
专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1.WhichofthefollowingisNOTapartofspeech?A.NounB.AdjectiveC.PrepositionD.Verbphrase2.Choosethecorrectformoftheverbinparentheses. He______(go)tothelibraryeveryday.A.goesB.goingC.goneD.go3.Whatisthepastsimpletenseof'write'?A.WriteB.WroteC.WrittenD.Writed4.Whichsentenceisinthepassivevoice?A.Thecatchasedthemouse.B.Themousewaschasedthecat.C.Themousechasedthecat.D.Thecatischasingthemouse.5.Whatistheoppositeof'expensive'?A.CheapB.CostlyC.ExpensiveD.Pricey二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1.Averbisawordthatdescribesanactionorstate.(T/F)2.'Run','running','ran','runs'areallformsoftheverb'run' .(T/F)3.Anadjectiveisawordthatdescribesanoun.(T/F)4.'Quickly'isanadverbthatmodifiesaverb.(T/F)5.'Thesunsetsintheeast'isanexampleofasimile.(T/F)三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1.A(n)______isawordthatconnectswords,phrases,orclauses.2.Thepastparticipleof'eat'is______.3.'Shesings______,butshedances______.'(well/well)4.Theoppositeof'hot'is______.5.'I______(see)amovielastnight.'(pastsimple)四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1.Whatisaconjunction?Giveanexample.2.Whatisthedifferencebetween'affect'and'effect'?3.Whatisthepresentperfecttense,andwhendoweuseit?4.Whatisareflexivepronoun?Giveanexample.5.Whatisthedifferencebetweenasimileandametaphor?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1.Choosethecorrectwordtopletethesentence:'I______(like/ likes)toreadbooks.'2.Convertthesentencetothepassivevoice:'Theteachertaught thestudents.'3.Findtheerrorinthesentenceandcorrectit:'Hedon'tlikeapp les.'4.Choosethecorrectformoftheverbtopletethesentence:'They ______(play)socceryesterday.'5.Choosethecorrectformoftheadjectivetopletethesentence: 'Thisbookis______(interest)thanthatone.'六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1.Analyzethefollowingsentence:'Thesunwassetting,pntingt heskyinshadesoforangeandpink.'Identifythesubject,verb,andan yobjectsormodifiers.2.Explnthedifferencebetween'Ididnotseethemovie'and'Ihav enotseenthemovie.'七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1.Writeasentenceusingthefutureperfecttense.2.Createasimileusingtheword'fast'.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1.Designaclassroomactivitytopracticethepresentcontinuou stense.2.Createaworksheetforteachingthedifferencebetween'there ','their',and'they're'.3.Planarole-playactivitytopracticemakingrequestsinEngli sh.4.Developareadingprehensionexercisebasedonashortstory.5.Writeadialogueforpracticinggivingdirectionsinacity.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)1.Explntheconceptofdirectspeechandindirectspeech.2.Definetheterm'phrasalverb'andgiveanexample.3.Whatisagerund,andhowisitusedinasentence?4.Explnthedifferencebetween'advice'and'advise'.5.Whatisaconditionalsentence,andhowmanytypesarethere?十、思考题(每题2分,共10分)1.HowcanstudentsimprovetheirlisteningskillsinEnglish?2.Whatstrategiescanbeusedtohelpstudentsremembernewvocab ulary?3.Howcanteachersmakegrammarlessonsmoreengagingforstuden ts?4.WhatarethebenefitsofusingtechnologyintheEnglishclassr oom?5.Howcanstudentspracticetheirspeakingskillsoutsideofthe classroom?十一、社会扩展题(每题3分,共15分)1.DiscusstheimportanceoflearningEnglishinaglobalizedwor ld.2.HowcanEnglishbeusedtopromoteculturalexchangeandunders tanding?3.WhatroledoesEnglishplayininternationalbusinessanddipl omacy?4.Howhastechnology,suchastheinternetandsocialmedia,affe ctedthewaypeoplelearnanduseEnglish?5.Discussthechallengesfacednon-nativeEnglishspeakerswhe nlearningthelanguage,andhowthesechallengescanbeovere.一、选择题答案1.D2.A3.B4.B5.A二、判断题答案1.T2.T3.T4.T5.F三、填空题答案1.Conjunction2.Eaten3.Singwell,dancewell4.Cold5.Saw四、简答题答案1.Aconjunctionisawordthatconnectswords,phrases,orclause s.Example:'and'2.'Affect'isaverbthatmeanstoinfluenceormakeadifferencet osomething,while'effect'isanounthatreferstoaresultoroute.3.Thepresentperfecttenseisusedtodescribeanactionorstate thatstartedinthepastandcontinuestothepresent,oranactionthat happenedatanunspecifiedtimebeforenow.Example:'Ihavelivedint hiscityfortenyears.'4.Areflexivepronounisapronounthatrefersbacktothesubject ofthesentence.Example:'Icanseemyselfinthemirror.'5.Asimileisafigureofspeechthatparestwounlikethingsusing thewords'like'or'as',whileametaphorisafigureofspeechthatpar estwounlikethingswithoutusing'like'or'as'.Exampleofsimile:' Herunslikethewind.'Exampleofmetaphor:'Heisthelightofmylife. '五、应用题答案1.Like2.Thestudentsweretaughttheteacher.3.Hedoesn'tlikeapples.4.Played5.Moreinteresting六、分析题答案1.Subject:Thesun,Verb:wassetting,Modifiers:pntingthesky inshadesoforangeandpink.2.'Ididnotseethemovie'referstoaspecificpointinthepastwh entheactiondidnothappen,while'Ihavenotseenthemovie'refersto thepresentmomentandtheactionhasnothappenedatanytimebeforeno w.七、实践操作题答案1.Bynextyear,Iwillhavefinishedmystudies.2.Herunsasfastasacheetah.一、选择题:考察学生对英语语法基础知识的掌握,包括词性、动词时态、被动语态等。

/'aɪðə/ , / 'iːðə
( )

1 Plase speak loudy(大声);I can`t h you..2 Let`t go to the shop.I want to b some food and drink.3 Can you s me a postcard?4 David`s mother is d a new car on the street.Do you see?5 Please c me this morning .My phone number is 6261261.6 Beijing l in the nouth of China.7 There are many new houses and s alongs the street.8 I`m going to d to Beijing tomorrow ,but my car is broken.9 It was Tony`s birthday party last night.We all had a good t at the party.10 I buy a newspaper and w for the train .It is 9:00 until the train arrives.11 He is (躺)in the shade of the tree.12 Thank you f your postcard at the festival.13 The p is quite good .I`d like to meet friends and have a drink here.14 In the morning ,first I get d ,then, have breakfast.15 They are taking lots of p on the Great Wall.16 We are visiting the City(紫禁城).二用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。

