第三讲 语音部分 意大利语教学课件




意大利语学习第三课Italian Lesson 3 - a scuola (at school)This week's new words:NOUNSla biblioteca (bib-lee-o-tek-a) - libraryla biologia (bee-o-lo-gee-a) - biologyl'amico/la amica (ah-mee-ko, ah-mee-ka) - friendil cancellino (can-chel-lee-no) - chalkboard eraseril quaderno (kwa-der-no) - notebookla classe (klas-say) - class (people), classroomla lezione (let-zee-oh-ne) - class (lesson)il dizionario (dik-zee-o-nar-eeo) - dictionaryil danaro (dah-nar-oh) - moneyi soldi (sol-dee) - moneyl'economia (eeko-nom-eea)- economicsl'italiano (ee-tah-lya-no) - Italianlo studente (stoo-dehn-tay) - student (male)la studentessa (stoo-dehn-tays-sah) - student (female)lo scolaro/la scolara (sko-lah-roh, sko-lah-rah) - schoolboy, schoolgirlil banco (ban-koh) - deskla scuola (skwoh-la) - schoolla geografia (geeo-gra-fee-a) - geographyl'ora (or-a) - hourl'inglese (eeng-lay-seh) - Englishla matita (mah-tee-tah)- pencilil libro (lee-bro) - bookla matematica (mat-ay-mat-ee-kah) - mathla pagina (pa-gee-na) - pagela carta (kar-tah) - paperla lavagna (lah-vah-nya) - chalkboardla penna (pen-nah) - penl'orologio (oh-roh-lo-joe) - clock/watchil compito (kom-pee-toh) - homeworkil tempo (tehm-poh)- timeil gesso (jehs-soh)- chalkl'università (oo-nee-ver-see-tah)- university VERBSamare - to loveascoltare (as-kohl-tah-reh) - to listen studiare (stoo-dee-ah-reh) - to study parlare (par-lah-reh) - to speak/talk chiamare (kee-ah-mah-reh) - to call ritornare (ree-tor-nah-reh) - to return lavorare (lah-voh-rah-reh) - to work INTERROGATIVESquale (kwahleh)- whichquando (kwahndo) - whenquanto(-a) (kwahnto) - how muchquanti(-as) (kwahntee)- how manydove (doh-vay) - whereperché (payr-kway)1 - whyche cosa (kay kohsah) - whatchi (kee) - whoCONJUNCTIONSperché (payr-kway)1 - becausee (ay) - andPREPOSITIONSa (ah) - at, to, the dative aADJECTIVEScorto(-a, -i, -e) (korto) - shortquarto(-a, -i, -e) (kwar-toh) - quarter (one-fourth) difficile (-i) (deef-fee-chee-lay) - difficultfacile (-i) (fa-chee-lay) - easylungo(-a, -hi, -he) - longlargo(-a, -hi, -he) - wide, broadmezzo(-a, -i, -e) (metz-zoh) - halfNumbers 100-999.999100 cento (chen-toh)101 centouno (chen-toh oo-no)102 centodue103 centotre110 centodieci120 centoventi199 centonovantanove200 duecento (doo-ay-chen-toh)201 duecentouno255 duecentocinquantacinque282 duecentoottantadue300 trecento (tray-chen-toh)400 quattrocento (kwat-troh-chen-toh)500 cinquecento (cheen-kwe-chen-toh)600 seicento (say-ee-chen-toh)700 settecento (set-tay-chen-toh)800 ottocento (ot-toh-chen-toh)900 novecento (no-vay-chen-toh)1.000 mille (mil-lay)1.001 milleuno1.010 milledieci1.100 millecento1.538 millecinquecentotrentotto1.999 millenovecentonovantanove2.000 duemila3.000 tremila9.000 novemila10.000 diecimila15.000 quindicimila27.000 ventisettemila76.000 settantaseimila99.999 novantanovemilanovecentonovantanove100.000 centomila210.005 duecentodiecimila e cinque305.111 trecentocinquemila centoundici500.000 cinquecentomila860.789 ottocentosessantamila settecentoottantanove911.222 novecentododicimila duecentoventidueNotesThere is a single word in Italian for "why" and "because", that is perché. The accent on perché, as well as on any other word in Italian, tells you that the stress is on that syllable. Accents in Italian are written only to indicate that the stress is on the last syllable (contrary to the majority of words which is stressed on the penultimate syllable). On dictionaries accents are always written on the stressed syllables, but this is not done in common writing.The letter "q" (as in quando) is always followed by an "u" and another wovel, and is pronounced "kw" (as in English "quill"). The same identical pronunciation is used for the group "cu" followed by a vowel (as in scuola). There is no rule on when to use eitherforms in writing, but it is a serious mistake to use the wrong one (in fact, writing "squola" with "q" is the prototype of mistakes in jokes). There are a few words with a double-sound (k-kw), which are always written as "cqu + vowel" (like acqua "water", pron. "ak-kwah"), with a single exception of double "q" in the word soqquadro ("sok-kwa-droh", "a mess").Regular -are (1st conjugation) verbsAll Italian verbs fall into one of three categories (conjugations) - they either end in are, ere, or ire. Within each category, there are regular and irregular verbs. Regular verbs all conjugate with a similar pattern - all the new verbs in this lesson are regular (as you'll see soon). Irregular verbs don't follow a pattern, and each verb's conjugation has to be memorized separately - the two verbs you learned in Lesson 2, essere and stare are irregular.Here are the new verbs for this lesson: amare, ascoltare, studiare, parlare, ritornare, lavorare. These are all regular -are verbs. Here are the present-tense (present indicative) conjugations of them all:io parlo ("I speak")tu parli ("you speak")lei,[lui]parla ("you (formal), [he,] she speaks")noi parliamo ("we speak")voi parlate ("you (plural) speak")essi,esse,loro parlano ("they (male), they (female). you (formal plural),speak")Regular verbs are made up of a body (parl), and a suffix (are). To conjugate regular verbs, replace the infinitive suffix (are, ere, ire) with the correct conjugation suffix from the example conjugation for parlare above. For example, take amare, andconjugate it:io amo ("I love")tu ami ("you love")lei,[lui] ama ("you (formal), [he,] she loves")noi amiamos ("we love")voi amate ("you (plural) love")essi,esse,loro amano ("they (male), they (female) you (formal plural), love")All verbs can be split into a body/suffix pair, but only regular verbs follow these patterns. There are 3 different regular-verb patterns - one for -are verbs, one for -ere verbs, and one for -ire verbs. (In the next lesson, we'll learn the rules for regular -ere and -ire verbs.) In summary, to conjugate any regular -are verb in the present (present indicative) tense, remove the -are suffix, and add one of the following (depending on who is the subject of the verb):io -otu -ilei,lui,esso -anoi -iamovoi -ateessi,esse,loro -anoHere are complete conjugations of 2 more verbs from this lesson:lavorareio lavoro, tu lavori, lei lavora, noi lavoriamo, voi lavorate, essi lavoranoritornareio ritorno, tu ritorni, lei ritorna, noi ritorniamo, voi ritornate, essi ritornanoNow that we have the conjugation for these regular -are verbs, we can make sentences with them, like this:Amo Tania. ("I love Tania")Lavora all'università. ("He works at (in) the university")Noi ascoltiamo la professoressa. ("We listen to the teacher") Essi studiano alle otto. ("The men study at 8")Esse parlano italiano. ("The women speak Italian")Io ritorno all'università alle tre. ("I return to the university at 3 o'clock")Studiate matematica ? ("Do you study math?")A - At or T o, and the dative AIn a few of the sentences above, the preposition a is used, as in Essi studiano alle otto. The preposition a translates to the English "at" or "to", depending on the sentence. The preceeding sentence ("essi studiano……") is an example of a meaning "at". The sentence io ritorno all'università is an example of a meaning "to". When the a comes before an article, as in io ritorno a la università, the a and the la combine to form alla. This is the so-called articulated preposition. Moreover, if the next noun begins with a wovel, the last vowel of the articulated preposition falls and is replaced by an apostrophe So the correct way to write the preceeding sentence is: io ritorno all'università.Note that the English "at" may translate to either a or in in Italian, depending on the sentence. In is usually used to refer to something being at something else, such as sono in università - "I'm at the university". A usually refers to a state or condition (sort of) of something, such as "at great speed", or when referring to time, such as alla una ("at one o'clock").In two more cases, the a isn't either of the above two meanings, but is used for English "to". One case is when a motionto somewhere is involved, like in "Io vado all'università" (I go to the university, the verb used is irregular). Another one is when a person or name of a place is the destination of a verb, an a is placed before the object, as in La professoressa parla agli studenti. ("The teacher talks to the students"). The preposition a is NOT needed for transitive verbs (when the object is direct, as in Io amo Tania ("I love Tania").Numbers 100 to 999.999If you've looked at the numbers in the New Words section, you may already have seen some patterns developing in Italian numbers. First, the numbers 100, 200, 300, etc., all have a similar form - cento, duecento, trecento…… If you look carefully, and remember the numbers 2 through 9, you'll see that each hundred above 100 is just "two hundred" (duecento), "three hundred" (trecento), and so on. To form numbers in between the hundreds, you use the numbers 1-99 you learned in the last 2 lessons, but add the hundreds on to the front. Eleven is undici, 111 is centoundici. Three-hundred and twenty is trecentoventi, and so on. Putting spaces between parts of a compound number is optional.Mille is Italian for 1.000. No, this isn't "one point zero zero zero zero", this is one-thousand. English uses a comma to separate thousands, millions, etc., in a number. Italian traditionally use the period (".") instead. In English, we would expect to see this number: 12,399,100. In Italian, the same number is written: 12.399.100. In much the same way, where English uses the period to denote numbers between whole numbers (as in "12.99"), Italian uses a comma ("12,99"), but this will be discussed in another lesson. In scientific practice we often use the English convention, particularly for fractionary numbers.Public administration uses the Italian convention, and this is what was taught in schools in my times.Multiples of 1000 are treated as such - 2000 is duemila, literally "two thousands". Three thousand is tremila, and so on. This pattern is the same for thousands up to 999.000 (that's nine-hundred ninety-nine thousand), so that 50.000 is cinquantamila, and 231.000 is duecentotrentunomila. Combining these two rules for numbers, we can read numbers like 123.456 (centoventitremila quattrocentocinquantasei) and 784.675 ( settecentoottantaquattromila seicentosettantacinque). So now, practice saying things like:The current year. (millenovecentonovantacinque)How many miles are on your car. (centomiaquattrocentotrentadue)The number of pages in the book you're reading. (trecentoottanta)The number of CDs and tapes you own. (duecentocinque)Your yearly salary. (uh, in Lira that will be in millions …… :-) ) Telling TimeIo ritorno in università alle tre. Telling time in Italian uses only 2 forms of the verb essere: é and sono. Italian for "it is one o'clock" is é la una. Times are always given in the feminine form because la ora ("hour", or "the time") is feminine. é la is only used if you are talking about one o'clock, since "one" is singular. For all other hours, you use sono le, as in sono le sei ("It's 6 o'clock"). Minutes are expressed as numbers after the hour, using either e or mens to represent after or before the hour, respectively. At 15 minutes before or after the hour, quarto ("a fourth") is commonly used instead of quindici ("fifteen"). Likewise, at 30 minutes after an hour, mezza ("half") is commonly used instead of trenta("thirty"). Mezza is never used with meno. Here are some examples:é la una e venti. ("It's twenty after one", literally "it's one and twenty")Sono le due meno dieci. ("It's ten before two", literally "it's two minus ten") but also é la una e cinquantaSono le quattro e un quarto. ("It's a quarter after four.")Sono le quattro meno un quarto. ("It's a quarter before four.") but also Sono le tre e tre quarti (literally, "it is three and three quarters") and Sono le tre e quarantacinque (literally, "it is three and forty-five")Sono le dieci e mezza. ("It's half past ten.")