







1. What makes the girl study harder?

A. To get a toy.

B. To work as a model.

C. To earn money for a car.

2. What does the man want to do?

A. Stop to ask for directions.

B. Drive to the tall building.

C. Write down the correct address.

3. How much will the woman pay for the skirt?

A. $30.

B. $70.

C. $100.

4. What is the woman worried about at first?

A. The man’s memory.

B. The size of the house.

C. The cleanliness of the hotel.

5. What does the woman think of the man’s schedule?

A. Too flexible.

B. Too realistic.

C. Too strict.



6. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Sandra’s foot.

B. Cleaning the floor.

C. Housekeeping costs.

7. Who is Brenda?

A. Dave’s sister.

B. Sandra’s boss.

C. Dave’s house cleaner.


8. Why was the man surprised that morning?

A. Julie didn’t leave him a note.

B. He thought Julie hated taking the bus.

C. He thought Julie hated getting up early.

9. What instrument does Julie play?

A. The saxophone.

B. The flute.

C. The drums.

10. What does Julie think of the band uniforms?

A. Ugly.

B. Expensive.

C. Hot.


11. Why was Sammy anxious?

A. He was attacked by a dog.

B. He was bitten by a rabbit.

C. He was beaten by a stranger.

12. What time did the woman arrive?

A. At 6:30 pm.

B. At 7:00 pm.

C. At 7:30 pm.

13. What do we know about the woman?

A. She likes to be early.

B. She had a rough day.

C. She doesn’t like football.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。

14. Why does the man think his bill was wrong?

A. He forgot he had ordered a small plate.

B. He believed his waitress was dishonest.

C. He thought he ordered a cheaper main dish.

15. What does the man usually order?

A. Vegetables.

B. Seafood.

C. Meat.

16. Who does the man want to talk to?

A. Jenny.

B. The manager.

C. The cook.


17. Where are the students?

A. On the playground.

B. In the cafeteria.

C. In the school hall.

18. Who is Bill Wyatt?

A. The school director.

B. A football coach.

C. A college student.

19. Where can students find out about the lunch menu in advance?

A. From their parents.

B. From the school website.

C. From the posters in the dining hall.

20. What should students do with their cell phones during school?

A. Lock them inside the school gate.

B. Keep them with the school teachers.

C. Leave them inside the teaching buildings.

第二部分英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)



21. To better our cultural moral character, we students might as well increase our __ for reading.

A. qualification

B. tendency

C. appetite

D. application

22. We were much surprised when we saw his ecological farm the other day, I had imagined

growing much bigger.

A. when

B. which

C. where

D. who

23. --- It’s said that Linda was picked out as a volunteer English teac her.

--- Yes. I ______ about it in the school newspaper.

A. was reading

B. had read

C. would read

D. will read

24. You must bring your insurance card with you when you ______ with a dentist or doctor.

A. register

B. interfere

C. compromise

D. negotiate

25. What a relief! We would still be wandering aimlessly in the woods _____ to bring a compass

with you.

A. should you forget

B. had you forgotten

C. you should forget

D. you had forgotten

26. Lacking in the spirit of innovation, the small island country remains ____ it was 5 years ago.

A. what

B. when

C. why

D. which

27. Chinese people are sparing no effort to ____ the wellbeing of the nation, believing happiness

is achieved through hard work.

A. take charge of

B. take notice of

C. make sacrifices for

D. make allowances for

28. --- Darling, my routine meeting ends at 8:00 pm when, I suppose, you ______ dinner.

--- But I can wait.

A. will have

B. have had

C. will have had

D. are having

29. China’s Silk Road Economic Belt, ______ accomplished, will quicken the economic growth

of the countries along the route.

A. unless

B. though

C. once

D. as

30. Professor Stanley didn’t agree with all my points but wrote a very assessment of my


A. critical

B. ambiguous

C. subjective

D. generous

31. A hurricane struck the east coast and the Red Cross ___ for help for victims, over two million

dollars have been raised.

A. has appealed

B. appealed

C. to appeal

D. appealing

32. Being elected as a delegate to the 19th National Congress of CPC was a great honor to her

and brought with ______ sacred rights and duties.

A. them

B. it

C. one

D. her

33. We don’t hope to see children __ nothing in their families, for children can be easily spoiled.

A. denying

B. denied

C. to deny

D. being denied

34. --- What’s the main reason for choosing one restaurant ______ another?

--- Just the service.

A. against

B. beyond

C. over

D. after

35. --- Stephen Hawking devoted himself to scientific research before becoming one of the

greatest physicists.

--- That’s it. ______.

A. Two heads are better than one

B. One false move may lose the game

C. All things are difficult before they are easy

D. Champions are made when no one is watching



I’ve been obsessed(困扰)with languages for as long as I can remember. My dad could talk to everyone with ease, confidently 36 between languages. His abilities made a big impression on me, but he didn’t 37 me to follow his lead.

I wasn’t a(n) 38 language learner. I made slow progress with French at school and almost gave it up. But things felt different when I 39 German at university – loving many German writers in translation, I wanted to read them in their 40 tongue, and that’s been my main 41 for learning new ones since. Once I got German, I was 42 ; French, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit quickly followed. The idea of having a 43 overview of the world has always fascinated me, and 44 languages seemed a good way of achieving that. By my 20s, I’d set my heart on 45 the rest of my life to learning as many as I could.

I’m often asked what the 46 is, and whether some people have a gift for absorbing words and phrases. The truth is that it’s down to endless hours of 47 – reading, studying and practicing grammar. 48 , all these wonderful languages start to swim into focus, and ever increasing numbers of great works become 49 .

It’s hard, but the 50 can be thrilling. When I started studying Spanish, there was a moment when the living language suddenly 51 itself to me. Something 52 happened when I heard Swedish spoken around me. It seemed to 53 elements of languages I was familiar with. The more of them I know, the more I see how inter-related they are. All it took was three weeks and I was able to 54 effectively in complex conversations.

Now, I can read about three dozen languages and speak most of them fluently. I think I’m much richer for that – it makes me more55 .

