
(一)Contract 与Agreement的区别



1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing,modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing,that is,between natural persons,legal persons or other organizations“。根据这一定义,合同是平等主体之间设立的确定民事权利和义务的协议。

Steven H.Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise,or a set of promises,for breach of which the law gives remedy,or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。

L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。

综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将合同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说合同说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce.


L.B “A consensus of mind,or evidence of such consensus,in spoke or written form,relating to anything done or to be done.”根据这一定义,协议是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定。

Black “Law Dictionary”有两个定义。一个是:“A concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties,of certain past or future facts or performance”根据这一定义,协议即双方或多方京某些过去或将来某些事实的相关权利、义务或相关权利、义务的履行而达成的一致理解和愿望。

另一个是:“The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property,right or benefits,with the view of contacting an obligation,a mutual obligation.”根据这一定义,协议即两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。



L.B Curzon编著的“A Diction of Law”提到:“Contract generally involves”:

1.offer and absolute and unqualified acceptance (要约和绝对接受);

2.consensus ad idem (意思表示一致,也叫meeting of minds);

3.intention to create legal relations(建立合同关系的意愿);

4.genuineness of consent(同意的真实性);

5.contractual capacity of the parties(合同当事人的缔约能力);

6.legality of object(标的物的合法性);

7.possibility of performance(履行的可能性);

8.certainty of terms(条款的确定性);

9.valuable consideration(等价有偿)。

Black 'Law Dictionary“中解释道:Although often used as synonyms with ”contract“,agreement is a broader term,e.g.an agreement might lack an essential element of a contact.”即“协议”和“合同”经常用作同义词,但“协议”这一术语含义更广,例如协议可能缺乏合同的必备条款(essential clauses/provisions)。

实际使用当中,协议可不受必备条款的限制,而称为合同的文体肯定少不了必备条款,有的合同将其单列,称为一般条款(General provisions)。


1.title or name and domicile of the parities(当事人的名称或姓名和住址);

2.contract object(标的);



5.price or remuneration(价款或者报酬);

6.time limit,place and method of performance (履行期限、地点和方式);

7.liability for breach of contract(违约责任);

8.methods to settle disputes (解决争议的方法)。




This agreement/contract is made and entered in to this ____ day of _____(month),_______ (year)by and between Party A (hereinafter called “Party A ”)and Party B(hereinafter called “Party B ”)



It is hereby agreed as follows:



NOW THEREFORE,for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein,the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows:


IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and years first above written.





THIS AGREEMENT is made the 9th day of August,2001 between LUCKY INTERNATIONAL LTD,a company incorporated in Singapore and having its registered office at Telek Blongar Rise,Singapore 19569(hereinafter called “The Company”)of the part and JACK Wong(NRIC No._________ /A)of 108 Orchar Road,Singapore 01688 (hereinafter called “The Manager”)of the other part. WHEREAS:

1.The company is engaged in IT business and requires a person with the necessary qualifications and experience to manage its business.



1.The company shall employ the Manager and the Manager shall serve the Company as manager of the Company's IT business for a period of two years commencing on 1st day of September


IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have set their hand the day and year first above written. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO Duties of Manger

1.To manage,maintain and promote the business of the Company.



SIGNED by Roger Tan For and on behalf of LUCKY INTERANTIONAL LTD In the presence of


In the presence of


第一部分:称为parties,主要介绍合同各方的姓名或名称,注册地/国及地址、邮编及各自在合同的简称。开头框架一般为:THIS AGREEMENT is made the ——__________ day of _____ (month),____ (year)between A _______ (hereinafter called “The Company”)of the part and B______,(hereinafter called “The Manager”)of the other part.句子开头THIS AGREEMENT或CONTRACT和当事人的姓名和名称,都应大写。

当事人是自然人的,用“of”和其后的住址相连;是法人或非法人单位的,用“having its registered office at”和其后注册地址相连。


第三部分:称为habendum,正文。具体约定当事人的权利和义务。正文部分的结束段为:IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have set their hand the day and year first above written.这段作用相当于中文合同的“双方签字盖章,特此为证”。


第五部分:称为attestation,证明部分。当事人如果自然人,用“SIGNED by __”英文写作翻译;连接后填写见证姓名的表达部分“In the presence of ____”;当事人是法人或非法人单位时,授权代表后接的是“SIGNED for and on behalf_____ of____”,然后才是In the presence of _______.与中文合同的显著不同是签章处除当事人外,多了一个In the presence of _______供证人签字之处。另一不同的是合同订立日期没有放在合同最后,而是出现在开头段的当事人介绍部分。


As Witness our Hands this _____day of _____,in the year of our Lord Tow Thousand and One. Signed,sealed,and delivered by the above named In the presence of Signature Address Occupation.




AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES made the 1st day of September,2000 between ______ of _____ (address)(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”)as one part and Mr._______ of _______(address)(hereinafter referred to as the Contractor)of the other part.


1.THAT the Company shall …

2.This agreement shall commence on



IN WITNESS WHEREOF,both parties set their hands on the date herein mentioned


Designation :

For and on behalf of :(signature)

Contractor :

Designation :

For and on behalf of :(signature)







Legal Address



Legal Address


This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller.Whereby the Buyer agrees o buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/8217004667.html, OF COMMODITY AND SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT





IN WITHNESS WHEREOF,this contract has been executed effective as of the date first above written.


___________ ___________

By:__________ By:__________

Date:——_________ Date:——_________

THE END USER ___________



比起前两个合同,该买卖合同的不同之处于在于,合同开头出现了合同编号和签署日期,当事人名称或姓名采用简单列举式。证明部分用完成时被动态,最后落款处SIGNED BY项目,但增加了最终用户一项。



This agreement is made and entered into on March 1st,2001,by and between______ LTD (hereinafter referred to as “PARTY A”),and ________CO.,LTD.((hereinafter referred to as “PARTY B”)


WHEREAS,PARTY B has requested by PARTY A to dispatch its personal for the purpose of _______ to PARTY b;and

WHEREAS,(PARTY A is willing to dispatch its personnel to PARTY B in response to such PARTY B's request)

NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained,the parties hereto agree as follows:




IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first hereinabove written.

______ Ltd.________ Co.,Ltd.(signature)(signature)


该合同也由四大部分构成,与上述合同最大的不同在于,在叙述部分上端加了一个WITNESSETH(鉴于),最后落款处也没有SIGNED BY 项目,但授权签字代表的职位直接打出来,放在签字的下一行。别外,当事人的简称部分用的都是大写。


(三)用词特点(formal term)


1.May,shall,must ,may not (或shall not)的使用,May,shall ,must ,may not (或shall not)对学过英语的人再熟悉不过,但在合同中用这些词时要极其谨慎。权利义务的约定部分构成了合同的主体。这几个词如选用不当,可能会引起纠纷。

may 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),Shall约定当事人的义务(应当做什么时候),must 用于强制性义务(必须做什么),may not (或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不得做什么)。May do 不能说成can do,shall do,不能说成should do 或ought to do,may not do 在美国一些法律文件可以用shall not,但绝不能用can not do或must not )例如,在约定解决争议的途径时的,可以说:The parties hereto shall,first of all,settle any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract by friendly negotiations.

Should such negotiations fail,such dispute may be referred to the People's Court having jurisdiction on such dispute for settlement in the absence of any arbitration clause in the disputed contract or in default of agreement reached after such dispute occurs.

本句中的shall 和may表达准确。出现争议后应当先行协商,所以采用了义务性“约定”,如果协商解决不了,作为当事人的权利,用选择性约定may也很妥当。如果may和shall调换位置会怎么样?前半句的shall换用may后,意思变成了当事人可以通过协商解决,意思上说得过去,但后半句的may换用shall 后,变成了应当诉讼解决,好像一出事,就要先见官,这就有些不友好了。


2.正式用语(formal term)


“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”,远远多于“due to”一般不用“because of ”;

“财务年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”;

“在……之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”;

“关于”常用“as regards”,“concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”;

“事实上”用“in effect”,而不用“in fact”;


“停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”;

“何时开会并由某某主持”的表述为:The meeting shall be convened and presided by sb.;其中“召开”不用“hold 或call”,而用“convene”:“主持”不用“chair”或“be in charge of ”,而用“preside”;

“其他事项”用“miscellaneous”,而不用“other matters/events”;

“理解合同”用“construe a contract”或“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”;


“愿意做”用“intend to do”或“desire to do”,而不用“want to do”,“wish to do”。

3.用词专业(technical terms)

