

Unit1 Mother Teresa


startling a.惊人的,令人震惊的

beneficent a.仁慈的,慈善的

saint n.圣徒

dignity n.自尊

merchant n.商人,店主

dictate v.听写,口述n.命令,指挥

refugee n. 难民

overhead n. 一般费用,普通开支

nourish v. 滋养,给……营养

citizenship n. 市民权,国籍,市民身份

charity n. 慈善

starve v. 使挨饿,使饿死

airstrip n. 临时跑道

unceasing a. 不断的,不停的

photographic a. 摄影的,使用照片的

conscience n. 良心,内疚,愧疚

virtually ad. 实质上,实际上,事实上,差不多

donor n. 捐献器官者

equation n. 局面,状况

chronic a. 慢性的,长期的

transplant n. 移植手术

suburb n. 郊外

survival n. 继续生存,幸存

recovery n. 康复

coordinate n. 协调者

liver n. 肝脏

lobby v. 游说

procedure n. 步骤

tragedy n. 策略

poverty n.贫穷

witness n.& v. 目击者,目击的

religion n.宗教

reject v. 拒绝,驳回,丢弃

establish v. 建立,创立

emerge v. 浮现,脱出,显现出来

sympathy n. 同情

resolve v. 决定,决心,坚决,决定之事

adopt v. 采用,收养,接受

rescue v. & n. 救援,拯救,解救

exceed v. 超出,越出

figure v. 核算,认为,领悟到n. 熟悉的人,图形,数字,形状delight n. 快乐,高兴,满意v.使人满意

stroke n. 策划,中风,划桨

rough a. 粗糙的,大致的,粗略的v. 殴打,草拟

organ n. 器官

aspire v. 追求,渴望,有志于

sustain v. 维持,遭受破坏,失败,伤害,使……保持

quit v. 退出

prevail a. 先前的

grief n. 极度悲伤

advocate n. 提倡者,拥护者

relatively ad. 相对地,比较而言地

twist v. 拧,扭曲

pray v. 祈祷

miracle n. 奇迹

slum n. 贫民窟

venerate v. 崇拜

permeate v. 弥漫,渗透,普及

patriot n. 爱国者

vocation n. 使命,职业,信心,使命感

vow n. 发誓

sternly a. 严格的,严肃的

honorary a. 荣誉的,名誉的,道义上的

icon n. 画像,肖像

tragic a. 悲伤的,不幸的

eligible a. 有资格的,符合条件的,合格的

kidney n. 肾脏

linger v. 逗留,徘徊

haunt v. 缠绕,烦扰

anew ad. 开始新生活

nun n. 修女

revere v. 尊敬,崇敬

pebble n. 鹅卵石

convent n. 女修道会

fretful a. 焦躁的

congregation a. 集合,会和

implant v. 深植,灌输,嵌入

chauffeur n. 司机

outcast a. 被驱逐的,无家可归的

devout a. 虔诚的,衷心的

instill v. 滴注,逐渐灌输

unobtrusively ad. 客气地,不引人注目地tinsel n. 俗丽的东西

gnarl v. 使……像树皮一样粗糙

taciturn a. 沉默寡言的,不苟言笑的freak n. 怪异的人

implore v. 恳求,乞求

taciturn a. 沉默寡言的,不苟言笑的freak n. 怪异的人

implore v. 恳求,乞求


stand out显眼,突出

grow into发展成为

be in sympathy with 赞同,支持

without doubt 确实(用于强调某个观点)incline to 倾向于

at the sight of 一看见

flow into涌入

be devoted to 专业于

seek out 找出(某人或某物)

in one’s view 在某人看来,安某人的观点be determined to 决心做

as for 至于

choke up对……苦恼

on behalf of 代表

get to the point 到……程度

go through 经历,经受

set one’s sights on决心要得到

fill out 填写

prevail on劝说,说服

get used to 习惯于

sign up 签约

lobby for 游说

repay one’s debt to 偿还某人的债务


1、Mother Teresa believed that the worst poverty of all was abandoned the human soul in need of


2、Those who visited the homes she established emerged overwhelmed by the love and

cheerfulness that filled/permeated the wards(充满收容室的仁爱和欢乐) ,bringing hope to the abandoned and dignity to the dying.

3、In April 1990 poor health forced her to declare her retirement(迫使她宣布退休)as Superior

of the Missionaries of Charity.

4、Although she remained indefatigable, her health had long been cause for concern(引起关注).

5、There she adopted the religious name(改教名为)Sister Mary Teresa of the Child Jesus.

