2020年人教版高中英语必修三Unit1阅读导学案 无答案

2020年人教版高中英语必修三Unit1阅读导学案 无答案
2020年人教版高中英语必修三Unit1阅读导学案 无答案


Unit1 Festivals around the world导学案Reading

1.Skim the reading passage and then finish the exercises. (5mins)

(1). What is the general idea of the passage?

A. Ancient Festivals.

B. Festivals around the world.

C. Festivals to honor people.

D. Harvest Festivals.

2.Read for more details: Choose the best answer (10mins)

1). Part 1 Paragraph 1 Ancient Festivals

(2).Which of the following can’t most possibly be origin of festivals?

A. Religious issues

B. Seasonal changes

C. The stories of great people

D. The happy lives of ancient people

(3). Why did ancient people celebrate after hunters had caught animals?

A. Because they had no food to eat except animals.

B. Because they wouldn’t go hungry when food was found.

C. Because animals were their favorite food at that time.

D. Because they wanted to show their admiration for the hunters.

2).Part 2 Paragraph 2 Festivals of the dead

(4).Why do Japanese people light lamps during the Festival of the Dead?

A. Because they want to make the festival colorful.

B. Because they want to light up their rooms.

C. Because they want to light up their way.

D. Because they want to lead their ancestors to return to earth.

(5).The word Satisfy in paragraph 2 means

A. please

B. relax

C. memorize

D. honor

3).Part 3 Paragraph 3 Festivals to Honor People

(6).Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a famous person in the text?

A. Mohandas Gandi.

B. Christopher Columbus.

C. Abraham Lincoln.

D. Qu Yuan.

4). Part 4 Paragraph 4 Harvest Festivals

(7).Chinese people usually do the things in Mid-autumn Festival EXCEPT

A. Families get together

B. Enjoy moon cakes

C. Carnival parade

D. Admire the moon

5). Part 5 Paragraph 5 Spring Festivals

(8). Which is TRUE about the Easter mentioned in the text?

A. It is only a religious festival

B. It is a festival for American

C. It celebrates the return of Jesus form the dead

D. It also celebrates the end of cold winter.

(9).What’s the right time order of the following festivals?

a. Easter

b. Cherry Blossom Festival

c. Western carnivals

A. c; a; b

B. c; b; a

C. a; b; c

D. a; c; b

(10). This text is most probably taken from ?

A. Magazine

B. News paper

C. Guide of World Festivals

D. Travel journal


1). Retell the text by filling the following blanks (5mins)

There are all kinds of festivals and __________ around the world, which are held for different reasons. The ancient festivals were mainly held at three times a year--- the end of the cold _____, planting in spring and ______in autumn. Some festivals are held to _____ the dead or satisfy the _________ in case they might _____ _______, while other festivals are held to honor famous people, such as Dragon Boat Festival and Columbus Day.

Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals are happy events because the food is _________ for the winter and because a season of ___________ work is over, to which Mid-autumn festival belongs. And the most _________ and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the ______ of spring, such as the ______ New Year, at which people have a very good time.

2). Group work: discussion

Why do people celebrate festivals around the world?


and friends gather to eat and give thanks for their blessing.

Thanksgiving Day is really a harvest festival. This is why it is celebrated in late fall, after the crops are in. But one of the first thanksgivings in America had nothing to do with a good harvest. On December 4, 1619, the Pilgrims from England landed near what is now Charles City, Virginia. They knelt down and thanked God for their safe journey across the Atlantic.

The first New England Thanksgiving did celebrate a rich harvest. The Pilgrims landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620. They had a difficult time and the first winter was cruel. Many of the Pilgrims died. But the next year, they had a good harvest. So Governor Bradford declared a three-day feast(盛宴). The Pilgrims invited Indian friends to join them for their special feast. Everyone brought food.

In time, other colonies(殖民地)began to celebrate a day of thanksgiving. But it took years before there was a national Thanksgiving Day. During the Civil War, Sarah Josepha Hale persuaded Abraham Lincoln to do something about it. He proclaimed(宣布)the last Thursday of November 1863 as a day of thanksgiving. Today, Americans celebrate this happy harvest festival on the fourth Thursday in November. Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day in much the same way as their American neighbors. But the Canadian thanks-giving Day falls on the second Monday in October.

56. The passage mainly tells us .

A. How Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the U. S. A.

B. How Thanksgiving Day came into being and the different ways it is celebrated

C. That Thanksgiving Day is in fact a harvest holiday

D. How the way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day changed with the time and places

57. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated .

