商务英语阅读1 company profile

商务英语阅读1 company profile
商务英语阅读1 company profile

Company Profile

By studying this passage, you are expected to

Understand the description of a company’s profile.

Know how to talk about a company’s current situation and future


Know how to introduce a company.


Founded in 2001, Joyye Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd. has over ten years’ experience in manufacturing and exporting ceramic tableware. With stylish designs and high quality, our products have been successfully exported to over 60 countries, with Europe and the United States as the two largest markets accounting for 90% of the total sales volume.

Our Art Center is the key which ensures the stylish designs of our products. It places strong emphasis on producing new designs that are always on trend so that our ceramics enhance the most modern of homes and grace any table. The Art Center also features a personalized service: It can make an exclusive design for individual customers based on their special interests or requirements.

High quality is ensured by our Quality Control Team. Sample inspection and constant monitoring are conducted by a group of experienced employees and all the materials that we use are of the highest quality. Our well-developed techniques ensure that all our products are dishwasher- and microwave-safe.

Joyye is dedicated to enriching your life with the finest craftsmanship both for practical use and artistic appreciation. Enjoy Joyye and enjoy life!

Listening Exercise:

Task 1: Listen to the conversation. Complete the note according to what you hear.

Setting: Mr. Johansson calls Susan, the head of Joyye, in order to know more about its products.

Message for 1. ____________:

2. _____ Johansson from Walmart called. He is particularly interested in the Japanese sushi

3. _________, and would like to see

4. ________________. His

5. ______ number: 0755####.

Task 2: Listen to the interview. Fill in the blanks with what you hear.

Setting: In Frankfurt, Susan accepts an interview from a program called World Business.

Interviewer: Good morning, and welcome to World Business. Tonight we focus on 1.______________, and our special guest is Susan Zheng, the head of Joyye Arts & Crafts in Guangzhou, China. Susan, please tell us what you do.

Susan: We design and produce ceramic tableware. These products sell quite well now.

Interviewer: I see. Where are your 2.____________?

Susan: Most are 3. ___________, particularly in Europe and the US. Interviewer: And do you advertise there?

Susan: We advertise 4. ______, but we’re still pretty small. So far, we get most of our 5._____________ by attending 6._____________? Interviewer: Trade fairs?

Susan: Yes, we’re a 7.______________ at Messe Frankfurt and Canton Fair. At the trade fairs, we’re able to meet with our customers, both old and new.

Interviewer: Do you plan to expand?

Susan: Yes, of course. We’re now cooperating with many 8.___________ boutique shops, but the 9. ___________ isn’t big enough. We’d like to move into some new markets. Actually, I’m going to talk to Walmart. Interviewer: So how do you see the future?

Susan: Well, we hope to keep building our 10.______________ in Europe and the US and we’re developing in the Australian market. We’ve just opened a new office in Melbourne and next month we might buy another ceramic factory because we’re signing some big contracts in Australia.


