





颜色colour (color)

红red 黄yellow绿green蓝blue紫purple 黑black 白white

橙色orange粉红pink 棕色brown


苹果apple梨子pear桔子orange香蕉banana 柠檬lemon

西瓜watermelon 葡萄grape菠萝pineapple 桃子peach 草莓strawberry


饮料drink 水water茶tea橙汁orange 可乐cola牛奶milk 汤soup冰激凌ice-cream


汉堡hamburger 三明治sandwich比萨pizza 热狗hot dog 鸡蛋egg鱼肉fish牛肉beef 鸡肉chicken 月饼mooncake 果汁juice 牛奶milk 糖果candy 筷子chopsticks 勺子spoon 胡萝卜carrot 奶酪cheese 奶油cream 蔬菜vegetable土豆potato

西红柿tomato鸡蛋egg 鱼(肉)fish 四季豆green beans 沙拉salade


飞机plane 火车train 公共汽车bus 自行车bicycle (bike) 轿车car

轮船ship 小船boat 出租车taxi 地铁subway


熊bear 老虎tiger猴子monkey 大熊猫panda 蛇snake 狮子lion

狐狸fox 青蛙frog 兔子rabbit 马horse 绵羊sheep 山羊goat 奶牛cow 鸭子duck鸟bird 猫cat狗dog猪pig

大象elephant狼wolf 蜜蜂bee 熊bear熊猫panda 长颈鹿giraffe


篮球basketball 足球football 排球volleyball 羽毛球badminton 网球tennis

乒乓球table tennis 棒球baseball 滑雪skiing 滑冰skating 登山climbing

游泳swimming跳水diving 跑步running 跳高high jumping 滑冰ice-skate


(in)春季spring 夏季summer 秋季autumn 冬季winter


书包schoolbag (bag)文具盒pencil-box 文具袋pencil case 尺子ruler钢笔pen

铅笔pencil报纸newspaper 纸paper 书book橡皮擦eraser蜡笔crayon

笔记本notebook 日记本diary


语文Chinese 英语English数学math美术art 音乐music 体育P.E 计算机computer


教师teacher 医生doctor护士nurse警察policeman/police officer


工人worker 农民farmer飞行员pilot 宇航员astronaut 舞蹈dancer 歌唱家singer 学生student 工程师engineer 小学生pupil 学生student 厨师cook 商人businessman 科学家scientist 飞行员pilot 教练coach 校长head teacher 秘书secretary


男人man 女人woman孩子child (children) 婴儿baby 男孩boy 女孩girl 爷爷grandfather (grandpa) 奶奶grandmother (grandma) 爸爸father(dad/daddy)

妈妈mother (mum/mom/mummy) 姨妈/姑妈aunt叔叔/舅舅uncle兄弟brother 姐妹sister儿子son 女儿daughter 堂亲cousin 父母parents


(on)星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday星期四Thursday星期五Friday

星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday 周末weekend


中国China美国USA/America 英国UK /Britain (England) 日本Japan 加拿大Canada

西班牙Spain 德国Germany

头head头发hair脸face 鼻子nose耳ear嘴mouth 牙tooth眼eye 手hand 手臂arm 肩shoulder 腿leg 脚foot 胳膊arm 脸face


外套coat 衬衣shirt 帽子hat(cap)毛衣sweater夹克jacket

连衣裙dress 短裙skirt 牛仔裤jeans 短裤shorts 长裤trousers (pants)

袜子socks 鞋shoes 运动鞋sport shoes


房子house 房间room 客厅living room(sitting room)浴室bathroom 卧室bedroom

厨房kitchen餐厅dining room/hall 书房study


家home 学校school 操场playground 教室classroom医院hospital

动物园zoo 书店bookstore超市supermarket 电影院movie theater (cinema)剧场theater 银行bank 图书馆library 博物馆museum邮局post office 公共汽车站bus stop 饭店restaurant 厕所toilet 办公室office 花园garden

公园park 聚会party 操场playground 教师办公室teacher’s office 村庄village 餐馆restaurant 街道street 乡村countryside 体育馆gym


