



1.What are the ways to build confidence?

A.Hey,Here is a question:what are the ways to build confidence in your opinion ?

B.I think this is a really funny and important question.As far as I’m

concerned.Above all is to build your own soul up.You can’t be really

confidence if you lack your own thoughts.In this condition ,you are blind

confidence .Then, building your body up .You know,bad health will affect your

thoughts and made you become passive .While good health helps a

lot .Also,you need communicate more with others and you will know more

about yourself and others,which can help you build confidence. These are my

opinions.what about you?

A.Do you know,what I thought are just included in your opinion?


A.Yes,I would like to provide some details.I think a good life habit is very

important .Which includes many things Such as reading more good books,it can make you more thoughtful.Do some exercises in your spare time.Also,never

forget to eat meals on time.A good habit can benefit us for the life time.As for

communication.I think attending some activities is a good way to build confidence.

B.En,I think I have learned a lot from your ideas,which may affect my

attitude.Thank you!


2.What are the important skills a person should learn in order to be successful in

the world today ? Why?

A.Hey,here is a question,what are the important skills a person should learn in

order to be successful in the world today ?Why?

B.I think this is a really funny and important question .As far as I’m

concerned .Above all is communication skills.You know,with the

development of the world,the earth become small,that means the

chances to communicate with others is increasing.If we want to do

something successful.Then,learning skills,we all know the important of

speech but may ignore listening.In fact, in some conditions,listening is

more important than speech because everyone need be listened ,which

shows your prospection towards others .I think this two aspects are very

important what about you.

A.Em,wonderful,In my opinion,the skill to keep bond of others is very

important.because many times we need others’help.If you can keep good

relationship with others,In many condition,you can deal with your problem

more easilier .Also ,we should master some skills to reach this goal .such

as,learning singing songs ,developing more hobbies.Which will help you get

along with others more easily.

A.Yes,your ideas are very good,I think I have learned a lot



马上就要进行大学英语四六级口语考试了,很多同学问到该怎样备考,其实口语考试真的不难,当然要考很好的成绩(A,A-)也不是那么容易,经过一个月的有针对性的练习,是完全可以在自己已有的水平上提高一个档次的。不过需要记住的是,口语是需要进行练习的,只有通过大量的训练,才能切实提高语言水平! 现在把我以前上辅导课时准备的一些相关的材料陆续发上来,希望对将要考试的同学有帮助。 首先,掌握必要的语言功能,其中,最重要的是 1.“友好往来”中的介绍: 1) Ladies and gentlemen. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Tao. I'm from Hunan Medical University. My major is plastic surgery. 2) Good morning, everyone. May I take the liberty to introduce myself? I'm Fang Min. I'm an English major from Hunan University. 3) Hello, everybody. I'd like to introduce myself first. 4) Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Peter Johnson from the United States. 5) It's an honor to be here. Please allow me to introduce myself. 6) It’s my great honor to introduc e myself here. 7) It's indeed my pleasure to be here. I would like to introduce myself. 2.“相互交流”中的开始交谈,继续交谈,改变话题,停止交谈: Initiating a conversation 开始交谈 1) Oh, Mr. Wang, there's something I'd like to talk to you about.


英语培训材料(第一周) 材料选自:《新托业词汇必备》中国人民大学出版社 《新托业语法和词汇详解及实战试题》中国人民大学出版社 《托业国际交流英语教程》中国人民大学出版社 《疯狂英语口语版》 第一部分:单词 (注:单词一共25个,每天记忆5个。周末巩固复习) able adj.有能力的,能够的(capable, competent) be able to finish the job 能够完成这项工作 an able leader 有能力的领导者 派生词:enable vt. 使能够ability n. 能力 enable people to be more efficient 让人们更有效率的做事 the ability to reason 推理能力 ★tip 1:be able to + 动词原形(主语是人或者是集合体) 2:enable 宾语to + 动词原形(主语主要是事物) 3:ability to + 动词原形具备做…的能力 The ability posting (×) →the ability to post (√) accept vt.接受,允许 accept responsibility for 对于…负责 accept an invitation 接受邀请 accept a person’s hand in marriage 接受求婚 accept with open arms 欢迎… 派生词:adj. accepted 被接受的,被认可的 acceptable 可接受的(to)(反义词unacceptable 不可接受的)

