

Chapter 9 Intercultural Adaptation

I. Teaching Objectives:

In this chapter, the teacher should enable the students to:

1. understand acculturation and intercultural adaptation

2. understand the definition and modes of acculturation, as well as the factors affecting acculturation.

3. master the definition, symptoms, forms and effects of culture shock.

4. comprehend the definition and stages of intercultural adaptation, which includes the

U-curve and W-curve patterns.

5. develop some strategies for avoiding culture shock and engaging in intercultural


II. Contents

1. Keywords

(1)Acculturation:It refers to an individual’s learning and adapting to the norms and values of the new host culture. (文化适应:文化适应指人们学习和适应新文化的社会规范和价值观念的过程。)

(2)Assimilation:It is a process in which members of an ethnic group are absorbed into the dominant culture, losing their culture in the process. (同化:同化指一个民族群体的人们逐渐失去自己原有的文化,接受新的主流文化的过程。)

(3)Integration: It takes place when some people desire a high level of interaction with the host culture while maintaining identity with their native culture. This kind of acculturation is called integration. (文化融合:文化融合指人们在文化适应过程中高度接受新的主流文化,同时又保留了自己文化的完整性)。

(4)Separation:When individuals prefer low levels of interaction with the host culture and associated microcultural groups while desiring a close connection with, and reaffirmation of, their native culture, the mode of acculturation is called separation. (分离:分离指人们在文化适应过程中对自己原有文化进行重新肯定认同、保留了原有文化,对新的主流文化及与其相关的微观文化不接受不认可)。

(5)Segregation:It occurs when the more politically and economically powerful culture does not want the intercultural contact, the separation is initiated and enforced by the dominant society.


(6)Marginalization:It occurs when the individual chooses not to identify with his or her native culture or with the host culture. (边缘化:边缘化指人们不仅失去自己原有的文化身份,而且无法融入新的主流文化。)

(7)Culture shock: It refers to the traumatic experience that an individual may encounter when

entering a different culture. (文化冲击/文化休克:文化冲击/文化休克指人们在进入一种新文化环境中遭遇的痛苦和难忘的经历。)

(8)Intercultural adaptation: It refers broadly to the process of increasing our level of fitness to meet the demands of a new cultural environment. (跨文化适应:跨文化适应指人们不断提高自己的适应能力,以期达到新文化环境的需要。)

2.Key Points

(1) the definition and modes of acculturation

(2) the definition, symptoms, causes and forms of culture shock

(3) the definition and stages of intercultural adaptation, which includes the U-curve and W-curve


(4) some strategies for avoiding culture shock and engaging in intercultural adaptation

3. Difficult Points

(1) the factors affecting acculturation

(2) effects of culture shock

III. Teaching Methods

1. Pair/Group work

2. Discussion

3. Task-based approach

4. Communicative approach

5. Questions and answers

6. Case analysis

IV. Teaching Procedures

1. Lead-In case: Doubts

Give the students 5 minutes to read the case“Doubts” and consider the questions following the text.

2. Text A Acculturation

a. Presentation: Pre-reading task

Let the students list the positive and negative results if they go abroad, then extend the concept of acculturation.

b. Practice: The explanation of the text and activities

(1) Modes of Acculturation

Let the students skim “Modes of Acculturation” and fill in the diagram

(2) Factors Affecting Acculturation

Let the students skim “Factors Affecting Acculturation” and fill in the chart

Let students analyze the problem in the case “Practicing English”. And then teacher associates the case with Text A.

3. Text B Culture Shock

a. Presentation: Pre-reading task

Let the students do the pre-reading task according to the directions in the textbook.

b. Practice: The explanation of the text and activities

(1) Symptoms of Culture Shock

Let the students read “Symptoms of Culture Shock” and fill in the diagram

Let the students read “Forms of Culture Shock” and fill in the diagram

(3) Effects of Culture Shock

Lead the students to have a discussion on “Effects of Culture Shock”.

Require the students to analyze the case 54 “A Fish Out of Water” by using the intercultural knowledge learned in Text B.

4. Text C Intercultural Adaptation

a. Presentation: Pre-reading task

Let the students think about the difference between culture shock and intercultural adaptation.

b. Practice: The explanation of the text and activities

(1) Definition of Intercultural Adaptation

Lead the students to compare and contrast culture shock and intercultural adaptation.

(2) Stages of Intercultural Adaptation

Let the students go through “Stages of Intercultural Adaptation” and fill in the chart.

c. Production: After-reading check

Require the students to analyze the case 55 “Missing China” by using the intercultural theory learned in Text C.

5. Text D Strategies for Avoiding Culture Shock and Engaging in Intercultural Adaptation

a. Presentation: Pre-reading task

Let students skim this part and then do the role-play in pre-reading task.

b. Practice: The explanation of the text and activities

This part is for students to understand, so the teacher can let students do the autonomous learning.

c. Production: After-reading check

Require the students to analyze the case 56 “Off to a bad start” by using the intercultural knowledge learned in the text D.