桌子table 课桌desk椅子chair 黑板backboard 窗户window门door 床bed

地板floor 沙发sofa 书架book case(shelf) 沙发sofa讲桌teacher’s desk


电视television(TV)灯light台灯lamp 收音机radio 录音机tape recorder

电话telephone(phone) 照相机camera 图片picture 钟clock 相片photo 雨伞umbrella 杯子cup 玻璃杯glasses 刀knife 地图map 信letter 盒子box 表watch 瓶子bottle 电脑computer 盘子plate 船boat 帽子cap 篮球basketball 眼镜glasses



树tree草grass 花flower 太阳sun 月亮moon 海sea 云cloud风wind

山hill (mountain) 星星star 天空sky 湖lake 河流river植物plant 森林forest


昨天yesterday今天today 明天tomorrow 上午morning 下午afternoon

白天day 晚上evening 深夜night


复活Easter 国庆National Day 感恩节Thanksgiving 圣诞节Christmas

中秋节Mid-autumn Festival 劳动节Labour Day



one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty


第一first (1st) 第二second (2nd) 第三third (3rd) 第四fourth (4th) 第五fifth (5th)

第六sixth (6th) 第七seventh (7th) 第八eighth (8th) 第九ninth (9th) 第十tenth (10th) 第十一eleventh (11th) 第十二twelfth (12th) 第十三thirteenth (13th)

第十四fourteenth (14th) 第十五fifteenth (15th) 第十六sixteenth (16th)

第十七seventeenth (17th) 第十八eighteenth (18th) 第十九nineteenth (19th)

第二十twentieth (20th) 第二十一twenty-first (21st)



高兴的happy 伤心的sad 生气的angry疲劳的tired 害怕的scared 害羞的shy


晴朗的(天)sunny 阴雨的(天)cloudy 下雨的(天)rainy 刮风的(天)windy



高的tall 矮的(短的)short 长的long 胖的fat 瘦的thin聪明的clever 厌烦的bored 大的big 小的small 可爱的lovely 疲惫的tired 很棒的good 新的new

老的(旧的)old 年轻的young 湿的wet 干的dry 快的fast 高的high 可爱的cute 有礼貌的polite 有用的,愿意帮忙的helpful 特殊的,特别的special 漂亮的nice 快的fast 慢的slow 饿的hungry 渴的thirsty早的early

晚的(迟的)late 淘气的naughty 饥饿的hungry 喜欢的favorite 左边的left

右边的right 丢失的lost 忙碌的busy 脏的dirty 盲的blind 聋的deaf 美丽的beautiful 疲劳的tired 容易的easy 便宜的cheap贵的expensive 甜的sweet 凉爽的cool 烫的,热的hot 温暖的warm 美味的delicious

安静的quiet 强壮的strong 漂亮的,精致的pretty 健康的healthy

极好的wonderful 有病的,身体不舒服的ill

加拿大的Canadian 西班牙的Spanish 意大利的Italian


年轻的young-younger 年长的old-older 高的tall-taller 矮的short-shorter

长的long--longer 瘦的thin----thinner 大的big-bigger 小的small-smaller

重的heavy-heavier 壮的strong-stronger


我I 你you 他he 她she 它it 我们we 你们you 他们(她们、它们)they

我的my 你的your 他的his 她的her 它的its 我们的our 你们的your 他们的(她们的、它们的)their


在… 里面in 在… 上面on 在… 下面under 在… 旁边beside (next to) 在… 附近near 在... 后面behind 在.A和B之间between A and B

在… 前面in front of 在具体时间点或地点at…


来come 去go 跑run 跳jump 走walk 爬climb 游泳swim 听listen

说say (talk) 读read 写write 看look(watch/see) 唱sing 跳舞dance 睡sleep

画draw(paint) 玩play 洗wash 吃eat 喝drink 站stand 坐sit 骑ride

学习study 喜欢like 爱love 请please 想要want 教teach 帮助help 停止stop

放置put 买buy 问ask 工作work 成为become 驾驶drive 打扫,清洁clean

感觉feel 帮助help 知道know 离开leave 喜欢like 告诉tell live居住

想,思考think 读,看read 尝试,试一下try 记住remember 使用use

跑run 说,讲say 等wait 看见see 遇见,碰见meet 寄,发送send 走walk 打开open 关上close 展示show 睡觉sleep 说话,讲话speak

