中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解(及答案)

中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解(及答案)
中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解(及答案)




Hans Christian Andersen, a great Danish(丹麦的) writer, is very famous for his fairy tales. He wrote a lot of best-known stories such as The Emperor's New Clothes and The Ugly Duckling. His fairy tales have brought happiness to children across the world. The tales have versions(版本) of over a hundred languages.

Andersen was born in Denmark in 1805. When he was still a young boy, he was already very clever and imaginative(富有想象力的). He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets(木偶). He also loved reading.

After his father died, he learned to be a tailor (裁缝). Later he worked in a factory. At the age of fourteen, Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark to become an actor and gave performances(演出) in the Royal Danish Theatre. However, his voice changed when he grew older, so the job had to stop. Then he began to write poems and fairy tales.

In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed and didn't get well again. He lived until 1875 and died peacefully in the house of his close friend.

Hans Christian Andersen is very famous for his ________. He created a small toy theatre and ________ for his puppets. Andersen moved to ________ become an actor. Andersen couldn't give performances because his ________ in 1872, Andersen. ________ And didn't get well again.【答案】 fairy tales;made clothes;the capital of Denmark;voice changed;fell out of bed 【解析】【分析】主要讲了丹麦著名的童话故事作家——Hans Christian Andersen。

(1)根据Hans Christian Andersen, a great Danish(丹麦的) writer, is very famous for his fairy tales.可知因为写童话而出名,故填fairy tales。

(2)根据He created a small toy theatre and made clothes for his puppets(木偶)可知他创建了一个小的玩具电影院,给木偶制作一份,故填made clothes。

(3)根据Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark可知搬到了丹麦的首都,故填the capital of Denmark。

(4)根据However, his voice changed when he grew older, so the job had to stop.可知因为声音变了,所以不表演了,故填voice changed。

(5)根据In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed and didn't get well again.可知他从床上掉下来没有变好,故填fell out of bed。



In 2011, when British photographer David J. Slater was visiting a park in Indonesia, his camera was taken away by a group of black monkeys. The result was hundreds of monkey selfies(自拍照). The best ones show a monkey smiling toothily for the camera. ________

Nobody knew they would create a copyright (版权) battle three years later.

Last month, a website put the monkey selfies online under a collection d free photos without Slater's permission (允许). ________

However, the website refused to do so. They said that according to US copyright law, whoever pushes the button on the camera owns the copyright to the photo. ________

They said, "US copyright law says that works that come from a non-human source can't ask for copyright. That means monkeys don't own copyright. "

________ He said he bought the cameras; he spent a lot of money traveling to Indonesia, and it was his carelessness that allowed the monkeys to take his cameras away. All these have made him own the pictures, no matter who pushed the button. In a sense, the monkeys helped him take the photos, Slater said.

________ Who do you think will win this interesting battle?

A. It was the monkeys but not Slater that pushed the button.

B. As of now, there has been no result in the Monkey Selfie case.

C. Slater then sold the photos and they became popular on the Internet.

D. Slater asked the website to take them down since he owns the copyright.

E. Slater argues that the pictures belong to him as they were taken from his camera.

【答案】 C;D;A;E;B


A. It was the monkeys but not Slater that pushed the button.是猴子而不是Slater按了按钮。

B. As of now, there has been no result in the Monkey Selfie case.眼下,猴子自拍事件还没有结果。

C. Slater then sold the photos and they became popular on the Internet.Slater之后卖了照片,他们在网络上变得流行起来。

D. Slater asked the website to take them down since he owns the copyright.Slater要求网站把他们撤下来,因为他拥有版权。

E. Slater argues that the pictures belong to him as they were taken from his camera.Slater争论说这些照片属于他,因为他们是用他的照相机拍的。

(1)根据下文 Nobody knew they would create a copyright (版权) battle three years later. 没有人知道三年之后他们三年后会导致一场版权之战,可知相机的主人 David J. Slater 把照片放到了网上。故选C。

(2)根据上文 Last month, a website put the monkey selfies online under a collection d free photos without Slater's permission (允许). 上个月,一个网站没有经过Slater的同意,把猴子的自拍照放到了免费图片的收集里;和下文 However, the website refused to do so. 然而,网站拒绝这么做,可知Slater要求网站撤下图片。故选 D。

