
英语专业四级 词汇讲座
Are you well prepared?
1. She offered me some food that had a __ taste. (近义词辨析) ? A. special B. peculiar C. particular D. concrete ? 2. Ten minutes later the taxi in front of the Grand Theatre, where we had arranged to meet. (动词短语) ? A. pulled out B. pulled up ? C. pulled off D. pulled down ? 注: pull out (火车)驶出;(船)划出 ? pull up 停下 pull off: 从大路驶入小路(警察示意) ? pull down 毁坏 #
3. The driver coming in the opposite direction to avoid the cow crossing the road.(考察词 义) ? A. turned B. swerved C. lunged D. scrambled ? 4. The government finally apologized for feeding the public with facts.(考察词义搭配) ? A. artificial B. man-made C. fake D. false ? artificial flower/smile ? fake fur/money/doctor(冒牌医生) ? false : wrong, unreal. false statement
固定搭配:17题 as cool as cucumber, as poor as church mouse ? 动词短语:19题 ? 词汇意义(lexical meaning) 20题 ? 近义词辨析:30题
题型广泛,涉及词汇的所有形式,涵盖专 四词库的主要词汇。 ? 考察形式多样,主要有:动词短语、名词 和介词搭配、各类词语的近义词辨析和短 语辨析、基本词义、其他常见搭配。
? ? ? ? 识记英语专业四、八级词汇表 掌握英语专业四级考试高频词汇必备 点滴积累常见词语的近义词或短语辨析 强化记忆常见动词短语和介词搭配 抓住词汇记忆方法和黄金记忆规律
有章可寻: 有章可寻:词汇记忆黄金规律
背单词是一件很“痛苦”的事情。殊不知, 这件苦差事也有“捷径”可寻——那就是掌 握规律。 ? 1. Still waters run deep.记忆力用进废退—— 不要临时抱佛脚。 ? 2.分散记忆比集中记忆效果好——尽早开始 背单词。
3.多觉记忆比单觉记忆效果好许多——这就是 为什么上课效果比自己看书好的原因。 ? 4.平常的东西不易记,奇特的东西不易忘—— 运用荒诞联想法. ? 5.通过联想把不熟悉的东西与熟悉的东西联系 5. 起来记忆可事半功倍——寻找内在规律如构 词法。 ? 6. 运用艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线安排频率可最高效 利用时间。
7. 日积月累,滴水穿石。充分利用所学课 程,采用背景联想记忆熟记所学单词。 ? 8. 回溯希腊神话,找寻词汇词源。 ? 9. 词根/词缀记忆、逆序记忆、故事记忆 ? 10.浏览网站,与时俱进。 ? https://www.360docs.net/doc/7216168371.html,/english
1. 情境记忆法:在具体语境中记忆单词,尤其 是学过的精读课文或熟记的优美散文。

When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home I had ever known. My whole life, brief as it is, had been spent in that big old house, gracefully touched with the laughter and tears of four generations. ? I continued to look into his face. He gently took my hand in his.
2. 词块记忆法( chunk) ? “行走” ? walk, toddle, limp, stagger, stumble, fumble, tiptoe, sneak ? “哭泣” ? cry, wail, sob, howl, weep…
3. 逆序词汇记忆法
epidemic n. & adj. comic economic atomic organic mechanic electronic panic picnic scenic fabric hysteric(al) eccentric idiomatic fanatic clinic
4. 常见词根、词缀记忆法 常见词根、
? ? ? ? ? de-: down devaluation, decline, demean(贬低) divide decompose subilunmal-
5. 追根溯源 词源记忆法 追根溯源—词源记忆法
? ? ? democracy demo源于demos (people) 希腊语,人民 cracy 意思是统治 类推:epidemic epi: 希腊语(=among)较大范围 的病,传染病 ? endemic : en=in(希腊语)狭小地区的病 ? demagogue:煽动者、鼓动者 希腊语demos+ agogos(leader) ? atlas
6. 词汇联想分解记忆法 ? adamant ? atheism, theism, theology, theologian(神学 家)theocracy(神权政治) ? Catastrophe ? 参见 俞敏洪 GRE 词汇记忆 和新东方词汇记 忆
7. 自己编小故事
All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents. ? -- John F. Kennedy ? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. ? Alexander Pope