合同用词不以大众是否理解和接受为转移,它是合同语言准确表达的保障。如合同出现的“瑕疵”、“救济”、“不可抗力”、“管辖”、“损毁”、“灭失”等就可能让非行业人士费解,在英语以上表达分别为defect,remedy,force majeure/Act of God,jurisdiction,damage and/or loss)。另外几乎每个合同都少不了hereinafter referred to as,whereas,in witness whereof,for and on behalf of ,hereby,thereof 等虚词。这也是合同英语的一大特色。其它例子还有:“赔偿”用“indemnities”,而不用“compensation”;

“不动产转让”用“conveyance”,而不用“transfer of real estate”;

“房屋出租”用“tenancy”,而“财产出租”用“lease of property”;

“停业”用“wind up a business”或“cease (名词是cessation)a business”,而不用“end/stop a business”;




以实物出资为“investment in kind”;

“依照合同相关规定”一般说“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不说“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract”;

“合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,选用“Neither party to the contract”较少。


FOR value RECEIVED,the undersigned does hereby sell,transfer,assign and set over to ______ all his right,tile and interest in and to a certain contract dated ______,19____ by and between the undersigned and ______,a copy of which is annexed hereto.

在这里的同义词和近义词并列(如sell,transfer,assign and set over,right 和tile and interest),在英文合同里十分普遍。这是出于严谨和杜绝漏洞的考虑,有的也属于合同用语的固定模式。如:

This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B.句中“made and entered into”和“by and between”两组分别属于同义词和相关词并列。

For and in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements contained herein,the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows:句中“for and in consideration of”,“covenants and agreements”三组同义司和近义词并列。

The parties have agreed to vary the Management on the terms and subject to the conditions contained herein.这里的“on the terms”和“subject to the conditions”是一个意思都表示“依照本协议的条款规定”。合同条款的固定模式是“terms and conditions”。再例如:

“Party A wishes to be released and discharged from agreement as from the effective date”,一句中的“release”和“discharge”意思几乎相同。


ships and vessels;

support and maintenance;

licenses and permits;

charges,fees,costs and expenses;

any and all;

any duties,obligations or liabilities;

the partners,their heirs,successors and assigns;

control and management of the partnership;

applicable laws,regulations,decrees,directives,and rules.



税率:用pro rate tax rate要比proportional tax rate多;

从事慈善性服务的律师:pro bono lawyer,不怎么用lawyer engaged in charitable legal assistance.


Comparison and Translation of English and Chinese Color Word Abstract The tendency of worldwide economic globalization has been intensified, and people have close exchanges in almost every fields. The role of culture in the interaction between people from all nations is becoming extremely crucial. This paper discusses the translating and contrast of color words in China and the West, which mostly involves three sections, the definition and the differences of color words, the contrast with color words and methods used in translation in English and Chinese. Meanwhile, the first part contains three respects, namely, the definition, categories that consists of basic color words, color words with colors of objects and color words in shades, as well as the reasons for the discrepancies in color words, which includes the different ethnic beliefs lead to differences in color words, influence of different modes of thinking and representation on color words and influence of different political systems and social differences on color words. And the second part mainly covers six respects, namely, the various implication and usage of color words in these two languages, such as red, black, white, yellow, blue and green. Ultimately, the last part involves two respects, namely, literary translation and free translation that contains cultural equivalence and functional equivalence. By comparing and translating color words about these two kinds of languages, this essay, for one thing, will aim at making a profound analysis of the discrepancies about the utilization of color words about the two languages and the reasons for the discrepancies; for another, the writer expects to offer tiny advice and references on color words in the future. Key Words: Chinese and English color words, comparison, translation 摘要 随着世界经济全球化的发展,各国人民在政治、经济和文化之间的交往日益密切。文化在各国人民相互交往过程中的作用变得越来越突出。本篇论文主要是针对英汉颜色词的翻译和比较,主要包括三个方面,即色彩词的定义和不同,英汉色彩词的对比和英汉色彩词翻译过程中所使用方法。同时,第一部分包括三个方面,即定义,分类,其中包括基本色彩术语,色彩词的对象色彩和色差颜色词,和造成英汉色彩词差异的原因,其中包括不同的伦理信念导致色彩词的差异,关于色彩词思维和表达差异的影响和政治体制和社会差异的影响。其次,第二部分包括六方面的内容,即英汉色彩词内涵及使用的差异,如红色,黑色,白色,黄色,蓝色和绿色。最后,第三部分包括两方面的内容,即直译