n. acceptance 承认,采用,(票据)承兑、认付 the generally accepted idea 被普遍接受的想法 ★tip accept 含义为主动地表示同意和赞成的意愿,与它的意思相似的take,receive 表示被动的接受。 access n.接近,可接近、进入的权利vt.接近…,利用… control access to information 控制对信息的接触 have unlimited access to the files 那些文件可以无限制地使用 use a browser to access a websites 用浏览器来访问网站 派生词:adj. accessible 易接近的n. accessibility 易接近性 accessibility through the Internet 可以通过网络获取 ★tip 1:access 作为名词时,后面需连接介词to,作为动词时,后面直接连接宾语。 2:have access to 可接近、使用… 3:give access to 允许接近、使用… 4:access 如果表示“为了利用…而接近”的意思时,与它意思相近的approach 则主要表示空间上的接近。 accommodate vt.容纳(contain, hold),提供住处,提供方便,使适应,调整accommodate large parties in our conference room 我们的会议室可以容纳很多人 accommodate friend 帮助朋友 accommodate oneself to new surroundings 适应新的环境 派生词:n. accommodation(s)膳宿设施,方便,适应,调整 phone a hotel for accommodations 打电话向旅馆预订客房 ★tip 1.accommodate 作为动词时,前面不能出现介词 2.accommodation 作为“住宿设施”的含义在托业考试中经常出现,务必牢记。 account n.计算,账户,说明,理由,重要性vi.说明,思考