36. A. distinguishing B. switching C. comparing D. dividing

37. A. threaten B. encourage C. promise D. trust

38. A. sensitive B. average C. individual D. natural

39. A. took on B. put down C. made up D. went over

40. A. simple B. sharp C. native D. polite

41. A. advantage B. appreciation C. foundation D. motivation

42. A. shocked B. relieved C. depressed D. hooked

43. A. comprehensive B. historical C. scientific D. skeptical

44. A. speaking B. selecting C. imitating D. acquiring

45. A. adjusting B. devoting C. reducing D. attaching

46. A. secret B. purpose C. benefit D. puzzle

47. A. expectation B. admiration C. concentration D. evaluation

48. A. Gradually B. Suddenly C. Regularly D. Usually

49. A. affordable B. accessible C. invisible D. assessable

50. A. circle B. beginning C. options D. rewards

51. A. revealed B. explained C. limited D. recommended

52. A. reasonable B. significant C. similar D. funny

53. A. substitute B. combine C. promote D. transform

54. A. compromise B. compete C. communicate D. compensate

55. A. arbitrary B. objective C. considerate D. confident



A. be passionate about public interests

B. have the opportunity to be a teacher

C. get a good knowledge of public management

D. watch the live stream to know your advantages

57. SDA Bocconi’s courses are aimed at ______.

A. academic upgrade

B. job promotion

C. interpersonal communication

D. business management


Manta rays are found in warm temperatures. The larger species

reaches 7 m in width.

In 2016, a study was published by Dr Csilla Ari and Dr Dominic D’Agostino on giant manta rays (蝠鲼), which explored the idea of whether these elasmobranchs(软骨鱼类)could be classed as self-aware. Giant mantas have the largest brain of all fish species, suggesting complex social interactions and are often referred to as intelligent. For the study Ari and D’Agostino used the mirror self-recognition test (MSR). It has been used to prove self-awareness in the great apes and Asian elephants.

In order to confirm whether an animal can pass this test, researchers first expose the animals to a mirror. If they show social responses they likely perceived their mirror image as another individual and did not recognise themselves in the mirror. If they show repetitive and unusual movements they are considered potentially capable of passing the test. Next, researchers usually place a mark on the animal’s body. The y then observe what happens when the marked animal is placed in front of a mirror. Animals that pass the test will typically adjust their positions so that they can get a better look at the new mark on their body, and may even touch or try to move it. Typically, they pay much more attention to the part of their body that bears a new marking.

In the study, due to the difficulties associated with marking a manta ray, observations were made instead in relation to mirror exposure only. Results showed that the Mantas exhibited unusual and highly repetitive movements and self-directed behaviour when exposed to the mirror. More specifically they gave selective attention to the mirror by displaying significantly more repetitive movements than under control conditions as well as several unusual behaviours, such as exposing and observing their underside in the mirror and bubble blowing, similar to what was observed when bottlenose dolphins were exposed to a mirror.

Mantas are also able to change their colour, rapidly increasing the intensity of their white markings when a new individual approaches. This was not observed when they were exposed to the mirror, making it reasonable to assume that the animals did not recognize their mirror image

as a new individual and that the observed behaviours were not part of normal social interaction.

Overall, Ari and D’Agostino’s study provides evidence for behavioural responses kno wn to be prerequisites(先决条件)for self-awareness and which have been used by other researchers to confirm self-recognition in ape species. This experiment shines a light on the potential cognitive capabilities of fish and calls into question the ethical (伦理道德的) practices of current fisheries. Protection in some regions does exist. Despite this, up to 1,000 giant mantas are thought to be harvested from specific locations every year for their meat and gill rakers, the latter being traded as a kind of medicine.

58. Dr Csilla Ari and Dr Dominic D’Agostino conducted the study to ______.

A. explore how mantas can survive in extreme conditions

B. display that mantas can interact with human beings

C. illustrate where self-recognition test can be applied

D. prove mantas have the ability to recognize themselves

59. What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A. The final result of Ari and D’Agostino’s study.

B. The real purpose of Ari and D’Agostino’s study.

C. The theoretical basis of Ari and D’Agostino’s st udy.

D. The far-reaching significance of Ari and D’Agostino’s study.

60. How did Ari and D’Agostino make their findings?

A. By observing mantas’ behaviours.

B. By recording mantas’ colour changes.

C. By collecting statistics from self-recognition tests.

D. By comparing the differences between mantas and apes.

61. The result of Ari and D’Agostino’s study could lead to ______.

A. better protection of mantas

B. larger-scale hunting for mantas

C. tougher restriction on ethical fisheries

D. further research into other sea animals


The most important determining factor of success or failure –at work and in life –is self-awareness, the ability to understand who we are, how others see us, and how we fit into the world.

For millions of years, the ancestors of humans evolved painfully slowly. However, about 150,000 years ago there was an explosive development in the human brain where, among other things, we gained the ability to examine our own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, as well as to see things from another’s point of view. Not only did this transformation create the foundation for art, spiritual practices and language, but it came with a survival advantage for our ancestors, who had to work together in order to survive.

Though we may not face the same day-to-day threats to our existence, self-awareness is no less critical. There is strong scientific evidence that people who know themselves and how others see them are happier. They are smarter, superior students. They raise more mature children. They also tend to be more creative, confident and less aggressive.

But for most people it is easier to choose self-delusion(自我欺瞒)rather than the cold hard truth. Our increasingly “me” focused society makes it easier to fall into this trap. Recent generations have grown up in a world obsessed with self-esteem(自负), constantly being reminded of their special qualities. Not only are our assessments often flawed(有缺陷), but we are usually terrible judges of our own performance and abilities –from leadership skills to achievements at school and work. What’s scary is that the least competent people are usually the most confident in their abilities.

How can we avoid this fate? We must work on two specific types of insight. Internal self-awareness is an inward understanding of our passions and aspirations, strengths and weaknesses and so on. And external self-awareness, knowing how others see you, means understanding yourself from the outside in.

It would be easy to assume that someone with internal self-awareness would also be externally aware – that being in touch with our feelings and emotions helps us tune into how we’re seen. Strangely, research has often shown no relationship between the two–some studies have even revealed an inverse(相反的)one.

For those looking to gain true insight, remember that other people often see us more objectively than we see ourselves and that self-examination can have hidden pitfalls(陷阱)that make insight actually impossible.

