Charge and orbital order in frustrated Pb3Mn7O15

Charge and orbital order in frustrated Pb3Mn7O15
Charge and orbital order in frustrated Pb3Mn7O15

Charge and orbital order in frustrated Pb 3Mn 7O 15

Simon A.J.Kimber



European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF),

6rue Jules Horowitz,BP 220,38043Grenoble Cedex 9,France

(Dated:March 29,2012)

The candidate magnetoelectric Pb 3Mn 7O 15has a structure consisting of 1/3?lled Kagom′e lay-ers linked by ribbons of edge-sharing octahedra in the stacking direction.Previous reports have indicated a complex hexagonal-orthorhombic structural transition upon cooling through ~335K,although its origins are uncertain.Here both structures are revisited using a combination of neutron and synchrotron X-ray di?raction,rge shifts of oxygen positions are detected which show that the interlayer sites and those which occupy voids in the kagom′e lattice are trivially charge ordered in both phases.The symmetry breaking is found to occur due to Mn 3+orbital ordering on the ribbon sites and charge ordering of the sub-set of layer sites which make up a Kagom′e network.

PACS numbers:75.50-y,75.25.Dk


Transition metal oxides with spin,charge and orbital

degeneracies often undergo symmetry breaking transi-tions on cooling 1.Especially complex examples occur when geometrical frustration hinders the long range or-dering of one (or more)of these order parameters.This can lead to the emergence of technologically useful prop-erties,for example the multiferroic behaviour found in the RE Mn 2O 5(RE =Y-Lu)materials 2.Particularly rich behaviour is found in materials containing cations with lone pairs of electrons,such as Pb 2+or Bi 3+.The Pb-Mn-O system is a case in point,with Pb 2MnO 4predicted to show piezoelectricity and piezomagnetism 3,and dielec-tric anomalies 4discovered in Pb 3Mn 7O 15.The latter is of special interest,as this material is mixed-valence and quasi-layered (Fig.1),with 1/3?lled Kagom′e lay-ers connected by ribbons of edge-sharing MnO 6octahe-dra and intercalated Pb 2+cations.The exact crystal structure has been the subject of dispute for many years,and was originally reported as orthorhombic (Cmc 21or Cmcm )then revised to hexagonal (P 63/mcm )by sin-gle crystal X-ray di?raction 5–7.A breakthrough was made in 2009by Rasch et al who used powder syn-chrotron X-ray di?raction to con?rm an orthorhombic metric and detect weak superstructure re?ections that break the C-centring of the ortho-hexagonal √

3.a x a x c unit cell 8.Note that in the P nma setting the axes are interchanged such that the layers are stacked in the [100]direction,rather than in the [001]direction found in previous works.A structural phase transition to a hexagonal metric has additionally been shown to occur on warming above room temperature 9.However,while investigations of magnetic 10,11,thermal 12and dielectric properties 4have continued apace,there is as yet no con-sensus on the electronic factors which drive the P 63/mcm to P nma phase transition.This is because of the great complexity of the P nma structure,which contains 30in-dependent sites with 76positional variables in a unit cell with V 2300?A 3.Moreover,the detection of possible charge or orbital ordering relies upon accurate and pre-

FIG.1:(color online)a)Edge sharing MnO 6layers in P 63/mcm Pb 3Mn 7O 15projected down [001];b)Structure of Pb 3Mn 7O 15projected down [110],MnO 6octahedra and the associated oxygen atoms are shown,while Pb 2+cations are represented by grey spheres.

cise measurements of oxygen displacements.This is ex-tremely challenging by X-ray di?raction due to the pres-ence of heavy elements.Meanwhile,it has recently been reported that the related material Pb 3Rh 7O 15undergoes a resistive transition on cooling below 185K,which is proposed to occur due to charge ordering 13,14.This un-

a r X i v :1201.2713v 2 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 28 M a r 2012


derscores the importance of determining the relationship between electronic degrees of freedom and crystal struc-ture in this emerging class of materials.

Here a comprehensive re-investigation of the

structure of Pb3Mn7O15by combined Rietveld re?nement15against synchrotron X-ray and multiple wavelength neutron pow-der di?raction is reported.This complementary use of techniques is particularly suitable to charge and orbital ordering problems,where microtwinning,extinction,and multiple scattering,as well as subtle lattice distortions, hinder single crystal approaches16,17.The results re-ported here con?rm the space groups proposed at room temperature and above,however,shifts of oxygen posi-tions of up to0.15?A are found.The new structural mod-els show that the phase transition is driven by charge and orbital order,providing a?rst insight into the electronic correlations in this complex material.

II.EXPERIMENTAL Polycrystalline Pb3Mn7O15was synthesised from PbO (99.999%,Aldrich)and Mn2O3(99.999%,Aldrich).Sto-ichiometric quantities of the reagents were intimately

ground,pelleted and reacted under air for a total of four days at830?C with several intermediate regrinds.After each stage in the synthesis process the sample was cooled over several hours at a rate of20?C/hour to500?C then the furnace was switched o?.Synchrotron powder X-ray di?raction pro?les were collected with the crys-tal analyser di?ractometer ID31at the ESRF,Grenoble, France.The wavelength of0.45621(1)?A was calibrated using NIST standard silicon powder.The sample was held in a0.2mm borosilicate capillary and rotated to minimise preferred orientation.Data were collected for several hours at room temperature and more rapidly on cooling with a helium?ow cryostat.Neutron powder di?raction pro?les were collected with the E9high res-olution di?ractometer at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany.The sample was placed in a vanadium can of 6mm diameter and data collected at room temperature and at510K with the aid of a cryofurnace.At298and 510K,a wavelength of2.806?A was selected with the (311)re?ection of the germanium monochromator and data collected for36hours.Data were also collected for a further24hours at room temperature after selecting a wavelength of1.79?A with the(511)monochromator re?ection.The primary10”collimator was inserted for all data sets to optimise resolution.Rietveld re?nements of structural models against the X-ray and neutron data were performed using the GSAS suite of programs with the EXPGUI interface18,19.The peak shapes for all data were modelled with a pseudo-Voigt peak pro?le function with the asymmetry correction of Finger et al20.For the synchrotron X-ray data,for which the resolution reaches ?d/d1x10?5,an hkl dependent Lorentzian broadening function was used.The wavelengths used for the neutron di?raction histograms were re?ned and the(calibrated)FIG.2:(color online)a)Temperature dependence of the b/c ratio for Pb3Mn7O15from neutron powder di?raction and synchrotron X-ray powder di?raction.The line is a power law?t used to estimate the transition to a metrically hexag-onal cell.b)Neutron powder di?raction data at298and510 K showing the(220)hex peak for Pb3Mn7O15,and the or-thorhombic splitting at298K.c)Observed,calculated and di?erence plots for the Rietveld?t of the P63/mcm structure to the2.8?A neutron powder di?raction pro?le of Pb3Mn7O15 at510K.Re?ection positions are marked by vertical bars. X-ray wavelength held?xed.Crystal structures were vi-sualised,and bond valence sums calculated,using the VESTA software package21.


All of the di?raction data collected at room temper-ature and below were consistent with the orthorhombic cell proposed by Rasch et al.However,the tempera-ture dependence of the re?ned lattice parameters sug-gests that Pb3Mn7O15is close to a structural phase tran-sition.As shown in Fig.2a,the b/c ratio approaches

3 on warming,and at298K,the cell is pseudo-hexagonal. This explains previous anomalous reports of hexagonal symmetry by laboratory X-ray single crystal di?raction, which typically has a lower angular resolution than the powder instruments used here.By?tting a power law,a transition temperature to a metrically hexagonal cell was estimated to occur at~335K.The structure of this phase was investigated using data collected on E9,well above


TABLE I:Re?ned atomic coordinates Pb3Mn7O15at510 K from Rietveld re?nement of powder neutron di?raction data.Displacement parameters were constrained to be equal for each species and were Pb:0.019(2),Mn:0.005(3) and O:0.027(4)?A2.The re?ned lattice parameters were a=9.9839(3)and c=13.5620(4)?A.