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【摘要】商务合同是商业法人之间为实现一定的经济目的、明确相互权利义务的一种文体。商务合同英语属半法律性语言,用词准确、正式、严谨,具有鲜明文体意义。本文基于典型实例分析,探讨了商务英文合同的词汇特征及翻译方法。 【关键词】商务英文合同词汇特征翻译 商务合同是商品经济的产物,它随着商品经济的产生而产生,也随着商品经济的发展而发展,是商品交换关系在法律上的体现,受到国家法律的承认和保护。在世界经济全球化和一体化的今天,国际商务活动日益频繁,贸易国法人之间为实现一定的经济利益而签订的明确规定了贸易双方的权利和义务,具有法律效力的文件——国际商务合同的重要性也越来越突出。商务合同英语既具有商务英语的特点,同时也具有法律英语的特点。本文拟从庄重正式、准确严谨和简洁明了三个角度阐述分析商务英文合同的词汇特征及其翻译方法。 一、庄重正式 Martin Joos按照语言使用的正式程度提出了英语的五种变体,即庄重文体(frozen style),正式文体(formal style),商议文体(consultative style),随便文体(casual style)和亲密文体(intimate style)。一般认为商务合同英语属庄重文体,即五种变体英语中正式程度最高的一种。商务英文合同的庄重正式的词汇特征体现在专业术语和外来词古体词的使用上。 1.商务专业术语 专业术语(technical term留学生论文网https://www.360docs.net/doc/8217004667.html, s)具有鲜明的文体特色。其意义精确、单一、无歧义,且不带有个人感情色彩。为了准确描述商务活动中的各个交易环节以及与此相关的各类单据,商务合同英语文体中使用了大量表意清楚的商务专业术语。例如,policy(保险单),negotiable(可转让的),liability(责任、义务),right of recourse (追索权),factoring(保理)等。这些专业术语可避免冗长的解释,简化交易过程,提高工作效率。 2.法律专业术语 为了准确描述商务活动中交易双方各自的权利与义务,商务合同英语中也使用了较多的法律专业的术语。狭义的法律术语指仅出现在或大多数情况下出现在法律文件中的法律科学的特有术语,此意义上的法律术语在商务合同文体中的数量不多,如:imputed negligence (转嫁的过失责任)特指可向与行为人有利害关系的人或有合同关系的另一方追究责任的过失。商务合同中这类狭义的法律专业术语不以大众是否理解或接受为转移,它是商务合同语言准确表达的保障,是其独有的现象。而广义的法律术语则包括在法律文体中被赋予特定法律意义的常用词语,如action(诉讼),party(当事人),financial responsibility(经济责任,指违约责任,具体可指“赔偿损失”、“支付违约金”和“支付迟延支付金额的利息”)。这类词语把握不准确的话很容易导致翻译和理解当中的模糊性,因此要格外留意。如,“The contract is concluded in case of acceptance of the offer.”很容易译为“提议一旦接受,合同随即订立。”而实际上,“acceptance”与“offer”是合同法中两个重要的法律术语,其规范的译文分别为“承诺”、“要约”,前者是指受要约人对要约内容表同意,而后者则指一方希望与另一方订立合同。 3.外来词和古体词 商务合同英语中使用的商务类专业术语有不少源于拉丁语或法语,有些则是由其词根派生或合成,许多术语都有相同的前缀或后缀。它们的意义比较稳定,利于精确地表达概念,例如:ad valorem duty (拉丁语)从价(关)税,bona fide holder (拉丁语)汇票的善意持票人,pro rata tax rate比例税率(拉丁语,即proportional tax rate),insurance premium per capita (拉丁语)人均保险费,force majeure(法语)不可抗力,pro forma (拉丁语)估算表。