A. in spring

B. summer

C. in autumn

D. in winter

58. The first to celebrate thanksgiving were .

A. some people from England

B. the American Indians

C. Sarah Josepha Hale

D. Governor Bradford

59. We can infer from the passage that New England must be .

A. in the U. S. A.

B. in Great Britain

C. in Canada

D. on some island off the Atlantic

60. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Thanksgiving Day used to be a holiday to celebrate a good harvest.

B. Abraham Lincoln was not the first to decide on thanksgiving celebrations.

C. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated to express the American and Indian people’s thanks to God.

D. There’s little difference betw een the American way and the Canadian way to celebrate

Thanksgiving Day.


2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修三 Unit2复习学案(适用于普通班) :《普通高中英语课程标准》词汇知识内容要求(必修) 1.借助词典等各种资源,理解语篇中关键词的词义和功能以及所传递的意图和态度等 2.了解词汇的词根,词缀,掌握词性变化规律,并用于理解和表达有关主题的信息和观点 3.在语境中,根据不同主题,运用词汇命名相关事物,进行指称,描述行为,过程和特征,说明概念等 Learning aims: 1.To teach the students how to learn vocabulary and build up confidence in learning English 2.To get the students to master the key words and phrases in this unit 3.To get the students to use what they have learnt to improve their reading and writing 4.To make the students realize the importance of healthy eating 课前案 A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step —千里之行,始于足下 Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant 1. ____ (feel) very frustrated, for people were going to Yong Hui ’s newly-opened restaurant. Driven by2. ______( curious) , he 3. ____( spy) on Yong Hui and she4. ___(瞪了一眼 )at him angrily. He found people went there to eat raw vegetables to 5.______(减肥) . After doing some research, he wrote his own sign 6. ____ (win) customers back . A week later, Wang Peng ’s restaurant was nearly full, 7. ____ made Yong Hui very angry. Having had a good conversation, both of them realized the 8.________ (strength) and weaknesses of their own restaurants and decided to provide a 9. ____ (balance) one 10.______( combine) the two . Finally they succeeded and got married, working and living together happily. 课中案 要词热语,追型逐句 1. lie 经典例句 My mother won ’t have me lying to her no matter what happens. At the top of the hill lies an old temple dating back to the Ming Dynasty. 用法归纳 一个善意的谎言_____________ 向我撒谎___________________________ 在于努力__________________ 练一练: Judging from his expression, we knew that he was__________ (lie) to us. The survivors ______( lie ) on the beach, exhausted and shocked. He ____( lay) the book and just sat there, lost in thought. 众所周知,好的生活在于好的健康。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. balance 经典例句 You look too tired. You had better keep a balance between work and relaxation. You are supposed to keep a balanced diet for the benefit of your health. 用法归纳 keep the balance of nature _________________ keep one ’s balance _______________ lose one ’s balance _______________ keep a balanced diet _____________ 熟词生义: 猜一猜 I must check my bank balance before I decide to buy the car. ( ______ ) 3. benefit 经典例句 Some students think a healthy diet will be of great benefit to their health. You ought to eat some meat and eggs and you are sure to benefit from them. 用法归纳

最新人教版高中英语必修二全册学案(全册 共110页)

最新人教版高中英语必修二全册学案(全册共110页) 目录 Warming-up and reading Learning about Language Using Language Writing Unit 2The Olympic Games Warming-up and reading Learning about Language Using Language Writing Unit 3Computers Warming-up and reading Learning about Language Using Language Writing

Unit 1Cultural relics ?转化 design n.设计;图案;构思→v t.设计;计划;构思 debate n.争论;辩论→v i.争论;辩论 ?派生 名词后缀:-al,-or,-ist survive v i.幸免;幸存;生还→survival n.生存;幸存;存活;残存物→survivor n.生还者;幸存者 art n.艺术→artist n.艺术家 形容词后缀:-al,-able culture n.文化;文明→cultural adj.文化的 value n.价值→valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的 天坛是世界文化遗产,全国重点文物保护单位,国家5A级旅游景区。位于北京市南部,东城区永定门内大街东侧。 The Temple of Heaven is located in southern Beijing.It is included in the UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)world heritage(遗产)list in 1998.With an area of 2.7 million square meters,it is the largest of its kind in the country. Built in 1420,the 18th year of the rule of Ming Emperor Yongle,the temple's main building is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests(祈年殿).The round hall,38 meters high and 30 meters in diameter,has triple eaves and a cone-shaped deep blue tile(瓦)roof crowned with a gilded knob.Surrounding the hall is a six-meter-high spacious