V. Assignments

1. Let students do the Checklist and Assessment.

2. Let students do the rest exercises and activities in “After-reading Check” of each text.

3. Review what has been learned and preview the next chapter.

VI . Reference


“文化休克”(Culture shock)一词系Oberg于1960年在他的一篇学术论文中首次使用,概括种种跨文化不适应症,之后广泛流传,如今已经成为人们常用的词汇。据Oberg的看法,文化休克有6个方面的表现:















2. Cultural Notes

(1) Segregation of African Americans(对非洲裔美国人实行的种族隔离制度): The American Legislatures passed Jim Crow laws between 1876 and 1965 to segregate public facilities and services for whites and blacks with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for black Americans. In reality, this led to treatment and accommodations that were usually inferior to those provided for white Americans, causing a number of economic, educational and social disadvantages. Through this law, most blacks in the South could not vote until 1965.(1876—1965年,美国立法机构通过了吉姆·克劳法,以给予黑人一种假定性的“隔离但却平等”的地位为名义,在公共设施和服务方面隔离白人和黑人。事实上,这一举措致使黑人所享受到的待遇和膳宿普遍低于美国白人的标准,这样的差别待遇也造成了一些经济、教育和社会弊端。根据该法案,1965年之前,南方的大多数黑人都不可以投票选举。)

Adapted from https://www.360docs.net/doc/724243345.html,/wiki/Jim_Crow_laws

(2) punks(朋克): Punks were a youth subculture closely associated with punk rock music in the late 1970s. They were in part a reaction to the hippy subculture and their dress was optional but intended to shock and their hair was dyed in bright colors. (朋克是兴起于20世纪70年代后期,与朋克摇滚乐紧密相联的一个年轻的亚文化群体。在某种程度上,朋克是对嬉皮士亚

文化的回应,其穿着很随意,旨在引人注目,此外,他们的头发染成鲜亮的颜色。)Adapted from https://www.360docs.net/doc/724243345.html,

(3) Rastafarians(拉斯特法里派成员): Rastafarian Movement was born in Jamaica, revitalized in Africa, and later introduced in North America. It was organized by Marcus Garvey in the beginning of the 20th century and it sought to organize blacks world wide in order to give them an influential voice in society. Rastafarians are also associated with reggae music from Jamaica and with rasta dreadlocks, a specific hairstyle. (拉斯特法里运动,起源于牙买加,复兴于非洲,后来被介绍到北美洲。这一运动由马科里·加维在20世纪初期组织,旨在团结全世界的黑人,使其在社会上能够表达具有影响力的意见。拉斯特法里派成员通常与来自于牙买加的雷鬼乐和一种特殊的发型,即长发绺,联系起来。)

3. Brief Explanations to the Cases of this Chapter

Case 52:


This case can reflect the problems one may encounter during intercultural adaptation. When an individual enters a new culture, he may first experience excitement. But later more serious problems may come to him. When facing these problems, one may fell anxious and not know how to deal with the present situation. In this case, although Wu Lian has a good command of English, she also faces a lot of learning difficulties due to cultural differences. And besides, she also meets many difficulties in daily life. All these make her feel uncomfortable and stressed. The only way out for her is to learn more knowledge and skills to conquer these hindrances and become successful in intercultural adaptation.

Case 53:

Practicing English

This case can reflect segregation, which occurs because the more politically and economically powerful culture does not want the intercultural contact. In this case, the Chinese girl wants to integrate with the two Western guys. However, the two guys, who may consider themselves as the mainstream culture which is more powerful, refuse to communicate friendly with the Chinese girl. So the Chinese girl is segregated.

Case 54:

A Fish out of Water

This case reflects that the boy is experiencing culture shock, which may bring him some psychological symptoms. Culture shock is virtually a communication problem which involves the depressed feelings accompanying a lack of understanding of the verbal and nonverbal communication of the host culture, its customs, as well as its value systems. Culture shock happens when people have to deal with a huge amount of new perceptual stimuli that are difficult to understand and interpret because the cultural context has changed. In this case, when the American student feels that his familiar cues from his native culture is removed, he becomes to reject the new environment and he displays some psychological symptoms due to culture shock. Case 55:

Missing China!

This case can reflect reverse culture shock. When people return home after an extended stay in a foreign culture, they experience another round of culture shock in their native culture and they must proceed through the four stages of the U-curve pattern once again. In this case, John, whose

comes from Canada, has been living in China for quite a long time and he has got familiar with the Chinese culture. Therefore, when he returns to Canada, he cannot adapt well to his native culture. Case 55:

Off to a Bad Start

This case reflects the importance of developing some strategies for avoiding culture shock and engaging in intercultural adaptation. If we want to overcome culture shock effectively and adapt well and appropriately to the new culture, we must acquire enough knowledge and develop as many skills as possible. In this case, David Hu, who comes from the Eastern culture, does not know that Westerners emphasize privacy, so his behaviors of curiosity just irritate his Western colleague. Therefore, we know that David needs to improve his knowledge of Western culture and develop some strategies for avoiding culture shock and engaging in intercultural adaptation.