新屯哈美幼?儿园年终总?结大会会议?记录20XX年?1月16日?晚是哈美幼?儿园三家机?构全体教职?工欢聚一场?的好日子,哈美人个个?团结协作、奋力进取在?哈美幼儿园?的发展历程?中,也是令人难?忘和值得自?豪的一年。根据一年来?的工作,我园的每一?位教职工工?作责任都非?常强,一年来,哈美的发展?规模不断壮?大,保教质量更?趋完善,社会声誉稳?步提高。 今天,我们相聚在?一起,今天我们尽?情的敞开情?怀,今天我们吃?个痛快,活动一开始?,我们的两位?主持人(王园长、钟园长)就开始了她?们的主持对?话,并将今天的?活动流程一?一进行报幕?,首先,我们观看了?一段视频,视频的内容?是三所哈美?幼儿园的每?个活动场景?以及各园领?导的介绍,视频介绍完?后就由我们?可亲可敬的?郑老师来代?表讲话,看,他笑容满面?的朝舞台中?央走来,但凡是每一?次的活动,郑老师必做?的一个手势?肯定是先向?我们的伟大?先师孔老夫?子先深深的?鞠上三躬,然后再向我?们行礼问好?,在郑老师的?带领下,哈美闯过了?一次又一次?的关卡,赢得了周边?家长一次又?一次的赞叹?。在讲话中郑?老师先做了?今年一年的?工作总结,对我们老师?辛勤的付出?也表示感谢?,同时,也讲述了明?年的一个个?活动计划,并希望在明?年能够让哈?美的传统文?化真正的落?实到社会中?去。我相信郑老?师的用心良?苦一定会得?到实现的。接着由吴老?师讲述了哈?美的点点滴?滴,最后他用一?对对联词语?表述了他对?哈美的表露?情感, 活动开始了?一段时间,老师们的肚?子开始咕噜?咕噜的叫了?起来,考虑到接着?还有三家幼?儿园的节目?还要表演。所以园本有?三所幼儿园?园长就园务?管理、资料建设、教师成长等?方面进行了?经验交流与?总结的。因为时间关?系,就省略了。在活动过程?中还邀请了?一个即将为?人母的许碧?艾老师代表?讲话,许老师讲述?了她对哈美?的情感和对?园领导的感?恩,希望在生完?孩子之后能?够继续来哈?美工作。最后伴着悠?扬、欢快的音乐?,由各幼儿园?的老师们用?童真、童趣表演了?精彩纷呈的?文艺节目。首先是爱联?哈美幼儿园?老师们给我?们带来的手?语《中华名族》他们用真心?来表示对中?华名族的敬?仰。接着是由盛?平哈美幼儿?园给我们带?来的手语《人间有爱》紧接着的是?新屯哈美幼?儿园老师们?给我们带来?的舞蹈《妈妈我想你?》 最后给我们?带来经常表?演的是爱联?的《歌曲串串烧?》一桌好的菜?肴肯定少不


BEC商务英语高级真题及答案(5) In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected to see in their entire working lives having to communicate information which often leads to feelings of insecurity has become a key activity. From being regarded as relatively unimportant in many companies , management employee communication has become a central corporate need. Concordia International provides a good example of a company that has adjusted well to the changing needs for communication . since 1995 , Concordia has been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing –led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers and competitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things were done in the past. In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than 80.000 people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing anticipated. From being an engineering company, Concordia is now remaking itself as a service company. The role of employee communication in such a context is to build people’s self-confidence, to persuade them that, although it is inevitable that the changes will go ahead, they also bring with them new opportunities for employees. However, this is not an easy task. People tend to be skeptical of these claims and to feel that they are losing touch with the company they have worked for over many years. This is understandable, since many of the old certainties are being swept away , including the core activities of the company they work for. Above all , they have had to face up to the fact that they no longer have a job for life. Research indicates that people respond to this predicament in a variety of ways. The bulk of employees fall into two main categories in terms of their response to the

商务英语1 单元自测4 答案

一、选择填空:阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 题目1 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 — Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? —. 选择一项: A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking. B. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you. C. No, thank you. 反馈 你的回答正确 题目2 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目

题干 — Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company. — 选择一项: A. Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John. B. This is John Taylor. C. Thank you, Ms. Lin. I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves. 反馈 你的回答正确 题目3 正确 获得10.00分中的10.00分 标记题目 题干 — When can you effect shipment? I’m worried about late shipment. — 选择一项: A. About in June. B. The shipment won’t be late.