Unit2 Arts and Music


emigrate n. 移民

ethnicity n. 种族

pursue v. 追求,从事

steppingstone n. 垫脚石

tremendous a. 极大的,强有力的

perception n, 观念

artwork n. 艺术品

poster n. 海报,剪贴画

current a. 现时的,当前的

opposed a. 与……对照的,而非

frustrated a. 沮丧的,气恼的

conceptually ad. 概念地

enthusiasm n. 同情

dramatically ad. 戏剧性的,惊人的

bachelor n. 学士学位

progressive a. 进步的,先进的

immigrant n. 侨民

mainstream n. 主流

incredible a. 极好的,难以置信的

definitely ad. 明确地,确切地,肯定地

productivity n. 生产力,生产率

efficiency n, 效率

therapy n. 治疗,疗法

undergraduate n. 大学生

short-term a. 短期的

composer n. 作曲者,作者

structured a. 精心组织的,安排的

poetry n. 诗歌

pregnant a. 怀孕的

numerous a. 许多的

diverse a. 各种各样的

integrate v. 融入,使合并

maintain v. 维持,保持,坚持,主张

edit v. 编辑,主编,剪辑

previous a. 先前的

unique a. 极好的,唯一的

immense a. 巨大的

obstacle n. 障碍

transform v. 使变形,使转化

curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲

diminish v. 减小,削弱,贬低

notion n. 观念

convince v. 说服

crucial a. 决定性的,至关重要的

component n. 零件,成分

adapt v. 改造,改装,适应

significance n. 重要性,意义

transfer v. 迁移,调动,转移

miserable a. 痛苦的,不快的,蹩脚的

ambition n. 野心,愿望,雄心壮志

tough a. 棘手的

range n. 范围,批,类,距离

intelligent a. 聪明的

motivate v. 激发,激励,为……的动机

perform v. 执行,表演

mood n. 心情,情绪,语气

rate n. 比率,等级,价格v. 估价,认为,鉴定等级furthermore ad. 而且,此外

graphic a. 绘画的,印刷的,设计的predominantly ad. 主要地,绝大多数地physiologically ad. 生理上地

quantitative a. 数量的,定量的

cafeteria n. 自助餐厅

practitioner n. 从业者,实践者

spatial a. 空间的

critique a. 评论文章


communicate with 通话,与……交流

integrate into 并入,融入

result in 导致

in most cases 大多数情况下

as a result 因此

take into account 把……考虑进去

as opposed to 与……不同

transform into 变为

out of place 不正确,不恰当

be heavy with 充满了

insist on 坚持

pump up 使兴奋,给某人打气

prior to在……之前,先于

translate into 转化为

according to根据……

apply to适用于


1、However ,when designing posters or creating aircrafts at my current school, I have to take it

into account(考虑到) that Americans read text from left to right.

2、She insist on maintaining her own art notions(坚持保持自己的艺术观念) and tries

tremendously hard to convince her instructor of the importance of combining different design component.

3、It would be more creative and progressive if the American design styles could be adapt

slightly(稍作修改), rather than regarded as unchangeable.

4、I do not know how to appreciate my classmates’incredible design, they fill with western

design notion.(它们充满了西方的设计理念)

5、Living in America(生活在美国) is tough for Chinese immigrants.

Unit3 Personal heroes


inventiveness n. 发明创造能力

unmet a. 未得到满足的

comic a. 喜剧的,滑稽的

philosophy n. 哲学

chop v. 剁碎,砍,切n. 排骨

sit-up n.仰卧起坐

punch v.以拳重击,开洞

atop prep. 在……顶上

sauce n. 酱汁

blender n. 搅拌器

massive a. 大的,重的,厚实的

dose n. 剂量

liquidize v. 使液化

commercially ad. 商业的

blur v. 使……模糊

theft n. 偷窃

fluid n,液体

superb a. 极好的

abruptly ad. 突然地

rumor n. 谣言,传闻

creativity n. 创造力

hook v勾住

inspire v. 使……感动,激发,启示

fortune n. 财产,命运,运气

commit v. 委托,犯罪,承诺

means n. 手段,方法,工具,钱,收入champion n.得胜者,冠军,斗士v. 捍卫,维护consume v. 消费,消耗,消磨,枯萎

intense a. 非常的,强烈的,紧张的,热情的assume v. 假定,设想,承担

sequence n. 序列,顺序

surround v. 包围,环绕

claim v. 请求,主张,声张,说明,断言,要求★

optimist n. 乐观的人

diagnostic a. 特征的,诊断的

versatile a. 多才多艺的,通用的compassionate a, 有同情心的

fury n. 愤怒,狂暴,狂怒的人

inspect v. 监察,调查,监察

mansion v. 大厦

unleash v. 解开……的束缚

poignant a. 悲伤地,严厉的,尖锐的,剧烈的meditation n. 沉思,冥想

oyster n, 牡蛎

chrysanthemum n.菊花

stunt n. 特技,阻碍成长

crow n. 乌鸦

clunky a. 笨重的

agile a. 敏捷的,灵活的,轻快的

dispel v. 驱散,驱逐


be rooted in 起源于

as long as只要

at a time 在……的时候

be the size of 和……同样大小的

on one’s own独立地

for all尽管

in a way葱某种意义上讲

make a difference有影响,使……不同

take up 产生兴趣,开始花时间从事

on the side 作为副业

work out 锻炼,健身

show off 炫耀,卖弄

turn to 转变,转向

slow down 慢下来

ever since 从那以后一直

no less than 不少于,多达


1、Like my friend Warren Buffett , I feel extremely lucky to do what I love everyday.(我为每天


2、And after 30 years, I’m still as inspired by computers as I was back in seventh grade.(仍然想


3、Computer have transformed how we learn ,giving kids everywhere a window into all of the

world’s knowledge.(为全球各地的孩子们开启了一扇通向世界知识的窗户)

4、But for all the cool things that a person can do with a PC,(但是,尽管个人电脑能帮助人做很

多事情) there are lots of other ways we can put our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world.

5、There are still far too many people(全球仍有太多的人) in the world whose most basic needs

go unmet.