Case 56:

Wow! The First Week in Canada

This case can reflect the initial period of intercultural adaptation, the honeymoon or initial euphoria stage. In this stage, people are usually fascinated with the new culture and by the excitement about all the new things they encounter in the host culture. Also people, during this stage, may not easily notice the cultural differences and the potential problems that arise from the cultural differences. In this case, Zhangli is just experiencing the honeymoon stage.


第一章: 1跨文化沟通具有下列哪些特征? A. 是一个比较普遍的现象 B. 仅仅发生在与外国人面对面的交流中 C. 已经有数千年的历史了 D. 是一种常见的生活事件 2. 文化具有下列哪些特征? A. 文化是后天习得的 B. 文化是可以共享的 C文化以符号为基础 D.文化是一种动态过程 3. 你怎样让一个法国人知道你很不耐烦了? A. 拍拍你的嘴唇并且打一个长长的哈欠 B. 无声的模仿吹长笛 C用中指和食指按你的鼻子 B 4. 在Belay的综合性三维度模型中,跨文化敏感性是情感角度的跨文化沟通能力A 对 B错 A 5. 文化意识是指对影响自我、思维和行为的文化有所了解,让人们理解差异性和共同性。 A对 B错 A 第二章: 1?美国的主导文化模式包括下列哪些特征? A. 个人主义 B. 集体主义 C物质主义 D竞争 ACD 2. 根据霍夫斯泰德的价值观维度,以下倾向于个人主义价值观的国家有? A. 美国 B. 澳大利亚 C. 中国 D. 日本 AB 3. 请判断以下观点的对错:每一个个体都拥有多重文化身份,例如种族身份、民族身份、性别身份、地域身份、网络或幻想身份等,这些身份彼此合作,任一身份都是环境的产物。 A对 B错

A 4. 男性气质文化是指大男子主义盛行的文化。 A对 B错 B 5. 开放思维包括个体表达自己的想法,并倾听或接受他人的观点。 A对 B错 A 第三章: 1?在高情境文化中,情境和非言语对理解说话者想要表达的意思非常重要。这个表述是正确的吗? A对 B错 A 2. 在有些文化中,人们更愿意表达自己的情绪,有更丰富的肢体语言,这种文化是: A. 中性文化 B. 感性文化 C高情境文化 D低情境文化 B 3相比于高情境文化中的人,在谈话中,当双方很长一段时间都不说话时,来自低情境文化的人会觉得不舒服。 A对 B错 A 4. 下列关于成就型文化与附属型文化不正确的描述是: A. 在附属型文化中,将一个人身份地位和所属的组织联系起来是很重要的。 B. 在附属型文化中,初次见面的人可能相互问“你学的是什么”、“你从哪里毕业的”。 C成就型文化与附属型文化可以同时存在于一个群体内。 D.成就型文化的管理者总是希望别人能够顺从他。 D 5. 普遍主义文化中的人在管理中强调:(多选) A. 就事论事。 B. 不偏离规则。 C. 因人而异,特殊处理。 D. 制度一旦建立,人人都应该遵守。 ABD 第四章: 1. 以下哪个选项不是文化身份感适应性策略:


1.Iceberg:{Edward. 7. Hall.--标志着“跨文化交流”学科的开始} Culture can be viewed as an iceberg. Nine-tenths of an iceberg is out of sight (below the water line). Likewise, nine-tenths of culture is outside of conscious awareness. The part of the cultural iceberg that above the water is easy to be noticed. The out-of-awareness part is sometimes called “deep culture”. This part of the cultural iceberg is hidden below the water and is thus below the level of consciousness. People learn this part of culture through imitating models. / Above the water: what to eat, how to dress, how to keep healthy;Below the water: belief, values, worldview and lifeview, moral emotion, attitude personalty 2.Stereotype:定型主义 a stereotype is a fixed notion about persons in a certain category, with no distinctions made among individuals. In other words, it is an overgeneralized and oversimplified belief we use to categorize a group of people. 3.Ethnocentrism: 民族中心主义Ethnocentrism is the technical name for the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it. It refers to our tendency to identify with our in-group and to evaluate out-groups and their members according to its standard. 4.Culture:Culture can be defined as the coherent, learned, shared view of group of people about life’s concerns that ranks what is important, furnishes attitudes about what things are appropriate, and dictates behavior. 5.Cultural values: Values inform a member of a culture about what is good and bad, right and wrong, true and false, positive and negative, and the like. Cultural values defines what is worth dying for, what is worth protecting, what frightens people, what are proper subjects for study and for ridicule, and what types of events lead individuals to group solidarity. 6.Worldview: A worldview is a culture’s orientation toward such things as God, nature, life, death, the universe, and other philosophical issues that are concerned with the meaning of life and with “being”. 7.Social Organizations: The manner in which a culture organizes itself is directly related to the institution within that culture. The families who raise you and the goverments with which you associate and hold allegiance to all help determine hoe you perceive the world and how you behave within that world. 8.Globalization: refers to the establishment of a world economy, in which national borders are becoming less and less important as transnational corporations, existing everywhere and nowhere, do business in a global market. https://www.360docs.net/doc/724243345.html,munication: Communication is any behavior that is perceived by others. So it can be verbal and nonverbal, informative or persuasive, frightening or amusing, clear or unclear, purposeful or accidental, communication is our link to the rest of the humanity. It pervades everything we do. 10.Elements of communication process:交流过程的基本原理 (1).context: The interrelated conditions of communication make up what is known as context.