幼儿园年终总结大会 幼儿园年终总结大会篇一:涉县第一幼儿园2014年终总结大会报道 涉县第一幼儿园2014年终总结大会报道2月6日下午五点半,我园在大二班教室召开了2014年度年终工作总结大会,全体教职工参加了本次会议。 会议首先表彰了年度工作优秀的,并由优秀教师代表进行了发言,接下来王园长为2014年度大会致辞:首先肯定了本学期教师们优异的工作成绩,同时也指出了工作中的不足和需改进的地方,明确了新学年的工作思路,为幼儿园做出2015年新的展望。接着郝主任对本学年的教育教学考核工作进行了总结,副园长宣读了我园的信息工作考核新办法,明确了新学年教师的工作方向。通过这次的总结大会,我园全体教师表示会在以后的工作中改正不足,继续将做的好的方面发扬光大,希望涉县第一幼儿园的明天更加美好! 涉县第一幼儿园樊树芬 幼儿园年终总结大会篇二:幼儿园年终总结会方案 ***幼儿园年终总结会活动方案 本年度是我园蓬勃发展的一年,我园所取的每一点进步和成功,离不开全体教师的辛酸劳动和无私奉献!为增强我园师资队伍的凝聚力,激励员工奋发上进,也为了对本学期老师们工作有个总结及下学期规划,特制定本年度总结会方案。 一、会议名称:***幼儿园2012-2013年第一学期年终总

结会 二、会议主题:工作总结、展望未来 三、会议主持人:***老师 四、会议时间:2013年1月# 日上午8:30 五、会议地点:多功能厅 六、出席人数:合计**人 七、具体安排 1.会议流程 (1)主持人上台宣读会议流程及会场要求 2.会议要求: (1)在会议进行时请老师们认真听,并做好笔记。 (2)在会议进行时请老师们遵守纪律,不随意走动、不随意接电话。 (3)在会议进行时请老师们把手机调为无声,或震动。 3、做总结报告人员安排如下: (1)后勤园长:***做总结报告及明年规划 (2)业务园长:***总结报告及明年规划 (3)教研一组:**老师做总结报告及明年规划 (4)教研二组:***老师做总结报告及明年规划 (5)保健医生:***做总结报告及明年规划 (6)各班班主任:托班、小班、中班、大班老师分别做总结报告及明年规划 (7)带班老师从中抽查做总结报告及明年规划 (8)园长做总结报告及明年规


全国职业能力测评考试 高级商务英语模拟试题(一) 第一部分模拟试题 I.In each of the following questions and select a different 1.A、bread B、dream C、lead D、team 2.A、hole B、none C、old D、fold 3.A、house B、south C、touch D、mouth 4.A、bush B、must C、rub D、truck 5.A、ease B、mean C、head D、heat II.The following example from the sentence chosen the right answer 6 、Adults sometimes envy children who play all the time they themselves have to work.rain or shine. A、while B、once C、since D、though 7、Talking to foreigners is fun if you the right time and place. A、locate B、consider C、choose D、decide

8、A person with the blood type AB can any type of blood. A、apply B、recognize C、receive D、absorb 9、In a second-hand bookshop ,Billy came across a book which he thought was certainly a edition. A、rare B、scarce C、seldom D、hardly 10、The red color can stimulate all our ,including appetite. A、thoughts B、worries C、senses D、desires 11、While I was waiting for her ,I killed time looking in the show windows. A、by B、with C、in D、over 12、Mrs.London has that she is unable to get a job. A、such small education B 、so little education C、a such little education D、a so small education 13、I come yesterday ,but I could not. A、was to have B、must C、ought D、have to 14、He treats it a request for information. A、for B、as C、like D、by 15、They promised each other when they went to work. A、get in touch with B、getting in touch with C、to get in touch with D、to get touch with 16、She was too shy to speak . A、in public B、in the public C、in a public D、at public 17、I often thought of my childhood, I lived on a farm. A、when B、which C、where D、who 18、I don’t like this hat.Please show me . A、another B、the other C、others D 、both 19、They shopping,when someone knocked at the door. A、are about to B、are to go C、were about to go D、were to go 20、He gained his by printing of famous writers. A、wealth; work B、wealthy ; works C、wealthy; work D、wealth;works III.The following example from the short space select the right answer Nobody wants to be 21 .Unfortunately our bodies can 22 problems.When we aren’t 23 ,our bodies tell us .Sometimes a part of our bodies hurts. When a part of our bodies 24 ,we say we have aches and pains. We can have aches and pains in 25 parts of the body. We call some simple 26 proplems“aches”.For example, we can have a headache,a toothache,an earache,a backache or a stomachache.Other simple problems are not 27 aches,so we describe them in different ways. For example,we can 28 a sore throat,a sore leg ,a sore toe. “Pain”is another word that we use to 29 a problem.We can have a pain in the chest, a pain in the shoulder or a pain 30 the back.A pain is strong. Also, a pain hurts in a specific place. When aches and pains aren’t too31 ,we can buy medicine in the drugstore . Usually small aches go away 32 .When pain is more serious ,we 33 to visit the doctor(or the dentist).The doctor asks us what our 34 are.The doctor may have to do tests or take Xrays to 35 what is wrong .Then he or she will tell us what to do. 21、A、sleep B、bad C、cold D、sick