古诗词翻译 Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi,were lacking in literary grace; and Tang Taizong and Song Taizu,had little poetry in their souls;that proud son of Heaven,Genghis Khan,knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched. All are past and gone!For truly great men,look to this age alone."snow"-Mao Zedong 惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖;稍逊风骚;一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。具往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。《沁园春·雪》-毛泽东 Withered vine and an old tree with a crow at dusk.Tiny bridge and a family aside a flowing river.Ancient path and a poor horse in the west wind.A heartbroken man is walking towards the westering sun to the skyline. "Autumn Thoughts"-Ma Zhiyuan 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马.夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯.《秋思》-马致远 Oh, how can I gravely bow and scrape to men of high rank and men of high office . Who never will suffer being shown an honest-hearted face! 安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜! And the sunlight clasps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea;What are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me? 阳光搂抱着大地,月光轻吻着海波;这般的柔情有什么意义,如果你不吻我? Up and down the main streets, I must have run— A thousand times or more in quest of one, Who I have concluded, cannot be found; For, everywhere, no trace of her can be seen, When, all of a sudden, I turned about, That's her, where lanterns are few and far between. 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。


英汉颜色词的翻译 On English Color Words and Their Translation into Chinese 班级:04级外语学院2班 姓名:谢彦仁 学号:2004141060

英汉颜色词的翻译 摘要 英汉颜色词是英汉词汇中的一笔财富,它们是色彩与英语语言的结合,既反映了人类对色彩的感知,又体现了英语的独特性。由于文化内容、文化传统和文化心理的差异,很多英汉颜色词的文化内涵差异较大,这些特定的文化内涵意义是不同民族在不同的环境下铸就而成的,英汉颜色词在两种语言中的意义就有相同和相似之处,也存在很多差异。在分析差异产生的原因上,提出了克服差异所产生的障碍,对顺利进行跨文化交际和英汉双语翻译有一定的指导意义。本文对照分析了相当数量的颜色词的翻译实例,总结了译法,阐述了深刻了解颜色词的文化内涵在翻译实践中的重要性,强调在学习英语的过程中了解不同颜色词在英汉两种语言中的文化背景,风格习惯和历史地理背景,旨在促进跨文化交际的顺利进行。 关键词:颜色词习惯用法翻译 Abstract English color words are the treasures of English vocabulary,and they are the connection between colors but also embodying English peculiarities.Because of different cultural issues,Cultural and culture psychology.The cultural connotations of the English and Chinese color words differ greatly.As a result these particular cultured connotation meanings are cast under different environments by different nationalities.There are a lot of similarities and differences on the


颜色词“红”的汉英对比及翻译 (郑州大学河南郑州 450001) 摘要:作为文化中的重要组成部分,颜色词在英汉两语言中被广泛使用,其物理属性对各民族一样,但受不同历史背景、文化传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、思维方式、民族心理的影响,两民族对颜色词产生的联想、象征、申义大不相同。本文从颜色词“红”着手,探其文化根源,分析它在英汉语言中体现的文化内涵并提出相应的翻译策略。 关键词:颜色词;红色;文化内涵;翻译 中图分类号:h313 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-026x(2012)09-0000-01 abstract: as an important part of culture,color words are widely used in english and chinese.their physical properties arouse same response to all nations,but their associative,symbolic meaning and connotation rendered by english and chinese are quite different due to different historical backgrounds,cultural traditions,customs,religious faith,ways of thinking and national ideology.the paper aims at exploring the cultural sources and connotations reflected by “red” in english and chinese,and proposing relevant translation skills accordingly.


In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever. 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 A Young idler,an old beggar 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 Where, before me, are the ages that have gone? And where, behind me, are the coming generations? I think of heaven and earth, without limit,without end, And I amall alone and my tears fall down. 前不见古人,后不见来者;念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。 I would part with you only when mountains had no rocks, had no water, thunders shocked in winter, snow fell in and distinction disappeared between the sky and the earth. rivers summer, 我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝!--《上邪》

The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It omes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。 Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees. 忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。 We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us."Stray Bird"-Ranbindranath Tagore 我们把世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。《飞鸟集》-泰戈尔 Take away love, and our earth is a tomb. 把爱拿走,我们的地球就变成一座坟墓了。(法国) wine Cut running water with a sword, it will faster flow;Drink to drown your sorrow, it will heavier grow. -----------Li Bai <> 抽刀断水水更流, 举杯销愁愁更愁. ------李白 <<宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云 >>