初中一年级下册英语单词Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1. guitar [gɪˈtɑː(r)] n. 吉他。
2. sing [sɪŋ] v. 唱歌。
3. swim [swɪm] v. & n. 游泳。
4. dance [dɑːns] v. 跳舞;n. 舞蹈。
5. draw [drɔː] v. 画。
6. chess [tʃes] n. 国际象棋。
7. play chess 下国际象棋。
8. speak [spiːk] v. 说(某种语言);说话。
9. speak English 说英语。
10. join [dʒɔɪn] v. 参加;加入。
11. club [klʌb] n. 俱乐部;社团。
12. be good at... 擅长于……13. tell [tel] v. 讲述;告诉。
14. story [ˈstɔːri] n. 故事;小说。
15. write [raɪt] v. 写作;写字。
16. show [ʃəʊ] n. 演出;节目;v. 给……看;展示。
17. or [ɔː(r)] conj. 或者;也不(用于否定句)18. talk [tɔːk] v. & n. 说话;交谈。
19. talk to... 跟……说。
20. kung fu [ˌkʌŋˈfuː] n. (中国)功夫。
Unit 2 What time do you go to school?1. up [ʌp] adv. 向上。
2. get up 起床;站起。
3. dress [dres] v. 穿衣服;n. 连衣裙。
4. get dressed 穿上衣服。
5. brush [brʌʃ] v. 刷;刷净;n. 刷子。
6. tooth [tuːθ] n. (pl. teeth [tiːθ]) 牙齿。
7. brush one's teeth 刷牙。
8. shower [ˈʃaʊə(r)] n. & v. 淋浴;n. 淋浴器(间)9. take a shower 洗淋浴。

专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. The correct form of "do" in the sentence "They _______ their homework every day." is _______.A. doB. doesC. doingD. did2. Which of the following is NOT a question word?A. WhatB. WhoC. BecauseD. Where3. The past tense of "go" is _______.A. goedB. goseC. wentD. gone4. The opposite of "expensive" is _______.A. cheapB. costlyC. dearD. luxury5. He _______ to the library every weekend.A. goB. goesC. goingD. went二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. "He don't like apples" is a correct sentence. ( )2. "How old are you?" is a yesorno question. ( )3. "I am watching TV" is in the past tense. ( )4. "She is a teacher" and "She is like a teacher" mean the same. ( )5. "I have a pen" and "I have a pencil" are both correct. ( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. My mother _______ (cook) dinner every evening.2. _______ is your favorite color?3. They _______ (go) to the movies last night.4. I _______ (do) my homework after dinner.5. The sun _______ (rise) in the east.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the past tense of "eat"?2. How do you spell "dictionary"?3. What is the opposite of "hot"?4. Can you give an example of a yesorno question?5. What is the correct form of "they" in the sentence "_______ are students"?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. Rewrite the sentence in past tense: "She buys a new book."2. Change the sentence into a question: "He can swim."3. Fill in the blank with the correct form of "be": "They _______ happy."4. Correct the sentence: "He don't like apples."5. Give the plural form of "box".六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. Read the following conversation and answer the questions:A: What did you do yesterday?B: I _______ (go) to the park with my friends.Questions:(1) What is the correct form of "go" in the blank?(2) Is the question a yesorno question? Why?2. Read the sentence and answer the questions: "She is reading a book."(1) What is the main verb in the sentence?(2) What tense is the sentence in?七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. Write a short dialogue between two friends talking about their weekend plans.2. Write a paragraph describing your favorite subject and why you like it.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. Design a simple dialogue between a student and a teacher discussing the student's progress in English.2. Create a vocabulary list of 10 adjectives and provide one sentence for each word to show its meaning.3. Construct a short story using at least 5 past tense verbs and 3 question words.4. Outline a lesson plan for teaching the present continuous tense, including an activity for practice.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)1. Explain the difference between "a" and "an" in English grammar.2. Define the term "adverb" and give three examples.3. What is a gerund and how is it used in a sentence?4. Explain the concept of "subjectverb agreement" with an example.十、思考题(每题2分,共10分)1. How can learning English improve your future career opportunities?2. Why is it important to learn different tenses in English?3. Discuss the benefits of using English as a global language.4. How can you effectively memorize new English vocabulary words?5. What strategies can you use to improve your listening skills in English?十一、社会扩展题(每题3分,共15分)1. Research a famous Englishspeaking author and write a brief biography, including their most famous works.2. Describe a cultural event from an Englishspeaking country and explain its significance.3. Compare and contrast the education systems in the United States and the United Kingdom.4. Write a short essay on the influence of social media on the English language.1. B2. C3. C4. A5. B二、判断题答案1. ×2. ×3. ×4. ×5. √三、填空题答案1. cooks2. What3. went4. do5. rises四、简答题答案1. The past tense of "eat" is "ate".2. Dictionary3. Cold4. Example: "Is she a teacher?"5. They1. She bought a new book.2. Can he swim?3. They are happy.4. He doesn't like apples.5. Boxes六、分析题答案1. (1) went(2) No, it is not a yesorno question because it is asking for information about an action in the past.2. (1) The main verb is "is reading".(2) The sentence is in the present continuous tense.七、实践操作题答案(略)1. 语法知识:涵盖了动词时态(过去时、现在进行时)、名词单复数、主谓一致、疑问词的用法等。