幼儿园年终工作总结汇总五篇 “日出而作,日落而息”这或许是农夫的写照。而对于教师,特别是实幼教 师的写照,那便是“日出而作,日落而不息”。进入实幼的半年以来,那一个个 忙碌的身影,一个个精彩的观摩活动,使我更懂得了“累”字的,懂得了“爱” 字的结构,懂得了该怎样去教我的孩。 二十年前,一个爱做梦的女孩,蹦蹦跳跳地来到她向往已久的地方。她喜欢 唱歌,喜欢画画,更喜欢她的幼儿园老师。阳光明媚的午后,她总是重复着同样 的一个梦。 二十年后,女孩的梦实现了,她终于又回到她喜爱的地方,她依旧爱做梦, 只是梦不再是儿时的简单和满足,教师的职业,使她的梦有了更多的和心情。这 个女孩,就是我。 高尔基说过:“谁不爱孩子,孩子就不爱他,只有爱孩子的人,才能教育孩子”。爱孩子是幼儿园教师应具备的美德,也是教师的天职,作为一名实幼的教师,当然更应该做到这一点。师爱比渊博的知识更重要。能够得到教师的关爱, 是每个孩子最起码的心理需求,师爱对孩子的成长和进步有很大的推动作用。爱 的力量是神奇的,它可以不断地挖掘,好似泉涌。因此,我总是毫不吝惜地将我 的爱播洒给每一个孩子,让他们沐浴在爱的泉水中,愉快地学习、生活。 爱孩子就要尊重孩子的人格,每个孩子都是一个独立的人,都有要求独立行动、独立自主的倾向。因此,教师必须以幼儿为本,决不能把自己的意志强加于 孩子,要充分理解孩子、信任孩子、欣赏孩子,挖掘他们的闪光点,呵护他们的 创造潜能。 一滴水就是一个海洋,一个孩子就是一个世界。孩子越小,年龄差异就越大,我常常提醒自己要面向全体幼儿,落实“两个优先”“两个关注”,学会去观察 了解孩子某一年龄阶段的一般特点,把握个体特点,才能在活动过程中及时解读 幼儿,调整自己的教育行为,让活动真正适应并促进幼儿的发展。 二期课改对我们教师提出了更高的要求,二期课改的核心是让课程适应并促 进孩子的发展。课改的教材涵盖了幼儿的基本经验,但不能涵盖每个幼儿的生活 经验。作为一名实幼的教师,我们不能依赖教材,抓住日常生活中随时发生在幼 儿身边的有价值的事情,用整合的观念对教材、教案进行选择、创造,不断拓展 教育活动的资源。


BEC商务英语高级阅读真题 The Negotiating T able You can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their??behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will recommend him. The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not,