é la una meno cinque. ("It's five (minutes) to one.")To say that something is "at" a certain time, use alla or alle:A che ora é la lezione ? ("At what time is the lesson ?")La lezione é alle nove. ("The lesson is at 9 o'clock.")La lezione é alla una. ("The lesson is at one o'clock.")To ask for the time in I talian, use Che ora é ("What time is it?"). T o ask what time something happens at, use A che ora ? ("At what time……?") as in A che ora é la lezione ?, or A che ora ritorni in università ? ("What time do you return to the university?").To differentiate between AM and PM when telling time, Italian may add del mattino ("in the morning"), del pomeriggio ("in the afternoon"), della (di) sera ("in the evening") and della notte ("in the night") to describe what time of day being referred to. Usually this is clear from the context and is not specified explicitly. Another possibility is to use a 24-hour clock (this is always done officially, e.g. when calling for meetings, in train and plane timetables, etc.). So 9 o'clock PM becomes sono le nove di sera, while 9AM is sono le nove della mattina, and 5PM is sonole cinque del pomeriggio.Questions and Question WordsAsking a yes or no questionThere are many ways to ask questions in Italian, althoug there is no do-form as in English. The simplest form of a question is to use a regular sentence but either add a question mark (when written) or change the inflection (when spoken). Look at these 2 sentences:Marisa studia. ("Marisa studies.")Marisa studia ? ("Does Marisa study?")When writing a question a question mark occurs at the end of the question. When speaking, you must change the inflection of the sentence. A normal sentence ends on a low inflection, as in "maRIsa sTUdia", with capital letters denoting syllable emphasis. When asking a question, the sentence ends with a high inflection, as in "maRIsa studIA", much the same as English questions.It is also possible to change the word order when asking a question. Look at these sentences:Marisa studia italiano ?Studia italiano, Marisa ?Both these sentences say the same thing, "Is Marisa studying Italian?" The subject of the sentence, namely Marisa, can be placed or at the end of the sentence, for questions only. The second sentence may mean "is she studying Italian or another language ?"One other common way of asking a question is to add no ? or vero ? ("right?") to the end of a sentence. So the question above could also be written: Marisa studia italiano, vero ? ("Marisa is studying Italian, isn't she?" or "Marisa is studyingItalian, right?").Question wordsAll of these questions have implied either a yes or no answer - "Is Marisa studying?", "Is she studying Italian?" To ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer, you generally have to use a question word. Here is a list of some English question words and their Italian equivalents:What - che cosaWho - chiWhen - quandoWhy - perché,Which - qualeHow much - quanto(-a)How many - quanti(-e)Where - doveEach question word, or interrogative, works similarly to its English counterpart. Perhaps the easiest way to explain how to use them is through example sentences. Take a look at these: Chi é Roberto ? ("Who is Roberto?")Quando ritorna ? ("When is s/he returning?")Dove studia ? ("Where does s/he study?")Che ora é ? ("What time is it?")A che ora é la lezione ? ("At what time is the lesson?")Qual é il compito ? ("What is the homework (assignment)?") Chi é in casa? ("Who is in the house?")Dov'é la matita ? ("Where is the pencil?")Perché torni a scuola ? ("Why do you retur n to school?")In quale università studi ? ("At which university do you study?")Quanti studenti ci sono in classe ? ("How many students arethere in the classroom?")Notice the similarity between English and Italian? Try making your own questions by translating the following English sentences (note that not all of them need a question word). Type in your answer in the text box after each sentence, then press the Translations button to compare what you typed to what the right answers are. (Answers for users without forms support.) What is in the book?Where does s/he work?Who is it?Is it 2 o'clock?What do you(informal) need?Why do you love him?Test yourselfHere's your chance to see how much you know. All of these sentences you should be able to translate either from or to Italian, if you've gone through all three lessons. Type in your answer in the text box after each sentence, then press the Translations button to compare what you typed to what the right answers are. (Answers for users without forms support.)English to ItalianHello, miss, are you in school?You're the teacher, aren't you?The class is long and difficult.Is the television in the kitchen?The green chair is big.I listen to the teacher in (the) class.Are the students unpleasant?The chalkboard is dirty.I'm sorry, I don't speak English.They're Tim's papers. Italian to EnglishIl compito é difficile ? Quando é la lezione ?Parlo bene inglese e italiano. é carina ?La classe é grande e pulita Dove studiano geografia ? Chi chiamano in cucina ? Quando lavora a scuola ?é un libro di matematica.Mi serve una penna blu.。


