新课标新高考英语人教版高三一轮习题精做:模仿真题周周练(三) 含解析

新课标新高考英语人教版高三一轮习题精做:模仿真题周周练(三) 含解析
新课标新高考英语人教版高三一轮习题精做:模仿真题周周练(三) 含解析






[2020·成都市高中毕业班摸底测试] The Danish lifestyle concept of hygge means many indescribable feelings of comfortable things to many people. Now, join us in visiting some of the best hygge places.

1.Manshausen (Manshausen Island, Norway)

Adventure-seeking people needn't look further than Manshausen,a 55-acre island in Norway's Gro/to/ya strait. Not to be missed:the saltwater hot tub overlooking the sea and family-style meals enjoyed by the fireside at the main house. The babysitting service is also available.

Get more information here.

2.Cedar Lakes Estate (Port Jervis,New York)

Occupying 500 bucolic(乡村的) acres, this turn-of-the-century summer camp now houses a host of luxury,lodge-style cabins. Bike on the grounds, paddle in the lakes, swim in the outdoor heated pool or head to a nearby mountain for a day of skiing. Then turn on your fireplace and lie down with a great book beneath a fur blanket.

Get more information here.

3.Soho Farmhouse (Oxfordshire,England)

This Oxfordshire countryside members-only club offers a British version of hygge. Among the splendid property's coziest offerings:the community farmyard and the Studio Cabin guest room, which boasts views of the lake.

Get more information here.

4.Salt House Inn (Provincetown,Massachusetts)

This charming coastal town now boasts a 19th-century shingled(盖木瓦的) cottage-turned hotel. Book your visit during the quiet, windswept off-season (January through March) for some salty fresh air on the beach.

Get more information here.

1.If you are taking a baby, which place may suit you best?

A.Manshausen. B.Cedar Lakes Estate.

C.Soho Farmhouse. D.Salt House Inn.

2.What is special about Soho Farmhouse?

A.Water scenery. B.Limited access.

C.Outdoor activities. D.Family-style meals.

3.Where is this text most probably taken from?

A.A magazine. B.A brochure. C.A textbook. D.A website.


[2020·太原一模] New Haven, Connecticut-A surprise awaited students in Yale who showed up for Professor Laurie Santos's class. They got slips of paper that said, “No class today.” There was only one rule for the students' unexpected free time-They were not allowed to study, but to relax. Since exams and papers were coming up, everyone was tired and stressed. At this moment they were touched. With around applause, nine students hugged Santos, and two burst into tears.

Yet, cancelling class was not just a break. It was also a challenge, as she was asking them to stop worrying about their grades, even if it was just an hour. One student went to the Yale University Art Gallery for the first time in her four years at Yale. A group of students went to a recording studio and played a new song. More people were outside, and more were smiling. That's why about 1,200 students were taking Santos's class, called “Psychology and the Good Life”,the largest class in Yale's 317-year history. Even non-Yale students had the chance to take Santos's class. It was offered as an online course and she immediately became an Internet hit.

Skyler Robinson, one of her students, was at a loss for a while about what to do during his break, and then decided to take a nap. “It was a great nap,”he commented. Santos designed the class after she realized that her students kept busy through long days that seemed far more depressing and joyless than her own college years. “They feel they're in this crazy rat race. They're working so hard that they can't take a single hour off. That's awful.”

The ideas behind the class are simple. Santos said, “It is the hope that science can help students find peace among all the stresses and difficulties they face at college.” The lessons include showing more gratitude, performing acts of kindness and increasing social connections. The students really wanted to learn to lead a happy life in a science-driven way. Santos also noted the psychological happening of “mis-wanting”,which led people to work towards the wrong goals in life.

One week, Santos asked students to exercise. Another week, she wanted them to get more sleep. They worked hard to keep some new habits. Social science research led to many new understandings of how people find happiness. She thinks her class can change Yale, or rather, not just Yale.

4.How did students respond to the cancelling class?

A.They expressed their concern.

B.They were at a loss what to do.

C.They showed gratitude to the teacher.

D.They were eager to study individually.

5.How can we know Santos's class was popular?

A.From the attendance in her class. B.From the subject she taught.

C.From the long history of Yale. D.From the release of the online course.

6.What can students learn from Santos's class?

A.To develop good study habits.

B.To let exercise become their routine.

C.To better understand how to find happiness.

D.To do something joyful during the stressful time.

7.What can we infer from the text?

A.Santos had a more stressful time in her college.

B.Students would be in rat race after Santos's class.

C.Santos's influence can reach a wider range of people.

D.Santos is going to cancel more classes for better effects.


[2020·昆明质量检测] March 3 marks World Hearing Day. This year's theme is “Check your hearing!” Many experts and health organizations, including those who pay attention to the hearing-impaired (听力受损的), are working to help people realize the importance of protecting their hearing and avoid hearing loss.

When we talk about music, what kind of feelings does it bring? Excitement...and relaxation. But what if the music lasts for hours?

We interviewed a group of musicians based in Beijing during the weekend. They all said that hours of exposure to loud music can cause discomfort. One added that band members like to play at maximum volume and forget the harm that loud music can cause. The same thing not only occurs to musicians. It's also not rare for daily users since listening to loud music on loud sound equipment has become a part of modern life. According to the WHO, the practice has put more than a billion people around the world, aged 12-35, at risk of losing their hearing.