62. The first three paragraphs center around ______.

A. the intelligence gap between modern men and their ancestors

B. the sharp contrast between self-awareness of today and the past

C. the necessity of a shift in self-awareness to satisfy the needs today

D. the significance of self-awareness in human survival and advancement

63. What’s the problem with “me” focused society nowadays?

A. People’s performance and abilities are overlooked.

B. It’s difficult to obtain an objective assessment of ourselves.

C. Competent people tend to be unconfident of their leadship skills.

D. Modern people fail to bring their special qualities into full play.

64. What does the writer stress in this passage?

A. Knowing how others see us is the key to success.

B. Understanding ourselves inward contributes to a better fate.

C. Self-examination helps us gain true insight into ourselves.

D. Internal self-awareness and external self-awareness are closely related.


Zelda D’Aprano was an unstoppable force, and if you didn’t like it, you best got out of the way. It’s through my work as a director of the Victorian Women’s Trust that I got to know Zelda, and she has been a personal hero of mine ever since. I feel lucky for every conversation we had together. Each time I walked away feeling like I could do anything, and she used those powers very skillfully. She told me to ask for more from the world, even if I wanted the sun. So, to

honour my friend: I’ll have your moon too, thanks.

As a staunch feminist(女权主义者), labour unionist, and pay justice advocate, Zelda had an everlasting impact on the women’s movement and labour movements within Australia. She also took the time in her later years to help and nurture young feminists. I, and many others, are beneficiaries of that kindness.

She left school at 14 to join the workforce, and it was in this factory work she began to witness first-hand the inequality between male and female workers. With each job she took she would point out the injustice of this disparity(悬殊) to her employers and would be swiftly dismissed. She didn’t care about personal consequences, she cared about fairness.

In 1969, fed up with the lack of progress for women, Zelda secured herself to the doors of the Commonwealth Building to protest the dismissal in the arbitration court of the equal pay case, of which she was a test case with the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (AMIEU). In an all-too-familiar pattern, for this “outspokenness” she was fired from the AMIEU.

The legislation Zelda fought for has been all but eroded(逐渐消失的). The Equal Pay Act of 1972 has been aggressively watered down to become the “Fair Work Act” and no longer even mentions “pay equality”, “gender discrimination” or “equal pay”. We allowed ourselves to be the frogs in the hot water. Zelda noticed, an d I’m heartbroken she couldn’t stay long enough to see us fix it. But fix it we will.

When Zelda was chained to the doors of parliament, a police officer began to criticize her. “Aren’t you embarrassed? It’s just you on your own,” he said. Without hesitati ng, she replied “No. Because soon there will be three, then there will be five, and then there will be …”. She was right. Ten days after her protest she was joined by Alva Geikie and Thelma Solomon. From that action, the three women founded the Women’s Action Committee and the Women’s Liberation Centre, from which the Women’s Liberation Movement in Melbourne was born. This changed the landscape of feminist organising in Australia forever.

In her 1995 biography, Zelda described wanting to get more women involved in activism, because “we had passed the stage of caring about a ‘lady-like’ image because women had for too long been polite ... and were still being ignored”. She didn’t care about what people thought of her, she cared about fairness.

The Women’s Act ion Committee organised the very first pro-choice rally in 1975, with an impressive turnout of over 500 women. It was reported by the media as a “horde of angry barefoot women” taking to the streets. Zelda assured me they were definitely wearing shoes. She really did walk the walk, throughout her entire life.

In 2015, the Victorian Trades Hall Council introduced the Zelda D’Aprano Award for union activism. In a bittersweet coincidence, the nominations(提名) for the 2018 award opened on the very day she passed away. The flag at Trades Hall was lowered to half mast in her honour.

The legacy(遗产)of Zelda D’Aprano cannot be contained within memorial writings, and it cannot die. It lives within the hearts of feminists – young and old – who, inspired by her spirit,

will continue to fight for equality and fairness. It lives in the fire in our bellies. It lives in the smirk(假笑)we wear when we are doubted. Even through the heartache of loss, it lives.

65. The opening paragraph is mainly intended to ______.

A. provide some key information about Zelda D’Aprano

B. direct the readers’ attention to the powerful symbol

C. express great admiration for the great feminist

D. prove the popularity of the great feminist

66. Which of the following is the correct order of the major events in Zelda’s life?

a. She was fired from the AMIEU.

b. She left school at 14 to join the workforce.

c. She co-founded the Women’s Action Committee.

d. The Women’s Action Committee orga nised the very first pro-choice rally.

e. The Zelda D’Aprano Award for union activism was introduced.

A. eabdc

B. bcdae

C. bacde

D. ebcda

67. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 imply?

A. Zelda D’Aprano’ s efforts were far fro m enough.

B. The authorities approved the The Equal Pay Act of 1972.

C. People could hardly put up with the inequality and unfairness.

D. People submitted to the worsening situation about women’s rights.

68. Which of the following can best describe Zelda?

A. Determined, tolerant and realistic.

B. Determined, ambitious and optimistic.

C. Conservative, stubborn and aggressive.

D. Independent, narrow-minded and generous.

69. We can infer from the last paragraph that the author ______.

A. appeals to people to follow in Zelda’s footsteps

B. encourages people to doubt the government’s decision

C. calls for the feminists to value the hard-won peaceful life

D. urges people to get over their heartache of losing Zelda

70. What is the best title for the passage?

A. A Terrible Loss of Human Justice

B. An Unrealized Dream for Fair Pay

C. A Review of Australian Social Prejudice

D. A Pioneer in Gender Equality and Fairness 第四部分任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Do People in Public Life Have a Right to Privacy?

People, famous or not, have a right to privacy, which is a basic human right. Although some of them have voluntarily made themselves known to the world, they are still entitled to live a life without others following them all the time.

However, we have to distinguish between famous people. Basically, there are those who were seeking a public life—or at least knew to some extent what they were going into—and those who were not. Politicians, athletes, actors, musicians and entertainers belong to the former.

The latter are ordinary citizens who become significant, because of their extraordinary experiences, for example, victims of crimes or tragedies, but also criminals.

The number of ordinary citizens who receive their celebrity (名人) status unwillingly is quite big and the privacy of those people needs to be especially respected and maintained. Names, addresses or pictures that could lead to the identification of a person should never be made public. It is not of interest for the readers, and it usually does not make a difference for them, what the name of someone is, but for the one concerned publication of identity could mean embarrassment and harassment (骚扰). Suspected criminals, for instance, could lose their jobs, their families could break up or their whole lives could get destroyed, even when they are innocent. Apart from that, as soon as someone is well known, they are pursued and harassed by journalists demanding interviews. Also in cases where a family just had to experience the loss of a dear person, the press usually shows little respect for that.

In the case of politicians or other powerful people, the right to privacy comes into conflict with another rig ht, the public’s right to know. Therefore, the right to privacy of certain politicians sometimes has to be neglected to ensure a rightful running of the country. But do we need to get informed about everything there is?