幼儿园年终总结大会方案.. 本年度是我园蓬勃发展的一年,我园所取得的每一点进步和成功,离不开全体教师的的辛勤劳动和无私奉献!为增强我园师资队伍的凝聚力,激励员工奋发上进,也为了对本学期老师们工作有个总结及现学期规划,特制定本年度总结会方案。 一、会议名称:xx幼儿园xxx—xxx年度第一学期年终总结会 二、会议主题:总结工作,展望未来。 三、会议主持人:吴xx老师 四、会议时间:xxx年1月26上午8:30分 五、会议地点:多功能厅 六、出席人数:合计22人; 七、具体安排 1、会场安排: (1)PPT有刘xx老师制作,主题为《xxx—xxx年度第一学期年终 总结会》 (2)会场安排由吴xx老师、张xx老师及各班班主任老师负责,在周五(1月25日)下午安排好。 (3)负责人员签到:熊燕老师 (4)照相人员:马xx负责 (5)会议结束后会场由配班老师负责清理

2、会议流程: (1)主持人上台宣读会议流程及会场要求 3、会议要求: (1)在会议进行时请老师们认真听,并做好笔记。 (2)在会议进行时请老师们遵守纪律,不随意走动、不随意接电话。 (3)在会议进行时请老师们把手机调为无声,或振动。 4、做总结报告人员安排如下: (1)后勤园长:张xx做总结报告及明年规划 (2)业务园长:吴xx做总结报告及明年规划 (3)教研一组:熊xx老师做总结报告及明年规划 (4)教研二组:刘xx老师做总结报告及明年规划 (5)保健医生:马xx做总结报告及明年规划 (6)网站管理:周xx老师做总结报告及明年规划 (7)园里特色:姚xx老师做总结报告及明年规划 (8)仓库管理:张xx老师做总结报告及明年规划 (9)各班班主任:大四班张xx老师、大三班刘xx老师、大二班xx老师、大一班王xx老师、中二班姚xx老师、中一班熊xx老师、小三班李xx老师、小二班周xx老师、小一班邬xx生老师分别作总结报告及明年规划。 (10)带班老师从中抽查做总结报告及明年规划 (11)园长做总结报告及明年规划


商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读真题及答案题目 PART ONE Questions 1 – 8 Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies onλ the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services. Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?λ For each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answerλ Sheet . You will need to use some of these letters more than once .λ Example : 0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation . 0 A B C D E 1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities. 2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with 3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items 4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another 5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future 6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months 7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future 8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held belief A


幼儿园教师年终个人工作总结(精选4篇) 幼儿园教师年终个人工作总结(精选4篇) 时间过得飞快,一年的工作又将告一段落。在这将近一年的时间中我们通过努力的工作,也有了一点收获,是时候对自己这一年的工作进行一个全面的总结了。为了让您不再为年终总结头疼,下面是小编为大家整理的幼儿园教师年终个人工作总结(精选4篇),欢迎阅读与收藏。 幼儿园教师年终个人工作总结1 工作着、快乐着、辛勤着、收获着,每一天心中都充满感激,感谢领导们和各年级主任兢兢业业、认真负责的态度给了我榜样的力量;感谢我的合作伙伴们,感谢身边一个个忙碌的身影、一个个精彩的观摩活动、一次次加班加点、动手动脑创设环境的辛劳,让我更懂得工作着幸福着的内涵。我也能勤勤恳恳参与管理,努力做好服务工作。现将所作工作总结如下: 面对领导的信任及赋予的重任,我深深地感受到职业的崇高和责任的重大,不断思考该如何有效的开展工作。面对新的岗位、新的同事、新的一切,我虚心的学身边人、身边事,在始终如一地做好班级各项工作的同时,努力完成园领导布置的各项任务。 本学期,根据本园的实际需求,又增加了部分后勤人员。由于她们中大多没有接触过幼儿园工作,为使她们能更好的适应工作,我加强了对她们的培训。本学期,我有计划的坚持加强了对新老后勤人员的政治思想和业务的学习,每周定期召开一次后勤人员工作会议,学习内容以《幼托机构卫生保健工作手册》为主,重点学习了常规消毒的方法、消毒的范围和消毒的时间,餐前餐后卫生操作顺序及培养幼儿良好生活卫生习惯常见方法等,在学习的同时认真对照职责要求,总结和分析工作中的得失,肯定了后勤人员工作上进步和成绩,指出工作中存在的问题,提出改进的意见和方法。通过学习,后勤人员的服务意识得到的增加,业务知识和操作技能得到了提高,她们明白自己的这份工作虽不起眼,但它直接关系到幼儿园每个孩子的健康,少了就不行。由于对工作的重要性有了进一步的明确,本学期后勤服务的质量有了新的提高。 本学期我一如既往地重视和加强了安全防护和安全教育工作,全园上下始终将幼儿的