OUTLINE Abstract Key Words I.Introduction 1.1 Definition of Basic Color Terms and Cultural Connotations 1.2 Background of Research on Color Terms 1.2.1 Research on Basic Color Terms in Foreign Countries 1.2.2 Research on Basic Color Terms in China II. Basic Color Terms 2.1 Chinese Basic Color Terms 2.2. English Basic Color Term III. Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms in English and Chinese 3.1Black 3.2White 3.3Red 3.4Yellow 3.5Green 3.6Blue 3.7Purple 3.8Gray IV. The Translation of Color Terms 4.1Translation and Culture 4.2Literal Translation 4.3Annotation and Contextual Amplification 4.4Free Translation 4.5Zero Translation V. Conclusion Bibliography 中文标题、摘要、关键词

The Cultural Connotations and the Translation of Color Terms in Chinese and English Author:Number:Tutor: Abstract: We live in a colorful world. There are many color words in the world. Color words have rich cultural connotations. Resulting from different social cultures, historical processes and geographic conditions, English and Chinese color terms reflect the difference in the cultural aspects such as social values, customs, color preference etc. Therefore, it is of significance to have a study on the cultural connotations of basic color terms between English and Chinese. The thesis deals with cultural connotations of basic color words in English and Chinese and introduces several translation methods by several examples. By the contrastive study of cultural connotations of basic color terms between English and Chinese, we can know more about what is going on in people's mind, in their language and culture. Therefore, in translation practice, what is important is to break the cultural barriers and convey the source cultural faithfully and effectively. Keywords: color terms; cultural connotations; translation I. Introduction 1.1 Definition of Basic Color Terms and Cultural Connotations We live in a colorful world. To satisfy our daily necessities, people use a great number of color terms to represent colors. For instance, it is seemed that there are over three thousand color words in English. Moreover, our eyes can be able to distinguish seven million colors, for most of which we do not have any expressions available at all. Generally speaking, the color words in English can be divided into two categories: basic color terms and object color terms. There are so many color terms in English and Chinese that we cannot discuss all of them, thus in this thesis, the discussion will focus on the field of basic color terms. However, it’s difficult to give a accur ate definition to basic color terms. There are many versions of definition to basic color terms, among which the most acceptable is given by Berlin and Kay. In their Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution, Berlin and Kay lay out four basic criteria to judge whether a color word is basic or not.


Table of Contents ⅠIntroduction……………………………………………………………………….. ⅡSocial attributes of Color…………………………………………………………… 2.1 Color and history………………………………………………………………. 2.1.1 Clothing color symbolizes the throne……………………………………… 2.1.2 Construction and Clothing color reflects ranks…………………………… 2.1.3 Clothing colors reflect the professional…………………………………… 2.2 Color and ritual practices……………………………………………………… 2.3 Color and politics……………………………………………………………… 2.4 Color and the economy…………………………………………………………ⅢDifference Implications of Colors 3.1 Red…………………………............................................................................ 3.2 White…………………………………………………………………………. 3.3 Black…………………………………………………………………………. 3.4 Y ellow……………………………………………………………………….. 3.5 Green………………………………………………………………………… 3.6 Blue…………………………………………………………………………. ⅣEnglish translation of basic color words 4.1 Direct translation of color words…………………………………………… 4.2 Changing color words……………………………………………………… 4.3 Abandoning color words…………………………………………………… 4.4 Adding color words………………………………………………………… ⅤConclusion………………………………………………………………………


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 《小池》杨万里 泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔。 小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。 A Small Pond Yang Wanli From fountainheads water streaks out thin and quiet. Soft and Sunny are trees reflected in the pond. A slim lotus leaf, not yet unfurled, scarcely appears When on its pointed tip a dragonfly is alighted. 《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》李白 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。 Seeing Meng Haoran Off from Yellow Crane Tower Li Bai At Yellow Crane Tower in the west My old friend says farewell; In the mist and flowers of spring He goes down to Yangzhou; Lonely sail, distant shadow, Vanish in blue emptiness; All I see is the great river Flowing into the far horizon. 《春晓》孟浩然 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。 夜来风雨声,花落知多少。 Spring Morn Spring slumbers unaware of morn, All around one hears the birds' call.