声母是音节结构开头的辅音音素,共有、、、、、、 、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 21个; 大多数情况下,声母都是由辅音来承担的,但是也有元音开 头的字,如“云”[]、“乌”[u]、“蔼”[],习惯上把 这样的字看作是“零声母”字,算作一类声母,不再区别它 是以什么元音开头。 普通话里的辅音[ŋ]只能在音节的末尾,不能用在音节的 开头,因此它不是声母。
复辅音音节是由两个或两个以上的辅音组成的音节。复辅音也必须处在 同一次紧张之中,并位于同一个渐强或渐弱的阶段中。如英语的 strand[](海滨)。(现代汉语的各个方言中没有复辅音;英语、 俄语等语言中则比较多。) 语言中还有少数只由辅音构成的音节,例如表示答应的“呣”[],山 西文水话的“你”[],这样的辅音叫做成音节辅音。在音标的上面或下 面加一个小直杠“”来表示。
3、介音和韵尾位置能够出现的成员较少,能做介音的只有 /、、/三个音位,属于高元音这个小聚合群;能做韵尾的 只有/、、、/四个音位,分属高元音和鼻辅音两个小聚合 群。 4、音节的各个组合位置有的是必须有成员出现,有的则不是 必须有成员出现,前者称为“必有成分”,后者称为“可有成 分”。北京话的音节中只有韵腹、声调是必有成分,其他成分 是可有也可以没有的。
例如在[a][][][][][]等韵母中,韵腹都是[]。 韵头又叫介音,是韵母中位于韵腹之前的成分。 韵尾是韵母中位于韵腹之后的收尾成分。比如在[]这个韵母里,[]
是韵头,[n]是韵尾。 韵母的三个成分中韵腹与韵尾的关系更为紧密,这两个成分结合叫“韵”。 每一个韵母都必须有韵腹,韵腹是韵母的核心,但可以没有韵头和韵尾。 声调指音节中具有区别意义作用的音高变化。最简单的一个音节可以没有
总结:凡是以/i/为主要元音或介音的叫齐齿呼,以/u/为主要元音或介 音的叫合口呼,以/y/为主要元音或介音的叫撮口呼,没有韵头而以/a、 o、/为韵母的主要元音的叫开口呼。开、齐、合、撮四呼是汉语普通 话音位组合中的一个重要的特点,掌握它对于掌握北京话的声韵配合规 律至关重要。