Actually, the position of politicians in the eye of the public is especially difficult to judge. On the one hand politicians use their happy family and home in campaigns; on the other hand, we know personal behaviors have nothing to do with competence in running a country and private details, even if completely irrelevant, can still ruin careers. Sometimes only due to the intrusion (侵入) of privacy, corruption or similar crimes can be made public, but at the same time not everything in one’s life is connected to one’s office.

When personal morality and family values are deliberately used by politicians as a reason for them to be elected, they have chosen to make it a public issue rather than a private one. This is a sad fact, but it does not justify intrusion of the personal lives of all politicians. A politician


81.请根据你对以下两幅图的理解,以“We Chinese Should Carry Forward Traditional Chinese Culture”为题,用英语写一篇作文。


1. 简要描述两幅图的内容;

2. 概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解;

3. 举例说明两幅图对你的启示。


1. 可参照图片适当发挥;

2. 作文词数150左右;

3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。

We Chinese Should Carry Forward Traditional Chinese Culture


2017个人年终工作总结及2018年工作计划 光阴如梭,时光荏苒。2017年就要成为历史了,内心不禁感慨万千!转眼间又跨过一个年度之坎,回首来到公司的这几个月,虽没有轰轰烈烈的战果,但也算经历过不平凡的考验和磨砺了。非常感谢领导给我这个锻炼的平台,令我在工作中不断的学习,不断的进步,慢慢的提升自身的素质与才能。回首这几个月,领导和同事对我的支持与关爱,令我感受到人间的温情,在此我向领导以及全体同事表示最衷心的感谢!正是有你们的帮助才能使我在工作中更加的得心应手,也是因为有你们的帮助,才能令我在工作的同时更上一个台阶。 一、2017年的工作回顾 办公室的日常管理工作:行政工作对我而言是一个全新的领域。细数行政的工作,可说是千头万绪,有文书处理、档案管理、文件批转、会议及活动安排等等。面对繁杂琐碎的工作,我努力强化自我工作意识,力求周全、准确、适度,避免疏漏和差错。通过这几个月的工作、学习,在工作模式上有了新的突破,工作方式有了较大的改变,现将这几个月的工作情况总结如下: 1.切实做好公司的福利、日常行政工作。按照预算审批制度,组织落实公司办公用品、劳保福利等物品的调配以及办公杂小事项的维修工作;与饮用水公司交接,统计送水数目。 2.协助经理做好人事、劳资管理工作。协助经理组织落实公司的劳动、人事和员工的考勤控制监督工作;负责员工入职、离职手续办理以及根据人事相关规定规范劳动合同管理,做好劳动合同的签订、解除及劳动合同档案管理等工作。 3.认真做好公司的文字工作。草拟简单的通知性文件和新员工欢迎词等文字工作,及时传达公司有关会议、文件、批示的精神;公司的一些文件资料、批文等整理归档,做好资料的归档管理工作。 4.落实车辆的管控工作。根据公司规定做好公司车辆加油、维修、路桥费、员工车辆的外出办事补贴、员工出差餐费等费用登记。 5.及时进行费用报销、打款工作。做好餐费、厂房以及宿舍租金的打款证明,按照合同日期要求及时提醒财务部打款;桶装水、日常办公用品采购等费用的报销。 6.做好会议的准备和后勤服务工作。做好会前调试电脑、投影仪,准备茶水以及统计会议所需资料、物品等工作,保证会议的顺利召开。 二、工作中存在的问题 自我入职以来,深切的体会到:创新提高效率、学习提升效能、比较缩小差距。虽在工作中有了一些进步,但同样存在一些问题和不足。主要表现在: 1.专业知识的不足。由于办公软件的运用不熟练、公司的规章制度没掌握、人事相关知识的缺


英语试题 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A It was Thanksgiving morning. I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together on the top step. “Any old papers, lady?” asked one of them. I was busy. I wanted to say “no” until I looked down at their feet. They were wearing th in little sandals(凉鞋), wet with heavy snow. “Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa.” They walked over and sat down at the table. Their wet sandals left marks upon the floor. I served them cocoa and bread to fight against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started cooking. The silence in the front room struck me. I looked in. The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked in a flat voice, “Lady, are you rich?” “Am I rich? Pity, no!” I looked at my worn-out slipcovers(椅套). The girl put her cup back in its saucer(茶碟)carefully and said, “Your cups match your saucers.” They left after that, holding their papers against the wind. They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful. Plain blue china cups and saucers were only worth five pence. But they matched. I tasted the potatoes and stirred(搅动)the meat soup. Potatoes and brown meat soup, a roof over our heads, my man with a regular job, these matched, too. I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The muddy marks of little sandals were still wet upon my floor. Let them be for a while, I thought, just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am. 36.Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A.Lady, are you rich? B.A story of Thanksgiving Day C.Don't forget how rich you are D.Does cups and saucers match well? 37.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A.The girl thought the writer was rich just because she wanted to make the writer happy. B.The writer had thought she wasn't rich because her supplies were not expensive. C.If cups and saucers match well, they are a best pair even though cheap.


2016年度工作总结及2017年工作计划 2015年底我有幸得到公司各位领导的信任,竞聘成为企管部的副部长,这是一次非常难得的机遇,同时对我也是一次严峻的考验,我非常清楚的知道我将面临的压力与挑战,所以在我担任企管部副部长的这一年当中,我努力学习,积极开拓进取,扎实勤奋的工作,逐步开始承担企管部更多的工作业务,在这一年当中,我更加深切体会到企管部的职责所在,企管部既是管理部门,也是执行部门,在公司中起着统筹与承上启下的作用,是公司运转的一个重要枢纽部门。 2016年我主要围绕绩效考核、安全生产标准化、固定资产管理三个方面展开工作,除此之外,还积极完成了上级领导交派的其他工作任务,现在我将2016年的工作总及2017年的工作计划汇总如下,望各位领导能够给我的工作提出意见或建议: (一)2016年工作总结 一、绩效考核: 1、绩效考核方案的制定与实施: 企管部秉承我公司16年的管理方针“精细管理,品质提升,技术创新,提高效益”,从16年初就开始致力于制定并完善各部门的绩效考核方案,经过2-3个月讨论、修改,于4月份制定并完成了绩效考核方案,并于5月份开始实施,从5月份开始每月均按照绩效考核方案对各部门进行了检查,并提出了考核报告。 2、2016年企管部对各部门的考核情况如下: 2016年企管部对各部门共计考核113160元,其中对长安厂区生产部考核15408元,对双天厂区生产部考核32305元,对长安厂区质检部考核4112元,对双天厂区质检部考核7016元,对供应部考核8048元,对