Unit4 Career development planning


particle n. 粒子

naturally ad. 天生地,自然地

depression n. 经济萧条期

elementary a. 基本的,简单的

subatomic n. 亚原子的

accelerator n.加速器

spur v. 刺激,激励

relativity n. 相对论

budding a. 开始发展的,萌发中的

flee v. 逃避,逃走

ray n. 光线,射线

dumb a. 愚蠢的

preference n.(to,for) 偏爱,优先选择

emperor n. 皇帝

broaden v. 变宽,伸广

halting a. 犹豫的n. 拦截

charm n. 吸引力,魅力v.迷人,使……迷醉,用符咒

plow v. 耕作

restless a. 不安宁的,焦虑的

trunk n. 行李箱,大衣箱

raid v. 突然袭击

elegant a. 优雅的

shell n. 贝壳,壳,外形

uncertainty n. 不确定,不可靠,半信半疑

chip v. 削,切,削成碎片n. 薄片,芯片

economics n. 经济学

attorney n. 律师

startle v. 使吃惊,吓一跳

solemnly ad. 严肃地,庄重地

curious a. 好奇的,奇特的

recall v. 回想起,召回,恢复n. 取消

remind v. 提醒,使想起

qualify v. 具有资格,具有或给予某种权利

essential a.(to) 最重要的,必要的,本质的

resistance n. 抵制,抵抗,反抗

discourage v使泄气,使沮丧,劝阻,阻止

addition n. 增加,附加物

postpone v. 推迟

embrace v. 拥抱,包含

eager a. 渴望的,热切的

rarely ad. 极少

series n. 连续,系列

stain n. 污点,着色,污染

section n. 部分,章节,部门,路段,断面,剖面,界面v. 划分wrap v. 覆盖,包围,裹,包n. 披肩,围巾

further ad. 此外,更进一步地a. 更远的v. 促进,推动confine v. 限制,闭居

prejudice n.&v. 偏见,伤害,成见

attend v. 参加,注意,照料

approval n. 批准,认可,同意,赞同,允许

persistent a. 坚持存在的

urge v. 催促,力劝,极力主张,强烈要求,推进

accordance n. 符合,一致

incomprehensible a. 难以理解的

dedication n. 奉献

obsess v. 使迷住,缠住

analytical a. 分析的,解析的

collaboration n. 合作

timid a. 胆怯的,害羞的

stumble a. 使绊倒,失策

glaring a. 闪耀的,炫目的,刺眼的

weary a. 筋疲力竭的,非常疲劳的

guilt n. 内疚,自责

mop v. 用拖把擦洗,擦拭

cosmic a. 宇宙的

innate a. 天生的,生来的

nap v. 小睡,打盹

defer v.延期

syllable n. 音节

peck v. 啄食,吹毛求疵的

relegate v. 将……置于次要地位,贬低

contiguous a. 邻近的,接近的

musty a. 发霉的,落伍的

stuffy a. 不通气的,固步自封的


transfer to 转入

spur sb. on 驱使,鼓励

start out 着手进行,开始,出发

hang around闲荡

fool around 虚度光阴,闲荡

watch out for 密切注意,提防

live through 度过,经受住

identify with 认同,视……为一体

keep in touch 保持联系

come out出现

leave for 动身前往

stand against 抵抗

speak of 谈及,说道

plow through 费力地坚持读/看完

stumble upon偶然发现,偶然碰见

wrap around 在……上围/包裹……

bit by bit逐渐地,一点一点地

go off to离开(去做某事)

work for 为……工作,为……做事

on vacation 休假

no good 不好的,坏的

make sth.of oneself 取得成功

seep into 渗透

at times 有时,偶尔

hang up挂断电话

a series of一系列


1、As particle physicist Leon M. Lederman remembers it ,he wasn’t naturally good with his


2、So he applied to transfer to(申请转到) the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was


3、It was these friendships, more than any conceptual fascination, (而不是任何想法多产生的吸

引力)that kept his interest in science alive.

4、But until he came to graduate school(直到进入研究生院)—after finishing City College and

spending three years in the Army—that he finally developed self-confidence as a budding scientist.

5、That sort of sociability also helps broaden scientists’ horizon beyond their basic field(开阔科

学家们的视野,使他们不拘泥于自身的基础领域)—an important part of modern science.

Unit5 The spirit of competition


definition n. 定义,限定

depth n. 深度

misspell v. 错误拼写

contest n. 比赛

county n.县,郡

workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班

destination n. 目的地,终点

marvelous a, 奇迹般的,惊人地

formula n. 公式

minister n. 部长

schooling n. 学业

noticeable a. 显而易见的,值得注意的

league n. 社团

revenue n. 财政收入,税收

gymnastics n. 体操,体育

costly a. 昂贵的,价格高的

participation n. 参与,分享

psychologist n. 心理学家

intensity n. 强烈,剧烈,烈度

psychological a. 心理学的

unrealistic a. 不切实际的,不存在的

perfection n. 完美

yell v. 大叫

incidence n.发生

misplay v. 失误

recreational a. 娱乐的,修养的

ego n. 自我

leadership n. 领导

absolutely ad. 完全地,绝对地,当然

ownership n.所有权,所有制

cooperation n. 合作

emliminate v. 除去,排除,剔除

champ n. 冠军

championship n. 得胜者,冠军,捍卫者,斗士

illusion n. 幻觉,幻想

apart ad.&a.(from) 相距,相隔,除去

congratulate v. 祝贺

royal a. 盛大的,王室的,皇家的,高贵的via prep. 经过,通过

mount v. 安放,登上,标贴

prime a. 最好的,首要的,最好的时候corporate a. 公司的,法人团体的,团体的emphasis n. 强调,重点

evident a. 明显的,明白的

professional a. 专业的,职业的

generate v. 产生,发生

derive v. 导出,由于,起源于

capable a.(of) 有能力的,有才能的worthy a. 值得……的,有价值的

excel v. 胜过,优于

despite prep. 尽管

ruin v. 使破产,毁灭

commonplace a. 平凡的

impose v.(on) 征税,把什么强加给alternative a. 两者挑一的,可选择的事物faith n. 信任,信念

priority n. 优先权,先前

mount n. 山峰,框,衬纸

constant a. 经常地,不变的n.常量,衡量★

dreaded a. 可怕的

billboard n. 广告牌,布告板

corporate a. 公司的,法人团体的,团体的disciplined a. 遵守纪律的

setback n. 挫折,退步

esteem n. 尊重,敬重

parental a. 双亲的

referee n. 裁判员,公断人

addiction n. 沉溺,上瘾

erupt v. 喷发,喷射出

domination n. 控制,统治,支配allegedly ad. 据说,据称

related a.相关的

parish a. 牧区

trophy n. 奖品,奖杯

encyclopedia n. 百科全书

hockey n. 曲棍球,冰球

detriment n. 损害(物)