翻译英汉颜色词的浅析 摘要:众所周知,色彩与人类生活紧密相连,是人类认识世界的一个主要途径。色彩不仅属性广泛,还蕴含其丰富的文化内涵和延伸意义。然而,受到地理环境,历史文化,思维方式,宗教信仰,社会制度及生活习惯方面的影响,不同民族表 达颜色的含义又有所不同,而颜色词也展现出不同民族独特的文化。本文旨在以 颜色词为载体,对影响中英颜色词异同的原因举例进行比较,总结并分析了英语 颜色词翻译的方法。力求能够通过这些合适的翻译方法,将中英颜色词所承载的 信息和社会文化意义真实地呈现以达到交流的目的。 关键词:颜色词;翻译方法;异同点 A Brief Analysis of Translating English and Chinese Color Words Abstract: It is well known that color is closely connected with human life and an main path of human understanding of the world. It not only has a wide range of properties but also contains abundant cultural connotations and extended meaning. However, because of the various geographical environments, historical cultures, ways of thinking, religions, social systems and lifestyles of the nations all over the world, the implications of color words are affected by the diversities as well as show some unique culture. This paper aims to use color words as the carrier to study the factors resulting in similarities and differences between Chinese and English color words, summarizes and analyzes the translation methods of color word. Through these appropriate translation methods, the information and social cultural significance of Chinese and English color words can be truly presented so as to achieve the purpose of communication. Key Words:color words;translation methods;similarities and differences 词汇是语言中最活跃的因素,人类生活在五彩缤纷的世界中,离不开各种语言里的丰富 词汇。在日常生活中,颜色词是人类为了满足表达的需要从生活中提取出来的,并非由语言 学家随意发明。人类所表达的需求越多,则颜色词的意义就越大。颜色词在英汉语中使用频繁,较之其它类型的翻译,其隐含意义也相对复杂一些,因此,处理好颜色词的翻译是英汉 翻译的一个重点。在世界某些地区,相同颜色词可表示相同含义,但也可能代表不同语言或 文化中的差异。为了促进跨文化交流,笔者通过选取了一些基本颜色词进行分析,并试图通 过找出合适的翻译方法来解决这些文化差异。 一、颜色词概要 颜色词作为人类词汇的一部分,扮演着重要角色。根据成分和亮度的不同,颜色可分为 原色,混色,亮色,深色。然而,现代语言具有稳定的基本颜色词,可作为形成其核心的根源,产生大量的颜色词,形成众多丰富的颜色词群。根据以上构成,又可把颜色词分为以下 几类: 1.基本颜色词。 通常简短,易于记忆,方便使用,并以简洁的形式直接表达颜色。例如:“red” (红),“orange”(橙), “yellow”(黄),“green”(绿), “blue”(蓝),“purple”(紫),“grey”(灰), “brown”(棕),“white” (白),“black”(黑)等等。这些词可独立使用,若添加属性,则变成其他词语。为了生动而准确地表达色彩效果,人们总是以多种形式来展现。这种颜色 词通常是为了表达具体的颜色程度。比如“bright red”(鲜红色),“grey blue” (灰蓝色),“dark brown”(深褐色) 等。无论这些颜色词怎样丰富,它们都以基本颜色词作为延伸。 2.客观颜色词。 就是所谓的实物颜色词。这些词语在自然界中已存在,其本义主要是表示事物的名称, 这就很容易使人联想到物体的颜色。渐渐地,描述物体的词语变成了颜色词。例如,“silver”(银色), “cherry”(樱桃红), “bronze”(古铜色), “ruby”(宝石红), “jade”(翡翠色), “chocolate”(巧克力色), “coffee”(咖啡色)等。 3.情感色彩词。 自古以来,颜色词与情感息息相关。它们可代表不同的情绪。人们可通过颜色词巧妙地