销售部考核37990元,对技术部考核1725元,对各部门的考核金额分布情况如下图: 从分布图中可以明显看出对销售部的考核比例最大,主要是因为在11月份对销售部应收账款一项考核就高达两万八千多元,所以企管部主要还是以生产部考核为主,其次为质检部、供应部、技术部。 从考核分布图中可以分析出,企管部对质检部、技术部考核较少,没有对财务部、企管部的考核,所以这是需要企管部在2017年需要改进的地方,要加强对质检部、技术部、财务部、企管部的考核。 3、两厂区生产部考核 企管部在2016年主要对生产部的生产计划、5S管理、安全管理、物料管理、质量管理、设备管理等几个方面进行了核查,2016年共考核长安厂区生产部15408元,考核双天厂区生产部32305元,对生产部各项目的考核分布情况如下:


2017-2018学年度个人总结 时光飞逝,我们在感叹时间过的如此之快之余,不免回首过去一年与同事们度过的美好时光、工作中出现的不足以及取得的成绩。面对工作,我积极努力的学习,向身边的经验教师请教,从而较顺利的完成了教育教学任务,现将本学年的工作情况总结如下: 一、师德表现 教师的称号是神圣的,教师的道德是高尚的。本学期,我认真、按时参加政治、业务学习,不断提高自身素质,加强道德修养,以《中小学教师职业道德规范》来规范自己的言行。严格遵守学校的各项规章制度。关心集体,以校为家。响应学校号召,积极参加学校组织的各项活动,注重政治理论的学习。 二、教育、教学工作 (一)上课 我知道教学一定要吃透教材,在此基础上我总力争每堂课都能让学生在活泼轻松的氛围里学习,不时在课堂上渗透些课外知识,这样一方面能拓宽学生知识面,另一方面还可以调动学生的学习积极性,效果很好。我天天都会花写时间在我的专业学习上,然后把我所学知识更专业化、更纯正地教给我们的学生,真正做到“学以致用”,将学习渗透到生活的点点滴滴。工作中,为了能够适应自己的教学,我知道唯有刻苦钻研不懈努力,全身心地投入到工作中的点点滴滴,倾注每一份执着,每一份认真。课堂教学是教学质量的主阵地,我遵循课改理念,注重启发、引导学生。课堂内面向全体同学,公平地对待每一位学生,有时甚至给后进生多一些发言机会。 (二)备课

我深知备课是教学成败的要害。只有吃透教材,备好每一堂课才能上好每一堂课。本学期我担任一、7班班主任及语文教学任务。首先备课时我认真查阅相关资料,分析教材,明确教学目标、重难点,采取切实可行的教学方法。同时我非常重视学生的反馈,所以我平时尽可能与学生多接触,和他们交朋友,以便更好地了解学生的知识基础、把握情况以及他们的薄弱之处。这样备课就能从学生的实际出发,不断调整教学手段,照顾到绝大多数学生的接受能力,预见学生可能碰到的难点,于是我除了广泛猎取教育杂志上的教学理念、教学方法,把这些先进的理念、方法运用到备课中外,我还非常重视与同组教师的讨论交流并向他们虚心学习。这样既吸取了集体聪明,又注重了个人钻研。 (三)教研教改 有句话“活到老,学到老。”所以平时我也非常重视个人能力的提高,每当校内外有教科研活动,我便虚心前去学习,及时总结,写好心得体会,吸取经验;积极申报教研课,做到向老同志多学习,跟同仁们多交流;为了进一步提高自己,不断研究,每次利用外出函授或业务学习的机会,认真学习,练好基本功,尽管苦点,累点,课时多些,我也一一克服。 (四)、作业和辅导 作业本最能反映学生的学习情况。所以除了作业得精心设计外,批改也一定及时认真,评讲到位。对于后进生的作业批改则更细心耐心。由于我班语文基础差的学生还在不少数,于是我常用课间及下班前那段时间帮助辅导,及时解决他们学习中的困惑,鼓励学生信心,防止两极分化。总结过去,我深感教学工作中困难仍不少,自身素质有待进一步提高。但我相信,只要加强学习,加强钻研,在学校这么浓厚的教学环境中,我的语文教学一定能更上一层楼。 三、在班级学生转化工作: (1)抓得准,做得细,要有恒心,要乐于帮助。准是指在做学生思想工作时,要摸准会出现过错的原因,把准“脉搏”,然后再有针对性地开展思想教育。


高三月考试卷(七)英语 命题:长沙市一中高三英语备课组 第I卷(三部分,共115分) 第一部分听力 (共三节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时问来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Why didn’t Joan come on time for the meeting that morning? A. Because she got up later than usual. B. Because the bus was late. C. Because she forgot the time. 2. What's the relationship between the marl and Helen? A. They are friends. B. They are brother and sister. C. They are a couple. 3. What do you know about Mary? A. She is tired of teaching. B. She was fired. C. She is changing her job. 4. Where are the two speakers going to eat their lunch? A. In a restaurant. B. In the park. C. At home. 5. Why does the woman want to live in Peru? A. Because Peru is a beautiful country. B. Because Peruvians arc very friendly. C. Because she is interested in Peruvian food. 第二节(共12小题;每小题1. 5分,满分18分) 听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至第7两个小题。 6. What are the two speakers talking about? A. How to learn French. B. Hoe to improve French pronunciation. C. How to remember French words, 7. What troubles the woman? A. French culture. B. French vocabulary. C. French grammar. 听第7段材料,回答第8至第10三个小题。 8. What's the probable relationship between the man and the woman? A. Professor and student B. Principle and teacher C. Friends.