Book3 unit1 —Festivals around the world期末复习 I. 单词拼写 1. The students have to be __________ (提醒) about their homework. 2. __________ (明显),the work is going to take some time. 3. You should __________ (道歉) to your brother for your behavior. 4. With your______________ (许可),I should like to visit Mrs. Thorne. 5. Lewis was much ____________(羡慕) for his work on cancer. 6. It is my ___________(相信) that we’ll find a cure at last. 7. Shortly after our ____________(到达) in London, Lisa was attacked. 8. _____________(农业) land is getting smaller, which demands government’s attention. 9. The guide offers information on local _____________(风俗)。 10. The heavy snow ended hopes of a good ___________ (收成)that year. 11. Do you know when India gained its _______________ (独立) from Britain. 12It is not his custom to ___________(淹没)sadness in wine. 13. I will never ___________(原谅) you for what you said to me last night. 14.The story has attracted ______________(世界性的) attention. 15.She was ______________(奖赏) medal for her great contribution to the country. II. 完成句子 1. Children’s Day ____________ ____________ on June 1. 六一儿童节是在每年的六月一号。 2. Great changes have ____________ ____________ in little Tom since his brother went to university.自从哥哥上了大学,小Tom身上发生了很大的变化。 3. A big earthquake ____________ ____________ in Japan, in 2011. 2011年日本发生了一次大地震。 4. A film will be made ______ ____________ ______ those brave fire fighters. 为了纪念那些勇敢的消防战士,一部电影即将开拍。 5. They ____________ ______ and try to frighten people.他们乔装打扮去吓唬别人。 6. We ____________ ______ for the school ball on Christmas Day.我们为参加学校圣诞舞会盛装打扮。 7. He often ____________ ____________ ______ me in public, which makes me angry. 他经常在公共场合开我的玩笑,这使我很生气。 8. The fellows likes ____________ ____________ ______ their manager.这群年轻人爱捉弄他们经理。 9. I have been ____________ ____________ to ____________ a chance to visit Huangshan. 我一直盼望有机会去黄山观光。 10. He ____________ ____________ to seeing who was making a loud noise in the crowd. 他特想看看谁在人群里吵闹。 11. In order to finish the task on time, they worked _________ _________ _________.为了按时完成任务,他们日夜工作。 12. My teacher looked _________ _________ he had known about it completely. 老师好像已经知道了。 13. People love to get together to eat, drink and _________ _________ with each other. 人们喜欢聚在一起吃喝玩乐。 14. We were _________ _________ when you phoned me.你给我打电话的时候我们正玩得开心。 15. Why do they plan to meet at the _________ _________ at 8 o’clock? 他们为什么在停车场见面? 16. She promised to come, but so far hasn’t _________ _________.她答应来,但现在还没露面。 17. It is a great advantage to him that he always _________ _________ _________. 他总是守信,这一点对他十分有利。 18. I _________ _________ _________, but he didn’t. 我守诺了,但他没有。 19. We all _________ _________ _________ till he landed safely. 我们屏住呼吸直到他安全落地。 20. We ________ ________ at 7:00, while the roads were empty.我们7点出发,趁那是路上没什么车。 21. We had planned to _________ _________ at 7:00, but something unexpected happened.我们本打算7点出发,但发生了没预料到的事。 22. The photo _________ _________ _________ the days we spent in the summer camp. 这张照片总让我想起在夏令营我们一起度过的日子。 23. My memory becomes worse; I have to be _________ _________ everything.我的记性越来越差,什么事都得提醒。 24. _________ _________ _________ _________ the teacher has known about it.很明显老师已经知道这事儿了。 25. I’m not sure what I am doing this Saturday, but I _________ _________ to the Rolling Stones concert. 我不知道这周末做什么,可能我去听音乐会。III.句义,完成B 句, 使其句义相同或相近。 1. A: Do you know how the accident happened? B: Do you know how the