动画的文化传播及跨文化传播策略 摘要: 中西方动画作品中的传播过程都是经历了很长的历史,经受了岁月的沉淀与磨练,在中西方丰 富多彩的动画作品中淋淋尽致地发挥出来。我们了解到,在进行动画的文化传播与跨文化传播时,都会在无形之中给社会文化艺术的发展与延伸创造了必不可少的条件,从而推动了社会文化更好、更快地向世界前行。整体而言,中西方动画作品中的文学艺术的传播形式不尽相同,却是表达着同样的艺术内涵,而大致方向不变。并且动画都是通过文化的传播来达到动画作品的大力宣传,然后供本土及世界的观众来欣赏。下面我们就从几个方面来研究与探讨,如何才能大力地推进动画的文化传播和跨文化传播,进而实现动画文学的全球化。 关键词: 动画;文化传播与跨文化传播;策略;深远影响 无论是中国动画作品,还是西方动画作品艺术,都会在无形之中给人类文化水平的发展提供了 便利的条件,这些都是社会精神文化的产物,能够推动社会的动画艺术,为社会的文化发展创造财富。 尽管中西方动画作品中艺术传播的形式各显神通,不尽相同,却是表达着同样的艺术内涵,同样是运用 动画作品来表达艺术的文化气息,反映出一种社会现象或者是社会环境的缩影,从而让儿童乃至大人认识到文化知识真正的力量,所谓的真善美的真实所在。 一、动画的文化传播与跨文化传播的推动作用 1)由于动画的深入人心,每个人心中或多或少都会有属于自己心中的动画偶像剧,从而使得人们对于简单的动画内容都能够脱口而出,比如说:《熊出没》这部动画的兴起,成为多少儿童心中的所爱,家喻户晓。在平常的生活中,孩子都会模仿其中的话语,进行通话的交流。千万不要觉得这些简单 的话语通俗易懂,就不值得一提,那就大错特错了。因为当你通过看动画而有了这些话语感觉的时候, 说明你对语言的交流有了初步的认识,也就证明你的文化水平有一定的进步。动画的传播和跨文化传播,让我们在潜移默化中学习不同的语言,了解许多简单的跨国文化知识、简单的短语,经过反反复复地 观看,重复地听取,自然而然深入人心,久而久之,达到了文化宣传的效果,看的动画越多,对文化学 习的开展越有利。 2)动画是孩子们的启蒙老师,它会在很大程度上帮助儿童解决这些生活中遇到的简单问题。对于文化交流来说,观看动画让人们在身心愉悦、身临其境的同时轻松地了解各国之间的文化,这个过程既简单又方便,还不需要刻意地去记忆,听多了画面中的描述,自然就刻在脑海中了,至少也会给我们 留下深刻的印象,对动画化传播起着至关重要的作用。就比如我们自己,在日常生活中,总会在不经意

跨文化交际案例分析 (1)