2017-2018年度继续教育学习总结 教师继续教育是教师教育的重要组成部分,是提高教师整体素质和促进教师专业化的有效途径,也是全面实施素质教育的关键。经过今年继续教育培训的学习,使我在教育思想、教育理论及业务能力等方面受益颇多。我深切地认识到了时代在更新,随着社会在不断的进步,教育教学工作更重。要适应素质教育的需要,必须不断的全面提高自身素质。 本学年的继续教育,培训内容多,涉及的知识面广,具体收获如下: 1、通过师德培训,使我认识到,成为一名合格的教师容易,要想成为一名优秀的教师,必须注重细节,充满师爱,从细微处入手,充分了解、关爱每一个学生。学习一些优秀教师的先进事迹后,更加坚定了我从事教育行业的信心和决心。 2、时代在不断的进步、发展,对教师也有了更高的要求,为了提高个人教学水平,我认真学习新课标,领悟新课标精神,努力做好教学工作,保质保量完成教学工作。本学年度,我认真的备课、编写教案,设计适应学生的教学方法,开展行之有效的教学。在教学中我把学生放在首位,发挥学生的主体作用。 3、通过培训,树立了课改意识,把法制教育渗透到学科教学中去。我充分认识到当前我国进行新课程改革的迫切性和重要性。新课程改革,教师的观念改变是关键,首先要改变原有的教育方式和教学模式,即改变以前“教师讲授学生接受”“教师指导学生参与“的全新的教学模式,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,充分调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生学习的参与度。 4、学习了各种先进的教育教学经验。使我深切感觉到,做为一名教师,不仅要有崇高的奉献精神、高标准的师德,也需有先进完备的教学策略与方法。今后我继续以新课程改革为契机,以新课程标准的基本理念为指导,转变教学观念个人工作总结,从规范入手,有目的,有计划、有步骤地进行课程改革实验,加强课堂教学改革研究,提高自身教学业务水平。


月考试题 命题人:丁梅 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷(满分95分) 20个元音 [p][b][m][w][h][i:][i][t][d][n][j][r][E:][E][k][g] [N][l][C:][C][f][v][u:][u][s][z][B:][Q][W][T][e[A] [F][V][ai][ei][Ci][tF][dV][iE][ZE][uE][tr][dr][Eu] [au][ts][dz] 48个国际音标表 元音 12个单元音 长元音 [i:][E:][C:][u:][B:] 短元音 [i][E][C][u][Q][e][A] 8个双元音[ai][ei][Ci][iE][ZE][uE][Eu][au] 辅音 10对 清辅音 [p][t][k][f][s][W][F][tF][tr][ts]

浊辅音 [b][d][g][v][z][T][V][dV][dr][dz] 3个鼻音 [m][n][N] 3个似拼音 [h][r][l] 2个半元音 [w][j] 一、英语知识运用(共四大题,满分55分) (一)语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A B C D四个选项中,找出所给单词的发音正确选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 1.f l o o d A.[f l o d]B.[f l u d] C. [flu:d] D [fl ?:d] 2. automatic A. [?:t?m?tik] B. [,aut?m?tik] C. [,aut?metik] D. [?:t?metik] 3. exhibition A. [, eksi'b??n] B. [, iksi'b??n] C. [, igzi'b??n] D. [,eksi 'bi??n] 4. guarantee A. [''g?r?nti:] B. [, g?r?n'ti:] C. [, g?r?nti:] D.[g?r?nti:]


生活无风雨不丰盛人生无磨砺不璀璨 ------2017-2018年工作总结与反思 涂芳2017-2018学年于我不同往常。 我继续承担初一启明班、高一(3)班的语文教学工作,以及办公室干事工作。首先谈谈教学工作。我服从学校安排,承担了初一、高一的语文教学工作,虽然跨课头,并在办公室做干事,且家中孩儿尚小,无长辈帮忙抚养,内心焦虑,且对孩儿心存愧疚。但考虑到学校需要,把压力扛了下来,虽然工作超量,但都努力完成任务。初一启明班在上下学年度期末考试中均在市联改中稳居第五,这于我是莫大的欣慰与鼓舞,让我在教学工作中找到了信心,也证实了自2010年从教至今,在田中大家庭的帮助和引导下自己的教学能力得到了提升。能教好书,这于老师而言是最有安全感和成就感的事。因为重心倾斜到初一,工作上任务较重,在高一(3)班的语文教学上进步较浅,但是其实花的心思并没有减少。高一(3)班的整体学风较上学期明显减弱,多数学生学习体艺的原因,对文化课重视程度不够,且玩手机现象严重,所以要拔高成绩相当吃力。在往后的教学工作中,我会潜心钻研教材和教学方法,花更多精力,希望两个班的语文素养都能继续有所提升。 至于在办公室的干事工作,虽然只有短短一年时间,但

非常感谢校领导和刘主任、邵主任对我关心体谅和帮助,我也努力协助主任和副主任的工作,也得到了大家的认可,其中,协助主任们参与的教师资格证注册工作也得到了教育局的肯定。且在领导们的再三鼓励下,我鼓起勇气参加了学校中层竞聘,很感激学校领导和老师们对我工作的认同,让我有幸竞聘上政教处副主任的岗位。这于我是新的压力和挑战,我会尽力而为,为学校和老师们做好服务工作,竭尽所能,为学校的发展尽自己的绵薄之力。 这一年于我既有艰难也有收获,好在一切都顺利走过,梅花香自苦寒来,生活无风雨不丰盛,人生无磨砺不璀璨,希望在今后的工作中自己能愈挫愈勇,能力在磨练中提升,能为田中大家庭的发展增添光彩!


高三年级月考试卷(英语) 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共20小题) 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When can the woman help the man? A. This morning. B. This afternoon. C. This evening. 2. What will the woman do? A. Turn on the air conditioner. B. Turn off the air conditioner. C. Keep the air conditioner on. 3. Where does the conversation take place? A. At home. B. In a bank. C. In a shop. 4. How many people were killed? A. 3. B. 6. C. 23. 5. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Take a No. 51 bus. B. Take a taxi. C. Take a No. 201 bus. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the woman going to do tomorrow? A. Visit her sister. B. See a doctor. C. Go to a concert. 7. What day is it today? A. Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. How often does the man do housework? A. Often. B. Sometimes. C. Never. 9. What did the woman?s mother do on Monday? A. Wash clothes. B. Clean the front room. C. Clean the bedroom. 10. When did the woman?s mother clean the floor?