初中一年级英文单词表初中一年级英文单词表 1guitar.吉他sing.唱;唱歌swim游泳dance.跳舞;舞蹈draw.画chess.国际象棋play chess 下国际象棋speak.说;说话speak English 说英语join参加;加入club.俱乐部;社团be good at… 擅长于……tell讲述;告诉story故事;小说write.写作,写字show.演出;表演展示or conj.或者talk说话;谈话talk to … 跟……说kungfu(中国)功夫drum鼓play the drums 敲鼓piano.钢琴play the piano 弹钢琴violin小提琴play the violin 拉小提琴also adv也;而且people人;人们 home 家,活动本部adv到家;在家be good with… 善于应付……的;对……有办法make使成为;制造make friends 结交朋友today adv.在今天help with在某方面帮助(某人)center(=centre)中心,中央weekend.周末on the weekend. (在)周末teach教,讲授musician音乐家Lisa 莉萨(女名)Jill 吉尔(女名)Peter 彼得(男名)up adv 向上get up 起床;站起dress穿衣服.连衣裙get dressed 穿上衣服brush刷刷净.刷子tooth n.(pl. teeth)牙齿shower n.v淋浴;淋浴器(间)take a shower 洗淋浴usually adv.通常地;一般地forty num.四十Wow intery.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀never adv从不;绝不early adv. adj早(的)fifty num.五十job 工作;职业work工作station.电视台;车站radio station 广播电台oclock adv.(表示整点)…点钟night n.晚上;夜晚funny奇怪的;滑稽好笑的exercise锻炼;练习on weekends. (在)周末best最好的(地)half.一半,半数past prep.晚于;过(时间)adj.过去的quarter 一刻钟;四分之一homework家庭作业do homework 做作业run 跑;奔clean打扫;弄干净;adj干净的walk.行走;步行take a walk 散步走一走quickly adv很快地either adv或者;也(用在否定词组后)Either…or ……要么……要么……;或者……或者……lot pron. 大量;许多lots of 大量;许多sometimes adv.有时taste有…的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味Life 生活,生命Rick 里克(男名)Jim吉姆(男名)Scott斯科特(男名)Tony 托尼(男名)初中一年级英文单词表 21. Starter2. good adj.好的;令人满意的3. morning n.早晨;上午4. good morning早上好!5. hi int.;嗨6. hello int.喂7. HB=heavy barrel; abbr. (铅笔芯)硬黑8. CD n.光盘9. BBC英国广播公司10. afternoon n.下午11. Good afternoon中午好!12. evening n.晚上;黄昏13. good evening晚上好!14. How adv怎样;怎么;如何15. are v.是16. you pron.你;你们17. How are you你(身体)好吗i. pron我18. am v.是19. Im =I am我是20. fine adj.好的21. thanks; int.22.谢谢23. ok int.24.好;不错25. name n.名字26. list n.名单;列表27. Alice艾丽丝(女)28. Bob鲍勃(男)29. Cindy辛蒂(女)30. Dale戴尔(男)31. Eric埃里克(男)32. Frank弗兰克(男)33. Grace格雷斯(女)34. Helen海伦(女)35. what pron. (疑问代词)什么;什么样的人(或事物)36. is v.是37. whats =what is38. this adj. pron.这;这个39. in prep.表示表达方式、手段)用;以40. English. n.英语41. an art. (元音前)一个(只,把)42. it pron.它43. its= it is44. map n.地图45. orange n.橘子46. jacket n.茄克衫47. key n.钥匙48. quilt n.被子49. pen n.钢笔50. ruler n直尺51. P=parking abbr.停车(区)52. NBA = abbr. (美国)全国篮球协会53. kg=kilogram n.;千克54. spell v拼写;拼字55. please. v请56. color n.色;颜色57. red adj.红(色)的58. yellow adj.黄(色)的59. green adj.绿(色)的60. blue adj.蓝(色)的61. black adj.黑(色)的62. white adj.白(色)的63. and conj.和;又;而且64. UFO abbr.不明飞行物65. CCTV abbr.中央电视台66. UN=United Nations abbr.联合国67. the art.定冠词68. Unit 169. my pron.我的70. name n.名字71. is v.是72. names=name is73. clock n.时钟74. I pron.我75. am v.是76. Im=I am我是77. nice a.好的;令人愉快的78. to part..79. meet v.遇见;相逢80. you pron.你;你们81. what pron.82. whats=what is83. your pron.你的;你们的84. hello int.(喂85. hi int.嗨86. his pron.他的87. and conj.和;88. her pron.她的89. question n.问题;难题;询问;疑问90. answer n.回答91. look v.看;望;看起来92. first adj第一的93. first name名字94. last a.最后的;上一个的95. last name姓氏96. boy n.男孩97. girl n.女孩98. zero num..零99. one num.一;100. two num.二101. three num.三102. four num.四103. five num.五104. six num.六105. seven num.七106. eight num.八107. nine num九108. telephone n.,电话109. number n.数;数字110. telephone number电话号码111. phone n.电话112. phone number电话号码113. it pron.它114. its=It is115. card n.卡;卡片116. ID card n.身份证117. family a n.家;家庭118. family name姓氏119. Jenny詹妮(女名)120. Gina吉娜(女名)121. Alan艾伦(男名)122. Mary玛丽(女名)123. Jim吉姆(男名)124. Tony托尼(男名)125. Tom汤姆(男名)126. Bob鲍勃(男名)127. Mike迈克(男名)128. Green格林(姓)129. Miller米勒(姓)130. Jack杰克(男名)131. Smith史密斯(姓)132. brown布朗(布朗)133. Linda琳达(女名)134. pencil n.铅笔135. pen n.钢笔136. book n.书137 eraser n.橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦。

初一(下)课文(翻译)Unit 1My grandma奶奶,外婆我的奶奶是个头发灰白的矮个子女人。
My grandma was a short矮的 woman 女士with有着 grey[greɪ]灰色的 hair头发. She was always 总是 cheerful ['tʃɪəfʊl; -f(ə)l]快乐的. She was a very good cook[kʊk]厨师. Her dishes[dɪʃ] 盘子;一道菜were probably['prɒbəblɪ]或许;很可能 the best最好的 in the world! I will never永不 forget 忘记 the taste[teɪst]味道;品尝, and the smell [smel] 闻;气味as well也.Grandma took care of 照顾my family家人;家庭. She was really真的kind种类;善良and patient['peɪʃ(ə)nt]有耐心的;病人. She died去世 two years ago两年前 and I miss[mɪs]错过;想念her very much.—— BenAliceAlice 是我最好的朋友。
Alice 是一个聪明的女孩。
Alice is my best最好的 friend. She is a tall 高的girl with glasses戴着眼镜. She often 经常tells me jokes [dʒəʊk] 笑话to make使 me laugh[lɑːf]笑, but she never 从不makes fun of others取笑别人. Alice is a smart [smɑːt]聪明的 girl. She is good at 擅长Maths[mæθs]数学. We often study学习 and play table tennis ['tenɪs] 打乒乓球together一起. I hope希望 we will 将always一直 remain[rɪ'meɪn] 保持;仍然friends.Mr. Li李老师是我的数学老师。