材料:中国学生王兰去美国留学,她到美国发现,老师的穿着比较随便,上课的时候经常坐在桌子上。老师上课时很少自己讲授而是提出问题让同学们讨论,作报告。她的美国同学也不像中国学生对老师那样尊重,不但直呼其名甚至会和老师争论的面红耳赤。王兰对老师的教学方法非常不适应,轮到她作报告时她经常觉得非常不好意思,因为老师和同学总是盯着她的眼睛看她。在讨论时她的美国同学经常要提出问题,甚至和她争论。这让她觉得她的美国同学对她有敌意,很不友好。 答:总体来说,该材料所反映的是由于中西文化差异而产生的文化冲突,并出现跨文化交际的障碍,造成跨文化交际的失败。 一、问题1:认识上的误区。不同文化背景的人在交际过程中最容易犯的一个毛病是误 以为对方与自己没什么两样。中国学生王兰去美国留学,她到美国发现, 老师的穿着比较随便,上课的时候经常坐在桌子上。老师上课很少自己讲 授而是提出问题让学生们讨论、作报告。 分析1:王兰认为,在中国教师表现出为人师表的形象,庄重,严肃,言谈举止中常带有教师的尊严,从着装上也比较讲究传统,正派,师生关系相对比较融洽,但 是界线比较清楚,课堂纪律严明,要求学生认真听讲,认真记,老师提问,学 生回答,学生不会主动回答问题或者自由发表自己对某个问题的看法。这是由 于王兰把中国的文化规范误认为是他人也接受的文化规范。正是因为这样,加 上缺乏跨文化意识和跨文化交际的经验,所以出现认识上的误区这一障碍。 解决1:认为别人与自己大致相同的想法十分自然,但是对于跨文化交际来说是有害的。 在进行跨文化交际的过程中,必须不断提醒自己人们有着不同的文化背景,迥 异的习俗。必须学会观察异国文化,善于与自己的文化对比,才能逐步提高自 己的跨文化意识。 二、问题2:民族中心主义。她的美国同学也不像中国学生对老师那样尊重,不但直呼其名 甚至会和老师争论的面红耳赤。 分析2:所谓民族中心主义就是按照本民族文化的观念和标准去理解和衡量其他民族文化中的一切。王兰觉得中国“尊师重道”的行为规范才是正确师生关系的表现。 而美国学生的直呼其名和与老师争论是不尊重老师的表现,这是出于民族中心 主义而对其他民族文化进行不准确的概括所形成的“文化成见”的影响。 解决2:尊重不同文化,这是对待任何一种文化应有的最基本的态度。各民族文化尤其是主流文化,都反映该民族的历史和特点,是其民族智慧的结晶。美国学生如 此表现并不像王兰所认为的那样不尊重老师,而是在美国文化中崇尚个人的“独 立”“自由”精神,美国师生关系讲求的是一种自由平等的交流方式,进而营造 出轻松愉悦的课堂气氛。 三、问题3:文化休克。王兰对老师的教学方法非常不适应,轮到她作报告时她经常觉得非 常不好意思,因为老师和同学总是盯着她的眼睛看她。在讨论时她的美国同学 经常要提出问题,甚至和她争论。这让她觉得她的美国同学对她有敌意,很不 友好。 分析3:文化休克指在非本民族环境中生活或学习的人,由于文化冲突和不适应而产生的深度焦虑的精神症状。王兰对老师的教学方法非常不适应,而且觉得周围的美 国同学对她有敌意,很不友好。这正是由于进入另一个文化环境在学习生活中带 来的一系列有负面影响的事件,而在心理上产生焦虑,在情绪上不安定,甚至沮 丧。 解决3:理解与适应目的语文化。尊重其他民族文化是第一步,对跨文化交际所面对的


考试需知:考试前每一列学生把课本放在第一排。考试时间为2.5个小时,试卷1为闭卷考试,前面40分钟用于完成试卷1。待老师收上试卷1后,发下课本,学生做试卷2,试卷2 为开卷考试。可携带纸质词典进考场,不许携带电子词典及手机进考场。 Test Paper 1 Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.Generally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.Generally speaking, in terms of world views, the West adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopt s holistic view 3.Generally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius,


2016年春季跨文化传播期末考试 共五道题,第一题15分,第二题25分,第三题20分,第四题15分,第五题25分,满分100,鼓励参考课件、笔记、节选教材、参考资料以及其它(网上)资料,也可以互相讨论,但答案内容,如措辞表达和例证论述,必须用自己的语言,绝对不能与其他同学雷同,也不能从网上或其它任何文本粘贴和照抄任何内容,否则按零分计算。 请合理利用3小时时限,在今晚22:00前发到haibindong@https://www.360docs.net/doc/724243345.html,。 请将此文档另存为(请不要空格):学号姓名广告IC期末 邮件主题应与文档标题相同。 一、简答题(共15分) 老子《道德经》33章与我们所说的“文化智慧”有何联系。 答:分析一个事物与另一个事物之间的联系,最起码也是最基本的是要搞清楚这两个事物自身的含义才能讨论这二者之间的关系,所以解答这个问题最先要阐释《道德经》第33章和“文化智慧”的含义。 《道德经》第33章原文是这样的:「知人者智,自知者明;胜人者有力,自胜者强;知足者富,强行者有志;不失其所者久,死而不亡者寿。」简单翻译一下就是:能够了解别人是一种智慧,能够了解自己是聪明。能战胜别人是有力量的,能战胜自己才算刚强。知道满足的人是富有的人。坚持力行、努力不懈的就是有志气的。 不丧失本心的人就能长久不衰,身虽死而“道”仍存的,才算真正的长寿。 文化智慧在我所理解的范畴下是一种在语言非语言以及人际传播环境中的通过文化来展现出的智慧。 知人者智,是表现出人在社会中拥有的人际技能,了解别人,是一种所需要掌握的大众的社群文化,帮助人们处理好各种社会关系,在建设性互动中建立起信任尊重的关系。胜人者有力表现出文化身份的一个显性的力度。是个体性的表现。自知者明和自胜者强是自我觉悟的表现,通过自行自控来了解自己,战胜自己,拥有自尊和自信并且做到自我认同。知足者富展现了一个人的自控性,表达出人的一种觉悟,一种文化觉悟以及自我批评的意味。剩下的话语基本放映的都是文化的精神性,表达一种人所需要的意识形态,拥有的信仰决定这个人的生活状态,生活属性,良好的道德品质可以带给人们比生存更大的意义,达到超验。 所以,不论是道德经也好,文化智慧也好,都在告诉人们生活以及做人的道理,告诉我们如何把生存变成生活,通过对自我的认知以及觉悟使自己变成一个更加优秀的人,增加自己生命的意义和价值。努力变成像鲁迅先生一样的那种:“有的人死了,他还活着。”的那种人。 二、简答题(共25分) 谈谈你对文化身份认同复杂性的理解。 答:文化身份通常来讲是某一特定的文化所具有的,同时也是某一具体的民族与生俱来的一系列特征。这是百度百科所给出的文化身份的解释。不同的文化当然就存在文化身份认同的问题。 文化身份认同中首先存在自我身份的问题,即self concepts 个人自我人认识自我觉悟的不同层次不同阶段导致在同一圈层中的个体自我和个成员身份存在差异,以及人的主管