剑桥商务英语高级真题阅读 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理一下剑桥BEC商务英语考试高级真题,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3):阅读真题一 ·Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page. · Which passage does each sentence refer to? · For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet. · You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Example: He has developed his own company to promote his work. 0 A B C D E 1 Others in his field think very highly of him. 2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world. 3 He felt that people should be able to enjoy their work. 4 His ideas are more complex than they seem. 5 He did a variety of interesting things before writing his books. 6 His most successful book was written with a colleague. 7 He is particularly skilled at forecasting important developments.

【VIP专享】国际商务英语阅读1 (1)6

第2单元 出口、进口与对等贸易 辨认出口机会 出口面临的一个最大障碍就是信息的匮乏。通常一个公司的产品会有许多需求市场,不过由于许多需求市场都不在本国,基于文化、语言、距离以及时间的不同,公司很难找到这些需求市场。事实上全世界有180多个国家,各个国家之间又有很大的文化差异,这些使得辨认出口机会更加困难了。面对这样复杂以及多样化的市场,企业很多时候在寻找出口伙伴时显得优柔寡断也就不足为奇了。 国际比较 克服出口信息不对称的办法就是尽可能的搜集信息。我们先以德国为例。德国有一些贸易协会、政府代理商以及商业银行为企业牵线搭桥,帮一些小公司寻找出口机会。日本也有类似这样的商业机构,譬如日本国际工商业会社,总是积极地帮出口商寻找出口机会。此外,日本许多公司都是综合商社的分公司。综合商社是日本特有的综合贸易公司,由于办事处遍布全世界,它能够积极不断地为大大小小的分公司提供各种出口信息。日本、德国公司的一个最大优势就是能够为他们的出口企业搜集到世界各地的技术经验、出口信息以及其他资源。 与德国、日本那些竞争对手相比,美国的许多企业在寻找出口机会时就显得有些盲目,在信息搜集上处于劣势。这种差异一部分是历史上的原因。长期以来日本、德国都把对外贸易作为支柱产业,而美国一直到近期还是一个相对自给型的国家,对外贸易在美国经济当中只占据很小的一部分。虽然近两年美国对外贸易在国内经济当中的分量比20年前重了许多,然而美国依然没有一个类似于日本或者德国那样的商业机构帮助出口企业搜集信息。 信息来源 尽管美国处于劣势,美国企业也在不断提高搜寻出口机会的意识。美国商务部及其在全国各地的办公室是美国最大的出口信息源,其下属的两个独立机构——国际贸易局、美国对外商业服务中心都致力于为企业提供智力援助并且积极地帮助企业拓展海外市场。 他们为潜在出口商提供一份“光辉前程”名单,名单上列出了某种行业海外市场潜在经销商的名称、地址及联系方式。此外,美国商务部专门成立了一个针对海外14个主要出口市场的“比较购物服务”中心。企业缴纳很少的费用就可以获得一份某产品目标市场的顾客调查报告,报告不仅提供该产品海外市场的可销售性,而且对竞争者、比较价格、营销渠道以及可能的销售代表人员都作了详尽的描述。调查报告是由美国商务部的官员进行实地考察而得出的。 商务部还会组织一些贸易活动帮助潜在出口商与外界接触,拓展海外市场。在一些大城市举办的国际贸易展览会上,美国商务部也会组织出口企业参展。另外,美国