人教版初中一年级下册英语单词表Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?1.guitar [ɡ?'tɑ?r] n.吉他2.join [d???n] v.参加;加入3.dance [dɑ?ns] [d?ns] v.跳舞;舞蹈4.swim [sw?m] v.游泳5.sing [s??]v.唱;唱歌6.chess [t?es] n.国际象棋7.paint [peint][pent] v.画画8.speak [spi:k][spik] v.说;说话9.piano ['pjɑ?n??] n.钢琴10.drum [dr?m] n.喇叭11.violin [?va??'l?n] n.小提琴12.or [??r] conj.或者13.musician [mju'z??n] n.音乐家14.show [???] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看15.draw [dr??]v.画16.story ['st??ri] 故事、事迹、小说17.tell [tel] v.告诉;讲述18.write[rait] v.书写19.talk [t??k] 谈话、谈论20.also ['??ls??] 也;亦;而且adv.21.people ['pi?pl]人;人民n.22.center ['s?nt?]中央、中心23.home [h??m] adv.家24.today [t?'de?] n.& adv.今天;今日25.make [meik] 使、促使、迫使26.weekend ['wi?kend]n.周末;星期六和星期日27teach [ti?t?] 教、讲授28 club [kl?b] 社团;俱乐部n.29 show [???] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看Unit 2 What time do you go to school?1up [?p] prep.向上2dressed [drest] adj.打扮好的;穿着衣服的动词dress的过去式和过去分词.3brush [br??] v.刷4showe['?a??(r)]v.淋浴;淋浴器5usually ['ju??u?li] adv.通常6forty ['f??rti] num.四十7never ['nev?(r)] adv.永不;绝不;从不;未曾8early ['??li] adv.早adj.早9fifty ['f?fti] num.五十10job [d?ɑ?b]n.工作;零工;任务;职位13o'clock(=of the clock) adv.…点钟(只用于正点)14.station ['ste??n] n.电视台;车站15.funny ['f?ni] adj奇怪的滑稽好笑的16.exercise ['eks?rsa?z] v.n锻炼;练习17.group [ɡru?p] n.组群18.take a shower淋浴;洗澡19.work [w??rk] n.& v.工作20.teeth [ti?θ] n.(tooth的复数形式)牙齿21.best [best] adj.& adv.(good, well的比较级) (地)22.half [hɑ?f] [h?f]一半,半数23.past [pɑ?st] [p?st]过去,往事24.quarter ['kw??t?(r)] n.一刻钟;四分之一25.homework ['h??mw??k] n.家庭作业26.run [r?n] v 跑;奔27.walk [w??k]v. 行走;步行28.clean [kli?n] v打扫;弄干净;adj干净的29.quickly ['kw?kli] adv很快的30.either ['a?e?r] adv或者;也31.lot l?t] pron大量;许多32.taste [te?st] v.有…的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味33.life [la?f] n.生活unit 3 How do you get to school1.train [tre?n]n. 火车2.bus [b?s]n.公交车3.subway['s?bwe?]n.地铁4.ride [ra?d] v骑n旅行rode.ridden5.bike[ba?k]n. 自行车6.sixty ['s?ksti]num. 六十7.seventy ['sevnti]num.七十8.eighty['e?ti]num.八十9.ninety ['na?nti]num. 九十10.hundred ['h?ndr?d]num. 一百11.far [fɑ?r]adv. 很12.minute ['m?n?t]n.分钟13.kilometer ['k?l??mi?t?]n.公里14.new [nju?]adj. 新的15.every ['evri]adj. 每一个16.by [ba?]prep. 通过,被17.drive [dra?v]v. 开车18.live [l?v]v. 活的,生动的19.stop[st?p]v.停止20.cross [kr??s]v. 交叉21.river ['r?v?(r)]n. 河,江22.many ['meni]adj.许多23.village ['v?l?d?]n. 村庄,村民24.between [b?'twi?n]prep.介于…之间25.bridge [br?d?]n. 桥26.boat [b??t] n.小船27.ropeway ['r??pwe?]n.索道;空中缆索28.year [j??(r)]n. 年;岁29.afraid [?'fre?d]v. 害怕;惧怕30.like [la?k]prep. 像;怎么样(介词)31.leave [li?v]v. 离开left32.dream [dri?m]n&v. 梦想;睡梦33.true [tru?]adj. 真的;符合实际的Unit 4 Don’teat in class1.rule [ru?l]n. 规则;规章2.arrive [?'ra?v]v. 到达3.hallway ['h??lwe?]n. 走廊;过道4.hall [h??l] n.大厅;礼堂6.fight [fa?t]v. 打架;战斗7.sorry ['sɑ?ri]adj. 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的8.outside [?a?t'sa?d] adv.在外面adj外面的9.wear[we?(r)]v.穿;戴10.important [?m'p??rtnt] adj. 重要的11.bring [br??]v. 带来;取来12.player ['ple??(r)]n. 播放机;运动员13.uniform ['ju?n?f??m]n. 校服;制服14.quiet ['kwa??t]adj. 安静的15.out [a?t]adv. 外出16.dish[d??]n.碟;盘dishes17.night [na?t]n. 晚上18.before [b?'f??(r)] mj在…以前adv 以前19.dirty ['d??ti]adj. 脏的20.kitchen ['k?t??n]n. 厨房21.more [m??(r)]pron.更多的22.noisy ['n??zi]adj. 吵闹的23.relax [r?'l?ks]v. 放松;休息24.read [ri?d]v. 读;阅读25.terrible['ter?bl]adj. 非常讨厌的;可怕的26.feel [fi?l]v. 感受;觉的27.strict [str?kt]adj. 严格的;严厉的28.remember [r?'memb?(r)]v. 记住;记起29.follow ['f?l??]v. 遵循;跟随30.luck [l?k]n. 幸运;运气31.keep [ki?p]v. 保持;保留32.hair [he?(r)]n. 头发;毛发33.learn [l??n]v.学习;学会Unit 5 What do you like pandas?1.tiger ['ta?ɡ?(r)] n老虎2.elephant ['el?f?nt] n 大象3.koala [k??'ɑ?l?] n 树袋熊4.panda ['p?nd?] n 熊猫5.lion ['la??n] n狮子6.giraffe [d??'rɑ?f] n 长颈鹿7.cute [kju?t] adj可爱的;机灵的zy['le?zi] 懒散的;懒惰的9.smart [smɑ?t] adj 聪明的10.beautiful ['bju?t?fl] adj 美丽的;美好的11.scary ['ske?ri] adj吓人的;恐怖的12.kind [ka?nd] n 种类13.Australia [?'strelj?] n 澳大利亚14.south [sa?θ]adj 南方的n 南;南方15.Africa ['?fr?k?] n非洲16.pet [pet] n 宠物17.leg [leɡ]n 腿18.cat [k?t] n 猫19.sleep [sli?p] n睡觉20.animal ['?n?ml] n 动物21.friendly ['frendli] adj 友好的22.shy [?a?] adj 羞怯的;腼腆的23.save [se?v] v 救;救助24.symbol ['s?mbl] n象征25.flag [fl?ɡ]n 旗;旗帜26.forget [f?'ɡet] v忘记;旗杆27.place [ple?s] n 地点;位置28.water ['w??t?(r)] n水29.danger ['de?nd??(r)] n 危险30.cut [k?t] v 砍;切31.down [da?n] adv(坐躺倒)下32.tree [tri?] n 树33.kill [k?l] v杀死;弄死34.ivory ['a?v?ri] n象牙35.over ['??v?(r)] prep 超过;多于在…上方36.zoo [zu?] n动物园Unit6. I’m watching TV1.newspaper ['nju?zpe?p?(r)] n 报纸e [ju?s] v使用;运用3.soup [su?p] n汤4.wash [w?? [wɑ??]] v洗5.movie ['mu?vi] n电影6.just [d??st] adv 只是;恰好7.house [ha?s] n房子8.drink [dr??k] v喝n饮料9.tea [ti?] n茶;茶叶10.tomorrow [t?'m?r??] adv在明天11.pool [pu?l] n(复数pools)12shop [??p] n.