浅谈跨文化广告的传播策略 [摘要]随着中国经济日益融入国际经济大循环,“如何进行跨文化广告传播”是当今中国广告界乃至企业界面临的一个迫切需要解决的大课题,它的解决需要广告界和教育界,不断地从实践中操作摸索。本文就跨文化广告传播中存在的一些问题及相关广告策略进行探讨。 [关键词]文化差异广告策略跨文化传播 文化的发展一直呈现出一种多元化的特点,尤其在全球经济一体化的背景下,广告传播对文化的影响日益显著。跨文化传播顾名思义就是指两个不同文化背景的群体之间信息传播与交流活动,广告跨文化传播是指广告信息在不同文化域之间的运动,其研究范围是文化相异对广告传播效果的影响。由于跨文化广告的传播受多种因素的影响,比如东西方文化差异,宗教信仰与风俗习惯的差异,语言的局限性,广告创意水平与广告传播效果,广告本土化与全球化的冲突等。故研究跨文化广告的传播策略就显得尤为重要。 一、广告的“本土化思维与行动”策略 实践证明,广告的全球化思维战略难以在具体的本土化行动中产生满意的效果,亦不能适应当今多极化广告的发展,而惟一的出路也就只有将全球化广告置于“本土化思维与行动”之中,融入到当地文化的广告诉求之中,才能将国际化的产品与本土消费习惯有机结合,并

说服本土消费者去接受全球化产品。因此,近年来许多全球性大广告 公司的本土化策略正在逐渐发生变化,由以前的全球化思维策略,转 变为广告的“本土化思维与行动”策略。当然这种策略转变并不是说 国际大广告公司放弃了全球化的。 二、文化互动广告策略 广告宣传中积极主动地利用文化融合,实现文化互动,可以有效地 占领目标消费市场。具有不同文化背景的受众对同一广告内容会有不 同感受和解释,同样的广告在不同的国家和地区会产生不同的宣传效果。由此可见,联想意义是不稳定的,它可能会因每个人的经历不同 而变化。只有深入了解异语国家的风俗习惯,才能做到有的放矢,打 开心灵之门。美国的麦当劳快餐店广告总是携带着美国文化,遍布全球,但麦当劳在不同国家有不同菜单。这种融合两种文化优势的原则 在广告中同样很重要,一方面要有本民族文化特色才能吸引受众,另 一方面适应受众文化才能被接受。 三、在跨文化广告传播中“要随机应变调整广告诉求点和表现形式” 由于各个国家的文化传统和所处的地理位置都不相同“对广告的接 受和理解方式也是大相径庭的,这就要求我们在进行广告跨文化传播 中不能一概而论”而应该针对不同国家消费者的心理和喜好制作适 合的广告,这样才能引起目标消费者的共鸣。美国的“万宝路”香烟 广告在美国展现的一直都是粗犷,充满男性气的牛仔形象在荒凉西部 驰骋的场景。在香港,“万宝路”广告就把牛仔形象换成了衣着高雅, 时尚新潮的成功中产阶级形象,才成功地打开销路。


第一章: 1.跨文化沟通具有下列哪些特征? A.是一个比较普遍的现象 B.仅仅发生在与外国人面对面的交流中 C.已经有数千年的历史了 D.是一种常见的生活事件 ACD 2.文化具有下列哪些特征? A.文化是后天习得的 B.文化是可以共享的 C.文化以符号为基础 D.文化是一种动态过程 A,B,C,D 3.你怎样让一个法国人知道你很不耐烦了? A.拍拍你的嘴唇并且打一个长长的哈欠 B.无声的模仿吹长笛 C.用中指和食指按你的鼻子 B 4.在Belay的综合性三维度模型中,跨文化敏感性是情感角度的跨文化沟通能力。 A.对 B错 A 5.文化意识是指对影响自我、思维和行为的文化有所了解,让人们理解差异性和共同性。 A.对 B.错 A 第二章: 1.美国的主导文化模式包括下列哪些特征? A.个人主义 B.集体主义 C.物质主义 D.竞争 ACD 2.根据霍夫斯泰德的价值观维度,以下倾向于个人主义价值观的国家有? A.美国 B.澳大利亚 C.中国 D.日本