Atom x y z




Mn(2)1/32/30.1445(13) Mn(3)1/21/21/2


O(1)0.4875(7)0.3313(7)0.0779(4) O(2)0.5231(11)0.1727(10)1/4

O(3)0.8344(7)0.8344(7)0.9256(6) O(4)0.6689(8)0.6689(8)0.0758(8)

this estimate,at510K.This data set does not show any peak splitting that would suggest orthorhombic symme-try(Fig.2b)and was indexed with a hexagonal cell with a=9.98?A and c=13.56?A.A Rietveld?t of the hexagonal P63/mcm structure proposed for Pb3Rh7O15 was performed,and rapidly converged withχ2=2.59, R wp=0.063and R p=0.048.No evidence for impuri-ties,or oxygen de?ciency was seen.The observed,calcu-lated and di?erence pro?les are shown in Fig.2c.The re?ned cell parameters,atomic coordinates and displace-ment parameters are

shown in Table I.These results are similar to those reported9very recently by Volkov et al for Pb3Mn7O15at573K.However,comparison of their coordinates(derived from XRD)to the neutron data gave a markedly worse?t after re?nement of cell parameters, peak shape and displacement parameters(χ2=3.26).

The main di?erences between the two models were found to be small changes in the oxygen parameters due to the greater sensitivity of neutron di?raction to light atoms. At room temperature,the very high resolution syn-chrotron powder di?raction con?rmed that the unit cell is orthorhombic,and this distortion was also clearly re-solved in both neutron powder di?raction data sets(Fig.

3).The systematic absences con?rm that the space group is P nma or P n21a.The re?ections in the class(k+l) =odd,which rule out A-centring are extremely weak,of the order of0.5%of the largest re?ection in the X-ray data,but signi?cantly stronger in the neutron powder di?raction pro?les.This again indicates the importance of oxygen displacements.A trial Le Bail re?nement was performed of the pro?le variables,zero shifts and neu-tron wavelengths then intensities were calculated using the model of Rasch et al.With only the scale factors, peak shapes and background functions varied,this re-?nement converged withχ2=3.74.The residuals for the X-ray histogram were R wp=9.43and R p=7.44%. For the2.8?A neutron histogram,R wp=7.68and R p=FIG.3:(color online)Observed,calculated and di?erence pro?les for the combined Rietveld?t of the P nma structure of Pb3Mn7O15to the room temperature data.The data sets are a)the high resolution synchrotron X-ray and b,c)the neutron powder di?raction pro?les of Pb3Mn7O15.The position of re?ections are given by the vertical bars.

5.6%.On varying the atomic positions and displacement factors for each atomic species,the re?nement converged withχ2=3.1and the residuals improved to R wp=8.89, R p=

6.88for the X-ray histogram and R wp=5.0and R p=3.8for the2.8?A neutron histogram.The excellent quality of the?t makes non-centrosymmetric distortions to a Pn21a structure unlikely.The major changes are shifts of between0.1and0.15?A for?ve of the oxygen positions,as detailed in Table II.The?nal re?ned model allows the proposition of charge and orbital order as dis-cussed below.

TABLE II:Re?ned atomic coordinates and displacement parameters for Pb3Mn7O15at298K from combined Rietveld re?ne-ment of powder neutron and synchrotron X-ray di?raction data.The displacement parameters were constrained to be equal for the oxygen positions.The re?ned lattice parameters were a=13.54163(3),b=17.22371(4)and c=9.99437(2)?A.

Atom x y z U iso?A2 PB(1)0.24957(10)0.44377(5)0.43936(9)0.0163(22) PB(2)0.25743(8)0.11848(5)0.11077(8)0.00898(22) PB(3)0.77115(10)0.250.98986(12)0.0736(35) PB(4)0.75915(11)0.250.64518(12)0.0908(34) Mn(1)0.00393(35)0.08244(19)0.2444(6)0.0043(9) Mn(2)0.00820(25)0.33341(23)0.4980(5)0.0013(10) Mn(3)0.51019(25)0.16533(24)0.5108(5)0.0024(10) Mn(4)0.15265(26)0.41664(28)0.7415(5)0.0041(11) Mn(5)0.35704(25)0.08242(26)0.7479(5)0.001(1) Mn(6)0000.0038(14) Mn(7)000.50.0024(14) Mn(8)0.5099(5)0.250.7586(8)0.0041(13) Mn(9)0.5092(4)0.250.2545(9)0.0045(11) O(1)0.0786(8)0.4965(7)0.3310(13)0.0075(4) O(2)0.4224(8)0.0083(7)0.3431(12)0.0075(4) O(3)0.2605(8)0.5083(5)0.1530(7)0.0075(4) O(4)0.9344(8)0.3279(6)0.6542(10)0.0075(4) O(5)0.5916(8)0.1706(6)0.6731(11)0.0075(4) O(6)0.9404(11)0.250.4150(15)0.0075(4) O(7)0.5815(12)0.250.4131(16)0.0075(4) O(8)0.4421(12)0.250.5945(15)0.0075(4) O(9)0.0884(11)0.250.5737(15)0.0075(4) O(10)0.9144(9)0.5854(7)0.4294(12)0.0075(4) O(11)0.5766(9)0.9154(7)0.4209(12)0.0075(4) O(12)0.0781(7)0.3310(7)0.3284(13)0.0075(4) O(13)0.4329(7)0.1664(7)0.3333(13)0.0075(4) O(14)0.2326(8)0.6625(5)0.1788(8)0.0075(4) O(15)0.2485(10)0.9239(4)0.3898(7)0.0075(4) O(16)0.9337(8)0.4142(6)0.4155(12)0.0075(4) O(17)0.5791(8)0.0809(6)0.4309(12)0.0075(4)

TABLE III:Manganese site splittings,distortions(x10?2),and bond valence sum comparison for the510K P63/mcm and298 K P nma phases of Pb3Mn7O15.

P63/mcm Site Distortion BV S P nma Site Distortion BV S Mn(1)12i 1.26 3.84Mn(1)8d 2.24 3.63

Mn(2)8d 1.4 4.00

Mn(3)8d 2.24 3.45 Mn(2)8h 2.12 2.9Mn(4)8d 4.3 3.06

Mn(5)8d 5.02 3.04 Mn(3)6f0.69 3.74Mn(6)4a 1.5 3.95

Mn(7)4b 1.68 3.35

Mn(8)4c 1.89 3.79 Mn(4)2b0 3.9Mn(9)4c 1.8 4.05

FIG.4:(color online)a)Local structure around the interlayer dimer sites in the510K P63/mcm(left)and298K P nma (right)phases of Pb3Mn7O15.The mirror plane present at 510K is shown by a dashed line;b)View down[001hex]of the interlayer dimer sites highlighting the three-fold rotation axis found in the510K structure and its absence at298K;

c)Schematic of the crystal?eld splitting of the e g and t2g d-orbitals found for a Mn3+cation in both cases.


Previous attempts to estimate the degree of charge separation in Pb3Mn7O15have su?ered from an in-sensitivity to oxygen displacements or averaging due to twinning in single crystal experiments.In contrast, the combined X-ray and neutron powder di?raction re?nement reported here su?ers from neither problem and precise atomic positions can be extracted.This is important as both charge and orbital order are evidenced by small shifts of anions in the?rst coordination sphere. Bond valence calculations22were performed using the experimental coordinates as follows.The individual bond valences(V i)are calculated using the observed bond lengths(R i):

V i=exp(R0?R i/b)

Here R0is a tabulated value speci?c to the type of bond and the metal oxidation state,and b is an empirical constant of value0.37?A.The site valence is the sum of the individual bond valences in the?rst coordination sphere.To ensure an unbiased result,bond valences for each site were calculated using R0values for both Mn3+ and Mn4+cations,then averaged.This procedure was performed for both phases,yielding the results given in Table III,which also shows the relationship between the inequivalent sites in both structures.