商店13supermarket ['su?p?mɑ?k?t] n.超级市场14man [m?n] n.男人;人15race [re?s] n.赛跑;竞争16study ['st?di] v.研究;学习;读书17state [ste?t] n.国家;州18American [?'mer?k?n] n.美国人19any ['eni] adj.任何的20other ['?e?(r)] adj.其他的;另外的21young [j??] adj.年轻的22child [t?a?ld] n.小孩23miss [m?s] vt.想念vt.错过;漏掉24wish [w??] v.希望;想要25delicious [d?'l???s] adj.美味的;可口的26still [st?l] adv.更;仍然Unit 7 it's raining!1rain [re?n] n.雨;雨水v.下雨;(雨点般)落下2windy ['w?ndi] adj.有风的;多风的3cloudy ['kla?di] adj.多云的;阴天的4sunny ['s?ni] adj.阳光充足的;睛朗的5snow [sn??] n.雪6weather ['wee?(r)] n.天气7cook [k?k] v.烹调;烧煮8bad [b?d] adj.坏的;不好的;差的9park [pɑ?k] n.公园10message ['mes?d?] n.消息;信息11him [h?m] pron.他(he的宾格)12could [k?d aux.可以;能;可能;can的过去式13back [b?k] n.后面adj.向后的;后面的14problem ['pr?bl?m] n.问题;难题15again [?'ɡen] adv.再;又16dry [dra?] adj.干的;干燥的17cold [k??ld] adj.冷的;寒冷的18hot [h?t] adj.热的;辣的19warm [w??m] adj.温暖的;暖和的20visit ['v?z?t] v.拜访;参观21Canada ['k?n?d?] n.加拿大22summer ['s?m?(r)] n.夏天;夏季23sit [s?t] v.坐24juice [d?u?s] n.果汁25soon [su?n] adv.不久;很快26vacation [v?'ke??n] n.假期;休假27hard [hɑ?d] adj.硬的;困难的28Europe ['j??r?p] n.欧洲;欧盟29mountain ['ma?nt?n] n..山;山脉;高山30country ['k?ntri] n.国家;乡村31skate [ske?t] v.溜冰;滑冰32snowy ['sn??i] adj.多雪的33winter ['w?nt?(r)] n.冬季;冬天34Russian ['r??n] adj.俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的35snowman ['sn??m?n] n.雪人36rainy ['re?ni] adj.多雨的;下雨的Unit 8 is there a post office near here?1post [p??st] n.邮件2office ['??f?s] n.办公室3hotel [h??'tel] n.旅馆;饭店4restaurant ['restr?nt] n.餐馆;饭店5bank [b??k] n.银行6hospital ['h?sp?tl] n.医院7street [stri?t] n.街道;马路8pay [pe?] v.支付9near [n??(r)] adv.在附近prep.附近;接近10across [?'kr?s] adv.横过;穿过11front [fr?nt] adj.前面的12behind prep.在...之后13town [ta?n] n.城市;城镇14around [?'ra?nd] prep.到处;在... 附近15north [n??θ] adj.北方的;北的16along [?'l???] prep.沿着;顺着17turn [t??n] v.翻转;旋转18right [ra?t] adj.右边的19left [left] adj.左边的20spend [spend] v.花费;浪费21climb [kla?m] v.攀登;爬;上升22road [r??d] n.路;道路;途径;方法23often ['??fn] adv.经常;时常24air [e?(r)] n.空气;天空25free [fri?] adj.自由的;免费的26enjoy [?n'd???] v.享受;喜欢27easily ['i?z?li] adv.容易地;无疑地28money ['m?ni] n.财产;钱;货币Unit 9 What does he look like?1straight [stre?t]adj.直的2tall [t??l] adj.高的3height [ha?t] n.高度;高处;顶点4thin [θ?n] adj.薄的;瘦的;稀的5heavy ['hevi] adj.重的6build [b?ld] v.建造;开发;7tonight [t?'na?t] n.今晚8little['l?tl] adj.小的9cinema ['s?n?m?] n.电影院10glasses ['glɑ?s?z] n.眼镜11later ['le?t?(r)] adv.后来;稍后12handsome ['h?ns?m] adj.英俊的13actor ['?kt?(r)] n.演员;行动者14actress ['?ktr?s] n.女演员15person ['p??sn] n.人16nose [n??z] n.鼻子17round [ra?nd] adj.圆的18face [fe?s] n.脸19mouth [ma?e] n.嘴20eye [a?] n.眼睛21singer ['s???(r)]n.歌手22artist ['ɑ?t?st] n.艺术家23put [p?t] v.放;安置24each [i?t?] pron.每个;个人;个自25way [we?] n.路;路线26describe [d?'skra?b] vt.描述27differently ['d?fr?ntli] adv.不同地29end [end] n.结束30real [r??l] adj.真实的;真的Unit 10 I'd like some noodles.1noodle ['nu?dl] n.面条2beef [bi?f] n.牛肉3potato [p?'te?t??] n.马铃薯;土豆4special ['spe?l] adj.特别的;特殊的5would [w?d] aux.将;可能6yet [jet] adv.还;已经;仍然7large [lɑ?d?] adj.大的;大量的8order ['??d?(r)]n.订单v.点餐;预定9size [sa?z] n.大小10bowl [b??l] n.碗11meat [mi?t] n.肉12dumpling ['d?mpl??] n.饺子13fish [f??] n.鱼;鱼肉14pancake ['p?nke?k] n.薄煎饼15world [w??ld] n.世界;地球16answer ['ɑ?n s?(r)]['?ns?r] n.答案;回答17different ['d?fr?nt] adj.不同的18cake [ke?k] n.蛋糕19candle ['k?ndl] n.蜡烛20age [e?d?] n.年龄21blow [bl??] v.吹22if [?f] conj.是否;如果23will [w?l] aux.将;愿意24UK abbr.英国(=United Kingdom)25candy ['k?ndi] n.糖果26lucky ['l?ki] adj.幸运的27popular ['p?pj?l?(r)] adj.受欢迎的28idea [a?'d??] n.主意;想法Unit 11 How was your school trip?1milk [m?lk]n.奶;牛奶2cow [ka?] n.母牛3horse [h??s] n.马4feed [fi?d] vt.喂养;饲养5farmer ['fɑ?m?(r)] n.农夫;农民6quite [kwa?t] adv.相当;完全7anything ['eniθ??] pron.任何事;任何东西8grow [ɡr??] v.增加;生长9farm [fɑ?m] n.农场10pick [p?k] v.拾;捡;挑选11excelent ['eks?l?nt] adj.杰出的;优秀的12countryside ['k?ntrisa?d] n.乡下;农村13yesterday ['jest?de?] n.昨天;近来14flower ['fla??(r)] n.花15worry ['w?ri] vt使烦恼n.担心;烦恼16luckily ['l?k?li] adv.幸运地;幸亏地17sun [s?n] n.太阳18museum [mju'zi??m] n.博物馆;展览馆19fire ['fa??(r)] n.火20exciting [?k'sa?t??] adj.令人兴奋的;使人激动的21lovely ['l?vli] adj.可爱的;令人愉快的;好看的22expensive [?k'spens?v] adj.昂贵的;高价的23cheap [t?i?p] adj.便宜的;廉价的24slow [sl??] adj.慢的25fast [fɑ?st] adj.快的;迅速的26robot ['r??b?t] n.机器人27guide [ɡa?d] n.向导;导游28gift [ɡ?f t] n.礼物;赠品29everything ['evriθ??] pron.一切;所有事物30interested ['?ntr?st?d] adj.感兴趣的31dark [dɑ?k] adj.黑暗的;深色的32hear [h??(r)] v.倾听Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?1camp2lake3beach4sheep 5natural6visitor7tired8stay9away10mouse 11baby12shout13language 14flye15kit16high17ago18moon19surpise 20snake21move22start23jump24wake25into26forest27ear。