摘要:语调在英语中所起的作用越来越受到英语学习者和研究者的重视。为了对英语语调的功能有一个更为全面的认识,本文在前人研究的基础上,归纳出英语语调的四大功能:语法功能、情感/态度功能、区别新旧信息功能和社会语言学功能。 关键词:英语语法功能情感/态度功能区别新旧信息功能社会语言学功能 1.前言 Roger Kingdon曾经说过,“语调是语言的灵魂”。世界上的语言分为两种:一种是声调语言(tone language),如汉语、法语;另一种是语调语言(intonation language)(1958)。英语就是典型的语调语言。语调是连贯言语里声音音调变化所产生的旋律模式。语调是英语语言的重要组成部分。语调的缺失会使英语表达失去其内在的多样性和丰富性,语调的误用会导致交际的失败甚至使得交际无法进行。语调是语言的灵魂,更是英语语言的灵魂。因此,对英语语调的功能进行较为全面的归纳和深入的研究是非常必要的。 2.语调的功能 2.1语法功能 2.1.1表明句子类型 语调的语法功能之一就是提示句子类型。比如在通常情况下,英语的陈述句和特殊疑问句用降调,而一般疑问句用升调。 2.1.2消除句子歧义 在书面语中经常可以看到一些在语义和句法上有歧义的句子,要正确理解这些句子,除根据上下文语境作出判断外,另一个重要的依据就是说话者在说话时所用的语调。通常情况下,语调主要是通过断句的方式来消除句子歧义的。断句又表现为两种形式:一种是有无语调边界,另一种是语调边界的不同位置。如: (1)a.He washed and brushed his hair. (he washed「his hair」and he brushed his hair) b.He washed//and brushed his hair. (he washed and he brushed his hair)(Halliday,1967a:36) (1)a与(1)b是一组在词汇和语法上均无区别的句子。能区别这两个句子的唯一途径就是通过断句在(1)b的washed后插入一个语调边界。也就是说有无语调边界是区别这两个句子的唯一手段。又如: (2)a.Those who sold quickly//made a profit. (a profit was made by those who sold quickly) b.Those who sold//quickly made a profit. (a profit was quickly made by those who sold)(Roach,2000:174) (2)a与(2)b同样是一组在词汇和语法上均无区别的句子。虽然两个句子中都有语调边界,但由于语调边界的位置不同导致两个句子的意思截然不同。 2.1.3提示句法结构 语调中的调群和句法结构有着密切的关系。一般说来,调群边界的位置和语法单位的边界是一致的。例如: (3)I won’t have any tea//I don’t like it. 英语本族语者在说话时是将上句在tea处断开,通过这种方式来暗示语调边界前后是两个独立的语法成分。下面是一个更为复杂的例子: (4)In France//where farms tend to be smaller//the subsidies are more important.(Roach,2000:174) 在上例中,通过语调的断句手段听者能较为容易地判断出该句的句法结构,从而更好地理解句义。 2.2情感/态度功能 Couper-kuhlen认为,语调在表达情感和态度方面的重要作用是毋庸置疑的(1986)。事实上,我们在日常交际中能够深刻感受到语调在传达文字本身不能传达的那些微妙的情感和态度时所起的重大作用。同一句话用不同的语调说出来就会表达不同的情感和态度。如一句简单的“Thank you.(谢谢你)”,分别用升调或降调来说,它所表达的说话者的态度就会大相径庭。该句若用升调,它体现的是说话者轻松愉快的心情及对对方真心的感激。该句若用低降调,说话者所表达的则又绝非是一种单纯的谢意,而是不满、愤怒甚至是威胁等一系列的消极情绪了。这一现象体现了日常会话中语调表义的复杂性。语调可以表达多种或是明显或是微妙的情感态度变化。比如通过语调的变化来表现中立的、感兴趣的、厌倦的、有礼貌的、无礼的、胆小的、自信的、权威的、顺从的、惊奇的、恳求等的态度和情感,例如: (5)RUDE(fall)%%%%%%POLITE(low-rise) Hel坨lo.%%%%%%%%%Hel坭lo. Nice of you to坨call.%%%%Nice of you to坭call. 坭Friday?坨Right.%%%%%坭Friday?坭Right. See you at坨six,then.%%%%See you at坭six,then. Bye for坨now.%%%%%%%Bye for坭now. 又如: What a beautiful/day!(一般的感叹语气) What a/beautiful/day!(生动活泼) 2.3区别新旧信息功能 Halliday认为,每个语调短语中总有一个成分是最凸显的,他把这个最凸显的成分叫做信息焦点(1967)。信息焦点是一个语调单位中承载信息量最大的部分。信息又可分为新信息和旧信息。旧信息指交际双方都知道的,或根据上下文可以推测出来的信息。新信息指说话者想要传递给听话者的那些不能通过语境推断出的信息,在自然交际中,说话者可以通过改变信息焦点的位置来强调他想要表达的重点,例如:(6)a.Lily told Lucy all the secrets. (是全部,不是部分)。 b.Lily told Lucy all the secrets. (告诉的是Lucy而不是其他人) c.Lily told Lucy all the secrets. (是告诉的,而不是暗示或留言等方式) d.Lily told Lucy all the secrets. (是Lily告诉的,而不是其他人) 同时说话者也可通过调节音高来暗示听者哪些是他想要传递的新信息,哪些是不需要听者过多关注的旧信息。一般来说,新信息是一个调群中最凸显的部分。例如: (7)—— —How many TIMES have you been to Beijing? —— —THREE times. 2.4社会语言学功能 语调的社会语言学功能是指说话者说话时所用的语调能够表明他的社会地位、身份、职业等。例如老师在课堂上讲课 对英语语调功能的归纳 (天水师范学院,甘肃天水741000) 杨晓春王桂芳 141


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.