Turning?rst to the high temperature P63/mcm phase, the single crystallographic Mn site in the ribbons between the planes,Mn(2),shows a bond valence sum of 2.9.Furthermore,Mn(4),which is the site that occupies 1/3of the holes in the Kagom′e layers,also shows a well de?ned bond valence sum of3.9.The only sites that are mixed valence are those which make up the Kagom′e lattice itself,lying in the range3.74-3.84.These results show that the hexagonal phase of Pb3Mn7O15should be described as only trivially charge ordered,as the sites which show a signi?cant departure from the expected average bond valence sum value are in very chemically di?ererent environments.This is similar to the situation found in the multiferroic RE Mn2O5materials,which also have layers of Mn4+cations linked by Mn3+sites. Much of the interesting physics associated with mixed valence manganite materials,occurs due to cooperative orbital ordering of degenerate Mn3+e1g electrons.In order to search for possible Jahn-Teller distortions in both phases,a distortion parameter23was calculated for each site as follows:






|l i?l av|

l av

Here l i are the individual Mn-O bond lengths and l av is the average Mn-O bond length in each octahedron. All of the manganese sites were found to be highly symmetric at510K,with distortion parameters falling between0and2.12x10?2.This is especially notable for the interlayer Mn3+dimer,which is highly regular due to the presence of a mirror plane and three fold site symmetry in the P63/mcm space group(Figs.4a and 4b).Finally,the re?ned Mn-Mn distances in the1/3?lled Kagom′e layers are shown in Fig.5a.This distance is found to be slightly larger around Mn(4)(2.907(5)?A),which is as expected due to the higher formal charge inferred from the bond valence sums for this site.The Mn-Mn distance in the rest of the layer is slightly shorter (2.870(5)?A)and highly regular by symmetry,which implies frustration of spin,charge and orbital degrees of freedom as discussed in more detail below.

Turning now to the room temperature structure,and

FIG.5:(color online)a)Network of Mn-Mn interlayer distances found in the P 63/mcm phase of Pb 3Mn 7O 15at 510K.The three crystallographically independent Mn sites are indicated according to the results shown in Table III.In both panels sites unambiguously identi?ed as Mn 4+by bond valence sums are light green.Sites of intermediate valence are dark blue.;b)Network of Mn-Mn interlayer distances found in the 298K P nma phase of Pb 3Mn 7O 15.Note that the axes are related to the P 63/mcm phase by √

3.a x a x c .The seven distinct Mn sites are indicated as before.Here the colour coded bonds represent the variation from the average Mn-Mn distance of 2.886?A ,as shown in the histogram in panel c).

in particular the splitting of manganese sites shown in Table III,it is instructive to begin with those sites which change least.The site at the centre of the ’stars’in the layers,Mn(4),does not split.Furthermore,the extracted bond valence sum for the equivalent site in the P nma structure,Mn(9),shows that no charge re-distribution has occurred (4.05).The site distortion (which was zero by symmetry in the high temperature structure)also remains small (1.8x10?2).A similar picture,as regards charge degrees of freedom,is found for the Mn sites which occupy the interlayer dimers.These are split into two sites (Mn(4)and Mn(5)),both of which show bond valence sums very close to 3+(3.06and 3.04respec-tively).However,these sites show a dramatic increase in site distortion (4.3and 5.02x10?2),which is evidence for a lifting of e 1g orbital degeneracy.This is supported by the re?ned Mn-O bond distances shown in Figs.4b and 4b.Both sites show an elongation imposed upon the intrinsic trigonal distortion 24.For example,Mn(4)has two long Mn-O bonds (2.135(13)and 2.160(11)?A )and a group of four shorter bonds in the range 1.935(13)-2.001(11)?A .The corresponding change in the energy of the d -orbitals is shown schematically in Fig.4c,and can be seen to be similar to that seen in classic orbital ordering examples 25such as LaMnO 3,where the d z 2orbital is preferentially occupied.This electronically driven e?ect breaks the three fold symmetry found on these sites and lowers the crystallographic symmetry to orthorhombic.

Subtle metal displacements are also found in the P nma structure,as shown in Fig.5b.This is reminiscent of other spin or charge frustrated systems which undergo long-range order.These distortions help to select a single groundstate con?guration out of the degenerate manifold of states.In spinel structured materials,such as CuIr 2S 4or Fe 3O 4for example,metal positions shift such that octamers 26or trimers 27are found.In the present case,the most clearly seen e?ect is an expansion around the Mn 4+sites which occupy the holes in the Kagom′e lattice.As these sites do not split,or change in oxidation state upon cooling to room temperature,this may indicate a decoupling of the mixed-valence sites which make up the Kagom′e network (Fig.1a).This interpretation is in accordance with the results shown in Table III,as these two sites are found to split into a total of six in the P nma phase.For each site,a splitting into one site of close to Mn 4+valence is found (Mn(2))and Mn(6))and one with a valence closer to Mn 3+(Mn(3)and Mn(7)).The third site in each case shows a bond valence almost unchanged from the high temperature value.The Kagom′e layers are thus segregated into three equally populate types of sites as shown in Fig. 6.Notably,none of these sites shows an increased distortion,showing that orbital degrees of

FIG.6:(color online)Three-fold charge ordering on the sites which make up the Kagom′e layers in the P nma structure at room temperature.Sites which are charge rich are de?ned as those with bond valence sums >3.9and sites which are charge poor are de?ned as those which have BVS’s <3.45.Unchanged sites have BVS’s in the range 3.63to 3.79.

freedom are still frustrated at room temperature.The charge order over these sites explains why A-centring is lost in the room temperature structure as the sites at (000)and (0,1/2,1/2)are no longer crystallographically related.

The three-fold charge order found here (Fig.6)is di?erent to that seen in materials with frustrated trian-gular lattices 28,29such as AgNiO 2or LuFe 2O 4.These materials show a 2:1ratio of charge rich and poor sites,which may support a (anti)-ferroelectric polarisation 31.Although spin models showing three-sublattice order have been widely studied on the Kagom′e lattice 30,the arrangement found here does not match any of the commonly found groundstates such as the Q=0or √3x √

3structures.This may be an indication of the importance of longer range interactions which these

models do not capture,or might indicate a role for the remaining frustrated orbital degrees of freedom or the Mn 4+sites which partially occupy the voids.

Finally,the partial charge and orbital ordering determined in this work for Pb 3Mn 7O 15at room tem-perature has implications for the physical properties,in particular the dielectric constant measurements reported elsewhere.The charge ordering pattern does not support either a ferroelectric or anti-ferroelectric polarisation.The peak in dielectric constant 4which appears around 150K is therefore probably related to some as yet unknown structural rearrangement which occurs below room temperature.This is in keeping with reports of a small speci?c heat anomaly 12and a change in slope of resistivity around 250K.Further detailed measurements using a combination of X-ray and neutron di?raction measurements,and investigations of the spin order at low temperatures will help to shed more light on this postulated transition.


In summary,the above results resolve a long standing structural question,the origins of the extremely complex distortions found in Pb 3Mn 7O 15at room temperature.In sharp contrast to previous studies 5–10,bond valence sums and distortions of the local coordination environ-ment around the Mn cations show a charge and orbital ordering occurs between 510and 298K.However,several sites are trivially charge ordered at all temperatures,and the only sites which split in the edge sharing layers are those which make up a Kagom′e network.This work was partially performed during an EPSRC studentship at the University of Edinburgh,and in the Novel Materials group at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.J.P.Att?eld and D.N.Argyriou are thanked respectively for training,advice and encouragement. A.N.Fitch,J.W.G.Bos and P.F.Henry are thanked for assistance with the di?raction measurements.ESRF and HZB are acknowledged for the award of beam time.