世界上除了意大利本国(包括在意大利境内的圣玛力诺和梵蒂冈)使用意大利语外,还有瑞士部分地区(Canton Ticino)以及个别非洲独立同家,如索马里(原意属索马里),由于过去受意大利统治,也使用意大利语为官方正式语言或通用语。

意大利语由拉丁语演变而来,意大利国内各地区方言虽各有不同,但都是来源于通俗拉丁语(latino volgare),即古代罗马帝国的语言。













意大利语字母表ALFABET0 ITALIANO外来字母表LETTERE STRANIEREBuongiorno! 您好!(早上好!)Buonasera晚上好! Buongiorno! Come sta ?您好!您怎么样?Bene, grazie! E Lei ? 很好谢谢!您呢?Non c'e male, grazie. 还可以谢谢!Ciao ! come stai ?你好!你怎么样?Bene, grazie! E tu? 很好谢谢!你呢?Benissima ! 好极了!Cosi Cosi! 马马虎虎!Abbastanza Bene! 还好Male Malissima 不好!坏极了!(麻烦大了!)Come ti chiami ? 你叫什么?Come si chiama? 您叫什么?Mi chiamo ……… .我叫Lettera per lettera 字母如何拼写Il Suo cognome (nome)scusi? 对不起!您的名字?姓il tuo nome (cognome)scusa? 对不起!你的名字?姓Arrivederci !再见Buona notte! 晚安!A domani 明天见!Grazie ! 谢谢! Prego! 不客气!Come va ! 您(你)怎么样? 好吗?Sei tu Giacomo Mori? 你是贾克莫莫里?Si Sono io 是!我是。

北京语言大学意大利语动词变位完整总结版 ppt课件

北京语言大学意大利语动词变位完整总结版 ppt课件
直陈式 一般现在时 规则的变位
• 所有的动词原形,都是以are,ere,ire为结尾 的,我们将are分为一组,将ere和ire分为第 二组。
• 第一人称和第二人称,通常比较容易,第 三人称需要特别注意,我们常戏说为小三 很麻烦。
动词词尾 are ere ire
• 在io 人称下,去掉词尾 加上o (我 wo) • 在tu人称下,去掉词尾 加上 i (你 ni ) • 在noi人称下,去掉词尾 加上 iamo • 在voi人称下, 去掉re,加上te (te:你)
• Preferisco • Preferisci • Preferisce • Preferiamo • Preferite • Preferiscono
Guardare 看
Cantare 唱歌
Cominciare 开始
Tornare 回来
Cercare 寻找
Perdere 丢失
Riuscire 成功做某事
Piacciamo Facciamo
Piacete Fate
piacciono fanno
dire Dico Dici Dice Diciamo Dite dicono
Amare 爱 Ti amo
• Amo • Ami • Ama • Amiamo • Amate • Amano
• Il tempo vola. 时光飞逝。
Telefonare 打电话
• Te-le-fono • Te-le-foni • Te-le-fona • Telefoniamo • Telefonate • Te-le-fonano
Cambiare 换
Ricordare 记得



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它是由舌尖起主要作用发出来的音,它 有前与后、圆唇与不圆唇的区别。普通 话有两个舌尖元音: [‫ ] ן‬舌尖前、高、不圆唇元音 [ l ] 舌尖后、高、不圆唇元音
卷舌元音发音时,在发舌面元音的同 时舌尖向硬腭翘起。它可以说是舌面和 舌尖同时起作用发出来的音。卷舌元音 可以描写为:卷舌、央、中、不圆唇元 音。
主动发音器官 与被动发音器官:
口腔、鼻腔和咽腔在语音发音时的作用 主要是利用不同部位的协调配合,使之 形成不同的共鸣器。口腔由上下唇、上 下齿、上下腭、舌头和小舌组成。这些 发音器官,有些如唇、舌头、软腭、小 舌等是能够活动的,叫做“主动发音器 官”;有些如齿、齿龈、硬腭等是不能 活动的,叫做“被动发音器官”。
- 辅 音 +
- +
+ -
+ + -
元音和辅音不同于汉语拼音中 的声母和韵母
元音和辅音是普通语音学从发音特点的 角度给人类语音音素划分出来的单位, 是音素在再分类,这种分类方法适用于 人类所有的语音,就是说,任何语音系 统都是由元音和辅音构成的。 声母和韵母是汉语语音学根据汉语音节 结构的特点划分出来的语音单位。
语音具有自然属性(生理、物理、心理 属性)和社会属性。 语音的发音一传递—感知三个环节分别 对应于语音的生理—物理—心理三个方 面的属性,由发音学、音响学、听觉语 音学加以研究。
生理—物理—心理 发音学 音响学 听觉语音学
一、语音的物理属性 二、语音的生理属性 三、语音的心理属性 四、语音的社会性质
发音部位就是口腔中形成阻碍阻挡气流冲出来的部位。 根据发音部位的不同,从外向里观察辅音可区分为11 类: 1双唇音:下唇和上唇形成阻碍发出的辅音。 2唇齿音:下唇和上齿形成阻碍发出的辅音。 3齿间音:舌尖置于上下齿之间形成阻碍发出的辅音。 4舌尖前音:舌尖和上齿垠或上齿背形成阻碍发出的音。 5舌尖后音:舌尖翘起和硬腭前部形成阻碍发出的辅音, 又叫卷舌音或翘舌音。 6舌叶音:舌叶和上齿音后部形成阻碍发出的辅音。 7舌面前音:舌面前部和硬腭前部形成阻碍发出的音。 8舌面中音:舌面前部和后腭形成阻碍发出的音。 9舌面后音:又叫舌根音,是舌面后部和软腭形成阻碍 而发出的辅音。 10小舌音:舌根和小舌形成阻碍发出的辅音。 11喉音:又叫声门音,在喉部声门处形成阻碍发出的 辅音。