We also interviewed some headphone users in the street, and most of them said that they are not heavy users but admitted that they use headphones for hours on the subway and in the office or home. It's easy for these people to gradually increase the volume without awareness, especially in a noisy environment. Often, headphone users fail to realize they're listening to audio at unsafe levels until serious hearing problems suddenly occur.

There are many reasons for hearing loss,including loud acoustic(听觉的) sources, drug abuse, and diseases. Experts suggest frequent medical checks and prevention measures.

Whether congenital(先天的) or acquired, loss of hearing is usually irreversible. “Once the hearing loss occurs, it's already too late to be changed back to what it was before,”said Yang Shiming, an expert of the Chinese PLA General Hospital. “Early prevention, early identification and early treatment. If everyone could do these things, hearing loss and its harm could be kept to a minimum,”Yang said. Of course, this applies to every one of us.

8.What might be a reason for hearing loss?

A.Listening to music. B.Taking medicines.

C.Ignoring sound pollution. D. Using headphones.

9.What does Yang Shiming advise people to do about hearing loss?

A.Get rid of drug abuse.

B.Make prevention ahead of time.

C.Stop playing music in bands.

D.Choose music with the help of musicians.

10.Which can best explain “irreversible” underlined in the last paragraph?

A.Incurable. B.Unavailable.

C.Unbelievable. D.Invisible.

11.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Preventing Hearing Loss

B.Reasons for Losing Hearing

C.The Origin of World Hearing Day

D.Raising Awareness of Protecting Hearing


[2020·重庆市七校联考] Being stuck behind crowds of slow walkers when you're in a hurry is one of the most annoying things. But now, Lakeside Shopping Centre in Essex, one of the UK's largest shopping malls, has introduced its very own fast lane for shoppers in a hurry, aiming to help impatient shoppers avoid slow walkers and the anger that goes with them.

The Lakeside Shopping Centre in Essex has introduced a 720-foot “fast lane”reserved for fast walkers only, just in time for the festive rush. The centre's management team said:“The lane will help the shoppers who know where they want to go quickly and don't want to get caught in behind unhurried shoppers at the busiest time of the year.”

The fast lane was introduced after a MasterCard survey found that 80 percent of consumers found slow walkers their biggest annoyance while shopping. The research also found that the average walking speed slowed down by 21 percent during the festive shopping period, as most shoppers spent more time window shopping during this period.

Gary Mortimer, an expert from the Queensland University of Technology, said he wasn't surprised by the promotion about the launch of the fast lane, and thought the concept would appeal to shoppers all over the world. “Crowded parking lots and busy shopping centres tend to be two of the biggest complaints of shoppers over the festive season,” he said. “I think the fast lanes are a new approach. However, I suspect it will be a bit like fast lanes on the highway, so it might end up being more trouble than its worth.”

The MasterCard survey also identified the four most common types of shoppers. They include “Skaters”who try and make their way through crowds politely,

“Dodgers” who move down the paths to avoid slow walkers, “Bulldozers” who push their way through crowds, and “Tutters” who express their frustrations to slow walkers.

12.The fast lane is intended for the shoppers who ________.

A.can't move quickly because of physical disabilities

B.buy things on their shopping lists quickly

C.take their time to do window shopping

D.want to leave the mall quickly

13.What is Gary Mortimer's attitude to the fast lane?

A.Supportive. B.Indifferent.

C.Critical. D.Objective.

14.Who may patiently move behind a slow crowd?

A.Skaters. B.Dodgers. C.Bulldozers. D.Tutters.

15.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Shopping can be annoying sometimes.

B.How to avoid slow walkers when shopping.

C.The problems that shopping centres face during busy holidays.

D.The shopping mall creates the fast lane to avoid slow walkers.



[2019·太原市高三年级模拟试题(二)] Current digital technology gives us music of flawless quality. It also makes it easier to copy, upload and stream music without having to download it. __16__. However, as climate change is on everyone's mind these days, the question related to music arises-Which music consumption form is worse for the environment: CDs, vinyl (黑胶唱片), or digital music? The answer might surprise you.

__17__,logic would suggest that music downloads and online streaming are good for the environment. But must it surely be more environmentally friendly? Even though streamed music is material-free, that doesn't mean it doesn't have an environmental impact. In fact, the information is searched and sent to our electronic devices across the network, which costs energy. __18__.

Researchers found that streaming an album over the Internet will use 27 times more energy than it takes to produce a single CD or vinyl record. In any given second, the music platform is serving about 2.5 million streams at the same time. __19__,that means almost 210,000 albums' worth of music has been streamed. It will use nearly 8,000 times more energy than what making one CD takes. Meanwhile, if you buy a CD, it's there permanently. The only extra energy required is whatever you need to power your CD player.

The study was published before Record Store Day-an event that encourages

listeners to buy physical record. __20__ Rather, they want you to think about your power use and choose services that minimize their effect on the planet. They also hope this could develop alternatives that are more sustainable without sacrificing the convenience you expect.

A.Since our digital music uses less plastic

B.If average albums contain twelve tracks

C.This happens every time we stream music

D.As a result, streaming music becomes popular

E.Although streaming music is a greener alternative

F.It wants to convey effects of streaming on economy

G.But the researchers aren't advising playing music traditionally




I believe our life is full of luck and kindness. I was out in town with my husband. Because of the cold, my __21__ shrunk, causing my anniversary ring to __22__. I didn't notice this until we got home. I became __23__ ill and ached all over. I thought my husband was going to have a heart attack.