AB 3.请判断以下观点的对错:每一个个体都拥有多重文化身份,例如种族身份、民族身份、性别身份、地域身份、网络或幻想身份等,这些身份彼此合作,任一身份都是环境的产物。 A.对 B.错 A 4.男性气质文化是指大男子主义盛行的文化。 A.对 B.错 B 5.开放思维包括个体表达自己的想法,并倾听或接受他人的观点。 A.对 B.错 A 第三章: 1.在高情境文化中,情境和非言语对理解说话者想要表达的意思非常重要。这个表述是正确的吗? A.对 B.错 A 2.在有些文化中,人们更愿意表达自己的情绪,有更丰富的肢体语言,这种文化是: A.中性文化 B.感性文化 C.高情境文化 D.低情境文化 B 3.相比于高情境文化中的人,在谈话中,当双方很长一段时间都不说话时,来自低情境文化的人会觉得不舒服。 A.对 B.错 A 4.下列关于成就型文化与附属型文化不正确的描述是: A.在附属型文化中,将一个人身份地位和所属的组织联系起来是很重要的。 B.在附属型文化中,初次见面的人可能相互问“你学的是什么”、“你从哪里毕业的”。 C.成就型文化与附属型文化可以同时存在于一个群体内。 D.成就型文化的管理者总是希望别人能够顺从他。 D


定义题 1. What is “intercultural communication”? P6 refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. There are three kinds of things you need to learn if you want to be able to communicate effectively with Westerners. First, you need to learn a foreign language, usually English. Second, you should learn as much as possible about Western cultures. However, studying English language and Western culture is not enough. You should also learn something about what happens when people from different cultures try to communicate with each other —in other words, "intercultural communication." 2.What is a culture? P13 A culture is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 3.What are stereotypes?P13 Stereotypes means very broad generalizations such as “British people are polite,”“Americans are friendly”, and so forth. It is a derogatory word. It means that image, idea, character that has become fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality and is therefore false and shallow. Stereotypes may have a basis in fact, but they are too broad and shallow, and they give us the mistaken idea that a people’s culture can be summed up easily in a few short , simple statements. Stereotypes are also dangerous because they may trick us into believing that knowing a few stereotypes is the same thing as understanding another culture. 4.What does “interpretation” means?P24 A very important aspect of intercultural communication is “interpretation”, t he process of deciding what foreigners’ words and actions mean and why they do what they do. For example, when Xiao Li tries to understand why the taxi driver asked for so much money, she is “interpreting” his behavior. 5.I n dividualist p32 Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others. 6.Collectivist P32 Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Most Asian cultures, including China's, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of



Test Paper Ⅰ. Filling the blanks: 1.G enerally speaking, in terms of contextuality, the communication in the West is low-contextual while that in the East is high-contextual 2.G enerally speaking, in terms of world views, the We st adopts Dualistic view, while the East adopts holistic view 3.G enerally speaking, in terms of thought patterns, the West follows Analytic and abstract thinking, while the East follows synthetic and concrete thinking 4.Generally speaking, in terms of discourse patterns, the West uses Deductive pattern, while the East uses inductive pattern 5In the Axial Age, the great thinkers in China are Confucius, Lao Tze, Mo Tze, and the great thinker in India is Siddhartha Gautama, the great figure in Palestine are Hebrew prophets, and the great thinkers in the West are Plato, Homer and Archimedes Ⅱ. Choose the best answer: 1.Non-verbal messages are classified into two comprehensive categories: those that are primarily produced by the body, such as_________,________,_______; and those that the individual combines with the setting, such as _______, _______, _______.D A.physical contact, eye contact, paralanguage; space, time, man B.facial expression, touch, taste; space, time, silence C.appearance, movement, gesture; surrounding, occasion, man D.movement, smell, paralanguage; space, time, silence 2.In Chinese writing, there are usually more adjectives, proverbs and allusions than in English writing. Some Western scholars name this style “flowery”, stating that its aim is to give a more fanciful impression than information, and the information is usually of beauty, fragrance, happiness, and any other “goodness”aspects so as to attract people. We may term this style as_______-oriented. Western writing is more direct with objective inform ation. To them, much-repeated words may mean less after a while. We may term the Western writing as ________-oriented.C A. adjective, objective B. Chinese, Western C. impression, information C. indirect, direct 3. As to the human nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.B A. basically good; basically bad B. evil but perfectible, basically good C. the mixture of good and evil; the mixture of good and evil; D. unknown 4. As to the Man-Nature orientation, the traditional Western belief holds that _______, while the Asian people believe that_______.D A. subjugation to nature; harmony with nature B. harmony with nature; mastery over nature