abusive a. 辱骂的,滥用的

infamous a. 臭名昭著的

brawl n.&v. 吵架,喧嚷

perspiration n. 排汗,汗水

disproportionate a. 不成比例的

cringe n.&v. 畏缩,卑躬屈膝

interpersonal a. 人际关系的

massive a. 巨大的


be similar to 与……类似的,相近的

pay off 得到好处,收到效果,有益处

in cash 用现金

lose sight of 忽略,忘记

congratulate on 祝贺

excuse sb. From 免除某人

in the case of 就……而言

as well as 也

in general 通常,大体上,一般而言

take a turn 发生转变

wrap up 使全神贯注

on occasion 有时

at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何

lighten up 放松

other than 除了,不同

in other words 换句话说

by and large大体上,基本上


1、All the other spellers(被淘汰了)had been eliminated. Jody Anne Maxwell, age twelve was the

last one left.

2、She(竞争)competed against 248 spellers, aged nine to fifteen, from the U.S, Mexico, the U.S

virgin islands, the Bahamas, American Samoa, Guam ,and Europe.

3、Her favorite part about the spelling bee was “the sitting down part,” she says, Because at the

(全国决赛)national finals in Jamaica, we had to stand for 7 hours.

4、She also liked the(轻松而有趣的气氛)funny and relaxed atmosphere at the spelling bee.

5、The persistent study finally paid off (持之以恒的学习终于得到回报).About 3000 to 4000 kids competed in the Jamaican national spelling bee in August 1997. And Jody-Anne won!

Unit 6 Bilingual Education


federal a. 联邦制的

renew v. 更新,更换

maintenance n. 维持,维修

overwhelm v. 使产生强烈的感情,使不知所措

taxpayer n. 纳税人

radiator n. 暖气装置

snap n. 咔嚓折断

lump n. 块,堆,结块

echo v. 回声,反响

gather v.聚合,集聚,渐增

union n. 结合,工会,联盟

vary v. 相异,不同,改变,变化

implement a. 贯彻,实现,工具,器具

immerse n. 移民,侨民

controversial a. 引起争议的,有争议的

controversy n. 争论,辩论,争议

critic n. 批评家,评论家(al)

propose v. 提议,建议,求婚

slip v. 溜走,滑倒,小纸条

perceive v. 理解,领悟,察觉,感知

yawn v. 打呵欠

fascinate v. 令人入神

bilingual a. 双语的

transition n. 转变,过渡

menace v. 威胁,恐吓

sacred a. 神圣的

sneak v. 偷偷溜走

crumble a. 弄碎,碎成细屑

zigzag n. 之字形,Z字形

trek v. 徒步旅行,长途跋涉

swarm n. 一大群,蜂群,人群

yearn v. 向往,渴望

cavernous a. 像大洞穴的,大而深的

gurgle v. 发出咯咯声

gnaw v. 不断地啃咬


serve as 充当,用作

be immersed in 沉浸于,浸泡在

place a burden on 把负担放在……的身上

in addition 除此之外,加之

point out 指出

in favor of 支持,赞同

be opposes to 反对

put away抛开

send regards 问候

point at 指向

slip out of 悄悄溜出

sneak out of 偷偷溜走

yearn for向往,渴望

run away 跑开,逃走

band together团结起来,联手

gnaw at 使烦恼,使惊恐

share sth.with sb.把(某事)讲给(某人)听


1、Bilingual education is an education program that provides instruction in both the students’

native language and the language of host country.(学生的母语和居住国语言)

2、Whatever happens, bilingual education will certainty continue to be a controversial


3、Public schools must provide equal educational opportunities for the student whose native

language is not English.(母语非英语的学生)

4、The ways in which bilingual programs are implemented(实施双语教育的方法) by the

different states vary greatly.

5、Many students feel overwhelmed(许多学生被压得喘不过气来) during the first two years of

immersion bilingual education.