Although it is a material item, it is yet very __24__. He went out and retraced our __25__ to where we came back. I called the stores we were in and no one turned it in.

I thought it was __26__ for sure.

Well, at around midnight last night, our dogs went mad. We have a sunroom __27__ to our home. The door to that is usually __28__.But that night, we left it unlocked. My all-terrain motor scooter (小型摩托车) was __29__ out there. In its basket was a ring box-holding my ring!

There was also a note that told the story of this stranger __30__ the ring and recognizing the work, as it is a piece made particularly. The person then went to the jeweler and __31__ about finding the ring. The jeweler is a friend of mine so she gave her my __32__ and the town is so small, we are __33__ to find. The stranger who found the ring __34__ the ribbon (丝带) in the store in order to keep the ring around the finger when it is __35__ out. And then the stranger also left a card for us to take our family out to the movies as a gift.

21.A.ring B.hand C.brain D.finger

22.A.fall off B.leave behind C.break down D.go away

23.A.firmly B.formally C.identically D.physically

24.A.valuable B.challenging C.memorable D.beneficial

25.A.footprints B.steps C.streets D.directions

26.A.gone B.stolen C.changed D.transformed

27.A.adapted B.attached C.exposed D.held

28.A.open B.abandoned C.closed D.locked

29.A.made B.parked C.repaired D.destroyed

30.A.handling B.exploring C.finding D.chasing

31.A.explained B.complained C.wondered D.argued

32.A.phone number B.photo C.mailbox D.name

33.A.difficult B.easy C.incredible D.complex

34.A.purchased B.tore C.sold D.borrowed

35.A.warm B.rainy C.foggy D.cold



[2019·合肥市高三第三次教学质量检测] Beijing roast duck, which is honored as by far 36.________ (delicious) dish in the world, has won fame both at home and abroad. Nowadays, an increasing number of 37.________ (foreigner) traveling to Beijing fall in love with 38.________.

Preparing quality roast duck 39.________ (be) a long, complicated process of many steps, from selecting the duck at the beginning to 40.________(serve) it to the diners at the end. Each step is carefully taken to guarantee the roast duck is attractive in 41.________(appear), red in color, fragrant, and hot with thin steam when served. In the restaurant, ducks are roasted upon the order of the diners. After a roast duck is ready, it is brought to the diners, in front of 42.________ a chef will skillfully slice the juicy meat, each piece with well-cooked skin 43.________(attach). You can dip the slices of duck into sweet sauce(酱), and wrap the meat with some spring onions inside a thin pancake, and only then does one finally take a bite! Normally, the remaining bones of the duck 44.________(cook) slowly in a closed dish for making delicious soup. All goes well with wine, thus making the dinner 45.________ unforgettable “full-duck banquet (宴席)”.



假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣。恰好你校今年暑假将为外国学生举办一场汉语夏令营活动(Chinese Summer Camp),请你给他发一封电子邮件,邀请他参加该活动。内容包括:







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There was once a boy in ragged clothes running to ask a building contractor who wore elegant clothes in a construction site of a skyscraper (摩天大楼), “How could I become as rich as you when I grow up?”

With a glance at the boy, the tall and strong-build contractor replied, “I would like to tell you a story first about three diggers. The first digger liked holding a spade (锹) without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a boss in the future. The second digger liked complaining about the long-time work and his low salary. The third digger always quietly devoted himself to digging without making any claims. Several years later, the first digger was still holding his spade in the original place and the second took an excuse of work injury for early retirement. Only the third digger became the boss of the building company. Do you understand the moral of this story? Just go to buy a red shirt and work hard.”

The little boy was puzzled and could not figure out the implication of the story. So he asked the contractor to explain further. Pointing to the builders who were working on the scaffold (脚手架), the contractor talked to the little boy, “Look at those people! They are all my workers. I can't remember all of their names, and even I have no impression of some of them. But if you look carefully, you will notice a sunburned man in red among them. I notice him very early. He seems to be working harder with higher spirits than others. He is always the first one to work every day while the last one to leave. It is exactly his red shirt that makes him stand out among all the workers. Now I am about to ask him to be my taskmaster and I believe he will work even much harder from now on. Maybe he will soon be promoted to my assistant.”

Paragraph 1:

The contractor told the boy that was also how he had got where he was then.

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Paragraph 2:

After hearing his words, the boy thought a lot.

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【文章大意】文章解释了什么是丹麦人的hygge生活观,并对最具有hygge 风格的几个旅游景点进行了介绍。

【背景知识】Hygge是一个抽象和广泛的概念,意为舒适、惬意,是丹麦文化的一个重要特点,描述的是生活舒适、满足的状态。在丹麦文化中,Hygge 表达的是一种友好、温馨的生活方式,试图为处在快节奏、紧绷神经的人们提供简单快乐的舒适感。Hygge是丹麦人精神生活中不可或缺的一部分。

【词汇积累】off-season n.淡季in season当今的,在旺季的out of season 不合时令的

1.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据Manshausen (Manshausen Island, Norway)部分的最后一句“The babysitting service is also available”可知,Manshausen提供代人照看孩子的服务,故本题应选A。而对Cedar Lakes Estate、Soho Farmhouse、Salt House Inn进行介绍时,没有提到有关baby的内容。

2.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据Soho Farmhouse (Oxfordshire,England)部分的第一句“This Oxfordshire countryside members-only club offers a British version of hygge”可知,只有会员才可在Soho Farmhouse享受服务,其他三个地方都未谈到有关会员的内容。故选B。

3.答案与解析:D考查文章出处。根据每个景点介绍后的“Get more information here”可知,该文章最有可能选自一个网站。



【文章大意】耶鲁大学心理学教授Laurie Santos取消课程,让学生去放松。她这样做是希望科学能帮助学生在大学里面对压力和困难时找到平静。

【难句分析】 A surprise awaited students in Yale who showed up for Professor Laurie Santos's class.