(3)根据上文 They said that according to US copyright law, whoever pushes the button on the camera owns the copyright to the photo. 他们说,谁拍的照片谁就拥有版权,可知网站认为是猴子拍的照片,版权属于猴子,而不是Slater。故选A。

(4)根据下文 He said he bought the cameras .他说是他买的照相机,可知此处Slater争论照片是属于他的。故选E。

(5)根据下文 Who do you think will win this interesting battle? 你认为谁会赢得这场有趣的




A. B. C. D. E.

________ ⑴A girl named Alice falls down a rabbit hole after an unusual big white rabbit. She finds herself in a land of talking animals and other fantastic animals, and starts a trip full of adventures(冒险).

________ ⑵After a ship accident, Crusoe lands on an island. To live he must build a home for himself. He saves a man called Friday. A lot of adventures happen to them on the island.

________ ⑶The story is about the Marchi family of four sisters growing up. It shapes the image of the four different characters to the family daily life.

________ ⑷This is an adventure about a boy called Jim Hawkins. He goes out to sea with a treasure map and finds an island full of treasures. It's a problem-solving journey to rescue(营救) treasures from dangerous situations.

________ ⑸This story is about an emperor who loves clothes very much. Two brothers cheat the emperor to get silver and gold. They tell him that people can't see the clothes unless they are clever. In the parade, everyone says his new clothes are wonderful except a little boy.

【答案】 E;D;A;C;B







(1)根据段落提到A girl named Alice falls down a rabbit hole after an unusual big white rabbit. ,根据叫爱丽丝的女生和兔子,可知是爱丽丝梦游仙境的内容,故选E。

(2)根据段落提到He saves a man called Friday. 根据星期五,可知是鲁宾逊漂流记的内容,故选D。

(3)根据段落提到 The story is about the Marchi family of four sisters growing up ,四个姐妹,可知A选项出现了姐妹,故选A。

(4)根据段落提到 . He goes out to sea with a treasure map and finds an island full of treasures ,寻宝,可知选项C出现了该单词,故选C。




Imagine this: your parents go away on business, but you have to stay at home alone. Would life be as easy as when your parents are around? Would it be a perfect holiday for you?

"I can fill an empty stomach with tomato and egg soup, but that's all. I think many of my classmates are the same. We wouldn't know what to do, or how to look after ourselves," said Zheng Chenyu. "And I'd forget something important. I'd probably watch television and burn the soup."

"As soon as I leave home, I'll learn to cook. But now parents do almost everything for us.

We're very lazy," she said.

Most teenagers have only time for their homework. They don't learn any life skills until theygo to college.

However, Sima Yige doesn't think so.

"I think I'd be all right. I wouldn't just eat sandwiches or fruit. I know how to cook, some simple dishes because my mum showed me," the 13-year-old boy said. In his opinion, many teenagers depend too much on their parents, and there is much more to learn than cooking, like tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly.

For most teenagers it wouldn't be a holiday at all.

(1)Why would Zheng Chenyu probably burn the soup?

(2)When will Zheng Chenyu learn to cook?

(3)Translate the underlined sentence(翻译划线句子)"They don't learn any life skills until they go to college. " in this passage.

(4)The underlined phrase(划线短语)"depend too much on" in the passage means(意思) in Chinese.

(5)For most teenagers, would life be as easy for teenagers living alone as when their parents are around according to(根据)the passage?

【答案】(1)Because she would probably watch television and forget the soup.

(2)As soon as he leaves home.



(5)No, it wouldn't.


(1)根据I'd probably watch television and burn the soup.可知她看电视而忘记了汤,故填Because she would probably watch television and forget the soup.。

(2)根据As soon as I leave home, I'll learn to cook可知她一离开家就学习做饭,故填As soon as he leaves home.。

(3)not...until直到......才......,learn any life skills学习一些生活技能, go to college去上大学,故填他们直到上大学才会学习一些生活技能。

(4)depend on依赖,too much太,故填太过依赖。

(5)根据For most teenagers it wouldn't be a holiday at all.可知大部分青少年在父母出差时觉得一点也不是假期,即生活不是简单的。所以一般疑问句的否定回答,故填No, it wouldn't.。



Do some colours make you feel calm while others give you energy? Scientists have studied the connection between colours and mood for a long time. Many believe that colour can influence our moods.