Unit7 Genes and personality


gene n. 基因,遗传因子

similarity n. 类似,相似

extremely ad. 极端地,非常地

inner a. 内部的,里面的

personality n. 个性,人格

factor n. 因素,要素

cell n. 细胞,电池

accomplishment n. 成就

counsel v. 劝告,忠告

inherently ad. 天性地,固有地

psychology n. 心理学

depressing a. 压迫的,抑郁的

categorize v. 把……进行分类,把……列做compatibility n. 相容性

go-getter n. 积极进取的人,有决心能成功的人characteristic n. 特征,特性

orderliness n. 有条理,整齐

unforgiving a. 无情的,不原谅的

conservative a. 保守的

accountant n. 会计师

librarian n. 图书管理员

journalist n. 记者,新闻工作者

multidimensional a. 多维的

interpret v. 解释,演出,翻译

response v. 回答,反应

despair n. 失望

lack v. 缺乏,不足

proof n. 证明,证据

interact v. 互相作用,互相影响

particular a. 特别的,独特的,挑剔的

associate v. 联系,联想

viewpoint n. 观点,看法

norm n. 标准,规范,准则

prompt v.促使,提示

tendency n. 倾向,趋势,可能性

inherit v. 继承,遗传

undertake v. 承担,接受,着手做

generally ad. 通常,一般,广泛地,普通地predict v. 预言,预测

orient v. 使适应,为……设计

seek v. 设法获得,寻求,寻找

detail n. 细节,详情

flexible a. 灵活的,可变通的,易弯曲的,有弹性的military a.军队的

outlook n.观点,见解,展望,前景

behavioral a. 行为的

well-being n. 幸福,福利

temperament n. 气质,性情

underlying a. 潜在的,更重要的

activate v. 刺激,使活动

self-esteem n. 自尊

optimism n. 乐观,乐观主义者

irritability n.易怒,烦躁,生气

biochemical a. 生物化学的

unpredictable a. 反复无常的,捉摸不定的,无法预测的

ethical a. 道德的,伦理的

empower v. 使能够,授权

passionate a. 具有强烈感情的,激昂的

partnership n. 合作,搭档

extrovert n. 性格外向者

introvert n. 性格内向者

astrologer n. 占星家

pickiness n. 挑剔

nitpicky a. 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的


lack of 缺乏

at birth 出生时

pass down 遗传

lead to 导致

associate with 关联

back up 支持

in summary 总之,概括的说

figure out 理解,相处

base…on/upon 以……为基础,以……为根据

search for 寻找,查找,搜查

get along with 相处融洽

on the basis of 在……的基础上,根据……

give in(to) 让步,屈服,投降


1、In the first study, psychologist David Lykken and Auke Teilegen tried to measure happiness in

1500 sets of twins, half of whom were identical(其中一半是同卵孪生的) and the other half fraternal.

2、He believes that further research will identify the genes that contribute to the underlying

factors leading to happiness.(那些产生快乐的潜在因子)

3、Since identical twins share the same genes, the similarity of their results compared to the lack

of similarity in the fraternal twin’s scores showed a genetic link to happiness.(表明基因与快乐之间存在关系)

4、However, to find these people scientifically, the researchers need to observe them rather than

just ask them if they are happy.(而不仅仅是问他们是否快乐)

5、Although researchers expected that introverts would be happier because they had less stress in

their more thought-filled quieter lives, they found that extroverts were happier no matter where they lived or worked.(不论他们在哪里生活或工作)



新时代交互英语读写译课文翻译- 哈佛学子的成功之道 1 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。现在,在采访了 1600 名大学生后,马萨诸塞州波士顿市哈佛大学的研究者们找到了促成哈佛学子学业成功、让他们产生满足感的因素。 2 他们的重要发现让哈佛大学做出了改变其策略的决定,这些变化包括:给学生布且更多的小组作业以及在下午安排课程。目的是为了鼓励学生吃晚餐时可以继续讨论他们的课程。 3 研究者们是如何获得他们所需的信息的呢?首先,他们提出很多问题,涉及学生的课余活动、教学质量和指导质量等方方面面。研究者们通过寻找规律来找出某些课程有用的原因。他们询问学生的感受----对自己所学的东西是否感到高兴、满意或兴奋,然后把得到的答案与学生们在学业方面的成功进行比较。这些问题旨在找出是什么让学生高兴,又是什么在帮助他们学习。 4 以下是他们通过调查研究所提出的建议: (1) 了解任课教师。学生每个学期都要听四到五个教师的课。至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会有使你感到和学校联系在一起。另一个重要的忠告是:向任课教师请教有关课程学习的建议。问一些有关你要做什么才能得到提高的具体问题。例如,像“怎样才能使我第一段的论证更有效?”这样的问题能让你获得所需的建议。研究表明,大多数寻求帮助的学生都能提高他们的成绩,而那些没有寻求帮助的学生则成绩不好或者不及格。 (2)分小组学习。做作业很重要,但是仅仅如此是不够的。为了真正理解学习内容,在学习之余最好和两三个同学组成学习小组,和他们一起完成作业。能这样做的同学会更好地理解学习内容。他们会觉得与课堂的联系更紧密,从而更积极地参与课堂学习。 (3) 留出足够的时间去做好一件事情。在这次哈佛大学的研究中,学习好的学生比学习不好的学生在学习上花的时间更多。学习好的学生可以不间断地学习两到三个小时,而学习不太好的学生一次只学习、二、三十分钟,往往在一天的某些特定时段学习,如晚费前载体育运动后。几乎没有多少学生能意识到抓有不间断的学习时间的必要性。 (4)参加一项活动。你也许认识不到加入一个俱乐部或加入一个团队的重要性,但这恰恰是很重要的。要参加体育俱乐部,你不必是一名优秀的运动员。没有运动天赋的学生可以在体育俱乐部里给教练帮帮忙,尽自己的一份力,比如在比赛或训练期间给队员准备水瓶或切好橙子给他们吃。 学生只要参加了一 项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。


新视野大学英语读写教程2 第一单元 1. charge 2. convention 3. efficient 4. obtain 5. competent 6. asessing 7. fulfill 8. conducting 9. consequently 10. significance IV. 1. behind 2. at 3. in 5. to 6. to 10. for V. 1. L 2. C 4. N 5. O 7. E 10. K Word Building VI. 2. attraction 3. appointment 5. civilization 11. acquisition VII. 4. considerable 5. remarkable Sentence Structure VIII. less can he write English articles less can he manage a big company less could he carry it upstairs less have I spoken to him less to read a lot outside of it IX. meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive. thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy. have never done anything for them, whereas they have done so much for us. prefers to stay for another week, whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately. praise him highly,whereas others put him down severely. Translation X. wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth. do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. XI. 1.我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了. 2.男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元. 3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响. 4.期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书. 5.有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国.其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化. 6.最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%.