分析:本句的主语是“A surprise”,谓语是“awaited”;who引导定语从句,指代students in Yale。

译文:一个惊喜等待着参加Laurie Santos教授的课的耶鲁大学的学生们。

4.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第一段最后两句“At this moment they were touched. With around applause, nine students hugged Santos, and two burst into tears”可知,学生得知取消课程这一消息后,非常感动,并且对老师表达了感激之情。故选C。

5.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第二段第六句“That's why about 1,200 students were taking Santos's class...the largest class in Yale's 317-year history”可知,Santos的这门课是耶鲁大学有史以来出勤人数最多的一门课,由此可知她的课程非常受欢迎。故选A。

6.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据第四段第四句“The students really wanted to learn to lead a happy life in a science-driven way”和第五段第四句“Social science research led to many new understandings of how people find happiness”可推知,Santos的课程可以教学生们更好地理解如何寻找快乐,故选C。

7.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据最后一段最后一句“She thinks her class can change Yale, or rather, not just Yale”并结合全文内容可推知,Santos的课程不仅仅能影响耶鲁大学,也能在其他地方产生影响,故选C。





【难句分析】Often, headphone users fail to realize they're listening to audio at unsafe levels until serious hearing problems suddenly occur.

分析:句中“they're listening to audio at unsafe levels”为省略了that的宾语从句;until引导时间状语从句。


8.答案与解析:C考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“The same thing not only occurs to musicians...at risk of losing their hearing”可知,不仅是音乐家,普通的听音乐者也会长期暴露于嘈杂的声音中,由此而导致全球10亿多年龄在12至35岁的人有丧失听力的风险。由此可推知,忽视声音污染可能导致听力丧失。

9.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Early prevention, early identification and early treatment”可知,Yang Shiming建议人们提前预防来应对听力丧失。

10.答案与解析:A考查词义猜测。根据画线词后一句中的“Once the hearing loss occurs...What it was before”可知,一旦听力受损,回到以前的状态已为时太晚,画线词所在句表示不论是先天的还是后天的,听力丧失通常是不可挽回的,由此可推知,画线词与A项含义相近。





【难句分析】The fast lane was introduced after a MasterCard survey found that 80 percent of consumers found slow walkers their biggest annoyance while shopping.

分析:本句是一个复合句。after a MasterCard survey found...while shopping为after引导的时间状语从句,在此状语从句中含有that引导的宾语从句,that在从句中不作句子成分。


12.答案与解析:B考查推理判断。根据第一段第二句“But now,Lakeside Shopping Centre in Essex, one of the UK's largest shopping malls, has introduced its very own fast lane for shoppers in a hurry, aiming to help impatient shoppers avoid slow walkers and the anger that goes with them”和第二段最后一句“The centre's management team said:‘The lane will help the shoppers who know where they want to go quickly and don't want to get caught in behind unhurried shoppers at the busiest

time of the year.’”可推知,快速通道是为那些想迅速购物的人而设计的,故选B。

13.答案与解析:D考查观点态度。根据对第四段的整体理解可知,Gary Mortimer对快速通道进行了全面的评论,既肯定,又看到了潜在的劣势,因此其态度是客观的,故选D。

14.答案与解析:A考查推理判断。根据最后一段第二句中的“‘Skaters’who try and make their way through crowds politely”可推知,Skaters 在购物时会耐心地跟在缓慢的人群后,故选A。





16.答案与解析:D根据空前的“It also makes it easier to copy,upload and stream music without having to download it”可知,它还使复制、上传和用串流收听音乐变得更容易,且不需要下载。故D项“因此,流媒体音乐变得流行起来”符合语境。

17.答案与解析:A根据空后的“logic would suggest that music downloads and online streaming are good for the environment”可知,从逻辑上讲,音乐下载和在线流媒体对环境是有好处的。由此可推知空处应是说明数字音乐在环境方面的优点。所以选A项。

18.答案与解析:C由前一句“In fact, the information is searched and sent to our electronic devices across the network,which costs energy”可知,实际上,信息是通过网络搜索并发送到我们的电子设备上的,这需要消耗能源。故C项符合语境,衔接上文。

19.答案与解析:B根据空处前后的“2.5 million streams”“210,000 albums' worth of music”可知,如果一般的专辑包含12首歌曲,那就意味着差不多210 000张专辑对应平台上的250万首乐曲流量,故选B项。





21.答案与解析:D根据下文中的“my anniversary ring”可知,这里指的


22.答案与解析:A根据下文可知,我的戒指不见了,所以这里是说天冷我的手指收缩,导致戒指掉落( fall off)。故答案为A项。

23.答案与解析:D根据下文中的“ached all over”可知,这里是说我浑身酸痛,故答案为D项。

24.答案与解析:C根据上文中的“Although it is a material item”可知,这里表示尽管它仅仅是个物品,但是它很有纪念价值(memorable),故答案为C 项。