Warm, bright colours such as yellow and red are positive colours. They can give people a pleasant feeling. Cool colours such as blue, purple, and green are relaxing colours. They help people experience calm feelings.

Many public places are decorated with certain colours in order to create certain moods. Orange makes people feel hungry, and many restaurants are painted this colour.

People use colour in their homes to create moods as well. Blue is a peaceful colour. It helps you rest, so it is a very good colour for a bedroom.

Colours can create bad moods too. Some types of blue make people feel sad. Red can make people feel angry.

What is your mood right now? Now look at the colour of the walls round you. Does it match your mood?

(1)Cool colours are relaxing colours and they help people experience ________.

(2)Orange makes people________, and many restaurants are painted this colour.

(3)People use colour in their homes to ________ as well.

(4)Some types of ________ make people feel sad.

(5)This passage mainly tells us how colour ________.

【答案】(1)calm feelings

(2)feel hungry\hungry

(3)create moods


(5)influences our moods/ can influence our moods


(1)依据短文中的句子“Cool colours such as blue, purple, and green are relaxing colours. They help people experience calm feelings.”可知,冷颜色如蓝色、紫色和绿色是放松的颜色。他们帮助人们体验平静的感觉。故答案为calm feelings。

(2)依据短文中的句子“Orange makes people feel hungry, and many restaurants are painted this colour.”可知,橙色让人感到饿,许多餐馆都涂成这个颜色。故答案为feel hungry\hungry。

(3)依据短文中的句子“People use colou r in their homes to create moods as well.”可知,人们在家使用颜色营造一种情绪。故答案为create moods。

(4)依据短文中的句子“Some types of blue make people feel sad.”可知,某些类型的蓝色让人感到悲伤。故答案为blue。

(5)依据短文中的句子“Many believe that colour can influence our moods.”以及短文中的介绍:黄色和红色是积极的颜色。他们可以给人一种愉快的感觉;蓝色、紫色和绿色是放松的颜色,他们帮助人们体验平静的感觉;橙色让人感到饿;蓝色是一个和平的颜色。它帮助你休息;颜色也可以创建心情不好。蓝色让人感到悲伤;红色可以让人们感到愤怒。故答案为influences our moods/ can influence our moods。


Creating a study plan

Studying is important to students. But it is always difficult to find enough time to study every subject you need. So a good plan helps you to make sure of your success in study.

Then, how to make a study plan? Well, you can begin with listing all the subjects you need to study and make sure what you need to do for each subject. Next, you should decide how much time you should spend on different subjects. Now, it is a good idea to study at the same time every day. In this way, you actually have a plan you can remember easily. While arranging (安排) time for each subject, you also need to make sure that you still have time for family, friends and rest. This is because you won't be able to succeed in your studies unless you balance your personal life and your study.

Once the plan is made, the next thing you need to do is to follow it. One of the biggest challenges in following your study plan is that you will be tempted (诱惑) to avoid it and do something relaxing, or fun instead. Luckily, you can fight this temptation by taking breaks. But be

sure not to take extra breaks or too long breaks as it can affect your plan. So at the start of your break,set an alarm clock to remind you when your break is over. Also, you need to use your break wisely. For example, go for a short walk, eat a small snack, or listen to some music.

To avoid forgetting to follow your plan, try to get into the habit of looking at your calendar every day. Sometimes our plans are herd to follow because some important people in our lives distract (使分心) us from our goals. In order to avoid this, tell people in your life about your plan. Put up a copy of your study guide at home so you and your family can see it, and email a copy to your friends so they know when you have spare time.


It's normal for you to feel shy and nervous when you are in the new environment. It's natural to feel nervous, or shy in front of others at times. If you think you are too shy and want to be a little more active, try the following advice.

________ There is no need to hide it. When people get to know you are a shy person, they may understand you better. It will also help you feel easier in talks.

________ When you smile, people will think you're friendly and want to talk with you. Remember that all people have feelings and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.