Module 3 Food and drinksUnit 1 Shopping at the supermarketshop商店 drink饮料;喝 need需要 fridge冰箱 list清单;列表;名单coffee咖啡 butter黄油;牛油 cheese奶酪;芝士 chocolate巧克力vegetable蔬菜 juice(水果)汁,液 pineapple菠萝;凤梨 sausage香肠frozen冷冻的,冰冻的 dairy奶制品;乳品店 product产品 tomato番茄,西红柿 cabbage卷心菜;甘蓝 potato马铃薯,土豆 special特别的;特殊的 offer出价;提供 can罐头;铁罐 bottle瓶子 packet小包;包裹;小盒 bar条;棒 section部门;部分 spend花费 noodles面条 sweet糖果;甜的 flour面粉 steak牛排 crab蟹 prawn对虾,明虾,大虾 squid鱿鱼(复数squid或squids) lemonade柠檬水;柠檬汽水 carrot胡萝卜 onion 洋葱 lettuce生菜;莴苣 7-up七喜(饮料名) snack零食;点心;小吃crisps(常用复数)薯片 carton硬纸盒;纸板箱at the supermarket在超市 in the fridge在冰箱里 Come on!来吧!快点!a shopping list购物清单 frozen food冷冻食品 dairy products乳制品fish balls鱼丸;(美语)炸鱼丸 Here you are.给你 Special offer! 特价优惠a carton of一纸盒 a can of 一罐 a bottle of一瓶 a packet of 一包a bar of 一条;一根 a bag of一袋Unit 2 Favourite food and drinksfavourite最喜爱的(事物) sandwich三明治 soup汤 wing翅膀;翼;机翼 fried油炸的 salad色拉 choose选择,选定 ever曾经 eaten吃(过去分词) strawberry草莓 pancake薄煎饼,烙饼 soya黄豆;大豆 sunshine 阳光 coffee咖啡馆;小餐馆 cereal谷类;燕麦片a.m.上午(也作A.M.) p.m.下午(也作P.M.) menu菜单 cereal谷类;燕麦片 toast烤面包(片) sundae圣代 hot-dog热狗best of all(所有当中)最好的 soya milk豆奶 chicken wings 鸡翅a cup of一杯 write a list of food写一张食品清单a chocolate sundae巧克力圣代Unit 3 Good food, bad foodhard硬的;努力的 healthy健康的 unhealthy不健康的 plenty大量;丰富soft软的 page页 diet饮食;食谱 every每一个的 enough充足的 pizza 匹萨饼 shelf架子 inside里面的 finger手指 slice薄片 bowl碗plate盘子 another另一个的 cut切 yoghurt酸奶 ham 火腿French fries 炸薯条work hard努力工作 at school在学校 plenty of 大量的;许多a little少量,少许too many太多的 soft drinks软性饮料 on Page 3在第三页be good for对......有益 a bad diet有害健康的饮食 too much太多的too little太少的 not enough不足 every day每一天 fish finger鱼条;鱼柳strawberry yoghurt草莓酸奶 a slice of一片 a piece of一张;一片;一块a big bowl of一大碗 put sth on ...把......放在......上 put sth on top 把......放在顶上 cut ...in two pieces把......一切为二Unit 4 Food from other countriesCounty国家;乡村 Canada加拿大 Australia澳大利亚 mix混合;搅拌 spoon 勺子 mixture混合物 oven烤箱;烤炉 dear昂贵的;亲爱的 cheap便宜的lay放置;摆放 Japan 日本 Thailand泰国 the USA美国 New Zealand新西兰 tin罐子 rainbow彩虹 peel 剥;削food from other countries来自其他国家的食物 come from来自...... make sth with... 用....来制作 mix ... with a spoon用勺子搅拌put sth in...把......放入......中¥3 each每个三元 like doing sth喜欢做...... peel the carrots削胡萝卜 lay the table摆放桌子 shop for food去买食物沁园春·雪 <毛泽东>北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。