新时代交互英语读写译课文翻译- 哈佛学子的成功之道 1 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。现在,在采访了1600 名大学生后,马萨诸塞州波士顿市哈佛大学的研究者们找到了促成哈佛学子学业成功、让他们产生满足感的因素。 2 他们的重要发现让哈佛大学做出了改变其策略的决定,这些变化包括:给学生布且更多的小组作业以及在下午安排课程。目的是为了鼓励学生吃晚餐时可以继续讨论他们的课程。 3 研究者们是如何获得他们所需的信息的呢?首先,他们提出很多问题,涉及学生的课余活动、教学质量和指导质量等方方面面。研究者们通过寻找规律来找出某些课程有用的原因。他们询问学生的感受----对自己所学的东西是否感到高兴、满意或兴奋,然后把得到的答案与学生们在学业方面的成功进行比较。这些问题旨在找出是什么让学生高兴,又是什么在帮助他们学习。 4 以下是他们通过调查研究所提出的建议: (1) 了解任课教师。学生每个学期都要听四到五个教师的课。至少要熟悉其中的一位教师并且也要让他们认识你,这样会有使你感到和学校联系在一起。另一个重要的忠告是:向任课教师请教有关课程学习的建议。问一些有关你要做什么才能得到提高的具体问题。例如,像“怎样才能使我第一段的论证更有效?”这样的问题能让你获得所需的建议。研究表明,大多数寻求帮助的学生都能提高他们的成绩,而那些没有寻求帮助的学生则成绩不好或者不及格。 (2)分小组学习。做作业很重要,但是仅仅如此是不够的。为了真正理解学习内容,在学习之余最好和两三个同学组成学习小组,和他们一起完成作业。能这样做的同学会更好地理解学习内容。他们会觉得与课堂的联系更紧密,从而更积极地参与课堂学习。(3) 留出足够的时间去做好一件事情。在这次哈佛大学的研究中,学习好的学生比学习不好的学生在学习上花的时间更多。学习好的学生可以不间断地学习两到三个小时,而学习不太好的学生一次只学习、二、三十分钟,往往在一天的某些特定时段学习,如晚费前载体育运动后。几乎没有多少学生能意识到抓有不间断的学习时间的必要性。(4)参加一项活动。你也许认识不到加入一个俱乐部或加入一个团队的重要性,但这恰恰是很重要的。要参加体育俱乐部,你不必是一名优秀的运动员。没有运动天赋的学生可以在体育俱乐部里给教练帮帮忙,尽自己的一份力,比如在比赛或训练期间给队员准备水瓶或切好橙子给他们吃。 学生只要参加了一 项活动,哪怕参与的方式是微不足道的,他们也会以更积极的心态去面对他们的学业。 5 安排好你的时间,这可以帮助你在学习上取得成功;制定好一个计划并严格执行,你就能从中获得乐趣并与班上的同学相处愉快。留够时间,学个彻底,玩个痛快,你就


Unit 1 College Life Language study of Reading1: Harvard University’s Habits for Success. ①Many different types of self-help books advise the reader to develop the skills, goals, and attitudes that will both promote success and provide for a healthy lifestyle. [= Through self-help books, a reader can learn how to become successful and prepare for a healthy way of living by developing the skills, goals and attitudes. ] 许多不同类型的自助书籍都给读者提出建议,帮助他们培养一定的技能、目标和态度,以获得成功,并拥有一种健康的生活方式。 develop v. 1) to grow or change into something bigger, stronger, or more advanced, or to make someone or something do this [ advance]发展Chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s. 2)to design or make a new idea, product, system etc over a period of time 发明,设计 Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis关节炎. 3)to start to have a feeling or quality that then becomes stronger: 逐渐产生 The children are beginning to develop a sense of responsibility. 孩子们逐渐产生了一种责任感。 develop a sense of…/develop a awareness of产生一种…意识 It was in college that he developed a taste for (=started to like) rugby football.在大学的时候他开始喜欢上了橄榄球。 4)if you develop a skill or ability, or if it develops, it becomes stronger or more advanced: 进步,提高 The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills.这门课是为了提高学生演讲能力而设计的。promote v. 1) To help in the growth or development of 促进,推动,增进 e.g. promote foreign trade 促进对外贸易 e.g. Milk can promote health. 牛奶可以增进健康 2) To give (someone) a higher position or rank 提升,晋升(某人) e.g. The instructor was promoted to professor. 那位讲师升为教授。(to 后表示地位之名词不加冠词 3)To bring (goods) to public notice in order to encourage people to buy 推销/促销(货物)promote a new product; promoter:(事业)推动者,赞助人,(公司)创立者 promotion:晋级,促进;促销get/be given a promotion provide for 1) to make the necessary future arrangements for 为…做好准备 It is highly important to provide for the future.预先做好准备非常重要。 2)to support; supply with the things necessary for life供养,抚养 He had to provide for five children.他要供养五个孩子。 3)provide sb. With sth / provide sth for sb. lifestyle n. 生活方式;lifework 一生的事业 Lifetime: the chance of a lifetime;in one’s lifetime; lifetime employment 终生雇佣 ②contribute (to)v. 1)to help in causing a situation, event, or condition起促成作用,有助于,成为(---的)原因 e.g.A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. Various factors contributed to his downfall.各种因素导致了他的垮台 2) to join with others in giving (money, help, etc) 捐献;捐助;贡献出;提供(时间,精力等) e.g. He contributed a lot of money to the charity. e.g. She contributed many good ideas to the discussion. Contribution n. make great contributions to --- ③tip n. 1) a helpful piece of advice 小建议,小窍门,劝告,告诫 Take my tip and keep well away from that place. The manual手册,指南is full of useful tips. 2) a small amount of money given as a gift, usually in addition to the official price, for a small service performed 小费Shall I leave a tip for the waiter? 3) the usually pointed end of something (某物的)尖端 a town at the southern tip of India on/at the tip of one's tongue: not quite able to be remembered 就在嘴边,但记不起来了 Now what's her name? It's on the tip of my tongue. the tip of the iceberg: a small sign of a much larger situation, problem, etc.冰山一角;重大情况(问题等)露出表面的极小一部分;The official statistics on drug addiction are only the tip of the iceberg; the real figure may well be much higher. ④specific adj. 1) detailed and exact; clear in meaning or explanation 明确的,具体的e.g. He came here for a specific aim. 2) particular;fixed, determined, or named 特定的,一定的,(至于名词前) e.g. a specific sum of money 一定金额 3) limited to;found only in 仅限于----的;特有的;固有的 e.g. This disease is specific to horses. ⑤effective adj.