电影的跨文化传播分析 跨文化传播指的是来自不同文化背景的个体、群体或组织之间进行的交流活动。影视作为大众文化的一种载体,在向人们提供感官娱乐、精神审美的同时,也在不知不觉间传递着自己民族的文化,潜移默化中影响甚至支配着人们的价值观、精神状态、人生态度等,是一种非常重要的跨文化传播手段。 一、以《花木兰》和《功夫熊猫》为例分析美国电影中的中国文化 《花木兰》和《功夫熊猫》两部电影中都包含许多中国元素,但是由这些中国元素构成的动画电影却蕴含着美国风情。 《花木兰》中,花木兰虽然有着细眉、丹凤眼、樱桃小嘴和瓜子脸,但是从整体上看却不像“中国人”。木兰一出场就穿着吊带背心和齐膝短裤,与保守的中国形象相去甚远。另外,影片虽然注意到龙对于中国的特殊意义,但却把中国龙设计成无厘头的木须,一只除了说大话以外什么都不会的干瘪动物。花家的祠堂里不但供奉着女性祖先,而且设在一个开放的亭子内,不但谁都可以进,甚至连一只狗都能在里面捣乱。祖先在祠堂议事的格局俨然就是西方的圆桌会议。每个人都在喋喋不休,现场显得混乱不堪,一个家族会议失去了它应有的凝重、严肃。虽然对中国观众而言,这个木兰“太美国化”了,但是观众在觉得诧异的同时也在渐渐接受这部影片。中美两国的文化就在这样的过程中相互影响渗透,达到互相影响与促进的作用。 在《功夫熊猫》中,熊猫阿宝是鸭子的儿子,吃面条长大,成天做着英雄的梦,却又好吃、懒惰。中国功夫讲究内外兼修,既有刚健雄美的外形,更有典雅深邃的内涵。但是在《功夫熊猫》中,所谓的功夫更多是倾向于实战的“美国功夫”。每逢格斗的时候,我们除了看到几只动物以高速移动来博取胜利之外,几乎看不到任何招式。乌龟大师口中经常出现许多哲理,听似简单,实则意蕴深远。但是《功夫熊猫》真正理解中国的道家思想吗?道家主张清静无为,道法自然。当熊猫打开天书时,发现里面什么都没有。这一桥段的设置,貌似符合了道家的“无为”思想。但是熊猫阿宝从龙之典上得到的启示是“相信自己”。当太郎发现龙之典里什么都没有的时候非常愤怒,阿宝反而安慰他说没关系,他第一次打开的时候也没有领悟,而且他还告诉太郎,没有什么绝密的奥义,而只是你自己。《功夫熊猫》中有熊猫、功夫、道家语言、金元宝、山庄布置、碗筷、福字等等一系列中国元素,然而在这华丽的元素外表下,蕴含的是美国“相信自己”的精神。相对于《花木兰》而言,《功夫熊猫》将中国元素与美国文化结合的更为精致。这也是《花木兰》一直没有在中国获得市场而《功夫熊猫》却在中国获得高票房的一个原因。 二、以《卧虎藏龙》为例分析电影的跨文化传播 《卧虎藏龙》中充溢着中国文化的典型符号:京鼓、琵琶、二胡、笛汇成的东方天籁,江湖侠士,神奇玄妙的中国武术等等。然而影片着意表现的并非是表象上的东方文化奇观,而是更为内在的对中国传统文化和伦理道德的反思。《卧虎藏龙》的片民隐喻着人性中奔放和隐忍的两面性,影片分别提供了典型的东方气质人物李慕白和西方气质的人物玉蛟龙。李慕白这个角色承载了中国古典文化的侠义精神,他修为高深,沉稳大气,重情重义,深受传统礼节的束缚,对个人感情一味隐忍克制,而玉蛟龙则敢爱敢恨,蔑视江湖权威与世俗成规,追求自由生活。这一人物的创造,很大程度上尊重了西方文化崇尚的主体精神和个人本位。影片通过人物展现了感情与道德伦理、个人欲望与江湖道义、生命冲动与心灵自


Final Assessment Part 1 True or False (20%) 1. It is possible to communicate without talking to anyone else. A. true√ B. false 2. Communication is defined in your text as the deliberate or accidental transfer of meaning. A. true B. false√ 3. A distracting odor is an example of noise. A. true B. false√ 4. An effect of communication would more likely be emotional than intellectual or physical. A. true B. false√ 5. Culture is the lens through which you view the world. A. true B. false√ 6. “I” may be most important in individualistic countries. A. true√ B. false 7. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to see your culture as superior. A. true√ B. false 8. Individual goals are stressed in collectivistic cultures. A. true B. false√ 9. Listening to music on an iPod or watching a movie are examples of appreciative listening. A. true√ B. false