25.答案与解析:B根据上文中的“retraced”以及下文中的“to where we came back”可知,丈夫是顺原路返回,retrace one's steps为固定搭配,故答案为B项。



28.答案与解析:D根据下文中的“But that night,we left it unlocked”可知,平时那个门都是锁着的(locked),故答案为D项。

29.答案与解析:B根据上文中的“My all-terrain motor scooter(小型摩托车)”和下文中的“out there”可知我的摩托车停放(parked)在日光室内,故答案为B项。

30.答案与解析:C根据下文中的“The person then went to the jeweler and __31__ about finding the ring”可知,这里说的是这个陌生人找到(finding)戒指的故事,故答案为C项。


32.答案与解析:D根据下文中的“we are __33__ to find”可知那个珠宝商告诉了这个陌生人我的名字(name),故答案为D项。

33.答案与解析:B根据上文中的“the town is so small”同时那个人还知道我的名字,因此应该是很容易(easy)找到我们,故答案为B项。

34.答案与解析:A根据下文中的“in the store in order to keep the ring around the finger”可知这个人是买(purchased)了这条丝带,故答案为A项。





36.答案与解析:the most delicious考查形容词最高级。根据句中的“in the world”和语境可推知,空处表示最高级的含义,所以填the most delicious。

37.答案与解析:foreigners考查名词的单复数。foreigner是可数名词,且与“an increasing number of”呼应,所以填复数形式foreigners。

38.答案与解析:it考查代词。此处用it代指上文提到的“Beijing roast duck”。




42.答案与解析:whom考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处引导定语从句,修饰先行词“the diners”,空处在从句中作介词短语in front of的宾语。故填whom。



44.答案与解析:are cooked考查动词的语态和时态。分析句子结构可知,cook和句子主语“the remaining bones of the duck”构成被动关系,且此处是一般情况的陈述,所以填are cooked。





Dear Tom,

Chinese Summer Camp for international students will be held in our school this summer vacation. Since you are obsessed with Chinese culture, I'd like to invite you to join in it.

The camp will last 11 days, from July 18 to July 28 in Xi'an. It covers a wide variety of cultural activities, ranging from studying daily Chinese to attending some lectures on Chinese history and culture. The camp also provides a chance for you to visit some famous museums and historical relics.

Please sign up before July 2 on our school website. Look forward to your early reply.


Li Hua






Paragraph 1:

The contractor told the boy that w as also ho w he had got w here he w as then. Actually the building contractor had once worked hard and outperformed others through his own constant efforts. If he had worn the same shirt just like other workers and hadn't devoted himself to working, by no means would he have been noticed by his boss. As a matter of fact he wore his red shirt every day and worked arduously. Soon his day came. He obtained his boss's appreciation and was then promoted as taskmaster. After he had earned enough money, he became a boss eventually.

Paragraph 2:

After hearing his w ords, the boy thought a lot. He knew that if he wants to stand out among people, there is no shortcut or alternative but hard work. Actually the contractor's experience was just one good example to prove the truth of it. Then the boy thanked the contractor for his reply and said goodbye to him. When he left the construction site of the skyscraper he already had a firm resolution in his mind that he would start his own journey right then in order to fulfill his dream in time.


新高考新课标高三英语阅读专题强化组合训练(含答案解析) (一) Ⅰ阅读理解 Camberwell College Swimming Pools Camberwell College of Arts has one 50 m (Olympic sized) pool with a depth of 2 m throughout, and one 25 m pool with a 1 m shallow(浅的) end and a 4 m deep end. Both pools may be used by the general public at certain times. 50 m Pool The pool is often used for classes, but the general public may use two lanes(泳道) for lane swimming at the following times: Monday:06:30-11:30 and 19:00-21:00 Tuesday: 06:30-11:30 and 18:00-21:00 Wednesday: 06:30-13:30 and 17:30-21:30 Thursday: 06:30-13:30 Friday: 06:30-13:30 Weekends: 09:00-17:00 Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Please note that during College holidays, these times will be different. Call 04837 393560 for up-to-date information. 25 m Pool The 25 m pool is available for recreational (non-lane) swimming from 07:00-09:00 and 12:30-13:30 on weekdays, and 10:00-16:00 on Saturdays. Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied. We regret that the 25 m pool will be closed for redecoration between 21st July and 18th August. The men’s changing rooms will be closed for the week beginning 19th August, and the women’s changing rooms will be closed the following week.Alternative(可选用的) changing rooms will be made available. We’re sorry for this. 【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了坎伯韦尔艺术学院的泳池对外开放的时间等信息。 1.When can the general public use the 50 m pool on Sundays? A.06:30.B.13:30. C.18:00. D.21:00.


江苏省盐城中学2020届高三英语练习一 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 单项填空(共15小题, 每小题1分,满分15分.) 21. To tell ______truth, the future is still a long way to go and we just arrived at______ crossroads, ______new turning point; we will face a new challenge. A.the; a; a B.a; the; / C.a; /; the D.the; a; the 22. –Did you go to visit her when she______ in New York? –______to, but I was extremely busy. A.stayed; was intended B. stayed; intended C.was staying; have intended D.was staying; had intended 23. –Clever ______he is, he works hard. –______ he is always winning the first prize each time. Not many of us realize it, ______. A. although; No wonder; however B. though; No wonder; though C. as; No doubt; though D. though; No doubt; yet 24. ______time permitting, we will go to Shanghai and visit our friends. A. If B. In C. As D. With 25.-How do you find your boss? - ______ A. I can’t find him an ywhere. B. By searching the whole building. C. He’s all right, as long as you do what he says. D. I haven’t seen him for long; he is very busy these days. 26. For a programme that ______ children, we should take their interest into