Unit 1Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、 The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account 。 however, what the student could do was only one single utterance : “whoa! ” without any any specific comment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it ’ s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “ road map ” and “ car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here, “road map” is considered as grammar and “ car” as vocabulary. 8、 Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“ whoa! ”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son 。 it also reflects the author ’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, though in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial:managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradit ion/margin -cy :


Unit 1 Script 1 Talia: It's all so incredible, Mom. I’m working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford… No, that's the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe he's innocent. Talia: Look, Mom, I have to go. I’II call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. Bye.Nick:Hi.I came as soon as I could.What’s up? Talia:I’ve been thinking about this all day…. Now tell me, again:When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman? Nick:I’ve already told you.She came up to me at the juice bar.We set up a meeting.Talia:Right.At her office.Except you never went up to her office.Nick:Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands , and she takes me to lunch.Talia:Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recaII. Nick:Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes. Talia:Yeah. You told me they’re called Kicks. Nick:Right. And she explains that I’ll have to wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads. Talia:OK. Can you think of anything else? Nick:Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercial. Talia:A commercial? What commercial? Nick:I told you about that, didn’t l? They wanted me to be in a commercial. Script 2 Talia:Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I wanna hear more about this. Don’t leave out any details. This could be important.Nick:OK. So, over lunch she describes the deal… Jackie:So,you’ll wear our shoes when you play. And we’ll use y our name in ads. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours. Nick:Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year? Jackie:Uh, yeah, that’s right. We can work out the details later for this, but we’ll probably want you to appear in a commercial.i Nick:Cool! Jackie:In fact. I'm working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you wanna hear about it? Nick:Sure. Jackie:OK. Picture this. You’re sitting in a park. On a bench. It’s a beautiful spring day. Nick:So far, So good. Jackie:OK. A young kid comes up to you and says, ―Hey! Aren’t you Nick Crawford, the soccer star?‖ Nick:Uh—huh. Jackie:And you say, ―That’s me. ‖Or something like that. Nick:Right.

新时代交互式英语 读写译2(网络版) 答案

Level 2 Unit 1 第一部分 第1.2小节不做。 第3小节 1.rough 2.exceeding 3.stand out 4.Witnesses 5.rejected 6. adopted 7.flowed in 8.emerged 9.To seek out 10.resolve 第4小节不做。 第5小节 1.inclined 2.refugees 3.establishment 4.exclusively 5.rescued 6.abandoned 7.sought 8.exceed 9.matched 10.nourish 第6.7.8小节不做 第二部分不做。 第三部分 第1小节 1.itness 2.esolved 3.dopted 4.escued 5.xceed 6.rief 7.elatively 8.ray 9.wist 10.rgan 第2小节 1.sought out 2.As for 3.died form 4.go through 5.recovering from 第3小节 1.slums 2.care 3.proved 4.revered 5.saint 6.specifically 7.reject 8.emerged 9.cheerfulness 10.dignity 第4小节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题) 1.D:after 2.C:imploring 3.B:since 4.D:offer 5.C:choking up 6.D:talk to 7.B:keep 8.A:what 9.C:neither 10.C:collected 第5.6节不做。 OVER LEVEL 2 UNIT 2 1/3 第三节:1.numerous 2.diverse 3.immense 4.transform 5.maintain 6.ambition 7.tremendously 8.crucial 第四节:1.transfering 2.previous 3.style 4.miserable 5.unique 6.convincing 7.motion 8.adapted https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,ponents 10.goals 第五节:https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,munity 2.diverse 3.transfer https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,municate 5.pursue 6.integrate 7.obtaining 8.significant 9.encountered 10.maintain 3/3 第一节:1.diminished 2.convinced 3.diverse 4.previous 5.transferred 6.effect 7.rate 8.mood 9.performed 10.motivate 第二节:1.take 2.into account 3.familiar with 4.result in 5.participate more in 6.prior to 就这么多了,关键的2节没有,真不好意思 1/3 第三节:1.fortune 2.In a way https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,mitted 4.creativity 5.make a difference 6.on my own 7.For all 8.hooked 9.inspired 10.diagnostic 第五节:1.grade 2.hooked 3.barely https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,pared 5.changed 6.vision 7.souned 8.optimisic 9.size 10.personal LEVEL 2 UNIT3/3 第一节:1.ortune 2.ommitting 3.ooted 4.nspired 5.ooked https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,ined 7.eans 8.ssumed 9.ntense 10.eputation 第二节:1.as long as 2.make a difference 3.showing off 4.take,up 5.working out