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海运进口货物报关委托合 同示范文本 In order to solve or prevent disputes, through establishing certain legal relations and realizing some common interests and wishes, all parties to the cooperation reach an agreement after consultation, and all parties signing the agreement have legal effect and are bound. 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

海运进口货物报关委托合同示范文本使用指引:此协议资料应用在解决或防止纠纷,通过建立一定的法律关系并实现某些共同的利益和愿望,合作的所有方经协商后达成协议,签字的所有方具有法律效力并受约束。,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 甲方:(托运人) 法定代表人: 法定地址:邮编: 经办人:联系电话:传真: 银行帐户: 乙方:中国外运公司(承运人) 法定代表人: 法定地址:邮编: 经办人:联系电话:传真: 银行帐户: 甲乙双方经过友好协商,就办理甲方货物海运进口代 理报关事宜达成如下合同:

1、乙方接受甲方委托为其办理下述海运进口货物的报关业务。 合同号:发票号: 运编号:提单号: 乙方的代理权限为: (1)代理甲方办理约定货物的报关、报验; (2)甲方其他的特别授权: 2、乙方作为甲方的报关代理人,应在甲方的授权范围内进行活动,认真履行职责,维护甲方的合法权益。乙方在代理权限内的任何责任和费用都应由甲方承担。乙方只对因自身的过失与疏忽给甲方造成的直接损失负有责任。 3、甲方必须保证报关货物不属于国家禁止或者限制进出境的物品。否则,甲方应对由此产生的一切后果承担责任。 4、甲方保证申报的内容均真实、准确、无欺诈,且与


海运常识 出口货物到美国的贸易方式多种多样,有些货物的美国进口清关费用及税费由发货人支付,这种情况下,美国清关行会要求中国出口商发货前签署一份POA(Power of Attorney,委托书),类似我国报关时需要用到的报关委托书。 以美国DDP(Delivered Duty Paid,完税后交货)到门为例,清关方式通常有两种: 1.即由美国收货人(consignee)提供POA给货代的美国代理,同时还需要美国收货人的Bond。 2.即由发货人提供POA给起运港货代,货代再转给目的港代理,由美国代理人帮发货人在美国办理进口商海关登记号,同时需要发货人购买Bond。 注意事项 1、以上两种清关方式,无论采用哪一种,都必须用美国收货人的税号(Tax ID,也叫做IRS No.)来清关。IRS No.(The Internal Revenue Service No.)是美国收货人在美国国税局登记的一个纳税识别号。 2、在美国,没有Bond无法清关,没有税号也无法清关。 一、报关 报关行收到到货通知后,如同时备妥海关所需要的文件,就可以在预备到港或抵达内陆点5天之内向海关申请通关。海运通关通常会在48小时内告知放行与否,空运会在24小时内通知。有些货物船还没有抵港,海关就已决定要检查了。绝大多数内陆点都可以在货物抵达之前进行事先申报(Pre-Clear),但只会在货到后(即ARRIVAL IT后)才会显示结果。 向海关申报的方式有两种,一种是电子申报,一种是海关需要审查书面文件。无论哪种方式,我们都必须准备好所需要的文件等数据信息。 二、准备报关文件 (1)提单(B/L); (2)发票(Commercial Invoice);(3)装箱单(Packing List); (4)到货通知(Arrival Notice); (5)如有木质包装,需熏蒸证书(Fumigation Certificate)或无木质包装声明(Non Wood Packing Statement)。 提单上收货人(consignee)的名字需要和后三种文件上显示的收货人统一,如果不一致,必须要有提单上的收货方写货物转让书(Letter of Transfer),第三方才可以清关。发票及装箱单上也需要S/&C/的名称、地址及电话。国内有些S/的文件上缺少这些信息,都会被要求补充。 三、转关 如果在内陆清关,需要做转关(cut I.T.---Immediate Transit)。我们需要提供I.T.#,生效日(Date Issued)、出发地和中止地(Place Issued and Ended)。内陆海关会用I.T#,来控制并放行。 四、放货 (1)从前的ABI系统,船公司码头是直接和海关联网,这就意味着如果海关在ABI里放行,船公司及码头都可以看到。 试行AMS后,规模大的船公司如长荣、APL、马士基、中远、CSCL等也都联网AMS,但是码头没有,所以海关在AMS中放行,这些船公司以及NVOCC AMS FILER都可以同步看到,船公司帮助码头系统同时更新。规模相对小的船公司,如中外运、LYKES、GWS等没有做到联网AMS,所以只能通过NVOCC AMS FILER传真NVOCC保证函及海关通行证复印件(CUSTOMS FORM 3461)来放行,这些船公司收到传真后再人工更新码头系统。 (2)码头/船公司放货码头与船公司是联网的,如果运费预付,提单又是电放,只要海关一


国际海运进口操作流程介绍 国际海运集装箱进口业务流程: 一、接到客户的全套单据后,要查清该进口货物属于哪家船公司承运、哪家作为船舶代理、在哪儿可以换 到供通关用的提货单。(注:全套单据包括带背书的正本提单或电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同)。 注意事项: 1、提前与船公司或船舶代理部门联系,确定船到港时间、地点,如需转船应确认二程船名。 2、提前与船公司或船舶代理部门确认换单费、押箱费、换单的时间。 3、提前联系好场站确认好提箱费、掏箱费、装车费、回空费。 二、凭带背书的正本提单(如是电报放货,可带电报放货的传真件与保函)去船公司或船舶代理部门换取提 货单和设备交接单。 注意事项:

1、背书有两种形式,如果提单上收货人栏显示“TO ORDER”则由“SHIPPER”背书:如果收货人栏显 示其真正的收货人,则需收货人背书。 2、保函是由进口方出具给船舶代理的一份请求放货的书面证明。保函内容包括进口港、目的港、船名 、航次、提单号、件重尺及进口方签章。 3、换单时应仔细核对提单或电放副本与提货单上的集装箱箱号及封号是否一致。 4、提货单共分五联,白色提货联、兰色费用账单、红色费用账单、绿色交货记录、浅绿色交货记录。 5、设备交接单:它是集装箱进出灌区、场站时、用箱人、运箱人与管箱人或其代理人之间交接集装箱 及萁他机械设备的凭证,并兼管箱人发放集装箱的凭证的功能。当集装箱或机械设备在集装箱码头堆场或货运站借出或回收时,由码头堆场或货运站制作设备交接单,经双方签字后,作为两者之间设备交接的凭证。 集装箱设备交接单分进场和出场两种,交接手续均在码头堆场大门口办理。出码头堆场时,码头堆场 工作人员与用箱人、运箱人就设备交接单上的以下主要内容共同进行审核:用箱人名称和地址,出堆场时间与


进口海运集装箱货物业务操作流程收货人预备进口单据?换单?报检?报关?办理设备交接单?提箱?提货 一、进口单据: 1:收货人向货代提供进口全套单据;货代查清此货物由哪家船公司承运、哪家船代操作、在哪里可以 换取提货单(小提单)。 2:进口单据包括:带背书的正本提单或电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同(一般贸易)。 3:货代提前联系场站并确认好提箱费、掏箱费、装车费、回空费。 二、换单: 1:货代在指定船代或船公司确认该船到港时间、地点,如需转船,必须确认二程船名。 2:凭带背书的正本提单(如果电报放货,可带电报放货的传真件与保函)去船公司或船代换取提货单 (小提单) 注:“背书正本提单”两种形式: (1),提单上收货人栏显示“订舱人”,则由发货人背书; (2),提单上收货人栏显示真正的收货人,则需收货人背书。 三、报检: 检验检疫局根据“商品编码”中的监管条件,确认此票货是否要做商检。 四、报关(清关) 1:收货人如果有自己的报关行,可自行清关,也可以委托货代的报关行或其他有实力的报关行清关