2016年浙江新高考英语题型变化一一阅读和写作 随着《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明(高考综合改革试验省份 试用)(第一版)》的公布,酝酿已久的高考英语改革终于拉开了大幕。高考英 语考试怎么 改,改了多少,对于试点地区浙江省的英语教学与考试又会产生哪些 影响小编今天从题型变化解读入手,分享一下自己对于新高考考试说明的认识。 希望能帮助各位老师尽快熟悉新题型。 | |一、题型变化 相比2015年浙江省高考英语真题,新高考阅读部分考查题型有如下变化: 第二部分:阅读理解 第一节阅读理解题 篇幅会减少,但是设题难度有可能升高,因此不能掉以 备注 轻 心。 第二节新题型阅读 第一节完形填空 题量不变,分值从1分每题增加为分每题。 完形填空考试题型不变。考查考生在阅读理解的基础上运用词汇知识的能 力。在一 篇约250词(2015浙江高考真题完形词数为350左右)的短文中留出 20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的 4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文 意思通顺、前后连 贯、结构完整。 第二节语法填空 对浙江省的高中生来说,语法填空是一个新题型,代替原来的单项选择题。 考查考生 篇幅与题量 总数 分值 字数 2015浙江高考真题 阅读A: 5道 阅读B: 4道 阅读C: 5道 阅读D: 6道 20道 2016高考新题型 阅读A: 3道 阅读B: 3道 阅读C: 4道 10道 20X 2=40 10X =25 不少于1800 不少于800 考查学生理解主旨和要义、获取事实细节、根据上下文 猜 测词义、作出简单的判断和推理、分析文章的基本结 构、 理解作者的意图、观点和态度。虽然最新高考阅读 题型 分值 考点位置 考查能力 第三部分:语言运用 2015浙江高考真题 阅读6选5 5X 2=10 句首 概括 2016高考新题型 阅读7选5 5X 2=10 段首、段中、段尾 概括、上下文推理


最新高考必刷题英语阅读理解(人生百味)题及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解人生百味类 1.阅读理解 Atop almost every Tokyo visitor's must-see list, Harajuku is one of the city's most named-checked neighborhoods. Here's a quick look at some of the highlights every Harajuku visitor should experience. Takeshita Street The first thing you're going to want to do is get sucked into the vortex of Takeshita Street, the best place to try purikuru photo booths and observe the latest cosplay trends - from Cothic Lolita to cyberpunk. WEGO is a popular fashion chain offering the latest trends and a section for vintage clothes. Tutuanna is where you can find interesting socks that will add an ample dose of kawaii to your outfit. Cat Street Cat Street is more relaxing place to stroll and shop, with stores focusing on higher-end brands. RAGTAG is the best place to find second-hand items. Harajuku Chicago boasts a wide variety of vintage clothes, including baseball team happi coats and traditional kimonos. Omotesando Avenue Another famous shopping street Omotesando Avenue is a large, tree-lined thoroughfare that cuts through Harajuku and is filled with hundreds of shops and restaurants. Sukajyan Dept, a tiny souvenir jacket store, is packed with the works of Ken Kakinuma. TOKYU Plaza Omotesando Harajuku is where you'll find that famous mirrored entranceway that so many travelers share on the internet. (1)If you want to buy vintage clothing, where should you go? A.WEGO & Tutuanna. B.Sukajyan Dept & RAGTAG. C.WEGO & Harajuku Chicago. D.RAGTAG & Harajuku Chicago. (2)When visiting Omotesando Avenue, you may . A.buy interesting socks. B.take a relaxing walk. C.try purikura photo booths. D.post the mirrored entranceway online. (3)Which section of the website may the text be chosen from? A.Travel. B.Business. C.Entertainment. D.Fashion. 【答案】(1)C (2)D


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£ 19.15.B.£9.18.C.£9.15. 答案是C。 1.What will the woman do this afternoon? A.Do some exercise.B.Go shopping. C.Wash her clothes. 2.Why does the woman call the man? A .To cancel a flight. B.To make an apology. C.To put off a meeting. 3.How much more does David need for the car? A.$ 5,000. B.$20,000. C.$25,000. 4.What is Jane doing? A.Planning a tour. B.Calling her father. C.Asking for leave. 5 .How does the man feel? A.Tied. B.Dizzy. C.Thirsty. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

高三英语周练M9U3 (2)