2017消化内科年工作总结紧张而有序的2017年已经过去,在这忙绿的一年里,在领导班子的正确领导下,在认真落实科学发展观精神的指引下,在医务科、护理部的具体指导下,在消化内科全体医护人员的共同努力下,科室的业务收入和业务技术水平实现了大幅度的提升,取得了可喜的成绩,现总结如下。 一、严格规章制度和技术规范 全科人员以“二甲”十八项核心制度标准规范自己,不断规范各种医疗行为,不断提高政治思想觉悟和道德水平,自觉抵制行业之中的不正之风,廉洁行医,没有收受患者的红包。认真贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本,牢固树立正确的人生观、价值观,加强医患沟通,医患关系和谐,无医疗纠纷发生。全科人员认真学习各种卫生法规与规章制度、操作规程,,自觉遵守院科各项规章制度和劳动纪律,全科人员互相支持,团结一致,高质量的保证了临床医疗工作的顺利进行,完成了各项临床医疗和教学工作,完成了创“二甲”的各项前期工作与任务。 二、规范管理,持续发展临床业务 以病人为中心,以高尚的医德,精湛的技术,优质的服务解除患者的病痛;以患者为中心的理念要体现在对每个患者的诊治过程中。在医院领导的大力支持下,中医消化内科专业的救治水平得到了大幅度的提升。全科医护人员以精湛的技术和无私的奉献精神,赢得到了社会各界及病人家属的好评。中医消化内科的急重症疾病比如消

化道大出血、急性胰腺炎、肝硬化肝性脑病、急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎、肝肾综合征、终末期肾病、有机磷农药中毒等,针对各急重症,我科根据国内最新指南建立了一套规范诊治方案,及时准确的急诊处理,急诊治疗,与国内先进治疗水平相衔接,较大程度地提高了危重病人的生存率和生存质量。 改善服务态度,简化就医流程,实行普通胃镜检查“零预约”,极大方便了患者就医,门诊中医患者到我科来看病,由中医研究生龙政医师专门接待,全年临床业务明显增加,尤其是胃肠镜与幽门螺旋杆菌检查业务量,中医消化科2017年1-12月份共完成业务收入约679万元,出院病人1481人,死亡10人,平均住院日6.3天,胃肠镜检查1420人次,治疗项目包括镜下止血术,上消化道异物取出术,息肉切除术、电凝术等等。呼气试验2002人次,2017年完成腹膜透析置管10人,现管理腹透病人26人。以上治疗项目的业务量快速增加体现了我科业务的持续发展。 三、加强医疗质量管理,严格考核指标 遵守医院相关的医疗安全管理制度,十八项医疗核心制为中心内容的各项规章制度,认真履行各级各类人员岗位职责,严格执行各种诊疗、护理技术操作规程常规,持续开展医疗质量和安全评价,不断提高医疗安全管理水平,.根据医院安排开展“三基”训练,“三基”考核人人达标。坚持“合理用药合理检查”,规范抗菌药物的合理使用,大力提倡中药与中医协同方的合理使用。全年无医疗安全事故发生,通过制度的建立和落实,实现管理制度化,质量标准化,工作程


灌云县九年制实验学校工作总结 (2017-2018学年度) 各位老师: 大家上午好!2017年金秋,我们九年制实验学校刚刚成立,作为一所新办学校,而且是县委县政府倾力打造的重大民生工程,我们这些开拓者面临着巨大的压力和责任。但是我们九年制人不畏艰难,在从头开始的艰辛创业历程中,全体师生凝心聚力、砥砺前行,短短一个学期,学校各项工作逐步快速发展,树立了良好的社会形象,得到了县领导、局领导的高度赞誉。我们九年制实验学校能迈开成功的第一步,凝聚了在座所有教干和老师的心血,有你们这么优秀的团队我感到无比的自豪,有你们这些勇于拼搏的同事并肩同行我对九年制的未来充满了信心。下面我代表学校向大家作本学期工作总结。 一、管理为范,加强领导班子建设。 1.学校实行制度约束下的人文管理体制,成功召开了首届教职工代表大会,通过了《教职工绩效考核实施方案》和《班主任考核方案》,极大提高了教职工的工作积极性。 2.强化管理执行力度,学校领导班子在管理上确保公正,在工作上率先垂范,严格做到:以公立身,不谋私利;以绩论人,不徇私情;一学期来,学校各种考核奖惩当月兑现,全校上下形成合力,营造了一种干事创业的良好氛围。 二、德育为魂,形成独有的教育特色。 一学期以来,德育处坚持“育人为本、德育为先”的工作原则,不断开拓德育新思路,努力加强德育队伍建设,深化德育管理,强化规范养成,拓展德育活动空间,开创了学校德育工作的良好局面。 1.坚持以立德树人为根本,打造优秀的德育队伍。 ⑴德育处对班主任进行严格细化管理,各项班务工作做到有计划、有布置、有检查、有评价,力求务实高效。对班主任各项活动的出勤、

班会的组织以及常规管理的落实等方面严格考核,及时反馈;对学生管理中出现的问题及时问责整改。 ⑵为了强化德育处人员的工作职责,严格要求工作人员做到“三勤”、“五到位”,即口勤、腿勤、耳勤;思想到位、责任到位、管理到位、检查到位、教育到位。 ⑶为切实提高德育队伍的整体素质,德育处做了大量细致有效的工作:一是坚持每周一次班主任例会,并邀请校长参加班主任会,通过交流总结取长补短,帮助班主任解决工作中存在的问题,提高了班级管理水平。二是每月召开班主任论坛,让优秀的班主任老师在论坛上畅所欲言,总结自己如何把班级带向优秀的成功经验,发挥榜样作用,引领德育队伍快速成长。三是开展德育科研活动,本学期,每位班主任都结合自己的教育教学实践,撰写学习心得体会,努力提高德育理论水平。四是加强对班主任工作的考核和评估,贯彻落实班级量化、班主任量化等管理制度。 一学期以来,涌现出了一大批管理班级非常优秀的班主任,庄敏,刘娟、孙二华,刘玲,李莉,唐莹,夏芸,冯树梅,夏妍,李小军,金培苗,顾家飞、刘青,王志军等老师任劳任怨,成绩突出,尤其是初一年级班主任老师,早上6点前就到教室,晚上9点多才回,表现出对学生负责,对工作负责的主人翁意识,班级管理工作非常到位。小学部很多班主任都是亲自动手,打扫卫生,对班级管理精益求精,处处以细节彰显自己的独特风采。 2.坚持不懈地抓好学生常规管理,强化学生养成教育。 ⑴德育处充分利用班会这个教育主阵地,要求各班主任对班会课认真组织、精心设计,并确保班会课主题鲜明,内容充实,形式活泼,从而进一步提高班会课的质量,起到教育学生的目的。半学期来召开“文明养成教育”、“爱国主义教育”、“创卫我先行”、“法制教育”、“安全教育”等主题班会19次。


2019届高三英语11月月考试题 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18. 答案是B。 1.When will the man return the car? A.At 5:30. B.At 5:00. C.At 4:30. 2.What are the speakers talking about? A.A fancy restaurant. B.A birthday celebration. C.A family reunion. 3.What does the woman advise the man to do with the puter? A.Have it repaired. B.Get a second-hand one. C.Buy a new one. 4.Why does the man e to the police station? A.To make an appointment. B.To express his thanks. C.To get his car back. 5.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers? A.Husband and wife. B.Patient and dentist. C.Student and teacher. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.What course will the man take? A.puter programming. B.Data progressing. C.Hardware managing. 7.Which schedule is suitable for the man? A.On Monday evenings. B.On Tuesday evenings. C.On Thursday evenings. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.What do Swedish people plain about when they visit England in winter? A.The bad weather. B.The cold houses. C.The long night. 9.Which season does the man probably like best?. A.Winter. B.Spring. C.Summer. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.How did the woman get to know about the job? A.By listening to the morning news. B.By reading a newspaper ad. C.By calling an employment service. 11.Why was the woman interested in the job? A.To improve her French and Italian. B.To use her precious experiences. C.To work close to her family. 12.What was the woman supposed to do next? A.Send a written application as soon as possible.