第一单元 注:第一单元当时做的时候没有留截图,大家做的时候一定要认真,否则分数就很低,后面就没什么问题了,谢谢! (1)overt factor ethnic boundary marker cultural trait primary indicator more or less as we mentioned earlier physical characteristic in long association with one another personal adornment in the not-too-distant past (2)distinct has transcended overt complex ethnic conversely sufficient demonstrates correspond has been granted (3)assimilating physical characteristic however loose-fitting blouse non-native American women (4)distinguish appearance share former Conversely encompass ethnic cases difference impossible relocation globalization identity costume remote (5)A Native American woman often wears a huipil,aloose-fitting blouse that slips over the head,which is a symbol to distinguish ethnicity. Because they serve to distingush menbers from all other groups,a single boundary markerseldom is sufficient. But in many cases, religion and ethnic group more or less correspond. The Jews may be categorized


Unit 1 Language in mission Text A An impressive English lesson Ex.1 Understanding the text 1、Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules. 2、The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture are so marvelous and remarkable that they should be described at least in a brief account; however, what the student could do was only one single utterance :“whoa!”without any any specific comment. 3、Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language. 4、Because teaching grammar is not an easy job and most of the students will easily get bored if it’s not properly dealt with. 5、He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs. 6、Because the son had never heard about the various names and functions of words in an English sentence before. 7、The author uses “road map”and “car”to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here,“road map”is considered as grammar and “car”as vocabulary. 8、Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the interjection“whoa!”reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, though in two different situations and with two different feelings. Ex.3 Words in use 1.condense 2.exceed 3.deficit 4.exposure 5.asset 6.adequate https://www.360docs.net/doc/883974123.html,petent 8.adjusting 9.precisely 10.beneficial Ex.4 Word building -al/-ial: managerial/editorial/substance/survival/tradition/margin -cy : consistency/accuracy/efficient -y : recovery/ministry/assembly Ex.5 Word building


Unit 1 移民的挑战 人们远离家乡侨居国外的原因很多。对有些人来说,是出于经济上的考虑。他们觉得在别的地方会有更多赚钱机会。对另一些人来说,是出于冒险,想尝试别样的生活。还有一些人移居国外是因为他们认为那儿的价值观与他们的理想比较吻合。 那些出于经济原因移民的人常被误导。他们可能听说过无数发财致富的故事,但事实绝非如此简单。要果真如此,他们要去的那个国家的人早就赚了上百万了。移民到国外的人通常要辛苦工作,可能要比在本国辛苦得多。 有时候,人们对该不该移民基本没有多少主动权。例如在爱尔兰饥荒期间,数百万的爱尔兰人把移民看成是去国外(生存)还是在家里等死的选择。大部分人一路艰辛,冒着危险来到美国,干着最脏的活,拿着比其他美国人低得多的工资。移民遭受的此类歧视和亏待在历史上早已司空见惯了。 而且,许多移民发现他们手艺不被认可。许多越南或巴基斯坦的医生、律师、工程师发现一旦离开祖国,他们的资历就一钱不值。他们达不到移民国家设定的标准。结果,他们就干起了打扫办公室地板、晚上守夜值班的活。而他们在移民前有可能就是在这样的办公室工作。这种二等公民的感觉既屈辱又让人压抑。 还有一些人可能发现他们的语言能力使得他们既不好找工作又不被社会认可。那些出于冒险而移居国外的人不在乎这一点,但学一门新的语言要占用他们为过上好生活而挣钱的时间。我们常常见到,移居到多元文化国家里的移民们找不到自己的位置,而最终总是在自己老乡圈里活动,并为充分抓住新的机会。 人们可能因为不喜欢自己国家的条件而决定离开。在美国对越作战期间,数以万计的美国年轻人离开美国去加拿大,以逃避去为一场毫无意义的战争当炮灰。这些人与他们的朋友、家人切断联系,不能回归祖国。 人们移民总是期望为孩子们营造更好的将来,过上更好的生活。但情形往往是父母做出的牺牲并没有得到子女的回报,因为他们在父母的娇宠中长大成人,不懂得惜哺双亲。 但是,人们仍然克服重重困难移民,尤其是去那些经济增长快的国家,如澳大利亚、加拿大和美国。这些国家历史不长,但正是靠那些为逃避祖国的灾荒或战乱而背井离乡的一批批农民、工人和商人建设起来的。其中少数的移民,通过一两代人的努力,实现


UNIT1 12/12 1、Hi, my name is Emily. And the reason I took this class is because I sort of thought it might help me with my public speaking.I'm kind of nervous when it comes to speaking in front of crowds. And I thought maybe a drama class would help me get more comfortable in front of a lot of people. I'm pretty uncomfortable right now because this is really my very first time speaking in front of a lot of people. But I thought I'm going to take the class, and then maybe, if I really get brave I might even try out for maybe a play, or [or] a musical ...I'm not a very good singer, [but] but I maybe would be a good actor. And, I think if I take the class, and maybe play some theater games and learn some lines and practice some scenes that maybe, maybe I would become good. 1B/5


新视野大学英语2读写教程翻译原题及答案. Unit 1 1.她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。(much less) She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 2.他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him, whereas I was telling the truth. 3.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for)

How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5.这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6.我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量的时间和精力,所以我们只能继续。(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. 1.I don't think that he would commit robbery,much less would he commit violent robbery. 我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了。 2.Men earn ten dollars an hour on average,whereas women only seven dollars. 男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元.。 3.Once the balance in nature is disturbed,it will result in a number of possible unforeseeable effects.