模块九Unit3 单元练习 第一部分单项选择( 共35小题) 1. The thirteen stars on the American flag _______ the thirteen colonies that first announced independence. A. look for B. search for C. stand for D. ask for 2. It seems impossible for the two neighboring countries to arrive at a _______ on the conflict in the near future. A. comprehension B. compromise C. combination D. competence 3. --- Are you prepared to _______ to my decision? --- I have to; I can’t find one even better than yours. A. substitute B. subscribe C. submit D. support 4. He _______ the composition yesterday because I asked him to do it only this morning. A. mustn’t have finished B. can’t have finished C. should n’t have finished D. needn’t have finished 5. In that culture blue stands for love, which is _______ a bride carries or wears something blue on her wedding day. A. what B. that C. why D. how 6. We firmly believe that the war never settles anything. It only _______ violence. A. runs into B. comes from C. leads to D. begins with 7. We object to _______ for something that we haven’t done. A. be blamed B. being blamed C. blaming D. blame 8. But the fact is that _______ you are fat or thin, young or old, the best hope you have of guarding your brain is to eat well and exercise. A. since B. why C. whether D. although 9. The issue of the construction of a dam _______ the villagers into two opposing groups. A. drove B. split C. separated D. objected 10. She plays the piano really well and she can play _______ music anyone puts in front of her. A. whatever B. whenever C. whomever D. however 11. The last of four unmanned experimental US military aircraft designed to fly at six times the speed of sound _______ to be tested next year. A. expects B. is expecting C. will be expected D. is expected 12. The student _______ writing down every data during his experiments. A. used to B. get use to C. is fond of D. is accustomed to 13. A jail usually contains fields or factories _______ the prisoners can work to provide services to the large community. A. so that B. as if C. in case D. even if 14. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _______ to carry it out. A. connected B. fastened C. bound D. stuck 15. Battlefield software and radiation-therapy systems are just two examples _______ designing for beauty may not be the proper focus. A. that B. when C. what D. where


新高考英语题型功能与题型创新 2014年,浙江省根据国务院关于深化高考改革的意见,结合本省的实际情况,对高考英语进行了实际的变革,语文、数学、外语每门课程均是150分,得分多少计入最后考试的总体成绩。其中,外语课程的考试每年安排两次,其中一次在6月份与语文、数学的考试同时进行。英语高考的分值是150分,每年考试两次,取其中最好的一次成绩作为高考纳入成绩。这次英语高考是1977年高考改革以来,最大程度的改革,在社会各界引起了剧烈的反向。本文将从浙江高考英语改革的原因以及可能造成的影响等方面,对浙江英语新高考进行全面的、细致的分析与思考。 一、浙江进行英语改革的原因 1977年,高考恢复,英语考试随之恢复,1983年,英语被纳入到中考的考试科目,1994年,英语被正式列入到高考的科目中,1987年,大学英语四级考试的相关政策出台,1989年,英语六级出台,1992年,英语正式成为三大主科之一,一直到2012年,各地的英语高考改革正在逐步的实施与进行。随着新中国的成立,我们国家考试制度逐渐的完善,一直到最后,英语成为与数学、语文同等地位的主科,由此可见,我国教育中对英语教育教学的重视,既然英语教学具有重要的作用与悠久的历史,那么我们为什么要实施新的高考呢?笔者认为,有以下几点原因:首先,为了提升学生对学习汉语的热情。随着社会的发展与时代的进步,人们对自己国家的语言的学习与书写逐渐的弱化,各种高科技产品的出现,人们对于自己母语的学习以及对自己国家的文化失去了兴趣。笔者就所在的学校进行调查研究,发现学生每天要花费个把小时的时间进行英语学习,每天至少有一节课的时间是要学习英语的。由此可见,学生花费在英语上的时间往往是多于汉语的。为了提升学生学习汉语的热情,需要相对的降低英语教学的地位,加强学生对汉语学习的热爱。其次,英语学习的重要性,


英语阅读是高中阶段英语学习的重要组成部分,由于受国内条件限制,高中生和英美人士直接交流的机会不多,因此阅读成为高中生英语学习的主要形式。提高英语阅读能力可以提高英语考试成绩已是人们的共识。时间不用多,每天十分钟,每天读一篇,日积月累,坚持下去,就一定会有收获。 新课标高中英语阅读精选――高一 内容:故事 Passage 1 One day an ant was drinking at a small stream and fell in. She made desperate efforts to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant almost exhausted was still bravely doing her best when a dove saw her. Moved with pity, the bird threw her a blade of grass, which supported her like a raft, and thus the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man come near. He was walking along barefooted with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the dove, he wished to kill it. He would certainly have done so, but the ant bit him in the foot just as he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life. (163w) 1. The ant could not reach the side though _______. A. she cried for help B. she asked the dove to save her C. she tried very hard D. she could smell well 2. The dove saved the ant because _______. A. she was the ant's friend B. she took pity on the poor ant C. the ant was almost exhausted D. the ant had been struggled in the water for a long time 3. The ant succeeded in getting on the bank with the help of _______. A. a leaf B. a piece of wood C. a blade of grass D. a raft 4. Just as the man shot at the dove, _______. A. the dove immediately flew away B. the dove hid himself in the grass C. the ant told the dove to leave at once D. he felt something biting him in the foot 5. In writing the story, the writer wants to show _______. A. how clever the ant was B. how kind the dove was C. how the ant and the dove helped each other D. we often need help from others, therefore we should help others as much as we can 词汇扩展 ①desperate adj. 拼死的②exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的 ③dove n. 鸽子④blade n. 叶片 Passage 2 Johnny Smith was a good math student at a high school. He loved his computer. He came home early every day, then he worked with it till midnight. But Johnny was not a good English student, not good at all. He got an F in his English class. One day after school Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students: the math grades, the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in English. He found his English grade. An F! Johnny changed his English grade from an F to A. Johnny' parents looked at his report card. They were very happy. "An A in English!" said Johnny's Dad. "You're a very clever boy, Johnny." Johnny is a hacker. Hackers know how to take informationfrom other computers and put new information in. Using a modem, they join their computers to other computers secretly. School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers. So are the police, for some people even take money from bank computer accountand put it into their own ones. And they never have to leave home to do it! They are called hackers.