坚持跨越 -----2018年年度工作总结及2019年年度工作计划寒来暑往,加入安达已经三年时间,如果就个人来说2016年、2017年是以“融合”、“开拓”为主题的话,今年收获最大的两个字就是“坚持”。 这一年的日子里,我不会忘记与同事共事的欢乐,领导给予的信心,让我收获满满,也让我在以后的工作中更加积极向前。在这个大家庭里所有人就像家人一样团结在一起,为了实现“让生活更美好”这个梦想,我在努力着、坚持着…… 言之不尽,回望过去,展望未来,按着公司开年“122211”总体工作方案布局,在“好中求快、稳中求好”的思路指导下,共计办理营业执照21家、食品流通18家、烟草证21家,现对自己2018年的工作总结及2019年工作计划整理如下: 一、证件办理情况: 1、营业执照:合计办理21家。 (1)办理时间分析: 2017年营业执照办理情况:

2018年营业执照办理情况: (2)综上所知:2017年营业执照平均办理天数为:68天÷8家≈8.5天 2018年营业执照平均办理天数为:138天÷21家≈6.6天2、食品流通证:合计办理21家: (1)办理时间分析: 2017年食品流通证办理情况: 2018年食品流通证办理情况:

(2)综上所知: 1、2017年食品流通证平均办理天数为:121天÷6家≈20天 2、2018年食品流通证平均办理天数为:206天÷18家≈23天 (3)世纪店、豪华园、西把栅店未办理完成食品流通证原因分析与改进:原因: ①审核现场没有继续跟进; ②食药审核前未电话通知到店; ③门店员工对食药审核知识比较欠缺,并没有及时沟通。 改进: ①与食药审查人员及时沟通了解现场审核时间; ②到店进行及时协调; ③了解审核内容,提前进行工作安排。 3、烟草证:合计办理21家: (1)办理时间分析: 2017年烟草证办理情况:


2018 2017年度培训工作总结及 年工作计划

20xx年培训工作总结 一、公司基本情况 (一)经营情况 20xx年,公司开发建设面积计划271万平方米,其中,续建项目180.69万平方米。公司全年营业收入计划24.15亿元,截止10月末,累计完成14.39亿元。公司全年利润计划2.6亿元,截止10月末,累计完成1.38亿丿元。 安全方面,截止目前公司没有发生任何轻伤及以上安全事故。 (二)培训机构及人员情况 公司人力资源部是培训工作的主管部门,下设培训干事1名,现有兼职教师6名。 (三)公司员工情况 公司现有员工398人,其中合同制员工370 人,劳务用工28人。合同制员工按岗位划分,管理人员259人,工程技术人员56人,操作人员55人;按知识结构划分:研究生45人, 大学本科155人,大学专科121人,中专12 人,技校及以下37人;按职称结构划分:正 高级1人,高级职称32人,中级职称40人,初

级职称74人;操作工中有技师2人,高级工1人,初级工3人。 二、20xx年培训工作开展情况 截至目前,共举办培训班34期次,累计培训1501人次;选派参加各类外部培训16期次,培训75人次;年度培训完成率为100% 全年提取教育经费67.65万元,上缴集团43.97万元,公司可用培训经费为23.68万元。截至目前,实际用于培训方面的支出为23.16 万元。 20xx年,按照集团公司关于培训工作的总体要求,积极探索适应房地产开发经营管理需要的员工教育培训方式,紧抓全体员工的安全意识教育,加强一般管理人员及专业技术人员技能提升教育,进一步深化过关培训和学分制管理。为满足企业发展需求及员工素质提升需要,举办了“全面工程质量管理”及“创建学习型组织”两个大型专题培训。从整体情况来看,员工教育培训工作达到了预定培训目标,保证了各项工作对人员素质的基本要求,为公司年度各项目标的实现提供了有力的人力资源保证。20xx年培训工 作取得了以下成效: (一)加强本安体系建设,提高风险预控水


高三三月月考英语试题(新模式) 第一卷(共三部分,共115分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman think of the shirt for the party? A.The size is not large enough. B.The material is not good. C.The color is not suitable. 2. When can the woman get the computers? A.On Tuesday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday. 3. What are they going to do? A. Play tennis. B. Go swimming C. Do some cleaning. 4. What will the woman probably do tonight? A. See a film. B. Go to a concert C. Do some shopping 5. Where does the conversation take place? A. In an office. B. In a hotel C. In a bedroom 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读各小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听下面一段对话。回答以下3个小题 6. What is the man mainly worried about? A. The woman's new job. B. The woman's staying with Sue. C. The woman's living by herself. 7. How does Sue feel about the idea of the woman staying with her? A. Glad. B. Unhappy. C. Surprised. 8 How will the woman face the problem of expensive apartments? A. By sharing an apartment with Sue. B. By earning a lot of money. C. By getting help from her family. 听下面一段对话。回答以下3个小题 9. What do we know about the woman's aunt? A. She is a good driver. B. She prefers a quiet place. C. She lives with the woman. 10. For what does the aunt come to the woman's place? A. To see the woman. B. To have a good dinner. C. To enjoy herself in the country. 11. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. What the aunt likes. B. What the aunt usually does. C. What they should do with the aunt. 听下面一段对话。回答以下2个小题 12. Who is Sam? A. One of the Brown family. B. Mr. Brown's friend. C. Bob's workmate. 13. What do we know about Bob? A. He is not sure he will go to Texas. B. He is not well prepared for the move. C. He will probably study in Texas. 听下面一段对话。回答以下4个小题