2:报关资料包括:带背书正本提单/电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同、小提单3:海关: (1) 通关时间:一个工作日以内 (2) 特殊货物:二到三个工作日 (3) 查验:a,技术查验:依据单据以及具体货物决定是否查验;b:随机查验:海关放行科放 行后,电脑自行抽查。 五、办理设备交接单 1:货代凭带背书的正本提单(电放放货的传真件和保函)去船公司或船代的箱管部办理设备交接单。 2:设备交接单:它是集装箱进出港区、场站时,回箱人、运箱人与箱管人或其代理之间交换集装箱及 其他机械设备的凭证,并有管箱人发放集装箱凭证的功能。它分进场和出场两种,交换手续均在 码头堆场大门口办理。 注:拼箱货(CFS条款交货),凭船代业务部进口科的通知单到箱管部交纳进口单证费,然后可凭“小 提单”和分单到码头直接提取货物,无须办理设备交接单。 六、提箱: 1:货代凭小提单和拖车公司的“提箱申请书”到箱管部办理进口集装箱超期使用费、卸箱费、进口单证 费等费用的押款手续。 2:若押款人不是提单上所注明的收货人,押款人必须出具同意为收货人押款并支付相应费用的保证函


海运进口操作流程! 大概流程:收货人预备进口单据→换单→报检→报关→办理设备交接单→提箱→提货 具体操作: 一、进口单据: 1:收货人向货代提供进口全套单据;货代查清此货物由哪家船公司承运、哪家船代操作、在哪里可以换取提货单(小提单)。 注:提单简称B/L,在对外贸易中,运输部门承运货物时签发给发货人的一种凭证。收货人凭提单向货运目的地的运输部门提货,提单须经承运人或船方签字后始能生效。是海运货物向海关报关的有效单证之一。提货单又称小提单。收货人凭正本提单或副本提单随同有效的担保向承运人或其代理人换取的,可向港口装卸部门提取货物的凭证。 2:进口单据包括:带背书的正本提单或电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同(一般贸易)。 提单(BILL OF LADING):分三种《海商法》第79条规定:“提单的转让,依照下列规定执行。” 1、记名提单:不得转让。(顾名思义,已经记名,就是CONSIGNEE那行写死了收货人) 2、指示提单:经过记名背书或者空白背书转让。 3、不记名提单:无需背书,即可转让。 (现在大多不采用这种提单形式,个人理解就是CONSIGNEE那行什么都不写,也不需要背书。) 提单背书(ENDERSMENT):一般指指示提单背书 (记名提单都已经记名了何来背书需要;不记名提单不不要背书) 背书:分两种 1、空白背书:是由背书人(即提单转让人)在提单背面签上背书人单位名称及负责人签章,但不注明被背书人的名称,也不须取得原提单签发人的认可。(即就是在提单背面盖个跟你和客人签发票时一样的那章子即可。) 2、记名背书:除同空白背书需由背书人签章外,还要注明被背书人的名称。如被背书人再进行转让,必须再加背书。 PS:指示提单一经背书即可转让,意味着背书人确认该提单的所有权转让。 指示提单:分三种凭托运人指示、凭收货人指示、凭进口方银行指示 (则分别需托运人,收货人或进口方银行背书后方可转让或提货) 指示提单的填法:一般填指示(ORDER) 或凭指示(TO ORDER),如需在提单上列明指示人,则可根据不同要求,作成: 1、凭托运人指示:TO ORDER OF SHIPPER (一般也就是我们所说的发货人,供应商) 2、凭收货人指示:TO ORDER OF CONSIGNEE (此种情况用的较少) 3、凭银行指示:TO ORDER OF XXX BANK 做个背书,改个提单什么意思 你说的这个做背书就是提单上的发货人拿着公章盖在要背书的正本提单上,还有签上名字,表示



海运进口操作流程!!不错的知识哦! 大概流程:收货人预备进口单据→换单→报检→报关→办理设备交接单→提箱→提货具体操作: 一、进口单据: 1:收货人向货代提供进口全套单据;货代查清此货物由哪家船公司承运、哪家船代操作、在哪里可以换取提货单(小提单)。 2:进口单据包括:带背书的正本提单或电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同(一般贸易)。 3:货代提前联系场站并确认好提箱费、掏箱费、装车费、回空费。 二、换单: 1:货代在指定船代或船公司确认该船到港时间、地点,如需转船,必须确认二程船名。 2:凭带背书的正本提单(如果电报放货,可带电报放货的传真件与保函)去船公司或船代换取提货单(小提单)。 注:“背书正本提单”两种形式: (1),提单上收货人栏显示“订舱人”,则由发货人背书;

(2),提单上收货人栏显示真正的收货人,则需收货人背书。 三、报检: 检验检疫局根据“商品编码”中的监管条件,确认此票货是否要做商检。 四、报关(清关) 1:收货人如果有自己的报关行,可自行清关,也可以委托货代的报关行或其他有实力的报关行清关 2:报关资料包括:带背书正本提单/电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同、小提单 3:海关: (1)通关时间:一个工作日以内 (2)特殊货物:二到三个工作日 (3)查验:a,技术查验:依据单据以及具体货物决定是否查验;b:随机查验:海关放行科放行后,电脑自行抽查。 五、办理设备交接单 1:货代凭带背书的正本提单(电放放货的传真件和保函)去船公司或船代的箱管部办理设备交接单。


国际货代业务操作流程整箱 一、接受代理询价和接单 1、海运费询价: A、需熟练掌握发货港至各大洲,各大航线港口价格; B、应了解主要船公司优势船期信息; C、报价时应注意一些类别信息,如货名,危险级别等,报价完毕后应留存书面报价记录备查。 D、报价时要注意同时注明船东,船期,中转港,开航日,价格有效期。 2.接单(接受代理委托) A、收到代理邮件通知后联络当地货主,及时将备货情况反馈代理。 B、根据代理配船要求提供预配船期给代理确认。 C、一经代理确认船期即向当地货主要出货详细资料(一般为订舱委托书) 二、确认 一但发现货主信息和代理提供的不一致需及时需明确以下重点信息,通知代理并请其确认变更。 1、起运港、目的港、中转港 2、箱型、箱量各箱型最大体积及重量: (详细限重根据各家船公司而定)

1×20'GP=28CBM 26TON 1×40'GP=58CBM 26TON 1×40'HC=68CBM 26TON 3、毛重(是否超重)、件数、体积 4、做箱情况,门到门还是内装 三、订舱 1、初步完成公司内部货运程序的录入并缮制我司委托书向船公司订舱(发货人为我司,收货人及通知人为目的港我司代理或由代理指定如何显示); 制单时应标明约号(可能是我司约号可能是目的港代理提供约号),起运港,目的港,欲配载之船东,船期,箱型,箱量,重量,品名,付费方式等,保证数据的正确、相符性,以减少后续工作中的频繁更改。 2、取得船公司提供的提箱单,摘取船名、航次、提单号,开船日,到港日等信息发送给代理并录入我司货运系统。 四、做箱 1、门到门:取得船公司放箱令后,与shipper确认如委托我司做箱,确认价格及做箱时间后将提shipper与则需及时联系车队询价报价,箱单与做箱单传真与车队并确认车队有收到,做箱单上要明确做箱时间、船名、航次、关单号、中转港、目的港、毛重、件数、体积、门点、联系人、电话等要因。 2、内装:取得船公司放箱指令后,与shipper确认如委托我司做内