幼儿园年终工作总结四篇 时间飞逝,转眼一学期已经过去了。在这一年中,我们班的两位老师,以团结协作、共同努力的良好风气,共同做好班内的各项工作。具体体现在以下几点: 一、班级情况 我班幼儿大多数都是刚入园的新生,在幼儿入园前我们对每一个幼儿个性特征、兴趣、爱好和生活自理能力及各个方面都进行了调查,使幼儿还没来园,我们就对他们的情况有了一个了解,为幼儿入园后在很短的时间内就适应幼儿园的生活奠定了良好的基础。 幼儿入园以后,针对小班幼儿的特点,为了缩短幼儿的分离焦虑,我们班三位老师齐心协力,和孩子一起做游戏、玩耍。在游戏:我是小司机、大家都是好朋友等活动,引导幼儿尽快适应幼儿园的生活。同时在家教园地中,指导家长做好幼儿的入园的各项工作,使家长们能够在家也帮助幼儿尽量缩短分离焦虑,通过一系列活动我班幼儿很快适应了幼儿园的生活。家长们也都放心的把幼儿放在这里。正由于老师这种高度负责的责任心及奉献精神,半年来,我班的孩子快乐茁壮地成长着。 二、教育教学工作 1、本学期,我主要负责数学和健康的教学工作。开学初根据大纲的要求和小班幼儿的年龄特点,制定了一系列切

实可行的教育教学计划。 幼儿园是幼儿生长学习的场所,幼儿园应为幼儿提供健康、丰富的生活和活动环境,满足他们多方面的需要,使他们在快乐的童年生活中获得有易于身心发展的经验。围绕这一纲要精神,我们开展了一系列活动,在教育教学活动中,我和其他两位老师紧密结合、互相沟通,针对我班幼儿的情况,在教学活动和日常生活中进行安全教育、文明礼貌教育、团结友爱教育,使幼儿形成了良好的行为习惯。通过一系列的活动我班的幼儿在各方面都有了明显的进步,家长们也都很满意。 2、教室环境的布置环境是为教育教学活动服务的。根据教学活动的需要和本班的特点,老师们选择了一些有特点的装饰布置,同时为节省纸张,还利用一些废旧物品。在布置中,我们让孩子们参与到其中,让他们动手去制作。 三、卫生保健及常规教育 1、卫生保健让幼儿生活在一个整洁、舒适的环境中。因为我班幼儿刚入园,所以我班的卫生保健工作一向也较为细致。我们三位老师每天都兢兢业业、细心、耐心的观察记录。如:晨检时注意观察幼儿脸色,幼儿有不舒服现象及时通知家长,因小班幼儿还不能及时的表达需要,日常生活中注意观察幼儿脸色及表情及时了解她的要求。在幼儿喝水方面,家长们也比较关注,我们开展了"给汽车加油"的活动,


剑桥商务英语BEC高级阅读真题 PART ONE Questions 1 - 8 ?Look at the sentences below and at five passages taken from a book about famous management thinkers on the opposite page. ?Which passage does each sentence refer to? ?For each sentence 1 - 8, mark one letter A1 B, C, D or E on your Answer Sheet. ?You will need to use some of these letters more than once. Example: He has developed his own company to promote his work. 0 A B C D E 1 Others in his field think very highly of him. 2 His ideas have spread beyond the business world. 3 He felt that people should be able to enjoy their work. 4 His ideas are more complex than they seem. 5 He did a variety of interesting things before writing his books. 6 His most successful book was written with a colleague. 7 He is particularly skilled at forecasting important developments. 8 Contact with the military was an early influence on his thinking. A John Adair Adair is the pioneering British thinker in the theory of leadership. He was the first person in the UK to hold a professorship in Business Leadership and has published a series of influential books on the subject. Despite his quiet appearance, Adair has had a colourful life, serving in a Bedouin regiment and working on an Arctic fishing boat! His initial interest in leadership came from his army experience and he used to lecture at the highly prestigious academy where British army offices are trained. He now works as an international consultant. B Edward de Bono De Bono is unusual among major gurus for two reasons: firstly, he was born not