ponte桥 tanto那么多 angelo天使 cancello栅栏 dispensa分配
• 1.鼻辅音n前面加上元音a,e,i,o,u时,元 音不能鼻化,不能发成鼻腔元音,而必须保 持原来元音本身的发音,再加上鼻辅音n或m; an(am),en(em),in(im),on(om),un(um)虽然是 一个音节,但不能发一个鼻化音。
第三章 辅音的发音
• 辅音是气流冲破发音器官(唇、齿、舌、 腭等)的种种阻碍和挤压而发出的音,辅 音只有和元音结合在一起,才能发出各种 不同的声音来。
第二节 鼻音(Nasali)
• 1、双唇音(Bilabiali)M m
• mamma 妈妈 amare爱 mela苹果 • male不好 amico朋友 amore爱情 • matto疯子 mito神话 come 如何

• con calore 热烈地 • con brio 有活力地 • con dolore 痛苦地 • con furie 匆忙地 • con sentimento 愤怒地
• andante行板 • andante non tanto • 不太慢的行板 • andante sostenuto 持续的行板 • andante quasi allegretto • 稍快的行板 • andante con moto 流畅的行板
• bemolle(b)降半音记号 • bequadro还原记号 • diesis(﹟)升半音记号 • sincope切分音
• doppio bemolle(bb)双重降号 • doppio diesis(﹟ ﹟)双重升号 • segno finale(﹩)终止符号 • maggiore 大调 • minore 小调















Cominciamo a studiare l’italiano
Cos’è L’Italia per voi?
L’italiano 意大利语
意大利语属于印欧语系的罗曼语族(拉丁语族) 意大利语由拉丁语(Latino)演变而来 意大利语在公元1200年前后正式形成 托斯卡纳(Toscana)地区的方言是现代标准意大
Non c’è male. 疑问句一律用升调
Come stai?
Stai bene?
Grazie Ci vediamo alla prossima volta !
音(p、t、c)的发音不同于英语(不送气)。 学会大舌颤音(r)的发音。 重音一般落在每个单词的倒数第二个音节,但也有特殊,因此
Alfabeto Italiano
/ VU
Le lettere straniere
La fonetica italiana
gl-a,e,o,u /gl/ gloria 14
s /s/ -ss-
清辅音p, t, f, c前 studio 词尾(外来词) tennis
/z/ 两个元音中间
利语的基础 意大利语比其它罗曼语更接近于原来的拉丁语
意大利语发音十分规则,这一点和英语不同。 多数意大利语单词为元音结尾,且单词中的每个元音都要发音

第三章 语音(讲义)

第三章  语音(讲义)













3.汉语拼音也是一种记音符号,但还不是象国际音标那样严格意义上的音标,因为汉语拼音的字母符号与音素并不是意义对立的,如a代表了四个音素,i代表了三个音素;另外,汉语拼音的运用还涉及到一些比较复杂的拼写规则,如i和u在音节前要写作y w,iou uei uen与辅音声母相拼时要省略韵腹等。









基础意大利语ppt (36)

基础意大利语ppt (36)

Il futuro anteriore基础意大利语语法篇Che cosa è il futuro anteriore?Il futuro anteriore o futurocomposto è una forma verbale che indica un'azione anteriore a un’altra azione del futuro;un’incertezza o un dubbio eventi, esperienze e fatti considerati come compiuti, ma si trovano nell'ambito dell'avvenireCome si forma il futuro anteriore?Le forme del futuro semplice degli ausiliari avere o essere con il participio passato del verboGli usi del futuro anteriore◆1.) per esprimere due azionidel futuro, una precede l’altra. Adesso studio ancora, non ho tempo, ma quando avrò finitol’università, faròun viaggio in Italia.Oggi Futuro Futuro studio Avrò finito faròGli usi del futuro anteriore◆2.) per esprimere un dubbio, un’incertezza, indica un’azione del passato Ho cercato di telefonare a Marco, ma non mi ha risposto, come mai?Avràmesso la vibrazione e il silenzioso, o non avrà sentito la suoneria. 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料Gli usi del futuro anteriore◆3.) per esprimere un’azione del futuro già compiuta.--I tuoi genitori sono già partiti perPechino?--Sì, sono partiti proprio adesso, dieciminuti fa. Domani a quest’ora avranno già mangiato l’anatra alla pechinese.Grazie per l’attenzione!。



