


1.以“The Proper Ways for Students to Relax”为题目写一篇英语作文中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后,应该采取适当的方式放松自己.请根据提示1、看电视;2、听音乐;3、进行体育锻炼等等谈谈你的观点。

As our study time becomes longer and longer every day, we suffer from too much pressure. Sometimes we feel tired. So we should learn how to relax ourselves. In our free time, we can do some sports with our friends, such as playing basketball, playing football or running. It can not only build our bodies but also help us rest our brains and eyes. Listening to music is also a good way to relax ourselves. When we are tired, we may listen to our favorite songs. If we relax ourselves, we will have more energy to study. In this way, we can learn better. However, many students like watching TV or playing computer games. I don’t think it’s the proper way to help us relax. What about you?

2. ①你喜欢阅读吗?请以“Reading --- A good Habit”为题写一篇阅读的短文。

Hello, my dear friends . As we all know , reading is very important to us . It can not only make us know about the world but also help us relax ourselves . To make people love reading , I have some good advice . First, we can get more knowledge by reading. Second, reading can help us change the way we think. Maybe we can solve our problems faster and better because of reading more books. Third , reading can help us study better and grow up more healthily. Also, we can get more experience by reading. What’s more, we can improve our abilities by reading. Now, we can read paper books and e-books on the computer and the smart phone. It’s v ery convenient.

To achieve our China dream, let’s read every day!


My father is the person I want to thank . He plays an important role in my life , not only as a father but also as a friend .He is about40 years old. He is good at playing tennis .He likes to read books when he comes home from work. As a father , he supports and takes good care of my family and he is never upset about my mistakes . He works hard in the company . He’s always warm-hearted and ready to help others . He sets a good example for me . I have learned to work hard and respect people around . As a friend , he knows a lot about me and gives me much help . And he always tells me, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

My father has a great influence on me and I want to thank him .

4.体育运动对自己的影响What We Get from Sports

Students in our school have one thing in common—an interest in sports. But there are different interests about taking part in sports. Lots of boys like doing sports, which can make them strong and healthy. They often go to play basketball, play football and run. Girls like doing sports which can keep them slim and help them lose weight. They often run, dance and jump rope. In my opinion, doing sports is a great way to keep healthy and relax. It can not only help us keep away from illness but also

make us stronger and more beautiful.

5.关于如何实现梦想:How to achieve your dreams?

When I grow up , I want to travel around the world . I want to enjoy the beautiful scenery and delicious food across the world . That’s my dream .

Every time I think of my dream , I feel excited . First , I must keep healthy . Second , I must study hard so that I can go to an excellent college . Then I can find a good job , and make more money to support my dream . I often find part-time jobs on vacations , and start to save money . I’m confident in achieving my dream .

Dreams are our goals of life . Everyone should fight for them . I think my dream will come true if I hold on to it and keep struggling for it .


I think Liu Tao is one of the best students in our school . He is a good boy , in Class Three , Grade Nine . He is tall and thin with a smiling face . He likes playing basketball , so he often plays it with his classmates after school .

Liu Tao studies very hard , and his favourite subject is English . He always tries his best to learn English . For example , he listens to English songs to learn new words . He keeps a diary in English to improve his writing ability every day . When someone has trouble in learning , he is always ready to help him or her . And all the teachers are proud of him . He has influenced (影响) me a lot and there are many things that I should learn from him .

7.该不该帮助困境中的老人们: Should we help the old in trouble

Today there is a hot topic discussed by the people about whether to help the old in trouble or not ?

As a junior middle school student , I think we should help the old in trouble because helping the old is a traditional virtue in China . In fact , I believe most of the students really want to help the old in trouble . However , sometimes helping old people who aren’t really in trouble may cause too much trouble . Maybe those old people actually want to get some money by cheating others , especially the kind young students . If I meet the old in trouble , I still choose to help them . I might be cheated , but I don’t want to let the old who are really in trouble feel helpless . Although different people have different thoughts, I still believe there are more good persons in the society.


Dear Jack ,

Glad to hear from you . You want to know something about studying online . As you know , some students now make use of the Internet –to help them with their homework . But different people have different ideas about it .

Most studen ts agree with it . They think they don’t have enough time to do so much homework . So they have to turn to the Internet. However , the teachers don’t think that copying the answers online will improve students’ abilities . In addition , it

may make students stop thinking . And they will also form bad habits and never study independently. I think we should make properly use of the Internet and don’t depend on it . Studying online could be a way but students had better think over the problems first by themsel ves . What’s your opinion about it ?