幼儿园年底个人工作总结 幼儿园教育是一个复杂的教育,不是家庭、幼儿园可以单独胜任的,它需要两者接个才能取得好的成效。今天给大家为您整理了幼儿园年底个人工作总结,希望对大家有所帮助。 幼儿园年底个人工作总结范文一 又要学期末,回顾半年来的工作,我深深地感到,教师的人生就要甘于实实在在,甘于默默无闻,甘当辛勤的"园丁",这样才能浇灌出鲜艳的"花朵"。 半年的集体生活,让孩子们学会了许多,也进步了很多。看着渐渐成长的孩子们,回忆他们的一笑一颦,我由衷的感到一种自豪感,欣慰之余,也正好整理了思绪,总结了半年来的经验教训,与大家一起分享,取长补短,以便在今后的工作中更好的展现"园丁"的本色。 俗话说的好"三岁看老",幼儿教育直接关系到每个孩子今后的成长,而一名合格的幼儿教育工作者,要想完成教书育人的责任,首先其自身必须具备良好的政治思想素质,树立正确的世界观和人生观。我作为一名教师,有时在工作中可能存在考虑不周、毛毛糙糙等问题,但每当别人提出意见、建议时,我都会进行反省,虚心接受,并以更高的标准来要求自己。 孩子们做作业时我会提醒他们用正确的姿势写字,进餐时我会提醒他们安静进餐,不掉饭粒,午睡时帮助他们盖好被子并交会个别幼儿系鞋带;在半日活动中我努力配合搭班老师做好准备工作,并在半日活动中较好的完成了教学、游戏、保育、安全为一体的教学方式,

并赢得了家长的支持和信任,实现了家园共育。 引用普希金一句话来表达我工作时的感受:"书籍是我们的精神粮食,现在我深刻的体会到我的精神粮食就是我的孩子们,他们的笑容、他们的快乐。" 空余时间,我还经常在网上浏览幼教方面的网站,以了解最新的幼教前沿资讯及教学理念。我深切的感受到学习对自己的帮助确实很大,也很重视一切学习的机会,因为我知道只有不断接触新思想、新事物,才能在工作中不断的自我创新。 每天早上学时,我按照幼稚园的要求,严格执行晨检制度,一摸、二看、三问、四查,认真填写交接班记录,家长们看在眼里,记在心里。而在课堂上,我也多次强调要孩子们养成常洗手的良好个人卫生习惯,并详细讲解了正确洗手的五个步骤,我班宣传栏上也多次温馨提示家长尽量少让孩子去拥挤的公共场所,深得家长们的信任。 "三人行必有我师",在教研活动中,我认真学习,我感到人人都是我的师长,我不懂的东西还很多,要学的东西还很多。通过这一次次的自我反思与实践,我觉得只有坚持认真学、认真做,我才会更上一层楼。 通过这一学期的工作,我在其他同事的帮助下学到了不少东西,但在教学活动的组织上仍有许多不足之处。我将在以后的工作中不断的鞭策自己多学,多想、多思、多试,为成为一名优秀的幼教工作者而不断努力。 "长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海",作为幼儿园的一名"园丁",


商务英语:BEC高级阅读真题5 PART SIX Questions 41 - 50 ·In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. · For each numbered line 41 - 50, find the unnecessary word and then write the word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Some lines are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. The exercise begins with two examples (0) and (00). Customer care 0 Apart from ensuring that an efficient electricity supply for our 00 customers, NatElectric provides an invaluable service in other areas 41 as well. While our Customer Helpline (charged at local rates) is the 42 first point of contact with when you want to make an enquiry and 43 we receive a huge number of calls from customers - on 44 average, there are 50 000 calls a one week. Available 24 hours 45 a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, our Helpline on advisors 46 aim at to answer 95 per cent of all calls within 15 seconds. There 47 are more than 200 advisors, working in around the clock to 48 provide for this service, backed by a further 80 support staff 49 who do handle any necessary paperwork. Although our target 50 is to reply to letters within 10 working days, NatElectric regularly responds within three to four days, and we are especially proud of the standards achieved by our