关键词 1.Beauty Everyone admires beauty. Everyone has his own standard about beauty. Nowadays some people tend to think that they own beauty if they have a good looking. They are not satisfied with their appearance. They spend much money taking a kind of operation. I don't think beauty can be man-made. If so, everybody can get beauty. As a result, there is no beauty at all. The appearance is given by our parents and is unique in the world. Everyone should value it. I would rather view nature as the standard of beauty. Just accept ourselves, and create the beautiful life belonging to us. Many heroes don't have beautiful surface. However, their beautiful images often come to our minds. Their beauty comes from their contributions to the society. Don't be eager to judge whether a person is beautiful or not, without a thorough understanding of him. A beautiful person is not the one with a good looking, but with a kind heart. Good looking is pleasant while spiritual (精神) beauty is more important. As an old saying goes, "Virtue is fairer than beauty. "If you have a kind heart, you own real beauty. 2.Contest ●beauty contest I think beauty contest does more harm than good. To start with ,it may lead players lack of confidence even to have a plastic 's more , It may mislead their value winner in the competition could get a lot of things, like money, fame, social awareness and so on. Then,it may cause the female pay too much attention to appearance, They may spending more time and money on fashion, cosmetics, hair styling and even cosmetic surgery . But ignore the inner beauty ,the true beauty. Finally, beauty contests are usually carried out within a period of time,we can not judge a person's beauty and ugliness, and good or bad in this limited time. So I think beauty contest does more harm than good. 3.Appearance ●In what ways can people improve their appearance? Some people just want to improve their looks in small ways. They may go on a diet to maintain a good figure, they make up to improve their appearance, put a facial mask or skin smoother on their faces during the night, have their teeth straightened, or have their nails polished. Some others have a face-lift to change their nose or chin, make their single-fold eyelids double folded, and have their skin tightened to smooth out wrinkles and crow’s feet. Some even inject botox(瘦脸针) to remove wrinkles. More drastically, some people may have liposuction to remove ,in my opinion the best way to improve appearance is trying to learn to be more elegant and to be more Knowledgeable. ●Why do some people want to improve their appearance? A love of beauty is part of human nature. People like to see beautiful scenery, flowers, and animals. It is not strange that they also want to look at good-looking humans and improve the way they look themselves. With improved features, one may find a better job, attract a more desirable spouse, and gain faster occupations attach great importance to appearance. Most actors, anchorpersons, and fashion models can be recognized by their is sometimes argued that by looking good, one tends to feel self-confident. With confidence, success is more likely to follow in any undertaking. 4.plastic surgery ●What disadvantages are there in plastic surgery? We should not attempt to change our physical appearance by cosmetic means. Such changes may bring unexpected