LEZIONE 3这是第三课,这⼀课我们要学习阴性名词的构成,也就是初步了解意⼤利语的构词法。


⾸先看这⼀课的单词1 chi (代)谁2 signore (名·阳)先⽣3 insegnante (名·阳) 教师4 in (介)在....⾥⾯这个和英语⾥的是⼀样的。

5 scuola (名·阴) 学校(school)6 come (副)怎样,如何(注意:英语⾥有⼀个和这个拼写完全⼀样的词,但是和它的意思⼤相径庭)7 professore (名·阳) 教授,教师professore 和insegnante的区别在于:professore是那种地位⽐较⾼的教师,⽐如⼤学⾥的教授,⽽insegnante则是⽐较⼀般的教师,如中⼩学教师和⼤学的,助教。

8 operaio (名·阳) ⼯⼈这个词的词根是opera ,英语中和它对应的是operate,operate的派⽣词为operator, 但是operator指的是专门操作机器的⼈和那种⼯作中的⾏家⾥⼿。


9 impiegato (名·阳) 职员10 dottore (名·阳) ⼤夫,医⽣,博⼠(doctor)11 attore (名·阳) 演员(actor)在意⼤利语中,⼤凡是以tore结尾的名词都表⽰某种职业,这个词尾特别类似英语中的-er,-or ,.请看:professore-professorattore-actordottore-doctor12 medio (形)中等的,中级的英语⾥没有medio这个词,但是英语有medi-这个前缀,意思是:中间的,中部的13 universita (名·阴)⼤学 (university)(注意:这个词的重⾳在最后⼀个⾳节)14 fabbrica (名·阴)⼯⼚(factory)15 ufficio (名·阳)办公室 (office)16 ospedale (名·阳)医院17 signora (名·阴) 夫⼈,太太,⼥⼠18 elementare (形)初等的,初级的(elementary)注意:“⼩学”在意⼤利语⾥是:scuola elemantare,在英语中绝对不能说成elementary school, 要说成 primary school.19 superiore (形)⾼等的,⾼级的英语⾥有⼀个词是superior ,但是这个词⼀般指某⼈在社会地位或政治地位上⾼于别⼈,或者某个事物和其他事物相⽐有什么优势20 compagno (名·阳)同志21 italiano (形)意⼤利的(名)意⼤利⼈,意⼤利语22 a (介)在....23 ingegnere (名·阳)⼯程师(engineer)24 spagnolo (形)西班⽛的(名)西班⽛⼈,西班⽛语25 signorina (名·阴) ⼩姐注意:在意⼤利语中,词尾-rina 表⽰“⼩”,“年轻”等含义26 ancora (副)还27 lingua (名·阴) 语⾔英语中和其对应的词是language,但是在英语中有⼀个表⽰“语⾔”的前缀,是”lingu-“28 straniero (形) 外国的下⾯看⼀些动词的变位形式,这些动词都规则动词,这些变位形式现在都不⽤强记,能认识就⾏了。



注意区分c和g • cara亲爱的 —— gara比赛 • cheto平静的 —— ghetto贫民窟 • chilo公斤 —— ghiro睡鼠 • colla浆糊 —— gola咽喉
• cupo深沉的 —— gufo猫头鹰 • pacco包裹 —— pago付钱 • pacato平静的 —— pagato付过 钱 • lacuna空白 —— laguna泻湖
• Lago d’Orta奥尔塔湖(米兰附近)
Termini musicali(音乐术语) • largo最缓板 • allegretto稍快板 • allegro快板 • lento缓板 • presto急板
• prestissimo最急板 • adagio慢板 • mosso快 • piu mosso较快 • poco mosso稍快
请您给我一个盘子 (一个杯子, 一只茶杯)!
给您。 多谢了。 没什么。
• 辅音q总是和元音字母u相连,不能单独构成发音 单位。qu的发音与cu完全相同,但后面必须再跟 其它元音。
• • • •
quadro画 questo这 quindi因此 dunque那么
quota高度 qui这里 quaderno本子
• 求人不如求己。
• Non c’e due senza tre.
• 有二必有三。
• Il troto non è mai da una parte.
• 不能听一面之词。