浅谈颜色词的英汉差异及翻译 【摘要】颜色作为一种视觉效果,从理论上讲,人们对它的感知应是一致的。但由于英汉民族不同的地理位置、宗教信仰、民族心理及思维习惯等,这些颜色词的文化涵义也存在差异。所以,本文通过研究多种颜色词在英汉中的差异,探讨在颜色词翻译中如何做到翻译的最佳效果,并且提出了直译法、意译法、改色法、增减色法为主的翻译方法。 【关键词】颜色词;英汉差异;翻译 1.颜色词的英汉差异对比 对颜色的认知,是人类最基本的认知范畴之一。由于汉语和英语两种语言的文化差异,许多颜色词汇蕴涵了不同的民族感情色彩,在翻译和交际过程中可能产生偏差和误解。 1.1黑色(Black) 黑色在汉语中常与不好的、邪恶的事物相联系,如有:“黑钱”、“黑社会”、“黑市”等都是贬义词。在英语文化中,black的联想意义与汉语大致相同,表示“阴险、凶恶、不光彩和悲哀”等涵义。如:black guard (流氓/恶棍),black mark (污点),to look at someone (怒目而视)……黑色代表了庄严和肃穆。在正式场合,人们通常是着黑色正装,这点在中西文化中也是共通的。 1.2白色(White) 汉族文化中,白色常与死亡相系。如古代亲人死后家属要穿白孝服、设白灵堂。白色也象征失败、愚蠢、无利可得,如战败的一方总是打“白旗”投降。还有“白费力”、“白忙”等词。西方的white表示幸福和纯洁,如新娘穿的白婚纱,象征着爱情的纯洁美好。还有white-handed比喻“正直的、无辜的、廉洁的”,a white war 指“不流血的战争”。当然,在英语中,也有a white elephant(无用的),a white night等贬义短语。 1.3红色(Red) 红色是中国文化的基本崇尚色,它体现了中国人对物质和精神的追求。在汉语中, 红色常是褒义,象征着革命、进步、喜庆等。汉语中有“红运、红榜、红军、红星、红火、红人”等词语均表示好的方面。在英语文化里,red既有褒义也有贬义。它可以表示信仰、博爱、献身、坚忍不拔,同时还含有暴力、流血、不贞洁等贬义。如go into red (出现赤字或发生亏损),red-letter day(纪念日、高兴的日子)。 1.4黄色(Yellow)


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商务合同的翻译 一、定义 商务合同是指平等的民事主体之间关于建立、变更和终止民事权 利和义务,形成具有法律效力且受法律保护的协议。英语国际商务合同属于公文文体中的法律文书范畴,都是书面语,其特点是严肃、正规,行文一般以明确为第一旨,力戒含混隐晦。 二、词汇特征 1. 正式词汇的使用 由于商务合同属于法律公文,为了显示其规范性、约束力和庄严性,商务合同经常选用正式、严肃的词或词组。例如,商务合同经常使用“ expire ”而非“ end” 表示“期满”;用“mence” 而非“ begin 表示“开始”;用“ pertaining to ”而非“ about ” 剧波牛;于用“ prior to ”而非“ before ”表示“在…之前”;用“ in the event that/in case ”而不用“ if 表示“如果”等。在翻译商务合同时,必须尽量选择正式、严肃的中文词汇以使译文和原文在用词方面做到功能对等。 2. 专业术语的使用 专业术语一般都是名词或名词性词组。由于英文商务合同涉及各 行各业,因此经常使用大量的专业术语。例如,法律专业术语: arbitration(仲裁),litigation practice侨讼业务),bill of plaint(诉状),

without recourse齿追索权)等。财经类专业术语如:financial statemen财 务报表),factoring辟理),auditing倬计),acceptance^兑), collection(托收)等。为了准确地翻译出专业术语,译员不仅要有翻译专 业术语的基本技巧,还要有必备的工具书和扎实的学科专业基础知 识。像上述“ acceptance ”和“ collection ”这两个词,在专业语境中如翻译成“接受”和“收集”,将是十分粗心和不负责任的。因此,在 翻译专业术语时,译员必须做到专业术语学科信息对等并使译文符合 行规。 3. 由her^ther^where+介词构成的词的使用 商务合同往往大量使用由her^ ther^ where+介词构成的英语。 为了使文体功能对等,译员必须尽量把这类法律文书文体译成汉语的 法律公文体。例如,“ hereafter ”译为“白此、今后”,“ hereby ”译为“特此、兹”,“ herein ”译为“此中,于此”,“ hereinafter ”译为 “在下文中”,“ hereof ”译为“在本文中、关于这点”,“ hereto ” 译为“在此、于此”,“ thereto ”译为“另外、随附” “ whereas ”译为“鉴于”, “ whereof ”译为“兹特”等等。 4. 缩略语的使用 在英文商务合同中,缩略词的出现频率相当高。这些缩略词通常 都是由几个单词的首字母构成,其意义单一固定,一般都用于国际贸 易场合。使用缩略词的优点在于,往往一个简单的缩略词就能对贸易