2020年新人教版高中英语必修一导学案全套 Welcome Unit Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 导学案 【学习目标】 1.学会本节单词、短语。 2.掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习重难点】 掌握本节句型表达与运用。 【学习过程】 一、词汇学习 1. get to know 逐渐了解 2. exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换 3. lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;交易;兑换 4. registration n. 讲座;注册;挂号 5. sex n.性别 6. nationality n. 国籍;民族 7. anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的 8. annoyed adj.恼怒的;生气的 9. frightened adj.惊吓的,害怕的 10. senior adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人 11. outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 12. impression n.印象;感想 13. awkward adj. 令人尴尬的;难对付的 14. junior adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年 15. explore vt.&vi. 探索,勘探 16. confident adj.自信的;有把握的

17. designer n. 设计师;构思者 二、知识运用 1. exchange 词性:________ 意思:__________ 词性:________ 意思:__________ 短语搭配: in exchange (for......)作为(与.......的)交换 exchange A for B 以A交换B;把A兑换成B exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交流/交换某物 exchange opinion/ideas/views 交流意见/想法/看法 练习:The School of Life has a large number of professional staff who are willing to meet up with you for an hour of chat in exchange ______ a small fee. 2. designer (1)词性:_________ 意思:________ (2)词性:_________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:make designs for.....为......做设计 by design(=on purpose)故意地 design sth. for.......为......设计某物 be designer to do.......旨在做.......,用于做........ 练习:Lucy was born on January 30th, 1998, when her sister got married to a fashion_____(design). 3. anxious 词性:__________ 意思:________ 短语搭配:be anxious for sb./about sth. 为某人/某事担心/担忧 be anxious for......渴望........ be anxious (for sth.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 be anxious that.......渴望(从句谓语用“should + 动词原形”,should 可以省略) 练习:She lost her job last month. Therefore, she is anxious_______ (find) a new job.

最新人教版高中英语必修三导学案(全册 共5个单元 35页)

最新人教版高中英语必修三导学案(全册共5个单元)新课标人教版 Unit 1 Festivals around the world 世界各地的节日 核心词汇 1.All of us____________(钦佩)the three year old boy named Lang Zheng for his bravery. 2.The____________(可能性)that the majority of the labor force will work at home in the near future is often discussed. 3.The Nobel Prize is____________(授予)to those who make great contributions in many fields every year. 4. Football fans without tickets____________(聚集)around the TV in the corner of the bar to watch the World Cup. 5.Wherever you work,you will____________(获得)much valuable experience as long as you are willing to work. 6.David____________(道歉)for having kept us waiting for hours outside. 7.When I returned,there was a note on the table,____________(使想起)me about Jane’s birthday that night. 8.____________(原谅)me,but I’m busy at the moment;I can’t go out with you. 9.用believe的适当形式填空 (1)People all over the world hold the____________that the economy will soon recover and life will improve. (2)At first people refused to____________such a thing(to be)possible. 10.(1)Among the most common illegal acts are fishing without____________and catching more than the limit?(permit) (2)Since you have a____________,would you like to go fishing if time____________.(permit) 1.admire 2.possibility 3.awarded 4.gathered 5.gain 6.apologized 7.reminding 8.Forgive 9.(1)beliefssion (2)believe10.(1)permission (2)permit;permits 高频短语 1.________________ 发生 2.________________ 纪念;追念 3.________________ 盛装;打扮;装饰 4.________________ 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 5.________________ 期望;期待;盼望 6.________________ 日夜;昼夜;整天 7.________________ 好像 8.________________ 玩得开心 9.________________ 出现;到场 10.________________ 守信用;履行诺言 11.________________ 屏息;屏气


Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits Section 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 一、教学目标 1、掌握考纲所要求的词汇; 2、掌握“祈使句+and/or+陈述语序”的用法 3、学会划分句子成分 二、使用要求 1、理解课文,借助工具书完成导学案; 2、在规定的时间内,交流答案,展示成果; 3、书写认真规范; 4、讲解时,修正答案。 预习案 A.Key words and phrases 1. n健康: _______ adj 健康的, __________(反义词) 不健康的;有碍健康的. 2. adj. 富裕的;有钱的. _________n. 富裕 3. v.伤害__________ n.伤害;损伤 4. n.疼痛___________adj.疼痛的 5. adj. 稀少的,极少的____________ adv.稀少地;极少地 6. v朝……方向前进__________ n.头 7. v呼吸___________ n. 呼吸 8. adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的n.焦虑;焦急 9. n.谚语10. n. 饮食;v. 照医生的规定饮食11. adj. 正常的,一般的12. n. 队长 13. 与……有联系14. 确保 15. 锻炼 探究案 Language Points I: words and phrases: 1. diet n. 饮食;日常食物 v. 照医生的规定饮食 (1) The doctor advised more vitamins in his diet. ___________________ (2) You’ll hav e to diet before you get fat. ___________________ (3) Everyone needs a balanced diet. __________________ (4) The fat girl is on a diet. __________________ (5) I’m gaining weight; I should go on a diet. __________________ 2. 教材原句:I’m quite fit. 我相当健康。 fit adj. 健康的,强健的;适合的 【一言辨异】This small-sized skirt doesn’t ____me, although it _____ my socks well and the color also _____ me. 3. 教材原句:I rarely get toothache. 我很少牙疼。 rarely adv. 稀少地,极少地 rare adj. 稀少的 (1) She is old and rarely goes out. 她年纪大了,很少外出 Rarely do we see them nowadays. 如今我们很少看见他们 注:rarely是否定意义的词,位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。即把助动词、系动词、情态动词提到主语之前。常见的词还有never, hardly, seldom(很少), no sooner…than(一…就…) 测一测: I have been living in the US for 20 years, but seldom so lonely as now.


必修三Unit 1 Festivals--- Guidance 3 to SS’ Studying 1.learn language points of A Sad Love Story and master them through practice 2.master 19 key words , 14 phrases and 5 difficult points 一.课前预习:学会12 个单词,5 个短语,熟读P7 A Sad Love Story 1.单词表上12 个词1 worldwide 2 fool 3 permission 4 fashion 5. apologize 6.obvious 7.remind 8.forgive 9.wipe 10.drown 11.prediction 12.parking 2.生词表上短语5 个:1 turn up 2 keep one’s word 3 hold one’s breath 4 set off 5 remind…of…二.难点聚焦:5 个 A.P15, L16--a bit thinner L17—much happier 比较级的构成和比较级的修饰词——“一些很多相当远,甚至还要多一点” 1.她越来越健康,她比我们开心得多。 2.小李很聪明,小张远比他聪明。 3.你不戴眼镜看起来好得多。 B.P14,L 2—look forward to sth/doing sth look forward to 意思是,其中的to 是词性,后接动词时用. 1.I am looking forward to (hear) from you now. 2.我期盼你早点回来。 3 我们期盼的考试到来了! C.P14 首句:a week later, …he felt happier. later…后,…以后/late 晚点,迟到 1.飞机晚点了三个小时。 2.三年后,他失败了。 D.It will be/take +时段+before+一般现在时句子—要过一段时间才能… It was/took+时段+before+一般过去时句子—过了一段时间事情发生了 1.过了三年,他们结婚了。 2.要过半年,我们才是高二学生。 3.要不了多久他就会康复。 E.确定more than/rather than/other than 的词义 more than:other than:rather than:三.知识网络构建:4 类 1.the other day: 过去时常用的时间词: 2.cut down 词义: 其他和cut 有关短语 3.before long: long before: 4.marry 有关短语:


2017-2018学年人教版高中英语必修三 全套精品导学案 Book3 Unit1 Festivals around the world Period1 改编: 学习目标:1阅读课文了解世界各地的节日 2.理解并掌握文中的长难句 自主学习:记《非常学案》P1核心词汇跟高频词汇 合作探究: Ⅰ. 阅读Reading部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案 1.What's the main idea of the text? A.Festivals have many origins. B.Festivals are held to honour the dead and famous people. C.Festivals are held for happy events. 2.In ancient times,people would celebrate________. A.when winter ended B.if food was difficult to find C.during the cold winter months 3.Which of the following is NOT the festival to honour the dead? A.The Japanese festival Obon. B.The Western holiday Halloween. C.Japan's Cherry Blossom Festival. 4.Which of the following festivals is NOT mentioned in the text? A.Columbus Day. B.Mid-autumn Day. C.Christmas Day. 5.What can we infer from the passage? A.People would have feasts,sing and dance at all festivals. B.People celebrate festivals because they don't want to work. C.By celebrating festivals,people are developing the culture and customs. Ⅱ. 阅读P1-2的Reading部分,完成下面的表格(每空不超过3个单词)