完形阅读周周练 Test 1 Push! At midnight Peter was awakened by heavy knocks on the door.He rolled over and looked at his __1__,and it was half past one.“I’m not getting __2__ at this time,”he __3__,and rolled over. Then,a __4__ knock followed.“Aren’t you going to __5__ that?”said his wife. So he dragged himself out of bed and went downstairs.He opened the door and there was a man __6__ at the door.It didn’t take Peter long to__7__the man was drunk. “Hi,there,”slurred(嘟囔) the stranger.“Can you give me a push?” “No,get lost.It’s half past one.I was __8__.”Peter said and slammed the door. He went back __9__to bed and told his wife what had happened. She said,“That wasn’t very __10__of you.Remember that night we had a__11__ in the pouring rain on the way home and you had to __12__that man’s house to get our car __13__again? What would have happened if he’d told __14__to get lost?” “But the guy was __15__,”said Peter. “It doesn’t matter,”said the wife.“He needs help__16__ it would be the Christian thing to help him.” So Peter went out of bed again, got dressed, and went downstairs.He opened the door,and not being able to see the stranger anywhere he shouted,“Hey,do you still want a __17__?” And he heard a __18__cry out“Yeah,please.” So,still being unable to see the stranger he shouted,“__19__are you?” The drunk replied,“Here,on the__20__.” 1.A.door B.clock C.wife D.window 2.A.out of bed B.out of the house C.down to work D.into trouble 3.https://www.360docs.net/doc/801920394.html,plained B.explained C.replied D.thought 4.A.weaker B.louder C.longer D.angrier 5.A.stand B.stop C.answer D.refuse 6.A.standing B.lying C.knocking D.looking 7.A.remember B.show C.realize D.doubt 8.A.in bed B.in surprise C.at home D.at work 9.A.down B.up C.inside D.home 10.A.nice B.foolish C.typical D.generous 11.A.hard time B.quarrel C.fight D.breakdown 12.A.drive to B.pass by C.knock on D.drop into 13.A.started B.refreshed C.united D.delighted

最新高考英语新题型语法填空的考查分析及应考策略 -

高考英语新题型语法填空的考查分析及应考策略陕西省英语试题从2016年开始使用全国II卷,新增了听力,语法填空和七选五阅读。其中语法填空是同学们认为比较难的一个题,但同时也是这三个新题型里最容易提分的一个题,所以本人就此题的考查特点及应考策略谈谈自己的看法。 语法填空的考查目的和要求: 语法填空考查考生的语言基本功和在具体的语境下准确运用语言的能力。要求考生挖掘语境信息,运用逻辑语义、语篇衔接等手段,辨析各题、各个选项在语义、语用价值上的差异。其创新的意义在于体现“突出语篇、强调应用、注重实际”的精神。体现了语言测试的交际性原则,体现了高中课程改革的教学理念,与课程标准所提出的英语课程性质相吻合。 语法填空的核心是语言基本功,所以要求关注基础。教师在教学中重视语法的使用情境,体现语法的语用要求和交际功能,把握好语法复习的度。考纲中规定的语法项目都要复习到位,既要保证语法知识复习的系统性、完整性,又要结合高考试题,做到重点突出、详略得当。学生在语法复习时一定要注意语法的基本使用规则,通过语境了解语法,学习语法,亦运用语法。语法复习最好以练固讲,精讲精练,让考生在练中归纳,在练中感悟和提高。切忌面面俱到,耗时耗力地讲解语法规则和条文而削弱实践和练习,忽视其交际功能和语用功能。 语法填空题型特点和要求: 要求: 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 一般十个题里有七个是给提示词的,主要考查实词,例如考查名词的单复数,代词的变化,动词的时态语态,形容词副词比较级最高级,以及各个词性之间的转化。三个是无提示词的,主要考查连词,包括并列连词和从属连词,介词的搭配和运用,冠词等,这就要求学生们对文章句意,整体内容和结构的把握。 语法填空新题型对英语教学的启示: 1. 转变传统的语法教学理念 改变“重识记,轻运用”的语法教学理念,适当减少较繁琐复杂的语法知识的讲解,指导学生在具体语境中学得和习得语法。


2017高考英语阅读理解解析版汇编(48) 阅读理解。 An idea that started in Seattle's public library has spread throughout America and beyond. The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same tome. In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (发起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book " project in 1998. Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong. In Chicago, the mayor(市长)appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the "One Book, One Chicago" program. As a result, reading clubs and neighbourhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character. The only problem arose in New York, where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point ,putting all their energy And passion into the choice of the book rather than discussion about a book itself. Ultinatel was Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process. or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word. ( ) 1. What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy? A. To invite authors to guide readers.


2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(试题类型:B) 英语(新课标山西卷) 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷1至13页,第II卷14至16页。 2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。 3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 4. 第I卷听力部分满分30分,不计入总分,考试成绩录取时提供给高校作参考。 5. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10称钟的时间来回答有关小题如阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是 C。 1. What does the man want to do? A. Take photos. B. Buy a camera. C. Help the woman. 2. What are the speakers talking about> A. A noisy night. B. Their life in town. C. A place of living. 3. Where is the man now? A. On his way. B. In a restaurant. C. At home 4. What will Celia do? A. Find a player. B. Watch a game. C. Play basketball. 5. What day is it when the conversation takes place? A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday. 第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6. What is Sara going to do? A. Buy John a gift. B. Give John a surprise. C. Invite John to France. 7. What does the man think of Sara’s plan?