9. 期中试卷作文:国有国法,校有校规。在学校中一定有很多规章制度规范同学们的行为。请写一篇短文,向大家介绍一两条校级校规,并谈谈自己的看法

There are many rules in our school. For example, we must wear our uniforms when we go to school. We should say “hello” to the teachers and students. We must go upstairs or downstairs on the right and so on. Among the rules , I think wearing uniforms is the most important for us. First, Some students are poor ,they don’t have enough money to buy new clothes . If everyone wears the same clothes , others will not laugh at them. They can get on well with others . Second , the uniforms can keep us safe .Third , they can make our schoolyard tidier and clearer . But some students have different views. They think the uniforms are ugly .They want to wear their own clothes. And what do you think of this rule ?

10.李红到校的途中发生了车祸,张老师知道后在班上组织了一次有关交通安全注意事项的讨论。请你联系生活实际以How to keep safe on the way为题,谈谈如何才能安全出行。

I often go to school by bike( on foot) . But how can we keep safe on the way? Here are some safety tips for us .First , we should turn left , then turn right when we cross the street. Second , we should stop when the traffics are red . Third , don’t ride our bikes very fast . Fourth , please don’t ride with people. It’s very dangerous . Fifth , we shouldn’t listen to music when riding a bike or walking .

11.How to keep Healthy( 怎样保持健康)

What’s the most important thing in the world? I think it is to be healthy. You can live without money, houses, cars or computers, but you won’t live a happy life if you are not healthy. Then how to keep healthy?

First we must eat healthily. We should eat meat, vegetables, fruit and other kinds of food. Taking exercises is also very important, It can help us build a strong body. If you don’t like sports you can walk for half an hour after meals. Second, we must stay happy all the time. I think making friends is one of the best ways to help us stay happy. Because when you are with your friends, you can share your happiness with them, or you can tell them of your worries. Then you will be happy soon. In a word, keeping healthy is very important, let’s take good of ourselves.

12.以“Always be careful”为题写一篇有关安全的短文

As a middle school student , we should try to stay away from danger because safety is becoming more and more important .First of all , after watching TV , you should turn it off in time . If you’re at home alone , don’t open the door for strangers or invite Internet friends to your home . While you are at school ,running after each other in the classroom can be dangerous . At the same time , you should remember to protect yourself while doing sports . Once you are in the street , traffic rules should be

obeyed all the time . For example , never listen to music while riding a bike . Besides , always follow the traffic lights . If all these are kept in mind , you are sure to enjoy a much safer life .

13.介绍春节。(the Spring Festival)

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .People usually start preparing for the festival before it comes. We prepare delicious food, clean up the house, hang the red lanterns and decorate our homes. We sweep away the bad luck and give best wishes for the coming new year. In the evening before the Spring Festival families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers. Dumplings are the most traditional food. We eat dumplings and many other delicious foods. Children like the festival very much ,because they can wear new clothes and get some lucky money from their parents. During the Spring Festival We have temper fairs and all kinds of performances. We will have fun .We hope the Spring Festival is coming .


All societies have customs about how to behave politely. When you will visit a friend’s house , please bring a small gift , such as fruits or flowers . Follow the rules of your host’s home . Don’t be noisy and offer to help prepare the dinner . Remember to write a thank-you letter after your visit . If you so , you will be very good. Remember, ”When in Rome , do as the Romans do .”I hope you will have a good time.


Our class have had a discussion about whether we can use mobile phones .

Some students think it is good to use mobile phones because they can take photos in their daily life . They can also listen to music to relax themselves in their free time . Besides , Using the mobile phones makes it easy to keep in touch with their parents and friends.

But others don’t think so . They think students shouldn’t use them. Using the mobile phones too much is bad for their eyes and it’s a waste of time to chat with friends. Sometimes some students use mobile phones to play games ,which will have a bad effect on their study . I think we’d better not use mobile phone s . We should spend too much on our study .


Dear Jack,

Don’t be sad about your fight with your good friend. Everybody may have trouble.

I think you’d better do your best to make up with Peter. Perhaps you can have a good talk with him and say sorry to hime.You can also write a letter to show your kindness Maybe he is sad like you.If you are shy,you can ask a friend who knows both of you to help you. I hope you can solve your problem as soon as possible.