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案 学习目标1能够熟读课文并背会部分段落。 2掌握本单元重点词和 短语的用法。学习方法1在理解的基础上记忆并运用本单元重点词汇。 预习案一.单词拼写。根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.__________ adj. 有价值的 2.__________ vi. 幸免 3.__________ n. 朝代 4.__________ vt. 惊讶 5.__________ vt. 挑选 6.__________ n. 蜂蜜 7.__________ n. 设计 8.__________ adj. 奇特 9.__________ n. 风格 10.__________ v. 装饰 11.__________ n. 珠宝 12.__________ vi. 属于 13.__________ n. 接待 14.__________ vt. 移动 15.__________ n. 怀疑, 16.__________ adj. 值得的 17.__________ n. 证据 18.__________ vi 爆炸 19.__________ vi. 下沉 20.__________ n. 争论写出下列短语的意思 1. in search of ___________ 2. belong to _____________ 3. at war ________ _______ 4. in return _____________ 5. less than ______________ 6. take part in____________ 7. think highly of _______________ 8. pay much attention to __________ 9. rather than ______________ 10. there is no doubt that_________ 探究案 1、In search of the amber room 寻找琥珀屋 search vt. 搜查 We searched the whole town, but could not find one flower shop. 我们找遍了整个城镇,但没找到一家花店。(1)search for 寻找What are you searching for? money? 你在找什么?钱吗? 2)in search of 找寻 The man walked through the streets in search of his lost bike. 那个人在好多条街道转寻找他丢失的自行车。即时活用: 1)She tried ____ but failed; now she could do nothing but wait till her husband came. A. to search the pockets her key B. searching her keys for her pockets C. searching the pockets for her keys D. to search her keys for the pockets 2、This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because


一.Reading —A sad love story Learning aims: To understand the passage. Difficult points: Understanding some language points. Learning procedure: Step1.Translate and remember the following words and expressions. 1.turn up 3. hold one’ s breath 5.obvious 7. remind 9.sadness 11.weep 13. weave 15. the Milky Way 17.announcer 2.keep one’s word 4. apologize 6. set off 8.drown 10.wipe 12.forgive 14.herd 16.magpie 18.Valentine’s Day Step2.Read the passage and tell the following sentences true or false. 1.Hu Jin with her friends was laughing at Li Fang on Valentine’s Day. ( ) 2.Zhinü and Niulang are separated by the Milky Way. ( ) 3.People want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival because they ( ) hope that Niulang and Zhinü are able to meet. Step3. Read the passage again and choose the best answer. 1.Why was Li Fang heart-broken? ( ) A.Because he lost his job. B. Because he didn’t see Hu Jin. C. Because Hu Jin laughed at him. D. Because he was not as good as Hu Jin. 2.What did Li Fang bring for Hu Jin? ( ) A.Nothing. B. A rose C. Some books and chocolates. D. Some roses and chocolates. 3.What program did the manager of the coffee shop and Li Fang watch? ( ) A.A sad love story B. A happy love story. C. An interesting story. D. A humorous story. 4.When Li Fang passed the tea shop, what happened to him? ( ) A.The manager of the shop called him. B.Hu Jin called him. C.Another girl met him. D.He went into the tea shop. Step4.Discuss the following questions with your partner 1.Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed? 2.Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival? 3.What more do you know about Qiaiao Festival? Homework: Remember words and expressions of this part .


Unit 1 Friendship 【单元导航】 World War Ⅱ In 1933,the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Many European Jews lived in the countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence. By 1945,nearly two out of ,which was the Nazi every three European Jews had been kill ed as part of the “Final Solution” policy to murder all the Jews of Europe. Period 1Warming Up and Reading Step 1.Pre-reading Task1. Enjoy some proverbs to support what the truly friendship is about. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend is like a second self. The best mirror is an old friend. Friends are just the people who can share happiness and sorrows. Task2. Choose the words below to describe your best friend. sociable,honest,friendly,easy-going,nervous,open-minded,anxious,careful,talented,talkative,nosy,thoughtful,generous,carefree,pessimistic,peaceful,optimistic,interesting,reliable,helpful,active,careless,caring,exact,adventurous,imaginative,hot-blooded,well-organized,trustworthy,patient,responsible,outgoing,kind,brave,warm-hearted,selfless,tolerant,etc. For example: ?His/Her name is …… ?He /She is …… years old. ?He /She likes doing…… and dislikes doing…… ?He /She is very kind/friendly/honest/brave/wise/funny/humorous/ helpful/ kind-hearted and concerned about you / responsible. ?I think a good friend should be…  ?(or)In my opinion, a good friend is someone who…… _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Step2.Skimming Task 1. Read the text quickly and answer the questions.