看watch 停stop 飞fly 落下,跌落fall 往上爬climb

从……获得乐趣enjoy 打架fight 发现find 欢迎welcome 记住remember

完成finish 吃eat 学习learn 需要need 动词share 加入join


步行on foot 睡觉go to sleep 起床get up 看电影see a movie(film)

去看电影go to the cinema看病see a doctor 在家/学校at home/school 读书read a book

写信write a letter 听音乐listen to music 在上午in the morning 在夜里at night

每周一次once a week 每周两次twice a week 出去go out

接电话answer the phone 洗碗碟do the dishes 上床睡觉go to bed

来自be from… /come from… 画画draw pictures 上学go to school

上班go to work 回家go home捉蝴蝶catch butterflies

打扫房间/卧室clean the room/bedroom 看一看have a look

吃早/午餐/晚餐eat(have) breakfast/lunch/dinner 放风筝fly kites

举行野餐have a picnic 去野餐go on a picnic

爬山climb mountains 倒垃圾empty the trash 照相take pictures

上美术/数学课/体育课/英语//语文/音乐课have art/math/PE /English / Chinese/class/ music

去游泳/钓鱼/划船/购物/露营go swimming/fishing/boating/shopping/camping

收集树叶/邮票collect leaves /stamps 露出,出现come out 做饭cook dinner

到达get to 做饭cook the meals 下车get off 数昆虫count insects

去远足go hiking 出去散步go out for a walk 乘公交车by bus 骑自行车by bike

在左/右边on the left/right 在…前面in the front of 在周末in the weekend

做作业do homework 做家务do housework 购物go shopping

做晨练do morning exercises 看书read a book /read books 看……look at 寻找look for 听音乐listen to music 小心be careful 堆雪人make a snowman

阅读杂志read a magazine 使用计算机use a computer 骑自行车ride a bike

看望(外)祖父母visit grandparents 制作风筝make kites 铺床make the bed

醒来wake up 摆餐具set the table 洗衣服wash the clothes 种树plant trees

采摘树叶pick up leaves 擦窗wash the windows 下棋play chess 看电视watch TV 踢足球play football 打乒乓球play ping-pang 浇花water the flowers

进行体育活动play sports 扫地sweep the floor 去旅行take a trip

弹钢琴play the piano 拉小提琴play the violin 写信write a letter

和A一起玩play with A 写报告write a report 收拾衣服put away the clothes

照相take pictures/photos 写电子邮件write an e-mail 做的好good job

按顺序来take turns 注意pay attention to 去看医生go to see a doctor 深吸一口气take a deep breath 数到10 count to 10 感冒have/ catch a cold



Good morning/afternoon/evening 早上/下午/晚上好

I’m Wu Y ifan 你好,我是吴亦凡what’s your name? 你叫什么名字

My name is Kate 我叫凯特This is Miss Green 这是格林小姐

where are you from? 你来自哪里?

I am from the UK 我来自英国How are you? 你好吗?Fine,thank you 我很好,谢谢你How old are you? 你多大了?I’m thirteenth years old 我13岁了

How do you go to school? 你怎么来学校?I go to school on foot/by bike 我走路/骑自行车来we have a new classroom我们有了间新教室let’s clean the classroom 我们打扫教室吧《二》

look at the picture of my family! 来看我家的全家福照片吧

how many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?There are six 有6口人

who’s that man? 那个男人是谁?He is my brother 他是我哥哥

He is the tallest in my family 他是我们家最高的

How tall is he?他多高?He is 1.98 metres 他身高1.98米

what’s his name? 他叫什么名字? His name is Jack 他叫Jack

what does he do? 他是做什么的?He is a businessman 他是个商人

Is she your mother? 她是你妈妈吗?No,she isn’t 不,她不是。She is my aunt 她是我舅妈What’s your aunt’s job? 你舅妈做什么工作?She is a nurse 她是个护士

What are you doing? 你们在干什么?We are having picnic 我们在野餐

What’s this?这是什么?It’s my hat是我的帽子it looks like a duck 看起来像只鸭子what’s that? 那是什么?That’ s an elephant 那是头大象