二、语文教材解析1. 教材主题语文教材的主题是培养学生的语言文字表达能力,引导学生正确理解各种文本并进行批判性思考。
2. 教材特点(1)文本类型多样:语文教材涵盖了诗歌、散文、小说、记叙文、说明文等多种文本类型,帮助学生全面了解不同文体的特点和表达方式。
三、数学教材解析1. 教材主题数学教材的主题是培养学生的数学思维能力和解决问题的能力。
2. 教材特点(1)注重基础知识的讲解:教材以基础知识为主线,通过理论讲解和实际例题演练,帮助学生掌握数学的基本概念和方法。
四、英语教材解析1. 教材主题英语教材的主题是培养学生的英语听、说、读、写的综合能力。
2. 教材特点(1)情景交际为主线:教材中设置了大量的情境对话,帮助学生掌握日常生活场景中的英语表达方式。
新沪教版英语初初一下册Unit 5 Water(基础知识)

沪教版初中英语一年级下册精编试题及知识点汇总学生姓名:班级:学号:Unit 5 Water词句精讲精练词汇精讲1.voicevoice作名词,意为“声音;嗓音”。
例如:Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声说。
He talked of his trip to Hong Kong in a cheerful voice. 他兴高采烈地谈了他的香港之行。
She has a sweet voice. 她声音很甜美。
例如:I heard some strange noises last night. 昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。
There’s a lot of noise here. 这个地方人声嘈杂。
例如:I heard the sound of running water. 我听见流水声。
Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。
例如:The apple dropped from the tree to the ground.苹果从树上掉到地上。
The ball dropped out of his hand.球从他手里掉了下来。
例如:Mary dropped the vase on the floor.玛丽失手把花瓶掉在地板上。
【拓展】(1)drop in /around表示“探望,串门”。
例如:Please drop in to see us if you are in Bradford.如果你到布拉福特,请顺便来看看我们。

人教版初中1一年级下册英语(全册)教案目标- 通过本教案,学生将能够掌握初中一年级下册英语全册的内容。
- 学生将能够熟练运用所学的英语知识进行听、说、读、写等方面的综合运用。
教学内容本教案包括初中一年级下册英语全册的所有单元和课文,具体内容如下:Unit 1 - Nice to meet you- Lesson 1: Greetings- Lesson 2: Names- Lesson 3: Classroom LanguageUnit 2 - My School Day- Lesson 1: School Subjects- Lesson 2: School Schedule- Lesson 3: After-school ActivitiesUnit 3 - My Family- Lesson 1: Family Members- Lesson 2: Describing People- Lesson 3: Family ActivitiesUnit 4 - My Home- Lesson 1: Rooms and Furniture - Lesson 2: Prepositions of Place - Lesson 3: Talking about HomeUnit 5 - My Daily Routine- Lesson 1: Daily Activities- Lesson 2: Adverbs of Frequency - Lesson 3: Time ExpressionsUnit 6 - My Hobbies- Lesson 1: Sports and Hobbies- Lesson 2: Likes and Dislikes- Lesson 3: Talking about HobbiesUnit 7 - My City- Lesson 1: Places in the City- Lesson 2: Giving Directions- Lesson 3: Talking about the CityUnit 8 - Healthy Lifestyle- Lesson 1: Healthy Habits- Lesson 2: Food and Drinks- Lesson 3: Talking about HealthUnit 9 - Festivals and Celebrations - Lesson 1: Festivals and Traditions - Lesson 2: Birthday Celebrations - Lesson 3: Talking about FestivalsUnit 10 - Travel and Adventure- Lesson 1: Means of Transportation - Lesson 2: Travel Destinations- Lesson 3: Talking about Travel教学方法本教案采用简单易懂的教学方法,注重培养学生的听、说、读、写等能力。

人教版初中1一年级下册英语(全册)教案人教版初中一年级下册英语(全册)教案第一单元:春天教学目标1. 能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的生词和重点句子。
2. 能够用英语简单描述春天的特点和活动。
3. 能够通过图片和文字了解春天的相关文化背景。
教学内容1. 生词和短语:spring, weather, warm, cold, sunny, rainy, flower, plant, garden, vacation2. 重点句子:- It's spring. The weather is getting warmer.- I like spring because it's sunny and warm.- We can plant flowers and plants in the garden.- During spring vacation, I went to the park with my family.教学步骤1. 引入:展示春天的图片,引导学生谈论春天的特点。
2. 新课导入:介绍本课的生词和短语,让学生听读并重复。
3. 句子练习:引导学生用生词和短语造句,然后进行角色扮演。
4. 小组活动:让学生分组,用英语描述春天的特点和活动,并展示给其他小组。
5. 总结:回顾本课的重点内容和活动,进行小测验。
第二单元:家庭教学目标1. 能够听懂、会说、会读本单元的生词和重点句子。
2. 能够用英语简单描述家庭成员和家庭关系。
3. 能够通过图片和文字了解家庭的相关文化背景。
教学内容1. 生词和短语:family, father, mother, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, relative, house2. 重点句子:- This is my family. My father is a teacher, and my mother is a doctor.- I have a brother and a sister. They are in primary school.- My grandmother is a farmer. She lives in the countryside.教学步骤1. 引入:展示家庭成员的图片,引导学生谈论家庭关系。

初中一年级下学期英语笔记作文范文My favourite movie star is Zhou xingchi.His English name is Stephen Chow.Hisbirthday is in June 22nd.He is 33 years old now.He is from China.He lives in HongKong.He can speak Chinese and a little English.His favourite color is green.He likes swimming very much.His hobby is singing.He often sings songs with friends on weekends.But he can’t sing well.He has a brother and 3 sisters is his family.I like comedies and I like him very much.My favourite movie is Kung Fu.I think it is interesting.I think Stephen Chow is a successful actor.Unit 11. be from=come from 来自(有be动词不用come)e.g. I am from Dongguan=I come from Dongguan.Where are you from=Where do you come from?2. 某过人的复数变化口诀:中日不变,英法变,其余s加后面。
3. 国籍nationality 要用国家的形容词形式来回答。
4. 英语中小单位在前,大单位在后。
Beijing,China Class 2,Grade 15. in:一段时间 on:具体某一天 at:多少点6. speak:+语言say:+说话内容tell:+故事,笑话talk:talk about sth talk with/to sb 谈论7. a little:一点 +不可数名词little:几乎没有 +不可数名词a few:几个 +可数名词few:几乎没有 +可数名词8. like doing sth=like to do sth 喜欢做某事Would like to do sth 愿意做某事9. write to sb=write a letter to sb 写信给某人e.g. He often writes to his pen pals.10. tell sb about…告诉某人有关…tell sb to do sth 叫某人做某事e.g. Please tell them to come in.重点短语①be from=come from 来自②讲日语和法语speak Japanese and French③a little 一点点④喜欢做某事 like doing sth=like to do sth⑤go to the movies with friends 和朋友去看电影⑥too difficult 太难了⑦write to me soon 尽快写信给我⑧在周末on weekends ⑨tell me about yourself 告诉我关于你自己的事⑩tell sb to do sth 告诉某人要做某事Where is your pen pal from? She is from Australia. 你的笔友来自哪里?他来自澳大利亚。