第五章海运拼箱进出口业务操作流程 散杂货进出口货运代理租船业务流程 任务一海运拼箱出口操作流程 某货运代理企业A接到一票出口(数量较少)海运货物的到货通知,要求他们来完成出口货物的出口操作和相关的海关手续。业务员J接受了该任务,那么J该怎样按照客户的需要完成具体工作呢 任务分析 海运拼箱出口业务:根据客户的需求,制定出装船计划,并熟悉每一个海运出口流程。 相关知识 随着国际贸易的迅速发展和运输服务的不断延伸,集装箱的拼箱运输被广泛地采用,但拼箱运输不同于整箱运输,它的运输要求有其特殊性,独立性。 因船公司只接受整箱货物的订舱,而不直接接受拼箱货的订舱,只有通过货运代理(个别实力雄厚的船公司通过其物流公司)将拼箱货拼整后才能向船公司订舱,几乎所有的拼箱货都是通过货代公司“集中办托,集中分拨”来实现运输的。 一般的货运代理由于货源的局限性,只能集中向几家船公司订舱,很少能满足指定船公司的需求。因船公司不直接接受拼箱货的订舱,船公司的海运提单是出给货代的,而由货代再签发 HOUSE B/L(货代提单)给发货人,拼箱货一般不能接受指定某具体船公司,因此在成交拼箱货时,尽量不要接受指定船公司的运输条款,以免在办理托运时无法满足要求。在与客户洽谈成交时,应特别注意相关运输条款,以免对方的信用证开出后在办理托运时才发现无法满足运输条款 一、拼箱业务流程图(图5-1-1) 图5-1-1 拼箱货业务流程图 ① A、B、C等不同货主(发货人)将不足一个集装箱的货物(LCL)交拼箱经营人 ②拼箱经营人将拼箱货物拼装成整箱后,向班轮公司办理整箱货物运输 ③整箱货装船后,班轮公司签发B/L或其他单据(如海运单)给拼箱经营人 ④拼箱经营人在货物装船后也签发自己的提单(house B/L)给每一个货主(发货人) ⑤拼箱经营人将货物装船机船舶预计抵达卸货港等信息告知其卸货港的机构(代理


进口 一、接到客户的全套单据后,要查清该进口货物属于哪家船公司承运、哪家作为船舶代理、在哪儿可以换到供通关用的提货单。(注:全套单据包括带背书的正本提单或电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同)。 注意事项: 1、提前与船公司或船舶代理部门联系,确定船到港时间、地点,如需转船应确认二程船名。 2、提前与船公司或船舶代理部门确认换单费、押箱费、换单的时间。 3、提前联系好场站确认好提箱费、掏箱费、装车费、回空费。 二、凭带背书的正本提单(如是电报放货,可带电报放货的传真件与保函)去船公司或船舶代理部门换取提货单和设备交接单。 注意事项: 1、背书有两种形式,如果提单上收货人栏显示“toorder”则由“shipper”背书:如果收货人栏显示其真正的收货人,则需收货人背书。 2、保函是由进口方出具给船舶代理的一份请求放货的书面证明。保函内容包括进口港、目的港、船名、航次、提单号、件重尺及进口方签章。 3、换单时应仔细核对提单或电放副本与提货单上的集装箱箱号及封号是否一致。 4、提货单共分五联,白色提货联、兰色费用账单、红色费用账单、绿色交货记录、浅绿色交货记录。 5、设备交接单:它是集装箱进出灌区、场站时、用箱人、运箱人与管箱人或其代理人之间交接集装箱及萁他机械设备的凭证,并兼管箱人发放集装箱的凭证的功能。当集装箱或机械设备在集装箱码头堆场或货运站借出或回收时,由码头堆场或货运站制作设备交接单,经双方签字后,作为两者之间设备交接的凭证。 集装箱设备交接单分进场和出场两种,交接手续均在码头堆场大门口办理。出码头堆场时,码头堆场工作人员与用箱人、运箱人就设备交接单上的以下主要内容共同进行审核:用箱人名称和地址,出堆场时间与目的,集装箱箱号、规格、封志号以及是空箱还是重箱,有关机械设备的情况,正常还是异常等。 进码头堆场时,码头堆场的工作人员与用箱人、运箱人就设备交接单上的下


国际货代业务操作流程 整箱 一、接受代理询价和接单 1、海运费询价: A、需熟练掌握发货港至各大洲,各大航线港口价格; B、应了解主要船公司优势船期信息; C、报价时应注意一些类别信息,如货名,危险级别等,报价完毕后应留存书面报价记录备查。 D、报价时要注意同时注明船东,船期,中转港,开航日,价格有效期。 2.接单(接受代理委托) A、收到代理邮件通知后联络当地货主,及时将备货情况反馈代理。 B、根据代理配船要求提供预配船期给代理确认。

C、一经代理确认船期即向当地货主要出货详细资料(一般为订舱委托书) 二、确认 需明确以下重点信息,一但发现货主信息和代理提供的不一致需及时通知代理并请其确认变更。 、起运港、目的港、中转港1. 2、箱型、箱量各箱型最大体积及重量: (详细限重根据各家船公司而定) 1×20'GP=28CBM26TON 26TON1×40'GP=58CBM 1×40'HC=68CBM26TON 3、毛重(是否超重)、件数、体积

4、做箱情况,门到门还是内装 三、订舱 1、初步完成公司内部货运程序的录入并缮制我司委托书向船公司订舱(发货人为我司,收货人及通知人为目的港我司代理或由代理指 定如何显示); 制单时应标明约号(可能是我司约号可能是目的港代理提供约号),起运港,目的港,欲配载之船东,船期,箱型,箱量,重量,品名,付费方式等,保证数据的正确、相符性,以减少后续工作中的频繁 更改。 2、取得船公司提供的提箱单,摘取船名、航次、提单号,开船日,到港日等信息发送给代理并录入我司货运系统。

四、做箱 1、门到门:取得船公司放箱令后,与shipper 确认如委托我司做箱,则需及时联系车队询价报价,与shipper 确认价格及做箱时间后将 提箱单与做箱单传真与车队并确认车队有收到,做箱单上要明确做 箱时间、船名、航次、关单号、中转港、目的港、毛重、件数、体.积、门点、联系人、电话等要因。 2、内装:取得船公司放箱指令后,与shipper 确认如委托我司做内装,则需及时联系仓库确认是否有箱,且与shipper 确认货到仓库时间及是否有特殊装箱要求,与shipper 确认好内装费后,发送进舱通知给shipper,传真提箱单与内装要求单与仓库并确认仓库收到。内装要求单上要注明货到时间,报箱号时间,船名航次,提单号,目的港,件数,重量,体积以及仓库地址,仓库联系人,仓库


海运出口操作流程 一、托运 1、托运人提供:(1)箱型(2)箱量(3)目的港(4)出运时间 (5)货物品名(美国线,必须报品名) 2、客户接收海运价后 若要委托装箱,货运公司向货主问明装箱方式。 (1)厂地装箱(托运人提供工厂地址) (2)仓库装箱(货运公司向托运人提供仓库地址) 3、货运公司向托运人索要报关资料。 二、定舱 货运公司把货物情况提供给船公司与船公司确定价格,向船公司定舱。船公司接收定舱后,告知船名、船期、提单号。 三、做箱 1、仓库做箱 货运公司把船名、提单号,通知仓库。赁介绍信去船公司集装箱堆场提箱,待货主送货后做箱。 2、厂地做箱 货运公司提箱后,根据托运人提供的工厂地址做箱。 四、报关装载 集装箱集港后报关;船公司将集装箱装到船上。 五、卸载 船公司将集装箱卸到码头上。 六、通知提货 船公司通知提货人提货。 七、清关 提货人向海关清关。