Lesson 1 1.Incoming Quality Control:來料檢查 2.Quality Assurance:品質保證 3.In-processing Quality Control:制程檢查 4.Quality Engineer:品質工程師 5.Working Instruction:作業指導書 6.Part: 部件 7.Process:過程 8.Product:產品 9.Flow:流程 10.Chart:圖表 11.Material:材料 12.Inspection:檢查 13.Tool:工具 14.Prepare:準備 15.Measurement:測量 16.Appearance:外觀 17.Dimension:尺寸 18.Fill In:填寫 19.Report:報告 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7216347176.html,bel:標簽 21.Accepted:接受 22.Rejected:拒收 23.Regulate:調校 24.Install:安裝 25.Produce:生產 26.Manufacturer:制造商 27.Manufacturing:生產中 28.Press:啤,衝壓 29.Cleaning:清洗 30.Send Out:外發 31.Count:計數 32.Drawing:圖紙 33.Check:檢查 34.Structure:結構,架構 35.Final:最終 36.Storage:貯存 37.Delivery:交付 38.Transport:交通工具,運輸 39.Load Up:上貨 40.Unload:卸載 41.Supplier:供應商 42.Customer:客戶 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7216347176.html,:名字 44.Date:日期 45.Data:數據 46.Table:表格 47.Clerk:文員 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7216347176.html,boratory / Inspection Center:實驗室,檢測中心 49.Manager:經理 50.Senior Supervisor:高級主管 51.Assistant Manager / Vice-Manager / Deputy Manager:副 理 52.Management Associate:管理見習生 53.Foreman:領班 54.Team Leader:組長 55.Inspector:檢查員 56.General Manager:總經理 57.Factory Manager:廠長 58.Managing Director:董事長 59.PMC( Production & Material Control ):生產和物料控制 60.Department:部門 61.Production:生產部 62.Purchasing:采購部 63.Engineering:工程部64.Accounting:會計部 65.Painting:噴油部 66.Silkscreen:絲印部 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7216347176.html,rmation Technology:科技資訊部 68.Warehouse:倉庫 69.Marketing:市場部 70.Sales:營銷部 71.Personnel:人事部 72.Human Resources:人力資源部 73.Group’s System:集團系統部 74.Consultant:顧問 75.QMR( Quality Management Representative ):品質管理 代表 76.Custom Clearance Team / Unit:報關組 77.Security:保安 78.Thank You For Your Kind Attention: 謝謝你的關注 79.Best Regards, 順祝商祺 80.Yours Faithfully:祝頌語,生活愉快 81.Contact:聯系 82.Direct:直接Directly:直接地 Lesson 2 Apparatus: 1. 1.Profile Projection / Projector:投影儀 2.Pin Gauge:針規 3.Depth Micrometer:深度尺 4.Height Gauge:高度尺 5.Universal Bevel Protractors:萬能角度尺 6.Screw / Thread Limit Gauge:牙規 7.Radius Gauge: R規 8.CMM ( Coordinate Measuring Machine ):三坐標測量儀 9.Vernier:卡尺 10.Micrometer:千分尺 11.Hardness Tester:硬度測試儀 12.Electric Micrometer:電子千分尺 13.Blocks Gauge:塊規 14.Visual Inspection:目視檢查 15.Force Measurement:彈力測試儀 16.Thickness Gauge:厚薄規 17.Vernier Caliper:游標卡尺 18.Salt-spray Tester:鹽霧測試儀 Surface Processing / Treatment: 1.19.Plating:電鍍 2.Ni-plating:電叻 3.Oxidize / Oxidization:氧化 4.Yellow Chromate:電彩鋅 5.Zincing ( Galvanization ):鍍鋅 6.Nickel:叻 DRAWING: 1.Unit:單位 2.Note:注釋,注解 3.Scale:比例 4.Maximum:最大 5.Minimum:最小 6.Outside diameter ;external diameter:外徑 Plot:繪制 1.Project:項目 2.Sample / Specimen:樣本 3.Target:目標Shape:形狀 4.Condition:條件 5.Result:結果 6.Tap:攻牙/水龍頭


英语语调学习资料语调(intonation),即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调高低抑扬轻重的配制和变化。英语的基本语调包括升调(↗)和降调 (↘),它们还可以组合成降升调、升降调和升降升调。用不同的 语调读句子就会有不同的意思。 一、升调和降调 降调:降调的基本含义是“结束”“肯定”。常见的一般陈 述句、命令祈使句和特殊问句都用降调。使用降调的句子有这样的特点: 1、整个句子的音调从第一个重读音节开始,从高到低,依次 递降,在最后一个重读音节上语调滑落下降。 2. 若最后一个重读音节后有非重读音节,则它们的语调地平。 3. 若句子以非重读音节开始,则它们语调低平。 4. 句子中的非重读音与它前面的重读音基本在同一音高,或 略为下降。 快速记忆:重读音节依次递降,句末重读降落下滑。 升调:升调的基本含义是:“没有结束”,“不肯定”。常见的一般疑问句用降调。它的特点是: 1.整个句子的音调从第一个重读音节开始,从高到低,依次递降,在最后一个重读音节上语调上升。 2. 若最后一个重读音节后有非重读音节,则它们依次递升。 3. 若句子以非重读音节开始,则它们语调低平。 4. 句中的非重读音与它前面的重读音基本在同一音高,或依 次降调。 快速记忆:重读音节依次递降,句末重读回升上滑。 英语的语调还有降升调、升降调和升降升调。降升调在英语中也比较常用。它常表示“对比”“态度保留”“有言外之意”。 升降调常表示语气强烈、惊奇、自满得意等感情。 升降升调常表示自信、欢快、洋洋得意等感情。 二、常见句式的语调 (一)陈述句的语调。陈述句表示陈述一件事时用降调。 例: 1. I understand.↘ 2. It’s difficult.↘ 3. Beijing is the capital of China.↘ 4. There is a book on the desk.↘


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.