1、比较级:He jumps higher than I。
最高级:He jumps(the)highest in the class。
2、比较级:He works harder than I。
最高级:He works(the)hardest of all the boys。
例如:solid (固体的),round(圆形的),plastic(塑料的)等等

初中英语同步导学初中一年级下Unit3Reading∙在各组单词中找出重读位置不同的一个;()1. A. reception B. question C. minute D. athlete()2. A. fireman B.explain C. listen D. engine()3. A.manager B.against C. bottom D. suddenly()4. A.perfume B. different C. asleep D.restaurant()5. A. useful B. deli。
cious C. allow D.hotel∙词汇练习。
A. 用所给词的正确形式填空。
1. The baby is ____________(sleep). Please be quiet.2. The phone is _____________(die). It doesn’t work.3. For your __________(safe), please don’t push.4. Listen! I can hear a dog __________(bark).5. We use our brain for ____________(think).B.根据所给的首字母,完成下列句子。
1. John is the m________ of the hotel.2. When there is a fire, try to find the fire e____________.3. A good sense of smell is u______ for a perfume maker.4. A group of f__________ came after the fire alarm went off.5. Our team will play a __________ Class 2 on Friday.∙根据中文提示完成下列句子(每条横线只填一个单词)∙音乐家通常有好的听觉。
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初中英语一年级下学期Unit 23 Mainly revision 教学建议教学建议教学内容分析本单元把前半学期教学的各项内容融合在新的语境之中,鼓励学生在这些新的语境中使用前几个单元学过的语言项目。
有关具体内容的分布情况如下:第89课提供了两个对话样本,两个对话的话题都是关于饮食的,但是,对话的实际内容已经自然地融入了其它已学的内容,如Do you have …? Could I have …? I like …,此外,第二段对话还涉及到另一个重要话题,那就是体育运动。
第91课听力训练与第84课第四部分对话有关,内容基本相同,但本课对话对the t wins的穿着描述更细。
教学第90课Part 2时要从交际教学的角度进行。
What’s Han Meimei doing?She’s climbing the ladder.What’s Jim doing?He’s ….What’re the men doing?They’re ….……3)教师可以用投影片的形式模糊地展示远处正在发生某件事的具体情景,让学生模拟用望远镜进行观察,并向大家述说事件中的人们正在做的事情。
在英美打电话问对方是谁时,应说Who is that?或者是Who i s speaking ,please?/Who is calling ?/May I have your name?等,但绝不能说Who are you?而在打电话中回答对方或介绍自己时,只能说This is XX.(speaking)或者My name is XX.绝不能说Iam XX.二、复习词汇,方法多样,增强记忆。
例如复习close这个单词时,就要求学生讲出它的形容词形式closed,它的分词形式closing;复习到动词clean时,要求学生说出现在分词形式cl eaning,名词形式cleaner。
例如,由by bike联想到与之有关的by bus, by car, by train, by air, by sea 等。
复习All right.时,学生可用英语Sure.或O f course.来解释这个词,并区别它们之间用法上的同异,这样复习词汇既减少了使用母语的机会,又可锻炼培养学生的听说和运用语言的能力。
词汇辨析1. bring/take/carry1) bring具有方向性,意思是从某处把某人或某物带来,带到说话者的地方来。
如:Bring it to me. 拿来给我。
2) take指从这儿把某人或某物从说话者的地方拿走,动作方向与bring相反。
如:Take this empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. 把这只空杯子拿走,给我拿杯茶来。
My parents take me to the park on weekends. 我父母周末带我去公园。
Please take him to the hospital at once. 请立即把他送到医院去。
3) carry指“搬/运”,不特指bring和take的方向性,而注重把某人或某物从一地搬/运到另一地。
如:He helps his mother carry the basket. 他帮妈妈提篮子。
The man is carrying a heavy box. 那男人在搬一只重箱子。
如:Fish lives in the water.鱼生长在水中。
He throws a sto ne (石头)into the water.他把一块石头扔进了水中。
疑点难点讲解1.Can I get you something to drink? 给你们拿点喝的好吗?Can / Could I…? 常用来表达有礼貌的请求,意为“我……好吗?”。
如:Can I have a bottle of apple juice? 我能要瓶苹果汁吗?在疑问句中用some, something比用any, anything更能表达出说话人肯定的意味。
2. It’s full of books and it’s very heavy. 它(箱子)装满了书,很重。
be full of 指“充满”。
如:The bottle is full of water. I t’s more than enough for a 24-hour trip 瓶子里装满了水。
His head is full of strange ideas. 他脑子里尽是怪念头。
3. How about Wednesday afternoon? 星期三下干怎么样?How about…? =What about…? 常用来征求意见或询问消息,意思是“……怎么样?”其后面可接名词、宾格代词或动名词。
如:—How about a glass of coke? 来一杯可乐怎么样?—Oh, that’s not a good idea. 噢,我不想要。
—How about playing games? 玩玩游戏怎么样?—I’d love to, but I’ve get to study for the exam. 很不错,但我得学习,准备考试。
4. One of the boys is English. 其中一个男孩是英国人。
one of…后面跟一个复数名词或复数意义的代词,如:one of them,谓语动词用单数形式,因为主语是one。
One of my friends is American. 我朋友中有一个是美国人。
One of the pictures is Tom’s. 其中有一幅画是汤姆的。
5. All the other boys are Chinese. 所有其他的男孩都是中国人。
We are all friends. 我们都是朋友。
all 和all of都可用在名词之前,意为“所有的;全部的;全体的”,如果所修饰的名词之前有the或物主代词时,all要放在这些词之前,表示特指。
all of后面必须跟代词的宾格。
如:All children like watching TV.所有的孩子都喜欢看电视。
All the trousers on the bed are Jim's.床上所有的裤子都是吉姆的。
All of us are students.我们都是学生。
They 're all American.他们都是美国人。
We all like English.我们都喜欢英语。
6. There's no difference.没有什么区别。
There's no difference. = There isn’t any difference. difference 是differe nt的名词形式。
no difference 可译为“没有什么不同”。
又如:There's no difference between the twins. 这对双胞胎长得一模一样。
7. be worried 担心worried 是worry的过去分词形式,在这里已转化为形容词。