You shouldn't keep quiet at a party all the time. If you find it hard to start a talk, you can say something nice about people around you. ________ It must be very helpful for you to start a talk! And after you begin to talk to someone or smile at someone for the first time, remember to say "I did it!" to yourself.

________ Think about more ways to enjoy the party and have fun. Don't waste time worrying about your look or whether all people like you or not.

If you keep trying the advice, you may not be shy in the new environment one day. ________


A. Imagine how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.想象一下,当别人说你好的时候你的感觉会有多棒。

B. I believe you can do it!我相信你可以的。

C. Try to smile often.尽力经常微笑。

D. Tell people you're shy.告诉人们你害羞。

E. Pay your attention to important things.注意重要的事。

(1)根据 There is no need to hide it. When people get to know you are a shy person, they may understand you better. It will also help you feel easier in talks. 可知不要掩饰自己的害羞,要让别人知道,故答案是D。

(2)根据 When you smile, people will think you're friendly and want to talk with you. 可知,当你微笑的时候,人们为认为你友好,并想跟你谈话,所以要经常微笑。故答案是C。

(3)根据 you can say something nice about people around you 可知当你对别人好的时候,别人的感觉会多么好,故答案是A。

(4)根据Think about more ways to enjoy the party and have fun. Don't waste time worrying about your look or whether all people like you or not. 可知,不要担心你的外表,不要考虑别人是否喜欢你,要注意重要的事,享受乐趣。故答案是E。

(5)根据 If you keep trying the advice, you may not be shy in the new environment one day 可知,这样做你就不会再害羞,我相信你是可以的。故答案是B。



When we watch movies about the future,we sometimes see robots. ⑴Some robots are very human-like. ⑵它们能像人一样走路和跳舞。Some scientists think that in the future they will make robots more like humans. However, some scientists think although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. For example, scientist James White thinks that ⑶robots will never be able to wake up and Know where they are. ⑷但

是许多科学家不赞同怀特先生。They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in

25 to 50 years. ⑸We never know what will happen in the future.

⑴________ ⑵________ ⑶________ ⑷________ ⑸________

【答案】有些机器人很像人;They can walk and dance like human beings.;机器人永远不会醒来也不知道自己在哪里;But many scientists disagree with Mr. White.;我们永远不知道将来会发生什么。


(1)Some robots意思是一些机器人;human-like意思是像人的,故填有些机器人很像人。

(2)他们用they;能用can;走路用walk;跳舞用danc;和用and;like human beings像人一样,can情态动词,后面用动词原形,故填They can walk and dance like human beings. 。

(3)robots意思是机器人;be able to do sth.意思是能够做某事;wake up意思是醒来;know where they are意思是知道自己在哪里,故填机器人永远不会醒来也不知道自己在哪里。

(4)但是用but,许多用many,科学家用scientist,many修饰可数名词复数,所以科学家用many scientists;disagree with 不同意;时态是一般现在时态,所以disagree用动词原形,故填But many scientists disagree with Mr White。

(5)we意思是我们;never意思是从不;what will happen意思是将要发生什么;in the future意思是在将来,故填我们永远不知道将来会发生什么。



Here is a famous story about the Great Wall of China. The story happened in the Qin Dynasty.________ Do you want to know more about the love story?

One day, the emperor, Qin Shi Huang, ordered his soldiers(士兵) to capture(俘虏) some young men. He sent the young men to build the Great Wall of China.

A young man named Fan Xiliang didn't want to get captured. ________He had nowhere to go and didn't know where to hide. When he heard the soldiers coming towards him, he was terrified. At that time, a woman named Lady Meng Jiang was passing by Fan Xiliang. She saw the poor man and saved him. Fan Xiliang said thanks to Lady Meng Jiang.________Later on they got married.

Unfortunately, Fan Xiliang was found and captured. He was sent to the Great Wall and worked there.

Lady Meng Jiang waited for her husband day and night. Winter came, but Fan Xiliang failed to return. ________ She took the warm clothes to the Great Wall, but she didn't find Fan Xiliang.

Someone told her that Fan Xiliang had died and that he was buried in the Great Wall.________ She cried so sadly that a part of the Great Wall collapsed(倒塌) and she finally found Fan Xiliang's body.
