

白雪公主Snow White 剧情:旁白:Once upon a time, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The king married a new queen. The stepmother was very bad. Look, she is coming. (从前有一个皇后,她有一个非常可爱的女儿白雪公主。白雪公主出生后不久,皇后就去世了。国王娶了一个新皇后,这个新皇后心狠手辣。看,她来了。)(音乐欢快,新皇后骄傲地上)

皇后:I 'm the new queen. I 'm very beautiful. I have a magic mirror. Mirror, mirror, come here!

魔镜:(低沉、中性、神秘)Yes, I 'm coming.

皇后:Mirror, mirror, tell me. Who is the most beautiful women of all?

魔镜:Not you. It is Snow White.

皇后:No! No! No! Oh, hunter, come here, come here!

猎人:Yes, I 'm coming.

皇后:Kill Snow White! 猎人:(上场,半跪低头)Snow White? (抬头)But ?皇后:Kill her! Bring her heart to me.

猎人:稍停。Yes, my queen. 哎!(低头,无奈地下场)旁白:The hunter goes to kill Snow White


( Pick some flowers. ) Oh! How many flowers! How beautiful!

猎人:( Draw his Knife slowly but hesitated ) Snow White


( Cry exhaustedly)What are you doing? Why do you kill me?

猎人:I ' m very sorry. The queen wants me to kill you。

白雪:(双膝跪下)Help me, please! Please!(乞求)

猎人:(思考一会儿) Oh! My God! I can 't! I can 't ki!ll hOekr!, go ,Snow

White. (把举起的刀放下,让道)公主:(满怀感激地说)Thank you! Thank you! (猎人下,公主跑)

旁白:The Snow White finds a little house. She knocks the door. 白雪:(四下张望,来到门前)May I come in?(敲门,无人答)Anybody here?(推门进,数)One, two, three, ?Oh, seven ch。aWirsh o lives here?

(微喘气, 稍停顿,打个哈欠)I'm too tired(. 挪出凳子,坐凳上, 边打哈欠边睡)

(欢快搞笑音乐)七个小矮人上(滑稽、幽默地做动作自我介绍)1害羞鬼:I 'm the Bashful. I ('做m十s分hy害羞的幽默动作)

2喷嚏精:I ' mth e 、、、Sneezy.(说完马上就夸张地接连打几个喷嚏,一个比一个响)

3开心果:I ' m the Happ(y. 滑稽地笑)

4老学究:I ' m the Docto(r. 假正经地推眼镜)He is the Dopey

5迷糊鬼:I ' m the Dope(y 做幽默可爱的动作)

6瞌睡虫:I 'm the Sleep(y夸张地打一个大大的哈欠)

7老顽固:I ' m the Grump(y. 做倔强类搞笑动作)小矮人齐:(推门,进来,跑到桌前)小3:Who sat here?(手指椅子)齐:Who is it? (互相看,纳闷)小1(跑到最后一张椅

子):Look, Who is it?. (大家围上)小6:Look! She 's sleeping.

小2:She's so beautiful!

小5:嘘!Let her sleep! 齐:(蹑手蹑脚走开)

旁白:The Snow White wakes up. (天亮,放音乐)公主:(揉眼,伸懒腰,轻捶背等)小矮人齐:(上场)Good morning! 公主:(吓大跳,后靠)Who are you?

齐:(理直气壮地)We are the masters. (奇怪地反问)What's your name? 公主:I 'm Snow White.

小1(疑惑不解地):Why are you here? 公主:(难过地)My mother was dead. The new queen wanted to kill me. So ?低头小声抽泣

小矮人:(或同情、或气愤地,点头)小7:(跺脚,愤怒地)What a bad queen!

小3:(勇敢热情地)I ' ll help you.

小4:Me too.

齐:(一起,较大声,热情肯定地)Me too.

小5:(恳切地拉着公主)Stay with us, ok? 公主(感激高兴地):Thank you. (大家手拉手,退场)

旁白:Queen asks the mirror(音乐起,邪恶)魔镜:(上场)皇后:(上场,奸笑,边照镜边问)Mirror, mirror! Who (拖腔)is beautiful? 魔镜:Not you! Snow White is beautiful! 皇后:What?(生气,恶狠狠地)I'll kill her!


皇后:(一转身,拿出一个苹果狠狠地瞪着,不怀好意地从牙缝里阴笑,咬牙切齿、一字一顿地)哼--哼!Snow --- White! (公主一人在家,边哼歌边擦桌)皇后:(上场)Apples! Apples! Buy some apples! (拎篮子)公主:(听)Apples? (欢快,无所顾忌地开门)Hello!

皇后:Oh! You 're so beautiful! Give you a beautiful apple.(诡异地,递)公主:(喜悦,接过苹果)Oh! How lovely!

(咬一口,缓缓倒下死掉)皇后:(跑过去,试探呼吸,拿掉头巾,大笑着离开)Mirror, mirror! Who is beautiful? 魔镜:

It 's you. 皇后:(满意,猖狂地放声大笑,边笑边下)

旁白:Seven little dwarfs come back. 小矮人回来小7(十分惊奇):Oh! What happened?

齐:(大家紧张地急跑过去)Snow White! Snow White! Wake up!

Wake up! 小2:Oh! She died!


旁白:Here is a prince coming. (音乐,马蹄声,王子上)小矮人齐(悲痛欲绝地):Poor Snow White! 王子:(好奇,同情,上前看)Oh! What a beautiful girl! I want to be her good friend.

小4:But you can 't. She is dead.

王子:(摇头)Oh! No!(轻而快、焦急地摇公主)Snow White! Snow White! 公主:(虚弱地睁眼,咳嗽,吃力地吐苹果,惊奇地小声问)What happened? (对王子说)Hello!

小矮人齐:(惊喜,欢呼)yeah! Snow White. Snow White. 王

子:(单膝跪下,真诚地凝视着)Snow White. Can I be your friend? 小6:Snow White, he helped you!


王子:Go with me (王子扶公主下床,手拉手)小矮人:(手拉手,蹦蹦跳跳地簇拥着公主下)

旁白:Queen thinks Snow White is dead. 新王后:Mirror, mirror. Who is beautiful?

魔镜:Not you. Not you. Snow White.

皇后:No! No! (边说边后退,双手捂胸,绝望惊恐、歇斯底里地嚎叫)No!


旁白:The evil queen died. Snow White and the prince went. They'll be happy forever 。

(音乐起,齐跳舞)齐鞠躬:Thank you! Bye -bye!