八、换单 提货人把提单换成提货单。 九、提货 提货人拿提货单提货。[1] 编辑本段海运出口危险货物包装检验规定 我国为加强对海运出口危险货物包装的检验和监督管理,保障生产、人身和运输安全,扩大出口,对《国际海上危险货物运输规则》规定的范围内的海运出口危险货物的包装实行检验制度。 1.主管机关 各地商检局负责监督管理本地区的海运出口危险货物包装的检验工作,并办理出口危险货物包装的性能鉴定和使用鉴定。 2.包装容器的生产检验 生产海运出口危险货物包装容器的工厂,要向商检机构办理登记。生产厂必须按《国际危规》的要求,组织危险货物包装的生产,建立检验制度,配备检验人员和检验设备,加强质量管理和产品检验工作。 生产厂在包装容器生产检验合格的基础上,向商检机构申请性能鉴定。申请时应该提供包装容器的产品标准、工艺规程和厂检结果,在商检机构定期鉴定的周期内,生产厂如需改变产品标准和加工工艺,应及时向商检机构重新申请鉴定。生产厂生产的包装容器,必须铸印或标明经商检机构批准的生产厂代号及批号。对性能稳定,并能完全达到《国际危规》要求的包装容器,生产厂可向商检机构申请商检标志。 3.包装容器的使用检验 危险货物生产厂使用包装容器,应逐批向商检机构申请办理使用鉴定。申请时应写明出口危险货物的品名、性质、类别等。危险货物生产厂,凭商检机构出具的包装容器性能鉴定证书,并按《国际危规》要求使用包装容器。对国外商人自备的包装容器,如附有性能鉴定证书,证明符合《国际危规》要求者,可据以使用。塑料容器或内涂料容器盛装液体危险货物时,危险货物生产厂必须取得化学性质相容性试验结果,符合要求者,才能使用。 4.危险货物的包装鉴定 商检机构凭申请办理海运出口危险货物的包装鉴定,签发鉴定证书。鉴定项目为:性能鉴定和使用鉴定。商检机构办理包装鉴定,根据不同条件和需要,采取逐批检验、定期检验和不定期抽验等不同方式。商检机构办理海运出口危险货物包装鉴定,收取合理的鉴定费。


海运进口-操作流程 一、接单 (一)基本流程 1、单单一致:要求提单、箱单、发票、合同等相关单证的数量、金额、单价等必须一致。 2、根据货主提供的品名了解所需单证,查清商品编码,和对中文品名。(将进口税率%、增值税率%在备注事项内注明。) 3、和对申报人的资料:企业名称、企业代码。 (二)基本单证 1、合同(CONTRACT) 2、装箱单(PACKING LIST) 3、发票(INVOICE) 4、结汇税单 5、产地证 6、重量证 7、熏蒸证8、许可证9、报关委托书10、提单 (将缺少的单据在备注事项内注明,反应给货主或货代要求尽量提供) 二、换单 (一)基本流程: 1.首先是要得到国外客户的提单、货物的正本发票、箱单(需加盖外商印章) 2.想目的港代理咨询船到港时间、换单时间、换单地点、换单所需金额以及是否需要二次换单(二次换单的时间、地点、金额等)。 3.如果是从韩国和日本进口货物的话,还必须要有非木质包装证明。 4.船到24小时后,凭以上资料到船公司去换单,即凭提单等资料到船公司换回该批货物的提货单(舱单), (二)所需单证 1.提单:一般要求正本提单,如实在无法提供正本提单,则要求提供副本提单及换单委托书(需盖提单上的收货人印章); 2.箱单、发票正本一式一份(需加盖发货人印章) 3.贸易进口合同正本一式一份(需加盖收发货双方的印章) 三、报检 (一)基本流程: 1.所有进口柜都需要向检验检疫局报检,需要提前做商检的进口货物, 2.货物的商品编码项下,监管条件是A的,则报检后需要到检务可出通关单, 3.录入报检信息:货物到港后,报检员在检务系统录入报检基本信息,向检疫局申报 4.查柜:如检疫局发出吊柜查货指令,则需待码头吊柜到检疫局查验场,查验科查完货放行后,单证流转到检务科后,才可以到检务出通关单。 5.收费放行: 到检务科缴费,出单,并放行 附:入境货物检验检疫流程图


一、装货 (1)装货港要认真了解国外装运港的具体情况,如有无直达班轮航线,港口的装卸条件,运费翻擗f加费的水平,港口和码头泊位的水探,港口对各种价格条件下,收发货^并应承担的责任和费用的具体情况和惯例。 (2)选择港的接受。有时在成交时明确规定装运有困难,可以接受选择港条款,但必须搏港11名称一列出,一般为l嘞个.最多不超过三个,虚规定装运港由买方选择,如果必须卖方选择,鍪求卖方硬时将所交货物幸;称、数量和装赞港口通知买方。 (3)货量:这是确定运输条件的重要因紊,因为有的适宜使措班轮.有的适宜于程组。 (4)如果该港口虽然通航班轮,但班次较稀疏。应争取一次装运或尽可能少的批次。 (5)如果使用程租船.也要注意到每批突赞的数量,一般讲大吨位的船只其吨运价低于较小吨位的船只。 (6)货名及规格。对于托运的货物要详细审核,如是否危险品,危险品按照其性质必须有其特定的装运条件,有的危险晶必须装在床线以下,有的甚至必须装冷冻舱,这是接受托运时必须注意的。 (7)装运H期。应注意到是番能及时L丁到舱位或租到合适的船只。 (8)注意港}惰无重名。甘界港n中重名的不少,如美国、加拿大、圭砸那都有GEORGEFOWN港,英国和澳大利亚都有ARDROSSAN港,因此接受托运时要注意港口厩是否有国别,有的港口一般都是从某目起运的,但这不等于只此一港,不能想当然,瓶是要有根据。 (9)是香需要特种服务。这在麴美成套二手设备时是经常遇到的,造就需要从拆装时所需工时,拆装后待运期间的储存,由装运港集中的运输条件等等均耍作尽可能符台实际的估计。 二、订舱(通常是指FOB条款项下的进口订舱) (1)在台弼签定后,受托方将此票货物的详细资辩(包括货名、重量、尺码装卸港、装运期、发货人联系地址、台两号等)传真蛤在公司评审时确定的船公司或代理,向船公司或代理订舱井索取装货港代理资料。 (2)将船公司或代理确认的装港代理名称地址及联系人资料传真给委托方,让委托方与国外发货人联系,确认装遥港代理。 (3)密切与装货港代理联系,落实有关发货人备赞情况和拟装运情况。如有变化,或与台同不符,要将信息反馈给委托方。需要修改合同时,按《台同评审控制程序》中合同修订程序,若有必要,可重新进行合同评审,重新批准后,再执行。 (4)将船公司或其代理安排谚票货物的船名、船期等资料,传真给委托方,让其通知发货按此船期与装港代理联系装运。 三、装运 海运集装箱进日的装运程序类似于出口FOB业务,主要包括 (1)发货 (2)装港代理根据收货人的订舱要求在托运单t填写符台规定的船名、航次、提单号和集装箱堆场名称,并提供路发货人。 (3)发货人凭装港代理提供的填有船名、航狄、提单号的托运单,向代理指定的集装箱堆场提取空箱,自行装货或委托箱场代理装货。 (4)装集装箱后,发货^在规定期限内清荚,集装箱堆场凭海关放行单将装有货物的集装箱装船。 (5)船公司或代理凭船上大副收据和集装箱堆场货物装船簦章签发提单。 四、收取运费 (1)在货物装船后.向船公司或代理索取提单副本,并按照提单上的实际货运量(箱量)计算海运费, 并湎知客户接此遥费额准备运费。 (2)在集装箱货物抵达目的港后,及时通知客户作好提赁准备,并通知船公司或代理,在没有收回海运费的情况下界能放货。(进口lOB货) (3)在客户换单提货或换单提货前,收取海运费.并通知船公司或纯理放单。