• inquirente侦探 inquilino • aquilone风筝 delinquente罪犯 • quindi因此 equipaggio机组人员
• gu
• guida领导;向导 guerra战争 • guasto故障 guardia看守 • guarira治愈 tregua休战
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an-che, un-di-ci
5.双元音中u或者i均为半元音,不分成两个音节,而作为一 个音节。 如: cie-lo, fiu-me, buo-no
6.辅音群一般不分开,划在一个音节内。 如: ca-stel-lo, mi-ni-stro, giu-sto
7.rb,rp,rs,ld,lt,cn,tm等相连的两个辅音,因发音关系经常分开 划分音节。 如: er-ba, for-se, rit-mo, col-to, tec-ni-co
Acqua (Cancro, Scorpione, Pesci), che rappresenta l'immaginazione, i sentimenti e la capacitàdi amare dell'individuo.
本次课程是语音部分的完结篇,将重点巩固音节的划分、重音规则 与r的发音。 最后还将为大家介绍意大利语中的12星座。 语音部分结束后,我们将正式进入语法部分的学习。 希望大家经过语音阶段的学习后,能够渐渐无障碍的拼读出美妙(…) 的意大利语!
Yuki 2014-一 个音节。 如: am-pio, mem-bro,
f. –tico: Mistico, pacifico, magnifico, critico, benefico, statico
g. –gico: Logico
h. –vole: Piacevole, benevolo, vicendevole
Rr[r]舌尖上卷,与上齿龈接触,气流不断冲击舌尖使 它颤动,声带振动,声带振动,r在词尾时,只用颤动一下。
很简单,就是一直读33,也就是trentatre,最好 找一个比较空旷的地方,要是脸皮比较厚的话也 没关系,一定要大声读,可以感觉到舌头一直在 努力冲,刚开始会发觉很拗口也有些费力,不过 一定要坚持把它读的不拗口。
方法三: 坚持发tratratra这样的发音,把舌头练软~然后trrrrrra这 样发出来~~就开始去掉t 还有就是tretre,之后同上 最后就是用舌尖顶住上牙龈,吹气到舌尖,吹动为止。
这种方法只要持之以很,就会很管用,但要注意休息,不 然会头疼……
Astronologia 星座
12 segni zodiacali
牡羊座 ( n ) Ariete 金牛座 ( n ) Toro 双子座 ( n ) Gemelli 巨蟹座 ( n ) Cancro 狮子座 ( n ) Leone 处女座 ( n ) Vergine 天秤座 ( n ) Bilancia 天蝎座 ( n ) Scorpione 射手座 ( n ) Sagittario 魔羯座 ( n ) Capricorno 水瓶座 ( n ) Acquario 双鱼座 ( n ) Pesci
1. sc的发音: 在元音a,o,u之前,要发[sk]的音。 如:sca-den-za scuo-la
sco-la-stico scu-sa
在h之前,要发[sk]的音。 如:schie-na schia-vo
sche-da scher-zo
在元音e,i之前,要发[ʃ]的音。 如: la-scia-re, sce-na, sci-ssione,
中国人学习意大利语中的小舌音是最头疼的事了。有 的人天生就会颤音,但是有的人把意大利语(或者法语德 语西班牙语等一些需要发小舌音的语言)作为母语的人也 不能发出这个音。所以,练习是至关重要的。
试着发发“LLLLLLLLLLL”,然后把舌头卷 动发音,或者在前面加一个弱的“D”来进行 辅助,经过一段时间的练习就可以发出纯正 的小舌音了。
gu-scio, pro-sciu-tto
2.gn的发音:[ɲ] la-va-gna in-ge-gne-re ma-gni-fi-co gnoc-co o-gnu-no
3. gl的发音:[ʎ]
Fa-mi-glia mo-glie
意大利语的重音放置有三个位子: 1. 单词最末音节:virtù, carità, università 这类读音单词上都有标志,所以不难; 2. 倒数第二个音节,大部分单词重音都落在这 里。 3.特殊情况:有一些词重音落在倒数第三,第 四个音节上,这些特殊情况应该怎样来识别呢? 下面给大家总结一些规律:
b. –tudine: Abi-tudine, molti-tudine, beati-tudine
c. –rio: Cri-te-rio
d. –zia: Giustizia, amicizia, grazia
e. –abile/-ibile: Probabile, mangiabile, possibile, impossibile
问:Di che segno sei? 答:Sono un …
Classificazione dei segni
Fuoco (Ariete, Leone, Sagittario), che rappresenta il desiderio e l'energia creativa dell'individuo.
一些名词和形容词的后缀可以为我们提供线索, 请大家注意,凡以这些后缀结尾的单词,其重 音皆落在倒数第三个音节上:
a. 以-olo结尾的词(皆为阳性名词)其重音落 在倒数第三个音节上: apostolo, discepolo, idolo(ruolo, suolo除外,因为它们是两个元 音相接,重音落在倒数第二个音节上)。
Terra (Toro, Vergine, Capricorno), che rappresenta le risorse materiali e i possedimenti dell'individuo.
Aria (Gemelli, Bilancia, Aquario), che rappresenta l'intelletto e la capacitàdi ragionare e comunicare dell'individuo.