It has a long nose and big ears 它有长鼻子和大耳朵I t’s so tall 它好高啊


Where is my pencil-box? 我的文具盒在哪儿?Is it in your bag? 在你书包里吗?No,it isn’t不,它不在It’s in my desk 在我桌子里

What’s in your pencil-box? 你文具盒里有什么?A pen.一只钢笔

what color is it? 它是什么颜色?It’s blue and white 是蓝白色的

How many crayons do you have?你有多少只蜡笔?I have twelve 我有12个

whose book is this ? 这是谁的书?It’s mine 它是我的

when do you finish class in the morning? 你上午的课到几点结束?

At 12 o’clock 中午12点

What do you do on weekend? 你周末做什么?

I often watch TV with my parents 我通常和父母看电视

Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节I like winter best 我最喜欢冬天

When is April Fool’s day? 愚人节是哪天?It’s on April 1st在四月一日u

What are you going to do tomorrow ? 你明天打算干啥?

I am going to go out for a walk我准备出去散散步

Where are you going? 你打算去哪儿?I’m going to Renmin Park 我打算去人民公园《四》

what time is it? 几点了?It’s 6 o’clock ,it’s time for dinner/to do home 6点了,该吃晚餐/回家了I’m hungry 我饿了what’s for dinner? 晚餐吃啥?

What would you like? 你想吃什么?I’d like some soup and bread? 我想要点汤和面包

Do you like oranges ? No,I don’t/ Yes,I do 不,我不喜欢/ 是,我喜欢

I’m thirsty 我渴了Can I have some water,please?请给我些水好吗?

Sure!Here you are 当然,给你。You’re welcome 不用谢

Do you like oranges ? No,I don’t/ Yes,I do 不,我不喜欢/ 是,我喜欢

Me neither 我也不(喜欢)


What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?It’s rainy 是下雨天

Can I go outside now? 我现在能出去吗?No,you can’t 不行It’s cold 天冷


Can I help you? 我能为您做点什么?Yes ,these shoes are nice 是的,这双鞋不错

Can I try them on ?我能试试吗?What size are your shoes? 你穿多大鞋?

Size 6 please请拿双6码的

Nice!How much are these?不错!多钱?It’s 299RMB 人民币299元

How do you like this skirt? 这条裙子你觉得怎么样?It’s pretty 它很漂亮


How was your weekend? 你周末过的怎么样?

It was good,thank you 很好,谢谢

What did you do? 你周末干嘛了?

I stayed at home with my grandma,we drank tea in the afternoon 我和奶奶在家,我们喝了下午茶

Did you do anything else ? 你还做其它事情了吗?

Yes ,I washed my clothes 是的,我还洗了衣服what about you? 你呢?Did you see a film?去看电影了吗?

No ,I didn’t没有,我没去

What happened?怎么了?

I had a cold,I stayed at home all weekend 我感冒了,整个周末都待在家

Are you all right? 你还好吧?

I’m ok now,thanks 现在没事儿了,多谢。

Did you go to....? 你去。。。了吗?How did you go there ?你们怎么去的?

We went there by train 我们坐火车去的sounds great!听上去不错!

There was no library in my old school 我以前的学校没有图书馆

There were no computers or internet in my time 我那时候也没有电脑和网络

Before,I was quiet, Now I’m active in class 以前我很安静,现在我上课很活跃



am/is was 是(表示存在、状态等)

are were 是(表示存在、状态等)