海运进出口报关流程详解 一、出口: 1、国内客户与外商签订出口合同,确定由国内出口货物到国外。(此时国内出口商应当知道出口此类商品需要何种相应需要的出口监管证件,如出口许可证、商检、配额证、机电证) 2、国内出口商联系运输公司(或者在FOB条款下由国外客户联系运输公司),通常出口商会通过货代(或者直接与船公司联系)作一站式服务(从产地一直到船边的所有运输过程)。 3、货代根据出口商的要求(货物目的国家、货物重量、体积等),负责安排拖车、订舱、报关、装船的手续。 4、当货物在安排拖车运输前(或者运输同时),出口商需要提供出口报关所必需的报关资料(外汇核销单、出口合同、发票、装箱单、报关委托书、以及根据货物所受国家海关监管出口需要的证书:如许可证等),也有些没有进出口权利的出口商可以通过贸易公司代理出口,由他们提供上述文件及办理后续结汇收款及退税的手续。甚至有些出口商可以不需要退税,直接买份出口核销单及报关资料报关出口,自己解决收款问题。 5、当货物经拖车运到指定出口口岸(根据订舱时的船公司及船名决定了出口口岸),货柜进入码头堆场闸口时,开始受到口岸海关的正式监管,此时货柜无论出入码头堆场都必须经过海关同意才能继续运作。(有时货柜回堆场后发现货物短装、质量有问题等,需要重新将货柜提出码头,就必须向海关申请“监管出闸”手续,在海关查核实际情况与汇报相符的情况下监管货柜离开码头堆场。) 6、当货柜进入码头堆场后,码头电脑会纪录此货柜的进场时间、柜号、封条号、堆场位置等信息,并通过与海关电脑联网受到海关电脑的监控。此时才可以正式向海关申报出口。首先由报关公司通过联网电脑向船代根据客户提供资料输入要报关的船名、航次、柜号、订舱号、出口单位名称、收货人名称、货物名称、件数、毛重等资料。船代收到资料并审核通过后会自动向海关电脑传输资料。(只有个别驳船公司需要船代公司负责审核上述内容,防止爆舱情况,一般船代在这里是不会每份具体审核的)。海关电脑收到资料


海运进口操作流程!!不错的知识哦! 大概流程:收货人预备进口单据→换单→报检→报关→办理设备交接单→提箱→提货具体操作: 一、进口单据: 1:收货人向货代提供进口全套单据;货代查清此货物由哪家船公司承运、哪家船代操作、在哪里可以换取提货单(小提单)。 2:进口单据包括:带背书的正本提单或电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同(一般贸易)。 3:货代提前联系场站并确认好提箱费、掏箱费、装车费、回空费。 二、换单: 1:货代在指定船代或船公司确认该船到港时间、地点,如需转船,必须确认二程船名。 2:凭带背书的正本提单(如果电报放货,可带电报放货的传真件与保函)去船公司或船代换取提货单(小提单)。 注:“背书正本提单”两种形式: (1),提单上收货人栏显示“订舱人”,则由发货人背书; (2),提单上收货人栏显示真正的收货人,则需收货人背书。 三、报检: 检验检疫局根据“商品编码”中的监管条件,确认此票货是否要做商检。 四、报关(清关) 1:收货人如果有自己的报关行,可自行清关,也可以委托货代的报关行或其他有实力的报关行清关 2:报关资料包括:带背书正本提单/电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同、小提单 3:海关: (1)通关时间:一个工作日以内 (2)特殊货物:二到三个工作日 (3)查验:a,技术查验:依据单据以及具体货物决定是否查验;b:随机查验:海关放行科放行后,电脑自行抽查。 五、办理设备交接单 1:货代凭带背书的正本提单(电放放货的传真件和保函)去船公司或船代的箱管部办理设备交接单。 2:设备交接单:它是集装箱进出港区、场站时,回箱人、运箱人与箱管人或其代理之间交换集装箱及其他机械设备的凭证,并有管箱人发放集装箱凭证的功能。它分进场和出场两种,交换手续均在码头堆场大门口办理。 注:拼箱货(CFS条款交货),凭船代业务部进口科的通知单到箱管部交纳进口单证费,然后可凭“小提单”和分单到码头直接提取货物,无须办理设备交接单。 六、提箱: 1:货代凭小提单和拖车公司的“提箱申请书”到箱管部办理进口集装箱超期使用费、卸箱费、进口单证费等费用的押款手续。 2:若押款人不是提单上所注明的收货人,押款人必须出具同意为收货人押款并支付相应费用的保证函(保函)。 3:押款完毕经船代箱管部授权后到进口放箱岗办理提箱手续,领取集装箱设备交接单,并核对其内容是否正确。 4:收货人拆空进口货物后,将空箱返回指定的回箱地点。


一、接到客户的全套单据后,要查清该进口货物属于哪家船公司承运、哪家作为船舶代理、在哪儿可以换到供通关用的提货单。(注:全套单据包括带背书的正本提单或电放副本、装箱单、发票、合同)。 注意事项: 1、提前与船公司或船舶代理部门联系,确定船到港时间、地点,如需转船应确认二程船名。 2、提前与船公司或船舶代理部门确认换单费、押箱费、换单的时间。 3、提前联系好场站确认好提箱费、掏箱费、装车费、回空费。 二、凭带背书的正本提单(如是电报放货,可带电报放货的传真件与保函)去船公司或船舶代理部门换取提货单和设备交接单。 注意事项: 1、背书有两种形式,如果提单上收货人栏显示“TOORDER”则由“SHIPPER”背书:如果收货人栏显示其真正的收货人,则需收货人背书。 2、保函是由进口方出具给船舶代理的一份请求放货的书面证明。保函内容包括进口港、目的港、船名、航次、提单号、件重尺及进口方签章。 3、换单时应仔细核对提单或电放副本与提货单上的集装箱箱号及封号是否一致。 4、提货单共分五联,白色提货联、蓝色费用账单、红色费用账单、绿色交货记录、浅绿色交货记录。 5、设备交接单:它是集装箱进出灌区、场站时、用箱人、运箱人与管箱人或其代理人

之间交接集装箱及其他机械设备的凭证,并兼管箱人发放集装箱的凭证的功能。当集装箱或机械设备在集装箱码头堆场或货运站借出或回收时,由码头堆场或货运站制作设备交接单,经双方签字后,作为两者之间设备交接的凭证。 集装箱设备交接单分进场和出场两种,交接手续均在码头堆场大门口办理。出码头堆场时,码头堆场工作人员与用箱人、运箱人就设备交接单上的以下主要内容共同进行审核:用箱人名称和地址,出堆场时间与目的,集装箱箱号、规格、封志号以及是空箱还是重箱,有关机械设备的情况,正常还是异常等。 进码头堆场时,码头堆场的工作人员与用箱人、运箱人就设备交接单上的下列内容共同进行审核:集装箱、机械设备归还日期、具体时间及归还时的外表状况,集装箱、机械设备归还人的名称与地址,进堆场的目的,整箱货交箱货主的名称和地址,拟装船的船次、航线、卸箱港等。 三、用换来的提货单(1、3)联并附上报关单据前去报关。 报关单据:提货单(1、3)联海关放行后,在白联上加盖放行章,发还给进口方作为提货的凭证。正本箱单、正本发票、合同、进口报关单一式两份、正本报关委托协议书、海关监管条件所涉及的各类证件。 注意事项: 1、接到客户全套单据后,应确认货物的商品编码,然后查阅海关税则,确认进口税率、确认货物需要什么监管条件,如需做各种检验,则应在报关前向有关机构报验。报验所需单据:报验申请单、正本箱单发票、合同、进口报关单两份。 2、换单时应催促船舶代理部门及时给海关传舱单,如有问题应与海关舱单室取得联系,确认舱单是否转到海关。 3、当海关要求开箱查验货物时,应提前与场站取得联系,调配机力将所查箱子调至海
