.生词多。背单词是大家最头痛的部分。有很多同学认为自己每天背了很多单词,但最后考试的时候还是出现遗忘现象。究其根源,是因为在背的时候只用了自己的眼睛和手,而没有用嘴和耳朵。 听力部分的特殊性就是将单词通过声音的形式来传达到同学们的耳朵里,从而考察同学们对英语的敏感度。所以如果这个词你没有听过,没有读过,或者读不对,在考试时是不会有反应的;另外一些同学发现背单词书上的单词很枯燥,无法坚持。对于这部分同学,建议大家去背历年真题中的生词。先把所有生词画出来,查找,再做题,也不失为一种动力背词法。而当你把20几套真题的单词都查过以后,你就会发现,你的单词量已经在5000左右了。 2.速度快。速度是另外一个困扰大家的难题。我常常对同学们说:“一个人的朗读速度往往就是一个人的听力理解速度。”而这就是大家为什么不能适应快语速的原因。 要解决这个问题也很简单,就是跟读真题文章,以音频语速来要求自己。平时说话中也要加快自己的语速,形成一种习惯,一种惯性。很多同学说不知道平时说话究竟要快到一个什么程度,我想美国电视剧《老友记》中的速度就是大家要达到的速度。 3.音变频繁。除了速度,音变也是困扰大家的一个难题,其表现就是大家不是一个词两个词听不懂,而是一串听不懂,一片听不懂。这就是因为同学们读句子的方式是一个词一个词地读,中间有停顿,而英美人会习惯性地在有些词中间采用音变读法,如:连读,失去爆破,重读,弱读等等。 要想听懂这样的句子,就必须提高自己的口语发音实力。建议大家使用教材练习和音频模仿同步练习音变。推荐给大家一本音变讲得很好的教材《托福听力的弦外之音》,而音频的模仿大家可以选择模仿真题的音频。这样做有三点好处:1.练习了音变;2.,熟悉了考试词汇;3.熟悉了考试句型。 (一)调整心理状态 心理状态就是一个人的心情。心情的好坏,会直接地影响我们工作、学习的效果。你也能看到,在体育比赛中,由于心理状态的起伏,参赛选手的发挥会跟着有较大的起伏。同样的道理,心理状态的正常与否对参加听力考试的同学来说也至关重要。心理方面的任何失衡都会使你手忙脚乱,得分率降低,平