become became 成为;变成

begin began 开始

break broke 打破

bring brought 拿来;取来;带来

build built 构筑;建造;建筑

buy bought 购买;买

can could 可以;能;可能;会

catch caught 赶上(车船等);捕获

come came 来;来到

cut cut 切;割;削;剪

do did 做;干;行动

draw drew 画

drink drank 喝;饮

drive drove 开车;驾驶

eat ate 吃

feel felt 感到;觉得

find found 寻找;查找

fly flew 飞行

forget forgot 忘记;忘却

get got 变得

give gave 给;授予

go went 去

have/has had 得(病);有;吃(喝)hear heard 听见;听说

hide hid 隐藏

keep kept 保持;使保持某种状态know knew 知道;了解

leave left 离去;出发

let let 允许;让

lose lost 失去;丧失make made 使;促使;迫使;做;作may might 可能;可以mean meant ……的意思

meet met 遇见;相逢

put put 放;摆;装

read read /e/ 读;阅读

ride rode 骑

ring rang (铃)响

rise rose 上升

run ran 跑;奔跑

say said 说;讲

see saw 看见

send sent 发送;寄;派;遣set set 放, 置

sit sat 坐

sleep slept 睡,睡觉speak spoke 说;说话swim swam 游泳

take took 搭乘;花时间...拿,带teach taught 教;讲授

tell told 告诉;讲述think thought 想;思考

will would 将要

win won 赢;获胜write wrote 书写


1.What’s your name? My name is …


2.What’s his/ her name? His/ Her name is…


3.What’s your father’s/ mother’s/ teacher’s name?His/ Her name is 你父亲/母亲/老师的名字是什么他/她叫......

4.How old are you? I’m … years old.


5.How old is he/ she? He/ She is

他/她多大..... 他/她...岁

6.How are you? I’m fine. Thank you.


7.What class are you in? I’m in Class One, Grade Six.


8.What colour is it? It’s red. (…)


9.What’s this? It’s a (an)…


10.What’s that? It’s a (an) …


11.What are these\those? They are shoes.


12.What do you want? I want a …


13.What’s your favorite colour? My favorite colour is..

你最喜欢什么颜色?我最喜欢的颜色是..... 14.What’s your favorite food? My favorite food is …


15.What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is…

你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的学科是...... 16.What can you see? I can see a…


17.How much is it? It’s … Yuan.


18.How much are they? They are … Yuan.


19.What’s your father/ mother? He/ She is a …


20.What are you doing? I’m reading a book.


21.What’s he/ she doin g? He / She is watching TV.


22.Who is this? This is Mr./ Mrs Green.

这是谁?这是Green先生/女士23.Who is that? That’s Ken.


24.Who are you? I’m Amy.


25.Where are you? I’m here.


26.Who are they? They are …


27.Where is Ann? She is in the room.


28.Where is my pen? It’s in the desk.


29.Where are my socks? They are on the chair.


30.Where are they? They are in the classroom.


31.Where are my shoes? They’re under the chair.


32.Are you Ann? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

你是Ann吗?是的,我是/不,我不是33.What’s the weather like? It’s fine/rainy/snowy........

今天天气怎么样?(天气)不错/雨天/下雪天34.What time is it? It’s one o’clock.


34.What time do you go to school? I go to school at eight o’clock.


35.What can you do? I can swim.


36.What can a bird do? It can fly.


37.Let’s go. (…)38. That’s OK.


39. This /That /It is a (an) …这是一个.....

40. These/ Those/ They are …这些/那些/他们是.....

41. Stand up. 起立

42. Sit down. 坐下

43. Here you are. 给你

44. Thank you. 谢谢

45. You are welcome. 不客气

46. Come here. 过来

47. I like …我喜欢

48. I don’t like …我不喜欢

49. Good morning. (afternoon/ evening/,night) 早上/下午/晚上好,晚安

50. Goodbye! 再见

51 How about... .........怎么样

51Be careful! 小心点!/认真点!52Please open your book. 请打开你的书

53Let me have a try. 让我试一试

54Don’t open the door. 别开门

54 what a fine day it is! 天气多好啊!

55What a beautiful girl! 多漂亮的女孩啊! 56How beautiful the girl is! 多漂亮的女孩啊!



1. I am …

2. You are …

3. He is …

4. She is …

5. It is …

6. We ar e …

7. They are … 8. This is a (an) …

9. That is a (an) … 10. These are …

11. Those are … 12. There is a (an) …

13. There are … 14. I can …

15. You can … 16. He can …

17. She can … 18. We can …

19. They can … 20. I’m going to …

21. I want … 22. They want …

23. He wants … 24. She wants …

25. I like … 26. We like …

27. He likes … 28. She likes …

29. I go to school by bus. 30. He / She goes to school on foot.
